Rob Sved
Read and discover all about eyes ...
How many eyes does a spider have?
Can animals see in the dark?
Read and discover more about the world! This series 01
non-fiction readers provides interesting and educat iol1,l1
content, with activities and project work.
Series Editor: Hazel Geatches
Audio CD Pack available
Word count for this reader: 672
300 headwords
Level 2
450 headwords
fJ:\. Level 3
'::::i:J 600 headwords
Level 4
750 headwords
C7"\ Level 5
\::i:J 900 hear
Level 6
1,050 he,
Cover photograph: Nature Picture library ISnowy owl close up Edwin Glesbersl
ISBN 978-0- 1<) 111 \I
9 780194 64 ?'I I
Rob Sved
Contents Introduction 3
1 Animal Eyes 4
2 Parts of an Eye 6
3 Eyes at the Front 8
4 Eyes at the Sides 10
5 In Water 12
6 In the Dark 14
7 Many Eyes 16
8 Protect Your Eyes 18
Activities 20
Project 28
Picture Dictionary 30
About Read and Discover 32
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ISBN: 9780194646291
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People and animals see with their
eyes. You have two eyes. Some
animals have many eyes. Eyes
can be little or big, and they can
be many colors.
What animals have these eyes?
What color are your eyes?
Now read and discover
more about eyes!
What do animals do with their
e!:)es? The!:) look for food. The duck
looks for food in water.
The gecko has big e!:)es. It can
see well at night. It looks for insects
to eat.
E!:)es help to protect animals from
other animals. The crab has two
e!:)es on top of its bod!:). It can see
big animals, and then it can run
.. Go to page 20 for activities.
----.,-,,,. Parts of an Eye
Let's look at an e-ye. It has man-y
parts. This is an elephant's e-ye. The
e-yelid and the e-yelashes protect the
e-yeball. There are tears in the e-ye,
too. The e-yelid opens and closes,
and the tears clean the e-ye.
The pupil lets light into the e-ye. This
helps people and animals to see.
When there's lots of light, the pupil
is little. When there's no light, the
pupil is big.
People have tea rs to cleo n
their eyes. People cry tears
when they are sad, too!
.. Go to page 21 for activities.
Eyes at the front
People and man!] animals have two
e!]es at the front of their head. This
helps them to see things for awa!].
The hawk can 1!] fast and it can see
ver!] well, too. This helps it to hunt
little animals to eat.
The monke!] has e!]es at the front
of its head. It can jump from tree
to tree and it doesn't fall.
rB- - ..........
Owls have eyes at the front of
their head. Some owls can move
their head around and see behind!
.. Go to page 22 for activities.
Eyes at the Sides
Man-y animals have e-yes at the
sides of their head. The-y can see in
front and behind.
The frog has e-yes at the sides of its
head. It can look for insects to eat.
The hammerhead shark has a long,
flat head. It has e-yes at the sides of
its head. When it swims, it can see
all around.
The stalk-e-yed fl-y can see all
around, too. It has e-yes on two
long stalks.
The chameleon sees all around
very well. One eye moves up,
and the other eye moves down!
A SeaL
In Water
The seal lives on land and in water.
It has big, round e-yes. It can see
ver-y well in water. It hunts fish
to eat.
The flatfish has two e-yes on one
side of its bod-y. It can lie at the
bottom of the ocean and look up.
Fish live in water, and they don't have
eyelids. They don't cLose their eyes!
In the Dark
At night, some animals sleep.
ManlJ other animals look for food.
The lemur looks for fruit and little
animals to eat. It has big elJes with
big pupils. It can see verlJ well in
the dark.
It's verlJ dark at the bottom of the
ocean. The flashlight fish has lights
under its elJes. This helps it to look
for little fish to eat.
In the dark, cats and dogs have
bright elJes. ThelJ can see verlJ
well. Look at this cat. What color
are its elJes?
Some animals have many eyes.
Many spiders have six or eight eyes.
The scallop can have more than
50 little eyes! How many of the
eyes can you see here?
Some insects have very many eyes.
Look at this dragonfly. Each eye is
thousands of little eyes together.
!I) !
, ':. CameLs
Protect Your Eyes
It's important for animals to
protect their elJes. In the desert
there's a lot of sand. The camel
has long elJ elashes so the sand
doesn't go in its elJes.
The meercat lives in the desert, too.
It's sunnlJ and windlJ there. Its
elJelids clean the sand from its elJes.
The meercat has black fur around
its elJes. This protects its elJes when
it's sunnlJ.
People wear sunglasses
when it's verlJ sunnlJ.
This protects their
elJes. ElJes are
Remember to
protect them!
.. Go to page 27 for activities.
Animal Eyes
+ Read pages 4-5.
1 Write the words. Then match.
1 brca
2 kcego
4 Cdku
2 CompLete the sentences.
see I:tx7k top big
1 Animals look for food with their eyes.
2 The gecko has ____ eyes.
3 The gecko can well at night.
4 The crab has eyes on of its body.
Parts of an Eye
+ Read pages 6-7.
1 Write the words.
eyelid tears eyeball pupil
1 eyelashes
2 ___ _
4 ___ _
2 Write true or false.
1 Tears clean the eye.
2 The pupil doesn't let light into
the eye.
3 When there's lots of light, the
pupil is big.
4 People cry when they are sad.
Eyes at the front
+ Read pages 8-9.
1 Find and write the words.
a 0 w l r g
u m p t k
a 0 h s a t
m n
a w i)
p h u n t u
m 0 n k e y 1 hawk 2 m
3 h 4 0 5
---- J
2 Match.
1 The hawk ca n
2 People have eyes
3 The monkey can
4 Some owls ca n
jump from tree
to tree.
turn their head
at the front of
their head.
fly fast.
Eyes at the Sides
+ Read pages 10-11.
stalk-eyed fly
hammerhead shark
frog cha meleon
1 Write the words.
1 2
3 4
CircLe the correct words.
1 The hammerhead shark has a long,
(flaDI round head.
2 The frog has eyes at the sides of its
body I head.
3 The stalk-eyed fly has eyes on two I four
long sta lks.
4 The chameleon can I can't see all around.
In Water
.. Read pages 12-13.
1 Write true or false.
1 The seal Lives on land and in water.
2 The seal hunts insects to eat.
3 The flatfish can Lie at the bottom
of the ocea n.
4 Fish have eyelids.
2 Find and write the words.
f "seaLw t
\s a e,
1 2 ___ _ 3
4 ocean 5
6 ___ _
In the Dark
.. Read pages 14-15 .
1 CompLete the sentences.
pupils Lights dark dogs
1 The lemur has big eyes with big ___ _
2 At the bottom of the ocean it's very
3 The flashlight fish has under
its eyes.
4 Cats and have bright eyes in
the dark.
2 Read and compLete the pictures.
1 The lemur has big eyes with big pupils.
2 The flashlight fish has Lights under its eyes.
3 In the dark, this cat has yeLLow eyes.
Many Eyes
+ Read pages 16-17.
1 Write the words.
scallop spider dragonfly
1 2 ___ _ 3 ___ _
2 Complete the sentences.
six or eight thousands more than 50
1 Many spiders have eyes.
2 The scallop has eyes.
3 The dragonfly has of eyes.
3 Find and write the words.
insectsan imalsb\geyesUttle many
1 3 5
2 4 6
Protect Your Eyes
+ Read pages 18-19.
1 Write the words.
4 urf 5 dnYiw
~ o
- ~
, \
How do they protect their eyes? Match.
1 people
2 meercats
3 camels
long eyelashes
fur around the eyes
My Eyes
2 Write about your eyes.
1 Look in a mirror and draw your eyes.
Write the pa rts.
How many eyes do you have?
I have
eyeball eyelashes pupil eyelid
What color are your eyes?
Are your eyes big or little?
Are your eyes at the front or at the sides?
Can you see in water?
Can you see in the dark?
What protects your eyes?
Picture Dictionary
~ ~
.... -
'" -
animaLs around behind bottom fruit hunt insects Land
bright cLean cry dark Light night ocean peopLe
~ ~ ~
-.:.. -... .- .--,.
, ' ''-''': ~ .,....;-.;:
desert down faLL far protect sand sides sLeep
fLat food front tears thousand top up
Series Editor: Hazel Geatches CLI L Adviser: John Clegg
Oxford Read and Discover graded readers are at six levels, for students from
age 6 and older. They cover many topics within three subject areas, and support
English across the curriculum, or Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLlL).
Available for each reader:
Audio CD Pack (book & audio CD)
Activity Book
Teaching notes & CLiL guidance: www.oup.com/ elt/ teacher/ readanddiscover
The World of Science The Natural The World of Arts
& Technology World & Social Studies
Eyes At the Beach Art
Fruit Camouflage Schools
300 Trees . In the Sky
headwords Wheels Young Animals
Earth Cities
Plastic Farms Jobs
Sunny and Rainy In the Mountains
headwords Your Body Wild Cats
How We Make Products Amazing Minibeasts Festivals Around
Sound and Music Animals in the Air the World
Super Structures Life in Rainforests
Free Time Around
Your Five Senses Wonderful Water
the World
All About Plants All About Desert Life Animals in Art
How to Stay Healthy All About Ocean Life Wonders of the Past
Machines Then and Now Animals at Night
Why We Recycle Incredible Earth
Materials to Products All About Islands Homes Around
Medicine Then and Now Animal Life Cycles the World
Transportation Then Exploring Our World Our World in Art
and Now
Great Migrations
Wild Weather
Cells and Microbes All About Space Food Around
Clothes Then and Now Caring for Our Planet
the World
Incredible Energy Earth Then and Now Helping Around
, headwords
Your Amazing Body Wonderful Ecosystems
the World
Readers in GRAY available 2013