This document is a test from Taferssit high school in Morocco for a first year Bac student. The test has multiple sections:
1. Adding articles like "a", "an", and "the" where needed in sentences.
2. Defining words like someone who lives in the street, the bus that takes children to school, and somewhere to live.
3. Conjugating verbs in brackets into the correct tense like calling and visiting.
4. Circling the correct answers to multiple choice questions about driving a motorcycle, paying taxes, and reading habits as a child.
5. Matching sentences that express opinions, complaints, disagreements, and purposes.
This document is a test from Taferssit high school in Morocco for a first year Bac student. The test has multiple sections:
1. Adding articles like "a", "an", and "the" where needed in sentences.
2. Defining words like someone who lives in the street, the bus that takes children to school, and somewhere to live.
3. Conjugating verbs in brackets into the correct tense like calling and visiting.
4. Circling the correct answers to multiple choice questions about driving a motorcycle, paying taxes, and reading habits as a child.
5. Matching sentences that express opinions, complaints, disagreements, and purposes.
This document is a test from Taferssit high school in Morocco for a first year Bac student. The test has multiple sections:
1. Adding articles like "a", "an", and "the" where needed in sentences.
2. Defining words like someone who lives in the street, the bus that takes children to school, and somewhere to live.
3. Conjugating verbs in brackets into the correct tense like calling and visiting.
4. Circling the correct answers to multiple choice questions about driving a motorcycle, paying taxes, and reading habits as a child.
5. Matching sentences that express opinions, complaints, disagreements, and purposes.
This document is a test from Taferssit high school in Morocco for a first year Bac student. The test has multiple sections:
1. Adding articles like "a", "an", and "the" where needed in sentences.
2. Defining words like someone who lives in the street, the bus that takes children to school, and somewhere to live.
3. Conjugating verbs in brackets into the correct tense like calling and visiting.
4. Circling the correct answers to multiple choice questions about driving a motorcycle, paying taxes, and reading habits as a child.
5. Matching sentences that express opinions, complaints, disagreements, and purposes.
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School: Taferssit high school
Teacher: Fatima-zahra ZOUALI
Level: 1 st Year Bac Name: Class:.
Number: Semester: 1 Test N: 1 Time: !"mi# Mark:
A- Put in a, an, the where necessary: (6 Points) 1$ There is %%%%%ma# i# %%%%%street. %%%%%ma# is ta&i#g '( a )olice*oma#. +$ ,r -ac&so# is %%%%% artist. .$ %%%%%,orocca# )eo)le eat%%%%%%% co/sco/s for l/#ch e0er( Fri1a(. B- What do you call: (3 Points) 1- 2omeo#e *ho li0es i# street3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +- The '/s that ta&es the chil1re# to school3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .- 2ome*here to li0e i#3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% C- Put the vers etween rac!ets into the correct tense: (" Points) a- 2all(: 4here 5(o/6 'e$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(ester1a( e0e#i#g3 -/1(: At a frie#17s ho/se. '- -ames: 8ello6 1ear. I 5&ee)$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%calli#g (o/ last #ight *he# I 5arri0e$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%i# O/91a6 '/t the li#e 5'e$ %%%%%%%%%%%e#gage1. 8o* are (o/3 A##a: Fi#e6 tha#&s. I 50isit$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%m( co/si# (ester1a( #ight. #- Circle the correct answer: (3 Points) 1$ No* Nam has got a car. 8e %%%%%%%%%%%%a motor-c(cle. A. /ses to 1ri0e B. /se1 to 1ri0i#g :. /se1 to 1ri0e ;. /ses to 1ri0i#g +$ ;o (o/ thi#& the %%%%%%%%%%%sho/l1 )a( more ta<es3 A. )oorer B. )oor :. )o0ert( ;. )oorl( .$ I%%%%%%%%%%%%%5Not=rea1$ a lot of 'oo&s *he# I *as a chil1. 1i1#>t /se to rea1 B. /se #ot rea1 :. 1i1#>t /se1 to rea1 ;. 1o#>t rea1 $- %atch the &ollowin' sentences with the &unctions they e()ress: (3 Points) 1-I7m afrai1 (o/ are#7t right i# sa(i#g +- ?erso#all( s)ea&i#g6 I thi#& that *ome# sho/l1 s)ace o/t their )reg#a#cies. .- @I7m sorr( to ha0e to sa( this6 '/t the research (o/ ha0e co#1/cte1 is far from satisfactor(A The teacher sai1 to a gro/) of st/1e#ts. !- Yo/7re right. 4e sho/l1 im)ro0e the teachi#g B/alit( i# ,orocco. A-C<)ressi#g o)i#io# B-:om)lai#i#g :-;isagreei#g ;-C<)ressi#g )/r)ose Good luck 2chool (ear : +D1+=+D1.