364L Murphy Fall2012

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SPN 364L
Applied Linguistics

Instructor: Dr. Melissa D. Murphy E-mail: [email protected]
Office: MEZ 4.142 Unique number: 46610
Office Hours: M/F 2:00-3:00 & W 10:30 11:30

**This course will be taught in Spanish**

I. PREREQUISITE: 345L (Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics)


Koike, Dale and Carol A. Klee. Lingstica aplicada: Adquisicin del espaol como
segunda lengua. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2003.

Several academic articles available in PDF format.


In this course, students will acquire knowledge of the basic linguistic principles related to the
acquisition and teaching of Spanish. The main issues addressed in this course are:
First-language and second-language acquisition
Sociolinguistics and bilingualism
Major topics in Spanish morpho-syntax
Foreign language teaching methodologies
Challenges faced by English speakers studying Spanish
This course will be of particular interest to those students planning to become Spanish or
Bilingual Education teachers, as well as students who speak a second language and wish to have
a stronger theoretical understanding of the language acquisition process.


1. Attendance: Due to the nature of this course, regular class attendance is required for
successful completion. You are allowed 3 absences with no penalty. For each additional
absence, 1 full percentage point will be deducted from your final semester average.

2. Make-ups: No make-ups will be allowed, except in case of an emergency or university-
sponsored activity. Students should notify the instructor as soon as possible and must
present documented evidence of the excuse in a timely manner.

Spanish 364L: Fall 2012 (Murphy) 2

3. Plagiarism: Submitting any assignment that is not your own original work may be
considered plagiarism and will be dealt with according to University policy. For more
information, visit Student Judicial Services (SJS) at http://deanofstudents.utexas.edu/sjs/.

4. Accommodations: Your instructor will be available to discuss appropriate academic
accommodations for students with a disability. Before course accommodations can be
made, students will be required to provide documentation prepared by the Services for
Students with Disabilities Office (SSD): http://deanofstudents.utexas.edu/ssd.


1. Exams: We will have three major exams, which will include material from the textbook
as well as any additional material covered in class and/or as homework.

2. Exam Review: You will be responsible for presenting a review of at least one chapter
section to the class. We will have a review day before each exam and you will be able
to sign up for topics/chapter sections at the beginning of the semester.

3. Mid-semester assignments: There will be two mid-semester assignments in this course.
You will be given several options for each, such as short essays, article reviews, exam
analysis, analysis of non-native discourse, class visits with report of findings, etc.

4. Quizzes: We will have several announced and pop quizzes during the semester. These
quizzes will help you evaluate your progress in order to better prepare for exams.

5. Homework: You will have daily reading assignments, which must be completed before
class. You will also have other assignments such as written activities and discussion
questions to be turned in for a grade. Make sure to dedicate enough time outside of class
in order to keep up with the course material and receive a high homework grade.

6. Participation: In this course, you will be expected to participate regularly in class and
group discussions, ask and answer questions, etc. You will receive a grade based on the
quantity and quality of your participation (in Spanish!).


Exams (3) 45% Quizzes 5%
Exam Review 10% Homework 10%
Mid-semester assignments (2) 20% Participation / Discussion 10%

There is no curve or extra credit! The following scale will be used to determine your final grade
in the course:
93-100 = A 83-86.99 = B 73-76.99 = C 63-66.99 = D
90-92.99 = A- 80-82.99 = B- 70-72.99 = C- 60-62.99 = D-
87-89.99 = B+ 77-79.99 = C+ 67-69.99 = D+ 0-59.99 = F

Spanish 364L: Fall 2012 (Murphy) 3

Semana Fecha Tema
1 29/8 Introduccin al curso
31/8 Introduccin a la lingstica aplicada (captulo 1)
2 3/9 Labor Day
5/9 Introduccin a la lingstica aplicada (captulo 1)
7/0 El campo de investigacin de la ASL (captulo 2)
3 10/9 El campo de investigacin de la ASL (captulo 2)
12/9 El campo de investigacin de la ASL (captulo 2)
14/9 Artculo #1
4 17/9 Los pronombres (captulo 3)
19/9 Los pronombres (captulo 3)
21/9 Los pronombres (captulo 3)
5 24/9 Artculo #2
26/9 Repaso (presentaciones)
6 1/10 El sistema verbal (captulo 4)
3/10 El sistema verbal (captulo 4)
5/10 El sistema verbal (captulo 4)
7 8/10 El sistema verbal (captulo 4)
10/10 Artculo #3
12/10 Los modos y las oraciones complejas (captulo 5)
Entregar Mid-semester assignment #1
8 15/10 Los modos y las oraciones complejas (captulo 5)
17/10 Los modos y las oraciones complejas (captulo 5)
19/10 Artculo #4

Spanish 364L: Fall 2012 (Murphy) 4

9 22/10 Artculo #5
24/10 Los modos y las oraciones complejas (captulo 5)
26/10 Repaso (presentaciones)
10 29/10
31/10 Las palabras y su significado (captulo 6)
2/11 Las palabras y su significado (captulo 6)
11 5/11 Artculo #6
7/11 La pragmtica (captulo 7)
9/11 La pragmtica (captulo 7)
12 12/11 La pragmtica (captulo 7)
14/11 Artculo #7
16/11 Lengua y sociedad en el mundo hispanohablante (captulo 8)
13 19/11 Lengua y sociedad en el mundo hispanohablante (captulo 8)
21/11 Lengua y sociedad en el mundo hispanohablante (captulo 8)
23/11 Da de Accin de Gracias (no hay clases)
14 26/11 Lengua y sociedad en el mundo hispanohablante (captulo 8)
28/11 La evaluacin de la L2
30/11 La evaluacin de la L2
15 3/12 La evaluacin de la L2
Entregar Mid-semester assignment #2
5/12 Repaso (presentaciones)

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