Test Num 1 1st Year Bac

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School: Taferssit high school

Teacher: Fatima-zahra ZOUALI

Level: 1
Year Bac

Semester: 1
Test N: 1
Time: !"mi#

A- Put in a, an, the where necessary: (6 Points)
1$ There is %%%%%ma# i# %%%%%street. %%%%%ma# is ta&i#g '( a )olice*oma#.
+$ ,r -ac&so# is %%%%% artist.
.$ %%%%%,orocca# )eo)le eat%%%%%%% co/sco/s for l/#ch e0er( Fri1a(.
B- What do you call: (3 Points)
1- 2omeo#e *ho li0es i# street3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+- The '/s that ta&es the chil1re# to school3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
.- 2ome*here to li0e i#3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
C- Put the vers etween rac!ets into the correct tense: (" Points)
a- 2all(: 4here 5(o/6 'e$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(ester1a( e0e#i#g3
-/1(: At a frie#17s ho/se.
'- -ames: 8ello6 1ear. I 5&ee)$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%calli#g (o/ last #ight *he# I 5arri0e$
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%i# O/91a6 '/t the li#e 5'e$ %%%%%%%%%%%e#gage1. 8o* are (o/3
A##a: Fi#e6 tha#&s. I 50isit$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%m( co/si# (ester1a( #ight.
#- Circle the correct answer: (3 Points)
1$ No* Nam has got a car. 8e %%%%%%%%%%%%a motor-c(cle.
A. /ses to 1ri0e B. /se1 to 1ri0i#g :. /se1 to 1ri0e ;. /ses to 1ri0i#g
+$ ;o (o/ thi#& the %%%%%%%%%%%sho/l1 )a( more ta<es3
A. )oorer B. )oor :. )o0ert( ;. )oorl(
.$ I%%%%%%%%%%%%%5Not=rea1$ a lot of 'oo&s *he# I *as a chil1.
1i1#>t /se to rea1 B. /se #ot rea1 :. 1i1#>t /se1 to rea1 ;. 1o#>t rea1
$- %atch the &ollowin' sentences with the &unctions they e()ress: (3 Points)
1-I7m afrai1 (o/ are#7t right i# sa(i#g
+- ?erso#all( s)ea&i#g6 I thi#& that *ome# sho/l1 s)ace o/t their )reg#a#cies.
.- @I7m sorr( to ha0e to sa( this6 '/t the research (o/ ha0e co#1/cte1 is far from
satisfactor(A The teacher sai1 to a gro/) of st/1e#ts.
!- Yo/7re right. 4e sho/l1 im)ro0e the teachi#g B/alit( i# ,orocco.
A-C<)ressi#g o)i#io#
;-C<)ressi#g )/r)ose
2chool (ear : +D1+=+D1.

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