Iris Script
Iris Script
Iris Script
Edition: 2013
Script Language Reference
Iris, Greek goddess of the rainbow
Software that brings information
The choice to name our software Iris is well thought over. You will find remarkable unique
features that very well compare to how the Greek goddess Iris is described.
In Greek mythology, Iris is a goddess of communication. She is the messenger of the
gods, particularly Zeus and Hera, to humankind. She is pictured with wings and
personifies the rainbow. It was said that Iris leaves Mount Olympus only to deliver
messages to mankind who look to her as an advisor and guide, linking her between the
worlds of the gods and humanity.
One of the strong features of Iris SCADA and PanelWare relates to communication with the
process. No other SCADA or PanelWare software supports the same high and accurate
performance to bring process and production data to the operators, and back.
Apart from carrying messages Goddess Iris had many other tasks to perform. One
was to deliver a jug of water from the river Styx so to put whoever lies to sleep. The
Greek called her 'The source of water from above'. If the Gods argue, or if they lie
about something, Iris will get water out of the river Styx. With this water, the Gods
must pledge the truth. If they lied, they lost their immortality.
Besides the strong communication in Iris SCADA and PanelWare you also will find many smart
engineering tools that will help you to generate quickly solutions for different type of
applications. Iris SCADA and PanelWare holds a very strong event driven task handler. This
guarantees that data is always handled correctly and communicated to the different modules
(e.g. alarming, trending, visualization and more).
Travelling through all dimensions, Iris uses her gifts to prevent unnecessary suffering
by severing the silver cord that binds them to Mother Earth bringing relief from a
slow death. Though she was sometimes called upon to deliver bad news, Iris was
known as a sweet tempered Goddess with no enemies. This gave her access to the
universe and welcome in all corners of the earth and beyond.
Iris SCADA and PanelWare is independent from whatever type of control equipment. The
unique architecture is suited for a wide variety of applications. Iris SCADA and PanelWare can
be used in small stations and in large control rooms, in simple to mission critical applications.
Iris SCADA and PanelWare can be fully adjusted and new functionality can be added always.
Iris not being a mere follower and deliverer of others' messages, her other qualities
are gentle strength and communication skills born out of the art of balance. She
arrests action and creates harmony. Iris is a bringer of hope and justice through
temperance rather than force. It has been said that all the colours of the rainbow
blended together create the colour white, essence of the Spirit.
Iris SCADA and PanelWare is not comparable with regular SCADA systems. It is software
developed by engineers for engineers allowing easy and rapid application development,
saving valuable engineering time. Even changes to the application can be made without
stopping the process, if needed from a remote development station. All the different modules
in Iris SCADA and PanelWare make it an ideal platform to develop specific solutions.
Script Language Reference
This document is the Script Language Reference for Iris, a product of Raster Products B.V.
Iris is a program build to control and visualize data from Programmable logic Controllers
(PLC) or Process Control Systems (PCS) through highly efficient data communication. Iris is
equipped with lots of extensive features, provided to create the best possible interface with
the user.
Raster Products B.V.
P.O. box 3
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)487-572719
Fax: +31 (0)487-573394
E-mail: [email protected]
Script Language Reference
Edition Date Author Description
2009 16-JUL-2009 Alex Oskam Newly written for Iris V4
2011 28-JAN-2011 Alex Oskam Slightly updated
2013 10-AUG-2013 RvW Slightly updated
This document is property of Raster Products B.V. No part of it may be reproduced or used in
any form or by any means without written permission of the owner.
Although this manual is written with the most care, Raster will not be responsible for any
mistakes in this manual or damage that is a result of the information in this manual.
Script Language Reference
2001-2013 Raster Products B.V. All right reserved
Script Language Reference
Table of Contents
1. Abort - Aborts the current processing with a silent exception ...................................... 12
2. Abs - Gives the absolute value of a number (-ve sign is removed) .............................. 13
3. And - Boolean and or bitwise and of two arguments .................................................. 14
4. AnsiChar - A character type guaranteed to be 8 bits in size ........................................ 15
5. AnsiCompareStr - Compare two strings for equality .................................................... 16
6. AnsiCompareText - Compare two strings for equality, ignoring case ............................ 18
7. AnsiLowerCase - Change upper case characters in a string to lower case .................... 20
8. AnsiPos - Find the position of one string in another .................................................... 21
9. AnsiString - A data type that holds a string of AnsiChars ............................................ 22
10. AnsiUpperCase - Change lower case characters in a string to upper case .................. 24
11. Append - Open a text file to allow appending of text to the end ............................... 25
12. ArcCos - The Arc Cosine of a number, returned in radians ........................................ 27
13. ArcSin - The Arc Sine of a number, returned in radians ............................................ 28
14. ArcTan - The Arc Tangent of a number, returned in radians ..................................... 29
15. Array - A data type holding indexable collections of data .......................................... 30
16. AssignFile - Assigns a file handle to a binary or text file ........................................... 32
17. Beep - Make a beep sound ..................................................................................... 34
18. Begin - Keyword that starts a statement block ......................................................... 35
19. Boolean - Allows just True and False values ............................................................ 36
20. Break - Forces a jump out of a single loop .............................................................. 37
21. Byte - An integer type supporting values 0 to 255 ................................................... 38
22. Cardinal - The basic unsigned integer type .............................................................. 39
23. Case - A mechanism for acting upon different values of an Ordinal ........................... 40
24. ChangeFileExt - Change the extension part of a file name ........................................ 42
25. ChangePage - Change a page ................................................................................ 43
26. Char - Variable type holding a single character ........................................................ 44
27. ChDir - Change the working drive plus path for a specified drive .............................. 45
28. Chr - Convert an integer into a character ................................................................ 46
29. ClearMailBox - Clears the current MailBox................................................................ 47
30. CloseCurrentPage - Close a screen .......................................................................... 48
31. CloseFile - Closes an open file ................................................................................ 49
32. CompareStr - Compare two strings for equality ....................................................... 51
33. CompareText - Compare two strings for equality, ignoring case ................................ 53
34. CompareValue - Compare numeric values with a tolerance ....................................... 55
35. Const - Starts the definition of fixed data values ...................................................... 57
36. Continue - Forces a jump to the next iteration of a loop ........................................... 58
37. Copy - Create a copy of part of a string or an array ................................................. 59
38. Cos - The Cosine of a number ................................................................................ 60
39. CreateDir - Create a directory ................................................................................. 61
40. Currency - A floating point type with 4 decimals used for financial values ................. 62
41. CurrencyDecimals - Defines decimal digit count in the Format function ..................... 63
42. CurrencyFormat - Defines currency string placement in curr display functions ........... 64
Script Language Reference
43. CurrencyString - The currency string used in currency display functions .................... 65
44. CurrentPageName - Show the current page name ................................................... 66
45. CurrToStr - Convert a currency value to a string ...................................................... 67
46. CurrToStrF - Convert a currency value to a string with formatting............................. 68
47. Date - Gives the current date ................................................................................. 69
48. DateSeparator - The character used to separate display date fields .......................... 70
49. DateTimeToFileDate - Convert a TDateTime value to a file date/time format ............. 71
50. DateTimeToStr - Converts TDateTime date and time values to a string ..................... 73
51. DateTimeToString - Rich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string ................. 74
52. DateToStr - Converts a TDateTime date value to a string ......................................... 77
53. DayOfTheMonth - Gives day of month index for a TDateTime value (ISO 8601) ........ 78
54. DayOfTheWeek - Gives day of week index for a TDateTime value (ISO 8601) ........... 79
55. DayOfTheYear - Gives the day of the year for a TDateTime value (ISO 8601) ........... 80
56. DayOfWeek - Gives day of week index for a TDateTime value .................................. 81
57. DaysBetween - Gives the whole number of days between 2 dates ............................ 82
58. DaysInAMonth - Gives the number of days in a month ............................................. 83
59. DaysInAYear - Gives the number of days in a year .................................................. 84
60. DaySpan - Gives the fractional number of days between 2 dates .............................. 85
61. Dec - Decrement an ordinal variable ....................................................................... 86
62. DecimalSeparator - The character used to display the decimal point ......................... 87
63. DecodeDate - Extracts the year, month, day values from a TDateTime var. .............. 88
64. DecodeTime - Break a TDateTime value into individual time values .......................... 89
65. DegToRad - Convert a degrees value to radians ...................................................... 90
66. Delete - Delete a section of characters from a string ................................................ 91
67. DeleteFile - Delete a file specified by its file name ................................................... 92
68. DirectoryExists - Returns true if the given directory exists ........................................ 94
69. Div - Performs integer division, discarding the remainder ......................................... 95
70. Do - Defines the start of some controlled action ...................................................... 96
71. Double - A floating point type supporting about 15 digits of precision ....................... 97
72. Downto - Prefixes an decremental for loop target value ........................................... 98
73. Else - Starts false section of if, case and try statements ........................................... 99
74. EncodeDate - Build a TDateTime value from year, month and day values ............... 101
75. EncodeDateTime - Build a TDateTime value from day and time values .................... 102
76. EncodeTime - Build a TDateTime value from hour, min, sec and msec values.......... 103
77. End - Keyword that terminates statement blocks ................................................... 104
78. EndOfADay - Generate a TDateTime value set to the very end of a day .................. 105
79. EndOfAMonth - Generate a TDateTime value set to the very end of a month .......... 106
80. Eof - Returns true if a file opened with Reset is at the end ..................................... 107
81. Erase - Erase a file............................................................................................... 109
82. Except - Starts the error trapping clause of a try statement .................................... 110
83. Exit - exit abruptly from a function or procedure .................................................... 111
84. Exp - Gives the exponent of a number .................................................................. 112
85. ExpandMailBox - Expands a MailBox ..................................................................... 113
86. ExpandPowerTree - Expands a PowerTree ............................................................ 114
Script Language Reference
87. ExtractFileDir - Extracts the dir part of a full file name ........................................... 115
88. ExtractFileDrive - Extracts the drive part of a full file name .................................... 116
89. ExtractFileExt - Extracts the extension part of a full file name ................................. 117
90. ExtractFileName - Extracts the name part of a full file name ................................... 118
91. ExtractFilePath - Extracts the path part of a full file name ...................................... 119
92. File - Defines a typed or untyped file .................................................................... 120
93. FileAge - Get the last modified date/time of a file without opening it ...................... 122
94. FileDateToDateTime - Converts a file date/time format to a TDateTime value ......... 123
95. FileExists - Returns true if the given file exists ....................................................... 124
96. FileGetAttr - Gets the attributes of a file ................................................................ 126
97. FileSearch - Search for a file in one or more directories .......................................... 129
98. FileSetDate - set the last modified date and time of a file ....................................... 131
99. Finally - Starts the unconditional code section of a try statement ............................ 133
100. FloatToStr - Convert a floating point value to a string .......................................... 135
101. FloatToStrF - Convert a floating point value to a string with formatting ................ 136
102. Flush - Flushes buffered text file data to the file .................................................. 139
103. For - Starts a loop that executes a finite number of times .................................... 141
104. ForceDirectories - Create a new path of directories ............................................. 142
105. Format - Rich formatting of numbers and text into a string .................................. 143
106. FormatCurr - Rich formatting of a currency value into a string ............................. 146
107. FormatDateTime - Rich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string .............. 149
108. FormatFloat - Rich formatting of a floating point number into a string .................. 154
109. Frac - The fractional part of a floating point number ............................................ 157
110. Function - Defines a subroutine that returns a value ............................................ 158
111. GetCurrentDir - Get the current directory (drive plus directory) ............................ 161
112. GetDir - Get the default directory (drive plus path) for a specified drive ................ 162
113. GetPageDir - Returns the page directory ............................................................. 163
114. GetTagProp - Reads a property of a tag.............................................................. 164
115. GetTagValue - Reads the value of a tag .............................................................. 166
116. Goto - Forces a jump to a label, regardless of nesting ......................................... 169
117. If - Starts a conditional expression to determine what to do next ......................... 170
118. Implementation - Starts the implementation (code) section of a unit .................... 172
119. Inc - Increment an ordinal variable .................................................................... 175
120. IncDay - Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of days ................... 176
121. IncMillisecond - Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of mseconds . 177
122. IncMinute - Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of minutes .......... 178
123. IncMonth - Increments a TDateTime variable by a number of months .................. 179
124. IncSecond - Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of seconds ......... 180
125. IncYear - Increments a TDateTime variable by a number of years ........................ 181
126. Infinity - Floating point value of infinite size ........................................................ 182
127. InputBox - Display a dialog that asks for user text input, with default ................... 183
128. InputQuery - Display a dialog that asks for user text input ................................... 184
129. Insert - Insert a string into another string ........................................................... 185
130. Int - The integer part of a floating point number as a float .................................. 186
Script Language Reference
131. Integer - The basic Integer type ........................................................................ 187
132. Interface - Used for definitions ........................................................................... 188
133. IntToHex - Convert an Integer into a hexadecimal string ..................................... 191
134. IntToStr - Convert an integer into a string .......................................................... 192
135. IsInfinite - Checks whether a floating point number is infinite .............................. 193
136. IsLeapYear - Returns true if a given calendar year is a leap year .......................... 194
137. LastDelimiter - Find the last position of selected characters in a string .................. 195
138. Length - Return the number of elements in an array or string .............................. 196
139. LinkedPopup - Open a Linked Popup .................................................................. 197
140. Ln - Gives the natural logarithm of a number ...................................................... 198
141. Log10 - Gives the log to base 10 of a number ..................................................... 199
142. LongDateFormat - Long version of the date to string format ................................ 200
143. LongInt - An Integer whose size is guaranteed to be 32 bits ................................ 201
144. LongTimeFormat - Long version of the time to string format ................................ 202
145. LowerCase - Change upper case characters in a string to lower case .................... 203
146. Max - Gives the maximum of two integer values ................................................. 204
147. MessageBox - Displays a message, symbol, and selectable buttons ...................... 205
148. MessageDlg - Displays a message, symbol, and selectable buttons ....................... 206
149. MessageDlgPos - Displays a message plus buttons at a given screen position ....... 208
150. Min - Gives the minimum of two integer values ................................................... 210
151. MinsPerDay - Gives the number of minutes in a day ............................................ 211
152. MkDir - Make a directory .................................................................................... 212
153. Mod - Performs integer division, returning the remainder..................................... 213
154. ModalPopup - Open a Modal Popup .................................................................... 214
155. MonthOfTheYear - Gives the month of the year for a TDateTime value ................. 215
156. NegCurrFormat - Defines negative amount formatting in currency displays ........... 216
157. Not - Boolean not or bitwise not of one arguments .............................................. 218
158. Now - Gives the current date and time ............................................................... 219
159. Null - A variable that has no value ...................................................................... 220
160. NumEditor - Shows a numerical popup to write the value of a tag ........................ 222
161. Or - Boolean or or bitwise or of two arguments ................................................... 224
162. Ord - Provides the Ordinal value of an integer, character or enum........................ 225
163. PageBack - Show Previous Page ......................................................................... 227
164. PageForward - Show Next Page ......................................................................... 228
165. Pi - The mathematical constant .......................................................................... 229
166. Popup - Open a Popup ...................................................................................... 230
167. Pos - Find the position of one string in another ................................................... 231
168. Pred - Decrement an ordinal variable .................................................................. 232
169. Private - Starts the section of private data and methods in a class ....................... 233
170. Procedure - Defines a subroutine that does not return a value ............................. 234
171. PtInRect - Tests to see if a point lies within a rectangle ....................................... 237
172. Public - Starts an externally accessible section of a class...................................... 238
173. RadToDeg - Converts a radian value to degrees .................................................. 239
174. Random - Generate a random floating point or integer number ............................ 240
Script Language Reference
175. Randomize - Reposition the Random number generator next value ...................... 242
176. RandomRange - Generate a random integer number within a supplied range........ 244
177. RandSeed - Reposition the Random number generator next value ........................ 245
178. ReadLn - read a complete line of data from a text file ......................................... 247
179. ReadRecipe - read a recipe file. .......................................................................... 249
180. RecodeDate - Change only the date part of a TDateTime variable ........................ 250
181. RecodeTime - Change only the time part of a TDateTime variable ........................ 251
182. RemoveDir - Remove a directory ........................................................................ 252
183. RemoveMailBox - Removes a MailBox ................................................................. 253
184. Rename - Rename a file .................................................................................... 254
185. Repeat - repeat statements until a ternmination condition is met ......................... 256
186. ReplaceDate - Change only the date part of a TDateTime variable ....................... 258
187. ReplaceTime - Change only the time part of a TDateTime variable ....................... 259
188. Result - A variable used to hold the return value from a function ......................... 260
189. ReWrite - Open a text or binary file for write access ............................................ 261
190. RmDir - Remove a directory ............................................................................... 263
191. Round - Rounds a floating point number to an integer ......................................... 264
192. SecsPerDay - Gives the number of seconds in a day ............................................ 265
193. SetCurrentDir - Change the current directory ...................................................... 266
194. SetMailBox - Sets a MailBox to a specific value .................................................... 267
195. SetPageDir - Sets the page directory .................................................................. 268
196. SetTagValue - Sets a value of a tag .................................................................... 269
197. Shl - Shift an integer value left by a number of bits ............................................. 272
198. ShortDateFormat - Compact version of the date to string format .......................... 273
199. ShortInt - An integer type supporting values -128 to 127 ..................................... 274
200. ShortString - Defines a string of up to 255 characters .......................................... 275
201. ShortTimeFormat - Short version of the time to string format .............................. 276
202. ShowMessage - Display a string in a simple dialog with an OK button ................... 277
203. ShowMessageFmt - Display formatted data in a simple dialog with an OK button .. 278
204. ShowMessagePos - Display a string in a simple dialog at a given screen position ... 281
205. Shr - Shift an integer value right by a number of bits .......................................... 282
206. Sin - The Sine of a number ................................................................................ 283
207. Single - The smallest capacity and precision floating point type ............................ 284
208. SmallInt - An Integer type supporting values from -32768 to 32767 ..................... 285
209. Sqr - Gives the square of a number .................................................................... 286
210. Sqrt - Gives the square root of a number ............................................................ 287
211. StopRunTime - Stops the runtime....................................................................... 288
212. String - A data type that holds a string of characters ........................................... 289
213. StringReplace - Replace one or more substrings found within a string .................. 290
214. StrToCurr - Convert a number string into a currency value ................................... 291
215. StrToDate - Converts a date string into a TDateTime value .................................. 293
216. StrToDateTime - Converts a date+time string into a TDateTime value .................. 294
217. StrToFloat - Convert a number string into a floating point value ........................... 295
218. StrToInt - Convert an integer string into an Integer value .................................... 296
Script Language Reference
219. StrToIntDef - Convert a string into an Integer value with default ......................... 298
220. StrToTime - Converts a time string into a TDateTime value ................................. 300
221. Succ - Increment an ordinal variable .................................................................. 301
222. Tan - The Tangent of a number ......................................................................... 302
223. TBits - An object that can hold an infinite number of Boolean values .................... 303
224. TDateTime - Data type holding a date and time value ......................................... 305
225. TextFile - Declares a file type for storing lines of text .......................................... 306
226. TFloatFormat - Formats for use in floating point number display functions ............ 308
227. TFormatSettings - A record for holding locale values ........................................... 311
228. Then - Part of an if statement - starts the true clause.......................................... 313
229. ThousandSeparator - The character used to display the thousands separator ........ 315
230. Time - Gives the current time ............................................................................ 316
231. TimeAMString - Determines AM value in DateTimeToString procedure .................. 317
232. TimePMString - Determines PM value in DateTimeToString procedure .................. 318
233. TimeSeparator - The character used to separate display time fields ...................... 319
234. TimeToStr - Converts a TDateTime time value to a string .................................... 320
235. To - Prefixes an incremental for loop target value ............................................... 321
236. Tomorrow - Gives the date tomorrow ................................................................. 322
237. Trim - Removes leading and trailing blanks from a string ..................................... 323
238. TrimLeft - Removes leading blanks from a string ................................................. 324
239. TrimRight - Removes trailing blanks from a string ............................................... 325
240. Trunc - The integer part of a floating point number ............................................. 326
241. Try - Starts code that has error trapping ............................................................. 327
242. TStringList - Holds a variable length list of strings ............................................... 330
243. TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow - Sets the century threshold for 2 digit years ........... 334
244. Unit - Defines the start of a script file ................................................................. 335
245. Until - Ends a repeat control loop ....................................................................... 338
246. UpperCase - Change lower case characters in a string to upper case .................... 340
247. Uses - Declares a list of Units to be imported ...................................................... 341
248. Var - Starts the definition of a section of data variables ....................................... 344
249. Variant - A variable type that can hold changing data types ................................. 346
250. VarType - Gives the current type of a Variant variable ......................................... 347
251. VarTypeMask - Mask for the meta-type part of a Variant variable ......................... 350
252. While - repeat statements whilst a continuation condition is met .......................... 353
253. WideString - A data type that holds a string of WideChars ................................... 355
254. Word - An integer type supporting values 0 to 65535 .......................................... 357
255. WriteLn - write a complete line of data to a text file ............................................ 358
256. WriteRecipe - write a recipe file.......................................................................... 360
257. WriteTagValue - Writes a value of a tag .............................................................. 361
258. Xor - Boolean xor or bitwise xor of two arguments .............................................. 364
259. Yesterday - Gives the date yesterday.................................................................. 365
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1. Abort - Aborts the current processing with a silent
1.1. Unit
1.2. Type
1.3. Description
The Abort procedure stops the current processing and exits to the last exception block. In
doing so, no end user message is produced - the abort is silent.
1.4. Syntax
procedure Abort;
1.5. Example
1.5.1. Name
Aborting from a try block
1.5.2. Code
// enter a try block
ShowMessage('Before abort');
ShowMessage('After abort');
ShowMessage('Exception occurred');
ShowMessage('After try');
1.5.3. Result
Before abort
Exception occurred
After try
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2. Abs - Gives the absolute value of a number (-ve sign is
2.1. Unit
2.2. Type
2.3. Description
The Abs function returns the absolute value of a negative or positive number. It does this by
removing a negative sign, if found. The Number can be any numeric type, and can even be a
Variant, as long as it can be converted to a number. For example, a Variant set to a string '-
1.23' will work fine. Always, Abs converts the Variant to an Extended floating point number
prior to removing any negative sign, even if the result is an integer value.
2.4. Syntax
function Abs(Number : Numeric type) : Numeric type;
2.5. Example
2.5.1. Name
Illustrating absolute values of different data types
2.5.2. Code
float : single;
int : Integer;
varVar : Variant;
float := -1.5; // small negative floating point number
int := -7; // negative integer
varVar := '-98'; // variants are converted to floating point!
ShowMessage('Abs(float) = '+FloatToStr(Abs(float)));
ShowMessage('Abs(int) = '+FloatToStr(Abs(int)));
// variants are converted into extended floating types
float := Abs(varVar);
ShowMessage('Abs(varVar) = '+FloatToStr(float));
2.5.3. Result
Abs(float) = 1.5
Abs(int) = 7
Abs(varVar) = 98
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3. And - Boolean and or bitwise and of two arguments
3.1. Unit
Iris Standard
3.2. Type
3.3. Description
The and keyword is used in two different ways: 1. to perform a logical or Boolean 'and' of
two logical values. If both are true, then the result is true, otherwise, the result is false. 2. To
perform a mathematical 'and' of two integers. The result is a bitwise 'and' of the two
numbers. For example: 10110001 and 01100110 = 00100000
3.4. Syntax
1 Boolean expression and Boolean expression
2 Integer expression and Integer expression
3.5. Example
3.5.1. Name
Illustrate both types of and usage
3.5.2. Code
num1, num2, num3 : Integer;
letter : Char;
num1 := $25; // binary value : 0010 0101
num2 := $32; // binary value : 0011 0010
// and-ed value : 0010 0000 = $20 = 32 dec
letter := 'G';
// and used to return a boolean value
if (num1 > 0) and (letter = 'G')
then ShowMessage('Both values are true')
else ShowMessage('None or only one true value');
// and used to perform a mathematical and operation
num3 := num1 and num2;
ShowMessageFmt('$25 and $32 = $%x',[num3]);
3.5.3. Result
Both values are true
$25 and $32 = $20
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4. AnsiChar - A character type guaranteed to be 8 bits in
4.1. Unit
4.2. Type
4.3. Description
The AnsiChar type is used to hold single characters. It is guaranteed to be 8 bits in size. It
can be assigned from a character or integer value.
4.4. Syntax
type AnsiChar = #0..#255;
4.5. Example
4.5.1. Name
Different ways of assigning to and from an AnsiChar
4.5.2. Code
myChar : AnsiChar;
myChar := 'g'; // assign from a character constant
ShowMessage('Letter g = '+myChar);
myChar := #65; // assign from an integer constant
ShowMessage('#65 = '+myChar);
myChar := Chr(66); // using chr to convert a number
ShowMessage('Chr(66) = '+myChar);
4.5.3. Result
Letter g = g
#65 = A
Chr(66) = B
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5. AnsiCompareStr - Compare two strings for equality
5.1. Unit
5.2. Type
5.3. Description
The AnsiCompareStr function compares String1 and String2 for equality. This is the modern,
Locale safe form of CompareStr. All Ansi commands support multi-byte and accented
characters. It returns these values: String1 < String2 : -ve numberString1 = String2 :
0String1 > String2 : +ve number The comparison is not affected by length - it is carried out
on a letter by letter basis. But a longer string is greater than a shorter, otherwise matching
string. The comparison is case sensitive.
5.4. Syntax
function AnsiCompareStr(const String1, String2 : string) : Integer;
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5.5. Example
5.5.1. Name
Compare various strings
5.5.2. Code
// remember to declare the procedure at type using the following line
// procedure comparestrings(const string1, string2: string);
// compare two obviously different strings
CompareStrings('HELLO', 'WORLD');
// compare identical strings
CompareStrings('Hi 2 you', 'Hi 2 you');
// upper case letters follow lower case in iris
CompareStrings('ABC', 'abc');
// all letters follow numbers in iris
CompareStrings('abc', '123');
// compare two strings, and show which is bigger than the other
procedure TUntitled.CompareStrings(const string1, string2: string);
result : Integer;
// compare some strings
result := AnsiCompareStr(string1, string2);
if result < 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' < '+string2);
if result = 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' = '+string2);
if result > 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' > '+string2);
5.5.3. Result
Hi 2 you = Hi 2 you
ABC > abc
abc > 123
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6. AnsiCompareText - Compare two strings for equality,
ignoring case
6.1. Unit
6.2. Type
6.3. Description
The AnsiCompareText function compares String1 and String2 for equality, ignoring case. This
is the modern, Locale safe form of CompareStr. All Ansi commands support multi-byte and
accented characters. It returns these values: String1 < String2 : -ve numberString1 = String2
: 0String1 > String2 : +ve number The comparison is not affected by length - it is carried out
on a letter by letter basis. But a longer string is greater than a shorter, otherwise matching
6.4. Syntax
function AnsiCompareText(const String1, String2 : string) : Integer;
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6.5. Example
6.5.1. Name
Compare various strings
6.5.2. Code
// remember to declare the procedure at type using the following line
// procedure comparestrings(const string1, string2: string);
// compare two obviously different strings
CompareStrings('HELLO', 'WORLD');
// compare identical strings
CompareStrings('Hi 2 you', 'Hi 2 you');
// ansicomparetext treats upper and lower case identically
CompareStrings('ABCdef', 'abcDEF');
// all letters follow numbers in iris
CompareStrings('abc', '123');
// compare two strings, and show which is bigger than the other
procedure TUntitled.CompareStrings(const string1, string2: string);
result : Integer;
// compare some strings
result := AnsiCompareText(string1, string2);
if result < 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' < '+string2);
if result = 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' = '+string2);
if result > 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' > '+string2);
6.5.3. Result
Hi 2 you = Hi 2 you
ABCdef = abcDEF
abc > 123
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7. AnsiLowerCase - Change upper case characters in a
string to lower case
7.1. Unit
7.2. Type
7.3. Description
The AnsiLowerCase function creates a copy of MixedString with all letters converted to lower
case. All Ansi commands support multi-byte and accented characters.
7.4. Syntax
function AnsiLowerCase(const MixedString : string) : string;
7.5. Example
7.5.1. Name
Converting a mixed case string to lower case
7.5.2. Code
SimpleString : string;
SimpleString := AnsiLowerCase('The Cat Sat on The MAT');
ShowMessage('SimpleString : '+SimpleString);
7.5.3. Result
SimpleString : the cat sat on the mat
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8. AnsiPos - Find the position of one string in another
8.1. Unit
8.2. Type
8.3. Description
The AnsiPos function looks for a substring Needle in a string HayStack, returning the position
in the string of the first occurrence. All Ansi commands support multi-byte and accented
characters. if the string is not found, 0 is returned. The search is case sensitive.
8.4. Syntax
function AnsiPos(const Needle, HayStack : string) : Integer;
8.5. Example
8.5.1. Name
Find a word in a sentence
8.5.2. Code
position : Integer;
// look for the word 'cat' in a sentence
// note : that this search is case sensitive, so that
// the first 'cat' is not matched
position := AnsiPos('Cat', 'The cat sat on the Cat mat');
if position = 0
then ShowMessage('''Cat'' not found in the sentence')
else ShowMessage('''Cat'' was found at character '+IntToStr(position));
8.5.3. Result
'Cat' was found at character 20
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9. AnsiString - A data type that holds a string of
9.1. Unit
9.2. Type
9.3. Description
The AnsiString data type is used to hold sequences of characters, like sentences. Each
character is an AnsiChar, guaranteed to be 8 bits in size. An AnsiString can hold any number
of characters, restricted only by memory. Unlike ShortStrings, AnsiStrings are pointer
referenced variables. Storage is allocated for an AnsiString only when needed. for example,
assigning the value of one AnsiString to another does not allocate storage for a copy of the
first string. Instead, the reference count of the first string is incremented, and the second
AnsiString set to point to it. But when the second string is changed, new storage is obtained
for this new string, and the reference count for the first string is decremented. AnsiStrings
can be assigned from other strings, from functions that return a string, and with
concatenations as in the sample code.
9.4. Syntax
type AnsiString;
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9.5. Example
9.5.1. Name
Assign to two AnsiStrings and manipulate these
9.5.2. Code
string1, string2 : AnsiString;
// assign a famous sentence to the first string
string1 := 'Hello World';
// assign to the second string
// this simply points string2 at string1
// the 'hello world' string storage has a reference count of 2
string2 := string1;
// add to the second string
// this disassociates from string1 - new string storage is
// created to hold the string2 value
string2 := string2 + ', how is everyone?';
// and finally, set the length of the first string to 5
SetLength(string1, 5);
// display both strings
ShowMessage('String1 = '+string1);
ShowMessage('String2 = '+string2);
9.5.3. Result
String1 = Hello
String2 = Hello World, how is everyone?
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10. AnsiUpperCase - Change lower case characters in a
string to upper case
10.1. Unit
10.2. Type
10.3. Description
The AnsiUpperCase function creates a copy of MixedString with all letters converted to upper
case. All Ansi commands support multi-byte and accented characters.
10.4. Syntax
function AnsiUpperCase(const MixedString : string) : string;
10.5. Example
10.5.1. Name
Converting a mixed case string to upper case
10.5.2. Code
SimpleString : string;
SimpleString := AnsiUpperCase('The Cat Sat on The MAT');
ShowMessage('SimpleString : '+SimpleString);
10.5.3. Result
SimpleString : THE CAT SAT on THE MAT
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11. Append - Open a text file to allow appending of text to
the end
11.1. Unit
11.2. Type
11.3. Description
The Append procedure opens a file given by FileHandle to allow subsequent writes to append
to the end of the file. You must use AssignFile to assign a file to the FileHandle before using
Append. This is often used when logging information - existing log data must be preserved,
with the new log information appended to the end. Use write or WriteLn to write to the file
after this Append is executed.
11.4. Syntax
procedure Append(var FileHandle : TextFile);
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11.5. Example
11.5.1. Name
Appending a line of text to an existing file
11.5.2. Code
myFile : TextFile;
text : string;
// try to open the test.txt file for writing to
AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');
// write a couple of well known words to this file
WriteLn(myFile, 'Hello');
WriteLn(myFile, 'World');
// close the file
// reopen to append a final line to the file
// write this final line
WriteLn(myFile, 'Final line added');
// close the file
// reopen the file for reading
// display the file contents
while not Eof(myFile) do
ReadLn(myFile, text);
// close the file for the last time
11.5.3. Result
Final line added
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12. ArcCos - The Arc Cosine of a number, returned in
12.1. Unit
12.2. Type
12.3. Description
The ArcCos function is a mathematical function giving the value in radians of the Arc Cosine
of Number. PI radians = 180 degrees
12.4. Syntax
function ArcCos(const Number : Extended) : Extended;
12.5. Example
12.5.1. Name
The ArcCos of 0.5 gives 60 degrees
12.5.2. Code
float : single;
// the arccos of 0.5 should give 60 degrees
float := ArcCos(0.5);
float := RadToDeg(float); // convert result to degrees
ShowMessage('ArcCos of 0.5 = '+FloatToStr(float)+' degrees');
12.5.3. Result
ArcCos of 0.5 = 60 degrees
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13. ArcSin - The Arc Sine of a number, returned in radians
13.1. Unit
13.2. Type
13.3. Description
The ArcSin function is a mathematical function giving the value in radians of the Arc Sine of
Number. PI radians = 180 degrees
13.4. Syntax
function ArcSin(const Number : Extended) : Extended;
13.5. Example
13.5.1. Name
The ArcSin of 0.5 gives 30 degrees
13.5.2. Code
float : single;
// the arcsin of 0.5 should give 30 degrees
float := ArcSin(0.5);
float := RadToDeg(float); // convert result to degrees
ShowMessage('ArcSin of 0.5 = '+FloatToStr(float)+' degrees');
13.5.3. Result
ArcSin of 0.5 = 30 degrees
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14. ArcTan - The Arc Tangent of a number, returned in
14.1. Unit
14.2. Type
14.3. Description
The ArcTan function is a mathematical function giving the value in radians of the Arc Tangent
of Number. PI radians = 180 degrees
14.4. Syntax
function ArcTan(const Number : Extended) : Extended;
14.5. Example
14.5.1. Name
Get the ArcTan of PI/2
14.5.2. Code
float : single;
// the arctan of pi/2 should give 1.0
float := ArcTan(PI/2);
ShowMessage('ArcTan of PI/2 = '+FloatToStr(float));
14.5.3. Result
ArcTan of PI/2 = 1.00388479232788
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15. Array - A data type holding indexable collections of
15.1. Unit
Iris Standard
15.2. Type
15.3. Description
The array keyword provides single and multi dimensional arrays (indexable sequences) of
data. Arrays in Iris always have a fixed, unchangeable size. They may be single or
multidimensional - the latter being an array of arrays (of arrays etc). The size and range of
such a multidimensional array is always given for the highest, leftmost array - the parent
15.4. Syntax
type Name = array[index type|Ordinal..Ordinal {,...}] of Base type;
15.5. Example 1
15.5.1. Name
Declaring and using arrays
15.5.2. Code
IntArr : array[0..20] of integer;
i : Integer;
// use indexing to furnish an array
for i := 5 to 20 do
IntArr[i] := i * 5;
// now use indexing to display 2 of the elements
ShowMessage('element 7 = '+IntToStr( IntArr[7] ));
ShowMessage('element 20 = '+IntToStr( IntArr[20] ));
15.5.3. Result
element 7 = 35
element 20 = 100
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15.6. Example 2
15.6.1. Name
Declaring and using multidimensional arrays
15.6.2. Code
FloatArr : array[0..9,20..29] of single;
x,y : Integer;
// use indexing to furnish an array
for x := 0 to 9 do
for y := 20 to 29 do
FloatArr[x,y] := x+(y/100);
// now use indexing to display 2 of the elements
ShowMessage('coordinate [3,24] = '+FloatToStr( FloatArr[3,24] ));
ShowMessage('coordinate [8,22] = '+FloatToStr( FloatArr[8,22] ));
15.6.3. Result
coordinate [3,24] = 3.24
coordinate [8,22] = 8.22
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16. AssignFile - Assigns a file handle to a binary or text file
16.1. Unit
16.2. Type
16.3. Description
The AssignFile procedure assigns a value to FileHandle for a FileName in preparation for
reading or writing to that file. Takes a text file variable type as the handle. The file is treated
as a textfile when opened. if the file name is an empty string, then file access is made to the
console standard input and output streams.
16.4. Syntax
procedure AssignFile(var FileHandle : TextFile; const FileName : string);
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16.5. Example
16.5.1. Name
write to a text file, and then read back its contents
16.5.2. Code
myFile : TextFile;
text : string;
// try to open the test.txt file for writing to
AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');
// write a couple of well known words to this file
WriteLn(myFile, 'Hello');
WriteLn(myFile, 'World');
// close the file
// reopen the file for reading
// display the file contents
while not Eof(myFile) do
ReadLn(myFile, text);
// close the file for the last time
16.5.3. Result
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17. Beep - Make a beep sound
17.1. Unit
17.2. Type
17.3. Description
The Beep procedure creates a very short and quiet sound through the internal speaker of
your PC. It is used as an indication that the user has done something wrong.
17.4. Syntax
procedure Beep;
17.5. Example
17.5.1. Name
Very simple!
17.5.2. Code
17.5.3. Result
No result specified
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18. Begin - Keyword that starts a statement block
18.1. Unit
Iris Standard
18.2. Type
18.3. Description
The begin keyword is fundamental to Iris - it starts statement blocks. The begin-end pair
fence in a set of statements. You may place such a block anywhere in your code. It is
particularly sensible in if and for statements, even if only one statement is required. It means
that adding an additional statement in the future is easy.
18.4. Syntax
18.5. Example
18.5.1. Name
Some examples of the begin statement
18.5.2. Code
myChars : array[1..2] of char;
myBytes : array[1..2] of Byte;
i : Integer;
// the begin statement always starts the code part of a subroutine
// use a for block to assign to both arrays
for i := 1 to 2 do
myChars[i] := Chr(i+64);
myBytes[i] := i+64;
// use a for block to observe the contents
for i := 1 to 2 do
ShowMessage('myChars['+IntToStr(i)+'] = '+myChars[i]);
ShowMessage('myBytes['+IntToStr(i)+'] = '+IntToStr(myBytes[i]));
18.5.3. Result
myChars[1] = A
myBytes[1] = 65
myChars[2] = B
myChars[2] = 66
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19. Boolean - Allows just True and False values
19.1. Unit
19.2. Type
19.3. Description
The Boolean type provides an enumeration of the logical True and False values. Unlike other
languages, it is not a number - it will only allow these values. This makes the code much
more reliable.
19.4. Syntax
type Boolean = (False, True);
19.5. Example
19.5.1. Name
Boolean assignments and tests
19.5.2. Code
same : Boolean;
small, large, i : Integer;
small := 23;
large := 455555;
// test directly to see if these numbers are the same size
if small = large
then ShowMessage('small = large')
else ShowMessage('small <> large');
// use a boolean to hold and test this outcome
same := (small = large);
if same
then ShowMessage('small = large')
else ShowMessage('small <> large');
// assign a direct logical value to this boolean
same := True;
if same
then ShowMessage('same is True')
else ShowMessage('same is False');
19.5.3. Result
small <> large
small <> large
same is True
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20. Break - Forces a jump out of a single loop
20.1. Unit
20.2. Type
20.3. Description
The Break procedure forces a jump out of the setof statements within a loop. Like the goto
statement, it should be used with caution. It is important to note that the Break statement
only jumps out of the current loop - not out of any nested loops above it. The goto statement
20.4. Syntax
procedure Break;
20.5. Example
20.5.1. Name
Breaking out of a loop for good reason
20.5.2. Code
i : Integer;
s : string;
s := '';
// a big loop
for i := 1 to 10 do
s := s + IntToStr(i) + ' ';
// exit loop when a certain condition is met
if Random(4) = 2 then Break;
ShowMessage('i = '+IntToStr(i));
ShowMessage('s = '+s);
20.5.3. Result
i = 6
s = 1 2 3 4 5 6
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21. Byte - An integer type supporting values 0 to 255
21.1. Unit
21.2. Type
21.3. Description
The Byte type is the smallest form of integer, occupying 8 bits (1 byte) of storage. It supports
only the positive integers from 0 to 255.
21.4. Syntax
type Byte = 0..255;
21.5. Example
21.5.1. Name
Showing maximum and minimum byte values
21.5.2. Code
A, B : Byte;
// set the values of this data type
A := 5;
B := 100;
ShowMessage('A = '+IntToStr(A)+' and B = '+IntToStr(B));
ShowMessage('A + B = '+IntToStr(A+B));
21.5.3. Result
A = 5 and B = 100
A + B = 100
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22. Cardinal - The basic unsigned integer type
22.1. Unit
22.2. Type
22.3. Description
The Cardinal type is an Integer whose size is not guaranteed. It is the basic unsigned integer
type, and currently has the same capacity as the LongWord: 32 bits. to hold very large
integers, use the Int64 type.
22.4. Syntax
type Cardinal = 0..4294967295; // at the time of writing
22.5. Example
22.5.1. Name
Showing the capacity of Cardinal
22.5.2. Code
A, B : Cardinal;
// set the values of this data type
A := 1;
B := 999999;
ShowMessage('A = '+IntToStr(A)+' and B = '+IntToStr(B));
ShowMessage('A + B = '+IntToStr(A+B));
22.5.3. Result
A = 1 and B = 999999
A + B = 1000000
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23. Case - A mechanism for acting upon different values of
an Ordinal
23.1. Unit
Iris Standard
23.2. Type
23.3. Description
The case keyword provides a structured equivalent to a sequence of if statements on the
same variable. The case statement is more elegant, more efficient, and easier to maintain
than multiple if nestings.
23.4. Syntax
1 case Ordinal expression of
Ordinal value {,ordinal value...} : Statement;
else Statement;
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23.5. Example
23.5.1. Name
Standard case statement usage
23.5.2. Code
// remember to declare the procedure at type using the following line
// procedure showcolour(colour : string);
colour : string;
number : Integer;
// show the colour before it has an assigned value
// now set the colour and try again
colour := 'Green';
// calculations can also be used in the case statement
number := 17;
case number mod 2 of
0 : ShowMessage(IntToStr(Number)+' mod 2 = 0');
1 : ShowMessage(IntToStr(Number)+' mod 2 = 1');
else ShowMessage(IntToStr(Number)+' mod 2 is unknown');
// procedure to show the colour of a passed
procedure TUntitled.ShowColour(colour : string);
// use a case statement to see the colour of the passed var
// note how important the else clause is, even though we have
// apparently covered all string values!
case colour of
'Red' : ShowMessage('The colour is Red');
'Green' : ShowMessage('The colour is Green');
'Blue' : ShowMessage('The colour is Blue');
'Yellow' : ShowMessage('The colour is Yellow');
else ShowMessage('The colour is Unknown!');
23.5.3. Result
The colour is Unknown!
The colour is Green
17 mod 2 is 1
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24. ChangeFileExt - Change the extension part of a file
24.1. Unit
24.2. Type
24.3. Description
The ChangeFileExt function changes the Extension value of a file FileName, returning the new
value as a string.
24.4. Syntax
function ChangeFileExt(const FileName, Extension : string) : string;
24.5. Example
24.5.1. Name
Renaming Test.exe to Test.bak
24.5.2. Code
oldName, newName : string;
// try to rename the current test.exe to test.bak
oldName := 'Test.exe';
newName := ChangeFileExt(oldName, '.bak');
// show the old and new values
ShowMessage('Old name = '+oldName);
ShowMessage('New name = '+newName);
24.5.3. Result
Old name = Test.exe
New name = Test.bak
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25. ChangePage - Change a page
25.1. Unit
Iris Standard
25.2. Type
Frame Function
25.3. Description
Opens a new screen instead of the active screen
25.4. Syntax
procedure ChangePage(PageName: string);
25.5. Example 1
25.5.1. Name
Open the screen 'ScreenName'
25.5.2. Code
25.5.3. Result
No result specified
25.6. Example 2
25.6.1. Name
Open the screen 'ScreenName' in the frame 'FrameName'
25.6.2. Code
25.6.3. Result
No result specified
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26. Char - Variable type holding a single character
26.1. Unit
26.2. Type
26.3. Description
The Char type is a simple variable type used to hold a single character. It can be assigned
from a character constant, or an integer.
26.4. Syntax
type : Char = #0..#255;
26.5. Example
26.5.1. Name
Different ways of assigning to and from a Char
26.5.2. Code
myChar : Char;
myChar := 'g'; // assign from a character constant
ShowMessage('Letter g = '+myChar);
myChar := #65; // assign from an integer constant
ShowMessage('#65 = '+myChar);
myChar := Chr(66); // using chr to convert a number
ShowMessage('Chr(66) = '+myChar);
26.5.3. Result
Letter g = g
#65 = A
Chr(66) = B
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27. ChDir - Change the working drive plus path for a
specified drive
27.1. Unit
27.2. Type
27.3. Description
The ChDir procedure sets the working drive + path values to the supplied Directory. There
are as many working directories as drives on the target machine. if the directory is invalid,
you will get an error such as ElnOutError, and the directory will remain unchanged.
27.4. Syntax
procedure ChDir(const Directory : string);
27.5. Example
27.5.1. Name
Getting and setting the directory for the C: drive
27.5.2. Code
directory : string;
// get the directory for the c drive
GetDir(2, directory);
ShowMessage('default C drive directory = '+directory);
// set the c directory to this value
GetDir(2, directory);
ShowMessage('default C drive directory = '+directory);
// try to set to an invalid value
GetDir(2, directory);
ShowMessage('default C drive directory = '+directory);
27.5.3. Result
The following output is representative, and will necessarily vary
from PC to PC:
EInOutError ('Invalid file name')
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28. Chr - Convert an integer into a character
28.1. Unit
28.2. Type
28.3. Description
The Chr function converts an IntValue integer into either an AnsiChar or WideChar as
28.4. Syntax
function Chr(IntValue : Integer) : AnsiChar;
28.5. Example
28.5.1. Name
Showing Chr usage
28.5.2. Code
tab : char;
crlf : string;
// show the use of chr
tab := Chr(9);
crlf := Chr(13)+Chr(10);
28.5.3. Result
Hello World
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29. ClearMailBox - Clears the current MailBox
29.1. Unit
Iris Standard
29.2. Type
MailBox Function
29.3. Description
Clears the current mailbox. MailBoxes can be used to pass structrured values to for example
29.4. Syntax
procedure ClearMailbox;
29.5. Example
29.5.1. Name
Using MailBoxes
29.5.2. Code
// set the mailbox 'mymailbox' to the object 'unit23'
// the following could be done in a linked popup
// write a value to the tag '[mymailbox].open', - which will be
// remove the mailbox
// the following could be done in another linked popup
// set the mailbox 'mymailbox' to the object 'unit23.modulea'
// write a value to the tag '[mymailbox].status', - which will be
// clear the current mailbox
29.5.3. Result
Unit23.Open is written inside popup 1
Unit23.ModuleA.Status is written inside popup 2 that is a popup from popup 1
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30. CloseCurrentPage - Close a screen
30.1. Unit
Iris Standard
30.2. Type
Frame Function
30.3. Description
Closes the active screen. Note that this can also be a popup screen.
30.4. Syntax
procedure CloseCurrentPage;
30.5. Example
30.5.1. Name
Close the current screen
30.5.2. Code
// closes the screen
30.5.3. Result
No result specified
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31. CloseFile - Closes an open file
31.1. Unit
31.2. Type
31.3. Description
The CloseFile procedure closes an open file given by FileHandle. The file must have been
assigned, and opened with Append, Reset or ReWrite. The file is closed, and the handle is
made available for further assignment to files.
31.4. Syntax
procedure CloseFile(var FileHandle : TextFile);
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31.5. Example
31.5.1. Name
Closing after write and read operations
31.5.2. Code
myFile : TextFile;
text : string;
// try to open the test.txt file for writing to
AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');
// write a couple of well known words to this file
WriteLn(myFile, 'Hello');
WriteLn(myFile, 'World');
// close the file
// reopen the file in read only mode
// display the file contents
while not Eof(myFile) do
ReadLn(myFile, text);
// close the file for the last time
31.5.3. Result
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32. CompareStr - Compare two strings for equality
32.1. Unit
32.2. Type
32.3. Description
The CompareStr function compares String1 and String2 for equality. It returns these values :
String1 < String2 : -ve numberString1 = String2 : 0String1 > String2 : +ve number The
comparison is not affected by length - it is carried out on a letter by letter basis. But a longer
string is greater than a shorter, otherwise matching string. The comparison is case sensitive.
32.4. Syntax
function CompareStr(const String1, String2 : string) : Integer;
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32.5. Example
32.5.1. Name
Compare various strings
32.5.2. Code
// remember to declare the procedure at type using the following line
// procedure comparestrings(const string1, string2: string);
// compare two obviously different strings
CompareStrings('HELLO', 'WORLD');
// compare identical strings
CompareStrings('Hi 2 you', 'Hi 2 you');
// upper case letters follow lower case in iris
CompareStrings('ABC', 'abc');
// all letters follow numbers in iris
CompareStrings('abc', '123');
// compare two strings, and show which is bigger than the other
procedure TUntitled.CompareStrings(const string1, string2: string);
result : Integer;
// compare some strings
result := CompareStr(string1, string2);
if result < 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' < '+string2);
if result = 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' = '+string2);
if result > 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' > '+string2);
32.5.3. Result
Hi 2 you = Hi 2 you
ABC > abc
abc > 123
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33. CompareText - Compare two strings for equality,
ignoring case
33.1. Unit
33.2. Type
33.3. Description
The CompareText function compares String1 and String2 for equality, ignoring case. It
returns these values : String1 < String2 : -ve numberString1 = String2 : 0String1 > String2 :
+ve number The comparison is not affected by length - it is carried out on a letter by letter
basis. But a longer string is greater than a shorter, otherwise matching string.
33.4. Syntax
function CompareText(const String1, String2 : string) : Integer;
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33.5. Example
33.5.1. Name
Compare various strings
33.5.2. Code
// remember to declare the procedure at type using the following line
// procedure comparestrings(const string1, string2: string);
// compare two obviously different strings
CompareStrings('HELLO', 'WORLD');
// compare identical strings
CompareStrings('Hi 2 you', 'Hi 2 you');
// ansicomparetext treats upper and lower case identically
CompareStrings('ABCdef', 'abcDEF');
// all letters follow numbers in iris
CompareStrings('abc', '123');
// compare two strings, and show which is bigger than the other
procedure TUntitled.CompareStrings(const string1, string2: string);
result : Integer;
// compare some strings
result := CompareText(string1, string2);
if result < 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' < '+string2);
if result = 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' = '+string2);
if result > 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' > '+string2);
33.5.3. Result
Hi 2 you = Hi 2 you
ABCdef = abcDEF
abc > 123
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34. CompareValue - Compare numeric values with a
34.1. Unit
34.2. Type
34.3. Description
CompareValue allows floating point numbers to be compared in a tolerant way. if the two
numbers are close enough together, they are deemed to be equal. The delta value is the
permitted tolerance. There seems no point to the author in providing the Integer version of
this function with no delta. TValueRelationship supports the following values: LessThanValue
-1EqualsValue 0GreaterThanValue 1
34.4. Syntax
function CompareValue (const A, B : Single|Double|Extended; delta :
Single|Double|Extended) : TValueRelationship;
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34.5. Example
34.5.1. Name
Comparing floating point numbers
34.5.2. Code
A : Single;
B : Single;
C : Single;
A := 23.0;
B := 23.0;
C := 23.1;
// compare 2 equal floats
case CompareValue(A, B, 0) of
LessThanValue : ShowMessage('A < B');
EqualsValue : ShowMessage('A = B');
GreaterThanValue : ShowMessage('A > B');
// compare 2 unequal floats
case CompareValue(A, C, 0) of
LessThanValue : ShowMessage('A < C');
EqualsValue : ShowMessage('A = C');
GreaterThanValue : ShowMessage('A > C');
// compare 2 unequal floats - but allow for a difference of up to +/- 0.2
case CompareValue(A, C, 0.2) of
LessThanValue : ShowMessage('A < C');
EqualsValue : ShowMessage('A = C');
GreaterThanValue : ShowMessage('A > C');
34.5.3. Result
A = B
A < C
A = C
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35. Const - Starts the definition of fixed data values
35.1. Unit
Iris Standard
35.2. Type
35.3. Description
The const keyword is used to start a section of constant definitions. The section is terminated
by the next keyword in a program. Within the section, one or more constants may be
35.4. Syntax
const Name1 = Expression1;
35.5. Example
35.5.1. Name
Illustrating the different constant types
35.5.2. Code
CRUDE_PI = 22/7;
HELLO = 'Hello World';
i : Integer;
// display our crude value of pi
ShowMessage('Crude Pi = '+FloatToStr(CRUDE_PI));
// say hello to the world
// display max_lines of data
for i := 1 to MAX_LINES do
35.5.3. Result
Crude Pi = 3.14285714285714
Hello World
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36. Continue - Forces a jump to the next iteration of a loop
36.1. Unit
36.2. Type
36.3. Description
The Continue procedure forces a jump past the remaining statements within a loop, back to
the next loop iteration. Like the goto statement, it should be used with caution. It is
important to note that the Continue statement only jumps to the start of the current loop -
not out of any nested loops above it. The goto statement can.
36.4. Syntax
procedure Continue;
36.5. Example
36.5.1. Name
Skipping loop processing for certain loop values
36.5.2. Code
i : Integer;
s : string;
s := '';
// a big loop
for i := 1 to 9 do
// skip loop processing for certain values of i
if (i = 3) or (i = 7) then Continue;
s := s + IntToStr(i);
s := s + ' ';
// show the string created by the above loop
ShowMessage('s = '+s);
36.5.3. Result
s = 1 2 4 5 6 8 9
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37. Copy - Create a copy of part of a string or an array
37.1. Unit
37.2. Type
37.3. Description
The Copy function has 2 forms. in the first, it creates a new string from part of an existing
string. in the second, it creates a new array from part of an existing array. string copy The
first character of a string has index = 1. Up to Count characters are copied from the
StartChar of the Source string to the returned string. Less than Count characters if the end of
the Source string is encountered before Count characters have been copied.
37.4. Syntax
function Copy(Source : string; StartChar, Count : Integer) : string;
37.5. Example
37.5.1. Name
string copy
37.5.2. Code
Source, Target : string;
Source := '12345678';
Target := Copy(Source, 3, 4);
ShowMessage('Target : '+Target);
37.5.3. Result
Target : 3456
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38. Cos - The Cosine of a number
38.1. Unit
38.2. Type
38.3. Description
The Cos function is a mathematical function giving the Cosine value of a Number value given
radians. PI radians = 180 degrees
38.4. Syntax
function Cos(const Number : Extended) : Extended;
38.5. Example
38.5.1. Name
Get the Cosine of 60 degrees
38.5.2. Code
float : single;
// the sine of 60 degrees = 0.5
float := Cos(PI/3); // = 180/3 = 60 degrees
ShowMessage('Cos(PI/3) = '+FloatToStr(float));
38.5.3. Result
Cos(PI/3) = 0.5
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39. CreateDir - Create a directory
39.1. Unit
39.2. Type
39.3. Description
The CreateDir function creates a new directory Dir in the current directory. if the create
succeeded, the True is returned, otherwise the error can be obtained using GetLastError.
39.4. Syntax
function CreateDir(const Dir : string) : Boolean;
39.5. Example
39.5.1. Name
Create a new directory
39.5.2. Code
// create a new directory in the current directory
if CreateDir('TestDir')
then ShowMessage('New directory added OK')
else ShowMessage('New directory add failed with error : '+
39.5.3. Result
New directory added OK
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40. Currency - A floating point type with 4 decimals used
for financial values
40.1. Unit
40.2. Type
40.3. Description
The Currency type is designed for use in financial applications. It supports 4 decimal places
with at least 53 bits precision*. Decimal places beyond the supported 4 are rounded up or
down, as appropriate. See the sample code for an example.
40.4. Syntax
type Currency;
40.5. Example
40.5.1. Name
Rounding up and down currency amounts
40.5.2. Code
account1, account2, account3 : Currency;
account1 := 123.456789;
account2 := 987.654321;
account3 := account1 + account2;
ShowMessage('Account1 = '+CurrToStr(account1));
ShowMessage('Account2 = '+CurrToStr(account2));
ShowMessage('Account3 = '+CurrToStr(account3));
40.5.3. Result
Account1 = 123.4568
Account2 = 987.6543
Account3 = 1111.1111
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41. CurrencyDecimals - Defines decimal digit count in the
Format function
41.1. Unit
41.2. Type
41.3. Description
The CurrencyDecimals variable provides a default number of decimal digits for the Format
and related functions.
41.4. Syntax
var CurrencyDecimals : Byte;
41.5. Example
41.5.1. Name
Change the default decimal digits from 2 to 4
41.5.2. Code
amount : Double;
amount := 1234.567;
// display the amount using the default decimal digits (2)
ShowMessage('Amount = '+Format('%m', [amount]));
// redisplay the amount with 4 decimal digits
CurrencyDecimals := 4;
ShowMessage('Amount = '+Format('%m', [amount]));
41.5.3. Result
Amount = ?1,234.57
Amount = ?1,234.5670
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42. CurrencyFormat - Defines currency string placement in
curr display functions
42.1. Unit
42.2. Type
42.3. Description
The CurrencyFormat variable is in effect an enumerated type. The values it can hold
determine placement of the currency string in the currency display functions, such as
CurrToStr. The allowed values are: 0 = Before amount1 = After amount2 = Before amount
with space3 = After amount with space
42.4. Syntax
var CurrencyFormat : Byte;
42.5. Example
42.5.1. Name
Illustrate the 4 currency formats
42.5.2. Code
amount : Currency;
i : Byte;
amount := 12; // 12 pounds
// display the amount using all 4 currency formats
for i := 0 to 3 do
CurrencyFormat := i;
ShowMessage('Format '+IntToStr(i)+' = '+CurrToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, 0));
42.5.3. Result
Format 0 = ?12
Format 1 = 12?
Format 2 = ? 12
Format 3 = 12 ?
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43. CurrencyString - The currency string used in currency
display functions
43.1. Unit
43.2. Type
43.3. Description
The CurrencyString variable is used in currency display functions. It is used to prefix or suffix
the currency amount. for example, the UK default is ?, so 1.23 is displayed as ?1.23 by
43.4. Syntax
var CurrencyString : string;
43.5. Example
43.5.1. Name
Changing the currency character to a word
43.5.2. Code
amount : Currency;
amount := 12; // 12 pounds
// display with the default currency string
ShowMessage('Amount = '+CurrToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, 0));
// display with the currency shown as a word after the amount
CurrencyString := 'Pounds';
CurrencyFormat := 4; // 4 means after with a space
ShowMessage('Amount = '+CurrToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, 0));
43.5.3. Result
Amount = ?12
Amount = 12 Pounds
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44. CurrentPageName - Show the current page name
44.1. Unit
Iris Standard
44.2. Type
Frame Function
44.3. Description
Returns the name of the active screen
44.4. Syntax
property CurrentPageName
44.5. Example
44.5.1. Name
Show a message with the Screen Name of the frame 'FrameName'
44.5.2. Code
44.5.3. Result
No result specified
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45. CurrToStr - Convert a currency value to a string
45.1. Unit
45.2. Type
45.3. Description
The CurrToStr function converts a currency Value into a displayable string. The decimal point
and digits are only displayed if non-zero. The CurrencyDecimals does not affect this function.
Unexpectedly, there is no currency symbol or thousands separator character used in the
45.4. Syntax
function CurrToStr(Value : Currency) : string;
45.5. Example
45.5.1. Name
Display currency values as strings
45.5.2. Code
amount1, amount2, amount3 : Currency;
amount1 := 1.23;
amount2 := 123456789.1234;
ShowMessage('Amount1 = '+CurrToStr(amount1));
ShowMessage('Amount2 = '+CurrToStr(amount2));
45.5.3. Result
Amount1 = 1.23
Amount2 = 123456789.1234
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46. CurrToStrF - Convert a currency value to a string with
46.1. Unit
46.2. Type
46.3. Description
The CurrToStrF function converts a currency Value into a displayable string, with great control
over the formatting via the Format, and Digits values. The Digits value determines how many
decimal digits are displayed. The Format parameter is defined by the TFloatFormat (SysUtils)
type: ffCurrency eg : ?2,345.60ffExponent eg : 2.3456E+04ffFixed eg : 2345.60ffGeneral eg :
2345.6ffNumber eg : 2,345.6
46.4. Syntax
1 function CurrToStrF(Value : Currency; Format : TFloatFormat; Digits : Integer) :
46.5. Example
46.5.1. Name
Display currency numbers as financial values
46.5.2. Code
amount1 : Currency;
amount1 := 1234.567;
// display in a currency format
CurrencyString := '? ';
ShowMessage('Using 4 digits = '+CurrToStrF(amount1, ffCurrency, 4));
ShowMessage('Using 2 digits = '+CurrToStrF(amount1, ffCurrency, 2));
ShowMessage('Using 0 digits = '+CurrToStrF(amount1, ffCurrency, 0));
46.5.3. Result
Using 4 digits = 1,234.5670 ?
Using 2 digits = 1,234.57 ?
Using 0 digits = 1,235 ?
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47. Date - Gives the current date
47.1. Unit
47.2. Type
47.3. Description
The Date function returns the current date in the local time zone. Because the return value is
a TDateTime type, the time component is set to zero (start of day).
47.4. Syntax
function Date : TDateTime;
47.5. Example
47.5.1. Name
Show the current date
47.5.2. Code
ShowMessage('Yesterday = '+DateToStr(Yesterday));
ShowMessage('Today = '+DateToStr(Date));
ShowMessage('Tomorrow = '+DateToStr(Tomorrow));
ShowMessage('Today''s time = '+TimeToStr(Date));
47.5.3. Result
Yesterday = 28/10/2009
Today = 29/10/2009
Tomorrow = 30/10/2009
Today's time = 00:00:00
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48. DateSeparator - The character used to separate
display date fields
48.1. Unit
48.2. Type
48.3. Description
The DateSeparator variable is used in date and time display functions. DateSeparator value is
'/' by default, depending on the Windows locale.
48.4. Syntax
var DateSeparator : char;
48.5. Example
48.5.1. Name
Changing the date display separator character
48.5.2. Code
mydate : TDateTime;
myDate := EndOfAMonth(2000, 2); // 29th feb 2000 at 23:59:59.999
ShowMessage('Date = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
DateSeparator := '_'; // override the / date separator
ShowMessage('Date now = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
48.5.3. Result
Date = 29/02/2000 23:59:59
Date now = 29_02_2000 23:59:59
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49. DateTimeToFileDate - Convert a TDateTime value to a
file date/time format
49.1. Unit
49.2. Type
49.3. Description
The DateTimeToFileDate function converts a TDateTime value DateTime to the format used
for file dates. The file date is more restricted in range than TDateTime:Year must be 1980 ..
2099Milli-seconds are rounded to 2 decimal places
49.4. Syntax
function DateTimeToFileDate(DateTime : TDateTime) : Integer;
49.5. Example
49.5.1. Name
Display, update, and redisplay the last modified date of a file
49.5.2. Code
fileName : string;
fileDate : Integer;
newDateTime : TDateTime;
// try to open the test.dfm file for the current project
fileName := 'test.dfm';
fileDate := FileAge(fileName);
// did we get the file age ok?
if fileDate > -1 then
ShowMessage(fileName+' last modified date = '+
// now change the last modified date
newDateTime := StrToDateTime('01/01/2009 12:34:56');
FileSetDate(fileName, DateTimeToFileDate(newDateTime));
// did we update the file last modified date ok?
fileDate := FileAge(fileName);
if fileDate > -1 then
ShowMessage(fileName+' last modified date = '+
49.5.3. Result
test.dfm last modified date = 30/10/2009 15:16:22
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test.dfm last modified date = 01/01/2009 12:34:56
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50. DateTimeToStr - Converts TDateTime date and time
values to a string
50.1. Unit
50.2. Type
50.3. Description
The DateTimeToStr function converts a TDateTime value DateTime into a formatted date and
time string. The string comprises : Date in ShortDateFormat1 blank Time in LongTimeFormat
See these two formatting variables for more details. The date and time formats are also
affected by the DateSeparator and TimeSeparator values.
50.4. Syntax
function DateTimeToStr(DateTime : TDateTime) : string;
50.5. Example
50.5.1. Name
Converting two date/time values to strings
50.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
myDate := StrToDateTime('09/02/2002 12:00');
ShowMessage('Middle of a day = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
myDate := StrToDateTime('09/02/2002 00:00');
ShowMessage('Start of a day = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
50.5.3. Result
Middle of a day = 09/02/2002 12:00:00
Start of a day = 09/02/2002
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51. DateTimeToString - Rich formatting of a TDateTime
variable into a string
51.1. Unit
51.2. Type
51.3. Description
The DateTimeToString procedure provides rich formatting of a TDateTime value DateTime
into a string Result. Formatting is defined by the Formatting string. The Formatting string can
comprise a mix of ordinary characters (that are passed unchanged to the result string), and
data formatting characters. This formatting is best explained by the example code. The
following (non-Asian) formatting character strings can be used in the Formatting string: y =
Year last 2 digitsyy = Year last 2 digitsyyyy = Year as 4 digitsm = Month number no-leading
0mm = Month number as 2 digitsmmm = Month using ShortDayNames (Jan)mmmm = Month
using LongDayNames (January)d = Day number no-leading 0dd = Day number as 2 digitsddd
= Day using ShortDayNames (Sun)dddd = Day using LongDayNames (Sunday)ddddd = Day
in ShortDateFormatdddddd = Day in LongDateFormat c = Use ShortDateFormat +
LongTimeFormath = Hour number no-leading 0hh = Hour number as 2 digitsn = Minute
number no-leading 0nn = Minute number as 2 digitss = Second number no-leading 0ss =
Second number as 2 digitsz = Milli-sec number no-leading 0szzz = Milli-sec number as 3
digitst = Use ShortTimeFormattt = Use LongTimeFormat am/pm = Use after h : gives 12
hours + am/pma/p = Use after h : gives 12 hours + a/pampm = As a/p but
TimeAMString,TimePMString/ = Substituted by DateSeparator value: = Substituted by
TimeSeparator value in addition to this formatting, various of the above options are affected
by the following variables, withe their default values : DateSeparator = /TimeSeparator =
:ShortDateFormat = dd/mm/yyyyLongDateFormat = dd mmm yyyyTimeAMString =
AMTimePMString = PMShortTimeFormat = hh:mmLongTimeFormat =
hh:mm:ssShortMonthNames = Jan Feb ...LongMonthNames = January, February
...ShortDayNames = Sun, Mon ...LongDayNames = Sunday, Monday
...TwoDigitCenturyWindow = 50
51.4. Syntax
1 procedure DateTimeToString(var Result : string; const Formatting : string;
DateTime : TDateTime);
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51.5. Example 1
51.5.1. Name
Showing all of the date
51.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
formattedDateTime : string;
// set up our tdatetime variable with a full date and time :
// 5th of june 2000 at 01:02:03.004 (.004 milli-seconds)
myDate := EncodeDateTime(2000, 6, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4);
// date only - numeric values with no leading zeroes (except year)
DateTimeToString(formattedDateTime, 'd/m/y', myDate);
ShowMessage('d/m/y = '+formattedDateTime);
// date only - numeric values with leading zeroes
DateTimeToString(formattedDateTime, 'dd/mm/yy', myDate);
ShowMessage('dd/mm/yy = '+formattedDateTime);
// use short names for the day, month, and add freeform text ('of')
DateTimeToString(formattedDateTime, 'ddd d of mmm yyyy', myDate);
ShowMessage('ddd d of mmm yyyy = '+formattedDateTime);
// use long names for the day and month
DateTimeToString(formattedDateTime, 'dddd d of mmmm yyyy', myDate);
ShowMessage('dddd d of mmmm yyyy = '+formattedDateTime);
// use the shortdateformat settings only
DateTimeToString(formattedDateTime, 'ddddd', myDate);
ShowMessage('ddddd = '+formattedDateTime);
// use the longdateformat settings only
DateTimeToString(formattedDateTime, 'dddddd', myDate);
ShowMessage('dddddd = '+formattedDateTime);
// use the shortdateformat + longtimeformat settings
DateTimeToString(formattedDateTime, 'c', myDate);
ShowMessage('c = '+formattedDateTime);
51.5.3. Result
d/m/y = 5/6/00
dd/mm/yy = 05/06/00
ddd d of mmm yyyy = Mon 5 of Jun 2000
dddd d of mmmm yyyy = Monday 5 of June 2000
ddddd = 05/06/2000
dddddd = 05 June 2000
c = 05/06/2000 01:02:03
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51.6. Example 2
51.6.1. Name
Showing all of the time
51.6.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
formattedDateTime : string;
// set up our tdatetime variable with a full date and time :
// 5th of june 2000 at 01:02:03.004 (.004 milli-seconds)
myDate := EncodeDateTime(2000, 6, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4);
// time only - numeric values with no leading zeroes
DateTimeToString(formattedDateTime, 'h:n:s.z', myDate);
ShowMessage('h:n:s.z = '+formattedDateTime);
// time only - numeric values with leading zeroes
DateTimeToString(formattedDateTime, 'hh:nn:ss.zzz', myDate);
ShowMessage('hh:nn:ss.zzz = '+formattedDateTime);
// use the shorttimeformat settings only
DateTimeToString(formattedDateTime, 't', myDate);
ShowMessage('t = '+formattedDateTime);
// use the longtimeformat settings only
DateTimeToString(formattedDateTime, 'tt', myDate);
ShowMessage('tt = '+formattedDateTime);
// use the shortdateformat + longtimeformat settings
DateTimeToString(formattedDateTime, 'c', myDate);
ShowMessage('c = '+formattedDateTime);
51.6.3. Result
h:m:s.z = 1:2:3.4
hh:mm:ss.zzz = 01:02:03.004
t = 01:02
tt = 01:02:03
c = 05/06/2000 01:02:03
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52. DateToStr - Converts a TDateTime date value to a
52.1. Unit
52.2. Type
52.3. Description
The DateToStr function converts a TDateTime value Date into a formatted date string. The
date is formatted using the ShortDateFormat value, which in turn uses the DateSeparator
52.4. Syntax
function DateToStr(Date : TDateTime) : string;
52.5. Example
52.5.1. Name
Converting a date value to a string
52.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
myDate := StrToDate('13/02/2002');
ShowMessage('myDate = '+DateToStr(myDate));
52.5.3. Result
myDate = 13/02/2002
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53. DayOfTheMonth - Gives day of month index for a
TDateTime value (ISO 8601)
53.1. Unit
53.2. Type
53.3. Description
The DayOfTheMonth function returns an index number for the day of the month. Depending
on the year and month, the value is in the range 1..31
53.4. Syntax
function DayOfTheMonth(const Date : TDateTime) : Word;
53.5. Example
53.5.1. Name
Show the day of the month for a TDateTime variable
53.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
myDate := EncodeDate(2002, 12, 31);
ShowMessage('The day of the month = '+IntToStr(DayOfTheMonth(myDate)));
53.5.3. Result
The day of the month = 31
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54. DayOfTheWeek - Gives day of week index for a
TDateTime value (ISO 8601)
54.1. Unit
54.2. Type
54.3. Description
The DayOfTheWeek function returns an index number for the day of the week :1 = Monday2
= Tuesday3 = Wednesday4 = Thursday5 = Friday6 = Saturday7 = Sunday
54.4. Syntax
function DayOfTheWeek(const Date : TDateTime) : Integer;
54.5. Example
54.5.1. Name
Show the day of the week for Christmas 2002
54.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
day : array[1..7] of string;
// we cannot use longdaynames - they start on sunday
day[1] := 'Monday';
day[2] := 'Tuesday';
day[3] := 'Wednesday';
day[4] := 'Thursday';
day[5] := 'Friday';
day[6] := 'Saturday';
day[7] := 'Sunday';
myDate := EncodeDate(2002, 12, 25);
ShowMessage('Christmas day 2002 is on a '+day[DayOfTheWeek(myDate)]);
54.5.3. Result
Christmas day 2002 is on a Wednesday
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55. DayOfTheYear - Gives the day of the year for a
TDateTime value (ISO 8601)
55.1. Unit
55.2. Type
55.3. Description
The DayOfTheYear function returns an index number for the day of the year. Depending on
the year, the value is in the range 1..366
55.4. Syntax
function DayOfTheYear(const Date : TDateTime) : Word;
55.5. Example
55.5.1. Name
Show the day of the year for a TDateTime variable
55.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
myDate := EncodeDate(2002, 10, 29);
ShowMessage('20/10/2002 day of year = '+
55.5.3. Result
20/10/2002 day of the year = 302
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56. DayOfWeek - Gives day of week index for a TDateTime
56.1. Unit
56.2. Type
56.3. Description
The DayOfWeek function returns an index number for the day of the week :1 = Sunday2 =
Monday3 = Tuesday4 = Wednesday5 = Thursday6 = Friday7 = Saturday
56.4. Syntax
function DayOfWeek(Date : TDateTime) : Integer;
56.5. Example
56.5.1. Name
Show the day of the week for Christmas 2002
56.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
day : string;
myDate := EncodeDate(2002, 12, 31);
day := IntToStr(DayOfWeek(myDate));
ShowMessage('Christmas day 2002 is on ' + day + ' of the week');
56.5.3. Result
Christmas day 2002 is on a Tuesday
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57. DaysBetween - Gives the whole number of days
between 2 dates
57.1. Unit
57.2. Type
57.3. Description
The DaysBetween function subtracts the FromDate from the ToDate, returning the number
whole days difference. The time value of each date is taken account of - only whole 24 hour
chunks are counted as whole days.
57.4. Syntax
function DaysBetween(const ToDate, FromDate : TDateTime) : Integer;
57.5. Example
57.5.1. Name
Find the days difference between two date+time values.
57.5.2. Code
fromdate, toDate : TDateTime;
// set up our date variables
fromDate := EncodeDateTime(2000, 02, 26, 10, 0, 0, 0);
toDate := EncodeDateTime(2000, 02, 29, 9, 0, 0, 0);
// display these dates and the days between them
ShowMessage('From date = '+DateTimeToStr(fromDate));
ShowMessage('to date = '+DateTimeToStr(toDate));
ShowMessage('Whole days difference = '+
IntToStr(DaysBetween(toDate, fromDate))+' days');
57.5.3. Result
From date = 26/02/2000 10:00:00
to date = 29/02/2000 09:00:00
Whole days difference = 2 days
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58. DaysInAMonth - Gives the number of days in a month
58.1. Unit
58.2. Type
58.3. Description
The DaysInAMonth function gives the number of days in a given Year and Month.
58.4. Syntax
function DaysInAMonth(const Year, Month : Word) : Word;
58.5. Example
58.5.1. Name
How many days in February 2000 ?
58.5.2. Code
// how many days in february 2000 ?
ShowMessage('Days in February 2000 = '+
IntToStr(DaysInAMonth(2000, 2)));
58.5.3. Result
Days in February 2000 = 29
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59. DaysInAYear - Gives the number of days in a year
59.1. Unit
59.2. Type
59.3. Description
The DaysInAYear function gives the number of days in a given Year. The Year can be in the
range 0..9999
59.4. Syntax
function DaysInAYear(const Year : Word) : Word;
59.5. Example
59.5.1. Name
How many days in the leap year 2000 ?
59.5.2. Code
// how many days in the leap year 2000?
ShowMessage('Days in 2000 = '+
59.5.3. Result
Days in 2000 = 366
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60. DaySpan - Gives the fractional number of days
between 2 dates
60.1. Unit
60.2. Type
60.3. Description
The DaySpan function subtracts the FromDate from the ToDate, returning the fractional days
difference. The Double return value contains the number of days as the integral part, and the
part-day remainder as the fractional part. for example, a difference of 2 days and 6 hours
would give a value of 2.25
60.4. Syntax
function DaySpan(const ToDate, FromDate : TDateTime) : Double;
60.5. Example
60.5.1. Name
Find the days difference between two date+time values.
60.5.2. Code
fromdate, toDate : TDateTime;
// set up our date variables
fromDate := EncodeDateTime(2000, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0, 0);
toDate := EncodeDateTime(2000, 01, 02, 12, 0, 0, 0);
// display these dates and the days between them
ShowMessage('From date = '+DateTimeToStr(fromDate));
ShowMessage('to date = '+DateTimeToStr(toDate));
ShowMessage('Fractional days difference = '+
FloatToStr(DaySpan(toDate, fromDate))+' days');
60.5.3. Result
From date = 01/01/2000
to date = 02/01/2000 12:00:00
Fractional days difference = 1.5 days
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61. Dec - Decrement an ordinal variable
61.1. Unit
61.2. Type
61.3. Description
The Dec procedure decrements the ordinal Variable parameter passed to it. You can
decrement: Characters Non-floating number types Enumeration types Pointers The
decrement is by the base size of the unit. for example, decrementing a Pointer will be by 4
bytes if the pointer points to Words. Version 1 of Inc decrements by 1 unit. Version 2 of Inc
decrements by Count units.
61.4. Syntax
1 procedure Dec(var Variable : Ordinal variable);2 procedure Dec (var Variable :
Ordinal variable; Count : Integer) ;
61.5. Example
61.5.1. Name
Decrementing characters, numbers and enumerations
61.5.2. Code
Number : Integer;
Number := 23;
ShowMessage('Number : '+IntToStr(Number));
ShowMessage('Number-1 : '+IntToStr(Number));
Dec(Number, 5);
ShowMessage('Number-5 : '+IntToStr(Number));
61.5.3. Result
Number : 24
Number-1 : 23
Number-5 : 18
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62. DecimalSeparator - The character used to display the
decimal point
62.1. Unit
62.2. Type
62.3. Description
The DecimalSeparator variable is used in currency and floating point display functions.
DecimalSeparator value is '.' by default, depending on the Windows locale.
62.4. Syntax
var DecimalSeparator : char;
62.5. Example
62.5.1. Name
Changing the decimal point character
62.5.2. Code
amount : Currency;
amount := 12.34; // 12 pounds 34 pence
// display with the default decimal point character
ShowMessage('Amount = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, 10, 2));
// display with a new decimal point character
DecimalSeparator := '|';
ShowMessage('Amount = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, 10, 2));
62.5.3. Result
Amount = ?12.34
Amount = ?12|34
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63. DecodeDate - Extracts the year, month, day values
from a TDateTime var.
63.1. Unit
63.2. Type
63.3. Description
The DecodeDate procedure extracts year, month and day values from a given SourceDate
TDateTime type value. It stores the values in the output variables: Year, Month and Day.
63.4. Syntax
procedure DecodeDate(const SourceDate : TDateTime; out Year, Month, Day : Word);
63.5. Example
63.5.1. Name
Add a month to a date and then extract the year, month and day values
63.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
myYear, myMonth, myDay : Word;
// set up the mydate variable to have a december 2000 value
myDate := StrToDate('12/29/2000');
// now add a month to this value
myDate := IncMonth(myDate);
// and let us see what we get
DecodeDate(myDate, myYear, myMonth, myDay);
ShowMessage('myDate now = '+DateToStr(myDate));
ShowMessage('myDay = '+IntToStr(myDay));
ShowMessage('myMonth = '+IntToStr(myMonth));
ShowMessage('myYear = '+IntToStr(myYear));
63.5.3. Result
myDate now = 01/29/2001
myDay = 29
myMonth = 1
myYear = 2001
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64. DecodeTime - Break a TDateTime value into individual
time values
64.1. Unit
64.2. Type
64.3. Description
The DecodeTime procedure extracts hour, minute, second and milli-second values from a
given SourceDateTime TDateTime type value. It stores the values in the output variables:
Hour, Min, Sec and MSec.
64.4. Syntax
procedure DecodeTime(const SourceDateTime : TDateTime; out Hour, Min, Sec, MSec :
64.5. Example
64.5.1. Name
Add 5 minutes to a time and then extract the new time values
64.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
myHour, myMin, mySec, myMilli : Word;
// set up the mydate variable to have a december 2000 value
myDate := StrToDateTime('12/29/2000 12:45:12.34');
// now add 5 minutes to this value
myDate := IncMinute(myDate, 5);
// and let us see what we get
DecodeTime(myDate, myHour, myMin, mySec, myMilli);
ShowMessage('Time now = '+TimeToStr(myDate));
ShowMessage('Hour = '+IntToStr(myHour));
ShowMessage('Minute = '+IntToStr(myMin));
ShowMessage('Second = '+IntToStr(mySec));
ShowMessage('MilliSec = '+IntToStr(myMilli));
64.5.3. Result
Time now = 12:50:12
Hour = 12
Minute = 50
Second = 12
MilliSec = 34
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65. DegToRad - Convert a degrees value to radians
65.1. Unit
65.2. Type
65.3. Description
The DegToRad function is a mathematical function converting a Degrees value to Radians PI
radians = 180 degrees
65.4. Syntax
function DegToRad(const Degrees : Extended) : Extended;
65.5. Example
65.5.1. Name
Get the Sine of 30 degrees
65.5.2. Code
float : single;
// the sine of 30 degrees = 0.5
float := Sin(DegToRad(30));
ShowMessage('Sine of 30 degrees = '+FloatToStr(float));
65.5.3. Result
Sine of 30 degrees = 0.5
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66. Delete - Delete a section of characters from a string
66.1. Unit
66.2. Type
66.3. Description
The Delete procedure deletes up to Count characters from the passed parameter Source
string starting from position StartChar. No error is produced if Count exceeds the remaining
character count of Source. The first character of a string is at position 1.
66.4. Syntax
procedure Delete(var Source : string; StartChar : Integer; Count : Integer);
66.5. Example
66.5.1. Name
Deleting characters from the middle of a string
66.5.2. Code
Source : string;
Source := '12345678';
Delete(Source, 3, 4); // delete the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th characters
ShowMessage('Source now : '+Source);
66.5.3. Result
Source now : 1278
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67. DeleteFile - Delete a file specified by its file name
67.1. Unit
67.2. Type
67.3. Description
The DeleteFile function deletes a file given by its file name FileName. The file is looked for in
the current directory. if the file was deleted OK, then True is returned, otherwise False is
returned. This function is easier to use than the equivalent System unit Erase routine.
67.4. Syntax
function DeleteFile(const FileName : string) : Boolean;
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67.5. Example
67.5.1. Name
try to delete a file twice
67.5.2. Code
fileName : string;
myFile : TextFile;
data : string;
// try to open a text file for writing to
fileName := 'Test.txt';
AssignFile(myFile, fileName);
// write to the file
write(myFile, 'Hello World');
// close the file
// reopen the file in read mode
// display the file contents
while not Eof(myFile) do
ReadLn(myFile, data);
// close the file for the last time
// now delete the file
if DeleteFile(fileName)
then ShowMessage(fileName+' deleted OK')
else ShowMessage(fileName+' not deleted');
// try to delete the file again
if DeleteFile(fileName)
then ShowMessage(fileName+' deleted OK again!')
else ShowMessage(fileName+' not deleted, error = '+
67.5.3. Result
Hello World
Test.txt deleted OK
Test.txt not deleted, error = ?
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68. DirectoryExists - Returns true if the given directory
68.1. Unit
68.2. Type
68.3. Description
The DirectoryExists function returns True if the given DirectoryName file exists. The directory
is searched for in the current directory. False may be returned if the user is not authorised to
see the file.
68.4. Syntax
function DirectoryExists(const DirectoryName : string) : Boolean;
68.5. Example
68.5.1. Name
Check for a directory before and after deleting it
68.5.2. Code
dirName : string;
// create a new directory
dirName := 'Test Folder';
// now see if the directory exists
if DirectoryExists(dirName)
then ShowMessage(dirName+' exists OK')
else ShowMessage(dirName+' does not exist');
// delete the directory and look again
if DirectoryExists(dirName)
then ShowMessage(dirName+' still exists!')
else ShowMessage(dirName+' no longer exists');
68.5.3. Result
Test Folder exists OK
Test Folder no longer exists
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69. Div - Performs integer division, discarding the
69.1. Unit
Iris Standard
69.2. Type
69.3. Description
The div keyword gives the whole number result of dividing the Dividend by the Divisor. Any
remainder is discarded.
69.4. Syntax
Dividend div Divisor
69.5. Example
69.5.1. Name
A simple example
69.5.2. Code
int : Integer;
// divide a primary integer by 2 - it discards the remainder
int := 17 div 2;
ShowMessage('17 div 2 = '+IntToStr(int));
69.5.3. Result
17 div 2 = 8
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70. Do - Defines the start of some controlled action
70.1. Unit
Iris Standard
70.2. Type
70.3. Description
The do keyword is always a part of one of the shown 4 control types. It precedes the
Statements section of the control action.
70.4. Syntax
1. for Variable := Expression to Expression do Statement;
2. while Expression do Statement
3. try Statements except on ExceptionClass do Statement; end;
4. with Expression do Statement
70.5. Example
70.5.1. Name
Show singles and block do statement blocks
70.5.2. Code
i : Integer;
// a for statement - the do keyword precedes a single statement
for i := 1 to 3 do
ShowMessage('for loop, i = '+IntToStr(i));
// a while statement - the do precedes a statement block
while i < 6 do
ShowMessage('while loop, i = '+IntToStr(i));
70.5.3. Result
for loop, i = 1
for loop, i = 2
for loop, i = 3
while loop, i = 4
while loop, i = 5
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71. Double - A floating point type supporting about 15
digits of precision
71.1. Unit
71.2. Type
71.3. Description
The Double type is the general purpose floating point type. It strikes the balance between
capacity/precision versus storage/performance. It supports approximately 15 digits of
precision in a range from 2.23 x 10-307 to 1.79 x 10307.
71.4. Syntax
type Double;
71.5. Example
71.5.1. Name
Showing the precision and capacity of Double values
71.5.2. Code
account1, account2, account3 : Double;
account1 := 0.1234567890123456789; // 20 decimal places
account2 := 1.234567890123456789E307; // highest exponent value
account3 := account1 + account2;
ShowMessage('Account1 = '+FloatToStr(account1));
ShowMessage('Account2 = '+FloatToStr(account2));
ShowMessage('Account3 = '+FloatToStr(account3));
71.5.3. Result
Account1 = 0.123456789012346
Account2 = 1.23456789012346E307
Account3 = 1.23456789012346E307
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72. Downto - Prefixes an decremental for loop target
72.1. Unit
Iris Standard
72.2. Type
72.3. Description
The downto keyword prefixes the target value Expression in a for loop. See the for keyword
for full details.
72.4. Syntax
1 for Variable := Integer Expression downto Integer Expression do Statement;
72.5. Example
72.5.1. Name
Integer for loop
72.5.2. Code
i : Integer;
// loop 5 times
for i := (10 div 2) downto 1 do
ShowMessage('i = '+IntToStr(i));
72.5.3. Result
i = 5
i = 4
i = 3
i = 2
i = 1
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73. Else - Starts false section of if, case and try statements
73.1. Unit
Iris Standard
73.2. Type
73.3. Description
The else keyword is part of the if, case and try statements. It is used to start the section of
code executed when earlier conditions are not satisfied. See details of each of these
statements for further details.
73.4. Syntax
1 if Condition then Statement else Statement;
2 case Expression of
case clauses
3 try
Exception statements
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73.5. Example
73.5.1. Name
Illustrate various uses of the else clause
73.5.2. Code
// note the lack of a ';' after the 'then' clause
if False
then ShowMessage('True')
else ShowMessage('False');
// nested if statements - iris sensibly manages associations
if true then
if false then
ShowMessage('Inner then satisfied')
ShowMessage('Inner else satisfied')
ShowMessage('Outer else satisfied')
73.5.3. Result
Inner else satisfied
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74. EncodeDate - Build a TDateTime value from year,
month and day values
74.1. Unit
74.2. Type
74.3. Description
The EncodeDate function generates a TDateTime return value from the passed Year, Month
and Day values. The permitted parameter values are: Year = 0..9999Month = 1..12Day =
1..31 (depending on month/year) if you exceed these values, an EConvertError is raised.
74.4. Syntax
function EncodeDate(const Year, Month, Day : Word) : TDateTime;
74.5. Example
74.5.1. Name
Assign a date to a TDateTime variable
74.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
// set my date variable using the encodedate function
myDate := EncodeDate(2000, 02, 29);
LongTimeFormat := 'hh:mm:ss.zzz'; // ensure that msecs are shown
ShowMessage('Date set to '+DateToStr(myDate));
ShowMessage('Time set to '+TimeToStr(myDate));
74.5.3. Result
Date set to 29/02/2000
Time set to 00:00:00.000
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75. EncodeDateTime - Build a TDateTime value from day
and time values
75.1. Unit
75.2. Type
75.3. Description
The EncodeDateTime function generates a TDateTime return value from the passed Year,
Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec and MSec (millisecond) values. The permitted parameter values
are : Year = 0..9999Month = 1..12Day = 1..31 (depending on month/year) Hour = 0..23Min
= 0..59Sec = 0..59MSec = 0..999 if you exceed these values, an EConvertError is raised.
75.4. Syntax
function EncodeDateTime(const Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec : Word) :
75.5. Example
75.5.1. Name
Assign a full day and time value to a TDateTime variable
75.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
// set my date variable using the encodedatetime function
myDate := EncodeDateTime(2000, 02, 29, 12, 34, 56, 789);
LongTimeFormat := 'hh:mm:ss.z'; // ensure that msecs are shown
ShowMessage('Date set to '+DateToStr(myDate));
ShowMessage('Time set to '+TimeToStr(myDate));
75.5.3. Result
Date set to 29/02/2000
Time set to 12:34:56.789
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76. EncodeTime - Build a TDateTime value from hour, min,
sec and msec values
76.1. Unit
76.2. Type
76.3. Description
The EncodeTime function generates a TDateTime return value from the passed Hour, Min,
Sec and MSec (millisecond) values. The permitted parameter values are : Hour = 0..23Min =
0..59Sec = 0..59MSec = 0..999 if you exceed these values, an EConvertError is raised.
76.4. Syntax
function EncodeTime(const Hour, Min, Sec, MSec : Word) : TDateTime;
76.5. Example
76.5.1. Name
Assign a time to a TDateTime variable
76.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
// set my date variable using the encodetime function
myDate := EncodeTime(12, 34, 56, 789);
LongTimeFormat := 'hh:mm:ss.z'; // ensure that msecs are shown
ShowMessage('Date set to '+DateToStr(myDate));
ShowMessage('Time set to '+TimeToStr(myDate));
76.5.3. Result
Date set to 30/12/1899
Time set to 12:34:56.789
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77. End - Keyword that terminates statement blocks
77.1. Unit
Iris Standard
77.2. Type
77.3. Description
The end keyword is fundamental to Iris - it terminates statement blocks. The most common
is: begin ... statements ... end;
77.4. Syntax
asm ... end;
begin ... end;
case ... end;
library ... end;
package ... end;
program ... end;
try ... end;
type ... end;
unit ... end. // note terminating dot
77.5. Example
77.5.1. Name
Some examples of the end clause
77.5.2. Code
i : Integer;
i := 2;
case i of
0 : Showmessage('i = 0');
1 : Showmessage('i = 1');
2 : Showmessage('i = 2');
77.5.3. Result
i = 2
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78. EndOfADay - Generate a TDateTime value set to the
very end of a day
78.1. Unit
78.2. Type
78.3. Description
The EndOfADay function generates a TDateTime value set to the given year, month and day
with a time set to 1 millisecond before midnight. Allows the Month and Day to be specified
separately. The month must be between 1 (January) and 12 (December). The day must be
between 1 and 31, depending on the year and month.
78.4. Syntax
function EndOfADay(const Year, Month, Day : Word) : TDateTime;
78.5. Example
78.5.1. Name
set the date to last msec of the 20th century - illustrates Iris bug
78.5.2. Code
mydate : TDateTime;
myDate := EndOfADay(1999, 12, 31);
// ensure that milli-seconds are shown
LongTimeFormat := 'hh:mm:ss.zzz';
ShowMessage('end of 1999 = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
78.5.3. Result
end of 1999 = 30/01/2000 23:59:59.999
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79. EndOfAMonth - Generate a TDateTime value set to the
very end of a month
79.1. Unit
79.2. Type
79.3. Description
The EndOfAMonth function generates a TDateTime value set to the given Year and Month
with the day set to the last of the month, and the time set to 1 millisecond before midnight.
The Year value must be between 0 and 9999. The Month value must be between 1 (January)
and 12 (December).
79.4. Syntax
function EndOfAMonth(const Year, Month : Word) : TDateTime;
79.5. Example
79.5.1. Name
set the date to the last millisecond of February 2000, a leap month
79.5.2. Code
mydate : TDateTime;
myDate := EndOfAMonth(2000, 2);
// ensure that milli-seconds are shown
LongTimeFormat := 'hh:mm:ss.zzz';
ShowMessage('end of February 2000 = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
79.5.3. Result
end of February 2000 = 29/02/2000 23:59:59.999
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80. Eof - Returns true if a file opened with Reset is at the
80.1. Unit
80.2. Type
80.3. Description
The Eof function returns true if the file given by FileHandle is at the end. The file must have
been assigned, and opened with Reset.
80.4. Syntax
function Eof(var FileHandle : TextFile);
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80.5. Example
80.5.1. Name
Reading to the end of a text file
80.5.2. Code
myFile : TextFile;
text : string;
// try to open the test.txt file for writing to
AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');
// write a couple of well known words to this file
WriteLn(myFile, 'Hello');
WriteLn(myFile, 'World');
// close the file
// reopen the file in read only mode
// display the file contents
while not Eof(myFile) do
ReadLn(myFile, text);
// close the file for the last time
80.5.3. Result
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81. Erase - Erase a file
81.1. Unit
81.2. Type
81.3. Description
The Erase procedure attempts to erase a file given by the FileHandle. The file name must
have been assigned to the given FileHandle by the AssignFile routine. if the file does not
exist, then the EInOutError exception is raised.
81.4. Syntax
procedure Erase(var FileHandle : file);
81.5. Example
81.5.1. Name
Create a simple file, then try to delete it twice
81.5.2. Code
myFile : TextFile;
// let us open a text file
AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');
// and write a single line to it
WriteLn(myFile, 'Hello World');
// then close it
// and finally erase it
// if we try to raise it again, we'll raise an exception
ShowMessage('Cannot erase!');
81.5.3. Result
Cannot erase!
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82. Except - Starts the error trapping clause of a try
82.1. Unit
Iris Standard
82.2. Type
82.3. Description
The except keyword is used to mark the start of a block of statements that handle an
exception in a try clause. if the except block can handle the exception, then the program is
not terminated. in this version, if the try clause generates an exception the except clause is
executed. This is used to take alternative action when something unexpected goes wrong.
The except clause cannot determine the error type however.
82.4. Syntax
82.5. Example
82.5.1. Name
Zero divide with a plain except block
82.5.2. Code
number, zero : Integer;
// try to divide an integer by zero - to raise an exception
zero := 0;
number := 1 div zero;
ShowMessage('number / zero = '+IntToStr(number));
ShowMessage('Unknown error encountered');
82.5.3. Result
Unknown error encountered
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83. Exit - exit abruptly from a function or procedure
83.1. Unit
83.2. Type
83.3. Description
The exit procedure abruptly terminates the current function or procedure. if exiting a
function, then Result contains the last set value. Warning: use with caution - jumping is a
concept at odds with structured coding - it makes code maintenance difficult.
83.4. Syntax
procedure exit;
83.5. Example
83.5.1. Name
exit a proc when a user cancels data entry
83.5.2. Code
// remember to declare the function at type using the following line
// function askforname: string;
// ask the user for their name
ShowMessage('Name = '+AskForName);
// ask the user for first and second names
function TUntitled.AskForName: string;
firstName, secondName : string;
Result := 'Lazy person';
if not InputQuery('Test program', 'First name :', firstName)
then exit;
if not InputQuery('Test program', 'Second name :', secondName)
then exit;
until (firstName <> '') or (secondName <> '');
Result := firstName + ' ' + secondName;
83.5.3. Result
if the user cancels from the first or second name dialogs, the ShowMessage dialog
Name = Lazy person
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84. Exp - Gives the exponent of a number
84.1. Unit
84.2. Type
84.3. Description
The Exp function takes an integer or floating point Number and raises e (2.72) to that power.
This is only used for mathematical processing. Exp has the opposite effect to Ln - the natural
84.4. Syntax
function Exp(Number : Extended) : Extended;
84.5. Example
84.5.1. Name
Calculate the exponent of 2
84.5.2. Code
float : Double;
// get the natural logarithm of 2
float := Ln(2);
// show this value
ShowMessage('Ln(2) = '+FloatToStr(float));
// get the exponent of this value - reverses the ln operation
float := Exp(float);
// show this value
ShowMessage('Exp(Ln(2)) = '+FloatToStr(float));
84.5.3. Result
Ln(2) = 0.693147180559945
Exp(Ln(2)) = 2
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85. ExpandMailBox - Expands a MailBox
85.1. Unit
Iris Standard
85.2. Type
MailBox Function
85.3. Description
Expand the MailBox, to access its values and childs. MailBoxes can be used to pass structured
values to for example popups.
85.4. Syntax
function ExpandMailBox(InRef: string): string;
85.5. Example
85.5.1. Name
Using MailBoxes
85.5.2. Code
// set the mailbox 'mymailbox' to the object 'unit23'
// the following could be done in a linked popup
// write a value to the tag '[mymailbox].open', - which will be
// remove the mailbox
// the following could be done in another linked popup
// set the mailbox 'mymailbox' to the object 'unit23.modulea'
// write a value to the tag '[mymailbox].status', - which will be
// clear the current mailbox
85.5.3. Result
Unit23.Open is written inside popup 1
Unit23.ModuleA.Status is written inside popup 2 that is a popup from popup 1
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86. ExpandPowerTree - Expands a PowerTree
86.1. Unit
Iris Standard
86.2. Type
MailBox Function
86.3. Description
Expand the PowerTree, to access its values and childs. The PowerTree can be used to pass
structured values to for example popups.
86.4. Syntax
function ExpandPowerTree(Sender: TObject; Addition: string): string;
86.5. Example
86.5.1. Name
Using the PowerTree in a generic popup
86.5.2. Code
// on a screen object you have connected 'tank13' to the powertree using the
// from that screen object you would call the code for a popup using the following:
procedure TUntitled.ButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
// open the linked popup 'mytank', this will also send the powertree
// in the generic popup 'mytank' you would like to display the level
// this is done by connecting the level to [powertree].level
// you would also like to edit the tank's setpoint this should be the following
procedure TUntitled.ChangeSetpointClick(Sender: TObject);
// call the numeditor to write to the 'tank'.setpoint using the powertree
86.5.3. Result
You have written to Tank13.SetPoint using a generic popup
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87. ExtractFileDir - Extracts the dir part of a full file name
87.1. Unit
87.2. Type
87.3. Description
The ExtractFileDir function extracts from FullFileName the directory substring. This is the part
of the full file name up to but not including the final \ before the file name.
87.4. Syntax
function ExtractFileDir(const FullFileName : string) : string;
87.5. Example
87.5.1. Name
Extract all of the parts of a full file name
87.5.2. Code
fullFileName : string;
// set up a full file name with drive and path
fullFileName := 'C:\IrisProject\Test.dfm';
// show the component parts of this full name
ShowMessage('Drive = '+ExtractFileDrive (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Dir = '+ExtractFileDir (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Path = '+ExtractFilePath (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Name = '+ExtractFileName (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Ext = '+ExtractFileExt (fullFileName));
87.5.3. Result
Drive = C:
Dir = C:\IrisProject
Path = C:\IrisProject\
Name = Test.dfm
Ext = .dfm
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88. ExtractFileDrive - Extracts the drive part of a full file
88.1. Unit
88.2. Type
88.3. Description
The ExtractFileDrive function extracts from FullFileName the drive substring. if the file name
does not contain a drive prefix, then an empty string is returned.
88.4. Syntax
function ExtractFileDrive(const FullFileName : string) : string;
88.5. Example
88.5.1. Name
Extract all of the parts of a full file name
88.5.2. Code
fullFileName : string;
// set up a full file name with drive and path
fullFileName := 'C:\IrisProject\Test.dfm';
// show the component parts of this full name
ShowMessage('Drive = '+ExtractFileDrive (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Dir = '+ExtractFileDir (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Path = '+ExtractFilePath (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Name = '+ExtractFileName (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Ext = '+ExtractFileExt (fullFileName));
88.5.3. Result
Drive = C:
Dir = C:\IrisProject
Path = C:\IrisProject\
Name = Test.dfm
Ext = .dfm
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89. ExtractFileExt - Extracts the extension part of a full
file name
89.1. Unit
89.2. Type
89.3. Description
The ExtractFileExt function extracts from FullFileName the extension substring. The extension
is give inclusive of the '.' prefix, such as .txt
89.4. Syntax
function ExtractFileExt(const FullFileName : string) : string;
89.5. Example
89.5.1. Name
Extract all of the parts of a full file name
89.5.2. Code
fullFileName : string;
// set up a full file name with drive and path
fullFileName := 'C:\IrisProject\Test.dfm';
// show the component parts of this full name
ShowMessage('Drive = '+ExtractFileDrive (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Dir = '+ExtractFileDir (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Path = '+ExtractFilePath (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Name = '+ExtractFileName (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Ext = '+ExtractFileExt (fullFileName));
89.5.3. Result
Drive = C:
Dir = C:\IrisProject
Path = C:\IrisProject\
Name = Test.dfm
Ext = .dfm
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90. ExtractFileName - Extracts the name part of a full file
90.1. Unit
90.2. Type
90.3. Description
The ExtractFileName function extracts from FullFileName the file name substring.
90.4. Syntax
function ExtractFileName(const FullFileName : string) : string;
90.5. Example
90.5.1. Name
Extract all of the parts of a full file name
90.5.2. Code
fullFileName : string;
// set up a full file name with drive and path
fullFileName := 'C:\IrisProject\Test.dfm';
// show the component parts of this full name
ShowMessage('Drive = '+ExtractFileDrive (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Dir = '+ExtractFileDir (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Path = '+ExtractFilePath (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Name = '+ExtractFileName (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Ext = '+ExtractFileExt (fullFileName));
90.5.3. Result
Drive = C:
Dir = C:\IrisProject
Path = C:\IrisProject\
Name = Test.dfm
Ext = .dfm
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91. ExtractFilePath - Extracts the path part of a full file
91.1. Unit
91.2. Type
91.3. Description
The ExtractFilePath function extracts from FullFileName the path substring. This is the part of
the full file name up to and including the final \ before the file name.
91.4. Syntax
function ExtractFilePath(const FullFileName : string) : string;
91.5. Example
91.5.1. Name
Extract all of the parts of a full file name
91.5.2. Code
fullFileName : string;
// set up a full file name with drive and path
fullFileName := 'C:\IrisProject\Test.dfm';
// show the component parts of this full name
ShowMessage('Drive = '+ExtractFileDrive (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Dir = '+ExtractFileDir (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Path = '+ExtractFilePath (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Name = '+ExtractFileName (fullFileName));
ShowMessage('Ext = '+ExtractFileExt (fullFileName));
91.5.3. Result
Drive = C:
Dir = C:\IrisProject
Path = C:\IrisProject\
Name = Test.dfm
Ext = .dfm
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92. File - Defines a typed or untyped file
92.1. Unit
Iris Standard
92.2. Type
92.3. Description
The file keyword is used to define a variable as a file, normally as written to and read from a
storage device. Defines the file with a base data type. for example, a simple type such as a
char or a complex type such as a record. AssignFile must be used to get a file handle. Reset
or ReWrite must then be used to open the file for read and/or write access. read and write
must be used to access the file. in all cases, the type must be of fixed size, and access to the
file must be in units of that type.
92.4. Syntax
var TypedFile : file of some type;
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92.5. Example
92.5.1. Name
Writing to and reading from a file
92.5.2. Code
myLine : string;
myFile : file;
// try to open the test.txt file for writing to
AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');
// write two lines
WriteLn(myFile, 'this is just a test');
WriteLn(myFile, 'with a dummy line');
// close the file
// reopen the file in read only mode
// display the file contents
while not Eof(myFile) do
ReadLn(myFile, myLine);
// close the file for the last time
92.5.3. Result
this is just a test
with a dummy line
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93. FileAge - Get the last modified date/time of a file
without opening it
93.1. Unit
93.2. Type
93.3. Description
The FileAge function returns the last modified date and time of a file FileName. There is no
need to open or close the file - this function handles these operations silently for you. The
returned value is in a 32 bit partitioned format. Use the FiledateToDateTime function to
convert into a manageable TDateTime value. if the file date could not be found (for example,
the FileName was invalid), then -1 is returned.
93.4. Syntax
function FileAge(const FileName : string) : Integer;
93.5. Example
93.5.1. Name
Get the last modified date of the current unit form file
93.5.2. Code
fileName : string;
fileDate : Integer;
// try to open the test.dfm file for the current project
fileName := 'Test.dfm';
fileDate := FileAge(fileName);
// did we get the file age ok?
if fileDate > -1 then
ShowMessage(fileName+' last modified date = '+
93.5.3. Result
Test.dfm last modified date = 10/11/2002
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
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94. FileDateToDateTime - Converts a file date/time format
to a TDateTime value
94.1. Unit
94.2. Type
94.3. Description
The FileDateToDateTime function converts an Integer FileDate value (as obtained from
FileAge for example) to a more manageable TDateTime format. There are many routines in
Iris that can work on this TDateTime format.
94.4. Syntax
function FileDateToDateTime(const FileDate : Integer) : TDateTime;
94.5. Example
94.5.1. Name
Convert the last modified date of a file into a TDateTime value
94.5.2. Code
fileName : string;
fileDate : Integer;
// try to open the test.dfm file for the current project
fileName := 'Test.dfm';
fileDate := FileAge(fileName);
// did we get the file age ok?
if fileDate > -1 then
ShowMessage(fileName+' last modified date = '+
94.5.3. Result
Test.dfm last modified date = 10/11/2002
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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95. FileExists - Returns true if the given file exists
95.1. Unit
95.2. Type
95.3. Description
The FileExists function returns True if the given FileName file exists. The file is searched for in
the current directory. False may be returned if the user is not authorised to see the file.
95.4. Syntax
function FileExists(const FileName : string) : Boolean;
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95.5. Example
95.5.1. Name
Check for a file before and after deleting it
95.5.2. Code
fileName : string;
myFile : TextFile;
data : string;
// try to open a text file for writing to
fileName := 'Test.txt';
AssignFile(myFile, fileName);
// write to the file
write(myFile, 'Hello World');
// close the file
// reopen the file in read mode
// display the file contents
while not Eof(myFile) do
ReadLn(myFile, data);
// close the file for the last time
// now see if the file exists
if FileExists(fileName)
then ShowMessage(fileName+' exists OK')
else ShowMessage(fileName+' does not exist');
// delete the file and look again
if FileExists(fileName)
then ShowMessage(fileName+' still exists!')
else ShowMessage(fileName+' no longer exists');
95.5.3. Result
Hello World
Test.txt exists OK
Test.txt no longer exists
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96. FileGetAttr - Gets the attributes of a file
96.1. Unit
96.2. Type
96.3. Description
The FileGetAttr function returns attributes of the specified FileName. The returned Integer
value will be a bitwise combination of the following independent attributes: faReadOnly :
read-only filesfaHidden : Hidden filesfaSysFile : System filesfaVolumeID : Volume ID
filesfaDirectory : Directory filesfaArchive : Archive filesfaSymLink : Symbolic link
96.4. Syntax
function FileGetAttr(const FileName : string) : Integer;
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96.5. Example
96.5.1. Name
Create a text file and display its attributes
96.5.2. Code
fileName : string;
myFile : TextFile;
attrs : Integer;
// try to open a text file for writing to
fileName := 'Test.txt';
AssignFile(myFile, fileName);
// write to the file
write(myFile, 'Hello World');
// close the file
// get the file attributes
attrs := FileGetAttr(fileName);
// display these attributes
if attrs and faReadOnly > 0
then ShowMessage('file is read only')
else ShowMessage('file is not read only');
if attrs and faHidden > 0
then ShowMessage('file is hidden')
else ShowMessage('file is not hidden');
if attrs and faSysFile > 0
then ShowMessage('file is a system file')
else ShowMessage('file is not a system file');
if attrs and faVolumeID > 0
then ShowMessage('file is a volume ID')
else ShowMessage('file is not a volume ID');
if attrs and faDirectory > 0
then ShowMessage('file is a directory')
else ShowMessage('file is not a directory');
if attrs and faArchive > 0
then ShowMessage('file is archived')
else ShowMessage('file is not archived');
if attrs and faSymLink > 0
then ShowMessage('file is a symbolic link')
else ShowMessage('file is not a symbolic link');
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96.5.3. Result
file is not read only
file is not hidden
file is not a system file
file is not a Volume ID
file is not a directory
file is archived
file is not a symbolic link
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97. FileSearch - Search for a file in one or more directories
97.1. Unit
97.2. Type
97.3. Description
The FileSearch function searches for the given FileName in the given DirectoryList. The
FileName may be a file name or sub-path to a file. The DirectoryList is a ; separated list of
directory (path) names. if the file cannot be found, then an empty string is returned.
Otherwise, the full path plus the name of the file is returned. WARNING: the current directory
(see GetCurrentDir) is ALWAYS searched first, regardless of the given directories. if the file is
found there, then the returned path is Only the file name. You have been warned!
97.4. Syntax
function FileSearch(const FileName, DirectoryList : string) : string;
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97.5. Example
97.5.1. Name
Searching in the current directory and beyond
97.5.2. Code
myFile : TextFile;
fileName : string;
fullFilePath : string;
dir1, dir2 : string;
// the file we will be searching for
fileName := 'Test.txt';
// write to a text file in the current directory
AssignFile(myFile, fileName);
write(myFile, 'Hello World');
// write to a text file to another directory
AssignFile(myFile, 'C:\program Files\'+fileName);
write(myFile, 'Hello World');
// define two directories where we want to search for the file
dir1 := 'C:\No such directory';
dir2 := 'C:\program Files';
// search for the file
fullFilePath := FileSearch(fileName, dir1+';'+dir2);
// if we search now, we will find it in the current directory
if fullFilePath = ''
then ShowMessage(fileName+' not found')
else ShowMessage(fullFilePath+' found OK');
// now delete test.txt from the current directory and retry
// if we search now, we will find it in one of the search dirs
fullFilePath := FileSearch(fileName, dir1+';'+dir2);
if fullFilePath = ''
then ShowMessage(fileName+' not found')
else ShowMessage(fullFilePath+' found OK');
97.5.3. Result
Test.txt found OK
C:\program Files\Test.txt found OK
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98. FileSetDate - set the last modified date and time of a
98.1. Unit
98.2. Type
98.3. Description
The SetFileDate function sets the last modified date and time of a file. Version 1 of this
function takes a FileHandle parameter to indicate the file. This requires use of the FileOpen
function, which is one of the low level file handling routines in Iris. Version 2 of this function
takes a FileName parameter to define the file. The file is searched for in the current directory.
The second parameter, FileAge is an Integer date/time representation that is used to change
the last modified date/time of the file. Use the DateTimeToFileDate function to convert a
TDateTime value to this integer format.
98.4. Syntax
1 function FileSetDate(FileHandle : Integer; FileAge : Integer) : Integer;
2 function FileSetDate (const FileName : string; FileAge : Integer) : Integer;
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98.5. Example
98.5.1. Name
Display, update, and redisplay the last modified date of a file
98.5.2. Code
fileName : string;
fileDate : Integer;
newDateTime : TDateTime;
// try to open the test.dfm file for the current project
fileName := 'test.dfm';
fileDate := FileAge(fileName);
// did we get the file age ok?
if fileDate > -1 then
ShowMessage(fileName+' last modified date = '+
// now change the last modified date
newDateTime := StrToDateTime('01/01/2000 12:34:56');
FileSetDate(fileName, DateTimeToFileDate(newDateTime));
// did we update the file last modified date ok?
fileDate := FileAge(fileName);
if fileDate > -1 then
ShowMessage(fileName+' last modified date = '+
98.5.3. Result
test.dfm last modified date = 30/10/2002 15:16:22
test.dfm last modified date = 01/01/2000 12:34:56
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99. Finally - Starts the unconditional code section of a try
99.1. Unit
Iris Standard
99.2. Type
99.3. Description
The finally keyword is used to mark the start of the final block of statements in a try
statement. They are executed regardless of what happens in the try statements. However,
the finally clause does not actually handle any exceptions - the program will terminate if no
except clause is found (see notes below). try-finally is normally used by a routine to allow
cleanup processing to take place, such as freeing resources, with the exception being
correctly passed to the caller to handle.
99.4. Syntax
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99.5. Example
99.5.1. Name
Zero divide with a finally clause
99.5.2. Code
number, zero : Integer;
// try to divide an integer by zero - to raise an exception
number := -1;
zero := 0;
number := 1 div zero;
ShowMessage('number / zero = '+IntToStr(number));
if number = -1 then
ShowMessage('Number was not assigned a value - using default');
number := 0;
99.5.3. Result
Number was not assigned a value - using default
then, the program terminates with an division by zero error message - the finally
clause did not trap the error.
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100. FloatToStr - Convert a floating point value to a string
100.1. Unit
100.2. Type
100.3. Description
The FloatToStr function converts a floating point number Value into a displayable string. The
value is displayed to 15 digits of precision. The Value type may be any of the floating point
types. Values before the decimal point (the mantissa) exceeding the display capacity (15)
result in a display using the exponent value, such as 1.2E9.
100.4. Syntax
function FloatToStr(Value : Extended) : string;
100.5. Example
100.5.1. Name
Display various sizes of extended data values
100.5.2. Code
amount1, amount2, amount3 : Extended;
amount1 := 1234567890.123456789; // high precision number
amount2 := 1234567890123456.123; // high mantissa digits
amount3 := 1E100; // high value number
ShowMessage('Amount1 = '+FloatToStr(amount1));
ShowMessage('Amount2 = '+FloatToStr(amount2));
ShowMessage('Amount3 = '+FloatToStr(amount3));
100.5.3. Result
Amount1 = 1234567890.12346
Amount2 = 1.23456789012346E15
Amount3 = 1E100
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101. FloatToStrF - Convert a floating point value to a
string with formatting
101.1. Unit
101.2. Type
101.3. Description
The FloatToStrF function converts a floating point number Value into a displayable string,
with great control over the formatting via the Format, Precision, and Digits values. The Value
type may be any of the floating point types. The Format parameter is defined by the
TFloatFormat (SysUtils) type : ffCurrency eg : ?2,345.60ffExponent eg : 2.3456E+04ffFixed
eg : 2345.60ffGeneral eg : 2345.6ffNumber eg : 2,345.6 The other parameters are dependent
on this format. See TFloatFormat for full details.
101.4. Syntax
function FloatToStrF(Value : Extended; Format : TFloatFormat; Precision, Digits :
Integer) : string;
101.5. Example 1
101.5.1. Name
Display numbers as financial values
101.5.2. Code
amount1 : Extended;
amount1 := 1234.567;
// display in a currency format
CurrencyString := '? ';
ShowMessage('Using 8,4 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffCurrency, 8, 4));
ShowMessage('Using 4,4 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffCurrency, 4, 4));
ShowMessage('Using 4,2 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffCurrency, 4, 2));
ShowMessage('Using 2,4 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffCurrency, 2, 4));
101.5.3. Result
Using 8,4 = ? 1,234.5670
Using 4,4 = ? 1,235.0000
Using 4,2 = ? 1,235.00
Using 2,4 = 1.2E0003
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101.6. Example 2
101.6.1. Name
Display numbers with Scientific formatting
101.6.2. Code
amount1 : Extended;
amount1 := 1234.567;
// display in a scientific format
ShowMessage('Using 8,4 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffExponent, 8, 4));
ShowMessage('Using 4,4 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffExponent, 4, 4));
ShowMessage('Using 4,2 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffExponent, 4, 2));
ShowMessage('Using 2,4 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffExponent, 2, 4));
101.6.3. Result
Using 8,4 = 1.2345670E+0003
Using 4,4 = 1.235E+0003
Using 4,2 = 1.235E+03
Using 2,4 = 1.2E+0003
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101.7. Example 3
101.7.1. Name
General display of numbers
101.7.2. Code
amount1 : Extended;
amount1 := 1234.567;
// display in fixed format
ShowMessage('Fixed formatting :');
ShowMessage('Using 8,4 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffFixed, 8, 4));
ShowMessage('Using 4,4 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffFixed, 4, 4));
ShowMessage('Using 4,2 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffFixed, 4, 2));
ShowMessage('Using 2,4 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffFixed, 2, 4));
// display in general format
ShowMessage('General formatting :');
ShowMessage('Using 8,4 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffGeneral, 8, 4));
ShowMessage('Using 4,4 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffgeneral, 4, 4));
ShowMessage('Using 4,2 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffGeneral, 4, 2));
ShowMessage('Using 2,4 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffGeneral, 2, 4));
// display in number format
ShowMessage('Number formatting :');
ShowMessage('Using 8,4 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffNumber, 8, 4));
ShowMessage('Using 4,4 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffNumber, 4, 4));
ShowMessage('Using 4,2 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffNumber, 4, 2));
ShowMessage('Using 2,4 = '+FloatToStrF(amount1, ffNumber, 2, 4));
101.7.3. Result
Fixed formatting :
Using 8,4 = 1234.5670
Using 4,4 = 1235.0000
Using 4,2 = 1235.00
Using 2,4 = 1.2E0003
General formatting :
Using 8,4 = 1234.567
Using 4,4 = 1235
Using 4,2 = 1235
Using 2,4 = 1.2E0003
Number formatting :
Using 8,4 = 1,234.5670
Using 4,4 = 1,235.0000
Using 4,2 = 1,235.00
Using 2,4 = 1.2E0003
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102. Flush - Flushes buffered text file data to the file
102.1. Unit
102.2. Type
102.3. Description
The Flush procedure flushes unwritten text file data to disk. The same effect can be achieved
by closing the file. in fact, this is more likely to be effective, since Flush simply passes the
flush request to the Operating System, which may in turn be doing its own buffering, and
possibly caching.
102.4. Syntax
procedure Flush(var FileHandle : TextFile);
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102.5. Example
102.5.1. Name
Flushing after writing lines to a file
102.5.2. Code
myFile : TextFile;
text : string;
// try to open the test.txt file for writing to
AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');
// write a couple of well known words to this file
WriteLn(myFile, 'Hello');
WriteLn(myFile, 'World');
// close the file
// reopen the file for reading
// display the file contents
while not Eof(myFile) do
ReadLn(myFile, text);
// close the file for the last time
102.5.3. Result
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103. For - Starts a loop that executes a finite number of
103.1. Unit
Iris Standard
103.2. Type
103.3. Description
The for keyword starts a control loop, which is executed a finite number of times. The
Variable is set to the result of the 1st Expression. if the result is less than or equal to the
result of the 2nd Expression (when to is specified), then the Statement is executed. Variable
is then incremented by 1 and the process is repeated until the variable value exceeds the 2nd
expression value. for downto, the variable value is checked as being greater than or equal to
the 2nd expression, and its value is decremented at the loop end. The Statement maybe a
single line, or a set of statements with a begin/end block.
103.4. Syntax
for Variable := Integer Expression to|downto Integer Expression do Statement;
103.5. Example
103.5.1. Name
Integer for loop
103.5.2. Code
i : Integer;
// loop 5 times
for i := 1 to (10 div 2) do
ShowMessage('i = '+IntToStr(i));
103.5.3. Result
i = 1
i = 2
i = 3
i = 4
i = 5
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104. ForceDirectories - Create a new path of directories
104.1. Unit
104.2. Type
104.3. Description
The ForceDirectories function creates one or more nested directories specified by the Path. if
the create succeeded, then True is returned, otherwise the error can be obtained using
104.4. Syntax
function ForceDirectories(const Path : string) : Boolean;
104.5. Example
104.5.1. Name
Create a new path on the C drive
104.5.2. Code
// try to create a new nested directory in the current directory
if CreateDir('C:\NonExistantDir\TestDir')
then ShowMessage('New directory added OK')
else ShowMessage('New directory add failed with error : '+
// now force it to create this directory
if ForceDirectories('C:\NonExistantDir\TestDir')
then ShowMessage('New directory added OK')
else ShowMessage('New directory add failed with error : '+
104.5.3. Result
New directory add failed with error ?
New directory added OK
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105. Format - Rich formatting of numbers and text into a
105.1. Unit
105.2. Type
105.3. Description
The Format function provides 'C' like formatting of multiple of simple data types into a string.
It provides very precise control over this formatting. The Formatting parameter defines how
the Data array is manipulated into the returned string. The Formatting string can comprise a
mix of ordinary characters (that are passed unchanged to the result string), and data
formatting characters. This formatting is best explained by the example code. in simple
terms, each data formatting substring starts with a % and ends with a data type indicator : d
= Decimal (integer)e = Scientificf = Fixedg = Generalm = Moneyn = Number (floating)p =
Stringu = Unsigned decimalx = Hexadecimal The general format of each formatting substring
is as follows: %[index:][-][Width][.Precision]type where the square brackets refer to optional
parameters, and the : . - characters are literals, the first 2 of which are used to identify two
of the optional arguments.
105.4. Syntax
1 function Format(const Formatting : string; const Data : array of const) : string;
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105.5. Example 1
105.5.1. Name
Showing all of the formatting data types
105.5.2. Code
text : string;
// just 1 data item
ShowMessage(Format('%s', ['Hello']));
// a mix of literal text and a data item
ShowMessage(Format('string = %s', ['Hello']));
// examples of each of the data types
ShowMessage(Format('Decimal = %d', [-123]));
ShowMessage(Format('Exponent = %e', [12345.678]));
ShowMessage(Format('Fixed = %f', [12345.678]));
ShowMessage(Format('General = %g', [12345.678]));
ShowMessage(Format('Number = %n', [12345.678]));
ShowMessage(Format('Money = %m', [12345.678]));
ShowMessage(Format('string = %s', ['Hello']));
ShowMessage(Format('Unsigned decimal = %u', [123]));
ShowMessage(Format('Hexadecimal = %x', [140]));
105.5.3. Result
string = Hello
Decimal = -123
Exponent = 1.23456780000000E+004
Fixed = 12345.68
General = 12345.678
Number = 12,345,68
Money = ?12,345.68
string = Hello
Unsigned decimal = 123
Hexadecimal = 8C
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105.6. Example 2
105.6.1. Name
Using the index, width and precision values
105.6.2. Code
// the width value dictates the output size
// with blank padding to the left
// note the <> characters are added to show formatting
ShowMessage(Format('Padded decimal = <%7d>', [1234]));
// with the '-' operator, the data is left justified
ShowMessage(Format('Justified decimal = <%-7d>', [1234]));
// the precision value forces 0 padding to the desired size
ShowMessage(Format('0 padded decimal = <%.6d>', [1234]));
// a combination of width and precision
// note that width value precedes the precision value
ShowMessage(Format('Width + precision = <%8.6d>', [1234]));
// the index value allows the next value in the data array
// to be changed
ShowMessage(Format('Reposition after 3 strings = %s %s %s %1:s %s',
['Zero', 'One', 'Two', 'Three']));
// one or more of the values may be provided by the
// data array itself. note that testing has shown that an *
// for the width parameter can yield econverterror.
ShowMessage(Format('in line = <%10.4d>', [1234]));
ShowMessage(Format('Part data driven = <%*.4d>', [10, 1234]));
ShowMessage(Format('Data driven = <%*.*d>', [10, 4, 1234]));
105.6.3. Result
Padded decimal =
Justified decimal =
0 padded decimal =
Width + precision =
Reposition after 3 strings = Zero One Two One Two
in line =
Part data driven =
Data driven =
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106. FormatCurr - Rich formatting of a currency value
into a string
106.1. Unit
106.2. Type
106.3. Description
The FormatCurr function provides rich Formatting of a currency Value into a string. The
Formatting string may contain a mix of freeform text and control characters: 0 : Forces digit
display or 0# : Optional digit display, : Forces display of thousands. : Forces display of
decimalsE+ : Forces signed exponent displayE- : Optional sign exponent display; : Separator
of +ve -ve and zero values These are best understood by looking at the sample code.
106.4. Syntax
1 function FormatCurr(const Formatting : string; Value : Currency) : string;
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106.5. Example
106.5.1. Name
Showing all of the formatting data types
106.5.2. Code
curr : Currency;
// set up our floating point number
curr := 1234.567;
// display a sample value using all of the format options
// round out the decimal value
ShowMessage('##### : '+FormatCurr('#####', curr));
ShowMessage('00000 : '+FormatCurr('00000', curr));
ShowMessage('0 : '+FormatCurr('0' , curr));
ShowMessage('#,##0 : '+FormatCurr('#,##0', curr));
ShowMessage(',0 : '+FormatCurr(',0' , curr));
// include the decimal value
ShowMessage('0.#### : '+FormatCurr('0.####', curr));
ShowMessage('0.0000 : '+FormatCurr('0.0000', curr));
// scientific format
ShowMessage('0.0000000E+00 : '+FormatCurr('0.0000000E+00', curr));
ShowMessage('0.0000000E-00 : '+FormatCurr('0.0000000E-00', curr));
ShowMessage('#.#######E-## : '+FormatCurr('#.#######E-##', curr));
// include freeform text
ShowMessage('"Value = "0.0 : '+FormatCurr('"Value = "0.0', curr));
// different formatting for negative numbers
curr := 1234.567;
ShowMessage('0.0 : '+FormatCurr('0.0' , -curr));
ShowMessage('0.0 "CR";0.0 "DB" : '+
FormatCurr('0.0 "CR";0.0 "DB"', -curr));
ShowMessage('0.0 "CR";0.0 "DB" : '+
FormatCurr('0.0 "CR";0.0 "DB"', curr));
// different format for zero value
curr := 0.0;
ShowMessage('0.0 : '+FormatCurr('0.0' , curr));
ShowMessage('0.0;-0.0;"Nothing" : '+
FormatCurr('0.0;-0.0;"Nothing"', curr));
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106.5.3. Result
##### : 1235
00000 : 01235
0 : 1235
#,##0 : 1,235
,0 : 1,235
0.#### : 1234.567
0.0000 : 1234.5670
0.0000000E+00 : 1.2345670E+03
0.0000000E-00 : 1.2345670E03
#.#######E-## : 1.234567E3
"Value = " : Value = 1234.6
0.0 : -1234.6
0.0 "CR";0.0 "DB" : 1234.6 DB
0.0 "CR";0.0 "DB" : 1234.6 CR
0.0 : 0.0
0.0;-0.0;"Nothing" : Nothing
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
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107. FormatDateTime - Rich formatting of a TDateTime
variable into a string
107.1. Unit
107.2. Type
107.3. Description
The FormatDateTime function provides rich formatting of a TDateTime value DateTime into a
string. Formatting is defined by the Formatting string. The Formatting string can comprise a
mix of ordinary characters (that are passed unchanged to the result string), and data
formatting characters. This formatting is best explained by the example code. The following
(non-Asian) formatting character strings can be used in the Formatting string: y = Year last 2
digitsyy = Year last 2 digitsyyyy = Year as 4 digitsm = Month number no-leading 0mm =
Month number as 2 digitsmmm = Month using ShortDayNames (Jan)mmmm = Month using
LongDayNames (January)d = Day number no-leading 0dd = Day number as 2 digitsddd =
Day using ShortDayNames (Sun)dddd = Day using LongDayNames (Sunday)ddddd = Day in
ShortDateFormatdddddd = Day in LongDateFormat c = Use ShortDateFormat +
LongTimeFormath = Hour number no-leading 0hh = Hour number as 2 digitsn = Minute
number no-leading 0nn = Minute number as 2 digitss = Second number no-leading 0ss =
Second number as 2 digitsz = Milli-sec number no-leading 0szzz = Milli-sec number as 3
digitst = Use ShortTimeFormattt = Use LongTimeFormat am/pm = Use after h : gives 12
hours + am/pma/p = Use after h : gives 12 hours + a/pampm = As a/p but
TimeAMString,TimePMString/ = Substituted by DateSeparator value: = Substituted by
TimeSeparator value Important : if you want to see characters such as dd in the formatted
output, placing them in " marks will stop them being interpreted as date or time elements. in
addition to this formatting, various of the above options are affected by the following
variables, withe their default values : DateSeparator = /TimeSeparator = :ShortDateFormat =
dd/mm/yyyyLongDateFormat = dd mmm yyyyTimeAMString = AMTimePMString =
PMShortTimeFormat = hh:mmLongTimeFormat = hh:mm:ssShortMonthNames = Jan Feb
...LongMonthNames = January, February ...ShortDayNames = Sun, Mon ...LongDayNames =
Sunday, Monday ...TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow = 50
107.4. Syntax
function FormatDateTime(const Formatting : string; DateTime : TDateTime) : string;
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107.5. Example 1
107.5.1. Name
Showing all of the date
107.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
// set up our tdatetime variable with a full date and time :
// 5th of june 2000 at 01:02:03.004 (.004 milli-seconds)
myDate := EncodeDateTime(2000, 6, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4);
// date only - numeric values with no leading zeroes (except year)
ShowMessage(' d/m/y = '+
FormatDateTime('d/m/y', myDate));
// date only - numeric values with leading zeroes
ShowMessage(' dd/mm/yy = '+
FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yy', myDate));
// use short names for the day, month, and add freeform text ('of')
ShowMessage(' ddd d of mmm yyyy = '+
FormatDateTime('ddd d of mmm yyyy', myDate));
// use long names for the day and month
ShowMessage('dddd d of mmmm yyyy = '+
FormatDateTime('dddd d of mmmm yyyy', myDate));
// use the shortdateformat settings only
ShowMessage(' ddddd = '+
FormatDateTime('ddddd', myDate));
// use the longdateformat settings only
ShowMessage(' dddddd = '+
FormatDateTime('dddddd', myDate));
// use the shortdateformat + longtimeformat settings
ShowMessage(' c = '+
FormatDateTime('c', myDate));
107.5.3. Result
d/m/y = 5/6/00
dd/mm/yy = 05/06/00
ddd d of mmm yyyy = Mon 5 of Jun 2000
dddd d of mmmm yyyy = Monday 5 of June 2000
ddddd = 05/06/2000
dddddd = 05 June 2000
c = 05/06/2000 01:02:03
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107.6. Example 2
107.6.1. Name
Showing all of the time
107.6.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
// set up our tdatetime variable with a full date and time :
// 5th of june 2000 at 01:02:03.004 (.004 milli-seconds)
myDate := EncodeDateTime(2000, 6, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4);
// time only - numeric values with no leading zeroes
ShowMessage(' h:n:s.z = '+FormatDateTime('h:n:s.z', myDate));
// time only - numeric values with leading zeroes
ShowMessage('hh:nn:ss.zzz = '+FormatDateTime('hh:nn:ss.zzz', myDate));
// use the shorttimeformat settings only
ShowMessage(' t = '+FormatDateTime('t', myDate));
// use the longtimeformat settings only
ShowMessage(' tt = '+FormatDateTime('tt', myDate));
// use the shortdateformat + longtimeformat settings
ShowMessage(' c = '+FormatDateTime('c', myDate));
107.6.3. Result
h:m:s.z = 1:2:3.4
hh:mm:ss.zzz = 01:02:03.004
t = 01:02
tt = 01:02:03
c = 05/06/2000 01:02:03
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107.7. Example 3
107.7.1. Name
Showing the effect of local date format settings
107.7.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
// set up our tdatetime variable with a full date and time :
// 5th of june 2049 at 01:02:03.004 (.004 milli-seconds)
// note that 49 is treated as 2049 as follows :
// twodigityearcenturywindow => 50
// current year => 2008 (at time of writing)
// subtract twodigityearcenturywindow => 1958
// 2 digit year to be converted => 49
// compare with the last 2 digits of 1958 => less
// so the year is in the next century => 2049
// (58 would be converted to 1958)
myDate := StrToDateTime('05/06/49 01:02:03.004');
// demonstrate default locale settings
// use the dateseparator and timeseparator values
ShowMessage('dd/mm/yy hh:nn:ss = '+
FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yy hh:nn:ss', myDate));
// use the shortdateformat string
ShowMessage('ddddd = '+FormatDateTime('ddddd', myDate));
// use the longdateformat string
ShowMessage('dddddd = '+FormatDateTime('dddddd', myDate));
// use the timeamstring
ShowMessage('hhampm = '+FormatDateTime('hhampm', myDate));
// use the shorttimeformat string
ShowMessage('t = '+FormatDateTime('t', myDate));
// use the longtimeformat string
ShowMessage('tt = '+FormatDateTime('tt', myDate));
// use the twodigitcenturywindow
ShowMessage('dd/mm/yyyy = '+
FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy', myDate));
// now change the defaults
DateSeparator := '-';
TimeSeparator := '_';
ShortDateFormat := 'dd/mmm/yy';
LongDateFormat := 'dddd dd of mmmm of yyyy';
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TimeAMString := 'morning';
TimePMString := 'afternoon';
ShortTimeFormat := 'hh:nn:ss';
LongTimeFormat := 'hh : nn : ss . zzz';
TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow := 75; // this means 49 is treated as 1949
// set up our tdatetime variable with the same value as before
// except that we must use the new date and time separators
// the twodigityearcenturywindow variable only takes effect here
myDate := StrToDateTime('09-02-49 01_02_03.004');
// use the dateseparator and timeseparator values
ShowMessage('dd/mm/yy hh:nn:ss = '+
FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yy hh:nn:ss', myDate));
// use the shortdateformat string
ShowMessage('ddddd = '+FormatDateTime('ddddd', myDate));
// use the longdateformat string
ShowMessage('dddddd = '+FormatDateTime('dddddd', myDate));
// use the timeamstring
ShowMessage('hhampm = '+FormatDateTime('hhampm', myDate));
// use the shorttimeformat string
ShowMessage('t = '+FormatDateTime('t', myDate));
// use the longtimeformat string
ShowMessage('tt = '+FormatDateTime('tt', myDate));
// use the twodigitcenturywindow
ShowMessage('dd/mm/yyyy = '+
FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy', myDate));
107.7.3. Result
dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss = 05/06/49 01:02:03
ddddd = 05/06/2049
dddddd = 05 June 2049
hhampm = 01AM
t = 01:02
tt = 01:02:03
dd/mm/yyyy = 05/06/2049
dd/mm/yy hh:nn:ss = 05-06-49 01_02_03
ddddd = 05-Jun-49
dddddd = Sunday 05 of June of 1949
hhampm = 01morning
t = 01_02_03
tt = 01 _ 02 _ 03 . 004
dd/mm/yyyy = 05-06-1949
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108. FormatFloat - Rich formatting of a floating point
number into a string
108.1. Unit
108.2. Type
108.3. Description
The FormatFloat function provides rich Formatting of a floating point number Value into a
string. The Formatting string may contain a mix of freeform text and control characters: 0 :
Forces digit display or 0# : Optional digit display, : Forces display of thousands. : Forces
display of decimalsE+ : Forces signed exponent displayE- : Optional sign exponent display; :
Separator of +ve and -ve and zero values These are best understood by looking at the
sample code.
108.4. Syntax
function FormatFloat(const Formatting : string; Value : Extended) : string;
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108.5. Example
108.5.1. Name
Showing all of the formatting data types
108.5.2. Code
float : extended;
// set up our floating point number
float := 1234.567;
// display a sample value using all of the format options
// round out the decimal value
ShowMessage('##### : '+FormatFloat('#####', float));
ShowMessage('00000 : '+FormatFloat('00000', float));
ShowMessage('0 : '+FormatFloat('0' , float));
ShowMessage('#,##0 : '+FormatFloat('#,##0', float));
ShowMessage(',0 : '+FormatFloat(',0' , float));
// include the decimal value
ShowMessage('0.#### : '+FormatFloat('0.####', float));
ShowMessage('0.0000 : '+FormatFloat('0.0000', float));
// scientific format
ShowMessage('0.0000000E+00 : '+FormatFloat('0.0000000E+00', float));
ShowMessage('0.0000000E-00 : '+FormatFloat('0.0000000E-00', float));
ShowMessage('#.#######E-## : '+FormatFloat('#.#######E-##', float));
// include freeform text
ShowMessage('"Value = "0.0 : '+FormatFloat('"Value = "0.0', float));
// different formatting for negative numbers
ShowMessage('0.0 : '+FormatFloat('0.0' , -1234.567));
ShowMessage('0.0 "CR";0.0 "DB" : '+
FormatFloat('0.0 "CR";0.0 "DB"', -1234.567));
ShowMessage('0.0 "CR";0.0 "DB" : '+
FormatFloat('0.0 "CR";0.0 "DB"', 1234.567));
// different format for zero value
ShowMessage('0.0 : '+FormatFloat('0.0' , 0.0));
ShowMessage('0.0;-0.0;"Nothing" : '+
FormatFloat('0.0;-0.0;"Nothing"', 0.0));
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108.5.3. Result
##### : 1235
00000 : 01235
0 : 1235
#,##0 : 1,235
,0 : 1,235
0.#### : 1234.567
0.0000 : 1234.5670
0.0000000E+00 : 1.2345670E+03
0.0000000E-00 : 1.2345670E03
#.#######E-## : 1.234567E3
"Value = " : Value = 1234.6
0.0 : -1234.6
0.0 "CR";0.0 "DB" : 1234.6 DB
0.0 "CR";0.0 "DB" : 1234.6 CR
0.0 : 0.0
0.0;-0.0;"Nothing" : Nothing
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
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109. Frac - The fractional part of a floating point number
109.1. Unit
109.2. Type
109.3. Description
The Frac function returns the fractional part of a floating point number.
109.4. Syntax
function Frac(const Number : Extended) : Extended;
109.5. Example
109.5.1. Name
A simple example
109.5.2. Code
ShowMessage('Round(12.75) = '+IntToStr(Round(12.75)));
ShowMessage('Trunc(12.75) = '+IntToStr(Trunc(12.75)));
ShowMessage(' Int(12.75) = '+FloatToStr(Int(12.75)));
ShowMessage(' Frac(12.75) = '+FloatToStr(Frac(12.75)));
109.5.3. Result
Round(12.75) = 13
Trunc(12.75) = 12
Int(12.75) = 12
Frac(12.75) = 0.75
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110. Function - Defines a subroutine that returns a value
110.1. Unit
110.2. Type
110.3. Description
The function keyword defines a subroutine that returns a value. See the SubRoutines tutorial
for details on using functions. Version 1 - Defines a function that simply returns a data type.
Only one value can be returned from a function. Version 2 - Defines a function that is passed
one or more parameters, and returns a data type. Only one value can be returned from a
function. However, using the out or var keyword before a parameter allows the parameter to
be treated as variable to contain return values. in both cases, the returned value is passed by
assigning to the Result pseudo variable. Iris creates this variable for you at the function start,
with the correct return data type.
110.4. Syntax
1 function Name : Return type; {directives;}
2 function Name(Parameters) : Return type; {directives;}
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110.5. Example
110.5.1. Name
A simple example
110.5.2. Code
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// complete iris script page
// -----------------------------------------------------------
unit total; // the name of the unit, in this case the default name 'untitled'
interface // used to start the definitions
uses // defines a list of units that are used on this page
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
type // defines a new category of variable or process
TUntitled = class(TIrisScreen)
procedure IrisScreenCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure SayHelloTo(Name: string);
function NameLength(Name: string): integer;
procedure ShowDifference;
function GetTimeAsString: string;
private // starts the section of private data and methods in a class
{ private declarations }
public // starts an externally accessible section of a class
{ public declarations }
var // starts the definition of a section of data variables
Untitled: TUntitled; // variable that refers to the screen name
UserNameLength: integer; // variable that will be used in the script
const // starts the definition of fixed data values
AverageUserNameLength = 7.25; // constant value that will be used in the script
implementation // starts the implementation (code) section of a unit
{$r *.dfm}
// start of the iris screen create function, this is called as soon as the page is
procedure TUntitled.IrisScreenCreate(Sender: TObject);
UserName string;
// asking for the users name
UserName := InputBox('Iris Test Script', 'Please enter your name', 'John');
until UserName <> '';
// call the procedure to welcome the user
// call the function to get the length of the users name and store it in a variable
UserNameLength := NameLength(UserName);
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// show both username and its length in a message and get the constant average
ShowMessage(UserName+', did you know your name has '+IntToStr(UserNameLength)+
' characters and the average name has '+FloatToStr(AverageUserNameLength)+'
// call another procedure, but this time without arguments
// procedure with an argument
procedure TUntitled.SayHelloTo(Name: string);
// show a message with a welcome text, a newline character (#10#13) and the current
time from a function without arguments
ShowMessage('Welcome to Iris, '+Name+#10#13+GetTimeAsString);
// function with arguments and a return value (mandatory)
function TUntitled.NameLength(Name: string): integer;
// trim spaces from the name, get the length of the name and return it
Result := Length(Trim(Name));
// procedure without arguments
procedure TUntitled.ShowDifference;
// show a message with the difference in length by accesing the var and const parts
from this page
ShowMessage('Well, that''''s only a difference of '+FloatToStr(Abs(UserNameLength-
AverageUserNameLength))+' characters');
// function without arguments
procedure TUntitled.GetTimeAsString: string;
// return the current time as a string
Result := 'It is now: '+TimeToStr(Now);
// end of the file, not that this ends with a dot instead of a semi-colon
110.5.3. Result
Please enter your name
Welcome to Iris, John
It is now 12:34:56
John, did you know your name has 4 characters and the average name has 7.25 characters
Well, that's only a difference of 3.25 characters
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111. GetCurrentDir - Get the current directory (drive plus
111.1. Unit
111.2. Type
111.3. Description
The GetCurrentDir procedure returns a string containing the drive plus path name of the
current directory.
111.4. Syntax
function GetCurrentDir : string;
111.5. Example
111.5.1. Name
Getting the current directory
111.5.2. Code
dir : string;
// get the current directory
dir := GetCurrentDir;
ShowMessage('Current directory = '+dir);
111.5.3. Result
Current directory = C:\IrisTest
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112. GetDir - Get the default directory (drive plus path)
for a specified drive
112.1. Unit
112.2. Type
112.3. Description
The GetDir procedure stores in the passed parameter Directory string the drive plus path
name of the default directory on the specified Drive. Drive values : 0 = default drive1 = A:
drive2 = B: drive3 = C: drive4 = D: drive and so on.
112.4. Syntax
procedure GetDir(Drive : Byte; var Directory : string);
112.5. Example
112.5.1. Name
Getting the directory for the C: drive
112.5.2. Code
DirName : string;
GetDir(3, DirName); // store c: directory in the dirname variable
112.5.3. Result
The following output is representative, and will necessarily vary
from PC to PC:
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113. GetPageDir - Returns the page directory
113.1. Unit
Iris Standard
113.2. Type
Frame Function
113.3. Description
Returns the working directory of the current page as a string. This can be used to access files
that are inside the Iris project directory.
113.4. Syntax
function GetPageDir: string;
113.5. Example
113.5.1. Name
Alter the working directory
113.5.2. Code
// read the original working directory
ShowMessage('The original working directory is '+GetPageDir);
// set the working directory to c:\
// read the new working directory
ShowMessage('The new working directory is '+GetPageDir);
113.5.3. Result
The original working directory is C:\IrisTest
The new working directory is C:\
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114. GetTagProp - Reads a property of a tag
114.1. Unit
Iris Standard
114.2. Type
Tag Function
114.3. Description
Read a property of a tag. The following properties are available: ScaledMin ScaledMax
RoLimitHigh RoLimitLow Name Description
114.4. Syntax
function GetTagProp(TagName: string; PropName: string): Variant;
114.5. Example 1
114.5.1. Name
read a tag property
114.5.2. Code
value: integer;
// read the property 'rolimithigh' of tag 'tagname' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagProp('tagname','RoLimitHigh');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The property value is '+IntToStr(Value));
114.5.3. Result
The property value is ?
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114.6. Example 2
114.6.1. Name
read a tag property through a PowerTree
114.6.2. Code
value: integer;
// read the property 'scaledmin' of tag '[powertree].name' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagProp(ExpandMailbox('[PowerTree].name'),'ScaledMin');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The property value is '+IntToStr(Value));
114.6.3. Result
The property value is ?
114.7. Example 3
114.7.1. Name
read a property from a structured tag
114.7.2. Code
value: string;
// read the property 'description' of tag 'unit1.equipmentmodule2' into variable
value := GetTagProp('Unit1.EquipmentModule2','Description');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The property value is '+Value);
114.7.3. Result
The property value is ?
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115. GetTagValue - Reads the value of a tag
115.1. Unit
Iris Standard
115.2. Type
Tag Function
115.3. Description
Reads the current value from a tag into a variable. It is possible to read values from device
and internal tags.
115.4. Syntax
function GetTagValue(TagName: string): Variant;
115.5. Example 1
115.5.1. Name
read/write a tag value
115.5.2. Code
value: integer;
// read the value of tag 'tagname' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('tagname');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The old value is '+IntToStr(Value));
// write a new value to the tag 'tagname'
// read the value of tag 'tagname' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('tagname');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The New value is '+IntToStr(Value));
115.5.3. Result
The old value is ?
The new value is ?
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115.6. Example 2
115.6.1. Name
Read/write a tag value through a PowerTree
115.6.2. Code
value: integer;
// read the value of tag '[powertree].name' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue(ExpandMailbox('[PowerTree].name')));
// display the value
ShowMessage('The old value is '+IntToStr(Value));
// write a new value to the tag '[powertree].name'
// read the value of tag '[powertree].name' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue(ExpandMailbox('[PowerTree].name'));
// display the value
ShowMessage('The New value is '+IntToStr(Value));
115.6.3. Result
The old value is ?
The new value is ?
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115.7. Example 3
115.7.1. Name
Read/write a tag value from a structured tag
115.7.2. Code
value: integer;
// read the value of tag 'unit1.equipmentmodule2' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('Unit1.EquipmentModule2');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The old value is '+IntToStr(Value));
// write a new value to the tag '[powertree].name'
// read the value of tag '[powertree].name' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('Unit1.EquipmentModule2');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The New value is '+IntToStr(Value));
115.7.3. Result
The old value is ?
The new value is ?
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116. Goto - Forces a jump to a label, regardless of nesting
116.1. Unit
Iris Standard
116.2. Type
116.3. Description
The goto keyword forces a jump to a given label. It should Never be used in modern code
since it makes code very difficult to maintain. It is mostly used to force a termination of
heavily nested code, where the logic to safely exit would be tortuous. Never jump into or out
of try statements, or into a loop or conditional block. Be careful!
116.4. Syntax
goto label
116.5. Example
116.5.1. Name
A simple goto test
116.5.2. Code
i : Integer;
for i := 1 to 10 do
ShowMessage('i = '+IntToStr(i));
if i = 4 then goto GotoLabel; // conditionally exit the loop
ShowMessage('The loop finished OK');
ShowMessage('Loop finished with i = '+IntToStr(i));
116.5.3. Result
i = 1
i = 2
i = 3
i = 4
Loop finished with i = 4
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117. If - Starts a conditional expression to determine
what to do next
117.1. Unit
Iris Standard
117.2. Type
117.3. Description
The if keyword is used to control the flow of code depending on the logical result of the given
condition. There are two forms of the if statement - one with an else clause, the other not. if
works as follows: if the condition is true, then the first statement is executed. if false, then
this statement is bypassed. if there is an else statement, it is executed instead. in all cases,
the Statement clause must be a contained in a begin/end block if it is longer than one
statement in length.
117.4. Syntax
1 if Condition then Statement;
2 if Condition then Statement else Statement;
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117.5. Example
117.5.1. Name
Illustrate the different flavours of the if statement
117.5.2. Code
// illustrate a simple if statement that executes true
if True then ShowMessage('True!');
// illustrate the same, but with multiple actions
if 1 = 1 then
ShowMessage('We now have');
ShowMessage('multiple lines');
// illustrate a simple if statement that fails
if 1 = 2 then ShowMessage('1 = 2');
// illustrate an if then else statement
// note the lack of a ';' after the 'then' clause
if False
then ShowMessage('True')
else ShowMessage('False');
// nested if statements - iris sensibly manages associations
if true then
if false then
ShowMessage('Inner then satisfied')
ShowMessage('Inner else satisfied')
ShowMessage('Outer else satisfied')
117.5.3. Result
We now have
multiple lines
Inner else satisfied
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118. Implementation - Starts the implementation (code)
section of a unit
118.1. Unit
Iris Standard
118.2. Type
118.3. Description
The implementation keyword starts the active code section of a unit - where the interface
declarations are implemented. Within the implementation section, the functions and
procedures defined in the interface section are coded. This section may have its own
functions, procedures and data over and above that defined by the interface. These are in
effect private to the unit. It may also have its own uses statement, where Units are defined
that are only used by the implementation. They are specific to the implementation, and
external users of the unit need not know about them.
118.4. Syntax
unit UnitName;
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118.5. Example
118.5.1. Name
A simple example
118.5.2. Code
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// complete iris script page
// -----------------------------------------------------------
unit total; // the name of the unit, in this case the default name 'untitled'
interface // used to start the definitions
uses // defines a list of units that are used on this page
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
type // defines a new category of variable or process
TUntitled = class(TIrisScreen)
procedure IrisScreenCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure SayHelloTo(Name: string);
function NameLength(Name: string): integer;
procedure ShowDifference;
function GetTimeAsString: string;
private // starts the section of private data and methods in a class
{ private declarations }
public // starts an externally accessible section of a class
{ public declarations }
var // starts the definition of a section of data variables
Untitled: TUntitled; // variable that refers to the screen name
UserNameLength: integer; // variable that will be used in the script
const // starts the definition of fixed data values
AverageUserNameLength = 7.25; // constant value that will be used in the script
implementation // starts the implementation (code) section of a unit
{$r *.dfm}
// start of the iris screen create function, this is called as soon as the page is
procedure TUntitled.IrisScreenCreate(Sender: TObject);
UserName string;
// asking for the users name
UserName := InputBox('Iris Test Script', 'Please enter your name', 'John');
until UserName <> '';
// call the procedure to welcome the user
// call the function to get the length of the users name and store it in a variable
UserNameLength := NameLength(UserName);
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// show both username and its length in a message and get the constant average
ShowMessage(UserName+', did you know your name has '+IntToStr(UserNameLength)+
' characters and the average name has '+FloatToStr(AverageUserNameLength)+'
// call another procedure, but this time without arguments
// procedure with an argument
procedure TUntitled.SayHelloTo(Name: string);
// show a message with a welcome text, a newline character (#10#13) and the current
time from a function without arguments
ShowMessage('Welcome to Iris, '+Name+#10#13+GetTimeAsString);
// function with arguments and a return value (mandatory)
function TUntitled.NameLength(Name: string): integer;
// trim spaces from the name, get the length of the name and return it
Result := Length(Trim(Name));
// procedure without arguments
procedure TUntitled.ShowDifference;
// show a message with the difference in length by accesing the var and const parts
from this page
ShowMessage('Well, that''''s only a difference of '+FloatToStr(Abs(UserNameLength-
AverageUserNameLength))+' characters');
// function without arguments
procedure TUntitled.GetTimeAsString: string;
// return the current time as a string
Result := 'It is now: '+TimeToStr(Now);
// end of the file, not that this ends with a dot instead of a semi-colon
118.5.3. Result
Please enter your name
Welcome to Iris, John
It is now 12:34:56
John, did you know your name has 4 characters and the average name has 7.25 characters
Well, that's only a difference of 3.25 characters
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119. Inc - Increment an ordinal variable
119.1. Unit
119.2. Type
119.3. Description
The Inc procedure increments the ordinal Variable parameter passed to it. You can
increment: Characters Non-floating number types Enumeration types Pointers The increment
is by the base size of the unit. for example, incrementing a Pointer will be by 4 bytes if the
pointer points to Words. Version 1 of Inc increments by 1 unit. Version 2 of Inc increments by
Count units.
119.4. Syntax
1 procedure Inc(var Variable : Ordinal variable);
2 procedure Inc ( var Variable : Ordinal variable; Count : Integer ) ;
119.5. Example
119.5.1. Name
Incrementing numbers
119.5.2. Code
Number : Integer;
Number := 22;
ShowMessage('Number : '+IntToStr(Number));
ShowMessage('Number+1 : '+IntToStr(Number));
Inc(Number, 5);
ShowMessage('Number+5 : '+IntToStr(Number));
119.5.3. Result
Number : 22
Number+1 : 23
Number+5 : 28
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120. IncDay - Increments a TDateTime variable by + or -
number of days
120.1. Unit
120.2. Type
120.3. Description
The IncDay function returns a TDateTime value that is NumberOfDays greater than the
passed StartDateTime value. The year and month values are incremented as appropriate. The
increment value is optional, being 1 by default.
120.4. Syntax
function IncDay(const StartDateTime : TDateTime; { numberofdays : integer = 1}) :
120.5. Example
120.5.1. Name
A simple example of increment and decrement
120.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
// set up our date just before the end of the year 2000
myDate := EncodeDate(2000, 12, 30);
ShowMessage('myDate = '+DateToStr(myDate));
// add 10 days to this date
myDate := IncDay(myDate, 10);
ShowMessage('myDate + 10 days = '+DateToStr(myDate));
// subtract 12 days from this date
myDate := IncDay(myDate, -12);
ShowMessage('myDate - 12 days = '+DateToStr(myDate));
120.5.3. Result
myDate = 30/12/2000
myDate + 10 days = 09/01/2001
myDate - 12 days = 29/12/2000
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121. IncMillisecond - Increments a TDateTime variable by
+ or - number of mseconds
121.1. Unit
121.2. Type
121.3. Description
The IncMillisecond function returns a TDateTime value that is NumberOfMilliSeconds greater
than the passed StartDateTime value. The year, month, day and hour values are incremented
as appropriate. The increment value is optional, being 1 by default.
121.4. Syntax
function IncMillisecond(const StartDateTime : TDateTime {; numberofmilliseconds :
integer = 1}) : TDateTime;
121.5. Example
121.5.1. Name
A simple example of increment and decrement
121.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
// set up our date to the start of 2006
myDate := EncodeDateTime(2006, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ShowMessage('myDate = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
// add 5000 milliseconds to this date
myDate := IncMillisecond(myDate, 5000);
ShowMessage('myDate + 5000 milliseconds = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
// subtract 2000 milliseconds from this date
myDate := IncMillisecond(myDate, -2000);
ShowMessage('myDate - 2000 milliseconds = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
121.5.3. Result
myDate = 01/01/2006
myDate = 01/01/2006 00:00:05
myDate = 01/01/2006 00:00:03
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122. IncMinute - Increments a TDateTime variable by +
or - number of minutes
122.1. Unit
122.2. Type
122.3. Description
The IncMinute function returns a TDateTime value that is NumberOfMinutes greater than the
passed StartDateTime value. The year, month, day and hour values are incremented as
appropriate. The increment value is optional, being 1 by default.
122.4. Syntax
function IncMinute(const StartDateTime : TDateTime {; numberofminutes : integer = 1})
: TDateTime;
122.5. Example
122.5.1. Name
A simple example of increment and decrement
122.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
// set up our date just before the end of the year 2000
myDate := EncodeDateTime(2000, 12, 31, 23, 0, 0, 0);
ShowMessage('myDate = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
// add 100 minutes to this date
myDate := IncMinute(myDate, 100);
ShowMessage('myDate + 100 minutes = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
// subtract 40 minutes from this date
myDate := IncMinute(myDate, -40);
ShowMessage('myDate - 40 minutes = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
122.5.3. Result
myDate = 31/12/2000 23:00:00
myDate + 100 minutes = 01/01/2001 00:40:00
myDate - 40 minutes = 01/01/2001
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123. IncMonth - Increments a TDateTime variable by a
number of months
123.1. Unit
123.2. Type
123.3. Description
The IncMonth function returns a TDateTime value that is NumberOfMonths greater than the
passed StartDate value. The time component of the StartDate value is passed unchanged to
the output value. The year value is incremented as appropriate. The increment value is
optional, being 1 by default. After incrementing the month, if the day value is too high for
that month/year, then it is reduced to the highest value for that month/year.
123.4. Syntax
function IncMonth(const StartDate : TDateTime {; numberofmonths : integer = 1}) :
123.5. Example
123.5.1. Name
Add values to an example date
123.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
myDate := StrToDate('31/01/2000'); // end of jan in a leap year
ShowMessage('myDate = '+DateToStr(myDate));
// increment by 1 (default)
// 31st jan 2000 ==> 31st feb 2000 (illegal) ==> 29th feb 2000
myDate := IncMonth(myDate);
ShowMessage('myDate + 1 month = '+DateToStr(myDate));
// increment by 12 months
// 29th feb 2000 ==> 29th feb 2000 (illegal) ==> 28th feb 2001
myDate := IncMonth(myDate, 12); // increment by 12 months
ShowMessage('myDate + 12 months = '+DateToStr(myDate));
123.5.3. Result
myDate = 31/01/2000
myDate + 1 month = 29/02/2000
myDate + 12 months = 28/02/2001
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124. IncSecond - Increments a TDateTime variable by +
or - number of seconds
124.1. Unit
124.2. Type
124.3. Description
The IncSecond function returns a TDateTime value that is NumberOfSeconds greater than
the passed StartDateTime value. The year, month, day and hour values are incremented as
appropriate. The increment value is optional, being 1 by default.
124.4. Syntax
function IncSecond(const StartDateTime : TDateTime {; numberofseconds : integer = 1})
: TDateTime;
124.5. Example
124.5.1. Name
A simple example of increment and decrement
124.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
// set up our date just before the end of the year 2005
myDate := EncodeDateTime(2005, 12, 31, 23, 59, 0, 0);
ShowMessage('myDate = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
// add 60 seconds to this date
myDate := IncSecond(myDate, 60);
ShowMessage('myDate + 60 seconds = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
// subtract 120 seconds from this date
myDate := IncSecond(myDate, -120);
ShowMessage('myDate - 120 seconds = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
124.5.3. Result
myDate = 31/12/2005 23:59:00
myDate + 60 seconds = 01/01/2006
myDate - 120 seconds = 31/12/2005 23:58:00
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125. IncYear - Increments a TDateTime variable by a
number of years
125.1. Unit
125.2. Type
125.3. Description
The IncYear function returns a TDateTime value that is NumberOfYears greater than the
passed StartDateTime value. The increment value is optional, being 1 by default. After
incrementing the year, if the day value is too high for that month/year, then it is reduced to
the highest value for that month/year.
125.4. Syntax
function IncYear(const StartDate : TDateTime {; numberofyears : integer = 1}) :
125.5. Example
125.5.1. Name
Add and then subtract 2 years to an example date
125.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
// set up our date to a leap year special day
myDate := EncodeDate(2000, 02, 29);
ShowMessage('myDate = '+DateToStr(myDate));
// add 2 years to this date
myDate := IncYear(myDate, 2);
ShowMessage('myDate + 2 years = '+DateToStr(myDate));
// subtract 2 years from this date
myDate := IncYear(myDate, -2);
ShowMessage('myDate - 2 years = '+DateToStr(myDate));
125.5.3. Result
myDate = 29/02/2000
myDate + 2 years = 28/02/2002
myDate - 2 years = 28/02/2000
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126. Infinity - Floating point value of infinite size
126.1. Unit
126.2. Type
126.3. Description
The Infinity constant is a special floating point number, marked as infinite in size. It may be
assigned and calculated upon, but use IsInfinite for comparisons.
126.4. Syntax
const Infinity = 1.0 / 0.0;
126.5. Example
126.5.1. Name
Illustrate use of Infinity
126.5.2. Code
float1, float2 : single;
float1 := Infinity;
float2 := 23;
ShowMessage('float1 = '+FloatToStr(float1));
ShowMessage('float2 = '+FloatToStr(float2));
ShowMessage('float1 - float2 = '+FloatToStr(float1 - float2));
ShowMessage('-float1 = '+FloatToStr(-float1));
126.5.3. Result
float1 = INF
float2 = 23
float1 - float2 = INF
-float1 = -INF
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127. InputBox - Display a dialog that asks for user text
input, with default
127.1. Unit
127.2. Type
127.3. Description
The InputBox function displays a simple dialog box with the given Caption and Prompt
message. It asks the user to enter data in a text box on the dialog. A default value is
displayed in the text box. if the user presses OK, the default or user entered data is stored in
the return string, otherwise an empty string is returned. if the user cancels the dialog, then
the return value is an empty string. Use to ask the user for a data value, where you can give
a sensible default value, to save the user unnecessary typing.
127.4. Syntax
function InputBox(const Caption, Prompt, default : string) : string;
127.5. Example
127.5.1. Name
Keep asking the user for their city with a default
127.5.2. Code
value : string;
// keep asking the user for their town
value := InputBox('Test program', 'Please type your town', 'Cardiff');
until value <> '';
// show their name
ShowMessage('Your town is '+value);
127.5.3. Result
A dialog is displayed asking for the user city,
with Cardiff given as the initial value.
if the user just hits OK, then :
Your town is Cardiff
is then displayed
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128. InputQuery - Display a dialog that asks for user text
128.1. Unit
128.2. Type
128.3. Description
The InputQuery function displays a simple dialog box with the given Caption and Prompt
message. It asks the user to enter data in a text box on the dialog. if the user presses OK,
the entered data is stored in the UserValue variable and the return value is True. if the user
cancels the dialog, then the return value is False and any entered data is lost. Use to ask the
user for simple data such as a name.
128.4. Syntax
function InputQuery(const Caption, Prompt : string; var UserValue : string) : Boolean;
128.5. Example
128.5.1. Name
Keep asking the user for their name until they do so
128.5.2. Code
value : string;
// keep asking the user for their name
if not InputQuery('Test program', 'Please type your name', value)
then ShowMessage('User cancelled the dialog');
until value <> '';
// show their name
ShowMessage('Hello '+value);
128.5.3. Result
A dialog is displayed asking for the user name.
if the user types their name, 'Fred' and hits OK :
Hello Fred
is then displayed
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129. Insert - Insert a string into another string
129.1. Unit
129.2. Type
129.3. Description
The Insert procedure inserts one string, InsertStr into another string, TargetStr at the given
Position. The TargetStr string characters from the Position character are moved right to make
way for the InsertStr string. The length of TargetStr is now the sum of the length of the two
strings. to insert into the start of TargetStr, set Position to 1 or less. to append to the end of
TargetStr, set Position after the last character of TargetStr.
129.4. Syntax
procedure Insert(const InsertStr : string; var TargetStr : string; Position :
129.5. Example
129.5.1. Name
Inserting into the middle of a string
129.5.2. Code
Target : string;
Target := '12345678';
Insert('-+-', Target, 3);
ShowMessage('Target : '+Target);
129.5.3. Result
Target : 12-+-345678
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130. Int - The integer part of a floating point number as a
130.1. Unit
130.2. Type
130.3. Description
The Int function returns the integer part of a floating point number as a floating point
130.4. Syntax
function Int(const Number : Extended) : Extended;
130.5. Example
130.5.1. Name
A simple example
130.5.2. Code
ShowMessage('Round(12.75) = '+IntToStr(Round(12.75)));
ShowMessage('Trunc(12.75) = '+IntToStr(Trunc(12.75)));
ShowMessage(' Int(12.75) = '+FloatToStr(Int(12.75)));
ShowMessage(' Frac(12.75) = '+FloatToStr(Frac(12.75)));
130.5.3. Result
Round(12.75) = 13
Trunc(12.75) = 12
Int(12.75) = 12
Frac(12.75) = 0.75
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131. Integer - The basic Integer type
131.1. Unit
131.2. Type
131.3. Description
The Integer type is an Integer whose size is not guaranteed. It is the basic integer type in
Iris, and currently has the same capacity as the LongInt type - 1 bit sign, and 31 bits value.
131.4. Syntax
type Integer = -2147483648..2147483647;
131.5. Example
131.5.1. Name
Showing the capacity of Integer
131.5.2. Code
A, B : Integer;
// set the values of this data type
A := -2147483648;
B := 2147483647;
ShowMessage('A = '+IntToStr(A)+' and B = '+IntToStr(B));
ShowMessage('A + B = '+IntToStr(A+B));
131.5.3. Result
A = -2147483648 and B = 2147483647
A + B = -1
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132. Interface - Used for definitions
132.1. Unit
132.2. Type
132.3. Description
The interface keyword starts the definition of interface of a Script Page. All interface
declarations must be implemented in the implementation section. The uses statement, if
present, must be at the start.
132.4. Syntax
unit Name;
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132.5. Example
132.5.1. Name
A simple example
132.5.2. Code
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// complete iris script page
// -----------------------------------------------------------
unit total; // the name of the unit, in this case the default name 'untitled'
interface // used to start the definitions
uses // defines a list of units that are used on this page
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
type // defines a new category of variable or process
TUntitled = class(TIrisScreen)
procedure IrisScreenCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure SayHelloTo(Name: string);
function NameLength(Name: string): integer;
procedure ShowDifference;
function GetTimeAsString: string;
private // starts the section of private data and methods in a class
{ private declarations }
public // starts an externally accessible section of a class
{ public declarations }
var // starts the definition of a section of data variables
Untitled: TUntitled; // variable that refers to the screen name
UserNameLength: integer; // variable that will be used in the script
const // starts the definition of fixed data values
AverageUserNameLength = 7.25; // constant value that will be used in the script
implementation // starts the implementation (code) section of a unit
{$r *.dfm}
// start of the iris screen create function, this is called as soon as the page is
procedure TUntitled.IrisScreenCreate(Sender: TObject);
UserName string;
// asking for the users name
UserName := InputBox('Iris Test Script', 'Please enter your name', 'John');
until UserName <> '';
// call the procedure to welcome the user
// call the function to get the length of the users name and store it in a variable
UserNameLength := NameLength(UserName);
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// show both username and its length in a message and get the constant average
ShowMessage(UserName+', did you know your name has '+IntToStr(UserNameLength)+
' characters and the average name has '+FloatToStr(AverageUserNameLength)+'
// call another procedure, but this time without arguments
// procedure with an argument
procedure TUntitled.SayHelloTo(Name: string);
// show a message with a welcome text, a newline character (#10#13) and the current
time from a function without arguments
ShowMessage('Welcome to Iris, '+Name+#10#13+GetTimeAsString);
// function with arguments and a return value (mandatory)
function TUntitled.NameLength(Name: string): integer;
// trim spaces from the name, get the length of the name and return it
Result := Length(Trim(Name));
// procedure without arguments
procedure TUntitled.ShowDifference;
// show a message with the difference in length by accesing the var and const parts
from this page
ShowMessage('Well, that''''s only a difference of '+FloatToStr(Abs(UserNameLength-
AverageUserNameLength))+' characters');
// function without arguments
procedure TUntitled.GetTimeAsString: string;
// return the current time as a string
Result := 'It is now: '+TimeToStr(Now);
// end of the file, not that this ends with a dot instead of a semi-colon
132.5.3. Result
Please enter your name
Welcome to Iris, John
It is now 12:34:56
John, did you know your name has 4 characters and the average name has 7.25 characters
Well, that's only a difference of 3.25 characters
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133. IntToHex - Convert an Integer into a hexadecimal
133.1. Unit
133.2. Type
133.3. Description
The IntToHex function converts a DecimalValue integer into a hexadecimal format sting of at
least MinimumWidth characters wide. The resulting string has no prefix character.
133.4. Syntax
function IntToHex(DecimalValue : Integer; MinimumWidth : Integer) : string;
133.5. Example
133.5.1. Name
Convert an integer to a hex format
133.5.2. Code
// display 123 decimal in hex with minimal width
ShowMessage('1234 decimal = '+IntToHex(1234, 1));
// display 123 decimal in hex with fixed width
ShowMessage('1234 decimal = '+IntToHex(1234, 8));
133.5.3. Result
1234 decimal = 4D2
1234 decimal = 000004D2
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134. IntToStr - Convert an integer into a string
134.1. Unit
134.2. Type
134.3. Description
The IntToStr function converts an Integer Number into a string. It is normally used for
display purposes.
134.4. Syntax
function IntToStr(Number : Integer) : string;
134.5. Example
134.5.1. Name
Converting integers to strings
134.5.2. Code
value : Integer;
value := 2147483647; // largest possible integer value
ShowMessage('value : '+IntToStr(value));
134.5.3. Result
value : 2147483647
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135. IsInfinite - Checks whether a floating point number
is infinite
135.1. Unit
135.2. Type
135.3. Description
The IsInfinite function returns True if FloatNumber is infinite in value.
135.4. Syntax
function IsInfinite(const FloatNumber : Double) : Boolean;
135.5. Example
135.5.1. Name
Assign Infinity to a number and then test using IsInfinite
135.5.2. Code
float : Double;
// set the number to infinity
float := Infinity; // equivalent to 1.0/0.0
// although infinite, we can still display it
ShowMessage('float = '+FloatToStr(float));
// and we can test to see if it is infinite
if IsInfinite(float)
then ShowMessage('float is infinite')
else ShowMessage('float = '+FloatToStr(float));
135.5.3. Result
float = INF
float is infinite
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
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136. IsLeapYear - Returns true if a given calendar year is
a leap year
136.1. Unit
136.2. Type
136.3. Description
The IsLeapYear function returns true if a given calendar value is a leap year. Year can have a
value 0..9999
136.4. Syntax
function IsLeapYear(const Year : Word) : Boolean;
136.5. Example
136.5.1. Name
Was the year 2000 a leap year?
136.5.2. Code
if IsLeapYear(2000)
then ShowMessage('2000 was a leap year')
else ShowMessage('2000 was not a leap year');
136.5.3. Result
2000 was a leap year
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137. LastDelimiter - Find the last position of selected
characters in a string
137.1. Unit
137.2. Type
137.3. Description
The LastDelimiter function finds the last occurrence of any of a set of Delimiter characters in
a Source string. if found, the position is returned. Otherwise, 0 is returned.
137.4. Syntax
function LastDelimiter(const Delimiters, Source : string) : Integer;
137.5. Example
137.5.1. Name
Find the last position of 1 or more characters in a string
137.5.2. Code
source, find : string;
position : Integer;
// create a string
source := '12345678901234567890';
// find the position of the last 1
position := LastDelimiter('1', source);
ShowMessage('The last 1 is at '+IntToStr(position));
// find the position of the last 2, 4 or 6
position := LastDelimiter('246', source);
ShowMessage('The last 2, 4 or 6 is at '+IntToStr(position));
137.5.3. Result
The last 1 is at 11
The last 2, 4 or 6 is at 16
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138. Length - Return the number of elements in an array
or string
138.1. Unit
138.2. Type
138.3. Description
The Length function returns the number of characters in a string. It is often used to loop
around all characters in a string or elements in an array.
138.4. Syntax
function Length(const SourceString : string) : Integer;
138.5. Example
138.5.1. Name
Get the length of a string
138.5.2. Code
shortStr : shortstring;
longStr : string;
i : Integer;
shortStr := 'ABCDEFGH';
longStr := '12345678901234567890';
ShowMessage('Length of shortStr = '+IntToStr(Length(shortStr)));
ShowMessage('Length of longStr = '+IntToStr(Length(longStr)));
// display one letter at a time from the short string
for i := 1 to Length(shortStr) do
ShowMessage('Letter '+IntToStr(i)+' = '+shortStr[i]);
138.5.3. Result
Length of shortStr = 8
Length of longStr = 20
Letter 1 = A
Letter 2 = B
Letter 3 = C
Letter 4 = D
Letter 5 = E
Letter 6 = F
Letter 7 = G
Letter 8 = H
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139. LinkedPopup - Open a Linked Popup
139.1. Unit
Iris Standard
139.2. Type
Frame Function
139.3. Description
Open a popup screen that is linked by a PowerTree
139.4. Syntax
procedure LinkedPopup(Sender: TObject; PageName: string);
139.5. Example
139.5.1. Name
Open the popup 'PopupName' with the PowerTree 'Sender'
139.5.2. Code
139.5.3. Result
No result specified
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140. Ln - Gives the natural logarithm of a number
140.1. Unit
140.2. Type
140.3. Description
The Ln function takes an integer or floating point Number and gives the natural logarithm of
that number. This is only used for mathematical processing. Ln has the opposite effect to Exp
- the exponent of a number. (2.72 raised to that number power).
140.4. Syntax
function Ln(Number : Extended) : Extended;
140.5. Example
140.5.1. Name
Calculate the exponent of 2 and the natural log of the result
140.5.2. Code
float : Double;
// get the natural logarithm of 2
float := Ln(2);
// show this value
ShowMessage('Ln(2) = '+FloatToStr(float));
// get the exponent of this value - reverses the ln operation
float := Exp(float);
// show this value
ShowMessage('Exp(Ln(2)) = '+FloatToStr(float));
140.5.3. Result
Ln(2) = 0.693147180559945
Exp(Ln(2)) = 2
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141. Log10 - Gives the log to base 10 of a number
141.1. Unit
141.2. Type
141.3. Description
The Log10 function returns the logarithm to base 10 of Number.
141.4. Syntax
function Log10(const Number : Extended) : Extended;
141.5. Example
141.5.1. Name
Show the logarithm of a set of numbers
141.5.2. Code
// show the log to base 10 values of 3 numbers
ShowMessage('Log10(1) = '+FloatToStr(Log10(1)));
ShowMessage('Log10(5) = '+FloatToStr(Log10(5)));
ShowMessage('Log10(10) = '+FloatToStr(Log10(10)));
141.5.3. Result
Log10(1) = 0
Log10(5) = 0.698970004336019
Log10(10) = 1
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142. LongDateFormat - Long version of the date to string
142.1. Unit
142.2. Type
142.3. Description
The LongDateFormat variable provides the long (extended) formatting used for certain date
to string conversions. It is used by the DateTimeToString routine when the 'dddddd'
formatting is used. The following formatting character strings can be used in the
LongDateFormat string: y = Year last 2 digitsyy = Year last 2 digitsyyyy = Year as 4 digitsm
= Month number no-leading 0mm = Month number as 2 digitsmmm = Month using
ShortDayNames (Jan)mmmm = Month using LongDayNames (January)d = Day number no-
leading 0dd = Day number as 2 digitsddd = Day using ShortDayNames (Sun)dddd = Day
using LongDayNames (Sunday)
142.4. Syntax
var LongDateFormat : string;
142.5. Example
142.5.1. Name
Illustrating customised LongDateFormat setting
142.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
formattedDate : string;
myDate := StrToDate('29/02/2000');
// display using the default longdateformat
DateTimeToString(formattedDate, 'dddddd', myDate);
ShowMessage('29/02/2000 using default = '+formattedDate);
// change the display formatting
LongDateFormat := 'dddd dd of mmmm yyyy';
DateTimeToString(formattedDate, 'dddddd', myDate);
ShowMessage('29/02/2000 using override = '+formattedDate);
142.5.3. Result
29/02/2000 using default = 29 February 2000
29/02/2000 using override = Tuesday 29 of February 2000
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143. LongInt - An Integer whose size is guaranteed to be
32 bits
143.1. Unit
143.2. Type
143.3. Description
The LongInt type is a 32 bit signed Integer. This size is fixed, and will not change in future
releases of Iris. It is currently the same size as the Integer type.
143.4. Syntax
type LongInt = -2147483648..2147483647;
143.5. Example
143.5.1. Name
Showing the capacity of LongInt
143.5.2. Code
A, B : LongInt;
// set the values of this data type
A := -2147483648;
B := 2147483647;
ShowMessage('A = '+IntToStr(A)+' and B = '+IntToStr(B));
ShowMessage('A + B = '+IntToStr(A+B));
143.5.3. Result
A = -2147483648 and B = 2147483647
A + B = -1
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144. LongTimeFormat - Long version of the time to string
144.1. Unit
144.2. Type
144.3. Description
The LongTimeFormat variable provides the long (extended) formatting used for certain time
to string conversions. It is used by the DateTimeToString routine when the 'tt' formatting is
used. The following formatting character strings can be used in the LongTimeFormat string: h
= Hour with no leading 0'shh = Hour as 2 digitsn = Minute with no leading 0'snn = Minute as
2 digitss = Seconds with no leading 0'sss = Seconds as 2 digitsz = Milli-seconds with no
leading 0'szzz = Milli-seconds as 3 digits
144.4. Syntax
var LongTimeFormat : string;
144.5. Example
144.5.1. Name
Illustrating customised LongTimeFormat setting
144.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
formattedDate : string;
myDate := StrToTime('15:06:23.456');
// display using the default longtimeformat
DateTimeToString(formattedDate, 'tt', myDate);
ShowMessage('15:06:23.456 using default = '+formattedDate);
// change the display formatting
LongTimeFormat := 'hh nn ss (zzz)';
DateTimeToString(formattedDate, 'tt', myDate);
ShowMessage('15:06:23.456 using override = '+formattedDate);
144.5.3. Result
15:06:23.456 using default = 15:06:23
15:06:23.456 using override = 15 06 23 (456)
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145. LowerCase - Change upper case characters in a
string to lower case
145.1. Unit
145.2. Type
145.3. Description
The LowerCase function creates a copy of MixedString with all letters converted to lower
145.4. Syntax
function LowerCase(const MixedString : string) : string;
145.5. Example
145.5.1. Name
Converting a mixed case string to lower case
145.5.2. Code
SimpleString : string;
SimpleString := LowerCase('The Cat Sat on The MAT');
ShowMessage('SimpleString : '+SimpleString);
145.5.3. Result
SimpleString : the cat sat on the mat
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146. Max - Gives the maximum of two integer values
146.1. Unit
146.2. Type
146.3. Description
The Max function returns the value of higher of two numeric arguments, A and B. These
arguments may be any of the given numeric types, in any mixture. The result will be
normalised to the appropriate value - floating point if either argument is floating point.
146.4. Syntax
function Max(const A, B : Integer|Int64|Single|Double|Extended) :
146.5. Example
146.5.1. Name
Illustrate integer use of Max
146.5.2. Code
int1, int2, int3 : Integer;
int1 := 37;
int2 := 38;
int3 := Max(int1, int2);
ShowMessage('int1 = '+IntToStr(int1));
ShowMessage('int2 = '+IntToStr(int2));
ShowMessage('Max(int1, int2) = '+IntToStr(int3));
146.5.3. Result
int1 = 37
int2 = 38
Max(int1, int2) = 38
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147. MessageBox - Displays a message, symbol, and
selectable buttons
147.1. Unit
147.2. Type
147.3. Description
The function shows a MessageBox Dialog which waits for user input. The following Icon
Options are available: mb_IconWarning mb_IconStop mb_IconExclamation
mb_IconInformation mb_IconQuestion
147.4. Syntax
function MessageBox(hWnd: HWND; lpText, lpCaption: string; uType: UINT): Integer;
147.5. Example
147.5.1. Name
Display a confirmation dialog
147.5.2. Code
buttonSelected : Integer;
// show a confirmation dialog
buttonSelected := MessageBox(Handle,'Are you sure?','Confirmation',mb_IconStop or
mb_YesNo or Mb_TaskModal);
// show the button type selected
if buttonSelected = idYes then ShowMessage('YES pressed');
if buttonSelected = idNo then ShowMessage('NO pressed');
147.5.3. Result
A confirmation dialog is displayed with YES and NO buttons.
The user presses YES :
YES pressed
is displayed in another dialog box.
The user presses NO :
NO pressed
is displayed in another dialog box.
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148. MessageDlg - Displays a message, symbol, and
selectable buttons
148.1. Unit
148.2. Type
148.3. Description
The MessageDlg function is used to display messages to the user. These messages may be
informational, or warnings or whatever. There is complete freedom over the choice of buttons
that the user may press to acknowledge the dialog. for example, the user may be shown an
error message, and be allowed to abort, retry or cancel the erroneous process. The
DialogType may have one of the following enumerated values: mtWarning Displays a
exclamation symbolmtError Displays a red 'X'mtInformation Displays an 'i' in a
bubblemtConfirmation Displays an question markmtCustom Displays just the message The
Buttons value may be one or more of the following enumerated values : mbYes Displays a
'Yes' buttonmbNo Displays a 'No' buttonmbOK Displays an 'OK' buttonmbCancel Displays a
'Cancel' buttonmbAbort Displays an 'Abort' buttonmbRetry Displays a 'Retry' buttonmbIgnore
Displays an 'Ignore' buttonmbAll Displays an 'All' buttonmbNoToAll Displays a 'No to all'
buttonmbYesToAll Displys a 'Yes to all' buttonmbHelp Displays a 'Help' button You specify
these values comma separated in square brackets, as in the second code example. Iris
provides a number of predefined button combinations: mbYesNoCancel =
[mbYes,mbNO,mbCancel]mbYesAllNoAllCancel =[mbYes,mbYesToAll,
mbNo,mbNoToAll,mbCancel]mbOKCancel =[mbOK,mbCancel]mbAbortRetryCancel
=[mbAbort,mbRetry,mbCancel]mbAbortIgnore =[mbAbort,mbIgnore] Now Iris seem to have
made a design error when setting the return value from the dialog box. Instead of specifying
the enumeration value of the button pressed, it uses a completely different set of
enumeration names: mrYes = 6mrNo = 7mrOK = 1mrCancel = 2mrAbort = 3mrRetry =
4mrIgnore = 5mrAll = 8mrNoToAll = 9mrYesToAll = 10 The values given are the numerical
values of these enumerations, given in the numerical order that the mb equivalents are
defined. This is very odd. Additionally, these values are defined in the Controls unit, not the
Dialogs unit. Note that the Help button has no equivalent return value. This is because it does
not terminate the dialog. The HelpContext value is used in conjunction with the Help button.
It's use is beyond the scope of Iris Basics.
148.4. Syntax
function MessageDlg(const message : string; DialogType : TMsgDlgType; Buttons :
TMsgDlgButtons; HelpContext : Longint) : Integer;
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148.5. Example 1
148.5.1. Name
Display a confirmation dialog
148.5.2. Code
buttonSelected : Integer;
// show a confirmation dialog
buttonSelected := MessageDlg('Confirmation',mtError, mbOKCancel, 0);
// show the button type selected
if buttonSelected = mrOK then ShowMessage('OK pressed');
if buttonSelected = mrCancel then ShowMessage('Cancel pressed');
148.5.3. Result
A confirmation dialog is displayed with OK and Cancel buttons.
The user presses OK :
OK pressed
is displayed in another dialog box.
148.6. Example 2
148.6.1. Name
Displays a custom dialog with custom button selection
148.6.2. Code
buttonSelected : Integer;
// show a custom dialog
buttonSelected := MessageDlg('Custom dialog',mtCustom,mbAll, 0);
// show the button type selected
if buttonSelected = mrYes then ShowMessage('Yes pressed');
if buttonSelected = mrNo then ShowMessage('No pressed');
if buttonSelected = mrOK then ShowMessage('OK pressed');
148.6.3. Result
A dialog with no icon is displayed with Yes, No and OK buttons.
The user presses the Yes button :
Yes pressed
is shown in another dialog
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149. MessageDlgPos - Displays a message plus buttons at
a given screen position
149.1. Unit
149.2. Type
149.3. Description
The MessageDlgPos function is used to display messages to the user at a given screen
position. These messages may be informational, or warnings or whatever. There is complete
freedom over the choice of buttons that the user may press to acknowledge the dialog. for
example, the user may be shown an error message, and be allowed to abort, retry or cancel
the erroneous process. The screen coordinates are given by the X and Y values. The
DialogType may have one of the following enumerated values: mtWarning Displays a
exclamation markmtError Displays a red 'X'mtInformation Displays an 'i' in a
bubblemtConfirmation Displays an question markmtCustom Displays just the message The
Buttons value may be one or more of the following enumerated values : mbYes Displays a
'Yes' buttonmbNo Displays a 'No' buttonmbOK Displays an 'OK' buttonmbCancel Displays a
'Cancel' buttonmbAbort Displays an 'Abort' buttonmbRetry Displays a 'Retry' buttonmbIgnore
Displays an 'Ignore' buttonmbAll Displays an 'All' buttonmbNoToAll Displays a 'No to all'
buttonmbYesToAll Displys a 'Yes to all' buttonmbHelp Displays a 'Help' button You specify
these values comma separated in square brackets, as in the second code example. Iris
provides a number of predefined button combinations: mbYesNoCancel =
[mbYes,mbNO,mbCancel]mbYesAllNoAllCancel =[mbYes,mbYesToAll,
mbNo,mbNoToAll,mbCancel]mbOKCancel =[mbOK,mbCancel]mbAbortRetryCancel
=[mbAbort,mbRetry,mbCancel]mbAbortIgnore =[mbAbort,mbIgnore] Now Iris seem to have
made a design error when setting the return value from the dialog box. Instead of specifying
the enumeration value of the button pressed, it uses a completely different set of
enumeration names: mrYes = 6mrNo = 7mrOK = 1mrCancel = 2mrAbort = 3mrRetry =
4mrIgnore = 5mrAll = 8mrNoToAll = 9mrYesToAll = 10 The values given are the numerical
values of these enumerations, given in the numerical order that the mb equivalents are
defined. This is very odd. Additionally, these values are defined in the Controls unit, not the
Dialogs unit. Note that the Help button has no equivalent return value. This is because it does
not terminate the dialog. The HelpContext value is used in conjunction with the Help button.
It's use is beyond the scope of Iris Basics.
149.4. Syntax
function MessageDlgPos(const message : string; DialogType : TMsgDlgType; Buttons :
TMsgDlgButtons; HelpContext : Longint; X, Y : Integer) : Integer;
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149.5. Example 1
149.5.1. Name
Display a confirmation dialog
149.5.2. Code
buttonSelected : Integer;
// show a confirmation dialog at 20,100
buttonSelected := MessageDlgPos('Confirmation',mtError, mbOKCancel, 0, 20, 100);
// show the button type selected
if buttonSelected = mrOK then ShowMessage('OK pressed');
if buttonSelected = mrCancel then ShowMessage('Cancel pressed');
149.5.3. Result
A confirmation dialog is displayed with OK and Cancel buttons at 20,100 coordinates.
The user presses OK :
OK pressed
is displayed in another dialog box.
149.6. Example 2
149.6.1. Name
Displays a custom dialog with custom button selection
149.6.2. Code
buttonSelected : Integer;
// show a custom dialog at 20,100 coordinates
buttonSelected := MessageDlgPos('Custom dialog',mtCustom,mbAll, 0, 20, 100);
// show the button type selected
if buttonSelected = mrYes then ShowMessage('Yes pressed');
if buttonSelected = mrNo then ShowMessage('No pressed');
if buttonSelected = mrOK then ShowMessage('OK pressed');
149.6.3. Result
A dialog with no icon is displayed with Yes, No and Ok buttons at 20,100 coordinates.
The user presses the Yes button :
Yes pressed
is shown in another dialog
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150. Min - Gives the minimum of two integer values
150.1. Unit
150.2. Type
150.3. Description
The Min function returns the value of lower of two numeric arguments, A and B. These
arguments may be any of the given numeric types, in any mixture. The result will be
normalised to the appropriate value - floating point if either argument is floating point.
150.4. Syntax
function Min(const A, B : Integer|Int64|Single|Double|Extended) :
150.5. Example
150.5.1. Name
Illustrate integer use of Min
150.5.2. Code
int1, int2, int3 : Integer;
int1 := 37;
int2 := 38;
int3 := Min(int1, int2);
ShowMessage('int1 = '+IntToStr(int1));
ShowMessage('int2 = '+IntToStr(int2));
ShowMessage('Min(int1, int2) = '+IntToStr(int3));
150.5.3. Result
int1 = 37
int2 = 38
Min(int1, int2) = 37
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151. MinsPerDay - Gives the number of minutes in a day
151.1. Unit
151.2. Type
151.3. Description
The MinsPerDay constant gives the number of minutes in a day (24 * 60 = 1440).
151.4. Syntax
const MinsPerDay = 1440;
151.5. Example
151.5.1. Name
Show the number of minutes and seconds in a week
151.5.2. Code
ShowMessage('Number of minutes in a week = '+IntToStr(MinsPerDay*7));
ShowMessage('Number of seconds in a week = '+IntToStr(SecsPerDay*7));
151.5.3. Result
Number of minutes in a week = 10080
Number of seconds in a week = 604800
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152. MkDir - Make a directory
152.1. Unit
152.2. Type
152.3. Description
The MkDir procedure makes a new directory in the current directory. if the directory already
exists, an EInOutError exception is thrown. You must then check the IOResult value to see
the outcome of your IO operation (remembering that use of IOResult resets the value).
152.4. Syntax
procedure MkDir(const DirectoryName : string);
152.5. Example
152.5.1. Name
Create a directory and then remove it
152.5.2. Code
error : Integer;
// try to create a new subdirectory in the current directory
// did the directory get created ok?
error := IOResult;
if error = 0
then ShowMessage('Directory created OK')
else ShowMessageFmt('Directory creation failed with error %d',[error]);
// delete the directory to tidy up
152.5.3. Result
Directory created OK
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153. Mod - Performs integer division, returning the
153.1. Unit
Iris Standard
153.2. Type
153.3. Description
The mod keyword gives the remainder from dividing the Dividend by the Divisor. The whole
number result of the division is ignored.
153.4. Syntax
Dividend mod Divisor
153.5. Example
153.5.1. Name
A simple example
153.5.2. Code
int : Integer;
// divide a primary integer by 4 - mod returns the remainder
int := 19 mod 4;
ShowMessage('19 mod 4 = '+IntToStr(int));
153.5.3. Result
19 mod 4 = 3
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154. ModalPopup - Open a Modal Popup
154.1. Unit
Iris Standard
154.2. Type
Frame Function
154.3. Description
Open a popup screen that is always on top. It is only possible to access the popup. Other
screens can only be accessed when the popup is closed.
154.4. Syntax
procedure ModalPopup(PageName: string);
154.5. Example
154.5.1. Name
Open the popup 'PopupName' and make it always on top
154.5.2. Code
154.5.3. Result
No result specified
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155. MonthOfTheYear - Gives the month of the year for a
TDateTime value
155.1. Unit
155.2. Type
155.3. Description
The MonthOfTheYear function returns an index number for the month of the year. The value
is in the range 1 for January to 12 for December.
155.4. Syntax
function MonthOfTheYear(const Date : TDateTime) : Word;
155.5. Example
155.5.1. Name
Show the month of the year for a TDateTime variable
155.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
myDate := EncodeDate(2002, 10, 29);
ShowMessage('The month of the year = '+
155.5.3. Result
The month of the year = 10
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156. NegCurrFormat - Defines negative amount
formatting in currency displays
156.1. Unit
156.2. Type
156.3. Description
The NegCurrFormat variable defines how negative currency amounts are formatted by such
functions as FloatToStr and CurrToStr. It is in effect an enumerated type, but with no names
for the values. It is easiest to show their meanings by example, given below with an amount
1.23 and ? as the CurrencyString: ?0 = (?1.23)?1 = -?1.23?2 = ?-1.23?3 = ?1.23-?4 =
(1.23?)?5 = -1.23??6 = 1.23-??7 = 1.23?-?8 = -1.23 ??9 = -? 1.2310 = 1.23 ?-11 = ? 1.23-
12 = ? -1.2313 = 1.23- ?14 = (? 1.23)15 = (1.23 ?)
156.4. Syntax
var NegCurrFormat : Byte;
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156.5. Example
156.5.1. Name
Illustrate the 16 different negative formatting flavours
156.5.2. Code
i : Byte;
// display the amount using all the flavours of negcurrformat
for i := 0 to 15 do
NegCurrFormat := i;
ShowMessage('Format '+IntToStr(i)+' = '+Format('%m', [-1.23]));
156.5.3. Result
Format 0 = (?1.23)
Format 1 = -?1.23
Format 2 = ?-1.23
Format 3 = ?1.23-
Format 4 = (1.23?)
Format 5 = -1.23?
Format 6 = 1.23-?
Format 7 = 1.23?-
Format 8 = -1.23 ?
Format 9 = -? 1.23
Format 10 = 1.23 ?-
Format 11 = ? 1.23-
Format 12 = ? -1.23
Format 13 = 1.23- ?
Format 14 = (? 1.23)
Format 15 = (1.23 ?)
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157. Not - Boolean not or bitwise not of one arguments
157.1. Unit
Iris Standard
157.2. Type
157.3. Description
The not keyword is used in two different ways: 1. to perform a logical or Boolean 'not' of a
logical value. If True, the value becomes False. if False, the value becomes True. 2. to
perform a mathematical 'not' of an integer in a bitwise fashion. The result is a bitwise 'not' of
the number - every bit value is reversed - 0 to 1 and 1 to 0.
157.4. Syntax
1 not Boolean expression
2 not Integer expression
157.5. Example
157.5.1. Name
Illustrate both types of not usage
157.5.2. Code
num1, num2 : Word;
num1 := $2C; // binary value : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 1100
// not-ed value : 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1101 0011 =
// and used to return a boolean value
if not (num1 > 0)
then ShowMessage('num1 <= 0')
else ShowMessage('num1 > 0');
// and used to perform a mathematical not operation
num2 := not num1;
// display the result
ShowMessage('not $2C = $'+IntToHex(num2,2));
157.5.3. Result
num1 > 0
not $2C = $FFFFFFD3
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158. Now - Gives the current date and time
158.1. Unit
158.2. Type
158.3. Description
The Now function returns the current date and time in the local time zone. The returned
TDateTime type can be manipulated and displayed by many SysUtil and DateUtils routines.
158.4. Syntax
function Now : TDateTime;
158.5. Example
158.5.1. Name
Show the current date and time
158.5.2. Code
today : TDateTime;
today := Now;
ShowMessage('today has date = '+DateToStr(today));
ShowMessage('today has time = '+TimeToStr(today));
158.5.3. Result
today has date = 12/10/2002
today has time = 13:37:25
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159. Null - A variable that has no value
159.1. Unit
159.2. Type
159.3. Description
The Null variable has an undefined value. Null does not mean a zero number or empty string
- it is undefined. Any expression using a null variable will yield a null result. Null is particularly
useful when handling SQL table data - providing a one for one correspondence with the SQL
NULL value.
159.4. Syntax
var Null : Variant;
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159.5. Example
159.5.1. Name
Using Null to represent the result of a bad divide
159.5.2. Code
/ Remember to declare the function at type using the following line
// function divide(dividend, divisor: integer) : variant;
Answer : Variant;
Answer := Divide(4,2);
// show the result of this division
if Answer = Null
then ShowMessage('4 / 2 = Invalid')
else ShowMessage('4 / 2 = '+IntToStr(Answer));
Answer := Divide(4,0);
// show the result of this division
if Answer = Null
then ShowMessage('4 / 0 = Invalid')
else ShowMessage('4 / 0 = '+IntToStr(Answer));
function TUntitled.Divide(Dividend, Divisor: Integer) : Variant;
// try to divide the dividend by the divisor
Result := Dividend div Divisor;
Result := Null ; // assign null if the division threw an error
159.5.3. Result
4 / 2 = 2
4 / 0 = Invalid
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160. NumEditor - Shows a numerical popup to write the
value of a tag
160.1. Unit
Iris Standard
160.2. Type
Tag Function
160.3. Description
Writes a value to a tag using a NumEditor Popup. Writes regardless of the current value of
the tag. It is possible to read values from device and internal tags.
160.4. Syntax
procedure NumEditor(ScreenControl: TObject; TagName: string);
160.5. Example 1
160.5.1. Name
read/write a tag value using a NumEditor
160.5.2. Code
value: integer;
// read the value of tag 'tagname' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('tagname');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The old value is '+IntToStr(Value));
// write a new value to the tag 'tagname'
// read the value of tag 'tagname' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('tagname');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The New value is '+IntToStr(Value));
160.5.3. Result
The old value is ?
The new value is ?
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160.6. Example 2
160.6.1. Name
read/write a tag value using a NumEditor through a PowerTree
160.6.2. Code
value: integer;
// read the value of tag '[powertree].name' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue(ExpandMailbox('[PowerTree].name'));
// display the value
ShowMessage('The old value is '+IntToStr(Value));
// write a new value to the tag '[powertree].name'
// read the value of tag '[powertree].name' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue(ExpandMailbox('[PowerTree].name'));
// display the value
ShowMessage('The New value is '+IntToStr(Value));
160.6.3. Result
The old value is ?
The new value is ?
160.7. Example 3
160.7.1. Name
read/write a structured tag value using a NumEditor
160.7.2. Code
value: integer;
// read the value of tag 'unit1.equipmentmodule2' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('Unit1.EquipmentModule2');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The old value is '+IntToStr(Value));
// write a new value to the tag 'unit1.equipmentmodule2'
// read the value of tag 'unit1.equipmentmodule2' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('Unit1.EquipmentModule2');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The New value is '+IntToStr(Value));
160.7.3. Result
The old value is ?
The new value is ?
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161. Or - Boolean or or bitwise or of two arguments
161.1. Unit
Iris Standard
161.2. Type
161.3. Description
The or keyword is used in two different ways: 1. to perform a logical or Boolean 'or' of two
logical values. if either are true, then the result is true, otherwise it is false. 2. to perform a
mathematical 'or' of two integers. The result is a bitwise 'or' of the two numbers. for
example: 10110001 or 01100110 = 11110111
161.4. Syntax
1 Boolean expression or Boolean expression
2 Integer expression or Integer expression
161.5. Example
161.5.1. Name
Illustrate both types of or usage
161.5.2. Code
num1, num2, num3 : Integer;
letter : Char;
num1 := $25; // binary value : 0010 0101 $25
num2 := $32; // binary value : 0011 0010 $32
// or'ed value : 0011 0111 = $37
letter := 'G';
// and used to return a boolean value
if (num1 > 0) or (letter = 'G')
then ShowMessage('At least one value is true')
else ShowMessage('Both values are false');
// and used to perform a mathematical or operation
num3 := num1 or num2;
// display the result
ShowMessageFmt('$25 or $32 = $%x',[num3]);
161.5.3. Result
At least one value is true
$25 or $32 = $37
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162. Ord - Provides the Ordinal value of an integer,
character or enum
162.1. Unit
162.2. Type
162.3. Description
The Ord function returns an integer value for any ordinal type Arg. It is principally used to
convert characters or enumerations into their numeric equivalents.
162.4. Syntax
function Ord(Arg : AnsiChar | Char | WideChar | Enumeration | Integer) : Integer;
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162.5. Example
162.5.1. Name
Illustrate all Ord types
162.5.2. Code
A : AnsiChar;
C : Char;
W : WideChar;
E : Boolean;
I : Integer;
I64 : Int64;
// set the ordinal type values
A := 'A';
C := 'C';
W := 'W';
E := True;
I := 22;
I64 := 64;
// and show the value of each
ShowMessage('A = '+IntToStr(Ord(A)));
ShowMessage('C = '+IntToStr(Ord(C)));
ShowMessage('W = '+IntToStr(Ord(W)));
ShowMessage('E = '+IntToStr(Ord(E)));
ShowMessage('I = '+IntToStr(Ord(I)));
ShowMessage('I64 = '+IntToStr(Ord(I64)));
162.5.3. Result
A = 65
C = 67
W = 87
E = 1
I = 22
I64 = 64
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163. PageBack - Show Previous Page
163.1. Unit
Iris Standard
163.2. Type
Frame Function
163.3. Description
Opens the previous screen, just like in a browser
163.4. Syntax
procedure PageBack;
163.5. Example
163.5.1. Name
Open previously opened screen (browser page back)
163.5.2. Code
163.5.3. Result
The previous screen is opened (if any)
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164. PageForward - Show Next Page
164.1. Unit
Iris Standard
164.2. Type
Frame Function
164.3. Description
Opens a the next screen, just like in a browser
164.4. Syntax
procedure PageForward;
164.5. Example
164.5.1. Name
Open next opened screen (browser page forward)
164.5.2. Code
164.5.3. Result
The next screen is opened (if any)
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165. Pi - The mathematical constant
165.1. Unit
165.2. Type
165.3. Description
The Pi function returns a floating point value giving a useful approximation of the value of Pi.
The circumference of a circle Pi * Diameter.
165.4. Syntax
function Pi : Extended;
165.5. Example
165.5.1. Name
Get the area and circumference of a circle
165.5.2. Code
myPi : Extended;
diam : Integer;
diam := 10;
// show circumference and the area of a circle
// with diameter - 10 cm
ShowMessage(' Diameter = '+IntToStr(diam));
ShowMessage('Circumference = '+FloatToStr(Pi*diam));
ShowMessage(' Area = '+FloatToStr(Pi*(diam/2)*(diam/2)));
165.5.3. Result
Diameter = 10
Circumference = 31.4159265358979
Area = 78.5398163397448
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166. Popup - Open a Popup
166.1. Unit
Iris Standard
166.2. Type
Frame Function
166.3. Description
Open a popup screen
166.4. Syntax
procedure Popup(PageName: string);
166.5. Example
166.5.1. Name
Open the popup 'PopupName'
166.5.2. Code
166.5.3. Result
No result specified
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167. Pos - Find the position of one string in another
167.1. Unit
167.2. Type
167.3. Description
The Pos function looks for a substring Needle in a string HayStack, returning the position in
the string of the first occurrence. if the string is not found, 0 is returned. The search is case
167.4. Syntax
function Pos(const Needle, HayStack : string) : Integer;
167.5. Example
167.5.1. Name
Find a word in a sentence
167.5.2. Code
position : Integer;
// look for the word 'cat' in a sentence
// note : that this search is case sensitive, so that
// the first 'cat' is not matched
position := Pos('Cat', 'The cat sat on the Cat mat');
if position = 0
then ShowMessage('''Cat'' not found in the sentence')
else ShowMessage('''Cat'' was found at character '+IntToStr(position));
167.5.3. Result
'Cat' was found at character 20
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168. Pred - Decrement an ordinal variable
168.1. Unit
168.2. Type
168.3. Description
The Pred function decrements an ordinal value and returns this value. You can decrement:
Characters Non-floating number types Enumeration types Pointers The decrement is by the
base size of the unit. for example, decrementing a Pointer will be by 2 bytes if the pointer
points to Words.
168.4. Syntax
function Pred(const Ordinal Value) : Ordinal type;
168.5. Example
168.5.1. Name
Decrementing characters, numbers and enumerations
168.5.2. Code
Number : Integer;
Number := 23;
ShowMessage('Number : '+IntToStr(Number));
Number := Pred(Number);
ShowMessage('Number-1 : '+IntToStr(Number));
168.5.3. Result
Number : 23
Number-1 : 22
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169. Private - Starts the section of private data and
methods in a class
169.1. Unit
Iris Standard
169.2. Type
169.3. Description
Note: Currently there is no difference in Iris between private and public! The private directive
starts the section of data (fields) and routines (methods) of a class that are private (internal)
to that class. It is a vital part of the object Oriented concept that a class be treated like a
black box - how it operates internally is not relevant to the external use. This is where the
private section comes in - it hides data and routines used solely by other routines in the class.
if private data needs to be accessed externally, a public (or published) property or routine is
provided to give this access. private data and routines are not even accessible by a
descendent class - you must use protected to provide this access. protected data and
methods are externally invisible, but are accessible to all classes in a hierarchy.
169.4. Syntax
{ private declarations }
{ public declarations }
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170. Procedure - Defines a subroutine that does not
return a value
170.1. Unit
170.2. Type
170.3. Description
The procedure keyword defines a subroutine that does not return a value. See the
SubRoutines tutorial for details on using procedures. Version 1 - Defines a procedure that
operates with no parameters. Version 2 -Defines a procedure that is passed one or more
170.4. Syntax
1 procedure Name; {directives;}
2 procedure Name(Parameters); {directives;}
170.5. Example
170.5.1. Name
A simple example
170.5.2. Code
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// complete iris script page
// -----------------------------------------------------------
unit total; // the name of the unit, in this case the default name 'untitled'
interface // used to start the definitions
uses // defines a list of units that are used on this page
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
type // defines a new category of variable or process
TUntitled = class(TIrisScreen)
procedure IrisScreenCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure SayHelloTo(Name: string);
function NameLength(Name: string): integer;
procedure ShowDifference;
function GetTimeAsString: string;
private // starts the section of private data and methods in a class
{ private declarations }
public // starts an externally accessible section of a class
{ public declarations }
var // starts the definition of a section of data variables
Untitled: TUntitled; // variable that refers to the screen name
UserNameLength: integer; // variable that will be used in the script
const // starts the definition of fixed data values
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AverageUserNameLength = 7.25; // constant value that will be used in the script
implementation // starts the implementation (code) section of a unit
{$r *.dfm}
// start of the iris screen create function, this is called as soon as the page is
procedure TUntitled.IrisScreenCreate(Sender: TObject);
UserName string;
// asking for the users name
UserName := InputBox('Iris Test Script', 'Please enter your name', 'John');
until UserName <> '';
// call the procedure to welcome the user
// call the function to get the length of the users name and store it in a variable
UserNameLength := NameLength(UserName);
// show both username and its length in a message and get the constant average
ShowMessage(UserName+', did you know your name has '+IntToStr(UserNameLength)+
' characters and the average name has '+FloatToStr(AverageUserNameLength)+'
// call another procedure, but this time without arguments
// procedure with an argument
procedure TUntitled.SayHelloTo(Name: string);
// show a message with a welcome text, a newline character (#10#13) and the current
time from a function without arguments
ShowMessage('Welcome to Iris, '+Name+#10#13+GetTimeAsString);
// function with arguments and a return value (mandatory)
function TUntitled.NameLength(Name: string): integer;
// trim spaces from the name, get the length of the name and return it
Result := Length(Trim(Name));
// procedure without arguments
procedure TUntitled.ShowDifference;
// show a message with the difference in length by accesing the var and const parts
from this page
ShowMessage('Well, that''''s only a difference of '+FloatToStr(Abs(UserNameLength-
AverageUserNameLength))+' characters');
// function without arguments
procedure TUntitled.GetTimeAsString: string;
// return the current time as a string
Result := 'It is now: '+TimeToStr(Now);
// end of the file, not that this ends with a dot instead of a semi-colon
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170.5.3. Result
Please enter your name
Welcome to Iris, John
It is now 12:34:56
John, did you know your name has 4 characters and the average name has 7.25 characters
Well, that's only a difference of 3.25 characters
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171. PtInRect - Tests to see if a point lies within a
171.1. Unit
171.2. Type
171.3. Description
The PtInRect function returns true if ThePoint lies within TheRectangle. Note that the
rectangle inside is defined as: (left, top, right-1, bottom-1)
171.4. Syntax
function PtInRect(const TheRectangle : TRect; const ThePoint : TPoint) : Boolean;
171.5. Example
171.5.1. Name
Determine inside and outside points of a rectangle
171.5.2. Code
myRect : TRect;
// create a rectangle
// note : the rectangle inisde starts at top left, but ends
// 1 pixel inside bottom right.
myRect := Rect(20, 30, 100, 200);
// check to see if (20,30) is inside the rectangle
if PtInRect(myRect, Point(20,30))
then ShowMessage(' 20, 30 is inside the rectangle')
else ShowMessage(' 20, 30 is outside the rectangle');
// check to see if (99,199) is inside the rectangle
if PtInRect(myRect, Point(99,199))
then ShowMessage(' 99,199 is inside the rectangle')
else ShowMessage(' 99,199 is outside the rectangle');
// check to see if (100,200) is inside the rectangle
if PtInRect(myRect, Point(100,200))
then ShowMessage('100,200 is inside the rectangle')
else ShowMessage('100,200 is outside the rectangle');
171.5.3. Result
20, 30 is inside the rectangle
99,199 is inside the rectangle
100,200 is outside the rectangle
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172. Public - Starts an externally accessible section of a
172.1. Unit
Iris Standard
172.2. Type
172.3. Description
Note: Currently there is no difference in Iris between private and public! The public directive
starts a declaration section of a class definition. in a public section, Fields, Properties and
Methods are declared to be accessible to this class, classes descending from it, and code
using object instances of the class. in object Oriented terms, a class object is seen as a black
box. The internal operations are not relevant. public fields, properties and methods are the
externally visible part of an object - a controlled access to the internals of the class. Because
public access provides a linkage of sorts to external code, you should avoid wherever possible
making changes to the public section. A published section is very similar to a public section,
except that it provides some run time information.
172.4. Syntax
{ private declarations }
{ public declarations }
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173. RadToDeg - Converts a radian value to degrees
173.1. Unit
173.2. Type
173.3. Description
The RadToDeg function is a mathematical function converting the Radians value into
Degrees. PI radians = 180 degrees
173.4. Syntax
function RadToDeg(const Radians : Extended) : Extended;
173.5. Example
173.5.1. Name
Use to display the result of an ArcSin calculation in degrees
173.5.2. Code
float : single;
// the arcsin of 0.5 should give 30 degrees
float := ArcSin(0.5);
float := RadToDeg(float); // convert result to degrees
ShowMessage('ArcSin of 0.5 = '+FloatToStr(float)+' degrees');
173.5.3. Result
ArcSin of 0.5 = 30 degrees
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174. Random - Generate a random floating point or
integer number
174.1. Unit
174.2. Type
174.3. Description
The Random function generates random numbers. They can be floating point numbers in the
range : 0 <= Number < 1.0 or integer numbers in the range : 0 <= Number < LimitPlusOne
Iris uses a pseudo random number generator that always returns the same sequence of
values (232) each time the program runs. to avoid this predictability, use the Randomize
procedure. It repositions into this random number sequence using the time of day as a
pseudo random seed.
174.4. Syntax
1 function Random : Extended;2 function Random (LimitPlusOne : Integer) : Integer;
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174.5. Example
174.5.1. Name
Generate sets of floating point and integer numbers
174.5.2. Code
float : single;
int : Integer;
i : Integer;
// get floating point random numbers in the range 0 <= Number < 1.0
for i := 1 to 5 do
float := Random;
ShowMessage('float = '+FloatToStr(float));
// get an integer random number in the range 1..100
for i := 1 to 5 do
int := 1 + Random(100); // the 100 value gives a range 0..99
ShowMessage('int = '+IntToStr(int));
174.5.3. Result
float = 2.3283064365387E-10
float = 0.031379981256104
float = 0.861048460006714
float = 0.202580958604813
float = 0.2729212641716
int = 68
int = 32
int = 17
int = 38
int = 43
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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175. Randomize - Reposition the Random number
generator next value
175.1. Unit
175.2. Type
175.3. Description
The Randomize procedure is used in conjunction with the Random function. It repositions the
random number generator in its sequence of 232 pseudo random numbers. Randomize uses
the time of day as the seed for this repositioning, so should provide a reliable method of
creating an unpredictable sequence of numbers, even if they are a part of a predetermined
175.4. Syntax
procedure Randomize;
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175.5. Example
175.5.1. Name
Run this code twice to see the effect of Randomize
175.5.2. Code
int : Integer;
i : Integer;
// if you run this program twice, only the first 5 values
// will be guaranteed to be the same each time - randomize
// repositions into a different part of the pseudo sequence
// of random numbers.
// get an integer random number in the range 1..100
ShowMessage('Fixed first 5 random numbers');
for i := 1 to 5 do
int := 1 + Random(100); // the 100 value gives a range 0..99
ShowMessage('int = '+IntToStr(int));
// now randomize to reposition
// get an integer random number in the range 1..100
ShowMessage('Random next 5 numbers');
for i := 1 to 5 do
int := 1 + Random(100); // the 100 value gives a range 0..99
ShowMessage('int = '+IntToStr(int));
175.5.3. Result
Fixed first 5 random numbers
int = 1
int = 4
int = 87
int = 21
int = 28
Random next 5 numbers
int = 35
int = 74
int = 45
int = 50
int = 31
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
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176. RandomRange - Generate a random integer number
within a supplied range
176.1. Unit
176.2. Type
176.3. Description
The RandomRange function generates a random Integer number within the range
RangeFrom to RangeTo inclusively. * This provides a more convenient version of the System
unit Random function. Both use a pseudo random number sequence of 232 values. Each time
you run your program, the values generated will be the same, unless you reposition the
generator to a different part of the sequence using the Randomize or RandSeed functions.
176.4. Syntax
function RandomRange(const RangeFrom, RangeTo : Integer) : Integer;
176.5. Example
176.5.1. Name
Generate random numbers in a very small range
176.5.2. Code
i : Integer;
// show 5 random numbers in the range 652 to 656
for i := 1 to 5 do
ShowMessage('Random number : '+IntToStr(RandomRange(652, 656)));
176.5.3. Result
Random number = 652
Random number = 652
Random number = 655
Random number = 652
Random number = 653
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177. RandSeed - Reposition the Random number
generator next value
177.1. Unit
177.2. Type
177.3. Description
The RandSeed variable is used in conjunction with the Random function. It changes the seed
used that Iris uses to generate its range of 232 pseudo random numbers.
177.4. Syntax
var RandSeed : LongInt;
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177.5. Example
177.5.1. Name
Run this code twice to see the effect of RandSeed
177.5.2. Code
int : Integer;
i : Integer;
hours, mins, secs, milliSecs : Word;
// get random numbers using the default random seed value
ShowMessage('Fixed first 5 random numbers');
for i := 1 to 5 do
int := 1 + Random(100); // the 100 value gives a range 0..99
ShowMessage('int = '+IntToStr(int));
// now change the random seed to the milliseconds value
// of the current time
DecodeTime(now, hours, mins, secs, milliSecs);
ShowMessage('Setting randSeed to value : '+IntToStr(milliSecs));
RandSeed := milliSecs;
// get an integer random number in the range 1..100
ShowMessage('Random next 5 numbers');
for i := 1 to 5 do
int := 1 + Random(100); // the 100 value gives a range 0..99
ShowMessage('int = '+IntToStr(int));
177.5.3. Result
Fixed first 5 random numbers
int = 1
int = 4
int = 87
int = 21
int = 28
Setting random seed to value : 660
Random next 5 numbers
int = 72
int = 62
int = 28
int = 63
int = 44
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
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178. ReadLn - read a complete line of data from a text file
178.1. Unit
178.2. Type
178.3. Description
The ReadLn procedure reads a complete line of data from a text file or to the console. Is
used to read a line of text from a text file with the given FileHandle. You must use AssignFile
to assign a file to the FileHandle and open the file with Reset before using ReadLn. The
current file text line is parsed into the given variable values. After parsing, any remaining text
in the current file line is ignored, and the file positioned to the next line (or Eof set true if
none left).
178.4. Syntax
procedure ReadLn (var FileHandle : TextFile; var Variable1 {,var variable2...}) ;
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178.5. Example
178.5.1. Name
Reading each text line as a set of 4 numbers
178.5.2. Code
myFile : TextFile;
Line : string;
// try to open the test.txt file for writing to
AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');
// write numbers in a string
WriteLn(myFile, '1 2 3 4');
// write numbers as separate parameters
WriteLn(myFile, 5, ' ', 6, ' ', 7);
// write numbers as separate parameters
WriteLn(myFile, '8 9');
// close the file
// reopen the file for reading
// display the file contents
while not Eof(myFile) do
ReadLn(myFile, Line);
// close the file for the last time
178.5.3. Result
1 2 3 4
5 6 7
8 9
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179. ReadRecipe - read a recipe file.
179.1. Unit
Iris Standard
179.2. Type
179.3. Description
Reads values from a recipe file into a recipe tag structure.
179.4. Syntax
procedure ReadRecipe(RecipeName, FileName: string);
179.5. Example
179.5.1. Name
read a recipe file.
179.5.2. Code
// load the recipe file 'coffee.rcp' into the recipe tag 'myrecipe'
ReadRecipe('MyRecipe', 'Coffee.rcp');
// save the recipe tag 'myrecipe' into the recipe file 'tea.rcp'
WriteRecipe('MyRecipe', 'Tea.rcp');
179.5.3. Result
The recipe file coffee is loaded into the recipe tag MyRecipe
The recipe tag MyRecipe is stored into the recipe file Tea
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180. RecodeDate - Change only the date part of a
TDateTime variable
180.1. Unit
180.2. Type
180.3. Description
The RecodeDate function allows the Year, Month and Day values of a TDateTime variable to
be changed without affecting the time.
180.4. Syntax
function RecodeDate(const SourceDate : TDateTime; const Year, Month, Day : Word) :
180.5. Example
180.5.1. Name
Change the date without changing the time
180.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
// set the date to 29/10/2002 at 12:34:56
myDate := EncodeDateTime(2002, 10, 29, 12, 34, 56, 0);
ShowMessage('The starting date/time = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
// now change the date portion without touching the time
myDate := RecodeDate(myDate, 1957, 2, 18);
ShowMessage('The new date/time = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
180.5.3. Result
The starting date/time = 29/10/2002 12:34:56
The new date/time = 18/02/1957 12:34:56
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181. RecodeTime - Change only the time part of a
TDateTime variable
181.1. Unit
181.2. Type
181.3. Description
The RecodeTime function allows the Hour, Min, Sec and MSec (millisecond) values of a
TDateTime variable to be changed without affecting the date.
181.4. Syntax
function RecodeTime(const SourceDate : TDateTime; const Hour, Min, Sec, MSec : Word) :
181.5. Example
181.5.1. Name
Change the time without changing the date
181.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
// set the date to 29/10/2002 at 12:34:56
myDate := EncodeDateTime(2002, 10, 29, 12, 34, 56, 0);
ShowMessage('The starting date/time = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
// now change the time portion without touching the date
myDate := RecodeTime(myDate, 7, 35, 22, 0);
ShowMessage('The new date/time = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
181.5.3. Result
The starting date/time = 29/10/2002 12:34:56
The new date/time = 29/10/2002 07:35:22
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182. RemoveDir - Remove a directory
182.1. Unit
182.2. Type
182.3. Description
The RemoveDir function removes a directory Dir from the current directory. if the remove
succeeded, then True is returned, otherwise the error can be obtained using GetLastError.
182.4. Syntax
function RemoveDir(const Dir : string) : Boolean;
182.5. Example
182.5.1. Name
Create a new directory and then remove it
182.5.2. Code
// create a new directory in the current directory
if CreateDir('TestDir')
then ShowMessage('New directory added OK')
else ShowMessage('New directory add failed with error : '+
// remove this directory
if RemoveDir('TestDir')
then ShowMessage('TestDir removed OK')
else ShowMessage('TestDir remove failed with error : '+
182.5.3. Result
TestDir added OK
TestDir removed OK
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183. RemoveMailBox - Removes a MailBox
183.1. Unit
Iris Standard
183.2. Type
MailBox Function
183.3. Description
Remove the value from a MailBox. MailBoxes can be used to pass structured values to for
example popups.
183.4. Syntax
procedure RemoveMailbox(const AMailboxName: string);
183.5. Example
183.5.1. Name
Using MailBoxes
183.5.2. Code
// set the mailbox 'mymailbox' to the object 'unit23'
// the following could be done in a linked popup
// write a value to the tag '[mymailbox].open', - which will be
// remove the mailbox
// the following could be done in another linked popup
// set the mailbox 'mymailbox' to the object 'unit23.modulea'
// write a value to the tag '[mymailbox].status', - which will be
// clear the current mailbox
183.5.3. Result
Unit23.Open is written inside popup 1
Unit23.ModuleA.Status is written inside popup 2 that is a popup from popup 1
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184. Rename - Rename a file
184.1. Unit
184.2. Type
184.3. Description
The Rename procedure renames a file given by FileHandle to a new name NewFileName. The
file must have been assigned the given FileHandle using the AssignFile routine.
184.4. Syntax
procedure Rename(var FileHandle; NewFileName : string | PChar);
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184.5. Example
184.5.1. Name
Create a file, rename it, and then reopen it with the new name
184.5.2. Code
myFile : TextFile;
text : string;
// try to open the test.txt file for writing to
AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');
// write a couple of well known words to this file
WriteLn(myFile, 'Hello');
WriteLn(myFile, 'World');
// close the file
// try to rename the file - ensure that no such file exists first!
Rename(myFile, 'NewName.txt');
// now read the file
AssignFile(myFile, 'NewName.txt');
// display the file contents
while not Eof(myFile) do
ReadLn(myFile, text);
// close the file for the last time
184.5.3. Result
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185. Repeat - repeat statements until a ternmination
condition is met
185.1. Unit
Iris Standard
185.2. Type
185.3. Description
The repeat keyword starts a control loop that is always executed at least once, and which
terminates when the Expression is satisfied (returns True). There is no need for begin or end
markers - the repeat and until keywords serve that purpose. It is used when it is important
that the statements are at least executed once.
185.4. Syntax
until Expression
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185.5. Example
185.5.1. Name
Display integer squares until we reach or exceed 100
185.5.2. Code
num, sqrNum : Integer;
num := 1;
sqrNum := num * num;
// display squares of integers until we reach 100 in value
// show the square of num
ShowMessage(IntToStr(num)+' squared = '+IntToStr(sqrNum));
// increment the number
// square the number
sqrNum := num * num;
until sqrNum > 100;
185.5.3. Result
1 squared = 1
2 squared = 4
3 squared = 9
4 squared = 16
5 squared = 25
6 squared = 36
7 squared = 49
8 squared = 64
9 squared = 81
10 squared = 100
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186. ReplaceDate - Change only the date part of a
TDateTime variable
186.1. Unit
186.2. Type
186.3. Description
The ReplaceDate function updates the date part of a TDateTime variable DateTimeVar with
the date part of another TDateTime value NewDateValue without affecting the time.
186.4. Syntax
procedure ReplaceDate(var DateTimeVar : TDateTime; const NewDateValue : TDateTime);
186.5. Example
186.5.1. Name
Change the date without changing the time
186.5.2. Code
myDateTime, newDate : TDateTime;
// set the date to 29/10/2002 at 12:34:56
myDateTime := EncodeDateTime(2002, 10, 29, 12, 34, 56, 0);
ShowMessage('The starting date/time = '+DateTimeToStr(myDateTime));
// now change the date portion without touching the time
newDate := EncodeDate(1957, 02, 18);
ReplaceDate(myDateTime, newDate);
ShowMessage('The new date/time = '+DateTimeToStr(myDateTime));
186.5.3. Result
The starting date/time = 29/10/2002 12:34:56
The new date/time = 18/02/1957 12:34:56
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187. ReplaceTime - Change only the time part of a
TDateTime variable
187.1. Unit
187.2. Type
187.3. Description
The ReplaceTime function updates the time part of a TDateTime variable DateTimeVar with
the time part of another TDateTime value NewTimeValue without affecting the date.
187.4. Syntax
procedure ReplaceTime(var DateTimeVar : TDateTime; const NewTimeValue : TDateTime);
187.5. Example
187.5.1. Name
Change the time without changing the date
187.5.2. Code
myDateTime, newTime : TDateTime;
// set the date to 29/10/2002 at 12:34:56
myDateTime := EncodeDateTime(2002, 10, 29, 12, 34, 56, 0);
ShowMessage('The starting date/time = '+DateTimeToStr(myDateTime));
// now change the time portion without touching the date
newTime := EncodeTime(9, 45, 52, 0);
ReplaceTime(myDateTime, newTime);
ShowMessage('The new date/time = '+DateTimeToStr(myDateTime));
187.5.3. Result
The starting date/time = 29/10/2002 12:34:56
The new date/time = 29/10/2002 09:45:52
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188. Result - A variable used to hold the return value
from a function
188.1. Unit
188.2. Type
188.3. Description
The Result variable is used to hold the result value to be returned by a function. Iris
automatically creates this variable when the function starts. It is of the same type as the
return type of the function. Result can be used throughout a function as if it were explicitly
declared. Whatever its value is upon return from the function is what is passed back. Result
can be seen as equivalent to an out type parameter - where the value upon entry to the
function is undefined.
188.4. Syntax
var Result : function-Return-type;
188.5. Example
188.5.1. Name
Call a simple function that assigns to Result
188.5.2. Code
// remember to declare the function at type using the following line
// function squareit(value: integer): integer;
// get the square of some numbers
ShowMessageFmt('Square of %d = %d',[2, SquareIt(2)]);
ShowMessageFmt('Square of %d = %d',[8, SquareIt(8)]);
// simple function that returns the square of the parameter
function TUntitled.SquareIt(value: Integer): Integer;
// return the value in the result variable
Result := value * value;
188.5.3. Result
Square of 2 = 4
Square of 8 = 64
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189. ReWrite - Open a text or binary file for write access
189.1. Unit
189.2. Type
189.3. Description
The ReWrite procedure opens a file given by FileHandle for writing. You must use AssignFile
to assign a file to the FileHandle before using Reset. if the file does not exist, it is created. if
the file already exists, the contents are lost, and new data is added to the start. Use write or
WriteLn to write to the file after this ReWrite is executed.
189.4. Syntax
procedure ReWrite(var FileHandle : TextFile);
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189.5. Example
189.5.1. Name
Writing and reading lines of text to/from a text file
189.5.2. Code
myFile : TextFile;
text : string;
// try to open the test.txt file for writing to
AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');
// write a couple of well known words to this file
WriteLn(myFile, 'Hello');
WriteLn(myFile, 'World');
// close the file
// reopen the file in read only mode
// display the file contents
while not Eof(myFile) do
ReadLn(myFile, text);
// close the file for the last time
189.5.3. Result
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190. RmDir - Remove a directory
190.1. Unit
190.2. Type
190.3. Description
The RmDir procedure removes a directory from the current directory. if the directory does not
exist, an EInOutError exception is thrown. You can avoid such an exception by preventing IO
errors using the {$IOChecks Off} compiler directive. You must then check the IOResult value
to see the outcome of your IO operation (remembering that use of IOResult resets the
190.4. Syntax
procedure RmDir(const DirectoryName : string);
190.5. Example
190.5.1. Name
Create a directory and then remove it
190.5.2. Code
error : Integer;
// try to create a new subdirectory in the current directory
// switch off i/o error checking
{$iochecks off}
// did the directory get created ok?
error := IOResult;
if error = 0
then ShowMessage('Directory created OK')
else ShowMessageFmt('Directory creation failed with error %d',[error]);
// delete the directory to tidy up
// did the directory get removed ok?
error := IOResult;
if error = 0
then ShowMessage('Directory removed OK')
else ShowMessageFmt('Directory removal failed with error %d',[error]);
190.5.3. Result
Directory created OK
Directory removed OK
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191. Round - Rounds a floating point number to an
191.1. Unit
191.2. Type
191.3. Description
The Round function rounds a floating point Number to an Integer value. The rounding uses
Bankers rules, where an exact half value causes a rounding to an even number: 12.4 rounds
to 1212.5 rounds to 12 // Round down to even12.6 rounds to 13 13.4 rounds to 1313.5
rounds to 14 // Round up to even13.6 rounds to 14
191.4. Syntax
function Round(const Number : Extended) : Int64;
191.5. Example
191.5.1. Name
A simple example
191.5.2. Code
ShowMessage('Round(12.75) = '+IntToStr(Round(12.75)));
ShowMessage('Trunc(12.75) = '+IntToStr(Trunc(12.75)));
ShowMessage('Int(12.75) = '+FloatToStr(Int(12.75)));
ShowMessage('Frac(12.75) = '+FloatToStr(Frac(12.75)));
191.5.3. Result
Round(12.75) = 13
Trunc(12.75) = 12
Int(12.75) = 12
Frac(12.75) = 0.75
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192. SecsPerDay - Gives the number of seconds in a day
192.1. Unit
192.2. Type
192.3. Description
The MinsPerDay constant gives the number of minutes in a day (24 * 60 * 60 = 86400).
192.4. Syntax
const SecsPerDay = 86400;
192.5. Example
192.5.1. Name
Show the number of minutes and seconds in a week
192.5.2. Code
ShowMessage('Number of minutes in a week = '+IntToStr(MinsPerDay*7));
ShowMessage('Number of seconds in a week = '+IntToStr(SecsPerDay*7));
192.5.3. Result
Number of minutes in a week = 10080
Number of seconds in a week = 604800
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193. SetCurrentDir - Change the current directory
193.1. Unit
193.2. Type
193.3. Description
The SetCurrentDir function sets the current directory to Dir, returning True if successful. if the
directory does not exist, then getLAstError can be used to get the error code.
193.4. Syntax
function SetCurrentDir(const Dir : string) : Boolean;
193.5. Example
193.5.1. Name
Show set and re-show the current directory
193.5.2. Code
// show the current directory
ShowMessage('Current directory = '+GetCurrentDir);
// change this value
SetCurrentDir('C:\program Files');
// show the current directory again
ShowMessage('Current directory = '+GetCurrentDir);
193.5.3. Result
Current directory = C:\*
Current directory = C:\*
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194. SetMailBox - Sets a MailBox to a specific value
194.1. Unit
Iris Standard
194.2. Type
MailBox Function
194.3. Description
set a MailBox to a specific value. MailBoxes can be used to pass structured values to for
example popups.
194.4. Syntax
procedure SetMailbox(const AMailboxName: string; const AValue: string);
194.5. Example
194.5.1. Name
Using MailBoxes
194.5.2. Code
// set the mailbox 'mymailbox' to the object 'unit23'
// the following could be done in a linked popup
// write a value to the tag '[mymailbox].open', - which will be
// remove the mailbox
// the following could be done in another linked popup
// set the mailbox 'mymailbox' to the object 'unit23.modulea'
// write a value to the tag '[mymailbox].status', - which will be
// clear the current mailbox
194.5.3. Result
Unit23.Open is written inside popup 1
Unit23.ModuleA.Status is written inside popup 2 that is a popup from popup 1
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195. SetPageDir - Sets the page directory
195.1. Unit
Iris Standard
195.2. Type
Frame Function
195.3. Description
Sets the current page directory. This can be used to access files that are inside the Iris
project directory.
195.4. Syntax
procedure SetPageDir(const AValue: string);
195.5. Example
195.5.1. Name
Alter the working directory
195.5.2. Code
// read the original working directory
ShowMessage('The original working directory is '+GetPageDir);
// set the working directory to c:\
// read the new working directory
ShowMessage('The new working directory is '+GetPageDir);
195.5.3. Result
The original working directory is C:\IrisTest
The new working directory is C:\
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196. SetTagValue - Sets a value of a tag
196.1. Unit
Iris Standard
196.2. Type
Tag Function
196.3. Description
Sets a value to a tag. Setting a value is a form of writing, but the value is only written if the
current value of the tag is different from the new value. It is possible to read values from
device and internal tags.
196.4. Syntax
function SetTagValue(TagName: string; Value: Variant): boolean;
196.5. Example 1
196.5.1. Name
read/set a tag value
196.5.2. Code
value: integer;
// read the value of tag 'tagname' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('tagname');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The old value is '+IntToStr(Value));
// set a new value to the tag 'tagname'
// read the value of tag 'tagname' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('tagname');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The New value is '+IntToStr(Value));
196.5.3. Result
The old value is ?
The new value is ?
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196.6. Example 2
196.6.1. Name
Read/set a tag value through a PowerTree
196.6.2. Code
value: integer;
// read the value of tag '[powertree].name' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue(ExpandMailbox('[PowerTree].name');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The old value is '+IntToStr(Value));
// set a new value to the tag '[powertree].name'
// read the value of tag '[powertree].name' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue(ExpandMailbox('[PowerTree].name'));
// display the value
ShowMessage('The New value is '+IntToStr(Value));
196.6.3. Result
The old value is ?
The new value is ?
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196.7. Example 3
196.7.1. Name
read/set a structured tag value
196.7.2. Code
value: integer;
// read the value of tag 'unit1.equipmentmodule2' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('Unit1.EquipmentModule2');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The old value is '+IntToStr(Value));
// set a new value to the tag 'unit1.equipmentmodule2'
// read the value of tag 'unit1.equipmentmodule2' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('Unit1.EquipmentModule2');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The New value is '+IntToStr(Value));
196.7.3. Result
The old value is ?
The new value is ?
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197. Shl - Shift an integer value left by a number of bits
197.1. Unit
Iris Standard
197.2. Type
197.3. Description
The shl keyword performs a bitwise shift left of an Integer. The number is shifted Bits to the
197.4. Syntax
Number shl bits
197.5. Example
197.5.1. Name
Shifting left and losing high bits before shifting back
197.5.2. Code
before, after : integer;
// set up out starting number
before := $3C; // hex 3c = 003c in the integer
// shift left by 28 will lose the top 28 of the 32 bits of the integer
after := before shl 28;
ShowMessageFmt('Before : %x',[before]);
ShowMessageFmt('After shift left : %x',[after]);
// shifting right by 28 will not recover the lost data
after := after shr 28;
ShowMessageFmt('After shift right : %x',[after]);
197.5.3. Result
Before : 3C
After shift left : C0000000
After shift right : C
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198. ShortDateFormat - Compact version of the date to
string format
198.1. Unit
198.2. Type
198.3. Description
The ShortDateFormat variable provides the short (compact) formatting used for default date
to string conversion. It is used by the DateToStr, DateTimeToStr and DateTimeToString
routines (the latter when the 'c' or 'ddddd' formatting is used). The following formatting
character strings can be used in the ShortDateFormat string: y = Year last 2 digitsyy = Year
last 2 digitsyyyy = Year as 4 digitsm = Month number no-leading 0mm = Month number as 2
digitsmmm = Month using ShortDayNames (Jan)mmmm = Month using LongDayNames
(January)d = Day number no-leading 0dd = Day number as 2 digitsddd = Day using
ShortDayNames (Sun)dddd = Day using LongDayNames (Sunday)
198.4. Syntax
var ShortDateFormat : string;
198.5. Example
198.5.1. Name
Illustrating customised ShortDateFormat setting
198.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
myDate := StrToDate('29/02/2000');
// display using the default shortdateformat
ShowMessage('29/02/2000 using default = '+DateToStr(myDate));
// change the display formatting
ShortDateFormat := 'dddd dd mmmm yyyy';
ShowMessage('29/02/2000 using dddd dd mmmm yyyy = '+DateToStr(myDate));
198.5.3. Result
29/02/2000 using default = 29/02/2000
29/02/2000 using dddd dd mmmm yyyy = Tuesday 29 February 2000
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199. ShortInt - An integer type supporting values -128 to
199.1. Unit
199.2. Type
199.3. Description
The ShortInt type is the smallest form of signed integer, occupying 8 bits (1 byte) of storage.
It supports only the integers from -128 to 127.
199.4. Syntax
type ShortInt = -128..127;
199.5. Example
199.5.1. Name
Showing the maximum and minimum values
199.5.2. Code
A, B : ShortInt;
// set the values of this data type
A := -128;
B := 127;
ShowMessage('A = '+IntToStr(A)+' and B = '+IntToStr(B));
ShowMessage('A + B = '+IntToStr(A+B));
199.5.3. Result
A = -128 and B = 127
A + B = -1
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200. ShortString - Defines a string of up to 255
200.1. Unit
200.2. Type
200.3. Description
The ShortString type holds sequences of characters up to 255 in length. Strings can be
assigned from other strings, from functions that return a string, and with concatenations as in
the sample code.
200.4. Syntax
type ShortString
200.5. Example
200.5.1. Name
Assigning to a ShortString and a fixed length string
200.5.2. Code
myString : ShortString;
// assign a famous sentence to this string
myString := 'Hello World';
// add to this string
myString := myString + ', how is everyone?';
// display the final mystring value
ShowMessage('myString = '+myString);
200.5.3. Result
Hello World, how is everyone?
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201. ShortTimeFormat - Short version of the time to
string format
201.1. Unit
201.2. Type
201.3. Description
The ShortTimeFormat variable provides the short (compact) formatting used for certain time
to string conversions. It is used by the TimeToStr, DateTimeToStr and DateTimeToString
routines (the latter when the 'c' or 't' formatting is used). The following formatting character
strings can be used in the ShortTimeFormat string: h = Hour with no leading 0'shh = Hour as
2 digitsn = Minute with no leading 0'snn = Minute as 2 digitss = Seconds with no leading
0'sss = Seconds as 2 digitsz = Milli-seconds with no leading 0'szzz = Milli-seconds as 3 digits
201.4. Syntax
var ShortTimeFormat : string;
201.5. Example
201.5.1. Name
Illustrating customised ShortTimeFormat setting
201.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
formattedDate : string;
myDate := StrToTime('15:06:23.456');
// display using the default shorttimeformat
DateTimeToString(formattedDate, 't', myDate);
ShowMessage('15:06:23.456 using default = '+formattedDate);
// change the display formatting
ShortTimeFormat := 'hh nn ss';
DateTimeToString(formattedDate, 't', myDate);
ShowMessage('15:06:23.456 using override = '+formattedDate);
201.5.3. Result
15:06:23.456 using default = 15:06
15:06:23.456 using override = 15 06 23
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202. ShowMessage - Display a string in a simple dialog
with an OK button
202.1. Unit
202.2. Type
202.3. Description
The ShowMessage procedure displays a string of Text in a simple dialog with an OK button. It
is used to inform the user of some information - no decision is needed by the user. Insert
carriage return and line feed characters (#13#10) into the string to generate multi line
message display.
202.4. Syntax
procedure ShowMessage(const Text : string);
202.5. Example
202.5.1. Name
Show single and multiple line text displays
202.5.2. Code
// show a simple message
ShowMessage('Hello World');
// show a blank message
// split this into two lines
ShowMessage('Hello '+#13#10+'World');
202.5.3. Result
Hello World
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203. ShowMessageFmt - Display formatted data in a
simple dialog with an OK button
203.1. Unit
203.2. Type
203.3. Description
The ShowMessageFmt procedure provides 'C' like formatting of multiple of simple data types
into a string that is displayed in a single. It provides very precise control over this formatting.
The Formatting parameter defines how the Data array is manipulated into the displayed
string. The dialog has an OK button to allow the user to register the message and close the
dialog. The Formatting string can comprise a mix of ordinary characters (that are passed
unchanged to the result string), and data formatting characters. This formatting is best
explained by the example code. in simple terms, each data formatting substring starts with a
% and ends with a data type indicator : d = Decimal (integer)e = Scientificf = Fixedg =
Generalm = Moneyn = Number (floating)p = Pointers = Stringu = Unsigned decimalx =
Hexadecimal The general format of each formatting substring is as follows: %[index:][-
][Width][.Precision]type where the square brackets refer to optional parameters, and the : . -
characters are literals, the first 2 of which are used to identify two of the optional arguments.
203.4. Syntax
procedure ShowMessageFmt(const Formatting : string; const Data : array of const);
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203.5. Example 1
203.5.1. Name
Showing all of the formatting data types
203.5.2. Code
text : string;
// just 1 data item
ShowMessageFmt('%s', ['Hello']);
// a mix of literal text and a data item
ShowMessageFmt('string = %s', ['Hello']);
// examples of each of the data types
ShowMessageFmt('Decimal = %d', [-123]);
ShowMessageFmt('Exponent = %e', [12345.678]);
ShowMessageFmt('Fixed = %f', [12345.678]);
ShowMessageFmt('General = %g', [12345.678]);
ShowMessageFmt('Number = %n', [12345.678]);
ShowMessageFmt('Money = %m', [12345.678]);
ShowMessageFmt('string = %s', ['Hello']);
ShowMessageFmt('Unsigned decimal = %u', [123]);
ShowMessageFmt('Hexadecimal = %x', [140]);
203.5.3. Result
string = Hello
Decimal = -123
Exponent = 1.23456780000000E+004
Fixed = 12345.68
General = 12345.678
Number = 12,345,68
Money = ?12,345.68
string = Hello
Unsigned decimal = 123
Hexadecimal = 8C
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203.6. Example 2
203.6.1. Name
Using the index, width and precision values
203.6.2. Code
// the width value dictates the output size
// with blank padding to the left
// note the <> characters are added to show formatting
ShowMessageFmt('Padded decimal = <%7d>', [1234]);
// with the '-' operator, the data is left justified
ShowMessageFmt('Justified decimal = <%-7d>', [1234]);
// the precision value forces 0 padding to the desired size
ShowMessageFmt('0 padded decimal = <%.6d>', [1234]);
// a combination of width and precision
// note that width value precedes the precision value
ShowMessageFmt('Width + precision = <%8.6d>', [1234]);
// the index value allows the next value in the data array
// to be changed
ShowMessageFmt('Reposition after 3 strings = %s %s %s %1:s %s',
['Zero', 'One', 'Two', 'Three']);
// one or more of the values may be provided by the
// data array itself. note that testing has shown that an *
// for the width parameter can yield econverterror.
ShowMessageFmt('in line = <%10.4d>', [1234]);
ShowMessageFmt('Part data driven = <%*.4d>', [10, 1234]);
ShowMessageFmt('Data driven = <%*.*d>', [10, 4, 1234]);
203.6.3. Result
Padded decimal = < 1234>
Justified decimal =
0 padded decimal =
Width + precision = < 001234>
Reposition after 3 strings = Zero One Two One Two
in line = < 1234>
Part data driven = < 1234>
Data driven = < 1234>
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204. ShowMessagePos - Display a string in a simple
dialog at a given screen position
204.1. Unit
204.2. Type
204.3. Description
The ShowMessagePos procedure displays a string of Text in a simple dialog with an OK
button at the given XPos, YPos screen coordinates. The dialog is positioned with its top left at
the given screen pixel coordinates. This dialog is used to inform the user of some information
- no decision is needed by the user. Insert carriage return and line feed characters (#13#10)
into the string to generate multi line message display.
204.4. Syntax
procedure ShowMessagePos(const Text : string; const XPos, YPos : Integer);
204.5. Example
204.5.1. Name
Show the message dialog at default and selected screen coordinates
204.5.2. Code
// show a simple message at the default coordinates
ShowMessage('Hello World');
// show a simple message at screen position 100, 200
ShowMessagePos('Hello World', 100, 200);
204.5.3. Result
The following is displayed at the screen centre:
Hello World
The following is displayed at position 100,200:
Hello World
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205. Shr - Shift an integer value right by a number of bits
205.1. Unit
Iris Standard
205.2. Type
205.3. Description
The shr keyword performs a bitwise shift right of an Integer. The number is shifted Bits to
the right.
205.4. Syntax
Number shr bits
205.5. Example
205.5.1. Name
Shifting left and losing high bits before shifting right
205.5.2. Code
before, after : integer;
// set up out starting number
before := $3C; // hex 3c = 003c in the integer
// shift left by 28 will lose the top 28 of the 32 bits of the integer
after := before shl 28;
ShowMessageFmt('Before : %x',[before]);
ShowMessageFmt('After shift left : %x',[after]);
// shifting right by 28 will not recover the lost data
after := after shr 28;
ShowMessageFmt('After shift right : %x',[after]);
205.5.3. Result
Before : 3C
After shift left : C0000000
After shift right : C
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206. Sin - The Sine of a number
206.1. Unit
206.2. Type
206.3. Description
The Sin function is a mathematical function giving the Sine value of a Number value given
radians. PI radians = 180 degrees
206.4. Syntax
function Sin(const Number : Extended) : Extended;
206.5. Example
206.5.1. Name
Get the Sine of 30 degrees
206.5.2. Code
float : single;
// the sine of 30 degrees = 0.5
float := Sin(PI/6); // = 180/6 = 30 degrees
ShowMessage('Sin(PI/6) = '+FloatToStr(float));
206.5.3. Result
Sin(PI/6) = 0.5
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207. Single - The smallest capacity and precision floating
point type
207.1. Unit
207.2. Type
207.3. Description
The Single type is the fastest floating point type in Iris. It also has the lowest storage
requirements - 32 bits (1 for the sign 8 for the exponent, and 23 for the mantissa). It
supports approximately 7 digits of precision in a range from 1.18 x 10-38 to 3.4 x 1038.
207.4. Syntax
type Single;
207.5. Example
207.5.1. Name
Showing the precision and capacity of Single values
207.5.2. Code
account1, account2, account3 : Single;
account1 := 0.1234567890123456789;
account2 := 1.18E-38;
account3 := 3.4E38;
ShowMessage('Account1 = '+FloatToStr(account1));
ShowMessage('Account2 = '+FloatToStr(account2));
ShowMessage('Account3 = '+FloatToStr(account3));
207.5.3. Result
Account1 = 0.1234567910123456
Account2 = 1.18E-38
Account3 = 3.4E38
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208. SmallInt - An Integer type supporting values from -
32768 to 32767
208.1. Unit
208.2. Type
208.3. Description
The SmallInt type is a 16 bit sized signed Integer. to hold larger integers, use the Integer ,
LongInt (both 32 bits) or the Int64 (64 bits) types.
208.4. Syntax
type SmallInt = -32768..32767;
208.5. Example
208.5.1. Name
Showing the capacity of SmallInt
208.5.2. Code
A, B : SmallInt;
// set the values of this data type
A := -32767;
B := 32768;
ShowMessage('A = '+IntToStr(A)+' and B = '+IntToStr(B));
ShowMessage('A + B = '+IntToStr(A+B));
208.5.3. Result
A = -32767 and B = 32768
A + B = 1
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209. Sqr - Gives the square of a number
209.1. Unit
209.2. Type
209.3. Description
The Sqr function returns the square of a Number. Sqr(Number) = Number * Number The
number may be an integer or floating point type. Integer, Int64 numbers if the square of the
number exceeds the capacity of the target variable, then the result is : Result mod Capacity
Extended numbers if the square of the number exceeds the capacity, EOverFlow exception is
raised. Special values are treated as follows: Infinity, -Infinity: InfinityNaN (not a Number) :
209.4. Syntax
1 function Sqr(Number : Integer) : Integer;
2 function Sqr(Number : Int64) : Int64;
3 function Sqr(Number : Extended) : Extended;
209.5. Example
209.5.1. Name
Find the square of various values
209.5.2. Code
number, squared : Byte;
float : Extended;
// the square of 15 = 225
number := 15;
squared := Sqr(number);
ShowMessage(IntToStr(number)+' squared = '+IntToStr(squared));
// the square of infinity is still infinity
float := Infinity;
float := Sqr(float);
ShowMessage('Infinity squared = '+FloatToStr(float));
209.5.3. Result
15 squared = 225
Infinity squared = INF
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210. Sqrt - Gives the square root of a number
210.1. Unit
210.2. Type
210.3. Description
The Sqrt function returns the square root of a Number. The number must be a floating point
type. Special values are treated as follows: Infinity: Infinity-0 : -0NaN (not a Number) : NaN
210.4. Syntax
function Sqrt(Number : Extended) : Extended;
210.5. Example
210.5.1. Name
Find the square root of various values
210.5.2. Code
number, squareRoot : Extended;
// the square root of 225 = 15
number := 225;
squareRoot := Sqrt(number);
ShowMessage('Square root of '+FloatToStr(number)+' = '+FloatToStr(squareRoot));
// the square root of 3.456 = 1.859...
number := 3.456;
squareRoot := Sqrt(number);
ShowMessage('Square root of '+FloatToStr(number)+' = '+FloatToStr(squareRoot));
// the square root of infinity is still infinity
number := Infinity;
number := Sqrt(number);
ShowMessage('Square root of Infinity = '+FloatToStr(number));
210.5.3. Result
Square root of 225 = 15
Square root of 3.456 = 1.859032006180
Square root of Infinity = INF
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211. StopRunTime - Stops the runtime
211.1. Unit
Iris Standard
211.2. Type
211.3. Description
Stops the Iris Runtime. This is the same as selecting stop application from the taskbar icon.
211.4. Syntax
procedure StopRunTime;
211.5. Example
211.5.1. Name
Stopping the runtime.
211.5.2. Code
// display the final message
ShowMessage('System is going down');
// stops the run time
211.5.3. Result
System is going down
The runtime will stop.
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212. String - A data type that holds a string of characters
212.1. Unit
212.2. Type
212.3. Description
The string data type is used to hold sequences of characters, like sentences. string is by
default, actually treated as a AnsiString. It can be treated as a ShortString if the $LongStrings
compiler directive is set Off (the default is on). An AnsiChar can hold any number of
characters, restricted only by memory. Strings can be assigned from other strings, from
functions that return a string, and with concatenations as in the sample code.
212.4. Syntax
type string;
212.5. Example
212.5.1. Name
Assigning to a string and then adding a bit more
212.5.2. Code
myString : string;
// assign a famous sentence to this string
myString := 'Hello World';
// add to this string
myString := myString + ', how is everyone?';
// display the final mystring value
ShowMessage('myString = '+myString);
212.5.3. Result
Hello World, how is everyone?
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213. StringReplace - Replace one or more substrings
found within a string
213.1. Unit
213.2. Type
213.3. Description
The StringReplace function replaces the first or all occurences of a substring OldPattern in
SourceString with NewPattern according to Flags settings. The changed string is returned.
The Flags may be none, one, or both of these set values: rfReplaceAll : Change all
occurrences rfIgnoreCase : Ignore case when searching These values are specified in square
brackets, as in the example.
213.4. Syntax
function StringReplace(const SourceString, OldPattern, NewPattern : string; Flags :
TReplaceFlags) : string;
213.5. Example
213.5.1. Name
Change a
213.5.2. Code
before, after : string;
// try to replace all occurrences of a to the
before := 'This is A way to live A big life';
after := StringReplace(before, ' A ', ' THE ', rfReplaceAll);
ShowMessage('Before = '+before);
ShowMessage('After = '+after);
213.5.3. Result
Before = This is A way to live A big life
After = This is THE way to live THE big life
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214. StrToCurr - Convert a number string into a currency
214.1. Unit
214.2. Type
214.3. Description
The StrToCurr function converts a number string, CurrString such as '123.456' into a Currency
value. It supports integer, floating point, and scientific (exponent) formats. if a decimal point
appears in CurrString, then it must match the current DecimalSeparator value.
214.4. Syntax
function StrToCurr(CurrencyString : string) : Currency;
214.5. Example 1
214.5.1. Name
Converting a scientific format number string
214.5.2. Code
stringValue : string;
currValue : Currency;
// set up the source string containing a number representation
stringValue := '123.456E+002';
// convert it to a floating point number
currValue := StrToCurr(stringValue);
// and display the value
ShowMessage(stringValue+' = '+CurrToStr(currValue));
214.5.3. Result
123.456E+002 = 12345.6
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214.6. Example 2
214.6.1. Name
Catching string conversion errors
214.6.2. Code
A : Currency;
// we will catch conversion errors
A := StrToCurr('10 E 2'); // middle blanks are not supported
A := StrToCurr('$FF'); // hexadecimal values are not supported
214.6.3. Result
'10 E 2' is not a valid floating point value
'$FF' is not a valid floating point value
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215. StrToDate - Converts a date string into a TDateTime
215.1. Unit
215.2. Type
215.3. Description
The StrToDate function attempts to convert a date as a string Date into a TDateTime value.
The date string must adhere to the format of the ShortDateFormat value, and use the
DateSeparator character to separate the day, month and year values. The default format in
the UK is day/month/year, where : The day must be 1..31 (depending on month/year)The
month must be 1..12The year must be 0..9999 (optional)
215.4. Syntax
1 function StrToDate(const Date : string) : TDateTime;
2 function StrToDate (const Date : string; const FormatSettings : TFormatSettings) :
215.5. Example
215.5.1. Name
Showing 2 and 4 digit year date string conversions
215.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
myDate := StrToDate('15/03/75');
ShowMessage('15/03/75 = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
myDate := StrToDate('01/01/2075');
ShowMessage('01/01/2075 = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
215.5.3. Result
15/03/75 = 15/03/1975
01/01/2075 = 01/01/2075
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216. StrToDateTime - Converts a date+time string into a
TDateTime value
216.1. Unit
216.2. Type
216.3. Description
The StrToDateTime function attempts to convert a date plus time as a string DateTime into a
TDateTime value. The first, date part of the string must adhere to the format of the
ShortDateFormat value, and use the DateSeparator character to separate the day, month and
year values. The second, time part, separated by a blank from the date must adhere to the
format of the LongTimeFormat value, and use the TimeSeparator character to separate the
hour, minute and second values. The default format in the UK isday/month/year
hour:minute:second.msec, where : The day must be 1..31 (depending on month/year)The
month must be 1..12The year must be 0..9999 (optional)The hour must be 0..23The minute
must be 0..59 (optional)The second must be 0..59 (optional)The milli-sec must be 0..999
(optional) Omitting the year results in the use of the current year. Note that year 0015, for
example, must be given with the century digits; 15 on its own would be seen as a recent
year. if the year is 2 digits, the century is determined by the TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow
value. Any errors in the date/time string will yield EConvertError.
216.4. Syntax
function StrToDateTime(const DateTime : string) : TDateTime;
216.5. Example
216.5.1. Name
Showing 2 and 4 digit year date string conversions
216.5.2. Code
myDateTime : TDateTime;
myDateTime := StrToDateTime('23/02/75 12');
ShowMessage('23/02/75 12 = '+DateTimeToStr(myDateTime));
myDateTime := StrToDateTime('23/02/2075 12:34:56');
ShowMessage('23/02/2075 12:34:56 = '+DateTimeToStr(myDateTime));
216.5.3. Result
23/02/75 12 = 23/02/1975 12:00:00
23/02/2075 12:34:56 = 23/02/2075 12:34:56
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217. StrToFloat - Convert a number string into a floating
point value
217.1. Unit
217.2. Type
217.3. Description
The StrToFloat function converts a number string, FloatString such as '123.456' into an
Extended floating point number. It supports integer, floating point, and scientific (exponent)
formats. if a decimal point appears in FloatString, then it must match the current
DecimalSeparator value.
217.4. Syntax
function StrToFloat(FloatString : string) : Extended;
217.5. Example
217.5.1. Name
Converting a scientific format number string
217.5.2. Code
stringValue : string;
floatValue : Extended;
// set up the source string containing a number representation
stringValue := '123.456E+002';
// convert it to a floating point number
floatValue := StrToFloat(stringValue);
// and display the value
ShowMessage(stringValue+' = '+FloatToStr(floatValue));
217.5.3. Result
123.456E+002 = 12345.6
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218. StrToInt - Convert an integer string into an Integer
218.1. Unit
218.2. Type
218.3. Description
The StrToInt function converts an Integer string, IntegerString such as '123' into an Integer.
It supports +ve and -ve numbers, and hexadecimal numbers, as prefixed by $ or 0x.
218.4. Syntax
function StrToInt(IntegerString : string) : Integer;
218.5. Example 1
218.5.1. Name
Converting decimal and hexadecimal numbers
218.5.2. Code
A, B, C, D, E, F : Integer;
A := 32;
B := StrToInt('100'); // '100' string converted to 100 integer
C := StrToInt(' -12'); // leading blanks are ignored
D := StrToInt('$1E'); // hexadecimal values start with a '$'
E := StrToInt('-0x1E'); // ... or with a '0x'
F := A + B + C + D + E; // lets add up all these integers
ShowMessage('A : '+IntToStr(A));
ShowMessage('B : '+IntToStr(B));
ShowMessage('C : '+IntToStr(C));
ShowMessage('D : '+IntToStr(D));
ShowMessage('E : '+IntToStr(E));
ShowMessage('F : '+IntToStr(F));
218.5.3. Result
A : 32
B : 100
C : -12
D : 30
E : -30
F : 120
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218.6. Example 2
218.6.1. Name
Catching string to integer conversion errors
218.6.2. Code
A : Integer;
// we will catch conversion errors
A := StrToInt('100 '); // trailing blanks are not supported
on Exception : EConvertError do
A := StrToInt('$FG'); // 'g' is an invalid hexadecimal digit
on Exception : EConvertError do
218.6.3. Result
'100 ' is not a valid integer value
'$FG' is not a valid integer value
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219. StrToIntDef - Convert a string into an Integer value
with default
219.1. Unit
219.2. Type
219.3. Description
The StrToIntDef function converts an Integer string, IntegerString such as '123' into an
Integer value, with a default if the conversion fails. It supports +ve and -ve numbers, and
hexadecimal numbers, as prefixed by $ or 0x.
219.4. Syntax
function StrToIntDef(const IntegerString : string; default : Integer) : Integer;
219.5. Example 1
219.5.1. Name
Converting decimal and hexadecimal numbers
219.5.2. Code
A, B, C, D, E, F : Integer;
A := 32;
B := StrToIntDef('100', 0); // '100' string converted to 100 integer
C := StrToIntDef(' -12', 0); // leading blanks are ignored
D := StrToIntDef('$1E', 0); // hexadecimal values start with a '$'
E := StrToIntDef('-0x1E', 0); // ... or with a '0x'
F := A + B + C + D + E; // lets add up all these integers
ShowMessage('A : '+IntToStr(A));
ShowMessage('B : '+IntToStr(B));
ShowMessage('C : '+IntToStr(C));
ShowMessage('D : '+IntToStr(D));
ShowMessage('E : '+IntToStr(E));
ShowMessage('F : '+IntToStr(F));
219.5.3. Result
A : 32
B : 100
C : -12
D : 30
E : -30
F : 120
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219.6. Example 2
219.6.1. Name
Catching string to integer conversion errors
219.6.2. Code
A : Integer;
// no need to catch conversion errors
A := StrToIntDef('100 ', 55); // trailing blanks are not supported
ShowMessage('Value = '+IntToStr(A));
A := StrToIntDef('$FG' , 66); // 'g' is an invalid hexadecimal digit
ShowMessage('Value = '+IntToStr(A));
219.6.3. Result
Value = 55
Value = 66
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220. StrToTime - Converts a time string into a TDateTime
220.1. Unit
220.2. Type
220.3. Description
The StrToTime function attempts to convert a time as a string Date into a TDateTime value.
The time string must adhere to the format of the LongTimeFormat value, and use the
TimeSeparator character to separate the hour, minute and second values. The default format
in the UK is hour:minute:second.milli-seconds, where : The hour must be 0..23The minute
must be 0..59 (optional)The second must be 0..59 (optional)The milli-secs must be 0..999
(optional) You may use the current AM and PM value (as defined by TimeAMString,
TimePMString), or the literals 'AM', 'am', 'PM' and 'pm' before or after the time. The date is
set to 30 dec 1899, one day short of the 19th century. Any errors in the time string will yield
220.4. Syntax
function StrToTime(const Time : string) : TDateTime;
220.5. Example
220.5.1. Name
Showing with and without minutes and/or seconds
220.5.2. Code
myTime : TDateTime;
myTime := StrToTime('3PM');
ShowMessage('3PM = '+TimeToStr(mytime));
myTime := StrToTime('15');
ShowMessage('15 = '+TimeToStr(mytime));
myTime := StrToTime('15:03');
ShowMessage('15:03 = '+TimeToStr(mytime));
myTime := StrToTime('15:03:45');
ShowMessage('15:03:45 = '+TimeToStr(mytime));
220.5.3. Result
3PM = 15:00:00
15 = 15:00:00
15:03 = 15:03:00
15:03:45 = 15:03:45
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221. Succ - Increment an ordinal variable
221.1. Unit
221.2. Type
221.3. Description
The Succ function increments an ordinal value, and returns this value. You can increment :
Characters Non-floating number types Enumeration types Pointers The increment is by the
base size of the unit. for example, incrementing a Pointer will be by 4 bytes if the pointer
points to Words.
221.4. Syntax
function Succ(const Ordinal Value) : Ordinal type;
221.5. Example
221.5.1. Name
Incrementing characters, numbers and enumerations
221.5.2. Code
Number : Integer;
Number := 23;
ShowMessage('Number : '+IntToStr(Number));
Number := Succ(Number);
ShowMessage('Number+1 : '+IntToStr(Number));
221.5.3. Result
Number : 23
Number+1 : 24
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222. Tan - The Tangent of a number
222.1. Unit
222.2. Type
222.3. Description
The Tan function is a mathematical function giving the Tangent value of a Number value
given radians. PI radians = 180 degrees
222.4. Syntax
function Tan(const Number : Extended) : Extended;
222.5. Example
222.5.1. Name
Get the Tangent of 45 degrees
222.5.2. Code
float : single;
// the tangent of 45 degrees = 1.0
float := Tan(PI/4); // = 180/4 = 45 degrees
ShowMessage('Tan(PI/4) = '+FloatToStr(float));
222.5.3. Result
Tan(PI/4) = 1
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223. TBits - An object that can hold an infinite number of
Boolean values
223.1. Unit
223.2. Type
223.3. Description
The TBits type holds a flexible collection of bits (Boolean values). The colection size can be
altered at any time (using the size property). Bits are accessed using the Bits property, like
this: flag := myBits.Bits[2]; or, more simply: flag := myBits[2]; There is one utility function -
OpenBit - which returns the index of the first false value. There is no equivalent for true
223.4. Syntax
type TBits;
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223.5. Example
223.5.1. Name
A simple example
223.5.2. Code
flags : TBits; // our variable collection of boolean values
i : Integer;
// create our tbits object
flags := TBits.Create;
// add a few items to our boolean flags collection
flags.Size := 5;
// and set a few values
flags[0] := true;
flags[1] := true;
flags[4] := true;
// now display the contents of the collection
// note that indexing starts at 0
for i := 0 to flags.Size-1 do
if flags[i] = true
then ShowMessageFmt('Bit %d is true',[i])
else ShowMessageFmt('Bit %d is false',[i]);
// tbits has one main method -
// to find the index of the first false value
ShowMessageFmt('index of the first false value is %d',[flags.OpenBit]);
223.5.3. Result
Bit 0 is true
Bit 1 is true
Bit 2 is false
Bit 3 is false
Bit 4 is true
index of the first false value is 2
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224. TDateTime - Data type holding a date and time value
224.1. Unit
224.2. Type
224.3. Description
The TDateTime type holds a date and time value. It is stored as a Double variable, with the
date as the integral part, and time as fractional part. The date is stored as the number of
days since 30 Dec 1899. Quite why it is not 31 Dec is not clear. 01 Jan 1900 has a days value
of 2. Because TDateTime is actually a double, you can perform calculations on it as if it were
a number. This is useful for calculations such as the difference between two dates.
224.4. Syntax
type TDateTime = type Double;
224.5. Example
224.5.1. Name
Finding the difference between two dates
224.5.2. Code
day1, day2 : TDateTime;
diff : Double;
day1 := StrToDate('12/06/2002');
day2 := StrToDate('12/07/2002');
ShowMessage('day1 = '+DateToStr(day1));
ShowMessage('day2 = '+DateToStr(day2));
diff := day2 - day1;
ShowMessage('day2 - day1 = '+FloatToStr(diff)+' days');
224.5.3. Result
day1 = 12/06/2002
day2 = 12/07/2002
day2 - day1 = 30 days
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225. TextFile - Declares a file type for storing lines of text
225.1. Unit
225.2. Type
225.3. Description
The TextFile type defines a file type for holding textual data. Text files provide a simple,
convenient way of storing textual data. They do provide mechanisms for reading and writing
numerical data stored as text (see write), but it is safer and wiser to use structured records
when storing anything other than plain text strings. However, text files do allow variable
length records.
225.4. Syntax
var TextFile;
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225.5. Example
225.5.1. Name
Writing to and reading from a TextFile
225.5.2. Code
myFile : TextFile;
text : string;
// try to open the test.txt file for writing to
AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');
// write a couple of well known words to this file
WriteLn(myFile, 'Hello World');
// close the file
// reopen the file for reading
// display the file contents
while not Eof(myFile) do
ReadLn(myFile, text);
// close the file for the last time
225.5.3. Result
Hello World
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226. TFloatFormat - Formats for use in floating point
number display functions
226.1. Unit
226.2. Type
226.3. Description
The TFloatFormat type is used by the following SysUtils functions : CurrToStrF? for displaying
currency valuesFloatToStrF for general float displayingFloatToText for formatting to an array
The possible values of TFloatFormat are : - ffGeneral - Defines general number formatting
that aims to keep the resultant value as compact as possible. It removes trailing zeros and
the decimal point where appropriate. No thousand separators are shown. Exponent format is
used if the mantissa is too large for the specified Precision value of the formatting command.
in this case, the Digits value (0..4) determines the minimum number of exponent digits
shown. The decimal point character is determined by the DecimalSeparator variable. -
ffExponent - Commonly referred to as the Scientific or Engineering format, the exponent
refers to the letter E followed by a number. The number gives the power of 10 of the
number. for example, E+15 means 1015. The exponent always has a + or - sign. This
exponent is preceded by a number that always has one digit before the decimal place. for
example : 123.456 formats as 1.23456E+20.00123 formats as 1.23E-3 The using function
Precision parameter gives the number of displayed digits before the E, and the Digits
parameter gives the number (0..4) of digits after the E. The decimal point character is
determined by the DecimalSeparator variable. - ffFixed - This format again uses no thousands
separator. It displays Precision digits before the decimal point, and Digits digits after. if there
are too many digits before the decimal point, then the Exponent format is used instead. The
decimal point character is determined by the DecimalSeparator variable. - ffNumber - Same
as ffFixed, except that thousand separators are used. These are defined by the
ThousandSeparator variable. - ffCurrency - Same as ffNumber, but with a currency symbol
(string) added, as defined by the CurrencyString variable. Additionally, the formatting is
influenced by the CurrencyFormat and NegCurrFormat variables.
226.4. Syntax
type TFloatFormat = (ffGeneral, ffExponent, ffFixed, ffNumber, ffCurrency);
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226.5. Example
226.5.1. Name
Illustrate the 5 different types of formatting
226.5.2. Code
amount : Extended;
amount := 1234.56;
// display using ffgeneral formatting
ShowMessage('General 4,0 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffGeneral, 4, 0));
ShowMessage('General 6,0 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffGeneral, 6, 0));
ShowMessage('General 6,2 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffGeneral, 6, 2));
ShowMessage('General 3,2 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffGeneral, 3, 2));
// display using ffexponent formatting
ShowMessage('Exponent 4,0 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffExponent, 4, 0));
ShowMessage('Exponent 6,0 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffExponent, 6, 0));
ShowMessage('Exponent 6,2 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffExponent, 6, 2));
ShowMessage('Exponent 3,2 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffExponent, 3, 2));
// display using fffixed formatting
ShowMessage('Fixed 4,0 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffFixed, 4, 0));
ShowMessage('Fixed 6,0 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffFixed, 6, 0));
ShowMessage('Fixed 6,2 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffFixed, 6, 2));
ShowMessage('Fixed 3,2 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffFixed, 3, 2));
// display using ffnumber formatting
ShowMessage('Number 4,0 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffNumber, 4, 0));
ShowMessage('Number 6,0 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffNumber, 6, 0));
ShowMessage('Number 6,2 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffNumber, 6, 2));
ShowMessage('Number 3,2 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffNumber, 3, 2));
// display using ffcurrency formatting
ShowMessage('Currency 4,0 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, 4, 0));
ShowMessage('Currency 6,0 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, 6, 0));
ShowMessage('Currency 6,2 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, 6, 2));
ShowMessage('Currency 3,2 = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, 3, 2));
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226.5.3. Result
General 4,0 = 1235
General 6,0 = 1234.56
General 6,2 = 1234.56
General 3,2 = 1.23E03
Exponent 4,0 = 1.235E+3
Exponent 6,0 = 1.23456E+3
Exponent 6,2 = 1.23456E+03
Exponent 3,2 = 1.23E+03
Fixed 4,0 = 1235
Fixed 6,0 = 1235
Fixed 6,2 = 1234.56
Fixed 3,2 = 1.23E03
Number 4,0 = 1,235
Number 6,0 = 1,235
Number 6,2 = 1,234.56
Number 3,2 = 1.23E03
Currency 4,0 = ?1,235
Currency 6,0 = ?1,235
Currency 6,2 = ?1,234.56
Currency 3,2 = 1.23E03
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227. TFormatSettings - A record for holding locale values
227.1. Unit
227.2. Type
227.3. Description
The TFormatSettings record is used to hold Windows locale global variable of a number of
data conversion functions. It must be furnished before invoking a function that uses it.
227.4. Syntax
type TFormatSettings = record
CurrencyFormat : Byte;
NegCurrFormat : Byte;
ThousandSeparator : Char;
DecimalSeparator : Char;
CurrencyDecimals : Byte;
DateSeparator : Char;
TimeSeparator : Char;
ListSeparator : Char;
CurrencyString : string;
ShortDateFormat : string;
LongDateFormat : string;
TimeAMString : string;
TimePMString : string;
ShortTimeFormat : string;
LongTimeFormat : string;
ShortMonthNames : array[1..12] of string;
LongMonthNames : array[1..12] of string;
ShortDayNames : array[1..7] of string;
LongDayNames : array[1..7] of string;
TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow : Word;
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227.5. Example
227.5.1. Name
Use of the format settings record
227.5.2. Code
formatSettings : TFormatSettings;
// furnish the locale format settings record
GetLocaleFormatSettings(LOCALE_SYSTEM_default, formatSettings);
// and use it in the thread safe form of currtostrf
ShowMessage('1234.56 formats as = '+
CurrToStrF(1234.56, ffCurrency, 4, formatSettings));
227.5.3. Result
1234.56 formats as ?1,234.5600
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228. Then - Part of an if statement - starts the true clause
228.1. Unit
Iris Standard
228.2. Type
228.3. Description
The then keyword is part of the if statement. It is used to start the section of code executed
when the if condition is true. There are two forms of the if statement - one with an else
clause, the other not. if works as follows: if the condition is true, then the first statement is
executed. if false, then this statement is bypassed. if there is an else statement, it is executed
instead. in all cases, the Statement clause must be contained in a begin/end block if it is
longer than one statement in length.
228.4. Syntax
1 if Condition then Statement;
2 if Condition then Statement else Statement;
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228.5. Example
228.5.1. Name
Illustrate various uses of the then clause
228.5.2. Code
// illustrate a simple if statement that executes true
if True then ShowMessage('True!');
// illustrate the same, but with multiple actions
if 1 = 1 then
ShowMessage('We now have');
ShowMessage('multiple lines');
// illustrate a simple if statement that fails
if 1 = 2 then ShowMessage('1 = 2');
// illustrate an if then else statement
// note the lack of a ';' after the 'then' clause
if False
then ShowMessage('True')
else ShowMessage('False');
// nested if statements - iris sensibly manages associations
if true then
if false then
ShowMessage('Inner then satisfied')
ShowMessage('Inner else satisfied')
ShowMessage('Outer else satisfied')
228.5.3. Result
We now have
multiple lines
Inner else satisfied
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229. ThousandSeparator - The character used to display
the thousands separator
229.1. Unit
229.2. Type
229.3. Description
The ThousandSeparator variable is used in currency and floating point display functions.
ThousandSeparator value is ',' by default, but is dependent on your Windows locale.
229.4. Syntax
var ThousandSeparator : char;
229.5. Example
229.5.1. Name
Changing the thousands separator character
229.5.2. Code
amount : Currency;
amount := 1234567.89; // 1,234,567 pounds 89 pence
// display with the default thousands separator
ShowMessage('Amount = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, 10, 2));
// display with a new thousands separator
ThousandSeparator := ' ';
ShowMessage('Amount = '+FloatToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, 10, 2));
229.5.3. Result
Amount = ?1,234,567.89
Amount = ?1 234 567.89
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230. Time - Gives the current time
230.1. Unit
230.2. Type
230.3. Description
The Time function returns the current time in the local time zone. Because the return value is
a TDateTime type, the date component is set to zero (30/12/1899).
230.4. Syntax
function Time : TDateTime;
230.5. Example
230.5.1. Name
Show the current time
230.5.2. Code
today : TDateTime;
today := Time;
ShowMessage('today has date = '+DateToStr(today));
ShowMessage('today has time = '+TimeToStr(today));
230.5.3. Result
today has date = 30/12/1899
today has time = 13:37:25
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231. TimeAMString - Determines AM value in
DateTimeToString procedure
231.1. Unit
231.2. Type
231.3. Description
The TimeAMString variable value is used in the DateTimeToString procedure, and StrToTime
function. It qualifies the hour value when the ampm formatting string is used. The position is
determined by the formatting string (see the example). The default value is 'AM' as set by the
locale settings.
231.4. Syntax
var TimeAMString : string
231.5. Example
231.5.1. Name
Show AM as Morning
231.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
formattedDate : string;
myDate := StrToDateTime('09/02/2002 11:03');
// format using the default timeamstring value
DateTimeToString(formattedDate, 'dd/mm/yyyy @ hh:nn ampm', myDate);
ShowMessage('Using default AM value = '+formattedDate);
// format using the 'in the morning' value
TimeAMString := 'in the morning';
DateTimeToString(formattedDate, 'dd/mm/yyyy @ hh:nn ampm', myDate);
ShowMessage('with changed AM value = '+formattedDate);
231.5.3. Result
Using default AM value = 09/02/2002 @ 11:03 AM
with changed AM value = 09/02/2002 @ 11:03 in the morning
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232. TimePMString - Determines PM value in
DateTimeToString procedure
232.1. Unit
232.2. Type
232.3. Description
The TimePMString variable value is used in the DateTimeToString procedure, and the
StrToTime function. It qualifies the afternoon hour value when the ampm formatting string is
used. The formatting determines the position. The default value is 'PM' as set by the locale
232.4. Syntax
var TimePMString : string
232.5. Example
232.5.1. Name
Show PM as Afternoon
232.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
formattedDate : string;
myDate := StrToDateTime('09/02/2002 15:03');
// format using the default timepmstring value
DateTimeToString(formattedDate, 'dd/mm/yyyy @ hh:nn ampm', myDate);
ShowMessage('Using default PM value = '+formattedDate);
// format using the 'in the afternoon' value
TimePMString := 'in the afternoon';
DateTimeToString(formattedDate, 'dd/mm/yyyy @ hh:nn ampm', myDate);
ShowMessage('with changed PM value = '+formattedDate);
232.5.3. Result
Using default PM value = 09/02/2002 @ 03:03 PM
with changed PM value = 09/02/2002 @ 03:03 in the afternoon
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233. TimeSeparator - The character used to separate
display time fields
233.1. Unit
233.2. Type
233.3. Description
The TimeSeparator variable is used in date and time display functions between hour, minute
and second values. TimeSeparator value is ':' by default, depending on the Windows locale.
233.4. Syntax
var TimeSeparator : char;
233.5. Example
233.5.1. Name
Changing the time display separator character
233.5.2. Code
mydate : TDateTime;
myDate := EndOfAMonth(2000, 2); // 29th feb 2000 at 23:59:59.999
LongTimeFormat := 'hh:mm:ss.zzz'; // show milli-seconds
ShowMessage('Date = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
TimeSeparator := '_'; // override the : time separator
ShowMessage('Date now = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
233.5.3. Result
Date = 29/02/2000 23:59:59.999
Date now = 29/02/2000 23_59_59.999
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234. TimeToStr - Converts a TDateTime time value to a
234.1. Unit
234.2. Type
234.3. Description
The TimeToStr function converts a TDateTime value Time into a formatted time string. The
time is formatted using the LongTimeFormat value, which in turn uses the TimeSeparator
234.4. Syntax
function TimeToStr(Time : TDateTime) : string;
234.5. Example
234.5.1. Name
Converting a time value to a string
234.5.2. Code
myTime : TDateTime;
myTime := StrToTime('15:22:35');
ShowMessage('myTime = '+TimeToStr(myTime));
234.5.3. Result
myTime = 15:22:35
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235. To - Prefixes an incremental for loop target value
235.1. Unit
Iris Standard
235.2. Type
235.3. Description
The to keyword prefixes the target value Expression in a for loop. The to expression maybe
an Integer, Character or Enumeration type. See the for keyword for full details. The examples
illustrate the three expression types.
235.4. Syntax
for Variable := Integer Expression to Integer Expression do Statement;
235.5. Example
235.5.1. Name
Integer for loop
235.5.2. Code
i : Integer;
// loop 5 times
for i := 1 to (10 div 2) do
ShowMessage('i = '+IntToStr(i));
235.5.3. Result
i = 1
i = 2
i = 3
i = 4
i = 5
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236. Tomorrow - Gives the date tomorrow
236.1. Unit
236.2. Type
236.3. Description
The Tomorrow function returns tomorrows date in the local time zone. Because the return
value is a TDateTime type, the time component is set to zero (start of day). The TDateTime
type can be processed by many SysUtil and Dateutils routines.
236.4. Syntax
function Tomorrow : TDateTime;
236.5. Example
236.5.1. Name
Show yesterday, today and tomorrows dates
236.5.2. Code
ShowMessage('Yesterday = '+DateToStr(Yesterday));
ShowMessage('Today = '+DateToStr(Date));
ShowMessage('Tomorrow = '+DateToStr(Tomorrow));
ShowMessage('Tommorow''s time = '+TimeToStr(Tomorrow));
236.5.3. Result
Yesterday = 28/10/2002
Today = 29/10/2002
Tomorrow = 30/10/2002
Tomorrow's time = 00:00:00
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237. Trim - Removes leading and trailing blanks from a
237.1. Unit
237.2. Type
237.3. Description
The Trim function removes blank and control characters (such as line feed) from the start
and end of a string.
237.4. Syntax
function Trim(const Text : string) : string;
237.5. Example
237.5.1. Name
Illustrating Trim, TrimLeft and TrimRight
237.5.2. Code
PaddedString = ' Letters ';
ShowMessage('[' + TrimLeft(PaddedString) + ']');
ShowMessage('[' + TrimRight(PaddedString) + ']');
ShowMessage('[' + Trim(PaddedString) + ']');
237.5.3. Result
[Letters ]
[ Letters]
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238. TrimLeft - Removes leading blanks from a string
238.1. Unit
238.2. Type
238.3. Description
The TrimLeft function removes blank and control characters (such as line feed) from the start
of a string.
238.4. Syntax
function TrimLeft(const Text : string) : string;
238.5. Example
238.5.1. Name
Illustrating Trim, TrimLeft and TrimRight
238.5.2. Code
PaddedString = ' Letters ';
ShowMessage('[' + TrimLeft(PaddedString) + ']');
ShowMessage('[' + TrimRight(PaddedString) + ']');
ShowMessage('[' + Trim(PaddedString) + ']');
238.5.3. Result
[Letters ]
[ Letters]
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239. TrimRight - Removes trailing blanks from a string
239.1. Unit
239.2. Type
239.3. Description
The TrimRight function removes blank and control characters (such as line feed) from the
end of a string.
239.4. Syntax
function TrimRight(const Text : string) : string;
239.5. Example
239.5.1. Name
Illustrating Trim, TrimLeft and TrimRight
239.5.2. Code
PaddedString = ' Letters ';
ShowMessage('[' + TrimLeft(PaddedString) + ']');
ShowMessage('[' + TrimRight(PaddedString) + ']');
ShowMessage('[' + Trim(PaddedString) + ']');
239.5.3. Result
[Letters ]
[ Letters]
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240. Trunc - The integer part of a floating point number
240.1. Unit
240.2. Type
240.3. Description
The Trunc function returns the integer part of a floating point number. It returns this part as
an Integer value.
240.4. Syntax
function Trunc(const Number : Extended) : Integer;
240.5. Example
240.5.1. Name
A simple example
240.5.2. Code
ShowMessage('Round(12.75) = '+IntToStr(Round(12.75)));
ShowMessage('Trunc(12.75) = '+IntToStr(Trunc(12.75)));
ShowMessage(' Int(12.75) = '+FloatToStr(Int(12.75)));
ShowMessage(' Frac(12.75) = '+FloatToStr(Frac(12.75)));
240.5.3. Result
Round(12.75) = 13
Trunc(12.75) = 12
Int(12.75) = 12
Frac(12.75) = 0.75
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241. Try - Starts code that has error trapping
241.1. Unit
Iris Standard
241.2. Type
241.3. Description
The try keyword is used to mark the start of a block of statements that have error trapping. if
an error occurs, the program is not terminated. Instead, control is passed to either a finally or
except section. try is used in a number of ways. Version 1 in a try-finally construct, the finally
statement is guaranteed to be executed absolutely regardless of what happens in the try
clause. However, the finally clause does not actually handle any exceptions - the program will
terminate if no except clause is found (see notes below). try-finally is normally used by a
routine to allow cleanup processing to take place, such as freeing resources, with the
exception being correctly passed to the caller to handle. Version 2 in this version, only if the
try clause generates an exception will the except clause be executed. This is used to take
alternative action when something unexpected goes wrong. The except clause cannot
determine the error type however. Version 3 This is similar to version 2, but specifies
different actions for different exception types, such as EInOutError. An else clause can be
used as a catch all for unexpected exception types. The general exception type Exception can
be used to catch all exception types. By assigning a Name to the exception, the message text
of the exception (Name.message) can be obtained for display or other uses. When an
exception is raised in a version 3 setup, if the exception is not acted upon by on or else
statements, then a check is made to see if we are in a nested try block. if so, the except
clause of this parent try is processed. if no on or else clause is found, the program
terminates. The else clause is not really necessary - it is better to use on E:Exception do, the
generic exception handling, since it still provides the error message (E.message). Important :
you can determine the type of error that occured by using the generic exception handling -
on E:Exception do. E is a pointer to the exception object that is created by the exception
condition. E.ClassName gives the exception type, such as 'EDivByZero', as shown in the final
example code.
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241.4. Syntax
1 try
2 try
3 try
on {name :} Exception type do Statement
{else statement}
241.5. Example 1
241.5.1. Name
Version 1 : Zero divide with a finally clause
241.5.2. Code
number, zero : Integer;
// try to divide an integer by zero - to raise an exception
number := -1;
zero := 0;
number := 1 div zero;
ShowMessage('number / zero = '+IntToStr(number));
if number = -1 then
ShowMessage('Number was not assigned a value - using default');
number := 0;
241.5.3. Result
Number was not assigned a value - using default
then, the program terminates with an EDivByZero error message - the finally clause did
not trap the error.
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241.6. Example 2
241.6.1. Name
Version 2 : Zero divide with a plain except block
241.6.2. Code
number, zero : Integer;
// try to divide an integer by zero - to raise an exception
zero := 0;
number := 1 div zero;
ShowMessage('number / zero = '+IntToStr(number));
ShowMessage('Unknown error encountered');
241.6.3. Result
Unknown error encountered
241.7. Example 3
241.7.1. Name
Version 3 : Divide by zero with an except on clause
241.7.2. Code
number, zero : Integer;
// try to divide an integer by zero - to raise an exception
zero := 0;
number := 1 div zero;
ShowMessage('number / zero = '+IntToStr(number));
ShowMessage('Error raised...');
241.7.3. Result
Error raised...
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242. TStringList - Holds a variable length list of strings
242.1. Unit
242.2. Type
242.3. Description
TStringList is a utility class type. It is extremely useful for many kinds of list processing. Items
in a string list may be inserted, moved and sorted. The list can be built string by string, or
loaded from a comma separated big string, or even from a text file. TStringList is derived
from TStrings. Whilst you can use TStrings, it is not recommended since it is incomplete -
some of the methods are abstract. TStringList implements these abstract methods (Clear,
Delete and Insert). We'll cover the main properties and methods of TStringList, including
those derived from TStrings - Count property - Returns the number of strings in the list -
Capacity property - set or get the current capacity of the string list. You would manage this
capacity for performance reasons. - Strings property - Get or update the string at a given
index in the list (the first list item has index 0). Note that the Strings property is the default
property. This means that you can use it without specifying its name: myName :=
names.Strings[4]; is equivalent to : myName := names[4]; - Text property - set or get the list
via a big string. This string will have each string terminated with a carriage return and line
feed combination (CRLF). Useful for loading from a visual object that can hold multiple lines
of text. - CommaText property - Get or set the list via a big string. This string will have the
list strings separated by commas. This is useful for loading from a text spreadsheet export.
When getting, if a string contains embedded spaces, it will be enclosed in double quote
marks. - DelimitedText property - Get or set the list via a big string. This string will have the
list strings separated by the Delimiter value (default is a comma). Strings containing
embedded blanks must be enclosed in the QuoteChar (default is "). - QuoteChar property -
Used to enclose strings that have embedded blanks when using DelimitedText. - Delimiter
property - Used to separate strings when using DelimitedText. - Names property - Strings in a
string list can be treated as name/value pairs, as in the second code example. Each string
must have no embedded blanks, and contain an embedded = sign (or whatever the current
NameValueSeparator variable is).This is a very useful concept. See the Value and
ValueFromIndex properties, and the IndexOfName method. - Values property - Returns the
value for a given name when using name/value pair strings (see above). - ValueFromIndex
property - Returns the value by string index (starting at 0) when using name/value pairs. -
CaseSensitive property - When true, Iris treats strings as mixed case when perforing certain
operations, such as Sort. - Duplicates property - This property may have one of the following
TDuplicates enumeration values: dupIgnore Ignore (discard) duplicatesdupAccept Allow
duplicatesdupError Throw exception if duplicates You should of course set this property to the
desired value before adding strings. - Sorted property - When true all strings added will into a
sorted sequence. When false, they are added at the end. See also the Sort method. - Objects
property - Returns the object associated with the string at the given index, if present. - Add
method - Will add the given string to the list, returning its allocated index position (starting
with 0). - Append method - As Add but does not return the index value. - Insert method -
Inserts a string at the given index position. Position 0 will force an insert at the start. - Delete
method - Deletes the string at the given index. - Clear method - Deletes all strings from the
list. - Move method - Moves a string from one index position to another, shifting other strings
around as appropriate. - Exchange method - Swaps two strings in the list, as identified by
their index positions. - IndexOf method - Gets the index position of the first string matching
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the given string. or -1 if not found. - IndexOfName method - Gets the index position of the
first name/value pair string where the name matches the given string. or -1 if not found. -
Find method - Same as IndexOf but used with sorted string lists. - Sort method - When
Sorted is false, this will force a sort of the list. - AddStrings method - Adds the strings from
another list into this one. - Assign method - Replaces the current list with the contents of
another list. - LoadFromFile method - Very useful indeed - loads a string list from a text file.
Each text line (as terminated by CRLF - see DelimitedText) becomes a list string. - SaveToFile
method - Will save a string list to a text file.
242.4. Syntax
type TStringList;
242.5. Example 1
242.5.1. Name
A simple example
242.5.2. Code
animals : TStringList; // define our string list variable
i : Integer;
// define a string list object, and point our variable at it
animals := TStringList.Create;
// now add some names to our list
// now display these animals
for i := 0 to animals.Count-1 do
ShowMessage(animals[i]); // animals[i] equates to animals.strings[i]
242.5.3. Result
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242.6. Example 2
242.6.1. Name
Using name-value strings
242.6.2. Code
names : TStringList; // define our string list variable
ageStr : string;
i : Integer;
// define a string list object, and point our variable at it
names := TStringList.Create;
// now add some names to our list
names.CommaText := 'Neil=45, Brian=63, Jim=22';
// and now find brian's age
ageStr := names.Values['Brian'];
// display this value
ShowMessage('Brians age = '+ageStr);
// now display all name and age pair values
for i := 0 to names.Count-1 do
ShowMessage(names.Names[i]+' is '+names.ValueFromIndex[i]);
242.6.3. Result
Brians age is 63
Neil is 45
Brian is 63
Jim is 22
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242.7. Example 3
242.7.1. Name
Using DelimitedText, Delimiter
242.7.2. Code
cars : TStringList; // define our string list variable
i : Integer;
// define a string list object, and point our variable at it
cars := TStringList.Create;
// now add some cars to our list - using the delimitedtext property
// with overriden control variables
cars.Delimiter := ' '; // each list item will be blank separated
cars.QuoteChar := '|'; // and each item will be quoted with |'s
cars.DelimitedText := '|Honda Jazz| |Ford Mondeo| |Jaguar "E-type"|';
// now display these cars
for i := 0 to cars.Count-1 do
ShowMessage(cars[i]); // cars[i] equates to cars.strings[i]
242.7.3. Result
Honda Jazz
Ford Mondeo
Jaguar "E-type"
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243. TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow - Sets the century
threshold for 2 digit years
243.1. Unit
243.2. Type
243.3. Description
The TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow variable is used when converting 2 digit year date strings to
TDateTime values. The TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow value is subtracted from the current
date to set the conversion threshold. for example : TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow : 50
(default)Current year last : 2002Threshold is then set : 1952100 year window becomes :
1952 - 2051 When converting a 2 digit string year, such as 75, the 2 digits are compared to
the threshold last two digits. if greater, then the date is in the lower century, for example
1975. if lower than the threshold, the date is in the higher century. for example, 44 would
give 2044.
243.4. Syntax
var TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow : Word;
243.5. Example
243.5.1. Name
Move the threshold to see how a conversion is affected
243.5.2. Code
myDate : TDateTime;
formattedDate : string;
// set up a date from a 2 digit year using the default threshold
myDate := StrToDate('09/05/30');
ShowMessage('09/05/30 using default threshold = '+DateToStr(myDate));
// now change the default threshold to 80 :
// 2002 (at time of writing) - 80 gives 1922
// 30 is above 22, so 1900 century is chosen
TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow := 80;
myDate := StrToDate('09/05/30');
ShowMessage('09/05/30 using override threshold = '+DateToStr(myDate));
243.5.3. Result
09/05/30 using default threshold = 09/05/2030
09/05/30 using override threshold = 09/05/1930
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244. Unit - Defines the start of a script file
244.1. Unit
Iris Standard
244.2. Type
244.3. Description
The unit keyword is fundamental, because it defines the start of the scripts. Each script file is
stored in a Name.pas file, where Name must match the Screen Name of Name.dfm. Each
script file comprises a set of interface definitions. These interface definitions defines data,
types and routine declarations. Any routines defined in the interface must be implemented in
the implementation section. All function and procedure definitions must have exactly
redefined arguments.
244.4. Syntax
unit Name;
end. // note terminating dot
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244.5. Example
244.5.1. Name
A simple example
244.5.2. Code
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// complete iris script page
// -----------------------------------------------------------
unit total; // the name of the unit, in this case the default name 'untitled'
interface // used to start the definitions
uses // defines a list of units that are used on this page
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
type // defines a new category of variable or process
TUntitled = class(TIrisScreen)
procedure IrisScreenCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure SayHelloTo(Name: string);
function NameLength(Name: string): integer;
procedure ShowDifference;
function GetTimeAsString: string;
private // starts the section of private data and methods in a class
{ private declarations }
public // starts an externally accessible section of a class
{ public declarations }
var // starts the definition of a section of data variables
Untitled: TUntitled; // variable that refers to the screen name
UserNameLength: integer; // variable that will be used in the script
const // starts the definition of fixed data values
AverageUserNameLength = 7.25; // constant value that will be used in the script
implementation // starts the implementation (code) section of a unit
{$r *.dfm}
// start of the iris screen create function, this is called as soon as the page is
procedure TUntitled.IrisScreenCreate(Sender: TObject);
UserName string;
// asking for the users name
UserName := InputBox('Iris Test Script', 'Please enter your name', 'John');
until UserName <> '';
// call the procedure to welcome the user
// call the function to get the length of the users name and store it in a variable
UserNameLength := NameLength(UserName);
Script Language Reference
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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// show both username and its length in a message and get the constant average
ShowMessage(UserName+', did you know your name has '+IntToStr(UserNameLength)+
' characters and the average name has '+FloatToStr(AverageUserNameLength)+'
// call another procedure, but this time without arguments
// procedure with an argument
procedure TUntitled.SayHelloTo(Name: string);
// show a message with a welcome text, a newline character (#10#13) and the current
time from a function without arguments
ShowMessage('Welcome to Iris, '+Name+#10#13+GetTimeAsString);
// function with arguments and a return value (mandatory)
function TUntitled.NameLength(Name: string): integer;
// trim spaces from the name, get the length of the name and return it
Result := Length(Trim(Name));
// procedure without arguments
procedure TUntitled.ShowDifference;
// show a message with the difference in length by accesing the var and const parts
from this page
ShowMessage('Well, that''''s only a difference of '+FloatToStr(Abs(UserNameLength-
AverageUserNameLength))+' characters');
// function without arguments
procedure TUntitled.GetTimeAsString: string;
// return the current time as a string
Result := 'It is now: '+TimeToStr(Now);
// end of the file, not that this ends with a dot instead of a semi-colon
244.5.3. Result
Please enter your name
Welcome to Iris, John
It is now 12:34:56
John, did you know your name has 4 characters and the average name has 7.25 characters
Well, that's only a difference of 3.25 characters
Script Language Reference
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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245. Until - Ends a repeat control loop
245.1. Unit
Iris Standard
245.2. Type
245.3. Description
The until keyword ends a control loop that is always executed at least once, and which
terminates when the Expression is satisfied (returns True). There is no need for begin or end
markers - the repeat and until keywords serve that purpose. It is used when it is important
that the statements are at least executed once.
245.4. Syntax
until Expression
Script Language Reference
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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245.5. Example
245.5.1. Name
Display integer squares until we reach or exceed 100
245.5.2. Code
num, sqrNum : Integer;
num := 1;
sqrNum := num * num;
// display squares of integers until we reach 100 in value
// show the square of num
ShowMessage(IntToStr(num)+' squared = '+IntToStr(sqrNum));
// increment the number
// square the number
sqrNum := num * num;
until sqrNum > 100;
245.5.3. Result
1 squared = 1
2 squared = 4
3 squared = 9
4 squared = 16
5 squared = 25
6 squared = 36
7 squared = 49
8 squared = 64
9 squared = 81
10 squared = 100
Script Language Reference
Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1 to the text that you
want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
Page 340 of 366
246. UpperCase - Change lower case characters in a
string to upper case
246.1. Unit
246.2. Type
246.3. Description
The UpperCase function creates a copy of MixedString with all letters converted to upper
246.4. Syntax
function UpperCase(const MixedString : string) : string;
246.5. Example
246.5.1. Name
Converting a mixed case string to upper case
246.5.2. Code
SimpleString : string;
SimpleString := AnsiUpperCase('The Cat Sat on The MAT');
ShowMessage('SimpleString : '+SimpleString);
246.5.3. Result
SimpleString : THE CAT SAT on THE MAT
Script Language Reference
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
Page 341 of 366
247. Uses - Declares a list of Units to be imported
247.1. Unit
Iris Standard
247.2. Type
247.3. Description
The uses keyword defines a list of one or more units that are used by the current unit,
program or library. Each unit is effectively imported - all public or published routines and data
in each unit is made available. for example, including SysUtils makes available a lot of data
manipulation routines, such as IntToStr. The order of the units in the list is important. Those
later in the list take precedence over the earlier ones. in the rare situation where the same
routine or data is defined in two or more units, you can force Iris to use the desired unit by
prefixing that unit name to the routine or data name.
247.4. Syntax
uses Test {unit2, ...};
Script Language Reference
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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247.5. Example
247.5.1. Name
A simple example
247.5.2. Code
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// complete iris script page
// -----------------------------------------------------------
unit total; // the name of the unit, in this case the default name 'untitled'
interface // used to start the definitions
uses // defines a list of units that are used on this page
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
type // defines a new category of variable or process
TUntitled = class(TIrisScreen)
procedure IrisScreenCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure SayHelloTo(Name: string);
function NameLength(Name: string): integer;
procedure ShowDifference;
function GetTimeAsString: string;
private // starts the section of private data and methods in a class
{ private declarations }
public // starts an externally accessible section of a class
{ public declarations }
var // starts the definition of a section of data variables
Untitled: TUntitled; // variable that refers to the screen name
UserNameLength: integer; // variable that will be used in the script
const // starts the definition of fixed data values
AverageUserNameLength = 7.25; // constant value that will be used in the script
implementation // starts the implementation (code) section of a unit
{$r *.dfm}
// start of the iris screen create function, this is called as soon as the page is
procedure TUntitled.IrisScreenCreate(Sender: TObject);
UserName string;
// asking for the users name
UserName := InputBox('Iris Test Script', 'Please enter your name', 'John');
until UserName <> '';
// call the procedure to welcome the user
// call the function to get the length of the users name and store it in a variable
UserNameLength := NameLength(UserName);
Script Language Reference
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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// show both username and its length in a message and get the constant average
ShowMessage(UserName+', did you know your name has '+IntToStr(UserNameLength)+
' characters and the average name has '+FloatToStr(AverageUserNameLength)+'
// call another procedure, but this time without arguments
// procedure with an argument
procedure TUntitled.SayHelloTo(Name: string);
// show a message with a welcome text, a newline character (#10#13) and the current
time from a function without arguments
ShowMessage('Welcome to Iris, '+Name+#10#13+GetTimeAsString);
// function with arguments and a return value (mandatory)
function TUntitled.NameLength(Name: string): integer;
// trim spaces from the name, get the length of the name and return it
Result := Length(Trim(Name));
// procedure without arguments
procedure TUntitled.ShowDifference;
// show a message with the difference in length by accesing the var and const parts
from this page
ShowMessage('Well, that''''s only a difference of '+FloatToStr(Abs(UserNameLength-
AverageUserNameLength))+' characters');
// function without arguments
procedure TUntitled.GetTimeAsString: string;
// return the current time as a string
Result := 'It is now: '+TimeToStr(Now);
// end of the file, not that this ends with a dot instead of a semi-colon
247.5.3. Result
Please enter your name
Welcome to Iris, John
It is now 12:34:56
John, did you know your name has 4 characters and the average name has 7.25 characters
Well, that's only a difference of 3.25 characters
Script Language Reference
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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248. Var - Starts the definition of a section of data
248.1. Unit
Iris Standard
248.2. Type
248.3. Description
The var keyword is used to start a section of variable definitions. The section is terminated by
the next keyword in a program. Within the section, one or more variables may be defined.
These can be of any data type. 1. Variables within a function, procedure or unit These are
defined with a given type, such as string or Integer. 2. Variable routine parameters When
passing data to a routine (function or procedure), you can prefix the parameter definition
with var if the variable itself is to be updated by the routine. This allows a caller to pass data
to a routine that will be enriched by the routine.
248.4. Syntax
1 var Name1 : type;
2 Name (var Var1 : type);
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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248.5. Example
248.5.1. Name
Defining local and parameter variables
248.5.2. Code
// remember to declare the procedure at type using the following line
// procedure updatecounts(count1: integer; var count2: integer);
var // local variables
apples, bananas : Integer;
// initialise our fruit counts
apples := 1;
bananas := 1;
// show their initial values
ShowMessage('Apples = '+IntToStr(apples));
ShowMessage('Bananas = '+IntToStr(bananas));
// increment them in the updatecounts routine
UpdateCounts(apples, bananas);
// show their new values - only bananas will be updated
ShowMessage('Apples = '+IntToStr(apples));
ShowMessage('Bananas = '+IntToStr(bananas));
// a procedure to increment the passed parameter values
procedure TUntitled.UpdateCounts(count1: Integer; var count2: Integer);
// increment both passed parameter values
248.5.3. Result
Apples = 1
Bananas = 1
Apples = 1
Bananas = 2
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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249. Variant - A variable type that can hold changing data
249.1. Unit
249.2. Type
249.3. Description
The Variant data type provides a flexible general purpose data type.
249.4. Syntax
type Variant;
249.5. Example
249.5.1. Name
Illustrating a few Variant assignments and the resulting data types
249.5.2. Code
myVar : Variant;
// assign various values to a variant
// and then show the result
myVar := 15;
ShowMessage('Variant integer value = '+IntToStr(MyVar));
myVar := 12.34;
ShowMessage('Variant float value = '+FloatToStr(MyVar));
myVar := 'abc';
ShowMessage('Variant string value = '+MyVar);
249.5.3. Result
Variant integer value = 15
Variant float value = 12.34
Variant string value = abc
Script Language Reference
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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250. VarType - Gives the current type of a Variant
250.1. Unit
250.2. Type
250.3. Description
The VarType function returns an integer representing the current data type for a Variant
variable VariantVariable. Use VarTypeMask to filter out the meta part when looking for the
basic data type of a Variant.
250.4. Syntax
function VarType(const VariantVariable : Variant) : Integer;
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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250.5. Example
250.5.1. Name
Illustrating a few Variant types
250.5.2. Code
// remember to declare the procedure at type using the following line
// procedure showbasicvarianttype(varvar: variant);
myVar : Variant;
// assign various values to a variant
// and then show the resulting variant type
ShowMessage('Variant value = not yet set');
// simple value
myVar := 123;
ShowMessage('Variant value = 123');
// calculated value using a variant and a constant
myVar := myVar + 456;
ShowMessage('Variant value = 123 + 456');
myVar := 'string '+IntToStr(myVar);
ShowMessage('Variant value = string 579');
// show the type of a variant
procedure TUntitled.ShowBasicVariantType(varVar: Variant);
typeString : string;
basicType : Integer;
// get the variant basic type :
// this means excluding array or indirection modifiers
basicType := VarType(varVar) and VarTypeMask;
// set a string to match the type
case basicType of
varEmpty : typeString := 'varEmpty';
varNull : typeString := 'varNull';
varSmallInt : typeString := 'varSmallInt';
varInteger : typeString := 'varInteger';
varSingle : typeString := 'varSingle';
varDouble : typeString := 'varDouble';
varCurrency : typeString := 'varCurrency';
varDate : typeString := 'varDate';
varOleStr : typeString := 'varOleStr';
varBoolean : typeString := 'varBoolean';
Script Language Reference
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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varVariant : typeString := 'varVariant';
varUnknown : typeString := 'varUnknown';
varByte : typeString := 'varByte';
varWord : typeString := 'varWord';
varLongWord : typeString := 'varLongWord';
varAny : typeString := 'varAny';
varTypeMask : typeString := 'varTypeMask';
// show the variant type
ShowMessage('Variant type is '+typeString);
250.5.3. Result
Variant value = not yet set
Variant type = varEmpty
Variant value = 123
Variant type = varInteger
Variant value = 123 + 456
Variant type = varInteger
Variant value = string 579
Variant type = varOleStr
Script Language Reference
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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251. VarTypeMask - Mask for the meta-type part of a
Variant variable
251.1. Unit
251.2. Type
251.3. Description
The VarTypeMask constant provides a mask for use with the VarType function. It allows the
meta-type part of a Variant to be excluded when checking for the basic data type of a
251.4. Syntax
const VarTypeMask = $0FFF;
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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251.5. Example
251.5.1. Name
Illustrating a few Variant types using VarTypeMask
251.5.2. Code
// remember to declare the procedure at type using the following line
// procedure showbasicvarianttype(varvar: variant);
myVar : Variant;
// assign various values to a variant
// and then show the resulting variant type
ShowMessage('Variant value = not yet set');
// simple value
myVar := 123;
ShowMessage('Variant value = 123');
// calculated value using a variant and a constant
myVar := myVar + 456;
ShowMessage('Variant value = 123 + 456');
myVar := 'string '+IntToStr(myVar);
ShowMessage('Variant value = string 579');
// show the type of a variant
procedure TUntitled.ShowBasicVariantType(varVar: Variant);
typeString : string;
basicType : Integer;
// get the variant basic type :
// this means excluding array or indirection modifiers
basicType := VarType(varVar) and VarTypeMask;
// set a string to match the type
case basicType of
varEmpty : typeString := 'varEmpty';
varNull : typeString := 'varNull';
varSmallInt : typeString := 'varSmallInt';
varInteger : typeString := 'varInteger';
varSingle : typeString := 'varSingle';
varDouble : typeString := 'varDouble';
varCurrency : typeString := 'varCurrency';
varDate : typeString := 'varDate';
varOleStr : typeString := 'varOleStr';
varBoolean : typeString := 'varBoolean';
Script Language Reference
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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varVariant : typeString := 'varVariant';
varUnknown : typeString := 'varUnknown';
varByte : typeString := 'varByte';
varWord : typeString := 'varWord';
varLongWord : typeString := 'varLongWord';
varAny : typeString := 'varAny';
varTypeMask : typeString := 'varTypeMask';
// show the variant type
ShowMessage('Variant type is '+typeString);
251.5.3. Result
Variant value = not yet set
Variant type = varEmpty
Variant value = 123
Variant type = varInteger
Variant value = 123 + 456
Variant type = varInteger
Variant value = string 579
Variant type = varOleStr
Script Language Reference
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
Page 353 of 366
252. While - repeat statements whilst a continuation
condition is met
252.1. Unit
Iris Standard
252.2. Type
252.3. Description
The while keyword starts a control loop that is executed as long as the Expression is satisfied
(returns True). The loop is not executed at all if the expression is false at the start. You need
begin or end markers if multiple statements are required in the loop. It is used when it is
important that the statements are at only executed when necessary.
252.4. Syntax
while Expression do Statement;
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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252.5. Example
252.5.1. Name
Display integer squares until we reach 100
252.5.2. Code
num, sqrNum : Integer;
num := 1;
sqrNum := num * num;
// display squares of integers until we reach 100 in value
while sqrNum <= 100 do
// show the square of num
ShowMessage(IntToStr(num)+' squared = '+IntToStr(sqrNum));
// increment the number
// square the number
sqrNum := num * num;
252.5.3. Result
1 squared = 1
2 squared = 4
3 squared = 9
4 squared = 16
5 squared = 25
6 squared = 36
7 squared = 49
8 squared = 64
9 squared = 81
10 squared = 100
Script Language Reference
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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253. WideString - A data type that holds a string of
253.1. Unit
253.2. Type
253.3. Description
The WideString data type is used to hold sequences of International characters, like
sentences. Each character is a WideChar, guaranteed to be 16 bits in size. WideChar types
provide support for multi-byte International character sets such as Chinese, which have vast
numbers of characters (idiograms) in their character sets. Unlike ShortStrings, WideStrings
are pointer referenced variables (for Windows - for Linux, they are not). Storage is allocated
for an AnsiString only when needed. for example, assigning the value of one AnsiString to
another does not allocate storage for a copy of the first string. Instead, the reference count
of the first string is incremented, and the second AnsiString set to point to it. But when the
second string is changed, new storage is obtained for this new string, and the reference
count for the first string is decremented. When a string is no longer referenced (the last
AnsiString referrer is set to nil), it is discarded. This is an example of Iris managing storage
on your behalf. WideStrings can be assigned from other strings, from functions that return a
string, and with concatenations as in the sample code. When assigning to a 'narrow' string,
such as an AnsiString, the double to single byte conversion can have unpredictable results.
Use with care. Converting from AnsiString to WideString is trouble free.
253.4. Syntax
type WideString;
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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253.5. Example
253.5.1. Name
Assign to two WideStrings and manipulate these
253.5.2. Code
string1, string2 : WideString;
// assign a famous sentence to the first string
string1 := 'Hello World';
// assign to the second string
// this simply points string2 at string1
// the 'hello world' string storage has a reference count of 2
string2 := string1;
// add to the second string
// this disassociates from string1 - new string storage is
// created to hold the string2 value
string2 := string2 + ', how is everyone?';
// and finally, set the length of the first string to 5
SetLength(string1, 5);
// display both strings
ShowMessage('String1 = '+string1);
ShowMessage('String2 = '+string2);
253.5.3. Result
String1 = Hello
String2 = Hello World, how is everyone?
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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254. Word - An integer type supporting values 0 to 65535
254.1. Unit
254.2. Type
254.3. Description
The Word type is an integer holding positive values up to 65535. It occupies 16 bits of
storage. The SmallInt type is the equivalent 16 bit type for signed integers (-32768 to
254.4. Syntax
type Word = 0..65535;
254.5. Example
254.5.1. Name
Showing maximum and minimum Word values
254.5.2. Code
A, B : Word;
// set the values of this data type
A := 0;
B := 65535;
ShowMessage('A = '+IntToStr(A)+' and B = '+IntToStr(B));
ShowMessage('A + B = '+IntToStr(A+B));
254.5.3. Result
A = 0 and B = 65535
A + B = 65535
Script Language Reference
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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255. WriteLn - write a complete line of data to a text file
255.1. Unit
255.2. Type
255.3. Description
The WriteLn procedure writes a complete line of data to a text file or to the console. Is used
to write a line of text to a text file with the given FileHandle. You must use AssignFile to
assign a file to the FileHandle and open the file with Reset or ReWrite before using WriteLn.
The text written may be any valid Expression(s). Often these will be strings, but may also be
expressions that result in strings or numbers.
255.4. Syntax
procedure WriteLn (var FileHandle : TextFile; Expression1 {options} {, expression2
{options} ...}) ;
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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255.5. Example
255.5.1. Name
Illustrating single, multiple and formatted text line writing
255.5.2. Code
myFile : TextFile;
text : string;
// try to open the test.txt file for writing to
AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');
// write a couple of well known words to this file
WriteLn(myFile, 'Hello World');
// write a blank line
// write a string and a number to the file
WriteLn(myFile, '22/7 = ' , 22/7);
// close the file
// reopen the file for reading
// display the file contents
while not Eof(myFile) do
ReadLn(myFile, text);
// close the file for the last time
255.5.3. Result
Hello World
22/7 = 3.14285714285714
Script Language Reference
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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256. WriteRecipe - write a recipe file.
256.1. Unit
Iris Standard
256.2. Type
256.3. Description
write values from a recipe tag structure into a recipe file.
256.4. Syntax
procedure WriteRecipe(RecipeName, FileName: string);
256.5. Example
256.5.1. Name
write a recipe file.
256.5.2. Code
// load the recipe file 'coffee.rcp' into the recipe tag 'myrecipe'
ReadRecipe('MyRecipe', 'Coffee.rcp');
// save the recipe tag 'myrecipe' into the recipe file 'tea.rcp'
WriteRecipe('MyRecipe', 'Tea.rcp');
256.5.3. Result
The recipe file coffee is loaded into the recipe tag MyRecipe
The recipe tag MyRecipe is stored into the recipe file Tea
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want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1
to the text that you want to appear here.
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257. WriteTagValue - Writes a value of a tag
257.1. Unit
Iris Standard
257.2. Type
Tag Function
257.3. Description
Writes a value to a tag, regardless of the current value of the tag. It is possible to read values
from device and internal tags.
257.4. Syntax
function WriteTagValue(TagName: string; Value: Variant): boolean;
257.5. Example 1
257.5.1. Name
read/write a tag value
257.5.2. Code
value: integer;
// read the value of tag 'tagname' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('tagname');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The old value is '+IntToStr(Value));
// write a new value to the tag 'tagname'
// read the value of tag 'tagname' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('tagname');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The New value is '+IntToStr(Value));
257.5.3. Result
The old value is ?
The new value is ?
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257.6. Example 2
257.6.1. Name
read/write a tag value through a PowerTree
257.6.2. Code
value: integer;
// read the value of tag '[powertree].name' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue(ExpandMailbox('[PowerTree].name'));
// display the value
ShowMessage('The old value is '+IntToStr(Value));
// write a new value to the tag '[powertree].name'
// read the value of tag '[powertree].name' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue(ExpandMailbox('[PowerTree].name'));
// display the value
ShowMessage('The New value is '+IntToStr(Value));
257.6.3. Result
The old value is ?
The new value is ?
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257.7. Example 3
257.7.1. Name
read/write a structured tag value
257.7.2. Code
value: integer;
// read the value of tag 'unit1.equipmentmodule2' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('Unit1.EquipmentModule2');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The old value is '+IntToStr(Value));
// write a new value to the tag 'unit1.equipmentmodule2'
// read the value of tag 'unit1.equipmentmodule2' into variable 'value'
value := GetTagValue('Unit1.EquipmentModule2');
// display the value
ShowMessage('The New value is '+IntToStr(Value));
257.7.3. Result
The old value is ?
The new value is ?
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258. Xor - Boolean xor or bitwise xor of two arguments
258.1. Unit
Iris Standard
258.2. Type
258.3. Description
The xor keyword is used in two different ways: 1. to perform a logical or boolean 'Exclusive-
or' of two logical values. if they are different, then the result is true. 2. to perform a
mathematical 'Exclusive-or' of two integers. The result is a bitwise 'Exclusive-or' of the two
numbers. for example: 10110001 xor 01100110 = 11010111
258.4. Syntax
1 Boolean expression xor Boolean expression
2 Integer expression xor Integer expression
258.5. Example
258.5.1. Name
Illustrate both types of xor usage
258.5.2. Code
num1, num2, num3 : Integer;
letter : Char;
num1 := $25; // binary value : 0010 0101 $25
num2 := $32; // binary value : 0011 0010 $32
// xor'ed value : 0001 0111 = $17
letter := 'G';
// and used to return a boolean value
if (num1 > 0) xor (letter = 'G')
then ShowMessage('Only one of the values is true')
else ShowMessage('Both values are true or false');
// and used to perform a mathematical xor operation
num3 := num1 xor num2;
// display the result
ShowMessageFmt('$25 xor $32 = $%x',[num3]);
258.5.3. Result
Both values are true or false
$25 xor $32 = $17
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259. Yesterday - Gives the date yesterday
259.1. Unit
259.2. Type
259.3. Description
The Yesterday function returns yesterdays date in the local time zone. Because the return
value is a TDateTime type, the time component is set to zero. The TDateTime type can be
processed by many SysUtil and Dateutils routines (start of day).
259.4. Syntax
function Yesterday : TDateTime;
259.5. Example
259.5.1. Name
Show yesterday, today and tomorrows dates
259.5.2. Code
ShowMessage('Yesterday = '+DateToStr(Yesterday));
ShowMessage('Today = '+DateToStr(Date));
ShowMessage('Tomorrow = '+DateToStr(tomorrow));
ShowMessage('Yesterday''s time = '+TimeToStr(Yesterday));
259.5.3. Result
Yesterday = 28/10/2002
Today = 29/10/2002
Tomorrow = 30/10/2002
Yesterday's time = 00:00:00