This document presents a statistical methodology for analyzing categorical data from observer reliability studies. The authors construct functions of observed proportions to measure interobserver agreement and bias. They develop generalized kappa statistics as measures of interobserver agreement. The methodology is illustrated using data from a clinical study of multiple sclerosis diagnoses by two neurologists. The neurologists classified patients into diagnostic categories and then reviewed each other's patients. The authors pose statistical questions about differences between populations, biases between observers, and agreement between observers on individual diagnoses.
This document presents a statistical methodology for analyzing categorical data from observer reliability studies. The authors construct functions of observed proportions to measure interobserver agreement and bias. They develop generalized kappa statistics as measures of interobserver agreement. The methodology is illustrated using data from a clinical study of multiple sclerosis diagnoses by two neurologists. The neurologists classified patients into diagnostic categories and then reviewed each other's patients. The authors pose statistical questions about differences between populations, biases between observers, and agreement between observers on individual diagnoses.
This document presents a statistical methodology for analyzing categorical data from observer reliability studies. The authors construct functions of observed proportions to measure interobserver agreement and bias. They develop generalized kappa statistics as measures of interobserver agreement. The methodology is illustrated using data from a clinical study of multiple sclerosis diagnoses by two neurologists. The neurologists classified patients into diagnostic categories and then reviewed each other's patients. The authors pose statistical questions about differences between populations, biases between observers, and agreement between observers on individual diagnoses.
This document presents a statistical methodology for analyzing categorical data from observer reliability studies. The authors construct functions of observed proportions to measure interobserver agreement and bias. They develop generalized kappa statistics as measures of interobserver agreement. The methodology is illustrated using data from a clinical study of multiple sclerosis diagnoses by two neurologists. The neurologists classified patients into diagnostic categories and then reviewed each other's patients. The authors pose statistical questions about differences between populations, biases between observers, and agreement between observers on individual diagnoses.
The Measurement of Observer Agreement for Categorical Data
Author(s): J. Richard Landis and Gary G. Koch
Source: Biometrics, Vol. 33, No. 1 (Mar., 1977), pp. 159-174 Published by: International Biometric Society Stable URL: . Accessed: 21/05/2014 17:00 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . International Biometric Society is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Biometrics. This content downloaded from on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:00:50 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions BIOMETRICS 33, 159-174 March 1977 The Measurement of Observer Agreement for Categorical Data J. RICHARD LANDIS Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 U.S.A. GARY G. KOCH Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 U.S.A. Summary This paper presents a general statistical methodology for the analysis of multivariate cate- gorical data arising from observer reliability studies. The procedure essentially involves the con- struction of functions of the observed proportions which are directed at the extent to which the observers agree among themselves and the construction of test statistics for hypotheses involving these functions. Tests for interobserver bias are presented in terms of first-order marginal homo- geneity and measures of interobserver agreement are developed as generalized kappa-type statistics. These procedures are illustrated with a clinical diagnosis example from the epidemiological litera- ture. 1. Introduction Researchers in manv fields have become increasingly aware of the observer (rater or interviewer) as an important source of measurement error. Consequently, reliability studies are conducted in experimental or survey situations to assess the level of observer variability in the measurement procedures to be used in data acquisition. When the data arising from such studies are quantitative, tests for interobserver bias and measures of inter- observer agreement are usually obtained from standard ANOVA mixed models or random effects models such as those discussed in Anderson and Bancroft [1952], Scheffe [1959], and Searle [1971]. As a result, hypothesis tests of observer effects are used to investigate interobserver bias, i.e., differences in the mean response among observers, and estimates of intraclass correlation coefficients are used to measure interobserver reliability. rVlodifica- tions and extensions of these standard ANOVA models have been proposed by Grubbs [1948, 1973], Mandel [1959], Fleiss [1966], Overall [1968], and Loewenson, Bearman and Resch [1972] to evaluate the measurement error in various types of applications. Although assumptions of normality for these models may not be warranted in certain cases, the ANOVA procedures discussed in Searle [1971] and the symmetric square difference pro- cedure in Koch [1967, 1968] still permit the estimation of the appropriate components of variance and the reliability coefficients. On the other hand, many observer reliability studies involve categorical data in which the response variable is classified into nominal (or possibly ordinal) multinomial categories. As reviewed in Landis and Koch [1975a, 1975b], a wide variety of estimation and testing procedures have been recommended for the assessment of observer variability in these Key Words: Observer agreement; Multivariate categorical data; Kappa statistics; Repeated measurement experiments; Weighted least squares. 159 This content downloaded from on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:00:50 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 160 BIOMETRICS, MARCH 1977 cases. In this paper we propose a unified approach to the evaluation of observer agreement for categorical data by expressing the quantities which reflect the extent to which the observers agree among themselves as functions of observed proportions obtained from underlying multidimensional contingency tables. These functions are then used to produce test statistics for the relevant hypotheses concerning interobserver bias in the overall usage of the measurement scale and interobserver agreement on the classification of in- dividual subjects. For illustrative purposes, this general methodology is developed within the context of a typical data set which resulted from an investigation of observer vari- ability in the clinical diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. 2. A Clinical Diagnois Example Let us consider the data arising from the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis reported in Westlund and Kurland [1953]. Among other things, the investigators were interested in comparing patient groups to study possible differences in the geographical distributions of the disease. For this purpose, a series of patients in Winnipeg, Manitoba and a separate series of patients in New Orleans, Louisiana were selected and were examined by a neurol- ogist in their respective locations. After the completion of all the examinations, each neurologist was requested to review all the records without seeing his earlier summary and diagnosis and to classify them into one of the following diagnostic classes: 1. Certain multiple sclerosis; 2. Probable multiple sclerosis; 3. Possible multiple sclerosis (odds 50: 50); 4. Doubtful, unlikely, or definitely not multiple sclerosis. In order to evaluate agreement between the diagnosticians, the Winnipeg neurologist then reviewed and classified each of the New Orleans patient records, and vice versa. The data resulting from these review diagnoses are presented in Table 1. A preliminary inspection of the Winnipeg data indicates that the Winnipeg neurologist tended to diagnose more of the patients as certain (1) or probable (2) multiple sclerosis than did his counterpart in New Orleans. As a result, they agreed on the diagnosis of only 64/149 (43 percent) of the patients. Although the differences in the overall crude distributions of the diagnoses seem to be less prominent within the New Orleans patients, the neurologists diagnosed only 33/69 (48 percent) of them into identically the same category. The statistical issues concerning these differences in diagnosis can be summarized within the framework of the following basic questions: (1) Are there any differences between the two patient populations with respect to the overall crude distribution of the diagnoses by each of the two neurologists? (2) Are there any differences between the overall crude distributions of the diagnoses by the two neurologists within each of the respective patient populations? (3) Is there any neurologist X sub-population interaction in the overall crude distribu- tion of the diagnoses? (4) Is there any difference between the two patient populations with respect to the overall agreement of the two neurologists on the specific diagnosis of individual patients? (5) Is the agreement of the two neurologists on the specific diagnosis of individual patients significantly different from dance agreement based on their overall crude distributions of diagnoses? This content downloaded from on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:00:50 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions AGREEMENT MEASURES FOR CATEGORICAL DATA 161 Table 1 DIAGNOSTIC CLASSIFICATION REGARDING MIULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Sub-population Winnipeg Patients (1) Observer Winnipeg Neurologist (2) Diagnostic 1 2 3 4 Total Proportion Class 1 38 5 0 1 44 0.295 New Orleans 2 33 11 3 0 47 0.315 Neurologist (1) 3 10 14 5 6 35 0.235 4 3 7 3 10 23 0.154 Total 84 37 11 17 149 Proportion 0.564 0.248 0.074 0.114 Sub-population New Orleans Patients (2) Observer Winnipeg Neurologist (2) Diagnostic 1 2 3 4 Total Proportion Class 1 5 3 0 0 8 0.116 2 3 11 4 0 18 0.261 New Orleans Neurologist 3 2 13 3 4 22 0.319 (1) 4 1 2 4 14 21 0.304 Total 11 29 11 18 69 Proportion 0.159 0.420 0.159 0.261 (6) Are there certain patterns of disagreement which may reflect significant imprecision in the diagnostic criteria? As stated in Koch et al. [1977], questions (1)-(3) are directly analogous to the hypotheses of "no whole-plot effects," "no split-plot effects," and "no whole-plot X split-plot inter- action" in standard split-plot experiments. In this context, question (1) addresses differences among the sub-populations, question (2) involves the issue of interobserver bias, and question (3) is concerned with the observer X sub-population interaction. Thus, the first-order marginal distributions of response for each of the neurologists within each sub-population contain the relevant information for dealing with these questions. In This content downloaded from on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:00:50 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 162 BIOMETRICS, MARCH 1977 contrast to overall crude differences, questions (4)-(6) are addressed at interobserver agreement on a subject-to-subject basis; and, as such they are directly analogous to hypotheses concerning intraclass correlation coefficients in random effects models. Hence, certain functions of the diagonal cells of various subtables are used to provide information for estimating and testing the significance of agreement on the classification of individual subj ects. In the following sections a general methodology for answering these questions is de- veloped in terms of specific hypotheses. These procedures are then illustrated with an analysis of the data in Table 1. 3. Methodology Let i = 1, 2, ... , s index a set of sub-populations from which random samples have been selected. Suppose that the same response variable is measured separately by each of d observers using an L-point scale. Let the r = Ld response profiles be indexed by a vector subscript j = (jl il * jd), where j, = 1, 2, , L for g = 1, 2, , d. Further- more, let 7rij = 7ri i2, i, id represent the joint probability of response profile j for randomly selected subjects from the ith sub-population. Then let the first-order marginal probability =0i wk Er 1i I , i 2 d,*' for g = l, 2, , d (3.1) j with ik = ,2, represent the probability of the kth response category for the gth observer ill the ith sub- population. 3.1 Hypotheses Involving Marginal Distributions Hypotheses directed at the questions of differences among sub-populations and inter- observer bias involve distributions of the response profiles and can be expressed in terms of constraints on the first-order marginal probabilities fis . As a result, the specific hypotheses associated with questions (1)-(3) are directly analogous to HSM , HCI , and HAM outlined in Koch et al. [1977] in expressions (2.4), (2.5), and (2.9), respectively. In particular, the d observers correspond to the d conditions, and thus the hypothesis of first order marginal symmetry (homogeneity) addresses the issue of interobserver bias. These hypotheses can also be expressed in terms of constraints on mean score functions associated with each observer such as the { Di} summary indexes specified in (2.14) in Koch et al. [1977]. Further discussion of hypotheses involving marginal distributions within the context of observer agreement studies is given in Landis [1975]. 3.2 Hypotheses Involving Generalized Kappa-Type Measures Whereas the previous hypotheses concerning differences among sub-populations and interobserver bias involved only the first-order marginal probabilities, hypotheses directed at the extent to which observers agree among themselves on the classification of individual subjects must be formulated in terms of the internal elements of the table. For example, the estimate of the crude proportion of agreement between two observers is simply the sum of the observed proportions on the main diagonal of the corresponding two-way table. In addition, if partial credit is permitted for certain types of disagreement, an estimate of the weighted proportion of agreement will involve the weighted inclusion of the off- diagonal cells. This content downloaded from on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:00:50 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions AGREEMENT MEASURES FOR CATEGORICAL DATA 163 As reviewed in Landis and! Koch [1975a, 1975b], numerous measures of observer agree- ment have been proposed for categorical data, e.g., Goodman and Kruskal [1954], Cohen [1960, 1968], Fleiss [1971], Light [1971], and Cicchetti [1972]. Most of these quantities are of the form K = 1 --- (3.2) where ir0 is an observational probability of agreement and wre is a hypothetical expected probability of agreement under an appropriate set of baseline constraints such as total independence of observer classifications. Ranging from [- 7re/(l - re)] to +1, K indicates the extent to which the observational probability of agreement is in excess of the prob- ability of agreement hypothetically expected under the baseline constraints. Furthermore, as shown in Fleiss and Cohen [1973] and Fleiss [1975], K is directly analogous to the intra- class correlation coefficient obtained from ANOVA models for quantitative measurements and can be used as a measure of the reliability of multiple determinations on the same subj ects. Several kappa-type measures of interobserver agreement can be formulated to in- vestigate selected patterns of disagreement simultaneously by choosing corresponding sets of weights which reflect the role of each response category in a given agreement index. For example, a set of weights can be chosen so that the resulting agreement measure indicates the combined performance of all the observers, such as majority or consensus agreement, or sets of weights can be directed at subsets of observers, such as all possible pairwise agreement measures. Alternatively, these weights can be chosen so that the associated kappa measures indicate the increments in agreement which result by succes- sively combining relevant categories of the response variable. Such kappa measures are said to be in a hierarachical relationship with each other. Thus, in general, let w1;, W2v, ... , wj be u sets of weights assigned to the response profiles indexed by j = (j, , j,, .. * id) Moreover let 0 < whj < 1 for h = 1, 2, , u over all j, so that the resulting estimates are interpretable as probabilities of agreement. Then the observational probability of agreement associated with the hth set of weights in the ith sub-population is the weighted sum Nih =W*.. Z iw for = 21,2 ... I (3.3) i =f 1 2, .., U. Correspondingly, the expected proportion of agreement associated with (3.3) is the weighted sum 'Y i h Z Wh.7ri(i for 12(3i4) ~~Yih = ~~~~~~h =1, 2, . .. , U,(34 where wrij(e) represents the joint hypothetical expected probability of response profile j for randomly selected subjects from the ith sub-population. These expected probabilities are determined by the choice of a particular set of baseline constraints assumed for the response profiles. For this purpose, let E = {IEl , E2 , ... represent such underlying constraints on the marginal probabilities {/,in} of (3.1). In this context, the following sets of constraints are of interest in creating interobserver agreement measures: (i) Under the assumption of total independence among the response variables from the d observers, the {17ri i (e) } satisfy This content downloaded from on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:00:50 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 164 BIOMETRICS, MARCH 1977 -E : 7r ii 2 .* . *i d = Ofi 1;1i2i 2 . .f i di d d = Joikik for i = 1, 2, * *, s. (3-5) k = 1 (ii) Under the assumption of "no interobserver bias" the hypothesis of first-order marginal homogeneity (Hc A in Koch et al. [1977]) holds. In this situation, let the common probability of classification into the kth category be VPik = Oilk = Obi2k = = (3.6) for i = 1, 2, , s and k = 1, 2, *.., L. Then under the baseline constraints of total independence and marginal homogeneity the {7ri (e)} satisfy 52 :2 () = {i I i j2 I i 2d d = T~iI'o for i= 1, 2, ** ,s. (3.7) g = 1 Consequently, a generalized kappa-type measure of agreement directly analogous to (3.2) can be formulated by Kih = Nih - i for i = 1, 2, , S (3.8) 1 - T'ih It = 1,1 2, , under a set of specified constraints in E. Here Kih represents an agreement measure among the d observers in the ith sub-population with respect to the hth set of weights. Within this framework, the specific hypotheses associated with questions (4)-(6) can now be formulated as follows: (4) If there are no differences among the s sub-populations with respect to the measures of overall specific agreement among the d observers under E, then the { Kih} satisfy the hypothesis HSA I Ez Klh = K2h = Kh for t = 1, 2, , , (3.9) where SA denotes sub-population agreement. (5) If the level of observed agreement is equal to that expected under E, then the Kih} satisfy the hypothesis HNA I EZ Kih = O for = 1, 2, , s (3.10) h =1, 2, ... where NA denotes no agreement. (6) In some cases the weights for the kappa measures are chosen to be in a hierarchical relationship with each other in order to investigate specific disagreement patterns. In these situations, if the extent of disagreement is the same for the categories combined by the (h + 1)-st set of weights as for those combined by the hth set, then the {Kih} satisfy the hypothesis HHAjfEz Ki,h+1 = Ki,h for i = 1, 2, * , s, (3.11) where HA denotes hierarchical agreement. In order to maintain consistent nomenclature when describing the relative strength of agreement associated with kappa statistics, the following labels will be assigned to the corresponding ranges of kappa: This content downloaded from on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:00:50 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions AGREEMENT MEASURES FOR CATEGORICAL DATA 165 Kappa Statistic Strength of Agreement < 0.00 Poor 0.00-0.20 Slight 0.21-0.40 Fair 0.41-0.60 1\Ioderate 0.61-0.80 Substantial 0.81-1.00 Almost Perfect Although these divisions are clearly arbitrary, they do provide useful "benchmarks" for the discussion of the specific example in Table 1. 3.3 Estimation and Hypothesis Testing Test statistics for the hypotheses considered in the previous sections as well as estimators for corresponding model parameters can be obtained by using the general approach for the analysis of multivariate categorical data proposed by Grizzle, Starmer and Koch [1969] (hereafter abbreviated GSK) as outlined in Appendix 1 in Koch et al. [1977]. The hypotheses in Section 3.1 involving constraints on the first-order marginal probabilities can be tested by expressing the estimates of the {4iak} or the {a-qid as linear functions of the type given in Appendix 1 (A.14) in Koch et al. [1977]. These particular matrix expressions have already been discussed in considerable detail in Koch and Reinfurt [1971] and Koch et at. [1977], and thus they will not be elaborated here. Otherwise, their specific construction for these hypotheses in observer agreement studies is documented in Landis [1975]. In contrast to the linear functions which pertain to the hypotheses in Section 3.1, all the hypotheses involving generalized kappa-type measures require the expression of the ratio estimates of the {Kih} as compounded logarithmic-exponential-linear functions of the observed proportions as formulated in Appendix 1 (A.20) in Koch et al. [1977]. As a result, the test statistics for the hypotheses in Section 3.2 can also be generated by the corresponding expression given in Appendix 1 (A.11) in Koch et al. [1977]. 4. Analysis of Multiple Sclerosis Data This section is concerned with the analysis of the multiple sclerosis data ill Table 1 with primary emphasis given to illustrating the methodology in Section 3. Tests of sig- nificance are used in a descriptive context to identify important sources of variation as opposed to a rigorous inferential context; and thus issues pertaining to multiple compar- isons are ignored here. These, however, can be handled by the Scheffe type procedures given in Grizzle, Starmer and Koch [1969]. The design for this example involves s = 2 sub-populations, d = 2 observers, and L = 4 response categories. Thus, there are r = L 16 possible multivariate response profiles within each of the sub-populations. 4.1 Marginal Homogeneity Tests The functions required to test the hypotheses involving marginal distributions can be generated in the formulation of (A.14) in Appendix 1 in Koch et al. [1977] with the function vector F' = (F1', F2') where F1' = (0.295, 0.315, 0.235, 0.564, 0.248, 0.074) (4.1) F2' = (0.116, 0.261, 0.319, 0.159, 0.420, 0.159), This content downloaded from on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:00:50 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 166 BIOMETRICS, MARCH 1977 Table 2 HIERARCHICAL WEIGHTS FOR AGREEMENT MEASURES Weights w1j w2j w3j w4j Observer 2 2 2 2 Diagnostic 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Class 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Observer 1 2 0 1 0 0 1100 1 00 1 1 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 0 0 1 1 which contain the marginal proportions for diagnostic classes "1," "2" and "3" for the two observers within the two sub-populations. The test statistic for Hsm is Qc = 46.37 with d.f. = 6, which implies that there are significant (a = 0.01) differences in the dis- tributions of the observed response profiles between the Winnipeg and New Orleans patients. The tests of this hypothesis within each of the observers also indicate statistically sig- nificant (a = 0.01) differences between the two sub-populations, although the Winnipeg neurologist represents the more dominant component. Similarly, the test statistic for HcMa is Qc = 69.01 with d.f. = 6, which implies that there are significant (a = 0.01) differences in the response profiles between the two neurologists within each sub-population. Moreover, the dominant component of these observer differences is within the Winnipeg patient group. These results suggest that significant interobserver bias exists between the two neurologists in their overall usage of the diagnostic classification scale. In addition, the goodness-of-fit statistic for testing the interaction hypothesis HAger is Q = 14.09 with d.f. = 3. This significant (a = 0.01) observer X sub-population interaction is consistent with the result that the observer differences are more substantial in the Winnipeg patient group (Qc = 58.47) than in the New Orleans patient group (Qc = 10.54). Table 3 DESCRIPTION OF HIERARCHICAL WEIGHTS Set of Disagreement Permitted Weights for Agreement Statistic 1 None; requires perfect agreement. 2 Certain (1) with Probable (2). 3 Certain (1) with Probable (2); Possible (3) with Doubtful (4). Certain (1) with Probable (2); 4 Probable (2) with Possible (3); Possible (3) with Doubtful (4). This content downloaded from on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:00:50 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions AGREEMENT MEASURES FOR CATEGORICAL DATA 167 4.2 Hierarchical Kappa-Type Measures of Agreement Specific patterns of disagreement between the neurologists on the diagnostic classifica- tion of individual subjects can be investigated by selecting a hierarchy of weights which successively combine adjoining categories of diagnosis in order to create potentially less stringent reliability measures. For example, the four sets of weights in Table 2 can be used to investigate the sources of imprecise diagnostic criteria. As indicated in Table 3, these weights are chosen so that specific disagreement patterns are successively tolerated in the corresponding estimates of agreement. In particular, w1j represents the set of weights which generate the kappa measure of perfect agreement proposed in Cohen [1960]. The sequence of hierarchical kappa-type statistics within each of the two patient populations associated with the weights given in Table 2 can be expressed in the formula- tion (A.20) in Appendix 1 in Koch et al. [1977] under the baseline constraints of total independence El in (3.5) by letting 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 1 1 1 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 1 1 1 1 1 0 00 01 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 A, - '01 0001( OO1??X2; (4.2) 24X3200 1 0 010 00 1 0 0010 001 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 000 0 1 00 00 1 0 000 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1100 1100 0011 0011 _1 1 00 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 001 1 1000 1000 0000 1 00 0 0 10 0000 1 000 00 1 0 0000 1000 0001 0000 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40X24 0 10 0 0 1 00 0000012; (4 3) 0 100 00 1 0 0000 0 10 0 0 001 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00(10( 010 0000 (( This content downloaded from on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:00:50 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 168 BIOMETRICS, MARCH 1977 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 0 000 1 0000 0001 1000 0000 000 1 1 01 00 0000 000 1 00 1 0 0000 4AX24 0 0 0 1 0001 0000 0 12; (4.3) 4OX24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~Cont. 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0010 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 -1 -100 -1 -1 00 0 0 -1 -1 00 -1 -1 0010 -1 -1 0 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 1 A3 = 012 1fX40 0 1 1 10 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 (4.4) 0 011 0 0 11 1 1 0 1 11 1 0 0000 0 011 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0000 010 0 1 1 00011000110 0 0000 A4 = [14 -I4] 0I2; (4.5) 9X 16 For the data in Table 1, these estimates are given by K1 1 0.208 K12 0.328 K13 0.408 F = K14 = 0.596 (4.6) K21 0.297 K22 0.332 K93 0.386 _K24- _0.789 where kih is the estimate of the agreement measure in the ith sub-population associated with the hth set of weights shown in Table 2. In addition, the estimated covariance matrix of F is given by This content downloaded from on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:00:50 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions AGREEMENT MEASURES FOR CATEGORICAL DATA 169 0.2546 0.2122 0.1868 0.1442 0.2122 0.4005 0.3862 0.2912 0 0.1868 0.3862 0.5200 0.3832 VF = 0.1442 0.2912 0.3832 0.5700 X 10-2. (4 7) 0.6163 0.5582 0.5046 0.2185 0.5582 0.6879 0.6544 0.3010 ? 0.5046 0.6544 1.0030 0.4147 0.2185 0.3010 0.4147 0.7720 The test statistics for the hierarchical hypotheses in (3.11) are displayed in Table 4. These results indicate that all increases in successive agreement measures within the Winnipeg patient group are significant (a = 0.05); but for the New Orleans patient group, the only significant (a = 0.05) increase in agreement pertained to the final set of weights. Thus, the neurologists are exhibiting significant disagreement between diagnoses (1,2), (2,3) and (3,4) in the Winnipeg group and significant disagreement between diagnoses (2,3) in the New Orleans group, as evidenced by the inflated frequencies in these off-diagonal cells in Table 1. On the other hand, the estimates in (4.6) suggest that the hierarchical Table 4 STATISTICAL TESTS FOR HIERARCHICAL HYPOTHESES Hypothesis D.F. QC Combined Patient Groups K12 K11 K22 K21 2 6.89* 13 12' 23 K22 2 S.15 14 1 A; 24 23 28.13** Winnipeg Patients (1) K12 =11 1 6.20** 13 =12 1 4.38* K14 =13 1 10.96** New Orleans Patients (2) K22 =21 1 0.69 K23 =22 1 0.76 K24 =23 1 17.17** * means significant at a = 0.05; ** means significant at a = 0.01. This content downloaded from on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:00:50 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 170 BIOMETRICS, MARCH 1977 kappa measures within both patient groups exhibit the same increasing trend. Since the estimated variances of the kappa statistics are much larger for the New Orleans patient group (due to the smaller sample size), the agreement patterns may indeed be essentially the same in both patient groups. If the two neurologists are indeed exhibiting the same agreement patterns with respect to the weights given in Table 2 within the two groups of patients, then under (3.5) the Kih } satisfy the following hypotheses from (3.9) HSAI1E,1 KUZb = K2h for t = 1, 2, 3, 4. (4.8) Test statistics for these hypotheses both individually and jointly are presented in Tfable 5. The results in Tables 4 and 5 suggest that a reduced model can be used to combine parameters which are essentially equivalent. For this purpose, the agreement statistics in (4.6) can be modeled by 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 ? ? ? 0K1 KIc 0 0 1 0 0 , EAIFl = X 0 0 0 1 0 K3 (4.9) K4 0 1 0 0 0 _5 0 0 1 0 0 where "EA" denotes "asymptotic expectation." For this model, the goodness-of-fit statistic is Q = 2.27 with d.f. = 3. Thus, this reduced model provides a satisfactory characterization of the variation among these agreement measures. Specific test statistics for the cor- responding hypotheses in (3.10) and (3.11) pertaining to the model X in (4.9) are given in Table 6. These results suggest that all the parameters are significantly (a = 0.01) different from zero, and moreover, are significantly (a = 0.05) different from each other. Further- more, by reducing the model to these smoothed estimates, the marginally significant (a = 0.10) difference between K14 and K24 in Table 5 is now significant (a = 0.05) for the Table 5 STATISTICAL TESTS BETWEEN PATIENT SUB-POPULATIONS Hypothesis D.F. Q Kl =2h for h = 1,2,3,4. 4 7.15 K11 K21 1 0.90 K12 K22 1 0.00 K13 = K23 1 0.03 K14 =24 1 2.77 This content downloaded from on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:00:50 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions AGREEMENT MEASURES FOR CATEGORICAL DATA 171 Table 6 STATISTICAL TESTS FOR MODEL X Hypothesis D,F, QC Hypothesis D.F. K =K 1 5.40* Ka = 0 1 31.05** 2 11 K = K 1 4.92* K = 0 1 40.71** 3 22 K = K 1 12.33** K = 0 1 45.49** K = K4 1 4.88* K = 0 1 72.44** K = 0 1 94.97** * means significant at ot = 0.05; * means significant at ot = 0.01. comparison of K4 and K5 in this final model. Finally, the predicted values for the Ki,, } based on the fitted model (4.9) are displayed in Table 7 together with their corresponding estimated standard errors. Thus, these results suggest that the diagnostic criteria are not very distinct with respect to their usage by these two neurologists. In addition to bias at the macro stage, i.e., con- sidering only the overall marginal proportions, these observers exhibited significant dis- agreement at the micro state, i.e., considering each individual subject, in specifying a diagnosis. Only with respect to the relatively relaxed criterion corresponding to the fourth set of weights do the kappa statistics indicate a "moderate" to "substantial" level of interobserver reliability. 5. Discussion In some applications, one may also be interested in a set of weights which assign varying degrees of partial credit to the off-diagonal cells depending on the extent of the disagree- ment, rather than successively combining adjoining categories as shown in Table 2. For Table 7 SMOOTHED ESTIMATES OF AGREEMENT UNDER MODEL X Sub-population 1 2 Agreement Estimate Estimated Estimate Estimated Weights Statistic Under X Standard Error Under X Standard Error Wij Kil 0.236 0.042 0.236 0.042 w2j Ki2 0.311 0.049 0.311 0.049 W3j Ki3 0.383 0.057 0.383 0.057 W. Ki. 0.579 0.068 0.790 0.081 4j i4 This content downloaded from on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:00:50 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 172 BIOMETRICS, MARCH 1977 Table 8 ALTERNATIVE WEIGHTS FOR OVERALL AGREEMENT MEASURES Weights jlj 2j Observer 2 2 Diagnostic 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Class 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 i ? 2 0 1 0 0 ? 1 i Observer 1 3 0 0 1 0 i i 1 ? 4 0 0 0 1 0 i 1? 1 example, the weights w2j in Table 8 are directly analogous to those discussed in Cohen [1968], Fleiss, Cohen and Everitt [1969] and Cicchetti [1972], which were used to generate weighted kappa and C statistics. For the data in Table 1, these estimates are given by K11 0.208 F = K12 = 0.315 (5.1) K21 0.297 K22 _ 0.407_ where the {KiJ estimate the perfect agreement kappa measure and the { i,} estimate the partial-credit weighted kappa agreement measure between the two neurologists in the two patient populations. A more extensive analysis of these data under the weights in Table 8 is given in Landis [1975] and Landis et al. [1976]. Although the methodology for the assessment of observer agreement developed ill this paper is quite general, these procedures have been illustrated with an example involving only two observers. However, for situations in which either the number of observers d or the number of response categories L is moderately large, the number of possible multi- variate response profiles r = Ld becomes extremely large. Consequently, the matrices required to implement the GSK procedures directly may be outside the scope of computa- tional feasibility. In addition, for each of the s sub-populations many of the r possible response profiles will not necessarily be observed in the respective samples so that cor- responding cell frequencies are zero. Thus, in such cases, specialized computing procedures are required to obtain the estimates of the pertinent functions. One alternative approach for handling such very large contingency tables in which most of the observed cell frequencies are zero is discussed in Landis and Koch [1977]. In this regard, the same estimators which would need to be obtained from the conceptual multidimensional contingency table can be generated by first forming appropriate indicator variables of the raw data from each subject and then computing the across-subject arith- metic means. Subsequent to these preliminary steps, the usual matrix operations discussed in Appendix 1 in Koch et al. [1977] can then be applied to these indicator variable means to determine the required measures of observer agreement. These alternative computa- tions involving raw data, as well as the extended GSK procedures summarized in Appendix 1 in Koch et al. [1977] can all be performed by a recently developed computer program (GENCAT) discussed in Landis, et al. [1976]. This content downloaded from on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:00:50 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions AGREEMENT MEASURES FOR CATEGORICAL DATA 173 Acknowledgments This research was partially supported by Research Grants GM\1-00038-20 and GM- 70004-05 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and by the U. S. Bureau of the Census through Joint Statistical Agreements JSA 74-2 and JSA 75-2. The authors would like to thank the referees for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. In addition, the authors are grateful to 1\ls. Rebecca Wesson and Ms. Lynn Wilkinson for their conscientious typing of previous drafts of this paper, and to 1\ls. Linda L. Blakley and 1\ls. Connie M\'Jassey for their efficient typing of the final version of this manuscript. 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