Last Info - English
Last Info - English
Last Info - English
As a volunteer at COPENHELL you earn your bracelet by working at least 11 hours before, during or after
the festival. This bracelet gives you access to the festival site in line with the festival's other guests. You can
only access the restricted areas during your shift.
You can pick up your bracelet at the guest list at the main entrance from Wednesday 11/6 pm. 12:00 where
you will be on the guest list for the volunteers. This is also goes for those who have to work after the festival.
Bring valid photo ID so we can see that you are you!
Meeting time and check-in/check-out
As a volunteer you must check in and out each day you work on COPENHELL. Check- in and out is done on
the volunteer office. Therefore, you must show up at Mdestedet whether you work before, during or after
the festival, and then be followed backstage to check-in by a guard.
Mdestedet is just to the left of the main entrance, and is indicated on the map at the bottom of this email.
After check-in, where you get the volunteer bracelet on, the first half hour is used to eat some food, getting
briefed, get assigned a team leader, and equipped. Then we start the day's work.
Are you working more than one day, be sure to report your arrival every day at Mdestedet, even if you
already have the bracelet, and also check out at the volunteer office after the shift. It is important that you do
not leave the site without checking out.
In case of illness
If you are delayed, prevented from meeting on duty because of illness or otherwise have become unable to
work, it is important that you notify the volunteer coordinator Emil Schjelde as soon as possible by phone at
41 18 72 33, and submit a written sick leave to [email protected]. You are not registered on sick leave
until we have received a mail from you.
Have you used the bracelet to enter COPENHELL during the festival, but dont work due to illness or
absence, you will be billed kr. 1095 which is the price a COPENHELL ticket costs. Do you call yourself in
sick, we usually offer you to move your shift, so you can still experience COPENHELL without being billed.
If you feel sick or get sick during your shift, please contact your team leader. If he / she cannot be contacted,
please call Emil Schjelde at the above number.
Proper clothing
Remember convenient and comfortable attire which can be allowed to get dirty, good footwear and possibly
rain gear and sunscreen. It has become more the rule than the exception that COPENHELL experience a
good rinse now and then. Dress up as the weather Gods allow.
If you or someone from your team is injured you should immediately call your team leader who is in direct
contact with the security officer and the first-aid / medical team via radio.
If you are near the wardrobe/info-booth or one of the festival's security guards (red jackets), it is also
possible to get them to make contact. In acute accident or the like try to get help before you yourself try to
intervene or help.
If you witness theft, assault or similar, it is important you do not take matters into your own hands and not
make contact with potentially dangerous persons. Instead contact the festival professional security guards
who will take care of the matter.
All taps on Copenhell have clean drinking water. This also applies to the waters of the WC-carriages on the
site. The watertap is found right next to Smoke N Hell look for the water-drop on the map below.
Toilet and bathing facilities
There are WC-carriages and urinals on the site. On the map all the toilet areas are shown.
Wardrobe Conditions for volunteers
While you are on duty you have the opportunity to put your belongings at the volunteer office at your own
risk. Please note that COPENHELL does not replace lost belongings. We therefore urge that you always
keep all valuables on you. When not on duty, please use the wardrobe at the festival site.
Travel and parking info
COPENHELL is located on Refshaleen on the old B & W site on Amager in Copenhagen . The address is
Refshalevej 185 , 1432 Copenhagen K.
We would highly recommend to either walk, cycle or use public transportation to get out to COPENHELL as
there is very limited space for parking cars.
There is bicycle parking close to the entrance to COPENHELL.
Up until Tuesday the 10
of June there will be free parking close to the site. From Wednesday the 11
June to Friday the 13
of June, you can buy a parking ticket at the entrance to the parking lot for kr. 50 per.
day. The parking lot shown on the map at the bottom of this document
We recommend taking the bus to get to Refshaleen. During the festivaldays (11-13
of June) there will also
be deployed extra shuttle buses between Christianshavn Torv and COPENHELL during the festival opening
Bus 40
From Copenhagen Central Station at Tivoli and Christianshavn Torv, you can take bus 40 towards
Refshaleen .The bus stop is a 5- minute walk from the festival site. It is also here that the shuttle buses
arrive. Below is a summary of the normal driving times for bus 40:
Monday - Friday from 5:14 to 23:38 from Central Station (stops at Christianshavn st.) Last bus drives from
Refshaleen 0:02 am
Saturday from 6:36 to 23:38 from Central Station (stops at Christianshavn st.) Last bus drives from
Refshaleen 0:02 am.
Sunday from 8:36 to 23:38 from Central Station ( stop at Christianshavn st . ) Last bus runs from
Refshaleen pm. 0:02 .
From the Central Station it takes about 25 mins. From Christianshavn Torv it takes about 15 minutes.
From Copenhagen Central Station and Christianshavn Torv, take bus 9A towards the Opera. Get off at
Fabriksmestervej and walk the last approx. 1.8 km to reach the festival site.
Monday - Friday all day from Central Station (stops at Christianshavn st.) the Bus runs in between the
Opera and Glostrup st.
Saturday all day from the Central Station (stops at Christianshavn st .) the bus runs in between the Opera
and Glostrup st.
Sunday all day from the Central Station (stops at Christianshavn st. ) the bus runs in between the Opera and
Glostrup st.
From the Central Station it takes about 40 minutes. From Christianshavn Torv it takes about 30 minutes
It is now possible to take Ferry 991/992 from Teglholmen or Nyhavn all the way to Refshaleen.
On the 11
and 13
of June there will in addition to the normal schedule put in extra shuttle ferries
during festival opening hours. We encourage all to try the ferry and arrive at COPENHELL the waterway.
Monday - Friday from 7:17 to 21:17 from Nyhavn
Last boat sails at 20:06 from Refshaleen
Saturday and Sunday from 10:27 to 20:12 from Nyhavn
Last boat sails at 19:45 from Refshaleen
The closest Metro station is Christianshavn st. From there, you can take bus 40, bus 9A or walk the last
approx. 4.5 km to reach the festival site. The Metro operates around the clock.
All of the above times are approximate. We refer to for updated travel times and travel