David Ricardo was a British political economist who made several important contributions to economics. He developed theories of value, rent, wages, and profits that were highly influential. Ricardo's most famous work was his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, in which he outlined his labor theory of value and theories of rent, comparative advantage, and economic growth. He argued that countries benefit from free trade by specializing in areas where they have a comparative advantage in production. Ricardo was one of the most influential economists of the classical school alongside Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus.
David Ricardo was a British political economist who made several important contributions to economics. He developed theories of value, rent, wages, and profits that were highly influential. Ricardo's most famous work was his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, in which he outlined his labor theory of value and theories of rent, comparative advantage, and economic growth. He argued that countries benefit from free trade by specializing in areas where they have a comparative advantage in production. Ricardo was one of the most influential economists of the classical school alongside Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus.
David Ricardo was a British political economist who made several important contributions to economics. He developed theories of value, rent, wages, and profits that were highly influential. Ricardo's most famous work was his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, in which he outlined his labor theory of value and theories of rent, comparative advantage, and economic growth. He argued that countries benefit from free trade by specializing in areas where they have a comparative advantage in production. Ricardo was one of the most influential economists of the classical school alongside Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus.
David Ricardo was a British political economist who made several important contributions to economics. He developed theories of value, rent, wages, and profits that were highly influential. Ricardo's most famous work was his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, in which he outlined his labor theory of value and theories of rent, comparative advantage, and economic growth. He argued that countries benefit from free trade by specializing in areas where they have a comparative advantage in production. Ricardo was one of the most influential economists of the classical school alongside Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus.
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David Ricardo
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David RicardoClassical economics
Born 19 April 1772
Died 11 eptem!er 1"2# $a%ed &1' Nationality (ritish Influences mith (entham Influenced Ricardian ocialists )ohn t*art +ill +ar, raffa (arro Contributi ons Ricardian e-*ivalence, la!o*r theory of val*e, comparative advanta%e, la. of diminishin% ret*rns, /conomic rent011 David Ricardo $19 April 1772 2 11 eptem!er 1"2#' .as an /n%lish34ort*%*ese political economist, often credited .ith systematisin% economics, and .as one of the most infl*ential of the classical economists, alon% .ith 5homas +alth*s, Adam mith, and )ohn t*art +ill6 021 7e .as also a mem!er of 4arliament, !*sinessman, financier and spec*lator, .ho amassed a considera!le personal fort*ne6 4erhaps his most important contri!*tion .as the la. of comparative advanta%e, a f*ndamental ar%*ment in favo*r of free trade amon% co*ntries and of specialisation amon% individ*als6 Ricardo ar%*ed that there is m*t*al !enefit from trade $or e,chan%e' even if one party $e6%6 reso*rce3rich co*ntry, hi%hly3skilled artisan' is more prod*ctive in every possi!le area than its tradin% co*nterpart $e6%6 reso*rce3poor co*ntry, *nskilled la!orer', as lon% as each concentrates on the activities .here it has a relative prod*ctivity advanta%e60#1 Contents 0hide1 1 4ersonal life 2 8deas o 261 9al*e theory o 262 Rent 26# 5rade theory and policy 26#61 4rotectionism 26#62 Comparative Advanta%e # Ricardian e-*ivalence : Ricardo;s theories of .a%es and profits & 7is <e%acy and 8nfl*ence &61 Ricardian ocialists &6161 =ne-*al /,chan%e &62 >eo3Ricardians &6261 /vol*tionary %ro.th theory &6# 5he Ricardian theory of international trade &6#61 Contemporary theories &6#62 >eo3Ricardian trade theory &6#6# Ricardo3raffa trade theory &6#6#61 5raded intermediate %oods &6#6#62 5heoretical developments &6#6#6# Recent episode &6#6: Criticism of the Ricardian theory of trade ? 4*!lications 7 >otes " References 9 /,ternal links [edit] Personal life (orn in <ondon, Ricardo .as the third of 17 children of a ephardic )e.ish family of 4ort*%*ese ori%in .ho had recently relocated from 7olland6 7is father .as a s*ccessf*l stock!roker and incredi!ly virile6 At a%e 21, Ricardo eloped .ith a @*aker, 4riscilla Anne Wilkinson, leadin% to estran%ement from his family6 7is father diso.ned him and his mother apparently never spoke to him a%ain6 Witho*t family s*pport, he started his o.n !*siness as a stock!roker, in .hich he !ecame -*ite s*ccessf*l thanks to the connections he made .hen .orkin% .ith his father6 D*rin% the (attle of Waterloo, A*st like >athan +ayer Rothschild, he !et a%ainst the French victory and invested in (ritish sec*rities6 (y the time he retired from the /,chan%e at the a%e of :#, his fort*ne .as estimated at a!o*t B?CC,CCC6 7e then p*rchased and moved to Datcom!e 4ark, an estate in Dlo*cestershire6 At the time of his marria%e, Ricardo disconnected from )*daism and !ecame a =nitarian60:1 7e had ei%ht children, incl*din% three sons, of .hom Esman Ricardo $179&21""1F +4 for Worcester 1":721"?&' and another David Ricardo $1"C#21"?:, +4 for tro*d 1"#221"##', !ecame mem!ers of parliament, .hile the third, +ortimer Ricardo, served as an officer in the <ife D*ards and .as a dep*ty lie*tenant for E,fordshire6 7e .as one of the ori%inal mem!ers of 5he Deolo%ical ociety60:1 7is da*%hter .as arah Ricardo34orter, .ho married Deor%e R6 4orter and .as an a*thor in her o.n ri%ht $e6%6 GConversations in Arithmetic'"). Ricardo !ecame interested in economics after readin% Adam mith;s 5he Wealth of >ations in 1799 on a vacation to the /n%lish resort of (ath6 5his .as Ricardo;s first contact .ith economics6 7e .rote his first economics article at a%e #7 and .ithin another ten years he reached the hei%ht of his fame6 8n 1"19, Ricardo took a seat in the 7o*se of Commons, representin% 4ortarlin%ton, an 8rish rotten !oro*%h6 7e held the seat, .hich had initially !een made availa!le to him !y his friend Richard GConversationG harp, *ntil his death in 1"2#6 8n 1":?, his nephe. )ohn <e.is Ricardo, +4 for toke3on35rent, advocated free trade and the repeal of the Corn <a.s6 Ricardo .as a close friend of )ames +ill, .ho enco*ra%ed him in his political am!itions and .ritin%s a!o*t economics6 Ether nota!le friends incl*ded )eremy (entham and 5homas +alth*s, .ith .hom Ricardo had a considera!le de!ate $in correspondence' over s*ch thin%s as the role of lando.ners in a society6 7e also .as a mem!er of <ondon;s intellect*als, later !ecomin% a mem!er of +alth*s; 4olitical /conomy Cl*!, and a mem!er of the Hin% of Cl*!s6 [edit] Ideas +ain articleI Ricardian economics [edit] Value theory Ricardo;s most famo*s .ork is his 4rinciples of 4olitical /conomy and 5a,ation $1"17'6 Ricardo opens the first chapter .ith a statement of the la!o*r theory of val*e6 <ater in this chapter, he demonstrates that prices do not correspond to this val*e6 7e retained the theory, ho.ever, as an appro,imation6 5he la!o*r theory of val*e states that the relative price of t.o %oods is determined !y the ratio of the -*antities of la!o*r re-*ired in their prod*ction6 7is la!o*r theory of val*e, ho.ever, re-*ired several ass*mptionsI 13 !oth sectors have the same .a%e rate and the same profit rateF 23 the capital employed in prod*ction is made *p of .a%es onlyF #3 the period of prod*ction has the same len%th for !oth %oods6 Ricardo himself realised that the second and third ass*mptions .ere -*ite *nrealistic and hence admitted t.o e,ceptions to his la!o*r theory of val*eI 13 prod*ction periods may differF 23 the t.o prod*ction processes may employ instr*ments and e-*ipment as capital and not A*st .a%es, and in very different proportions6 Ricardo contin*ed to .ork on his val*e theory to the end of his life6 (*t the first chapter is !*t the introd*ction to a lon% !ook that disc*sses !ack and forth an e,tended series of comparisons and contrasts of the vario*s points of vie.s and of Ricardo;s o.n reasonin%6 8n the chapter GEn 9al*e and Riches,G0&1 Ricardo makes effort to ill*strate that e,chan%e val*e is not the same as Gval*e in *seG60?1 8n this .ay one can factor t.o often contradictory res*lts6 4oint 2, a!ove, that the capital employed in prod*ction m*st !e made *p of .a%es only for his val*e theory to hold, is ans.ered !y thisI that prod*ction may !e made *p of capital and machinery, !*t it doesn;t chan%e the principle $.hich he attri!*tes to Adam mith' that he tries to lay o*t in this chapter6071 +achinery may add to one meas*re of val*e !eyond almost all meas*re .itho*t addin% one penny to the other meas*re of val*e6 8n this .ay, one is a!le, Ricardo seems to sho., to factor o*t some.hat contradictory ass*mptions .hich if confo*nded lead to e-*ally contradictory res*lts6 (y makin% all thin%s perfectly clear, or in attemptin% to, +r6 Ricardo, seeks to resolve some of those ills of the democratic society in .hich he lived in so far as reason, and action, co*ld resolve them6 8n this p*rs*it, he took action, sittin% in parliament, movin% .ith his stirrin%, and am*sin%, speeches the inner policies of the (ritish /mpire6 5he key point Ricardo seems to !e aimin% at, tho*%h, %oes somethin% like thisI Acc*m*lation of capital may add riches .itho*t detractin% from the trade3a!le val*e of thin%s, prod*cin% the possi!ility of a .in3.in sit*ation6 7e first attempts to sho. that ne. riches are not addin% as m*ch val*e as one .o*ld think !eca*se they al.ays are detractin% some.hat from the e,chan%ea!le val*e of .hat .as previo*sly !ein% prod*ced6 5he decreasin% val*e in e,chan%e as val*e3in3*se increases he finally e,trapolates to infer that the s*m .orld total of val*e in e,chan%e is a fi,ed constant6 And so, .ith the %ro.th of the .orld economy, the first3.orld co*ntries, he states, .ill event*ally !e%in to lose val*e per trade, even to the p*rely theoretical e,tent of c*ttin% into the !ase capital6 (*t on the other hand, Ricardo %oes on to say, .ith more val*e3in3*se, .hat one is likely to %et a hold of personally, for Rich and 4oor alike .ill !e -*ite a !it more as the sharp3ed%e of competition is !l*nted !y physical economic %ro.th6 Adam mith, for instance, had tho*%ht that d*e to its effect on val*e, the %ro.th of .ealth of the poor !eyond s*!sistence levels is likely to c*t into the .ealth of the society6 /conomists on the left and the ri%ht to this day .orry a!o*t that and *nderc*t the .ealth of the poor to maintain economic %ro.th6 Ricardo sho.s this not to !e the case, if .e simply meas*re val*e in e,chan%e to%ether .ith the %ro.th of val*e3in3riches rather than !y its monopolisation val*e6 5he e,temeties of competition then, leave for Rich and poor alike an appearance of the %ro.th of .ealth .itho*t anyone personally feelin% its res*lt6 5akin% a step !ack and noticin% the %ro.th of act*al val*e3in3*se allo.s *s, corporations and la!orers, rich and poor alike, to see a .ay for.ard6 [edit] Rent Ricardo is responsi!le for developin% theories of rent, .a%es, and profits6 7e defined rent as Gthe difference !et.een the prod*ce o!tained !y the employment of t.o e-*al -*antities of capital and la!o*r6G 5he model for this theory !asically said that .hile only one %rade of land is !ein% *sed for c*ltivation, rent .ill not e,ist, !*t .hen m*ltiple %rades of land are !ein% *tilised, rent .ill !e char%ed on the hi%her %rades and .ill increase .ith the ascension of the %rade6 As s*ch, Ricardo !elieved that the process of economic development, .hich increased land *tilisation and event*ally led to the c*ltivation of poorer land, !enefited first and foremost the lando.ners !eca*se they .o*ld receive the rent payments either in money or in prod*ct6 8n a caref*l analysis of the effects of different forms of ta,ation, Ricardo concl*des in chapters 1C and 12 that a ta, on land val*e, e-*ivalent to a ta, on the land rent, .as the only form of ta,ation that .o*ld not lead to price increasesF it is paid !y the landlord, .ho is not a!le to pass it on to a tenant6 7e stated that the poorest %rade land in *se has no $land' rent and so pays no land val*e ta,F as prices are determined at this mar%inal site for the .hole economy, prices .ill not !e increased !y a land val*e ta,6 7is analysis distin%*ishes !et.een rent of $*nimproved' land and rent associated .ith capital improvements s*ch as !*ildin%s6 Accumulation of Ineuality of Distribution of varied uantities of Accumulatable !carce Necessary "eans of Production# Ricardo;s concept of rent is laid o*t in his !ook 4rinciples of 4olitical /conomy and 5a,ation6 D*e to variation in scarcity of land $or some other acc*m*lata!le scarce necessities of varied *tility', some land pays a hi%her monopoly val*e d*e to its scarcity than other land6 5his ret*rn on investment is hi%her than .hat one .o*ld other.ise e,pect !ased simply on the val*e and scarcity of the prod*ceF this ret*rn on investment comes from the incident of o.nership that allo.s a monopoly price to !e paid6 *ch premi*m over real social val*e that an individ*al is a!le to reap d*e to incident of o.nership constit*tes real val*e to an individ*al !*t is at !est0"1 a paper monetary ret*rn to society6 5he portion of s*ch p*rely individ*al !enefit, and e,cl*sively that portion, that accr*es to scarce, acc*m*lata!le reso*rces s*ch as land or %old or ho*ses, over and a!ove any socially !eneficial e,chan%e, Ricardo la!els Rent6 8f all land .ere e-*ally sit*ated, ho.ever scarce, one co*ld determine that all market e,chan%e of the prod*ce thereof .as free and e-*al and that the e,act val*e of the trade .as conveyed sim*ltaneo*sly to !oth parties and to society6 8n the case of increasin% scarcity of the land of hi%her a!sol*te *tility, the free market principle fails to either properly meas*re or convey val*e6 5his %ap !et.een personal val*e accr*al and social val*e accr*al, in the case of land, is Ricardian Rent6 Rent therefore constit*tes val*e for nothin% and as s*ch constit*tes a loss to society a!ove ma,im*m prod*ction, and one that increases at a faster rate than the decline in prod*ction that comes from the scarcity of the land, as land !ecomes more scarce6 4roposals to solve this !y vario*s types of land ta, are e,plored f*rther6 5he key pro!lem then, Ricardo disc*sses, .o*ld !e to find a ta, that is a!le to ma,imally differentiate !et.een ta, on profit and ta, on s*ch p*rely Ricardian rent6 >o easy task, he points o*t, as in the case of ho. one differentiates !et.een !asic land ret*rn, that portion that constit*tes s*ch e,cess a!ove social prod*ctivity that he la!els rent, and the portion that comes from non3rent prod*cin% capital investment in fertiliser, irri%ation, deep plo.in% and land improvements of all types, !arns, etc6 "althus$s criticism and %&tra'olation of the 'roblem of Ricardian Rent 8n demonstratin% that Ricardian Rent constit*tes val*e for nothin% $Ricardo .as momentarily ne%lectin% ay;s <a. that all savin%s !y3definition3e-*als investment', Ricardo overlooks that s*ch val*e3for3nothin% doesn;t necessarily disappear *pon Gmis3paymentG to a landlord6 5his is .hat +alth*s, Ricardo;s personal friend and intellect*al opponent, states in his o.n !ook on Rent, one of his .orks that e,po*nds from a point of vie. of +alth*s;s *rpl*s 9al*e theories, rather than +alth*s;s earlier and more -*oted carcity 9al*e 5heory6 5h*s, says +alth*s, Rent, ho.ever mis3 placed, constit*tes a prime so*rce of savin%s and investment for the f*t*re6 We need then, if contented !y +alth*s, only look for s*ch portion of Ricardian Rent that d*e to its over3investment $d*e to its misallocation' represents lost economic val*e to the society as a .hole6 +alth*s; Criticism of Ricardian Rent does not in +alth*s; !ook on Rent to*ch on this pro!lem of Ricardian over3investment as e,po*nded !y +alth*s $the Deneral Dl*t controversy'F rather, in his later .orks, +alth*s does so6 oI to Ricardo, /conomic Rent is a s*rpl*s of individ*al investors; paper profit $.hich has its val*e in control over reso*rces rather than directly in the reso*rces themselves' over societal %ain6 As s*ch, it does not represent any %ain !*t rather an *nearned transfer of .ealth6 5o +alth*s, there is material %ain created in the re3investment .hich is rent, !*t at some point s*ch %ain may as says Ricardo in re%ards to the paper profit he !elieves /conomic Rent to !e, !e in e,cess of social *tility6 Earlier writers touched on Economic Rent too. Ricardo advises caution in responses to the problem of Economic Rent 5o !e clear, the topic of /conomic Rent, as e,po*nded !y Ricardo, .as !y earlier .riters s*ch as mith6 Ricardo;s !ook forms a sort of te,t!ook of s*ch earlier e,po*nded theories, in .hich he adds his o.n analysis .hile comparin% and contrastin% different vie.s and pointin% o*t the fla.s in them6 Ricardo, after spendin% many chapters contented .ith this vie. of Rent, ascri!es it to mith and then says it is tr*e !*t pro!a!ly not so important in an e,pandin% economy and meas*res to address it sho*ld !e marked .ith ca*tion as they .o*ld likely prod*ce different effects in different sit*ations6091 [edit] (rade theory and 'olicy [edit] Protectionism <ike Adam mith, Ricardo .as also an opponent of protectionism for national economies, especially for a%ric*lt*re6 7e !elieved that the (ritish GCorn <a.sGJtariffs on a%ric*lt*re prod*cts Jens*red that less3prod*ctive domestic land .o*ld !e harvested and rents .o*ld !e driven *p6 $Case K Fair 1999, pp6 "12, "1#'6 5h*s, the s*rpl*s .o*ld !e directed more to.ard fe*dal landlords and a.ay from the emer%in% ind*strial capitalists6 ince landlords tended to s-*ander their .ealth on l*,*ries, rather than investments, Ricardo !elieved that the Corn <a.s .ere leadin% to the sta%nation of the (ritish economy6 4arliament repealed the Corn <a.s in 1":?6 [edit] Com'arative Advanta)e (he Problem of Com'etitive Advanta)e Ricardo e,trapolates the pro!lem of monopolistic rent on the land itself to other sit*ationsLreso*rces that are f*ndamentally scarceI the !*ildin%s that sit on the land, d*e to the lon% time frame of *se and lar%e l*mp3s*m cost of !*ildin% ne. onesF or %old, .hich is a also partial monopoly d*e to its scarcity, and .hich is not cons*ma!le6 7e then -*estions .hether all trade has a f*ndamental pro!lem of ine-*ality that is inevita!ly hard to !rid%e6 5his is the pro!lem of a!sol*te competitive advanta%eJ .here one party has an *n!rid%ea!le competitive advanta%e d*e to .ealth or prod*ctive advanta%es in every field6 8f so, can trade profita!ly contin*eM Ricardo solves this .ith Comparative Advanta%e6 Com'arative Advanta)e* (he !olution 5his !ook, 4rinciples of 4olitical /conomy, introd*ces the theory of comparative advanta%e6 Accordin% to Ricardo;s theory, even if a co*ntry co*ld prod*ce everythin% more efficiently than another co*ntry, it .o*ld reap %ains from specialisin% in .hat it .as !est at prod*cin% and tradin% .ith other nations6 $Case K Fair, 1999I "122"1"'6 Ricardo !elieved that .a%es sho*ld !e left to free competition, so there sho*ld !e no restrictions on the importation of a%ric*lt*ral prod*cts from a!road6 5he !enefits of comparative advanta%e are !oth distri!*tional and related to improved real income6 Within Ricardo;s theory, distri!*tional effects implied that forei%n trade co*ld not directly affect profits, !eca*se profits chan%e only in response to the level of .a%es6 5he effects on income are al.ays !eneficial !eca*se forei%n trade does not affect val*e6 Comparative advanta%e forms the !asis of modern trade theory, reform*lated as the 7eckscher3 Ehlin theorem, .hich states that a co*ntry has a comparative advanta%e in the prod*ction of a prod*ct if the co*ntry is relatively .ell3endo.ed .ith inp*ts that are *sed intensively in prod*cin% the prod*ct6 $Case K Fair 1999, p6 "22'6 ee the section 5he Ricardian theory of international trade of this pa%e for another side of the theoretical development6 5he theory of comparative advanta%e as he descri!ed it seems to !e that !oth those rich in a!ility and the poor alike concentrate each their o.n analytical po.ers on meetin% the needs and a!ilities of the richer, more skilf*l party to an other.ise *ne-*al e,chan%e and there!y !oth !enefit6 8deas often e,trapolated areI that !oth !enefit e-*allyF and that someho. in s*ch e,chan%e each nation, or person, is ena!led to foc*s on its o.n area of real specialisation in a !i3directional e-*al tradeJ!*t .e only start .ith an idea of p*rely comparative specialisation in one direction6 For the contemporary development of Ricardo;s idea on international trade, see the section 5he Ricardian theory of international trade in the part 7is <e%acy and 8nfl*ence6 [edit] Ricardian euivalence Another idea associated .ith Ricardo is Ricardian e-*ivalence, an ar%*ment s*%%estin% that in some circ*mstances a %overnment;s choice of ho. to pay for its spendin% $i.e., .hether to *se ta, reven*e or iss*e de!t and r*n a deficit' mi%ht have no effect on the economy6 8ronically, .hile the proposition !ears his name, he does not seem to have !elieved it6 /conomist Ro!ert (arro is responsi!le for its modern prominence6 [edit] Ricardo$s theories of +a)es and 'rofits ome credit Ricardo .ith the concepts !ehind the so3called 8ron <a. of Wa%es, that .a%es nat*rally tend to a s*!sistence level601C1 0111 0121 Ethers disp*te the assi%nment to Ricardo of this idea6 Ricardo !elieved that in the lon% r*n, prices reflect the cost of prod*ction, and referred to this lon% r*n price as a >at*ral price6 5he nat*ral price of la!o*r .as the cost of its prod*ction, that cost of maintainin% the la!o*rer6 8f .a%es correspond to the nat*ral price of la!o*r, then .a%es .o*ld !e at s*!sistence level6 7o.ever, d*e to an improvin% economy, .a%es may remain indefinitely a!ove s*!sistence levelI >ot.ithstandin% the tendency of .a%es to conform to their nat*ral rate, their market rate may in an improvin% society, for an indefinite period, !e constantly a!ove itF for no sooner may the imp*lse, .hich an increased capital %ives to a ne. demand for la!or, !e o!eyed, than another increase of capital may prod*ce the same effectF and th*s, if the increase of capital !e %rad*al and constant, the demand for la!o*r may %ive a contin*ed stim*l*s to an increase of people6666 8t has !een calc*lated, that *nder favo*ra!le circ*mstances pop*lation may !e do*!led in t.enty3five yearsF !*t *nder the same favo*ra!le circ*mstances, the .hole capital of a co*ntry mi%ht possi!ly !e do*!led in a shorter period6 8n that case, .a%es d*rin% the .hole period .o*ld have a tendency to rise, !eca*se the demand for la!o*r .o*ld increase still faster than the s*pply6 $On the Principles of Political Econom, Chapter &, GEn Wa%esG'6 8n his !heor of Profit, Ricardo stated that as real .a%es increase, real profits decrease !eca*se the reven*e from the sale of man*fact*red %oods is split !et.een profits and .a%es6 7e said in his Essa on Profits, G4rofits depend on hi%h or lo. .a%es, .a%es on the price of necessaries, and the price of necessaries chiefly on the price of food6G [edit] ,is -e)acy and Influence David Ricardo;s ideas had a tremendo*s infl*ence on later developments in economics6 With his hi%hly lo%ical ar%*ments, he has !ecome the theoretical father of the classical political economy6 ch*mpeter coined an e,pression Ricardian vice, .hich indicates that ri%oro*s lo%ic does not provide a %ood economic theory601#1 5his criticism applies also to most neoclassical theories, .hich make heavy *se of mathematics, !*t are, accordin% to him, theoretically *nso*nd, !eca*se the concl*sion !ein% dra.n does not lo%ically follo. from the theories *sed to defend it6 0 citation needed 1 [edit] Ricardian !ocialists [edit] .neual %&chan)e Chris /d.ard incl*des /mman*el;s =ne-*al /,chan%e theory amon% variations of neo3Ricardian trade theory601:1 Ar%hiri /mman*el ar%*ed that the 5hird World is poor !eca*se of the international e,ploitation of la!o*r601&1 5he *ne-*al e,chan%e theory of trade has !een infl*ential to the $ne.' dependency theory601?1 [edit] Neo/Ricardians After the rise of the ;neoclassical; school, Ricardo;s infl*ence declined temporarily6 8t .as 4iero raffa, the editor of the Collected Works of David Ricardo0171 and the a*thor of seminal Production of Commodities b "eans of Commodities,01"1 .ho res*rrected Ricardo as the ori%inator of another strand of economics tho*%ht, .hich .as effaced .ith the arrival of the neoclassical school6 5he ne. interpretation of Ricardo and raffa;s criticism a%ainst the mar%inal theory of val*e %ave rise to a ne. school, no. named neo3Ricardian or raffian school6 +aAor contri!*tors to this school incl*des <*i%i 4asinetti $19#C2', 4ieran%elo Dare%nani $19#C2', 8an teedman $19:12', Deorffrey 7arco*rt $19#12', 7einN H*rN $19:?2', >eri alvadori $19&12', 4ier 4aolo aviotti $3' amon% others6 ee also >eo3Ricardianism6 >eo3Ricardian school is sometimes seen to !e a composin% element of 4ost3Heynesian economics6 [edit] %volutionary )ro+th theory everal distinctive %ro*ps have spr*n% o*t of the neo3Ricardian school6 Ene is the evol*tionary %ro.th theory, developed nota!ly !y <6 4asinetti, )66 +etcalfe, 4ier 4aolo aviotti, and Hoen Frenken and others60191 02C1 5he first step came from 4asinetti60211 0221 7e ar%*ed that the demand of any commodity came to sta%nate and fre-*ently decline as /n%el c*rve sho.s it6 5he commodities are prod*ced !y each ind*stry .ith different %ro.th rate of la!o*r prod*ctivity6 5he conse-*ences are different rate of %ro.th of o*tp*t and employment6 5o any economic development str*ct*ral chan%e is invita!le6 8f the commodity variety remains constant, demand sat*ration occ*rs for any rich eceonmy6 8ntrod*ction of ne. commodities $%oods and services' is necessary to evade from economic sta%nation6 5he pro!lem of demand sat*ration and satiety !ecame one of the most topical themes of evol*tionary economists6 +any articles and !ooks have !een .ritten602#1 02:1 02&1 02?1 0271 As for the ca*ses and mechanisms of demand sat*ration, 8, teedman pointed that time plays as important a role as income602"1 0291 8ndeed, the neocalssical economics admits monetary !*d%et as *ni-*e constraint, !*t for any !*sy person the time co*nts as m*ch as price to enAoy the p*rchased commodities6 Another constraints, s*ch as ho*se s*rface, are effective for e,ample in the )apanese economy, .here people live in a Gra!!it h*tch6G Demand sat*ration pro!lems are p*rs*red, parallel to evol*tionary economists, !y Aoki and Ooshika.a0#C1 0#11 and other )apanese reserchers60#21 0##1 [edit] (he Ricardian theory of international trade 5he Ricardian theory of comparative advanta%e also !ecame a !asic constit*ent of neoclassical trade theory6 Any *nder%rad*ate co*rse in trade theory incl*des e,pansions of Ricardo;s e,ample of fo*r n*m!ers in for form of a t.o commodity, t.o co*ntry model6 Ricardo intended to sho. !y this classic e,ample the !enefits of free trade from comparative advanta%e, as in his e,ample there is one co*ntry that is more proficient in prod*cin% !oth commodities relative to the other co*ntry6 Adam mith .o*ld likely reason, !y lo%ic of a!sol*te advanta%e, that there .o*ld !e no incentive for trade !et.een the t.o co*ntries6 5his model .as e,panded to many3co*ntry and many3commodity cases and also to incl*de mi%ration of people !et.een co*ntries6 +aAor %eneral res*lts .ere o!tained !y the !e%innin% of 19?C;s !y +cHenNie0#:1 0#&1 and )ones,0#?1 incl*din% his famo*s form*la6 [edit] Contem'orary theories Ricardo;s idea .as even e,panded to the case of contin**m of %oods !y Dorn!*sch, Fischer, and am*elson0#71 5his form*lation is employed for e,ample !y +ats*yama0#"1 and others6 [edit] Neo/Ricardian trade theory 8nspired !y 4iero raffa, a ne. strand of trade theory emer%ed and .as named neo3Ricardian trade theory6 5he main contri!*tors incl*de 8an teedman $19:12' and tanley +etcalfe $19:?2'6 5hey have criticised neoclassical international trade theory, namely the 7eckscher3Ehlin model on the !asis that the notion of capital as primary factor has no method of meas*rin% it !efore the determination of profit rate $th*s trapped in a lo%ical vicio*s circle'60#91 0:C1 5his .as a second ro*nd of the Cam!rid%e capital controversy, this time in the field of international trade60:11 5he merit of neo3Ricardian trade theory is that inp*t %oods are e,plicitly incl*ded to the analytical frame.ork6 5his is in accordance .ith raffa;s idea that any commodity is a prod*ct made !y means of commodities6 5he limit of their theory is that the analysis is limited to small co*ntry cases6 5he .a%e of the Rest of the World is determined !y ass*mption and there is no internal mechanism .hich %enerates international .a%e differences6 8n this sense the neo3Ricardian trade theory lacks international val*e theory60:21 [edit] Ricardo/!raffa trade theory [edit] (raded intermediate )oods Ricardian trade theory ordinarily ass*mes that the la!or is the *ni-*e inp*t6 5his is a %reat deficiency as trade theory, for the intermediate %oods occ*py the maAor part of the .orld international trade6 Oeats0:#1 fo*nd that #CP of .orld trade in man*fact*rin% is intermediate inp*ts6 (ardhan and )afee0::1 fo*nd that intermediate inp*ts occ*py #7 to #"P in the imports to the = for years 1992 and 1997, .hereas the percenta%e of intrafirm trade %re. from :#P in 1992 to &2P in 19976 +cHenNie0#:1 I17729 and )ones0:&1 emphasised the necessity to e,pand the theory to the cases of traded inp*ts6 4a*l am*elson0:?1 coined a term #raffa bonus to name the %ains from trade of inp*ts6 [edit] (heoretical develo'ments )ohn Chipman o!served in his s*rvey that +cHenNie st*m!led *pon the -*estions of intermediate prod*cts and discovered that Gintrod*ction of trade in intermediate prod*ct necessitates a f*ndamental alteration in classical analysis6G0:71 8t took may years *ntil recently O6 hioNa.a0:"1 s*cceeded to remove this deficiency6 5he Ricardian trade theory .as no. reconstr*cted to incl*de intermediate inp*t trade in a very %eneral case of many co*ntries and many %oods6 5his ne. theory is sometimes called Ricardo3raffa trade theory6 8t is emphasised that the Ricardian trade theory no. provides a %eneral theory .hich incl*des trade of intermediates s*ch as materials, f*el and machine tools6 5he traded intermediate %oods are then *sed as inp*ts of prod*ctions6 Capital %oods are nothin% other than inp*ts to the prod*ctions6 5h*s, in the Ricardian trade theory, capital %oods moves freely from co*ntry to co*ntry6 5rade in capital %oods may transmit the !enefit of technolo%ical advances across tradin% co*ntries60:91 <a!or is the *ni-*e factor of prod*ction that remains immo!ile in the co*ntry of its ori%in6 5he neoclassical 7eckscher3Ehlin3am*elson theory ass*mes only prod*ction factors and finished %oods6 8t has not the concept of intermediate %oods6 5herefore, it is the Ricardo3raffa trade theory that provides theoretical !ases for the topics as o*tso*rcin%, fra%mentation0&C1 and intra3firm trade60&11 [edit] Recent e'isode 8n a !lo% post of 2" April 2CC7, Dre%ory +anki. compared Ricardian theory and 7eckscher3 Ehlin theory and stood !y the Ricardian side60&21 +anki. ar%*ed that Ricardian theory is more realistic than the 7eckscher3Ehlin theory as the latter ass*mes that capital does not move from co*ntry to co*ntry6 +anki.;s ar%*ment contains a lo%ical slip, for the traditional Ricardian trade theory does not admit any inp*ts6 hioNa.a;s res*lt saves +anki. from his slip60:21 [edit] Criticism of the Ricardian theory of trade Ricardo;s plea for free trade received attacks from those people .ho think trade restriction is necessary6 =ta 4atnaike claims that Ricardian theory of international trade contains a lo%ical fallacy6 Ricardo ass*med that in !oth co*ntries t.o %oods are prod*ci!le and act*ally are prod*ced, !*t developed and *nderdeveloped co*ntries often trade those %oods .hich are not prod*ci!le in their o.n co*ntry6 For e,ample, many >orthern co*ntries do not prod*ce tropical fr*its6 8n these cases, one cannot define .hich co*ntry has comparative advanta%e60 Ricardo;s theory of comparative advanta%e is also fla.ed in that it ass*mes prod*ction is contin*o*s and a!sol*te6 8n the real .orld, events o*tside the realm of h*man control $e6%6 nat*ral disasters' can disr*pt prod*ction6 8n this case, specialisation co*ld cripple a co*ntry that depends on imports from forei%n, nat*rally disr*pted co*ntries6 For e,ample, if an ind*strially !ased co*ntry trades its man*fact*red %oods to an a%rarian co*ntry in e,chan%e for a%ric*lt*ral prod*cts, a nat*ral disaster in the a%ric*lt*ral co*ntry $e6%6 dro*%ht' may ca*se an ind*strially !ased co*ntry to starve6 [edit] Publications Ricardo;s p*!lications incl*dedI !he $i%h Price of &ullion, a Proof of the 'epreciation of &an( )otes$1"1C', .hich advocated the adoption of a metallic c*rrency6 Essa on the *nfluence of a +ow Price of Corn on the Profits of #toc($1"1&', .hich ar%*ed that repealin% the Corn <a.s .o*ld distri!*te more .ealth to the prod*ctive mem!ers of society6 En the 4rinciples of 4olitical /conomy and 5a,ation $1"17', an analysis that concl*ded that land rent %ro.s as pop*lation increases6 8t also clearly laid o*t the theory of comparative advanta%e, .hich ar%*ed that all nations co*ld !enefit from free trade, even if a nation .as less efficient at prod*cin% all kinds of %oods than its tradin% partners6 7is .orks and .ritin%s .ere collected inI !he ,or(s and Correspondence of 'avid Ricardo, ed6 4iero raffa .ith the Colla!oration of +676 Do!! $8ndianapolisI <i!erty F*nd, 2CC&', 11 vols6 5his et Contains 5he Follo.in% 5itlesI o 5he Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, 9ol6 1 4rinciples of 4olitical /conomy and 5a,ation o 5he Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, 9ol6 2 >otes on +alth*s o 5he Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, 9ol6 # 4amphlets and 4apers 1"C921"11 o 5he Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, 9ol6 : 4amphlets and 4apers 1"1&21"2# o 5he Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, 9ol6 & peeches and /vidence o 5he Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, 9ol6 ? <etters 1"1C21"1& o 5he Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, 9ol6 7 <etters 1"1?21"1" o 5he Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, 9ol6 " <etters 1"19 2 )*ne 1"21 o 5he Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, 9ol6 9 <etters 1"2121"2# o 5he Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, 9ol6 1C (io%raphical +iscellany o 5he Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, 9ol6 11 Deneral 8nde, [edit] Notes 1 Q +iller, Ro%er <eRoy6 Economics !oda6 Fifteenth /dition6 (oston, +AI 4earson /d*cation6 pa%e &&9 2 Q o.ell, 5homas $2CC?'6 On classical economics6 >e. 7aven, C5I Oale =niversity 4ress6 3 Q Ro!erts, 4a*l Crai% $2CC#3"32"', G5he 5rade @*estionG, ,ashin%ton !imes 4 Q a ! raffa, 4iero, David Ricardo $19&&', !he ,or(s and Correspondence of 'avid Ricardo- .olume /0, &io%raphical "iscellan, Cam!rid%e, =HI Cam!rid%e =niversity 4ress, pp6 :#:, 8(> C3&213C?C7&3# 5 Q 4rinciples of 4olitical /conomy, Chapter 2C 6 Q 4rinciples, Ch62C 7 Q 4rinciples, Ch62C, last t.o para%raphs 8 Q En 5he 4rinciples of 4olitical /conomy and 5a,ation <ondonI )ohn +*rray, Al!emarle3 treet, !y David Ricardo, 1"17 $third edition 1"21' 2 Chapter ?, En 4rofitsI para%raph 2", G5h*s, takin% the former 6 6 6G and para%raph ##, G5here can, ho.ever 6 6 6G 9 Q Chapter 1" of 4rinciples 10 Q (ritannica6comG/n%lish economist .ho %ave systematiNed, classical form to the risin% science of economics in the 19th cent*ry6 7is laisseN3faire doctrines .ere typified in his 8ron <a. of Wa%es, .hich stated that all attempts to improve the real income of .orkers .ere f*tile and that .a%es perforce remained near the s*!sistence level6 11 Q )ohn Henneth Dal!raith, Economics in Perspective, GRet*rnin% to .a%es, Ricardo, in another of his %reatly -*oted passa%es, says that they are ;5hat price .hich is necessary to ena!le the la!o*rers, one .ith another, to s*!sist and to perpet*ate their race, .itho*t either increase or dimin*tion6; 5his tho*%ht, as the 8ron <a. of Wa%es, .as to enter into a history e,tendin% far !eyond formal economics666G, p6 ":, 7o*%hton +ifflin, 19"7, 8(> C3#9&3#&&7239F the Ricardo -*ote a!ove is referenced to pa%e 9# of !he ,or(s and Correspondence of 'avid Ricardo, edited b Piero #raffa, Cambrid%e 1niversit Press, /23/ 12 Q !he Columbia $ouse Encclopedia, GRicardo666holds that .a%es tend to sta!iliNe aro*nd the s*!sistence level666G, Col*m!ia =niversity 4ress, 19"#, 8(> C32#13C&?7"3"6 13 Q ch*mpeter, $istor of Economic Analsis, $p*!lished posth*mo*sly, ed6 /lisa!eth (oody ch*mpeter', 19&:6 p6&?9 and p611716 ch*mpeter also criticiNed )6 +6 Heynes for committin% the same Ricardian vice6 14 Q Chris /d.ards 19"& !he 4ra%mented ,orld- Competin% Perspectives on !rade, "one and Crisis, <ondon and >e. OorkI +eth*en6 Chapter :6 15 Q /mman*el, Ar%hiri $1972', 1ne5ual e6chan%e7 a stud of the imperialism of trade, >e. OorkI +onthly Revie. 4ress, pp6 0 pa%e needed 1 , 8(> C3"&#:&31""3& 16 Q 4alma, D $197"', GDependencyI A formal theory of *nderdevelopment or a methodolo%y for the analysis of concrete sit*ations of *nderdevelopmentMG, ,orld 'evelopment 0 $72"'I ""12 92:, doiI1C61C1?LC#C&37&CR$7"'9CC&137 17 Q 4iero raffa and +676 Do!!, editors $19&12197#'6 !he ,or(s and Correspondence of 'avid Ricardo6 Cam!rid%e =niversity 4ress, 11 vol*mes6 18 Q raffa, 4iero 19?C, Production of Commodities b "eans of Commodities- Prelude to a Criti5ue of Economic !heor6 Cam!rid%e =niversity 4ress6 19 Q 4asinetti, <*isi 19"1 tr*ct*ral chan%e and economic %ro.th, Cam!rid%e =noversity 4ress6 )66 +etcalfe and 4646 aviotti $eds6', 1991, Evolutionar !heories of Economic and !echnolo%ical Chan%e, 7ar.ood, 27& pa%es6 )66 +etcalfe 199", Evolutionar Economics and Creative 'estruction, Ro*tled%e, <ondon6 Frenken, H6, 9an Eort, F6D6, 9er!*r%, 56, (oschma, R6A6 $2CC:'6 .ariet and Re%ional Economic 8rowth in the )etherlands 9 4inal Report $5he 7a%*eI +inistry of /conomic Affairs', &" p6 $pdf' 20 Q aviotti, 4ier 4aoloF Frenken, Hoen $2CC"', G/,port variety and the economic performance of co*ntriesG, )o*rnal of /vol*tionary /conomics 12 $2'I 2C1221", doiI1C61CC7LsCC1913CC73CC"13& 21 Q 4asinetti, <*i%i <6 $19"1', #tructural chan%e and economic %rowth- a theoretical essa on the dnamics of the wealth of nations, Cam!rid%e, =HI Cam!rid%e =niversity 4ress, pp6 0 pa%e needed 1 , 8(> C3&21327:1C39 22 Q 4asinetti, <*i%i <6 $199#', #tructural economic dnamics- a theor of the economic conse5uences of human learnin%, Cam!rid%e, =HI Cam!rid%e =niversity 4ress, pp6 0 pa%e needed 1 , 8(> C3&213:#2"23C 23 Q Andersen, /s!en loth $2CC1', Gatiation in an evol*tionary model of str*ct*ral economic dynamicsG, )o*rnal of /vol*tionary /conomics 11I 1:#21?:, doiI1C61CC7L4<CCCC#"&2 24 Q Andersen, /s!en loth 2CC7 G8nnovation and demand,G 7orst 7an*sch and Andreas 4yka, /l%ar companion to neo3ch*mpterian economics, Chap6 :7, 7&:27?&6 25 Q 4ier 4aolo aviottiF aviotti, 4aolo $199?'6 !echnolo%ical Evolution, .ariet and the Econom6 /d.ard /l%ar 4*!lishin%6 pp6 0 pa%e needed 1 6 8(> 13"&27"377:3C6 26 Q aviotti, 4ier 4aolo $2CC1', G9ariety, %ro.th and demandG, )o*rnal of /vol*tionary /conomics 11I 11921:2, doiI1C61CC7L4<CCCC#"&# 27 Q Witt, =lrich $/d6' 2CC1 /scapin% atiationI 5he Demand ide of /conomic Dro.th $7ardcover, prin%er, eptem!er ?, 2CC16 Witt, =lrich 2CC1 GCons*mption, demand and economic %ro.th3 an introd*ction,G in Witt, =lrich $/d6' 2CC16 28 Q teedman, 8an 2CC1a Cons*mption takes timeI implications for economic theory6 Ro*tled%e, <ondon6 29 Q teedman, 8an $2CC7', GWhat hall 8 doM $or Why Cons*mer 5heory ho*ld Foc*s on 5ime3=se and Activities, Rather than on Commodities'G, Advances in Austrian Economics 13I #12 :C, doiI1C61C1?L1&29321#:$C7'1CCC23" 30 Q Aoki, + $2CC2', GDemand sat*ration3creation and economic %ro.thG, :ournal of Economic &ehavior ; Or%ani<ation 42 $2'I 12721&:, doiI1C61C1?LC1?732?"1$C1'CC2293 # 31 Q Ooshika.a, 7iroshiF Aoki, +asanao $2CC7'6 Reconstructin% macroeconomics- a perspective from statistical phsics and combinatorial stochastic processes6 Cam!rid%e, =HI Cam!rid%e =niversity 4ress6 8(> 97"3&213"#1C?326 32 Q +ats*mae, 5ats*yoshi $2CC:', GA t*dy on the Consistency !et.een /mpirical t*dies and Dro.th +odels .ith Demand atiation and tr*ct*ral Chan%eG, Evolutionar and *nstitutional Economics Review 1 $2'I 197222C 33 Q H*rose, HaN*hiro $2CC9', G5he relation !et.een the speed of demand sat*ration and the dynamism of the la!o*r marketG, #tructural Chan%e and Economic 'namics 53 $2'I 1&121&9, doiI1C61C1?LA6str*eco62CC96C16CC# 34 Q a ! +cHenNie, <6 W6 $19&#', Gpecialisation and /fficiency in World 4rod*ctionG, !he Review of Economic #tudies 51 $#'I 1?&21"C, )5ER 229&77C 35 Q +cHenNie, <6 W6 $19&&', GpecialiNation in 4rod*ction and the 4rod*ction 4ossi!ility <oc*sG, !he Review of Economic #tudies 56 $1'I &?2?:, doiI1C62#C7L229?1&2, )5ER 229?1&2 36 Q )ones, R6 W6 $19?1', GComparative Advanta%e and the 5heory of 5ariffsI A +*lti3 Co*ntry, +*lti3 Commodity +odelG, !he Review of Economic #tudies 52 $#'I 1?1217&, doiI1C62#C7L229&9:&, )5ER 229&9:& 37 Q Dorn!*sch, R6F Fischer, 6F am*elson, 46 A6 $1977', GComparative Advanta%e, 5rade, and 4ayments in a Ricardian +odel .ith a Contin**m of DoodsG $4DF', !he American Economic Review 07 $&'I "2#2"#9, )5ER 1"2"C?? 38 Q +ats*yama, H6 $2CCC'6 GA Ricardian +odel .ith a Contin**m of Doods *nder >onhomothetic 4referencesI Demand Complementarities, 8ncome Distri!*tion, and >orth3o*th 5radeG $4DF'6 :ournal of Political Econom 132 $?'I 1C9#2112C6 39 Q teedman, 8an $/d' 1979 4undamental *ssues in !rade !heor, <ondonI +ac+illan and >e. OorkI t6 +artin;s 4ress6 40 Q teedman, 8an $1979', !rade amon%st %rowin% economies, Cam!rid%e, =HI Cam!rid%e =niversity 4ress, pp6 0 pa%e needed 1 , 8(> C3&21322?713? 41 Q Chris /d.ards $19"&' !he fra%mented world- competin% perspectives on trade, mone, and crisis, <ondon and >e. OorkI +eth*en K Co6 #62 5he ;raffian; Approach to 5rade 5heory, pp6:"2&16 42 Q a ! hioNa.a, Ooshinori $2CC9'6 Gam*elson;s 8mplicit Criticism a%ainst raffa and the raffians and 5.o Ether @*estionsG $4DF'6 !he =oto Economic Review 72 $1'I 192#76 43 Q Oeats, A6, 2CC1, )*st 7o. (i% is Dlo!al 4rod*ction harin%M in Arndt, 6 and 76HierNko.ski $eds6', 2CC1, Fra%mentationI >e. 4rod*ction 4atterns in the World /conomy, $E,ford =niversity 4ress, E,ford'6 44 Q (ardhan, Ashok Deo and )affee, D.i%ht $2CC:', GEn 8ntra3Firm 5rade and +*ltinationalsI Forei%n E*tso*rcin% and Effshorin% in +an*fact*rin%G in +onty Draham and Ro!ert olo. $eds6', 5he Role of Forei%n Direct 8nvestment and +*ltinational Corporations in /conomic Development6 45 Q )ones, Ronald W6 19?1 Comparative Advanta%e and the theory of 5rarrifsF A +*lti3 Co*ntry, +*ti3commodity +odel, Review of Economic #tudies, 52$#'I 1?1217&6 ee pp61??2"6 46 Q am*elson, 46 A6 $2CC1', GA Ricardo3raffa 4aradi%m Comparin% Dains from 5rade in 8np*ts and Finished DoodsG, :ournal of Economic +iterature 68 $:'I 12C:2121:, )5ER 2?9"&2: 47 Q Chipman, )ohn 6 19?&6 A *rvey of the 5heory of 8nternational 5radeI 4art 1, 5he Classical 5heory6 Econometrica, 66$#'I :772&196 ection 16" 48 Q hioNa.a, O6 $2CC7'6 GA >e. Constr*ction of Ricardian 5rade 5heoryJA +any3 co*ntry, +any3commodity Case .ith 8ntermediate Doods and Choice of 4rod*ction 5echni-*esJG6 Evolutionar and *nstitutional Economics Review 6 $2'I 1:121"76 Retrieved : April 2C116 49 Q /aton, )onathan K Hort*m, am*el, 2CC16 G5rade in capital %oods,G /*ropean /conomic Revie., /lsevier, vol6 :&$7', pa%es 119&212#&6 50 Q Deardorff, A $2CC1', GFra%mentation in simple trade modelsG, !he )orth American :ournal of Economics and 4inance 15 $2'I 12121#7, doiI1C61C1?L1C?239:C"$C1'CCC:#32 51 Q Ashok (ardhan and D.i%ht )affee 2CC& GEn 8ntra3Firm 5rade and +an*fact*rin% E*tso*rcin% and Effshorin%G $/d.ard +onty Draham6 ed6, 5he Role of Forei%n Direct 8nvestment and +*ltinational Corporations in /conomic Development F 4al%rave, 2CC&' 52 Q +anki., Dre%ory 2CC7 Ricardo vs 7eckscher3Ehlin, 4ost of 2" April 2CC7 of 8re% "an(iw's &lo%6 Dre%manki.6!lo%post6com 53 Q =ta 4atnaik $2CC&' GRicardo;s FallacyL +*t*al (enefit from 5rade (ased on Comparative Costs and pecialiNationMG )omo H66 $/d6' Development /conomicsL Dreat /conomists on Development, Sed !ooksI <ondon and >e. Oork6 Chapter 26 pp6#12:16