Interview With Wright

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CTR n.s.

2/2 (Spring 2005) 5-11


R. Alan Streett
Editor, Criswell Theological Review

CTR: According to many New Perspective (NP) scholars, Second Temple
Judaism did not promote a works-based salvation. Yet, other scholars,
especially those from a reformed perspective, disagree with this
assessment. How do you account for this lack of consensus?

WRIGHT: It all depends what you mean by a works-based salvation.
There is an enormous amount of confusion here because of three
slippery points.

First, does one mean salvation or justification? The two are not the
same, not in Isaiah (where Paul gets much of his language from), not in
Paul. Justification is a declarative act in which God as the judge
pronounces someone in the right. Salvation, on the other hand, is an
actual rescue from sin and its consequences. Since many people,
including many who should know better, use the terms as though they
were synonymous, it is not surprising that there is no consensus.

Second, are we talking about justification in the present or justification
(judgment) in the future? Paul is quite clear: the future judgment will be
based on the totality of the life that has been led (Rom 2:116; 2 Cor
5:10). The point of justification by faith is that this final verdict is
brought forward into the present when someone believes the gospel (an
event which itself takes place because, according to Paul, the word of
the gospel carries power, the power of the Spirit, to bring about this

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Third, many use salvation to mean getting converted or something
like it (as in Are you saved?). Granted, the NT does use salvation
language in that way sometimes, but if we are talking about the finer
points of theology, it is better to keep a strict eye on usage. I have
attempted to get my mind around Pauls implicit, and sometimes
explicit, ordo salutis (see my paper at the Rutherford House Dogmatics
Conference 2003), according to which the past event of someones
hearing the gospel and responding in faith is referred to as the call,
which happens completely without any human initiative or cooperation
until the Spirit has worked through the Word; then justification is
Gods declaration about that person, based entirely on faith; then (final)
salvation and (final) justification/judgment is based on the complete
Spirit-driven life between initial faith and bodily death. I know there are
some in various post-Reformation traditions who see even this last point
as smuggling in works by the back door, but all I can say is what is
good enough for Paul is good enough for me.

CTR: And how does this confusion precisely affect our understanding of
Second Temple Judaism?

WRIGHT: The result is that, when we ask similar questions about Second
Temple Judaism, it is not always clear what we are talking about. Not
surprisingly, most Jews of Pauls day believed in a final judgment
according to works, as not only Paul but also Jesus seems to have
endorsed! Most Jews who thought about such things would almost
certainly have saidand this is the point the NP is makingthat Jews
are Jews not because they do good works to become members of the
covenant family but because of Gods grace in election and the
covenant, i.e. in allowing them to be born as physical children of
Abraham. This means, or ought to mean, that at the first point in the
ordo salutis they believe in grace (they come into the covenant not
because of anything they have done), at the third point in the ordo
salutis they believe, like Jesus and Paul, in final judgment on the basis
of the whole life led and that the question ought to concern the middle
point: How, in the present time in advance of the final judgment, are
they marked out as Gods covenant people? Let me say this as clearly
as I can: Pauls doctrine of justification by faith not of works belongs at
that middle point. As a Pharisee, he had believed that, once people came
into Gods covenant by grace, they were to be marked out in the present
time, ahead of the final judgment, by their possession of and their
attempts to keep the Jewish law, the Torah. As a Christian, he believed
that once people came into Gods covenant by grace, they were to be
marked out in the present time, ahead of the final judgment, by their
belief that Jesus was Lord and that God had raised him from the dead.

R. Alan Streett: An Interview with N. T. Wright 7
To characterize that Pharisaic view as a works-based salvation is
clearly a gross oversimplification and confusion. It is clear to me that (a)
most Jews whose views we can track at the timean important
qualificationbelieved that God called them to be Jews, Israelites,
through his covenant actions in the Exodus, etc., fulfilling the promises
to Abraham and his seed, i.e. by grace, not by their own works; (b) most
Jews believed that there would be a final judgment at which their works
in the present time would be an important part, if not the whole part, of
what counted and that in this respect early Christians like Paul agreed
with them; and (c) most Jews believed that you could tell in advance
who would be vindicated at that final judgment because they possessed
Torah and tried to keep it. I say tried to keep it because they knew
that, if they failed, there were the sacrifices to cover such sins. What
Second Temple Jews held (to overgeneralize to make the point) was a
works-based present justification, and that is what Paul was attacking.

CTR: When some Reformed theologians accuse you of distorting the gospel
and abandoning forensic imputation, how do you personally handle and
respond to such criticism?

WRIGHT: Well, by writing papers like the one I gave at Rutherford House
in September 2003 and by accepting invitations to dialogue, like the
conference I did with Professor Richard Gaffin in New Orleans in
January 2005. Frankly, there are often times when I find myself thinking
that some at least of my accusers have simply not bothered to read what
I have actually written or insist on interpreting it with maximum
suspicion. I like to draw attention to the fact that my guiding light has
always been sola Scriptura over against all human traditions including
those generated by the Reformation! I think if Luther or Calvin were
asked, Should we have always taken your words on Scripture as final,
or should we go back and read Scripture carefully, prayerfully,
historically, and lexicographically for ourselves, and if we find that you
were wrong on some things, who should we follow? they would say,
without missing a beat: Follow Scripture, and leave our traditions as
monuments to our best efforts. And I hope those who read me in
generations to come will do the same.

CTR: In what way do you feel your adversaries have misrepresented your
teaching on the NP?

WRIGHT: Starting at the top . . . the most remarkable misrepresentations
remarkable because they come from an internationally famous scholar
are those of Stephen Westerholm in his recent book. He insists on a
complete disjunction: either Pauls language about justification is all
about how sinners get saved by Gods grace, or its all about how
Gentiles get into the community without being circumcised. The silly
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thing is that, though some NP advocates may sometimes have implied
something like this, I certainly have not. My commentary on Romans in
the New Interpreters Bible should make this clear.

More than this, it is remarkable how many people have accused me of
having a defective theology of Scripture when my method from my
earliest days has been to allow Scripture to speak over against all our
traditions and when advocates of a renewed-old-perspective regularly
use only a shrunken version of what Paul actually wrote (e.g. stopping at
Rom 3:28, which I saw done recently).

Further, I am often accused of not believing in substitutionary
atonement. I presume the grounds for this accusation are (a) N.T. Wright
is a NP advocate, (b) some NP advocates sound like old-fashioned
liberals, (c) old-fashioned liberals do not believe in substitutionary
atonement, and (d) therefore N. T. Wright does not either. I can only
think the line of thought is something like that because anyone with
even a nodding acquaintance with my work would be able to refute the
charge. For instance, chapter twelve of Jesus and the Victory of God is
the longest defense ever written, I think, of the view that Jesus made
Isaiah 53 determinative for his own thinking and vocation and that this
committed him to the belief that he had to take upon himself the
judgment he had announced as hanging over the whole nation.

There are other misrepresentations but that will do for the moment!

CTR: Continental scholars have been slower than their American
counterparts to embrace the NP. Why is this? Do you see this changing
anytime soon?

WRIGHT: By Continental I guess you mean German Lutheran. Part of
the problem here is that E. P. Sanders, commonly cited as the main
proponent of the NP, has said a lot of quite dismissive things about
Joachim Jeremias, who is revered in many German circles as one of
their finest and most deeply Christian scholars of the last generation.
That got the NP off to a bad start. In addition, many German NT
scholars are far more deeply embedded in Lutheran understandings of
Paul than many of us in the UK or USA so that simply explaining what
the NP is all about comes as quite a problem for them. I would like to
think that things will change, but it will take a lot of hard work and
mutual listening and explanation all around.

CTR: For Martin Luther, a fresh interpretation of Rom 1:1617 led to his
new belief in forensic justification. Was there a verse, book, event, or
process that most contributed to your embracing the NP?

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WRIGHT: I have written here and there about the process, which was
going on before there was such a thing as the NP. I was wrestling during
the early and middle 1970s with the problem of understanding Romans
and Galatians and couldnt quite make it all make sense on either the
Lutheran scheme or the Calvinist scheme. The breakthrough came when
I read Rom 10:3 in terms of Pauls fellow Jews seeking to establish
their own righteousness not in terms of a legalists ladder of good
works to earn Gods moral approval but in terms of a status of
covenant membership for Jews and Jews only. Suddenly scales fell
from my eyes and the whole of Romans and Galatians made sense.

CTR: What do you believe is the biggest stumbling block standing in the
way of those not willing to embrace the NP? Is it theological, Biblical,
psychological, sociological, or a combination of all the above?

WRIGHT: That is difficult to say. In most cases I think it is simply a case
of people being so firmly taught that there is only one way of reading
Paul that they feel deeply disloyal to the tradition that has nurtured them
if they even think for a moment that Paul might have had other things to
say as well. In other cases it has something to do with the fact that
America is currently polarized along one particular left/right axis (please
note, the rest of the world does not sign up to this particular axis and
feels free to embrace some things from your left and other things from
your right) and where people who for other reasons vote on the right
suppose that the NP is a left-wing movement they feel obliged to reject
it, which seems to me a poor substitute for searching the Scriptures
diligently to see whether those things are so.

CTR: On the topic of connecting exegesis to systematic theology, do you
believe the NP will require us to rewrite our systematic theologies in the
areas of soteriology, ecclesiology, etc., or will it require us to simply
appeal to different texts than we have traditionally?

WRIGHT: It is not just the NP, but also in the area of New Testament an
enormous amount of contemporary research into the ancient world, both
Jewish and non-Jewish, ought to make us rethink all kinds of issues. For
instance, it is quite clear that the early Christians saw what we call
politics and religion not as the enlightenment wanted us to see them
as separate categories, but as interlinked in a large number of ways. This
impacts on soteriology (in Pauls world, the word soter, saviour, was a
regular title for Caesar), on ecclesiology (the ekklesia in Pauls world
might be a synagogue, or might be a local civic assembly), and on
several other things. But that is just one example among many. The NP
should not be seen as a single take-it-or-leave-it thing; there are as many
versions of the NP as there are people writing in it, and I for one have
spent quite a bit of time distancing myself from other NP authors though
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you would never know it from what some people write! Basically, the
NP is part of a wake-up call to people in the Church and outside it that
there are more things going on in Paul than we have traditionally
supposed and that it is time we got the bigger picture.

CTR: In what ways does the controversy over the NP highlight the tension
between historical research and faith?

WRIGHT: The Christian faith has always had, as a central component, the
belief that certain things happened within history, and Christians have
frequently been among those who advanced such historical knowledge
through research. The Reformation itself had as one of its major drivers
the fact that better knowledge of the Scriptures had come about through
improved lexicography, etc., which is of course a branch of history, i.e.
discovering what key words and terms actually meant in the first century
as opposed to what they had been made to mean through long Latin
tradition. Of course, there have been some who have used historical
research as a way of belittling faith, just as there are some who use sex
as a tool of lustful aggression. That doesnt mean that faith can dispense
with history, any more than abuse of sexuality means that human
relations, not least marriage, can dispense with sex.

CTR: In what ways will the NP contribute to healing the 500 year rift
between Protestantism and Roman Catholicism? Is this a good or
dangerous thing?

WRIGHT: I have no idea whether the NP will contribute to ecumenical
relations. I would like to think it might, but that could only come about
if it happened in tandem with several other things going on right now.
Roman Catholicism today is not monolithic (though it still officially
presents itself as such) just as Protestantism covers everything from
extreme liberalism to extreme fundamentalism. What we all ought to be
doing, if we name the name of Jesus Christ as our Lord, is not trying to
see how we can patch up old quarrels for their own sake but asking,
urgently, what Jesus Christ is summoning us to do and be, in and for his
world today, and seeing how we can do it together as far as possible.

CTR: As a Canon and more recently a newly appointed Bishop in the
Church of England, how has the NP affected your daily ministry? What
shifts in emphasis has it prompted?

WRIGHT: It gives me a far more wholistic vision of Pauls gospel. I think
the best thing would be for people interested in this question to log on to
the Diocese of Durham website and examine some of my recent
sermons and addresses. Please note that the personal challenge of the
gospelthe challenge which must come to every child, woman, and
R. Alan Streett: An Interview with N. T. Wright 11
manis not muted or bypassed, as some have accused me of doing. It
is, rather, contextualized within a big, NT-based picture both of what the
Church actually is and of the clash between the gospel of Jesus and the
gospel of Caesar. This, together with the work I have done on Jesus
himself over the last fifteen years and more, has meant that I find myself
driven to preach more overtly political sermons, without neglecting (I
hope) the personal and individual, which remains vital for me personally
and I hope for those to whom I preach and with whom I minister.

CTR: What positive results do you see coming out of the current debate
over the NP?

WRIGHT: I hope it will send people back to Paul to check things out for
themselves. Anything that sends us back to the text rather than to our
various traditions has to be a good thing. And it will alert us to the
wholistic dimensions I have already spoken about.

CTR: What is the one question that you wish you were asked more often
about the NP, and how would you answer it?

WRIGHT: Why would a deeply Bible-believing person like Tom Wright
embrace (a version of) the NP unless it helped him understand things the
Bible is actually saying? Answer: There would not be a reason. It must
be therefore that the NP has helped him get into the text itself.

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