Adobe Flex Coding Guidelines
Adobe Flex Coding Guidelines
Adobe Flex Coding Guidelines
MXML e ActionScript 3
Adobe Flex programming coding style &
guidelines at DClick
v1.2 – February/2007
Fabio Terracini
[email protected]
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................3
2. Files.........................................................................................................................4
2.1. Files suffixes .....................................................................................................4
2.2. File names.........................................................................................................4
2.3. Encoding...........................................................................................................4
3. ActionScript 3.0.......................................................................................................5
3.1. File organization ...............................................................................................5
3.2. Style..................................................................................................................6
3.2.1. Line and line wrap......................................................................................6
3.2.2. Declarations ...............................................................................................7
3.2.3. Curly braces and parentheses......................................................................8
3.2.4. Statements..................................................................................................9
3.2.5. Spaces......................................................................................................13
3.3. Comments .......................................................................................................14
3.3.1. Documentation comments ........................................................................14
3.3.2. Implementation comment .........................................................................15
4. MXML ..................................................................................................................16
4.1. File organization .............................................................................................16
4.2. Style................................................................................................................16
4.2.1. Line and line ............................................................................................16
4.2.2. Nestling components ................................................................................17
4.2.3. Attributes .................................................................................................17
4.2.4. Script .......................................................................................................19
4.3. Comments .......................................................................................................19
4.3.1. Documentation comments ........................................................................19
4.3.2. Implementation comments .......................................................................19
5. Style ......................................................................................................................20
5.1. General rules ...................................................................................................20
6. Naming..................................................................................................................21
6.1. General rules ...................................................................................................21
6.2. Language ........................................................................................................21
6.3. Packages .........................................................................................................21
6.4. Classes ............................................................................................................22
6.5. Interfaces ........................................................................................................22
6.6. Methods ..........................................................................................................22
6.7. Variables.........................................................................................................23
6.8. Constants ........................................................................................................24
6.9. Namespaces ....................................................................................................24
7. General Practices ...................................................................................................25
8. Appendix: Reserved Words ...................................................................................27
9. Document history ..................................................................................................28
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1. Introduction
This document aims to establish coding guidelines to application written with Adobe Flex
2 and ActionScript 3.
Establish a coding convention matters in the context that the most part of the time in
software development life cycle is maintenance. This way, helping the comprehension of
code passages is a must, considering that not always who’s going to perform the
maintenance is the same person who built it in the first time. With a common language,
developers can rapidly understand other person’s code. Besides, the application or
components code can be distributed or sold to third party.
The premises of coding conventions are:
· Consistency;
· Code comprehension.
The practices established in this document are based on DClick work way, Java coding
conventions and conventions seen at Adobe Flex 2 SDK.
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2. Files
2.1. Files suffixes
· MXML code: .mxml
· ActionScript code: .as
· CSS code: .css
2.2. File names
· Must not contain spaces, punctuations or special characters;
· ActionScript
o Classes and Interfaces use UpperCamelCase;
o Interfaces always start with an upper case I;
· IUpperCamelCase
o Includes use lowerCamelCase;
o Namespace definitions use lower_case.
o Always use UpperCamelCase.
o Always use lowerCamelCase.
2.3. Encoding
· All files must be in UTF8 format.
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3. ActionScript 3.0
3.1. File organization
An ActionScript file must contain the follow structure:
# Element Obs.
1 Initial Comment
2 Package definition
3 Namespace declaration A file that defines a
· If has one, it is the last section namespace only does
4 Import statements Inside these sections,
1. Package flash all imports must in
2. Package mx alphabetical order.
3. Package com.adobe
4. Package (DClick components) If there’s a
5. Packages of third party in alphabetical order namespace import,
6. Package of the project this files belongs this must precede the
class imports of the
Use fully qualified imports, i.e., without the asterisk. Unless same package.
when a big part of the package are used.
· Prefer: import mx.core.Application;
· Avoid: import mx.core.*;
DClick Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda. 5
3. protected
4. private
6. custom namespaces
a. In alphabetical order
10 Constructor
11 Getters and setter managed variables and the get and set See the variables
methods themselves, as related variables. Example: section on this
document for rules
private var _enabled:Boolean = true; about variables
private var enabledChanged:Boolean = false; managed by get and
public function get enabled():Boolean set methods.
return _enabled;
public function set enabled(value:Boolean):void
_enabled = value;
enabledChanged = true;
3.2. Style
3.2.1. Line and line wrap
· Break it after a comma;
· Break it before an operator;
· Prefer line break at higher level code;
· Align the new line at the start of the previous line;
· If the previous rule isn’t a good option, indent with two tabs.
// line #1: line break before the implements operator
// line #2: line break after a comma
// lines #2 and #3: indented with two tabs
public class Button extends UIComponent
implements IDataRenderer, IDropInListItemRenderer,
DClick Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda. 6
public class Button extends UIComponent implements
IDataRenderer, IDropInListItemRenderer,
// line break at higher level, occurs outside the parentheses
// line break doesn’t break what is inside the parentheses
variable1 = variable2 + (variable3 * variable4 variable5)
variable6 / variable7;
// line break splits the parentheses contents in two lines
variable1 = variable2 + (variable3 * variable4
variable5) variable6 / variable7;
Line break example with ternary operators:
b = (expression) ? expression
: gamma; // aligned!
c = (expression)
? beta
: gamma;
3.2.2. Declarations
Do only one declaration per line:
var a:int = 10;
var b:int = 20;
var c:int = 30;
var a:int = 10, b:int = 20, c:int = 30;
Initialize the variable if possible. There’s no need to initialize the variable if its start value
depends on some process to occur. Initialize the variable even if it is the default value.
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public var isAdmin:Boolean = false;
public var isAdmin:Boolean; // false is default for Boolean
Variables declarations should come on block beginning, except for variables used in
public function getMetadata():void
var value:int = 123; // method block beginning
if (condition)
var value:int = 456; // if block beginning
for (var i:int = 0; i < valor; i++) // in the for
Don’t declare variables with names that were used before in another block, even if with
different scope.
3.2.3. Curly braces and parentheses
Styling rules:
· Don’t put a space between the method name and the opening parentheses, and
don’t put a space between the parentheses and the method’s arguments;
· Don’t put a space between the object name and his type;
· Open curly braces in a new line at the same position in which the method
declaration begins;
· Close curly braces in its own line at the same position in which the open curly
brace is.
· Methods are separated by an empty line.
public class Example extends UIComponent implements IExample
private var _item:Object;
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public function addItem(item:Object):void
_item = item;
public function anotherMethod():void
while (true)
3.2.4. Statements
Simple statements must be one per line and should finish with a semicolon.
i++; resetModel();
· The code inside the statement must be indented by one level;
· The curly brace must be in a new line after the declaration’s beginning, aligned at
the same position. The curly braces are closed in its own line, at the position the
curly brace that opened the statement.
· Curly braces are used in all statements, even if it’s only a single line.
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The return doesn’t needs to use parentheses unless it raises the understandability:
return getFinalImage();
return (phase ? phase : initPhase);
Conditional if, else if, else
if (condition)
if (condition)
if (condition)
else if (condition)
Conditional switch, case
Switch statements have the follow style:
switch (condition)
case ABC:
// continue, without break
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case DEF:
case JKL:
case XYZ:
Break rules:
Loop for
for (initialization; condition; update)
for (initialization; condition; update);
for (var iterator:type in someObject)
Loop for
for each (var iterator:Type in someObject)
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Loop while
while (condition)
Loop do..while
while (condition);
Error handling try..catch..finally
catch (e:Type)
It can have the finally statement:
catch (e:Type)
with (this)
alpha = 0.5;
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3.2.5. Spaces
Wrapping lines
Line breaks makes the code clearer, creating logical groups.
Use a line break when:
· Between functions;
· Between the method local variables and its first statement;
· Before a block;
· Before a single line comment or before a multiline comment about a specific
code passage;
· Between a code’s logical section to make it clearer.
Blank spaces
Use blank spaces to separate a keyword from its parentheses and don’t use a space to
separate the method name from its parentheses.
while (true)
A blank space must exist after every comma in an arguments list:
addSomething(data1, data2, data3);
All binary operators (the ones with two operands: +, , =, ==, etc) must be separate from
its operands by a space. Don’t use a space to separate unary operators (++, , etc).
a += (5 + b) / c;
while (d as int < f)
Ternary operators must be separated by blank spaces and broken in more than one line if
a = (expression) ? expression : expression;
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The for expressions must be separated by blank spaces:
for (expr1; expr2; expr3)
3.3.1. Documentation comments
Documentation comments are for classes, interfaces, variables, methods and metadata
with one comment per element before its declaration. The documentation comment is
meant to be read – and fully comprehended – by someone that will use the component but
doesn’t necessarily have access to the source code.
The comment format is the same read by ASDoc, and the syntax defined in the
* The Button control is a commonly used rectangular button.
* Button controls look like they can be pressed.
* @mxml
* <p>The <code><;mx:Button>;</code> tag inherits all the
* tag attributes of its superclass, and adds the following:</p>
* <pre>
* <;mx:Button
* <b>Properties</b>
* autoRepeat="false|true"
* ...
* <b>Styles</b>
* borderColor="0xAAB3B3"
* ...
* />;
* </pre>
* @includeExample examples/ButtonExample.mxml
public class Button extends UIComponent
Another example:
* @private
* Displays one of the eight possible skins,
* creating it if it doesn't already exist.
mx_internal function viewSkin():void
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3.3.2. Implementation comment
An implementation comment has the intention to document specific code sections that are
not evident. The comments must use the // format, whether they are single or multiline.
If it’s going to use a whole line, it must succeed a blank line and precede the related code:
// bail if we have no columns
if (!visibleColumns || visibleColumns.length == 0)
The comment can be in the same code line if doesn’t exceed the line’s maximum size:
colNum = 0; // visible columns compensate for firstCol offset
Never use comment to translate code:
colNum = 0; // sets column numbers variables to zero
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4.1. File organization
A MXML must contain the follow structure:
# Element Obs.
1 XML Header: Always declare the
encoding at the XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?> header, and always use
2 Root component Must contain all
namespaces used in the
3 Metadata
1. Event
2. Style
3. Effect
4. Other metadata in alphabetical order
4 Style definitions Prefer external style
5 Scripts Use only one Script
6 Non visual components
7 Visual components
4.2. Style
4.2.1. Line and line wrap
Use blank lines to make code clearer by visually grouping components.
Always add a blank line between two components that are children of the same parent
component if at least one of them (including their children) uses more than one line.
<mx:ColumnSeries yField="prev" displayName="Forecast">
<mx:Stroke color="0xB35A00" />
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<mx:LinearGradient angle="0">
<mx:GradientEntry ... />
<mx:GradientEntry ... />
<comp:ColumnSeriesComponent />
I.e., if a component has only one child, there’s no need to insert a blank line. The below
LinearGradient contains only one child entries.
<mx:LinearGradient angle="0">
<mx:GradientEntry ... />
<mx:GradientEntry ... />
4.2.2. Nestling components
Children components must be indented by their parent component:
<mx:Button />
4.2.3. Attributes
Order the attributes by:
· Property
o The first property must be the id, if it exists;
o Remember that width, height e styleName are property, not styles.
· Events
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· Effects
· Style
If exist, the id attributes must be the first declared:
<mx:ViewStack id="mainModules" height="75%" width="75%">
The attributes must be indented by the component’s declaration if it uses more than one
width="100%" height="100%" truncateToFit="true"
text="Here comes a long enough text that... "/>
In declarations that use more than one line, the only attribute in the first line is the id. All
other attributes must be in the next lines, ordered.
<mx:ViewStack id="mainModules"
height="75%" width="75%"
paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10">
height="75%" width="75%"
paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10">
Related attributes should be in the same line. In the follow example, the second line only
contains properties, the third has events, fourth has only styles and the last one has only
title="VBox Container Example" status="Some status"
hide="doSomething()" creationComplete="doSomething()"
paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10"
resizeEffect="Resize" />
In cases where more than one line is needed for an attribute type, use more than one line
(observing consistency, order and line size) keeping them grouped by type. In the
following example, the first line contains the declaration plus id, second has only
properties, third has events, fourth has some styles, fifth has padding styles (there are no
<mx:Panel id="pnLoginInfo"
title="VBox Container Example" height="75%" width="75%"
titleStyleName="titleLogin" headerHeight="25"
paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" />
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4.2.4. Script
This is the style for the Script block:
4.3.1. Documentation comments
ASDoc tool doesn’t support documentation comments in MXML files. But doing it is
encouraged if the MXML file is a component that could be reused (and not only a simple
view). This way, the file should contain an ActionScript alike comment inside a Script
* Documentation comment inside a MXML component
* Uses the same format as the AS comment
4.3.2. Implementation comments
Use implementation comments to describe interface elements where it isn’t clear what’s
its purpose or behavior.
<!— only shows up if is in admin role >
Or multline comments:
Multiple line comments...
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5. Style
5.1. General rules
· Indent using tabs. The tab reference size is 4 spaces, and it’s suggested to
configure the IDE this way.
· Code lines must not exceed 100 characters 1 .
Using a 1280 pixels wide resolution (ideal for 17” displays) with Eclipse, if 70% width is available to
code (and the other 30% to Navigator), the line has about 103 character positions. The limit to print an A4
page is 80 characters.
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6. Naming
6.1. General rules
· Acronyms: avoid acronyms unless the abbreviation form is more usual than its
full form (like URL, HTML, etc). Project names can be acronyms if this is the
way it’s called;
· Only ASCII characters, no accents, spaces, punctuations or special characters;
· Don’t use the name of a native Flex SDK component (from the mx package like
Application, DataGrid, etc) neither from Flash Player (flash package, like
IOError, Bitmap, etc);
· Since writing in MXML is a easy way to write in ActionScript, the naming rules
in MXML are the same as in ActionScript (a MXML file is like an ActionScript
class, and its internal components and variables are properties, for example);
· The main application file should be named Main.mxml
o Never use Index to a component name since it conflicts with ASDoc tool
generated docs.
6.2. Language
This way, the follow examples are acceptable:
The follow examples, although, aren’t valid uses:
6.3. Packages
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The package name must be written in lowerCamelCase, starting with small caps and
other initials in upper case.
The first element in a package name is the first level domain (com, org, mil, edu, net,
gov) or a two letter code identifying a country as documented in ISO 3166 followed by
the first level domain (,,, etc).
The next element is the company or client that owns the package followed by the
project’s name and module:
6.4. Classes
Classes names should prefer nouns, but can use adjectives as well. Always use
class LinearGradient
class DataTipRenderer
6.5. Interfaces
Interface names must follow the classes naming rules, with a starting uppercase “I”.
interface ICollectionView
interface IStroke
6.6. Methods
Methods must start with a verb and are written in lowerCamelCase. If the method is
called on an event it should end with Handler:
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6.7. Variables
Variables must use lowerCamelCase and objectively describe what they are. Variables
must start with and underscore (_) if they are going to be manipulated by get and set
private var _enabled:Boolean = true;
public function get enabled():Boolean
return _enabled;
public function set enabled(value:Boolean):void
_enabled = value;
There are no variable prefixes. ActionScript has typed object and a clear and concise
name is more important than the object’s type. Although, Boolean variables should start
with can, is or has.
private var isListeningForRender:Boolean = false;
private var canEditUsers:Boolean = true;
private var hasAdminPrivileges:Boolean = false;
Temporary variables (like the ones used in loop statements) should be only one character.
The most commonly used are i, j, k, m, n, c, d. The lowercase “L” must not be used.
for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++)
The catch variables must be e, no matter what’s the error type (if it has a class
describing it).
catch (e:Error)
hasFieldName = false;
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6.8. Constants
Constants must be all uppercase, splitting the words with an underscore (_):
public static const DEFAULT_MEASURED_WIDTH:Number = 160;
public static const AUTO:String = "auto";
6.9. Namespaces
Namespaces names must be all lowercase, splitting the word with an underscore (_):
The file must have the same name as the namespace it defines.
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7. General Practices
· Use the keyword FIXME inside comments (MXML and ActionScript) to flag
something that’s broken and should be fixed. Use TODO to flag something that
works but can be improved by a refactoring. For this, use the Flex Builder 2 Task
· Assign the iterator value to a variable before using it if the performance
improvement will be significant (e.g., in simple arrays it isn’t necessary).
var maxPhase:int = reallySlowMethod();
for (var i:Number = 0; i < maxPhase; i++)
var months:Array = ['Jan','Fev','Mar'];
// it’s quicker to calculate an array size
// we’re targeting readability too
for (var i:Number = 0; i < months.length; i++)
trace(months [i]);
for (var i:Number = 0; i < reallySlowMethod(); i++)
· It’s encouraged the creation and use of loose coupled components. The less a
component knows about another, the grater is the reuse possibilities.
· In Boolean evaluations, place the fastest ones before.
if (isAdmin && slowMethod(item))
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if (slowMethod(item) && isAdmin)
· Use constants if available.
myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myHandler);
myButton.addEventListener("click", myHandler);
· Use specific types if available.
private function mouseMoveHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
private function mouseMoveHandler(event:Event):void
· Prefer anonymous functions for simple event handler, with only one statement.
The follow styles are permitted.
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8. Appendix: Reserved Words
The follow table contains ActionScript 3 reserved words:
There are also syntactic keywords that have special means in some contexts so these
keywords should be avoided on produced code:
And there are future reserved words that should be avoided too:
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9. Document history
Release 1.2
Fabio Terracini, February 9, 2007
English translation and some typos fixed.
Release 1.1
Fabio Terracini, December 13, 2006
Detailed line wrap (item 3.2.1). Get and set examples on variables. Compound
statements example. Puntuactions fixes.
Release 1
Fabio Terracini, December 6,/2006
First release with MXML and Actionscript guidelines. Focus on standardization and
readability. Based on Java guidelines, DClick internal guidelines and also on Flex 2 SDK.
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