Using Shortcuts in the tool: 1. Use the shortcut key "N" to insert the unread text. 2. Use the relevant shortcut key to open the pop up window for the below mentioned tags and modify the text by applying the tags. Using Shortcuts in the Tool: 3. Use the shortcut keys "E" and "M" to open the editable window.
Using Shortcuts in the tool: 1. Use the shortcut key "N" to insert the unread text. 2. Use the relevant shortcut key to open the pop up window for the below mentioned tags and modify the text by applying the tags. Using Shortcuts in the Tool: 3. Use the shortcut keys "E" and "M" to open the editable window.
Using Shortcuts in the tool: 1. Use the shortcut key "N" to insert the unread text. 2. Use the relevant shortcut key to open the pop up window for the below mentioned tags and modify the text by applying the tags. Using Shortcuts in the Tool: 3. Use the shortcut keys "E" and "M" to open the editable window.
Using Shortcuts in the tool: 1. Use the shortcut key "N" to insert the unread text. 2. Use the relevant shortcut key to open the pop up window for the below mentioned tags and modify the text by applying the tags. Using Shortcuts in the Tool: 3. Use the shortcut keys "E" and "M" to open the editable window.
Step 2: It will lead us to the login web page of web editor.
Step 3: Now type the user credentials.
Step 4: The following screen will be displayed. In that processes will be displayed based on the user skills. Now select the process you want to perform and select the.
Step 5: Now click Editing process then, it will be forwarded with a window of list of files and batch names.
Select a batch name from the drop down list. Now the list of files will be displayed.
Step 4: By double clicking the file name, the file will be selected and it will be opened in the web editor directly from the server as shown below:
Descriptions of Tool bar:
- Zoom in Image Window.
- Zoom Out Image Window.
-Finish Button. File will be moved to the next process. Editable Text window Shortcut Lists Tag Label Image Window Validation Tool Bar
- Close Button. File will be in the same queue.
- Validates the file and displays the list of systematical errors present in the file with article id and error description.
- Displays the current xml number as shown below:
- Tag label which shows the nature of text. - Goes to the previous zone. - Goes to the next zone.
- Lists the shortcuts as shown below:
Using Shortcuts in the Tool:
1. Use the shortcut key N to insert the unread text. In the below image, last word EACH is not read by the starclips.
When we press N the following pop up menu will be displayed.
Now select the position and type the required word in the text field and click on OK button.
Now the mouse pointer will be changed for zoning the required word.
The keyed text has been displayed in the second window.
2. Editing a word
In the below screen the word RAINS has read as SAINS. So we need to change.
Select the required word to change and press shortcut key E. An editable window will be displayed and here we can correct the spelling error then press END key on the keyboard to reflect the changes in the second window.
3. Use the relevant shortcut key to open the pop up window for the below mentioned tags and modify the text by applying the instructions.
a. Byline (B)
b. Credit (C)
c. Datepara (D)
d. Distributor (A)
e. Abstract (O)
If abstract not ends with period(.) or ellipses(), software will show the following error message. By giving Cancel we can change the error. By giving Ignore we can ignore the message and continue to the next tag. But Ignore option can only be used if an abstract ends with punctuations like ?, !, and
4. Merging the hyphenated word
In the below screen the word Rescue is split into two. So we need to merge this word.
First remove the hyphen by editing the word.
Now use Merge (M) option to merge the word
5. Use CTRL+H to retain the end punctuation for the following tags.
a. Lead b. Headline c. Subhead d. Dateline
Near by the tag label , value 1 will be displayed.
1.1. Instructions to be applied in editable tags
If illegible character/word appears in the above said tags (except byline and distributor) then key three dots for the respective words. If mdash appears replace with double hyphen. If ndash appears replace with single hyphen. Replace the Special Characters with the nearest English character. If degree symbol appears then delete the symbol.
Example 1: Source:
Output: GIANTS INTO COURT Mosley Smiles When With Writ Example 2: Source: Seor Output: Senor Source: Rsum Output: Resume
If the following Non-keyable characters that appears in the source then delete the respective characters. If the following non-keyable characters appears in between a words without space then delete the symbols and give one space.
(i) Bullet (all types of bullet symbols) Copyright () Registered () (ii) Commercial at (@) Trademark () Example 1: Source: Interest in Contest Output: Interest in contest
Source: All rightsreserved Output: All rights reserved
Source: All rights reserved Output: All rights reserved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HN_lead
The text that is usually placed before the headline of the article, which may introduce the article, give background on the author of the article, etc.
Key as per the source. Software will remove the punctuations at the end of this tag. If you want to retain any of the punctuations at the end use CTRL+H. Headline Subhead
Remove bracket before and after the lead.
Example 3: Source: POLICE MAKE USUAL MOVE IN MYSTERY! Output: POLICE MAKE USUAL MOVE IN MYSTERY! (Use CTRL+H) Example 4: Source: PHI BETA SIGMA FRATERS GATHE, VA. Output: PHI BETA SIGMA FRATERS GATHE, VA. (Use CTRL+H) Example 5: Source: Haste Rule In Chemical Suit: Output: Haste Rule In Chemical Suit Example 6: Source: Arrest Landis Again Output: Arrest Landis Again (Use CTRL+H)
HN_headline The primary title of the article. Appears almost always in the first line of the article. Usually bold, capped, and in a larger font size than the rest of the article. Key as per the source. Maximum amount of characters is 1024. Software will remove the punctuations at the end of this tag. If you want to retain any of other punctuations at the end use CTRL+H. Remove bracket before and after the headline.
Example 5: Source: Haste Rule In Chemical Suit: Output: Haste Rule in Chemical Suit
Example 6: Source: Arrest Landis Again Output: Arrest Landis Again (Use CTRL+H)
HN_subhead The subhead is the secondary title of an article. Appears usually after the headline and has a font size that is larger than the article, but smaller than the headline. The font is usually bold and may or may not be capped. There may be more than one subhead. Key as per the source. Maximum amount of characters is 1024. Software will remove the punctuations at the end of this tag. If you want to retain any of other punctuations at the end use CTRL+H.
Example 2: Source: POLICE MAKE USUAL MOVE IN MYSTERY. Output: POLICE MAKE USUAL MOVE IN MYSTERY. Example 3: Source: CREW MATING ON RAILROADS! Output: CREW MATING ON RAILROADS! (Use CTRL+H) Example 4: Source: PHI BETA SIGMA FRATERS GATHE, VA. Output: PHI BETA SIGMA FRATERS GATHE, VA. (Use CTRL+H) Example 5: Source: Haste Rule In Chemical Suit: Output: Haste Rule In Chemical Suit
Example 6: Source: Arrest Landis Again Output: Arrest Landis Again (Use CTRL+H)
The text that indicates the author of an article. The author may be at the beginning or end of an article.
Key as per the source. Maximum amount of characters is 255 characters. In the case where there are more than 255 characters than available then delete complete author names, starting with the last author listed until the author text falls with in the 255-character limit. All authors' names must be complete. If author is appears along with By, From, then remove the word By and From. Then capitalize the first character. If author is appears along with Submitted by, Edited by, Gathered by Reported by, then do not remove this convention. Delete brackets that appear before and after the author. If same newspaper Editor appears along with author then Key. Copy the required content from the second window and use shortcut key B to open the pop up window and apply all the instructions there.
Example 1: Source: By Henry Wales Output: Henry Wales
Source: Submitted by Henry Wales Output: Submitted by Henry Wales
Source: By a Hartford courant Staff Reporter Output: A Hartford courant Staff Reporter
Source: [Mary Smith] Output: Mary Smith
Source: Thomas Jefferson Output: Thomas Jefferson
Source: Brain Thomas Sports editor Output: Brain Thomas Sports editor
Descended names
If an author is a junior or is labeled as the III, or the 2 nd then key as seen (Jr, Junior, Jun, Senior, Sr). Do not include a period after Jr/Sr, but always capitalize the 'J'/S.
Example 1: Source: Jeffery Hornsby jr. Output: Jeffery Hornsby Jr
Source: Henry Potter III Output: Henry Potter III
Source: William Knight 2nd. Output: William Knight 2nd
The only punctuation that can be used in the author field is the semi -colon, the hyphen, and the apostrophe.
The semi-colon is used to separate more than one author. Example 1: Source: Morgan Daly; David Green Output: Morgan Daly; David Green
The hyphen is used when an author has two joined last names. Example 2: Source: Dana Harvey-Jones Output: Dana Harvey-Jones
The apostrophe is used in names beginning with a single letter. Example 3: Source: Jeanette O'Neal Output: Jeanette O'Neal Exception:
Mr. Mrs. and Miss. period is allowed in the byline.
Example 3: Source: Miss. James Output: Miss. James
Multiple Authors
If there are more than five authors in a single zone, type only the first four authors. Separate the names with a semi-colon followed by a space. And then type et al after the fourth name. If only five authors in the zone, then type all the five authors. Dont use et al for this case.
If author name is followed by 'with' the first author name, then type only the first author name.
Example 2 : Source: Tom Gordon...with Mary Smith Output: Tom Gordon
If there are only initials listed for the author, key initials as per source. Remove the period that follows the initials. Do not remove the space in-between the initials.
Example 1 : Source: J. B. Output: J B
Source: Dana H. J. Output: Dana H J
Source: H. J. James Output: H J James
Source: J. Thomas Output: J Thomas
Source: Thomas J. Henry Output: Thomas J Henry
Source: Thomas J Henry Output: Thomas J Henry
Incomplete author names
Sometimes in the author names the first and last letter will be splitted by dashes. Use only two dashes to separate the first and last letter of the name.
Example 1: Source: Jeremiah P------D Output: Jeremiah P--D
If an author has signed his name as a pseudonym, you will use that as the author name. When the author has used the pseudonyms and the authors name or initials both the pseudonym and the authors name would be keyed as a byline.
Example1: Source: From a Hartford courant Reporter Output: A Hartford courant Reporter
Source: By J. Tom Hanks A Wall Street Journal Staff Reporter Output: J Tom Hanks
Example 2: Correspondence of the "Newspaper name" Special to the "Newspaper name" Special Dispatch to the "Newspaper Name" "Newspaper Name" reporter "Exclusive to the Los Angeles Times"
Courtesy titles
Use courtesy titles for single authors. Dont use courtesy titles for multiple authors.
Example 1: Source: Queen Elizabeth Output: Queen Elizabeth
Example 2: Source: Rev Thomas Output: Rev Thomas
Example 3: Source: Sarah, Duchess of York Output: Sarah Duchess of York
Example 4: Source: Queen Elizabeth II General Hollingsworth Output: Elizabeth II; Hollingsworth
Key the titles of Mr. & Mrs., Dr. as given in the example below:
Example 4: Source: Mrs. Elizabeth II Mr. Hollingsworth Dr. Anderson Output: Mrs. Elizabeth II; Mr. Hollingsworth; Dr Anderson
Delete the authors affiliation (Affiliation refers to the information that tells the workplace, designation associated with a person or an organization).
Example 1: Source: BY THE REVEREND JOHN WATSON, D.D., Author of The Mind of the Master, Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush, Output: JOHN WATSON
Example 2: Source: By Henry Wales, MBA Former Vice-President of Batt Co. Output: Henry Wales
Blurred images
If Blurred author name appears, then report to the troubleshooters. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HN_distributor
The company or agency that distributes the article. The distributor is any publisher that is different than the publisher of the newspaper.
Key as per the source. Remove the following punctuations at the end of the distributor. . , : ; Do not remove the abbreviation dot. Delete brackets that appear before and after the distributor. If multiple distributor appears key as per source.
Example 1: Source: By United Press International Output: By United Press International
Source: A. P. Output: A. P.
Source: Special from the Philadelphia News Bureau Output: Special from the Philadelphia News Bureau
Example 2: Reuters United Press International or UPI Associated Press or AP United Press or UP From the London Times (or any other newspaper) Special from the Philadelphia News Bureau
The text that indicates the date and/or place for the specific articl e. It usually appears right after the subhead and before the text of the article begins.
Key as per the source. Software will remove the punctuations at the end of this tag. If you want to retain any of the punctuations at the end use CTRL+H.
The text that indicates the date and/or place of the specific article. It usually appears at the beginning of the article text.
Key as per the source. Edit only the date information. Dont edit the remaining text on this tag. Insert the <date>tag before and after the date information. Exclude all the punctuations before the closing delimiter (Except the abbreviated dot). If dateline and the distributor appears along with the date Para then, Insert the <date>tag before and after the date information. Insert the <distributor> before and after the Distributor. Exclude all the punctuations before the closing delimiter. If Author appears along with the date Para then, Insert the <author>tag before and after the author information. Copy the required content from the second window and use shortcut key D to open the pop up window and apply all the instructions there.
Example 1:
Output: <date>Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 2</date>
Example 2: Source:
Output: <date>St. LOUIS, Mo., June 26</date> (<distributor>AP</distributor>) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HN_abstract
Usually the first paragraph of text of an article or introduction.
Key as per the source. If the abstract is not complete sentence then key ellipses at the end of the sentence without any space before, after and between the ellipses. If the abstract is complete sentence then key as per the source. Delete continued on page line in the HN_abstract if it crosses two zones. Remove the Hyphen if a single word is split in two lines If abstract crosses two zones and if a word is split, then remove the hyphen and merge the word in the 1st zone. Do not remove non hyphenated words. If dateline appears along with the abstract then,
Insert the <date>tag before and after the date information. Exclude all the punctuations before the closing delimiter. If dateline and the distributor appears along with the abstract then, Insert the <date>tag before and after the date information. Insert the <distributor> before and after the Distributor. Exclude all the punctuations before the closing delimiter. If Author appears along with the abstract then, Insert the <author>tag before and after the author information. Copy the required content from the second window and use shortcut key O to open the pop up window and apply all the instructions there.
Example 1: Source:
Output: Three revolvers and a dozen knives Were found at the party given by Mrs. Louise Mosely, 2826 Calumet Ave., when Officer Thomas followed a Crowd of youths into the house early Thursday morning.
Example 2: Source:
Output: Samuel Washington, 28-year-old slayer of Mrs. Minnie Davis, whom he shot to death in her home at 4114 Calumet Ave, July 1, who was tried for the murder, convicted and sentenced to death by a jury in Judge Harry B. Millers court, was granted a stay of execution at midnight
Example 3: Source:
Output: <date>New York, Jan. 1</date>.--Warning of huge crowds and that early attendance would be necessary to obtain a seat was issued by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People at the annual mass meeting next Sunday at 3 p. m. in Mount Oliver Bantist church, 120 th
Example 4: Source:
Example 5: Source:
Output: <date>Apex, N. C.</date> -- (<distributor>ANP</distributor>) -- A 24-year-old Negro soldier and his young white wife, driving through Dixie on their way to Alabama to see his relatives, voluntarily went their separate ways last week after running into difficulties here.
Example 6: Source: Girls, heres your chance. The Hartford courant is in receipt of a communication from a lonesome man, apparently possessor of comfortable Wealth, who wants a wite. Part of his plea to this office for aid in finding a life companion reads as follows:
Output: <Date>Washington, D. C.</date> (by <author>Newton Lavon</author>.)Requiri ng the riot squad to keep the crowd in order, Billy King and his company of forty opened a return engagement in Washington recently in his new offering. Moonshine. To the largest business in the history of the Lincoln theater.
Example 6: Source:
Output: <date>Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 16 </date>.(<author>Special to Chicago Defender</author>.)The last official act of Governor Thomas McRae of this state before he surrendered his office to his successor. Tuesday, was to sign pardons freeing the last six men held in connection with the Elaine riot. Those freed by the -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HN_caption
Text explicitly related to an image zone
Key as per the source. If incomplete caption comes, cut the caption from the credit zone and paste it in the Caption zone. Remove the Mdash/Ndash that appears between the credit and caption. Remove the Hyphen if a single word is split in two lines. Do not remove non hyphenated words. If caption crosses two zones and if a word is split, then remove the hyphen and merge the word in the 1st zone. Remove bracket that appears before and after the caption. Do not remove brackets in between the running text.
Example 1: Source:
The Spirit of Christmas pervades the entire South side today. The groups shown were among t he many to whom Santa Claus came early. The South Side Community center (upper left) held its annual Yuletide entertainment for the needy children in the district Monday afternoon dispensing cheer to a merry group gathered about a brilliantly-decked tree. The Junior Matrons Social and Art club. The photo shows Mrs. Irene Giles, headed by Dean Amanda Geighly to distribute Christmas baskets.
Example 2:
Example 3:
Output: LOOKING PRETTY:-Titian-hai red and exotic-eyed Barbara Martyn relaxed a moment and is pictured by photographer E.F. Joseph at the ramblers club formal dancing party, given at famous St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco. Barabara, popular member of the younger smart set in California, has a position in one of the San Franciscos hospitals. Girls, heres your chance. The Hartford courant is in receipt of a communication from a lonesome man, apparently possessor of comfortable Wealth, who wants a wite. Part of his plea to this office for aid in finding a life companion reads as follows: Credit Window
Credits are the name of the individual, publishing distributor or source publication.
Key as per the source. Remove the punctuations (dot) at the end of the credit. Do not remove the abbreviation dot. Remove the Mdash/Ndash that appears between the credit and caption. Delete brackets that appear before and after the credit. When both a photographer's name and a distributor appear together, key photographer's name first followed by a semi-colon then the distributor's name. If credit is coming along with Photo By, From, then remove the word Photo By and From. Then capitalize the first character. Apply your best guess to key the handwritten signatures. When a copyright statement falls below the credit line. Do NOT key the copyright statement. When Place/date information appears along with credit do not key the place/date information. Copy the required content from the second window and use shortcut key C to open the pop up window and apply all the instructions here.
Example 8: Source: Hartford courant Photo by Jackson Output: Hartford courant Photo by Jackson
Example 9: Source: Jackson photo for the Hartford courant Output: Jackson photo for the Hartford courant
Example 10: Source: Hartford courant Photographer - Jackson Output: Hartford courant Photographer - Jackson
Initial list of photo credits for all HNP newspapers. Among the photo credits we often encounter are: "Newspaper name" (source publication) exp: Hartford courant "Newspaper name" / (name of individual) "Newspaper name" / (date) NOTE: Leave off the date. By a staff photographer Photo for Newspaper name Newspaper name Photo Newspaper name Staff Photo Agency France-Presse Associated Press AP Reuters United Press International UPI National Weather Service And. Individual contributors -- ex. Anita Siegel; Black and Blue, etc. Article Types
Dont apply your guesses other than signature credit.
If double pages appear and text spans to the next page then open the full page (tiff) and key the respective missing text. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text Formatting: If any text clubbing we can give space and separate.
Example 1: Source:
Do not give space for word justification.
Example 2:
Increasing anxiety over American Policy in Vietnam is Reflected in some of the leading British newspapers. The
Example 3:
Do not give charmap values (1/2, 1 1/2). Key as per source.