This document discusses theories about the hollow Earth from the book The Hollow Globe by Sherman and Lyon. It summarizes some key points from the book, including that the Earth is constructed like a hollow sphere with a shell 30-40 miles thick, and inside this shell is a beautiful inner world that is accessible through an opening at the North Pole. The document also argues that historical events and population growth point to the need for new lands, which could be found by sailing through the open Polar sea into the temperate climate within the Earth.
This document discusses theories about the hollow Earth from the book The Hollow Globe by Sherman and Lyon. It summarizes some key points from the book, including that the Earth is constructed like a hollow sphere with a shell 30-40 miles thick, and inside this shell is a beautiful inner world that is accessible through an opening at the North Pole. The document also argues that historical events and population growth point to the need for new lands, which could be found by sailing through the open Polar sea into the temperate climate within the Earth.
This document discusses theories about the hollow Earth from the book The Hollow Globe by Sherman and Lyon. It summarizes some key points from the book, including that the Earth is constructed like a hollow sphere with a shell 30-40 miles thick, and inside this shell is a beautiful inner world that is accessible through an opening at the North Pole. The document also argues that historical events and population growth point to the need for new lands, which could be found by sailing through the open Polar sea into the temperate climate within the Earth.
This document discusses theories about the hollow Earth from the book The Hollow Globe by Sherman and Lyon. It summarizes some key points from the book, including that the Earth is constructed like a hollow sphere with a shell 30-40 miles thick, and inside this shell is a beautiful inner world that is accessible through an opening at the North Pole. The document also argues that historical events and population growth point to the need for new lands, which could be found by sailing through the open Polar sea into the temperate climate within the Earth.
The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to
uk, 13 September 2012
Page 1 of 22 The Hollow Earth With Stanzas and Commentaries from the Secret Doctrine
THE HOLLOW EARTH TRAIN OF THOUGHTS The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 2 of 22 Train of Thoughts Sherman & Lyon on the Hollow Earth Blavatsky on Planet Earth Invocation of the Earth to the Sun. 13 The real earth is Gaia, the subjective matrix of the Universe. Our planet is Gaias emanation on the illusive plane of the most material world of all in the Kosmos The present creation, when the Earth was lifted out of the water by Brahm in the shape of a boar, is one of two great creations mentioned in the Purnas. 13 For the waters had separated and the process of incrustation was started. 13 In its highest aspect, water is the universal symbol of the female element, the One Homogeneous and Divine Substance-Principle. 14 What makes the world go around is the Divine Desire manifesting itself through the interrelationship of its parts. That Desire is not only beyond Spirit-Matter, it is the very cause of the two Opposing Forces. 14 Earth is solid fire; water liquid fire; air semi-spiritual fire. 14 Her Spirit is Hestia-Vesta, says Proclus. 15 Vesta is neither the spiritual, nor the physical Sun. 15 Planet Earth is animated by the Spirit of Life Her symbol is Gamma, the third Greek letter and ideogram of both life eternal and of earthly life. 16 The Jewish Kabalists, especially the practical Occultists who dealt with ceremonial magic, busied themselves solely with the spirits of the Planets and the Elementals, so-called. 16 The Christian Theologians opposed the theory of the Earths rotation because, besides depriving our orb of its dignified central position in space, this theory produced an appalling confusion of ideas as to the Ascension, thus complicating the precise locality of heaven. 17 The Spirit of Life issues from the Earths North Pole, flows around her, and becomes foul at the South Pole In the first beginnings of human life on Earth, the only dry land was on the North Pole, where the gods rested and Fohat reigns ever since. 18 Like everything else, the Earth has a heart: it beats under the foot of the sacred ambhala. 18 Incrustation, however, is an incredibly slow process: the Earth did not reach her present grade of density until 18 million years ago. 19 She needs solar heat and rain to make her throw out her germs. 19 The procreative properties of Fire and Water, or Spirit and Matter, are symbols only of physical generation. In other words, Fire and Water are illusive emanations of their spiritual prototypes and, therefore, unclean and unholy. 19 THE HOLLOW EARTH TRAIN OF THOUGHTS The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 3 of 22 She is now in her middle principle, the astral body of self-importance, graspingness, and greed Earth is septempartite and tripartite at one and the same time. 20 Having already passed through the first three Planetary Rounds or skins, she is now in her fourth. 20 Her present principle, the fourth in her septempartite constitution, is the astral body of desires (Kama-rpa) and of dark egotism (Ahamkra), the offspring of Mahat- Nous. The Earth will reach her true ultimate form, inversely in this to man, only toward the end of the manvantara after the Seventh Round. 21 Her fourth principle is not molecularly constituted matter, it is the real Animal Centre. 22 Are we alone in the Universe? 22 There are inhabited worlds besides our own with humanities entirely different from each other, as from our own. 22
DOWN TO EARTH SERIES SHERMAN & LYON ON THE HOLLOW EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 4 of 22 Sherman & Lyon on the Hollow Earth From The Theosophist, July 1884, pp. 251-54. Cf. The Hollow Globe; or the Worlds Agitator and Recon- ciler. A Treatise on the Physical Conformation of the Earth. Presented through the Organism of M.L. Sherman, M.D., and written by Prof. Wm. F. Lyon. Chicago: Religio-Philosophical Publishing House, 1871. Leaving aside the question of the supposed origin of this book as a spirit communi- cation (the Spirit may have been an Adept), its central idea is that this globe of ours is constructed in the form of a hollow sphere, with a shell some thirty to forty miles in thickness, and that the interior surface, which is a beautiful world, in a more highly developed condition than the exterior, is accessible by a circuitous and spirally formed aperture, that may be found in the unexplored open Polar Sea, and this opening affords easy navigation by a broad and deep channel leading from one surface to the other, and that the largest ships or steamers may sail or steam either way, with as much facility, as they can pass through any other winding or somewhat crooked channel. As the author has not seen himself the interior of this inner world, but depends in giving his details about the same on clairvoyant examinations, and as no Polar expe- dition has yet reached the pole, although some expeditions came very near to it, and there being apparently nothing to prevent them from reaching it, unless indeed it may have been the exercise of some occult power the author of course cannot pos- itively prove that the globe is hollow and inhabited, but he does this negatively by proving that it cannot be otherwise. He first shows that every noted event in history has occurred in exact order, and in its proper time and place, in regular succession; so that it could not have possibly occurred sooner, nor longer delayed. Each event took place in exact accordance with mans condition at the period of its occurrence. Gunpowder, steamships, printing presses, electric telegraphs were inventions born of the time when necessity called them into existence. When Catholic supremacy and intolerance overran all Western Europe, an obscure young sailor was deeply impressed with an idea that finally re- sulted in the discovery of what was termed a new world, new western countries be- came settled in proportion as old eastern countries became overpopulated, the ever surging tide of emigration has steadily rolled on in its onward course from Central Asia through the continent of Europe, then across the Atlantic to the Eastern shores of America, through the wilderness and across the desert plains and precipitous mountain ranges, until it finds itself opposed by the broad waters of the Pacific Ocean, with a densely populated country on the other side. Emigration like revolutions never moves backward if it can no more reach forward to the West; it must spread to the North and South. The coming emigration to the North has already been foreshadowed by the purchase of the Russian Possessions in North America by the United States. Alaska seems to be the future halfway station between America and the North Pole, where the extensive steamship lines, which at no remote period will be established, will take in their supplies of coal. At the present rate of increase, in less than a hundred years from now, America will have a population of DOWN TO EARTH SERIES SHERMAN & LYON ON THE HOLLOW EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 5 of 22 over 400 millions and a new territory must be found to accommodate them. Such a territory will be found by following the warm Kuro Siva current of the Pacific ocean through Behrings Strait into the open Polar sea. Having once penetrated the frigid belt, we find there an ocean of some 1,200 miles in diameter with a temperate climate. Man seems to be irresistibly attracted to it, for in spite of all the failures, caused mostly by serious blunders of scientific men, Polar expeditions will be continued, until we finally shall succeed in entering the charmed circle, which is bordered by a frozen zone of some ten degrees latitude, generally ranging from 70 to 80 degrees. Within this circle the climate cannot be dependent for its temperature to any considerable extent upon those causes that regulate the changes of the seasons south of the glacial belt, by which it is surrounded. For if de- pendent upon such, it would for ever remain locked in the frozen embrace of the vast fields of ice, that would accumulate from year to year and from age to age. Those great formations would have naturally encroached upon the temperate latitudes, thus extending their area and depth, until all the waters upon the face of the earth would have been attracted thither to swell the increasing glaciers of the Arctic re- gions, and all the solar and other influences operating in the temperate zones could not have prevented the catastrophe, had not the great presiding mind ordered it dif- ferently, by arranging this globe so that a temperate clime might also exist at this po- lar extreme. This makes the open Polar Sea a necessity, and it seems rather strange that navigators have never entered the same. Some of them declare that there was nothing in view to hinder, for, as far as their eyes or glasses would reach towards the North, all was open; no impediments in the way; but they did not go on. Some inex- plicable reason prevented those parties from pursuing where the road lay open before them, and has prevented their successors from finding any open pathway, and the great geographical enigma of our globe still remains unsolved, waiting for a Colum- bus to solve it. Captain Parry in 1810 saw no visible signs of ice in the very highest latitude he reached; Wrangle in 1820, far to the north and east of Behrings Straits, saw no ap- pearance of ice, but for some strange reasons these navigators did not prosecute their explorations. Whalers and others insist on having seen the open Polar Sea, and the Kuro Siva and Gulf stream are positive proofs of its existence. Its temperate cli- mate may be attributed to the longitudinal electro-magnetic currents, converging into a common focus at or near the pole and their entering the shell. These converging activities, passing through water or the more solid earth to the interior surface, must necessarily produce considerable heat, doubtless sufficient to prevent the freezing of the waters of the entire polar circle. The defenders of the igneous theory of the interior of the earth describe the same as an immense bombshell, filled brimful with intensely molten lava, surrounded by a crust from twenty-five to sixty miles in thickness. In support of their views, they tell us of the increasing temperature as we go downwards into the earth, the igneous formation of granite, the supposed action of hot water upon the lower sedimentary rocks, the large extent of territory affected by earthquakes, the vast amount of lava thrown from volcanoes and the continuous activity of the same. DOWN TO EARTH SERIES SHERMAN & LYON ON THE HOLLOW EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 6 of 22 The prominent argument for the existence of this scientific hell has been the increase of temperature as we penetrate the earth, generally about one degree in fifty or sixty feet; but it has been found that in deep soundings of the ocean the water was colder as they approached the sea bottom. The ocean has given us access to a point 37,000 feet nearer this terrible imaginary furnace, but that tremendous depth failed to pre- sent any indications of increasing temperature. Lately an artesian well was sunk in the city of St. Louis, Missouri, to the depth of 3,843, and by so doing the question of increasing temperature has been settled for ever. It not only did not support the theory of internal heat, but proved exactly the opposite and established the theory of internal cold. Instead of placing below our feet the most active and dangerous mate- rials, that would be constantly making disturbance, the controlling intelligence has placed there the most inactive, that would lie still. It was found that at the boring of that well the heat increased until they had measured 3,209 feet, where the tempera- ture was 107 degrees F. It then began to sink, and at 3,817 feet it showed a tempera- ture of 106 degrees and at 3,827 the thermometer fell to 105 degrees. At this rate we would arrive at a depth of about nine miles a temperature somewhat below zero, and doubtless still farther below we should find the foundations of this globe in that frozen negative condition that will induce them to lie still until all the great destined changes can take place upon and near the surface, that have been provided for in the vast programme of the worlds past and future history. If we construct a sphere of eighty inches in diameter instead of 8,000 miles with a shell of four-tenths of an inch in thickness, we would have the relative proportions of the earths interior and its crust as given by our fire-philosophers. We may now place within the interior liquid fire at 7,000 degrees which, says Prof. Hitchcock, is suf- ficient to melt all the materials of the rocks; and no intelligent person could be found, who would not arrive at the conclusion that the shell itself would soon become a liq- uid mass as its entire contents are only one thirty-fifth part of the fire within. It is difficult to conceive of an idea more repugnant to our natures, or one more hor- rible to contemplate, than that the vast interior of our globe, which might easily have been fitted up so grandly and beautifully, and subserve the glorious purpose of pro- ducing and sustaining human intelligence, should have been so miserably ruined by being filled brimming full of incandescent lava. We pass for the present to a consideration of the supposed igneous formation of the granite rocks, and come to that period where it is said that in consequence of great internal heat the earths surface produces a wonderful prolific growth of vegetation of gigantic proportions, such as enormous tree ferns, calamites, sigillaria and numer- ous varieties that have left their fossil remains on top of the Devonian and immedi- ately below the coal formation. It appears that this immense flora was found upon the top of a very extensive formation, which is still above another of fossiliferous rocks that had been the residence of organic living beings for untold ages before this growth existed. Now the difficulty seems to be, not to produce the extensive growth of vegetation, but to obtain the amount of heat from the internal source that would transform these forests into bituminous and anthracite coal and still permit the ex- istence of vegetable and animal life to continue. A heat, sufficient to produce even charcoal, would not be considered conducive to healthy growth of such life, and it is DOWN TO EARTH SERIES SHERMAN & LYON ON THE HOLLOW EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 7 of 22 evident that many ages previous to the coal period these forms of life existed and flourished as all the paleozoic rocks testify. After the crust has so cooled down as to produce vegetable and animal life, it would be impossible many ages afterwards to get up a heat that would make the world a universal coal pit. The causes of the great coal fields that now supply our manufactories, steam engines and dwellings with fuel, must be looked for in some other direction, which the author explains, but which space does not permit us to examine. Volcanoes are supposed to be vent holes or chimneys that reach from the surface to the great fire within, contrived for the purpose of safety valves that may permit any surplus gases or dangerous elements to escape. No one will deny that a globe of mol- ten lava, that has an area of nearly 200,000,000 square miles, and a heat of over 7,000 F. and only enclosed by a frail crust of about forty miles in depth, would re- quire at least all the open chimneys that are known to exist in the shape of active volcanoes upon the globe. But these active volcanoes are neither numerous nor regu- larly distributed, and the disturbed and explosive elements might some day be found unwilling to go very far out of the way to accommodate any portion of the outside world. A certain able but eccentric geologist tells us that a large portion of the active volcanoes have been extinguished by the sea running into the crater and extinguish- ing the fire, and, to show that he is serious, he intimates that there are men in New England who, for a suitable compensation, would undertake to construct a subter- ranean tunnel from the Mediterranean to Mount Vesuvius, to let in a stream of water of sufficient magnitude to quench that infernal monster. He thus resembles the in- competent engineer, sitting on the safety valve of his engine, to increase the pressure of steam, and if the igneous theory is correct, we may expect to see our globe torn to pieces at any time by some blundering scientist. But fortunately we are not in such a precarious situation. There are other and better reasons to explain the causes of the existence of volcanoes and earthquakes. We are told that volcanoes belch forth volumes of dense smoke with lurid flames and ashes in enormous quantities, cinders, scoria and mud, steam, sand, lapilli, rocks of vari- ous dimensions, and lava; and it is somewhat remarkable that the lava is not very thoroughly melted. These materials must have come from reservoirs where they sev- erally had an existence; they could not have been brought from any place where they did not exist, and we often see that when such reservoirs have become exhausted, the mountain is swallowed up in the vacancy thus produced. Moreover many of the substances thrown out are combustibles. Why have they not been consumed at a heat that may be 10,000 ? Smoke and cinders are the result of the combustion of organic substances, and certainly no organic substance can have existed at a tem- perature that will melt granite rock. These substances must have been the results of evolution after granite was formed. Neither could there have been any water or mud. The force which throws out rocks at the distance of 6,000 feet above the summit of Cotopaxi, which is nearly 18,000 feet high, must necessarily be backed by something more permanent than a liquid globe of molten granite, as the explosive force in a vol- cano must act in the same manner as it does in a gun; it must have a solid resisting basis to receive the recoil. It is therefore clear that the origin of volcanoes must be looked for amongst the great fires that are kindled in cavities in the interior of earths crust, and such cavities have been discovered. But these cavities have a solid bot- DOWN TO EARTH SERIES SHERMAN & LYON ON THE HOLLOW EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 8 of 22 tom, and far below them is the region of undisturbed repose. The causes of volcanoes can be found in the oil-bearing rocks, which, according to Prof. Denton, are of great thickness and vast extent, and some of the petroleum shales are so rich, that sixty gallons of oil may be distilled from a single ton. 1
As the igneous theory does not explain the existence of volcanoes, so does it not ac- count for the phenomena of earthquakes. If earthquakes are caused by the quaking of an interior globe of molten lava, why do they not extend simultaneously all over the earths surface? How can they be limited in extent? Space forbids us to go into a detailed account of the supposed causes of earthquakes, given by various authors, and which, on account of their absurdity, are more amusing than instructive. Some say that vast cavities exist between the rolling fiery mass and the superincumbent crust, and, from some impending cause, large rocks weighing millions of tons, be- come detached and fall into the boiling flood below, where they sink to the centre be- cause the specific gravity of solid granite rock is greater than that of a homogeneous molten mass of the same material. But if so, how could the solid granite crust ever have been formed, and would not in such a case the interior of the globe be solid, and the outside liquid fire? But without entering into the details of such absurdities, we find in the exterior shell sufficient inherent powers to explain all the superficial tremblings and vibrations that ever occurred, and when the electro-magnetic cur- rents of our earth are better studied the causes of earthquakes will also be under- stood, just as the causes of thunder and lightning in the atmosphere are no longer unknown. The author then proceeds to speak about the positive and negative, male and female, material and spiritual elements and forces. He shows that they pervade the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms of our world. He says that there exists another force, more powerful than electricity, which he calls Aura, and which we suppose to be
1 [Cf. Apollonius had little respect for the myth surrounding Mount Etna: Perhaps I have done a foolish thing for it was my intention to recall you to more scientific and truer ex- planations than the poetical myths given by the vulgar of Etna; and I have let myself be drawn into a eu- logy of myths. However, the digression has not been without a charm of its own, for the myth which we repudiate is not one of Aesops stories, but belongs to the class of dramatic stories which fill the mouths of our poets. For they say that a certain Typho or Enceladus lies bound under the mountain, and in his death agony breathes out this fire that we see. Now I admit that giants have existed, and that gigantic bodies are revealed all over earth when tombs are broken open; nevertheless I deny that they ever came into conflict with the gods; at the most they violat- ed their temples and statues, and to suppose that they scaled the heaven and chased away the gods therefrom - this it is madness to relate and madness to believe. Nor can I any more respect that other story, though it is more reverent in its tone, to the effect that He- phaestus attends to his forge in Etna, and that there is there an anvil on which he smites with his hammer; for there are many other mountains all over the earth that are on fire, and yet we should never be done with it if we assigned to them giants and gods like Hephaestus. What then is the explanation of such mountains? It is this: the earth by affording a mixture of asphalt and sulphur, begins to smoke of its own nature, but it does not yet belch out fire; if however it be cav- ernous and hollow and there be spirit or force circulating underneath it, it at once lifts up into the air as it were a beacon-fire; this flame gathers force, and gets hold of all around, and then like water it streams of the mountains and flows into the plains, and the mass of fire reaches the sea, forming mouths, out of which it issues, like the mouths of rivers. And as for the place of the Pious Ones [i.e., Brothers Amphinomos and Anapias who carried their par- ents out of a burning house, but received divine protection when the stream of lava suddenly divided it- self], around whom the fire flowed, we will allow that such exists even here; but at the same time let us not forget that the whole earth affords secure ground for the doers of holiness, and that the sea is safely traversed not only by people in ships but even by people attempting to swim. Philostratus, Apollonius of Tyana, Vol. I, Bk. V, 16-17, pp. 499-502; tr. Conybeare DOWN TO EARTH SERIES SHERMAN & LYON ON THE HOLLOW EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 9 of 22 identical with the ka of the Occultists. If it were not for a continuation of these forces, the revolutions of our world would cease and motion be changed into inactivi- ty. We must keep in view that these counter elements diffuse themselves throughout all things, and have done so from all eternity. The forces which pre-existed and gave form to the accretions of materialized particles, being invisible to us, may be properly termed the spiritual essences (elementals) that exist in all forms of matter, through which they express themselves to our vision, and if such forces may exist separate and independent of the visible material forms, then it follows that such forms or ag- gregated atoms do not add to the original power of the pre-existing spiritualized forc- es. Thus all forms or aggregations of matter must have had a spiritual (elemental) essence, which acted as a preordinate cause for the production of form, and if so there must have been a spiritual essence or form to the globe we inhabit, containing all the forces that now exist in the structure; and the particles which compose our world have taken their respective places in accordance with these pre-existing forces, and these forces have been governed and directed by an intelligent power in a spir- itual condition, exercising Will. Magnetism and Electricity are the two great positive and negative powers in nature. They are contained in all substances and are evolved from the mineral kingdom. The original granite contains all that there is in the universe. Hence it will be difficult to find the dividing line between matter and force; for both are one and the same indi- visible element (the positive and negative poles of one eternal principle). Aura is evi- dently an element that bears a very close relationship to the above named forces, and being far more sublimated in its character, it acts in various capacities, where the magnetic and electric fluids would be powerless. The latter act on a lower plane, but there are higher duties which call for more refined and etherealized powers, and it has long been understood that the human organization was pervaded by an element variously called nerve aura or odylic force, which occupies the brain and extends to the remotest corners of the physical body. This etherealized essence is the offspring of the Electro-magnetic fluid, and frequently displays its glories in the polar regions of this hemisphere and is known as the Aurora Borealis. The author discusses these various forces and their correlations at length, and grad- ually introduces us into the realm of life. He shows that wherever effects have been produced, there must have been causes adequate to produce them. He shows that the law of eternal progress pervades all nature, and that in the course of ages our material globe will become more refined and be the fit abode for a superior race. He examines the nature of gravitation, and shows that it is only the feeble arm of those universal Electro-magnetic forces that pervade all nature. Gravity is no traveller, rushing from planet to planet, to draw heavenly bodies from their predestined cours- es. It is only an inferior force inherent in matter and a condition of the same, changed, counteracted and superseded by superior forces, as we see every day in the growth of plants and animals, the rising of vapour, etc. Each material aggregation and molecular organization has a pre-existing elemental form, and each elemental form has within itself the inherent forces to attract the grosser materials, by which it manifests itself to the eyes of men. Matter attracts matter, and a sympathetic cord exists between the orbs of space; but the powers which have been ascribed wrongly to gravitation belong to Electro-magnetic influences, and gravitation cannot exist un- DOWN TO EARTH SERIES SHERMAN & LYON ON THE HOLLOW EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 10 of 22 til there is a mutual relationship established between two material bodies, one ap- parently exerting power over the other in consequence of superior size and density. The larger body attracts the smaller one, and there can be no particular geometrical centre of attraction with gravitation any more than with cohesion, but that force lies in the general direction of the largest accumulation of particles, as is proven by pen- dulum experiments in the vicinity of mountains. All ponderable substances will be held upon the surface of our globe, whether it may be a solid globe and have but one exterior surface, or a spherical shell with both convex and concave surfaces. If you are on the inner surface of the spherical shell of our globe, you are so far as gravity is concerned, as much upon the upper side as you would be upon the exterior of a solid globe. There can be found nothing attached to the geometrical centre of our globe, that should make it a central moving point, from which gravity should proceed, any more than there is to any other point in space. Neither can the supposed gravity of the Moon be the cause of the tides, as the author explains. The author next enquires into the nature of the sun, and demonstrates that the sun cannot be a fiery mass of molten matter. He enquires into the sources of light and proves that the emanation theory is wrong, and that the theory of undulations can only hold good within the limits of our atmosphere. All these theories present innu- merable difficulties, but when we fall back upon the development theory, we find a harmonious explanation. All globes must have commenced their career in a feeble, infantile condition, as regards light and heat, very gradually developing out of that condition to a more advanced state, and hence it is that all globes or planets in all their several situations, are receiving just the amount they need, and no more than will correspond with their several circumstances. The development of their inherent powers are such as to modify the solar influences, and these solar influences are simply caused by the Electro-magnetic relations exist- ing between these globes and the sun. In the sun we behold an unfolding of those inherent powers that we possess, and always have possessed in a latent condition, that will ultimately render us less dependent upon the great orb of day, because we are developing the same powers that exist in the sun in all their magnificence and glory. And if it is conceded that we have unfolded in any sense of the word, that we have travelled a portion of the journey from the electric condition of the new formed moon, to the resplendent magnetic glory of the full grown sun, what shall hinder us from accomplishing the entire distance and becoming like the sun entirely dependent upon our own resources for light and heat? There can be no doubt, but the wisdom and power, that contrived the machinery of the solar system, can ultimately furnish the means for lighting and warming each planet independently, because we have the very same elements that are contained in the sun. Electricity is expressive of coldness and inactivity. Magnetism is a synonym of life, heat, and activity. When the negative element becomes permeated to any extent with the positive, it becomes subject to change and becomes progressive; for the positive and negative, being male and female, reproduce themselves or their likeness, and whenever the two elements come into contact, from that moment change and pro- gress commence. So if worlds in an infantile condition are almost purely electric and negative, then there can be very little magnetic or positive element within them with DOWN TO EARTH SERIES SHERMAN & LYON ON THE HOLLOW EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 11 of 22 which the great fountain and head of these powers can affinitize, in order to produce those activities and frictionizing processes, that result in heat and light. Hence we perceive that Mercury being younger and less developed, is, of course more electrical and has more of cold, darkness and inactivity, and less positive active elements to assimilate with those contained in the sun; but she has some advantage in point of distance, and that fact assists in modifying her light and heat to suit her condition, and the quantity and quality of light, as well as heat depends almost exclusively up- on the conditions of the several planets. The only reason why darkness arises upon that side of our earth which is opposite the sun, is simply because the positive active elements of magnetism and aura, are not sufficiently elaborated to produce the necessary activities independently of the energizing influences of the powers contained in the sun; but in a billion or more years, when our orbit is extended beyond the one in which Jupiter now travels, and the annual revolution of the earth shall equal twelve of our years instead of one, the feeble light producing elements upon this globe shall be developed to that condition, in which they will possess the power to furnish the necessary illumination upon eve- ry side and in all latitudes. This is already the case with other higher developed plan- ets. Uranus and Neptune, according to the conditions existing on earth, could expe- rience a change of season only once in respectively 84 and 164 years, and these changes must therefore occur on those planets independent of solar influences. If all the elements of light and heat exist upon our earth, and if it is shown by rea- soning from analogies of nature, that the interior of the shell of our earth is in a more developed condition than the exterior, the question of lighting and warming the inte- rior surface of this shell will find its natural solution. Furthermore, light and dark- ness as appreciable conditions upon our earth are rendered so to us by the peculiar character of the construction of our eyes and are only relative, and a future race in a higher state of development will be dependent on higher conditions which we cannot comprehend, because we have not experienced the same; while they may exist all the same in that beautiful world yet unexplored by mortal man. Our entire physical organization is inherited from this earth; the earth is our parent, both male and female, father and mother, and there can exist nothing in our physi- cal organisation that does not exist upon earth. We may therefore properly consider the earth in some sense of the word an animal organization of vast dimensions. She has functions analogous to the animal race, the same inherent powers of locomotion around her axis and another around the sun. We have a net-work of electric wires in our system, constituting our nervous system; the earth has Electro-magnetic cur- rents travelling in all directions. We have a circulation of blood, and so has the earth a circulation of waters by rivers and tides, and the winds are active agents to assist in the continual change. There are currents in the ocean as well as in the interior of the earth. In the animal organization there are constant currents passing to and from the interior, through apertures prepared for that purpose, and the great parent must have an analogous organization, and be supplied with it in the interior, and the same elements and forces which exist here, must exist there. We generate the power by which we perform our movements within ourselves, and so does the earth; and she did not require the arm of an omnipotent being to start the machine by applying DOWN TO EARTH SERIES SHERMAN & LYON ON THE HOLLOW EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 12 of 22 some peculiar kind of a force, that is not recognised within the realms of the natural universe, for the genius and wisdom, that could contrive and keep in operation a perpetual motion for so many long ages by natural causes, must have been abun- dantly competent to have brought to bear forces that would have started the machine within the range of natural causes also. The interior surface of the earth, being in a more highly developed condition than the exterior, has become capable of generating its own light upon the same principle as the more developed planets, and the displays of aural light that are so frequently be- held emanating from the arctic circle, have thus far baffled all attempts of scientific minds to unfold their mysteries; while an aperture at the pole through which this light radiates to our exterior surface fully explains the phenomenon. The authors views about the sun spots, of the invisible planets existing beyond the orbit of Uranus and of the worlds builders have recently been to some extent corrob- orated in some of the Fragments of Occult Truth and other teachings given in the Theosophist, and they bear internal evidence of having been derived from the same source. Whether this view is correct or not, they show certainly a high grade of intel- ligence, and their conclusions are perfectly logical; but, like other works of a similar character this book has appeared, before the world was wise enough to understand it, and it is therefore known and appreciated by only comparatively few. The author is now an old man but he still confidently expects (so we are told) to be one of the first ones to enter the interior of the earth through what is known as Cpt. Symes hole, and we hope he will do so, if not in his present incarnation, then in the next, as a member of the sixth race, forerunners of which have already made their appear- ance upon this, the exterior surface of our hollow globe.
The real earth is Gaia, the subjective matrix of the Uni- verse. Our planet is Gaias emanation on the illusive plane of the most material world of all in the Kosmos The present creation, when the Earth was lifted out of the water by Brahm in the shape of a boar, is one of two great creations mentioned in the Purnas. 4
In the Hindu Purnas, Brahm, the creator, is seen recommencing de novo several creations after as many failures; and two great creations are mentioned, 5 the Padma and the Vrha, the present, when the Earth was lifted out of the water by Brahm, in the shape of a boar, or Vrha Avatra. 6 Creation is shown as a sport, an amusement (Ll) of the creative god. The Zohar speaks of primordial worlds, which perished as soon as they came into existence. 7
For the waters had separated and the process of incrustation was started. The time for its incrustation had arrived. The waters had separated and the process was started. It was the beginning of a new life. This is what one key divulges to us.
2 The Lord of Wisdom is Mercury, or Budha. 3 Secret Doctrine, II p. 27; [Stanza I.2.] 4 Cf. The Seven Creations in our Secret Doctrines Third Proposition Series. 5 These two must not be confused with the seven creations or divisions in each Kalpa (See Volume I, pp. 445 ff., The Seven Creations. See full text in our Secret Doctrines First Proposition Series.) The primary and second- ary creations are here meant. 6 [This part of the legend refers to the risings and sinkings of continents.] 7 Secret Doctrine, II p. 53; [& quoting Zohar, III, fol. 292a-b, Brody ed.; Cremona ed. III, fol. 142a-b, col. 566-67.] 8 The goddess who gave birth to these primordial monsters, in the account of Berosus, was Thallath, in Greek Thalassa, the Sea. 9 See, for comparison, the account of creation by Berosus (from Alexander Polyhistor, in: Corys Ancient Frag- ments, ed. 1832, p. 24) See full text in our Theosophy and Theosophists Series. and the hideous beings born from the two-fold principle (Earth and Water) in the Abyss of primordial creation: Naras (Centaurs, men with the limbs of horses and human), and Kimnaras (men with the heads of horses) created by Brahm in the com- mencement of the Kalpa. DOWN TO EARTH SERIES BLAVATSKY ON PLANET EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 14 of 22 Another key teaches the origin of Water, its admixture with Fire (liquid fire it calls it), 10 and enters upon an alchemical description of the progeny of the two solid matter such as minerals and earths. From the Waters of Space, the progeny of the male Spirit-Fire and the female (gaseous) Water has become the Oceanic expanse on Earth. Varuna 11 is dragged down from the infinite Space, to reign as Neptune over the finite Seas. As always, the popular fancy is found to be based on a strictly scien- tific foundation. In its highest aspect, water is the universal symbol of the female element, the One Homogeneous and Divine Substance-Principle. Water is the symbol of the female element everywhere; mater, from which the letter M, is derived pictorially from , a water hieroglyph. It is the universal matrix or the Great Deep. Venus, the great Mother-Virgin, issues forth from the sea-wave, and Cupid or Ers is her son. But Venus is the later mythological variant of Gaia (or Ga), the Earth, which, in its higher aspect is Nature (Prakriti), and metaphysically Aditi, and even Mlaprakriti, the root of Prakriti or its noumenon. What makes the world go around is the Divine Desire manifesting itself through the interrelationship of its parts. That Desire is not only beyond Spirit-Matter, it is the very cause of the two Opposing Forces. Hence Cupid or Love in his primitive sense is Ers, the Divine Will, or Desire of mani- festing itself through visible creation. Thence Fohat, the prototype of Ers, becomes on Earth the great power Life-electricity, or the Spirit of Life-giving. Let us re- member the Greek Theogony and enter into the spirit of its philosophy. 12
Earth is solid fire; water liquid fire; air semi-spiritual fire. Beyond manifested Nature, the Spirit is the fiery BREATH in its absolute Unity. In the manifested Universe, it is the Central Spiritual Sun, the electric Fire 13 of all Life. In our System, it is the visible Sun, the Spirit of Nature, the terrestrial god. And in, on, and around the Earth, the fiery Spirit thereof air, fluidic fire; 14
water, liquid fire; Earth, solid fire. All is fire ignis, in its ultimate constitu- tion, or I, the root of which is O (nought) in our conceptions, the All in nature and its mind. 15
10 See Commentary following loka 18. [pp. 109 ff. Cf. In exoteric religions, as much as in esoteric philosophy, the Elements especially fire, water, and air are made the progenitors of our five physical senses, and hence are directly connected (in an occult way) with them. These physical senses pertain even to a lower crea- tion than the one called in the Purnas Pratisarga, or secondary Creation. Liquid fire proceeds from indiscrete fire, says an Occult axiom. Secret Doctrine, II p. 105.] 11 [The Ouranos of the Greeks, the chief Aditya among the seven planetary gods. Cf. Secret Doctrine, II p. 65.] 12 Secret Doctrine, II p. 65 13 [I.e., Kavyavhana, is the Fire that burns in Earth. Cf. Secret Doctrine, II p. 102; loka 16.] 14 [I.e., fire, in a cold or latent form.] 15 Cf. Secret Doctrine, II p. 114; [on the three quaternaries, i.e., Sulphur-Flamma-Spiritus, or Hydrargyrum- Natura-Aqua, or Sal-Mater-Sanguis of Western Hermeticism, completed by their Root, Fire; cf. v.s. p. 113.] DOWN TO EARTH SERIES BLAVATSKY ON PLANET EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 15 of 22 Her Spirit is Hestia-Vesta, says Proclus. 16
This Goddess, according to her mundane allotment, is the Divinity of the Earth; and as such she is celebrated in the present hymn. 17 Hence Philolaus, in a fragment pre- served by Stobaeus (Eclog. Phys., p. 51), says that, there is a fire in the middle at the centre, which is the Vesta of the universe, the house of Jupiter, the mother of the Gods, and the basis, coherence, and measure of nature. Vesta is neither the spiritual, nor the physical Sun. Hence it appears that they are greatly mistaken who suppose the Pythagoreans meant the Sun by the fire at the centre; and this is still more evident from what Sim- plicius says in his Commentary on Arist. de Coelo, lib. ii, for he there observes that, the Pythagoreans supposing the decad to be a perfect number, were willing to collect the bodies that are moved in a circle into the decadic number. Hence they say, that the inerratic sphere, the seven planets, this our earth, and the antichthon 18 complete the decad; and in this manner Aristotle understands the assertions of the Pythagoreans. He then adds: But those who more genuinely participate of the Pythagorean doctrines say that the fire in the middle is a demiurgic power, nourishing the whole earth from the middle, and exciting whatever it contains of a frigid nature. Hence some call it the tower of Jupiter, as he (i.e., Aristotle) narrates in his Pythago- rics. But others denominate it the guardian of Jupiter, as Aristotle relates in the present treatise. And according to others it is the throne of Jupiter. They called, however, the earth a cavern, as being itself an instrument of time: for it is the cause of day and night. 19
In that part of this remarkable passage, in which it is said that the Pythagoreans called the earth a cavern, it is necessary for [carvern] to read , a star. For a little before both Aristotle and Simplicius inform us, that the Pythagoreans as- serted that the earth exists as one of the stars. And this is confirmed by their calling the earth one of the instruments of time: for the stars are thus denominated by Plato in the Timaeus. Meursius, in his Denarius Pythagoricus, p. 19, thinks we should read for ; but he was evidently mistaken. From this account, given by Simplicius, it appears that the above-mentioned decad of the Pythagoreans consists of the inerratic sphere, the seven planets, the earth, and the fire in the centre of the earth. 20
16 For Hestias etymology, see Compassion: the Spirit of Truth (2009), p. 19, in our Major Works Series. 17 [Hymn LXXXIV, To Vesta.] 18 [The opposite- or counter-Earth in the Pythagorean system; people of the Southern Hemisphere.] 19 [Original Greek text ommited.] 20 The Mystical Hymns of Orpheus (or Initiations) being Invocations used in the Eleusinian Mysteries, annotation by Thomas Taylor upon Hymn LXXXIV, To Vesta, 1824 DOWN TO EARTH SERIES BLAVATSKY ON PLANET EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 16 of 22 Planet Earth is animated by the Spirit of Life Nevertheless, the three figures 365, or the number of days in a solar year, have but to be read with the Pythagorean Key to find in them a highly philosophical and moral meaning. One instance will be sufficient. It can read: The Earth animated by the Spirit of Life. 3 6 5 Simply because 3 is equivalent to the Greek gamma, or , which letter is the symbol of Gaia (the Earth); while the figure 6 is the symbol of the animating or informing principle, and the 5 is the universal quintessence which spreads in every direction and forms all matter. 21
Her symbol is Gamma, the third Greek letter and ideogram of both life eternal and of earthly life. 22
Such is the name given in Occult phraseology to man. It means, as shown elsewhere, a seven-leaved plant, and the name has a great significance in the Buddhist legends. So it had, also, under disguise, in the Greek myths. The T, or (tau), formed from the figure 7, and the Greek letter (gamma), was the symbol of life, and of life eter- nal: of earthly life, because (gamma) is the symbol of the Earth (Gaia); 23 and of life eternal, because the figure 7 is the symbol of the same life linked with divine life, the double glyph expressed in geometrical figures being [3+4]:
a triangle and a quaternary, the symbol of septenary MAN. 24
The Jewish Kabalists, especially the practical Occultists who dealt with ceremo- nial magic, busied themselves solely with the spirits of the Planets and the El- ementals, so-called. On pp. 340-51 (Genesis of the Soul) in the New Aspects of Life and Religion, the Au- thor [Dr. Henry Pratt] states the Kabalistic teaching: They held that, functionally, spirit and matter of corresponding opacity and density tended to coalesce; and that the resultant created spirits, in the disem-
21 Secret Doctrine, II p. 583; [& quoting from St. Germains MS.] 22 Cf. Greek Letters A-E in our Secret Doctrines First Proposition Series. 23 Hence the Initiates in Greece called the Tau , son of Gaia, sprung from earth, like Tityos in Odys- sey, VII, 324. 24 Secret Doctrine, II pp. 590-91; [on Saptaparna.] DOWN TO EARTH SERIES BLAVATSKY ON PLANET EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 17 of 22 bodied state, were constituted on a scale in which the differing opacities and transparencies of elemental or uncreated spirit were reproduced. And that these spirits in the disembodied state, attracted, appropriated, digested and as- similated elemental spirit and elemental matter whose condition was conformed to their own. . . . They therefore taught that there was a wide difference in the condition of created spirits; and that in the intimate association between the spirit-world and the world of matter, the more opaque spirits, in the disembod- ied state, were drawn towards the more dense parts of the material world, and therefore tended towards the centre of the earth, where they found the condi- tions most suited to their state; while the more transparent spirits passed into the surrounding aura of the planet, the most rarified finding their home in its satellite. This relates exclusively to our Elementary Spirits, and has naught to do with either the Planetary, Sidereal, Cosmic or Inter-Etheric Intelligent Forces or Angels as they are termed by the Roman Church. The Jewish Kabalists, especially the practical Oc- cultists who dealt with ceremonial magic, busied themselves solely with the spirits of the Planets and the Elementals so-called. Therefore this covers only a portion of the Esoteric Teaching. 25
The Christian Theologians opposed the theory of the Earths rotation because, besides depriving our orb of its dignified central position in space, this theory produced an appalling confusion of ideas as to the Ascension, thus complicating the precise locality of heaven. In this connection we may well recall those days when the burning zeal of the Primi- tive Church opposed the doctrine of the earths rotundity, on the ground that the na- tions at the Antipodes would be outside the pale of salvation; and again how long it took for a nascent science to break down the idea of a solid firmament, in whose grooves the stars moved for the special edification of terrestrial humanity. The theory of the earths rotation was met by a like opposition even to the martyr- dom of its discoverers because, besides depriving our orb of its dignified central position in space, this theory produced an appalling confusion of ideas as to the As- cension the terms up and down being proved to be merely relative, thus com- plicating not a little the question of the precise locality of heaven. 26
25 Secret Doctrine, I p. 234 fn. 26 In that learned and witty work, God and his Book, by the redoubtable Saladin [William Stewart Ross] of Agnostic repute, the amusing calculation that, if Christ had ascended with the rapidity of a cannon ball, he would not have reached even Sirius yet, reminds one vividly of the past. It raises, perhaps, a not ill-founded suspicion that even our age of scientific enlightenment may be as grossly absurd in its materialistic negations, as the men of the middle ages were absurd and materialistic in their religious affirmations. DOWN TO EARTH SERIES BLAVATSKY ON PLANET EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 18 of 22 The Spirit of Life issues from the Earths North Pole, flows around her, and becomes foul at the South Pole In the first beginnings of human life on Earth, the only dry land was on the North Pole, where the gods rested and Fohat reigns ever since. The Christian topography of Cosmas Indicopleustes 27 and its merits are well known; but here the good father repeats a universal tradition, now, moreover, cor- roborated by facts. Every arctic traveller suspects a continent or a dry island be- yond the line of eternal ice. Perhaps now the meaning of the following passage from one of the Commentaries may become clearer. In the first beginnings of [human] life, the only dry land was on the Right end 28
of the sphere, where it [the globe] is motionless. 29 The whole earth was one vast watery desert, and the waters were tepid . . . . There, man was born on the sev- en zones of the immortal, the indestructible of the Manvantara. 30 There was eternal spring in darkness. [But] that which is darkness to the man of today, was light to the man of his dawn. There, the gods rested, and Fohat 31 reigns ev- er since . . . . Thus the wise fathers say that man is born in the head of his mother [earth], and that her feet at the left end generated [begot] the evil winds that blow from the mouth of the lower Dragon . . . . Between the first and second [races] the eternal central [land] was divided by the water of life. 32
Like everything else, the Earth has a heart: it beats under the foot of the sacred ambhala. It flows around and animates her [mother earths] body. Its one end issues from her head; it becomes foul at her feet [the Southern Pole]. It gets purified [on its return] to her heart which beats under the foot of the sacred ambhala, which then [in the beginnings] was not yet born. For it is in the belt of mans dwelling [the earth] that lies concealed the life and health of all that lives and breathes. 33 During the first and second [races] the belt was covered with the great waters. [But] the great mother travailed under the waves and a new land was joined to the first one which our wise men call the head-gear [the cap]. She
27 [I.e., Cosmas who sailed to India, 6 th century Alexandrian merchant, who made several voyages to India during the reign of emperor Justinian.] 28 The two poles are called the right and left ends of our globe the right being the North Pole or the head and feet of the earth. Every beneficent (astral and cosmic) action comes from the North; every lethal influence from the South Pole. They are much connected with and influence right- and left- hand magic. 29 The more one approaches the poles the less rotation is felt; at the poles proper, the diurnal revolution is quite neutralized. Thence the expression that the sphere is motionless. 30 It is averred in Occultism that the land or island, which crowns the North Pole like a skull-cap, is the only one which prevails during the whole Manvantara of our Round. All the central continents and lands will emerge from the sea bottom many times in turn, but this land will never change. 31 Bear in mind that the Vedic and Avestian name of Fohat is Apm-Napt. In the Avesta he stands between the fire-yazatas and the water-yazatas. The literal meaning is Son of the Waters, but these waters are not the liquid we know, but Aether the fiery waters of space. Fohat is the Son of Aether in its highest aspect, ka, the Mother-Father of the primitive Seven, and of Sound or LOGOS. Fohat is the light of the latter. 32 This water is the blood or fluid of life which animates the earth, compared here to a living body. 33 Occult teaching corroborates the popular tradition which asserts the existence of a fountain of life in the bowels of the earth and in the North Pole. It is the blood of the earth, the electro-magnetic current, which circu- lates through all the arteries; and which is said to be found stored in the navel of the earth. DOWN TO EARTH SERIES BLAVATSKY ON PLANET EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 19 of 22 travailed harder for the third [race] and her waist and navel appeared above the water. It was the belt, the sacred Himavat, which stretches around the world. 34
She broke toward the setting sun from her neck 35 downward [to the south west], into many lands and islands, but the eternal land [the cap] broke not asunder. Dry lands covered the face of the silent waters to the four sides of the world. All these perished [in their turn]. Then appeared the abode of the wicked [the At- lantis]. The eternal land was now hid, for the waters became solid [frozen] un- der the breath of her nostrils and the evil winds from the Dragons mouth, etc., etc. 36
Incrustation, however, is an incredibly slow process: the Earth did not reach her present grade of density until 18 million years ago. It must be noted that, though the astral and physical planes of matter ran parallel with one another even in the earliest geological ages, yet they were not in the same phases of manifestation in which they are now. The Earth did not reach its present grade of density till 18,000,000 years ago. Since then both the physical and astral planes have become grosser. 37
She needs solar heat and rain to make her throw out her germs. The procreative properties of Fire and Water, or Spirit and Matter, are symbols only of physical generation. In other words, Fire and Water are illusive emana- tions of their spiritual prototypes and, therefore, unclean and unholy. Moses and Thales were right in saying that only earth and water can bring forth a living Soul, water being on this plane the principle of all things. Moses was an Initi- ate, Thales a Philosopher i.e., a Scientist, for the words were synonymous in his day. The secret meaning of this is that water and earth stand in the Mosaic Books for the prima materia and the creative (feminine) Principle on our plane. In Egypt Osiris was Fire, and Isis was the Earth or its synonym Water; the two opposing elements just because of their opposite properties being necessary to each other for a common object; that of procreation. The earth needs solar heat and rain to make her throw
34 Occultism points to the Himalayan chain as that belt, and maintains that whether under the water or above, it encircles the globe. The navel is described as situated to the setting sun or to the west of the Himavat in which lie the roots of Meru, which mountain is north of the Himlaya. Meru is not the fabulous mountain in the navel or centre of the earth, but its roots and foundations are in that navel, though it is in the far north itself. This connects it with the central land that never perishes; the land in which the day of the mortal lasts six months and his night another six months. As the Vishnu-Purna has it: for the North of Meru there is, therefore, always night during day in other regions; for Meru is north of all the dvpas and varshas (islands and countries). Bk. II, ch. vii fn.; Wilson, Vol. II, p. 243 fn. Meru is therefore neither on Atlas as Wilford suggests, nor, as Wilson tried to show, absolutely in the centre of the globe, only because relatively with the inhabitants of the several portions, to all of whom the east is that quarter where the sun first appears. 35 Even the Commentaries do not refrain from Oriental metaphor. The globe is likened to the body of a woman, mother earth. From her neck downward, means from the inland sea now beyond the impassable barrier of ice. The Earth, as Parara says: is the mother and nurse, augmented with all creatures and their qualities, the comprehender of all the worlds. 36 Secret Doctrine, II pp. 399-401 37 Ibid., II p. 157 fn. DOWN TO EARTH SERIES BLAVATSKY ON PLANET EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 20 of 22 out her germs. But these procreative properties of Fire and Water, or Spirit and Mat- ter, are symbols but of physical generation. While the Jewish Kabalists symbolized these elements only in their application to manifested things, and reverenced them as the emblems for the production of terrestrial life, the Eastern Philosophy noticed them only as an illusive emanation from their spiritual prototypes, and no unclean or unholy thought marred its Esoteric religious symbology. 38
She is now in her middle principle, the astral body of self- importance, graspingness, and greed Earth is septempartite and tripartite at one and the same time. It was mentioned elsewhere that the belief in the septenary constitution of our chain was the oldest tenet of the early Iranians, who got it from the first Zarathus- tra. It is time to prove it to those Prss who have lost the key to the meaning of their Scriptures. In the Avesta the earth is considered septempartite and tripartite at one and the same time. . . . Thus, with reference to the six spheres or globes above our earth, the seventh and the fourth, it [the Earth] is septempartite, while with regard to the planes over our plane it is tripartite. This meaning is carried out and corrobo- rated by the text in the Avesta and Venddd, and even by the speculations a most laborious and unsatisfactory guess-work of the translators and commentators. It thus follows that the division of the earth, or rather the earths chain, into seven Keshvars is not in contradiction with the three zones, if this word is read planes. 39
Having already passed through the first three Planetary Rounds or skins, she is now in her fourth. Stanza I.4: AND AFTER GREAT THROES SHE (The Earth) CAST OFF HER OLD THREE AND PUT ON HER NEW SEVEN SKINS, AND STOOD IN HER FIRST ONE. This refers to the growth of the Earth, whereas in the Stanza treating of the First Round it is said (given in the Commentary): After the changeless (avikra) immutable nature (Essence, sadaikarpa) had awakened and changed (differentiated) into (a state of) causality (avyakta), and from cause (Krana) had become its own discrete effect (vyakta), from invisible it became visible. The smallest of the small (the most atomic of atoms, or ani- ymsam aniyasm) became one and the many (eknekarpa); and producing the Universe produced also the Fourth Loka (our Earth) in the garland of the seven lotuses. The Achyuta then became the Chyuta. 40
The Earth is said to cast off her old three skins, because this refers to the three pre- ceding Rounds she has already passed through; the present being the fourth Round out of the seven. At the beginning of every new ROUND, after a period of obscura-
38 Blavatsky Collected Writings, (EASTERN AND WESTERN OCCULTISM) XIV pp. 242-43 39 Secret Doctrine, II pp. 757-58 40 Achyuta is an almost untranslatable term. It means that which is not subject to fall or change for the worse: the Unfalling; and it is the reverse of chyuta, the Fallen. The Dhynis who incarnate in the human forms of the Third Root-Race and endow them with intellect (Manas) are called the chyuta, for they fall into generation. DOWN TO EARTH SERIES BLAVATSKY ON PLANET EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 21 of 22 tion, the earth (as do also the other six earths) casts off, or is supposed to cast off, her old skins as the Serpent does: therefore she is called in the Aitareya-Brhmana the Sarpa Rj, the Queen of the Serpents, and the mother of all that moves. 41
The Seven Skins, in the first of which she now stands, refer to the seven geological changes which accompany and correspond to the evolution of the Seven Root-Races of Humanity. 42
Her present principle, the fourth in her septempartite constitution, is the astral body of desires (Kama-rpa) and of dark egotism (Ahamkra), the offspring of Mahat-Nous. The Earth will reach her true ultimate form, inversely in this to man, only toward the end of the manvantara after the Seventh Round. The Second Round brings into manifestation the second element AIR, that ele- ment, the purity of which would ensure continuous life to him who would use it. There have been two occultists only in Europe who have discovered and even partial- ly applied it in practice, though its composition has always been known among the highest Eastern Initiates. The ozone of the modern chemists is poison compared with the real universal solvent which could never be thought of unless it existed in nature. From the second Round, Earth hitherto a ftus in the matrix of Space be- gan its real existence: it had developed individual sentient life, its second princi- ple. The second corresponds to the sixth [principle]; the second is life continuous, the other, temporary. The Third Round developed the third Principle WATER; while the Fourth trans- formed the gaseous fluids and plastic form of our globe into the hard, crusted, gross- ly material sphere we are living on. Bhmi has reached her fourth principle. To this it may be objected that the law of analogy, so much insisted upon, is broken. Not at all. Earth will reach her true ultimate form (inversely in this to man) her body shell only toward the end of the manvantara after the Seventh Round. Eugenius Philalethes was right when he assured his readers on his word of honour that no one had yet seen the Earth (i.e., MATTER in its essential form). 43 Our globe is, so far, in its Kamrpic state the astral body of desires of Ahamkra, dark Egotism, the proge- ny of Mahat, on the lower plane. . . . 44
41 [Aitareya-Brhmana (Haug ed.), Bk. V, ch. iv, 23] 42 Secret Doctrine, II pp. 46-47. [Look up our Secret Doctrines Third Proposition Series.] 43 [Magia Adamica, 1650, pp. xi-xii] 44 [Evidence that the materiality of the Earth changes at an equal rate with that of its inhabitants are fossils which are at least 300 million old forms of the preceding Round, which were far more ethereal than physical, as we now know the physical, says Occultism: The astral prototypes of the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms up to man have taken that time (300 million years) to evolve, re-forming out of the cast-off materials of the preceding Round, which, though very dense and physical in their own cycle, are relatively ethereal as compared with the material- ity of our present middle Round. At the expiration of these 300 million years, Nature, on the way to the physical and material, down the arc of descent, begins with mankind and works downwards, hardening or materialising forms as it proceeds. Thus the fossils found in strata, to which an antiquity, not of eighteen, but of many hundreds of millions of years, must be ascribed, belong in reality to forms of the preceding Round, which, while living, were far more ethereal than physical, as we know the physical. That we perceive and disinter them as tangible forms, is due to the process of materialization or crystal- lization referred to, which took place subsequently, at the beginning of the Fourth Round, and reached its maximum after the appearance of man, proceeding parallel with his physical evolution. This alone il- lustrates the fact that the degree of materiality of the Earth changes pari passu with that of its inhabit- ants. And thus man now finds, as tangible fossils, what were once the (to his present senses) ethereal forms of the lower kingdoms. . . . Secret Doctrine, II p. 68 fn.] DOWN TO EARTH SERIES BLAVATSKY ON PLANET EARTH The Hollow Earth v. 12.10, uploaded to, 13 September 2012 Page 22 of 22 Her fourth principle is not molecularly constituted matter, it is the real Animal Centre. It is not molecularly constituted matter least of all the human body (sthla-arra) that is the grossest of all our principles, but verily the middle principle, the real animal centre; whereas our body is but its shell, the irresponsible factor and medium through which the beast in us acts all its life. Every intellectual theosophist will un- derstand my real meaning. Thus the idea that the human tabernacle is built by countless lives, just in the same way as the rocky crust of our Earth was, has noth- ing repulsive in it for the true mystic. Nor can Science oppose the occult teaching, for it is not because the microscope will ever fail to detect the ultimate living atom or life, that it can reject the doctrine. 45
Are we alone in the Universe? There are inhabited worlds besides our own with humanities entirely different from each other, as from our own. The self-centred conception of Jehovah as the special guardian of a small and ob- scure semi-nomadic tribe, 46 is tolerable beside that which confines sentient existence to our microscopical globe. The primary reasons [for the theory of the earths rota- tion] were without doubt: 1 Astronomical ignorance on the part of the early Christians, coupled with an ex- aggerated appreciation of mans own importance a crude form of selfishness; and 2 The dread that, if the hypothesis of millions of other inhabited globes was ac- cepted, the crushing rejoinder would ensue Was there then a Revelation to each world? involving the idea of the Son of God eternally going the rounds as it were. Happily it is now unnecessary to waste time and energy in proving the possibility of the existence of such worlds. All intelligent persons admit it. That which now re- mains to be demonstrated is, that if it is once proven that there are inhabited worlds besides our own with humanities entirely different from each other as from our own as maintained in the Occult Sciences then the evolution of the preceding races is half proved. For where is that physicist or geologist who is prepared to maintain that the Earth has not changed scores of times, in the millions of years which have elapsed in the course of its existence; and changing its skin, as it is called in Oc- cultism, that the Earth has not had each time her special humanities adapted to such atmospheric and climatic conditions as were entailed. 47
45 Secret Doctrine, I p. 260 46 [Look up the last three studies in our Black versus White Magic Series.] 47 Secret Doctrine, II pp. 708-9