Economic Growth Problems

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Long-Run Economic Growth
1. The accompanying table shows data from the Penn World Table, Version 7.0, for real
GDP per capita in 2005 U.S. dollars for Argentina, Ghana, South Korea, and the
United States for 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2009.
9 24
a. Complete the table by expressing each years real GDP per capita as a percentage
of its 1960 and 2009 levels.
b. How does the growth in living standards from 1960 to 2009 compare across these
four nations? What might account for these differences?
1. a. The accompanying table shows each nations real GDP per capita in terms of its
1960 and 2009 levels.
Real GDP
per capita
1960 $6,243 ? ? $603 ? ? $1,782 ? ? $15,438 ? ?
1970 $7,810 ? ? $939 ? ? $3,018 ? ? $20,480 ? ?
1980 $8,638 ? ? $807 ? ? $5,339 ? ? $25,090 ? ?
1990 $6,823 ? ? $844 ? ? $11,437 ? ? $31,637 ? ?
2000 $9,172 ? ? $887 ? ? $18,926 ? ? $39,175 ? ?
2009 $11,961 ? ? $1,239 ? ? $25,029 ? ? $41,102 ? ?
real GDP
per capita
real GDP
per capita
Per centage of Real GDP
per capita
real GDP
per capita
real GDP
per capita
Per centage of Real GDP
per capita
real GDP
per capita
real GDP
per capita
Per centage of Real GDP
per capita
real GDP
per capita
real GDP
per capita
Per centage of
Argentina Ghana Ghana South Korea United States
Real GDP
per capita
1960 $6,243 100% 52% $603 100% 49% $1,782 100% 7% $15,438 100% 38%
1970 $7,810 125% 65% $939 156% 76% $3,018 169% 12% $20,480 133% 50%
1980 $8,638 138% 72% $807 134% 65% $5,339 300% 21% $25,090 163% 61%
1990 $6,823 109% 57% $844 140% 68% $11,437 642% 46% $31,637 205% 77%
2000 $9,172 147% 77% $887 147% 72% $18,926 1,062% 76% $39,175 254% 95%
2009 $11,961 192% 100% $1,239 206% 100% $25,029 1,405% 100% $41,102 266% 100%
real GDP
per capita
real GDP
per capita
Per centage of Real GDP
per capita
real GDP
per capita
real GDP
per capita
Per centage of Real GDP
per capita
real GDP
per capita
real GDP
per capita
Per centage of Real GDP
per capita
real GDP
per capita
real GDP
per capita
Per centage of
Argentina Ghana Ghana South Korea United States
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b. South Korea experienced the greatest increase in living standards from 1960 to
2009; in 2009 it produced 1,405% ($125,029/$1,782 100) of what it produced
in 1960. Argentina experienced only a modest growth in living standards over
the same period, and Argentinas path was less consistent than that of Ghana.
Compared with real GDP per capita in 1960, the United States in 2009 produced
266% ($41,102/$15,438 100) of what it produced in 1960. The growth in liv-
ing standards in Argentina, Ghana, and South Korea reflects the pattern for their
different regions of the world. South Korea, like many other East Asian countries,
had high productivity growth because of high savings and investment rates, a good
education system, and substantial technological progress. Living standards grew
more modestly in Argentina, as in other Latin American countries, because of low
savings and investment spending rates, underinvestment in education, political
instability, and irresponsible government policies. Ghana, in particular recently,
has made some progress. Living standards in Africa suffered because of major
political instabilities, poor education and infrastructure, and disease.
2. The accompanying table shows the average annual growth rate in real GDP per cap-
ita for Argentina, Ghana, and South Korea using data from the Penn World Table,
Version 6.2, for the past few decades.
a. For each decade and for each country, use the Rule of 70 where possible to calcu-
late how long it would take for that countrys real GDP per capita to double.
b. Suppose that the average annual growth rate that each country achieved over the
period 19902000 continues indefinitely into the future. Starting from 2000, use
the Rule of 70 to calculate, where possible, the year in which a country will have
doubled its real GDP per capita.
2. a. The accompanying table shows the number of years it would take for real GDP per
capita to double according to the Rule of 70 using the average annual growth rate
in real GDP per capita per decade in each country. Values corresponding to years
with negative growth rates are left uncalculated because we cannot apply the Rule
of 70 to a negative growth rate.
Average annual growth rate of
real GDP per capita
Years Argentina Ghana South Korea
1960 1970 2.53% 15.54% 7.50%
19701980 1.12 0.85 7.62
19801990 2.50 0.10 11.33
1990 2000 3.83 2.08 6.37
Years for real GDP per capita to double according to the Rule of 70
Years Argentina Ghana South Korea
19601970 27.7 4.5 9.3
19701980 62.5 82.4 9.2
19801990 700.0 6.2
19902000 18.3 33.7 11.0
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b. If each nation continues to grow as it did from 1990 to 2000, real GDP per
capita will have doubled in Argentina by 2018, in Ghana by 2033, and in South
Korea by 2011.
3. The accompanying table provides approximate statistics on per capita income levels
and growth rates for regions defined by income levels. According to the Rule of 70,
starting in 2010 the high-income countries are projected to double their per capita
GDP in approximately 78 years, in 2088. Throughout this question, assume constant
growth rates for each of the regions that are equal to their average value between
2000 and 2010.
a. Calculate the ratio of per capita GDP in 2010 of the following:
i. Middle-income to high-income countries
ii. Low-income to high-income countries
iii. Low-income to middle-income countries
b. Calculate the number of years it will take the low-income and middle-income
countries to double their per capita GDP.
c. Calculate the per capita GDP of each of the regions in 2088. (Hint: How many
times does their per capita GDP double in 78 years, the number of years from
2010 to 2088?)
d. Repeat part a with the projected per capita GDP in 2088.
e. Compare your answers to parts a and d. Comment on the change in economic
inequality between the regions.
3. a. i. The ratio of per capita GDP in 2010 of middle-income to high-income coun-
tries is 0.014 or 10.4%.
ii. The ratio of per capita GDP in 2010 of low-income to high-income countries
is 0.013 or 1.3%.
iii. The ratio of per capita GDP in 2010 of low-income to middle-income coun-
tries is 0.127 or 12.7%.
b. Middle-income countries are projected to take 70/4.8 = 14.6 years to double their
per capita GDP, and low-income countries are projected to take 23.3 years.
c. With a real GDP per capita growth rate of 0.9%, it will take 70/0.9 = 78 years
for GDP to double. Therefore high-income countries are projected to double
their GDP in 78 years to $76,586. During the same period, middle-income coun-
tries are projected to double their per capita GDP approximately 78/14.6 = 5
times. So the projected per capita GDP for middle-income countries is $3,980
2 2 2 2 2 = $127,360. In 2088, low-income countries are expected to
increase their per capita GDP by approximately 78/23.3 = 3 times. Hence, pro-
jected per capita GDP for low-income countries is $507 2 2 2 = $4,056.
Average annual
growth rate of real
GDP per GDP per capita
Region capita (2010) (20002010)
High-income countries $38,293 0.9%
Middle-income countries

3,980 4.8
Low-income countries 507 3.0
Source: World Bank.
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d. Using the projected per capita GDP figures in 2088, the percentages are as follows:
i. Middle-income to high-income countries: 1.663 or 166.3%
ii. Low-income to high-income countries: 0.053 or 5.3%
iii. Low-income to middle-income countries: 0.032 or 3.2%
e. Both the low-income countries and the middle-income countries (as defined in
2010) have improved their per capita GDP relative to high-income countries due
to their higher growth rates. In fact, growth in the middle-income countries is
so strong that by 2088 living standards in todays middle-income countries will
have overtaken living standards in todays high-income countries. The result is
that inequality will be lower. However, since middle-income countries are growing
faster than low-income countries, the inequality between those two regions will
have widened.
4. You are hired as an economic consultant to the countries of Albernia and Brittania.
Each countrys current relationship between physical capital per worker and output
per worker is given by the curve labeled Productivity
in the accompanying dia-
gram. Albernia is at point A and Brittania is at point B.
Real GDP
per worker
Physical capital
per worker
$10,000 30,000
a. In the relationship depicted by the curve Productivity
, what factors are held fixed?
Do these countries experience diminishing returns to physical capital per worker?
b. Assuming that the amount of human capital per worker and the technology are
held fixed in each country, can you recommend a policy to generate a doubling of
real GDP per capita in Albernia?
c. How would your policy recommendation change if the amount of human capital
per worker could be changed? Assume that an increase in human capital doubles
the output per worker when physical capital per worker equals $10,000. Draw a
curve on the diagram that represents this policy for Albernia.
4. a. The curve reflecting the relationship between physical capital per worker and out-
put per worker is drawn holding human capital per worker and technology fixed.
Both Albernia and Brittania experience diminishing returns to physical capital
since in both countries equal successive increases in physical capital per worker
holding human capital per worker and technology constantwill result in smaller
and smaller increases in real GDP per worker.
b. Albernia should increase its physical capital per worker to $30,000.
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c. An increase in human capital per worker shifts the curve Productivity
and Albernia doubles real GDP per worker without a change in the
physical capital per worker. On the accompanying diagram, Albernia would move
from point A to point C. So your policy recommendation should be to increase the
amount of human capital per worker.
Real GDP
per worker
Physical capital
per worker
$10,000 30,000
5. The country of Androde is currently using Method 1 for its production function.
By chance, scientists stumble onto a technological breakthrough that will enhance
Androdes productivity. This technological breakthrough is reflected in another
production function, Method 2. The accompanying table shows combinations of
physical capital per worker and output per worker for both methods, assuming that
human capital per worker is fixed.
a. Using the data in the accompanying table, draw the two production functions in
one diagram. Androdes current amount of physical capital per worker is 100. In
your figure, label that point A.
Method 1 Method 2
Real GDP
per worker
Physical capital
per worker
Real GDP
per worker
Physical capital
per worker
0 0.00 0 0.00
50 35.36 50 70.71
100 50.00 100 100.00
150 61.24 150 122.47
200 70.71 200 141.42
250 79.06 250 158.11
300 86.60 300 173.21
350 93.54 350 187.08
400 100.00 400 200.00
450 106.07 450 212.13
500 111.80 500 223.61
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b. Starting from point A, over a period of 70 years, the amount of physical capital
per worker in Androde rises to 400. Assuming Androde still uses Method 1, in
your diagram, label the resulting point of production B. Using the Rule of 70, cal-
culate by how many percent per year output per worker has grown.
c. Now assume that, starting from point A, over the same period of 70 years, the
amount of physical capital per worker in Androde rises to 400, but that during
that time period, Androde switches to Method 2. In your diagram, label the result-
ing point of production C. Using the Rule of 70, calculate by how many percent
per year output per worker has grown now.
d. As the economy of Androde moves from point A to point C, what share of the
annual productivity growth is due to higher total factor productivity?
5. a. The accompanying diagram, the line labeled Productivity
shows the production
function using Method 1, and the line labeled Productivity
shows the produc-
tion function using Method 2. Point A is the point, using Method 1, at which
Androde produces output using 100 units of physical capital per worker.
250 300 200 150 400 500 450 350 100 50 0
Real GDP
per worker
Physical capital per worker
b. In the accompanying diagram, Point B is the point, using Method 1, at which
Androde produces output using 400 units of physical capital per worker. Output
per worker has grown from 50 units to 100 units. Since over a period of 70 years,
output per worker has doubled, output per worker must have grown by 1% per year.
c. In the accompanying diagram, Point C is the point, using Method 2, at which
Androde produces output using 400 units of physical capital per worker. From
point A to point C, output per worker has grown from 50 units to 200 units. Since
over a period of 70 years, output per worker has quadrupled, output per worker
must have grown on average by 2% per year. (Taking 70/2 = 35 years to double
from 50 to 1000, and then another 35 years to double again from 100 to 200).
d. Since, without the increase in technological progress, output per worker would
have grown at an annual rate of only 1%, but with the increase in technological
progress, output per worker has grown by 2%, half of that growth rate has to be
due to an increase in total factor productivity.
6. The Bureau of Labor Statistics regularly releases the Productivity and Costs report
for the previous month. Go to and find the latest report. (On the
Bureau of Labor Statistics home page, from the tab Subject Areas, select the link
to Labor Productivity & Costs; then, from the heading LPC News Releases, find
the most recent Productivity and Costs report.) What were the percent changes
in business and nonfarm business productivity for the previous quarter? How does
the percent change in that quarters productivity compare to data from the previous
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6. Answers will vary with the latest data. For the second quarter of 2011, business
productivity did not change (it grew by 0.0%) and nonfarm business productivity
decreased by 0.3%. These were better than the productivity growth figures for the
first quarter of 2011, which showed a decrease of 1.4% in business productivity and a
decrease of 0.6% in nonfarm business productivity.
7. What roles do physical capital, human capital, technology, and natural resources play
in influencing long - run economic growth of aggregate output per capita?
7. Physical capital, human capital, technology, and natural resources play important
roles in influencing long - run growth in real GDP per capita. Increases in both physi-
cal capital and human capital help a given labor force to produce more over time.
Although economic studies have suggested that increases in human capital may
explain increases in productivity better than do increases in physical capital per
worker, technological progress is probably the most important driver of productivity
growth. Although natural resources played a prominent role historically in determin-
ing productivity, today they play a less important role in increasing productivity than
do increases in human or physical capital in most countries.
8. How have U.S. policies and institutions influenced the countrys long - run economic
8. U.S. institutions and policies have greatly aided the countrys economic growth. The
United States has been politically stable, and its laws and institutions protect private
property. The economy has attracted significant savings, both domestic and foreign,
that have allowed investment spending to spur the growth of the capital stock and
fund research and development. The government has directly supported economic
growth through its support of public education as well as research and development.
9. Over the next 100 years, real GDP per capita in Groland is expected to grow at an
average annual rate of 2.0%. In Sloland, however, growth is expected to be somewhat
slower, at an average annual growth rate of 1.5%. If both countries have a real GDP
per capita today of $20,000, how will their real GDP per capita differ in 100 years?
[Hint: A country that has a real GDP today of $x and grows at y% per year will
achieve a real GDP of $x (1 + (y/100))
in z years. We assume that 0 y < 10.]
9. If real GDP per capita in Groland grows at an average annual rate of 2.0%, real GDP
per capita in 100 years will be $144,893 [$20,000 (1 + 0.02)
]. At an average
annual rate of growth of 1.5%, real GDP per capita in Sloland in 100 years will be
$88,641 [$20,000 (1 + 0.015)
]. Although both nations start with the same real
GDP per capita today, the differential growth rates will result in living standards in
Sloland that are 61.2% ($88,641/$144,893 100) of those in Groland.
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10. The accompanying table shows data from the Penn World Table, Version 7.0, for real
GDP per capita (2005 U.S. dollars) in France, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the
United States in 1950 and 2009. Complete the table. Have these countries converged
10. The accompanying table shows real GDP per capita (2005 U.S. dollars) in France,
Japan, and the United Kingdom as a percentage of real GDP per capita in the
United States.
Growth of real GDP per capita in France, Japan, and the United Kingdom closed some of
the gap in living standards with the United States between 1950 and 2009. Japans real
GDP per capita grew from only 23.7% of that in the United States to 77.8%, and Frances
rose from 53.9% to 75.0%. Living standards in the United Kingdom relative to those in
the United States rose relatively little; real GDP per capita grew from 78.9% of that in the
United States to 81.2%. The real GDP per capita in these countries has converged.
11. The accompanying table shows data from the Penn World Table, Version 7.0, for real GDP
per capita (2005 U.S. dollars) for Argentina, Ghana, South Korea, and the United States in
1960 and 2009. Complete the table. Have these countries converged economically?
1960 2009
Real GDP Percentage Real GDP Percentage
per capita of U.S. per capita of U.S.
(2005 real GDP (2005 real GDP
dollars) per capita dollars) per capita
Argentina $6,243 ? $11,961 ?
Ghana 603 ? 1,239 ?
Korea 1,782 ? 25,029 ?
States 15,438 ? 41,102 ?
1950 2009
Real GDP Real GDP
per capita Percentage of U.S. per capita Percentage of U.S.
(2005 dollars) real GDP per capita (2005 dollars) real GDP per capita
France $7,112 53.9% $30,821 75.0%
Japan 3,118 23.7 31,958 77.8
United Kingdom 10,401 78.9 33,386 81.2
United States 13,183 100.0 41,102 100.0
1950 2009
Real GDP Percentage Real GDP Percentage
per capita of U.S. per capita of U.S.
(2005 real GDP (2005 real GDP
dollars) per capita dollars) per capita
France $7,112 ? $30,821 ?
Japan 3,118 ? 31,958 ?
Kingdom 10,401 ? 33,386 ?
States 13,183 ? 41,102 ?
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11. The accompanying table shows real GDP per capita (2005 U.S. dollars) in Argentina,
Ghana, and South Korea as a percentage of real GDP per capita in the United States.

There is little evidence of convergence for Argentina. Living standards actually
declined relative to those in the United States. In Argentina, real GDP per capita
fell from 40.4% of that of the United States to 29.1%. There is also no evidence of
convergence for Ghana; Ghanas real GDP declined from 3.9% of that of the United
States to 3.0%. South Koreas real GDP per capita showed strong signs of conver-
gence; real GDP per capita rose from 11.5% of that in the United States to 60.9%.
12. Why would you expect real GDP per capita in California and Pennsylvania to exhibit
convergence but not in California and Baja California, a state of Mexico that borders the
United States? What changes would allow California and Baja California to converge?
12. According to the conditional convergence hypothesis, other things equal, countries
with relatively low real GDP per capita tend to have higher rates of growth than
countries with relatively high real GDP per capita. We can apply this hypothesis to
regions as well. It is more likely that the factors that affect growth will be equal in
California and Pennsylvania: both states have similar educational systems, infrastruc-
ture, rule of law, and so on. But that is not true of California and Baja California: in
comparing them, the factors that affect growth are not likely to be equal. California
and Baja California have very different educational systems, different infrastructures,
and differences in how the rule of law is applied. So it is less likely that they will
converge. For California and Baja California to converge in real GDP per capita, they
would have to become more similar in the factors that affect growth.
13. According to the Oil & Gas Journal, the proven oil reserves existing in the world in 2009
consisted of 1,342 billion barrels. In that year, the U.S. Energy Information Administration
reported that the world daily oil production was 72.26 million barrels a day.
a. At this rate, for how many years will the proven oil reserves last? Discuss the
Malthusian view in the context of the number you just calculated.
b. In order to do the calculations in part a, what did you assume about the total
quantity of oil reserves over time? About oil prices over time? Are these assump-
tions consistent with the Malthusian view on resource limits?
c. Discuss how market forces may affect the amount of time the proven oil reserves
will last, assuming that no new oil reserves are discovered and that the demand
curve for oil remains unchanged.
13. a. In one year, approximately 72.26 million 365 = 26.4 billion barrels of oil are
produced. At this rate, 1,342 billion barrels of oil will last for approximately
51 years. The numbers support the Malthusian view that there is a limit to the
standard of living. Because population growth also results in a growing need for
natural resources to continually raise the standard of living, the limited supply of
resources like oil results in a limit on the standard of living.
1960 2009
Real GDP Real GDP
per capita Percentage of U.S. per capita Percentage of U.S.
(2005 dollars) real GDP per capita (2005 dollars) real GDP per capita
Argentina $6,243 40.4% $11,961 29.1%
Ghana 603 3.9 1,239 3.0
South Korea 1,782 11.5 25,029 60.9
United States 15,438 100.0 41,102 100.0
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b. The calculation assumes that the reserves of oil cannot increase and that the search
for alternative fuels would not affect the annual production of oil. More impor-
tantly, it assumes that the possibility of rising oil prices as reserves drain out will
neither create incentives for alternative fuels nor affect total consumption. These
assumptions are consistent with the Malthusian view on the on resource limits.
c. Assuming that the demand curve for oil does not change, with decreasing supply
as some oil reserves start drying out, prices should rise. This will cause a fall in the
quantity demanded, extending the time during which proven oil reserves will last.
14. The accompanying table shows the annual growth rate for the years 20002009 in
per capita emissions of carbon dioxide (CO
) and the annual growth rate in real
GDP per capita for selected countries.
a. Rank the countries in terms of their growth in CO
emissions, from highest to
lowest. What five countries have the highest growth rate in emissions? What five
countries have the lowest growth rate in emissions?
b. Now rank the countries in terms of their growth in real GDP per capita, from
highest to lowest. What five countries have the highest growth rate? What five
countries have the lowest growth rate?
c. Would you infer from your results that CO
emissions are linked to growth in
output per capita?
d. Do high growth rates necessarily lead to high CO
average annual growth rate of:
Real GDP per CO
Country capita per capita
Argentina 2.81% 1.01%
Bangladesh 4.17 5.47
Canada 0.68 1.46
China 9.85 11.11
Germany 0.59 1.23
Ireland 1.05 2.10
Japan 0.29 1.03
South Korea 3.48 1.68
Mexico 0.18 0.44
Nigeria 6.07 2.46
Russia 5.22 0.52
South Africa 2.39 0.80
United Kingdom 0.88 1.35
United States 0.58 1.78
Sources: Energy Information Administration: International Monetary Fund.
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14. a. As shown in the accompanying table, the five countries with the highest growth
rate in per capita CO
emissions are China, Bangladesh, South Korea, Argentina,
and South Africa. The five countries with the lowest growth rate in per capita CO

emissions are Nigeria, Ireland, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
b. As shown in the accompanying table, the five countries with the highest growth
rate in real GDP per capita are China, Nigeria, Russia, Bangladesh, and South
Korea. The five countries with the lowest growth rate in real GDP per capita are
Mexico, Japan, the United States, Germany, and Canada.

average annual growth
rate of real GDP
Country per capita
China 9.85%
Nigeria 6.07
Russia 5.22
Bangladesh 4.17
South Korea 3.48
Argentina 2.81
South Africa 2.39
Ireland 1.05
United Kingdom 0.88
Canada 0.68
Germany 0.59
United States 0.58
Japan 0.29
Mexico 0.18
Sources: Energy Information Administration;
International Monetary Fund.
average annual growth
rate of CO
Country per capita
China 11.11%
Bangladesh 5.47
South Korea 1.68
Argentina 1.01
South Africa 0.80
Russia 0.52
Mexico 0.44
Japan 1.03
Germany 1.23
United Kingdom 1.35
Canada 1.46
United States 1.78
Ireland 2.10
Nigeria 2.46
Sources: Energy Information Administration;
International Monetary Fund.
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c. Yes. Three of the five countries with the highest growth rate in per capita CO

emissions also have the highest growth rate in real GDP per capita: China,
Bangladesh, and South Korea. Two of the five countries with the lowest growth
rate in per capita CO
emissions also have the lowest growth rate in real GDP per
capita: the United States and Canada.
d. Although growth rates in GDP per capita and CO
emissions per capita are linked,
the experience of Nigeria and, to a lesser extent, Ireland shows that it is possible
both to have a high growth rate of GDP and to reduce CO
emissions. This can
be done in a variety of ways, including using alternative energy sources and better
designs for buildings and automobiles. Estimates suggest that large CO
would put only a minor dent in long-run GDP per capita growth.
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