Final Dissertation

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I.D. NO.

With the changing Industria andsca!e "# the c"untr$ the gr"%th "# ne% Industria
t"%nshi! & the dis!ersa "# ca!ti'it$( a !r"cess "# ) Industria cuturaiisati"n* "#
%"r+ers has set in ne% %"r+ing cass ha'e c",e int" -eing & "d "nes are e.!anding.
/he Nati"na c",,issi"n "n a-"ur has "-ser'ed )In the ne% trend "# industria*0 ,an$
a-"ur !r"-e,s are rec"rded. 1A-senteeis,2 is "ne "# the e'er !resent !r"-e, "# the
"rgani3ati"n. A-senteeis, %hen an e,!"$ee #ais t" attend %"r+( %hen he is e.!ected t"
attend( he ,a$ -e regarded as a-sent.* When an e,!"$ee sta$s a%a$ #r", %"r+ and
#ais t" in#"r, the ,anage,ent a-"ut his intenti"n "# sta$ing a%a$( he %"ud -e regarded
as a-sent.
/he !r"-e, area "n %hich this research %"r+ is #"cused reated t" )A-senteeis,*. I a,
,"ti'ated t" ta+e this t"!ic( as research %"r+ -ecause A-senteeis, is -urning !r"-e,s in
Industr$( Which is "ne "# the ,a4"r !r"-e,s and an issue a##ecting ad'erse$ e,!"$ees(
"rgani3ati"n( nati"n and "thers in the s"ciet$. /hus the A-senteeis, in Indian industries is
a c",!e. s"ci"0ec"n",ic !r"-e,.
)A-senteeis,* is a 'er$ critica issue "# industria reati"n and has ,an$ i,!"rtant #acts
t" -e studied and #"cused. A-senteeis, !attern a,"ng the %"r+ers #""%ed e'er$ $ear.
/he reated #act"rs t" the A-senteeis, i+e 5ers"na #act"rs( 6a,i$ !r"-e,s( S"cia &
reigi"ns #act"rs( Heath #act"rs( W"r+ing c"nditi"n( %e#are #aciities( %"r+ing h"urs
etc7 %hen the ,anage,ent side a##ected #act"rs i+e 'er$ strict !"ic$( a'erage
reati"nshi! -et%een e,!"$er and e,!"$ee are !a$ 'er$ i,!"rtant r"e in increase the
rate "# a-senteeis,.
/" carr$ the stud$ "# a A-senteeis, a,"ng %"r+er are 'er$ i,!"rtant t" i,!r"'e
the !r"ducti'it$ "# the ,anage,ent and a-"ur.
In !resenting in this stud$ researcher tr$ t" #"cus "n t" +n"% a-"ut the reas"n "#
the A-senteeis, in the Industr$.
Jash,ina N. Chaudhari.
I( Jash,ina N. Chaudhari( student "# ,aster "# s"cia %"r+ ta+e this "!!"rtunit$. I
%"ud i+e t" e.!ress ,$ gratitude and !r"#"und than+ t" ,anage,ent "# NI6 gr"u! "#
Industr$( Na'sari . Wh" granted ,e !er,issi"n #"r data c"ecti"n and su,,er training .
/his %as indeed a g"den "!!"rtunit$ #"r ,e t" %"r+ %ith the, and earn the i,!"rtant
I e.!ress ,$ gratitude t" ,$ research guide res!ected Ms. Shi'ani Mishra %h"
c"nstructi'e$ guided ,e in e'er$ !hase "# ,$ stud$ and assisted and su!!"rting in the
"'era c",!eti"n "# this Dissertati"n.
I %"ud i+e t" 'er$ ,uch than+ t" Mr. Vi4a$ <ansara the genera ,anager "# NI6
gr"u! "# Industr$ #"r granting ,e !er,issi"n and guided ,e.
I e.!ress ,$ !r"#"und gratitude t" Mr. San4a$ /a%e+ar( HR O##icer 8!ers"nne
De!art,ent= %h" he!ed ,e and guided ,e t" carr$ "n data c"ecti"n and research %"r+
in their Industr$. Under %h"se guidance & c"0"!erati"n I %"ud achie'e ,$ g"a.
I a, as" than+#u t" the ,anage,ent and a c"ncerned "##icer and res!"ndent "#
NI6 gr"u! "# Industr$( %ith"ut th"se c"0"!erati"n this stud$ c"ud n"t ha'e -een !"ssi-e.
>ast$( I %"ud i+e t" than+ t" de!art,ent "# s"cia %"r+ and a res!ecti'e sta##
,e,-er and ,$ #riends %h" c"0"!erati"n and su!!"rt ,e.
Jash,ina N. Chaudhari.
3 >IS/ O6 /A@>ES
4 >IS/ O6 ?RA5HS
12 @I@>IO?RA5HY
A Sh"%ing Age0%ise distri-uti"n "# res!"ndent2s.
9 Sh"%ing Reigi"n0%ise distri-uti"n "# res!"ndent2s.
B Sh"%ing Marita status "# the Res!"ndent2s.
C Sh"%ing Distri-uti"n "# res!"ndent2s -ased "n educati"n.
D Sh"%ing Distri-uti"n "# res!"ndent2s -ased "n >ength "# ser'ice.
E Sh"%ing Distri-uti"n "# res!"ndent2s -ased "n Nature "# Ser'ice.
F Sh"%ing Distri-uti"n "# res!"ndent2s -ased "n 5ace "# Residence.
G Sh"%ing Distri-uti"ns "# Res!"ndent2s Acc"rding t" 6a,i$ /$!e.
; Sh"%ing Distri-uti"n "# Res!"ndent2s Acc"rding t" Reati"n %ith
#a,i$ ,e,-er.
A: Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s satis#acti"n %ith the %"r+ !ace "r
AA Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s satis#acti"n %ith the !resent Inc",e
"r n"t.
A9 Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s in#"r, their su!eri"r -e#"re ta+ing
ea'e "r n"t.
AB Sh"%ing i# "ne "# the sta## ,e,-er is a-sent in the de!art,ent %hich
+ind "# !r"-e, arise.
AC Sh"%ing res!"ndent2s i+eness regarding %"r+ing en'ir"n,ent.
AD Sh"%ing res!"ndent2s reati"nsH
A. With their su!er'is"r
@. With their c"0%"r+er
AE Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s get g""d guidance & res!"nse #r",
their su!er'is"r "r n"t.
AF Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s get g""d guidance & res!"nse #r",
their su!er'is"r "r n"t.
AG Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s re,ain a-sent e##ect their interest in
%"r+ "r n"t.
A; Sh"%ing %hich t$!e "# #aciities a'aia-e #"r %"r+er.
9: Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s are satis#ied %ith the #aciities
!r"'ided t" the, "r n"t.
9A Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s #ace an$ +ind "# !r"-e, %hie
reaching the %"r+ !ace "r n"t.
99 Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s attend their %"r+ %hen the$ are sic+
"r unheath$ "r n"t.
9B Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s su##er an$ iness during the ast "ne
$ear "r n"t.
9C Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndents attend their %"r+ %hen an$ "# their
#a,i$ ,e,-ers is sic+ "r n"t.
9D Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s an$ #a,i$ ,e,-er su##ered #r", an$
+ind "# ,a4"r "r ,in"r iness during the ast "ne $ear "r n"t.
9E Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s d" an$ surger$ "r accidenta surger$
during the ast "ne $ear "r n"t.
9F Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s re,ained a-sent due t" an$ accident
during the ast "ne $ear "r n"t.
9G Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s an$ #a,i$ ,e,-ers su##ered #r",
an$ accidents & has their caused the$ re,ain a-sent #r", %"r+ "r
9; Sh"%ing %hether cee-rati"n "# an$ #esti'a a##ected res!"ndents
!resent at the #act"r$ during the ast "ne $ear "r n"t.
B: Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s ,arriage cere,"n$ a##ected their
!resent in the #act"r$ during the ast "ne $ear "r n"t.
BA In the !ast "ne $ear %as there "ccasi"n "r instance %here in $"ur
re,ain a-sent due t" guest.
B9 Sh"%ing res!"ndent2s %hat t" d" in case "# #inancia crisis.
BB Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s ha'e an$ !art ti,e 4"- "r -usiness "r
agricuture "r n"t.
BC Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s #a,i$ ha'e "%n an$ !iece "# andI
Or in'"'ed in an$ +ind "# seas"na 4"- "r n"t.
BD Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s ta+e 'isit their nati'e !ace during
#esti'a da$s "r h"ida$s "r n"t.
BE Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s drin+ ac"h" "r n"t.
BF Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndents #ee -urden "# %"r+ "r n"t.
BG Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndents ha'e su##icient +n"%edge "# their
%"r+ "r n"t.
B; Sh"%ing res!"ndent2s reas"n "# a-sence.
C: Sh"%ing %hether res!"ndent2s a-senteeis, due t" stress "r n"t.
A-senteeis, is "ne "# the ,a4"r hu,an !r"-e,s "# the da$ in industria. It a##ects the
c"st "# !r"ducti"n( and creates !r"-e,s in achie'ing !r"ducti"n targets and "# securing
acceerated ec"n",ic gr"%th. A-senteeis, is a s"cia ,aad$ in an industr$ %hich
disru!ts %"r+ schedues( i,!"ses e.tra -urden "n c"0%"r+ers( reduces e##icienc$ in
a-"ur !r"ducti'it$ and "%ers %"r+er2s ,"rae. In a !anned ec"n",$( a-senteeis,
creates hindrances in !r"ducti"n targets( !r"#it !r"s!ects( in'est,ents and incenti'es t"
%"r+ing cass. /he #irst and #"re,"st Juesti"n there#"re( is t" understand the c"nce!t "#
/he %"rd a-senteeis, signi#ies the a-sence "# an e,!"$ee #r", %"r+ %hen he is
schedued t" -e at %"r+( it is unauth"ri3ed( une.!ained( una'"ida-e( and %i#u a-sence
#r", %"r+. A-senteeis, has as" -een de#ined as the #aiure "# %"r+ers t" re!"rt "n the
4"- %hen the$ are schedued t" %"r+( #"r e.a,!e %hen their na,es are actua$ "n the
!a$ r"s "# the "rgani3ati"n. <.N.Vaid "!ined that the de#initi"n ad"!ted -$ the >a-"ur
@ureau and "ther auth"rities are n"t acce!ta-e -ecause "# de#ecti'e use "# t"" #"r its
,easure,ent. /he e##icienc$ and e.!erience "# %"r+er is a##ected -$ the rate "#
a-senteeis, and a-"ur turn "'er. /he 5r"ducti"n "# an industr$ arge$ de!ends u!"n the
e##icienc$ and e.!erience "# its %"r+er. Hence it is 'er$ i,!"rtant t" ana$3e and c"ntr"
a-senteeis, and a-"ur turn "'er. A-sence is c",!e. !hen",en"n. /he increasing inter0
de!endence "# the !e"!e %ith +e$ s+is t" -e re!aced -$ "thers e'en "n te,!"rar$ -asis
during a-sence. >"ss t" e,!"$er is sti grater as -"th disci!ine & e##icienc$ su##ers. It
gi'es rise t" ,an$ industria a-"ur & s"cia !r"-e,s. It as" re#ects the attitude "# the
%"r+er t"%ards industria i#e.
A-senteeis, is a 'er$ critica issue "# industria reati"n and has ,an$ i,!"rtant #acts t"
-e studied and #"cused. A-senteeis, is a s$,!t", "# %"r+er2s dissatis#acti"n t" %"r+ in
the "rgani3ati"n. It ,a$ -e either -ecause "# ,anage,ent attitude such as Juait$ "#
su!er'isi"n and -eha'i"r "# the su!er'is"r( si3e "# the de!art,ent "r nature "# %"r+. /he
reas"ns ,a$ -e -ecause "# %"r+ers se#0iness( di##icut$ "# trans!"rtati"n "r #uK#ia,ent
"# reigi"us rituas.
/here are t%" t$!e "# A-senteeis,L
A. The Rare absentee( %here an e,!"$ee re,ain a-sent "n$ in una'"ida-e and
unc"ntr"a-e reas"ns.
9. The Chronic absentee( %here the e,!"$ee is ha-itua t" re,ain a-sent #r", %"r+(
and. /he chr"nic a-sentees are c"nsidered t" -e strange 'ariet$ "# hu,an -eings %h"se
di##erent %"r+ -eha'i"ur arises in an entire$ di##erent %a$ #r", that "# reguar %"r+ers.
S",e trace this -eha'i"ur t" !"'ert$ and "thers t" -i""gica %ea+ness "r #ee-e0
Hu,an res"urce ,anagers as" gra!!e %ith !r"-e,s !"sed -$ %"r+ers %h" are
chr"nica$ a-sent. /he ega right "# e,!"$er t" disci!ine e,!"$ees %h" are
chr"nica$ a-sent is #ir,$ esta-ishedL e,!"$ers ,ust #irst( h"%e'er( ,a+e such
e,!"$ees a%are "# the !r"-e, and gi'e the, a chance t" i,!r"'e. S",e c",!anies
ha'e i,!e,ented a sur!rising$ si,!e s"uti"n t" the !r"-e, "# chr"nic a-senteeis,H
the$ ha'e the %"rst "##ender c"unse each "ther. In "ne research stud$ !atterned a#ter
drug and ac"h" a-use !r"gra,s( a c",!an$ !aired 'aued e,!"$ees %h" had a-sence
!r"-e,s %ith each "ther. I# "ne #et i+e s+i!!ing %"r+( he "r she %as enc"uraged t" ca
the -udd$ t" ta+ it "ut.
During the stud$( the e,!"$ees a-sence rates dr"!!ed -$ near$ D: !ercent. Once
the$ st"!!ed !artici!ating in this a-sence0inter'enti"n !r"gra,( their a-sence e'es
increased( -ut the$ re,ained "%er than the$ had -een -e#"re !eer c"unseing. E,!"$ees
%h" !artici!ated in the stud$ #"und that the$ c"ud ta+ #ree$ %ith each "ther a-"ut the
reas"ns -ehind their a-sences. /he -udd$ %"ud he! ta+ thr"ugh the !r"-e,( and
enc"urage the %a'ering e,!"$ee t" return t" %"r+. A-sence0inter'enti"n !r"gra,s ha'e
as" re'eaed that a-sentee %"r+ers ha'e itte idea h"% ,uch ti,e the$ %ere rea$
,issing #r", %"r+. /he$ +ne% the$ %ere ta+ing )t"" ,uch* ti,e( -ut unti the -udd$
started trac+ing it #"r the,( the$ %ere una%are "# h"% their a-sence %as a##ecting the
Si,iar$( c",!anies are increasing$ a%are that( -$ understanding the cause "#
a-senteeis,( the !hen",en"n can -e reduced t" its "%est !"ssi-e e'e. Additi"na$( a
%"r+er2s #a,i$ status is a +e$ !redict"r "# a-senteeis,. E,!"$ees %ith chidren(
!articuar$ singe !arents( are #ar ,"re i+e$ t" -e a-sent than th"se %ith"ut chidren. As
such( #uture a-sence0,anage,ent !"icies %i ,"st i+e$ incude the c"nce!t "# !aid
ti,e "## c"u!ed %ith i,!r"'ed #a,i$ heath( chidren careMeder care( and "ther
!r"gra,s designed t" i,!r"'e the Juait$ "# e,!"$ees2 i'e and reie'e s",e "# their
#a,i$ and "ther net%"r+ res!"nsi-iities.
AS 6""%ing are s",e de#initi"ns "# A-senteeis,
/he #act "# -eing a%a$ #r", "ne2s !"siti"n %hie schedued t" -e "n dut$.
A !ers"n %h" #ais t" re!"rt t" %"r+ %hen schedued t" d" s".
V"untar$ n"n attendance at %"r+( %ith"ut 'aid reas"n. A-senteeis, ,eans either
ha-itua e'asi"n "# %"r+( "r %i#u a-sence as in a stri+e acti"n. It d"es n"t incude
in'"untar$ "r "ccasi"na a-sence due t" 'aid causes( "r reas"ns -e$"nd "neNs c"ntr"(
such as accidents "r sic+ness. See as" attendance ,anage,ent.
Meaning of Absenteeism
/he state "# -eing a-sent( es!ecia$ #reJuent$L the !ractice "# an a-sentee.
/he !ractice "# a-senting "neNs se# #r", the c"untr$ "r district %here "neNs estate
is situated.
0 We-sterNs Una-ridged Dicti"nar$ 8A;AB=
A-senteeis, '"untar$ and in'"untar$ a-sence #r", %"r+ "# the #aiure "#
%"r+er t" re!"rt "n the 4"- %hen the$ are schedued t" %"r+. C"nsidera-e di##erence in
inter!retati"n "# a-senteeis, is di##icut. In an e##"rt t" i,!r"'e c",!ara-iit$(
statisticians suggest that the ter, sh"ud n"t incude a-sence due t" h"ida$( stri+es "r
ter,inati"n "# e,!"$,ent. A-senteeis, is higher in ti,e "# #u e,!"$,ent than in
!eri"ds "# "% de,and #"r a-"ur. S",e "# the eading industriaist has de#ined.
Absenteeism asH
/he #aiure "# %"r+er t" re!"rt t" %"r+ he is reJuired t" d" s".
/he %"r+er %h" st"!s attending %"r+ at the #act"r$ site %ith"ut in#"r,ing the auth"rities
"# his a-sence ti he is re,"'ed #r", the ser'ice "r resigns.
From his job.
/he %"r+er is ,ar+ed a-sent i# he g"es ate #"r #i'e ti,es in a ,"nth. /his ,a$ 'ar$ #r",
industr$ t" industr$. /his h"%e'er c",es under #"rce a-senteeis,.
)/he #aiure "# a %"r+er t" re!"rt #"r %"r+ %hen he is schedue t" %"r+*.
The Factories Act,1947
/he c"nce!t "# a-senteeis, rate indicates the su, t"ta "# ti,e "st due t" a t$!e
"# ea'e and unauth"ri3ed a-sence. Auth"ri3ed ea'e incudes !r"!er 'acati"ns( sic+ness(
accident( casua ea'e "r rec"gni3ed "'er0sta$ and an$ "ther a-sence c"nd"ned -$ the
e,!"$ers -e#"re "r a#ter the #u#i,ent "# ea'e. Unauth"rised a-sence incudes a th"se
cases %here %"r+ is a'aia-e( the %"r+er +n"%s a-"ut it -ut #ais t" re!"rt #"r dut$ and
the e,!"$er has n" !ri"r in#"r,ati"n #"r the %"r+er2s #aiure. A-sences ,a$ as" -e due
t" stri+es and "c+0"uts 8-"th the ega and iega= and a$ "##. A-senteeis, rate indicates
,"re "r ess una'"ida-e S",e "ss either -$ auth"rised "r unauth"rised a-sence at a
gi'en !"int "# ti,e. Is a-senteeis, ,eansH
A-sence #r", the dut$ in the #""%ing cases 0 sh"ud -e incude in a-senteeis,.
A= I# e,!"$ee is "n C>MS>ME> 0 sh"ud -e incude in a-senteeis,
9= I# e,!"$ee in "n O##icia Dut$ 0 sh"ud -e incude in a-senteeis,
B= With"ut 5a$ 0 sh"ud -e incude in a-senteeis,
WorkerH /his ter, c"'ered a !ers"ns %h" %ere de#ined as %"r+ers in the 6act"ries Act(
A;CG( i.e.( a !ers"ns e,!"$ed direct$ "r thr"ugh an$ agenc$( %hether #"r %ages "r n"t(
in an$ ,anu#acturing !r"cess "r in ceaning an$ !art "# ,achiner$ "r !re,ises used #"r
,anu#acturing !r"cess "r in an$ "ther +ind "# %"r+( incidenta t"( "r c"nnected %ith the
,anu#acturing !r"cess "r the su-4ect "# ,anu#acturing !r"cess. /hus( the ter, 1%"r+er2
c"'ered th"se %"r+ers %h" %ere direct$ e,!"$ed -$ the #act"r$Mesta-ish,ent and
th"se %h" %ere e,!"$ed thr"ugh c"ntract"rs.
A-senteeis,L #"r !ur!"ses "# the sur'e$( the ter, 1A-senteeis,2 %as de#ined as
the #aiure "# a %"r+er t" re!"rt #"r %"r+ %hen he %as schedued t" %"r+.
A-senteeis, c"nsists "# da$s n"t at %"r+( -eing ate and ta+ing e.cessi'e$ "ng
-rea+sH ?uinness 8Dth Editi"n=
A-senteeis, is the ter, used t" descri-e the #act "# an indi'iduaNs ,issing his "r her
reguar dai$ acti'it$. 6"r aduts( a-senteeis, genera$ re#ers t" indi'iduasN a-sence #r",
their 4"-s. In ana$ses "# the indirect c"sts "# a iness( a da$s "# a-sence #r", %"r+
attri-uta-e t" sic+ness are incuded in cacuating the a-senteeis, c",!"nent "# indirect
c"st. In ana$ses "# the indirect c"sts "# s!eci#ic inesses "r unheath#u -eha'i"rs i+e
cigarette s,"+ing( the !r"ducti'it$ "ss "# interest is that ass"ciated %ith e.cess.
A-senteeis, due t" the disease "r c"nditi"n at issue. /he essentia %"rd here is Oe.cess.O
Near$ a %"r+ers e.!erience s",e da$s "# a-senteeis, during the c"urse "# the n"r,a
%"r+ $ear. H"%e'er( %"r+ers %h" su##er #r", s!eci#ic acute "r chr"nic inesses are
i+e$ t" ,iss ,"re %"r+ da$s than usua. It is these e.tra da$s "# ,issed %"r+ that create
the "st !r"ducti'it$ cacuated as an indirect c"st "# s!eci#ic inesses.
/he c"sts ass"ciated %ith a-senteeis, are esti,ated -$ ,uti!$ing the nu,-er "# da$s "#
a-senteeis, -$ the -est ,easure "# %"r+ersN c"ntri-uti"n t" !r"ducti'it$H their dai$ %age
rate. In the case "# c"nditi"ns that are distri-uted a,"ng the !"!uati"n reas"na-$
inde!endent "# !e"!eNs age and "ccu!ati"na status( an a'erage %age rate #"r the
!"!uati"n as a %h"e ,a$ -e a!!ied. In the case "# ,an$ inesses( h"%e'er( the
distri-uti"n "# the c"nditi"ns is n"t inde!endent "# age and "ccu!ati"n. In these instances(
ana$sis atte,!t t" ass"ciate age0and "ccu!ati"n0s!eci#ic %age rates %ith the da$s "#
%"r+ ,issed due t" ,"r-idit$ "r disa-iit$. 6"r e.a,!e( %ere "ne interested in assessing
the c"sts ass"ciated %ith -ac+ !ain( "ne "# the ,"st c",,"n causes "# %"r+ "ss in
A,erica( "ne %"ud e,!hasi3e %age rates !aid t" industria and "ther -ue0c"ar %"r+ers
%h"se 4"-s reJuire the, t" i#t and ,"'e hea'$ "-4ects. An ana$sis "# the s"cia c"sts "#
-reast cancer( a disease that a##icts !ri,ari$ %",en( %"ud utii3e %ages earned -$
%",en in cacuating the -urden "# a-senteeis, attri-uta-e t" the disease.
N"t a disease0reated %"r+ "ss "ccurs a,"ng !aid %"r+ers. C"nditi"ns that a##ict
!e"!e caring #"r their chidren "r ceaning their h",es as" i,!"se c"sts "n s"ciet$. A
c",!ete esti,ate "# the -urden "# disease ,ust acc"unt #"r a-senteeis, in this sect"r "#
the s"ciet$ as %e. 6"r,a ana$ses "#ten incude un!aid %"r+ "ss -$ ,uti!$ing da$s
"st -$ %hat ec"n",ists ca a Oshad"% !rice(O an esti,ate "# the 'aue "# the un!aid
a-"r !er#"r,ed. 6"r e.a,!e( un!aid chid care ,a$ -e 'aued at the %ages "# !aid da$0
care !r"'iders. Si,iar$( h"use%"r+ ti,e "st ,a$ -e 'aued -$ the %age rate "# !aid
d",estic h"use ceaners.
Ath"ugh there is n" argu,ent a-"ut %hether a-senteeis, i,!"ses a signi#icant c"st "n
,e,-ers "# s"ciet$( ec"n",ists and !u-ic heath ana$sts #reJuent$ di##er "n %hether
the$ c"nsider such a-senteeis, a s"cia c"st. /" !u-ic heath ana$sts( iness0and in4ur$0
reated a-senteeis, re!resents a -urden "n s"ciet$ as a %h"e( a s"cia c"st "# en"r,"us
!r"!"rti"ns. In c"ntrast( t" ec"n",ists such !r"ducti'it$ "sses re!resent !ri,ari$ !ri'ate
c"sts -"rne direct$ -$ the sic+ and disa-ed %"r+ers and their #a,iies( n"t the -r"ader
s"ciet$. H"% "ne cassi#ies such c"sts is n"t ,ere$ an acade,ic e.ercise. Certain !u-ic
heath !"icies( such as the ta.ati"n "# cigarettes and ac"h"ic -e'erages( are -ased in
!art "n deter,inati"n "# the s"cia c"st "# the c"nsu,!ti"n "# these !r"ducts. I# the c"st t"
s"ciet$ is dee,ed arge( a high ta. ,a$ -e %arranted t" signa s,"+ers and drin+ers that
the i,!icati"ns "# their -eha'i"rs -urden the rest "# s"ciet$( n"t ,ere$ the,se'es.
H"%e'er this argu,ent is res"'ed( n" "ne chaenges the n"ti"n that iness0and -eha'i"r
reated a-senteeis, c"nstitutes an i,!"rtant ee,ent "# the -urden "# disease.

A-senteeis, is n"t a singe !r"-e,( it inheres ,an$ !r"-e,s in itse#. It is a s$,!t", "#
a c",!e. disease in an industr$. /he !hen",en"n "# a-senteeis, has -een e.!ained the
'ari"us %a$s. Acc"rding t" "ne ine "# th"ught( a-senteeis, is due t" a ac+ "#
)c",,it,ent* "n the !art "# %"r+ #"rce. Car+ +err and his ass"ciati"n are "# the "!ini"n
that since )the degree i# the c",,it,ent 'aries %ith the degree "# a c"untr$2s industria
gr"%th "r ,aturit$( a-senteeis, is in'erse$ reated t" industria de'e"!,ent7./he
%"r+er in the !r"cess "# the ear$ stages "n industriai3ati"n is ,"re !r"ne t"
a-senteeis,( !r""nged and s!"radic %ithdra%a #r", industria %"r+( %idcat st"!!ages(
na+ed 'i"ence( and destructi"n "# ,achines and !r"!ert$. A-senteeis, is due t" the
#act"rs that in#uence a %"r+er2s c",,it,ent*. /he !rinci!a causes "# a-senteeis, "#
industria %"r+ers in !resent da$ ti,e are n"t the sa,e.
Maladjustment with factory conditions:-
As a %"r+er c"ntinues t" i'e in the cit$( ur-an i#e -ec",es distaste#u t" hi, -ecause "#
the in sanitar$ c"nditi"n !re'aiing there. He #inds hi,se# caught %ithin great #act"r$
%asL he is -e%idered -$ hea'$ tra##ic( -$ 4"sting( -$ stranger s!ea+ing di##erent
anguageL he is c"n#used -$ di##erent reigi"ns and tastesL and he is %ear$ "# the ,iser$ "#
su,s and "# t"iing #"r "ng h"urs. He is su-4ect t" strict disci!ine and is "rdered -$
c",!ete stranger t" d" the things %hich he cann"t understand. As a resut( he is under
c"nstant strain( %hich cause hi, seri"us distress and i,!airs his e##icienc$. A these
#act"rs tend t" !ersuade hi, t" ,aintain his c"nt
Sic+ness is the ,ain cause and is res!"nsi-e #"r a c"nsidera-e !art "# a-senteeis,.
M"st "# "ur industries are n"t !a$ing attenti"n t"%ards the ,aintenance "# h$gienic
c"nditi"n. S" sic+ness is a c",,"n !r"-e, #"r %"r+ing !"!uati"n in de'e"!ing
c"untr$ i+e India.
Rural Ties:-
In Indian industries ,"st "# the a-"ur #"rce is "# ,igrat"r$ character. /he$ c",e
#r", rura !aces t" ur-an industria area in search "# i'eih""d. Indian %"r+er is sti a
!art ti,e !easant. It has -een n"ticed that the %"r+ers g" -ac+ t" their 'iage at the ti,e
"# the har'esting and s"%ing "# the cr"!s. @esides their 'isit t" the 'iage h",e is
#reJuent and hence increases the rate "# a-senteeis,.
/he night shi#t is as" "ne "# the causes "# a-senteeis,. As it is di##icut t" %"r+ in
night shi#ts as c",!ared t" da$ shi#ts( and as" the "ther cause -ehind it is that "ne !re#ers
t" re,ain at h",e %ith #a,i$( and as" disc",#"rt #aced in night duties resuts in a
greater !ercentage "# a-senteeis, during night shi#ts.
An industria accident is an"ther cause "# a-senteeis, in hea'$ industries. Accident
is a c",,"n a##air %ith %"r+er. In case "# ha3ard"us nature "# 4"-( the accident "ccurs
,"re #reJuent$( %hich eads t" higher rate "# a-senteeis,. I,!r"!er sa#et$ !r"'isi"ns(
ac+ "# c"ncentrati"n( ac+ "# training are s",e c",,"n reas"ns "# accidents. In s",e
cases #ear t" %"r+ in certain t$!e "# %"r+ that in'"'es chances "# accidents.
Social and Religion Ceremonies:-
S"cia and Reigi"n #uncti"ns di'erts %"r+ers #r", %"r+ t" s"cia acti'ities. On
a !ants a-senteeis, is high during "ca #esti'as irres!ecti'e "# %hether the %"r+ers
are #r", rura areas "r n"t. As Arist"te has right$ said( PMan is a s"cia ani,aP he i+es
t" #"r, s"cia gr"u!s and cee-rate 'ari"us s"cia and reigi"us #uncti"ns. Since %"r+ers
i+e t" sta$ %ith their #a,iies "n such "ccasi"ns hence the$ g" -ac+ t" their 'iage #"r
sh"rt !eri"d. /he %"r+ers %h" are reated t" !"itica !art$ and s"cia instituti"n as an
acti'e ,e,-er a%a$s re,ain a-sent during eecti"n( ,eeting.
Unhealthy working Condition:-
Irritating and int"era-e %"r+ing c"nditi"n in #act"ries. Heat and ,"isture
8%hich ra!id$ e.haust the %"r+er=( n"ise and 'i-rati"n in the #act"r$;%hich a##ect the
hearing=( -ad ighting c"nditi"n 8%hich causes "# e$e0strain=( !r"-e,s "# dust( #u,es(
"'ercr"%ding. A these a##ect %"r+ers heath causing hi, t" re,ain a-sent %"r+ #"r a
"ng ti,e.
Absence of adequate welfare facilities:-
A-senteeis, is as" due t" the inadeJuate %e#are #aciities a'aia-e t" the
%"r+er( #"r a 'ast ,a4"rit$ "# industriaists in India sti ""+ u!"n %e#are %"r+ as a
-arren ia-iit$ rather than a %ise in'est,ent. /he nati"na c",,issi"n "n a-"ur
"-ser'esH* /he statut"r$ %e#are a,enities ha'e n"t -een !r"!er$ and adeJuate$
!r"'ided. In se'era cases( !articuar$ in ,ediu, and s,a si3ed units( the standards are
distinct$ !""r. /he studies ,ade -$ s",e state in res!ects "# the di##erent c",!"nent "#
the %e#are incude sanitati"n( %ashing and -athing #aciities( #irst aid a!!iances(
a,-uance r"",s( drin+ing %ater( canteens( rest r"",s( and crQches( %hich strengthen the
genera i,!ressi"n that c",!iance %ith statut"r$ %e#are !r"'isi"ns is ha#0hearted and
inadeJuate.* 6ed u! %ith the a-sence "# -asic #aciities( the %"r+er "#ten ,igrates t" his
rura h",e.
Industrial fatigue:-
>"% %ages c",!e a %"r+er t" see+ s",e !art0ti,e 4"- t" earn s",e side inc",e.
@ut this "#ten resut in c"nstant #atigue( %hich c",!e hi, t" re,ain a-sent #"r ne.t da$L
and i# #atigue a##ects hi, seri"us$( his a-sence ,a$ c"ntinue #"r Juite s",e ti,e.
@eda,us and @ehrens "-ser'edH ) "%ing t" cu,uati'e #atigue ( the nu,-er "# a-sentees
in a #act"r$ sh"ud -e e.!ected t" increase thr"ugh M"nda$ t" 6rida$ i# in reait$ the
"!!"site ha!!ens( #act"rs "ther than #atigue "r %"r+ing c"nditi"n ,a$ -e in'"'ed(
n"ta-$ ,"rae.
M"st "# the %"r+er su##ers #r", a high degree "# inde-tedness. 5re,chand and
Ra,!ra+ash #"und that ) a %"r+er had -"rr"%ed ,"re than AA ti,es his net !a$L an"ther
,"re than ti,e ; ti,eL a third ,"re than G ti,esL a #"urth "ne ,"re than F ti,esL $et
an"ther ,"re than E ti,es( and s" "n7.. /his is the genera case in Indian industr$.
W"r+ers are a%a$s %"rried a-"ut #inancia ,atter.* Such %"r+er a-sent the,se'es "r
e'en resign t" esca!e the !athan ,"ne$enders. As a resut a-senteeis, is high.
Improper and Unrealistic Personnel Policies:-
In ,"st case( uns+ied( untrained( iiterate and ine.!erienced %"r+er are recruited
%h" #ai t" c"!e %ith( and ada!t the,se'es t" their 4"- and industria en'ir"n,ent.
6a'"uritis, and ne!"tis, are ra,!ant. /hese #act"rs generate a #rustrati"n in the ,ind "#
%"r+er %hich resuts in "% e##icienc$( "% !r"ducti'it$ and un#a'"ura-e e,!"$ee0
e,!"$er reati"nshi! %hich in turn( ead t" "ng !eri"d "# a-senteeis,.
Inadequate leave facilities:-
Negigence "n the !art "# the e,!"$er t" !r"'ide adeJuate ea'e #aciities
c",!es the %"r+ers t" #a -ac+ "n E.S.I. ea'e. Under E.S.I. sche,e( the$ are entited t"
DE da$s2 ea'e in a $ear "n ha# !a$. Instead "# g"ing %ith"ut !a$( the %"r+er a'ai
the,se'es "# this E.S.I. #aciit$. Su!er'is"r %ith a %"r+ "riented rather than ,an "riented
a!!r"ach are as" a #act"r %hich c",!es %"r+er t" a-sent the,se'es "n an E.S.I.
certi#icate rather than a'ai "# the ea'e "n -"na#ide gr"unds.
Misbehaviors of Supervisor:-
/he %"r+er e.!ects n"r,a$ a g""d and res!ect#u -eha'i"r #r", their
su!er'is"rs. It is the singe #act"r in the de'e"!,ent "# sense "# -e"nging and g""d %i
"n the !art "r %"r+er. In ,an$ instances it is #"und that su!er'is"rs -eha'e rude$
t"%ards the %"r+ers. /he %"r+ers !re#ers t" re,ain at h",e rather re!"rting t" dut$ and
#as 'icti, t"" the harsh treat,ent.
Rate "# a-senteeis, is higher in th"se #act"ries %here trans!"rt #aciities are n"t
easi$ a'aia-e.
Nature of 1ob:-
Rate "# a-senteeis, is ,ain$ de!ending u!"n the nature "# the 4"-. I# the nature
"# the 4"- is t"ugh( cu,-ers",e "r ,"n"t"n"us natura$ it %i ead t" higher rate "#
Working Hours:-
/he "ng h"urs "# %"r+s as" a##ect the %"r+ers e##icienc$ and their sic+ness rate
and hence a-senteeis, rate is increase.
/he ha-it "# ac"h"is, a,"ng %"r+ers is a signi#icant cause "# a-senteeis,. Ana$tica
studies th"se t" degrees indi'idua -ad ha-its are res!"nsi-e #"r a-senteeis, in Indian
Unauth"ri3ed and %i#u a-senteeis, %i !"se greater !r"-e,s n"t "n$ t" the a-sentee
-ut as" t" "ther e,!"$ees( e,!"$ers and the "rgani3ati"n %hich e,!"$s these
"Unschedued a-sences hurt(O %r"te M. Michae Mar+"%ich in a su,,ar$ "# an artice he
%r"te #"r the Se!te,-er A;;B issue "# S,a @usiness Re!"rts. OM"st sic+ ea'e !"icies
#"ster a Nuse it "r "se itN ,ind0set( and e,!"$ees #ee entited t" a certain nu,-er "# sic+
da$s.O Mar+"%ich %ent "n t" n"te that a sur'e$ "# D(::: c",!anies c"nducted -$
C",,erce Cearing H"use Inc. 8CCH Inc.= #"und that unschedued a-sences c"st s,a
-usinesses( at that ti,e( RE9(EBE a $ear( "n a'erage( in "st !r"ducti'it$( sic+ ti,e( and
re!ace,ent c"sts.
Indeed( a-senteeis, can ta+e a #inancia t" "n a s,a -usiness 8"r a ,utinati"na
c",!an$( #"r that ,atter= in se'era di##erent res!ects. /he ,"st "-'i"us c"st is in the
area "# sic+ ea'e -ene#itsS!r"'ided that the -usiness "##ers such -ene#itsS-ut there are
signi#icant hidden c"sts as %e. /he SOHO ?uide-""+ cites the #""%ing as n"ta-e
hidden c"st #act"rs ass"ciated %ith a-senteeis,H
>"st !r"ducti'it$ "# the a-sent e,!"$ee
O'erti,e #"r "ther e,!"$ees t" #i in
Decreased "'era !r"ducti'it$ "# th"se e,!"$ees
An$ te,!"rar$ he! c"sts incurred
5"ssi-e "ss "# -usiness "r dissatis#ied cust",ers
5r"-e,s %ith e,!"$ee ,"rae
Indeed( Attac+ing A-senteeis, auth"r >$nn /$c3a+ c"ntended that e.cessi'e
a-senteeis,( i# e#t unchec+ed( can %ear "n a c",!an$ in nu,er"us %a$s.
OTA-senteeis,U #"rces ,anagers t" dea %ith !r"-e,s "# ,"rae( disci!ine( 4"-
dissatis#acti"n( 4"- stress( tea, s!irit( !r"ducti'it$( turn"'er( !r"ducti"n Juait$( additi"na
ad,inistrati"n( and "'erhead. /" su,,ari3eH Y"u d"nNt ha'e an a-sentee !r"-e,. Y"u
ha'e a !r"#it !r"-e,.O
/he "sses caused -$ a-senteeis, can -e !ut -rie#$ as underH
Distur-ing ,an!"%er !anning.
Distur-ing %"r+ schedue.
Creates stress #"r su!er'is"r in ter,s "# ad,inistrati"n "# #inding su-stitute & #"r
ti,e "##ice sta##2s ti,e( energ$ & res"urces %asted "n ,a+ing & ,aintaining
these rec"rds.
It causes !r"ducti"n "sses in ter,s "# Juait$ and Juantit$.
Earnings are reduced t" the "rgani3ati"n.
Dis"cati"n "# %"r+( !r"ducti"n ca!acit$ is "st "r under0utii3ati"n due t" under0
I# !r"cess is inter0de!endent in the ,"dern industries it creates -"tte nec+s in
Increased a-"r c"st in ter,s "# "'erti,e !a$,ent.
C"st "# training.
Losses to workersH
6inancia "ssesH reduced %age( intensi'es( -"nus( and !a$,ents.
>"ss in s+i & e##icient.
Ha-itua a-sence causes genera ,"rae degradati"n.
Sta-iit$ "# %"r+s a##ected.
Losses in general:
In genera( an$ a-sence %ea+ens the c",!anies2 g"as and !r"ducti'it$ as %h"e.
/here are as" s",e "ther c"st "# a-senteeis, areL
Decrease in productivity
E,!"$ee ,a$ -e carr$ing an e.tra %"r+ "ad "r su!!"rting ne% "r re!ace,ent
E,!"$ee ,a$ -e reJuired t" train and "rientate ne% "r re!ace,ent %"r+er.
Sta## ,"rae and e,!"$ee ser'ice ,a$ su##er.
Financial costs
5a$,ent "# "'er0ti,e ,a$ resut.
C"st "# se#0insured inc",e !r"tecti"n !ans ,ust -e -"rne !us the %age c"sts "#
re!ace,ent e,!"$ees.
5re,iu, c"st ,a$ rise #"r insured !ans.
Administrative costs
Sta## ti,e is reJuired t" secure re!ace,ent e,!"$ees "r t" re0assign the
re,aining e,!"$ees.
Sta## ti,e is reJuired t" ,aintain and c"ntr" a-senteeis,.
Reducing the High cost of Absenteeism
E,!"$er !a$s a high !rice #"r a-senteeis,( "#ten ,"re than the$ ,a$ reai3e( in ter, "#
-"th #inancia and !r"ducti"n "sses and e,!"$ee ,"rae. Managers ,a$ 'ie% the tas+s
"# #inding a su-stitute e,!"$ee as a sh"rter inc"n'enienceL h"%e'er( a-senteeis,
#reJuent$ has ,"re seri"us "ng0ter, e##ects. E,!"$ers can( ne'ertheess( ensure that
e,!"$ees re!"rt in reguar$ and re,ain "n the 4"-.
@e#"re e,!"$ers can deter,inati"n the -est %a$ t" c",-at a-senteeis,( the$ ,ust
identi#$ the "rgani3ati"na and indi'idua #act"rs that c"ntri-ute t" the !r"-e,. A,"ng
the ,"st c",,"n !"tentia !r"-e, areas e,!"$ers need t" e.!"re are the #""%ingH
1ob satisfactionH
E,!"$ee %h" i+e their 4"- are ,"re i+e$ t" c",e t" %"r+ than th"se %h" #ind %"r+
Work attitudeH
S",e e,!"$ees c",e t" %"r+ n" ,atter h"% sic+ the$ #ee( %hie "ther ca in sic+ n"
,atter h"% %e the$ #ee.
Company cultureH
I# ,anage,ent2s attitude is a. and a-senteeis, is acce!ted as a n"r,a !ractice( the
"rgani3ati"n2s cuture ,a$ ha'e t" -e changed -e#"re attendance can -e i,!r"'ed.
Excessive rates of sick leaveH
As s",e insurance c",!anies are n"% d"ing( e,!"$ers need t" ,"nit"r sic+ ea'e rates
re%ard e,!"$ees %h" use #e%er sic+ ea'es.
Change Management StyleH
We are a a%are "# the #act that %hen e,!"$ees ca in i( it d"es n"t ,ean the$ are
tru$ t"" !h$sica$ i t" %"r+. One reas"n( "utside "# iness( that e,!"$ees are a-sent
is stress( and the nu,-er "ne reas"n e,!"$ees are stressed has t" d" %ith their
reati"nshi! %ith their ,anagerM su!er'is"r.
Manage,ent st$es that are t"" auth"ritarian tend t" !r","te high e'es "# a-senteeis,
a,"ng e,!"$ees. Auth"ritarian ,anagers are ,anagers %h" ha'e !""r istening s+is(
set unreacha-e g"as( ha'e !""r c",,unicati"n s+is( and are in#e.i-e. In "ther
%"rds( the$ $e t"" ,uch( -a,e "thers #"r !r"-e,s( and ,a+e "thers #ee that it ,ust
-e their %a$ "r the Ohigh%a$.O Auth"ritarian ,anagers tend t" !r"duce high a-senteeis,
rates. @$ identi#$ing ,anagers %h" use an auth"ritarian st$e( and !r"'iding the, %ith
,anage,ent training( $"u %i -e ta+ing a !"siti'e ste! n"t "n$ t"%ard reducing
a-senteeis,( -ut as" reducing turn"'er( 4"- -urn"ut( and e,!"$ee heath !r"-e,s
such as -ac+aches and headaches.
Change Working ConditionsH
/he e,!"$ees in $"ur c",!an$ !r"-a-$ %"r+ in a %e0ighted ci,ate c"ntr"ed
-uiding. /he %"r+ing c"nditi"ns re#erring t" reate t" c"%"r+er reati"nshi!s. N"t "n$
d"es reati"nshi! stress "ccur -et%een the e,!"$ee and ,anager( -ut it as" e.ists
-et%een e,!"$ees. /hese e,!"$ees usua$ re!"rt the$ 4ust c"ud n"t dea %ith Os"
and s"O t"da$( s" the$ caed in i. C",!anies that ad"!ted !"icies and 'aues that
!r","te e,!"$ee res!ect and !r"#essi"nais,( and !r","te an interna c"n#ict
res"uti"n !r"cedure( are c",!anies that reduce e,!"$ee stress. A reducti"n in
e,!"$ee stress reduces e,!"$ee a-senteeis,.
Provide IncentivesH
?i'ing e,!"$ees incenti'es #"r reduced a-senteeis, is n"t the sa,e as re%arding "r
gi'ing e,!"$ees -"nuses #"r reduced a-senteeis,. An incenti'e !r"'ides an e,!"$ee
%ith a -""st t" their ,"ti'ati"n t" a'"id unnecessar$ a-senteeis,. It si,!$ he!s the
e,!"$ee decide t" g" t" %"r+ 'ersus sta$ing h",e and %atching Jerr$ S!ringer.
/he t$!es "# incenti'e !r"gra,s used -$ c",!anies are nu,er"us. S",e c",!anies
a"% e,!"$ees t" cash0in unused sic+ da$s at the end "# e'er$ Juarter( "thers gi'e an
e,!"$ee t%" h"urs "# -"nus !a$ #"r e'er$ ,"nth "# !er#ect attendanceL and sti "thers
!r"'ide e,!"$ees %ith a -u##et unch( a certi#icate "# achie'e,ent( "r e'en a scratch0
"## card c"nceaing !ri3es. /he t$!e "# incenti'e !r"gra, that $"ur c",!an$ uses
sh"ud -e "ne created es!ecia$ #"r $"ur c",!an$. Y"u can create an incenti'e !r"gra,
tai"red t" $"ur uniJue c",!an$ -$ a"%ing e,!"$ees t" he! $"u de'e"! the
incenti'e !r"gra,. 6"r e.a,!e( $"ur e,!"$ees ,a$ n"t care a-"ut recei'ing a R9D.::
U.S. sa'ing -"nd #"r !er#ect attendance( -ut the$ ,ight res!"nd 'er$ %e t" -eing a-e
t" ea'e "ne h"ur ear$ "n 6rida$ i# the$ ha'e !er#ect attendance a %ee+.
/he durati"n "# the incenti'e !r"gra, is as" 'er$ i,!"rtant. Once again a"% $"ur
e,!"$ees t" he! guide $"u t" deter,ine the ength "# ti,e -et%een incenti'es. S",e
c",!anies #ind that the$ can si,!$ re%ard e,!"$ees %ith !er#ect attendance "nce a
$ear( %hie "thers decide "nce a ,"nth is -est( and sti "thers decide "nce a %ee+ %"r+s
-est. /he genera rue "# thu,- is t" re%ard %"r+ers ,"re #reJuent$ the $"unger the$
are and the ,"re di##icut the %"r+ is t" !er#"r,. As"( it is -est t" start %ith s,a
incenti'es and %"r+ u! t" arger "nes i# necessar$.
Develop an Attendance PolicyH
E'er$ c",!an$ sh"ud ha'e an attendance !"ic$. An attendance !"ic$ a"%s a
,anager t" inter'ene %ith an e,!"$ee %h" is #reJuent$ a-sent. @esides stress as a
!ri,ar$ reas"n #"r e,!"$ee a-senteeis,( "ther causes reate t" ac"h"is,( d",estic
'i"ence( and #a,i$ !r"-e,s. I# $"u c"n#r"nt an e,!"$ee a-"ut his "r her #reJuent
a-senteeis,( and the$ in#"r, $"u it is due t" !ers"na !r"-e,s( c"nsider re#erring the
e,!"$ee t" an E,!"$ee Assistance 5r"gra, 8EA5=.
Re,edia ,easures are discussed under the three categ"ries( discussed a-"'e 'i3.
"rgani3ati"n( en'ir"n,enta and !ers"na. Under0each categ"r$( %e ha'e -"th sh"rt0ter,
ste!s and "ng ter, ste!s. S",e "# these are isted hereH
(1)Organizational Remedies:
Each "rgani3ati"n is uniJue. Hence it is n"t !"ssi-e t" suggest a uni#"r, s$ste, "#
re,edies. H"%e'er( certain -r"ad assu,!ti"n is ,ade( -ased "n %hich s",e suggesti"n
are gi'en here.
Carr$ "ut !eri"dic c"ecti"n "# data "n a-senteeis, and ana$3e the, t" #ind
"ut the trend "# a-senteeis,. 6ind "ut its trend ana$sis "n trade %ise( se.0%ise
and age0%ise #"r #urther studies.
In "rder t" #ind "ut cause( carr$ "ut )M"rae* "r )Attitude sur'e$* and identi#$
a,"ng "thers the #""%ing.
Causes and c"rreati"n "# a-senteeis,.
?a! -et%een e,!"$ees2 e.!ectati"n and reait$.
>e'e "# 4"-0satis#acti"n "# e,!"$ees.
Intr"duce suggesti"n sche,e and "-tain e,!"$ees 'ie% !"ints #"r reducing
I,!r"'e su!er'isi"n and c",,unicati"n.
Intr"duce incenti'e sche,e i+e )attendance -"nus* 8sh"rt0ter, !"siti'e ste!=
I,!r"'e %"r+ing c"nditi"n 8"ng0ter,=
I,!r"'e sa#et$( heath and %e#are ser'ices 8"ng0ter,=
I,!"se !enat$M !unish,ent M#ines #"r a-sence 8sh"rt0ter, negati'e ste!=
I,!r"'e "rgani3ati"na ci,ateMcuture 8"ng0ter,=
Increases Juait$ "# %"r+ i#e 8VW>= "# e,!"$ees 8"ng0ter,=
Intr"duce #e.i0ti,ing i# #easi-e.
89)Environmental RemediesH
Whie "rgani3ati"n as such( has itte sa$ "n the )s"ci"ec"n",ic* and )cutura0reigi"us*
as!ects %hich c"ntri-ute t" a-senteeis,( certain ste!s can -e d"ne t" i,!r"'e VW>. It
h"%e'er de!ends "n the t$!e( nature and res"urce a'aia-e -$ each industr$.
5r"'ide ca,!usMJuarters and h"using #aciitates "n hire0!urchase -asis.
I,!r"'e h$giene "# i'ing Juarters.
5r"'ide reas"na-e heath careMh"s!ita #aciities.
5r"'ide ser'ices i+e su-sidi3ed canteen( trans!"rt and sch""s.
Organi3e reigi"usMcutura #esti'as and #aciities incuding
te,!esMchurchesM,"sJues %ithin the ca,!us.
5r"!agate #a,i$ %e#are sche,e and 'irtues "# ,aintaining s,a #a,i$.
Organi3e s!"rts and "ther recreati"na and entertain,ent #aciities.
8B=Personal RemediesH
Whie n"thing ,uch can -e d"ne "n changing -i"gra!hica #act"rs %hich ,ight in#uence
"n a-senteeis,( de'e"!,ent "# !"siti'e attitude a,"ng the %"r+ers can i,!r"'e their
attendance. Other as!ects t" reduce a-senteeis, are isted -e"%.
Increase intrinsic ,"ti'ati"n.
Identi#$ )chr"nic a-sentees* and attend t" the, indi'idua$.
Carr$ "ut c"unseing "# indi'iduas( identi#ied as )chr"nic a-sentees* and th"se
e.hi-iting signs "# ),enta iness*.
Intr"duce !artici!ati'e ,anage,ent s$ste, -$ discussing !r"-e, regarding
a-senteeis, and arri'ing at re,edia ste!s in c"nsutati"n %ith e,!"$ees.
Intr"duce -"th !"siti'e ste!s 8incenti'e -"nus #"r -etter attendance= and
negati'e ste!s 8disci!inar$ acti"n i+e #ine=.
/a+e !re'enti'e ste!s t" a'"id accidents and e.cessi'e drin+ing 8ac"h"is,=.
5r"'ide !er,anent )c"unse"rs* t" carr$ "ut indi'idua c"unseing.
A-senteeis, is "ne "# the s"ci"0ec"n",ic e'is "# the industriai3ati"n. Its c"ntr" and
,anage,ent is necessar$ #"r the acceerated gr"%th "# !r"ducti"n and de'e"!,ent.
A-senteeis, a##ects n"t "n$ c"ncerned e,!"$ees and e,!"$er -ut it a##ects the
!r"ducti"n( the industr$ as a %h"e( the c"nsu,ing s"ciet$ and "'era nati"n. I# an
e,!"$ee a'aied ea'e %ith !a$( he d"es n"t ha'e an$ inc",e "ss -ut 'isiting h",e
t"%n "r "ther !aces #"r recreati"n and !easure ,a$ a##ect the sa'ings "# the e,!"$ee.
In the case "# a-sence %ith"ut !a$ he has t" su##er inc",e "ss. In -"th case e,!"$ee has
t" #inance #r", the #riends "r a "an #r", the e,!"$er "r in s",e cases a de-t #r",
,"ne$ eader t" ,eet "ut #a,i$ reJuire,ent. A-senteeis, due t" ac"h"is, and
ga,-ing t"ta$ i,-aanced the #a,i$ -udget i# the e,!"$ee. In such cases the$
re,ains inde-tedness and the de-t a,"unt increased en"r,"us$ and -ec",es ,ani#"d
t" the !rinci!a de-t. /here are cases %hen #r", generati"n t" generati"n %"r+er and his
#a,i$ re,ained in ec"n",ic -"ndage. Sh"rtage "# ,"ne$ eads t" sch"" dr"!0"uts "#
e,!"$ees2 chidren and ina-iit$ t" !r"'ide c",#"rt and !r"!er treat,ent t" #a,i$
,e,-er. In case "# chr"nic a-sentees( the e,!"$er ter,inates their ser'ice. /he$ -ec",e
redundant t" the industr$ and can #ace the une,!"$,ent crisis. /hus( a-senteeis, a##ects
the c"ncerned %"r+,an -ad$.
/he causes "# a-senteeis, %hich %ere !re'aent in the -eginning "#
industriai3ati"n in India ha'e -een re,edied t" the ,a.i,u, e.tent. H"%e'er( s",e
ne% causes and c",!usi"ns ha'e e,erged. 6"r E.a,!e( %"r+er ,igrated #r", rura
area t" industria t"%n in the -eginning did n"t i+e the c"ngested and inhu,ane %"r+
en'ir"n,ent and i'ing c"nditi"ns. /he$ #reJuent$ 'isited their h",e t"%n t" en4"$ #ree
and c"nduci'e i#e. H",e sic+ness and ,eeting %ith #a,i$ %ere the !rinci!a reas"ns.
Su,s( inhu,ane %"r+ing c"nditi"n( n"n0!r"tecti"n "# heath and sa#et$ and a-sence "#
%e#are ,easure %ere as" the reas"n #"r a-sence.
In this cha!ter e##"rt has -een ,a+e t" enJuire in t" the #act"rs %hich are #"und i,!"rtant
in the studies "rgani3ati"n. In genera( the #act"rs %hich a##ect t" the a-senteeis, i+e
!ast 4"- e.!erience( Iness "r sic+ness( #atigue( ha-its( ate c",ing( "ng distance
-et%een %"r+ing and i'ing !ace( !r"-e, "# trans!"rtati"n( ac+ "# !ercei'ing the
c"nseJuences "# a-senteeis, "n the !art "# #act"r$ s"ci"0reigi"us #esti'a( ac+ "#
c",,it,ent( s"cia and cutura -eha'i"r !attern( ,anageria attitude( %"r+ en'ir"n,ent
and !ers"na #act"r "# indi'idua e,!"$ee( cust",s( ritua$( ,arriage( guest( 'isit "#
nati'e !ace( #a,i$ Juarre( ec"n",ic #act"r( as" "'erti,e %"r+( !art ti,e ser'ice either
"ccu!ati"n "r -usiness( inc",e "# "ther ,e,-ers( inde!endents( h"using !r"#. etc. and
#act"r %ith in the #act"r$ i+e 4"- dissatis#acti"n !""r %"r+ing c"nditi"n( InadeJuate
%e#are #aciities( %ith c"eges and su!er'is"r etc. are #"und res!"nsi-e #"r a-senteeis,.
/he Ne.t cha!ter ta+s a-"ut the re'ie% "# iterature.
A re'ie% "# iterate is a ,ust #"r scienti#ic a!!r"ach. It as" gi'es the in'estigati"n an
understanding "# the !re'ie% "# the %"r+ has -een d"ne reated t" the !resent stud$ are
cann"t de'e"! an insight int" 'ari"us #act"rs "# a !r"-e,s uness "r unti "ne has eant
'ari"us the"ries & research de'e"!,ent in the su-4ect. Research is c"ncerned %ith the
s$ste,atic gathering "# in#"r,ati"n. Its !ur!"se is t" he! in the research #"r truth.
Man is the "n$ creati'e that d"es n"t ha'e t" rene% e'er$ generati"n -ut can ta+e the
ad'antages "# the +n"%edge "# a-"ut has accu,uated th"r"ugh the centuries.
/he !ur!"se "# this cha!ter is t" !r"'ide a -rie# and initia re'ie% and a!!raisa "# the
reated studies and t" see %hat !resent stud$ c"ntri-utes ,"re +n"%edge #urther in the
areas under stud$.
Isah( and O$"'%e 89::G= did stud$ "n Se#0Re!"rted A-senteeis, A,"ng H"s!ita
W"r+ers in @enin Cit$( Nigeria. 6r", this stud$ it sh"%s that the "'er'ie% "# the stud$(
A-senteeis, is the #reJuent a-sence #r", %"r+( es!ecia$ %ith"ut g""d reas"ns. It is a
g"-a "ccurrence a,"ng %"r+ers and in Nigeria it is a s"urce "# c"ncern in 'ie% "# the
%ea+ nati"na ec"n",$ and "# the heath s$ste,. A-senteeis, has -een sh"%n t" resut in
"ss in ,an0h"urs( !r"ducti'it$( #inance( 4"-s and in the heath sect"r( "# i'es.
W"r+ers a-sent the,se'es #r", %"r+ #"r 'ari"us reas"ns that incude i heath(
accidentsM in4uries( #a,i$ c",,it,ents such as caring #"r a sic+ #a,i$ ,e,-er(
1entite,ent ,entait$2 8%here the %"r+er assu,es the e,!"$er "%es hi, s",e ti,e
a%a$ #r", %"r+=( ec"n",ic !ressures necessitating +ee!ing a sec"nd 4"- and stress.
A-senteeis, is as" in#uenced -$ the !h$sica de,ands "# the 4"- such as standing "r
sJuatting t" %"r+( -ending "# the nec+ and -ac+( carr$ing( i#ting "r !ushing hea'$ "ads(
etc and !s$ch"s"cia #act"rs such as 4"- de,ands( e.cess %"r+"ad( ina-iit$ t" c"!e( 4"-
dissatis#acti"n( s"cia su!!"rt and attitude "# ,anage,ent etc. and c"nditi"ns "# the
/he direct and indirect c"st "# high e'e "# a-senteeis, in the heath sect"r incude the
c"st "# ,edica -is( !a$ing "# additi"na "'erti,e t" sta##( e,!"$ing te,!"rar$ sta##(
reducti"n in the standard "# care t" !atients( disru!ti"n "# %"r+ing schedue( the "%ering
"# ,"rae and increased dissatis#acti"n a,"ng sta##. A-senteeis, is n"t easi$
Juanti#ia-e( as it is "#ten di##icut t" 'eri#$ e,!"$eesN cai, a-"ut the causes "# their
a-sence( thus ,a+ing it di##icut t" distinguish -et%een a'"ida-e and una'"ida-e
a-sence. M"re"'er( ,an$ "rgani3ati"ns( sur!rising$ d" n"t +ee! g""d and accurate
attendance rec"rds.
/he "-4ecti'e "# this stud$( there#"re( %as t" deter,ine the "'era e'e "#
a-senteeis, rate and the #act"rs that c"nduce t" a-senteeis, a,"ng h"s!ita %"r+ers(
%ith the ai, "# ,a+ing rec",,endati"ns "n %a$s "# reducing it and enhancing
!r"ducti'it$ in the heath sect"r. /here is as" the need t" generate data that %i #i in the
ga!s due t" the dearth "# iterature "n a-senteeis, a,"ng Nigerian %"r+ers.
/he -ac+gr"und "# the stud$ that A-senteeis, is a ,a4"r cause "# "ss in 4"-s(
,an0h"urs( !r"ducti'it$( and i'es in the heath sect"r. It as" has gra'e c"nseJuences #"r
g"-a ec"n",ies.
/he ,aterias and ,eth"d used in this stud$( A descri!ti'e cr"ss secti"na stud$
%as carried "ut at the Centra H"s!ita( @enin Cit$( Nigeria. /he h"s!ita is a state0"%ned
sec"ndar$ heath #aciit$ situated in the centra area "# the Cit$ and has a sta## !"!uati"n
"# D:9( cutting acr"ss a cadres "# heath care %"r+ers. In#"r,ed c"nsent %as s"ught and
"-tained #r", the ,anage,ent and sta## "# the h"s!ita( -"th 'er-a$ and in %riting. In
"rder t" ,ini,i3e -ias( the "-4ecti'e "# the stud$ %as #urther e.!ained t" the res!"ndents
and an"n$,it$ assured the, during ad,inistrati"n "# the Juesti"nnaire. /he research
instru,ent %as a se#0ad,inistered se,i0structured Juesti"nnaire( %hich c"ntained
Juesti"ns addressing the de,"gra!hic !r"#ie "# res!"ndents( se#0re!"rted #reJuenc$ "#
and reas"ns #"r a-senteeis,. A-senteeis, rates %ere cacuated using the standards
esta-ished -$ the United States @ureau "# >a-"ur Statistics( and th"se "# the Canadian
Ministr$ "# Industr$( >a-"ur and H"useh"d sur'e$s. /he C",!uter 5r"gra,s #"r
E!ide,i""gists and the Micr"s"#t E.ce s"#t %are %ere used #"r data ana$sis.
/he design "# the stud$ is Cr"ss secti"na descri!ti'e t$!e. /he entire sta## in the
h"s!ita %as enisted in the stud$ and data %ere c"ected thr"ugh se#0ad,inistered and
se,i0structured Juesti"nnaire.
/he resut "# this stud$( 6i#t$ three !ercent "# the CFC res!"ndents re!"rted at
east "ne a-sence s!e in the $ear. A-senteeis, %as highest a,"ng d",estic sta##
8F:.GW= and "%est a,"ng the d"ct"rs 8CE.;W=. /he a'erage nu,-er "# s!es !er
a-sentee !er $ear %as A.F and the a'erage durati"n "# s!es %as C.A da$s %hie the
inca!acit$ rate %as F.9 da$s. /he "'era a-senteeis, rate %as A.FW. A-senteeis, %as
signi#icant$ ass"ciated %ith increasing age 8!X:.:::=( gender( T#e,aesY,aes 8!X:.::A=U
and %ith ,arita status T,arriedYun,arried 8!X :.:9=U. Higher rates "# a-senteeis, %ere
rec"rded a,"ng sta##s %h" %ere stressed 8;9.AW=( n"t satis#ied %ith the %"r+ing
en'ir"n,ent 8EE.FW= and th"se %h" e.!erienced 4"- dissatis#acti"n 8ECW=. Engage,ent
in !h$sica acti'ities i,!acted !"siti'e$ "n a-senteeis, 8!X:.:9=. I heath acc"unted
#"r DC.EW "# a-senteeis,( %ith the -u+ "# it 8EF.DW= due t" ,aaria. /he s",e reas"n "#
a-senteeis, are Sic+ness acc"unted #"r DC.EW "# a-senteeis,( #a,i$ !r"-e,s
acc"unted #"r AG.FWL "ther causes incuded attendance at e.a,inati"ns A9.FW( s"cia
e'ents i+e ,arriage and -uria D.9W( ad'erse %eather c"nditi"n C.CW tra'e B.9W and
trans!"rtati"n !r"-e,s A.9W( a-sence due t" i heath %as ,ain$ due t" ,aaria #e'er
8EF.DW= %hie surgica inter'enti"ns acc"unted #"r the east 8A.FW=.
/he c"ncusi"n "# this stud$ indicates that th"ugh the "'era a-senteeis, rate
8A.F= %as "%er than the e'e "# C c"nsidered t" -e e.cessi'e( DBW "# the stud$
!"!uati"n had -een a-sent #r", %"r+ at east "nce in the stud$ $ear. /here is there#"re
the need t" i,!r"'e "n the s"cia and !h$sica %"r+ en'ir"n,ent in "rder t" reduce
a-senteeis, a,"ng these %"r+ers. /his stud$ has deter,ined the "'era a-senteeis,
rate( the reas"ns #"r a-senteeis, and the 'ari"us #act"rs in#uencing a-sence rates.
/h"ugh a-senteeis, rate %as ess than the e'e c"nsidered e.cessi'e( ,"re than ha# "#
the res!"ndents had -een a-sent #r", %"r+ at east "nce in the stud$ $ear. /he ha-itua
!ractice "# #aiing t" turn u! #"r %"r+ eads t" reduced !r"ducti'it$ and c"nstraints the
ec"n",ic 'ia-iit$ "# an$ nati"n.
Creating a -etter !h$sica %"r+ing en'ir"n,ent( reducti"n "# stress a,"ng e,!"$ees can
-e achie'ed -$ i,!r"'e,ent in the ,anager "r su!er'is"r0%"r+er and %"r+er0%"r+er
reati"nshi!. Managers and su!er'is"rs sh"ud thus -e adeJuate$ trained t" hande sta##
genera$ %e %ith -etter attenti"n gi'en t" sta## %e#are. 5r"'iding incenti'es #"r
reduced a-senteeis, a,"ng sta## c"ud he! in ,"ti'ating the, t" a'"id unnecessar$
a-senteeis,. /his incenti'e !r"gra,,e sh"ud -e %"r+ed "ut "'er ti,e and the ,"st
a!!r"!riate and %"r+a-e ,eth"d ad"!ted. A %"r+ attendance !"ic$ sh"ud -e !ut in
!ace( t" ena-e ,anagers and su!er'is"rs ,"nit"r a-senteeis, and t" inter'ene ear$
en"ugh %hen e,!"$ees are #reJuent$ a-sent #r", %"r+ in "rder t" get the, -ac+ t"
%"r+ as s""n as !"ssi-e. It is as" rec",,ended that %"r+ers -e enc"uraged t"
!artici!ate in an e,!"$ee #itness !r"gra,,e as this has -een #"und t" reduce
a-senteeis,. C"ntinu"us educati"n "# -"th the e,!"$er and e,!"$ees "n a #acets "#
a-senteeis, and its disad'antages is "# ut,"st i,!"rtanceL this sh"ud incude educati"n
"n !re'enti'e ,easures against ,aaria in#ecti"n. /hese ,easures i# !r"!er$ integrated
%i g" a "ng %a$ t" reduce a-senteeis, and i,!r"'e the %"r+!ace en'ir"n,ent.
/his stud$ has deter,ined di##erent a-sence rates incuding the "'era a-senteeis, rate
and the #act"rs in#uencing the, a,"ng h"s!ita sta##. In this stud$( the incidence "#
a-sence a,"ng the %"r+ers %as DBW( c",!aring %e %ith resuts "-tained in an"ther
stud$ %here DF.EW "# the studied !"!uati"n had at east "ne a-sence s!e in the $ear( -ut
c"ntrasts %ith a "%er #igure "# AD.GW rec"rded in an"ther. D"ct"rs and nurses had the
"%est 8CE.;W and CG.:W( res!ecti'e$= "# crude a-sence rates. Studies ha'e sh"%n an
in'erse ass"ciati"n -et%een a-sence rates and the grade "# e,!"$eesM4"- t$!eH the "%er
the grade "# the e,!"$ee( the higher the a-sence rate.

/his in'erse reati"nshi! %as
#"und a,"ng the sta## in this stud$. D"ct"rs and nurses ha'e t" -e !h$sica$ !resent at a
ti,es t" ,"nit"r and nurse !atients and this !r"-a-$ e.!ains the "% rates "# a-sence
a,"ng the,.
In this stud$( a'erage nu,-er "# da$s "st !er a-sentee in the $ear 8inca!acit$ rate= "# F.9
da$s is "%er than the 'aue "# AC.B da$s "-tained a,"ng h"s!ita %"r+ers in Chie( -ut
higher than th"se in "ther studies %here B( C.F and D da$s %ere "-tained. /he "'era
a-senteeis, rate "# A.FW is as" "%er than the rate "# CW( c"nsidered t" -e e.cessi'e -$
the United States @ureau "# >a-"ur Statistics. Che'aier et a re!"rted rates -et%een
A.;GW and 9.G:W( %hie ?a3,uri et a( re!"rted rates -et%een 9.9DW and B.D;W a,"ng
'ari"us categ"ries "# h"s!ita %"r+ers. /he a!!arent "%er rates "# inca!acit$ and
a-senteeis, re!"rted in this stud$ are !r"-a-$ due t" !r"-e, "# reca "r dei-erate
under0re!"rting -$ res!"ndents( in "rder t" a'"id ad,inistrati'e sancti"ns. @esides(
%"r+ers tend t" c"'er u! #"r each "ther and s" ,anage,ent is "#ten una%are a-"ut such
a-senteeis,. Again( se#0re!"rted a-sence due t" sic+ness has -een #"und t" -e genera$
"%er than rec"rded a-sence rates ese%here. /hese rates e'en %hen the$ are ,"dest( are
a ,a4"r cause "# "ss in !r"ducti'it$ %ith high #inancia i,!icati"ns such as( !a$,ent #"r
re!ace,ent "# a-sentee sta## and "ther ad,inistrati'e c"sts "# ,anaging a-sence and #"r
re0scheduing "# %"r+. /his su-seJuent$ a##ects the genera ec"n",$ "# an$ nati"n
es!ecia$ that "# a de'e"!ing nati"n i+e Nigeria.
/he c"rreates "# a-sence rates as sh"%n in are n"t sur!rising. /he rates %hich increased
%ith increasing age c"ud -e due t" the #act that genera$( $"unger %"r+ers tend t" -e
,"re energetic and ,a$ -e ,"re enthusiastic a-"ut their 4"-s. Se'era studies ha'e #"und
a-sence rates higher a,"ng #e,aes than a,"ng ,aes. 6e,aes are ,"re i+e$ t" -e
a-sent #r", %"r+ #"r reas"ns "ther than iness "r in4uries in "rder t" #u#i "ther #a,i$
res!"nsi-iities such as caring #"r sic+ #a,i$ ,e,-ers. /he higher rates #"r ,arried sta##
c"ud as" -e due t" greater #a,i$ res!"nsi-iities and h"useh"d ch"res.
/he e##ect "# the !h$sica and !s$ch"s"cia %"r+ en'ir"n,ent "n a-senteeis, is %e
d"cu,ented. 5""r reati"nshi! %ith ,anagers "r su!er'is"rs( %ith c"0%"r+ers and the
una'aia-iit$ "# %"r+ i,!e,ents "#ten ead t" "% ,"rae and #rustrati"ns a,"ng
%"r+ers( hence a-senteeis, and "%ered !r"ducti'it$. It is thus n"t sur!rising that high
!r"!"rti"n "# %"r+ers %ith 4"- stress( 4"- dissatis#acti"n and dissatis#acti"n %ith the
%"r+ing en'ir"n,ent %as a-sent #r", %"r+. 5h$sica acti'ities see,ed t" ha'e a !"siti'e
i,!act "n a-senteeis, as th"se engaged in the, had ess a-sence rate c",!ared t" th"se
%h" did n"t. Statistica$ signi#icant higher rates "# a-senteeis, ha'e -een #"und a,"ng
e,!"$ees n"t engaged in s!"rting acti'ities.
I heath %as the c",,"nest cause 8DC.GW= "# a-senteeis, a,"ng the sta## %ith ,aaria
c"ntri-uting EF.DW "# these ,edica causes. >u3 and ?reen had indicated that ,edica$
certi#ied a-sence acc"unted #"r E: t" F:W "# %"r+ a-senteeis, a,"ng %"r+ers. Other
studies ha'e as" identi#ied the r"e "# iness in a-senteeis, a,"ng %"r+ers. It is n"t
sur!rising that ,aaria c"ntri-uted "'er t%" thirds "# the re!"rted cases "# a-sences due t"
iness a,"ng res!"ndents. /his is understanda-e in 'ie% "# itNs ende,icit$ in Nigeria.
6"ster and >eight"n esti,ated the 'aue "# ,aaria 0 reated "ss in !r"ducti"n t" -e
-et%een 9 and EW "# <en$aNs gr"ss d",estic !r"duct and -et%een A and DW "# that "#
Nigeria. /he W"rd Heath Organi3ati"n esti,ates an eJui'aent "# ten %"r+ing da$s "#
"st a-"ur t" ,aaria. 5regnant %",en and chidren are the ,"st 'unera-e gr"u!s in
,aaria ende,ic regi"ns and the$ need care -$ the ec"n",ica$ 'ia-e( %h" ta+e ti,e "##
%"r+ and s!end their ,eager #inancia res"urces t" !r"'ide this care. /he heath care
sect"r is as" a##ected as it e.!ands -"th #inancia and hu,an res"urces "n this
!re'enta-e iness( %hich is a s"urce "# huge ec"n",ic -urden t" the nati"n.
Di"n ?reenidge and Jase Ra,se 89::F= did stud$ "n J"- attitudes and a-senteeis,H A
stud$ in the Engish s!ea+ing Cari--ean /his !a!er e.a,ines the reati"nshi!s "# 4"-
attitudes 8#acets "# 4"- satis#acti"n and "rgani3ati"na c",,it,ent= and !ers"nait$
characteristics t" a-senteeis,( in #i'e ,anu#acturing c",!anies in @ar-ad"s( an Engish0
s!ea+ing Cari--ean c"untr$. /he reati"nshi!s e.a,ined are -ased "n %e0esta-ished
the"ries #r", the de'e"!ed %"rd( es!ecia$ the USA. In additi"n( indi'iduais,(
uncertaint$ a'"idance( and !"%er distance %ere ,easured. /he resuts sh"% that an
e,!"$eeNs e'es "# satis#acti"n %ith c"0%"r+ers( acti'it$( res!"nsi-iit$( and 4"- securit$(
as %e as "$at$ t" the "rgani3ati"n( are reated t" a-senteeis,. /hese resuts are si,iar
t" th"se #"und in !ast research in the de'e"!ed %"rd. /he ,"st i,!"rtant singe
!redict"r "# a-sence %as satis#acti"n %ith c"0%"r+ers. Res!"ndents %ere ,"derate "n
indi'iduais,( high "n uncertaint$ a'"idance( and "% "n !"%er distance. /he cutura
sc"res are used t" he! inter!ret the resuts. /he i,!icati"ns "# the resuts are discussed
in ter,s "# e.!anding the reach "# an esta-ished the"r$( and reati'e t" decreasing
a-senteeis, in @ar-ad"s.
Aar"n C"hen & R"nit ?"an 89::F= did stud$ "n 5redicting a-senteeis, and turn"'er
intenti"ns -$ !ast a-senteeis, and %"r+ attitudesH An e,!irica e.a,inati"n "# #e,ae
e,!"$ees in "ng ter, nursing care #aciities.
/he !ur!"se "# the stud$ , of this paper is to examine the impact of prior
absenteeism, demographic variables, and work attitudes (job satisfaction,
perceptions of health, and work commitments forms) on absenteeism and
turnover intentions.
In this stud$ the ,eth"d""g$ and design use -$ researcher %as a "ngitudina
sur'e$. /he Juesti"nnaire used esta-ished scaes "# the research instru,ents. /he sa,!e
%as c",!"sed "# AA; #e,ae e,!"$ees %"r+ing in #i'e "ng ter, nursing #aciities in
n"rthern Israe.
Research i,itati"ns "r i,!icati"ns- Using a sur'e$ Juesti"nnaire #"r c"ecting
,"st "# the data ,ight cause c",,"n ,eth"d err"r.
/he #indings sh"%ed a str"ng e##ect "# !ri"r a-senteeis, "n ater a-senteeis,.
/he$ as" sh"%ed that a,"ng %"r+ attitudes( 4"- satis#acti"n is a str"ng !redict"r "#
a-senteeis,( %hie c",,it,ent #"r,s( !articuar$ "rgani3ati"na c",,it,ent( are
reated t" turn"'er intenti"ns.
/he #indings "# this stud$ shed s",e ,"re ight "n i,!"rtant %"r+ "utc",es in
genera and in the heath care industr$ in !articuar. Increasing 4"- satis#acti"n and
"rgani3ati"na c",,it,ent see, t" -e g""d strategies #"r reducing a-senteeis, and
turn"'er intenti"ns( as the #indings here suggested. A higher rate "# a-senteeis, !r"'ides
an ear$ indicati"n "# a %ithdra%a !r"cess a,"ng e,!"$ees( and the "rgani3ati"n
sh"ud treat such in#"r,ati"n as ,"re than 4ust data "n a-sence rates.
Originait$M'aue "# this stud$ that Ver$ #e% !a!ers ha'e used a "ngitudina design
e.a,ining the e##ect "# -"th !ri"r a-senteeis, and %"r+ attitudes "n turn"'er intenti"ns
and actua a-senteeis,.
ZarJa( 89::E= did stud$ "n Ad,inistrati'e #act"rs a##ecting e,!"$ees a-senteeis, in
acade,ic and !u-ic i-raries in J"rdan. A-sence #r", %"r+ %as a !ersistent and
chaenging !r"-e, c"n#r"nting "rgani3ati"ns. /his stud$ ai,s t" ana$3e the e##ect "n
a-sence rates "# the #""%ing ad,inistrati'e #act"rsH ine "# auth"rit$( %"r+ ci,ate(
eadershi!( c",,unicati"n( e,!"$,ent( su!er'isi"n( decisi"n0,a+ing( and inn"'ati"nL
the e.tent "# "ccu!ati"na 'aria-esH i-rar$ t$!e( s!eciai3ati"n( and "rgani3ati"na
de!art,entL and e,!"$ees2 characteristicsH gender( age( ,arita status( and e.!erience( at
eight state acade,ic and si. !u-ic i-raries in J"rdan. Data %as c"ected 'ia #ied 'isits(
!ers"na inter'ie%s and a Juesti"nnaire. O# the AB9 sta## a!!ica-e t" the stud$
"-4ecti'es( AAD 8GF.AW= res!"nded. ANOVA( T0test and )Duncan di,ensi"na
c",!aris"ns* ,eth"ds %ere used #"r statistica data ana$sis. Stud$ #indings re'eaed that
!""r "rgani3ati"na structure( i,!r"!er %"r+ ci,ate( !""r eadershi! and c",,unicati"n
!r"cesses( the a-sence "# sensi-e e,!"$,ent !"icies( !""r su!er'isi"n( and ,anagers2
!assi'eness are ad,inistrati'e #act"rs negati'e$ a##ecting e,!"$ees2 a-sence #r",
%"r+. Statistica ana$sis "# ,ean 'aues re'eaed that there is a signi#icant statistica
di##erence( at the :.:D e'e( -et%een a ad,inistrati'e #act"rs attri-uted t"
res!"ndents2 !ers"na characteristics and "ccu!ati"na 'aria-es.
Rec",,ended s"uti"ns incude esta-ishing sensi-e "rgani3ati"na structures deegating
auth"rit$( !r","ting tea,%"r+ !ractice( de'e"!ing 4"- descri!ti"ns and e'auati"n
s$ste,s( a"%ing e,!"$ees2 #reed", "# ch"ice t" !er#"r, 4"- duties( su!!"rting
c""!erati'e %"r+ing reati"ns( !r","ting ,anagers2 attitudes t"%ards deegati"n "#
auth"rit$( "!en0d""r c",,unicati"n !"icies( and !r"'iding e,!"$ees %ith training
"!!"rtunities and ,"ti'ati"ns.
Mar+ ?. S!igt and ?erard M. H. S%aen 89::E= did stud$ "n >eisure ti,e !h$sica
acti'it$ and sic+ness a-senteeis,L a !r"s!ecti'e stud$.
Ai, "# the stud$ that /" esta-ish %hether %"r+ers %ith #reJuent eisure ti,e
!h$sica acti'ities are at higher "r "%er ris+ "# sic+ness a-sence c",!ared t" inacti'e
/he researcher used the Meth"d in this stud$, Se# re!"rted and c",!an$ rec"rded
sic+ness a-sence data %ere c"ected during AG ,"nths "# #""%0u! #"r G;:9 %"r+ers.
6reJuenc$ "# eisure ti,e !h$sica acti'ities %as Jueried at -aseine.
Resuts "t this stud$ %as O'era( #"und that %"r+ers acti'e in their eisure ti,e
t%ice "r ,"re each %ee+ re!"rted signi#icant$ ess sic+ness a-sence c",!ared t" inacti'e
%"r+ers 8AC.G 'ersus A;.D da$sM$ear=( ,ain$ due t" a decrease in sic+ ea'e -ecause "#
,uscu"s+eeta dis"rders.
C"ncusi"n "# the stud$ %as de,"ti'ating s!"rts !artici!ati"n -$ ,a+ing %"r+ers
ia-e #"r %"r+da$s "st due t" s!"rting in4uries ,ight -e c"unter0!r"ducti'e in decreasing
a-senteeis, and its reated c"sts. 5r","ting %"r+er !artici!ati"n in s!"rt ,ight ead t"
reduced a-senteeis,.
A%ad S. Hanna and J"se!h R. Sargent 89::D= did stud$ "n 6act"rs A##ecting A-senteeis,
in Eectrica C"nstructi"n.
C"nstructi"n c"ntract"rs c"ntinue t" -e #aced %ith the chaenge "# i,!r"'ing
!r"ducti'it$ in "rder t" re,ain success#u in an increasing$ c",!etiti'e industr$. One
#act"r that c"ntri-utes t" "%er !r"ducti'it$ is a-senteeis,. Yet( itte is +n"%n "r
underst""d a-"ut the reas"ns eectricians ,iss %"r+( and 'er$ #e% studies ha'e -een
c"nducted "n a-senteeis, in the c"nstructi"n industr$. As a !"siti'e ste! t" reduce the
!r"-e,s ass"ciated %ith '"untar$ and in'"untar$ a-sences( a stud$ %as initiated t"
identi#$ %h$ %"r+ers ,iss %"r+ and %hat ste!s sh"ud -e ta+en t" ,ini,i3e a-senteeis,.
/he ,ain "-4ecti'es "# the stud$ %ere t" earn the reas"ns #"r a-senteeis, and t" Juanti#$
the i,!acts s" that s"uti"ns can -e de'e"!ed t" he! c"ntract"rs i,!r"'e their
!r"ducti'it$. /he stud$ deter,ined that ,anagers and eectricians agreed that inesses
and ,edica a!!"int,ents %ere t%" c",,"n reas"ns %"r+ers ,issed %"r+. H"%e'er(
,anagers as" -eie'ed %"r+ers %ere a-sent -ecause "# a ac+ "# interest "r
irres!"nsi-iit$( %hie eectricians re!"rted in4uries and unsa#e %"r+ing c"nditi"ns as
reas"ns #"r ,issing %"r+. 6urther,"re( a Juantitati'e ana$sis "# the data re'eaed that
%hen the a-senteeis, rate %as -et%een : and DW( there %as n" "ss in !r"ducti'it$.
H"%e'er( %hen the a-senteeis, rate %as -et%een E and A:W( a 9C.CW "ss in
!r"ducti'it$ %as e.!erienced. @$ understanding %hat causes eectricians t" ,iss %"r+(
and the e##ect "# a-sences "n !r"ducti'it$( a c",!an$ can ,anage and c"ntr"
a-senteeis, "n eectrica c"nstructi"n !r"4ects.
@reuner C.C. & W",ac+ W.M. 8March 9::C= did stud$ "n 6act"rs Reated t" Sch""
A-senteeis, in Ad"escents With Recurrent Headache.
/he O-4ecti'e "# the stud$ %as t" e.a,ine !"ssi-e ris+ and !r"tecti'e #act"rs #"r
sch"" a-senteeis, a,"ng ad"escents re#erred t" a h"s!ita0-ased -eha'i"ra treat,ent
Design used #"r this stud$ %as data "-tained #r", inta+e inter'ie%s( screening
Juesti"nnaires( and -aseine headache diaries "# 9GB c"nsecuti'e ad"escents re#erred #"r
-eha'i"ra treat,ent "# recurrent headache %ere re'ie%ed #"r de,"gra!hics( ength "#
headache hist"r$( headache t$!e( current headache acti'it$( s$,!t",s "# an.iet$ and
de!ressi"n( !ercei'ed se#0e##icac$ regarding headache c"ntr"( sch"" !er#"r,ance(
!artici!ati"n in e.tracurricuar acti'ities( and sch"" a-senteeis,. /he stud$ !"!uati"n
%as di'ided int" 9 gr"u!s at the ,edian nu,-er "# da$s ,issed due t" headache in the
!re'i"us E ,"nths that sch"" %as in sessi"n. Ad"escents %h" ,issed 9 "r ess da$s "#
sch"" due t" headache 8"% a-senteeis,= %ere c",!ared %ith th"se %h" ,issed ,"re
than 9 da$s 8high a-senteeis,=.
Resuts "# this stud$ %as C",!ared %ith the "% a-senteeis, gr"u!( the high
a-senteeis, gr"u! had higher sc"res "n the ChidrenNs De!ressi"n In'ent"r$ 8G.F [ E.D
'ersus E.G [ E.9( P Y .:D = and "%er acade,ic !er#"r,ance 89.A [ A.: 'ersus A.F [ :.G( P
Y .:::A =. /he 9 gr"u!s %ere n"t statistica$ di##erent in age( se.( ength "# headache
hist"r$( t$!e "# headache( current headache #reJuenc$ "r intensit$ sc"res( an.iet$ sc"res(
se#0e##icac$ ratings( "r !artici!ati"n in e.tracurricuar acti'ities.
C"ncusi"ns "# this stud$ ( in a re#erred !"!uati"n( students %h" ,issed ,"re
sch"" due t" headache had higher de!ressi"n sc"res and "%er acade,ic !er#"r,ance
than students %h" ,issed ess sch"". A directi"na reati"nshi!( h"%e'er( cann"t -e
i,!ied #r", these resuts. 6uture studies sh"ud in'estigate the c",!e. reati"nshi!
-et%een recurrent ad"escent headache( !"tentia ris+ "r !r"tecti'e #act"rs( and sch""
J"se!h J. Mart"cchi" & Diana I. Ji,en 89::B= did stud$ "n E,!"$ee a-senteeis, as an
a##ecti'e e'ent. It c"nsider the"retica and e,!irica de'e"!,ents in !ers"nait$( a##ect(
and a-senteeis, research. S!eci#ica$( %e in'estigate the reati"nshi! -et%een these three
c"nstructs and !r"!"se a the"retica !ers!ecti'e a-"ut the i,!"rtance "# a##ect in
,ediating the e##ect that !ers"nait$ has "n a-senteeis,. One "# "ur ,ain g"as is t" ""+
at -"th !"siti'e and negati'e c"nseJuences "# a-senteeis,. We !r"!"se a ,"de "# the
!ers"nait$ t$!es that ha'e a higher i+eih""d "# using a-senteeis, t" their -ene#it 8i.e.(
t" )recharge* and change negati'e a##ect= and there#"re ha'e the a-sence -e #uncti"na
8i.e.( !"siti'e a##ect and higher !r"ducti'it$ u!"n returning t" the 4"-= rather than
d$s#uncti"na 8i.e.( negati'e a##ect and !ers"n is sti un!r"ducti'e "r has ess !r"ducti'it$
than -e#"re the a-sence e'ent=. We c"ncude -$ e,!hasi3ing the the"retica c"ntri-uti"ns
that this ,"de ,a+es and -$ suggesting %a$s in %hich the ,"de c"ud -e tested.
>u3 J( ?reen MS. 8A;;F= did stud$ "n sic+ness a-senteeis, #r", %"r+. Medica$
certi#ied a-sence 8a-sence #r", %"r+ attri-uted t" disease and accident= is an i,!"rtant
and c"n'enient inde. "# %"r+ersN heath and attitudes. It as" c"nstitutes the argest !art "#
t"ta a-sence #r", %"r+. De!ending "n the c"untr$ and "n industr$ and !"!uati"n
characteristics( sic+0ea'e acc"unts #"r E:0F:W( and in4uries #"r an"ther F09:W. /he
-aance is de#ined as Oheath$0%"r+er a-senceO( ta+en %ith "r %ith"ut !ri"r !er,issi"n "r
!"st0#act" 4usti#icati"n. It is characteristic "# the #irst and ast !hases "# an e,!"$eeNs
hist"r$ at the #ir,L either -e#"re he has ti,e t" -ec",e a !er,anent e,!"$ee and ada!t
t" the "ca Oa-sence cutureO( "r %hen he c"nte,!ates ea'ing. On the "ther hand(
certi#ied a-sence is c"n#ir,ed -$ a higher auth"rit$( and s" it is acce!ted -$ ,anage,ent(
the insuring instituti"n( and the !eer gr"u! 8%hich "#ten ha'e t" carr$ the e.tra %"r+"ad=.
/his a-sence -e"ngs t" the !hase "# reguar reati"nshi!s( %hich -"th sides see+ t"
,aintain. Whether and h"% "#ten the e,!"$ee has rec"urse t" certi#icati"n de!ends "n a
nu,-er "# #act"rs. /h"se ,enti"ned ,"st "#ten in the iterature areH 8a= a-sence00
!r"neness0a!!arent$ a de#ined !ers"nait$ trait 8!s$ch""gica "r !s$ch"s",atic= eading
t" re!eated a-sencesL 8-= !""r %"r+ing c"nditi"nsL 8c= ac+ "# gr"u! c"hesi'eness00
,e,-ers "# a %e0structured gr"u! are u!hed -$ its s"idarit$ and sense "# -e"nging
8Oes!rit de c"r!sO=L this is "-ser'ed in s,aer and ,"re c"se$0+nit gr"u!s such as shi#t
and gr"u! tea,s( as in the V"'" e.!eri,entL 8d= Juait$ "# the eadershi! and
"rgani3ati"na -eha'i"rL 8e= 4"- satis#acti"n00de!ri'ati"n "# rec"gniti"n( use "# a-iities(
res!"nsi-iit$( and interest ha'e str"ng !s$ch"s",atic re!ercussi"nL 8#= interacti"n %ith
e.terna #"rces( es!ecia$ ,ar+et!ace c"nditi"ns00ac+ "# e.terna de,and ,a$ restrain
Christa Cra'en & R"-ert >ed,an 8A;;E= did stud$ "n Managing A-senteeis, #"r ?reater
5r"ducti'it$. Unauth"ri3ed "r unschedued a-senteeis, is a !r"-e, #"r e'er$
"rgani3ati"n "r -usiness. It creates c"st and !r"ducti'it$ !r"-e,s( !uts an un#air -urden
"n the ,a4"rit$ "# e,!"$ees %h" sh"% u! #"r %"r+( uti,ate$ hinders cust",er
satis#acti"n( and drains the c"untr$Ns ec"n",$. E.!erience sh"%s that -etter attendance is
s$n"n$,"us %ith -etter Juait$( "%er c"sts( and greater !r"ducti'it$ 8Ha33ard( A;;:=.
/his !a!er re'ie%s the iterature reated t" a-senteeis, and suggests h"% ,anagers can
i,!r"'e their a-senteeis, rate and( as a resut( i,!r"'e !r"ducti'it$.
At east D:W "# a e,!"$ee a-senteeis, is n"t caused -$ -"na #ide iness "r "ther
acce!ta-e reas"ns. E.!erts esti,ate that a-senteeis, in the U.S. resuts in the "ss "#
"'er C:: ,ii"n %"r+da$s !er $ear 0 an a'erage "# a!!r".i,ate$ D.A da$s !er e,!"$ee
8?%atne$( A;;C=. In the U.S.( "ne ,ii"n e,!"$ees a da$ %i n"t attend their reguar$
schedued %"r+ at an esti,ated annua c"st "# RC: -ii"n !er $ear 8Dat"n and En3(
Steers and Rh"des 8A;GC= re!"rt that #"r e'er$ :.DW increase in nati"na a-sence rates in
the U.S.( the gr"ss d",estic !r"duct dr"!s RA: -ii"n. @ased "n the si3e "# t"da$Ns ?D5
c",!ared %ith the ear$ A;G:s( that #igure is sure$ su-stantia$ arger t"da$. >eigh
8A;GE= esti,ated that h"urs "st in a-senteeis, is "'er C:W arger than the nu,-er "#
h"urs "st in une,!"$,ent. Mar+"%ich 8A;;B= cited a sur'e$ "# D(::: c",!anies
c"nducted -$ C",,erce Cearing H"use( Inc.( Chicag" that #"und that unschedued
a-sences c"st s,a -usinesses an a'erage "# RE9(EBE a $ear in "st !r"ducti'it$( sic+
ti,e( and re!ace,ent c"sts.
/he ne.t cha!ter ta+ a-"ut the research ,eth"d""g$ %hich used
-$ resercher.
A Stud$ "n 6act"rs a##ecting A-senteeis, in NI6 gr"u! "# c",!an$
A-senteeis, is "ne "# the e'er !resent !r"-e, O# the "rgani3ati"n. In a-senteeis, the
c"ntri-uting #act"rs t" a-sence incude s"cia such as ac"h"is,( #a,i$ c"n#ict( ac+ "#
!r"!er ,"ti'ati"n( %"r+ing !r"-e,s( heath !r"-e,( trans!"rt !r"-e,s( reigi"us and
age #act"r etc. ha'e -een identi#ied as c"ntri-uting #act"rs t" a-senteeis,. An e,!"$ee
,eans ide ,achine "r un"ccu!ied %"r+ s!ace %ith c"nseJuent direct "ss & an indirect
reducti"n in the te,!" "# !r"ducti"n. A-senteeis, -eing a s"cia !hen",en"n. A high
degree "# a-senteeis, is de#inite$( a resut "# !""r ,"rae & 'isua$ ,a0ad4usted
%"r+ers. /here#"re( the need #"r the stud$ "# a-senteeis, is 'er$ i,!"rtant -ecause it
a##ects the !r"ducti"n ad'erse$ as the %"r+ schedue are u!set & dea$ed & c"nseJuent$
,anage,ent has t" gi'e ti,e %hich increases the c"st "# !r"ducti"n. Hence( the
signi#icance "# the stud$ can -e 'ie%ed #r", !rint "# s"cia %"r+ inter'enti"n at the
#a,i$( c",,unit$ as %e as industria e'e. And this stud$ is as" 'er$ i,!"rtant #"r the
c",!an$( -ecause "n the -asis "# #inding a reas"n "# a-senteeis, the e,!"$er ta+en a
acti"n regarding the reduce the rate "# a-senteeis, s" that it a##ect the increasing
!r"ducti"n "# the Industr$.
/" stud$ the 'ari"us causati'e #act"rs eading t" a-senteeis, in Industr$.
/" satud$ the e##ect "# a-senteeis, "n c"0%"r+er.
/" stud$ the a-senteeis, %ith regard t" their !ers"na in#"r,ati"n( #a,i$
-ac+gr"und( "ccu!ati"na in#"r,ati"n etc.
/" stud$ a-"ut the !r"-e,s "# the %"r+er the$ #ace under 'ari"us situati"ns
during the %"r+ing.
/" ana$3e 'ari"us %e#are #aciities i+e ,edica( insurance( c"0"!erati'e s"ciet$
in industr$..
/he sa,!e #"r the stud$ ta+en #r", the $ear$ a-senteeis, re!"rts "# the di##erent
three c",!an$ "# NI6 gr"u!.
/" ta+e se'ent$ res!"ndents #r", annua a-senteeis, re!"rt "# c",!an$ %h" had
$ear$ a-senteeis, u!"n AD
/he sa,!e #"r the stud$ c"nsists "# se'ent$ res!"ndents #r", di##erent c",!an$
"# NI6 gr"u!.
/" seected res!"ndent #r", stud$ are chr"nic cases "# 8reguar a-senteeis,= #r",
/he sa,!e si3e #"r the stud$ is se'ent$ "!erati'e e,!"$ee "# NI6 gr"u! "# Industr$.
E.!"rat"r$ & Descri!ti'e in nature has -een ad"!ted.
6"r the research stud$ researcher ta+e F: sa,!e #r", the di##erent B units "# NI# gr"u! "#
Industr$( %h" are the cases "# ha-itua "r c"ntinu"us a-senteeis,. /he researcher has
di'ided his inter'ie% schedue int" t%" secti"nsH
5ers"na data(
Causes "# a-senteeis,
6"r data c"ecti"n researcher used Inter'ie% schedue ,eth"d.
In this research the uni'erse c"nsists the stud$ "# a the %"r+ers "# NI6 gr"u! "#
industr$. Na'sari.
A Structure had -een !re!ared #"r data c"ecti"n %as inter'ie% schedued. /he Juesti"n
"# reating t" #aciities are res!"ndent t" share their 'ie%( "!ini"n( and attitude t" re,ain
a-sent "# e,!"$ee in %"r+ !ace.
A= Inde!endent
/he inde!endent 'aria-e c"nsists "# !ers"na in#"r,ati"n "# the res!"ndent i+e
na,e( age( se.( educati"n Juai#icati"n( de!art,ent etc7
@= De!endent
De!endent 'aria-e c"nsists "# the as!ects reated t" the #act"r a##ecting
Data %as c"ected thr"gh inter'ie% schedue #r", "!erati'e e,!"$ee "# NI6 gr"u! "#
Ana$sis "# data under the stud$ 8singe 'aria-e=.
Researcher used s"urce #"r data c"ecti"n %asL
5ri,ar$ s"urce "# data c"ecti"n thr"ugh inter'ie% schedue.
Sec"ndar$ s"urce "# data C"ecti"n( it is #r", i-rar$ & -""+s( internet( ,aga3ine etc7
/here is n" acti'it$ that can -e c",!eted %ith"ut an$ i,itati"ns "r !r"-e,s.
Researcher #aced the #""%ing s",e !r"-e,sH
/i,e %as "ne "# the ,a4"r c"nstraints in the stud$ -ecause "# the res!"ndent
-us$ %ith schedued "# their %"r+( t" c",!eted target "# %"r+ s" that n"t t" -e
a-e t" de'"te ,"re ti,e #"r gi'ing in#"r,ati"n.
Res!"ndent n"t sharing their 'ie% #ree$ -ecause "# #ear "# 4"- securit$.
Due t" ac+ "# a%areness in certain areas "# the Juesti"n c"ud n"t -e e##ecti'e$
c",,unicated t" the res!"ndent.
CHA5/ER0A Intr"ducti"n
In cha!ter A intr"ducti"n !art t" gi'en a in#"r,ati"n a-"ut c"nce!t( #act"s
%hich a##ects t" a-senteeis,( e##ects "# a-senteeis,( h"% t" reduce the a-senteeis, rate
CHA5/ER09 Research Meth"d""g$
/his cha!ter indicates that the signi#icance "# the stud$( %hich
,eth"d""g$ used -$ researcher #"r the !ur!"se "# stud$.
CHA5/ER0B Re'ie% "# iterature
Re'ie% "# iterature as" re#ers -$ research #"r t" get -rie# re'ie% and
a!!raisa "# the reated studies and t" see %hat !resent stud$ c"ntri-utes ,"re +n"%edge
#urther in the areas under stud$.
CHA5/ER0C Research Setting
/his cha!ter as" gi'en a in#"r,ati"n a-"ut the uni'erse "# stud$( the area
in %hich researcher d"ne stud$ and reated in#"r,ati"n.
CHA5/ER0D Data Ana$sis and Inter!retati"n
It is a ,ain as!ects "# stud$( it indicates the ana$sis "# data and inter!reted
and "n that -asis researcher c",e at the #inding and suggesti"n #"r su-4ecti'e stud$.
CHA5/ER0E 6inding( Suggesti"n( C"ncusi"n.
/hese cha!ter indicates the resuts "# the stud$( and gi'en a
rec",,endati"n #"r the !ur!"se "# reduce !r"-e,s( e##ecti'e %"r+( i,!r"'e,ent in
s",e area i+e "n !r"ducti"n reated( !"ic$( rues( !r"'ided adeJuate #aciities etc( and
ast c"ncusi"n c"'ers the a "'er su,,ar$ "# the stud$.
Introduction of NIF Group of Industries
/he 1NI62 @egan %ith ad'ertising ad'ent "# Na'sari Ir"n #"undr$ and Mechanica
W"r+s in the #irst e'ent at Na'sari near Surat in ?u4arat. With h"!es ( drea, and desire
#"r a -righter t","rr"%. /he$ t""+ u! 4"-s t" re!air "i engines( aut","-ies( !u,!s sets(
tract"rs etc7
A #"under ,e,-er "# the c",!an$ is Mr. Sat$ade' <ansara( Mr. Ratia <ansara(
Mr. Ra,esh-hai <ansara( and Mr. Has,u+h-hai <ansara. In a c",!an$ !r","ter are
Mr.Vi4a$ <ansara( Mr.Shaiesh <ansara( Mr.Dinesh <ansara( Mr.<etan <ansara .
Ha'ing it the t"rch in A;DB a tea, "# ins!ired $"unger -r"thers decided t" s!read
their %ings and started ,a+ing casting( stee #a-ricati"n( utensis and st"ne crashers #"r
"ca ,ar+et.
/i,e t" ti,e enter!rising !artners "# NI6 decided t" di'ersi#$ their acti'ities.
Wh" had a t"uch in !astic( te.tie and che,ica industries. /he ne% %arri"rs "# NI6
?r"u! -r"ad a-"ut inn"'ati'e changes %ith a n"d #r", the seni"r and steered the
techn""g$ ca and ,anage,ent !hi"s"!h$ "# the gr"u!.
In'"'e,ent "# e.!erts( instaati"n "# high tech ,achineries and
c",!uteri3ati"n "# -usiness acti'ities !r"'ed t" -eca,e -asic need "# the gr"u!.
Company Profile
NI6 ,eans Na'sari Ir"n 6"undr$. NI6 ?r"u! "# Industr$ has ,ain$ #i'e
units. /he a #i'e are di##erent. /he$ are as #""%ing.
A. NI6 Mechanica W"r+s 5't. >td.
9. J. S. Meta /ra'ers C".
B. Dinesh 5astic 5r"ducts.
C. 5r"!$"n 5r"ducts.
D. 5radi! 5"$#is 5't. >td.
1. NIF Mechanical Works Pvt. Ltd.
NI6 Mechanica W"r+s 5't. >td. Is esta-ished in A;ED and it is c"n'erted in t"
!ri'ate >i,ited in A;;:.
/"da$ NI6 Manu#actures @a+eite Dru,s and Stee Dru,s( in a 'ari"us si3e.
@a+eite Dru,s are ,ade #r", the @a+eite 5"%der and c",!"nents. NI6 ,anu#actures
standardi3e dru,s. s" c",!an$ recei'e a reguar$ "rders #r", the cust",ers. C",!an$
ha'e c"nsutant #"r the s!eci#ic #uncti"n #"r the c",!an$.
Ca!ita structure "# the c",!an$ is de!ending u!"n share ca!ita "# share h"ders.
/he ra% ,ateria "# the c",!an$ c",es #r", the Maharashtra and "ther state.
Product Profile
1. Textile Machine Part H I. @a+eite ?r""'ed Dru,s
II.Stee /ra'erse R"s
@$ H NI6 Mechanica 5't. >td.
Use "# 5r"duct H Winding in /e.tie Industries.
R"% Materia H @a+eite 5"%der( Ir"n Casting
2. 1. S. Metal Traverse Co.
Esta-ished in A;ED )J. S. Meta /ra'erse C".* has gr"%n steadi$ %ith a str"ng
#"undati"n "# technica( c",,ercia and !r"ducti"n #aciit$.
/"da$ c",!an$ ,anu#actures a %ide range "# Au,inu, Dru,s #r", high
Juait$ ra% ,ateria ha'ing di##erent sha!es and dia,eters.
/he c",!an$ greatest !ride and satis#acti"n is in the #act that se'era hundreds "#
its cust",ers ha'e standardi3e "n its !r"ducts( %hich is e'ident #r", the reguar "rders it
recei'es. )J. S. Meta /ra'erse C".* is as" +n"%n in the ,ar+et as )WINDWE>>*.
Product Profile
2. Textile Machine Part H A. @a+eite ?r""'ed Dru,s
9. Unc"ated Au,inu, Dru,s
Ha"0>ight Weight
S"id 0Hea'$ Weight
B. Cast Ir"n ?r""'ed Dru,s
C. Hard an"di3ed Au,inu, Dru,s
D. Hard Chr",e
E. Engineers 6ie
F. Nitrided stee Dru,s
@$ H J. S. Meta /ra'ers C".
Na,e "# 5r"duct H WINDWE>>
Use "# 5r"duct H Winding in /e.tie Industries
R"% Materia H @a+eite 5"%der( Ir"n Casting( Stee( Au,inu, etc7
3. Dinesh Plastic Product.
Esta-ished in A;FD( 1D552 has gr"%n steadi$ %ith a str"ng #"undati"n "# technica(
c",,ercia and !r"ducti"n #aciities.
/"da$( 1D552 ,anu#actures a %ide range "# @a Va'es( Dia!hrag, Va'es( Chee+
Va'es( 6""t Va'es( @utter#$ Va'es( Sight ?ass Va'es( Dri! Irrigati"n Va'es( 6itting
and 6iter 6r", high Juait$ ther,"0!astic.
Product Profile
4. Valves H A. @a Va'es
9. Dia!hrag, Va'es
B. Chec+ Va'es
C. 6""t Va'es
D. @utter#$ Va'es
E. Sight ?ass Va'es
F. Dri! Irrigati"n Va'es
G. 6itting & 6iter Va'es
@$ H Dinesh 5astic 5r"duct
Use "# !r"duct H Irrigati"n #"r the che,ica and iJuid #"% and as
R"% Materia H /her,"!astic 55( HD5E & 5VD6 5astic
4. Propylon Products and Pradip Polyfils Pvt. Ltd.
<n"%n h"% d"es n"t c",e "'ernight -ut has t" -e acJuired. It has resut "# high
in'est,ent #"r the s"uti"n and i,!e,entati"n "# the"retica #indings in !ractice( #"r the
ne% !"ssi-iities and c"nsci"us$ ste!!ing acr"ss -"rders "n the %a$ t" hu,an #uture.
<ee!ing c"se c"ntact( %ith "ur cust",er R&D and +n"%ing the industries e.act
reJuire,ent( guarantees that the inn"'ati"n re,ain !ractica-e and strengthens the
!artnershi! t$!e c" \ "!erati"n.
6"r a "# us at 5radi! 5"$#is 5't. >td.( research and de'e"!,ent is n" end in
itse# -ut t" s"'e s!eci#ic users !r"-e,s %hich !er,its !ractica s"uti"n %ithin a sh"rt
ti,e and 4ust in ine %ith that the ,ar+et e.!ects. We can "##er inn"'ati"n and $et !er#ect
designs #u#is cust",ers need.
Product Profile
3.Filter Plates,
Filter Press,
Accessories H A. Me,-ra,e 6iter 5ate
2. Che,-er 6iter 5ates
B. C?R 6iter Ee,ent !ate and 6ra,s
C. S!ecia 6itter 5ates and Access"ries
D. 6iter 5ress
@$ H 5radi! 5"$#is & 5r"!$"n 5r"ducts.
Use "# 5r"duct H Che,ica 6iterati"n( Water 6iterati"n( S"id >iJuid
Se!rati"n %ater and se%age treat,ent( che,ica !a!er(
cera,ic and ,ining
R"% Materia H E5DE( Nitrie( Vit"n( E555( /her,"!astic East",ers(
5"$!r"!$ene( Rein#"rced 5"$!r"!$e.
Registered office : - NI6 ?r"u! "# Industries(
5.O.@". N".E;(
Cha!ara R"ad(
NI6 C",!"und(
Na'sari \ B;ECCD
Form of Organization : 0 5ri'ate Sect"r.
Size of Organization : 0 S,a Scae Si3e Unit.
Company Secretary &
General Manager : 0 Mr. Vi4a$ <ansara.
Bankers : 0 ID@I @an+
ICICI @an+
Canara @an+
)One !an %eighing in traditi"n and the "thers in techn""g$( %e
s$nchr"nies the t"% and carr$ "ur drea, #uture %here %e %"r+ t"%ards se# attain,ent -$
!r"'iding Juait$ and cust",er satis#acti"n.*
N.I.6. -egan %ith an ad'ertising ad'ent "# Na'sari Ir"n 6"undr$ and Mechanica W"r+s in
A;CD( the #irst e'er at Na'sari near Surat in ?u4arat( India. With h"!es( drea,s and desires
#"r a -righter t","rr"%.
During ,id si.ties( the c"n'enti"na techn""g$( u!graded %ith inn"'ati"n( R & D and
!r"#essi"na ad,inistrati"n( turned the 6"undr$ int" a ,"re "rgani3ed industria
enter!rise. With the da%n "# this ne% age( in A;ED( Metaic gr""'e dru, #"r /e.tie
%inding ,achines %as intr"duced #irst in India %hich %as indigen"us t" h"use
)It is the !"ic$ "# NI6 ?r"u! "# Industries t" ,aintain ,ar+et eadershi!
-$ dei'ering "ur !r"ducts t" c",!ete satis#acti"n "# "ur cust",ers th"ugh c"nstant
i,!r"'e,ent( techn""gica !r"gress and ,"ti'ated e,!"$ees.*
Major Customers
C",!an$ is ,"st$ seing its !r"duct t" cust",ers "# S"uth India and A-r"ad.
Domestic Customers
A.Sha,aru Machinar$ Manu#actures 0 C"i,-at"re
9. Vignesh%ar /e.tie Industries 0 C"i,-at"r
B. Aidhra /e.tie Industries 0 Si'assa
C.Ra4endra /e.tie Industries 0 C"i,-at"r
A. /aers 6ic"n" S. >. 0 S!ain
9. Mihan Ma+ina 0 /ur+e$
B. I3u,i Internati"na c". >td. 0 Ja!an
C. /echn" /e.tie >td. 0 @angadesh
Departments of NIF Group of Industries
A. HR De!art,ent
9. 5ers"nne & Industria Reati"n De!art,ent
B. 6inance De!art,ent
C. 5urchase De!art,ent
D. 5r"ducti"n De!art,ent
E. Vuait$ C"ntr" De!art,ent
F. Dis!atch De!art,ent
G. Mar+eting De!art,ent
;. Saes De!art,ent
A:. I,!"rt and E.!"rt De!art,ent
AA. securit$ De!art,ent
A9. ED5 De!art,ent
HR Department
Functions of HR Department
/" esta-ish !u-ic reati"n %ith surr"unding 'iage eaders( "ther auth"rities.
6inding "ut training needs "# e,!"$ees.
/" arrange ,"nth$ interna and e.terna training !r"gra,,es.
/" ,anage training rec"rds.
/" n",inati"n #"r training !r"gra,,es.
/" !re!ared 5er#"r,ance A!!raisa Re!"rt #"r e,!"$ee.
/" arrange inducti"n !r"gra, #"r the ne% e,!"$ees.
/" !ass "ut an$ +ind "# circuati"n.
/" arrange %e#are !r"gra,,e #"r the e,!"$ee i+e HIVMAIDS a%areness
!r"gra,( ,edica chec+ u! etc7
/" esta-ish !r"#it earning !"icies.
/" ,anage recruit,ent and seecti"n !r"cedure.
/" gi'e a!!r"'a #"r the recruit,ent.
/" ,anage inter'ie% !r"cess.
/" esta-ish !r","ti"n !"ic$ #"r the ,"ti'ati"n "# the e,!"$ees.
/" ta+e a decisi"n "n resignati"n +ind "# at,"s!here in %"r+ing !aces.
HR Policy in NIF
Vuait$ 5"ic$
Recruit,ent 5"ic$
In#"r,ati"n /echn""g$ 5"ic$
5ers"nne 5"ic$
/raining and De'e"!,ent 5"ic$
C"r!"rate Res!"nsi-iit$ 5"ic$
5er#"r,ance A!!raisa 5"ic$
Personnel & IR Department
)5ers"nne ,anage,ent can -e de#ined as a !r"cess "# de'e"!ing "rgani3ati"na
"-4ecti'es -$ acJuiring( ter,inating( de'e"!,ent and !r"!er$ using the hu,an res"urce
in an "rgani3ati"n.* O# a the #act"rs "# !r"ducti"n( ,an is the ,"st i,!"rtant "ne. /he
i,!"rtance "# hu,an #act"r is an$ t$!e "# c" \ "!erati'e endea'"r cann"t -e
"'ere,!hasi3ed. It is the ,atter "# c",,"n +n"%edge "n %hich e'er$ instituti"n
de!ends "n #"r its e##ecti'e and e##icient #uncti"ning. N"t s" ,uch de!endent "n its
,ateria "r #inancia res"urces as "n its !"" "# a-e and %iing hu,an res"urces.
In an Indian c"nte.t( !ers"nne ,anage,ent as s!eciai3ed disci!ine has ,ade
ra!id studies that a -usiness "rgani3ati"n needs t" ha'e a #"ur M2s( 'ia7
A. M"ne$.
9. Materia.
B. Man!"%er.
C. Manage,ent
N I F M E C H A N I C A L W O R K S P T ! L T D !
O r d e r 5 r " c e s s i n g
M a h e n d r a < h a r t r i
W " r + e r
M " u d i n g
U ! e s h N a i + a
W " r + e r
> e a t h
W " r + e r
? r " " ' e C u t t i n g
M a c h i n i n i g
R a + e s h J . 5 a t e
W " r + e r
@ u # # i n g
W " r + e r
5 " i s h i n g
@ u # # i n g 0 5 " i s h i n g
A , - u C h h a g a n
W " r + e r
@ a a n c e & / e s t i n g
W " r + e r
R u n " u t
W " r + e r
C h e c + i n g
6 i n i s h i n g & V C
D e ! a r t , e n t
W " r + e r
M a i n t a n a n c e
W " r + e r
S ! . O ! e r a t i " n
M a i n t e n a n c e
S ! . O ! e r .
J a $ a n t i - h a i 5 a t e
5 " " d u t i " n D i ! t .
/ $ ! e n a , e h e r e
/ $ ! e D e t i t e h e r e
M a n a g i n g 5 a r t n e r
M r u n a - h a i < a n s a r a
5 R O D U C / M 6 ?
@ A < E > I / E / R A V E R S E D R U M S
O R ? A N I S A / I O N C H A R /
Wage Attendance We#are ?"'t. & >ega H"use Securit$ Recruit,ent /raining Org
& 6"r,aities Ad,inistrati"n 5"ic$ & & De'
Discharge "r
Saar$ 5r"cedure De'
5rgs. Resignati"n
Function of Personnel Department
Recruit,ent "# e,!"$ee.
Inducti"n "# trainee.
Resignati"n "# e,!"$ee.
>ea'e tra'e a"%ance "rders
5r","ti"n "# e,!"$ee.
5a$ #i.ati"n "# e,!"$ee.
A!!rentice %"r+.
Incre,ent %"r+.
Man 5"%er Detais.
?r"u! Insurance %"r+.
C"n#ir,ati"n %"r+.
N" O-4ecti"n Certi#icate \ NOC.
Interna Net%"r+ing c",!uter %"r+.
E,!"$,ent E.change.
N"ti#icati"n and C",!iance( Returns 5re!aring
5r"'iding dates and in#"r,ati"n #"r 'ari"us statut"r$.
In#"r,ati"n a-"ut 'ari"us auth"ri3es and "ther ,anage,ent.
5er#"r,ance A!!raisa.
Sette,ent in saar$.
Function of Public Relation Department
/ender %"r+ "# c",! #"r 4"-( a-"r %"r+ c"ntracts re'isi"n "# a-"'e c"ntracts.
Disci!inar$ "# %e#are ite,s.
Identi#$ing "# %e#are ite,s.
Dra#ting "# rues and sette,ents.
Assisting in neg"tiati"n %ith uni"n( !ensi"n ,atter.
C",,unicate %ith 56 "##ice.
/" assist a-"r c",,issi"ner.
/" ,anage s!"t acti'ities.
/" -udgeting #"r !r"cure,ent uni#"r,( c"ths( na!+ins( and "ther %e#are ite,s.
Su!erannuati"n #und and %e#are trust %"r+( !r"cessing #"r ,anage,ent a!!r"'a "#
educati"n( !igri,age ad'ances !a$,ent( e,!"$ees !ensi"n sche,e %"r+.
O'erti,e !"sting( sh"rt ea'e !"sting( accident re!"rt and register !"sting( "##ice "rder
#"r ea'e encash,ent( a-sences re!"rt( distri-uti"n "# ,edicines "# #irst aid t" 'ari"us
de!art,ents etc7
5assing ,edica -is 8h"s!itai3ati"n in "ng ter, and sh"rt ter,= "# e,!"$ees and ta+e
care "# e,!"$ees %h" ,eet %ith an accident.
Credit s"ciet$ rec"rd +ee!ing and dis-urse,ent "# "ans.

E,!"$ee and %"r+er are the hu,an -eing. /he$ %"ud i+e t" i'e in s"ciet$ s" that the$ ha'e
t" attend s"cia !r"gra,,es( #"r that the$ %ant ea'e "n 4"-. S",eti,es the$ the,se'es "r the
#a,i$ ,e,-er "r their reati'es su##er #r", heath !r"-e,( "r "ther s",e causes the$ g" "n
ea'e #r", 4"-. /her#"re c",!an$ !r"'ided the, ea'e #aciities i+e casua ea'e( !ri'iege
ea'e( sic++ ea'e etc7
Leave management
!ri'iege ea'e \ AD da$s in a $ear
sic++ ea'e \ E da$s in a $ear
casua ea'e \ E da$s in a $ear
Wee+$ "## \ 6"r %"r+er & "##ice sta## %ee+$ "## "n Sunda$. And the !ers"n %h" c",e "n
h"ida$ that !ers"n get c",!ensat"r$ "## "n that ,"nth.
Working Time
It is 'er$ necessar$ that the %"r+ing h"urs "# an$ industr$ ,ust -e i,ited. In NI6 c",!an$ as"
there are #"ur shi#s t" d" %"r+ #"r %"r+ers.
Shift timing are as follows;
6irst shi#t \ F.:: A.M. t" B.:: 5.M.
Sec"ndar$ shi#t \ B.:: 5.M. t" AA.:: 5.M.
/hird shi#t \ AA.:: 5.M. t" F.:: A.M.
?enera Shi#t \ G.:: A.M. t" D.:: 5.M.
/here is "ne h"ur -rea+ in e'er$ shi#t.
Office Time is as follows;
/i,ing #"r ad,inistrati'e "##ice is ;.:: A.M. t" D.B: 5.M. /here is "ne h"ur -rea+ #"r unch.
Leave Rule
9F da$s #u ti,e is a'aia-e #"r e'er$ e,!"$ee in a caendar $ear. A !art #r", Saturda$
and genera h"ida$ as decared -$ g"'ern,ent #"r each caendar $ear is a!!ica-e t" e,!"$ee.
Pay Roll System
5a$ R" s$ste, is the #unda,enta s$ste, "# the "rgani3ati"n. Its i,!"rtance is i+e the
%hee "# the ,"t"rc$ce. E'er$ "rgani3ati"n sh"ud ha'e #unda,enta$ str"ng 5a$ R" S$ste,.
I# the #unda,enta structure "# "rgani3ati"n str"ng( the entire !ers"n sh"ud satis#$ %ith the 4"-.
A#ter a !ers"n c"ncern %ith the ,"ne$.
In the J. S. Meta /ra'erse C". the 5a$ R" S$ste, is #unda,enta$ str"ng. /he$ are
cacuated the saar$ "n the -asis "# the #""%ing.
/he$ are cacuate the saar$ #irst "n the -asis "# attendance rec"rd. In attendance are
cacuated "n the -asis " C>( 5>( and S>.
C> \ Casua >ea'e gi'en E in a $ear.
5> \ 5ri'iege >ea'e gi'en AD in a $ear.
S> \ Sic+ >ea'e gi'en E in a $ear.
On the -asis "# e,!"$ee ea'e card rec"rd 5a$ R" Ad,inistrati"n de#ine the 5>( S>(
/he !a$r" s$ste, "ther ,ain things @asic & D.A. Organi3ati"n sh"ud gi'en a @asic &
D.A. as !er ,ini,u, %age Act. J. S. Meta( Organi3ati"n #""%s a the rues and reguati"ns.
C",!an$ gi'en a di##erent t$!e "# a"%ances "# e,!"$ee %hich are add in a saar$ &
A"%ances are !aid in additi"n t" the -asic saar$ that isH 0
Dearness a"%ances
H"use rent a"%ances
/ea a"%ances
S!ecia a"%ances
Medica a"%ances
6esti'a a"%ances
C"n'e$ance a"%ances
5r"ducti"n a"%ances
Payment of Salary
C",!an$ is !a$ing their saar$ "n the -asis "# g"'ern,ent rues and reguati"n. @asic
saar$ is !aid "n the -asis "# the e,!"$ee2s s+i a-iit$. C",!an$ !a$ing a saar$ -e#"re the D
/H Da$ "# the ,"nth.
Welfare Benefits
/hese -ene#its are decared under the #act"r$ Act. A;CG. the ists "# @ene#its are di'ided in t%"
1. Following are the statutory Benefits.
Sitting arrange,ent
6irst \ Aid A!!iance
Sheter( Rest R"", and >unch /ent
2. Following are the Non - Statutory Benefits.
Medica #aciities
Occu!ati"na Heath ser'ices
6a,i$ !anning
Recreati"na and cutura #aciities
Educati"na #aciities
C" \ "!erati'e cust",er st"res
C"nsu,er credit s"ciet$
5ers"na c"unseing
6inancia @ene#its
>"an #aciities
3. List of other Benefits.
>"an #"r h"use
?ratuit$ Sche,e
5ensi"n sche,e
5r"'ident 6und \ 5.6.
>ea'e tra'eing a"%ances
We#are #und
Marriage "an
>ea'e encash,ent
?r"u! insurance sche,e
Shi#t a"%ances
4. Subsidiary or other welfare
H"using #aciit$
Canteen and Rest r"", #aciit$
Uni#"r, #aciit$
S!"rts #aciit$
Insurance #aciit$
Medica #aciit$
/raining !r"gra,,es
Cean drin+ing %ater #aciit$
Utiit$ #aciit$ etc7
/here are as" caed a-"rs %e#are ,easures "# an "rgani3ati"n.
Labors Welfare Measures
NI6 !r"'ides di##erent a-"rs %e#are #aciities t" their %"r+ers %hich are as underH 0
Uni#"r, and sh"es #aciit$
Sch"" N"te-""+s #aciit$
Cean drin+ing %ater #aciit$
Rest r"", and unch r"", #aciit$
S!"rt #aciit$
Table: - 5.1 Showing Age-wise Distribution of Respondents.
Age Frequency Percentage ()
18 - 25 years 9A B:
26 - 35 years 9; CA.C9
36 - 45 years F A:
Above 46 years AB AG.DF
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.A it can -e de!icts that B: !ercent 8nX9A= res!"ndents %ere -e"ngs t" the
age gr"u! "# AG09D $ears( CA.C9 !ercent 8nX9;= res!"ndents %ere -e"ngs t" the age gr"u! "# 9E0
BD $ears( A: !ercent 8nXF= %ere -e"ng t" age gr"u! "# BE0CD $ears %hie AG.DF !ercent 8nXAB=
%ere ,"re than CE $ears.
Table: 5.2 Showing Religion-wise Distribution of respondents.
Religion Frequency Percentage ()
Hindu EE ;C.9G
Muslim A A.C9
Other B C.9;
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.9 it can -e de!icts that ;C.9G !ercent 8nXEE= res!"ndents %ere Hindu( A.C9
!ercent 8nXA= %ere Musi, reigi"n and C.9; !ercent 8nX B= %ere -e"nging "ther reigi"n.
Table: - 5.3 Showing Marital Status of the Respondents.
Marital status Frequency Percentage ()
Married C9 E:
Unmarried 9G C:
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n". D.B it can -e de!icts that E: !ercent 8nXC9= res!"ndents %ere ,arried
and C: !ercent 8nX9G= %ere un,arried.
Table: 5.4 Showing Distribution of Respondents based on Education.
Education Frequency Percentage ()
Illiterate B C.9;
Primary 99 BA.C9
Secondary BD D:
Higher secondary B C.9;
Any other 9 9.GE
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.C it can -e de!icts that C.9; !ercent 8nXB= res!"ndents %ere
iiterate( BA.C9 !ercent 8nX99= %ere !ri,ar$ educati"n( D: !ercent 8nXBD= %ere sec"ndar$
educati"n( C.9; !ercent 8nXB= %ere higher sec"ndar$( F.AC !ercent 8nXD= %ere I./.I. and 9.GE
!ercent 8nX9= %ere g"t an$ "ther Juai#icati"n.
Table: - 5.5 Showing Distribution of Respondents based on Length of Service.
Length of service
Frequency Percentage ()
1 - 5 year C: DF.AC
6 - 10 year ; A9.GE
11 - 15 year G AA.CB
Above 16 year AB AG.DF
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.D it can -e de!icts that DD.FA !ercent 8nXC:= res!"ndents had A0D $ears "#
e.!erience( A9.GE !ercent 8nX;= res!"ndent had E0A: $ears e.!erience AA.CB !ercent 8 nXG= has
AA0AD $ears "# e.!erience %hie AG.DF !ercent 8nXAB= had ,"re than AE
$ear "# e.!erience.
Table: 5.6 Showing Distribution of Respondents based on Nature of Service.
Nature of Service
Frequency Percentage ()
Permanent D: DD.FA
Temporary 9: AC.9G
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.E it can -e de!icts that DD.FA !ercent 8nXD:= res!"ndent %ere
!er,anent( %hie AC.9G !ercent 8nX9:= %ere te,!"rar$ %"r+er.
Table: 5.7 Showing Distribution of Respondents based on Place of Residence.
Place of Residence
Frequency Percentage ()
0 - 5 km BD D:
5 - 10 km G AA.C9
More Than 10 9C BC.9;
Quarters B C.9;
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.F it can -e de!icts that the D: !ercent 8nXBD= res!"ndent %ere i'ing : \ D
+, a%a$ #r", the c",!an$( AA.CA !ercent 8nXG= res!"ndent %ere i'e D \ A: +, a%a$ #r",
c",!an$. BC.9; !ercent 8nX9C= res!"ndent %ere ,"re than A:+,. #r", c",!an$( Whie C.9;
!ercent 8nXB= %ere i'e in c",!an$ Juarters.
Table: 5.8 Showing Distributions of Respondents According to Family Type.

6r", the /a-e n".D.G it can -e de!icts that DF.AC !ercent 8nXC:= res!"ndent %ere i'e in 4"int
#a,i$( BC.9; !ercent 8nX9C= %ere i'e in nucear #a,i$ and G.DF !ercent 8nXE= %ere i'e a"ne.
Family Types
Frequency Percentage ()
Nuclear 9C BC.9;
1oint C: DF.AC
Single E G.DF
TOTAL 70 100
Table: 5.9 Showing Distribution of Respondents According to Relation with Family

6r", the /a-e n".D.; it can -e de!icts that DG.DF !ercent 8nXCA= res!"ndent had g""d reati"n
%ith #a,i$ ,e,-er( CB.9; !ercent 8nX9C= had satis#$ reati"n %ith #a,i$ %hie F.AC !ercent
8nXD= res!"ndent had n"t g""d reati"n %ith his #a,i$ ,e,-er.
Relation with family
Frequency Percentage ()
Satisfaction 9C CB.9;
Not Good D F.AC
TOTAL 70 100
Table: - 5.10 Showing whether Respondents Satisfaction with the Work Place or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Highly Satisfied B; DD.FA
Satisfied 9B B9.GE
Not Satisfied G AA.CB
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.A: it can -e de!icts that DD.FA !ercent 8nXB;= res!"ndents %ere heath$
satis#ied( B9.GE !ercent 8nX9B= %ere satis#ied and AA.CB !ercent 8nXG= %ere n"t satis#ied %ith
their !resent 4"-.
Table: 5.11 Showing whether Respondents Satisfaction with the Present Income or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Yes 9D BD.FA
No CD EC.9;
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.AA it can -e de!icts that BD.FA !ercent 8nX9D= res!"ndents %ere
satis#ied and EC.9; !ercent 8nXCD= %ere n"t satis#ied %ith their !resent inc",e.
Table: 5.12 Showing whether Respondents inform their Superior Before Taking Leave or
Response Frequency Percentage ()
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.A9 it can -e de!icts that FG.DF !ercent 8nXDD= res!"ndents %ere
in#"r, their su!er'is"r -e#"re ta+ing ea'e %hie 9A.CB !ercent 8nXAD= %ere n"t in#"r, their
su!eri"r -e#"re ta+ing ea'e.
Table: 5.13 Showing if one of the staff member is absent in the department which kind of
problem arise.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Overload on existing
A: AC.9;
Difficulty in performing
task on behalf of
absentee employee
BA CC.9;
Delay in job report ; A9.GE
Entire schedule disturbs 9: 9G.DE
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.AB it can -e de!icts that AC.9; !ercent 8nXA:= res!"ndents %ere #ee
"'er"ad "n e.isting e,!"$ees( CC.9; !ercent 8nXBA= res!"ndents %ere di##icut$ in !er#"r,ing
tas+ "n -eha# "# a-sentee e,!"$ee( A9.GE !ercent 8nX;= res!"ndent %ere dea$ in 4"- re!"rt
%hie 9G.DE !ercent 8nX9:= res!"ndent %ere #ee that entire schedue distur-s.
Table: 5.14 Showing Respondents Likeness Regarding Working Environment.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
No AE 99.GE
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.AC it can -e de!icts that FF.AC !ercent 8nXDC= res!"ndents %ere i+e
%"r+ing en'ir"n,ent %hie 99.GE !ercent 8nXAE= %ere n"t i+e their %"r+ing en'ir"n,ents.
Table: 5.15 Showing Respondents Relations:
A. With their Supervisor
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Good EB ;:
Satisfactory D F.AC
Poor 9 9.GE
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.AD it can -e de!icts that ;: !ercent 8nXE:= res!"ndents %ere g""d
reati"n( F.AC !ercent 8nXD= %ere satis#act"r$ reati"n %hie 9.GE !ercent 8 nX9= %ere !""r
reati"nshi! %ith their su!er'is"r.
B. With their Co-worker
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Good E9 GG.DF
Satisfactory G AA.CB
Poor 000 000
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n". D.AD8-= it can -e de!icts that GG.DF !ercent 8nXE9= res!"ndents %ere
g""d reati"n( AA.CB !ercent 8nXG= res!"ndents %ere satis#act"r$ reati"nshi! %ith their c"0
Table: 5.16 Showing whether Respondents get Good Guidance & Response from their
Supervisor or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Yes F: A::
No 000 000
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.AE it can -e de!icts that ,a4"rit$ "# the res!"ndents A:: !ercent
8nXA::= %ere get g""d guidance & res!"nse #r", their su!er'is"r.
Table: 5.17 Showing whether Respondents feel that their relation with their Colleague &
Supervisor affect their present at the work place or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Yes ; A9.GE
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.AF it can -e de!icts that A9.GE !ercent 8nX;= res!"ndents %ere #ee
that their reati"nshi! %ith su!er'is"r a##ecct their !resent at the %"r+ !ace( %hie GF.AC !ercent
8nXEA= %ere n"t #ee that reati"n %ith their c"eague & su!er'is"r a##ect their !resent at the
%"r+ !ace.
Table: 5.18 Showing whether Respondents remain absent effect their Interest in work or

Response Frequency Percentage ()
Yes 9: 9G.DF
TOTAL 70 100
6r", /he /a-e n".D.AG it can -e de!icts that 9G.DF !ercent 8nX9:= res!"ndents %ere
re,ain a-sent that e##ect their interest in %"r+( %hie FA.CB !ercent 8 nXD:= res!"ndents %ere n"t
a##ect their ateMre,ain a-sent in their interest in %"r+.
Table: 5.19 Showing which type of Facilities Available for Worker.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Sport facility AF 9C.9;
Medical facility CE ED.FA
Any other F A:
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-en".D.A; it can -e de!icts that 9C.9; !ercent 8nXAF= res!"ndents %ere s!"rt
#aciit$( ED.FA !ercent 8nXCE= res!"ndents %ere ,edica #aciit$ %hie A: !ercent 8nXF=
res!"ndents %ere an$ "ther -asis "n the #aciities a'aia-e #"r %"r+er.
Table: 5.20 Showing whether Respondents are Satisfied with the facilities provided to them
or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
No 9; CA.CB
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.9: it can -e de!icts that DG.DF !ercent 8nXCA= res!"ndents %ere
satis#ied %hie CA.CB !ercent 8nX9;= res!"ndents %ere n"t satis#ied %ith the #aciities !r"'ided
-$ c",!an$.
Table: 5.21 Showing whether Respondents Face any kind of Problem while Reaching the
work place or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Yes 99 BA.CB
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.9A it can -e de!icts that BA.CB !ercent 8nX99= res!"ndents %ere #aces
!r"-e,s %hie EG.DF !ercent 8nXCG= res!"ndents %ere n" #aces an$ +ind "# !r"-e, %hie
reaching the %"r+ !ace.
Table: -5.22 Showing whether Respondents Attend their work when they are Sick or
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Yes B: C9.GE
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.99 It can -e de!icts that C9.GE !ercent 8nXB:= res!"ndents %ere
attend their %"r+ %hen the$ are sic+ "r unheath$( %hie DF.AC !ercent 8nXC:= res!"ndents %ere
n"t attend their %"r+ %hen the$ are sic+ "r unheath$.
Table: -5.23 Showing whether Respondents suffer any Illness during the last one year or
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Yes BA CC.9;
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n". D.9B it can -e de!icts that CC.9; !ercent 8nXBA= res!"ndents %ere
su##er #r", an$ iness %hie DD.FA !ercent 8nXB;= res!"ndents %ere n"t su##er #r", an$ iness
in !ast "ne $ear.
Table: 5.24 Showing whether Respondents attend their work when any of their Family
Members is sick or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.9C it can -e de!icts that CF.AC !ercent 8nXBF= res!"ndents %ere
attend their %"r+( %hie D9.GE !ercent 8nXBF= res!"ndents %ere n"t attend their %"r+ %hen an$
"# their #a,i$ ,e,-ers %ere sic+.
Table: -5.25 Showing whether Respondents any Family Member Suffered from any kind of
Major or Minor Illness during the last one year or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Yes 9D BD.FA
No CD EC.9;
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n". D.9D it can -e de!icts that BD.FA !ercent 8nX9D= res!"ndents %ere
#a,i$ ,e,-er su##er #r", an$ +ind "# iness %hie EC.9; !ercent 8nXCD= res!"ndents an$
#a,i$ ,e,-ers %ere n"t su##ered #r", an$ +ind "# ,a4"r "r ,in"r iness in !ast "ne $ear
Table: -5.26 Showing whether Respondents do any Surgery or Accidental Surgery during
the last one year or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.9F it can -e de!icts that AA.CB !ercent 8nXG= res!"ndents %ere d"ne
an$ surger$ "r accident %hie GG.DF !ercent 8nXE9= res!"ndents %ere n" had d"ne an$ surger$ "r
accidenta surger$ during the !ast "ne $ear.
Table: 5.27 Showing whether Respondents remained absent due to any Accident during the
last one year or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
No D; GC.9;
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.9G it can -e de!icts that AD.FA !ercent 8nXAA= res!"ndents %ere
re,ain a-sent due t" accident( %hie GC.9; !ercent 8nXD;= res!"ndents %ere n"t re,ained a-sent
due t" an$ accident in the !ast "ne $ear.
Table: 5.28 Showing whether Respondents any family members suffered from any
Accidents & has their caused they remain absent from work or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
No D; GC.9;
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.9G it can -e de!icts that AD.FA !ercent 8nXAA= res!"ndents %ere
re,ain a-sent due t" #a,i$ ,e,-ers su##ered #r", an$ accident( %hie GC.9; !ercent 8nXD;=
res!"ndents %ere n"t re,ain a-sent #r", %"r+ due t" an$ #a,i$ ,e,-ers su##ered #r", an$
Table: 5.29 Showing whether Celebration of any Festival affected Respondents present at
the factory during the last one year or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Yes CD EC.9;
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.9; it can -e de!icts that EC.9; !ercent 8nXCD= res!"ndents %ere
re,ain a-sent #r", %"r+ due t" cee-rati"n "# an$ #esti'a( %hie BD.FA !ercent 8nX9D=
res!"ndents %ere n" a##ected cee-rati"n "# an$ #esti'a in !resent at the #act"r$ during the ast
"ne $ear.
Table: 5.30 Showing whether Marriage Ceremony affected the Respondents to present in
the factory during the last one year or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
No 9C BC.9;
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.B: it can -e de!icts that ED.FA !ercent 8nXCE= res!"ndents %ere
a-sent at %"r+ !ace -ecause "# ,arriage cere,"n$( %hie BC.9; !ercent 8nX9C= res!"ndents
%ere n" a##ected ,arriage cere,"n$ during the !ast "ne $ear t" !resent in the #act"r$.
Table: 5.31 In the past one year was there Occasion or Instance where in your remain
absent due to Guest.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Yes B; DD.FA
No BA CC.9;
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.BA it can -e de!icts that DD.FA !ercent 8nXB;= res!"ndents %ere
a-sent due t" guest( %hie CC.9; !ercent 8nXBA= res!"ndents %ere n"t re,ain a-sent -ecause "#
"ccasi"n "r instance %here due t" guest in the !ast "ne $ear.
Table: 5.32 Showing Respondents what to do in case of Financial Crisis.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Take loan from money
Borrow money from
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.B9 it can -e de!icts that ED.FA !ercent 8nXF:= res!"ndents %ere ta+e
"an #r", ,"ne$ enders( %hie BC.9; !ercent 8nXB9= res!"ndent %ere -"rr"% ,"ne$ #r",
"ther. in case "# #inancia crisis.
Table: 5.33 Showing whether Respondents have any part time 1ob or Business or
Agriculture or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Yes 9E BF.AC
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.BB it can -e de!ict that BF.AC !ercent 8nX9E= res!"ndents had an$
!art ti,e -usiness "r agricuture and %hie E9.GE !ercent 8nXCC= res!"ndents had n" an$ !art
ti,e 4"- "r -usiness "r agricuture.
Table: 5.34 Showing whether Respondents Family have own any Piece of Land? Or
involved in any kind of Seasonal 1ob or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Yes 9F BG.DF
Total 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.BC it can -e de!icts that BG.DF !ercent 8nX9F= res!"ndents %ere
#a,i$ had "%n and "r in'"'ed in an$ +ind "# seas"na 4"-( %hie EA.CB !ercent 8nXCB=
res!"ndent #a,i$ %ere n"t in'"'ed in an$ +ind "# seas"na 4"-.
Table: 5.35 Showing whether Respondents take visit their Native Place during Festivaldays
or Holidays or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Yes BG DC.9;
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.BD it can -e de!icts that DC.B !ercent 8nXBG= res!"ndents %ere ta+en
'isit "# their nati'e !ace during #esti'a da$s "r h"ida$s( %hie CD.F !ercent 8nXB9= res!"ndents
%ere n"t ta+en 'isit their nati'e !ace during #esti'a da$s "r h"ida$s.
Table: 5.36 Showing whether Respondents Drink Alcohol or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.BE it can -e de!icts that CF.AC !ercent 8nXBB= res!"ndents %ere
drin+ ac"h"( %hie D9.GE !ercent 8nXBF= res!"ndents %ere n" ha-it "# drin+ ac"h".
Table: 5.37 Showing whether Respondents Feel Burden of work or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.BF it can -e de!icts that AG.DF !ercent S 8nXAB= res!"ndents %ere
#ee -urden "# %"r+( %hie GA.CB !ercent 8nXDF= res!"ndents %ere #ee n"t -urden "# %"r+.
Table: 5.38 Showing whether Respondents have Sufficient Knowledge of their Work or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Yes EB ;:
No F A:
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.BG it can -e de!icts that ;: !ercent 8nXEB= res!"ndents had su##icient
+n"%edge "# their %"r+( %hie A: !ercent 8nXF= res!"ndents had n" su##icient +n"%edge "#
their %"r+.
Table: 5.39 Showing Respondents Reason of Absence.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Poor working condition C D.FA
Inadequate leave facility 9C BC.9;
Benefits which continue
and income during
period of illness or
accident 9E BF.AC
Absence of adequate
welfare facility 9 9.GE
No comments AC 9:
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the /a-e n".D.B; it can -e de!icts that res!"ndent re,ain a-sent -ecause "# s",e
reas"ns i+e D.FA !ercent 8nXC= res!"ndents %ere !""r %"r+ing c"nditi"n( BC.9; !ercent 8nX9C=
res!"ndents %ere inadeJuate ea'e #aciit$( BF.AC !ercent 8nX9E= res!"ndents %ere -ene#its
%hich c"ntinue and inc",e during !eri"d "# iness "r accident( 9.GE !ercent 8nX9= res!"ndents
%ere a-sence "# adeJuate %e#are #aciit$ and 9: !ercent 8nXAC= res!"ndents %ere n" c",,ents
"n the -asis "# the reas"n "# a-sence.
Table:-5.40 Showing whether Respondents Absenteeism due to Stress or not.
Response Frequency Percentage ()
Yes 9E BF.AC
TOTAL 70 100
6r", the ta-e n".D.C: it can -e de!icts that BF.AC !ercent 8nX9E= res!"ndents %ere
re,ain a-sent due t" stress( %hie E9.GE !ercent 8nXCC= res!"ndents %ere n"t re,ain a-sent due
t" stress.
In %hich A9.; !ercent 8nX;= res!"ndents %ere #ee stress due t" !ers"na reas"n( A9.; !ercent
8nX;= res!"ndent %ere #a,i$ reas"n %hie AA.CB !ercent 8nXG= res!"ndent %ere #ee stress due
t" %"r+ "ad.
In %hich the stress reated %"r+ "ad( D.FA !ercent 8nXC= res!"ndents %ere #ee stress due t"
"'er-urden %hie D.FA !ercent 8nXC= res!"ndents %ere shi#t !r"-e,.
On the -asis "# the cha!ter D data ana$sis and inter!retati"n #inding "# the stud$ are
M"st "# res!"ndent CA.C9W 8nX9;= %ere -e"ngs t" the age gr"u! "# 9E0BD $ears.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndent ;C.9GW 8nXEE= %ere Hindu.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndent E:W 8nXC9= %ere ,arried.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndent D:W 8nXBD= %ere g"t sec"ndar$ educati"n.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndent DD.FAW 8nXB;= had A0D $ears "# e.!erience "# %"r+.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndent D:W 8nXBD= %ere i'ing :\D +, a%a$ #r", the c",!an$.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndent DF.AC 8nXC:= %ere i'ed in 4"int #a,i$.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndent DG.DFW 8nXCA= ha'e g""d reati"n %ith #a,i$ ,e,-er.
Ma4"rit$ "# the res!"ndent DD.FAW 8nXB;= %ere high$ satis#ied %ith their !resent 4"-.
Ma4"rit$ "# the res!"ndent EC.9;W 8nXCD= %ere n"t satis#ied %ith their !resent inc",e.
Ma4"rit$ "# the res!"ndent FG.DFW 8nXDD= %ere in#"r, their su!er'is"r -e#"re ta+ing
M"st "# the res!"ndent CC.9;W 8nXBA= %ere #ace di##icut$ in !er#"r,ing tas+ "n -eha#
"# a-sentee e,!"$ee.
Ma4"rit$ "# the res!"ndent FF.ACW 8nXDC= %ere i+e %"r+ing en'ir"n,ent "# the
Ma4"rit$ "# the res!"ndent ;:W 8nXE:= %ere g""d reati"nshi! %ith their su!er'is"r.
Ma4"rit$ "# the res!"ndent GG.DF W 8nXE9= %ere g""d reati"nshi! %ith their c"0%"r+er.
Ma4"rit$ "# the res!"ndent A::W 8nXF:= %ere get g""d guidance & res!"nse #r", their
Ma4"rit$ "# the res!"ndent GF.ACW 8nXEA= %ere n"t #ee that reati"n %ith their c"eague
& su!er'is"r a##ect their !resent at the %"r+ !ace.
Ma4"rit$ "# the res!"ndent FA.CBW 8nXD:= %ere n"t #ee that their ateMre,ain a-sent
e##ect their interest in %"r+.
Ma4"rit$ "# the res!"ndent DG.DFW 8nXCA= %ere satis#ied %ith #aciities !r"'ided -$
Ma4"rit$ "# the res!"ndent EG.DFW 8nXCG= %ere n" #aces an$ +ind "# !r"-e, %hie
reaching the %"r+ !ace.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndents DF.AC W 8nXC:= %ere n"t attend their %"r+ %hen the$ are sic+ "r
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndents DD.FAW 8nXB;= %ere n"t su##er #r", an$ iness in !ast "ne $ear.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndents D9.GEW 8nXBF= %ere n"t attend their %"r+ %hen an$ "# their
#a,i$ ,e,-ers %ere sic+.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndents EC.9;W 8nXCD= #a,i$ ,e,-ers %ere n"t su##ered #r", an$ +ind
"# ,a4"r "r ,in"r iness in !ast "ne $ear.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndents GG.DFW 8nXE9= had n"t d"ne an$ surger$ "r accidenta surger$
during the !ast "ne $ear.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndents GC.9; W 8nXD;= %ere n"t re,ained a-sent due t" an$ accident in
the !ast "ne $ear.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndents GC.9;W 8nXD;= %ere n"t re,ain a-sent #r", %"r+ due t" an$
#a,i$ ,e,-ers su##ered #r", an$ accident.
Ma4"rit$ "# the res!"ndent EC.9;W 8nXCD= %ere re,ain a-sent #r", %"r+ due t"
cee-rati"n "# an$ #esti'a.
Ma4"rit$ "# the res!"ndents ED.FAW 8nXCE= %ere a-sent at %"r+ !ace -ecause "#
,arriage cere,"n$.
Ma4"rit$ "# the res!"ndents DD.FAW 8nXB;= %ere re,ain a-sent due t" guest in "ccasi"n
"r instance.
Ma4"rit$ "# the res!"ndents ED.FA W 8nXCE= %ere ta+e "an #r", ,"ne$ enders in case
"# #inancia crisis.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndents E9.GEW 8nXCC= had n" an$ !art ti,e 4"- "r -usiness "r
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndent EA.CBW 8nXCB= #a,i$ %ere n"t in'"'ed in an$ +ind "# seas"na
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndents DC.BW 8nXBG= %ere ta+en 'isit "# their nati'e !ace during
#esti'a da$s "r h"ida$s.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndents D9.GEW 8nXBF= %ere n" ha-it "# drin+ ac"h".
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndents GA.CBW 8nXDF= %ere #ee n"t -urden "# %"r+.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndents ;:W 8nXEB= had su##icient +n"%edge "# their %"r+.
M"st "# res!"ndents BF.ACW 8nX9E= %ere re,ain a-sent due t" -ene#its %hich c"ntinue
and inc",e during !eri"d "# iness "r accident( %hie ,"st "# the res!"ndent re,ain
a-sent due t" a-sence "# adeJuate %e#are #aciit$.
Ma4"rit$ "# res!"ndents E9.GEW 8nXCC= %ere n"t re,ain a-sent due t" stress. In %hich
,a4"rit$ "# res!"ndent #ee !ers"na and #a,i$ stress.
M"st "# the res!"ndents AA.CB W 8nXG= res!"ndent %ere #ee stress due t" %"r+ "ad.
A-senteeis, is a c",!e. !r"-e, and rate "# a-senteeis, is di##erent #r", industr$ t" industr$(
nature "# %"r+ and !ers"n t" !ers"n. A-senteeis, is genuine( it a##ects "!ti,u, utii3ati"n "#
,an !"%er %hich resut in "ss "# "ut!ut.
It is earnt #r", the stud$ that the a-senteeis, in industr$ is a s"ci""gica as %e as -eha'i"ra
!r"-e, it is a !r"-e, t" the ,anage,ent %hich a##ects the e##icienc$ and !r"ducti"n "# the
#act"r$. Here the Juantit$ and Juait$ "# the !r"duct -"th are a##ected and at the sa,e ti,e it
create di##icuties in ad,inistrati"n. Si,iar$ it can as" -e 'ie%ed as a !r"-e, t" the
"rgani3ati"n "r it -rings ,is#"rtunate t" the,.
/he e,!"$er su##er due t" high !ercentage rate "# a-senteeis, "r -ecause "# #reJuenc$ and
se'erit$ rate "# a-sence. A-senteeis, a##ects turn"'er( c"st "# !r"ducti"n and !r"#ita-iit$.
On the -asis "# the studies as discussed( the #""%ing #inding are there %hich indicates the s",e
causes "# a-senteeis, and a-"ut 'ie% "# e,!"$ee a-"ut their %"r+ and %"r+ !aceH
A. Personal characteristics of the Employees.
/he !ers"na characteristic "# e,!"$ee indicates that ,"st "# the res!"ndent %ere age
gr"u! -et%een 9E t" BD $ears( ,a4"rit$ %ere Hindu( and ,a4"rit$ "# res!"ndent ha'ing
g""d reati"nshi! %ith #a,i$ and i'ed in 4"int #a,i$.
B. His Ability or Inability to Attend the work.
It c"ncude that ,a4"rit$ "# res!"ndent %ere re,ain a-sent due t" sic+ness "r #a,i$
res!"nsi-iit$( s"cia res!"nsi-iit$ i+e ,arriage( ceren"nies( #esti'as( guest etc7
C. Pressure to attend the Work
In the -asis "# the stud$ it can -e c"ncude that the ,a4"rit$ "# e,!"$er %ere satis#ied
%ith their !resent 4"-( inc",e( and i+ing( -ut ,"st "# the res!"ndent #ee stree due t"
%"r+ "ad.
D. 1ob Related Factors
On the -asis "# stud$ it sh"%s that ,a4"rit$ "# res!"ndent i+e 5h$sica %"r+ing
c"nditi"ns( ,a4"rit$ "# !er,anent( and get g""d guidance & su!!"rt #r", Su!er'isi"n.
/here %ere as" #"ur di##erent unit in c",!an$ c",!"und( -ut there %ere %e ,anage
the s!ace and de'e"!ed %"r+ing en'ir"n,ent( %"r+ing h"urs as" as !er #act"r$ act( s"
that ,a4"rit$ "# res!"ndent satis#ied %ith %"r+ and industr$.
During the data c"ecti"n( researcher has "-ser'ed that the %"r+ing c"nditi"n "# NI6 ?ROU5
O6 INDUS/RY %as g""d. On the -asis "# stud$ and ana$sis and as" acc"rding t" the
res!"ndents Researcher #ind that the ,ain causes "# a-senteeis, %ere heath !r"-e,( Sic+ness
"# #a,i$ ,e,-er( Visiting nati'e !ace( Marriage cere,"n$ "# reati'es and #riends( as" due t"
guest in an$ "ccasi"n "r #esti'a.
/" +ee! the a-senteeis, rate "%( c",!an$ has a!!ied s",e rues and reguati"n in case "# "ng
!eri"d a-senteeis, "# a %"r+er.
An e,!irica stud$ and ana$sis "# the !r"-e, "# a-senteeis, in )N.I.6. ?ROU5
O6 COM5ANY* its i,!act "n %"r+ers( and uti,ate$ "n !r"ducti"n. On the -asis "#
c"ncusi"n dra%n( the researcher "##er #""%ing suggesti"n #"r i,,ediate c"nsiderati"n
-$ !"ic$ ,a+ers and !ant auth"rities.
/he ter, a-senteeis, den"tes a-sence "# a %"r+er #r", %"r+ %hen he is schedued t"
%"r+. At !resent the !ara,eter ad"!ted -$ the instituti"n c"ecting and c",!eing data
"n a-senteeis,( the ter, a-senteeis, %as n"t !r"!er$ inter!reted. A-sence "n acc"unt
"# auth"rised ea'e %ith !a$ has -een incuded in the t"ta a-sence %hie in rea sense it
is n"t a case "# a-sence. /he e,!"$er grant t" the %"r+er ea'es %ith !a$ either a casua
ea'e "r !ri'iege ea'e and thus it sh"ud n"t -e treated as an a-sence.
Casua ea'e and !ri'iege ea'e %ith !a$ ha'e -ec",e a ,atter "# right the %"r+ers and
e'er$ "ne a'ais it. It sh"ud( there#"re( -e e.cuded #r", the c"ntent and c",!"nents "#
t"ta ,an0da$s "st due t" a-sence. S" that !"siti"n "# true a-senteeis, can -e discerned.
Se#0sic+ness is "ne "# the !rinci!a causes "# a-senteeis,. /he e,!"$er sh"ud search
"ut the #act"r "# %"r+ en'ir"n,ent and heath0ha3ard #"r such sic+ness. A#ter diagn"sing
the causes "# sic+ness( the e,!"$er sh"ud "##er !r"!er treat,ent and create c"nduci'e
%"r+0en'ir"n,ent. /he e,!"$er sh"ud arrange,ent that %"r+er sic+ness c"ud -e
In this c",!an$ there are causes "# chr"nic a-sentees in uns+ied cadre "# %"r+ers. It
,a$ -e -ecause "# %"r+er -ad ha-its. Ac"h"is, are !ri,e ha-its a,"ng %"r+ers. /he
e,!"$er sh"ud -e tr$ t" u!r""t these -ad ha-its thr"ugh c"unseing. /he e,!"$er
sh"ud gi'e n"tice t" these chr"nic a-sentees #"r their re,"'a #r", ser'ice i# the$
re,ain a-sent #reJuent$ in #uture. /he ,anager !ers"nne sh"ud 'isit the h"use "# the
chr"nic a-sentee and ,a+e hi, and his #a,i$ a%are a-"ut the a#ter e##ect "# his
ter,inati"n. In this %a$ the e,!"$er %"ud -e success#u in c"ntr"ing the -ad ha-its "#
the %"r+er and !ercentage rate "# a-senteeis,.
Accident ,a$ -e "ne "# the reas"ns "# a-senteeis,. /he 6act"ries act( A;CG !r"'ides that
the e,!"$er sha ensure heath and sa#et$ "# the %"r+ers. /hese !r"'isi"ns are
!re'enti'e statut"r$ ,easures t" a'"id accident.
/here are s",e !ers"nait$ #act"rs res!"nsi-e #"r a-senteeis,. /he indi'iduait$(
!s$ch""g$ and e,"ti"n "# the indi'idua %"r+er !a$ a ,a4"r r"e #"r his !resent and
a-sent at %"r+. /he -eha'i"ur "# the su!er'is"r( the attitude "# the c"0%"r+er and
i,!"rtance "# his %"r+ gi'en -$ the e,!"$er sh"ud -e such that the %"r+er sh"ud
in'"'e in the !r"ducti"n acti'it$ as a res!"nsi-e !artner. It %"ud reduce a-senteeis,
/he e,!"$er sh"ud in'estigate the i+ing and disi+ing "# %"r+ers a-"ut their
!ace,ent. In case "# disi+ing the %"r+er sh"ud -e !aced "n the 4"- "# i+ing.
/he ,aintenance "# the data and in#"r,ati"n "n a-senteeis, -$ a the industries is
de#ecti'e. It d"es n"t indicate the #reJuenc$ and se'erit$ rate "# a-senteeis,.
It is a #unda,enta !rinci!e that ,an is a%a$s "n %ar %ith hi,se#. He is hea'i$ t"ned
-et%een his instincts( i,!uses and rati"nait$. He s%ings -et%een right and %r"ng. /he
,anage,ent !ers"nne sh"ud n"t "n$ -e %"rried a-"ut "rgani3ati"na acti'ities "# the
industr$ -ut he sh"ud -e %"rried a-"ut the %"r+er as a t"ta ,an. Manageria strateg$
sh"ud -e s" s"und t" c"nsider %"rth and %"rries "# the %"r+ers.
/here sh"ud -e s"und !"ic$ "# c",,unicati"n -et%een ,anage,ent and %"r+er t"
ei,inates ,isc"nce!ti"n( #ricti"n and ,isgi'ings. /here#"re( thr"ugh !artici!ati"n in
da$0t"0da$ ,anage,ent "# the industr$ %"r+ers c"ud -e !s$ch""gica and e,"ti"na$
A-senteeis, a##ects the #inancia !"siti"n "# the %"r+er in case he re,ain a-sent %ith"ut
!a$. A-senteeis, due t" -ad ha-its "%ered d"%n his s"cia status and g""d%i in the
s"ciet$. His s"cia and !s$ch""gica inhi-iti"n ruins the %h"e #a,i$. /here ,a$ -e
#ighting -et%een s!"uses( unnecessar$ -eating "# chidren( sch"" dr"!0"uts "# the
chidren( instance "# 4"ining 4"- -$ the chidren "# tender age( inde-tedness and ec"n",ic
-"ndage. /here#"re( the #irst and #"re,"st tas+ "# the su!er'is"rs and trade uni"n eaders
sh"ud -e t" educate the %"r+ers a-"ut !r"s and c"ns "# his unauth"ri3ed a-sence. /he
iterac$ ca,!aign "# %"r+er2s educati"n and 4"- training sh"ud -e aunched #"r the
-etter,ent "# %"r+ers.
In the case "# chr"nic a-sentees due t" their -ad ha-its( a sche,e "# %"r+er2s ad"!ti"n
sh"ud -e i,!e,ented. Such chr"nic a-sentees sh"ud -e handed "'er t" s"cia0%"r+
"rgani3ati"ns #inancia$ su!!"rted -$ the e,!"$er #"r their reha-iitati"n. /he e##ecti'e
and 'ig"r"us e##"rts "# s"ci"0ec"n",ic crisis.
/he #act"r$ act( A;CG sh"ud -e suita-$ a,ended t" inc"r!"rate e##ecti'e !r"'isi"ns #"r
ensuring heath( sa#et$ and %e#are "# %"r+ers. /he !r"'isi"n reating t" canteen sh"ud
-e i-eraised.
At this 4uncture in the hist"r$ "# Nati"n2s industria and ec"n",ic gr"%th. /he
"!ti,u, utii3ati"n "# ,an!"%er in these #ieds is n"t "n$ indis!ensa-e -ut crucia #"r
the i,!r"'ing the "'era %"r+ cuture( the ,aaise "# a-senteeis, has t" -e chec+ed and
eradicated t" -""st industria !r"ducti"n and ec"n",ic gr"%th. On the -asis "# e,!irica
stud$ in N.I.6. gr"u! "# c",!an$ and ana$sis "# "ther studies "n a-senteeis,( the
research has "##ered a-"'e suggesti"n %ith a h"!e that i# the$ are ,ateriai3ed and
i,!e,ented( the !ercentage rate "# a-senteeis, %"ud -e c"nsidera-$ reduced.
A#ter stud$ "# ansenteis, \ in the cha!ter !an "# acti"n researcher #"r,ating s",e !an "r
!r"gra,,e #"r the reduce the rate "# a-senteeis,.
Awareness programme
Department Of Social Work
Sardar Patel University
Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Anand.
Research Guide Researcher
Ms. Shivani Mishra Ms. 1ashmina Chaudhari
NOTE: - This information will be kept confidential and research purpose only.
A.9 AgeH
A.B Reigi"n H
A.C Status H 8 A = Married 8 @ = Un,arried
A.D Educati"nH
8A= 5ri,ar$ 8@= Sec"ndar$ 8C= Higher Sec"ndar$
8A= I./.I 8@= An$ "ther
A.E >ength "# ser'iceH
8A= A0D $ears 8@= D0A: $ears
8C= A: 0AD $ears 8D= a-"'e AD $ears
A.F Nature "# ser'iceH
8A= 5er,anent 8@= /e,!"rar$
A.G 5ace "# ResidenceH
8A= :0D+, 8@= D0A:+, 8C= ,"re than A:
A.; /$!e "# #a,i$H
8A= Nucear 8@= J"int 8C= Singe
A.A:H"% are $"ur reati"n %ith $"ur #a,i$ ,e,-erH
8A= ?""d 8@= Satis#act"r$ 8C= N"t ?""d
8/ic+ ,ar+ in a!!r"!riate "!ti"n=

1. Highly satisfied
2. Satisfied
3. Not satisfied
9.A Are $"u satis#ied %ith $"ur !resent 4"-. A 9 B
9. N"
9.9 Are $"u satis#ied %ith $"ur !resent inc",e. A 9
9.B D" $"u in#"r, $"ur su!eri"r -e#"re ta+ing ea'e. A 9
1. Overload on existing employees.
2. Difficulty in performing task on behalf of absentee
3. Delay in job report
4. Entire schedule disturbs.
9.C What +ind "# !r"-e, arise %hen s",e"ne is a-sent in $"ur
1 ! "
2. No
B.A D" $"u i+e %"r+ing en'ir"n,ent. A 9
B.9 H"% are $"ur reati"nsH
A. With $"ur su!er'is"r.
@. With $"ur c"0%"r+er.
A 9 B
B.B D" $"u get g""d guidance & res!"nse #r", $"ur su!er'is"r. A 9
B.C D" $"u #ee that $"ur reati"n %ith $"ur c"eague &
su!er'is"r a##ect $"ur !resent at the %"r+ !ace.
A 9
B.D H"%I C",e ate M re,ain a-sent e##ect $"ur interest in %"r+. A 9
8/ic+ ,ar+ in a!!r"!riate "!ti"n=
2. Rest room
3. Sport facilities
4.Medical facilities
5. Any other
B.E What are the #aciities a'aia-e #"r %"r+er. A 9 B C D
B.F Are $"u satis#ied %ith the #aciities that !r"'ided. A 9
C.A D" $"u #ace an$ +ind "# !r"-e, %hie reaching the
%"r+ !ace.
A 9
D.A D" $"u attend $"ur %"r+ %hen $"u are sic+ "r
A 9
D.9 In the !ast "ne $ear ha'e $"u su##ered #r", an$ iness. A 9
D.B D" $"u attend $"ur %"r+ %hen an$ "# $"ur #a,i$
,e,-ers is sic+.
A 9
D.C In the !ast "ne $ear an$ #a,i$ ,e,-er su##ered #r", A 9
an$ +ind "# ,a4"r "r ,in"r iness.
D.D Y"u ha'e an$ surger$ "r accidenta surger$ during the
!ast "ne $ear.
A 9
8/ic+ ,ar+ in a!!r"!riate "!ti"n=
E.A In the !ast "ne $ear ha'e $"u re,ained a-sent due t" an$
A 9
E.9 Has an$ #a,i$ ,e,-ers su##ered #r", an$ accidents & has
their caused $"u t" re,ain a-sent #r", %"r+.
A 9
F.A Has cee-rati"n "# an$ #esti'a a##ected $"ur !resent at the
#act"r$ during the ast "ne $ear.
A 9
F.9 During the !ast "ne $ear ha'e ,arriage cere,"n$ a##ected
$"ur !resent in the #act"r$.
A 9
F.B In the !ast "ne $ear %as there "ccasi"n "r instance %here in
$"u re,ain a-sent due t" guests.
A 9
1.Take loan from money lenders
2. Borrow money from other
G.A In case "# #inancia crises %hat d" $"u d". A 9
G.9 D" $"u ha'e an$ !art ti,e 4"- "r -usiness "r agricuture. A 9
G.B D"es $"ur #a,i$ ha'e "%n an$ !iece "# andI Or in'"'ed in
an$ +ind "# seas"na 4"-.
A 9
;.A D" $"u ta+e 'isit $"ur nati'e !ace during #esti'a da$s "r
A 9
;.9 D" $"u drin+ ac"h". A 9

8/ic+ ,ar+ in a!!r"!riate "!ti"n=
;.B D" $"u #ee -urden "# %"r+. A 9
;.C D" $"u ha'e su##icient +n"%edge "# $"ur %"r+. A 9
1. Poor working condition
2. Inadequate leave facility
3. Benefits which continue and income during period of
illness or Accident
4.Absence of adequate welfare facilities
;.D What %as the reas"n "# a-sence. A 9 B C
;.E Is $"ur a-senteeis, due t" stress. A 9
1. Personal reason
2. Family reason
3. Work related
A. I# $es( %hether it is reated t"H A 9 B
1.Lack of safety measures
2. Overburden
3. Shift problems
@. I# %"r+ reated( then due t"H A 9 B

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