Dividing Honey Bee Colonies: MAAREC Publication 3.3 February 2000
Dividing Honey Bee Colonies: MAAREC Publication 3.3 February 2000
Dividing Honey Bee Colonies: MAAREC Publication 3.3 February 2000
February 2000
It is sometimes worthwhile for a beekeeper to divide honey
bee colonies to increase numbers or to make up winter
losses. Dividing the colonies costs little as compared to
buying package bees or established colonies. An additional
dividend to dividing a colony is that the beekeeper can obtain
the net result of swarming, but does so at his or her conve-
nience without the work of swarm capture or risk of missing
or being unable to capture the swarm.
Only strong colonies should be used for making divides. In
areas having a late honey flow, divisions should be made
approximately six to eight weeks prior to the main flower
bloom. This will allow new colonies sufficient time to build
up strong populations to gather the crop. In areas having an
earlier honey flow, colonies may be divided when there are
six or more frames of brood present in the hive. Although
divisions can be made any time, those made within two
months of a nectar flow period may result in the loss of some
or most of the surplus honey crop. Dividing bee colonies
after June is not recommended (except in the more southern
states) since the colonies may not be able to properly build
up and store enough honey for winter use.
Colony divisions should be made on a day that bees are
freely flying. Colonies will be most gentle at this time. This
insures that young bees that have remained in the hive will
be transferred to the new hive. Additionally, this will insure
warmer weather and there will be less danger of chilling
To divide a colony, the procedure is to open the hive using
as little smoke as possible. Fewer bees will scatter and take
flight, thus allowing more bees to remain on the combs to be
transferred. Find the frame containing the queen and set it
aside to insure that she doesnt move to another part of the
hive. Next remove frames of brood and honey with adhering
bees and divide equally or if the colony is very strong (more
than 12 frames with brood) divide into thirds. A minimum of
three frames of brood should be given to each new hive.
Empty frames, or frames containing honey or pollen, are
added to fill up empty spaces left in the brood chamber. The
frame containing the old queen is then placed in the original
colony or in one of the new colonies. Introduce a new queen
(or a queen cell) into the other colony or colonies. It is a good
idea to feed the new divides sugar syrup to stimulate produc-
tion of brood. It is also important to provide entrance
reducers to the smaller hives to prevent robbing.
If colonies are maintained in two-story brood boxes, it is
possible to divide by simply separating the two hive bodies.
Four days after this separation check the two hives and
determine which one is queenless. Add a new queen to the
queenless colony using a cage introduction method. This
dividing method is not very refined and neither original
colony nor divide usually produce any surplus honey.
When dividing colonies for swarm control, 3 to 5 frames of
brood with clinging bees are removed from those colonies
that begin rearing queens. These frames are placed in a new
hive and given a queen cell or a new queen. Replace the
frames in the original colony with drawn comb if possible
since foundation frames may crowd the original colony too
much and it may still swarm. It is well to reorganize the
frames of the hive that was preparing to swarm, providing as
much room for brood rearing as possible to assist in swarm
It is possible to take one or two frames from several colonies
to form a new hive. This may help alleviate potential swarm
problems if done at an early date. It may also be done without
a loss of honey crop in the stronger colonies. There is usually
little fighting among young bees when they are placed to-
gether in this manner. If fighting does occur, smoking the new
colony heavily may help alleviate the problem.
When dividing colonies in half, the original colony can be
moved slightly to one side so that it covers half of its original
stand. The new hive is then placed alongside the colony so
that it is partially on the stand occupied by the parent colony.
Half the foraging bees will enter one hive and half the other.
If the colonies cannot be placed side by side, or if the original
colony is split in thirds or more, it is beneficial to move the
new hive or hives a minimum of two miles from the original
home to prevent the older foraging bees from returning to the
original hive.
With some divides, the original hive may be removed and the
new divide placed at the original location. As the foraging
bees leave their hive they return to the original position since
that is the one they know as home. New divides increase
rapidly in this situation and the original colony usually is not
adversely harmed but it may not produce a honey crop with
the heavy loss of its foragers. The divide does not necessarily
need to receive the foragers from the original colony. The
divide can be placed at the location of a different strong
colony in the apiary and that strong colony moved to an
alternate position. If done when there is a moderate to good
nectar flow, little robbing should result. If there is little nectar
forage available, it is best not to interchange any colony
The most efficient method of dividing involves placing a new
queen in each of the resulting colonies. This will insure that
the colony gets a good start and has an opportunity to survive
the winter. It is possible to divide a colony without a queen.
A queen cell in the new hive will be sufficient, provided there
is the majority of the season ahead. The least desirable
alternative is to let the new colony rear a new queen. The
delay before the new colony can start worker bee production
is quite lengthy and not desirable for a small colony.
If queens are not available, it is best to leave the queen of the
original colony in the largest colony if you want surplus
honey. She will continue the brood cycle and the colony
should be assured of surviving the winter even if they dont
store a surplus. Divides that remain too weak can be united in
the fall.
New divides should not be extensively manipulated. Any
divide that must rear a new queen cell should not be disturbed
for three weeks. It usually is advisable to feed sugar syrup to
divides for the first couple of weeks. It may be necessary to
continue feeding for a longer time.
Divides should be examined early in the fall management
schedule. Weak colonies can be combined with other weak
colonies or added to stronger colonies to insure that they get
through winter. If a new queen was added to the divide, this
queen may be used to head the united colonies as a method of
requeening. Fall feeding may be necessary and early fall
examination will insure sufficient time to accomplish this
* * * *
Dividing a colony is a means of obtaining free bees. Divides
are an excellent means of increasing colony numbers or for
making up winter and swarm losses. When done properly,
divides may yield surplus honey and certainly should build up
and winter well. Dividing is good bee management.
MAAREC, the Mid-Atlantic Apiculture Research and Extension Consortium, is an official activity of
five land grant universities and the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The following are cooperating
University of Delaware University of Maryland
Newark, Delaware College Park, Maryland
Rutgers University The Pennsylvania State University
New Brunswick, New Jersey University Park, Pennsylvania
West Virginia University USDA/ARS
Morgantown, West Virginia Bee Research Lab
Beltsville, Maryland
Requests for information or publications should be sent to: MAAREC, 501 ASI Building, University
Park, PA 16802 Phone: (814) 865-1896 Fax: (814) 865-3048 Web site: http://MAAREC.cas.psu.edu
This publication is available in alternative media on request.
The mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is for illustrative purposes only
and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Mid-Atlantic Apiculture Research and
Extension Consortium or their employees.
The U.S. Cooperative Extension Service and the U.S. Department of Agriculture provide Equal
Opportunities in employment and programs.
* * * * *
Participants in MAAREC also include state beekeeper associations, and State Departments
of Agriculture from Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
MAAREC Publication 3.3. Original from American Bee Journal Vol. 117 (4); 238 and 239.
Authors: I. Barton Smith and Dewey M. Caron.
Visit the MAAREC Website at: http://MAAREC.cas.psu.edu