Kajang Local Plan Sustainable Development

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Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam & Struktur

Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina


KKKH 4284







Kajang Local Plan
A. Quality of Development

B. Integrating Transport and Development

C. Minimum environmental impact due to surge in
travel demands

D. Development Access: Pedestrians, disabled
people, cyclists, public transport, private

E. Parking

F. Urban Design Principles

G. Context: compatible with existing landforms
and natural features, retain, and where possible
enhance important existing urban spaces,
townscape, parkland, natural or historical
features; respect the existing layout of buildings
within the street space, integrate into the local

H. Safety and Security

I. Landscape and Biodiversity

J. Renewable Energy

K. Air Quality

L. Water Quality and Drainage













Conclusion 49



Urban planning is a technical and political process concerned with the control of the use
of land and design of the urban environment, including transportation networks, to guide
and ensure the orderly development of settlements and communities. It concerns itself
with research and analysis, strategic thinking, architecture, urban design, public
consultation, policy recommendations, implementation and management.
A plan can take a variety of forms including strategic plans, comprehensive plans,
neighbourhood plans, regulatory and incentive strategies, or historic preservation plans.
Planners are often also responsible for enforcing the chosen policies.
The modern origins of urban planning lie in the movement for urban reform that
arose as a reaction against the disorder of the industrial city in the mid-19th century.
Urban planning can include urban renewal, by adapting urban planning methods to
existing cities suffering from decline. In the late-20th century, the term sustainable
development has come to represent an ideal outcome in the sum of all planning goals.
Sustainable development and sustainability influence today's urban planners.
Some planners argue that modern lifestyles use too many natural resources, polluting or
destroying ecosystems, increasing social inequality, creating urban heat islands, and
causing climate change. Many urban planners, therefore, advocate sustainable cities.
However, sustainable development is a recent, controversial concept. Wheeler, in
his 2004 book, defines sustainable urban development as "development that improves the
long-term social and ecological health of cities and towns." He sketches a 'sustainable'
city's features: compact, efficient land use; less automobile use, yet better access;
efficient resource use; less pollution and waste; the restoration of natural systems; good
housing and living environments; a healthy social ecology; a sustainable economy;
community participation and involvement; and preservation of local culture and wisdom.

Because of political and governance structures in most jurisdictions, sustainable
planning measures must be widely supported before they can affect institutions and
regions. Actual implementation is often a complex compromise.
Urban planning is not only a reactionary field but also an area concerned with
prediction. A big part of urban planning is the forecasting of the future needs and
requirements of a built up area so that the population will remain happy, healthy and safe.
This means that a great deal of research needs to be done and maintained so that every
aspect of each built up area is monitored. Water levels, traffic levels, road use, population
levels, health and education requirements, police and fire coverage and new development
areas all need to be closely watched.

A. Quality of Development
This concept is taken from the Oregon Shines which is very useful in order to implement
sustainable concept in Kajang. Oregons strategic plan is detailed in a series of
periodically updated publications called Oregon Shines. It is based on the assumption that
the social and economic well-being of Oregonians depends on the interconnectedness of
quality jobs, a sustainable environment, and caring communities. This Circle of
Prosperity is illustrated in figure below and states the following beliefs.
1. A clean, appealing environment, a talented workforce and responsive public
services will attract and find a base for diverse, value-adding industries that
provide well-paying jobs.
2. Diverse, value-adding industries that provide well-paying jobs will:
create opportunities for Oregonians, reducing poverty and crime, and
Generate revenue for excellent schools, quality public service and public facilities.
3. Opportunities for Oregonians, reduced poverty and crime, and revenues for
excellent public schools, services and facilities will result in a clean, appealing
environment, a talented workforce and responsive government



B. Integrating Transport and Development
In Kajang, if, at peak hour, you want to get from your home into the city and vice versa
by bus, you usually can. Aside from that youre pretty stuck. Buses are infrequent, dont
connect well to other buses or trains, and sometimes routes only have minor differences
to each other. Theres a whole bunch of routes going from A to B, but the whole thing
doesnt work as a network.
Using the concept of public transportation in Auckland, buses are to be treated as
part of an integrated and more grids like public transport network. The headline fact is
that on key routes from 7am till 7pm there will be a bus at least every 15 minutes. There
will be a few less routes, but there will be more interchange points, so people can link
from a bus to another bus or train. Getting into the city will still be easy, but there will
also be more crosstown buses. The image below outlines the basic theory behind the new

idea. Less routes, routing through an interchange. Less routes frees up resources for more

Integrated ticketing allows a person to make a journey that involves transfers
within or between different transport modes with a single ticket that is valid for the
complete journey, modes being buses, trains, subways, ferries, etc. The purpose of
integrated ticketing is to encourage people to use public transport by simplifying
switching between transport modes and by increasing the efficiency of the services.
In most cases, integrated ticketing is made possible by electronic ticketing
technologies such as magnetic stripe cards or smart cards. Some smart card systems are
also used for paying for goods and other services. Some public transport systems also use
paper cash tickets that allow transfers within a specified area, allow unlimited travel
during specified times. In Malaysia, we can use the smart tickets such as Touch N Go for
the RapidKL and KTM.
In order to achieve sustainable country, we need to promote in cycling and walking
for the citizen to mobilise. We all know the benefits of cycling and walking - which


Improves general health, helps to lower both blood pressure and improves heart
health, as well as improving mental health and wellbeing.
Helps with weight and stress management.
Improves fitness.
In congested areas cyclists and pedestrians breathe in less fumes than drivers.
Saves you money.
Produces no pollution so good for the environment and tackling climate change.
Often quicker to get around in towns and cities.
Fewer cars on the road and more cyclists and pedestrians means safer roads.
Have fewer days being ill each year.

A passenger information [display] system (PIS or PIDS) is an electronic
information system which provides real-time passenger information. It may include both
predictions about arrival and departure times, as well as information about the nature and
causes of disruptions. It may be used both physically within a transportation hub and
remotely using a web browser or mobile device.

Current operational information on service running is collected from automatic
vehicle location systems and from control systems, including incident capture systems.
This information can be compared by computers with the published service timetable to
generate a prediction of how services will run in the next few minutes to hours.
This may be informed by additional information: for instance, bus services will be
affected by congestion on the road network, while all services may be affected by adverse
weather conditions.
The capital and revenue costs for traveller information systems can be calculated
with reasonable accuracy. However, the derivation of tangible financial benefits is far
more difficult to establish and as a consequence, there is very little research. This directs
the business model for information systems towards the "softer" merits such as traveller
confidence etc. It is worth noting that there must be an actual value as individuals are
willing to pay for systems that give them access to real time data relating to their journey.
The difficulty is establishing what this is for each individual person and perhaps each
individual piece of roadside hardware. The figure below shows an example of application
device used for public transportation in Singapore that we can implement in Kajang.


C. Minimum Environmental Impact Due To Surge In Travel Demands
The environmental impact of transport is significant because it is a major user of energy,
and burns most of the world's petroleum. This creates air pollution, including nitrous
oxides and particulates, and is a significant contributor to global warming through
emission of carbon dioxide, for which transport is the fastest-growing emission sector. By
subsector, road transport is the largest contributor to global warming.
Environmental regulations in developed countries have reduced the individual
vehicles emission; however, this has been offset by an increase in the number of vehicles,
and more use of each vehicle. Some pathways to reduce the carbon emissions of road
vehicles considerably have been studied. Energy use and emissions vary largely between
modes, causing environmentalists to call for a transition from air and road to rail and
human-powered transport, and increase transport electrification and energy efficiency.
Other environmental impacts of transport systems include traffic congestion and
automobile-oriented urban sprawl, which can consume natural habitat and agricultural
lands. By reducing transportation emissions globally, it is predicted that there will be
significant positive effects on Earth's air quality, acid rain, smog and climate change.


D. Development Access: Pedestrians, disabled people, cyclists, public transport,
private transport
Accessible design is a requirement and does not depend on the number of users. Practice
in accessible design should be as advanced as vehicle usage design. When sidewalks are
not available, pedestrians are forced to share the street with motorists, access to public
transportation is restricted, and children have fewer play areas that are safe. Therefore,
whenever possible, accessible sidewalks should be provided.
Develop sidewalks as integral parts of all city streets
If landuse plans anticipate pedestrian activity, construct sidewalks as part of
street development;
Sidewalks should connect nearby urban communities

Provide sidewalks in rural and suburban areas at schools, local businesses,
and industrial plants that result in pedestrian concentrations
Provide sidewalks whenever the roadside and land development conditions
are such that pedestrians regularly move along a main or high-speed highway
Incorporate sidewalks in rural areas with higher traffic speeds and general
absence of lighting
Construct sidewalks along any street or highway without shoulders, even if
there is light pedestrian traffic.

Installing sidewalks is critical to providing pedestrian access. However, prioritizing
the needs of pedestrians extends beyond the basic step of providing a sidewalk network.
The quality of the pedestrian experience should also be addressed during the project
planning process. The first step towards providing a quality pedestrian experience is to
provide a buffer zone that separates the pedestrian from the motorist. This can be
accomplished by providing a wide sidewalk or a sidewalk setback, such as a planting
Attractive building facades (e.g., pedestrian scale, street oriented windows and
building entrances)
Street trees and landscaping
Pedestrian oriented signs and traffic control devices
Designated for the disabled
Public art



E. Parking

Limit car parking standard
Provides parking for disabled persons
Secure cycle parking
lorry and motor cycle parking
Below are some sustainable design for parking which suggest to be apply in Kajang
Local Plan for Sustainable for Development.

Interlocking parking design

Figure: Interlocking parking

Parking lots are a primary contributor to stormwater runoff in our cities due to their scale
and impervious character. Parking lots, unless they are low-frequency use parking lots,
must have a certain level of imperviousness to them for the functional aspect of vehicle

In the sketch above, you will notice that the areas of the parking lot where
vehicles are parked are semi-porous brick. The brick utilized for these areas is designed
and constructed to maximize the size of openings at the surface to maximize infiltration.
Another feature that you may see are the trees and tree grates within the parking lot.
There are trees located in islands as there are in many parking lots, however additional
trees are incorporated in tree grates, rotated 45 degrees. These trees are able to gather
rainwater at the grates.

Parking controls, raising parking prices or reducing the amount of parking areas,
can be used to deter the use of privately owned vehicles in areas of highest demand by
raising the price of commuting to high density areas. By use multi center strategy we can
reduce the traffic jam in the city center and solve the parking problem and by construct
Kajang Central in Kajang station location, all the parking problem will be solved.

Figure: Vegetated permeable pavement


Automated parking facilities

Figure: Automated parking facilities
Automated parking facilities are parking structures where drivers leave their cars and
robotic controls store and retrieve the vehicles. If the layout of the storage racks, transfer
cabins and transfer isle is done properly, automated parking facilities can have about 75
percent of the footprint than a conventional parking structure.
Another environmental benefit of automated parking facilities is the reduced use of
vehicles within the parking facility. In a conventional parking lot or structure, the user
has to circle at low speeds until they find a space. This process is performed again in
reverse when the user leaves. All of this circling and idling creates carbon emissions. In
automated parking facilities, the user drives a short distance to the entry/exit vestibule

and turns off the engine. The storage mechanisms do the rest. Therefore a significant
amount of emissions are eliminated.
Other green aspects of automated parking structures:
Reduced height, approximately 75 percent less height than conventional parking
structure, requires less faade. Less faade means less energy to produce,
transport and install the faade.
Only minimal energy lighting is needed inside the storage compartment, which
reduces energy consumption.
If the entry/exit vestibules are on the ground floor, elevators can be eliminated
which reduces energy consumption and materials use.
The superstructure for automated parking structures is structural steel which has a
high recycled materials content.
However, automated parking structures have the following green drawbacks:
The storage and retrieval machines require substantial energy to fabricate and
operate, so a full energy analysis should be performed.
There are only a few manufacturers in the U.S., most are in Europe. Therefore,
the 500-mile limit on sourcing materials is impacted.
Consideration should be given to the use, as automated parking may create a
natural deterrent to parkers. Automated parking is more favorable for return and
long term users.

Figure: Parking for disabled.


Figure: Motorcycle parking.

Green roof parking system
Since the roofs of most parking facilities are used for parking, the opportunity to install a
green roof without adding a level of structure is limited to stair and elevator tower roofs.
The costs of adding structure for a full green roof should be compared against the
reduced storm water control measures, elimination of snow plowing on the upper deck,
decreased maintenance/restoration costs and the opportunity for additional uses. A good
application of a green roof on a parking structure is the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Parking
Structure in Detroit7. A level of precast structure was added to the building for a green
roof and running track for the adjacent office building.



Figure: Green roof parking design.
F. Urban Design Principles

Urban design should create green, sustainable places. Compact, walkable places are
the most sustainable form of living. The combination of human scale urbanism, with
a mix of uses and services, a range of housing options, extensive train systems, and
the ability to walk and bicycle as part of daily life all make for sustainable, green
living. Add safe, clean, renewable energy, and true sustainability results.
In the era of dwindling oil supplies and rising energy costs, the need for low energy
lifestyles has never been greater. Urban design principles and practices bring together
the ideas and plans to create enjoyable places to live, work and play while greatly
reducing energy use.
Designing away the need for cars is the most important step in creating sustainable
places. This has the triple effect of lowering our energy use (especially imported oil),
reducing global warming emissions, and raising our quality of life in cities by
increasing mobility and convenience.


Figure: Statistics of relationship between CO2 emission per household in Chicago.
Sustainable and Green Not sustainable or green



Figure: The sustainble or not sustainable in relating transport in urban design.

Figure: Links through spaces
New development should respect the historic street patterns, intricate grain and vertical
and horizontal rhythms (e.g. the building widths, the proportion and scale of windows

and doors etc.) of the Town Centre. Opportunities to repair street pattern and grain where
this has been lost should be exploited.

Figure: Wrapping the box
Relationships between developments of different scales may be resolved by wrapping
large spaces with smaller buildings; stepping a large mass down to its neighbour; and
ensuring that the ground level is as active and interesting as possible. Where stepping
down is adopted the change in height should arise out of the requirements of the
designers brief and should avoid a lop-sided appearance in the new building which
merely emphasises the difference in height between it and the neighbouring building.

Figure: Mixed building uses and car parking


Developments including large stores and other big box units, such as multi-storey car
parks, can create exposed dead frontages (the Bridge Street frontage to the Rushes is a
local example). Careful design will be required in any future developments of this nature
to ensure the retention/creation of active and attractive street frontages which are
compatible with the fine-grain of the Town Centre.

Figure: Public and private space.
Legibility A place that has a clear image and is easy to understand. The main entrances
to public and other major buildings should be emphasised through carefully designed
streets, lighting, signage and paving.

G. Context: compatible with existing landforms and natural features, retain, and
where possible enhance important existing urban spaces, townscape, parkland,
natural or historical features; respect the existing layout of buildings within the
street space, integrate into the local community

The design, location and function of buildings can help reinforce the identity of
routes and spaces within the public realm.
Well-designed public spaces such as paths, streets, squares, parks and plazas can
help people find their way around the city and provide informal, civic, or
recreational space.

Where there is the opportunity to provide new or improved public spaces as part
of a development scheme, these spaces should be well-designed, connected to
pedestrian routeways and provide for the needs of all users.
The layout and form of new development should enhance the comfort and
usefulness of open
Kajangs open spaces contribute to the quality of the urban environment. They create the
character which makes Kajang the Green City. These spaces offer the opportunity for
recreation and social interaction. The open spaces perform a variety of functions. They
provide for formal sporting activities; they provide for informal recreation and relaxation;
and they provide space for events and entertainment. The protection and enhancement is
vital to make the city a desirable place to live, work and relax in. This section of the plan
deals with recreational open space. The citys greenways are both an important nature
conservation and recreation resource.

Figure: Open spaces parks design
The Structure Plan recommends that local plans should establish open space standards
based upon the National Playing Fields Association (NPFA) minimum standard. This
standard requires the provision of 2.4 hectares of open space per 1,000 populations. Of
this 1.6 hectares should be for sport and 0.8 hectares for childrens.


Figure: Residential open space (top), park design open space (middle), central business
district green open spaces (bottom)



Figure: Man built lake

Figure: Large garden
H. Safety and Security
Security and safety in Kajang shall provide sufficient police stations, police posts, police
patrols. Place the closed-circuit television (CCTV) at the place that always happen crime

activities. Awakened the important of residents cooperation to help people when they are
in difficult situation.

Figure: Place CCTV at place crime is frequent occurs.

Figure: Police station Kajang


Figure: Fire station Kajang
CPTED: crime prevention through environmental design. Planning and design must
conceive urban spaces so that they create and encourage a sense of territory, and be aware
of which physical characteristics (such as being open or closed, visible or hidden, light or
dark, accessible or inaccessible, public or private) allow or prevent the opportunity for a
criminal act.
Employing these principles in the design or redesign of a public space can contribute to
the safety of that space as part of a comprehensive crime prevention strategy. These
principles also can be applied to multi-unit residential sites, retirement village.
i. Lighting;
To ensure the appropriate placement of lighting to avoid shadows and glare which
might put pedestrians at risk

ii. Natural surveillance and sightlines;

To provide unimpeded sightlines, particularly along pedestrian pathways.
To encourage natural surveillance from surrounding buildings and land uses.

Encourage mixed use developments to facilitate day and night use of public spaces,
taking into account compatible uses and avoiding potentially conflicting uses.

Figure: Land use mix, facilitating casual surveillance
iii. Signage;
To provide adequate, easily legible signage to assist pedestrians, particularly older
people and people with disabilities, to find their way safely.


Figure: Signage

Figure: The signage design suggest for Kajang.
iv. Building design;
To reduce the risk of public buildings contributing to crime or safety problems.
Consider crime reduction measures in the early design stages of public buildings
and ensure that measures are compatible with other design criteria. For example,
provide windows overlooking public areas, avoid locating toilets, service areas
and ramps in isolated areas and avoid designing features that create entrapment

v. Land use mix;
To create a mix of uses (such as restaurants, businesses and shops which open at
night and after hours) which promote round-the-clock surveillance and are
compatible with neighbouring uses such as residential areasTo create a mix of
uses (such as restaurants, businesses and shops which open at night and after
hours) which promote round-the-clock surveillance and are compatible with
neighbouring uses such as residential areas


vi. Management and maintenance.
Promptly repair damage to public spaces to ensure safety for all users and to
reduce the risk of crime. Use imaginative solutions to overcome vandalism
problems, such as wallmurals painted by local street artists and formalising
informal pathways subject to vandalism.

I. Landscape and Biodiversity
Currently Kajang is under development to a bigger town, so the landscape is more to
commercial area. Thus, our suggestion to improve the landscape of Kajang is do not
develop the reserved forests like area in UKM, reforest, plantation in city and do a green
landscape in houses.


Nowadays, a rapid development is around us. While in developing, we also ignore
the impacts brought to the environment. Thus, at here our group is emphasizing a green
environment rather than commercial environment. Local authority should not approve
any apply from developer who wish to develop a reserved forest area. This is because
forest can reduce the effect of global warming and also can provide a living area to wild
Other than that, activities replant should be organized and taken part by public.
Replant can recover destroyed forest can get back our green landscape. Below is a poster
of a replant campaign.

As we known, city is a representation of a developed area. In this developed area
is full of commercial area, buildings. Thus, plantation in city will make a greener
landscape in Kajang.


Besides that, residents in Kajang also have to take effort to create a green landscape in
Kajang. Residents can build a garden for those have big yard at home.

With a green landscape sure will have a good biodiversity.
Trees offer many environmental benefits.
Trees reduce the urban heat island effect through evaporative cooling and
reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches parking lots and buildings.
This is especially true in areas with large impervious surfaces, such as parking
lots of stores and industrial complexes.

Trees improve our air quality by filtering harmful dust and pollutants such as
ozone, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide from the air we breathe.
Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe.
Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and
pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding. Many species
of wildlife depend on trees for habitat.
Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals.

J. Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is generally defined as energy that comes from resources which are
naturally replenished on a human timescale such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and
geothermal heat. Renewable energy replaces conventional fuels in four distinct areas:
electricity generation, hot water/space heating, motor fuels, and rural (off-grid) energy
About 16% of global final energy consumption presently comes from renewable
resources, with 10% of all energy from traditional biomass, mainly used for heating, and
3.4% from hydroelectricity. New renewables (small hydro, modern biomass, wind, solar,
geothermal, and biofuels) account for another 3% and are growing rapidly. At the
national level, at least 30 nations around the world already have renewable energy
contributing more than 20% of energy supply. National renewable energy markets are
projected to continue to grow strongly in the coming decade and beyond. Wind power,
for example, is growing at the rate of 30% annually, with a worldwide installed capacity
of 282,482 megawatts (MW) at the end of 2012.
Renewable energy resources exist over wide geographical areas, in contrast to
other energy sources, which are concentrated in a limited number of countries. Rapid
deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency is resulting in significant energy
security, climate change mitigation, and economic benefits. In international public

opinion surveys there is strong support for promoting renewable sources such as solar
power and wind power.

At here, our group suggest that in Kajang city, we can conduct few renewable energy like
wind power, solar power and hydropower. As we know, Malaysia is geographically
located at the equator and we receive sun 12 hours a day. Thus solar power as a
renewable energy in our city is not a big deal.
Local authority had to strictly request developer or any building project to install
a solar system in their building. In the future, all housings will be having a solar system
and the usage of electricity from TNB can be reduced.



On the other hand, we also like to suggest wind power energy to be executed. In Kajang
city, still have many forest and hilly area, so we suggest that we can collect wind energy
from there. As we known, the speed of wind at hilly area is bigger compared to lower
level area. Besides that, the collectors of wind energy also can be built in the middle of
city as long as its look like a decoration.



And lastly, hydro power also can be conducted in our city since there are few rivers in
Kajang. What we suggest is conducted in small stream because the river in Kajang is not
very big.



K. Air Quality
Air quality is very important to us because we could go days without food and hours
without water, but you would last only a few minutes without air. On average, each of us
breathes over 3,000 gallons of air each day. We must have air to live.
Air pollution can damage trees, crops, other plants, lakes, and animals. In addition
to damaging the natural environment, air pollution also damages buildings, monuments,
and statues. It not only reduces how far you can see in national parks and cities, it even
interferes with aviation.
Breathing polluted air can make our eyes and nose burn. It can irritate our throat
and make breathing difficult. In fact, pollutants like tiny airborne particles and ground
level ozone can trigger respiratory problems, especially for people with asthma. Asthma
sufferers can be severely affected by air pollution. Air pollution can also aggravate health
problems for the elderly and others with heart or respiratory diseases.


Some toxic chemicals released in the air such as benzene or vinyl chloride are
highly toxic and can cause cancer, birth defects, long term injury to the lungs, as well as
brain and nerve damage. And in some cases, breathing these chemicals can even cause
Other pollutants make their way up into the upper atmosphere, causing a thinning
of the protective ozone layer. This has led to changes in the environment and dramatic
increases in skin cancers and cataracts (eye damage).
Air pollution isnt just a threat to our health, it also damages our environment.
Toxic air pollutants and the chemicals that form acid rain and ground-level ozone can
damage trees, crops, wildlife, lakes and other bodies of water. Those pollutants can also
harm fish and other aquatic life.
The health, environmental, and economic impacts of air pollution are significant.
Each day, air pollution causes thousands of illnesses leading to lost days at work and
school. Air pollution also reduces agricultural crop and commercial forest yields by
billions of dollars each year.


Thus, a good planning to get rid of air pollution also is definite in our urban planning.
Here is some ways to improve our air quality, and this needs to get awareness from
public and co-operation from local authorities.
Keep car well-serviced and tyres properly inflated.
This will reduce exhaust emissions, increases fuel efficiency and saves you
Only fill the petrol tank to the first click.
This will avoid spillage and reduces the release of petrol fumes into the air.
Switch to unleaded petrol.
This will reduce atmospheric lead levels. Unleaded petrol can be used in some
pre-1986 vehicles. Check with the manufacturer.
Drive smoothly
Avoiding excessive acceleration and braking reduces exhaust emissions and helps
save money on petrol.

Combine car trips.
Cold engines produce much more emissions than if the car is already warm, so
combining all of your errands into a longer journey reduces the level of emissions
Carpool with friends or co-workers.
This reduces the number of vehicles on the road and emissions. It also helps save
money by sharing petrol and toll expenses.
Walk or cycle.
This is a cheap, healthy alternative for short trips.
Catch public transport.
By catching the bus, train or ferry once a week you can reduce your contribution
to weekday air pollution by up to 20 per cent.
So from above, the planning can be conducted in urban planning is designing
more convenient and accessible public transport in Kajang, so that public will take public
transport rather than driving a car.


In other way is planting in middle of city. As we known, plants is a cleaner in our
environment, thus planting in city sure can improve air quality and also can build out a
green environment.


L. Water Quality and Drainage
Every living thing on earth needs water to survive. Human bodies are made up of
more than 60 percent water. We use clean water to drink, grow crops for food, operate
factories, and for swimming, surfing, fishing and sailing. Water is vitally important to
every aspect of our lives. Monitoring the quality of surface water will help protect our
waterways from pollution. Farmers can use the information to help better manage their
land and crops. Our local, state and national governments use monitoring information to
help control pollution levels. We can use this information to understand exactly how we
impact our water supply and to help us understand the important role we all play in water
Water quality can be difficult to measure. Water is a vast network of branching
rivers, springs, creeks, swamps, estuaries, wetlands, lakes, bays, etc. Each water body can
contain dramatically different levels of pollution. Water quality issues influence human
and environmental health, so the more we monitor our water the better we will be able to
recognize and prevent contamination problems.
A good water quality will increase our life quality, thus improvement of water
quality and drainage should be executed in Kajang city.

Keep paved surfaces clean
Sweep grass clippings and rake leaves from the street and storm drain. Clean up
spilled fertilizer, oil, and other chemicals and dispose of properly.
Turn downspout onto lawn
Runoff directed down driveway can pick up oil, yard waste, and other debris. Be a
good neighbor and be careful not to redirect the water towards neighbors
property or a highly erodible area.
Reduce fertilizer use
Have soil tested before applying fertilizer to lawn. Excess fertilizer can runoff or
leach from the soil and impacts our lakes, creeks, and wetlands. Using a mulching
mower can be roughly equivalent to one free fertilizer application per year.
Wash vehicles on the lawn
Many soaps and detergents can contain phosphorus or other nutrients which may
benefit lawn but run off readily from paved surfaces where they can negatively
impact our water resources.
Capture and infiltrate your runoff
Install a rain garden or rain barrel. Reduce unnecessary impervious surfaces or
replace failing surfaces with pervious pavers to help increase the amount of runoff
absorbed into the ground.


In our opinion, the most important to supply a good water quality is have a good water
treatment plant. As we know, almost all residents are getting water from pipe. And water
from pipe is come after from water treatment plant. The function of water treatment plant
is the most important to supply clean water.



This is a planning to build a treatment plant in a green environment. Besides that, the
rainwater harvesting also can be applied to new housing area or building project. The
water from rainwater is clean enough.

Lastly, we suggest that using underground tunnel as Kajangs drainage system. A good
drainage system can avoid flooding and protect public from danger.


Strategic urban planning is very important in ensuring sustainable utilization of
land available in urban areas. Authorities need to come up with sustainable plans to make
use of the resources available in the highly populated areas. A good urban planning plan
can help to promote development in an area as well as solve some of the problems that
face urban areas such as high population and sanitation problems.
One of the importance of urban planning is to enable correction of mistakes that
had earlier being made in the design of urban areas. Some of these problems include
sanitation problems that have rendered some of the major cities in the world unhealthy
for human occupation. Effective urban planning takes into consideration all the
demographic factors in the area to ensure that the population has access to clean water
and other basic necessities of life.
Environmental protection is also one of the reasons why companies offer urban
planning services. It aims at protecting and conserving the natural resources available in
the urban areas. Global warming and environmental degradation has destroyed the
environment leading to reduction of resources that are offered by the environment.

Pollution of the environment by the various human activities such as agricultural projects
has led to degradation of the environment. Hence urban planning aims at minimizing
degradation of the environment and sustainable use of resources available in the urban
Sustainable infrastructure is one of the reasons why most of the urban areas are
seeking the services of urban planning companies. The high rate of increase in population
has led to the need to develop good infrastructure to serve the large population. This
helps in easing congestion in the cities that in most cases causes traffic jams and even rise
in the number of accidents per day.
Health of a population is very important in promoting development and economic
advancements. There is need for urban areas to implement effective plans that aim to
make the urban areas more conducive for human occupation. Urban planning aims at
reducing some of the problems such as pollution that is usually caused by human
activities. Air pollution has led to deterioration of the air quality leading to health
complications that are caused by high concentration of gases in the atmosphere. This can
be reduced by putting in place regulations and effective industrial plans that do not
pollute the environment.
Buildings are being erected in urban areas at a very high rate. This has resulted in
a reduction land available for other purposes such as agricultural activities. In the
developing countries, agriculture is the backbone of the economy. Lack of enough space
to cultivate can lead to low production of agricultural products that contribute to the
economy. Urban planning helps to solve this problem by putting in place plans that
ensure that land is used in a way that there is enough land to carry out agricultural
activities. Hence urban planning is very important in development of sustainable urban
areas. It can help in promoting development and prevent occurrence of disaster through
implementation of strategic risk management plans in urban planning.



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