T-Cell Mediated Cytotoxicity
T-Cell Mediated Cytotoxicity
T-Cell Mediated Cytotoxicity
Fall 2008
T-cell Mediated Cytotoxicity
I. Introduction
1. Intracellular pathogens, e.g. viruses, certain bacteria
2. CD8 cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL)
3. Activation of naïve CD8 T-cell
Activation of
B cells, other
Killing of
".""'"'~ "target cells";
Lymphoid organs Peripheral tissues
FIGURE 9-2 Phases of T cell responses. Antigen recognition by T cells induces cytokine (e.g., IL-2) secretion, clonal expansion as a result
of IL-2-induced autocrine cell proliferation, and differentiation of the T cells into effector cells or memory cells. In the effector phase of the
response, the effector C04+ T cells respond to antigen by producing cytokines that have several actions, such as the activation of
macrophages and B lymphocytes, and C08+ CTLs respond by killing other cells. APC, antigen-presenting cell.
Fig. 1.27 Mechanism of host defense
against intracellular infection by
viruses. Cells infected by viruses are
recognized by specialized T cells called
cytotoxic T cells, which kill the infected
cells directly. The killing mechanism
nuclease in the infected cell, which
cleaves host and viral DNA. Panel a is a
transmission electron micrograph
showing the plasma membrane of a virus
cultured CHO cell (the Chinese hamster
ovary cell line) infected with influenza
virus. Many virus particles can be seen
budding from the cell surface. Some of infected cell killed infected cell
these have been labeled with a
monoclonal antibody that is specific for a
viral protein and is coupled to gold
particles, which appear as the solid black
dots in the micrograph. Panel b is a
transmission electron micrograph of a
virus-infected cell M surrounded by
cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Note the close
apposition of the membranes of the virus
infected cell and the T cell (T) in the upper
left corner of the micrograph, and the
clustering of the cytoplasmic organelles in
the T cell between its nucleus and the
point of contact with the infected cell.
Panel a courtesy of M. Sui and A.
Helenius; panel b courtesy of N. Rooney.
T cell
• •
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Figure 6,22 Three ways of activating a naive COB T cell. secreted by the CD4 T cell to improve the co-stimulation of the
The left panels show how a naive COB T cell can be activated antigen-presenting cell, for example by the induction of B7
directly by a virus-infected dendritic cell. The center and right expression (center panels). A second way is for cytokines secreted
panels show two ways in which antigen-presenting cells (APC) by the CD4 T cell, for example It-2, to act directly on a
that offer suboptimal co-stimulation can interact with a CD4 neighboring COB T cell (right panels).
T cell to stimulate a naive COB T cell. One way is for cytokines
Dendritic cell
Infected cells
and viral
antigens picked
... up by host APCs
, Aniigeri-speelfje ;i-eC~gni~Qn.:,;~blepairing Virus,
Serine proteases,
Granzymes which activate apoplosis
once in the cytoplasm
of the target cell
~ virus-infected cell
infected celi and iitrge!S BID a,ndpri>-caspase-3
BID pro-easpase-3
Fig. 8.38 Perforin, granzymes and without apparent pore formation, and the
, .. CAD
serglycin are released from cytotoxic introduced granzymes then act on
granules and deliver granzymes into specific intracellular targets such as the
the cytosol of target cells to induce proteins BID and pro-caspase-3. Either
apoptosis. Recognition of its antigen on a directly or indirectly, the granzymes cause
'. , virus-infected cell by a cytotoxic CD8 the cleavage of BID into truncated BID
Releilse of cytochrolpe c i~to e~o$ol . T cell induces the release of the contents (tBID) and the cleavage of pro-caspas e3
activates: ap6plosis j and:CAD' induces,
. .,. ONA fragmentat!.011 of its cytotoxic granules in a directed to an active caspase (second panel). tBID
fashion. Perforin and granzymes, acts on mitochondria to release
complexed with the proteoglycan cytochrome c into the cytosol, and
cleaved ICAD ~ ..
•• 4
serglycin, are delivered as a complex to activated caspase-3 targets ICAD to
release caspase-activated DNase (CAD)
the membrane of the target cell (top
panel). By an unknown mechanism, (third panel). Cytochrome c in the cytosOl
perforin directs the entry of the granule promotes apoptosis, and CAD fragments
contents into the cytosol of the target cell the DNA (bottom panel).
Activated caspase 3 cleaves !-CAD,
~. Fasllgand (Fasl) binds \Q Fas. lhe inhibitor 01 CAD, ..nlc!lls
~ .... ~surfaces as released 10 enter the nucleus .nd
cleave OIIA
Ag. 6.24 Binding of Fas ligand 10 Fas initiates the process caspase domain that in tum can activate other caspases. The
of apoplosls. When Fas ligand (FasL) blnds Fas this produces ensuing caspase cascade culminates In the activation of the
a signal which results In adaptor proteins binding to the caspase-activatable DNase (CAD), which Is present in all cells
clustered death domains 0'
the Fas trimer. One of these Is the
protein FADD, which in tUm Interacts through a second death
In an' 'Inactive cytoplasmic form bound to an inhibitory protein
called I-CAD. Wheo I-CAD Is broken down by caspases, CAD
domain with the protease caspase a. Clustered caspase a can can enter the nudeus. where h cleaves DNA into the 200-base
transaetivate, cleaving caspase 8 itself 10 release an active pair fragments that are characteristic of apoptosis,