Stomp Rocket
Stomp Rocket
Stomp Rocket
Rocket fins will help your rocket fly straight. ,ut fins from a (# $ /# card or
some other stiff paper. *lay around with your wing designs. 3ill you add
any6 How many will you ha0e6 3hat shape will they &e6 How &ig will they
7f you ha0e fins. tape them to the sides of the rocket. how high is up to
you. Be sure to tape &oth sides of the fin to the rocket.
1) hat are the !our stages o! a rocket"s !light#
$) hat is the !orce that pushes the rocket straight up#
%) hat is it called when the rocket !alls at a constant speed#
&) hat modi!ications made 'our rocket !l' (etter# h'#