Adjusting Winning-Percentage Standard Deviations and A Measure of Competitive Balance For Home Advantage
Adjusting Winning-Percentage Standard Deviations and A Measure of Competitive Balance For Home Advantage
Adjusting Winning-Percentage Standard Deviations and A Measure of Competitive Balance For Home Advantage
(1 h)
. In the standard-deviation calculation, these three terms
are added and multiplied by (((n 2)/n) .5)
Note that in the league being considered, the probability of a team winning no games
equals the probability that it wins every game, the probability of winning one game equals
the probability of winning all but one, etc.
Considering all possible outcomes results in the following formulae for the home-advantage-
corrected standard deviation (variance) of an evenly-balanced league:
= 2
k i
(1 h)
i 1
(1 h)
n + 1 k
= 2
((n/2) k +i)! (k i)!
(1 h)
((n/2) + 1 i)! (i 1)!
(1 h)
k 1
(1 h)
((n/2) k +i)! (k i)! ((n/2) + 1 i)! (i 1)!
In the rst formula, the notation for a binomial coecient, such as
k i
, represents
, which is the number of ways of picking ki (unordered) outcomes from n/2
The above formulae can be easily computed using a mathematical computer program such
as (the one used by the authors) Mathematica. Table 2 shows the home-advantage-corrected
ideal standard deviations for various combinations of h and n. The table also reports an
approximate value for the average percentage bias created by implicitly assuming away home
advantage. That bias depends, obviously, on the extent of the advantage. Calculations using
the numbers in the table reveal, however, that the bias is relatively unaected by the number
of games in a season.
Home-Advantage-Corrected Ratio of Standard Deviations
In this section, 19902007 results from the four major North American sports leagues
are used to produce home-advantage corrected versions of both the ideal standard deviation
and the ratio of standard deviations. In so doing, the league average historical home-team
winning percentages over those years are used as a measure of the theoretical parameter h.
Remember from above that those empirical home winning percentages are: MLB 53.7%,
NHL 55.6%, NFL 58.4%, and NBA 60.8%. Assuming for now that each league
plays its current standard number of games, the home-advantage corrected ideal standard
deviations (HISD) based on these empirical results are: NFL .123221; NBA .053920;
NHL .054872; MLB .039174.
Using the seasons in the 1990-2007 period, the average standard deviations of the season-
end standings in the major North American sports have been: NFL .19075; NBA
.15856; NHL .10187; MLB .06996; As noted above, the traditionally measured ideal
standard deviations for these leagues (assuming each league plays its now standard number
of games) are: NFL .12500; NBA and NHL .055216; MLB .039284.
Dividing ASD by ISD for each year, incorporating the fact that leagues sometimes do
not play their standard number of games, and then averaging the results over the period,
produces the following values for the traditionally-measured ratio of standard deviations:
NFL 1.5260; NBA 2.8365; MLB 1.7597; NHL 1.8177.
Dividing yearly ASD by the HISD given above, incorporating shortened seasons, and
averaging produces the following values for the home-advantage-corrected ratio of standard
deviations (HRSD): NFL 1.5485; NBA 2.9046; MLB 1.7646; NHL 1.8291.
The adjustment for home advantage has a greater impact for leagues whose teams have
a larger home advantage. As a result, the NBA, compared to the other three leagues, looks
Note, though, that the empirical winning percentages dont perfectly capture the theoretical h, which
is dened for a league of perfectly-balanced teams. The use of home-team winning percentage to measure
home advantage is common, but there are other ways to measure the size of the advantage. Fair and Oster
(2007), to cite one example, use the results of college football games to estimate that playing at home is, on
average, worth the equivalent of 4.3 points.
Because of labor disputes, NHL teams played a 48-game season in 199495, NBA teams played 50 games
in 199899, and MLB teams played a 144-game schedule in 1995, and averaged 114 games in 1994. In
addition, the NHL regular season twice consisted of 80 games and twice of 84 games over the four seasons
spanning 199095. Finally, the NHL did not play at all during what would have been its 200405 season.
even more competitively imbalanced. In addition, since the NFL (for example) displays a
stronger home advantage than does MLB, the dierence in the ratio of standard deviations
which captures the measured degree of competitive imbalance between MLB and the
NFL falls by between 89%.
One method that researchers have used to measure the competitive balance of a sports
league involves dividing the standard deviation of team winning percentages by the standard
deviation that would be expected if each game was equally likely to be won by either team.
Dividing by the so-called ideal standard deviation adjusts for dierences in season length
across leagues.
In no major team sport, however, are games between equally-skilled teams actually 50/50
propositions. Rather, teams playing in their regular locations win (on average) more than
fty percent of games. The extent of this home advantage diers across sports.
Ignoring home advantage means that the typical calculation of the ideal standard devi-
ation is biased: it is larger than it would be if the advantage was taken into account. As a
result, the ratio of standard deviations is inappropriately small. In other words, the typical
procedure overestimates a leagues degree of competitive balance. Because a larger home
advantage produces a greater bias, comparisons of competitive balance across leagues are
also aected.
This paper describes a formula that can be used to calculate a home-advantage-corrected
ideal standard deviation, and therefore a corrected measure of competitive balance.
Since the NBA has the largest home advantage among the major North American sports
leagues, correcting for home advantage increases the extent to which the NBA is shown to
be competitively imbalanced. The home-advantage adjustment also modestly narrows the
gap in measured competitive imbalance between MLB and the NFL.
Table 1: Percentage of Games Won By Home Team
1990 .537 .585 .589 .659
1991 .538 .589 .605 .631
1992 .552 .607 .557 .611
1993 .538 .549 .540 .612
1994 .517 .571 .583 .597
1995 .532 .600 .561 .604
1996 .541 .621 .550 .575
1997 .535 .608 .536 .595
1998 .538 .629 .543 .623
1999 .521 .597 .551 .611
2000 .540 .556 .551 .598
2001 .524 .548 .553 .591
2002 .542 .580 .549 .628
2003 .550 .613 .549 .614
2004 .535 .566 n/a .605
2005 .537 .590 .574 .603
2006 .546 .531 .550 .591
2007 .543 .574 .537 .601
Overall .537 .584 .556 .608
Stnd Dev .009 .027 .019 .019
Table 2: Home-Advantage-Corrected Ideal Standard Deviation of Winning Percentage
number of home-team winning probability (h)
games (n) .50 .55 .60 .65
10 .158114 .157321 .154919 .150831
20 .111803 .111243 .109545 .106654
40 .0790569 .0786607 .0774597 .0754155
80 .0559017 .0556215 .0547723 .0533268
160 .0395285 .0393303 .0387298 .0377078
bias from
using h = .5 0.5% 2.1% 4.8%
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