Manipulative Marketing

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Theoretical and Applied Economics

Volume XXI (2014), No. 2(591), pp. 19-34

Manipulative marketing: persuasion and manipulation
of the consumer through advertising
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
[email protected]
Abstract. The manipulation through advertising became an issue the consumers are
facing on almost a regular basis. This practice move away the mission of marketing that
of meeting the needs of customers and widens the asymmetries of power between the
company and the consumer.
Many of manipulative advertisements are difficult to prove because of their controversial
nature and content. This paper is about how the companies use the stimuli, the techniques
and the mechanisms of advertising to manipulate the consumers. At the same time, it
advances some suggestions about the diminishing of the manipulative practices. The
effectiveness of these solutions will depend on the observance of some principles by the
companies which advertise in areas where they and the consumers can find mutual goals
and interests.
Keywords: manipulative advertising, manipulative techniques, deceptive advertising,
fallacious arguments, emotive persuasion, conscious consumer, conscious advertising.
JEL Classification: M31, M37, M38.
REL Classification: 14G.
20 Victor Danciu
1. Introduction: Stimuli of consumer manipulation through advertising
The marketing is directing the business according to the point of view of the
customer seems the marketing concept which best throws a light upon the market
goal of the company. In other words, the company should focus pemianently on
the consumers needs. The companies have their interests and objectives which
many times are far from aigning with what the consumers need, and, quite often,
don' t hesitate to make up marketing solutions which misconduct or deceive the
consumers, in order to achie\'e them. The most appropriate area of marketing for
such practices is the communication. The marketing communication is a mix of
tools for promoting the products by transmitting particular messages to the
consumers aiming at persuade them to purchasing those products. The advertising
is the element of communication mix which offers all needed means, tools and
ways of action for promoting the marketing objectives of the company. If a
company deliberately decides to manipulating the consumer through advertising,
in order to achieve its objectives, it could take into account some stimuli or
preises which will ease the concrete advertising activities.
A first stimulus consists in the good knowledge of consumer s purchasing
behavior and the capability of the company to influence it. The advertising focus
on the process and mechanism the customer uses for making the purchasing
decision. This purchasing decision process has the meeting of the consumers
needs as unique motivation, i'^s Maslow has established, the consumers have three
categories of needs. The first categoiy includes the utilitarian needs such as the
need of shelter, nourishment, and security. At the next level are the social needs
like to be accepted by others. At the top, we can find the psychological needs
which make the consumer behaving in certain ways that are consistent with his
self image and that enhance his self image to others. The functions of advertising
could be linked to different mixes of needs. There are many and various functions
the advertising could fulfil such as identification of the product, its differentiation
from others, consumer s infonnation which induces the consumer to try new
products, suggests the reuse, builds brand value, preference and loyalty (Danciu,
2009; Fowles; l/07/29/ad-lecture-3-functions-of-
advertising-consumer-needs/). All these functions of advertising prove useful to
infiuence the purchasing decision process of the consumer behavior if the
advertising succeeds to persuade the consumer to prefer, purchase and use the
product and to become loyal to it.
Another strong stimulus for consumer manipulation through advertising is the
capability and the extent of alteration of the mechanism of advertising which aims
to persuade the consumer. The persuasive advertising could be divided into two
Manipulative marketing: persuasion and manipulation of the consumer through advertising 21
types which are non-manipulative and manipulative advertising. The non-
manipulative persuasion thi-ough advertising consists in simply presenting the
product or service, in the best possible light. The advertiser doesn't need to lie,
omit details or intimidate the consumer. This type of advertising is truthful, that is
the facts presented are real, the information is giving in a clear, logical manner, in
order to convince by infonning (Grover, 2011). The infomiative and persuasion
functions of advertising are based on facts and emotional arguments. The
informative advertising gives factual information to the consumer, while the
emotional advertising consists in an emotional game which has as goal to
favorable influence the decision of the consumer. There are many situations when
combined alternatives are needed and they consist in various emotional games
which are used as arguments for a certain way of acting on target-groups and
individual consumers. Every time when these advertising efforts are focused on
getting the consumers to do what the advertiser wants through subversive manners
that lack the truth, we can say this is manipulation. Where the advertiser try to
persuade the consumer by giving him facts for example, if it is a manipulator may
make up or imply facts.
The non-ethical behavior of the advertisers is also a stimulus for manipulation
through advertising. The issue of manipulative persuasion in advertising brings
out the discussion on the role of ethics. The ethics of marketing has in view to
what extent the marketing behavior, decisions and practices t the rules and
principles of good conduct. The advertising practices must have a set of ethical
principles that could help the managers to evaluate the moral importance of each
action and to decide how far they could go, in order to stay just on line of ethics.
The research of the subject highlights three dominant principles of ethics in
advertising which obey the law, act in your self-interest and comply with the
ethics (Craig Smith, 2000; Danciu, 2009; Gray, 2011). It is not disputed that the
advertisers have as obligation to obey the law and to act in their enlightened self-
interest. However, many of the present practices of advertising show that are an
increasing number of cases when there is no alignment of the marketer s self-,
interest with customers' interest. There are numerous situations when the
companies try to induce the customers the feeling that they maximize the
customer s satisfaction through manipulative advertisements. All these arguments
support the idea that the law and the self-interest are not sufflcient guidelines for
good conduct in marketing advertising. The advertisers must also be guided by
ethics, especially by normative marketing ethics that is prescriptive, identifying
moral principles and methods of moral reasoning that justify rules and judgments
of what is right and wrong (Craig Smith, 2000).
22 Victor Danciu
2. The manipulative advertising inside the spectrum of the persuasive advertising
In order to show how the persuasive advertising could become a manipulative
one, we should answer to the question of what is the range of persuasion which
goes in advertising. Since the persuasion is both rational and emotional, the
manipulation area that can be utilized in advertising may emerge from the
spectrum of persuasion conceived by Creighton ( The
spectmm of persuasion Creighton proposes shows versions of persuasion
occurring from the least rational (coercition) to the most rational (rational
persuasion) as in Table 1.
Table 1. The spectrum of persuasion in advertising
Physical violence
Deceitful advertising
Fallacious arquments
Emotive persuasion
Rational persuasion
Logical arguments
Factual information
Source:, p. 6.
The first type of manipulative advertising is the deceitful advertising which uses
facts, but deceptive facts. It uses confusing, misleading or blatantly untme
statements when promoting a product, that's why this advertising is also known as
false advertising. Facts are given, but they are either false or there are significant
facts which are hidden or not mentioned. Another sort of manipulative advertising
is that uses arguments, but bad arguments. The emotive persuasion is the type
which is likely more common and it play on consumer emotions and usually
threaten him with dangers or promises amazing results, either of which are
questionable, at best. Products like diet pills or exercise equipment sold through
infomercials or TV often promise amazing results, and so persuade through
sponsoring hopes and visions of happiness. In the same category may be included
the advertisements which promote the so called "traditionally made" products.
The ads highlight the ingredients and the methods used in the old days and imply
they are used for the advertised products too, but these claims rarely are tme. The
same methods of manipulation may be found in some of green advertising. The
green ad claims have more potential than any other type of claims to mislead and
deceive the consumers. A misleading or deceptive advertisement is known as
"green washing" which is misleading marketing about environmental benefits of
the product (Stokes, 2009). The consumers appreciate the green corporate
activities and as long as a company is tme to its word and tmth-in-advertising is
uphold the companies who act in a socially and environmentally responsible
manner may be rewarded (Rayan, 2012). The consumers are likely to accept green
Manipulative marketing: persuasion and manipulation of the consumer through advertising 23
advertising claims because of their strong desire to improve the environment and
their way of life. But even the consumers with high levels of green concerns are
not able to detect misleading or deceptive claims better than other consumers. The
rapid increase of the green claims for a wide range of products and services create
confusion among consumers. A great diversity of misleading and deceptive claims
is used by the companies which have not truly green products and try to
manipulate consumers. All claims with manipulative role that can be used in
advertising no matter the product could be included in the following categories:
vague or ambiguous claims, claims that omit important information necessary to
evaluate their truthfulness or reasonableness, claims that are false or outright lies,
and various combinations of the previous categories.
3. The manipulative advertising at wori(
3.1 . The most claims used wi t h a manipulative role
The ultimate goal of all types of advertising is to persuade the consumer to
purchase a product or service. The manipulative advertising intends to do that by
using facts, arguments and plying with consumers emotions in a misleading and
deceptive manner. The most claims used in manipulation through advertising are
the exaggeration of the quality of product, fallacious arguments and emotional
Exaggeration of quality. An exaggeration can be nothing less than false
information about the product, but it can also be a form of puffery. Puffery is the
term used to denote the exaggerations reasonably to be expected of a seller as to
the degree of quality of his product, the truth or falsity of which cannot be
precisely detemiined. At the same time, puffeiy is "advertising claims that
ordinary consumers do not take seriously" (Berinato, 2010). Claims such as
"world best (cup of) coffee" or "king of beers" are examples of puffery in the
manipulation by advertising. The puffery seems to influence the people who are
not major consumers of the product but turns away the consumers who are experts
or have relatively high knowledge. These observations show that such
exaggerations are not very useful for achieving the goals of advertising
campaigns. The puffery could attract some new consumers but it could lose many
consumers which are loyal to the product.
Fallacious arguments. A fallacy is any error in reasoning that occurs with some
frequency (Teves, 2009). The fallacies or poor arguments can be made ignorantly
and intentionally. The second situation is of greatest importance in marketing
24 Victor Danciu
advertising because of its potential for consumer manipulation. The advertising
fallacy consists in using reasoning errors when creating, displaying or transmitting
messages to the consumers. The fallacies which could be used in advertising fill
up a long list; the fallacies of credibility are an important category which can
largely be used in advertising.
Emotional appeals are the claims playing with consumers emotions both at
conscious and unconscious level. In the advertisements can be included appeals
to the need to achieve, dominate, feel safe, nurture, satisfy curiosity, the need of
sex, the need of affiliation, guidance, prominence, attention, autonomy,
physiological needs such as food, drink, sleep and so on. The advertisers can
speculate on the consumer emotions and the ads are work out in such a manner
that seem to promise or imply a possible connection between a product and
happiness, social acceptance, a good family, a good sex life intimate friendship
and so on. They may also use the scare for capitalizing on panic, if necessary. A
large -scale contagion provides "the best' ' opportunity for companies to perk up
the profits. One example is the antibacterial hand gel. Many companies have
capitalized on health scares like the swine flu and SARS by connecting their
sanitizer products to these outbreaks. A company from US, Lysal, speculated
during the swine flu scare. They said on their website that while we don't know
how the virus spread, "following proper hygiene routines can help prevent the
spread of illness". So they insinuate that using antibacterial soap will prevent
people from getting specific illness. But, while hand sanitizer sales amplified,
these products actually do nothing to defend against contagions. Both viruses are
spread via tiny droplets in the air there are sneezed or coughed by people who
are already infected (Tartakovsky, 2011). Some companies take further steps to
target panic over these viruses by updating their products or launching new
ones. Kleenex came out with "antiviral tissues" which are "virucidal against
Rhinoviruses Type lA and 2; Influenza A and B; and Reparatory Syncytial
Virus" or whatever that means.
All previous categories of claims are substantiated in advertisements using
linguistic, visual, auditory techniques and various combinations as vehicles for
creating manipulative messages.
Manipulative m a r k e t i n g : persuasion and manipulation of the consumer through advertising 25
3.2. Mechanisms and techniques of manipulation in advertising
3.2.1. Manipulation through language
As Hams (1989) suggests, we may think about advertising as the construction of
semiotic worlds for the rhetorical purpose of swaying purchasers buy what is
advertised. The manipulation of the linguistic form and stmcture implies linguistic
material beginning with smaller or most discrete of segments or forms and leading
the quite large linguistic entities will be fashioned to undergo some change,
transformation, mutilation, mutation that is relatively unexpected on the part of
the reader or viewer. The advertisers bring some elements of information into
prominence and, concomitantly, other elements are systematically back grounded
or disappear from linguistic string entirely. They adhere at two essential principles
in practically all linguistic manipulations. First, one component such as sound or
word-fonn of lexical item-is almost every time manipulated inside a construction
and, every broken rule or manipulation is operated at several levels being,
therefore, inextricably bound up amongst several entities. Secondly, the viewer
must be familiar with the environment of the ad visually on one hand, and
linguistically on the other hand.
The most important and effective linguistic manipulation is that of subliminal
advertising which aims at the subliminal seduction of the consumer. The basic
concept of subliminal seduction in advertising makes possible for consumers to
receive infonnation on an emotional level without even being aware of it
( The consumer behavior
does not depend only of the conscious reaction. His reaction depends also by what
non-conscious mind orders or decides, and this is the base of subliminal
perception (Tanski, 2004). The consumer ignores the role of unconscious
perception of subliminal knowledge that manipulates, direct and control the
human behavior. The advertisers are aware of this and they use it to their
advantage. They manipulate the consumer's decision by using techniques that
interfere with subliminal knowledge and alter it toward the advertiser's objective.
The use of any persuasive method to influence on the consumer's thought process
may be called manipulation which time when the advertiser has the intention to
win and the consumer to lose. This sort of action is facilitated also by the strong
belief of many consumers they are immune to advertising and they are prepared
not be fooled into buying the products in the ads.
Another motive of such conduct consists in the reality that many of today's
products are "parity products" which all or most are nearly identical like beer,
gasoline, soap, soft drinks cold remedies and ads help create an illusion of
26 Victor Danciu
superiority. The creation of the illusion of superiority of one product could use
two major language techniques that are the use of the comparatives "better" and
"best" and the effort of making the consumers believe something about the
product that is not true. The word better is legally interpreted to be a comparative
and therefore becomes a clear claim of superiority. In certain countries, the word
best can be used to describe the parity products because if all products are equally
good, they can all be considered the best. But, in order to not manipulate the
customer, the only time when better can be used is when a product does indeed
have superiority over other products in its category or when the better is used to
compare the product with something other than competitor brands
( Making the consumer believe something
about the product that is not true is another technique with great potential of
manipulation in advertising. Two major categories of claims that can be used to
make the consumers believe something about the product that is not true are "the
weasel claim" and "the unfinished claim" which focus most on the linguistic
aspects. The weasel claim involves a modifier, a weasel word that negates the
claim that follows it. Some of the most common weasel words include helps
virtually, acts, can be, up to, refreshes, comforts, fights, the feel of, the look of,
fortified, enriched and strengthened. These words modify the claims that follow
them by being subtle enough for consumers to not notice them. The common
weasel words perform various categories of functions. A sense of action or of
doing something important to consumer is suggested by the words like "helps"
and "acts". That is because the words sound as if the product is being proactive
toward the desired result. In the expression "helps control dandruff for
shampoos, the word helps acts as the claim no longer control dandruff but it helps
control the dandruff like a good friend might. The prepositional phrases like "up
to", "the feel o f and "the look o f imply either an upward trend or a similarity
between products. If the claim is "save up to 30%, the phrase up to is often
overloaded as the consumer will save 30%. Additionally, the "up to" has a sense
of rising motion in it which translates in consumer as an overall good feeling.
"Can be" and "virtually" are phrases that can note the possibility of the product
being the claim says it is. The expression "leave dishes virtually spotless" can
make the consumer to take it as "leave dishes spotless". Another function that
weasel words perform is to give one product the illusion of strength. "Fortied",
"enriched" or "strengthened" are words that fulflU this role by often describing
products that the consumers normally think of as strong and powerful. Other
prepositional phrases such as "the feel of and "the look of are intended to make
the consumers think that the; product is of high quality or is similar to another
product because they imply a comparison between two things.
Manipulative marketing: persuasion and manipulation of the consumer through advertising 27
The unfinished claim suggests that the product has more or is better than
something, but does not say what "something" is. The unfinished claims could
rely on "more". A clear example is the expression "20% more cleaning power"
which could be interpreted as either "20% more cleaning power than competing
brands" or 20% more cleaning power than earlier version of the some product".
The fact that it does not specify what product has 20% more cleaning power
renders the claim meaningless.
3.2.2. Visual techniques of manipulation
Many advertisements which are placed in practically in all media relay on visual
and combined techniques to manipulate the consumers. Some of the most used
such techniques are the manipulation by photo shopping, the mixture of the
amusement with ads, the manipulation of the size and the price of the product and
the misleading graphs.
The manipulation by photo shopping. The advanced technique offers a large
variety of solutions in visual advertisements and their manipulation. The photo
shopping is a technique where photos or photographs are edited in ways in which
create an illusion or a different look and feel of the raw image and making it
interesting for advertisements. Such technique can be achieved by using photo and
vector editing soft wares like Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel and Gimp and many
others. In contrast by simply editing like enhancement and corrections, the photo
manipulation often includes creative retouching like adding 3D elements,
backgrounds, vectors, and other sleek vibrant colors (ninjacmnch. com/40-cool-
face-...). The colors play an important role in manipulative ads, since they have
meanings and emotions tied to them just like words and images. The warm colors
such as red, orange and yellow can represent passion, happiness and energy, while
the cool colors like blue, green and violet are used to create a sense of peace,
serenity, health and security (Brown, 2010). The advertisers should take into
account some basic mies that seem to be universal in the choice of the colors. The
primary colors like red, yellow and blue tend to emphasize simplicity as well as
speed. The secondary colors are created by mixing two primary colors together.
These include green, orange and purple. The tertiary colors can be created by
mixing secondary and primary colors together. When choose colors the
advertisers have in mind to create consistency, to highlight content, and to
emphasize the most important features of the product. If they want manipulate the
consumers, the advertisers are mixing the images and colors together in such ways
that can persuade and direct the consumers to purchase the product by deceiving
and misleading them (For manipulation in advertising see 37 Examples of Photo
Manipulation In Advertisements,
28 Victor Danciu
phot o- ma ni pul a t i on- i n adver t i s ement s / ) . By mani pul at i ng phot os and col or s in
adver t i s i ng, t he feel i ngs and emot i ons c a n ei t her fully expr es s or b e mas ked, and
t he pr oduct s can b e pr es ent ed in t he l i ght and col ors whi c h pos i t i vel y i nf l uence
t he cons umer . L' Or e a l used t he phot o mani pul at i on in t he ad for Ma be l i ne
pr oduct s f eat ur i ng t he st ar Jul i a Rober t s and t he s u p e n n o d e l Chr i s t y Tur l i ngt on.
The c o mp a n y ha s be e n forced t o pul l ad campai gns after compl ai ns t hat t he
i mages we r e over l y ai r br ushed. L ' Or e a l U K admi t t ed t hat t he Tu r l i n g t o n ' s i mage
ha s be e n " di gi t al l y r et ouched t o l i ght en t he ski n, cl ean u p ma k e u p , r e duc e dar k
s ha dows and s ha di ng ar ound t he e ye s , s moot h t he lips and dar ken t he eyes b r o ws "
( Swe e ne y, 201 l ) . Th e ad for Ma be l i ne feat ured Tur l i ngt on pr omot i ng a f oundat i on
cal l ed Th e Er a s e r wh i c h i s cl ai med t o b e an " a nt i - a ge i ng" pr oduct .
The mixture of the amusement with ads. So me food c ompa ni e s di s gui s e t hei r ads
as ent er t ai nment . Thi s is especi al l y a ppe a l i ng t o ki ds on TV but t he adul t s l i ke it
t oo. The s e ga me s are i nher ent l y addi ct i ve from nat ur e and al l ow t he adver t i ser s t o
ci r cumvent t he r egul at i ons on adver t i s i ng j u n k food on t el evi si on. Th e bi gges t US
cer eal c ompa ni e s Gener al Mi l l s or Ke l l o g ' s us e d ga me s t o pe ddl e t hei r l ast
nut r i t i on cer eal s ( Tat ar kovs ki , 2011) .
The manipulation of the size and the price of the product. Wh e n t he sal es and t he
profi t s b e c o me l ower , shr i nki ng t he si ze of t he pr oduct is a t echni que t hat ma y b e
us ed. The c ha nge of t he si ze of t he pr oduc t at t he same pr i ce i s useful wh e n t he
si ze is s hr i nki ng. On e of t he mos t k n o wn sweet s pr oduc e r s in US us e d such
t e c hni que . Th e y ha ve a seasonal c a ndy wh i c h is one of t he mos t popul a r t r eat s
ar ound t he Eas t er , Th e Cadbur y Cr me Eg g t hat i s j us t a chocol at e shel l s haped
l i ke a c h i c k e n ' s e gg wi t h a sugar whi t e - a nd- ye l l ow filling i nsi de. Wh e n t he sugar
pr i ces st art ed e a t i ng i nt o t hei r pr of i t s, wi t h c ons ume r s unwi l l i ng t o p a y mo r e , t he
peopl e of Ca dbur y t ri ed do s ome t hi ng. So t hey s hr ank t he eggs and t ol d
cons umer s t hat t hey are si mpl y mi s r e me mbe r i ng h o w bi g t he y we r e bef or e.
Be c a us e t he eggs ar e a seasonal i t em, i n 2 0 0 6 whe n t he c o mp a n y s hr ank t he si ze
of t he eggs t he y pos t e d a me s s a ge on t hei r webs i t e sayi ng t hat t he eggs h a d n ' t
got t en smal l er , t he c o n s u me r s ' ha nd and mout h had j u s t got t en bi gge r or as t hey
phr as ed " y o u h a v e j us t gr owi ng u p " . Tha t meant t hat Ca dbur y wa s gi vi ng
ever yone l ess for t hei r mone y. Th e c o mp a n y wa s forced t o c ha nge t hei r webs i t e
me s s a gi ng t o t he i ncr edi bl y vague s t at ement t hey offer a " br oa d var i et y of si zes
and flavors of p r o d u c t s " ( Sma l l wood et a l , 2012) .
The misleading graphs. The gr aphs can b e mani pul at ed t o mi s l e a d be i ng
exces s i vel y c o mp l e x or poor l y cons t r uct ed. Th e mi s l eadi ng gr aphs ar e often in
false adver t i s i ng us i ng t echni ques s uch as i mpr oper scal i ng, axi s l ack of scal e,
omi s s i on of dat a and i mpr ope r ext r act i on ( Bous s a ) . The i mpr ope r scal i ng cr eat es a
Manipulative ma r k e t i n g : persuasion and manipulation of t he consumer through advertising 29
perceptual leading-comparison, while the change of y-axis maximum how the
graph appears by causing a misleading of less volatility, less growth and less steep
line a lower maxim. The lack of scale or the improper units make unclear the
graph. Additionally, the tick marks prevent the reader from determining the graph
bars are properly scaled, and allow the manipulation of the graph bars to create or
mitigate the expression of change and just the same effect have the omission of
data or the improper extraction of data.
4. Conscious advertising f o r conscious consumers, a realistic s o l u t i o n against
manipulative advertising
Many of the manipulative actions in advertising are difficult to prove. Anyone
encounters many difficulties when trying to counteract manipulative ads. More,
the regulators tend to be reactive and his give the advertisers some space to update
the content of their manipulative advertisements. It is difficult to say if harder
regulations will reduce the natural tendencies for manipulation through
advertising. Therefore, other ways should be followed in areas where the
marketers and the consumers can find mutual goals and interests.
Consciousness in consumption asks for conscious advertising. For the greatest
importance in reducing the manipulation through advertising seems to be the
consciousness in consumption and business. The conscious consumer is that
consumer which presents a complex mix of responsible behaviors in terms of
economic, social and environmental and sustainability concerns. This type of
consumer rationalizes the unnecessary and even the unwanted consumption by
saying that is for a good cause. The conscious consumption is an ethical one at the
same time and gives it the character of a consumerism activism that is practiced
through positive buying which ethical advertising and products are favored. A
business could successfully communicate and have relationships with conscious
business, in its turn. Such a business has its consciousness that is the ability to
experience the reality, to be aware of its inner and outside world. The
consciousness allows the business to adapt to its environment and act to promote
its interest and goals in a fair and non-manipulative way. The most important
component of the outside world of the business is the consumer which has
tremendous impact on the achievement of its interests and goals. The business
cannot ignore the conscious consumers in all respects. The company has to well
know and understand the conscious consumers, if it wants to succeed in making
conscious advertising. The better they comprehend the intentions, the methods
and the messages of deceptive and misleading advertising, the consumers easier
30 Victor Danciu
can distinguish between tmth and fallacies or lies. Bomprad and Baranowski
(2007) suggest that five values drive the conscious consumers and these are health
and safety, honesty, convenience, relationships and doing good. The conscious
consumers insist that the companies are honest, that is they reliable and accurately
detail and promote the features and the benefits of the products. When the
companies make unsubstantiated claims or over promise benefits, they risk
breeding cynicism and distrust. The dynamics of the realities about the conscious
consumers should have a strong impact on the commercial advertising. The
companies have to leam the lessons emerging from the values of conscious
consumers and their evolution in the future and create advertising messages
accordingly. Real progress could be made in the practice of advertising in many
other areas. More ethical behavior, more proactive self-regulation, better
marketing cooperation are some with the most potential.
More ethical behavior of the advertising and the consumers could enhance the
quality of advertising and reduce the proportions of manipulation through
advertising. I
More proactive self-regulation of the advertising. The advertising industry has
established self-regulatory systems in nearly all major markets. The European
Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) brings together national advertising self-
regulatory organizations and organizations representing the advertising industry in
Europe who support self-n^gulation. It is the single authoritative voice on
European advertising self-regulation. The Intemational Chamber of Commerce
has prepared a Framework for Responsible Food and Beverage Marketing
Communication in 2006 with specific provisions relating to the advertising of
food and beverage vis-a-vis children (www. eself-
The history of self-regulations shows that active self-regulation has more
advantages, one of them consisting in the protection of consumers from ads that
mislead (Peeler, 2013). By acting quickly and decisively against misleading
advertising claims, the self-regulation significantly reduces the number of
potentially misleading claims. The chances of better counteracting the
manipulation practices in advertising will rise in the future if the self-regulation
has a more proactive role.
Better marketing cooperation between the companies and the consumers. The
issue of cooperation is a distinctive feature of the relationship marketing which
focus on the cultivation of mutually advantageous relationships between the
company and its customers (Danciu, 2009). An enhanced cooperation in
Manipulative marketing: persuasion and manipulation of the consumer through advertising 31
advertising between the two subjects becomes possible when the company, the
marketer includes the consumers in its marketing solutions. The consumers should
become partners of the marketers, in order to contribute to the creation of value
for them and to make a non-manipulative persuasive advertising.
4. Conclusions
The manipulation in marketing has become an issue which accompanies the daily
life of the consumers. The companies decide to manipulate the consumers every
time when the interests of the consumers don't align to their interests and goals
and they don't succeed to persuade them otherwise. A great role in the consumers'
manipulation has the manipulation by advertising due to its anctions and place in
the mix of marketing techniques used to ilflU what the consumerism demands:
more consumption, more diversity and better consumption. The techniques for
manipulation through advertising are controversial every time the advertiser win
and the consumer lose. The critics of manipulative advertising highlight two broad
classes of advertising controversies. One type of critique charges that moral rules
against causing harm are violated when manipulating through advertising. In
other words, the advertising has negative financial and health-related effects,
negative impact on efficiency, harmfully effects on familial and community ties.
Additionally, the advertising promotes self-centered hedonism and lastly it may
have negative environmental impact. Another category of controversies about
advertising are liberty-based critics. These arguments charge that certain fomis of
advertising rob a person of the capacity for firee choice in deciding when to
purchase a product, good or service.
No matter the arguments against advertising as a whole, the assumptions of it
being always manipulative is not true. People are complex buyers which make
decisions based on a variable mix of rational and emotional components. But just
this complex, controversial and mixed nature of individual personality make
possible to deceive, mislead and misjudge some situations, products, brands or
companies as a result of manipulative advertising. The deceptive advertising is
most universally thought of to be immoral. The responsibility of the consumer is
greatly diminished when one discovers that they are telling lies to buy by the
seller or the advertiser. In such cases of fraud, the advertisers certainly hold a
majority of the responsibility. When using faulty arguments it is much more
difficult to assign blame to the advertisers. Mature consumers are expected to
realize which argument is real and which is bad and, if advertisers use fallacies,
one would expect that the consumers know better. In such cases, the burden of
32 Victor Danciu
responsibility appears to full primarily upon the consumer. More ambiguity exists
in the case of emotive persuasion because the main problem consists in the
difficulty of gauging how much effect advertisements have on the consumers'
emotions. That's why the techniques and mechanisms of advertising should be
used in a way that aligns to the convergence of interests and arguments.
Many of the manipulative actions in advertising are difficult to prove and no one
can say if harder regulations will reduce the natural tendencies toward
manipulation through advertising. Therefore, it seems that other solutions should
be found in areas where the marketers and the consumers identify mutual
interests, in order to improve the practices of advertising. Some important areas in
which the advertisers and the consumers could find reciprocal benefits are the
conscious advertising for conscious consumers, more ethical behavior, more
proactive role of self-regulation and better cooperation in marketing and the good
results could have a significant contribution toward the reduction of the
proportions of manipulation through advertising. These efforts will help the
reduction of the proportion of manipulation through advertising in these areas at
least, if the advertisers obsen'e some necessary principles.
The advertisers should move from a sole focus on corporate profits to a belief and
practice that an organization can achieve something larger than making money.
The advertisers should understand that more consumers, especially the
conscious ones, recognize that all things are connected. Therefore, they must
be in the process of becoming conscious of the impact of advertising and
pursuit the mutual benefits of it.
The advertisers should be aware that the advertising must be authentic. That is
all communication with the consumers should be hundred per cent honest and
transparent. More than ever, an increasingly proportion of consumers are
prizing the transparency, accountability and authenticity.
The advertisers should align their messages with consumers' values in every
aspect and in all components of advertising. The companies which align their
values with their actions will eam enduring loyalty among the consumers.
If the companies follow these principles, they easily could translate them in
honest, non-manipulative practices in advertising and so become more tmsted.
Manipulative marketing: persuasion and manipulation of the consumer through advertising 33
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Victor Danciu
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*** Logical Fallacies in Advertising,
*** Persuasion, Manipulation, and' Responsibility,
*** Some facts about advertising self-regulations,

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