Black Diamond (BDE) - ValueX Vail 2014
Black Diamond (BDE) - ValueX Vail 2014
Black Diamond (BDE) - ValueX Vail 2014
Van Wombwell, CFA
19 June 2014
[email protected]
Disclaimer: this presents an opinion, not advice.
This presentation reflects the opinions and projections of Western Tanager Asset
Management, LLC (WTAM) as of the date of the publication and is subject to
change without notice at any time subsequent to the date of issue.
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While the information presented is believed to be reliable, no representation or
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2 001 BDE 061914 slides
This is what REAL trust in a brand looks like
But, is it a value?
5ootce. bup.//
001 BDE 061914 slides
Looking for growth, not portfolio rotation!
In Mature Industries:
One segment grows, one declines
Total = slow growth at best
Profit trajectory is result of change in:
Tax rate
Foreign exchange
Structural changes
Launch Simply Orange to offset
decline in Minute Maid.
Spirits: more brown, less white.
Beer: one region up, one down
Beer: less total beer, but more craft
Non-alc: more still, less carbonated
Why not look for a more compelling opportunity, a high probability pure play?
Growing business at a value/fair price.
1 CAC8
001 BDE 061914 slides
The operator asks: what levers can I pull?
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Slmple ulsLrlbuuon: more accounLs Lasy
Lecuve ulsLrlbuuon: more sLu/accounL very easy
new Channels Can be fun
Ceographlc Lxpanslon LoLs of fun
CosL Savlngs Cngolng baule
8olL-ons: leverage currenL relauonshlps When auracuve
new roducLs lun, lf no cannlballzauon
new CaLegorles Ch, baby. uo LhaL agaln.
lndusLry CrowLh lloaLs all boaLs
Note. lts botJ to sctew op o qtowtb loJostty.
001 BDE 061914 slides
Was there a financial crisis in here somewhere? All major
suppliers and retailers have enjoyed continuous growth.
5ootces. 5c lllloqs, compooy kepotts
001 BDE 061914 slides
Global Outdoor Retail market: ~ $25 billion, growing ~5%/yr
Revenue: $25 billion
growing about ~5%/yr,
combination of volume & pricing is usually
positive, varies by category
Grew through the financial crisis
REI, largest retailer, 3yr CAGR = 7%
REI revenue has doubled since 2005
Gross margins: average ~43%
Retail & Supplier margins are similar
Major Segments: Apparel, Accessories = 70%
Major Channels: Specialty & Chain = 80%
Internet is growing high single digits
5ootces. Nlu Clobol 5potts Motket sumote, vlc pteseotouoo, l1C OotJoot ketoll1kAk,
N5AA kouke eoJ of seosoo sotvey
001 BDE 061914 slides
Three consumer megatrends are providing a steady tailwind.
lmoqes. beoltbyllvloqoolloe, wollpopetlo, metcotyoews
Health & Wellness Extreme Sports Social Media
Note. 5elfes = ltee AJvetusloq
001 BDE 061914 slides
Growth = Innovation + Channel Shift + Geographic Expansion
1. Innovation/Technology:
Rapid change in fabrics, fit & features
New sports = new categories being created
e.g. adventure racing, trail running, stand up paddle,
backcountry & side country skiing
2. Channel Shift: from Wholesale to Direct to Consumer
Owned/Branded stores
3. Geographic Expansion
US companies expanding in Europe, Asia
European brands coming to America
9 001 BDE 061914 slides
Innovation in Features and Fit: from Integrated to Layering
Cld School: /012
Warm, buL bulky
new School: /312
And, you sull need layers
Lxample: lnLegraLed !ackeL vs 1echnlcal Shell"
8eal Cld School: rlceless
5ootce. colomblo, Atctetyx, Cooqle lmoqes
001 BDE 061914 slides
Innovation in Fabrics: leading outerwear fabric now comes in
many forms and price points: 2-Layer, 3-Layer, Pro, Lined, etc.
5ootce. Cote-1ex
001 BDE 061914 slides
Innovation in Insulation: The hottest new insulation comes in 7 flavors
5ootce. ltlmolof
001 BDE 061914 slides
Its all very Technical. Website info > retail clerk info.
5ootce. Atctetyx
001 BDE 061914 slides
Innovation in Sports = new categories, gear, apparel
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lmoqes. sklloqbosloess, JotooqobetolJ, lleps, 8u, teomsootofe, ootslJeoolloe
8u !euorce Alrbag
$ 1,100
8u Avalung
$ 140
001 BDE 061914 slides
Value Chain: Supplier revenue grows as channel mix shifts
toward Direct-to-Consumer (owned/branded stores, internet sales)
lllosttouoo ossomes 4JX ketollet, 5oppllet qtoss motqlo, coosomet ptlce 5100, 8X ulsttlbotot fee.
More Revenue
Suppliers expect Direct-to-Consumer to increase
share of Revenue by ~ 5% over next five years
Much more Gross Margin
Supplier gross profit per item sold can more than
triple when sold DTC vs via 3
Party distributor
Of course, there are additional costs
Online sales & fulfillment
001 BDE 061914 slides
Industry has attractive margins and low CapEx but can have high
working capital requirements; varies with business model.
REI: Nonprofit, presented as if for profit. CapEx two year avg.
VFC: Rev, GM, OM for Outdoor & Action Sports; WC, Adv & Promo, CapEx total co.
JAH: Rev, OM, CapEx for Outdoor Solutions; GM, WC, Avd & Promo for JAH.
AMER: Rev, OM are for Winter & Outdoor; balance are total company.
02HC =5%5 BIJ KL+ MAN +O(? A?IB 4PI
Company 8ev, $ bln $ 2.0 $ 11.4 $ 7.4 $ 1.7 $ 2.8 $ 0.2
P<*<.<#- B)*Q / RS- / 0T2 / GTF / 0T3 / HT3 / HT3 / 2T0
Cross Margln 43 32 29 44 44 38
Cperaung Margln 8 17 7 8 10 -2
uays lnvenLory 109 83 93 134 106 167
Worklng Cap, Sales 13 18 28 34 23 38
Adv & romo, Sales 3.3 3.9 2.3 4.6 10.3 1.7
Cross &L, Sales 47 19 23 36 23 17
CapLx, Sales 4.0 2.8 2.9 4.1 2.0 2.3
8eLurn on CaplLal 16 19 6 12 14 -1
001 BDE 061914 slides
Retail: REI is the largest outdoor retail chain,
can be ~ 10% of sales for any major supplier
Key Statistics
Founded: 1938
Stores Today: 132
Employees: 11,000
Active Members: > 5 million
2013 Results
Sales, $million: $ 2,017
Percent of sales online: ~ 20%
Gross margin 43 %
Operating margin 7.6 %
Revenue growth: 5 %
Same-store sales growth: 3 %
Gross PP&E: $ 956
Patronage Refunds: $ 98
New CEO and President: Jerry Stritzke
Retail Experience:
Coach: President and COO
Victorias Secret Stores, Inc: COO
5ootces. kl tepotts, 5eoule 1lmes
001 BDE 061914 slides
Next Years catalog should be awesome.
5ootce. kl, vlctotlos 5ectet, wlsbfol tblokloq 001 BDE 061914 slides
TNF continues to be a major growth engine for VF Corp.
Note: In 2000, TNF looked a lot like BDE does today.
History of The North Face
1966: Founded, North Beach, SF, CA
Grateful Dead plays at first store opening
1968: Technical mountaineering gear & apparel
1975: Innovative geodesic tent designs
1980s: Extreme Gear skiwear
1990s: Trekking and Trail Running shoes
2000: Acquired by VF Corp
$ 240 million in sales, losing money
2013: $ 2 billion in net sales
2013 Results
Sales, $million: $ 2,000
Operating margin 17 %
Revenue growth: 7 %
Direct-to-Consumer: ~ 23 %
Direct-to-Consumer growth: 13 %
5ootces. 5c flloqs, compooy pteseotouoos
001 BDE 061914 slides
The North Face makes great products and has a
strong financial plan
Growth Strategies
1. Invest in the Brand
2. Grow Direct-to-Consumer
3. Innovate: categories, products
4. Geographic Expansion
Growth Targets, 2012 to 2017
Revenue CAGR = 12%
Direct-to-Consumer = 27% (up from 22%)
Major Categories
Action Sports
Performance Athletic
5ootces. 5c lllloqs, compooy kepotts, compooy webslte
001 BDE 061914 slides
But is the ubiquitous market leader losing some of its cool?
Exhibit A: found spoof images on the internet.
5ootces. Cooqle lmoqes
001 BDE 061914 slides
But is the ubiquitous market leader losing some of its cool?
Exhibit B: crampons, or heels?
1be vlew ls foboloos.
5ootce. seeo oo tbe stteet, ueovet, cO, lotetoet
001 BDE 061914 slides
Black Diamond Equipment
Founded, as Chouinard Equipment 1957
Chouinard Equipment bankruptcy,
Metcalf leads acquisition of assets,
Renames Black Diamond &
moves to Salt Lake City, UT 1989
Black Diamond Europe established
Zurich, Switzerland 1996
Black Diamond Asia established
Zhuhai, China 2006
Clarus Corp/Gregory reverse merger w/BD,
With over $200m NOL carryforwards 2010
BDE acquires POC and Pieps 2012
BDE launches Apparel initiative 2013
BDE sells Gregory to Samsonite 2014
5ootces. 5c flloqs, 8u cotpotote lteseotouoo - Motcb 2014, Cteqoty beloq solJ to 5omsoolte.
001 BDE 061914 slides
BD is known, liked and respected in the industry
1. Enormous trust in the BD brand
Consumers life depends on BD
products: climbing, skiing, etc
2. Highly-respected management, well
known throughout the industry
Outdoor industry associations
Land stewardship
3. Global operating platform
Sufficient to double revenue with
minimal capital post-Gregory
4. Clean balance sheet
Revenue: $ 203 m
Gross Margin: 38 %
Operating Margin: nil
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SLC, u1 x x x x
Sweden x x x
SwlLzerland x x
lrance x
AusLrla x x x
!apan x x x
Chlna x x
5ootces. 5c flloqs, 8u cotpotote lteseotouoo - Motcb 2014, ooolyst esumotes, lk Jloloqoe
001 BDE 061914 slides
Management is experienced, sophisticated, highly invested
Board BDE Ownership
Warren Kanders, Former Chairman, Armor Holdings 22.0 %
Executive Chairman
Robert Schiller, Former President, Armor Holdings 4.9 %
Executive Vice Chairman, Director
Peter Metcalf Black Diamond Founder 0.3 %
President, CEO, Director SLC Federal Reserve Director
Others: Michael Henning, Donald House, Nicholas Sokolow, Philip Duff 0.8 %
CEO: Peter Metcalf, leader for ~ 30 years
CFO: Aaron Kuhne, promoted from within 0.1 %
Departmental Leads
Apparel Design: Hired from Patagonia, Arcteryx
Engineering, Merchandising: Hired from The North Face
Business Process: Hired from Arcteryx
5ootce. 8u, 5c flloqs
001 BDE 061914 slides
BDE Strategic Focus is now on the BD & POC brands, with
multiple very valuable initiatives underway
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Crow wlLh key reLall parLners, lncludlng 8Ll,
MLC,, uecaLhlon
Low $$
J-%"#=86) X)$ Y"#=86%
LxpecLed conunuauon of double-dlglL
growLh drlven by fuLure producL lnnovauon
Med $$$
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1echnlcal ouLdoor apparel lall 2013
Cycllng launchlng Sprlng 2014
LlecLronlcs - beacons & alrbags
Low $$$$
4"#5=)- P<.%"<R8U#- :
IS)*5%) 4"5-=.
Large Luropean & Aslan markeL opporLunlLy
8rlng lnLernauonal dlsLrlbuuon ln-house
ulrecL-Lo-consumer, 8eLall
Sell Cregory asseLs Lo fund 8uL, CC growLh
Low $$$$
5ootce. 8u cotpotote lteseotouoo - Motcb 2014, ooolyst esumotes
001 BDE 061914 slides
BD Apparel is the biggest idea. Take the brand into the biggest,
highest-margin category in the industry.
A few samples from the limited launch so far:
5ootce. 8u webslte
001 BDE 061914 slides
POC will start with Road collection, then Mountain & Commuter
5ootce. lOc webslte
001 BDE 061914 slides
BDE Apparel is building offerings, awareness, availability over time
SLyles 23 30 119 xxx
Skus 440 608 1,943 xxxx
uoors 240 400 800 10k"
Apparel Collections & Timing
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Apparel is launching in phases
Deliberately limited at first
Creates buzz at retail
Preserves premium pricing
Adding SKUs, distribution over time
BDE currently sells legacy products to
~ 10,000 retail doors
5ootce. 8u eotoloqs pteseotouoos
001 BDE 061914 slides
Scenarios: what do you believe 2020 will look like?
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8ase 8uslness
8evenue CAC8
uouble dlglL growLh
(l slow lL Lo 4 over ume)
Plgher due Lo
channel shl
Apparel 8evenue
ln 2020
$ 130 mllllon $230 mllllon $ 400 mllllon
Cross Margln 38 44 44
Cperaung Margln 3 12 13
M & A none none aL Lhls ume 8uy looLwear or Sell 8uL
LnLerprlse value,
$ mllllon
$ 210 $ 323 $ 1,000 +
Share value ~ $ 3.30 ~ $ 13 ~ $ 31 +
30 001 BDE 061914 slides
Base Case: BDE Intrinsic Value ~ $15 vs recent Price ~ $11 - $12.
Existing business growth rate 10%, slows to 4%
(assumes Gregory sale)
2020 Projected
Apparel sales $250 m
Gross Margin 44 %
Operating Margin 12 %
Discount Rate 10 %
Terminal Growth Rate 4 %
Current Market Price
Stock Price, 19 June 2014 $ 12.06
Market Capitalization $ 390
Enterprise Value, $m $ 420
Revenue, 2013 $m $ 203
Management Guidance, 2014 $m* $ 240
* wlll cbooqe Joe to Cteqoty sole, 510 to 520 lowet?
001 BDE 061914 slides
BDE is a very attractive firm in a very attractive industry
Risks & Catalysts
Key Man
Product liability
lndusLry ! Crew Lhrough Lhe crlsls, sull growlng
8uslness ! Long runway for growLh, many levers Lo pull
ManagemenL ! Lxperlenced, sophlsucaLed, hlghly lnvesLed
valuauon ! rlce volaule, buL oen < value
001 BDE 061914 slides
001 BDE 061914 slides