Octupus Manual

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See Also:

Definition Heading
Definition Motions
Definition Statistical Operators
Definition of Phase
Definition of Wavespectra
See Also:
Definition Coordinate System
Definition Motions
Definition Statistical Operators
Definition of Phase
Definition of Wavespectra
Envelopes sea state statistics
OCTOPUS Office !"
Amarcon OCTOPUS Office Man#al incl#des the follo$ing information%
&ntrod#ction Octop#s Office
User '#ide
(#ic) '#ide
* +"", Amarcon -!.!
All rights reserved! /o portion of the contents of this p#0lication may 0e reprod#ced or transmitted in any form or 0y any means $itho#t the e1press $ritten
permission of Amarcon -!.!
2or more information on OCTOPUS Office3 see http%44$$$!amarcon!com
Definition Coordinate System
All the coordinates are defined relative to a coordinate system $ith%
15a1is pointing to 0o$
y5a1is pointing to Portside
65a1is pointing #p$ard
Origin 17" at APP 8Aft Perpendic#lar9
Origin y7" at C: 8Centerline9
Origin 67" at -: 8-aseline9
s#rge% 15a1is positive direction
s$ay% y5a1is positive direction
heave% 65a1is positive direction
roll% positive portside #p4star0oard side do$n
pitch% positive 0o$ do$n4stern #p
ya$% positive 0o$ to port4stern to star0oard side
Definition Heading
There are t$o definitions for directions in OCTOPUS5Office! &n general all directions are relative to the vessel! -#t in case of performing a voyage analysis all
directions are relative to north!
&n general all headings are defined
relative to the vessel! The direction
of approaching $aves is in this case
;<" degrees!
An e1ception is made in W=C
Calc#lation3 $here the directions of
$aves are relative to north!
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See Also:
Definition Coordinate System
Definition Heading
Definition Motions
Definition of Phase
Definition of Wavespectra
Definition Statistical Operators
In the statistical analyses it is assumed that the responses are linear or Gaussian, and that the etremes follo! a "ayleigh pro#a#ility distri#ution$ %rom this the
follo!ing relations can #e derived&
Spectral moments:
'he spectral moments of the responses are the #asis Spectral moments of the responses are calculated as follo!s&
Where is the response spectrum, omega the radian fre(uency and #eta the !ave direction$ ) special case is m* !hich is the spectral moment or
variance of the response$
Zero-upcrossing period.
'he +ero,upcrossing period is defined as the&
Significant single amplitude
'he significant amplitude of a response is given #y&
Significant double amplitude
'he significant dou#le amplitude of a response is given #y&
'he maimum is defined as the Most Pro#a#le -treme .MP-/, given #y
!her t is the reference period of a sea state, in seconds, typically 0 hours or 1*2** seconds$ 'his reference period can #e defined #y the user$
Rayleigh distribution
'he pro#a#ility density of the amplitudes, a, and its cumulative pro#a#ility .or pro#a#ility distri#ution/ follo! the "ayleigh density and distri#ution$ 'his can
#e !ritten as&
Definition Motion
'he definiton of the motion follo!s from the definition of !aves&
%igure 1 sho!s a harmonic !ave as seen from t!o different perspectives$ %igure a sho!s !hat one !ould o#serve in a snapshot photo made loo3ing at the
side of a .transparent/ !ave flume4 the !ave profile is sho!n as a function of distance along the flume at a fied instant in time$ %igure # sho!s a time
record of the !ater level o#served at one location along the flume4 it loo3s similar in many !ays to the other figure, #ut time t has replaced on the hori+ontal
%igure 1& Harmonic !ave definitions
5otice that the origin of the co,ordinate system is at the still !ater level !ith the positive +,ais directed up!ards4 most relevant values of + !ill #e negative$
'he still !ater level is the average !ater level or the level of the !ater if no !aves !ere present$ 'he ,ais is positive in the direction of !ave propagation$
'he !ater depth, h, .a positive value/ is measured #et!een the sea#ed .+ 6 ,h/ and the still !ater level .+ 6 */$
'he highest point of the !ave is called its crest and the lo!est point on its surface is the trough$ If the !ave is descri#ed #y a harmonic !ave, then its
amplitude is the distance from the still !ater level to the crest, or to the trough for that matter$ 'he su#script a denotes the amplitude, here$
'he hori+ontal distance .measured in the direction of !ave propagation/ #et!een any t!o successive !ave crests is the !avelength, $ 'he distance along the
time ais is the !ave period, '$ 'he ratio of !ave height to !avelength is often referred to as the dimensionless !ave steepness&
Since the distance #et!een any t!o corresponding points on successive harmonic !aves is the same, !ave lengths and periods are usually actually measured
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See Also:
Definition Coordinate System
Definition Statistical Operators
Definition Heading
Definition of Phase
Definition of Wavespectra
RAO Responses
between two consecutive upward or downward! crossings of the still water level" Such points are also called #ero$crossings% and are easier to detect in a wave
record" Since sine or cosine waves are e&pressed in terms of angular arguments% the wavelength and wave period are converted to angles using'
in which ( is the wave number rad)m! and is the circular wave fre*uency rad)s!"
Obviously% the wave form moves one wave length during one period% so that its speed or phase velocity% c% is given by'
Suppose now a sailing ship in waves% with co$ordinate systems as given in figure +"
,igure +' Co$ordinate systems
A right$handed co$ordinate system S&-% y-% #-! is fi&ed in space" .he &-%y-!$plane lies in the still water surface% &- is directed as the wave propagation and
#- is directed upwards"
Another right$handed co$ordinate system O&%y%#! is moving forward with a constant ship speed /" .he directions of the a&es are' & in the direction of the
forward ship speed /% y in the lateral port side direction and # vertically upwards" .he ship is supposed to carry out oscillations around this moving O&%y%#!
co$ordinate system" .he origin O lies vertically above or under the time$averaged position of the centre of gravity 0" .he &%y!$plane lies in the still water
A third right$handed co$ordinate system 0&b%yb%#b! is connected to the ship with its origin at 0% the ship1s centre of gravity" .he directions of the a&es are' &b
in the longitudinal forward direction% yb in the lateral port side direction and #b upwards" 2n still water% the &b%yb!$plane is parallel to the still water surface"
2f the wave moves in the positive &-$direction defined in a direction with an angle relative to the ship1s speed vector% /!% the wave profile $ the form of the
water surface $ can now be e&pressed as a function of both &- and t as follows'
.he right$handed co$ordinate system O&%y%#! is moving with the ship1s speed /% which yields'
,rom the relation between the fre*uency of encounter and the wave fre*uency ' follows'
.he resulting si& ship motions in the O&%y%#! system are defined by three translations of the ship1s centre of gravity in the direction of the &$% y$ and #$a&es
and three rotations about them'
.he phase shifts of these motions are related to the harmonic wave elevation at the origin of the O&%y%#! system% i"e" the average position of the ship1s centre
of gravity'
.he harmonic velocities and accelerations in the O&%y%#! system are found now by ta(ing the derivatives of the displacements% for instance for surge'
.he motions of the motion reference point as entered in RAO Responses are transformed from the calculated motions in the O&%y%#! plane" .he phase shifts
of these motions are related to the harmonic wave elevation at this motion reference point entered in RAO Responses"
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See Also:
Definition Coordinate System
Definition Motions
Definition Statistical Operators
Definition of Heading
Definition of Wavespectra
Envelopes sea state statistics
Definition of Phase
The motions are defined in the following way:
The calclated si! ship motions are defined "y three translations of the motion reference point #in the pictre a"ove chosen as center of gravity$ in the !% y and
& a!is and three rotations a"ot them:
'n which the s"script (a( denotes the response amplitde and epsilon denotes the phase shift) The phase shifts of these motions are related to the harmonic
wave elevation at the motion reference point:
The phase shift of the roll motion with respect to the wave elevation% in the figre a"ove is positive% "ecase when the wave elevation passes &ero at a certain
instant% the roll motion already has passed &ero) Ths% if the motion comes "efore the wave elevation% then the phase shift is defined as positive)
Definition of Spectra and Spreading
Different spectra are availa"le to define a sea state% the following can "e sed:
*retschneider #e+als Pierson,Mos-owit&$% which gives a an average wave spectrm% fre+ently sed in open sea areas
.onswap% which is a narrow wave spectrm% fre+ently sed in /orth Sea areas) .onswap has an e!tra parameter% gamma% which defines the steepness of
the spectrm) This parameter is not sed in the definition of the /emann and *retschneider spectra) When gamma is selected as vale 0% it gives the
same spectrm as the Pierson,Mos-owit& spectrm
/emann% this gives a somewhat wide wave spectrm% which is sometimes sed for open sea areas
1 comparison of the /emann% the *retschneider and the mean .O/SW1P wave spectra is given here for a sea state with a significant wave height of 2
meters and an average wave period of 3 seconds)
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See Also:
Definition Coordinate System
Definition Statistical Operators
Definition Heading
Definition of Phase
Definition of Motion
The spectrm spreading is defined as a cosine
fnction% where n is the nm"er entered at =Spreading=% a vale of 7 generally meets the conditions concerning
wind waves% and 3 meets conditions concerning swell) The reason why spreading has "een introdced is de the short crestedness of the waves) 1 short
crestedness is characteri&ed "y a two dimensional wave spectrm% which is written as:
>or e!ample when the spreading is 7% f#chi$ is defined as:
Swell has a lower spreading% so it is nescessary to define a higher vale for n in order to get the correct representation)
>or more information a"ot the different wave spectra% see the 'OCTOPUS Seaway Theory' on www)amarcon)com8spport and select docmentation
'ntrodction Octops Office)
*ecase of the comple!ity and vale of marine transports and operations at sea% it is not only re+ired "t also "eneficial to carry ot dedicated motion
analyses) The reslts of sch an analysis are primarily re+ired dring the transport preparation phase% from +otation to the design and engineering of the
stowage plan% cri""ing and sea fastenings)
Traditionally% marine transports are engineered to satisfy design criteria in terms of allowa"le wave heights) The =1llowa"le wave height= can "e calclated as
the =1llowa"le response level= divided "y the =?esponse level per nit wave height=) 't follows that different responses may reslt in different allowa"le wave
heights% depending on the allowa"le response level)
't is o"vios that the allowa"le wave height also depends on the other wave parameters% li-e the wave period% spectrm shape and spreading)
Operational parameters li-e the vessel heading and vessel speed may have a large effect on the response level in a certain sea state% and ths on the allowa"le
wave height) The same applies for the vessel=s voyage plan) That=s why weather roting is commonly applied) 'n general favora"le wave headings for roll are
nfavora"le headings for pitch and the related accelerations) Detailed -nowledge a"ot the vessel=s sea-eeping "ehavior ma-es it possi"le to do more
advanced weather roting% namely "y evalating and optimi&ing for ship responses in the forecasted weather #@waves$)
'n fact we are not tal-ing a"ot one allowa"le wave height% "t a"ot many allowa"le response levels) Each allowa"le response level implies a related
allowa"le wave height% which again may depend on wave heading etc) This reslts in a (minimm allowa"le wave height() 1 "alanced design of for e!ample
sea fastenings shold therefore "e "ased on the calclation of the e!pected levels of the relevant responses in the most li-ely wave environment)
The analysis se+ence as applied in Octops Office is shown in >igre 0) The o"tained design vales may serve as the criteria which shold not "e e!ceeded
dring the transport or operation) The calclated models and design vales can "e sed in Octops On"oardgive on"oard operational spport sing the same
methods and reslts as sed in design vale calclation procedre)
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See Also:
Definition Coordinate System
Create New Project
OCTOPUS-OFFICE 6 is a"aia#e in different modues$ de%endin& on t'e icense(
OCTOUS-OFFICE 6 )*+SIC) is used to cacuate t'e transfer functions of s'i% res%onses in wa"es ,a#soute and reati"e motions$ "eocities$ acceerations$
'u &irder oads and inear com#inations of res%onses-!
T'e %ro&ram 'as a #uit-in &eometry-modeer to %re%are .D- and /D-modes as in%ut for t'e 'ydrodynamic cacuations ,.D-stri% t'eory or a /D-diffraction
data#ase can #e used-! Noninear sea state de%endent transfer functions are so"ed #y means of stoc'astic ineari0ation! T'e %ro&ram features e1tensi"e
%ossi#iities for &ra%'ica and te1tua re%ortin& and %resentation$ incudin& e1%ort functions to MS 2ord and E1ce!
T'e e1tension )ST+TISTICS) is used to cacuate s'ort- and on&-term res%onse statistics in ar#itrary wa"e en"ironments3 incudin& en"ironment modein&
toos ,from sin&e %arametric sea state to fuy-directiona wa"e s%ectra3 edita#e route- or site-s%ecific scatter dia&rams$ muti-directiona seas-!
Sin&e res%onse statistics ,most %ro#a#e ma1ima$ si&nificant "aues$ out-crossin& statistics$ etc-$ en"eo%e cur"es or wor4a#iity in scatter dia&rams is just a
seection of t'e 5uantities t'at can #e anay0ed!
More ea#orate "oya&e-s%ecific sea4ee%in& anayses can #e carried out w'en time series of wa"es are a"aia#e! Usin& s%ectra data instead of deri"ed wa"e
%arameters suc' as si&nificant wa"e 'ei&'t$ mean direction or 0ero-u%crossin& %eriod$ ensures more accurate resuts$ es%eciay in muti-directiona seas!
Moreo"er$ %ersistency effects are automaticay incuded!
Usin& )2/C) "oya&e simuations can #e carried out #y usin& t'e +r&oss w/c-data#ase ,www!ar&oss!n-! T'is 'istorica word-wide wa"e data#ase is t'e
%roduct of sateite o#ser"ations and a /rd &eneration wa"e mode! It co"ers a %eriod of 67 years wit' a time resoution of / 'ours! T'e wa"e condition at a
%articuar date$ time and ocation is descri#ed #y a distri#ution of t'e ener&y$ t'e direction and t'e directionaity$ as a function of t'e fre5uency! T'e %osition
ist of an indicati"e "oya&e can #e used as in%ut for "oya&e simuations! T'e simuations are carried out for different dates and time of de%arture$ and re%eated
unti con"er&ence is o#tained after 8N8 simuations!
Introduction to t'e User 9uide
T'e User Guide contains t'e foowin& information(
E1%anation of t'e different items!
6! Start OCTOPUS Office
.! To create a new %roject$ cic4 File$ New...
Ty%e a new name at 8Project Name8!
*ecause OCTOPUS Office re&isters %rojects #y name$ use a uni5ue name for eac' %roject!
Ty%e a new descri%tion at 8Project Descri%tion8!
8:ocation8 s%ecifies t'e directory w'ere t'e new %roject is ocated!
Ty%e a %at' or seect one #y usin& t'e #rowse #utton to t'e ri&'t of t'e 8:ocation8 #o1!
Pa&e 6 of 76
67!;.!.;6. fie(<<<C(<Users<octo%usoffice<+%%Data<:oca<Tem%<=''.>.*!'tm
See Also:
Open Existing Project
Using the Workspace
Open Existing Project
See Also:
Create New Project
Using the Workspace
Using the Workspace
3. Click OK to create the project.
1. Start OCTOPUS Office
a. To open an existing project! click File an" select Open....
#. $t is also possi#le to open a recent project fro% the Recent File List &n"er File.
The OCTOPUS Office workspace has two areas as shown in the pict&re #elow'
The left area is &se" to "ispla( the project tree! the right area is &se" to hol" the openen" "oc&%ents.
The project tree consists of calc&lation res&lts "one #( the &ser an" one fol"er with co%%on &se" files s&ch as )o(ages! Sea States an" Scatter *iagra%s.
Open the ite%s in the left area #( right %o&se click.
The selecte" ite% in the right plane is %arke" bold in the left plane.
+n ite% #eco%es re" if the con"itions for a calc&lation ha,e #een change". $n that case the calc&lation has to #e re"one an" sa,e" again #efore the ite%
#eco%es #lack again.
* -&ll .o"eller
To open the * -&ll .o"eller! click Tools! 2D Hull Modeller...
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See Also:
3D Hull Modeller
Create 2D CHDB
A set of hulls is available within Ocopus Office under File, Open..., then select a hull you want to use. After saving the used hull under a different file
name it is possible to scale the main dimensions of the hull.
To edit the number of frames or the shape (offsets of the frames, clic! "dit,...
The hull file can also be saved in a normali#ed hull file, clic! File, Save $ormali#ed %ull File as..
A normali#ed hull file is made non&dimensional, in such a way that it has a length, a breadth and a draught of '.(( meter. Then & to obtain its actual
dimensions again & these normalised hull forms are resi#ed by using the numerical values of ), * and T as scale factors at the end of the hull form
data file.
3D Hull Modeller
To open the 3D Hull Modeller, click Tools, +, %ull -odeller...
To create a CHDBfile it is re!uired to create a "rid file, too# This can be done with the 3D Hull Modeller$
Below the steps are described which are needed to create a "rid file %&#"lv'
Open the hull file, click File, Open and select the &#hul file#
Create a (esh, click .eometry, -esh# The followin" dialo" appears$
)a"e * of +,
-+#.2#2.-2 file$///C$/0sers/octopusoffice/AppData/1ocal/Te(p/2hh232B#ht(
See Also:
2D Hull Modeller
Create 2D CHDB
'Draft Aft': Insert draft Aft
'Draft Foreward': Insert draft Foreward
'Baseline': Insert the position of the baseline in the coordinate system in which the hull file is specified For the Amarcon hull files this is !
'"o #arts $on%itudinal': Insert the re&uired number of parts
'"o #arts 'irthwise': Insert the re&uired number of parts
Clic( button O/ to create the mesh
Chec( if the )!*!*!+ position is e&ual to )A##*C$*B$+ If so* ,a-e the mesh as a .%l- file: Clic( File* Save as.. and sa-e the file as .%l- file
If the )!*!*!+ position is not e&ual to )A##*C$*B$+* use the translate function to translate the ori%in to the re&uired location Clic( .eometry* Translate
/o -iew the hull:
$eft mouse pressed and mo-e the mouse to chan%e the position of the hull
0i%ht mouse pressed and mo-e the mouse to rotate the hull
$eft and 0i%ht mouse pressed and mo-e the mouse to 1oom in or out
Create 2d CHDB )Compiled Hydrodynamic Database+
/o create a 2D2 CHDB* clic( Tools* 0reate 1, 0%,*...
A Hull ).hul+ and 'rid ).%l-+ file should be a-ailable
/hese files can be created with 2D Hull Modeller and 3D Hull Modeller
'Hull file' specifies the location of the hull file /o select a location* clic( button *rowse /he Hull Browser is opened* within the Hull Brwoser one %ets
a -iew of the hull Clic( a%ain button *rowse in the Hull Browser to select a different location Finally clic( button Open in the Hull Browser
''rid file' specifies the location of the %rid file
'"ame' /ype the name of the -essel and e-entually a description
'4aterdepth' ,pecifies the waterdepth for which the CHDB will be calculated
'52position of !2point relati-e to A##' ,pecifies the lon%itudinal position which is the reference point for wa-e forces calculation /he phase of a wa-e
is then calculated with respect to this point
'Minimum wa-e fre&uency' and 'Ma6imum wa-e fre&uency' /he mimimum and ma6imum -alues of the wa-efre&uencies are calculated automatically
accordin% to parameters obtained from the hull file* but can also be entered manually
'"o of wa-e fre&uencies' 7nter the number of wa-efre&uencies that are desired for the CHDB calculation /he amount of fre&uencies is an indication
for the accuracy of the calculations* a -alue of 8! is recommended here
',olution method' ,elect the re&uired solution method 7ach method has its own specific ran%e of application and benefits
$ewis and 9rsell2/asai can be used for ordinary hull forms )recommended for most calculations+
Fran( is applicable for normal hullforms with more complicated hull sections* such as bulbous bows
:eil is also applicable for calculations concernin% shallow water
It is recommended to see the 'Octopus Seaway Theory' at wwwamarconcom;support;documentation for more information about the diferent methods*
'CHDB file' type the name and the location of the CHDB file which will be created after clic(in% button 0reate
/o chan%e the Draft ,ettin%s select the ,raft tab ,ee the fi%ure below /o define a ran%e of drafts chan%e '"o of Drafts'* 'Minimum Draft' and 'Ma6imum
Draft< and clic( on 2se It is also possible to edit a ran%e of draft -alues manually by usin% 3nsert, 4emove and 4emove all
Default the mimimum and ma6imum draft -alue are calculated from the hull file
#a%e = of >?
@>!22!@2 file:;;;C:;9sers;octopusoffice;AppData;$ocal;/emp;Ahh2=2Bhtm
See Also:
Introduction CHDB
2D Hull Modeller
3D Hull Modeller
See Also:
Wave Scatter from database
Wave Scatter Grid Settings
Definition of different wave sectra
!"#e settings for Speeds and %eadings are managed in t#e same wa$ as for ,rafts
Introduction Common
%nder &Common' data is stored is not related to one articular s#i( "#is !statistical) data is secificall$ aimed at describing t#e wave environment( *it#er b$
means of a vo$age+ w#ic# can be matc#ed in sace and time wit# a wave climate database+ or b$ a scatter diagram+ or siml$ a set of design sea states(
Wave Scatter diagram
Browse in t#e ro,ect tree to -Scatter Diagrams- !via Common)
Create a new scatter diagram b$ a rig#t mouse clic.+ t#en 0reate and t$e t#e name of t#e new scatter diagram
Add an e/isting scatter diagram b$ a rig#t mouse clic.+ t#en Add and browse to t#e e/isting scatter diagram
A wave scatter diagram s#ows t#e robabilit$ of a wave combination of Hs and "0( "#e scatter diagram is used for statiscal anal$sis+ it can be created in two
different wa$s( "#e scatter diagram can be created in different wa$s1
2 Manuall$+ b$ entering number of incident waves in t#e articular grid field(
2 3rom different databases+ clic. Scatter ,* see Wave Scatter from database
W#en editing t#e scatterdiagram manuall$+ t#e following sectra definitions are available1
2 4eumann
2 Bretsc#neider !e5uals 6ierson2Mos.owit0)
2 7onswa
"#e sectrum sreading is defined as a cosine
function+ w#ere n is t#e number entered at -Sreading-+ A value of 2 generall$ meets t#e conditions concerning
wind waves+ and 8 meets conditions concerning swell(
"o c#ange t#e settings of t#e grid go to Settings...( Be careful t#oug#+ c#anging t#e grid settings will clear t#e actual scatter diagram automaticall$9 see Wave
Scatter Grid Settings
Wave Scatter Grid Settings(
"o c#ange t#e grid settings for Hs and "0+ enter t#e re5uired numbers in t#e articular fields( Be carefull+ c#anging t#e grid settings will clear t#e actual scatter
6age :; of <=
:<(;2(2;:2 file1>>>C1>%sers>octousoffice>AData>?ocal>"em>@##2A2B(#tm
See Also:
Wave Scatter Diagram
See Also:
Wave Scatter Diagram
Wave Scatter from GWS database
Create a Voyage
Settings Design Seastate
Get scatter data from database.
To select data from a scatter database:
Select the required Scatter Database in the field 'Scatter database'
Select a voyage or select areas manually in the ma. !select multile areas by holding the "ctrl# $ey ressed%
When a voyage is selected& the hours send in the different areas are calculated automatically. When necessary& the hours can be ad'usted.
The Design Seastate !(s% is calculated for each area )ith a given seastate height threshold and chance of e*ceedance.
These settings are described in Settings Design Seastate
Get scatter data from Global Wave Statistics database.
The Global Wave Statistics Database contains long term scatter diagrams er area. +or each area the season and direction can be given to get the
corresonding scatter diagram.
To select data from a GWS scatter database:
Select the otion ,GWS, in the field 'Scatter database'.
Select a voyage or select areas manually in the ma. !select multile areas by holding the "ctrl# $ey ressed%.
Change the estimated time of dearture if needed and ress the button "-date# to recalculate the )hole voyage
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See Also:
When a voyage is selected, the following items will be filled in for each area autmatically:
The hours spend in the each area that will be passed during the voyage. When necessary, the hours can be adjusted.
The season when passing the area. When necessary the season can be changed.
The direction will always be set to "0.0 to 30". !o that all waves from all directions will be used. When necessary the direction can be changed.
"esign seastate#$s% will be calculated for each area with a given seastate height threshold and chance of e&ceedance. These settings are described in
!ettings "esign !eastate.
When necessary the season can be changed by clic'ing on the season field in the grid. ( pull)down menu will show all the available seasons for this area.
!elect a new season and the scatter diagram will be recalculated.
When necessary the direction can be changed by clic'ing on the direction field in the grid. ( pull)down menu will show all the available directions for this
!elect a new direction and the scatter diagram will be recalculated.
*age +, of -
+-.0,.,0+, file:.../:.0sers.octopusoffice.(pp"ata.1ocal.Temp.2hh,3,4.htm
Wave Scatter Diagram
Wave Scatter from database
Create a Voyage
Settings Design Seastate
See Also:
Wave Scatter Diagram
See Also:
Define Range of Sea States
Import Sea States
Definition of different wave spectra
Wave Scatter Design Seastate Settings.
This window contains two different settings:
Setting for the location of the !T "lobal Wave Statistics Database
Settings for calc#lating the Design seastate for each area d#ring a voyage
Sea States.
rowse in the pro$ect tree to %Sea States% &via Common'
(dd an e)isting sea state by right mo#se clic* Add and browse to the e)isting sea state.
Create a new sea state by right mo#se clic* Create and type the name of the new sea state. (fter that the following dialog appears.
( sea state can be generated in two different ways:
+. y entering n#mbers man#ally
,. -r by generating a range of sea states by clic*ing b#tton Define Sea States.
( sea state consists + or , wave systems. where the second wave system is defined with an angle with respect to the first wave system. Typically. , wave
systems are #sed when a combination of sea and swell sho#ld by applied.
The spectr#m spreading is defined as a cosine
f#nction. where n is the n#mber entered at %Spreading%. ( val#e of , generally meets the conditions concerning
wind waves. and / meets conditions concerning swell.
Different spectra are implemented:
retschneider &e0#als 1ierson2!os*owit3'
The period definition is either 1ea* 1eriod &Tp' or 6ero Crossing 1eriod &T3'
Define Range of Sea States.
1age +7 of 89
+8.:,.,:+, file:;;;C:;<sers;octop#soffice;(ppData;=ocal;Temp;>hh,?,.htm
See Also:
Sea States
Import Sea States
Definition of different wave spectra
See Also:
Sea States
Define Range of Sea States
See Also:
Wave Scatter from database
The range of sea states can be generated for:
Constant Steepness
Constant wave height
Constant wave height according to Noble Denton Definition
The gamma value is only applicable when using the onswap wave spectrum! The minimum and ma"imum wave periods are calculated automatically
according to parameters related to the Noble Denton Definition! This definition gives the following relation between waveheight and period!
These minimum and ma"imum waveperiods can also be edited manually!
Import Sea States
To import a sea states file:
Right clic# at $Sea States$ in the tree at Common!
Choose Import from the menu!
Type the name of the sea states file!
Browse to a %rd party sea states file!
Select the type of decoder!
Clic# OK
' voyage is created by clic#ing on a specific location while holding the (ctrl) #ey pressed!
*nce a waypoint is generated its position can be changed by changing the values in the fields $+atitude$ and $+ongitude$ manually!
'ssign a specific port to a waypoint by clic#ing button Port List!
Change the layout of the map by clic#ing $,ap *ptions$!
-nter tab $Trac#$ in the ,ap *ptions screen to change the default values for the voyage!
The speed at a specific waypoint can also be changed manually by changing the number in field $Speed .#n/$
The -stimated Time of Departure can be entered by clic#ing on the date column of the first Waypoint!
Change the date and time of departure! 0ress on *1 and the whole voyage will recalculated with the new start date!
0age 23 of 45
24!67!7627 file:888C:89sers8octopusoffice8'ppData8+ocal8Temp8:hh7;7<!htm
See Also:
Introduction to CHDB
Create 2D CHDB
2D Hull Modeller
3D Hull Modeller
See Also:
Create CHDB
Introduction Compiled Hydrodynamic Database (CHDB)
In OCO!"#$ a %ydrodynamic analysis starts wit% t%e calculation o& a %ydrodynamic database (HDB)' %e %ydrodynamic database does not depend on
parameters li(e s%ip mass$ )iscous dampin* or sprin* restorin* parameters' %ese become important w%en +AO,s are calculated'
%is e-tensi)e %ydrodynamic database contains all t%e rele)ant %ydrodynamic properties o& t%e )essel &or a ran*e o& dra&ts$ speeds$ %eadin*s and &re.uencies'
A&ter calculation o& t%e %ydrodynamic database t%e database &ile contains/
A de&inition o& t%e *eometry (3D)
+adiation pressure distributions &or t%e si- modes o& motion
Di&&raction pressure distributions &or all wa)e %eadin*s'
A %ydrodynamic database can be calculated in 2D or 3D/
%e 2D %ydrodynamic database can be calculated usin* Octopus O&&ice' %is is done wit% t%e 2D strip t%eory' %e strip t%eory sol)es t%e t%ree0
dimensional problem o& t%e %ydromec%anical and e-citin* wa)e &orces and moments on t%e s%ip by di)idin* t%e s%ip into se)eral ,strips,' %e 3D0
solution is t%e obtained by inte*ratin* t%e two0dimensional potential solutions o)er t%e s%ip,s len*t%' Interactions between t%e cross sections are i*nored
&or t%e 1ero0speed case'
%e strip t%eory is desi*ned to calculate t%e %ydrodynamic parameters &or slender bodies' Howe)er$ e-periments s%owed t%at t%e strip t%eory appears to
be remar(ably e&&ecti)e &or predictin* t%e motions o& s%ips wit% len*t% to breadt% ratios (23B) down to about 3'4$ and sometimes e)en lower'
%e 3D %ydrodynamic database can be calculated usin* any 3rd0party 3D radiation3di&&raction pro*ram' %is is not a part o& Octopus O&&ice$ but
Amarcon is able to deli)er a 3D CHDB &or s%ips and o&&s%ore structures' 3D0panel met%ods tend to be better in predictin* %ydromec%anical parameters'
Create CHDB (Compiled Hydrodynamic Database)
A 2D0 CHDB &ile can be created wit%in Octopus O&&ice'
o create a 2D0 CHDB$ an Hull and 5rid &ile s%ould be a)ailable'
%e %ull &ile can be created wit% t%e 2D Hull Modeller'
%e *rid &ile can be created wit% t%e 3D Hull Modeller'
%e 2D0CHDB &ile can be created wit% 2D CHDB Creator'
%e 3D %ydrodynamic database can be calculated usin* any 3rd0party 3D radiation3di&&raction pro*ram' %is is not a part o& Octopus O&&ice$ but Amarcon is
able to deli)er a 3D CHDB &or s%ips and o&&s%ore structures'
Add CHDB (Compiled Hydrodynamic Database)'
o add a c%db ri*%t clic( at t%e top o& t%e pro6ect tree'
%e &ollowin* window appears/
,7ame,/ type t%e name w%ic% will appear in t%e pro6ect tree'
A&ter clic(in* OK select t%e re.uired CHDB &ile in t%e &ollowin* window by clic(in* t%e Browse button/
View CHDB (Compiled Hydrodynamic Database)'
Once t%e CHDB is added$ t%e properties o& t%e )essel are s%own in di&&erent tabs' Be care&ull w%en selectin* anot%er CHDB &ile$ t%e calculations w%ic% are
located below in t%e tree (le&t pane) %a)e to be calculated a*ain8
!a*e 9: o& :;
9:'42'2492 &ile/333C/3"sers3octopuso&&ice3AppData32ocal3emp3<%%2=2B'%tm
See Also:
Introduction to HDB
See Also:
General properties like drafts, speeds, directions and frequencies for which the CHDB is valid are shown in the tab 'General'
rans !, rans " and rans # specifies the position which is the reference point for wave forces calculation$ %hase of a wave is the phase with respect to this
ab Geo&etr'
ab (ave )orces
ab Added *ass + Da&pin,
ab *otion -quation Coefficients
he properties of the ,eo&etr' are shown$
he properties of the ,eo&etr' can be viewed for the different drafts b' clickin, in the cell displa'in, the draft$ A list is shown with the different drafts in the
file fro& where a selection can be &ade$
(ave )orces$
he .esponse A&plitude /perator 0.A/1 of the wave loads is shown in a color&ap$
%a,e 23 of 43
24$56$6526 file7888C789sers8octopusoffice8AppData8:ocal8e&p8;hh6<6B$ht&
See Also:
See Also:
By left click and drag in the colormap the heading for the diagrams displayed at the right of the colormap can be changed.
Right click in the colormap or diagrams gives the following options:
Copy to Clipboard (pts figre in clipboard!
"how Crsor
#ll "creen
"ettings...$ which can be sed to change %&a'is scale
By clicking btton the nmerical vales are displayed in a table. Right click in the table copies the nmerical vales to the clipboard. Clicking btton
displays the diagrams again.
(dded )ass * Damping.
+he fre,ency dependent added mass and damping coefficients are shown.
-eft click in the diagram shows the nmerical vale of the crsor position.
Right click in the diagram gives the following options:
Copy to Clipboard (pts figre in clipboard!
"how Crsor
#ll "creen
"ettings (change a'is scale!
By clicking btton the nmerical vales are displayed in a table. Right click in the table copies the nmerical vales to the clipboard. Clicking btton
displays the diagrams again.
)otion .,ation Coefficients.
+he fre,ency dependent added mass and damping coefficients are shown.
/age 01 of 23
02.45.5405 file:666C:67sers6octopsoffice6(ppData6-ocal6+emp68hh595B.htm
See Also:
By clicking button the numerical values are displayed in a table. Right click in the table copies the numerical values to the clipboard. Clicking button
displays the diagrams again.
Introduction Working with R!"s
R! is an abreviation o# "Response mplitude !perators". $he R! delivers the response motion per unit wave height.
Calculating a R! re%uires a hydrodynamic database. In the Hydrodynamic database dra#t& speed& heading& and #re%uency dependent parameters were stored.
$he R! re%uires that restoring parameters& viscous damping& and a load distribution are known.
creating a Rao con#iguration'R! Responses.
!ctopus !##ice can calculate so(called "primary" or "basic" responses& "user(de#ined" responses& "combined" responses and sectional loads.
$o create a R! con#iguration) Right mouse click in the tree *le#t pane+ at CHDB
$ype a name which is assigned to the R! con#iguration
Basic responses are always re%uired. $he basic responses are motions o# the motion re#erence point *surge& sway& heave& roll& pitch& yaw+
,ectional -oads are the #orces and moments acting on a point in a sectional plane o# the hull.
Relative motions are the relative motions at di##erent positions o# the vessel. $he vertical position o# these points is in the waterline.
ngular responses are absolute velocities and accelerations in "cting .oint" on the ship. ngular responses are derived #rom the primary motion
responses by taking single and double time(derivates.
.oint responses are absolute motions in "cting .oints" on the ship. .oint responses are derived #rom the primary responses. /otions are calculated by
translation& velocities and accelerations are calculated #rom single and double time(derivates.
Combined responses are responses which are a linear combination o# "basic" and'or "user(de#ined" responses. 0sing this #eature you can de#ine any kind
o# response& which can be e1pressed as a linear combination o# other responses. .lease note that all the phase in#ormation is maintained.
$he R!"s #or the basic responses are calculated in relation to the C!2 o# the system.
.age 34 o# 56
35.78.8738 #ile)'''C)'0sers'octopuso##ice'ppData'-ocal'$emp'9hh8:8B.htm
Configuration of the sectional loads is done by clicking button Sectional Loads. The following dialog appears:
Sectional loads can be calculated in the X-plane, Y-plane and Z-plane. The first coordinate defines the plane, the second and third coordinate specifies a point
on the selected plane.
Configuration of the relatie !otions is done by clicking button Add Relative Motion. The following dialog appears:
"#a!e" : Type the na!e for this response
"$cting point" : %efinition of the &,y,'-coordinates of the point of interest.
To configure angular responses click the button Angular Responses. The following dialog appears:
To add angular responses to the configuration check the desired responses and
to re!oe angular responses fro! the configuration uncheck the unwanted repsonses.
To configure linear responses click the button Add User Response. The following dialog appears:
To configure linear responses select an acting point as reference point for the calculations.
Check the responses of interest or uncheck the unwanted responses.
To cCnfigure co!bined responses click then button Add Combined Response.
The si!plest application of this feature is a co!bined response with only one scaled response co!ponent. This way you can define responses in any unit. (or
e&a!ple: a conersion fro! )deg* to )rad* is !ade by scaling the roll !otion with a factor pi+,-., / ...,012 3see dialog below4.
5age ,6 of 27
,2..8.8.,8 file:+++C:+9sers+octopusoffice+$pp%ata+:ocal+Te!p+;hh868<.ht!
See Also:
Definition Coordinate System
Definition Motions
Introduction RAO
Bilge Keel
Roll Damping
Stochastic Linearisation
Anti Roll Devices
See Also:
Introduction RAO
RAO Responses
Roll Damping
Stochastic Linearisation
Anti Roll Devices
o calculate the response motion use derivation !"one!# to calculate the response velocity use derivation !Once! and to calculate the response acceleration use
the !Second! derivation$
Bilge Keel$
Add a %ilge &eel'
(nter the distance from A)) to aft end of %ilge &eel and enter the distance from A)) to fore end of %ilge &eel$
(nter the %ilge &eel height in *m+$ ,-eight is the distance from tip of %ilge &eel perpendicular to the hull$.
Chec& the positions of the %ilge &eel as displayed in the hull vie/$
Moving a %ilge &eel can %e done %y'
Modify the distances in the edit %o0es$
Or hold the CRL1&ey and the S-I21&ey and press the left mouse %utton on the %ilge &eel aft end or fore end and then move the mouse /hile holding
these three %uttons pressed# to the ne/ location$
Select the 34se defaults3 %utton to use the default settings
"ote the follo/ing' he %ilge &eel only is ta&en in account /hen the roll damping method !I&eda! is selected in the Roll Damping ta%$ 5hen using the I&eda
method the !%ilge &eel roll damping coefficient ,B66&.! must %e selected too$ See also Roll Damping$
uning %y means of changing height %ilge &eel$
It may %e difficult to achieve the re7uired degree of correlation %et/een measured and calculated roll motion# or the related transverse accelerations$ If model
tests or full scale results are availa%le# a further tuning of roll motion or transverse acceleration can %e applied$
his tuning can %e done %y modification of the viscous damping contri%ution$ uning can %e done of roll angles or transverse accelerations$
A practical /ay to increase the viscous damping is to increase the height of the %ilge &eel$ his has an immediate effect on the magnitude of the total roll
damping in a given sea state$ he physical e0planation for increasing the %ilge &eel height to a much larger artificial %ilge &eel is to account for effects /hich
have not %een modeled in a common sea&eeping model$ By varying the %ilge &eel height roll motion or transverse accelerations can %e tuned$ Of course this
procedure can only %e applied if reference material in the form of measurements is availa%le$
Roll Damping$
he follo/ing roll damping options are availa%le'
)age 89 of :;
<:$98$89<8 file'===C'=4sers=octopusoffice=AppData=Local=emp=>hh8?8B$htm
No viscous roll damping
Frequency-dependent potential damping, viscous damping calculated at natural frequency
Ikeda method
Frequency-dependent potential damping
The non-dimensional total roll damping coefficients
at forward ship speed V have been determined at the natural frequency
: =

by model tests. The
non-linear part of this damping,

, is assumed to be proportional to the frequency of oscillation. So, at each frequency of encounter,
, the total roll damping coefficient
is defined by:
The non-dimensional non-linear total roll-damping coefficient , found from free rolling tests, as given in figure-d, is expressed by:
in which
is the roll amplitude in radians,
is the frequency of oscillation (encounter frequency and
is the natural roll frequency in radians per second.
The coefficients
will provide an equivalent total coefficient . !rom this coefficient and the calculated potential damping coefficient , an
equivalent additional roll damping coefficient can be found:
The non-dimensional total roll damping coefficients
at forward ship speed V have been determined at the natural frequency
: =

by model tests. The
non-linear part of this damping,

, is assumed to be proportional to the frequency of oscillation. "t the natural frequency, the additional damping coefficient, N
will be determined and the non-linear part will be added for the other frequencies of oscillation. So, at each frequency of encounter,
, the roll damping coefficients are
defined by:
Page 21 of 5
15!"2!2"12 file#$$$%#$&sers$octopusoffice$'pp(ata$)ocal$*emp$+hh2,2-!htm
See Also:
Introduction RAO
RAO Responses
Bilge Keel
Stochastic Linearisation
Anti Roll Devices
Introduction CHDB
Ikeda method
Ikeda`s method
he additional roll damping coe!!icient" #$$a%&e"!a'Ikeda" is estimated () the empirical method o! Ikeda and the potential damping" #$$p%&e'" &ill (e added*
his method can not (e used !or unusual ship !orms" !or ver) !ull ship !orms and !or ships &ith a large (readth to draught ratio+ ,ven a !e& cross-sections &ith
a large (readth to draught ratio can result in an e.tremel) large edd)-making component o! the roll damping+ So" al&a)s /udge the components o! this
See Octopus Seaway Theory at &&&+amarcon+com0support and click documentation !or more in!ormation+
he 1correction on the potential damping coe!!icient due to !or&ard speed %B$$s'1 component should onl) (e selected &hen a 2D CHDB is used+ 3hen a 4D
CHDB is used" this component is alread) included in the CHDB+
Stochastic Linearisation+
De!ine the di!!erent sea states !or &hich the lineari5ation should (e done+
he spectrum used !or the stochastic linearisation is a 6ons&ap spectrum+ Remem(er" 6ons&ap &ith gamma 7 8 is e9ual to the :ierson ;osco&it5 spectrum+
Since the viscous roll damping coe!!icient itsel! is a !unction o! the roll amplitude and !re9uenc)" it results in a roll trans!er !unction &hich is nonlinear in the
&ave height+ his implies that the lineari5ed roll trans!er !unction varies per sea state+
o account !or the nonlinear viscous damping (ehaviour" the sea state dependent roll RAO1s are solved in an iterative manner () appl)ing the principle o!
stochastic lineari5ation" as sho&n (elo&+ he viscous damping is estimated using a start-value !or the roll motion+ he result is a roll RAO+ his RAO is used
to calculate the roll angle in a particular sea state+ I! the roll angle is e9ual to the assumed roll" convergence has (een achieved+ ,lse a ne& roll damping is
computed using a larger or smaller roll angle" the roll RAO is re-calculated and a ne& roll response in the particular sea state is calculated+ his loop is
repeated until convergence has (een o(tained+
:age 22 o! <=
8<+>2+2>82 !ile*000C*0?sers0octopuso!!ice0AppData0Local0emp0@hh2A2B+htm
See Also:
Introduction RAO
RAO Responses
Bilge Keel
Roll Damping
Anti Roll Devices
Anti Roll Devices
Anti roll devices deliver a counteracting moment to prevent the ship from rolling. These devices have to be tuned in such a way so they deliver the right
moment at the right time. Antiroll devices can be seperated into two different types! the active and passive anti roll device. "everal e#amples of active anti
roll devices are! stabilising fins$ rudders$ moveable mass$ or a tor%ue machine. &assive anti roll devices are free surface tan's or (shaped anti roll tan's for
instance. "ometimes$ anti roll tan's have a different shape than the )usual) s%uared ones. These free surface tan's should also be inserted as active anti roll
*user defined+ devices.
In case anti roll devices are present on the vessel$ the devices can be managed through the buttons Add Device and Remove Device.
In Office two types of roll devices can be modelled! )Tan' Devices)$ the passive anti roll devices$ that can be modelled acording to the theory by ),an den
Bosch-,ugts) and ),erhagen-,an .i/ngaarden). Tan's that cannot be modelled according to this theory have to be modelled as a user defined antiroll tan's.
The anti roll tan's also influence the mass$ radii of gyration and free surface. In the loading condition file these parameters should be managed manually. The
reason that the mass file is not updated automatically is to due to the many different types of antiroll devices that can be used on ships$ and to avoid confusion
between different methods. 0or the mathematical implementation of anti roll tan's see Octopus Seaway Theory at www.amarcon.com-support clic'
documentation for more information.
1onfiguration Anti Roll Devices!
)Device 2ame)! name of the anti roll tan'
)Device Type)! type of anti roll device *)Tan') or )Other)+
)Device 3ethod)! type of anti roll device
*),an den Bosch-,ugts)$ ),erhagen-,an .i/ngaarden) or )(ser Defined)+
In case of tan's!
)Actual 4evel)! 4evel in m of the still water level of the anti roll tan'
)Density)! Density of the fluid in the anti roll tan'
)&osition Aft)! &osition of the anti roll tan' with respect to aft perpendicular
)5eight Bottom)! &osition of the bottom of anti roll tan' with respect to 'eel
)4ength)! 4ength of the anti roll tan' in m
).idth)! .idth of the anti roll tan' in m$ usually almost e%ual to the beam of the vessel
Anti roll tan's can also be defined by adding RAO)s for different levels and roll angles. Octopus interpolates for intermediate fr%uencies and phase angles.
These levels can be managed by using the buttons )Add 4evel) and )Remove 4evel).
Anti Roll Tank using method Van den Bosch/Vugts Other anti roll device
&age 67 of 89
:8.;6.6;:6 file!---1!-(sers-octopusoffice-AppData-4ocal-Temp-<hh6=6B.htm
See Also:
Introduction RAO
RAO Responses
Bilge Keel
Roll Damping
Stochastic Linearisation
Inserting a RAO requires a a frequency, amplitude and a phase lag.
hen selecting !De"ice #ype! as !Other! acti"e anti roll de"ices can $e modelled $y inserting a RAO. #he mean roll angle is defined to gi"e the possi$ility to
add linear and non linear effects. #he anti%roll de"ice can deli"er a greater counteracting moment if the ship has a greater mean roll angle.
&ro$a$ly, the $est 'ay to imagine the 'ay the anti roll moment cur"e 'or(s is $y seeing it as a time dependent oscillatory moment. #he oscillatory motion of
the anti roll de"ice is implemented mathematically in the motions in follo'ing 'ay)
*+t,- *
In the soft'are, this is calculated as a frequency $ased anti roll moment cur"e.
Loading 0ondition.
#o add a loading condition)
Right clic( at !Loading 0onditions! in the tree at 01DB. Since a loading condition is "essel specific, the loading conditions are located under a chd$.
#ype the name of the loading condition.
#hen a dialog 'ith t'o ta$s 'ill appear. One called Summary and one called Mass Details. Select the latter one
Right clic( at !All *ass Items! to add a mass group
Select the created mass group $y left clic(
Add a mass $y clic(ing one of the $uttons in the lo'er part of the dialog)
Add 1D
Add 2D
Add 3D
Or right clic( on !All *ass Items! or mass group to Import *ass 2roups from other Loading 0ondition files.
After the *ass Items ha"e $een created, Select ta$ Summary
&ress $utton Calculate to calculate the mass distri$ution
#he result after pressing Calculate is presented in a numerical and graphical 'ay, see the picture $elo')
Add 2*&
3ill in the required num$ers for draft, K2 or 2*.
hen the $o4 is closed $y clic(ing OK the corresponding mass distri$ution is calculated.
Add 5D
3ill in the required mass items. &ositions ha"e to $e entered in the coordinated system 'ith 6 point at +A&&,0L,BL,
Add 7D
3ill in the required mass items. &ositions ha"e to $e entered in the coordinated system 'ith 6 point at +A&&,0L,BL,
&age 78 of 9:
59.67.7657 file);;;0);<sers;octopusoffice;AppData;Local;#emp;=hh7>7B.htm
See Also:
Definition 0oordinate System
Introduction RAO
See Also:
Introduction RAO
Add ?D
3ill in the required mass items. &ositions ha"e to $e entered in the coordinated system 'ith 6 point at +A&&,0L,BL,
Import *ass 2roups
0lic( Browse to select a loading condition file.
0hec( the required mass groups and clic( OK.
Import Loading 0ondition
#o import a loading condition)
Right clic( at !Loading 0onditions! in the tree at 01DB. Since a loading condition is "essel specific, the loading conditions are located under a chd$.
0hoose Import from the menu.
#ype the name of the loading condition.
Browse to a ?rd party loading condition file.
Select the type of decoder.
0lic( OK
@4ternal 0ondition.
#o add an e4ternal condition)
Right clic( at !Loading 0onditions! in the tree at 01DB. Since a loading condition is "essel specific, the loading conditions are located under a chd$.
#ype the name of the e4ternal condition.
Right clic( at !All @4ternal 0onditions! to add a e4ternal condition.
External Conditions:
@4ternal condition can $e defined in matri4es+:4:, for mass, added mass, damping and restoring coeffients. Added mass, damping and restoring coeffients
matri4es can $e defined for each com$ination of speed and encounter frequency. If an e4ternal condition is not defined relati"e to the coordinated system 'ith
6 point at +A&&,0L,BL, than is not not nessecary to recalculate all matri4es. #he translation to +A&&,0L,BL, can $e gi"en at the Definition of the coordinate
#o define matri4es for com$inations of speed and encounter frequency define speeds and encounter frequencies first $y clic(ing the Define... $utton. Aote that
the chec($o4 Indepenent from speed and freqency must $e unchec(ed.
!inear Sprin"s:
A spring condition can $e defined as one restoring matri4.
#he linear spring coefficients in the three directions in a certain point +4p, py, pB, are defined $y +0p4, 0py, 0pB,. #he units of these coefficients are (A;m.
#his results in the follo'ing restoring matri4)
&age 79 of 9:
59.67.7657 file);;;0);<sers;octopusoffice;AppData;Local;#emp;=hh7>7B.htm
See Also:
Definition Coordinate System
Introduction RAO
External Condition ile Descri!tion"
EXTCON # External condition
NFIELD $o" of data fields in this record %incl" this field&
ICON Internal condition reference no"
ICONTY Condition ty!e
NLABEL 'a(el len)th
LABEL Condition la(el %character strin) with len)th*$'A+E'&
REFX , actin) !oint APP
REFY Y actin) !oint C'
REFZ - actin) !oint +'
NUMSPD $o" of s!eeds
ISPDTY S!eed unit
NUMRAD $o" of encounter fre.uencies
IRADTY re.uency unit
Re!eat for I*/0$12SPD
$ext I
Re!eat for I*/0$12RAD
RAD re.uency
$ext I
ICO$4Y Condition ty!e
5 other
/ s!rin)
ISPD4Y S!eed unit
/ m6s
7 8n
IRAD4Y re.uency unit
/ s
7 /6s
9 rad6s
EXTMAT # External : # : matrix
NFIELD $o" of data fields in this record %incl" this field&
ICON Internal condition reference no"
IMATRIX Internal matrix reference no"
ISPD S!eed index
IRAD re.uency index
IMATTY 2atrix ty!e
IGLOBAL De!endency ty!e
Re!eat for I*/0:
Re!eat for ;*/0:
MAT(I,J) Hydrodynamic matrix
$ext I
$ext ;
I2A44Y 2atrix ty!e
// 2ass matrix
/7 Added mass matrix
7/ Dam!in) matrix
Pa)e 7: of <:
/<"57"75/7 file3666C361sers6octo!usoffice6A!!Data6'ocal64em!6=hh7>7+"htm
See Also:
Introduction RAO
View RAO
Definition Motions
31 Restoring matrix
IGLOBAL Dependency type
speed and fre!ency dependent
1 speed and fre!uency independent
"a#cu#ate RAO$
After t%e RAO configuration is prepared& 'y defining 'i#ge (ee#& anti ro## tan(s and so on& do t%e fo##owing steps to create a RAO ca#cu#ation)
Rig%t mouse c#ic( in t%e tree *#eft pane+ at RAO "onfig)
,ype a name w%ic% is assigned to t%e ca#cu#ation
-e#ect t%e #oading condition for w%ic% t%e RAO s%ou#d 'e ca#cu#ated& 'rowse to t%e #oading condition 'y c#ic(ing 'utton Browse)
Optiona#y se#ect a externa# condition for w%ic% t%e RAO s%ou#d 'e ca#cu#ated& 'rowse to t%e externa# condition 'y c#ic(ing 'utton Browse)
"#ic( 'utton Calculate$ .%en t%ese ca#cu#ations are finis%ed t%e resu#ts can 'e o'ser/ed in t%e t%ree ta's 'e#ow$
View RAO$
,%e properties w%ic% are /a#id for t%e RAO are /isi'#e in ta' 0Genera#0)
Motion reference point
-e#ected Responses
-peed 1 2eading
.a/e fre!uencies
-ea -tates
,%e ca#cu#ated RAO is presented in a grap%ica# way& se#ect ta' 3RAO0s3& t%e fo##owing window appears)
By #eft c#ic( and drag in t%e co#ormap t%e %eading for t%e diagrams at t%e rig%t can 'e c%anged$
Rig%t c#ic( in t%e co#ormap or diagrams gi/es t%e fo##owing options)
"opy to "#ip'oard *puts figure in c#ip'oard+
-%ow "ursor
4u## -creen
-ettings *c%ange axis sca#e+
By c#ic(ing 'utton t%e numerica# /a#ues are disp#ayed in a ta'#e$ Rig%t c#ic( in t%e ta'#e copies t%e numerica# /a#ues to t%e c#ip'oard$ "#ic(ing 'utton
disp#ays t%e diagrams again$
5age 67 of 89
18$6$616 fi#e):::"):;sers:octopusoffice:AppData:Loca#:,emp:<%%6=6B$%tm
See Also:
Introduction RAO
Calculate RAO
Definition Motions
See Also:
Introduction RAO
Calculate RAO
View RAO
Definition Motions
View Reports.
This tab gives the possibility to view RAO for different selected speeds and headings.
The calculated RAO is presented in a graphical way by selecting the chec!bo"es on the left pf the dialog it is possible to #anage the data that will be
displayed. Right clic! in the color#ap or diagra#s gives the following options$
Copy to Clipboard %puts figure in clipboard&
'how Cursor
(ull 'creen
'ettings %change a"is scale&
)y clic!ing button the nu#erical values are displayed in a table. Right clic! in the table copies the nu#erical values to the clipboard. Clic!ing button
displays the diagra#s again.
*"port to 'eaway results.
OCTO+,' Office is able to #a!e an e"port the RAO calculation in a '*A-A./output for#at.
To e"port a RAO$ Right #ouse clic! in the tree %left pane& at RAO
'elect the re0uired load case and the sea state %used for stochastic linearisation&.
)rowse for an e"port file and clic! 1Convert1.
+age 23 of 45
64.72.2762 file$888C$8,sers8octopusoffice8AppData89ocal8Te#p8:hh2;2).ht#
See Also:
Export to Onboard
Introduction RAO
The results are converted to the *.out file.
Export to OCTOPUS Onboard.
OCTOPUS Office is also able to a!e an export file in *.xl"forat for OCTOPUS Onboard.
To export a RAO# Ri$ht ouse clic! in the tree %left pane& at RAO' choose Export to Onboard....
A dialo$ appears (ith the different RAO"confi$urations that in (hich odifications can be ade if that is derired. The different tabs are#
)il$e *eels
Roll +apin$
,ree Surface Tan!s
Anti Roll -oent Curves
Stochastic .inearisation
The options and paraeters in these tabs are copied fro the RAO"confi$urations ade earlier (hen addin$ a RAO"confi$uration. If it is necessar/ to chan$e
these confi$urations for Onboard' it is possible to do that here.
Then a next dialo$ (ill appear as!in$ (hat inforation of the RAO confi$urations (ill be exported to Onboard"forat. After definin$ a Pro0ect I+ and
insertin$ a file nae and location too' press the Export coand button#
The results are then converted to the *.xl file.
Pa$e 12 of 34
53.61.1651 file#777C#7Users7octopusoffice7App+ata7.ocal7Tep78hh121).ht
See Also:
Export to SEA9A:
Introduction RAO
RAO Responses
)il$e *eel
Roll +apin$
Stochastic .inearisation
Anti Roll -oent Curves
Introduction to SEA9A:.
SEA9A: is a strip theor/ based pro$ra to calculate the h/droechanical paraeters' (ave forces' Respone Aplitude Operators' Statistics' and added
resistance due to (aves. These had to be investi$ated earlier b/ doin$ tan! tests.
Strip theor/ (as initiall/ introduces b/ Ursell (ho calculated the added ass' dapin$' and h/drod/naic forces of a lon$ c/linder. .ater on' other scientists
ade odifications. .e(is introduced conforal appin$ (hich allo(ed for ore reliable odellin$ of ships. )/ cobinin$ a set of different fraes or
;strips; and inte$ratin$ the added ass' dapin$ and h/drod/naical forces over the len$th of the ship it (as possible to calculate the total (ave forces and
oents. )ecause it (as possible to calculate all the paraeters for a total forulations of the e<uations of otions it (as possible to predict the ships
behabviour in (aves aforehand. .ater Tasai' ,ran! and *eil ade other odifications7suppleentations. SEA9A: (as ade b/ =ournee. The pro$ra
cobined the striptheor/ of ursell' the odifications li!e conforal appin$' statistics into one sin$le pro$ra' (hich speeded up desi$n process and enabled
vo/a$e plannin$.
Octopus Office is based on the benefits SEA9A: offers.
Throu$hout the (hole pro$ra the follo(in$ bar (ill be possible
This bar leaves the options to iport a forer SEA9A: pro0ect. The default options a!e it possible to s(itch bac! to default values in all tabs. Calculate is
an option used after $oin$ throu$h all the tabs' for it concerns the total calculations' not interediate ones.
.oadin$ Condition
Start a SEA9A: pro0ect b/ a ri$ht clic! in the pro0ect tree and select Add SEAWAY Calculation...
Insert a pro0ect nae in the dialo$ that appears. After that the follo(in$ (indo( (ill appear in (hich the print options can be ana$ed. The selection of
option depends on (hat the desired output of the *.out file is. This can differ per pro0ect.
It is possible to print the follo(in$ in one sin$le output file#
?/droechanical coefficients
Transfer functions
Spectral +ata
The results are visible in a nuerical and $raphical (a/' see tabs# >eneral' Sea Condition' Short Ter
Start a SEA9A: calculation.
Pa$e @6 of 34
53.61.1651 file#777C#7Users7octopusoffice7App+ata7.ocal7Tep78hh121).ht
See Also:
Introduction to SEAWAY and Strip Theory
Start a SEAWAY Calculation
Numerical Method
Sectional Loads
Viscous amping
Anti !oll Moment Cur"e
#ree Sur$ace Tan%s
Selected &oints
The ta' loading condition is as $ollo(s)
This ta' is aimed at de$ining ship parameters* loading condition and construction o$ the mass matrices and restoring matrices+
,ro(se to a -+hul $ile that is suita'le $or the desired calculations+
It is possi'le to de$ine the loading condition according to the standard parameters in the lo(er part o$ the ta'* 'ut it is also possi'le to import.construct a mass
When the mass distri'ution (as imported a summary (ill 'e sho(n in the lo(er part o$ the ta' Loading Condition+The de$ault loading conditions are
constructed in the $ollo(ing (ay)
isplacement) is calculated according to midship dra$t and trim+ SEAWAY interpolates (ith $rames and o$$sets $rom the hull $ile+
LC,/LC0 and YC0) The longitudinal and trans"erse center o$ 'ouyancy are calculated according (ith help o$ the hull $ile+
10) is calculated according to a standard 0M2"alue o$ 3+4 meters+ SEAWAY calculated the 1,* and ,M "alues+ The distance 'et(een the center o$
gra"ity is then $inally calculated as $ollo(s) 10/1,5,M20M+ It is possi'le to manage either the 102"alue or the 0M2"alue 'y ena'ling or disa'ling
the te6t 'o6es 'y clic%ing on the option 'uttons+
!66* !yy* and !77) Calculated according to standard "alues !66/4+89-,* !yy/4+:;-L* !77/4+:;-L+ These "alues epend strongly on the type o$ ship
in"ol"ed in the calculations+ It is stringly recommended to chec% these radii o$ gyrations $or correctness+
00<) is the "alue o$ correction $or $ree sur$ace+ This "alue is in$luenced 'y $ree sur$ace tan%s* $uel tan%s o$ green (ater $or instance+
&age 83 o$ 9=
39+4:+:43: $ile)...C).>sers.octopuso$$ice.Appata.Local.Temp.?hh:@:,+htm
Regular Waves
Irregular Seastates
Seakeepin Criteria
Physical Constants
See Also:
Introduction to SEAWAY and Strip Theory
Start a SEAWAY Calculation
Loading Condition
Nuerical !ethod
Sectional Loads
#iscous $aping
Anti Roll !oent Curve
%ree Sur&ace Tanks
Selected Points
Regular Waves
Irregular Seastates
Seakeepin Criteria
Physical Constants
The ta' sho(s the options &or selecting the nu'er and values o& speeds) The speeds can 'e calculated autoatically acoording to the a*iu value inserted
on the right o& the dialog+ 'ut they can also 'e anaged anually 'y selecting a cell in the ta'le and changing the value)
Nuerical !ethod
The ta' sho(s the options regarding the c,hoice o& nuerical ethod) This has conse-uences &or the calculation tie and the accuracy o& the results) It is
recoended to take a look at SEAWAY Strip Theory on the (e'sit ((()aarcon)co.support and click documentation) The Ta' nuercal ethods is as
A short suary o& the options (ill 'e given 'elo()
Page 01 o& 23
42)51)1541 &ile/...C/.6sers.octopuso&&ice.App$ata.Local.Tep.7hh1819)ht
See Also:
Introduction to SEAWAY and Strip Theory
Start a SEAWAY Calculation
Loading Condition
Sectional Loads
Viscous Damping
Anti Roll oment Cur!e
"ree Sur#ace Tan$s
Selected %oints
Regular Wa!es
Irregular Seastates
Sea$eepin Criteria
%hysical Constants
See Also:
Introduction to SEAWAY and Strip Theory
Start a SEAWAY Calculation
Loading Condition
&umerical ethod
Sectional Loads
Viscous Damping
Anti Roll oment Cur!e
"ree Sur#ace Tan$s
Selected %oints
Regular Wa!es
Irregular Seastates
Sea$eepin Criteria
%hysical Constants
'rdinary Strip Theory or odi#ied Strip Theory( The ordinary strip theory method and the modi#ied strip theory ma$e distiction in #or)ard speed* The
ordinary strip method has an intuiti!e correction #or #or)ard speed* The modi#ied strip theory has a +eter #ormulation* It is recommended to $eep all
calculations under "roude num+er ,*-
Classical Wa!e Loads or Di##raction Wa!e Loads( The classical )a!e loads longitudinal and tran!erse center o# +ouyancy are also calculated according
)ith help o# the hull #ile*
%otential Solution ethod(
Tasai introduced Le)is con#ormal mapping into the strip theory method as )as set up +y .rsell* This method descri+ed the #rame or strip o# the
ship )ith help o# t)o parameters* Later Tasai introduced a /, parameter mapping method*
"ran$ introduced a method to descri+e su+merged hull sections and hull sections that could not +e properly modelled +y the con#ormal mapping
method 0 not e!en Tasai1s /, close #it method* This concerns +ul+ou) +o)s or hull shapes that can +e #ound mostly in a#t hull sections*
Tasai and "ran$ are +oth only applica+le #or deep )ater cases* 2eil introduced a mthod to calculate the hydrodynamical coe##icients #or shallo)
)ater acoording to Le)is1s mapping method*
"ree moedes o# motion( It is possi+le to manage the num+er and $ind o# degrees o# #reedom in the calculations*
In the lo)er part o# the ta+ a plot o# the #rames is sho)n acoompanied +y an indication o# the potential solution method that )ill calculate the
hydrodynamical parameters*
The ta+ sho)s the options #or the selection o# desired headings* A !alue o# 3 headings produces calculations #or e!ery -, degrees o# heading4 a !alue o# /-
calculates #or e!ery /5 degrees and a !alue o# /6 calculates the hydrodynamical coe##icients #or e!ery /, degrees*selecting the num+er and !alues o# speeds*
The headings can +e calculated automatically acoording to the ma7imum !alue inserted on the right o# the dialog4 +ut they can also +e managed manually +y
selecting a cell in the ta+le and changing the !alue*
Viscous Damping
%age -- o# 58
/5*,9*9,/9 #ile(:::C(:.sers:octopuso##ice:AppData:Local:Temp:;hh969<*htm
See Also:
Introduction to SEAWAY and Strip Theory
Start a SEAWAY Calculation
Loading Condition
Numerical Method
Sectional Loads
Anti Roll Moment Cure
!ree Sur"ace Tan#s
Selected $oints
Regular Waes
Irregular Seastates
Sea#eepin Criteria
$hysical Constants
See Also:
Introduction to SEAWAY and Strip Theory
%iscous damping only plays a signi"icant role &hen it comes to roll motions' The tam sho&s tyhe di""erent options that need to (e managed "or the correct
calculation o" the roll motions o" the ship' This can include "or&ard speed corrections) geometric description o" the #eel and the method'
!or most cases it is recommended to use I#eda*s method "or roll damping' This has gien satis"actory results in the past' I#eda deides Roll damping into
seeral parts' +ne &here he tested roll damping &hich is in"luenced (y (ilge #eels' He did e,periments &here elipsoids did and dit not hae (ilge #eels'
Another part includesdamping as a conse-uence o" pressure regions that are created &hile rolling) these pressure distur(ance coe"iccients depend on the hull
shape' !or "urther in"ormation it is recommended to see the Octopus Seaway Theory on the &e(site www.amarcon.com/support and option Documentation
In the lo&er part o" the dialog it is possi(le to de"ine the geometric parameters o" the (ilge #eel
Sectional Loads
This ta( allo&s "or e,tra output o" loads on di""erent sections' This can (e necessary "or strength assessments'
$age ./ o" 01
20'34'4324 "ile5666C567sers6octopuso""ice6App8ata6Local6Temp69hh4:4;'htm
Start a SEAWAY Calculation
Loading Condition
Numerical Method
%iscous 8amping
Anti Roll Moment Cure
!ree Sur"ace Tan#s
Selected $oints
Regular Waes
Irregular Seastates
Sea#eepin Criteria
$hysical Constants
See Also:
Introduction to SEAWAY and Strip Theory
Start a SEAWAY Calculation
Loading Condition
Numerical Method
Sectional Loads
%iscous 8amping
Anti Roll Moment Cure
Selected $oints
Regular Waes
Irregular Seastates
Sea#eepin Criteria
$hysical Constants
!ree Sur"ace Tan#s
%erhagen en an Wi<ngaarden proided some theory regarding Anti roll tan#s in 2:10' Later %an den ;osch and %ughts proided e,tensie -uantatie results
to this theory'
The approach (y %an den ;osch and %ughts can (e recommended &hen using "ree sur"ace methods'The de"inition o" the orientation o" a,is and the
dimensions concerning the theory on "ree sur"ace tan#s can (e o(sered in the "ollo&ng "igure5
Anti Roll Moment Cures
Anti roll moment cures are used to de"ine the anti roll deices' These can (e rudders) sta(ilising "ins or moa(le masses that can (e programmed to reduce
the ship*s roll motion'
$age .0 o" 01
20'34'4324 "ile5666C567sers6octopuso""ice6App8ata6Local6Temp69hh4:4;'htm
See Also:
Introduction to SEAWAY and Strip Theory
Start a SEAWAY Calculation
Loading Condition
Numerical Method
Sectional Loads
Viscous amping
!ree Sur"ace Tan#s
Selected $oints
%egular Wa&es
Irregular Seastates
Sea#eepin Criteria
$hysical Constants
The anti roll moment cur&e can 'e programmed li#e a %A() Characteristic &alues "or each "re*uency can 'e inserted to pro&ide certain contratrotating
moments +ith a certain phase lag)
Note that in this case a mean roll angle is re*uired input) This re"ers to cases +here the anti roll moment cur&e is not de"ined as a "ree sur"ace tan#, 'ut as a
"ree sur"ace +all tan#) These are not the "ree sur"ace tan#s li#e +ere analysed 'y Verhage, Van Wi-ngaarde, Van den .osch and Vughts, see !ree Sur"ace
Tan#s) !ree sur"ace +all tan#s are tan#s +ith e/tra 'ul#heads +ith holes "or instance) (r may'e a tan# +ith a &araition in depth) Any+ay, these "ree sur"ace
+all tan#s o"ten ha&e nonlinear e""ect +hich can 'e ta#en into account 'y inserting a %A( "or eacht di""erent mean roll angle) When the e""ect is linear, it is
only necessary to insert the same %A( "or t+o di""erent mean roll angles) Sea+ay +ill interpolate in &alues in'et+een)
Note that the "ree sur"ace e""ect 001 does not ha&e to 'e changed in the earlier ta' Loading Condition) The e""ect o" e/tra "ree sur"ace moment is ta#en into
consideration automatically 'y SEAWAY)
!or "urther in"ormation it is recommended to see the Octopus Seaway Theory on the +e'site www.amarcon.com/support and option Documentation
This ta' allo+s "or e/ternal springs to 'e added to the restoring matri/) These can 'e mooring lines o" o""shore structures "or e/ample)
$age 23 o" 43
54)67)7657 "ile8999C89:sers9octopuso""ice9Appata9Local9Temp9;hh7<7.)htm
See Also:
Introduction to SEAWAY and Strip Theory
Start a SEAWAY Calculation
Loading Condition
Numerical Method
Sectional Loads
Viscous amping
Anti !oll Moment Cur"e
#ree Sur$ace Tan%s
Selected &oints
!egular Wa"es
Irregular Seastates
Sea%eepin Criteria
&hysical Constants
See Also:
Introduction to SEAWAY and Strip Theory
Start a SEAWAY Calculation
Loading Condition
Numerical Method
Sectional Loads
Viscous amping
Anti !oll Moment Cur"e
#ree Sur$ace Tan%s
Selected &oints
Irregular Seastates
Sea%eepin Criteria
&hysical Constants
Insert "alues in the ta'le a$ter ena'ling the input 'y clic%ing on include springs( Insert the position and the spring coe$$icients $or "ery spring(
!egular Wa"es
This ta' is used to manage the range o$ )a"e $re*uencies $or )hich the $re*uency dependent coe$$icients and the !A+,s ha"e to 'e calculated( The range o$
$re*uencies gi"e is calculated automatically according to main parameters o$ the ship- 'ut can 'e managed 'y the user 'y selecting the right "alues and options
Selected &oints
In Selected Points it is possi'le to calculate some e.tra motion points on the ship- $or instance accelerations on a certain point o$ the cargo or the a'solute
motions and accelerations in the )heelhouse(
&age /0 o$ 12
31(45(5435 $ile6777C678sers7octopuso$$ice7Appata7Local7Temp79hh5:5;(htm
See Also:
Introduction to SEAWAY and Strip Theory
Start a SEAWAY Calculation
Loading Condition
Numerical Method
Sectional Loads
Viscous amping
Anti !oll Moment Cur"e
#ree Sur$ace Tan%s
!egular Wa"es
Irregular Seastates
Sea%eepin Criteria
&hysical Constants
It is also possi'le to include dynamic s(ell)up in the calculations* ynamic s(ell includes the e$$ect o$ the 'o(+ship shape in the a'solute and relati"e
motions* including dynamic s(ell up increases the relati"e motions and increases the chance o$ ta%ing shipping green (ater* ynamic s(ell up is purely a
conse,uence o$ shipmotions* It should not 'e con$used (ith static s(ell up- (hich is s(ell up due to $or(ard speed o$ the ship* The method in SEAWAY is
only "alid (hen.
/*0/ 1 C
1 /*3/
/*40 1 #
1 /*56
See also the "OCTOPUS Strip Theory" on the (esite (((*amarcon*com+support and clic% documentation
Irregular Sea States
This ta' only ena'les short term statistics 'y selecting a sea spectrum or 'y inserting a sea state manually* 7ons(ap is used $or sea spectra encountered in the
North Sea* This spectrum is sharper pea% than Neumann and 2retschneider* The sharpness o$ this pea% is determined 'y the "alue gamma- (hich is the same
as the 2retschneider spectrum (hen the "alue $or this gamma $actor is 4*/* See also the more e8tensi"e documentation in (a"espectra*
&age 93 o$ :0
4:*/5*5/45 $ile.+++C.+;sers+octopuso$$ice+Appata+Local+Temp+<hh5652*htm
See Also:
Introduction to SEAWAY and Strip Theory
Start a SEAWAY Calculation
Loading Condition
Numerical Method
Sectional Loads
Viscous amping
Anti !oll Moment Cur"e
#ree Sur$ace Tan%s
Selected &oints
!egular Wa"es
Sea%eepin Criteria
&hysical Constants
See Also:
Introduction to SEAWAY and Strip Theory
Start a SEAWAY Calculation
Loading Condition
Numerical Method
Sectional Loads
Viscous amping
Anti !oll Moment Cur"e
#ree Sur$ace Tan%s
Selected &oints
!egular Wa"es
Irregular Seastates
Sea%eepin Criteria
&hysical Constants
This ta' allo(s the user to de$ine the units in (hich the output is generated) Changing the density and (aterdepth might 'e rele"ant in some cases)
Sea%eeping Criteria
Sea%eeping criteria re$er to slamming and motion sic%ness) The de$ault "alues are determined 'y the slamming crietria as de$ined 'y *chi) These criteria are
emergeence o$ the 'o( at +,- o$ the ships length $rom the 'o(. and a minimum "ertical relati"e "elocity)
&age /0 o$ 12
+1),3)3,+3 $ile4555C456sers5octopuso$$ice5Appata5Local5Temp57hh3038)htm
See Also:
Introduction to SEAWAY and Strip Theory
Start a SEAWAY Calculation
Loading Condition
Numerical Method
Sectional Loads
Viscous amping
Anti !oll Moment Cur"e
#ree Sur$ace Tan%s
Selected &oints
!egular Wa"es
Irregular Seastates
&hysical Constants
It is also possi'le to de$ine other criteria $or position and slamming coe$$icient( Connoly also did research regarding slamming criteria( He de"eloped a
relation 'et)een slampressure and distance $rom App o$ the ship( Slampressure is a result o$ a certain deadrise angle and a impact "elocity( Connoly*s criteria
are generally 'etter $or de"eloping the sea%eeping criteria( See the Octopus Seaway Theory on the )e'site www.amarcon.com/support and option
In the lo)er part o$ the dialog it is possi'le to de$ine the MSI re$erence period( MSI stands $or Motion Sic%ness Inde+ as de$ined 'y ,*Hanlan and McCauly(
!unning Sea)ay in -atch Mode
!unning sea)ay in -atch mode can 'e interesting )hen multiple sea)ay calculations ha"e to 'e done( Create Sea)ay -atch calculation 'y a right clic% in the
pro.ect tree and de$ine a name $or the calculations(
The $ollo)ing dialog is made to speci$y )hich calculations must 'e done( The user should select a num'er o$ cases 'e$or pressing Run
&age /0 o$ 12
31(04(4034 $ile5666C567sers6octopuso$$ice6Appata6Local6Temp68hh494-(htm
See Also:
Introduction to SEAWAY and Strip Theory
Start a SEAWAY Calculation
Loading Condition
Numerical Method
Sectional Loads
Viscous amping
Anti !oll Moment Cur"e
#ree Sur$ace Tan%s
Selected &oints
!egular Wa"es
Sea%eepin Criteria
&hysical Constants
To add a SEAWAY calculation clic% the 'utton Add and ma%e a selection $rom the di$$erent options that are o$$ered( The list should represent the list o$
names o$ sea)ay calculations in the pro*ect tree(
Introduction to Statistics
Statistics ena'le a sea state to 'e properly modelled in a summation o$ a selection o$ random )a"es +$re,uency- height- etc.( Via %no)n !A/ one can
calculate the statistics o$ the reponse o$ the "essel- motion point- etc(((
0e$ore statistical calculations can 'e per$ormed- sea state should 'e modelled under Common in the pro*ect tree( Sea states can 'e modelled in a spectrum-
scatter diagram- or can 'e imported $orm a 1
Con$igure Statistics !esponses(
&age 23 o$ 45
34(67(7637 $ile8999C89:sers9octopuso$$ice9Appata9Local9Temp9;hh7<70(htm
See Also:
Sea State Statistics
Wave Scatter Diagram Statistics
W3C Wave Database Statistics
Definition Statistical Operators
See Also:
Before statistical calculations can be done, assign the responses and reference period.
To create Seatste Calculations, right mouse click in the tree left pane! at "#O$
Then t%pe a name &hich is assigned to the statistical calculation
Then a dialog appears in &hci the follo&ing must be done$
Define the reference period in the field '"eference (eriod'. This reference period refers to the time a seastate is regarded to be constant. # seastatedoes
not change ver% much in a period of 3 hours, this is a good value for the reference period.
Define the number of heading directions to betaken at one side!. a value of )* divides results in a )+ degree mesh.
,anage the responses for &hich the statistics should be calculated, b% selecting the response and clicking buttons
-se the Up and Down buttons to order the responses in the desired order of appearance in the further statistics calculations.
Once the configuration of the stastics is read%, the follo&ing statistical calculations can be performed$
Sea State Statistics
W3C Wave Database Statistics
Wave Scatter Diagram Statistics
Calculate Sea State Statistics.
To create sea state statistics$
"ight mouse click in the tree left pane! at Statistics Configuration$
T%pe a name &hich is assigned to the sea state statistics calculation, after doing this the follo&ing &indo& appears$
Select the sea states for &hich the statistics should be calculated, bro&se to the environment file b% clicking button Browse Click button Calculate.
B% navigating through the tabs 'Spectral ,oments', 'Statistics', and '.nvelopes' it is possible to observe the results. /n tab 'Spectral ,oments' the spectral
moments of the different sea states, speeds and headings are visible. The results are also available visible in a graphical &a%, see$ tabs Statistics and .nvelopes
B% a right mouse click on the table, graphs and polar diagrams it is possible to cop% the information to the clipboard.
(age 01 of 23
)2.+1.1+)1 file$444C$4-sers4octopusoffice4#ppData45ocal4Temp46hh1*1B.htm
Configure Statistics Responses
Short Term Sea State Statistics
Sea state Envelopes
Sea States
Definition Statistical Operators
Short Term Sea State Statistics.
Short term statistics can be shown for different responses, sea states and operator. They can also be given as a envelope by selecting the checbo! left of the
The following opertaors are available.
"ost #robable "a!imum
"S$, "otion Sicness $nde!
Slamming %
Slamming &n'hr(
# Outcrossing
) Outcrossing
Significant &Single(
Significant &Double(
Short term statistics is calculated for the reference period give earlier when setting up the configurations and reponses. The values displayed in the plots will
be different if another reference time is selected. "S$ refers to the "otion Sicness Studies done by O*+anlan and "cCauly taen into $SO,-./. Slamming
criteria are defined according to the theory by Ochi. )ote that when using the slamming operators, Slamming should also be inserted as a response in the
response configurations including the relative motion at 0.102. 2evel is used as a ma!imum value &criterion( for the diagram. 3y default level has the value of
criterion as configured in Statistics Configuration. To view the envelope of all responses chec All, all responses that have a level value will contribute to the
3y left clic and drag in the colormap the heading and speed for the diagrams at the right can be changed.
Right clic in the colormap or diagrams gives the following options4
Copy to Clipboard &puts figure in clipboard(
Show Cursor
5ull Screen
Settings &change a!is scale(
3y clicing button on the right of the dialog the numerical values are displayed in a table. Right clic in the table copies the numerical values to the
clipboard. Clicing button displays the diagrams again.
3y clicing button on the left of the dialog a polar plot is shown4
#age 6. of 7-
/7.0,.,0/, file4'''C4'8sers'octopusoffice'9ppData'2ocal'Temp':hh,1,3.htm
See Also:
Create Sea State Statistics
Sea State Envelopes
Configure Statistics Responses
Create Sea States
Definition Statistical Operators
Note that it is possible to display the resonance areas -high wave groups, surfing/broaching, paraetric roll and synchronic roll- in operational conditions of
the ship!
"he resonance diagras are constructed according to the #eran S$##uidelines! %or paraetric roll these guidelines state the following&
"he waves should be higher than the threshold value 'appro(iately ) eter for a *anaa( container ship+!
"he pitch period should be close to the encounter period of the wave!
"he roll period should be close to double the encounter period of the wave!
"he wave direction should be close to head waves or following waves!
$y right clic, on the ouse the following options are also possible in order to anage the odify the plot options! -hen selecting the option Settings it is not
only possible to anage the a(is setting, but also to anage the visibility of the resonance areas!
*age .. of )/
0)!12!2102 file&///C&/3sers/octopusoffice/4ppData/5ocal/"ep/6hh272$!ht
See Also:
Create Sea State Statistics
Short "er Sea States Statistics
Configure Statistics Responses
Create Sea States
Definition 8eading
Definition Statistical Operators
Envelopes sea state statistics!
Envelopes can be shown for different responses and operator!
"he tab Sea States gives the envelope for all sea states where the values are calculated for the selected speeds and headings, the tab Speed gives the envelope
for all speeds and sea states using the selected headings and the tab Headings gives the envelope for all headings and sea states for all selected speeds!
Right clic, in the diagras gives the following options&
Copy to Clipboard 'puts figure in clipboard+
Show Cursor
%ull Screen
Settings 'change a(is scale+
9n the fields :Select Speeds: and :Select 8eadings: a particualar speed or heading is shown in the envelope! %or instance, when directionality and heading
control is possible, a range of headings can be e(cluded! "his is only the case for self-propelled vessels with redundant propulsion systes!
-ave Scatter Diagra Statistics!
"o create wave scatter diagra statistics&
Right ouse clic, in the tree 'left pane+ at Statistics Configuration&
"ype a nae which is assigned to the scatter diagra statistics calculation, after doing this the following window appears&
*age .) of )/
0)!12!2102 file&///C&/3sers/octopusoffice/4ppData/5ocal/"ep/6hh272$!ht
See Also:
Scatter Diagram Short Term Statistics
Scatter Diagram Long Term Statistics
Configure Statistics Responses
Wave Scatter Diagram
Definition Statistical Operators
Browse to the scatter diagram for which the statistics should be calculated by clicing button Browse! Then clic button Calculate!
By navigating through the tabs "Short Term"# "Long Term" it is possible to observe the results# see$ tabs Short Term and Long Term! By a right mouse clic on
the table# graphs and polar diagrams it is possible to copy the information to the clipboard!
Short Term Wave Scatter Diagram Statistics!
Short term statistics can be shown for different responses# sea states and operator! Different operators are available$
%ost &robable %a'imum
%S(# %otion Sicness (nde'
Slamming )
Slamming *n+hr,
& Outcrossing
- Outcrossing
Significant *Single,
Significant *Double,
Short term statistics is calculated for the reference period given earlier when setting up the configurations and reponses! The values displayed in the plots will
be different if another reference time is selected! %S( refers to the %otion Sicness Studies done by O".anlan and %cCauly taen into (SO/012! Slamming
criteria are defined according to the theory by Ochi! -ote that when using the slamming operators# Slamming should also be inserted as a response in the
response configurations including the relative motion at 3!43L! Level is used as a ma'imum value *criterion, for the diagram! By default level has the value of
criterion as configured in Statistics Configuration!
To view the envelope of all responses chec All at the left of the response combo bo'# all responses that have a level value will contribute to the envelope! To
view the envelope for all speeds chec All at the left of the speed combo bo' and to view the envelope for all headings chec All at the left of the heading
combo bo'! 5ny combination of envelope is possible!
The left column displays the waveheight# the top row diplays the waveperiod and the right colomn gives the worability per sea height! The combined
probability of all the sea states# where the response values do not e'ceeds the given level# results in the worability! (n the above e'ample the worability for
&age 60 of 70
27!3/!/32/ file$+++C$+8sers+octopusoffice+5ppData+Local+Temp+9hh/4/B!htm
See Also:
Scatter Diagram Long Term Statistics
Create Wave Scatter Diagram Statistics
Configure Statistics Responses
Wave Scatter Diagram
Definition Statistical Operators
seas up to 8 meters is 86%.
Right click in the colormap or iagrams gives the possi!ilit" to cop" information to the clip!oar
To o!tain a polar iagram of a specific sea state ou!le click in the scatter iagram of the sea state. #ote that it is possi!le to ispla" the resonance areas $high
%ave groups& surfing'!roaching& parametric roll an s"nchronic roll$ in operational conitions of the ship.
The resonance iagrams are constructe accoring to the (erman S)((uielines. *or parametric roll these guielines state the follo%ing+
The %aves shoul !e higher than the threshol value ,appro-imatel" . meter for a /anama- container ship0.
The pitch perio shoul !e close to the encounter perio of the %ave.
The roll perio shoul !e close to ou!le the encounter perio of the %ave.
The %ave irection shoul !e close to hea %aves or follo%ing %aves.
)" right click on the mouse the follo%ing options are also possi!le in orer to manage the moif" the plot options. When selecting the option Settings it is not
onl" possi!le to manage the a-is setting& !ut also to manage the visi!ilit" of the resonance areas.
Long Term Wave Scatter Diagram Statistics.
Short term statistics are aime at calculating the respoinse in a certain seastate. Long term statistics are aime at calculating the statistics in the orer of a ships
Right click in the iagram gives the follo%ing options+
Cop" to Clip!oar ,puts figure in clip!oar0
Sho% Cursor
/age 12 of .6
3..45.5435 file+'''C+'6sers'octopusoffice'7ppData'Local'Temp'8hh595).htm
See Also:
Scatter Diagram Short Term Statistics
Create Wave Scatter Diagram Statistics
Configure Statistics Responses
Wave Scatter Diagram
Definition Statistical Operators
Full Screen
Settings (change axis scale)
Different return periods are defined. t!s possi"le to define a user defined return period# "$ entering a num"er. %nter the num"er in &ears.
'$ clic(ing "utton Config the follo)ing dialog appears*
t is also possi"le to assign a pro"a"ilit$ for each heading. For instance# )hen directionalit$ and heading control are possi"le# a range of headings can "e
)eighted less. This is onl$ the case for self+propelled vessels )ith redundant propulsion s$stems.
Statistical W,C -nal$sis.
.ore ela"orate anal$ses can "e carried out )hen time series of )aves are availa"le. /sing spectral data instead of derived )ave parameters such as significant
)ave height# mean direction or 0ero+upcrossing period# ensures more accurate results# especiall$ in multi+directional seas. .oreover# persistenc$ effects are
automaticall$ included.
n Octopus Office# vo$age simulations can "e carried out "$ using the -rgoss W,C+data"ase. This historical )orld+)ide )ave data"ase is the product of
satellite o"servations and a ,rd generation )ave model. t covers a period of 12 $ears )ith a time resolution of , hours. The )ave condition at a particular
date# time and location is descri"ed "$ a distri"ution of the energ$# the direction and the directionalit$# as a function of the fre3uenc$. The position list of the
vo$age is used as input for vo$age simulations. These simulations are carried out for different dates and time of departure# and repeated until convergence is
o"tained after !4! simulations. The design values can "e derived "$ defining a re3uired success rate after simulating 4 vo$ages.
The W,C data"ase is not part of Octopus Office 5# "ut is sold separatel$.
To create W,C statistics*
Right mouse clic( in the tree (left pane) at Statistics Configuration*
T$pe a name )hich is assigned to the W,C statistics calculation# after doing this the follo)ing )indo) appears*
Configure the anal$sis "$ clic(ing "utton Configure# after doing this the follo)ing )indo) appears*
6age 78 of 25
12.9:.:91: file*;;;C*;/sers;octopusoffice;-ppData;<ocal;Temp;=hh:>:'.htm
See Also:
Configure Statistics Responses
See Also:
Statistical W3C Analysis
Configure Statistics Responses
Select the path where the Agross Databas is located by clicking button Browse.
Select the voyage by clicking button Browse.
Select the interval of the start date of the voyages by entering nubers in the fields !Start "very!.
Select the nuber of starts by entering a nuber in the fields !#o. of Starts!. $he startdates for each start will be increented with the interval as
Select the tie between the waypoints by entering a nuber in the field !$ie between waypoints %h&!. $he iniu value is 3 hours' since the
resolution of the wave data in the Agross database is 3 hours.
Select years for which the voyage should be calculated. $he total nuber of starts for which statistics is calculated is in this case ( ) * )3 + )3
Close the dialog by clicking button OK.
Click button Calculate and the statistics is calculated.
$he results are visible in a nuerical and graphical way' see tabs( ,eneral' Sea Condition' Short $er and -ong $er
,eneral W3C Statistics.
$he level .single aplitude/' probability' return period and ean $0 is shown for every response.
$he results are visible in a nuerical and graphical way' see tabs( Sea Condition' Short $er and -ong $er
Sea condition W3C statistiscs.
1age 23 of 45
)4.67.76)7 file(888C(89sers8octopusoffice8AppData8-ocal8$ep8:hh737;.ht
See Also:
Statistical W3C Analysis
Configure Statistics Responses
Definition Statistical <perators
=or each siulated voyage the sea condition during tie is shown.
Select a voyage in the field !Voyage!. Voyages are ordered with respect to startdate.
Select a response in the field !Response!.
Right click in the diagra gives the following options(
Copy to Clipboard .puts figure in clipboard/
Show Cursor
=ull Screen
Settings .change a*is scale/
;y clicking button it is possible to see the nuerical values of which the graph is constructed of. Right click in the table enables to copy the nuerical
values to the clipboard. Clicking button displays the diagras again.
$he results are visible in a nuerical and graphical way' see tabs( ,eneral' Short $er and -ong $er
Short ter W3C statistiscs.
=or each siulated voyage the short ter statistics during tie is shown.
Select a voyage in the field !Voyage!. Voyages are ordered with respect to startdate.
Select a response in the field !Response!.
Different operators are available(
>ost 1robable >a*iu
1 <utcrossing
# <utcrossing
Significant .Single/
Significant .Double/
1age 46 of 45
)4.67.76)7 file(888C(89sers8octopusoffice8AppData8-ocal8$ep8:hh737;.ht
See Also:
Statistical W3C Analysis
Configure Statistics Responses
Definition Statistical Operators
See Also:
Statistical W3C Analysis
Configure Statistics Responses
Right click in the diagram gives the following options
Copy to Clip!oard "puts figure in clip!oard#
Show Cursor
$ull Screen
Settings "change a%is scale#
&y clicking !utton the numerical values shown in the graph can !e displayed in a ta!le' Right click gives the option to copy the values to the clip!oard'
Clicking !utton displays the diagrams again'
(he results are visi!le in a numerical and graphical way) see ta!s *eneral) Sea Condition and +ong (erm
+ong term W3C statistiscs'
Right click in the diagram gives the following options
Copy to Clip!oard "puts figure in clip!oard#
Show Cursor
$ull Screen
Settings "change a%is scale#
Different return periods are predefined' ,t-s possi!le to define a user defined return period) !y entering a num!er in the last te%t !o%'
(he results are visi!le in a numerical and graphical way) see ta!s *eneral) Sea Condition) Short (erm
.uick *uide
,ntroduction to the .uick *uide
(he .uick *uide descri!es the steps needed to get started with Octopus Office'
(o get a real /uick start an e%ample pro0ect is included in Octopus Office' Click File, Open... and select the -1%ample 2ro0ect- and !rowse through the pro0ect'
See ,ntroduction Octopus Office for an introduction regarding the !asic idea of Octopus Office'
(he user ,nterface
When the tree3items in the left pane are Right Clicked on) the different options) availa!le to that specific section) are displayed'
(o save any settings or results) use the 4save4 option from the file menu) or close the dialog and confirm the changes'
(he active dialog is marked in !old in the tree in the left pane'
(ree3items can !e marked in red' (he reason is) that settings on a higher level on the !ranch have !een changed' (he changes are not automatically updated in
the lower levels' (he items) marked in red) have to !e recalculated or updated manually) to display the correct results) according to the changed settings'
After recalculation or updating the red marked items) Save the settings to unmark the items' See also 5sing the Workspace in the 5ser *uide
Create a new pro0ect
(o get a /uick start) an e%ample of a pro0ect which uses the Container6Ship6789 has !een included in Octopus Office' (o create this pro0ect !y yourself) take
the following steps
Start OC(O25S Office
2age :8 of :;
8:'7<'<78< file===C=5sers=octopusoffice=AppData=+ocal=(emp=>hh<?<&'htm
Create a new project
To create a new project, click File, New...
See also Create New Project in the User Guide
Create Compiled HDB (Hdrodnamic DataBase!
To create a CHDB an Hull and Grid "ile should #e a$aila#le%
These "iles can #e $iewed or created with &D Hull 'odeller and (D Hull 'odeller%
Click Tools, 2D Hull Modeller..., File, Open to $iew the Container)Ship)*+, hull "ile% -hen necessar, edit the hull%
Close the &D Hull 'odeller%
Click Tools, 3D Hull Modeller... to create the Container)Ship)*+,%.l$ "ile, which is needed to create a &D CHDB%
/pen the hull "ile, click File, Open and select the Container)Ship)*+,%hul "ile%
Create a mesh, click Geometry, Mesh% The "ollowin. dialo. appears0
1Dra"t 2"t10 3ill in dra"t 2"t (+4m!
1Dra"t "wd10 3ill in dra"t 2"t (+4m!
Click #utton OK to create the mesh%
Check i" the (*,*,*! position is e5ual to (2PP,C6,B6!% 7" so, Sa$e the mesh as a Container)Ship)*+,%.l$ "ile0 Click File, Sae as.. and sa$e the
.l$ "ile%
Close the (D Hull 'odeller%
To create a &D8 CHDB, click Tools, !reate 2D !HD"...
Pa.e 4& o" 49
+4%*&%&*+& "ile0:::C0:Users:octopuso""ice:2ppData:6ocal:Temp:;hh&<&B%htm
'Hull file' specifies the location of the hull file. To select a location, click button "rowse. The Hull Browser is opened. Select
Container_Ship_014. inall! click button Open in the Hull Browser.
'"rid file' specifies the location of the #rid $Container_Ship_014.#l%& file.
''a(e' T!pe the na(e of the %essel and e%entuall! a description.
'CH)B file' t!pe the na(e and the location of the CH)B file which will be created after clickin# button !reate.
See also *) Hull +odeller in the ,ser "uide
See also -) Hull +odeller in the ,ser "uide
See also Create *) CH)B in the ,ser "uide
See also .iew CH)B in the ,ser "uide
/dd Co(piled H)B
/t the top of the pro0ect tree, 12i#ht click1 the newl! created pro0ect na(e and select 1/dd Co(piled H)B1
3nter a na(e and select 1451
/t 1Select CH)B file1 , use the 1Browse1 button to locate to the CH)B file.
B! selectin# the %arious tabs at the top of this screen, different t!pes of infor(ation stored in the CH)B, can be displa!ed.
See also .iew CH)B in the ,ser "uide
)efine 3n%iron(ent
36pand the 1Co((on1 ite( fro( the tree to define Sea States, 7a%e Scatter )ia#ra(s and .o!a#es.
Sea State Section
2i#ht Click 1Sea States1 and select 1Create Sea States1
3nter a na(e and select 45
"enerate the sea states b! enterin# nu(bers (anuall!, or #enerate a ran#e of sea states b! clickin# the 1)efine Sea States1 button.
/ sea state consists out of 1 or * wa%e s!ste(s, where the second wa%e s!ste( is defined with an an#le with respect to the first wa%e s!ste(.
8a#e 9- of 9:
19.0*.*01* file;<<<C;<,sers<octopusoffice</pp)ata<=ocal<Te(p<>hh*?*B.ht(
Typical use of 2 wave systems is when a combination of sea and swell should by applied.
Sea States created or added in this section are used as Environment file in the Statistics Configuration.
See also Sea States in the User Guide
Voyages Section
ight clic! "Voyages" and select "Create Voyage"
Enter a name and select #$.
% voyage is created by clic!ing on a specific location while holding the &ctrl' !ey pressed.
#nce a waypoint is generated its position can be changed by changing the values in the fields ()atitude( and ()ongitude( manually. %ssign a
specific port to a waypoint by clic!ing button Port List.
*rom the file menu+ select "save" or close the Voyage Section dialog. The created voyage file can now be used in the ,ave Scatter Statistics or in
the ,-C statistics.
See also Voyages in the User Guide
,ave Scatter Section
ight clic! ",ave Scatter .iagram" and select the "Create ,ave scatter .iagram" option.
Enter a name and select #$.
%t the bottom of this screen+ change the settings which defines the spectra+ when necessary.
Clic! the "Scatter ./" button.
%t the bottom+ select the applicable map and Scatter .atabase.
Select the applicable area in the map+ !eep the &ctrl' pressed to select multiple areas.
% voyage can also be imported. See the "Voyages" section on how to create a voyage.
,hen a voyage is selected+ the weights for the different areas are created automatically. ,hen necessary+ these weights can be ad0usted.
1age 23 of 24
52.62.2652 file7888C78Users8octopusoffice8%pp.ata8)ocal8Temp89hh2:2/.htm
See also ,ave Scatter .iagram in the User Guide
)oading Condition
;n the left pane+ right clic! )oading Condition. See )oading Condition how to create a loading condition.
See also )oading Condition in the User Guide
Configure %# calculation
*irst+ a %# configuration has to be created. ;n the left pane+ right clic! the chdb in the tree and select the Create %# Configuration option. Enter a
name and select #$.
Edit the different settings li!e bilge !eel+ anti roll tan!s for the %# calculation+ when necessary. %lso define the motion reference point.
See also %# esponses in the User Guide
Calculate %#
;n the tree in the left pane+ right clic! the %# Config and select the Create %# Calculation option. Enter a name+ and select #$.
/rowse to a )oading Condition and select "Calculate".
%fter finishing the calculations+ the tabs display information stored in the %#.
See also Calculate %# or View %# in the User Guide
Create a Statistics Configuration
ight clic! on the %# in the tree to create a Statistics Configuration.
1age 22 of 24
52.62.2652 file7888C78Users8octopusoffice8%pp.ata8)ocal8Temp89hh2:2/.htm
Select the required responses. Use the left and right arrows to remove and add responses from the selection list. (User defined responses or combined
responses can be created or edited at the Create RAO Configuration section). Clic the !Update All Responses! button if User defined or combined
responses are not displa"ed in the !All Responses! list.
See also Config Statistics Responses in the User #uide
Right clic the Statistics Configuration to create Scatter Calculations$ Sea States calculation or %&C calculations.
Sea State Calculation'
Right Clic the !statistics config! in the left pane and select Create Sea State Calculation. (nter a name and select O). *rowse to a %ave Sea
State file. (See the Sea State Section on how to create or add a Sea State file).
Select !calculate! to displa" the results. +he calculation can tae several seconds.
See also Sea State Statistics in the User #uide
Scatter Calculation'
Right Clic the !statistics config! in the left pane and select Create Scatter Calculation. (nter a name and select O). *rowse to a %ave scatter
diagram file. (See the %ave Scatter Section on how to create or add a %ave scatter diagram file).
Select !calculate! to displa" the results. +he calculation can tae several seconds.
See also %ave Scatter ,iagram Statistics in the User #uide
%&C Calculation'
+he %&C calculation requires the Argoss %&C database. +his database is not part of Octopus Office -$ but is sold separatel".
Right Clic the !statistics config! in the left pane and select Create %&C Calculation. (nter a name and select O). Select !Config.! and browse
to the Argoss database and /o"age0Route file (See /o"age Section on how to create or add a /o"age0Route file).
Change the other settings for the vo"age anal"sis and select O).
Select !Calculate! to start the calculation. ,epending on the settings$ the calculation can tae several hours.
See also Statistical %&C %ave Anal"sis in the User #uide
1requentel" Ased 2uestions
2' %hen 3 tr" to open Octopus Office 3 get the message' C45Stic (ntr" not found$ (rror.
A' +his happens if the license e" is6nt found. 4ae sure "ou have plugged in the license e"$ or mae sure the licence e" is available b" the networ.
2' Octopus Office doesn6t see the license stic$ however it is plugged into the computer.
A' 4ae sure the following applications have acces to the internet$ mae sure the" are e7cluded in the firewall settings'
Code4eter Runtime Server
Code4eter Control Center
A4ARCO8 OC+O9US Office
2' 3n the motion RAO$ 3 get ver" high responses (peas) for Surge$ Swa"$ and :aw motions at high speeds.
A' +he reason for this is the singularit" which occurs because the encounter frequenc" approaches ;ero.
2' 4" heave motion is e7tremel" high$ while roll and pitch seem reasonable. %hat<s going on=
A' 4a"be "ou have forgotten to specif" "our motion reference point in RAO Responses. ,efault$ the motion reference point is equal to (>$>$>)$ which means
(aft$ centerline$ baseline)$ see also ,efinition Coordinate S"stem.
9age ?- of ?-
@?.>A.A>@A file'000C'0Users0octopusoffice0App,ata0Bocal0+emp0ChhADA*.htm

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