Adverbs add extra information to a sentence. They can describe an action (he listened carefully) or modify an adjective (extremely rude, very slowly) they can be either one word (sometimes) or a phrase (twice a day)
Adverbs add extra information to a sentence. They can describe an action (he listened carefully) or modify an adjective (extremely rude, very slowly) they can be either one word (sometimes) or a phrase (twice a day)
Adverbs add extra information to a sentence. They can describe an action (he listened carefully) or modify an adjective (extremely rude, very slowly) they can be either one word (sometimes) or a phrase (twice a day)
Adverbs add extra information to a sentence. They can describe an action (he listened carefully) or modify an adjective (extremely rude, very slowly) they can be either one word (sometimes) or a phrase (twice a day)
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Adverbs add extra information to a sentence.
They can describe an action (he listened
carefully) or modify an adjective or other adverbs (extremely rude, very slowly). They can be either one word (sometimes) or a phrase (twice a day) TYP! "# A$%&'!
(&)*! + #orm adverbs from the followin, adjectives and place them in the ri,ht column.
careless 0 possible 0 hard 0 horrible 0 fortunate 0 luc1y 0 frantic 0 specific 0 easy 0 basic 0 early 0 sad 0 terrible 0 merry 0 ,ood They tell us /"2 somebody does somethin,. 2e ma1e them by addin, 3ly to the adjective (slowly) Position4 .after the verb 5!he dances well or the whole expression 56aria dances 7salsa8 well. They tell us /"2 "#T9 somethin, happens. Position4 'efore the main verb 5!he always smiles After to be or auxiliaries4 5!he is always happy !ome can ,o at the be,innin, of the sentence for emphasis (sometimes, usually, normally) They tell us 2/9 thin,s happen4 5/e replied immediately 5* came bac1 last 6onday. Position4 .after the verb 5!he starts wor1 next 6onday. .whole expression 5!he8s comin, bac1 from #rance next 6onday. They tell us /"2 6:)/ somethin, is done. Position4 'efore the adverb or adjective they modify. 5!he8s a very honest person. *f they modify a verb, before the main verb4 5* ran but almost missed the train. They chan,e the whole sentence and ma1e a comment about the situation. Position4 Any position but at the be,innin, ma1es the adverb more emphatic. 5;uc1ily he found the car 1eys. 52e were late, unfortunately. They tell us 2/& thin,s or people are. Position4 after the verb if there isn8t an object4 Peter ran away. After verb-object or verb-preposition-object 5* saw 6andy outside the house. 5* loo1ed for 6andy outside the house. (&)*! < *dentify the type of adverb and write 6 (manner) # (fre=uency) $ (de,ree) T (time) P (place) ! (sentence adverbs) +.clearly >>>>> <.badly>>>>>>>>>> ?.there >>>>>> @.obviously >>>>>> A.lately >>>>>> B.seldom >>>>>>>> C.nearly >>>>>> D.surely >>>>>>>>> E.hard >>>>>>> +F.really >>>>>>>>> >>>>> +<./opefully >>>>>> +?.much >>>>> [email protected] >>>>>>> +A.actually >>> +B.hardly ever >>>>> +C.upstairs >>>> +D.well >>>>>>>>>>> +E.often >>>>>> <F.apparently >>>>> <+.just >>>>>>> <<.rather >>>>>>>> <?.probably >>> <@.already >>>>>>> <A.then >>>>>> +B.extremely >>>>> (&)*! ? :nderline the correct option. +./e sin,s incredible0incredibly well <.This story is incredible0incrediblyG ?.;uc1y0luc1ily we ,ot there on time. @./e ,ot up immediate0immediately A.* hard ever0hardly ever drin1 tea. B.Tina rare0rarely ,oes to the theatre. C.* li1e your sister very0very much. D./e probable0probably ,ot lost. E.!he didn8t ever0even say ,oodbye. +F."h dearG *8m terrible0terribly sorryG ++.*t8s a terrible0terribly film. +<.6y friend drives too fastly0fast. +?.6arina is a ,ood0well dancer. [email protected] dances very ,ood0well. +A.#ortunate0fortunately * won the match. +B.Ann is a very fortunate0fortunately ,irl (&)*! @ &ewrite the sentences usin, the adverb in brac1ets. +.Henny went to the cinema (last ni,ht) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <.*8m sorry about what happened. (terribly) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ?.Prices ,o up durin, at )hristmas (usually) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @.*8m sure *8m ,oin, to pass the exam. (=uite) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A.Peter plays the piano well (extremely) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B.!ally hates alcoholic drin1s. (definitely) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C./e started to lau,h at me. (suddenly) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> D.2e thou,ht about the problem. (carefully) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E.6ary was tired when she ,ot home. (incredibly) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +F.* li1e watchin, television. (really) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ++.6y ,randfather spea1s #rench. (perfectly) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +<.* for,ot to buy the salt. (*n the end) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IY (&)*! + .le .ly .y .ily .ic .ically irre,ular !lowly Probably /appily $ramatically #ast CARELESSLY HORRIBLY EASILY FRANTICALLY HARD SADLY POSSIBLY LUCKILY SPECIFICALLY WELL (&)*! A &eplace the underlined part of each sentence with one of the followin, comment adverbs4 #ran1ly0personally0unbelievably0sadly0luc1ily0,enerally0hopefully0apparently +.*n my opinion, * thin1 people should wor1 less hours. <.*t is extremely surprisin, but * passed my drivin, test. ?.*t8s fortunate that Peter didn8t brea1 his le, when he fell down. @.To be honest * thin1 you should ,ive up smo1in,. *t8s bad for your health. A.*t is re,rettable that we can8t 1eep you wor1in, here due to the economical crisis. B.*t is supposed to be true that you can find a job easily but in practice it is hard. C.* wish it becomes true that you will win the contest. D."n avera,e, it ta1es four or five months to ,et a drivin, license. FORTUNATELY TERRIBLY MERRILY BASICALLY EARLY (&)*! < +.! <.6 ?.P @.! A.T B.# C.$ D.! E.6 +F.$ ++.T +<.! +?.$ [email protected] +A.! +B.# +C.P +D.6 +E.# <F.! <+.T <<.$ <?.! <@.T <A.T <B.$ (&)*! ? +.*ncredibly <.*ncredible ?.luc1ily @.immediately A.hardly ever B.rarely C.very much D.probably E.even +F.terribly ++.terrible +<.fast +?.,ood [email protected] +A.fortunately +B.fortunate (&)*! @ !ome adverbs can have different positions. +.Henny went to the cinema last ni,ht (last ni,ht) <.*8m terribly sorry about what happened. (terribly) ?.Prices usually ,o up durin, at )hristmas (usually) (various positions) @.*8m =uite sure *8m ,oin, to pass the exam. (=uite) A.Peter plays the piano extremely well (extremely) B.!ally definitely hates alcoholic drin1s. (definitely) (various positions) C.!uddenly he started to lau,h at me. (suddenly) (various positions) D.2e thou,ht carefully about the problem. (carefully) E.6ary was incredibly tired when she ,ot home. (incredibly) +F.* really li1e watchin, television. (really) ++.6y ,randfather spea1s #rench perfectly. (perfectly) +<.*n the end * for,ot to buy the salt. (*n the end) (&)*! A +.personally <.unbelievably ?.luc1ily @.fran1ly A.sadly B.apparently C.hopefully D.,enerally