Pipeline Integrity and Difficult To Pig Pipelines

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David Wint

Manager, Global Services Development

TDW Services, Inc.
[email protected]

Difficult to Pig

In 1994, 192.150 / 195.120 regulations were passed that
required each new transmission line and each replacement
of line pipe, valve, fitting, or other line component in a
transmission line must be designed and constructed to
accommodate the passage of instrumented internal
inspection devices.

Design & Construction Standards to reduce internal corrosion on Gas
Transmission Pipelines Final Rule May 23, 2007
New and replaced gas transmission pipelines must be configured
to reduce the risk that liquids will collect in the line
Have effective liquid removal features
Allow use of corrosion monitoring devices in locations with
significant potential for internal corrosion

What is Pigging ?
Why Pig ?
Pipeline Design
Pipeline Operations
Types of Pigs
When to Pig ?
Pigging Safety
Pipeline Cleaning
Geometry Inspection
Metal Loss Inspection
Crack Inspection
All About Pigging
What is Pigging?
A widely utilized process which is the act of
propelling a properly sized spherical or
cylindrical device through the interior of a
pipeline by manipulating the pressure & flow
of the existing media, or by artificially
introduced media or by mechanically pulling
the device through the pipeline for the
specific purpose of cleaning, inspecting or
distributing inhibitor throughout the pipeline.
Why Pig a Pipeline?
During the 1940s, pipelines in the United States
were mainly pigged to remove paraffin to increase
efficiency in crude oil pipelines in order to
maximize flow conditions for the war effort. The
pigging equipment utilized at that time was limited
to a few applications while being very crude in
nature. In today's world, pipelines are pigged for a
variety of reasons and the pigging equipment used
is designed by engineers to perform particular

NACE 35100 In-Line Inspection Non-Destructive
Testing of Pipelines

NACE RP0102-2002 In-Line Inspection of Pipelines
Physical Characteristics (Pipeline Design)
Line Pipe Grade
Type of Welds
Internal Diameter
Elevation Profile

Line Pipe Grade

Class Location Definition

The class location unit is an onshore area that extends 220 yards on
either side of the centerline of any continuous 1-mile length of

The class location is determined by the buildings in the class
location unit. For the purposes of this section, each separate
dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling building is counted as a
separate building intended for human occupancy.

A Class 1 = 10 or less buildings intended for
human occupancy or an offshore area.

A Class 2 = Greater that 10 but less than 46
buildings intended for human occupancy.

A Class 3 = 46 or more buildings intended
for human occupancy; or

Class 3 - where the pipeline lies within 100
yards of either a building or a small,

Well-defined Outside Area
Recreation Area
Outdoor Theater

Occupied by 20 or more persons on at
least 5 days a week for 10 weeks in any 12-
month period
Class 4 - where buildings with four or more
stories above ground are prevalent.
192.105 - Design of Steel Pipe
P = Design Pressure
S = Yield Strength
D = Outside Diameter
t = Wall Thickness
F = Design factor - 192.111
E = Longitudinal joint factor - 192.113
T = Temperature de-rating factor - 192.115
P = (2St/D)(F)(E)(T)
P=2St (F)
Class location Design factor (F)

1 .72
2 .60
3 .50
4 .40

Type of Welds (Connections)
Acetylene welding was first used around 1911 to
join pipe segments together (girth welding) and
just prior to 1920, arc welding was introduced.

Chills Rings are sometimes called backup rings or
spacers. These rings are machined pieces of metal
that conform to the dimensions of the joint design
used. Bell-to-bell joints that were welded together
with the use of a chill ring.

Type of Welds (Connections)
Chill Rings
Type of Welds (Connections)
Dresser Coupling
Types of Welds (Connection)
Dresser Coupling Pumpkin Repair Sleeve
Types of Welds (Connection)
Zap-Lok Connections
The distance between two pig traps is a variable and
must be determined for each specific pipeline.
Some considerations:
Wear on the Pigs
Pipeline Product
The following pipeline lengths are not uncommon;
Natural Gas pipelines 50-100 miles between traps
Refined Products Pipelines 100-150 miles between
Crude Oil Pipelines 150-200 miles between traps
Dual Diameter Pipelines
Pipelines that have been designed to
accept input along their length may need to
increase in diameter as the through-put
increases. Instead of having traps installed
at each change in pipe size reducers are
used. Concentric reducers should be used
for changes in diameter within a pipeline so
that the center line of the pig can remain on
the same plane as it makes the transition
from one size to another.
Dual Diameter Pipelines
Reducers Typical Applications
Concentric - used in line Eccentric - used in Traps
Pipelines are lined to help protect the inside of
the pipe from the effects of the product and to
create less flow resistance. Natural gas
pipelines are usually internally coated with an
epoxy fusion bonded coating applied under
controlled conditions at the factory or a special
field site. Wire brush pigs should not be used
on pipelines that have been internally coated. A
combination of Urethane blades, discs and
cups should be used for maintenance pigging.
Examples of common
Factory Bends w/ 5D, 3D
and 1.5D Radius
Miter Bends are very
uncommon in the gas
industry and are located
as a result of In Line
Greater than 5D Factory
Bends and/or Field
Bends can be produced
w/ a little advanced
Forged Bends

Bends with a relatively short radius must
be factory made and are usually forged
to a number of different standard radii.
The radius of a bend is measured to its
center line. Short radius (one D) bends
should not be used in pipelines if you
intend to pig the pipeline.
Field Bends
Field bends are often referred to as cold
bends and when they are being formed it is
important not to exceed the allowable yield
stress of the pipe material. Field bends are
normally 5 D and larger. Field bends should
be of a uniform radius and not contain any
flat spots or any other localized
deformation. For pigging requirements any
local deformation should not exceed 2 or 3%
of the pipeline diameter.
Miter Bends
Miter bends are made by cutting the end of the pipe at an angle to achieve
a change in direction of the pipe. In general, miter bends should be
avoided if you intend to pig the pipeline. If for some reason there is a miter
bend in the line, you should contact your pig supplier and give them the
dimensions of the miter bend so they can determine if your pig will pass
through the miter bend.
Diameter and Wall Thickness
One of the largest cost of a pipeline is the cost of
the pipe. In the process of the design engineering
phase the through-put is used to determine the
pipe diameter and the pipe wall thickness.

The wall thickness may vary due to external
conditions such as High Consequence Areas,
Road Crossings, Railroad Crossings, etc.

As long as the wall thickness is such that the
inside pipe diameter is within the tolerances
allowed by the pig manufacturer the varying wall
thickness should not be a problem.
Tees with outlets greater than 50% of the main
diameter should be barred to reduce the risk of
sticking pigs. This is especially true in laterals with
high flow conditions
Unbarred Tees
Forged tees are usually used for installing off takes (outlets) in a
pipeline during construction. Most conventional pigs will safely
transverse tees with outlets up to 60% of the nominal line size.
However it is good practice to install guide bars in all outlets
above 50%.
Off takes should not be installed adjacent to one another. At least
three diameters of straight pipe should be installed between any
two fittings.
Pigs can typically be
configured to accommodate
back to back laterals by
lengthening the pig to avoid
modification of the laterals.
A perfect condition for
a stalled pig
Barred Tees
Any off take that is more than 50% of the pipeline
size should have bars installed to assist the pig
past the opening without any damage.
The bars should be installed parallel to the axis of
the pipe and spaced from about 2 apart for small
off takes to about 4 apart for larger sizes.
Generic Suggestions for Barred Tees:
4 to 8 laterals 1 single bar centered in
tapped hole.
4 thru 10 Laterals w/ bars thick
10 and larger laterals 2 bars equally
separated in tapped hole.
12 and larger laterals bars thick
Minimum Requirements
Conservative Specifications
4 thru 10 - bars w/ 2 spacing
12 and larger bars w/ 2 spacing
Valves are the biggest single cause of pigging problems. Full
bore valves are more or less essential. If gate valves must be
used, they should be the through conduit type so that no
voids, seat rings or other features are present which might
affect the smooth passage of a pig. The inlet and outlet bores
must also be concentric.

If wedge gate or parallel slide valves are installed, it is
important to know the dimensions of the gap between the
seat rings to be able to select the proper pig for the line.

Seat Ring Spacing
Valves can be a significant source of aggravation relative to
Stuck Pigs. Appropriately designed valves should be
considered when making piping systems piggable. Full
bore or Pipeline ID is recommended.
Solid Ball Hollow Ball
Thru-port Gate
Wedge Gate Tapered Plug
Check Valves
By the nature of their design, check valves require
an area in the valve body that is larger that the pipe
inside diameter. This requires the cups and/or discs
on the pig to be spaced far enough apart to span the
oversized area in the valve body. In addition the pig
must provide the force required to open the check
valve fully for it to pass through.
Spheres are not suitable for pigging lines with check
valves. The sphere will drop into the oversize body
and bypass. You must use the bump and run method
if you are going to pig with spheres.
Check Valves
Make Piggable
Check Valves


Depth of Cover (DOC)
Non-Engineered Spans
Intrusive Repairs Pipeline Carrot
Coupon Holders
In the hydrocarbons field, refined products must be
monitored as their composition or the additives may
change, even though the same generic name is used
for their description. For example gasoline has been a
product in pipelines for many years and has been
pigged with many types of pigs. However, more
recently, special chemicals have been added to
gasoline for environmental purposes and some
elastomers that have been used in the past may now
be unsuitable.
Special considerations must be made for products
such as ammonia.
Most utility pigs are molded or fabricated from
materials normally considered as solids and
therefore are affected very little, if any by
Most foam pigs are open cell and also are not
affected by pressure while inflatable spheres
should be full of liquid and are also unaffected.

Typical Differential Pressure (DP) Required to Drive a pig:
DP (bars) = K (type of pig)
Nominal Diameter (inches)

K (Types of Pigs)
Sphere and Foam Pig = 1
2 Cup Pig = 4
4 Cup Pig = 7
Disc Pig = 9
Cup Brush Pig = 12
Disc Brush Pig = 15
UT ILI Tool = 19
MFL ILI Tool = 24

Typical Differential Pressure (DP) Required to Drive a pig:
DP (bars) = K (type of pig)
Nominal Diameter (inches)

Example: 10-inch Disc Brush Pig (K factor = 15)

DP (bars) = 15

1.5 bars x 14.5 psi = 21.75 DP (psi)

Flow Rate
Most cleaning, batching and swabbing applications are run
on-stream and will have to be carried out at the velocity of
the product stream.

Pigs are most effective if run at a near constant speed. When
the flow rate is low the pig may run in a series of start and
stop motions, and it will not be very effective under these

Pigs will not be effective if run at too high a velocity. This is
seldom a problem with on-stream pigging as the flow rates
are usually quite moderate. However, during construction,
flow rates cannot always be controlled and it is then difficult
to achieve maximum effectiveness.
Flow Rate
The following are considered to be typical speeds for
utility pigging and are given as reference only.

Application Speed (Mph)
New Construction 1 - 5
On-Stream Gas 2 8
On-Stream Liquids 1 8
ILI Tools 2 7

Flow Rate

Gas velocity (Mph) is calculated with the
following formula:

(31210) (mmcfd)
Flow Rate


Most pigs use polyurethane seals and the
allowable temperature range for this material is
generally between 32 F. and 180 F. (0 and 82
C.) Since most pipelines operate at ambient
temperatures within this range, this does not
normally create any problems for utility pigs.

Acid Gases
- Hydrogen Sulfide
- Carbon Dioxide
- Sulfate Reducing Bacteria
- Acid Producing Bacteria

Hydrogen Sulfide
- Acute poisoning (>20 ppm)
- Explosive (4% - 44% in air)
- Unnecessary calls to emergency response personnel
Carbon Dioxide
- Asphyxiation
- Frostbite
- Explosive in Methane

- Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) - SRBs use the sulfate ion
in water as a food source. Through their metabolic
process, the sulfate is converted to H2S.

- Acid Producing Bacteria (APB) - APBs produce
carboxylic acids and/or CO2 as a by-product of their
metabolic process


Iron Sulfide (pyrophoric material will ignite spontaneously in air)
Iron Carbonate
Iron Oxide

PCBs (acute poisoning source is typically from compressors)
NORMS (Natural Occurring Radioactive Materials) source is
radium-226 and radium-228 are the decay products of uranium
and thorium that are present in subsurface formations.
Launcher Receiver Design
Make Piggable
Purpose of Launcher & Receivers
The primary purpose of a Pig Launcher
and Receiver is to Launch and/or Receive a
pipeline pig into a pipeline system without
interruption of the flow.
Launcher & Receivers

The rule of thumb for the length of the
launcher barrel is 1.5 times the length of the
longest pig to be used.

It is often the case that the pigs have not been
selected at the time the traps are designed so an
alternative rule of thumb for the length of the
barrel, assuming single module pigs will be used,
is 2.5D.

Utility Pigs
Launcher & Receivers

Many In-Line Inspection, or ILI tools, are
typically constructed of several modules joined
together. When these and similar extra-long ILI
tools are to be used, the launcher barrel should
be at least 1D longer than the overall length of
the longest pig. Except for the length, all other
dimensions will be the same as for utility pigs.

In-Line Inspection Tools
Launcher & Receivers

Spheres have a single line of seal and therefore,
must be treated differently than pigs that will have
at least two and often four or more seals per pig.
Since spheres are the same dimension in all
directions, they are not self-guiding and will try to
follow the flow within the pipeline even through
smaller pipe sizes.
Launcher: Rule-of-Thumb
Nozzle Sizing
Eccentric Reducer
Barrel Size
Less Than 12 -One Size Larger
12 & Larger - Two Sizes Larger
Vent Size
Up to 22 = 1 NPT
24 & Larger = 2 NPT
Gauge Size
All Sizes = 1/2 NPT
Drain Line Size
2 - 4 = 1 1/2
6 - 18 = 2
20 & Larger = 4
One Pig
Kicker Line
1/3 Pipeline
Performance Enhancing Features
Launcher With Equalization Lines
Receiver: Rule-of-Thumb
Nozzle Sizing
By-Pass Line
1/3 Pipeline Size
Vent Size
Up to 22 = 1 NPT
24 & Larger = 2 NPT
Gauge Size
All Sizes = 1/2 NPT
Drain Line Size
2 - 4 = 1 1/2
6 - 18 = 2
20 & Larger = 4
Two Pig Lengths or
One Corrosion Tool Length
One Pig
Performance Enhancing Features
Receiver With Drain Lines
Closures are used for scraper traps, filters,
strainers, scrubbers, blow-downs, meter
provers, storage tanks, terminal manifolds, test
chambers and other types of vessels and
Design Codes
Pig launching and receiving systems
should be designed according to the
following design codes:
- ASME B31.4 Liquid Pipelines
- ASME B31.8 Gas Pipelines
- ASME B31.3 Process Piping
- ASME Section VIII
- Other
Launcher & Receiver Types
Pigging Systems
Launcher & Receiver Types
Automated Sphere Launching Systems
Launcher & Receiver Types:
Vertical Automated Systems
Launcher & Receiver Types:
Sloped Automated System
Launcher & Receiver Types
Automated Batch System
Launcher & Receiver Types
Temporary Launcher & Receivers
Temporary launchers are sometimes used for the
following purposes:
Clean Short Pipeline Segments such as HCAs
Perform Hydrostatic Pressure Tests
Decommissioning of Pipeline from Service
Economic Purposes Rent instead of Purchase
Specialty Pigging Operations such as Blow Through Cleaning
and Inspection
Proving Pigging Operations
New Construction Cleaning & Inspections
Off-line Pigging Operations
Launcher & Receiver Types:
Specialty Pigging - Tethering
Pig Handling Equipment
These trays are
equipped with a push-
pull mechanism to
either push the pig into
the launcher barrel or
pull the pig from the
receiver barrel.

They allow for ease of
handling of the pigs.
Pig Receiving
Why Pig a Pipeline
Pipeline Pigs
- Pigging during Pipeline Construction
- Pigging during Operation
Pigging During Construction

During pipeline construction it is not
uncommon that a certain amount of debris
will find its way into the pipeline. This debris
must be removed prior to commissioning the
pipeline and it is normally removed by pigs
that the contractor will run after
construction with compressed air.
Pigging During Construction

Pigging During Construction

Once the debris is removed from the pipeline it is
not uncommon to run the following tools;
Gauging Pig
Kaliper Tool
Deformation Tool
These tools are run to determine if there are any
abnormalities in the pipeline such as reductions and
out of round conditions.

Pigging During Construction
Gauging Pig

Pigging During Construction
Kaliper Pig

Bends - Dents
Valves - Ovalities
Wall thickness changes - Other
Tees - Misalignments
Taps - Mitre Bends
Girth Welds - Wrinkles/Buckles

Pigging During Construction
Detectable Pipe Features


Movement is detected in
mechanical arms oriented at the
rear cup as tool traverses the
Electronic Clock Kaliper
Hi Resolution Deformation
Pigging During Construction
Types of Geometry Pigs

Pigging During Construction
Kaliper Pig

Pigging During Construction
Deformation Tool

Pigging During Construction

Providing the pipeline is free of any major
abnormalities the contractor will then use some
aggressive wire brush pigs to remove any rust, scale,
weld slag, etc., to clean the line prior to hydrostatic
pressure testing.
Vantage V DCDC-BR
Ideal for removing hard deposits:
- (Rust )
- ( Scale )
- ( Hard Wax )
Pigging for Hydrostatic Testing
Displacement of Air

During the hydrostatic testing process batching pigs
are used to displace the air from the pipeline during
the fill-water process. The batching pig is placed into
the pipeline first and then moved through the
pipeline by the fill-water process to displace any air
in the pipeline.

Pigging for Hydrostatic Testing

Once the pipeline has been hydro-tested the
contractor will dewater the pipeline using a series of
pigs pushed through the pipeline with dry
compressed air. After the water has been displaced
the pipeline normally needs to be dried. This is
accomplished by blowing dry air or nitrogen through
the pipeline in conjunction with running numerous
foam pigs.
Pigging for Hydrostatic Testing

When the pipeline is dried to specification, the next
step in the process is to commission the pipeline.
The commissioning process is almost always
accompanied by the utilization of pipeline pigs,
which are usually pushed through the pipeline with
its product.
Operational Pigging

Essentially there are four main reasons why a
pipeline needs to be pigged during

Operational Pigging

Cleaning a pipeline during operation is considered
to be a maintenance procedure that needs to be
done on a regular predetermined frequency using
pigs adequately designed for the proper cleaning
application. The pigging operation will almost
always increase the flow efficiency and reduce
operating costs.
Operational Pigging

In pipelines that have low flow conditions it is more
prevalent to see an increase in the collection of free
water in the bottom of the pipeline, even in crude oil
lines. In low flow conditions you need a mechanical
means (pigs) to remove both the solids and liquids
that collect in the bottom of the pipeline to help
prevent the process of internal corrosion.

Operational Pigging

After a pipeline has been in service for a period
of time, 100% efficiency cannot reasonably be
expected. However, routine pigging can keep a
pipeline operating at 90 to 95 percent capacity.
It is not uncommon to increase the flow rate of a
pipeline by 3% with a single cleaning pig run.
The cleaner the pipeline is, the more effective
the throughput. Higher effective throughput
means lower transportation costs for the
pipeline company.

Operational Pigging
- Design pressure 1440 PSIG, ASME
Class 600.
- Nominal Capacity 400 MMSCF/D
- Site glasses and liquid level
- 140 BBL/M liquid dump rate.
- 3 Relief valve & 4 rupture disc
pressure protection.
- Specifically designed for On-
stream pipeline cleaning of gas
Gas/Liquid Separators
Mechanical or Fluid Enhanced
Operational Pigging
Media to propel pigs
- Water
- Air
- Nitrogen
- Wire-line Equipment
Determine velocity to propel pig at appropriate speed
Determine differential pressure
Determine quantity of propellant

Mechanical or Fluid Enhanced
The removal of this type of
debris is a must before
attempting to run Corrosion
Inspection Pigs.
Debris such as welding rods,
bolts, tools, etc., is very difficult
to remove with conventional pigs
as the pigs typically push these
objects for some distance and
then ride over them.
Operational Pigging
Magnetic Cleaning Pig for Ferrous Materials
Operational Pigging
Dummy Tools (w/gauging plate)
Typical results of using mechanical brush
cleaning pigs for removal of black powder.
Operational Pigging
Black Powder
Effective results of using cleaning fluids and
brush pigs with RealSeal Cups.
Operational Pigging
Black Powder
Operational Pigging
Benefits of Cleaning
Prepares Pipeline for In-
Line Inspection
- Prevents Tool Damage
- Allows the Collection
of Critical Data
- Reduces Project Cost
Removes corrosive materials
from pipeline
- Oxygen
- Carbon Dioxide
- Salts, Acids, Water
- Rust & Scale
- Hydrogen Sulfide
- Black Powder
- Miscellaneous
Chemically enhanced line cleaning produces:

Project total time lengths are compressed
(results in cost saving in most cases)
Solids in suspension move through the line easier
Dry Iron Oxides are flammable in contact with O2
Operational Pigging
Advantages of Cleaning w/Detergent
Batching is the process of moving different products
through the same pipeline. It is much more economical
to move several products in one pipeline than to lay
dedicated pipelines for each product. Batching pigs are
used to separate the products and are normally made
up of either two or four cups. Cups are flexible and
provide a better seal than discs for product separation.

Operational Pigging

The pipeline must be clean for the inhibitor to be
The inhibitor must contact the pipe to be effective.
The inhibitor application must be effective.
The quantity of inhibitor must be calculated for 100%
Operational Pigging
Batching with Inhibitors
Operational Pigging
Batching with Inhibitors
Introducing a column of liquid between pigs
for the purposes of applying Inhibitor,
biocides or internal coatings can be an
effective method to apply these materials.
Slug between pigs
Operational Pigging
Batching with Inhibitors
Best configuration to hold the chemical
batch together.
Two batching pigs in front and one batching
pig in the rear.

Operational Pigging
Inhibitor Application with V-Jet Pig

Spray Nozzles
Inhibitor Application Pig
The spray head applies
corrosion inhibitor fluid to the
top quadrant of the pipeline.

The V-Jet is designed to act as
its own reservoir in the event
that it should pass a section of
pipe that would be void of
corrosion inhibitor.

The V-Jet pig can be used as
the front and/or rear pig in a
batching process.

Excellent de-watering pig.

Operational Pigging
Inhibitor Application with V-Jet Pig
Inhibitor batching may also be made by introducing a slug of inhibitor solution.
With the spray pig at the front of the slug (with a batching or foam pig at the back).
Or with the spray pig at the back (w/ a batching or foam pig at the front of the slug).
It was has been found that the spray pig is more effective at the back allowing gas flow
through to energize the spray.
Alternatively, the spray pig has been run as a de-watering pig.
Serves to effectively re-distribute inhibitor-containing liquids to the top of the pipe.
Creates an increasingly dense vapor cloud in front of the spray pig.
The spray pig has been highly effective at controlling top of the line corrosion in multi-
phase gas gathering lines. In one case, corrosion rates dropped by an order of
magnitude from 5 mills per year (mpy) to less than 0.2 mpy.
Operational Pigging
Inhibitor Application with V-Jet Pig
Magnetic flux leakage (MFL) tools for corrosion
metal loss.
Ultrasonic tools for corrosion detection & crack
Kaliper tools for geometry inspection.
Deformation tools for geometry and bend
inspection with telemetry data.
Crack detection tools for determining
circumferential cracking.
Survey or mapping tools with telemetry data.

Operational Pigging
Line Cleanliness is Critical
MFL Tools are the best & most expensive cleaning pigs
available. Sensor Lift Off will reduce the intensity of
the magnetic signal and will affect data quality.

You dont want MFL Tools to be a Cleaning Pig!
What Should My Cleaning Strategy Be?
How many runs does it take to clean a pipeline ?
What kind of pigs should I use ?
How often should I pig ?
Can a single Pig Train run reap the same benefits of multiple pig
runs ?
Know your pipeline.
Measure the results of your efforts.
If your program isn't working, try something different.
Stay open to new ideas and technology.
Basic Questions
In Order to Establish an Effective Pigging Program
Types of Pigs

Mandrel Pigs
Blade Pigs
Brush Pigs
Magnetic Pigs
Spherical Pigs
The best choice is a pig with discs, conical cups, spring
mounted brushes and bypass ports.
Discs are effective at pushing out solids while also providing
good support for the pig.
Conical cups provide excellent sealing characteristics, good
support and long wear.
Spring mounted brushes provide continuous forceful
scraping for removal of rust, scale and other build-ups on the
pipe wall.
Bypass ports allow some of the flow to bypass through the
pig and helps minimize solids build-up in front of the pig. Also
used for slowing the speed of the pig down.

Select A Pig For Cleaning Applications
RealSeal Cups
RealSeal features multiple sealing lips,
which means more effective seal
throughout the pipeline run.
With the RealSeal cups, sealing as the pig
passes girth welds in a pipeline become a
Available in Vantage cups, heavy duty cups
and Ultra multi-lip discs.
Critical sealing applications such as nitrogen
purges, line filling for hydrostatic testing
and cleaning.
Very effective in commissioning of lines,
displacement and batch separation.
Also effective in cleaning operations acts
like multiple scraper discs
Independent Sealing Lips
Conventional Cup vs. RealSeal Cup
TDWs Multi-Lip RealSeal cups and discs
are designed for applications in which
effective sealing and extended life of pig
cups are critical.

Sealing lips are always ahead or behind the
girth weld when the cup is passing
continuously maintaining a seal.

Conventional cups allow by-pass
due to irregularities on the
internal contour of girth welds

Approaches to Pipeline Cleaning
Special features that can be added to pigs:

Blades for
Wax Removal
Studded Pig
Special Purpose Pigs & Components
Wear-compensating / pit-cleaning brushes
Wear-compensating brush pads and
wax-scraping blades
Scraper discs
Discs tend to do a much better job of scraping
than cups which tend to ride up over debris.
Discs can be quite effective at removing loose
powders, light debris and soft wax.
Pit-Cleaning Brushes
Scraper Discs
Scraper Blades
& Brush Pads
Bi-Direction Pigs
Each pig is equipped with six discs.

Outside discs are used as guide/support discs (these discs are
made of a harder material).

Typically pigs are used for hydrostatic testing and as
displacing pigs.

Can also be equipped with brushes for cleaning purposes as well.

Available in sizes 4 thru 60.

All three can traverse 1.5 DR bends.
4D-BR (Brushes)
6D-BR (Brushes)
Cast Urethane Pigs
Undersized Guide Disc
4D2C-Guage Plate
Disposable Pigs
Multiple discs with single cup on rear.
Multiple discs with cup on front and rear.
RealSeal configuration option for rear
Brush wrap, gauging plate and bypass
option. Will also hold transmitter and or
trip magnet.
Undersized front disc or cup to aid in
launching of pig.
Available in 4 to 12
Sphere Pigs
99% of the time, spheres are used to
push liquids out of natural gas
gathering lines.
Gravity allows the automated launching
and receiving of spheres which makes
them very easy to use and very cost
Typically, lines have been designed to
handle spheres.
Seamless, one-piece, inflatable.
Spheres are filled with liquid and can
also be inflated to compensate for

Foam Pigs
Light/Medium Cleaning
Aggressive Cleaning
RS-7-Abrasion resistant polyurethane
foam with honeycomb texture-wiping
and scraping effect.

RBR-7 (Bristle)-Effective cleaning and
removal of solids.

RRR-7 (Rough Rider) Used for internally
coated lines and crude oil lines
containing paraffin.

Whiteskin-Shorter runs primarily for
drying after dewatering of lines that
have been hydrostatically tested.

(Redskin pigs also have the ability for
bypass to be added

Brush Pig Configurations
What Type of Brush Should I Use?
Circular Brushes
Come in all sizes
Can be stacked in dense cleaning packs
Provide good centering guide in the pipeline

Not effective in cleaning deep pits
Not effective in pipelines with multiple IDs
Can be Damaged in tight bends and pipe ID anomalies
Pad Type Brushes
Pads are wear compensated & can conform to bends.
Effective in multi-diameter pipelines.
Buggy spring mounted pads are Bi-Directional.
Can articulate thru pipeline anomalies.

Size restrictions.
Not effective in cleaning deep pits.
Lever mounted pads are not Bi-Directional.
PitBoss Pig
Scraping Action
Guide/Cleaning Disc
RealSeal Cups
Aggressive Cleaning Pig
Available in sizes from 6 and larger.

Is designed to remove deposits from
internal pits while insuring excellent
general purpose cleaning pig.

Pit cleaning wire brushes are designed
to improve effectiveness of corrosion

Each wire scrapper acts independently
as both a spring (forcing itself out and
into the pit) and as a scraper.

PitBoss is also available in dual
diameter configuration.

Magnetic Cleaning Pig for
Ferrous Materials
Debris such as welding rods, bolts, tools, etc., is very
difficult to remove with conventional pigs as the pigs
typically push these objects for some distance and
then ride over them.

The removal of this type of debris is a must before
attempting to run Corrosion Inspection Pigs.

Progressive Pigging
The more unknowns that exist in a pipeline segment, the
less intrusive the initial pig run should be start gently
and use the following sequence. Use the following
Foam Pig
Foam Pig with Bristles
Steel bodied Mandrel Pig With Brushes
Steel bodied Mandrel Pig with Aggressive Brushes
Gauging Pig
Dummy Pig w/ Magnets
Geometry Pig
Metal Loss Pig
Sampling & Monitoring
Pigging Samples
Solids Sampling
Liquids Sampling

Sampling & Monitoring
Pig Tracking Equipment
- Centerline
- Depth of Cover
- Anomaly
Defect Assessment

Reasons for Pig Tracking
- Locate a Stuck Pig
- Track a Nitrogen Purge
- Monitor Progress of Cleaning or Batching Pigs
- Track an Inspection Tool
- Identify Pig Passage

Pig Tracking Equipment
Pig Sigs
Pig Tracking Equipment
Non-Intrusive Pig Sig
Bands directly to the outside of a pipeline.
No part of the unit enters the pipe (no need
for seals or o-rings to contain pipeline
No welding/tapping is required .
Unit can be placed at nearly any location on
a line and can be moved easily (no need for
Bi-directional detection.

Pig Tracking Equipment

Pig Tracking Equipment
Pig Tracking Equipment
Pig Tracking Equipment
Pig Tracking Equipment
Pig Tracking Equipment
Tracking Techniques
Leapfrogging - Tech A goes to first track point.
Tech B is located at second track point. As pig
passes Tech A he records time and notifies
Tech B. Tech A then proceeds to third track
point. Repeated until pig is received.
Centerline Survey

Precise determination of the centerline
of a pipeline is critical to identify its
spatial position. Furthermore, a precisely
obtained centerline is required for
spatially based alignment of additional
data collected on the right of way. Data
corresponding to above ground surveys
are all aligned through common spatial
Centerline Survey
Latitude / Longitude / Elevation (GPS)
GPS readings shall be obtained at each flag
location and reported in either of the
following coordinate systems:
World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84)
North American Datum 1983 (NAD83)
North American Datum 1927 (NAD27)

Centerline Survey
Flagging Point of Inflection

Centerline Survey
HCA Analysis

Depth of Cover Survey
The DOC is calculated by the following

depth locator Pipeline DOC
DOC = Depth of cover
Pipeline locator depth = pipeline depth as measured
by the pipe locator
D = diameter of the pipeline
b = separation between the ground and the lower
end of the instrument
Above Ground Markers
A tool designed to be placed above the pipeline usually at a
documented GPS location which records tool passage and
communicates with satellites. Recognizes the magnetic field as
the tool passes.
Placement should be at points where GPS coordinates have been
established & documented.
Will store multiple passes.
Tool and AGM are synchronized.
Accuracies depend on the make of AGM.
Threats - Flammables
Opening the Closure
Static Electricity
Equipment & Cathodic Protection Rectifiers
- Natural Gas
- Condensate
- Methanol
- Pyrophoric Substances
Threats - Chemicals
Opening the Closure
- Methanol
- Corrosion Inhibitors
Threats - Toxicity
Opening the Closure
- Odorants
- Methanol
- PCBs
Many pipelines can be made piggable with readily
available components.
System information is critical when preparing for In-
Line Inspection or any other assessment method.
Pipeline Cleanliness is a critical part of In-Line
Tools Have Strengths & Limitations. We need to
apply the right tool for the right job.

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