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1. PART-A Computation of Net Turnover of Sales liable to tax:

Sr. As per Return As per Audit
Particulars Difference
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5
a) Gross turnover of sales including, taxes as
well as turnover of non sales transactions
like value of Branch Transfer, Consignment
Transfers, job work charges etc

b) Less: - Turn-Over of Sales (including taxes

thereon) including inter-state Consignments
and Branch Transfers Covered under
Schedule I, II, IV or V

c) Balance:- Turn-Over Considered under

this Schedule (a-b)

d) Less:-Value of Goods Return (inclusive of

tax), including reduction of sales price on
account of rate difference and discount.

e) Balance: -Turnover of sales including, taxes

as well as turnover of non sales transactions
like value of Branch Transfer, Consignment
Transfers, job work charges etc [(c)-(d)]

f) Less:-Turnover of sales under composition

scheme(s), other than Works Contracts
under composition option (Computation of
turnover of sales liable to tax to be shown
in Part B)

g) Turnover of sales (excluding taxes) relating

to on-going works contracts (Computation
of turnover of sales liable to tax to be
shown in Part C)
h) Turnover of sales (excluding taxes) relating
to on-going leasing contracts (Computation
of turnover of sales liable to tax to be
shown in Part D)

Seal And Signature Of The Auditor 32

i) Balance:- Net turnover of sales including,

taxes, as well as turnover of non sales

transactions like Branch Transfers /

Consignment Transfers and job works

charges, etc [ (e) – (f+g+h)]

j) Less:-Net Tax amount (Tax included in

sales shown in (a) above less Tax included
in (b) and (d) above)

k) Less:-Value of Branch Transfers/

Consignment Transfers within the State if

the tax is to be paid by the Agent.

l) Less:-Sales u/s 8 (1) i.e. Interstate Sales

including Central Sales Tax, Sales in the

course of imports, exports and value of

Branch Transfers/ Consignment transfers

outside the State (Schedule-VI)

m) Less:-Sales of taxable goods fully exempted u/s.

8 other than sales under section 8(1) and covered

in Box 1(l)

n) Non-taxable Labour and other charges / expenses

for Execution of Works Contract

o) Amount paid by way of price for sub-contract

p) Sales of tax-free goods specified in Schedule A

q) Less:- Labour/Job work charges

r) Other allowable reductions/deductions, if any

(Please specify)

s) Total:- Net Turnover of Sales Liable to tax

[(i) - (j+k+l+m+n+o+p+q+r)]

Seal And Signature Of The Auditor 33

2. PART-B Computation of Net Turnover of Sales liable to tax under Composition:
As per Return As per Audit Difference
No. (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5
A) Turnover of sales (excluding taxes) under
composition scheme(s) [Same as 1(f)]


a) Total Turnover of Sales

b) Less:-Turnover of sales of goods excluded from
the Composition Scheme

c) Less:-Allowable deductions such as Goods

Return etc.
d) Balance: Net turnover of sales liable to tax under
composition option [ (a) – (b+c)]


a) Total turnover of sales

a) Total turnover of sales

a) Total turnover of sales

b) Less: Allowable reductions / deductions
c) Balance: Net turnover of sales liable to tax under
composition option
(a – b)
F) Total net turnover of sales liable to tax under
composition option [2(B)(d)+2(C )
(a)+2(D)(a)+2(E)(c )]

Computation of net turnover of sales relating to on-going works contracts liable to tax under section
96(1)(g) the MVAT Act, 2002:

Particulars Amount (Rs.)

a) Turnover of sales (excluding tax / composition)
during the period [Same as Box 1(g)]
b) Less:-Turnover of sales exempted from tax
c) Less:-Deductions u/s 6 of the ‘Earlier Law’
d) Less:-Deductions u/s 6(A) of the ‘Earlier Law’
e) Balance: Net turnover of sales liable to tax /
composition [(a)] –[ (b+c+d)]

Seal And Signature Of The Auditor 34

4. PART-D .
Computation of net turnover of sales relating to on-going leasing contracts liable to tax under
Section 96(1) (f) of the MVAT Act, 2002:
Particulars Amount (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5
a) Turnover of sales (excluding taxes) Relating
to On-going Leasing Contract [same as Box
b) Less: Turnover of sales exempted from tax
c) Balance: Net turnover of sales liable to tax
(a –b)

5) Computation of tax payable under the MVAT Act

Rate of As per Returns As per Audit Difference in
Tax Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount
Turnover of Sales Turnover of Sales
(%) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
liable to tax (Rs.) liable to tax (Rs.)

a) 12.50

b) 8.00

c) 4.00


5A) Sales Tax collected in Excess of the As per Returns As per Audit Difference
Amount of Tax payable

6) Computation of Purchases Eligible for Set-off

Particulars As per Returns As per Audit Difference
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
a) Total Turn-Over of Purchases
including taxes, value of Branch
Transfers / consignment transfers
received and Labour/ job work
b) Less:- Turn-Over of Purchases
Covered under Schedule I, II, IV or V
c) Balance:- Turn-Over of Purchases
Considered under this Schedule
d) Less:-Value of Goods Return
(inclusive of tax), including reduction
of purchase price on account of rate
difference and discount.

Seal And Signature Of The Auditor 35

e) Less:-Imports (High seas purchases)
f) Less:-Imports (Direct imports)
g) Less:-Inter-State purchases
h) Less:-Inter-State Branch Transfers/
Consignment Transfers received
i) Less:-Within the State Branch
Transfers / Consignment Transfers
received where tax is to be paid by an
j) Less:-Within the State purchases of
taxable goods from un-registered
k) Less:-Purchases of the taxable goods
from registered dealers under MVAT
Act, 2002 and which are not eligible
for set-off
l) Less:-Within the State purchases of
taxable goods which are fully
exempted from tax u/s 8 but not
covered under section 8(1)
m) Less:- Within the State purchases of
tax-free goods specified in Schedule A
n) Less:-Other allowable deductions
/reductions, if any. (Please Specify)
o) Balance: Within the State purchases
of taxable goods from registered
dealers eligible for set-off
(c) – (d+e+f+g+h+i+j+k+l+m+n)

7) Tax rate wise break-up of Purchases from registered dealers eligible for set-off as per Box
6(o) above

As per Returns As per Audit

Rate of
Sr. Tax
Net Turnover of Net Turnover Difference in
Tax Amount
No. Purchases Tax Amount of Purchases
(%) Tax (Rs.)
Eligible for Set (Rs.) Eligible for (Rs.)
–Off (Rs.) Set –Off (Rs.)
a) 12.50

b) 8.00

c) 4.00


Seal And Signature Of The Auditor 36



8) Computation of set-off claim.

As per Return As per Audit
Sr. in Tax
No. Amount
Purchase Tax Purchase Tax
Value Rs. Amount Value Rs. Amount
a) Within the State
purchases of taxable
goods from registered
dealers eligible for set-
off as per Box 7 above

b) Less: - Reduction in the

amount of set off u/r 53
(1) of the corresponding
purchase price of
(Schedule C, D & E) the

Less: - Reduction in the

amount of set off u/r 53
(2) of the of the
corresponding purchase
price of (Schedule B, C,
D & E) the goods

c) Less: - Reduction in the

amount of set off under
any other Sub-rule of
rule 53

d) Amount of Set-off
available (a) – (c+b)

Seal And Signature Of The Auditor 37

9) Computation of Tax Payable
Sr. Particulars As per Return As per Audit Difference
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
9A) Aggregate of credit available
Set off available as per Box 8 (d)
b) Amount already paid (Details as
c) Excess Credit if any, as per
Schedule I, II, IV, or V to be
adjusted against the liability as per
this Schedule
d) Adjustment of ET paid under
Maharashtra Tax on Entry of Goods
into Local Areas Act, 2002/ Motor
Vehicle Entry Tax Act, 1987
e) Amount Credited as per Refund
adjustment order (Details as Per
f) Works Contract TDS
g) Any other (Please Specify)

h) Total Available Credit

B) Sales tax payable and adjustment of CST / ET payable against available credit

1 2 3 4 5

a) Sales Tax Payable as per Box 5

b) Excess Credit as per this Schedule
adjusted on account of M.VAT
payable, if any, as per Schedule I, II,
IV or V
c) Adjustment on account of CST
payable as per Schedule VI for the
period under Audit
d) Adjustment on account of ET
payable under the Maharashtra Tax
on Entry of Goods into Local Areas
Act, 2002/Motor Vehicle Entry Tax

Seal And Signature Of The Auditor 38

Act, 1987
e) Amount of Sales Tax Collected in
Excess of the amount of Sales Tax
payable, if any (As per Box 5A)
f) Interest Payable under Section 30 (2)
g) Total Amount.(a+b+c+d+e+f)
9C) Tax payable or Amount of Refund Available
a) Total Amount payable as per Box
b) Aggregate of Credit Available as
per Box 9A(h)
c) Total Amount Payable (a-b)
d) Total Amount Refundable (b-a)

Seal And Signature Of The Auditor 39

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