The Technical Data Will Convince You!: Specification

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The technical data will convince you!

Measuring input Resistance thermometer Pt 100 (4 wire);
standard signal 0 (4)-20 mA
Interface serial interface RS 232 C
Measuring value
74 measuring value; min/ max store
Resistance thermometer input
Measuring range -99,99 ... +850C
Dimension range C; F (programmable)
Resolution (range
selection automatically)
0,01 C (range 1: -99,99 ... +199,99C)
0,1 C (range 2: +200,0 ... +850,0C)
Accuracy with:
sensor class A
special sensor with
0,15C 0,002 x lTI
< 0,03C 1 digit, range 1
< 0,1 C 1 digit, range 2
Measuring rate 0,3 s ... 3600 s (programmable)
Standard signal input
Measuring range 4 ... 20 mA passive
Dimension range C; F; %RH; BAR; MBAR; PSI; mA
Resolution (range
selection automatically)
0,01 (Dimension mA);
0,1 (all other Dimensions)
Accuracy 0,01 % FS 1 digit
Measuring rate 0,3 ... 3600 s (programmable)
General data
Power supply 9V compact battery
Battery operati ng ti me approx. 250 hrs (measuring rate > 1 s )
Current consumpt i on 6,5 mA, measuring rate < 1s
2,4 mA, measuring rate > 1s
Housi ng al umi num profi l e housi ng, anodi zed gol d-col ored
Di mensi ons (L x W x H) 1 3 0 x 7 0 x 2 0 mm
Wei ght approx. 200 g
A particularly useful feature of the Microtemp
TT 7200 is the serial interface. When used
with the Microtemp software your personal
computer can be turned into a large indicator
or a data capture station for long-term investi-
gations or life tests.
The test results can be presented in graphic
or tabulated form and prepared in an easily
read document form.
SIKA temperature sensor for Microtemp TT 7200
The intelligent solution: The TFE
In order to make full use of the accuracy of the TT 7200 we have developed an intelligent Pt 100
sensor type TFE
When switching on the instrument, or after each sensor change, the sensor characteristics are
transformed into the instrument's memory and used as a base for all subsequent results. The
combination of the sensor corrections and the precision of the measuring input gives
an accuracy which until now has not been possible.
is available in five models (see technical data for sensors TF1 to TF5).
The performance of the TFE
depends significantly on the calibration
data stored in the sensor.
Recalibration in our DKD*-Laboratory will give you the
necessary confidence.
*German calibration service
The economical solution: The TFE
In addition to the intelligent TFE
sensor we also
offer a less expensive Type TFE for use with
the TT 7200.
This probe is fitted with a Pt 100 sensor
(class A) using four wire technique.
Readings from this sensor are
achieved using the DIN
standard characteristic.
The Microtemp knows
automatically which
probe has been
plugged in.
Sensors with an measuring range > 400C are delivered only with a length of 300 mm or greater and with 0 6 mm.
Please note! Do not exceed an ambient temperature of 100C.
All sensors are delivered with a connection line of 2 m and a attachment plug.

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