Nature, Scope of IR

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Nature of International Politics

International Relations, like the world community itself are in transition. In a rapidly
changing and increasingly complex world, it encompasses much more than relations
among nation states and international organization and groups. It includes a variety of
transitional relationships at various levels, above and below the level of the nation
states. International relations are a multidisciplinary field gathering together the
international aspects of politics, economics, geography, history, law, sociology,
psychology , philosophy and cultural studies. It is a meta-discipline. The context and
nature of IP have undergone major changes after the Second World War. Traditionally,
world politics was centered around Europe and relations among nations were largely
conducted by officials of foreign offices in secrecy. The common man was hardly ever
involved, and treaties were often kept secret. Today public opinion has begun to play
an important role in the decision-making process in foreign offices, thus, changing
completely the nature of international relations. Ambassadors, once briefed by their
governments, were largely free to conduct relations according to the ground realities of
the countries of their posting. Today, not only have nuclear weapons changed the
nature of war and replaced erstwhile the balance of power by the balance of terror, but
also the nature of diplomacy chanqed as well. We live in the jet age where the heads of
state and government and their foieign ministers travel across the globe and personally
establish contacts and conduct international relations. Before the First World War a
traveller from India to Britain spent about 20 days In the sea voyage. Today, it takes less
than 9 hours for a jet aircraft to fly from Delhi to London, telephones, fax macknes,
teleprinters and other electronic devices have brought all government leaders direct
contact. Hotlinecommunicat~onbs etween Washington and Moscow, for example,
keeps the top world leaders in constant touch. This has reduced the freedom of
ambassadors who receive daily instructions from their governments.
Decolonisation has resulted in the emergence of a large number of sovereign states. The
former colonies of the European Powers, including India, have become important actors
on the stage of international relatioh. They were once silent spectators. Today, they
participate in the conduct of world politics. The disintegration of the Soviet Union has
created 15 members of the United Nations, instead of the previous three. Some of the
very small countries like Nauru may have no power but they also have, an equal voice
in the General Assembly. Four very small countries viz. Liechtenstein, San Marino,
Monaco and Andorra were admitted to the U.N. during 1990-93. The total number of
U.N. members has gone up from 51 in 1945 to 185 in 1997. Thus, international relations
are now conducted by such a large number of new nationstates. Besides, many non-
state actors such as multinational corporations and transnational bodies like terrorist
groups have been influencing international relations in a big way. With the collapse of
the Soviet Union as a Super Power, the United States has emerged as the supreme
monolithic power and can now dominate the international scene almost without any
challenge. The Non-Alignment Movement ((NAM) still exists but with the
dismemberment of one of its founders (i.e. : Yugoslavia) and the disappearance of rival
power blocs, the role of the 'Third World' has changed along with that of NAM.

Scope of International Relations
Beginning with the study of law and diplomatic history, the scope of international
relations has steadily expanded. With growing complexity of contacts between nations,
the study of international organizations and institutions attracted the attention of
scholars. The outbreak of the Second World War gave a strong stimulus to area studies
and strategic aspect of foreign policy. This led to efforts to understand better the
dynamics of national liberation struggles and anti-colonial movements. The foundation
of the United Nations during the war encouraged thinking about post-war
restructuring of the relations among nations. The study of cooperation became
important even as the study of conflict remained central. The immediate aftermath was
marked by a constructive outlook. This is reflected in titles of books like Swords and
Ploughshares written by Inis Claude. New topics like ideology and disarmament
assumed unprecedented importance in the era of cold war. So did the system of
alliances and regionalism. Contemporary international relations embrace the whole
gamut of diplomatic history, international politics, international organisation,
international law and area studies. Writing about the contents of international relations,
a few decades back, Palmer Perkins had said that the then international relations was a
study of "the world community in transition."
This conclusion is largely true even today. The transition has not reached a terminal
point. While the underlying factors of international relations have not changed, the
international environment has changed and is still changing. The state system is
undergoing modifications; a technological revolution h s taken place in a very big way;
new states of Asia and Africa are playing increasingly important roles. India, in
particular, is in a position to assert and take a rigid stand, as in 1696 on the question of
signing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). There is also a "revolution of rising
expectations." Thus, as Palmer and Perkins wrote, "old and new elements must be
interwoven" in the contemporary international relations. "The focus is still the nation
state system and inter-state relations; but the actions and interactions of many
organizations and groups have also to be considered." The scope of international
relations at the end of the twentieth century has become very vast indeed. The world
has virtually become a "global village", as interdependence of states has increased
manifold. Economic relations between states, the role of international institutions like
the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization today
influence economic activity all over the world. The United Nations and its various
agencies are engaged in numerous socio-economic and political activities. International
terrorism is a cause of serious concern for the human existence. Multinational
Corporations (MNCs), who are giant companies operating the world over, are
important non-state actors of international relations.
Thus, the scope of international relations has become vast, and, besides international
politics, it embraces various other inter - State activities as well. It is known by now that
international relations encompass a myriad of discipline. Attempts to structure and
intellectualize it have often been thematically and analytically confined to boundaries
determined by data. The core concepts of international relations are International
Organization, International Law, Foreign Policy, International Conflict, International
Economic Relations and Military Thought and Strategy. International/Regional
Security, Strategic Studies, International Political Economy, Conflict/War and Peace
Studies, Globalization, International Regimes. Moreover it covers , state sovereignty,
ecological sustainability, nuclear proliferation, nationalism, economic development,
terrorism, organized crime, human security, foreign interventionism and human rights.
These have been grounded in various schools of thought (or traditions)notably Realism
and Idealism.

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