Experiment 1 (Biology)
Experiment 1 (Biology)
Experiment 1 (Biology)
Problem Statement:
What factor influences the diffusion of substances across a semi-permeable
To study the factor that influences the diffusion of substances across a semi-
permeable membrane.
(a) Manipulated variable : size of solute molecules in visking tubing
(b) Responding variable : colour of solution in the visking tubing
(c) Fixed variable : surrounding temperature / temperature / time
The diffusion of molecules through a semi-permeable membrane is based on the size of
the molecules.
Benedicts solution, 1% starch suspension, iodine solution,30% glucose solution, a visking
tubing and cotton thread
Test tubes, beakers and a Bunsen burner
Test for the presence of starch and glucose with iodine and Benedicts solutions
1. Soak a visking tubing in water for five minutes to soften it.
2. Tie one end of the visking tubing firmly with a piece of cotton thread to prevent
3. Fill the visking tubing with 15ml of glucose solution and 15ml of starch
4. Tie the other end of the visking tubing with another piece of thread.
5. Record the colour of the solution.
6. Rinse the outer surface of the visking tubing with distilled water.
7. Mix 400ml of dsitilled water and 15ml of iodine solution in a beaker.
8. Record the colour of the solution.
9. Immerse the visking tubing in the beaker of solution and left it to stand for 40
10. Transfer the visking tubing to a dry beaker after 40 minutes.
11. Test both solutions for for the presence of glucose using Benedicts solution.
12. Pour 2ml of each solution into separate test tubes and add 1ml of Benedicts
solution to each test tubes.
13. Heat the solution in a boiling water bath for about 5 minutes and record the
colour change.
Initial colour Final colour Benedicts test
Visking tubing
15ml of glucose
solution+ 15ml
of starch
Colourless Blue-black Positive.
A brick-red
precipitate is
400ml of
distilled water
+ 15ml of
iodine solution
yellow yellow Positive.
A brick-red
precipitate is
1. The size of iodine molecules is smaller than the size of starch molecules.
2. Iodine molecules in the beaker can diffuse through the semi-permeable
membrane of the visking tubing.
3. The contents of the visking tubing turns blue-black.
4. The colour of the solution in the beaker does not change at the end of
5. This proves that the starch molecules are too large to diffuse through the pores
on the membrane of the visking tubing.
6. Glucose molecules can diffuse easily through the membrane of the visking tubing
and enter the solution in the beaker.
7. Glucose molecules are small enough to pass through the pores on the visking
8. Therefore, glucose molecules are smaller than the starch molecules.
9. The brick-red precipitate that is formed as a result of the Benedicts test shows
that the glucose molecules are present in the beaker.
The diffusion of molecules across the semi-permeable membrane is based on the
size of the molecules. The hypothesis might be accepted.
Experiment 2
Problem statement :
What substances can diffuse through a semi-permeable membrane ?
Objective :
To study the substances that diffuse through a semi-permeable membrane using an
(a) Manipulated variable : Time (minutes)
(b) Responding variable : Increase in the level of sucrose solution
(c) Fixed variable : surronding temperature / [sucrose solution]
Hypothesis :
Water molecules can diffuse through a semi-permeable membrane
30% sucrose solution, distilled water, a visking tubing and cotton thread
A retort stand, 25cm capillary tube, a ruler , a marker pen, scissors, 250ml beaker,
a syringe and a stopwatch.
Measure and record the increase in the height of the sucrose solution with a ruler.
1. Cut a visking tubing about 8cm long.
2. Soak the visking tubing in water for about 5 minutes to soften it.
3. Tie one end othe tube tightly with a piece of cotton thread to form a bag.
4. Using a syringe, fill the visking tubing with 30% sucrose solution .
5. Tie the other end of the visking tubing to the bottom of the capillary tube.
6. Rinse the outer surface of the visking tubing with distilled water.
7. Clamp the capillary tube vertically to the retort stand.
8. Immerse the visking tubing in a beaker filled with distilled water.
9. Mark the initial level of the sucrose solution in the capillary tube with a marken
pen at the beginning of the experiment.
10. Mark the level of sucrose solution every 10 minutes for a duration of 40 minutes.
11. Measure and record the level of the sucrose solution in the capillary tube of
each interval.
0 10 20 30 40
increase in
the height
of sucrose
from the
initial level
0 30 60 90 108
1. The level of the sucrose solution in the capillary tube increases with time.
2. Water molecules from the beaker diffuse into the visking tubing.
3. The size of water molecules is smaller than the size of the microscopic pores on
the visking tubing.
4. Sucrose molecules cannot diffuse into the beaker because the size of the
sucrose molecules is much lager than the pores of the visking tubing.
5. The sucrose solution in the visking tubing gradually becomes diluted.
Small molecules like water can easily diffuse through semi-permeable membranes such
as the visking tubing. The increase in the level of the sucrose solution in the capillary
tube is due to the process of osmosis. The hypothesis might be accepted.
Experiment 3
Problem statement :
What is the concentration of an external solution which is isotonic to the cell sap of
plant cells?
Objective :
To determine the concentration of an external solution which is isotonic to the cell sap
of plant cells.
(a) Manipulated variable : concentration of sucrose solutions
(b) Responding variable : mass of potato strips
(c) Fixed variable : surrouding temperature / time
Hypothesis :
The concentration of the solution which is isotonic to the cell sap of plant cells has no
effect on the mass and size of plant cells.
A freshly cut potato, distileld watrer, 0.1M, 0.2M, 0.3M , 0.4M, 0.5M and 0.6M sucrose
Apparatus :
A razor blade , a cork borer, Petri dishes, forceps, a ruler, 50ml beaker, an electronic
balance and tissue paper.
Measure the mass of potato strips with an electronic balance and determine the
percentage difference in mass.
1. Prepare seven Petri dishes and label them as A, B ,C ,D and E.
2. Fill each beaker with the following solutions respectively :
A : 0.1 M sucrose solution
B : 0.2M sucrose solution
C : 0.3M sucrose solution
D: 0.4M sucrose solution
E: 0.5M sucrose solution
3. Push a medium-sized cork borer through a large potato.
4. Remove the potato tissue from the cork borer.
5. Cut the potato tissue into a cylindrical strip 50mm long.
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 in order to prepare another six cylindrical strips of the
same length.
7. Wipe dry each strip with a piece of tissue paper.
8. Weigh and record the mass of each potato strip.
9. Place each strip of potato in a Petri dish.
10. Cover completely the strips of potato in the solution.
11. Remove each strip from its respective Petri dish and wipe dry the strips after
soaking for an hour.
12. Weigh again and record the mass of each strip.
Solution Petri dish Mass of
the strip
of potato
Final mass
in mass
in mass (%)
A 1.40 1.80 0.40 28.6 Firm
0.1 M B 1.40 1.75 0.35 25.0 Firm
0.2M C 1.40 1.70 0.30 21.4 Firm
0.3M D 1.40 1.60 0.20 14.3 Firm
0.4M E 1.30 1.40 0.10 7.7 Firm
0.5M F 1.40 1.20 -0.20 -14.3 Soft
0.6M G 1.50 1.20 -0.30 -20.0 Soft
1. The solutions is Petri dishes A to E are hypotonic.
2. Water diffuses into the cells by osmosis.
3. Causes the mass of the strips of potato to increase and potato strips to become
firm and turgid.
4. The solutions in Petri dishes F and G are hypertonic.
5. Water leaves the cells by osmosis.
6. This causes the potato strips to become soft and the mass of the strips of
potato to decrease.
7. If the surrounding solution is hypotonic to the concentration of cell sap, then
water diffuses into the potato cell by osmosis.
8. If the surrounding solution is hypertonic to the concentration of cell sap, then
water diffuses out of the potato cell by osmosis.
9. If both the surrounding solution and cell sap of potato tissue have the same
concentration( isotonic), then the rate of water movement in and out of the cell
is the same. The cells maintain their normal appearance.
The concentration of the cell sap tissue is M, that is, the concentration which has
no effect on the mass and size of plant cells.