Guidelines Remediation Clandestine Meth Lab Sites
Guidelines Remediation Clandestine Meth Lab Sites
Guidelines Remediation Clandestine Meth Lab Sites
Remediation of Clandestine
Laboratory Sites
These guidelines have been developed using a pragmatic approach to the safe
remediation of non-workplace sites that have been used in the illicit manufacture
of methamphetamine. Users of this document should seek expert advice to
determine if this guideline is applicable to their individual circumstances. The
Ministry of Health and the author will not be held liable for any actual or potential
economic or adverse effect(s arising from the use of this information.
Ministry of Health. !"#". Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine
Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites. $ellington% Ministry of Health.
&ublished in 'ugust !"#" by the
Ministry of Health
&( )ox *"#+, $ellington -"#*, .ew /ealand
01). 234-"-534-+--*+-! (print
01). 234-"-534-+--*--+ (online
H& *!#+
This document is available on the Ministry of Health6s website%
9landestine methamphetamine (meth laboratories or :clan labs6 have been a growing
problem in .ew /ealand. 0n recent years the number detected by the .ew /ealand
&olice has increased dramatically from 2 in !""" to #+* in !""2.
Typically after a lab is discovered by the .ew /ealand &olice, the bulk of any lab-
related debris, such as chemicals and containers, is removed. However, contamination
may be left on surfaces and in absorbent materials (carpets, furniture, sinks, drains
and ventilation systems. Though often found in small amounts, clandestine
methamphetamine laboratory (clan meth lab contaminants may pose health ha8ards to
people exposed to them.
0n response to growing concerns over the contamination left behind at clandestine
methamphetamine labs, the Ministry of Health has put together the following guidance
to assist public health staff of district health boards and other agencies such as
territorial authorities in addressing public concerns and giving practical advice.
These guidelines are directed at non-workplace exposure to buildings contaminated
from activities associated with the manufacture of methamphetamine. The risk to
health from workplace exposure is a matter for the ;epartment of <abour.
'n electronic version of these guidelines is available on the Ministry of Health6s
website at http%77www.moh.govt.n8.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites iii
The Ministry of Health gratefully acknowledges the many valuable contributions
provided by experts from central and local government, the private sector and industry
in the development of these guidelines.
The Ministry also gratefully acknowledges the peer reviewers ;r .icholas &owell,
.aomi Hosted and =li8abeth Mc>en8ie of ?orensic and 0ndustrial 1cience <imited,
'uckland@ ;r .ick >im, environmental chemist, =nvironment $aikato@ and ;r ;eborah
Aead, public health physician.
i Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
9hapter #% 0ntroduction..........................................................................#
#.# )ackground....................................................................................................................... #
#.! &urpose and status of the guidelines................................................................................ #
#.+ Management of enBuiries concerning illicit clan meth drug manufacturing sites..............+
#.5 0s the issue about public healthC....................................................................................... +
#.* 0dentify the lead agency in any particular instance...........................................................5
#.- Aisk analysis...................................................................................................................... *
#.3 <ayout................................................................................................................................ 3
9hapter !% )ackground 0nformation.......................................................2
!.# &rofile and forms of methamphetamine............................................................................ 2
!.! History of methamphetamine............................................................................................ 2
!.+ Methamphetamine in .ew /ealand.................................................................................#"
!.5 $hat is a clandestine methamphetamine laboratoryC....................................................##
!.* 9landestine methamphetamine laboratories in .ew /ealand.........................................#!
9hapter +% ;evelopment of Aemediation Duidelines...........................#5
+.# 0ntroduction...................................................................................................................... #5
+.! =xisting standards and guidelines for human exposure to chemicals.............................#-
9hapter 5% Duidelines for 1ite Aemediation.........................................#3
5.# 0ntroduction...................................................................................................................... #3
5.! 9hemicals associated with the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine........................#3
5.+ Aeview and identification of key chemicals.....................................................................!"
5.5 Aemediation guidelines for .ew /ealand residential properties.....................................!#
9hapter *% 1ampling and 'nalysis.......................................................!5
*.# 0ntroduction...................................................................................................................... !5
*.! &re-remediation assessment and testing........................................................................!5
*.+ 1ampling and analytical methods................................................................................... !*
*.5 &reparation of report....................................................................................................... !2
*.* 1ummary......................................................................................................................... +"
9hapter -% Aemediation.......................................................................+!
-.# 0ntroduction...................................................................................................................... +!
-.! Eentilation....................................................................................................................... ++
-.+ High efficiency particulate air vacuuming.......................................................................++
-.5 Aemoval and remediation of contaminated materials.....................................................+5
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
-.* Heating, ventilation and air conditioning......................................................................... +5
-.- &lumbing systems, sewers and on-site effluent treatment systems................................+*
-.3 ;etergent-water surface solution washing.......................................................................+-
-.4 =ncapsulation.................................................................................................................. +-
-.2 ;emolition....................................................................................................................... +3
-.#" (utdoor remediation...................................................................................................... +3
9hapter 3% Aoles and Aesponsibilities for 1ite Aemediation................+4
3.# 0ntroduction...................................................................................................................... +4
3.! &re-remediation considerations F :clan meth lab bust6....................................................+4
3.+ .otification...................................................................................................................... 5"
3.5 ;econtamination............................................................................................................. 5#
3.* Aole of central government agencies..............................................................................55
3.- <ocal government agencies............................................................................................ *#
3.3 .on-government agencies.............................................................................................. *4
3.4 Aole of the public health service..................................................................................... -"
3.2 Aole of property owners.................................................................................................. -!
3.#" Aole of property occupiers............................................................................................ -+
9hapter 4% Ha8ard 0dentification..........................................................-5
4.# Main points...................................................................................................................... -5
4.! Use of the term :chemical6............................................................................................... -5
4.+ Methamphetamine manufacturing processes..................................................................-5
4.5 'reas of contamination................................................................................................... --
4.* Ha8ards associated with methamphetamine laboratories...............................................-3
9hapter 2% ;ose Aesponse, =xposure 'ssessment, Aisk
9haracterisation and Aisk 9ommunication..........................................3!
2.# Main points...................................................................................................................... 3!
2.! Health effects.................................................................................................................. 3!
2.+ =xposure assessment..................................................................................................... 3-
2.5 Aisk characterisation....................................................................................................... 4!
2.* Aisk communication........................................................................................................ 4!
9hapter #"% Aisk Management............................................................45
#".# 0ntroduction.................................................................................................................... 45
#".! Draded response protocol............................................................................................. 45
#".+ 1tep #% Aeceipt and processing of the complaint..........................................................4*
#".5 1tep !% ;ecision as to whether to investigate further....................................................2"
#".* 1tep +% The 0nvestigation.............................................................................................. 2!
Dlossary of Terms and 'bbreviations..................................................23
'ppendix '% ;etected 9lan Meth <abs in .ew /ealand and (verseas
'.# ;etected clandestine methamphetamine laboratories in .ew /ealand........................#"2
i Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
'.! ;etected clandestine methamphetamine laboratories overseas..................................###
'.+ 1upply control............................................................................................................... ##5
'ppendix )% 1tates within the United 1tates with Aegulations or
.umeric ;econtamination 1tandards for 9landestine ;rug <aboratory
'ppendix 9% =xisting 1tandards and Duidelines and Their Aelevance to
the Aemediation of 9lan Meth <ab 1ites...........................................#!#
9.# 9urrent .ew /ealand (ccupational Health 9riteria for 1ampled 1ubstances..............#!+
'ppendix ;% Disborne ;istrict 9ouncil 9lan Meth <ab 0nspection ?orm
'ppendix =% Hamilton 9ity 9ouncil <etter to (wner and 9leansing
(rder Templates................................................................................#!2
'ppendix ?% <ocal 0nformation 1ervices.............................................#++
.ational &oisons 9entre...................................................................................................... #++
9H=M9'<< =mergency Aesponse 1ervice........................................................................#++
'ppendix D% 0nformation to Aaise 'wareness about 9lan Meth <abs#+*
9landestine drug laboratory indicators................................................................................ #+*
'ctions that should be taken upon discovery......................................................................#+*
=xposure to chemicals found in clandestine laboratories can result in%..............................#+-
'ppendix H% 9hemicals 9ommonly Used in Methamphetamine
'ppendix 0% Health =ffects of 9hemicals Used in Methamphetamine
'ppendix G% 0nvestigation ?orm for &ossible =xposure70llness to
9hemicals from a ?ormer 9lan Meth <ab..........................................#-!
=xposure7illness personal (&art # of 5................................................................................#-!
=xposure7illness symptoms (&art ! of 5.............................................................................#-+
Aisk7protective factors% exposure7illness medical history (&art + of 5................................#-5
=xposure7illness diagnosis (&art 5 of 5.............................................................................. #-*
<ist of Tables
Table #% 9lan meth lab gradings..................................................................................................... #!
Table !% Methamphetamine production process, chemicals used and by-products........................#4
Table +% 1ummary of remediation guidelines for .ew /ealand residential properties....................!#
Table 5% 1ample type and analytical methods.................................................................................!-
Table *% E(9 analytical methods.................................................................................................... !2
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites ii
Table -% 1ome maHor Aed & method contaminants and their associated exposure levels.............34
Table 3% =xposure pathways and the potentially exposed populations...........................................4"
Table '#% 9lan meth labs dismantled by .ew /ealand &olice district, !"""F!""2.......................#"2
Table '!% 9lan meth lab grade levels for !""*F!""2...................................................................##"
Table 9#% (verview of existing standards and guidelines.............................................................#!#
Table 9!% (ccupational workplace exposure standards................................................................#!+
<ist of ?igures
?igure #% Aisk assessment model..................................................................................................... -
?igure !% Methamphetamine molecule (9#"H#*. ?igure +% 'mphetamine molecule...................2
?igure 5% 1ite remediation process flowchart for illegal drug manufacturing sites..........................5+
?igure *% 'n example of a council6s procedure for dealing with a clan meth lab (Hutt 9ity 9ouncil
.................................................................................................................................... 55
?igure -% <inks between the Ha8ardous 1ubstances and .ew (rganisms 'ct #22- and the
Aesource Management 'ct #22#................................................................................ 54
?igure 3% 0llustration of the record structure associated with an event............................................44
?igure '#% 9lan meth lab scene types !""-F!""4........................................................................###
?igure '!% Dlobal number of dismantled illicit methamphetamine laboratories #224F!""3.........##!
?igure '+% .umber of reported .orth 'merican methamphetamine laboratory sei8ures
#224F!""3................................................................................................................. ##!
?igure '5% .umber of 'ustralian clandestine laboratory dismantled, #223724F!""37"4...............##+
?igure '*% .umber of 'ustralian clandestine methamphetamine laboratories dismantled by
classification, !""37"4............................................................................................... ##5
iii Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
Chapter !" #ntroduction
!$! %ackground
Methamphetamine, or crystal methamphetamine hydrochloride (pharmaceutically
referred to as methylamphetamine or desoxyephedrine, is a powerful and highly
addictive synthetic drug. Methamphetamine is synthesised or :cooked6 in makeshift
laboratories, using precursor substances such as ephedrine or pseudoephedrine as
key ingredients. 0n recent years the number of clandestine methamphetamine
laboratories (referred to as clan meth labs throughout this document dismantled by the
.ew /ealand &olice has increased significantly, from 2 in !""" to #+* in !""2.
)oth acute (short-term and chronic (long-term health effects can arise from the
manufacture of methamphetamine. 'cute exposure effects may come about through
direct contact with the product or waste and inhalation of the product or waste. )urns,
tissue irritation and rashes can be the conseBuence of chemical spills and skin contact.
(ther health effects such as nausea, di88iness and headaches can result from the
inhalation of vapours and gases (Ausnak et al !""-. Aefer to 9hapter 2 for further
information about the potential health effects of exposure to clan meth lab chemicals or
The illicit manufacture of methamphetamine in :backyard6 laboratories creates a
number of risks in relation to both public health and environmental safety. ;uring the
methamphetamine-manufacturing process, chemical compounds become airborne
(volatised and settle out, depositing onto walls, ceilings, appliances, floors, carpets
and other typical household items throughout the building6s interior. 0n addition,
chemicals used to make the illegal drug may be spilled during handling. The presence
of these chemicals may create health ha8ards for building occupants and represent
potential liability to property owners. 'lthough the .ew /ealand &olice has developed
strategies and teams for cleaning up methamphetamine laboratories, people coming
into contact with these places, during or after production, are exposed to potential
health risks.
0n the United 1tates over !" states have established clean-up (remediation standards
or guidelines specifically for methamphetamine and associated chemical residue.
However it is important to note that@ although set in the interest of protecting human
health and the environment, these levels have not been set according to health-based
criteria@ rather remediation standards7guidelines have been set at what are believed to
be conservative levels to account for scientific uncertainty while at the same time
establishing a standard7guideline that site remediation contractors can meet (U1=&'
!$& Purpose and status of the guidelines
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites !
'lthough methamphetamine is not the only drug manufactured in clandestine labs,
methamphetamine labs are the most common among them and are the focus of this
document. This document provides guidance to public health services, first responders
to clan meth labs and other agencies such as territorial authorities that contribute to the
management of risks to health from illicit methamphetamine laboratories. 0t raises
awareness of the need for individual compliance with occupational health and safety
legislation, and compliance with legislation relating to handling, transport, storage and
ultimate disposal of associated ha8ardous material for non-workplace properties.
)ecause the maHority of clan meth labs have been located in residential dwellings it is
not the intention of these guidelines to extend to vehicles including caravans and motor
homes that have been used for :living purposes6. 0n circumstances where such
vehicles have been used for the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine leaving behind
ha8ardous waste residue it is recommended that they are scrapped because any
remediation (which would include the disposal of all upholstery and carpeting is likely
to exceed the value of the contaminated vehicle.
?or the purposes of these guidelines there are two specific areas of methamphetamine
:clean-up6 F removal and remediation. Aemoval occurs when a methamphetamine
laboratory is identified and sei8ed by the .ew /ealand &olice and bulk chemicals,
eBuipment and wastes are removed by a certified ha8ardous waste contractor who is
an approved handler
under contract with the .ew /ealand &olice. This guide
addresses the remediation of residual contamination left behind after the .ew /ealand
&olice and emergency responders have left the property, or when the clan meth lab
and associated chemicals and wastes are otherwise removed, for example by the
:meth6 cook. There is an established process for the removal and disposal of the
chemical wastes@ therefore, these wastes are not the subHect of the remediation
0n using this document, readers should be mindful of the variation among both
clandestine laboratories and the processing methods. 's noted throughout the
literature and succinctly stated in this document, there are no absolute guarantees that
chronic health effects will be completely eliminated by remediating these impacted
These guidelines have no statutory effect and are of an advisory nature only. The
information should not be relied upon as a substitute for the wording of the relevant
legislation or for detailed advice in specific cases, or, where relevant, as formal legal
advice. 0f advice concerning specific situations or other expert assistance is reBuired,
the services of a competent professional advisor should be sought.
0n addition to methamphetamine offenders manufacture a variety of illicit drugs in clandestine labs,
including amphetamines, M;M' (ecstasy, methcathinone, <1;, and fentanyl.
'n approved handler is a person who holds a current test certificate certifying that the person has met
the reBuirements of the Ha8ardous 1ubstances and .ew (rganisms 'ct (H1.( regulations in
relation to an approved handler for one or more ha8ard classifications or ha8ardous substances
(H1.( &ersonnel Iualifications Aegulations !""#.
& Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
!$' Management of en(uiries concerning illicit clan meth drug
manufacturing sites
$hen members of the public make enBuiries concerning the remediation of illicit clan
meth drug manufacturing sites the relatively large number of agencies that are
potentially involved often leads to confusion and frustration. The usual agencies
involved are public health services of district health boards (;H)s, the .ew /ealand
&olice, the 0nstitute of =nvironmental 1cience and Aesearch <td (=1A, regional
councils and territorial authorities.
This document provides guidance to public health services on how to advise the
remediation of illicit clan meth drug manufacturing sites (clan meth labs and how to
manage interagency involvement. These measures will reBuire co-operation and
co-ordination at a local level by each agency and should involve formal agreements on
how to proceed. 0dentifying a lead agency in any given set of circumstances may be
reBuired. The following Buestions need to be addressed%
0s the issue about public healthC
$ho is the lead agency in that particular instanceC
$hat role do other agencies haveC
!$) #s the issue about public health*
Under the .ew /ealand &ublic Health and ;isability 'ct !""" public health means%
the health of all of F
(a the people of .ew /ealand@ or
(b a community or section of people.
The public health role is managed by the public health services of the ;H)s as
contracted by the Ministry of Health and defined in the .ew /ealand &ublic Health and
;isability 'ct !""".
The issues or ha8ards associated with remediation of former illicit drug manufacturing
sites such as clan meth labs have both a general and a specific component, as derived
from sections !! and !+ of the .ew /ealand &ublic Health and ;isability 'ct !""".
The general component is derived from section !! of the .ew /ealand &ublic Health
and ;isability 'ct !""", which sets out the obHectives of ;H)s.
!!(# =very ;H) has the following obHectives (amongst others
(a to improve, promote and protect the health of people and communities.
?or the remediation of former illicit drug sites such as clan meth labs this obligation will
be met by%
responding to public (non-occupational enBuiries
providing technical information and advice on matters related to the remediation of
former illicit drug manufacturing sites
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites '
directing enBuiries and complaints to an appropriate lead agency
investigating former illicit drug manufacturing site situations that may have public
health implications.
The specific component is derived from section !+ (functions of ;H)s of the
.ew /ealand &ublic Health and ;isability 'ct !"""%
(h to promote the reduction of adverse social and environmental effects on the
health of people and communities.
This specific public health role relates to the definition of public health as :a community
or section of such people6. These are people not covered by statutory responsibilities
of other agencies in relation to the remediation of clan meth labs and public health.
1ome other agencies that have public health responsibilities relating to the remediation
of clan meth labs include%
regional councils (Aesource Management 'ct #22#@ Ha8ardous 1ubstances and
.ew (rganisms (H1.( 'ct #22-
territorial authorities (Health 'ct #2*-@ Aesource Management 'ct #22#@ )uilding
'ct !""5@ H1.( 'ct #22-
=nvironmental Aisk Management 'uthority .ew /ealand and relevant agencies with
delegated responsibilities for enforcing the H1.( 'ct #22- (section 23.
=ach of these agencies is the lead agency under its legislation. &ublic health service
staff need to be careful to avoid taking the lead role in situations that are properly the
responsibility of the affected person or of other regulatory agencies.
!$+ #dentify the lead agency in any particular instance
These guidelines exclude places of work as these are covered by the Health and
1afety in =mployment 'ct #22!. The ;epartment of <abour is responsible for the
administration and enforcement of provisions under the Health and 1afety in
=mployment 'ct #22!. 0n #225 the ;epartment of <abour published Health and Safety
Guidelines on the Clean- up of Contaminated Sites. 0t should be noted that it is not the
intention of this guide to provide complete occupational health advice including training
on any particular situation such as the remediation of former clan meth lab sites@
instead it gives general advice for controlling exposure to ha8ardous substances that
may be present at contaminated sites which can be used to develop the appropriate
safety procedures.
1ection #+ of the Health and 1afety in =mployment 'ct #22! places clear reBuirements
on employers in respect to training and supervision of employees. The scope of these
guidelines does not include specific recommendations for training necessary to control
?or example, in !""4 the medical officer of health, $aikato ;istrict Health )oard prepared a report
for the .ew /ealand &olice as part of its investigation into a case where an individual claimed that
her illness was caused by living adHacent to a clan meth lab, which had been discovered at a house in
Hamilton in Guly !""3.
) Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
exposure to ha8ardous substances in situations such as the remediation of former clan
meth labs.
'mbient (outside air is addressed through the Aesource Management 'ct #22# and its
amendments. The Ministry for the =nvironment administers the Aesource Management
'ct #22#, and it is implemented by regional councils and unitary authorities. 0t applies
to the remediation of clan meth labs in so far as it relates to the discharge of
contaminants into air, water or onto land from the illicit manufacture of
!$, Risk analysis
0n most cases, remediating former clan meth labs will be concerned with personal
health issues and will be related to a single person, or a family. &ublic health service
advice can be given in these cases if workers are not involved.
0f it is considered that the public health service should be involved, a risk analysis may
assist decision-making.
' public health risk analysis model is outlined in Health Impact Assessment Guidelines
(enHealth 9ouncil !""# (?igure # and A Guide to Health Impact Assessment (Ministry
of Health #224 and forms the basis for these guidelines. There are stages steps in the
process of decision-making regarding risk%
#. Aisk assessment
!. Aisk communication (continuous throughout the process
+. Aisk management.
't the time of writing the .ew /ealand )uilding 1ervice 9ontractors 0ndustry Training (rganisation
was developing two unit standards for clan meth lab remediation% :9landestine methamphetamine
laboratory clean-up and remediation operations6 and :?ollow safe work practices during and after
clandestine methamphetamine laboratory clean-up and remediation6. The intention of these unit
standards is to provide national consistency for all site remediation contractors that undergo training
and certification in both decontamination processes and health and safety. ?rom this basis, all
properties regardless of location can be remediated in accordance with national guidelines and
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites +
-igure !" Aisk assessment model
#ssue identification
0dentification of key issues
amenable to risk assessment
.a/ard assessment
.a/ard identification
J 9ollection and analysis
of relevant data
J Uncertainty analysi s for
the ha8ard identification
J 9ollection and analysis
of relevant data
J Uncertainty analysis for
the doseFresponse
assessment step
.a/ard assessment
.a/ard identification
J 9ollection and analysis
of relevant data
J Uncertainty analysi s for
the ha8ard identification
J 9ollection and analysis
of relevant data
J Uncertainty analysis for
the doseFresponse
assessment step
12posure assessment
J 'nalysis of ha8ard locations
J 0dentification of exposed populations
J 0dentification of potential exposure pathways
J =stimation of exposure concentration for pathways
J =stimation of contaminant intakes for pathways
J Uncertainty analysis for exposure assessment step
Risk characterisation
J 9haracterise potential for adverse
health effects to occur
J =valuate uncertainty
J 1ummarise risk information
Risk management
J ;efine the options and evaluate
the environmental health,
economic, social and political
aspects of the options
J Make informed decisions
J Take actions to implement the
J Monitor and evaluate the
effectiveness of the action taken
1ngage the stakeholders3 risk communication3 and community consultation
Aeview and
reality check
Aeview and
reality check
1ource% enHealth 9ouncil !""#
Aisk assessment asks% :$hat are the risksC6 and :$ho will be affected, how, and to
what extentC6 0t includes ha8ard identification, dose-response assessment, exposure
assessment and risk characterisation.
's a first step in the risk assessment process, ha8ards have to be identified. 0f the
assessment of the ha8ard suggests the likelihood of a risk is small, or that control is
straightforward and safe, it may not be necessary to proceed to the Buantification of
The second step in risk assessment is the consideration of dose-response of the health
effects of exposure to the chemicals used to manufacture methamphetamine.
The third step in risk assessment considers who might be exposed and their
characteristics, the routes of exposure and the extent, duration and freBuency of the
exposure to the ha8ards identified.
, Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
The information from these three steps is used in risk characterisation, the final step of
risk assessment.
The acceptability of risk is a decision for either individuals, or for society as a whole.
$ithout societal Hudgements about acceptable risk no decisions can be reached on
proposals that carry both benefits and risks. (n the other hand, individuals expect to
suffer no more than negligible harm unless they are taking voluntary risks in the pursuit
of some activity in which they see benefits. Earious scientific and regulatory bodies
have set levels of what they consider to be acceptable risks, but it is uncertain whether
these levels will be understood or accepted by individuals.
The use of a risk-based approach leads to site assessment and management actions
that are appropriate for each site. 'pplying the risk-based approach ensures that all
actions are focused on achieving the desired level of protection for human health and
the environment.
'lthough risk assessment and risk communication are discussed separately
(9hapter 2, these two stages in risk analysis need to be integrated in the delivery of
services. ;uring any communication of risk, there must be adeBuate consultation on
the risks, and public concerns must be taken into account. Aisk management seeks to
address the following Buestions% :How can risks be avoided or reducedC6, :$hat are the
optionsC6, :'re contingency and emergency plans adeBuateC6, :How can differing
perceptions of risk be mediatedC6 and :9an future health risks be predictedC6.
!$4 Layout
These guidelines are organised as follows%
9hapter ! provides a profile of methamphetamine including forms and use patterns
as well as its history. )ackground information is also provided on what constitutes a
clan meth lab and how they are graded in .ew /ealand.
9hapter + discusses the development of remediation guidelines drawing on
available information from overseas remediation processes.
9hapter 5 sets guideline values for key contaminants necessary for site remediation
to enable re-occupancy of a property.
9hapter * provides guidance for the sampling and analysis of chemical
9hapter - sets out the process necessary for site remediation.
9hapter 3 describes the roles and responsibilities of agencies involved in the pre
and post remediation of clan meth labs. 0t also documents the legislative and
regulatory environment relevant to clan meth lab site remediation in .ew /ealand.
9hapter 4 identifies the ha8ards associated with the illicit manufacture of
9hapter 2 describes the health effects of methamphetamine and potential sources of
human exposure. 'n exposure assessment is also discussed.
9hapter #" sets out priorities for managing risk and has been written mainly from the
perspective of managing the risk particularly for public health services.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites 4
' glossary of terms and abbreviations used throughout the document is also included.
5 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
Chapter &" %ackground #nformation
&$! Profile and forms of methamphetamine
Methamphetamine (?igure ! is a member of a :group of synthetic drug6 (ie, drugs that
are not derived from plants called amphetamines (?igure +. 0t is typically
manufactured from over-the-counter pharmaceuticals (predominantly cough and cold
medications containing ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, in addition to chemicals and
reagents available in hardware stores.
-igure &" Methamphetamine molecule (9#"H#*. -igure '" 'mphetamine molecule
The drug can be snorted, inHected, swallowed or smoked. Methamphetamine is readily
absorbed into the bloodstream and the duration of effects varies. The effects of
powdered methamphetamine can last for several hours, while the effects of crystal
methamphetamine can last for up to !5 hours (9astro et al !""".
0n general, methamphetamine comes in a powder form% white (some grades may be
yellow7brown due to incomplete manufacturing processes or impurities, odourless,
bitter tasting powder that is alcohol and water-soluble. The drug is also available in a
clear crystal form high in purity.
9ommonly known as :speed6 or :meth6 :&6, :pure6 or :burn6, methamphetamine is a
powerful psychostimulant whose pharmacological characteristics and effects broadly
resemble cocaine (except that the onset is slower and duration is longer ($ilkins
&$& .istory of methamphetamine
Methamphetamine is not considered a new drug because it was first synthesised in
#443 by a Derman chemist, <a8ar =deleano. ;uring the #2+"s methamphetamine first
appeared on the licit market as )en8edrine in an over-the-counter inhaler to treat nasal
congestion. 0t is still legally produced in the United 1tates as a prescription medicine
(but classified as a controlled substance
under the trade name ;esoxyn
(methamphetamine hydrochloride. ;esoxyn is used to treat attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder. 0t is also used for short-term weight loss and is produced in *
mg tablets.
9ontrolled substances in the United 1tates are medications or drugs that are very habit-forming or are
very likely to be abused. &rescriptions for methamphetamine must be in the written :hard copy6 form
(they cannot be phoned or faxed to a pharmacy. 'lso, methamphetamine prescriptions cannot have
any refills (one must get a new prescription each month.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites 6
;uring $orld $ar 00 methamphetamine was distributed by the .a8is as well as the
'llies and the 'xis to troops to fight fatigue (1abin !""4. 1uwaki (#22# has
documented how methamphetamine abuse reached epidemic proportions in Gapan
post-$orld $ar 00 once stockpiles that had been reserved for military use were
released to the general public, until the Gapanese Ministry of Health banned it in #2*#.
The #2*"s saw a sharp rise in the legal prescription of methamphetamine to the
'merican public which eventually led to its listing as a 1chedule 00 drug under the
United 1tates 9ontrolled 1ubstances 'ct in the #23"s ()ialer !""!. (ne result of this
legislative change was the emergence of the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine
for personal use and by organised criminal enterprises. 1uch activity was motivated by
the immense profits that could be generated and facilitated by the availability of many
of the precursor substances necessary to manufacture it (1abin !""4. 0n recent years
illicit manufacture and use of methamphetamine has become a particular concern in the
'sia-&acific region including .ew /ealand (Ministerial 'ction Droup on ;rugs !""+.
&$' Methamphetamine in 7ew 8ealand
Under the Misuse of ;rugs 'ct #23* methamphetamine
in .ew /ealand is classified
as a 9lass ' controlled drug F a drug that poses a ery high risk of harm with
significant penalties for offenders importing, manufacturing, distributing and possessing
the drug without lawful authority. The amount of methamphetamine over which the
drug is presumed to be for supply is * grams (1chedule *, whether or not this amount
is contained in a substance, preparation or mixture (Misuse of ;rugs 'mendment 'ct
!""*, 1chedule *.
0n !""+, fuelled by media coverage of several isolated yet dramatic events involving
people under the influence of the drug, the .ew /ealand Dovernment launched the
Methamphetamine Action Plan (Ministerial 'ction Droup on ;rugs !""+. The plan
sets out a series of steps to reduce both drug market supplies and demand, including
by making substantial investments in clan meth lab identification and clean-up teams.
0n (ctober !""2 the Dovernment unveiled a new action plan to combat domestic
manufacture, trafficking and use of methamphetamine, including through controls on
precursor chemicals (;epartment of the &rime Minister and 9abinet !""2.
0n .ew /ealand, methamphetamine is generally obtainable as powder or crystals
(translucent to white crystalline appearance. This form of the drug is colloBuially
referred to as :&6 or :&ure6, although both these terms are also loosely used to cover all
forms of methamphetamine, at least in the media ()ennett et al !""5.
.ational household drug surveys and other population surveys suggest that the use of
methamphetamine :peaked6 in !""# when around * percent of the #*- to 5*-year-olds
used it (;epartment of the &rime Minister and 9abinet !""2. ' !""2 Massey
University survey backs up the picture of declining methamphetamine use since that
time. 0ts results indicate that use in the population aged #* to 5* years fell from
5.+ percent in !""- to #.5 percent in !""2. However it should be noted that the use of
telephone-based interviewing may have resulted in the under-representation of
freBuent users in this survey ($ilkins and 1weetsur !""2.
0n .ew /ealand the rate of methamphetamine use is now second only to that of cannabis among illicit
drugs (1abin !""4.
!9 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
Methamphetamine is generally locally manufactured in clandestine laboratories,
although there have been reports of more potent forms of the drug, namely base and
crystalline forms, being imported (Ministerial 'ction Droup on ;rugs !""+. The local
labs are often discovered in houses, garages, apartments, motel rooms, sheds and
even motor vehicles.
9landestine drug laboratories established to produce hash oil and homebake heroin
have existed in .ew /ealand since the #24"s (Horne #223@ .ewbold !""".
.ew /ealand6s first clan meth lab was discovered in #22-. The annual number of
methamphetamine laboratories detected by the .ew /ealand &olice each year has
increased dramatically from 2 in !""", to #+* in !""2.
Methamphetamine is manufactured from chemical precursors, including ephedrine and
pseudoephedrine. =phedrine is currently a prescription medicine in .ew /ealand while
pseudoephedrine is a common ingredient in many over-the-counter remedies for
coughs and cold symptoms (=xpert 'dvisory 9ommittee on ;rugs !""+. 0n (ctober
!""5 all products containing pseudoephedrine and ephedrine were classified as a
9lass 9, &art 000 9ontrolled ;rug under the Misuse of ;rugs 'ct #23*, with the aim of
maintaining tighter control over the manufacture of products and their distribution onto
the illicit market (Medsafe !""5. 's well as these legislative changes, through the
!""5 )udget the .ew /ealand Dovernment made available funding for a third &olice
response team to target clandestine drug-making laboratories. ' new national :clan
lab6 co-ordinator role was also established to help guide the .ew /ealand &olice6s work
in this area, ensuring that best practice responses are followed across the country.
The number of border sei8ures of the precursors pseudoephedrine and ephedrine by
the .ew /ealand 9ustoms 1ervice has continued to increase in the last few years. ?or
the !""4 calendar year, the .ew /ealand 9ustoms 1ervice sei8ed over +,!42,!++
precursor tablets at .ew /ealand6s border in 3-- cases, compared with #,+#+,#32
tablets in *3- cases for the !""5 calendar year (;epartment of the &rime Minister and
9abinet !""2. The predominant source of pseudoephedrine is in the form of
9ontac.T cold medicine from 9hina although there are signs of an increasing
divergence of sources and trafficking routes for methamphetamine precursors to
account for changes in domestic legislation which has made domestic sources of the
chemical more difficult to obtain (United .ations (ffice on ;rugs and 9rime !"#".
The amount of methamphetamine sei8ed at the border by the .ew /ealand &olice and
.ew /ealand 9ustoms 1ervice increased from #+3" grams in !""" ($ilkins et al !""*
to !+,23# grams in !""4 (;epartment of the &rime Minister and 9abinet !""2. To
date .ew /ealand6s largest sei8ure of methamphetamine has been approximately
2* kg (.ew /ealand 9ustoms 1ervice !""-.
&$) :hat is a clandestine methamphetamine laboratory*
1ites that produce methamphetamine may be called laboratories, but they bear little
resemblance to legitimate pharmacologic laboratories. The '17./1 53*3% !""!
Handling and estruction of rugs defines a clandestine laboratory as :an illicit
operation consisting of apparatus and7or chemicals that either have been or could be
used in the manufacture or synthesis of drugs. This includes premises and7or sites.6
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites !!
<aboratories manufacturing methamphetamine range from rudimentary operations
using fairly simple chemical techniBues to large-scale, highly sophisticated operations
that are technically and chemically complex. They can be located virtually anywhere F
in private residential dwellings, motel and hotel rooms, apartments, boats, vehicles,
campgrounds and commercial establishments. They are usually readily portable.
1ome clandestine laboratories use very simple processes such as extracting cannabis
oil from plants using solvents@ others use complex processes involving a number of
chemicals and a range of eBuipment to manufacture illicit drugs such as
&$+ Clandestine methamphetamine laboratories in 7ew 8ealand
0n view of the increase in the number of clandestine laboratories manufacturing
methamphetamine detected in 'ustralia and .ew /ealand, it was determined that there
was a need for better exchange of information among the various Hurisdictions involved.
's a result, in 'ugust #223 the first 9hemical ;iversion 9onference was held at the
'ustralian )ureau of 9riminal 0ntelligence@ among other outcomes, it led to the
development of a categorisation of the various types of clandestine laboratories.
'lthough the .ew /ealand &olice has also developed a categorisation, it grades the
laboratory in terms of its set-up or defining features rather than being based on
contamination levels. ?or example, Drades ' and ) both represent :complete6 labs and
together represent Hust under one-third of all labs detected. The grades are described
in Table #.
;able !" 9lan meth lab gradings
Leel Description of clan
drug labs
Defining features
' :'ctive6 =ither drug manufacture or precursor production
&resence of activated heat source, pressure, running water
9ombination of chemicals7materials to cause or instigate drug
manufacture or precursor production
1ufficient activity, material, chemicals, eBuipment to support
charges under the Misuse of ;rugs 'ct #23* section -(#(b or to
support precursor material7substance charges
) :0nactive67non-active =ither drug manufacture or precursor production
Minus the presence of activated heat source, pressure, running
'll or close to all chemicals, materials, eBuipment reBuired for
manufacture methamphetamine or extract precursors
1ufficient material clearly Hustify charges under the Misuse of
;rugs 'ct #23* section -(#(b or to support precursor
material7substance charges
9 :9lan lab kit or
chemical store6
.either set up nor active
=Buipment and7or chemicals, or materials with application in
drug manufacture or precursor production7manufacture
!& Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
; :9hemical eBuipment
store or cache6
(partial kit
=Buipment, chemicals, materials with application in drug
manufacture or precursor extraction
9learly short of reBuired range of eBuipment and or chemicals,
and or materials necessary to complete production7manufacture
0t is important to note this grading is for .ew /ealand &olice purposes only and is not
intended to be used to gauge contamination levels for site remediation. Aefer to
'ppendix ' for further information on detected clan meth labs in .ew /ealand and
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites !'
Chapter '" Deelopment of Remediation Guidelines
'$! #ntroduction
0n an attempt to gain information pertaining to any remediation (clean-up processes in
place in 'sian or =uropean countries extensive literature searches were carried out.
Unfortunately no results were obtained despite the considerable efforts made through
electronic searches and where appropriate through contacts in key agencies. 's a
result available information about overseas remediation processes comes from the
United 1tates and 'ustralia only.
'$!$! <nited States
0n the United 1tates there is currently no federal standard for the clean-up
(remediation of former clan meth labs.
's a result over !" states have established
clean-up levels for methamphetamine that range from K"."* Lg7#"" cm
to #.* Lg7#""
. Most states have chosen a level of ".# Lg7#"" cm
(United 1tates =nvironmental
&rotection 'gency, !""2. These levels are based on toxicological information but are
at levels that can be scientifically measured and are :belie!ed to be set at sufficiently
conser!ati!e le!els to still be health-protecti!e6 (United 1tates =nvironmental &rotection
'gency !""2 p -.
0n 9alifornia, the (ffice of =nvironmental Health Ha8ard 'ssessment ((=HH' and
;epartment of Toxic 1ubstances 9ontrol (;T19 have developed a risk-based target
remediation standard7guideline (clean-up standard for methamphetamine in
residences used to illegally manufacture methamphetamine. (n # Ganuary !"#" the
statute was amended to less than or eBual to #.* Lg7#"" cm
when legislation was
passed by ') #542
(Health and 1afety 9ode section !*5"".#- replacing the standard
".# Lg7#"" cm
on the grounds that extensive research found the standard
(".# Lg7#"" cm
to be overly conservative and that a standard of #.* Lg7#"" cm
be sufficiently protective to make properties safe for human occupancy.
The Methamphetamine Aemediation 'ct !""3 reBuires the United 1tates =nvironmental &rotection
'gency (U1=&' to develop model, voluntary, health-based clean-up guidelines for use by states and
localities. 0n 'ugust !""2, the U1=&' published "oluntary Guidelines for Methamphetamine
Laboratory Clean-up http%77www.epa.gov7oem7methMlabMguidelines.pdf. However in developing this
document the U1=&' did not intend it to set, establish or promote Buantitative clean-up standards@
instead the document provides technical guidance for state and local personnel responsible for clan
meth lab remediation. )ased on an extensive review of the best available science and practices, the
guidelines address general remediation activities, identify best practices for specific items or
materials, discuss sampling procedures, and provide additional technical resources.
!) Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
The risk-based standard which was finalised in !""2 was derived from two (=HH'
documents concerning (# the methamphetamine reference dose (Af; (1alocks et al
!""2@ and (! the identification of a risk-based remediation standard for surface
methamphetamine contamination (1alocks !""2. 0t is important to note that the results
of 1alocks et al (!""2 study remain controversial and have not been widely adopted.
(ne reason for the disagreement relates to 1alock6s assumption that
methamphetamine base rapidly evaporates and dissipates. To some extent, this
assumption has support from the research findings that methamphetamine showed
significant volatility in free base ('bdullah and Miskelly !"#"@ it is on this basis that
1alocks (!""2 suggests that methamphetamine base is unlikely to be a persistent
contaminant. However methamphetamine base (and other problematic compounds
are known to penetrate building materials from which they are only slowly emitted
(. &owell, ?orensic and 0ndustrial 1cience, personal communication, !"#". 0n other
words, 1alocks (!""2 appears to have considered only absorbed (or surficial rather
than absorbed (within the substrate methamphetamine. )ecause devolatilisation of
methamphetamine from absorbent materials can be protracted the result is several
important corollaries (. &owell, personal communication, !"#"%
The total exposure to methamphetamine with a contaminated structure such as a
house (comprising exposure to surface and airborne methamphetamine may be
much higher than that due to surface methamphetamine alone.
The duration of exposure for vulnerable population groups such as children living in
methamphetamine contaminated properties could be longer than 1alocks (!""2
9hildren outside the age group range considered by 1alocks (!""2 as being the
most vulnerable (-F!5 months, could be exposed to problematic levels of
'ppendix ) summarises regulations and remediation (clean-up standards7guidelines
for re-occupation of former illicit methamphetamine laboratories for over !" U1 states.
These numeric guidelines focus on a limited range of ha8ardous substances mainly
methamphetamine, total volatile organic compounds, lead and mercury.
Uncertainties in the development of remediation guidelines for methamphetamine and
other chemical compounds commonly found in clan meth labs are further confounded
by potential inconsistencies in sampling and analytical methodologies. Denerally
remediation guidelines (both Bualitative and Buantitative are feasibility-based rather
than risk-based for the predicted exposure scenarios for most cases. Iuantitative
remediation guidelines may be based on the ability of the analytical eBuipment to
detect the chemical. Iualitative remediation guidelines may be limited by the
impracticality of removing contaminated materials that affect the structural integrity of a
building, or by remediation costs that exceed the value of the property ('1T1$M(
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites !+
'$!$& Australia
0n !""2 the 'ustralian 9rime 9ommission released a draft document titled eri!ation of
Ris#-based In!estigation Le!els $ Clandestine rug Laboratory% Site In!estigation
Guidelines (=nvironmental Aisk 1ciences !""2 as part of its development of national
guidelines on this issue. These guidelines provide investigation levels for
methamphetamine (".* Lg7#"" cm
and iodine (!" Lg7#"" cm
'ccording to 1utherland (!""- each Hurisdiction seems to have reasonably adeBuate
environmental protection (or contaminated sites legislation to enable appropriate
remediation of clan meth laboratory sites where there is a risk to the environment.
However the maHor problem with such legislation is that it tends to be focused on large-
scale, industrial sites. 9onsultation with agencies that administer environmental
protection 'cts reveals that they tend not to get involved in small-scale contamination,
especially on private property (which tends to be where the maHority of clan meth labs
are found. 't the national level, some attempts have been made to standardise some
environmental protection arrangements and improve co-ordination across different
sectors. ?or example, the .ational =nvironment &rotection ('ssessment of 1ite
9ontamination Measure #222 seeks to%
establish a nationally consistent approach to the assessment of site contamination
to ensure sound environmental management practices ... the desired
environmental outcome ... is to provide adeBuate protection of human health and
the environment, where site contamination has occurred, through the development
of an efficient and effective national approach to the assessment of site
'$& 12isting standards and guidelines for human e2posure to
There are a number of .ew /ealand and overseas guidelines and standards for the
management of chemicals and contamination in different scenarios, albeit not directly
associated with clan meth labs. 'ppendix 9 highlights several sources, including the
basis of the guidelines and brief commentary on their relevance to the remediation of
clan meth labs.
!, Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
Chapter )" Guidelines for Site Remediation
)$! #ntroduction
0n the absence of .ew /ealand human health guidelines or chronic low-level exposure
limits, the Ministry of Health has focused on reducing the potential exposure to a level
that is as low as practicable and has looked to the experience and expertise of other
Hurisdictions with similar problems. 's noted in section +.#.# while a number of U1
states have developed standards (guidelines that are associated with the site
remediation of former clan meth labs, these guidelines focus on a few ha8ardous
substances only. ' number of the guidelines are based on analytical limits of detection
rather than the protection of human health. Therefore a more detailed review of clan
meth methods in .ew /ealand and key ha8ardous substances associated with these
methods has been undertaken.
'lthough a large number of premises used as clan meth labs are residential the
remediation guidelines have been developed for indoor and outdoor areas (soil and
water environments separately and hence can be applied to other premises such as
apartments or hotel7motels for the areas affected as reBuired.
)$& Chemicals associated with the illicit manufacture of
The two most common chemical forms of methamphetamine, the free base
(methamphetamine base and the hydrochloride salt (methamphetamine
hydrochloride, are produced in clan meth labs. )ecause methamphetamine is not very
water soluble and is volatile, it is usually converted to a methamphetamine salt by
bubbling hydrogen chloride gas into a solution of the methamphetamine base in an
organic solvent ('bdullah !""3. 's a result, methamphetamine hydrochloride is the
illicit drug most commonly manufactured in clan meth labs in .ew /ealand. 0t is usually
found as a yellow or white crystalline powder, although other colours such as brown,
grey and pink have been observed (Topp et al !""!.
The most common methamphetamine synthesis routes encountered involve reaction of
an ephedrine or pseudoephedrine precursor with hydriodic acid or iodine plus water
and red phosphorus, hypophosphorous acid or phosphorous acid. Ha8ardous or
problematic chemicals likely to be associated with the manufacture of
methamphetamine include chemicals used in and by-products generated from the
H0 Aeduction, anhydrous ammonia and &!& methods. Table ! lists some of the
chemicals involved@ however, this list should not be considered exhaustive as there are
other synthesis routes as well as by-products that are yet to be identified.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites !4
;able &" Methamphetamine production process, chemicals used and by-products
Procedure Process Chemicals used Products and
1tep # .# reduction and anhydrous
ammonia methods
&harmaceutical products
containing ephedrine or
pseudoephedrine are crushed
and dissolved in solvent (eg,
alcohol, methanol.
The solvent containing
ephedrine or pseudoephedrine
is filtered.
The solvent containing the
precursor is evaporated.
'cetone (propanone
'n ether
'n alcohol eg, methanol,
Mineral spirit
1olvent vapour
'ntihistamine (various
&ill tailings
P&P >phenyl=&=propanone?
There is no precursor extraction
but &!& can be synthesised
using phenylacetic acid reacted
with acetic anhydride
acetate7acetic acid.
&henylacetic acid
'cetic anhydride
<ead acetate
'cetic acid
1odium acetate
<ead compounds (solid
1tep ! .# reduction method
1ynthesis The ephedrine7pseudoephedrine
mixture is mixed with either
hydriodic acid and red
phosphorus or red phosphorus,
iodine and water or iodine and
hypophosphorous acid and
heated for several hours to form
methamphetamine in an acidic
Mixture is filtered to remove the
red phosphorus.
Aed phosphorus
Hypophosphorous acid
Hydriodic acid (iodine
crystals combined with
red phosphorus generate
hydriodic acid
Nellow phosphorous
$hite phosphorous
Hydriodic acid aerosol
Hydrogen iodide
&hosphorous acid
Anhydrous ammonia method
<ithium or other metal reductant
is dissolved in anhydrous
ammonia and ephedrine7
pseudoephedrine is added.
!5 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
Procedure Process Chemicals used Products and
P&P method
'luminium amalgam is formed
by reaction of mercuric chloride
and aluminium metal (eg, foil.
&!& is reacted with
methylamine (or
n-methylformamide and formic
Mercuric chloride
?ormic acid
1tep + .# reduction method
of meth
1odium hydroxide is added to
make the mixture base.
1odium hydroxide (used
to raise the pH of the
reaction solution
Methamphetamine base
1trongly basic waste
'n organic solvent (eg, toluene
is added to extract the
methamphetamine from the
basic solution.
The top layer (containing the
methamphetamine base is
separate and removed,
(rganic solvent% toluene
or ether (ben8ene is
sometimes present in
commercial toluene
Anhydrous ammonia method
The mixture is Buenched with
water. The reaction of the
residual metal forms hydroxide
so that the solution is basic.
'n organic solvent (eg, toluene
is added to extract the
methamphetamine from the
basic solution.
(rganic solvent eg,
toluene (ben8ene is
sometimes present in
commercial toluene
Methamphetamine salt
1trongly basic waste
P&P method
The methamphetamine base is
separated from the reaction
mixture and7or extracted with a
(rganic solvent <ead (in waste reaction
1trongly basic waste
1tep 5 .# reduction and anhydrous
ammonia methods
1alting out Hydrogen chloride gas is
introduced into the
methamphetamine solution to
precipitate methamphetamine
hydrochloride settles to the
bottom and is filtered from the
'n ether or acetone
(propanone may be used to
remove impurities.
Hydrogen chloride gas
1ulphuric acid
Hydrochloric acid
1odium chloride
'cetone (propanone
'n ether
Methamphetamine salt
Hydrochloric acid
Hydrogen chloride gas
;iscarded solvent
1odium sulphate
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites !6
Procedure Process Chemicals used Products and
P&P method
Hydrogen chloride gas is
bubbled through the
methamphetamine base (or
solvent solution to precipitate
hydrochloride. The
methamphetamine base can be
converted to the hydrochloride
salt with hydrochloric acid.
Hydrogen chloride Methamphetamine
1ource% 'dapted from 'bdullah (!""3@ Houston ?ire ;epartment 9ontinuing =ducation (!"#"
&seudoephedrine has been included because it is a precursor to manufacturing
methamphetamine. Hydrogen chloride is used at the salting out stage of
methamphetamine production. Hydrogen chloride gas is often generated by :cooks6 at
clan meth labs by combining sulphuric acid (eg, drain cleaner with sodium chloride
(rock salt in a hydrogen chloride gas generator.
&hosphine is a by-product generated during the synthesis of methamphetamine using
the H0 reduction method ('bdullah !""3. However, it has a high vapour pressure and
therefore does not persist for long periods in air that is not completely dry (. &owell,
personal communication, !"#".
There are a variety of solvents involved in the manufacture of methamphetamine.
'mong them are acetone and toluene both of which are used in the manufacturing
process and are commonly found in .ew /ealand clan meth labs ('bdullah !""3.
)$' Reiew and identification of key chemicals
0n identifying key chemicals in the assessment and potential remediation of clan meth
labs the following characteristics were considered for each chemical compound%
acute toxicity associated with the chemical@
feasibility of sampling and analysis on a commercial basis in .ew /ealand@ and
actual or potential chronic toxicity to humans.
?or the purposes of deriving these guidelines the following classes of compounds have
also been considered important (=nvironmental Aisk 1ciences !""2%
)$'$! #ndoor areas
Surface residues" non-volatile and semi-volatile chemicals that have the potential
to remain on surfaces as a residue or dust.
@olatiles in indoor air" volatile compounds including those that are absorbed into
household materials (eg, upholstered furniture, curtains, carpet and plasterboard
and from which they may re-volatilise.
&9 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
)$'$& Autdoor areas
Soil and water contaminants" compounds that persist in soil or that may
contaminate groundwater. ?or example, Ganus8 et al (!""+ found that
methamphetamine (methylamphetamine sulphate persisted unchanged in soil after
six weeks. This persistence along with the high solubility of methamphetamine in
water would suggest that it could migrate into shallow groundwater. 1tudies have
shown that residues from the illicit manufacture of drugs such as methamphetamine
can end up via the sewage system in surface water of populated areas with whole-
method limits of detection at #.#4 ng7< (/uccato et al !""4.
)$) Remediation guidelines for 7ew 8ealand residential properties
>ey chemical compounds identified are listed in Table + together with proposed
guideline values. The development of these guideline values entailed the use of a
hierarchy developed by the Ministry for the =nvironment to determine the order in
which guideline values contained in reference documents are appropriate for the site
remediation of clan meth labs. The hierarchy utilised by the Ministry for the
=nvironment (!""3, p vi is as follows%
#. .ew /ealand documents that derive risk-based guideline values
!. rest-of-the-world documents that derive risk-based guideline values
+. .ew /ealand documents that derive threshold values
5. rest-of-the-world documents that derive threshold values.
;able '" 1ummary of remediation guidelines for .ew /ealand residential properties
Bey chemical #ndoor criteria Autdoor soil
Potable water
Surface >DgC!99cm
? Air
)en8ene a ".""+-
Hydrogen chloride a ".""2Q b x
<ead !
Mercury (inorganic
Methamphetamine ".*
b *
&hosphine a
c x
Toluene a ".+Q -4
Sylenes (total a ".3Q 54
pH --4 .' 5.*F4 (typical range -F4P
a .o surface residue guideline has been provided for this chemical as it is considered volatile and would not be
present as surface residues (or dust for a sufficient period to be of concern.
b .o guideline has been derived for these key chemicals. (nly volatile chemicals (or gases have been
considered as they may continue to off-gas from porous surfaces over time. ?or example, anhydrous hydrogen
chloride will readily combine with soil moisture and infiltrate the soil, dissolving some of the soil material,
especially carbonates. .eutralisation of the acid will occur ((=HH' !""4.
These guidelines do not consider ambient air@ however, any discharges to outside air during
remediation should not exceed air Buality guidelines described in the Ministry for the =nvironment6s
!""4 publication, Good Practice Guide for Assessing ischarges to Air from Industry. This
publication is available on the Ministry6s website http%77www.mfe.govt.n87publications7air7assessing-
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites &!
c 0t is not considered necessary to attempt to measure for phosphine in soil because phosphine gas is not
expected to be present in soil for a sufficient period of time to be of concern.
S 't the time of writing no relevant guideline values for these chemicals were available from peer-reviewed
sources of relevance for the protection of human health.
't the time of writing the Ministry for the =nvironment6s proposed &ational 'n!ironmental Standard for
Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil was still under development and confirmation of these numbers
was awaiting finalisation. The Ministry for the =nvironment should be consulted to ensure that these soil
guideline values are consistent with the ga8etted .=1. 0n practice, the .=1 is treated like a rule in a plan, and it
will override any existing rule that is more lenient. 0n some circumstances, councils can impose a rule or
consent that is more stringent than the .=1 but only if the standard expressly states that they can.
R ;erived from some states within the United 1tates that have adopted regulations or numeric decontamination
guidelines for clan meth labs.
.'.ot applicable as pH is not a chemical compound.
Q ;erived from the (=HH' (!""4.
;erived from =nvironmental Aisk 1ciences (!""2.
;erived from the .ew /ealand ambient air Buality guidelines (Ministry for the =nvironment !""!.
O ;erived from the Guidelines for Assessing and Managing Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminated Sites in &e(
)ealand (Ministry for the =nvironment #222. Ealues for residential soils have been applied and within those,
sandy soils and soils less than # metre in depth, as a default. Aefer to Table 5.#" F Tier 1oil acceptance criteria
Residential use (Ministry for the =nvironment #222.
;erived from U1=&' Aegional 1creening <evels (formerly called &reliminary Aemediation Doals.
P These guideline values for contaminants relating to potable water use have been derived from the health-based
determinants (maximum acceptable values set out in the rin#ing$(ater Standards for &e( )ealand *++,
-re!ised *++./ (Ministry of Health !""4. These guideline values have been developed with a particular
reference to the protection of public health, giving consideration to exposure via the ingestion of water, the
inhalation of volatile compounds and absorption following direct contact.
' value for total volatile organic compounds (TE(9s has not been considered in these
guidelines. 'lthough measurements of TE(9s are often made F for example, as an
indicator of the likelihood that there will be effects on health F their use for this purpose
is declining. This is because little data is available on the interactions among more
than two chemicals that do not usually address issues of chronic toxicity at
concentrations representative of actual human exposure (=uropean 9ommission !""3.
?or the purpose of these guidelines it was seen as preferable to consider individual
E(9s rather than TE(9 and consider several examples of contaminants likely to be
found in a former clan meth lab. Therefore guideline values for xylenes (total and
ben8ene (as well as toluene have been included because these chemical compounds
are important common impurities in commercial grades of toluene.
0odine has been documented in the literature as an important element for human
beings. This is because it is involved in the composition of the thyroid hormone and its
absence causes goitre ('ubert and &inta #233. 0n clan meth labs iodine is combined
with red phosphorus to make hydroiodic acid, an essential ingredient in the
manufacture of methamphetamine from ephedrine. =lemental iodine readily volatilises
at room temperature. However, it is likely there will be circumstances where iodine
compounds may remain on surfaces long enough to reBuire consideration with respect
to long-term exposure. 0odine also has the potential to stain surfaces, which means
that visual issues should be addressed in the remediation of iodine on surfaces in any
premises (=nvironmental Aisk 1ciences !""2. 0n soil, iodine is oxidised to iodate
and reduced to iodide (0- ions which have a relatively low order of toxicity as well
as being essential micronutrients in the human diet (=nvironmental Aisk 1ciences
!""2. .ew /ealand6s soils may be low in available iodine so that vegetables, fruits
and grains grown in .ew /ealand are likely to have very low levels of iodine compared
with food produced in other parts of the world. However, while !F+ mg7kg is not
&& Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
uncommon for many mineral soils, significantly higher concentrations in clay-rich and
some organic-rich soils varying from !* mg7kg to #"" mg7kg have been reported (.
>im, =nvironment $aikato, personal communication, !"#". 0n .ew /ealand the
recommended daily intake for adults is around #*" Lg7day. AeBuirements are higher
for pregnant and breastfeeding women and lower for children, infants and toddlers
('ustralian .ational Health and Medical Aesearch 9ouncil and the .ew /ealand
Ministry of Health !""-.
' number of corrosives are used in the manufacturing process. These agents cause
surface contamination through accidental spillage during handling and cooking and the
accumulation of these ha8ardous substances from their aerosols or vapour. Therefore,
the acceptable range for pH has been set between 5.* and 4 in soil or surface
residues. =xtreme values (K 5 and T ## may adversely affect health.
The Ministry of Health6s rationale for the remediation guidelines assumes that if
decontamination activities are sufficient to remove methamphetamine and E(9s (also
iodine, lead and mercury if the amalgam7&!& method is used to acceptable levels,
other chemicals for which a remediation guideline value has not been given will have
been sufficiently removed as well.
The following factors need to be considered when remediation guidelines for lead and
mercury are applied%
the amalgam (&!& method (although rare has been found to be used in .ew
the possibility of obtaining false positives for lead and mercury exists
lead (in particular and mercury were commonly added to paints in past years and
are present in many such homes where illegal drug labs are found
previously used lead in petrol additives (tetraethyllead and tetramethyl resulted in
generally elevated concentrations of lead in urban soils (although this elevated
baseline is usually below the remediation guideline provided in Table +
in some mineralised areas such as parts of the 9oromandel &eninsula, lead and
mercury may be present in natural (mineralogical sources. Mercury may also be
higher in some geothermally influenced soils.
0n .ew /ealand lead absorption from other than occupational sources is a condition
that is notifiable to the medical officer of health under the Health 'ct #2*-. 0n !""3 the
Ministry of Health released a revised edition of the #224 guidelines titled 0he
'n!ironmental Case Management of Lead '1posed Persons2 Guidelines for Public
Health 3nits (Ministry of Health !""3a. These guidelines provide practical advice for
the investigation and environmental case management of people with elevated levels of
lead, and are particularly aimed at risks arising from lead-based paint. The guidelines
include recommendations for protecting children from lead in soil, and are principally
taken from United 1tates guidance. Duidance is also provided on dust and soil
sampling techniBues for residential settings.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites &'
Chapter +" Sampling and Analysis
+$! #ntroduction
The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance for the sampling and analysis of
chemical contaminants. Denerally as part of site remediation process, sampling and
analysis of contaminants would be a reBuirement for the property owner at the direction
of a district7city council to ensure the dwelling is safe for re-occupation.
&rofessionals undertaking assessment and testing must operate independently of
commercial decontamination (clean-up companies.
The seBuence of events should be as follows%
occupants vacate the property
notification of possible ha8ardous contamination is placed on the outside of the
dwelling by the local authority
the property is secured to prevent unauthorised entry or occupation
pre-remediation sampling is carried out
if contamination is detected, remediation recommendations are issued
remediation (clean-up contractors carry out remediation
post-remediation sampling is carried out
further remediation and sampling is carried out if reBuired
if post-remediation sampling indicates levels of contaminants are below those
currently acceptable, a report is issued stating that the property is fit for
+$& Pre=remediation assessment and testing
The intention of pre-remediation assessment and testing is to determine the presence,
level and extent of contamination.
0nformation collected prior to the initial site visit%
'ssessment and testing on site should include%
F a record of number and type of structures7dwellings present
F description of grounds and outbuildings
F photographs or video footage
F air screening for total volatile organic compounds (such as the use of
photoionisation detector (&0;
F air screening for individual volatile organic compounds (such as via sorbent
F screening tests for drug residues including methamphetamine (immunoassay
tests or collection of swabs for gas chromatographic analysis
F pH testing
'dditional testing may include%
&) Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
F screening tests for iodine
F screening tests for hydrogen chloride
F testing for asbestos which generally would involve sending a small sample in a
sealed plastic bag to the laboratory, with the reBuisite fee. 'ccredited
laboratories are listed in the .ew /ealand Nellow &ages F under 'sbestos.
F testing for mercury and lead.
&articular attention should be paid to%
F chemical spillage
F chemical odours
F presence of bulk or non-household chemicals
F presence of ha8ards such as needles, broken glass, makeshift electrical wiring
F structural ha8ards such as fire damage
F signs of contamination such as staining, corrosion and etching
F ventilation, on-site effluent treatment systems (septic tanks, electrical appliances
such as heat pumps and plumbing systems
F signs of soil7water contamination such as dead vegetation, fire pits, soil
disturbance, discolouration of soil and dumping of chemicals.
+$' Sampling and analytical methods
The aim of sampling is to determine whether site remediation guidelines have been
met. 0n designing a sample plan for the interior of a building the following guidelines
are provided%
no less than five samples should be taken inside the building
samples should be taken in areas that show evidence of contamination
surfaces used in the illicit drug manufacturing process should be sampled
any room or area occupied by a child under the age of #- years should be sampled
at least once
for areas of non-porous surfaces such as bench tops, mirrors or metal surfaces
sampling may be achieved through the collection of wipe or swab samples of
#"" cm
any wipe must be free of interring substances and capable of absorbing the
suspected analyte so as to provide a true representation of any surface
contamination that may be present. 9onsultation with the certified analysing
laboratory is advised. 'nalytical laboratories may assist in providing information of
:Dhost wipe6 samples kits. 1uch test kits generally come with a template for the wipe
area, directions and the reBuired materials.
the techniBue by which the wipe is manipulated to collect the sample should be
consistent so as to provide reproducible recoveries of the analyte
ventilation ducts (if present that are in close proximity to the area where the illicit
manufacture of methamphetamine has occurred should be sampled
chain of custody protocols should be followed. =ach sample must be uniBuely
labelled and sealed in an appropriate bag or container and submitted to a laboratory
for analysis.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites &+
Table 5 summarises suggested sampling and analytical methods. Das
chromatography-mass spectrometry (D9-M1 is the method most commonly used in
the routine analysis of methamphetamine ('bdullah et al !"#". The .ational 0nstitute
for (ccupational 1afety and Health (.0(1H has developed analytical methods for
hydrogen chloride F Method 32"+ (.0(1H #225c,
lead F Method 3+"+
!""+a or 2#"!
(.0(1H !""+b and mercury (Method -""2, .0(1H #225b
are recommended for indoor areas.
?or information relating to the site investigation and analysis of soils refer to the
Ministry for the =nvironment6s publication Contaminated Land Management Guidelines
&o4 ,2 Site In!estigation and Analysis of Soils (!""5. 0ts 'ppendix D summarises a
number of different instrumental methods that can be used for analysing substances in
soils including methods for metals such as mercury and lead.
;able )" 1ample type and analytical methods
Contaminant Sample type Analytical methods
Methamphetamine 1urface wipe <aboratory-specific methods, gas chromatography
or immunoassay type test
Hydrogen chloride 'ir sample F silica gel
sorbent tube
.0(1H 32"+@ 1>9-!!--#"-"- solvent extraction
with ion chromatography
E(9s 'ir sample active
sampling with sorbent
U1=&' Method T(#3@ .0(1H
1ome passive sampling techniBues may also apply
where validated
<ead 1urface wipe
.0(1H 3+"+ or 2#"!
U1=&' !"".! or eBuivalent
0odine (if stained
surfaces are to be
'ir sample F sorbent tube
1urface wipe
0on chromatography .0(1H -""* (.0(1H #225a F
modified for 09& F M1 analysis
't the time of writing there was no standard method
Mercury 'ir sample F sorbent tube
1urface wipe
.0(1H -""2
U1=&' !"".! or eBuivalent
't the time of writing there was no standard method
+$'$! Methamphetamine sampling
1ampling for methamphetamine has been regarded as the principal means of
determining which aspects of a dwelling are contaminated and need remediation.
Deneral guidance on methamphetamine sampling is as follows%
?or methamphetamine surface wipe methods as described by the .ational 0nstitute
for (ccupational 1afety and Health based in the United 1tates .0(1H are%
F .0(1H draft method 2#"-% Methamphetamine and illicit drugs, precursor and
adulterants on wipes by liBuid-liBuid extraction (.0(1H !""2a
&, Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
F .0(1H draft Method 2#"2% Methamphetamine and illicit drugs, precursors and
adulterants on wipes by solid phase extraction (.0(1H !""2b
F .0(1H draft Method 2###% Methamphetamine on wipes by liBuid chromatography
F mass spectrometry (.0(1H !""2c.
Methamphetamine sampling should be carried out using a methanol-wetted gau8e or
filter paper wipes. Materials recommended by the United 1tates =nvironmental
&rotection 'gency (U1=&' !""2 for methamphetamine sampling are%
F rayon7polyester or cotton general-purpose medical sponges
F ## cm filter paper ($hatman
5" ashless or eBuivalent
F filter paper, including $hatman
5", 5#, 5!, 5+, 55, *5", *5#, 'hlstrom *5, E$A
5*5, 1U1 $H Medium, or other filter paper with eBuivalent performance
F cotton gau8e pad, including Gohnson U Gohnson cotton sBuares or eBuivalent.
+$'$& Lead and mercury sampling
0f there is evidence that lead or mercury was used in the manufacture of
methamphetamine, sampling and testing for the presence of these elements are
=vidence for the use of lead or mercury includes%
the presence of batteries
information from the .ew /ealand &olice or other sources
evidence of the phenyl-!-propanone (&!& method of methamphetamine
manufacture being used (note that synthesis methods for other substituted
phenethylamines also utilise mercury or its compounds.
$hile &b (lead analysis can follow Method 3+"+, lead sampling should follow .0(1H
Method 2#"!. The wipe should be wetted with reagent-grade nitric acid rather than
with methanol. The same surface area should not be wiped with both
methamphetamine and lead wipes but wipes in the same location should be adHacent to
each other.
?or air samples of mercury one should follow the .0(1H Method -""2. This method
involves the use of a sample pump to draw air through a sorbent tube that is
subseBuently analysed by a laboratory via atomic absorption.
't the time of writing a standard surface wipe method for mercury currently does not
exist although inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (09&-M1 has been used
for detecting low-level method which could be utilised with the same wipe sampling
method specified in .0(1H 2#"! for lead. There are presumptive mercury swab7wipe
kits commercially available for evaluating surface mercury contamination and are
available from 1>9.
0t is important to note that any results are used only to determine
the presence or absence of mercury on various surfaces.
http%77www.skcinc.com7index.asp. .ote that this not an endorsement for 1>9.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites &4
+$'$' #odine
1ampling of iodine has generally not been considered necessary because these
chemicals leave visible stains that should be detected at the pre-remediation stage. 0n
most cases where surfaces or appliances show visible signs of staining they will
typically be removed and will not need to be sampled (U1=&' !""2.
Most standard collection and analysis methods for iodine use a sorbent tube and air
sampling pump followed by solvent extraction and analysis by ion chromatography
(.0(1H #225a. These methods have detection limits in the range of ".""! to
".! mg7m
(Mc>en8ie !""4.
0f there is evidence of iodine contamination on materials or surfaces that will not be
removed, it is recommended that surface wipe samples for iodine do not exceed a
concentration of !" Lg7#"" cm
. 't the time of writing there was no recognised
standard surface wipe method for iodine. 1tandard methods for testing surface
mercury and iodine are inadeBuate for the reBuired detection limits and research and
development of more sensitive standard methods using 09&-M1 is reBuired.
?or information relating to outdoor contaminants such as iodine, mercury and lead in
soils refer to the Ministry for the =nvironment6s publication Contaminated Land
Management Guidelines &o4 ,2 Site In!estigation and Analysis of Soils (!""5. This
publication refers to the U1=&' Method !"".! which is applicable for analytes
including mercury and lead.
'ppendix ! in the Ministry of Health6s rin#ing-(ater Standards for &e( )ealand *++,
-re!ised *++./ sets out sampling reBuirements and referee methods of analysis for the
key chemicals listed in Table + of these guidelines as they relate to potable water.
+$'$) p. sampling procedure
pH is a term which is used to indicate the corrosiveness of a substance as ranked on a
scale from #." to #5." (U1=&' !""2. ?ood preparation areas and any surfaces with
visible staining, etching or corrosion should be pH tested. The United 1tates
=nvironmental &rotection 'gency also states that anything that leads to on-site effluent
treatment systems (septic tank system should be pH tested. 0n addition, the U1=&'
also states that pH testing should also occur with the on-site effluent treatment system,
on at least three locations in each room with areas of visible contamination and within
areas known to have been used for storage or handling of chemicals (U1=&' !""2.
's stated in the Minnesota ;epartment of Health6s Clandestine rug Lab General
Clean- up Guidance (!""3 p 52%
5or horizontal surfaces% deionised (ater shall be applied to the surface and
allo(ed to stand for at least three minutes4 0he pH test strip shall then be placed
in the (ater for a minimum of 6+ seconds and read4
5or vertical surfaces% a 7hatman 8+ ashless filter paper or e9ui!alent filter paper
shall be (etted (ith deionised (ater and (iped o!er a :+ cm 1 :+ cm area at least
fi!e times in t(o perpendicular directions4 0he filter paper shall then be placed into
a clean sample container and co!ered (ith deionised (ater4 0he filter and (ater
shall stand for at least three minutes prior to testing4 0he pH test strip shall then
be placed in the (ater for a minimum of 6+ seconds and read4
&5 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
+$'$+ @olatile organic compounds >@ACs?
Eolatile organic compounds (E(9s which include a variety of chemicals are emitted as
gases from certain solids or liBuids.
TechniBues such as photoionisation detection (&0; screening should be carried out at
both the pre-remediation assessment stage to assess total levels of volatile organic
compounds present and at the post-remediation stage to assess whether remediation
undertaken has been successful. &0;s are ideal for field screening potential :hot spots6
before any pre-remediation testing is carried out. However users should be aware of
their limitations.
The method of analysis recommended for individual E(9s is the U1=&' Method T(-
#3 Compendium of Methods for the etermination of 0o1ic ;rganic Compounds in
Ambient Air (9entre for =nvironmental Aesearch 0nformation (ffice of Aesearch and
;evelopment #222. This document explains sorbent tube7thermal desorption7gas
chromatographic-based monitoring methods for E(9s (Table * in ambient air at ".* to
!* parts per billion (ppb concentration levels.
More recently, methods based on the passive sampling approach have been validated
against the U1=&' Method T(-#3. These may be applicable in some cases for
example, with ben8ene (&laisance et al !""4.
;able +" E(9 analytical methods
@AC analysis method #ndicatie detection limit Sampling deice
D9-?0;7?0; ! Lg7sample 1>9 !!--"# 919 tube
D9-M1 ".# Lg7sample
".! Lg7sample
's above
'T;-D9-M1 ".""* Lg7sample &assive sampler (eg, 1>9 *3*F#""
+$'$, .ydrogen chloride
1tandard methods for sampling and analysis of hydrogen chloride in air are detailed in
0norganic 'cids Methods 32"+ (.0(1H #225c.
Hydrogen chloride may also be detected using a real-time ppb-range portable gas
analyser such as those produced by 0nterscan 9orporation. However the use of these
analysers would be subHect to verification testing in .ew /ealand.
+$) Preparation of report
The report should be prepared by the Bualified professional (remediation contractor
employed to undertake the site remediation before the dwelling is considered safe for
re-occupation. The United 1tates =nvironmental &rotection 'gency (U1=&' !""2
recommends as a minimum that the report should include the following information%
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites &6
+$)$! #ntroduction
This section of the report should include a case narrative, site description and site
assessment which should have been collated before remediation begins. This
information should include%
physical address of the property, number of structures7buildings on the site and a
description of any adHacent properties
documented observations including photos of the condition of the building at the pre-
and post-remediation stages, pre-remediation sampling results that provide
information on the manufacturing method, chemicals present, :hot spots6 (ie, cooking
areas, chemical storage, observed areas of contamination or waste disposal
details of the site remediation contractor including certification and description of
experience in assessing contamination associated with the manufacture of
+$)$& Methods
The purpose of this section is to document the site remediation and disposal activities.
The type of information and documentation in this section should include%
decontamination procedures (such as removal of contaminated materials and
encapsulation for each area that was decontaminated
waste management procedures, including handling and final waste disposal.
+$)$' Results
The purpose of this section is to document that the building has been remediated to an
acceptable level. The type of information and documentation in this section should
a description of the analytical methods used
a description of the results of post remediation samples including the location and
results of post-decontamination samples including written descriptions of individual
sample locations
sampling results, in writing certified by the laboratory that performed the analyses.
The final report for the property owner should be signed by the remediation contractor.
0t is important that a copy of this report is forwarded to the relevant agency such as the
territorial authority who is responsible for deeming the property suitable for
re-occupancy (U1=&' !""2.
+$+ Summary
0n an effort to determine a level of methamphetamine at or below which the site
remediation process could be considered adeBuate for the protection of people who
would subseBuently reoccupy a dwelling, the Ministry of Health has evaluated the
current remediation guidelines used overseas, in particular in the United 1tates. The
Ministry of Health currently recommends that surface wipes for methamphetamine not
'9 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
exceed a concentration of ".* Vg7#"" cm
as the acceptable post-remediation
re-occupancy level for a dwelling that has been used as a clan meth lab.
0f there is evidence of iodine contamination on materials or surfaces that will not be
removed, it is recommended that surface wipe samples for iodine not exceed a
concentration of !" Lg7#"" cm
. 0f the preliminary assessment indicates the phenyl-!-
propanone (&!& method of methamphetamine manufacture was used, surface wipe
samples for lead should not exceed ! Lg7#"" cm
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites '!
Chapter ," Remediation
,$! #ntroduction
'ccording to the 'ustralian 9rime 9ommission (!"#" remediation involves%
:the treatment, containment, removal or management of chemicals substances or
wastes with the aim of ensuring they no longer represent an actual or potential risk
to human health or the environment or an environmental value taking into account
the current and intended future land use6.
The obHective of these guidelines is to minimise any adverse effects of clan meth labs
on the natural or built environment through the development and implementation of a
nationally consistent approach for dealing with these sites which also includes a
consistent approach to remediation.
The Ministry of Health recognises that it is also important that any hired
decontamination contractor undergoes independent training and certification in both
decontamination processes and health and safety to ensure national consistency for all
properties regardless of location and decontamination in accordance with international
accepted and recognised standards, guidelines and processes. However, certified
remediation (clean-up contractors should not be allowed to do both sampling and
decontamination at the same site@ instead third-party sampling is reBuired.
,$!$! Safety during decontamination actiities
1afety during decontamination activities is paramount given that activities entail the risk
of exposure to ha8ardous substances and chemicals. &roperty owners should only
employ contractors who are trained and eBuipped to perform ha8ardous chemical
remediation for the decontamination of former clan meth labs. Hiring a Bualified
contractor provides the assurance that the appropriate safety precautions will be
implemented, as well as providing a stronger demonstration that the property has been
adeBuately decontaminated.
?or the safety of personnel undertaking decontamination, the premises must be
thoroughly ventilated for a minimum of !5 hours prior to remediation. $indows and
doors are to be kept open during remediation.
The following measures are recommended to ensure contractors are not exposed to
potential ha8ardous substances and chemicals (. &owell, personal communication,
;econtamination personnel must wear protective clothing, impermeable gloves,
impermeable overalls, gumboots and respirators fitted with activated charcoal filters
to remove volatile organic compounds.
9leaning solutions containing ammonia or hypochlorite ion must not be used.
;econtamination personnel should be aware of the possibility that undiscovered
bioha8ard material such as syringes with hypodermic needles may be present at
clan meth lab scenes and should observe appropriate precautions when handling
items at such scenes.
'& Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
;isposable overalls and gloves should be discarded after each use. $ash or wipe
down other gear with cleaning compound after each use.
Aespirator filters should be changed at intervals in accordance with the
manufacturer6s instructions. ?ilters should be discarded and replaced if air drawn
through filters has any perceptible odour.
,$& @entilation
Eenting of the clan meth lab before, during and after the remediation process has been
recommended by opening windows, using fans, blowers and or a negative air unit with
a H=&' filtration system (U1=&' !""2. 0n circumstances where a clan lab site may
have already been ventilated by the .ew /ealand &olice and =1A as part of their
criminal investigation including the gross removal of bulk chemicals but sealed after
these activities, the site should be ventilated again before remediation occurs.
1ome overseas guidelines recommend closing the windows and door and increasing
the temperature for a few days to promote the volatilisation of certain chemicals, a
practice sometimes referred to as :baking6. However, the effectiveness of this practice
has not been documented and it has been suggested that heating the dwelling may
mobilise and redistribute chemical compounds thereby spreading contamination. 0t is
for this reason that :baking6 is not recommended until further research is conducted
(U1=&' !""2.
$hile recognising that it can be difficult to ventilate a property and keep it secure prior
to remediation, the U1=&' recommends that ventilation should be performed for a
minimum of !5 hours prior to remediation personnel entering the site.
0mmediately prior to air sampling (eg, a minimum of !5 hours before the premises
should be completely closed to ensure that air sampling reflects stagnant air and
therefore :worst case scenario6 levels.
0t is important that ventilation is continued throughout the remediation process.
The following ventilation protocol is recommended%
Eentilate before pre-remediation testing (without compromising property security.
9lose up the premises no less than !5 hours prior to air sample7testing.
Eentilate during remediation.
Eentilate after remediation has been completed.
9lose up premises no less than !5 hours prior to post-remediation air sampling7
,$' .igh efficiency particulate air acuuming
Eacuuming using a commercial-grade vacuum cleaner should be undertaken prior to
any other remediation.
High efficiency particulate air (H=&' vacuuming should also be undertaken once any
flooring materials such as carpet or lino7vinyl have been removed.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites ''
' commercial-grade vacuum cleaner with a H=&' filter must be used as without the
filter fine particles will simply circulate again and (depending on building ventilation
patterns may subseBuently settle in more accessible locations.
H=&' filter vacuuming may also be suitable in circumstances where an existing item of
intrinsic or emotional value cannot be washed in a detergent solution.
,$) Remoal and remediation of contaminated materials
0n most circumstances it is unlikely that all the chemicals used or generated during the
manufacture of methamphetamine will be identified. Therefore a precautionary
approach to remediation must be taken.
0tems that should be removed and properly disposed of at an approved facility are any%
materials that are visibly stained, emitting odour, damaged or thought to have been
used in the manufacture process (eg, refrigerator used for chemical storage
materials that are absorbent and difficult to clean including as carpeting, wallpaper,
soft board building materials, paper materials (books, documents and soft
furnishings such as couches, mattresses and thermal backed curtains
items that could come into contact with young children or babies.
0tems to be disposed should be made un-usable so they cannot be recycled that is,
inadvertently land up in the hands of second hand or social service agencies such as
the 1alvation 'rmy and thus transfer contamination.
0f an item is of significant sentimental, monetary or legal value, professional Hudgement
should be used to gauge whether to discard the item or attempt remediation.
0tems where remediation may be appropriate are%
fabric items that can be placed into a washing machine
:hard surface6 items that are non-porous
metallic items and surfaces, eg, stainless steel kitchen surfaces
glass items and surfaces.
,$+ .eating3 entilation and air conditioning
0n circumstances where a clan meth lab has been located with a heating, ventilation
and air conditioning (HE'9 system or other residential forced air system, it is possible
that fumes, dust and other contaminants may have collected in areas such as vents,
ductwork, filters and on walls and ceilings near the ventilation ducts. )ecause a single
HE'9 system can service multi-unit structures such as apartments and therefore can
spread the contamination, the system should be shut down and remain off until the
remediation of the site is complete. 0t is recommended that sampling in all areas
serviced by the HE'9 is conducted as part of the preliminary assessment so that the
spread of contamination can be determined.
0t is important to note that some ventilation system ducts cannot be remediated
because of the nature of the material they are lined with, for example fibreglass. 0n
') Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
addition, flexible ductwork often contains a porous inner surface such that in most
cases remediation is uneconomic. 0t is for this reason that the ductwork should be
discarded and replaced after the ventilation system has been remediated (U1=&'
$here dwellings have heat pumps, the remediation of these appliances should be
assessed on a case-by-case basis with a focus on their proximity to where the cooking
was conducted. )ecause the heat pump manufacturer cannot Buantify the risk
associated with remediating a heat pump appliance, it is likely that they may assume a
:worst case6 scenario which could mean total replacement of the product. 0t is possible
that, given the corrosive nature of some of the chemicals used in the illicit manufacture
of methamphetamine, the manufacturer6s warranty will not cover damage caused by
corrosive substances. $here the risk of contamination (toxicity from a heat pump is
low and removal of the item is not cost-effective, it is possible that replacing the entire
indoor unit may be an acceptable solution. However, in respect of any goods including
heat pumps supplied under a contract, it is the owner6s responsibility for the correct
operation and regular maintenance of the eBuipment listed on a warranty. )efore any
remediation is carried out on a heat pump appliance, it is important that the owner
consults the manufacturer about any proposed remediation.
,$, Plumbing systems3 sewers and on=site effluent treatment
<iBuid waste and sludge produced during the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine
are freBuently dumped into sinks, bathtubs and toilets.
'll drains should be checked for staining, corrosion of pipe work and the presence of
high levels of E(9s all of which are indicative of dumping of chemical waste.
Aemediation options are flushing of plumbing and removal of corroded7damaged
0f the dwelling is connected to a municipal sewer system, it is unlikely that the disposal
of the clan meth lab waste will pose a health risk, due to the high level of dilution
involved. 0n such cases, however, the relevant territorial local authority should be
informed that chemicals associated with the manufacture of methamphetamine may
have been disposed of down the sanitary sewer (.ational 9ollaborating 9entre for
=nvironmental Health !""4.
0n circumstances where the dwelling is not connected to a municipal sewer sampling of
the on-site effluent treatment system (septic tank should be conducted, using pH
testing procedures, to determine the extent of contamination. However, any
remediation of the on-site effluent treatment system should happen at the end of the
remediation process so that any chemicals disposed of into the system are
appropriately removed. .evertheless in situations where the disposal field is not
functioning, the system should be remediated as soon as possible and no wash water
or waste should be added to the system (U1=&' !""2.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites '+
,$4 Detergent=water surface solution washing
0t is recommended that surface washing be performed three times using a standard
detergent solution at a concentration that accords with the manufacturer6s specification.
0t is important to ensure that cleaning is carried out thoroughly over the entire surface
rather than Hust spots.
Most guidance documents recommend cleaning from the ceiling to the floor. The wash
water need not be hot, as hot water has not been proven to be more effective for
cleaning than cold water (U1=&' !""2.
)efore each wash, the surface should be rinsed thoroughly using clean water and a
clean cloth. The cloth should then be disposed of appropriately.
The use of harsh chemicals such as bleach, trisodium phosphate (T1& and methanol
should be avoided. The interaction of bleach and methamphetamine is not fully
understood and their by-products currently remain unknown. 0t is thought that a
reaction between bleach and iodine (used in the most common .ew /ealand method%
red phosphorus could produce a toxic gas (U1=&' !""2. The use of T1& has been
recommended in some guidance documents. However while it is a strong cleansing
agent it has also the potential to irritate the person using it. Methanol is not
recommended because it produces flammable vapours and has a low flash point
(U1=&' !""2.
,$5 1ncapsulation
The purpose of encapsulation is to create a physical barrier between humans and any
residual contaminants that were not removed through cleaning and human contact.
=ncapsulation should never be considered as a substitute for cleaning@ instead it
should occur after surfaces (eg, ceilings, floors, walls have met remediation guidelines
F that is, after post-remediation sampling has been completed (U1=&' !""2.
Most guidance documents stipulate that walls, ceilings, floors and woodwork must be
coated with oil-based paint, epoxies or polyurethane to encapsulate interior surfaces.
9eramic or stone-filled surfaces that are not removed should be cleaned and re-gla8ed
if appropriate. Drout should be stained using an epoxy-based stain following cleaning
(U1=&' !""2.
?or complete coverage, it may be necessary to apply more than one coat of primer, oil-
based paint or sealant. 0t is important to allow primers, paints or sealants to dry before
additional coats are applied. 0n addition it is also recommended that encapsulated
areas are ventilated thoroughly prior to sampling for E(9s remaining from the
methamphetamine cooking process (U1=&' !""2.
0n some circumstances guidance documents have recommended that products applied
to encapsulate surfaces be sprayed on rather than hand-rolled. However, to date there
is no available data to suggest that the physical motion of using a roller brush is likely
to agitate residual methamphetamine on smooth surfaces (U1=&' !""2. ?or the
purpose of these guidelines it is recommended that products applied to surfaces be
sprayed, which the United 1tates =nvironmental &rotection 'gency states :is a !alid
', Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
recommendation especially for te1tured surfaces that cannot (ithstand physical
agitation6 (U1=&' !""2 p #-.
,$6 Demolition
$here contamination is extreme and adeBuate remediation through washing, stripping
or encapsulation may not be achieved, it may be necessary to demolish the
contaminated building. ?or any demolition of a building, a building consent under the
)uilding 'ct !""5 is reBuired. 'll demolition materials must be legally disposed of
according to the nature of the material and degree and type of contamination. Thus,
for example, it is not recommended a clan meth lab structure be burnt for fire service
training in lieu of remediation. 0n circumstances where demolition is reBuired,
extensively contaminated materials must be disposed of to an approved waste facility
(landfill with acceptance criteria that match waste of this nature. 1uch waste
acceptance criteria are determined during the resource consent process under the
Aesource Management 'ct #22# based on landfill siting and design of retention,
leachate collection and treatment7disposal systems (9entre for 'dvanced =ngineering
' recommendation for demolition should be Hustified and reported in detail to the
appropriate territorial authority. The report should include appropriate analytical data
to Hustify the decision based on a risk assessment model. 0n most circumstances this
process will reBuire a territorial authority officer or a medical officer of health to declare
the dwelling unfit or insanitary for habitation and condemned by exercising their powers
under the Health 'ct #2*- or )uilding 'ct !""5.
,$!9 Autdoor remediation
The dwelling grounds should be inspected for evidence of contamination such as dead
vegetation, soil disturbance and soil discoloration.
'ssessment of possible contamination may include soil or water sampling.
$here there are threats to soil and groundwater, the regional council7unitary authority
should be consulted regarding appropriate remediation of the site.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites '4
Chapter 4" Roles and Responsibilities for Site
4$! #ntroduction
0ndividuals and agencies with roles and responsibilities in the remediation of sites used
for the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine include%
central government agencies
local government agencies (city, district, regional councils or unitary authorities
non-government agencies such as the 9hemical 0ndustry 9ouncil
public health services of ;istrict Health )oards
property owners, managers and occupiers.
Aoles and responsibilities must be considered in three contexts%
#. the regulatory agency with statutory authority to act and bring about remedial
!. the person or organisation responsible for taking remedial action
+. agencies with statutory functions to ensure that the facts are established and the
best advice is made available.
Ha8ards associated with the remediation of illicit drug manufacturing sites such as
methamphetamine labs need to be managed collaboratively to avoid duplicated effort,
wasted resources and the perception of :buck passing6 and to ensure the most effective
statutory response. Thus it is important to determine who has Hurisdictional responsibility
as a first step, then to address the issues.
'n understanding of the roles and responsibilities of other central and local
government agencies as well as non-government agencies is important in order to
facilitate efficient and effective local remediation of former clan meth labs prior to re-
Dood communication links among key agencies are important. 1uch links should be
established or reinforced and regularly maintained to allow for efficient and effective
dissemination of information and resolution of issues. ?or further information on roles
and responsibilities of agencies, refer to sections 3.* to 3.4.
4$& Pre=remediation considerations 0 Eclan meth lab bustF
?igure 5 outlines the process for remediating a clan meth lab site located in a building
used for residential purposes in .ew /ealand. 0nitially, a clan meth lab bust is made by
the .ew /ealand &olice. The main sources of information for clan meth labs to date
has been% informants, chemical diversion desk information (companies advise the .ew
/ealand &olice of suspicious activity which is then investigated, public concern over
unusual or suspicious events and &olice discovery during other enBuiries or action.
'5 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
=ntry into the dwelling is gained either through a search warrant or by declaring an
emergency under the Ha8ardous and .ew (rganisms (H1.( 'ct #22-. 0nformation is
collected on-site by the clan lab team who sample and remove all the bulk chemicals
for evidence. (nce a chain of custody is established the site effectively becomes a
designated crime scene and those with the area of expertise move in.
The 0nstitute of =nvironmental and 1cience Aesearch (=1A affords !5-hour assistance
to the .ew /ealand &olice in processing illegal and extremely ha8ardous clandestine
laboratories. ;uring the initial assessment, scientists from =1A provide safety
information and advice on the level of personal protection reBuired for people entering
the clan meth lab site. They examine the laboratory, shut down chemical reactions and
render the scene as safe as possible. They work in with the exhibit officer to process
exhibits and determine what items will be sampled and what literature and
documentation should be sei8ed. 0n addition =1A may% assist ha8ardous waste
contractors in sorting and attempting to identify unknown liBuids and powders during
the destruction phase@ where possible provide information about the laboratory
including the method and production capabilities of the laboratory@ prepare statements
for court@ and prepare unusual aids to assist the court in understanding the procedures
used at the clan meth lab site.
The .ew /ealand &olice have developed .ational 9landestine <aboratory Aesponse
Team (.9<AT 1tandard (perating &rocedures. The aim of these procedures is to
provide a practical guide on how to minimise the risk of accident or inHury that can arise
from dealing with clan meth lab investigations. The procedures also acknowledge the
critical need for organisations and individuals to comply with the H1.( 'ct #22-.
Trained members of the .9<AT undertake the processing of a clandestine scene.
They are responsible for identifying, collecting and recording of all items related to the
clan meth lab. This work includes overseeing the removal of the illegal drug laboratory
and associated chemicals F a process commonly termed :gross chemical removal6,
although it is often mistakenly referred to as remediation or :clean-up6.
0n the event that a child or young person is living at the address of the clan meth lab,
social services such as 9hild, Nouth and ?amily (9N?1 may be reBuired to attend
upon reBuest, often at short notice. 9N?1 accepts custody of the child and ensures
that ambulance staff give the child7young person a medical check at the scene. They
also transport the child7young person to a new caregiver and7or medical facility as
The .ew /ealand &olice will still continue with the observation of the property until
their investigation is completed and handover is arranged.
0t is not the role of the .ew /ealand &olice or =1A scientists to decontaminate the site
of the clan meth lab. However, the site remediation process is assisted if the
information about a site is shared with the other agencies involved. 0t is not =1A6s
policy to divulge specific information to a third party regarding a possible crime scene
or a .ew /ealand &olice investigation, because doing so may adversely affect that
investigation or subseBuent court processes, or conflict with privacy reBuirements (=1A
!""3b. However, .9<AT members are reBuired to contact the appropriate territorial
authority. $hen it is safe to do so, a .9<AT member will give the territorial authority
representative the opportunity to view the site first hand and exchange relevant
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites '6
information necessary for remediation such as the clan lab grade or classification the
&olice have allocated to the site.
$ithout such information relating to the methods of manufacture and chemicals found
at the site, a remediation assessor may lack the full picture which may reduce the
effectiveness of the remediation process. ?or example, if information that amalgam7
&!& method was suspected is not passed on, the remediation assessor may not test
for lead and mercury.
4$' 7otification
?igure * sets out an example of a procedure that territorial authorities have generally
adopted in regard to clan meth labs notifications received from the .ew /ealand &olice
or a member of the .9<AT. 'ppendix ; sets out a site inspection form that has been
developed by the Disborne ;istrict 9ouncil for clan meth labs. The following case
study illustrates a territorial authority6s policy as it relates to notifications.
Case Study 0 .amilton City Council
The Hamilton 9ity 9ouncil6s policy is to respond to all notifications the .ew /ealand
&olice make to the 9ouncil. .otifications received from members of the public,
landlords, real estate agents, etc, may be considered by the council on a case-by-case
$hen the .ew /ealand &olice notify the council of a clan meth lab, a service reBuest is
entered into the council6s complaint management database. The Hob is given a uniBue
service reBuest number, which is automatically allocated to the environmental health
officer (=H( assigned to deal with clan meth labs. 'll details of the =H(6s investigation
and actions in the matter are recorded against the allocated service reBuest number in
this database. The council6s database is a property based system, so that the complaint
is linked to the location of the clan meth lab.
' reBuisition is also raised in the council6s land information memoranda (<0M database
which notes that the property in Buestion has been identified as a clan meth lab.
The =H( will contact the .ew /ealand &olice for further information in relation to what
was found and where, and the likelihood that drugs had been manufactured at the
property. 0f possible a list of chemicals and eBuipment that were found at the property is
obtained. ' precautionary approach is used when considering likely contamination. '
9leansing (rder, that is a reBuisition, pursuant to the Health 'ct #2*- will then be issued
to the owner of the property (refer to 'ppendix = for :letter to owner6 and :cleansing
order6 templates. This step is taken because the Hamilton 9ity 9ouncil has had cases
where properties graded :96 or :;6 by the .ew /ealand &olice have been found to be
severely contaminated.
(nce the reBuirements contained in the reBuisition have been satisfactorily complied
with, the service reBuest will be updated with the details and the Hob will be completed
(closed. Hard copies of the initial testing report and validation report plus other relevant
information must be provided to the council before the 9leansing (rder can be closed
)9 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
However, the <0M database will always record that a &-lab reBuisition has been issued
against the property in Buestion. The satisfactory completion of any reBuirements
contained in a reBuisition will merely change the :status6 of that reBuisition, as noted on
the <0M. ' reBuisition that has not been complied with will have a status of :current6 (ie,
reBuisition is outstanding while a reBuisition that has been fully complied with will have a
status of :satisfied6 (ie, the reBuisition has been satisfied.
The council6s stance on clan meth lab <0M notations is as follows%
a (nce a clan meth lab reBuisition has been issued it will only be deleted from the
property record if it was originally entered in error F for example, entered against
the wrong property.
b $hen a report is received from a suitably Bualified professional confirming that the
premises have been cleansed, and that there is no longer evidence of
contamination and the building is suitable for human habitation, the status of the
reBuisition will be changed from :current6 to :satisfied6. ' copy of that report will be
disclosed with the <0M and a copy placed in the property bag.
;epending on the circumstances there are some territorial authorities who will formally
serve a property owner with a notice under the )uilding 'ct !""5 made pursuant to a
issued under this 'ct to avert immediate danger in conHunction with a
cleansing order issued under the Health 'ct #2*-. ?or more information refer to
section 3.-.
Territorial authorities will recommend that properties that are suspected to have been
used for the manufacture of methamphetamine should be tested for contamination by a
professional scientific analyst as soon as possible. Aesults of testing will identify how
much, if any, decontamination is reBuired. Territorial authorities will advise the
property owners that no one should be allowed to enter the building7dwelling, other
than for purposes of testing or unless wearing appropriate personal protective
eBuipment, until the property has been cleared by scientific testing.
4$) Decontamination
The property cannot be re-occupied until decontamination activities have been
performed and samples have been collected and analysed to confirm that the
remediation guidelines identified in 9hapter 5 have been met. 0t is strongly
recommended that Bualified professionals with experience in environmental testing of
likely contaminants be engaged to confirm that remediation levels have been met.
0nformation and proper documentation gathered by an unbiased, Bualified third party
can strengthen the validity of sampling results. 0n addition, it is likely that such a report
will satisfy the reBuirements of a cleansing order issued under section 5# of the Health
'ct #2*-.
4$)$! :aste management
;econtamination activities will generate both solid waste for example furnishings,
appliances and liBuid waste or wastewater.
This includes a sign, at each point of entry to the dwelling advising people not to enter and stating
that the building is unsafe and is reBuired to be vacated under the provisions of the )uilding 'ct !""5.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites )!
'll waste including chattels must be disposed of to an approved landfill in accordance
with applicable legislation and7or provisions contained in district, city, unitary or
regional council plans as they relate to waste management. 0n general, wastewater
may be discharged to a sanitary sewer unless it contains decanted or spilled
To determine final deposition of waste, testing may be reBuired. 'ny such testing
should be carried out by a person knowledgeable and trained in ha8ardous waste
characteristics, legislation and disposal reBuirements.
)& Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
-igure )" 1ite remediation process flowchart for illegal drug manufacturing sites
#a. Drug bust
La( 'nforcement $ ./ &olice,
;ther ser!ices $ &) 5ire Ser!ice%
C<5S -if children are found on
#b. Remoal of lab e(uipment and
bulk chemicals
&) Police contractor (ith
appro!ed handler certification
under HS&; :==>
0llegal drug
manufacturing site
LA: 17-ARC1M17;
./ &olice, .9<AT
0llegal drug
manufacturing site
LA: 17-ARC1M17;
./ &olice
Responsible party
Pro!ide clan
meth lab grade
Responsible party
+a Decontamination of residence
Use of certified contractor and
field screening techniBues
+b. @erification sampling
!. #ssue cleansing order andCor
warrant to acant building
istrict or City Council
H'/'A;(U1 $'1T=
S;1P !" CLA7 M1;. LA% %<S; S;1P '" D1CA7;AM#7A;#A7 S;1P &" 7A;#-#CA;#A7
D#S;R#C; AR C#;G CA<7C#L
$'1T= ;01&(1'<
D#S;R#C; AR C#;G
0llegal drug
manufacturing site
results (upon
reBuest from
Responsible party
information to
council who
may add it to
the <0M
Additional remediation
-eg% testing/ or
Re!ie( results
Site remediation
and sampling
1ource% 'dapted from 'laska ;epartment of =nvironmental 9onservation (!""3.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites )'
-igure +" 'n example of a council6s procedure for dealing with a clan meth lab (Hutt 9ity
0nformation received of premises
used as & lab or storage of chemical
used for illegal drugs production
<iaise with local &olice on incident
'wait official notification &olice
.ational 9lan <ab 0nvestigation Unit
F Drade 'F; classification
=valuate risk for council response
1ite check
.o entry
1cene of crime
investigation (=1A
9ompile information
on property
<ow risk High risk
1erve section 5#
.otice (Health 'ct #2*- or
section #!2 warrant ()uilding
'ct !""5 F reBuire testing by
reputable analyst
1ecure site
&ossible use of
security contractor
Aesults evaluated 0mminent risk 9onsider action
section #!5 )uilding
'ct !""5
eg, property damage
9onsider action
Ha8ardous substances
=mergency declaration
&roperty chattels
.o contamination
1eek order from
<0M file
?inal testing
9opy to <0M file
&roperty occupied
(cleansing order
4$+ Role of central goernment agencies
4$+$! Ministry of .ealth
(ne of the maHor roles of the Ministry of Health is to support !" ;istrict Health )oards
by providing national policy advice. The Ministry of Health is also responsible for
regulating, funding and monitoring these ;H)s to ensure that the health and disability
needs of communities in their regions are best met.
)) Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
The Ministry of Health administers the Health 'ct #2*- and its role is to improve,
promote and protect public health. 1ection ##3 enables the development of
regulations for the purpose of :the inspection, cleansing ... of houses, buildings6
(section ##3(#(b. This provision offers a possible statutory mechanism for the site
remediation of clan meth labs at a national level.
The &ublic Health )ill is intended to replace the Health 'ct #2*-. 0ts provisions for
notifications are similar to those under the Health 'ct #2*-.
The public health functions of the ;istrict Health )oards (;H)s are summarised in
subpart * of the &ublic Health )ill. 'mong these functions are to% employ medical
officers of health and health protection officers, to monitor and identify risks to public
health in their respective locality and assess and, where appropriate and reasonable in
the circumstances, take steps to contain and manage those risks.
'nother piece of legislation relevant to clan meth labs is the Misuse of ;rugs 'ct #23*
which is administered by the ;irector-Deneral of Health. The Ministry of Gustice
administers the Misuse of ;rugs 'mendment 'ct #234, &art 00, which deals with
detention, enforcement and sentencing. 'mendments to the Misuse of ;rugs 'ct,
including the scheduling or rescheduling of drugs, are effected only with parliamentary
4$+$& Ministry for the 1nironment
The Ministry for the =nvironment administers .ew /ealand6s principal environmental
legislation namely the Aesource Management 'ct (AM' #22#. The AM' promotes
the sustainable management of natural and physical resources. 1ection *, which sets
out the purpose of the 'ct, specifically refers to enabling people and communities to
provide for their health and safety.
Under sections 5+ and 55 of the AM', the Minister for the =nvironment has the power
to prepare and recommend national environmental standards (.=1 to prescribe :soil
Buality in relation to the discharge of contaminants6. The appropriateness of an .=1
for contaminated land is currently being considered. This guideline will complement
any such .=1 developed for contaminated land in the future. 0n the meantime the
Ministry for the =nvironment has developed, in consultation with industry and local
government, a series of guidelines for managing contaminated land. These guidelines
provide a framework for contaminated land management that supports local
government responsibilities under the AM'. They also illustrate best practice in
reporting, risk screening, application of environmental guideline values, classification of
sites, site investigations and analysis of soils.
The 9ontaminated 1ites Aemediation ?und (91A?
is administered by the Ministry for
the =nvironment. 1ince !""+ the 91A? has been made available for the investigation,
't the time of writing the &ublic Health )ill was reported back from 1elect 9ommittee in Gune !""4
and was awaiting its second reading when &arliament was dissolved in (ctober !""4. $ith a change
in government it is unclear whether the )ill will continue on its passage through the House, or will be
abandoned (at least in its current form.
The fund was originally called the (rphan 1ites Aemediation ?und but was renamed because the
definition of an :orphan site6 rests on a legal liability regime that is not currently in place.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites )+
remedial planning and remediation of sites that pose a risk to human health and the
environment. The 91A? currently totals W#.34 million and comprises two distinct
W".42 million is available to regional councils and unitary authorities on a
contestable basis@ and the other W".42 million is administered by the Ministry for the
=nvironment, working in partnership with regional councils and unitary authorities, to
address the priority sites.
Aegional councils are invited to apply to the 91A? in dealing with contaminated sites
they have identified in their regions. &riority for funding will be given to those sites that
are posing or likely to pose a high risk to human health and are located in
environmentally sensitive areas or areas of national or cultural significance. 'lso
considered are sites where the landowners do not have the financial resources
themselves to undertake the investigation or remediation work reBuired but want to
work with the regional council on the problem.
' function of regional councils and unitary authorities is to identify and monitor
contaminated land. Therefore it is considered appropriate that only regional councils
and unitary authorities make or facilitate any applications to the 91A?. However, if
district and city councils or landowners wish to address contaminated sites, they will
have access to the 91A? through their respective regional councils.
The 91A? is underpinned by the following principles%
&artnerships involving government, local government and landowners7occupiers are
developed to investigate and remediate a contaminated site. 's noted above, only
regional councils and unitary authorities may apply to the 91A? F district councils,
companies and individuals are not eligible to apply directly for funding. ' district or
city council, an individual site owner or previous polluter may choose to work in
partnership with their regional council to address a site of concern.
$here remediation of a site results in significant betterment, and this betterment is
realised through the sale of the property, the increase in the value of the site
attributable to the remediation is to be shared between the funding parties in the
same ratio as their respective funding shares.
.o liability for any site is presumed by the Dovernment through the provision, or
application, of the 91A?.
The following principal criteria are used to determine the eligibility of a site for funding%
Partnerships" There is a demonstrated partnership between the regional
council7unitary authority and other interested parties.
Risk" The site poses or, following preliminary site inspection, potentially poses
significant risk to human health and7or the environment.
Status" The site was undertaking activities likely to result in site contamination
either prior to the enactment of the AM' in #22#@ or after its enactment in #22#, but,
no enforcement can be undertaken by regional councils or territorial authorities to
reBuire investigation or remediation of contamination@ and activities causing the
contamination have since ceased.
), Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
Capability" There is a demonstrated capability to undertake the proHect including the
practicality and feasibility of actions.
-unding" 9ontributions from other parties reflects their ability to contribute to the
Responsibility" The actions of the current landowner or occupier did not result in
the contamination of the site. 0f the landowner or occupier is only in part responsible
for the contamination, it is expected that their contribution to the contamination of the
site will be reflected in their contribution towards any investigation or remediation
The 91A? plays a key role in encouraging action on contaminated sites, especially
where the responsibility for contamination is difficult to establish. 'n abandoned
former clan meth lab may Bualify for investigation and remediation of contaminated
outside areas (eg, soil and waterways. However, there are obstacles to achieving
remediation (clean-up by this means, such as the si8e of the fund and the limited
financial resources of local government.
4$+$' #nland Reenue Department
Taxation (Base Maintenance and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2005
The Taxation ()ase Maintenance and Miscellaneous &rovisions 'ct !""*
administered by the 0nland Aevenue ;epartment provides tax deductions for business
expenditure related to contaminated land clean-up and management. The provisions
an immediate tax deduction for restoring contaminated land (other than for land
a 9rown fund, called the =nvironmental Aestoration 'ccount, to allow businesses to
set aside money for future site remediation, such that the cost of meeting restoration
obligations in the future reduces the overall tax liability of the business.
4$+$) 1nironmental Risk Management Authority
The =nvironmental Aisk Management 'uthority .ew /ealand (=AM' .ew /ealand is
responsible for administering the Ha8ardous 1ubstances and .ew (rganisms (H1.(
'ct #22-. The purpose of the H1.( 'ct is to protect the environment and the health
and safety of people and communities by preventing and managing the adverse effects
of ha8ardous substances and new organisms. The H1.( 'ct allowed for the
establishment of =AM'. 0n exercising all functions, powers and duties under this 'ct,
=AM' must take into account public health.
Hazardous Substances and New r!anis"s Act #$$%
)oth the H1.( 'ct and the AM' are designed to protect human health and the
environment from the effects of ha8ardous substances, and to work in conHunction with
each other (?igure -. )y ensuring that ha8ardous substances are appropriately used,
stored, transported and disposed of, the H1.( 'ct prevents the creation of new
contaminated land.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites )4
Under this legislation the .ew /ealand &olice and ?ire 1ervice officers have the
powers of enforcement at emergencies. These powers include powers of entry and
sei8ure where there are ha8ardous substances present, which may be endangering
people or the environment. The .ew /ealand &olice uses these powers to sei8e and
remove chemicals from clan meth labs. However generally the .ew /ealand ?ire
1ervice will use its own legislation (see section 3.*.4.
'ny enforcement officer who declares an emergency under the H1.( 'ct must send a
report giving full details to =AM'.
'lthough the .ew /ealand 9ustoms 1ervice is not a section 23 enforcement agency,
under section #!# of the H1.( 'ct substances not approved by =AM' are eBuivalent
to prohibited imports under the 9ustoms and =xcise 'ct #22-. 1ection *5 of this 'ct
provides the .ew /ealand 9ustoms 1ervice with the power to prohibit the entry into
.ew /ealand of such substances.
-igure ," <inks between the Ha8ardous 1ubstances and .ew (rganisms 'ct #22- and the
Aesource Management 'ct #22#
1ource% Ministry for the =nvironment (!""+
4$+$+ Department of %uilding and .ousing
The ;epartment of )uilding and Housing (the ;epartment was established in
.ovember !""5. 0ts primary focus is the building and housing sector. The ;epartment
combined the Ministry of Housing and the )uilding 0ndustry 'uthority, together with the
building policy functions from the Ministry of =conomic ;evelopment and related
functions from the Ministry of 1ocial ;evelopment and Housing .ew /ealand
9orporation. The $eathertight Homes Aesolution 1ervice Hoined the ;epartment from
the ;epartment of 0nternal 'ffairs on # Guly !""*, and the functions of the =lectrical
$orkers Aegistration )oard were transferred to the ;epartment in 1eptember !""-.
)5 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
(n +# Ganuary !""4 the administration of the &lumbers, Dasfitters and ;rainlayers 'ct
!""- was transferred from the Ministry of Health to the ;epartment.
The ;epartment administers two 'cts relevant to the remediation of clan meth labs% the
)uilding 'ct !""5 (including the )uilding Aegulations #22! under review and
Aesidential Tenancies 'ct #24-.
The ;epartment has sole responsibility for%
ensuring an effective regulatory environment for the housing and building sector
regulating the building sector and rental housing sector
delivering effective information, advice and dispute resolution services
providing purchase and monitoring advice to the government on Housing
.ew /ealand 9orporation
administering the 1tate Housing 'ppeals 'uthority.
The ;epartment has lead responsibility for providing%
policy advice on the building sector and residential tenancy market including
emerging trends and issues
policy advice on housing and building regulation
advice on the regulation of the residential rental market
occupational licensing within the housing and building sector.
The ;epartment has Hoint responsibility or a common interest (with Housing .ew
/ealand 9orporation in%
defining housing outcomes for the sector
analysing the housing environment
influencing the wider government sector to ensure it meets government goals for
working within the social services cluster and economic, growth and innovation
frameworks to influence and promote delivery of the government6s outcomes for the
housing and building sector.
Buildin! Act 200&
The ;epartment of )uilding and Housing is responsible for administering the )uilding
'ct !""5. The )uilding 'ct !""5 as it relates to the remediation of clan meth labs is
discussed further in section 3.-.# of these guidelines.
'esidential Tenancies Act #$(%
0n .ew /ealand rented properties have not been exempt from being used for the illicit
manufacture of methamphetamine. The Aesidential Tenancies 'ct (AT' #24-
administered by the ;epartment of )uilding and Housing has not been designed to
deal with such situations and does not provide for a property and any contaminated
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites )6
goods within to be Buickly and effectively secured and remediated. This 'ct is
discussed further in section 3.2.
4$+$, .ousing 7ew 8ealand Corporation >.78C?
Housing .ew /ealand 9orporation (H./9 is a 9rown entity established under the
Housing 9orporation 'ct #235, as amended by the Housing 9orporation 'mendment
'ct !""#. H./9 is a responsible landlord and works to protect the safety of its staff,
tenants and contractors. 1ince !""5 H./9 has had in place a tenancy management
procedure that provides its staff with a clear process where there is a suspicion or
confirmation that an H./9 tenancy is being used for the illicit manufacture of
methamphetamine. This procedure applies to all tenancies managed by the
H./9 will seek to recover any costs
associated with the remediation and repair of
property from its tenants and may also refuse to house tenants in the future.
4$+$4 7ew 8ealand Police
Together with the .ew /ealand 9ustoms 1ervice, the .ew /ealand &olice is
responsible for enforcing the Misuse of ;rugs 'ct #23*. The .ew /ealand &olice has
also been provided with wide powers, including the ability to search premises and
people without a warrant if it has reasonable grounds to believe an offence has been
committed under the Misuse of ;rugs 'ct #23*.
4$+$5 7ew 8ealand -ire Serice
The .ew /ealand ?ire 1ervice is the 9rown6s principal fire risk management agency. 0t
provides a comprehensive range of services in risk reduction, fire safety and
emergency response. The role of the .ew /ealand ?ire 1ervice is limited to
decontamination unless the initial response message indicates that rescues are
The .ew /ealand ?ire 1ervice is commonly involved in assisting the .ew /ealand
&olice at clan meth labs. 'lthough responsible for clearing the ha8ardous material the
.ew /ealand &olice may reBuest assistance from the .ew /ealand ?ire 1ervice.
's far as a ha8ardous substance emergency is concerned the legal responsibilities of
the ?ire 1ervice 'ct #23*, section !4 is as follows%
?If% in the e!ent of any ha@ardous substance emergency occurring% the C5; 444
considers that the fire brigade could render assistance% that officer or other person
may proceed% 444 and 444
'ndea!our by all practicable means to cause the stabilising or rendering safe of the
ha@ardous substance emergency% and sa!e li!es and property in danger4A
's noted in section 3.*.5 above, .ew /ealand ?ire and &olice officers have the powers
of enforcement officers under the H1.( 'ct #22- at emergencies. Under section !4 of
the ?ire 1ervice 'ct #23*, fire officers have adeBuate powers of entry at ha8ardous
The average cost to test and remediate a state house has been around W5,*"" (.ash !"#".
+9 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
substance emergencies. The power of entry under the H1.( 'ct has greater liability
in relation to disruption of neighbours. 0t is recommended that fire officers use the ?ire
1ervice 'ct #23* (section !4.
This section of the ?ire 1ervice 'ct #23*, however, cannot be used to authorise
gathering evidence@ for this activity a .ew /ealand &olice or a H1.( warrant is
4$+$6 Child Gouth and -amily
0t is recognised that clan meth labs create both physical and chemical risks for children
and young people.
The age-related behaviour of children and young people increases the likelihood that
they will inhale, absorb or ingest toxic chemicals, drugs or contaminated food. Most
people involved in the manufacture of methamphetamine are also drug users. Their
behaviour is unpredictable and their reactions to .ew /ealand &olice entry may expose
children and young people to further risk such as fire and explosions, spilt chemicals,
firearms and other weapons or being taken as a hostage.
9hild Nouth and ?amily (9N?, a service of the Ministry of 1ocial ;evelopment, works
closely with the .ew /ealand &olice at an operational level to ensure the safety and
wellbeing of children and young people who are found in clan meth labs, including
access to appropriate medical checks.
4$, Local goernment agencies
4$,$! Role of territorial authorities
(nce the .ew /ealand &olice has completed its investigation and has gathered the
evidence it reBuires, the territorial authority concerned is notified of the existence of the
former clan meth lab. 'part from removing of chemicals and manufacturing apparatus,
the .ew /ealand &olice does not undertake any cleansing or remediation.
Territorial authorities have a number of potentially relevant statutory obligations to
monitor and initiate inspections and to ensure that proper steps are taken to abate
potential nuisances and7or deal with the actual or potential ha8ards associated with
abandoned clan meth labs. These statutory obligations are outlined below.
Healt) Act #$5%
The Health 'ct #2*- includes provision for territorial authorities to%
improve, promote and protect the public health (section !+
initiate steps to abate nuisances or to remove conditions likely to be inHurious to
health or to be offensive (section !+
enforce regulations under the 'ct (section !+
make bylaws for the protection of public health (section -5
issue cleansing orders or obtain closing orders (sections 5# and 5!.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites +!
1ection !2 of the 'ct defines health :nuisances6 and generally includes matters :likely
to be inHurious to health6. &articularly relevant are references to%
accumulations or deposits
situation or state of premises
conduct of any trade, business, manufacture or other undertaking.
0n other words, if a territorial authority finds (either by inspection or through information
from the .ew /ealand &olice a clan meth lab in the district that is likely to be inHurious
to health, then it must do something about it. The first step is to determine whether the
building that has been used to manufacture methamphetamine is likely to be inHurious
to health. 9ompleting this task may involve a council officer and an expert in this area
inspecting the premises. 1ection #!4 of the Health 'ct #2*- provides a power of entry
and the conditions set out in that section will need to be met, before such an inspection
can take place.
=nforcement is determined by the ;istrict 9ourt if a nuisance is not abated voluntarily,
except where immediate action is necessary. $orks undertaken by a territorial
authority to abate a nuisance may result in costs being recovered from the owner or
occupier. ' nuisance has to exist before any action can be taken although a situation
only has to be :likely to be inHurious to health6 to meet the reBuirement for action.
Under section 5# of the 'ct the territorial authority may serve a cleansing order on the
owner or occupier, specifying the work to be carried out and the time in which to
complete it. ' closing order made under sections 5! or 55 can be issued as a last
resort to protect the occupants but such action will not, of course resolve any
contamination issues. ?ailure to comply with the terms set out in sections 5# and 5! is
an offence under the Health 'ct #2*- and is liable to a fine not exceeding W*"" and
where the offence is a continuing one, a further fine not exceeding W*" for every day
upon which the offence is committed (section #+- of the Health 'ct #2*-.
Under the Health 'ct #2*- there is no provision for a landowner to appeal a cleansing
order as opposed to a closing order. 0t follows that in determining the scope and
content of a cleansing order, the council would need to be mindful of the absence of a
right to appeal and ensure that any wording7scope of such an order is both valid and
' cleansing order which is potentially beyond the ambit of the section, based on an
absence of any evidence as to contamination, or is unduly onerous could be
susceptible to challenge in Hudicial review in the High 9ourt or collateral challenge on a
prosecution, on the grounds it was invalid or unreasonable.
1ection -5 of the Health 'ct #2*- allows the council, for the purposes of the 'ct, to
make bylaws for a number of matters including (insofar as relevant for improving,
promoting or protecting public health and preventing or abating nuisances, and7or
generally, for more effectually carrying out any of the provisions of the Health 'ct #2*-
relating to the powers and duties of local authorities. 1ection -- of the 'ct further
provides penalties for the breach of any bylaws made under the 'ct, including liability
for a fine not exceeding W*"" and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine
not exceeding W*" for every day on which the offence has continued.
+& Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
1ection -5 of the Health 'ct #2*- is consistent with the general provisions of the <ocal
Dovernment 'ct !""! which empower territorial authorities to make bylaws to conserve
public health, wellbeing, safety and convenience.
*ocal +overn"ent ,,icial -n,or"ation and Meetin!s Act #$(.
0n accordance with the <ocal Dovernment (fficial 0nformation and Meetings 'ct #243
(<D(0M' a territorial authority must notify on the <and 0nformation Memorandum (<0M
that a cleansing order was issued on the property and actioned (section 55'(!(d
<D(0M'. 0f the territorial authority has evidence that there is a real and substantial
risk that ha8ardous contaminants are present at the property, then it must notify that
information on the <0M (section 55'(!(a <D(0M'. 0f there is no evidence of
ha8ardous contaminants to that high standard, the territorial authority may still elect to
notify the information about a clan meth lab on the <0M if it considers the information is
relevant (section 55'(+ <D(0M'.
Buildin! Act 200&
Under section +* of the )uilding 'ct !""5, a &roHect 0nformation Memorandum (&0M
issued by territorial authorities must include information identifying special features of
the land relating to the likely presence of ha8ardous contaminants where it is%
relevant to the design and construction or alteration of the building
known to the territorial authority
not apparent from the district plan under the Aesource Management 'ct #22#
(section +* of the )uilding 'ct !""5.
The )uilding 'ct !""5 also includes provisions for territorial authorities to%
reBuire work to be done to prevent buildings from remaining or becoming dangerous
or insanitary
take measures to avert danger or rectify insanitary conditions
issue proHect and <and 0nformation Memoranda revealing (inter alia known
ha8ardous substances.
The sections of the )uilding 'ct !""5 referring to dangerous and insanitary buildings
are found in 1ubpart -, &art ! of the 'ct. 1ection #!# defines a dangerous building
and section #!+ defines an insanitary building.
The definition of :dangerous6 in section #!# has been widened from the former #22#
'ct. 1ection -5(! of the former 'ct provided categories of building that had high or
abnormal fire ha8ard, but the )uilding 'ct !""5 adds the phrase :is likely to cause
inHury or death ... to any persons in it or to persons on other property6. This addition
has effectively reduced the threshold test for dangerous buildings.
1ection #+# of the 'ct reBuired each territorial authority to have established a policy on
dangerous and insanitary buildings by +# May !""-.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites +'
0n identifying dangerous and insanitary buildings it is very likely that in many, but not
all, cases a building6s dangerous and insanitary status will not be readily apparent. ?or
this reason, councils will take a necessarily passive approach to the identification of
dangerous buildings in the district or city relying on complainants to provide information
concerning potentially dangerous or insanitary buildings as the only practical way to
identify buildings. The most likely sources of information concerning clan meth labs will
building occupants, tenants, users, neighbours or members of the public@ or
as a result of an inspection by the .ew /ealand &olice, ?ire 1ervice or other
government agency authorised to inspect buildings.
1ection #!5 of the )uilding 'ct !""5
sets out powers available to territorial authorities
to deal with dangerous and insanitary buildings. ' territorial authority may%
put up a hoarding or a fence to prevent people from approaching the building@
attach a notice that warns people not to approach the building
give written notice reBuiring work to be carried out to reduce or remove the danger
or prevent the building from remaining insanitary.
1ection #!* deals with the mechanism by which territorial authorities should give notice
and section #!- enables them, if necessary, to undertake the reBuired work themselves
and recover all costs involved from the owner. .otice served on building owners
should specify the work that needs to be carried out, the time in which it is to be
completed and whether the owner of the building is reBuired to obtain a building
consent in order to carry out the specified work. The process for serving notice on
owners should be transparent and in accord with a territorial authority6s overall policy
on dangerous and insanitary buildings and the provisions of the 'ct.
1ection #!2 gives power to territorial authorities to take swift action to remove
immediate danger or fix insanitary conditions without first serving notice on owners.
0f a building has been assessed as being dangerous and7or insanitary, its status as
such will be recorded on the territorial authority6s property files. 0n addition the
following information can be placed on the <0M (issued in accordance with the <ocal
Dovernment (fficial 0nformation and Meetings 'ct #243 for each identified building%
a statement that the building is on the territorial authority6s register of dangerous and
insanitary buildings
the date when it was identified to be dangerous or insanitary or when work on the
building is reBuired
a statement that further details are available from the territorial authority to those
who can demonstrate a genuine interest in the property. 0n granting access to
information concerning identified buildings the territorial authority would conform to
the reBuirements of any relevant legislation by which it may be bound for example
the &rivacy 'ct #22+.
' person who commits an offence under this section of the 'ct is liable to a fine not exceeding
W!"",""" (section #!5(5.
+) Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
'esource Mana!e"ent Act #$$#
The Aesource Management 'ct (AM' #22# is the core piece of environmental
legislation for controlling the effects of contaminated land on the environment and
Under section +# of the AM', district and city councils (territorial authorities have the
function of controlling of any actual or potential effects of land use and land
development, including preventing or mitigating of any adverse effects of use of
ha8ardous substances. This section allows territorial authorities to make provision in
their district plans for management of the ha8ards arising from the use of chemicals. 0t
is emphasised that district plans need to be consistent and compatible with regional
plans, but may be more restrictive. The health protection officer should be aware of the
appropriate provisions of plans, as advice given in the absence of such knowledge
could create difficulties.
$ithin most territorial authorities the environmental health officers are responsible for
environmental issues such as chemical contamination of the environment from clan
meth labs.
4$,$& Role of the regional council
'esource Mana!e"ent Act #$$#
Under section +" of the Aesource Management 'ct #22# (AM', regional councils
have a responsibility to investigate land for the purpose of identifying and monitoring
contaminated land. 9ontaminated land is defined by the Aesource Management 'ct
#22# (AM', as amended in !""*, as land of one of the following kinds%
(a if there is an applicable national environmental standard
on contaminants in soil,
the land is more contaminated than the standard allows@ or
(b if there is no applicable national environmental standard on contaminants in soil,
the land has a ha8ardous substance
in or on it that%
(i has significant adverse effects on the environment@ or
(ii is reasonably likely to have significant adverse effects on the environment.
't the time of writing the Dovernment was proposing a national environmental standard (as
regulations under the Aesource Management 'ct #22# for assessing and managing contaminants in
soil to ensure the land is safe for human health. ?or more information refer to the Ministry for the
=nvironment6s website http%77www.mfe.govt.n87laws7standards7contaminants-in-soil7index.html.
1ection ! of the AM' defines :ha8ardous substance6 to include without being limited to, any
substance defined in section ! of the Ha8ardous 1ubstances and .ew (rganisms 'ct #22- as a
ha8ardous substance.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites ++
' number of sites that may have ha8ardous substances in or on them have been
identified using the Ha8ardous 'ctivities and 0ndustries <ist (H'0<.
However, only
some of these have undergone sufficient investigation to determine whether or not they
meet the definition of contaminated land used in the AM'.
0n !""3 seven regional councils subHected 55!5 sites across .ew /ealand to rapid risk
screening (Ministry for the =nvironment !""3. The Aapid Aisk 1creening 1ystem
provides a nationally consistent means of ranking possibly contaminated sites using
readily available information, so that they may be prioritised for further investigation.
?ive hundred and fifty nine high-risk sites were identified using the Aapid 1creening
1ystem in !""3. (f these, *- percent had been remediated or had a remediation or
management programme in place (Ministry for the =nvironment !""3. 0t is unlikely
that this percentage includes abandoned clan meth lab sites as these sites rarely
include investigations of outside areas. 0n addition, the remediation of a site is usually
directed by a district or city council not regional councils that administer the H'0<.
However in the event that contamination from a former clan meth lab site is identified
using H'0<, local authorities have an ongoing responsibility for the management of
identified H'0< sites through the AM' planning process. The potential contamination
of the site should be addressed during any assessment of the site (eg, as part of a land
sale or as part of a resource consent application (eg, a change in land use to prevent
or mitigate adverse effects on human health or the environment.
The AM' reBuires each regional council to develop a regional policy statement for the
purpose of managing, in a sustainable manner, the natural and physical resources of
that region. The AM' also allows for the development of regional plans. Aegional
councils must ensure that their plans are consistent with national and regional policy
statements and other regional plans.
Aegional councils may be able to use the general duty (section #3 on any person to
avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effect on the environment arising from an
activity. There are circumstances when enforcement or abatement proceedings may
be taken. 1ection ++! of the AM' allows any enforcement officer, if specifically
authorised in writing by any local authority to do so, to enter a property (including a
dwelling house provided there is a constable to inspect and take samples where there
is a discharge of contaminants.
=nforcement orders or abatement notices can be
issued authorising the cessation of such an activity immediately :(here it is li#ely to be
no1ious% dangerous% offensi!e% or obBectionable to such as e1tent that it has or is li#ely
to ha!e an ad!erse effect on the en!ironment6 (section +#5 F scope of enforcement
order. ?or example, in the manufacture of methamphetamines it is likely that there are
discharges of toxic gases from the :cooks6. 0n addition, there may be discharges of
contaminants directly onto land for example gardens due to the illegal dumping of
chemical wastes, resulting in a potentially ha8ardous contaminated site.
The Ministry for the =nvironment published H'0< in !""+. The manufacture of illicit drugs is included
under the H'0< activity :&harmaceutical Manufacture6. ?or more information, refer to the Ministry for
the =nvironment6s website http%77www.mfe.govt.n87issues7ha8ardous7contaminated7ha8ardous-
Under s++!(!' of the AM' #22# the officer may also take a sample of any substance for which there
is reasonable cause to be suspected of being a contaminant of any water, air, soil or organic matter.
$ilful obstruction of any person executing any powers conferred by the AM' is an offence against
s++4(+. The maximum penalty is W#,*"".
+, Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
=nforcement orders and7or abatement notices are also of relevance to abandoned clan
meth labs in relation to seeking remediation or clean-up of the environment. This
provision is applicable where there is actual or potential contamination of soils and7or
water rather than in cases where the actual or likely contamination is confined to a
dwelling given the potential availability of other mechanisms such as those under the
Health 'ct #2*- to deal with the latter circumstances.
4$,$' Summary
0n the absence of any specific statutory mechanism available to councils for the
remediation7clean-up of abandoned clan meth labs, it may be that the council F in
particular a district or city council F could consider the merits of making a bylaw (either
under the Health 'ct #2*- and7or <ocal Dovernment 'ct !""! for the purpose of
establishing the appropriate levels of monitoring and investigation, appropriate
processes and reporting reBuirements, and the parameters of the reBuired remediation
and7or mitigation works (including the standards that must be met before the council
will be satisfied of adeBuate remediation7mitigation. 0t is relevant in this regard that
section #**(# of the <ocal Dovernment 'ct !""! reBuires the council to consider
whether a bylaw is the most appropriate way of addressing the perceived problem.
=ven with a bylaw in place, the council might still encounter some difficulties in practice
with the availability of appropriately Bualified scientists and7or engineers to assess
health risks and identify remediation7mitigation plans for abandoned clan meth labs.
?urther, it is likely that the council will also need to rely on such appropriately Bualified
people to certify an abandoned clan meth lab on completion of the remediation works,
before it can be satisfied that the property is capable of rehabitation.
0n some circumstances, the failure to carry out its statutory obligations under an 'ct
(such as the Health 'ct #2*-, AM' #22#, and7or )uilding 'ct !""5 may give rise to
common law liability.
0t would seem fairly unlikely that the council would be held to be
negligent in the performance of its statutory duties under legislation (such as that
discussed above at the time of reoccupation of an abandoned clan meth lab, in the
absence of any reason to believe that the existence of contaminants was at a level that
may be inHurious to health.
0f, however, the council is aware of an actual health risk in particular circumstances
(through investigations and7or gathering of evidence, and fails to take any action
whatsoever, there is the likelihood of increased risk of the council being exposed to
potential civil liability in the event of adverse health effects for subseBuent occupiers.
This possibility is consistent with the (ntario 9ourt of 'ppeal decision in Heighington ! 0he Cueen in
Right of ;ntario, where the 9ourt found a breach of the (ntario &ublic Health 'ct in as much as
&rovincial officials failed to take reasonable steps to have radioactive material, including
contaminated soil, removed so as to prevent danger to the health of future occupants of the land
XHeighington ! 0he Cueen in Right of ;ntario (#243 5# ;<A (5th !"4Y.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites +4
4$4 7on=goernment agencies
4$4$! 7ew 8ealand Chemical #ndustry Council
The .ew /ealand 9hemical 0ndustry 9ouncil represents the collective interest of
chemical manufacturers, importers and distributors. 0n !""3 it developed an approved
9ode of &ractice for the management of illicit drug precursor chemicals with the
.ational ;rug 0ntelligence )ureau representing the collective interest of the .ew
/ealand &olice, .ew /ealand 9ustoms 1ervice and the Ministry of Health. (ne of the
obHectives of this 9ode of &ractice is to prevent the diversion of chemicals for the
manufacture of illegal drugs such as methamphetamine (.ew /ealand 9hemical
0ndustry 9ouncil !""3.
The .ew /ealand 9hemical 0ndustry 9ouncil also provides an emergency response
service ('ppendix ?.
4$4$& #nsurance sector
0n .ew /ealand the regularity with which clan meth labs are being discovered in some
metropolitan areas has prompted landlords check their insurance policies very
carefully. ?rom the insurance sector6s perspective the potential financial impact from
damage arising from the illicit manufacture of drugs such as methamphetamine is huge.
The main concerns for insurers are the effects of%
maHor or total losses caused by fire7explosion
costs to clean residue from the property (whether other physical damage has
occurred or not
costs arising from alternative accommodation benefit
loss of rent until property is able to be re-let.
0n circumstances where losses from the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine are
concerned, cover is generally provided for%
(a the obvious physical damage to the property (ie, to the dwelling structure from
fire7explosion@ and7or
(b damage (coating of the property with chemical residue where there are no
obvious signs of physical damage exists.
;epending on the level of cover applying to a tenanted dwelling or unit, the maHority of
insurers cover the costs of removing chemical residue, as they currently view the
damage as being accidental rather than malicious. 0n !"#" the 0nsurance and 1avings
(mbudsman investigated a complaint where an insurer had declined a claim on the
grounds the damage was both gradual in natural and the result of malicious activity. 0t
was deemed that the production of methamphetamine (:cooking phase6 did not
automatically make the act malicious with regard to the damage and loss it causes. :If
reliance is placed on an e1clusion for intentionalDmalicious acts% the insurer has to pro!e
that% by ?coo#ingA methamphetamine% there (as malicious intent by the tenant to cause
contamination damage to the house4 7ithout substantial e!idence% more often than
not% pro!ing the malicious intent of the methamphetamine contamination (ill be difficult
+5 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
and% therefore% it could be regarded as accidental6 (0nsurance and 1avings (mbudsman
However, insurers do not intend to cover the costs of remediation where there is no
actual evidence of chemical residue present. ' number of councils have demanded
remediation of properties based solely on the presence of clan meth lab material and
chemicals (without evidence that any cooking has actually occurred at the property.
?rom an insurer6s perspective each claim is considered individually, as there are a
number of factors involved and criteria to be met before a decision can be made to
accept or decline such claims, including%
(a whether or not the insured%
took reasonable steps to prevent loss or damage
carried out regular inspections
met their insurance policy obligations
disclosed to the 0nsurer any known criminal history of the occupant(s
knew of any criminal activities taking place prior to loss or damage
contacted the .ew /ealand &olice as soon as any criminal activity was
was the occupant (therefore caused the damage themselves
(b whether or not%
the clean-up costs are legitimate
the policy coverage that is in place actually covers such damage
a policy exclusion applies.
0t is possible the insurance industry could look to utilising site remediation clan lab
guidelines for assessing whether remediation costs are legitimate. However it is
plausible that the greater the overall effect that clan meth labs losses has on the
insurance industry as a whole, the higher the premium pool will be forced to go, with
customers contributing via higher premiums. 's a result insurers will eventually be
forced to either restrict the exposure from former clan meth labs or even totally remove
the exposure thereby passing the risk partly or entirely back to the property owner
(A Dodman, Manager, Eero 0nsurance .ew /ealand <imited, personal communication,
4$4$' Real estate agencies
The Aeal =state 'gents 'ct !""4 establishes a regulatory regime for people working in
the real estate industry. 's far as real estate purchase agreements are concerned the
contractual agreement governing the sale and purchase of a domestic property
reBuires the vendor to inform the purchaser of any outstanding statutory notices served
on the property. This would include closing orders and cleansing orders served under
the Health 'ct #2*- to remedy the risks associated with a former clan meth lab site.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites +6
0n circumstances where a real estate agent knowingly markets a residential property
that has been used for the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine as not being
decontaminated and makes it available as an open home for viewing to the public such
action may result in legal action being brought against the real estate agent through the
9rimes 'ct #2-# (section #5*. 0t is important to bear in mind that any case will be
decided on its own particular facts. 0n the case of section #5* of the 9rimes 'ct #2-# it
must be proven that a person actually knew what they did or failed to do so would
endanger the safety or lives of others. 'lternatively knowingly exposing a person or
person(s to known chemical substances that can cause adverse health effects
associated with a non-remediated clan meth lab site could constitute unsatisfactory
conduct as defined by the Aeal =state 'gents 'ct (&rofessional 9onduct and 9lient
9are Aules !""2. The Aeal =state 'gents ;isciplinary Tribunal can make orders if it
finds that a charge of unsatisfactory conduct is proven including%
cancelling or suspending a licence
terminating the employment of an agent
imposing a fine of up to W#*,""" for an individual or W+",""" for a company
ordering the agent to pay compensation to anyone who has suffered loss through
the agent.
4$5 Role of the public health serice
The public health services of ;istrict Health )oards employ medical officers of health
(MoHs and health protection officers (H&(s who carry out a range of statutory and
non-statutory activities, that :impro!e% promote and protect the public health6. These
officers have a statutory accountability to the ;irector-Deneral of Health and are
responsible for the enforcement of the Health 'ct #2*-.
&reliminary investigations should establish who is responsible and whether there is any
need to pass on this information to the others. &articular roles for the public health
service may include%
providing specialist advice in epidemiology and toxicology where risk assessment is
preparing statements or advice about the risk to individuals or groups
providing scientific advice on whether sampling is likely to be useful
communicating risk to the public and media
providing advice to other agencies on how to communicate statements about risk to
the public and media effectively
providing advice to lead agencies with statutory authority to effect remedies.
4$5$! Role of the health protection officer
The skills of the health protection officer are needed for the following activities%
a Make initial response and undertake preliminary assessment
receive, record and interpret Bueries and concerns
identify the cause of concern or complaint, the location and the associated
,9 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
provide initial response and support to concerned people.
b Undertake inspection, ha8ard evaluation and risk assessment
identify individuals(s or groups at risk
seek advice from the medical officer of health and others if necessary (eg,
epidemiologists, toxicologists
assess the likely health risk from the information collected
assess the risk to public health from likely contamination beyond the premise.
0t is recommended that health protection staff do not enter the premises prior to the
final clean-up7remediation unless they are wearing the appropriate protective
eBuipment as prior to the remediation chemical residues and deposits are likely to be at
a higher level and will represent a significant health risk. =ven withstanding this
caution where appropriate any inspection of a premise made should occur Hointly with
personnel from the lead regulatory agency.
c &rovide information and engage in risk communication
explain how risk should be managed to the lead regulatory agency
consult with building owners and occupiers as necessary
refer information to the lead regulatory agency to bring about remedial action.
d 1upport enforcement
Here the primary role of the public health service is to support enforcement by the
lead regulatory agency by providing information and advice. 0t is essential that
health protection officers form the appropriate linkages with the territorial authority
(=nvironmental Health, ;angerous Doods and )uilding compliance sections .ew
/ealand ?ire 1ervice, .ew /ealand &olice and ;epartment of <abour. ;iscussion
between all affected agencies should then take place to determine the best
course of action.
;uring a clan meth lab fire, the .ew /ealand ?ire 1ervice is in charge, and although
public health has no particular role, they may be called out as part of the local
Ha8ardous 1ubstances Technical <iaison 9ommittee (H1T<9 presence at the scene,
as for any other incident or emergency. (nce the fire is put out, the site potentially
becomes a contaminated site. The territorial authority would then be the agency in
charge, dealing with any nuisance issues under the Health 'ct #2*- or any building
issues under the )uilding 'ct !""5.
There could be a role for the public health service in assessing whether there may be a
risk to public health in terms of contamination fallout beyond the premises. ?or
example, if there is a fire next to a school, and the school is downwind from choking
smoke, foul odour and so on, there may be public health issues that need to be
The public health service may also consider health promotion initiatives aimed at
increasing awareness of the dangers of abandoned clan meth labs ('ppendix D.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites ,!
4$6 Role of property owners
&roperty owners, and their agents and7or managers, have the primary responsibility for
correcting chemical ha8ards on their property. Aesponsibilities include%
meeting statutory obligations, such as those under the Health 'ct #2*- and )uilding
'ct !""5
assessing and managing all chemical ha8ards arising from the property including
ha8ards that have been caused by past actions such as an abandoned clan meth lab
administering and financing abatement work, including necessary remediation to the
selecting and agreeing to the abatement work in consultation with the territorial
authority and7or public health service
engaging competent and appropriately trained contractors for abatement work who
are competent and appropriately trained.
Under the Aesidential Tenancies 'ct #24- (AT' there is no legal reBuirement for
landlords (or other property owners to disclose to tenants or users of buildings that the
house or building has previously been contaminated although a landlord does have a
duty to fully and fairly answer any Buestions asked by a prospective tenant. (n the
other hand, the AT' provides the means necessary for a landlord to evict a tenant and
seek redress in the event that a tenant breaches duties related to the illegal use of a
property, or reasonable expectation to keep it clean. This duty extends to the actions
of a person that a tenant allows to use the premises. The AT' also places a duty on a
landlord to ensure that a contaminated property has been professionally
decontaminated and tested to check that any remaining contamination is at an
acceptable level before it is re-tenanted. 's noted above, however, this duty does not
extend to disclosing to a prospective tenant that the property was used in the
manufacture of methamphetamine.
(n ## Gune !""5 the .ew /ealand Tenancy Tribunal
ruled that renting out
contaminated premises is a breach of a landlord6s obligation to provide premises in a
reasonable state of cleanliness. This obligation is set out in section 5*(# of the AT'
To ensure they meet those obligations the Tribunal stated that landlords should%
arrange for the property to be cleansed and decontaminated by a professional
cleaning company experienced in the removal and neutralisation of ha8ardous
have the property tested by appropriately Bualified analytical chemists to establish
that the level of contaminants is within an acceptable level.
Therefore landlords may also be breaching their obligations to comply with all
reBuirements in respect of the health and safety of buildings, under section 5*(#(c of
the AT'. This is because the .ew /ealand &olice and some territorial authorities have
introduced procedures for the .ew /ealand &olice to notify a territorial authority when
The Aesidential Tenancies 'ct #24- enables the Tenancy Tribunal to award exemplary damages of
up to W+,""" against a landlord6s :failure to meet obligations in respect of cleanliness, maintenance, or
building or health and safety6 that is a landlord who provides substandard housing.
,& Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
contaminated properties are identified. ' territorial authority would then reBuire owners
to decontaminate the property. ?ailure to do so by the landlord could be a breach of
the 'ct.
0n considering this issue, it is important to focus on the primary obHective of ensuring
that contaminated buildings or houses are remediated before being reused. 0mposition
of a disclosure reBuirement once a building or house has been cleaned, may provide a
further disincentive for landlords or owners to adeBuately manage and remediate
contaminated properties. This is because remediation is expensive. $hy would a
landlord commit to this expense knowing that the property will remain difficult to rent
because of an ongoing disclosure reBuirementC
4$!9 Role of property occupiers
The responsibilities of owner-occupiers are as outlined above. 0f occupiers are tenants
they are responsible for reporting to the landlord on the development of any potential
chemical ha8ard, co-operating with the landlord in facilitating abatement work and
monitoring the condition of abatement work.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites ,'
Chapter 5" .a/ard #dentification
5$! Main points
The three most common methods of methamphetamine synthesis encountered by
law enforcement are the :Aed &,6 :&!&6 and :)irch Aeduction6 methods.
The risk of inHury from chemical exposure depends on the chemical itself, the
concentration, the Buantity and the length and route of exposure. 9hemicals may
enter the body by being breathed, eaten, inHected (by an accidental needle or skin
prick, or absorbed by the skin.
Toxic contaminants encountered in methamphetamine laboratories enter the body
through the following methods, in order of importance% inhalation, skin absorption
and ingestion. 1ome contaminants may enter the body by more than one of these
routes of exposure.
The central Buestion of ha8ard identification is% :$hat constitutes a ha8ardC6.
5$& <se of the term EchemicalF
' :chemical6 is defined as :any substance used in or resulting from a reaction involving
changes to atoms or molecules6.
<egislation such as the Ha8ardous 1ubstances and .ew (rganisms (H1.( 'ct #22-
does not define the term :chemical6 but it does define the term :substance6 as meaning%
:(a 'ny element, defined mixture of elements, compounds, or defined mixture of
compounds, either naturally occurring or produced synthetically, or any
mixtures thereof%
(b 'ny isotope, allotrope, isomer, congener, radical, or ion of an element or
compound which has been declared by the 'uthority, by notice in the .ew
/ealand Ga@ette, to be a different substance from that element or compound%
(c 'ny mixtures or combinations of any of the above%
(d 'ny manufactured article containing, incorporating, or including any
ha8ardous substance with explosive properties.6
' ha8ardous substance under the H1.( 'ct #22- is any substance with one or more
of the following intrinsic properties% explosiveness, flammability, a capacity to oxidise,
corrosiveness, toxicity or ecotoxicity. The chemicals that are used to produce
methamphetamine fall within the definition of :ha8ardous substance6. Many of the
chemicals and substances used in methamphetamine manufacture may have these
properties, even when they exist in residual levels in a dwelling.
The term :chemical6 is used throughout the document to be consistent with the term
used in the Health 'ct #2*- in connection with :poisoning arising from chemical
contamination of the environment6 as a notifiable disease for example lead absorption.
5$' Methamphetamine manufacturing processes
There are a multitude of approaches to manufacturing methamphetamine (or
amphetamine, !! of which have been reviewed by 'llen and 9antrell (#242 and can
,) Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
be found in the scientific literature. ;espite the diversity of approaches available, only
a few are commonly encountered in clandestine production and these few themselves
often vary according to the availability of the necessary chemicals.
The three main methods used to manufacture methamphetamine are the red
phosphorus, birch (or .a8i method and amalgam or &!& methods. &rocesses based
on red phosphorus and those using dissolved metals, known as the .a8i or birch
method are commonly used to convert ephedrine and pseudoephedrine to
methamphetamine. $hile variations of these methods can be used, the red
phosphorus and birch methods appear to be the main cooking methods used in .ew
The following section provides a brief description of the chemicals or precursors used
and wastes generated by each method. 'ny production method of methamphetamine
reBuires four basic components% precursor material, reagent(s, solvent(s, and
catalyst(s. ' number of the chemicals listed are commonly used in household
products but are not generally stored in the Buantities reBuired to manufacture illegal
5$'$! Red phosphorus or hydriodic acid method
The 'laska ;epartment of =nvironmental 9onservation (!""3 describes the red
phosphorus7hydriodic acid method as%
:... the Aed &@ H0@ or Aed, $hite, and )lue method. 9hemicals commonly
associated with this method include hydriodic acid (H0, hydrochloric (muriatic acid,
sulphuric acid, sodium hydroxide (lye, sodium chloride (salt, red phosphorus,
iodine, isopropyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol (ethanol, methyl alcohol (methanol,
hydrogen peroxide, naphtha (9oleman fuel, charcoal lighter fluid (mineral spirits
and petroleum distillate, acetone, ben8ene, toluene, ethyl ether (starting fluid,
?reon, hydrogen chloride gas, and chloroform6 ('laska ;epartment of
=nvironmental 9onservation !""3 p !F#.
(ther chemicals that may be used include acetic acid, methyl ethyl ketone, and
hypophosphorus acid. $astes generated during manufacturing include potentially
flammable extraction process sludges, phosphine gas, H0, hydrogen chloride gas,
phosphoric acid, and yellow or white phosphorus ('laska ;epartment of =nvironmental
9onservation !""3. The manufacture of methamphetamine hydrochloride using this
method (also known as the Hypo method by the reduction of a pseudoephedrine by
iodine or hydriodic acid with red phosphorus
or hypophosphorous acid is common in
.ew /ealand clan meth labs (&owell !""*@ .ational ;rug 0ntelligence )ureau !""4.
5$'$& %irch method
The birch method, also referred to as the ammonia or &a@i method, relies on a supply
of anhydrous ammonia that is most commonly found in commercial free8ers and is a
commonly used fertiliser in agriculture. 9hemicals associated with this method include
anhydrous ammonia, lithium metal, sodium metal, isopropyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol
'lthough weaker than hypophosphorous acid, phosphorous acid can be substituted into a
methamphetamine recipe at roughly twice the amount. &hosphorous acid is more readily available in
the .ew /ealand domestic market as it is used extensively in horticulture (particularly fruit growing to
promote plant growth. 0t is also significantly cheaper.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites ,+
(ethanol, methyl alcohol (methanol, hydrogen chloride gas, hydrochloric (muriatic
acid, sulphuric acid, sodium chloride (salt, toluene, naphtha, ?reon, ethyl ether,
chloroform, and methyl ethyl ketone. &otentially flammable extraction process sludges
and hydrogen chloride gas are waste products that are generated during the
manufacturing of methamphetamine ('laska ;epartment of =nvironmental
9onservation !""3.
'nhydrous ammonia boils at F+!9 so that should it vent from its cylinder it will be
extremely cold and can cause instant frostbite type inHuries. This is of little
conseBuence compared to the fact that this vapour is caustic and will begin to dissolve
skin, eyes or lungs if accidentally inhaled. (ffenders have often stolen the anhydrous
ammonia and placed it into <&D gas cylinders or other vessels that are unsuitable for
caustic gas containment. 'fter a matter of weeks these vessels will rupture, shrouding
any persons in the surrounding area in a cloud of caustic vapour (1teel !""5.
1odium and lithium metal are both recognised as being extremely explosive. To
prevent them from being exposed to the atmosphere they must be stored under oil.
This is because they can be ignited by exposure to the air and will violently react with
water. 'gain the potential ha8ards around Buantities of flammable solvents are
obvious. 0n addition, the risk to innocent people inHuring themselves accidentally by the
incorrect handling of these materials is extreme (1teel !""5.
5$'$' Amalgam or P&P method
The third method used to produce methamphetamine is known as the amalgam or P*P
method. This method uses phenyl-!-propanone (&!& and methylamine as precursors.
Mercuric chloride, lead acetate, and many other chemicals are used in the synthesis of
methamphetamine via the amalgam method ('laska ;epartment of =nvironmental
9onservation !""3. 9ooking time is reduced from !5 to +- hours using the &!&
method to as little as four to six hours, using the new cold or matchbook method.
<ead and mercury contamination can result from this manufacturing method, but it is
the least common method because of the limited availability of the precursor since it
became regulated, the length of time needed to produce the desired drug, low yield,
and low concentration of the finished product. 0n .ew /ealand &!& is found Buite often
in analysis but this is because it is also a by-product of manufacture.
1olvent extraction and precipitation techniBues are commonly used in all of these
manufacturing methods discussed above. 1everal potentially dangerous chemicals
and chemical compounds are used in the various processes.
5$) Areas of contamination
The 9olorado ;epartment of Health and =nvironment (!""3 recommends dividing
areas of potential contamination into primary and secondary areas.
:Typical primary areas of contamination include%
Processing or EcookingF areas" Dross contamination in these areas may be
caused by spills, boil-overs, explosions, or by chemical fumes and gases
created during the heating and distilling portions of the :cooking6 process.
0ndoor areas affected may include floors, walls, ceilings, working surfaces,
,, Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
furniture, carpeting, draperies and other textile products, plumbing fixtures and
drains, or heating and air-conditioning vents. (utdoor cooking areas could
include camping stoves or other outdoor areas where cooking could occur.
Disposal areas" indoor areas include sinks, toilets, bathtubs, crawl spaces,
plumbing traps and floor drains, vents, vent fans and chimney flues. (utdoor
areas may include soil, surface water, groundwater, sewer or stormwater
systems Xand on-site effluent treatment systemsY.
Storage areas" 9ontamination may be caused by leaks, spills or open
1econdary areas of contamination may include%
<ocations where contamination has migrated, such as hallways
9ommon areas in multiple dwelling structures and adHacent apartments or rooms
may also be contaminated, including contamination of floors, walls, ceilings,
furniture, carpeting and other contents
9ommon ventilation or plumbing systems in hotels and multiple dwellings.6
5$+ .a/ards associated with methamphetamine laboratories
The effects of human exposure to the various substances used to manufacture illicit
drugs and the effects of these substances on the environment are largely known and
fairly well documented in the chemical literature. 1ome of these chemicals pose little
or no risk to either environmental or human health as opposed to others which pose a
potentially significant risk to both (0rving and 1utherland !""-. 'ppendices H and 0 list
chemicals commonly used in various methamphetamine manufacturing processes and
their associated health ha8ards. 9hemicals that are known to be used in .ew /ealand
for the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine are highlighted in grey ('ppendix H.
The maHority of compounds used in the preparation of methamphetamine are
household products. 'ppendix ? provides information on local services that can assist
in providing information on chemicals that may be found at a clan meth lab site.
&erhaps of more significant concern than the ha8ards presented by these known
substances, are the ha8ards presented by the various by-products of illicit drug
manufacture. The precise nature of these substances and the dangers they pose are
neither well known nor well documented (0rving and 1utherland !""-. $hat is
understood is that reactions between compounds commonly yield products that are
more toxic than the starting materials themselves (=dwards !""5. Thus, because of
the variation in the chemicals used, the Buantities used, the location of laboratories and
the Buality of any given process, the specific ha8ards that are present at any given clan
meth lab site not only vary enormously but are difficult (if possible to determine (0rving
and 1utherland !""-.
$hat is apparent is that the illicit manufacture of drugs such as methamphetamine
poses a risk to both public health and to the environment. )oth can face both
immediate dangers as well as longer-term risks (0rving and 1utherland !""-.
5$+$! #mmediate dangers posed by methamphetamine laboratories
0n the first instance, clan meth labs pose a number of risks (photo # to those who come
into contact with them% the drug manufacturers (or :cooks6 and any person who may
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites ,4
reside at or visit the site@ and :first responders6 attending the site such as .ew /ealand
&olice and .ew /ealand ?ire 1ervice officers, forensic chemists, social services and
contractors handling ha8ardous materials including waste. These risks derive from the
chemical ha8ards that are present at the site such as explosive, flammable, poisonous,
radioactive and corrosive substances which may be in liBuid, solid or gaseous form
(0rving and 1utherland !""-.
The underlying problem with the illicit production of methamphetamine is that generally
the :cooks6 possess neither the knowledge nor the skill to carry out the synthesis
properly. 's a result many :cooks6 have been reported to regularly take risks when
handling dangerous chemicals and in the chemical processes of manufacture (Horne
#223. 0n the United 1tates, one in five laboratories are discovered because of an
explosion and there is a risk of severe burns to anyone near a laboratory (=1A !""3a.
9ase reports of patients involved in methamphetamine manufacture detail second
degree burns and anhydrous ammonia ocular inHury (<ee et al !""+.
Methamphetamine manufacturing has also resulted in death by phosphine gas
poisoning ($illers-Ausso #222.
Photo !" 'n officer inspects the Hei Hei, 9hristchurch house burnt in a drug-lab explosion
0.9<U;=&09TUA=!43#"2.HpgZ [P M=AD=?(AM'T0.=T
1ource% 9hristchurch Press, !4 March !""3
5$+$& Longer=term ha/ards associated with residual contamination
'fter the laboratory eBuipment and chemicals used to manufacture illicit drugs has
been removed, residual contaminants often remain throughout the property. This
contamination can be into air, on various building surfaces and furnishings, in the
ventilation systems, in the walls, soil and down the drains as a result of spills during the
methamphetamine production and deposition of volatilised contaminants. These
residual contaminants can persist indefinitely if not adeBuately remediated raising both
public health and environmental issues (0rving and 1utherland !""-.
,5 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
(verseas studies indicate that the methamphetamine cooking process can release as
much as *,*"" Lg7m
of methamphetamine into the air and deposit as much as
#-,""" Lg7#""cm
onto surfaces
(Martyny et al !""5a. There are concerns that
residual methamphetamine generated during the manufacturing process may indeed
pose a risk to human health and render the property unsafe for human occupation until
it has been decontaminated.
5$+$' Clan meth labs as a public health issue
=xposure to the chemicals and by-products of illicit drug manufacture of
methamphetamine can cause serious adverse health effects, and in extreme cases, be
fatal. Noung children are particularly vulnerable, partly because of their lower
tolerance to chemical exposure but also because they are more likely to come into
contact with contaminated surfaces through crawling and putting obHects in their mouths
(0rving and 1utherland !""-. The 9olorado 'lliance for ;rug =ndangered 9hildren
(!""3 believes that approximately +" to +* percent of the laboratories that are sei8ed
in its state are domestic residences that have children living in them. 0n .ew /ealand
data from !""- and !""3 indicated almost one in three clan meth labs detected had
children living at the residential address. This figure rose to 5" percent (two in five in
!""4 (.ational ;rug 0ntelligence )ureau !""2. 0n domestic residences, it is most
likely to be future tenants or owners who will unknowingly suffer the effects from
exposure to residual contaminants if they are not removed (0rving and 1utherland
'lthough there has been a limited amount of scientific research conducted on the
health effects of exposure to sites that were once clan meth labs, the work that has
been done verifies the anecdotal evidence of the effects of this exposure (0rving and
1utherland !""-.
:' single cook using the red phosphorus method of manufacture may produce residual surface
contamination of methamphetamine ranging from #.* Lg7#"" cm
to as high as 4-" Lg7#"" cm
. '
single cook using the anhydrous ammonia method of production may result in surface area
contamination ranging from ".# Lg7#"" cm
to #-" Lg7#"" cm
. These contamination levels are
caused by the aerosolisation of methamphetamine during the cook with the highest levels being
produced during the salting out phase of the cook. 'irborne levels of methamphetamine may range
from less than !." Lg7m
to as high as *""" Lg7m
and cause contamination of areas that are
significantly removed from the manufacturing process6 (Martyny et al !""5b% p +.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites ,6
0n research conducted in the United 1tates, the .ational Gewish Medical and Aesearch
9entre found that ?the chemical e1posures of greatest concern produced during the
manufacture of methamphetamine -especially using the red phosphorus method/
consist of phosphine% iodine% hydrogen chloride% sol!ents and drug or its precursorsA
(Martyny et al nd. The study concluded that in the samples taken from
#- methamphetamine laboratories, each of these compounds may meet or exceed
current occupational exposure guidelines as set by the (ccupational 1afety and Health
'dministration and by the 'merican 9onference of Dovernmental 0ndustrial Hygienists.
This conclusion was especially true of exposures to phosphine, iodine and
hydrochloride (Martyny et al nd. 0t is important to note however that phosphine has a
high vapour pressure (5#4- k&a at !"9, 0919% "-25 and does not persist for long
periods of time in the air that is not completely dry. Therefore phosphine is most
unlikely to be encountered by people other than first responders including those
undertaking inspections and testing in non-operational clan meth labs (. &owell,
personal communication, !"#".
'n abandoned laboratory in a domestic residence poses risk to any unwitting future
'dverse health effects have been reported in subseBuent occupants of
suspected former laboratory sites that have not been adeBuately remediated ()urgess
#223. Throat irritation, nausea, respiratory difficulties and headaches account for the
maHority of reported symptoms. 0n addition, there have been reports of medical staff
suffering adverse effects from exposure to patients who were contaminated by clan
meth labs which demonstrates the ease of contamination transfer (0rving and
1utherland !""-.
5$+$) Clan meth labs as an enironmental health issue
The disposal of the chemical waste products from methamphetamine manufacture
creates further risks, both to humans and to the environment ('ustralian )ureau of
9riminal 0ntelligence #222. The ;rug =nforcement 'gency in the United 1tates has
estimated that for every kilogram of pure methamphetamine produced, * kg to 3 kg of
chemical waste is created (Horne #223. 9ooks have been found to dispose of
chemicals directly into the ground, down drains and toilets, in nearby waterways and
along the roadside ('ustralian )ureau of 9riminal 0ntelligence #222. The sudden
arrival of law enforcement officers can cause offenders to attempt to dispose of
chemicals in the fastest way possible in an effort to destroy evidence, with no thought
of the conseBuences ($ilkins !""!. &ollutants can be spread off-site by drains and
streams into densely populated urban areas or natural ecosystems with no advance
warning of spillage and may persist in soil and groundwater for years. 1olid waste is
sometimes burned to destroy evidence, which creates additional air, ground and water
pollution ha8ards.
0n the United 1tates environmental remediation costs for clan meth labs range from
about U1W*,""" to U1W#*",""". 0n March !""-, personnel of a U1 state
environmental department who were engaged in a stream restoration proHect in .ew
'lthough there have been no documented cases of inHury caused to residents of an ex-laboratory site
in .ew /ealand, in Gune !""5 a $est 'uckland couple won compensation from their landlord after
they found that the house they had rented had been used as a & lab. The Tenancy Tribunal awarded
the couple W22", ruling the owners had failed to clean up the property. The owners claimed they had
been unaware that the property had been used as a & <ab and that the .ew /ealand &olice had not
passed that information on, nor had the council issued a cleansing order.
49 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
Mexico detected acetone and dichloromethane contamination during a routine water
sampling event (1oussan !""-. The chemicals, which are commonly used in the illicit
manufacture of methamphetamine and were most likely discharged by a clan meth lab,
were responsible for the death of hundreds of trout and other native fish. 0nsects and
plant life along the seven-mile stretch of affected stream bed were also killed.
5$+$+ Clan meth labs as an economic #ssue
The illicit manufacture of methamphetamine to society appears to have far-reaching
costs, including costs to taxpayers for the health care of those inHured in laboratory
explosions. 0n the United 1tates a retrospective study of case notes of *"3 burns units
admissions in #222F!""# found +5 were involved in either the use of
methamphetamine, or its production (9harukamnoetkanok and $agoner !""5. The
authors also noted the cost of treatment was high, with an average length of stay of
around #- days at a mean cost of U1W34,*4" (approximately ./W#"",""". 0n .ew
/ealand the exact cost of hospitalisations for methamphetamine-related burns has not
been Buantified. However, significant burns suffered by two alleged methamphetamine
cooks near 'uckland (one of whom later died in early !""3 resulted in the callout
costing between W#",""" and W#!,""" which included *" medical staff (a number of
whom reBuired subseBuent decontamination (>iong !""3.
)ecause clan meth labs produce significant Buantities of toxic waste cleaning these
contaminated sites reBuires specialist knowledge and expertise. 9onseBuently the
cost of remediating a contaminated site can be expensive. 'lthough no comprehensive
cost-related data are available in .ew /ealand, Housing .ew /ealand 9orporation
estimates that the cost of testing and undertaking remediation of a house ranges from
./W*,""" to W4",""". This range is consistent with U1 estimates of U1W*,""" to
0n some instances overseas where proper decontamination for reuse has not been
feasible the dwelling has been demolished (0rvine and 9hin #22#. 0n 'pril !""2
Housing .ew /ealand 9orporation won a test case seeking more than W#4",""" in
damages from a drug ring that manufactured methamphetamine in a .apier state
house. The state house was so badly contaminated by the clan meth lab set up inside
it that the home had to be completely demolished in !""5. The costs of this
remediation and the loss in value for Housing .ew /ealand and, by extension, the
taxpayer amounted to around W#4*,""". The civil suit Housing .ew /ealand won has
set a precedent which can be used by private landlords as well (.ew /ealand
Dovernment )eehive !""2.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites 4!
Chapter 6" Dose Response3 12posure Assessment3
Risk Characterisation and Risk Communication
6$! Main points
Aesidual methamphetamine F that is by-products of the synthesis of
methamphetamine and unused reagents, generated during the manufacturing
process may pose a risk to human health and render the property unsafe for human
occupation until decontamination has occurred.
The principal sources of human exposure are through ingestion, inhalation and skin
The health significance of any estimated exposure reBuires comparison with a
suitable toxicologically based criterion for the chemical(s in Buestion.
6$& .ealth effects
=xposure to methamphetamine residues may cause symptoms similar to those
experienced by methamphetamine users. The maHority of our knowledge of
methamphetamine toxicity in humans is derived from drug use and overdose scenarios.
The health effects of low-level, chronic exposures to the illicit manufacture of
methamphetamine have not been well studied. However, information from high-dose
studies and clinical case reports allows a better understanding of the mechanisms by
which methamphetamine may exert its toxicity.
(verall, the potential health effects of methamphetamine depend on several factors
how much methamphetamine a person is exposed to
how long a person is exposed
the health condition of the person being exposed.
The primary effect of methamphetamine is as a stimulant to the central nervous system.
=xposure to even small amounts of methamphetamine can produce euphoria, increase
alertness, paranoia, decreased appetite and increased physical activity. (ther effects
involving the central nervous system include writhing, Herky body movements, irritability,
insomnia, confusion, tremors, anxiety, aggression, hyperthermia and convulsions
(.ational 0nstitute on ;rug 'buse !""!.
;eath can occur from methamphetamine concentrations in the blood of greater than
".* mg7<. ?atal overdoses are more likely to occur among inexperienced or episodic
high-dose users than among regular users who have developed a tolerance to the
drug. Methamphetamine also increases the risk of a stroke in relatively young people
(=xpert 'dvisory 9ommittee on ;rugs !""!. 0n March !""+ it was reported that
methamphetamine had been linked to five deaths in .ew /ealand ()ellamy and Mc.ab
4& Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
Methamphetamine exposure causes cardiovascular effects including chest pain and
hypertension and sometimes can result in cardiovascular collapse and death.
'dditionally methamphetamine increases heart rate, blood pressure and risk of stroke,
and may cause irreversible damage to blood vessels in the brain (.ational 0nstitute on
;rug 'buse !""!.
The psychological symptoms observed with prolonged methamphetamine abuse can
resemble those of schi8ophrenia and are characterised by paranoia, hallucinations,
repetitive behaviour patterns, and delusions of parasites or insects on the skin.
Methamphetamine-induced paranoia can result in homicidal or suicidal thoughts, with
drug users often exhibiting violent tendencies (.ational 0nstitute on ;rug 'buse !""!.
The target population of concern in establishing a remediation guideline is residents
who may re-occupy the structure after sei8ure. Health impacts on infants and young
children raised in areas that were formerly used as clan meth labs, are of particular
concern. 9hildren are often more susceptible to ha8ards due to their physiologic status
(rapid growth, incomplete development, and rapid metabolism reBuiring more air and
water per body weight than adults and behaviours (crawling, hand to mouth activity,
gnawing on furniture, window sills and toys. However, there have been no studies of
specific risks to infants and children associated with chronic low-level exposure to
methamphetamine in a former drug lab site have not been studied.
Health effects caused by exposure to clan meth lab chemicals depend on% (# the lab
process and chemicals used@ (! the amount of chemical and length of exposure@ and
(+ the age and health of the person exposed. 9hemicals may enter the body by being
breathed, eaten, or through absorption. 'bsorption of chemicals by the body may
occur through one or more of the following routes of exposure%
inhalation (respiratory
dermal exposure (via direct contact with the skin
inHection (via skin puncture with a needle or another sharp obHect.
'n acute exposure is one that occurs over a relatively short period of time. 'cute
exposure to clan meth lab chemicals can cause shortness of breath, cough, chest pain,
di88iness, lack of coordination, chemical irritation, or burns to skin, eyes, nose and
mouth. ;eath could result when a person is exposed to a particularly toxic chemical or
the person exposed is particularly vulnerable. 'cute exposures can occur in non-drug
users during or immediately after :cooking6.
<ess severe exposures can result in symptoms such as headache, nausea, di88iness,
and fatigue or lethargy. These symptoms have been known to occur in people exposed
to active labs, but also in people F particularly law enforcement personnel and other
first responders F who have entered a drug lab before the site has been cleaned or
ventilated. These less severe symptoms usually go away after several hours of
exposure to fresh air.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites 4'
=xposures to clan meth lab chemicals or by-products over a long period of time
(chronic exposures may cause both long-term and short-term health effects. <ong-
term exposures to volatile organic compounds (E(9s may result in liver and kidney
damage, neurological problems, and increased risk of cancer. )en8ene is a E(9
known to cause cancer. =ven at low levels, exposures for long periods by people living
in a former clan meth lab site could result in serious health effects.
'cids or bases will cause a burning sensation on the skin and in mucous membranes,
and can cause severe eye damage. =xposure to metals and salts can cause a wide
range of health effects including respiratory irritation, decreased mental function,
anaemia, kidney damage and birth defects. <ead and mercury are particularly
The effects of chronic exposure to elemental mercury include central nervous system
effects (such as erethism, irritability, insomnia, severe salivation, gingivitis and tremor,
kidney effects (including proteinuria and acrodynia in children.
The effects of lead are related to the level of lead in human blood.
'lthough there are
some differences in the bio-availability of different lead compounds, the health effects
caused by increased blood lead levels are the same, regardless of the lead compounds
causing the exposure. There is now clear epidemiological evidence of a close
relationship between prenatal exposure to lead and early mental development indices
but it has not been possible to identify a definite threshold for its effects.
'ppendix H presents a summary of the key aspects associated with the chemicals
identified in the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine. The summary presented in
'ppendix 0 is based on available information from published sources and databases
and includes information on the health effects, including the potential carcinogenicity of
the chemical and the potential for dermal absorption relevant to the assessment of
The scope of the assessment presented in these guidelines does not extend to a
detailed review of toxicological effects and derivation of Buantitative toxicological data
associated with the chemicals identified. The review presented is not a complete
literature review or a summary of all available studies.
6$&$! .ealth effects on children
'ccording to the .ew /ealand &olice *2 children in the total were found living at clan
meth lab addresses in !""2 compared with 4- in !""4 (.ational ;rug 0ntelligence
)ureau !"#". Martyny et al (!""5a found that during production under controlled
circumstances, methamphetamine was widely dispersed as an aerosol and
contaminated both vertical and hori8ontal surfaces including walls, carpets,
microwaves, tabletops and clothing. 0n the United 1tates approximately +* percent
(3"" out of !,"!4 of children found in clan meth labs in !""# tested positive for toxic
levels of chemicals in their bodies including methamphetamine (.ational ;rug
0ntelligence 9entre !""!. However this percentage was regarded as an
The .otifiable ;isease (rder !""3 amended 1ection ) of 1chedule ! of the Health 'ct #2*- relating
to non-occupational lead absorption to change the notifiable level of lead absorption from
#* micrograms per decilitre (".3! micromoles per litre to #" micrograms per decilitre (".54
micromoles per litre. This commenced on + 1eptember !""3.
4) Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
underestimate because :many states do not #eep records on children present at
laboratory sites or medically e!aluate them for the presence of drugs or chemicals6
(.ational ;rug 0ntelligence 9entre !""!.
0n .ew /ealand testing for methamphetamine is often conducted for 9hild, Nouth and
?amily at the direction of a court. 'nalysing children6s hair to detect methamphetamine
has been useful in these situations because it can provide scientific evidence in an
area that can usually otherwise only be argued about, often at length.
0n addition, the
length of time a child has been exposed to toxic chemicals that are the ingredients and
by-products of methamphetamine production can be linked to their hair length as the
chemicals will stay within that piece of hair until it is cut off.
The significant level of
urine positive children removed from homes of methamphetamine users is another
indicator of the high likelihood that children in these homes have experienced both
inhalation and dermal exposure (Martyny et al !""4. Drant et al (!"#" found that of
the #"5 children that were evaluated after removal from clan meth labs 5- percent had
evidence of methamphetamine in their urine.
The health effects of exposure to methamphetamine on children are relatively
unknown. 1ome studies targeting infants born to women who have used
methamphetamine during pregnancy indicate that infants born to methamphetamine
users have altered behavioural patterns and lower intelligence test scores than do non-
exposed infants. &hysical malformations such as cleft lip, cardiac defects, reduced
head circumference, biliary atresia, cerebral haemorrhage, systolic murmur and
undescended testes have also been linked to pregnant mothers using amphetamines
and methamphetamines (Martyny et al !""4.
.o published papers were identified regarding the relationship between children
exposed to methamphetamine surface contamination or methamphetamine
manufacture and any resultant health conseBuences. 9hildren found at a clan meth
lab will have most likely come into contact with meth lab chemicals through inhalation
and absorption through the skin. 0ngestion is the most dangerous method of contact as
it can prove fatal (.ational ;rug 0ntelligence 9entre !""!. 0n the United 1tates
anecdotal reports of increased asthma, pulmonary fibrosis and upper respiratory
complaints have been received but no documented health statistics appear to be
available at this time (Martyny et al !""5b. ' number of the reports that have been
received involving exposure to a clan meth lab concerned reactions that could have
been to the chemicals used to manufacture the methamphetamine rather than by the
methamphetamine itself (Martyny et al !""5b.
9hildren in clan meth labs are also exposed to significant risk for abuse and neglect.
Meth-using guardians may be unable to provide children with adeBuate food, shelter
and care. 0n addition, they may expose children to other drug-using adults, paranoia-
induced behaviours, dangerous animals, firearms and other dangerous items ()ratcher
et al !""3.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites 4+
6$' 12posure assessment
The exposure assessment is a critical component in the development of remediation
levels for clan meth lab-related chemicals. Unfortunately there are many sources of
uncertainty in these estimates particularly as there is currently limited information
available regarding the toxicity associated with residual contamination at clan meth
labs. 0t is difficult to estimate a toxic dose for exposure from oral ingestion, let alone for
other potential exposure pathways such as inhalation, dermal contact, prenatal or
nursing infant exposure.
=xposure estimates are also challenging due to uncertainty regarding the distribution of
contamination throughout a property. ' literature review shows that there are no
established toxicity values for methamphetamine via any exposure route. There is a
significant amount of information regarding pharmacological and illicit use of
methamphetamine, but there is little information about chronic exposure. There is also
a lack of data regarding the potentially interactive effects of different chemicals with
methamphetamine, including possible synergistic or antagonistic effects.
However, assessing the exposure is essential for ha8ard control. The sources of
exposure can be determined by exposure characterisation on the basis of
Buestionnaires, interviews, inspections, historical records and7or exposure simulation.
Using the exposure simulation method Martyny et al (!""5a reported that iodine
compounds, phosphine, hydrogen chloride, and methamphetamine are the maHor
chemicals of concern for the Aed &hosphorus (Aed & method. The researchers
performed some :controlled cooks6 in a controlled laboratory using the Aed & method
from which they reported the presence of hydrofluoric acid, hydrochloric acid,
hydrobromic acid, phosphoric acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid following a Aed &
cook. <evels of hydrochloric acid exceeded the :ceiling6 short term exposure level
(+ mg7m
, see Table - during the cooking phase and levels slightly below the ceiling
value during the :salting out6 phase (when liBuid free base methamphetamine is
converted to solid meth salt. 0n addition, levels of hydrochloric acid (#-.2 mg7m
more than five times the ceiling value, which indicated significant exposure during the
active cooking phase (Michigan ;epartment of 9ommunity Health !""5.
0n regard to phosphine sampling, the Michigan ;epartment of 9ommunity Health (!""5
p +3 notes that%
:during this ?controlledA coo# also e1ceeded short-term e1posure standardsE
ho(e!er% there (as some uncertainty related to this data and future data from
controlled coo#s should be sought (ith regard to potential phosphine e1posures4
0he ma1imum air concentration seen -+48= mgDm
/ during controlled manufacture
(as roughly e9ual to the Acute '1posure Guideline Le!el * -A'GL-*/ for a four-
hour phosphine e1posure -+4,+ mgDm
/4 0he A'GL-* is the Fairborne
concentration of a substance abo!e (hich it is predicted that the general
population% including susceptible indi!iduals% could e1perience irre!ersible or other
serious% long-lasting ad!erse health effects or an impaired ability to escapeG -see
the 'n!ironmental Protection Agency A'GL (ebsite $
http2DD(((4epa4go!DopptDaeglDdefine4htm/4 It is possible that anyone e1posed to
phosphine at +4, mgDm
for four hours could de!elop serious or irre!ersible ad!erse
health effects% such as reacti!e air(ay dysfunction syndrome -RAS/ or
spontaneous bone fractures.6
4, Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
's noted in section 4.*.+ phosphine has a high vapour pressure (5#4-k&a at !"9,
0919% "-25 so does not persist for long periods of time in air that is not completely dry
(. &owell, personal communication, !"#". 's Martyny et al6s study (!""5a was
designed to determine the potential chemical exposures for law enforcement and
emergency services personnel (first responders phosphine is considered unlikely to be
encountered by non-first responders including those undertaking inspections and
testing in non-operational clan meth labs (. &owell, personal communication, !"#".
;uring the :controlled cook6 Martyny et al (!""5a also recorded airborne levels of
iodine that exceeded short-term exposure limits, including one sample (+3 mg7m
exceeded the 0mmediately ;angerous to <ife and Health (0;<H value of ! ppm. 'cute
exposure of this magnitude can be expected to have significant neurological and
cardiovascular effects. 0n addition it could also be assumed that dangerous levels of
hydriodic acid could be associated with high concentrations of airborne iodine
(Michigan ;epartment of 9ommunity Health !""5.
Table - from Michigan ;epartment of 9ommunity Health (!""5 p +4 l6ists acute
emergency exposure standards for the maHor chemical ha8ards posed by the Aed &
method, during active cooking% iodine and the related compound hydriodic acid,
hydrochloric acid, and phosphine. The Martyny et al (!""5a study showed that the
Aed & method is capable of generating%
airborne hydrochloric acid concentrations above levels of acute concern
(specifically, higher than the (ccupational 1afety U Health 'dministration X(1H'Y
\permissible exposure level] X&=<Y ceiling value
airborne phosphine concentrations roughly eBuivalent to levels of acute concern
(specifically, roughly eBuivalent to the !nd tier \acute exposure guideline level]
airborne iodine concentrations slightly above levels of acute concern (specifically,
one sample exceeded the \0mmediately ;angerous to <ife and Health] value
airborne hydrogen iodide was not tested for by Martyny et al (!""5a@ however, it
could be found in association with airborne iodine. 0n addition, hydrogen iodide has
corrosive effects similar to exposure to hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid when it
comes into contact with moist tissues (such as eyes or mucous membranes.6
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites 44
;able ," 1ome maHor Aed & method contaminants and their associated exposure levels
Compound #DL. AS1A
A1GL=! A1GL=&
0odine ! ppm 9eiling F
# mg7m
(".# ppm
9eiling F
# mg7m
(".# ppm
9eiling F
# mg7m
(".# ppm
.' .'
Hydrogen iodide,
hydriodic acid
# ppm
proposed (#"
min to 4-hr
## proposed
&hosphine *" ppm ".5 mg7m
(".+ ppm
".5 mg7m
(".+ ppm
".5 mg7m
(".+ ppm
.A ".!* 4-hr
interim@ ".*
for 5-hr
hydrochloric acid
*" ppm 9eiling F
3 mg7m
(* ppm
ceiling F
+ mg7m
3 mg7m
(* ppm
#.4 ppm
interim (#"
min to 4-hr
## ppm
interim 4-hr
'9D0H ^ 'merican 9onference of Dovernmental 0ndustrial Hygienists@ '=D< ^ 'cute =xposure
Duideline <evel@ 0;<H ^ 0mmediately ;angerous to <ife and Health@ .7' ^ not applicable@ .A ^ not
recommended@ .0(1H ^ .ational 0nstitute for (ccupational 1afety U Health@ (1H' ^ (ccupational
1afety and Health 'dministration@ &=< ^ permissible exposure level@ A=< ^ recommended exposure
level@ T<E ^ threshold limit value
1ource% Michigan ;epartment of 9ommunity Health (!""5
6$'$! .uman e2posure pathways
' typical exposure pathway from the illicit drug manufacture of methamphetamine
contains five maHor elements%
#. a source of contamination
!. contaminant transport through an environmental medium
+. a point of exposure
5. a route of human exposure, and
*. an exposed population.
'ny exposure pathway is considered a complete pathway if there is evidence that all
five of these elements are, have been or will be present at the property. 'n exposure
pathway is considered a potential pathway if there is evidence that at least one of these
elements is, has been or will be present at the property.
;uring the process of producing methamphetamine, there is a complete pathway of
exposure. 'irborne contaminants from methamphetamine production are documented
by Martyny et al (!""5a. &oints of exposure exist not only within the cooking area but
likely throughout the entire building. &ast exposures to methamphetamine-related
airborne chemicals are considered a complete exposure pathway.
45 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
'fter the removal of bulk chemicals an exposure pathway is no longer complete for the
inhalation route as the chemicals of concern are only airborne during and shortly after
active methamphetamine production. &rior to remediation, a potentially complete
exposure pathway exists only through the dermal route (and subseBuent ingestion of
small amounts of material picked up by dermal contact through :hand to mouth6
behaviour. ;eposition of airborne chemicals and7or contaminant-bearing particulate
matter would almost certainly exist in the cooking area. 0t is the area where the
greatest risk generally exists from dermal contact with chemicals related to the
production of methamphetamine. This residual dermal risk can be eliminated through
thorough and effective remediation by a trained professional.
6$'$& Chemical e2posure pathways
?rom its initial establishment through to its ultimate re-occupancy, a clan meth lab goes
through four phases that vary with the nature of operations, the chemicals present, the
exposure pathways and the sensitivity of the potentially exposed populations. The four
phases for a discovered clan lab (Table 3 may generally be described as%
#. operational" clandestine methamphetamine synthesis takes place
!. discoery and remoal" the lab is :busted6 (discovered by law enforcement such
as the .ew /ealand &olice and bulk chemicals and eBuipment are removed
+. remediation and erification" samples are collected to verify that residual
contaminant levels are below target remediation guidelines
5. re=occupancy" a new group of residents occupies the residence which housed
the former clan meth lab.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites 46
Table 3% 12posure pathways and the potentially e2posed populations
Scenario Potentially e2posed populations Contaminants and e2posure pathways
clan meth lab
0nnocent bystanders
Primary" 0nhalation of volatile contaminants@
intentional dosing (all routes
Secondary" ;ermal contact with non-volatile
residues on surfaces@ non-dietary ingestion via
hand-to-mouth activities
;iscovery and
<aw enforcement (./ &olice,
./ ?ire 1ervice
1ocial services eg, 9hild, Nouth
and ?amily
0ndustrial hygienists
0nhalation of volatile contaminants that may
or may not be stored in original containers
0nhalation of re-suspended, particle-
adsorbed contaminants
;ermal contact with non-volatile residues
on surfaces
=xposure minimised by personal protective
9lean-up and
1ite remediation personnel
0ndustrial hygienist
0nhalation of volatile contaminants off-
gassing from :soft6 mediaPP
0nhalation of re-suspended, particle-
adsorbed contaminants
=xposure minimised by personal protective
Ae-occupancy Aesidents (includes all sensitive
sub-populations for example
;ermal contact with methamphetamine
;ermal contact with non-volatile chemicals
on surfaces that lack remediation
0nhalation of volatile contaminants off-
gassing from :soft6 media (likely to be
0nhalation of re-suspended contaminants
that lack remediation guidelines
0ngestion of discarded contaminants in soil
at levels above the remediation guideline
P 0n !""3 a medical officer of health employed by the $aikato ;istrict Health )oard was asked to
prepare a report for the .ew /ealand &olice as part of their investigation into a case where an
individual claimed that her illness was caused by living adHacent to a clan meth lab. This lab was
discovered at a house in Hamilton in Guly !""3. ' poisons expert stated that the chemicals involved
in the production of methamphetamine found at the site would not have caused the clinical symptoms
described by the individual. The neurologist who investigated the individual for her symptoms in
!""3, diagnosed the individual with migraine. 's a result the evidence suggested that the symptoms
that were described by the individual were due to migraine@ they were not caused by living adHacent to
a clan meth lab.
PP :1oft6 media include upholstered furniture, drapes and carpet (assuming they have not been removed
as part of clean-up operations and wall board. ;uring this phase, the primary sources of volatile
contaminants F storage containers F will have been removed. 1econdary sources, such as solvents
that were spilled or improperly disposed of, will still be present.
1ource% adapted from 1alocks (!""2
59 Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
The risk of human exposure varies considerably depending on the manufacturing
process and the Buantity and form of chemicals. 'lso there is greater risk of chemical
exposure at a site where a laboratory is actively producing illicit methamphetamine.
'fter removal of the illicit drug laboratory eBuipment and chemicals, residual amounts
of some substances may persist on building surfaces and furnishings prior to
decontamination. There may also be contaminated outside areas (eg, soil, on-site
effluent treatment systems (septic tanks, waterways resulting from the illegal disposal
of substances by the former drug operator. $hen determining the level of risk
acceptable for a given dwelling it is necessary to consider potential uses of the
dwelling and the extent of expected human contact. ?actors to be considered include
freBuency, type of contact and the sensitivity of exposed populations. To reach the
following relative levels of risk associated with relative levels of exposure to
methamphetamine and other contaminants, the following actions should be taken%
a 7o residual risk
Aemove all contents of the dwelling.
;emolish the dwelling.
1ample the outside for contamination of soil or water bodies, eg, stream or
;ispose of contents and dwelling in an approved landfill with appropriate
acceptance criteria.
b Minimal residual risk
Aemove all building contents, including clothing and appliances.
Aemove carpeting, wallpaper and7or unpainted sheetrock (drywall.
Aemove suspended and attached ceiling tiles and7or ceiling texturising.
;ispose of all contents and structure6s building materials (eg, ceiling tiles,
carpeting in an approved landfill.
H=&' (High-=fficiency &articulate 'ir vacuum all remaining porous surfaces
such as raw wood, brick and cement block.
H=&' vacuum all wood floors and all floors beneath removed carpeting.
;etergent wash all surfaces twice, rinsing with fresh water.
1eal remaining contamination by spraying all surfaces with a special
encapsulating coating such as those used for asbestos or lead. ?or further
information on the management of lead and asbestos refer to the Ministry of
Health guidelines (Ministry of Health !""3a and !""3b.
'ssess the likelihood of any chemicals being dumped around the dwelling,
poured down drains or on-site effluent treatment systems, and investigate
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites 5!
c Acceptable residual risk
Aemove carpeting, wallpaper and unpainted sheetrock (drywall.
Aemove suspended and attached ceiling tiles.
1pray paint textured ceilings.
Aemove upholstered furniture, mattresses, paper items, and other porous
Aemove clothing, toys, bedding, baby bottles and cups, and other personal
items used by infants and small children.
;ispose of those items in an approved landfill with appropriate acceptance
H=&' vacuum all remaining porous surfaces such as raw wood, brick and
cement block.
H=&' vacuum all wood floors and all floors beneath removed carpeting.
;etergent wash all building surfaces twice, rinsing with fresh water.
1pray paint all building surfaces with two coats of a high-Buality paint,
polyurethane or concrete7brick sealer.
6$) Risk characterisation
Aisk characterisation involves integrating the outcomes of the previous steps in the risk
assessment% ha8ard identification, dose response assessment and exposure
assessment. 'chieving this integration reBuires making a number of assumptions in
cases where empirical information is unavailable. These assumptions result in a
number of uncertainties associated with the risk assessment, which need to be
acknowledged and discussed.
Aisk characterisation combines the information obtained from the ha8ard identification,
dose response assessment and exposure assessment to estimate the risk associated
with each exposure scenario considered and to present uncertainties in the analysis
(Ministry of Health #224.
6$+ Risk communication
9ommunity perception of risk is not based on technical risk assessment alone. &ublic
recognition of risks, in contrast to risk assessment based on probabilities prepared by
experts, includes intuitive risk perception. The characteristics of such perception
appear to be related to concepts of fairness, familiarity, future and present :catastrophic
potential6, and outrage at involuntary exposure to ha8ards not of one6s own making.
&otentially ha8ardous residues of the methamphetamine manufacturing process can
remain indefinitely in former laboratories and residents can absorb them through
contact and to a lesser extent, breathing. &eople expect to be safe in their homes and
former methamphetamine laboratories are ha8ards that will be perceived by the public
in a context wider than that of scientific risk assessment.
=ffective risk communication is more likely to be achieved if%
5& Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites
a careful and sensitive explanation is given to improve the level of understanding of
the risk
the feelings of dread towards the ha8ards associated with former clan meth labs
manufacturing illicit drugs such as methamphetamine are recognised and efforts are
made to assist a person to come to terms with those feelings before decisions are
there are appropriate urgency and level of response to ha8ards that may affect a
large number of people (especially children ($arner #24+.
)ear in mind that in general%
younger adults and better educated individuals tend to have more technical,
scientific and medical knowledge about ha8ards
the most concern about risks tends to be expressed by women with young children
and by older people
people tend to simplify complex and uncertain information into :rules of thumb6
people generally attempt to impose patterns on patternless events
people generally overestimate the freBuency of rare events and underestimate the
freBuency of common events
individuals taking risks voluntarily tend to be overconfident and believe they are not
subHect to the same risk as other individuals
individuals forced to take risks involuntarily overestimate the risk and are unwilling to
agree to :acceptable risk6 criteria set out by national and international agencies
people tend to use past life experiences to relate to new situations, affecting their
perception of the new situation (Health and $elfare 9anada #22".
Aisk communication needs to be a two-way process, as described in some detail in A
Guide to Health Impact Assessment (Ministry of Health #224. 0t needs to be done in
such a way that people are well informed and guided in the actions they can take, while
knowing that the experts are also taking account of, and acting on, people6s concerns.
Guidelines for the Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites 5'
Chapter !9" Risk Management
!9$! #ntroduction
&riorities for managing risk should be based on risk assessment but should also
consider public perception of risk. The range of risk reduction alternatives must be
evaluated which includes taking account of the social, economic, and cultural
implications of each option.
Aisk management may be achieved along two lines%
#. control of actions and events that can translate a chemical exposure ha8ard into a
chemical exposure risk
!. the removal or near-permanent containment of the chemical exposure ha8ard.
9hemical exposures in non-occupational settings may vary greatly. ' protocol for the
investigation and management of such exposures should aim to provide a response
that is graded according to the likely harm. =xposures are likely to be of several orders
of magnitude lower than the currently permissible level for workplace exposures.
!9$& Graded response protocol
.ot every chemical exposure incident creates a health risk. The risk of developing
health effects depends on the extent of exposure to chemical(s. ' graded response is
based on the following three elements%