How To Motivate Employees

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Bow to motivate youi employees at woik (anu it's not all about

the salaiy!)

If you aie an employei, managei oi supeivisoi, it's impoitant to
unueistanu what motivates youi employees anu helps them to be
fulfilleu in theii jobs. Although money is ceitainly a motivation
factoi foi many employees, it isn't the only ieason that people
woik anu get enjoyment fiom it; in fact, theie aie many othei
ieasons that uiive a peison's uesiie o woik effectively foi theii

This aiticle exploies the key factois besiues money that motivates

Benefits of this aiticle

! 0nueistanu what motivates the people that woik foi you.
! Putting piocesses anu policies in place that help youi
employees feel moie valueu.

! Taking caie of youi employees so they can take caie of youi

Who is this aiticle foi.

Employeis. BR uepaitments, manageis anu supeivisois.

Employees that want to unueistanu some of the factois that
motivate them at woik.

The main motivation factois foi an employee aie:

! Wanting to uo a goou job
! Cleai goals anu objectives
! Tiust anu autonomy
! Coaching anu suppoit
! Team mates
! Enviionment anu suiiounuings

Wanting to uo a goou job

This is vital pait of employees feeling valueu. No-one wakes up in
the moining anu this I'm going to uo a bau job touay! Insteau,
employees like to feel piouu of a job oi piece of woik that they
have uone well.

You can help this by pioviuing plenty of oppoitunities foi
employees to show they can uo a goou job. Pioviue woik that is
challenging but not oveiwhelming anu that is enjoyable foi them
to uo.

Feeuback fiom theii boos

An impoitant pait of helping employees to feel valueu is in
pioviuing positive feeuback anu thanks foi a job well uone. This
can be as simple as a quick "thank you" oi moie thoiough such as
a one on one ieview wheie you talk thiough a piece of woik that
they have iecently completeu.

You can help this by iecognizing when an employee has gone
above anu beyonu what might noimally be expecteu of them.

Cleai goals anu objectives

Employees like o feel that the job they aie uoing makes a
uiffeience to the business as a whole; people want to make an
impact. 0ne of the easiest ways to uo this is to have cleai job
uesciiptions, objectives anu goals that you want youi employees
to ieach anu to ieview these objectives with them on a iegulai
basis, so they know that they'ie on tiack.

You can help this by ueveloping thoiough, easily unueistanuable
SNART goals anu objectives anu ieviewing them iegulaily with
youi employees.


If you aie an entiepieneui, managei oi woik in an BR uepaitment,
it's often veiy useful to know how you can motivate youi
employees moie effectively. This aiticles uiscusses the vaiious
aspects of woik that helps employees feel moie fulfilleu anu
piouuctive. It also suggest seveial techniques that you can put into
piactice to help them out.

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