Risk Taking, Aim Too High and Failing Is Better Than Aim Too Low and Achieve
Risk Taking, Aim Too High and Failing Is Better Than Aim Too Low and Achieve
Risk Taking, Aim Too High and Failing Is Better Than Aim Too Low and Achieve
I am glad that I became interested in the program, since it has helped me acquire certain characteristics that have
deemed themselves beneficial to others and myself.
The MUN program encourages students to think globally
Nevertheless, I have learned from my community
I also made new friendships with the people that I met during these simulations.
My involvement with the MUN program has helped me develop qualities that describe me as organized, humanitarian,
and amicable
My dream career would be finding a financial company that is successful and widely known around the world.
true leaders are not born with this ability but rather earned.
Being the manager of my school store helped me further enhance those skills.
I acquired my teamwork skills by having to work together with the finance and inventory groups.
Being a leaders means to have the ability to compromise, the ability to listen well, and the ability to empathize.
I would always want to participate in after school activities to talk to other students about the importance of education
and how crucial it is to continue chasing your dreams after high school.
you can always chop off "I believe"... it is always a weak way to say something, always better without it.
Risk taking, Aim too high and failing is better than aim too low and achieve
- My friends told me that completing the Geometry online course in one month is tough. I questioned myself,
Can I do it?. My answer was I dont know my potential, if I dont try. I decided to test my capacity. It was
hard in the beginning, as I was new to online learning and full day work in one subject. I put all my effort and
the result was an A with 99%.
- Without higher goals one will never know what their capacity is.
- Other example is my AMC 8 competition in sixth grade. I worked hard and got an honor roll in the AMC 8
competition. It provided me a baseline to work on my strengths. I focused on solving complex problems while
improving my speed as well, which helped me achieve distinguished honor roll in 7
- Setting higher goals and failing will provide a baseline for future targets and improvement
- In todays competitive world, we need to challenge our self to unearth our potential
Computer screen Vs face-to-face, disadvantages of more computer screen usage
Computer usage made people lazier both in the physical sense and in the mental sense. They make it easier for people
to go long periods without the need for physical movement. Lack of physical exercise by people can lead to diseases.
Working with computer terminals for extended periods leads to additional musculoskeletal disorders specific to this
kind of work. Because of the availability and the ability to search the required information quickly, it made people lazier
Additionally, the invasion of computers into family time is dramatic. Ability to communicate very effectively through
Internet has reduced the level of personal interaction. Since people are able to communicate with people around the
world with ease, their proportion of communication with people immediately around them, for example with family
members has reduced. Many parents complain that their children spend too much time on the computers, and too
little with them.
Another harmful aspect of computers includes the things you say over email. It may be easier for people to say what
they feel through email opposed to face-to-face. What people say through email might be taken the wrong way
because the reader can't see the writers body language. 50% of our communication is through body language. Emails
can easily be misinterpreted. Feelings can be hurt. Relationships can be harmed.
New form of highly foot-in-the-door type salesmen-ship have developed and proliferated. This includes the annoying
advertisements that pop up on your computer screen, and refuse to be closed. Spam mail is also a big pest. They also
give criminals good ways to get access to victims. This can be through hacking and identity theft.
Finally, the increase in computers leads to a greater demand for energy (to manufacture and run the computers). This
causes us to deplete our resources and can contribute to global warming.
Basically computers can be a great tool if used in moderation and not the only means of communication. We need to
educate our young people about proper use of computers. Also, people should maintain face-to-face interaction with
other people. Computers should not substitute human interaction. If this occurs computers would threaten society as
we know it.
Violent video games leading to violent people
Two students opened fire in their Colorado high school in 1999 -- shooting 20 people and killing 13. The media
revealed that they played a lot of violent video games. Roughly 79 percent of America's youth play video games, many
of them for at least eight hours a week.
Some video games may promote learning, problem solving and help with the development of fine motor skills and
coordination. But many of the most popular games emphasize negative themes and promote the killing of people or
animals, criminal behavior, disrespect for authority and the law.
Studies of children exposed to violence have shown that they imitate the violence they see and show more aggressive
behavior with greater exposure to violence. The problem is we are programming the youth with violent games, which
becomes part of the fiber of our society.
These are not "games," they are "killing simulators," and training devices used by law enforcement SWAT teams, and
military training.
Violence, security cameras, ID policy in high schools
Security cameras would have been highly helpful in case of 2007 Virginia tech shooting. In the span of two hours
between the first killing and the second killing of more than 30 students and professors, the assailant was able to move
between the two locations, unnoticed and unidentified. If there were security cameras, police would have identified
and traced the offender right after the first incident.
One of the advantages is peace of mind for students and staff. Although cameras are passive, information about their
presence will make its way through the community. Students and staff feel safer knowing that potential perpetrators
will be scared off by the presence of cameras before committing an offense. The increased sense of security,
Another advantage is a reduction in property damages such as vandalism and theft. Very rarely the administration can
identify the perpetrators. The costs damages and inconvenience cause educational opportunity loss for more students.
Video surveillance systems provide a solution for these issues.
Cameras also provide security in hidden areas of schools that are physically difficult to monitor. Sometimes just the
idea in kids' minds that there's a camera recording them keeps them from causing trouble or being difficult.
Vaccination / Immunization rights to parents to deny:
Studies have found that measles has suddenly re-emerged in some communities with higher exemption rates.
Vaccinated kids are sometimes among these measles cases, or children too young to be vaccinated. And measles isn't
the only risk. Last year, California had more than 2,100 whooping cough cases, and 10 infants died. Only one had
received a first dose of vaccine. Parents should not have the right to decide on vaccination, as they are living in a
society and have collective responsibility of protecting the community against the outbreaks.
Parents' reasons for skipping the shots vary. Some doubt that vaccines are essential. Others fear that vaccines carry
their own risks. And some find it easier to check a box opting out than to get the shots and required paperwork. The
number of shots is also giving some parents pause. By the time most children are 6, they will have been stuck with a
needle about two dozen times with many of those shots given in infancy. The cumulative effect of all those shots has
not been studied enough, some parents say.
Parents who let their kids skip some vaccines put others at risk. Because no vaccine is completely effective, if an
outbreak begins in an unvaccinated group of children, a vaccinated child may still be at some risk of getting sick.
Many exemption-seeking parents conclude that the dangers posed by vaccine-preventable diseases are less important
than the possible harm from vaccines.
Parents say they would like to reserve the right to decide what vaccinations their children should get and when. Health
officials reply that vaccinations are recommended at an early age to protect children before they encounter a
dangerous infection.
We need to make the immunization benefits and possible prevention of wide spread diseases as part of our education
to future parents and in fact starting from their high school. Also health officials should stream line the number and
type of vaccines that must be given to infants/children. These actions will bring awareness and confidence in future
parents and more support for mandating the vaccinations can be achieved.
Media ethics, right to decide WHO and WHAT information is important?
I agree that media should have the right to decide on who and what is important; however like any other right it comes
with responsibility and ethics to be followed. Media has huge impact on our society and culture.
There are certain media elements affecting our culture for better, due to quick and easy flow of useful information,
education and sports. Here is a positive influence example, if there is a sport that is getting a lot of attention by the
media and gains popularity we will more likely want to practice the sport. The result is that we will have fun with
friends and be more healthy because of the exercise we are doing. The media also played a major role in positive
developments like fight against racism, fight against gender bias, world poverty and spreading awareness about the
world peace.
On the other hand the negative influence is the use of cigars by celebrity movie stars, the excessive images of violence
and exposure to thousands of junk food ads. The glorification of violence, drug abuse and other unhealthy habits has a
major role in the outburst of unfortunate incidents where children have gotten extremely violent and out of control.
Kids that are starting to grow and are shaping their personality values and beliefs can become aggressive or they can
lose a sense of reality and fiction of what they are seeing.
The media shapes our attitudes about everything from soap to politics. Media possesses so much power to influence
that those in the media must be diligent about delivering information in a responsible manner that impacts the society
and our culture in a positive manner. Journalism is a profession like any other and certain standards of quality and
professionalism need to be maintained.
Global warming, Conservation of resources, Rain forests protection
Cloning, stem cell research
Team work
Community service
Animals in scientific research / Advantages of Animal Testing in Medical Research
Medical research involving animals has dramatically improved the health of the human race. Without animal testing,
the cure for polio would not exist and diabetics would suffer or die from their disease. Despite these benefits, some
people believe that animals should be not be used for testing medical techniques and drugs. This essay will outline the
advantages of animal testing.
Animal testing allows scientists to test and create new drugs. Animals such as monkeys or rabbits have similar physical
processes to humans. This allows scientists to test the effects of certain drugs. If a drug produces adverse effects in
animals it is probably unfit for human use.
Animal testing is cheap. There is a large supply of animals for medical research. Animals are easily bred, and maintained
safely in controlled labs. The costs of testing in humans would be extremely high.
Many people argue that animal testing is cruel. In some cases this is true. However it would be much more cruel to test
new drugs on people or children, or to let people die because there was not enough information about a drug.
Furthermore, legislation in most countries sets standards for animal treatment, and laboratories have guidelines to
prevent cruelty.
Opponents of animal research also say that information from animals does not apply to humans. They point to certain
commercial drugs which have been withdrawn because of side-effects in humans While it is true that animal systems
differ from human systems, there are enough similarities to apply information from animals to humans.
Animal rights campaigners claim that we dont need new tests because we already have vast amounts of information.
However, many new deadly infections appear every year and new treatments and drugs are needed to combat these
deadly plagues.
Animal testing is needed in the world we live in. Our responsibility is to manage the animals in our care and balance
their suffering against the good that comes from them.
Ethics, self fault disclosure
Stem cell artificial meet
Wealth distribution, Child labor and its effects, sweat shops, food hunger
No one is perfect, perfection Vs Success
Invent and uninvent
Authority Vs reasoning, Experience Vs Reasoning, Argument and questioning? Others view point?
Grades Vs effort, Do grades prove expertise?
Obesity and health foods
Commercial use of Nano carbons? Food contaminations..