Cardiac Emergencies
Cardiac Emergencies
Cardiac Emergencies
Infective endocarditis
Congestive heart failure
Infective endocarditis is increasing in incidence.
Staphylococcus aureus as a cause of endocarditis is becoming more common in both
native valve and prosthetic valve endocarditis.
After initial supportive care and presumptive antimicrobial therapy, the results of blood
cultures and antimicrobial susceptibility should be used to optimize definitive therapy.
Most cases of acute pericarditis and acute myocarditis are caused by viruses.
Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) 11491169
0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc.
As the name implies, IE is the term used for infection of endocardial surface of the
heart with formation of conglomerates made of bacteria and platelets (vegetations)
on the heart valves, even though it can also involve septal defects and mural
A Paradigm Shift
In the western world, the incidence of IE has been reported to 1.7 to 11.2 per 100,000
populations per year. The American Heart Association estimates about 100,000 to
200,000 annual new cases in the United States each year. The percentage of acute
IE cases has increased significantly compared with that in the preantibiotic era
(20% vs 75%).
In the past, IE was an indolent subacute illness occurring predominantly in patients
with underlying valvular disease. However, in the last 25 years the disease paradigm
has shifted to more acute presentation and lack of classical sings of infective endocar-
ditis. IE carries significant morbidity and mortality despite advances in diagnostic,
medical, and surgical interventions. IE-related in-hospital mortality ranges from 15%
to 20% and 1 year mortality can be up to 40%.
A prospective cohort study reviewed subjects admitted with a diagnosis of IE in 25
countries fromJune 2000 to September 2005. The results showed changing pattern of
clinical presentation of IE and its microbiology. Most of the subjects with IE presented
with an acute illness (<30 days) and Staphylococcus aureus was the most common
pathogen. Mitral and aortic valves were most commonly involved. Predisposing
factors for IE were the subject being an intravenous drug user (IVDU), degenerative
valvular disease, and indwelling venous catheters. In-hospital mortality was approxi-
mately 18%and it was higher in subjects with older age, prosthetic valve endocarditis,
mitral valve vegetations, paravalvular involvement, pulmonary edema, and staphylo-
coccal causes. About 5% of subjects required surgical intervention. Early surgical
intervention and viridan streptococcal causes had better outcomes. The most
common complication was heart failure (32%), embolization (22%), stroke (17%),
and intracardiac abscess (14%).
Three successive population-based studies in France (1991, 1999, and 2008)
showed no increase in overall incidence of infective endocarditis or streptococcal
endocarditis after scaling down of the antibiotic prophylaxis for dental procedures.
However, there was a marked rise in staphylococcal endocarditis with both native
and prosthetic valves observed.
This paradigm shift in the cause of IE is thought to be due to increasing medical
comorbidities and more exposure to the health care environment.
A recent study in the Czech Republic showed that the crude incidence of IE was 3.4
cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Vegetations were most frequently found on
the aortic and mitral valves. The most common organism was S aureus (29.9%).
Skin and soft tissue infections (13%) and hemodialysis catheter infections (8.2%)
were common precursors to IE. Predisposing factors included remote cardiac surgery
(19.4%) and degenerative valvular changes (11.9%). In-hospital mortality rate was
27.5%. Surgical intervention during antibiotic therapy was performed in 36 subjects
(27.5%). Nearly 39% of total IE episodes (134) occurred in subjects with cardiac
and noncardiac medical procedures and devices.
A recent large cohort study at a university system in France followed 847 subjects
with definite diagnosis of IE over 11 years (2000 to 2011). They reported a mortality
rate of 22.5%, IE-related mortality was 15.9%. Sudden death over a 6-month period
Htwe & Khardori 1150
occurred in 2.7% of patients with IE treated medically. Sudden death was associated
with diabetes mellitus, signs of heart failure at admission, and severe comorbidities.
Most cases were caused by Streptococcus spp. Sudden death was caused by acute
myocardial infarction (AMI), cardiac tamponade, perivalvular extension, myocardial
abscess with free wall perforation, and malignant arrhythmia.
Gram-positive organisms remain the predominant cause of infective endocarditis.
A retrospective Canadian study in 1996 reported the microbial causes of IE as Strep-
tococci (43%), Staphylococci (30%), and Enterococci (5%). Gram-negative organisms
accounted for 10%of native valve endocarditis. The most common organismin IDVUs
was S aureus (40%), followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13%) and polymicrobial
causes (27%), and the remaining were culture negative. Early prosthetic valve endo-
carditis is caused mostly by coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CNS). The microbio-
logical spectrum of late prosthetic valve endocarditis is broader and includes
organisms that cause native valve endocarditis and those that cause early prosthetic
valve endocarditis.
Tricuspid valve is more commonly involved in IDVUs (73%). But left-sided IE with
polymicrobial infection and systemic embolization are also on the rise in this
A recent large international prospective cohort study showed S aureus to be the
most common pathogen (31%), followed by Streptococci (17%) and CNS (11%) in
A review of endocarditis in IVDUs describes polymicrobial infections composed of
S aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, P aeruginosa, and mixed infections with
Candida spp and other rare bacteria depending on the type of drugs abused. P aeru-
ginosa infection is strongly associated with pentazocine-tripelennamine usage.
Candida spp are associated with brown heroin dissolved in lemon juice. Human oral
cavity normal flora such as Haemophilus influenzae, Eikenella corrodens, and Strepto-
coccus milleri can play a role in IE related to intravenous (IV) drug use due to habitual
cleaning of needles with saliva.
The use of a cardiovascular implantable electronic device is another factor respon-
sible for the increase in staphylococcal infections. S aureus and CNS caused 29%and
42% of IE in this subject population. The pathogenesis of infections related to the
devices is the adherence and biofilm formation by Staphylococci and infections
caused by small colony variant S aureus.
IE caused by S aureus shows increasing incidence as well as mortality over the past
50 years.
The highest increase of staphylococcal IE in the United States is due to
chronic hemodialysis access, more people with diabetes mellitus, and increased
use of intravascular devices.
Coagulase negative staphylococcal infections of prosthetic valves cause higher
mortality and more virulent complications such as heart failure and valvular abscess
More aggressive CNS strains such as S lugdunensis can cause severe
IE of native valves resulting in fatal outcomes despite appropriate antimicrobial
therapy and surgical intervention. Therefore, early surgical intervention must be
considered, particularly for the S lugdunensis IE.
A recent international collaborative study involving 2751 subjects in 61 hospitals in
28 countries reported that nonHaemophilus aphrophilus, Actinobacillus actinomyce-
temcomitans, Cardiobacterium hominis, Eikenella corrodens, and various species of
Kingella (HACEK) gram-negative organisms are responsible for less than 2% cases
Cardiac Emergencies 1151
of IE. The most common predisposing factor was health carerelated infections
(>50%), which included indwelling cardiac devices. Patients with prosthetic valves
and IVDUs formed a minority of the group. Escherichia coli (29%) was the most
common non-HACEK gram-negative organism, followed by P aeruginosa (22%).
IE caused by P aeruginosa was also reported in subjects on hemodialysis and renal
transplant recipients with bacteremia.
Candida endocarditis has high mortality rate and usually has a fatal outcome. Risk
factors for IE caused by Candida spp are heroin use, immunosuppression, indwelling
venous catheters, prosthetic valves, and recent cardiac surgery. Candida albicans
(48%) is the most common species followed by C parapsilosis (21%), C glabarata
(15%), C tropicalis (9%), and unspeciated Candia (6%). More than 50% of these infec-
tions were health careassociated.
Acute cardiovascular complications of IE are usually related to vegetations. Vegeta-
tions in IE are composed of deposits of bacteria, fibrin, and platelets. They are usually
found along the line of closure of a valve leaflet on the atrial surface of atrioventricular
valves or on the ventricular surface of semilunar valves. Vegetations can be solitary or
multiple. In acute IE, vegetations are more friable, softer, and tend to be necrotic and
suppurative compared with those in subacute IE. Vegetations can cause destruction
of heart structures with perforation of the valve leaflet or rupture of the chordae tendi-
nae, interventricular septum, or papillary muscle. Valve ring abscesses can lead to
fistula formation into the myocardium and pericardial space.
Myocardial abscesses, myocardial infarction, myocarditis are complications
commonly associated with acute staphylococcal IE.
Mycotic aneurysms are often seen at bifurcation points of vessels, including the
sinus of Valsalva; a ligated patent ductus arteriosus; and the splenic, coronary, pulmo-
nary, superior mesenteric, and cerebral arteries. These develop during the acute
phase of IE but remain dormant until they rupture and cause embolization. They are
usually associated with streptococcal infections.
Generally, IE presents with insidious onset of nonspecific vague symptoms that
include malaise, generalized weakness, low-grade fever, and arthralgia. However, IE
can present with serious and potentially fatal acute cardiovascular symptoms,
including acute chest pain syndrome, acute decompensated congestive heart failure,
malignant arrhythmia, and acute respiratory failure.
The most common serious presentation of S aureus IE is congestive heart failure,
which can be an initial presentation or develop during the course of illness. In a retro-
spective survey, it was commonly reported with left-sided IE (49%) and rarely seen in
right-sided IE (3%). Other rare but serious cardiovascular complications include
myocardial abscesses (mostly in left-sided prosthetic valve IE), atrioventricular block,
acute coronary syndrome, aortocavitary fistulous tract formation, and pericarditis.
Mitral valve is more commonly involved than aortic valve in left-sided IE. Left-sided
IE has a much higher mortality than right-sided IE (38% vs 17%) owing to an associ-
ation with systemic embolization and multiorgan failure. Right-sided IE occurs in
patients with IVDUs and vascular catheter-related bacteremia.
AMI can occur in the setting of the acute phase of IE because of embolization of
coronary arteries from the aortic valve vegetations, decreased blood flow from valve
insufficiency, or blockage of coronary ostiumby large vegetation. Most of the coronary
embolization in patients with acute IE involves the left anterior descending artery. It
can rarely cause transmural myocardial infarction. A case series of two subjects
Htwe & Khardori 1152
describes a young subject with AMI and Lactobacillus jensenii mitral valve vegetation
complicated by left ventricular apical thrombus, which required anticoagulation. The
second subject was a 40-year-old IVDU with patent foramen ovale and IE involving
both mitral valve and tricuspid valve due to methicillin-susceptible S aureus (MSSA).
IE was complicated by pulmonary septic emboli, pericardial and pleural effusion,
multiple brain embolic abscesses, and later by pseudoaneurysm arising from the infe-
rior septal wall of left ventricle that needed surgical repair. The authors reviewed
13 other documented cases of AMI in the setting of acute IE. Organisms involved
were Streptococci, Enterococci, Staphylococci, and Lactobacilli.
Treatment of AMI in this setting is controversial. Thrombolytic therapy is not recom-
mended because of higher risk of intracerebral hemorrhagic complications. Urgent
percutaneous coronary intervention is the preferred option but definitive treatment
should be individualized.
Sudden death can be caused by perforation of the free wall myocardial abscess of
the left ventricle leading to hemopericardium, which is a rare complication of staphy-
lococcal IE.
In a retrospective multicenter review of 2055 cases of native aortic valve IE, perian-
nular extension of infection occurred in 9.8% of subjects. The incidence of heart
failure, ventricular septal defect, and third-degree atrioventricular block were higher
in subjects with aortocavitary fistulization compared with nonruptured abscess.
Most subjects (86%) required surgical intervention carrying in-hospitality mortality of
The International Collaboration on Endocarditis Merged Database (ICE-MD)
describes 311 subjects with aortic valve IE of which 22% had periannular abscess
formation. S aureus was an independent risk factor for abscess formation.
A subject with patent ductus arteriosus developed aortic valve IE, which extended
to the sinus of Valsalva and pericardium, leading to pericarditis, cardiac tamponade,
and systemic septic embolization.
A case of endocarditis caused by group A Streptococcus presented with fever,
pharyngitis, and acute renal failure due to glomerulonephritis without valvular vegeta-
tion and later developed heart failure. The subject had several peripheral stigmata of
IE, which included Janeway lesions and splinter hemorrhages.
Group A streptococcal endocarditis has been reported in association with IVDU and
in children following varicella infections. It more commonly affects the right side of the
heart with embolic phenomena.
Clinical Symptoms and Signs
The most common presentation of IE is fever accompanied by nonspecific symptoms
of chills, generalized weakness, arthralgia, and poor appetite. However, fever can be
absent in the elderly, immunosuppressed patients, and in patients with prior antibiotic
use. Acute IE presents with rapid progression of very high fever and embolic
phenomena. Septic pulmonary emboli can present as acute respiratory failure with
pleuritic chest pain and hemoptysis. Cardiovascular emboli and valvular dysfunction
can present as acute chest pain mimicking AMI and heart failure. Acute abdominal
pain can be seen in splenic infarct, and hematuria and acute renal failure occur with
renal infarct and glomerulonephritis. Classic peripheral cutaneous signs are usually
absent in acute IE, except embolic lesions involving the extremities.
Acute IE should be suspected in patients who are IVDUs, with new onset of murmur,
intracardiac devices, indwelling vascular devices, positive blood cultures with
Cardiac Emergencies 1153
organisms known tocause IE, underlyingvalvular diseases, emboliclesions of unknown
source, immunocompromisedconditions, previoushistory of IE, newconductiondistur-
bances, peripheral organ abscesses, and focal and nonspecific neurologic deficits.
Clinical diagnosis of IE is usually based on modified Duke criteria.
Major criteria include
positive blood cultures with IE-related pathogens from(1) two
separate blood cultures, (2) at least two positive blood cultures drawn more than
12 hours apart, (3) all of three blood cultures, (4) a majority of more than four separate
blood cultures (first and last sample drawn a minimum of 1 hour apart),
or (5) echo-
cardiographic evidence of IE. Minor criteria include fever, vascular and immunologic
phenomena, predisposing heart conditions or IV drug use, and positive blood cultures
not meeting the major criteria.
Definitive IE is defined as the presence of two major criteria, one major and two
minor criteria, or five minor criteria.
Abnormalities in routine laboratory studies finding include elevated leukocyte count
with left-shift C-reactive protein or sedimentation rate, anemia, and microscopic
Three sets of blood cultures (each set should contain both aerobic and anaerobic
bottles with at least 10 mL of blood in each bottle) should be drawn from peripheral
sites before starting antimicrobial therapy in the first 24 hours. Cultures should not
be delayed awaiting a fever spike. Obtaining blood samples from central venous cath-
eters is not recommended. Negative blood cultures after 5 days of intubation need
subculture on specialized media. Repeating blood cultures on day 1 and day 3 after
starting antimicrobial therapy is recommended.
Echocardiogram is the main stay of diagnosis in IE. It should be performed in less than
12 hours after presentation in patients suspected to have IE. Transesophageal echo-
cardiogram (TEE) is more sensitive than transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) for
abscess and vegetation; however, cost and accessibility might be limiting factors.
TTE should be performed in every suspected case of IE. TEE should be performed
in patients with no abnormal finding on TTE when the clinical index of suspicion for
IE is high, such as staphylococcal bacteremia, valve replacement, and patients with
chronic hemodialysis access.
If initial TEE in patients with high probability of IE is negative or indeterminate, it
should be repeated in 7 to 10 days. In addition to vegetation, echocardiogram can
detect abscess, dehiscence of prosthetic valve, and dysfunction of a native valve.
TEE or TTE should be repeated during the course of treatment in the presence of
persistent bacteremia, development of heart failure, or conduction abnormality.
A repeat TEE or TTE may be useful for detection of clinically silent complications,
especially if the size of vegetation at the baseline is large. A repeat echocardiogram,
usually TTE is recommended at the completion of treatment to establish new base line
and to compare with initial findings.
A prospective review of 103 subjects with S aureus bacteremia showed the superi-
ority of TEE in the diagnosis of IE. The sensitivity of TTE versus TEE to detect IE in this
subject population was 32% versus 100%. TEE detected evidence of IE in 19% of
subjects with a negative and 21% of subjects with an indeterminate TTE.
Htwe & Khardori 1154
In a report of 19 cases of valvular perforation in acute IE, TEE had better diagnostic
sensitivity (95%) versus 45% for TTE in detecting this complication.
A recent review article recommend TEE in staphylococcal bacteremia in the setting
of fever and prolonged bacteremia (>3 days); prosthetic valves or intracardiac devices;
embolic or cutaneous manifestations; or relapse of staphylococcal bacteremia.
About a quarter (25%) of vegetations seen on TEE in patients with left-sided IE are
mobile and larger than 10 mm. They tend to produce new emboli after initiation of anti-
microbial therapy. Vegetations produced by Staphylococci and nonviridan Strepto-
cocci are more likely to cause embolization.
Antimicrobial Therapy
The Tables 14 list the antibiotic agents recommended for treatment of IE based on
the organism grown and the type of valve involved.
Staphylococcal Infections
For IE caused by MSSA, nafcillin or cefazolin is the recommend therapy. Vancomycin
is still the recommend therapy for IE caused by methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA)
in the current guidelines. However, vancomycin failures have been reported with high
minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) greater than 1 mg/mL.
Daptomycin is a cyclic lipopeptide bactericidal antibiotic that is non-inferior to stan-
dard treatment with vancomycin plus low-dose gentamicin for S aureus bacteremia
and right-sided endocarditis.
A retrospective case control study showed that daptomycin offers better clinical
and microbiological outcome in the treatment of MRSA blood stream infection with
strains that have vancomycin MICs greater than 1 mg/mL.
Addition of low-dose initial aminoglycoside to an antistaphylococcal beta-lactam,
vancomycin, or daptomycin has shown variable results.
Current guidelines recommend optional addition of gentamicin for first 3 to 5 days of
treatment. However, a prospective cohort study showed that low-dose gentamicin
therapy (1 mg/Kg every 8 hours) for first 4 days leads to nephrotoxicity and should
not be used routinely.
Table 1
Presumptive (initial) antibiotic therapy for native valve endocarditis and prosthetic valve
endocarditis (>12 months)
Antimicrobial Dosage Duration
30 mg/kg/24 h IV in 2 divided doses
12 g/d in 4 divided doses
Same as ampicillin-sulbactam
3 mg/kg/d in 2 or 3 divided doses
46 wk
Patients allergic or intolerant to penicillin:
30 mg/kg/24 h IV in 2 divided doses
Same as above
1000 mg/d oral in 2 divided doses
800 mg IV in 2 divided doses
46 wk
Cardiac Emergencies 1155
A study using animal pharmacodynamic modeling showed that addition of a single
high-dose of gentamicin to vancomycin or daptomycin at the start of antimicrobial
therapy clears bacteremia faster.
Streptococcal Infections
For S pneumoniae and group A Streptococcusassociated IE caused by highly peni-
cillin sensitive strains, 4 week of therapy with penicillin G or first-generation or third-
generation cephalosporins is recommend. Vancomycin is recommended for penicillin
allergic and/or intolerant patients.
For streptococcal pneumoniae strains that are relatively resistant to penicillin (MICs
between 0.1 and 1 mg/mL) and highly resistant to penicillin (MICs >2 mg/mL), third-
generation cephalosporins can still be used. With meningeal involvement, third-gener-
ation cephalosporins are recommended in all patients because of better penetration
into central nervous system. For cefotaxime-resistant strains with MICs >2 mg/mL
with meningeal involvement, addition of vancomycin and rifampin should be consid-
ered. Usual recommended duration for S pneumoniae IE is 4 weeks.
For IE due to Streptococcus Group A, B, C, G, and S milleri group, the addition of an
aminoglycoside for first 2 weeks is recommended owing to increasing resistance to
P aeruginosa Infections
Treatment of IE caused by P aeruginosa can be challenging. In a study of 11 subjects
with endocarditis caused by P aeruginosa, eight subjects were treated with antimicro-
bial combinations and three subjects with monotherapy with an aminoglycoside.
Surgical intervention was needed in 55% of subjects. Postsurgical complication rates
and in-hospital mortality rates were 73% and 36%, respectively. Surgery or antimicro-
bial treatment did not improve the outcome significantly.
Treatment regimens for IE caused by P aeruginosa are based on clinical experience
and no large clinical trial has been performed. American Heart Association guidelines
recommend antipseudomonal beta-lactamantibiotics (cefepime, imipenem-cilastatin,
ticarcillin, piperacillin, azlocillin, ceftazidime, or cefepime in full doses) with high-dose
tobramycin (tobramycin (8 mg/kg/d IV). It is recommended to maintain peak and
trough concentrations of 15 to 20 mg/L and 2 mg/L, respectively.
Successful treatment with combination therapy with imipenem-cilastatin plus ami-
kacin and imipenem-cilastatin plus ciprofloxacin has been reported in renal transplant
Minimum recommended duration of treatment with the combination regimen is
6 weeks. Toxicity with this regimen is reported to be low. Successful treatment with
initial combination followed by monotherapy has been reported.
Table 2
Presumptive (initial) antibiotic therapy for prosthetic valve endocarditis (<12 months)
Antimicrobial Dosage Duration
30 mg/kg/24 h IV in 2 divided doses
3 mg/kg/d in 2 or 3 divided doses
1200 mg/d in 2 divided doses
6 wk
2 wk
Vancomycin recommended trough is 10 to 15 mg/L and peak is 30 to 45 mg/L.
Htwe & Khardori 1156
Table 3
Definitive (organism-based) antibiotic therapy for native valve endocarditis
Organisms Antimicrobial Regime Duration of Therapy
MSSA Nafcillin or oxacillin 12 g/24 h IV in 46
equally divided doses
Gentamicin (3 mg/kg/d in 2 or 3 divided
Patients unable to tolerate nafcillin or
oxacillin (nonanaphylaxis)
Cefazolin 6 g/24 h IV in 3 equally divided
Gentamicin (same dose as mentioned
6 wk
(2 wk for uncomplicated
right-sided IE)
35 d
6 wk
35 d
Patients unable to tolerate
oxacillin or nafcillin
with anaphylactic conditions
Vancomycin 30 mg/kg/ 24 h IV in 2 equally
divided doses
6 wk
Enterococci spp
sensitive to penicillin,
gentamicin, and
Ampicillin sodium 12 g/24 h IV in 6 equally
divided doses
Aqueous crystalline penicillin G 1830
million U/24 h IV either
continuously or in 6 equally divided
Gentamicin (dose as mentioned above)
Patients unable to tolerate penicillin or
Vancomycin (dose as mentioned above)
Gentamicin (dose as mentioned above)
46 wk
46 wk
6 wk
6 wk
6 wk
Enterococci spp
susceptible to
streptomycin, and
vancomycin; and
resistant to gentamicin
Ampicillin (dose as mentioned above)
Aqueous crystalline penicillin G (dose as
mentioned above)
Streptomycin 15 mg/kg/ 24 h IV/IM in 2
equally divided doses
Patients unable to tolerate penicillin or
Vancomycin (dose as mentioned above)
Streptomycin (dose as mentioned above)
46 wk
(4 wk for patient with
symptoms <3 mo)
46 wk
(4 wk for patient with
symptoms <3 mo)
6 wk
6 wk
Enterococci strains
resistant to
penicillin and
susceptible to
and vancomycin
Beta-lactamaseproducing strain
Ampicillin-sulbactam 12 g/24 h IV in 4
equally divided doses
Gentamicin (dose as mentioned above)
Penicillin resistant strains
Vancomycin (dose as mentioned above)
Gentamicin (dose as mentioned above)
6 wk
(>6 wk for gentamicin
resistant strains)
6 wk
(continued on next page)
Cardiac Emergencies 1157
Combination therapy with fluoroquinolones and aminoglycosides has shown prom-
ising results in animal models and human cases but development antibiotic resistance
is the limiting factor.
In a rabbit model, left-sided IE caused by P aeruginosa showed better outcome with
a combination of ceftazidime and amikacin compared with monotherapy with ceftazi-
dime or aztreonam. Addition of amikacin to aztreonam did not make a statistically
significant difference.
Table 3
Organisms Antimicrobial Regime Duration of Therapy
Enterococci strains
resistant to penicillin,
aminoglycoside, and
E faecium, linezolid 1200 mg/24 h
IV/PO in 2 equally divided doses
Quinupristin-dalfopristin 22.5 mg/kg/
24 h IV in 3 equally divided doses
E faecalis imipenem/cilastatin 2 g/24 h
IV in 4 equally divided doses
Ampicillin (dose as mentioned above)
Ceftriaxone sodium 4 g/24 h IV/IM in 2
equally divided doses
Ampicillin (dose as mentioned above)
Minimum 8 wk
Minimum 8 wk
Minimum 8 wk
Minimum 8 wk
Minimum 8 wk
Streptococcal strains
Highly penicillin-susceptible
viridians group Streptococci
and Streptococcus bovis
Aqueous crystalline penicillin G (dose
as mentioned above)
Ceftriaxone sodium 2 g/24 h IV/IM in 1
Aqueous crystalline penicillin G (or)
Ceftriaxone (doses as mentioned
Gentamicin (dose as mentioned)
Patients unable to tolerate penicillin
or ceftriaxone
Vancomycin (dose as mentioned
4 wk
4 wk
4 wk
2 wk
4 wk
Viridan group streptococci
and Streptococcus bovis
relatively resistant to
penicillin (MIC >0.12 mg/mL
and <0.5 mg/mL)
Aqueous crystalline penicillin G (dose
as mentioned above)
Ceftriaxone (dose as mentioned
Gentamicin (see above)
Patients unable to tolerate penicillin
or ceftriaxone
Vancomycin (see above)
4 wk
4 wk
2 wk
4 wk
Viridan group Streptococci
and Streptococcus bovis
resistant to penicillin
(MIC >0.5mg/mL)
Use the same regimen as for penicillin
resistant Enterococci spp