Course Brochure
Course Brochure
Course Brochure
Mathematical Sciences
Academic excellence for business
and the professions
1 Welcome
3 Why study at City?
4 Research
6 Internships in Industry
7 Succeed with City
8 Aviation Management
MSc Air Safety Management
MSc Air Transport Management
MSc Aircraft Maintenance Management
16 Biomedical Engineering with Healthcare
Technology Management
MSc Biomedical Engineering with Healthcare
Technology Management
20 Civil Engineering
MSc Analysis and Design of Structures for Fire,
Blast and Earthquakes
MSc Civil Engineering Structures
MSc Professional Engineering (Civil Engineering)
28 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
MSc Renewable Energy and Power
Systems Management
MSc Signals and Sensor Systems
MSc Systems and Control Engineering
MSc Telecommunications and Networks
38 Energy and the Environment
MSc Energy and Environmental Technology
and Economics
42 Engineering with Management
MSc Construction Management
MSc Project Management Finance and Risk
48 Maritime Operations and Management
MSc Maritime Operations and Management
52 Mechanical and Automotive Engineering
MSc Automotive Engineering
MSc Mechanical Engineering
58 Transport Systems and Strategy
MSc Transport Systems and Strategy
62 How to apply
63 Funding your postgraduate study
64 Accommodation
64 International
65 Find us
The School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences for more
than one hundred years has been distinctive in its commitment to
academic excellence focused on engineering and the professions.
The School ofers a comprehensive range of courses informed
by research and reecting the changing needs of industry. The
portfolio of postgraduate courses covers advanced and specialised
areas of engineering and areas where the focus is directed
towards the learning of the management competencies required
in technology based professions. A sample of these courses are;
structural engineering, mechanical and automotive engineering,
telecommunications and networks, clinical engineering, air
transport management, project management, nance and risk,
energy and environmental technology and economics, construction
management and maritime operations and management.
We pride ourselves on our extensive laboratory facilities which
enable students to put theory into practice. We have strong links
with industry which enables students to develop contacts and be
involved in internship projects before completing their studies.
The majority of our courses are accredited by a relevant professional
body. These include:
Energy Institute
Institute of Civil Engineers
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Institute of Measurement and Control
Institute of Mechanical Engineers
Institute of Structural Engineers
Joint Board of Moderators
Royal Aeronautical Society
Postgraduate Courses
Why study at City?
City University London is diferent. We provide
exceptional graduate employment prospects as a
result of our commitment to academic excellence,
focus on business and the professions and the
benets of our central London location.
Tradition and heritage
We have a long tradition of academic excellence, dating back
to our foundation in 1894. Engineering and mathematical
sciences have been taught at City for over 100 years. We are
the pioneers of aeronautics and received the rst ever grant
to build an aeroplane.
Central London location
We are located in the heart of London, close to the
capitals leading institutions. Many of the most renowned
engineering companies are located within two miles of the
University. Both professionally and personally, you will have
the opportunity to benet from all that London has to ofer.
For more information please visit
Academic excellence and research
We are ranked 4th out of the London universities and 21st
in the UK by the Guardian University Guide 2013, and are in
the top 5% of global universities according to Times Higher
Education World University Rankings 2011/12.
Our staf and students are actively involved in pioneering
research. In the Governments latest Research Assessment
Exercise (RAE), our research in fteen subject areas was rated
by expert panels as amongst the best in the world. Find out
more at
Exceptional employment prospects
We are ranked 10th in the UK for both graduate employability
(The Times Good University Guide 2011) and graduate
starting salaries (The Sunday Times University Guide 2011).
Excellent facilities
The School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
extensive laboratories enable our students to put theory
into practice. Our facilities include ight simulators, wind
tunnels, structural testing equipment, an electronics lab, a
dedicated Formula Student workshop and a centrifuge that
creates forces of up to 200 times gravity.
Excellent bursary/scholarship provision
We ofer a range of merit-based scholarships, bursaries and
awards for students who demonstrate exceptional potential.
They not only recognise outstanding ability but enable
students experiencing nancial hardship to study at City.
For more information go to
Postgraduate Courses
3 2
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
The School supports single discipline applied
and basic research in the areas of strength
and promotes multidisciplinary research. The
multidisciplinary approach to research is based
around an integration of applied research,
research in generic technologies and fundamental
research. The key areas of applied research
are energy, environment, transportation,
construction, management and business and
biomedical processes. These are supported by
research into the generic technologies of optical
instrumentation, sensors, communications,
and image processing, fundamental research
in systems, control, computational fluid
dynamics operational research, mathematics and
computations which underpin these activities.
The Research Centres:
Construction Processes
Energy and Transport
Instrumentation and Sensors
Systems and Control
This structure encourages development of
interdisciplinary activities which build on major
activities of strength. Centres are led by senior
and experienced academics facilitating research
by providing a forumfor all research activities,
the mentoring and support of staff and students,
management and allocation of research funds
and the promotion of a more exible culture
that responds quickly and efciently to research
initiatives. The focus is on selected elds,
including; energy, transport, the environment,
instrumentation, construction processes,
mathematics, systems and control, complex
engineering and biomedical engineering.
The research basis is augmented by the cross
discipline initiatives of Transportation Hub, Cyber
and Security Science Centre, and Complexity
Science Group, which provide the launching basis
for future research activities. We strongly encourage
interdisciplinary activities in collaboration with
other Schools. A common underlying factor has
been the partnership with industry, linked to
the strategic plans of the University to promote
research which informs policy and professional
practice, in exploiting the challenges in newelds
of applications and in developing fundamental
research in selected areas of real value to the
economy and society.
Postgraduate Courses
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
A selection of our postgraduate courses offer the
opportunity to complete an internship as part of
the nal dissertation project.
An internship provides students with professional
development opportunities that enhance their
technical skills and business knowledge in a
hands-on environment.
In addition, internships delivered by City University
London offer you the exceptional opportunity to
stand out in todays competitive job market.
Succeed with City Internships in Industry
The Professional Liaison Unit (PLU) operates
across both the School of Engineering and
Mathematical Sciences and the School of
Informatics. The PLU supports students through
the process of undertaking and applying for
placements and internships while also assisting
with longer term career planning.
The PLU does this by:
Providing bespoke workshops and skills
sessions to enhance career planning skills and
professional development
Working closely with industry to identify input
for course design
Sourcing exclusive internship opportunities
with large and small organisations.
For further information visit
I was an undergraduate of Mechanical Engineering at
City University London, and took modules in energy
management and renewable energy. These modules made
me see how I could apply my engineering skills to a real
life scenario and make a difference whilst doing so.
My postgraduate study at City gave me a great insight into
the theory of energy management and exposure to people
already working in the eld. It allowed me to broaden
my environmental radar and helped me understand all
elements of the built environment to prepare me for my
current role.
I work as Energy Manager Group Services at Sainsburys
and I am accountable for managing the energy and the
forecasting process for all group properties, including
leading specialist service providers for bill validation and
data provision.
Alongside this, I am leading Sainsburys biggest environmental
behavioural change programme through the Sainsburys
Carbon Academy, targeted to train 20,000 colleagues,
contractors and suppliers by 2020.
Jaz Rabadia
MSc Energy and Environmental Technology
and Economics
Energy Manager, Group Services,
Sainsburys Supermarkets Ltd
Postgraduate Courses
7 6
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Library and Information Science
at City University London
Why study Aviation Management at City?
Courses are accredited by Royal Aeronautical Society
Air Transport and Air Safety Management courses
continue to be supported by Guild of Air Pilots & Air
Navigators (GAPAN)
MSc Aircraft Maintenance Management is supported
by AJ Walter, a leading aviation support company
The courses are the largest mid-career Masters courses
in air transport in the world, with nearly 1,000 graduates.
Modules are delivered in Bahrain, Dubai, Frankfurt
and London
Flexible module programme delivery throughout the year,
which is ideal for those with tight rosters and changing
work plans.
Aviation Management
The demand for air transport is
growing rapidly and the industry
continues to deliver services with
great efciencyand cost savings.
This requires tighter management
of operations throughout the
whole sector airports, air trafc
management, regulatory bodies,
airlines, maintenance organisations
and customer services. In the
past, the career opportunities in
management for professionals such
as pilots, licensed engineers and
air trafc controllers have been
limited. The Masters courses ofered
by City University London provide
an academic framework for your
experience and assure graduates and
employers alike of their suitability to
progress to management positions.
MSc Air Safety Management
MSc Air Transport Management
MSc Aircraft Maintenance
Postgraduate Courses
9 8
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Air Safety
Course content
The course is based on completing eight modules
over one to ve years, which are taught over three
day periods and held regularly throughout the
year. Students are also required to undertake a
project in an air safety-related subject, which is
usually completed within six months.
Students who choose not to do the project will
receive a Postgraduate Certicate on successful
completion of ve modules or Postgraduate
Diploma on successful completion of nine
Course structure
Compulsory modules
Active safety management
Crisis management
Risk management
Elective modules
Accident and incident investigation
Air transport economics
Airline business
Airline maintenance
Airline marketing
Airline operations
Airline revenue management, pricing
and distribution management
Airports and ground handling
Developing a business plan
Financial accounting
Fleet planning
Human factors; general principles
Human resource management
Psychology in aviation management
Quality management of airline operations
Safety management tools and methods
Sustainable aviation
The objective of air safety management
is to achieve and maintain an acceptable
level of safety within the context of
increasing air trafc, wider commercial
competition and a greater focus on
cost consciousness. Successful safety
management involves staf at all levels
in aircraft operations, both civil and
military from aircraft design and
manufacture, airports, air trafc control,
ground handling and maintenance, and
private ying.
Our graduates have taken up roles such
as Safety Manager, Training Captain,
Quality Manager, Flight Safety Ofcer,
Safety Inspector, Safety Consultant and
Accident Investigator in civil aviation
authorities, airlines, and with other
aircraft operators and defence forces
Entry requirements
The course is aimed at professionals in the
manufacturing, operating, maintenance, support
and regulatory sectors of the aviation industry
both civilian and military.
A typical student will have an Air Transport Pilots
Licence or a Category B or C Aircraft Maintenance
Licence, at least two years experience of
professional responsibility. In addition, they will
recognise the need for safety improvements and
have the motivation and personal skills required
to implement safety management systems across
departmental boundaries.
Full-time: only under exceptional circumstances.
Part-time: students can take the modules in
any sequence typically over two years, with the
project taking approximately six months during
or after this period.
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
I was sponsored by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to study
MSc Air Safety Management at City. The course offered a
wide range of modules which broadened my knowledge and
understanding of the aviation industry greatly and in particular
the importance proactive risk management.
Paul Merrick, MSc Air Safety Management
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 8112
Citys unique MSc Air
Safety Management course
provides students with a
thorough understanding of
the worldwide focus on the
management of corporate risk
and provides them with the
academic tools to move into
active safety management.
Dr Steve Bond, Course Director, MSc Air Safety Management
Postgraduate Courses
11 10
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Air Transport
Course content
The course is based on completing eight modules
over one to ve years, which are taught over three
day periods and held frequently throughout the
year and at various locations including London,
Dubai, Bahrain and Frankfurt.
Students are also required to undertake
a substantial project in an air transport
related subject.
Students who choose not to do the project will
receive a Postgraduate Certicate on successful
completion of ve modules or a Postgraduate
Diploma on successful completion of nine modules.
Course structure
Compulsory modules
Air transport economics
Airline business
Airline operations
Elective modules
Active safety management
Airline maintenance
Airline revenue management, pricing
and distribution management
Airline marketing
Airports and ground handling
Aviation psychology
Crisis management
Developing a business plan
Financial accounting
Fleet planning
Human resource management
Leadership in organisations
Quality management of airline operations
Sustainable aviation
The core objective of the MSc Air
Transport Management is improving
the contributions that experienced
professionals including, aircrew,
engineers and air trafc controllers can
make to their organisations. The course
was rst initiated by the Guild of Air Pilots
and Air Navigators (GAPAN) to increase
the career opportunities of aircrew and
other air professionals to ensure that
the air transport industry has a reservoir
of experienced talent from which to
draw future managers. It provides an
academic framework for the experience
of air transport professionals and aims
to enable them to move productively
and efectively into the rst steps of
commercial or safety management.
Our graduates have demonstrated
career progression, either within their
own organisations or by moving to
new opportunities.
Entry requirements
The normal requirements are Air Transport Pilots
Licence, Aircraft Licence Engineer, Air Trafc
Control or a rst degree. Students must have
at least two years professional responsibility
prior to application and be employed in the air
transport industry whilst taking the course.
Part-time: students can take the modules
in any sequence. Typically the taught
component takes about two years, with the
project taking approximately six months.
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 8112
This course offers a wide range of modules in subjects directly linked to
my career which enhances my day-to-day performance in the Royal Air
Force. Furthermore, the exibility to schedule my study to t in with my
current role means that a qualication which I thought was previously
out of my reach due to my work responsibilities is now within well within
my grasp. I highly recommend this course because it has signicantly
exceeded all my expectations.
Squadron Leader Ruth Shackleton, TeamManager, Royal Air Force Aerobatic Display Team, The Red Arrows
MSc Air Transport Management
Postgraduate Courses
13 12
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Aircraft Maintenance
Course content
You will complete eight modules over one to
ve years, which are taught over three day
periods and held frequently throughout the year.
Students are also required to undertake a project
in a maintenance related subject, which is usually
completed within six months.
Students who choose not to do the project will
receive a Postgraduate Certicate on successful
completion of four modules or a Postgraduate
Diploma on successful completion of eight
modules. This MSc is only available for part-time
students; a full-time option is not available.
Course structure
Core modules
Airline maintenance
Quality management in airline operations
Elective modules
Accident and incident investigation
Active safety management
Air transport economics
Airline business
Airline marketing
Airline operations
Airline revenue management, pricing
and distribution management
Airports and ground handling
Crisis management
Developing a business plan
Financial accounting
Fleet planning
Human factors; general principles
Human resource management
Psychology in aviation management
Risk management
Safety management tools and methods
Sustainable aviation
The MSc Aircraft Maintenance Management
will help experienced aviation industry
personnel to improve their knowledge of the
complex disciplines required to enable full
understanding of the technical, operational
and nancial pressures impacting on ight
operations. This course is supported by A J
Walter, the leading aviation support company.
Graduates will be prepared for positions
of responsibility within airlines, aviation
authorities and defence forces. Destinations
of our graduates have included: Chief
Engineer, Head of Safety and Senior
Entry requirements
The normal requirement is a relevant rst degree
or higher Diploma of good grade, a Category B
or C Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Licence or
military equivalent.
It is a requirement that students have at least
two years professional responsibility prior to
application and be employed in the air transport
industry whilst taking the course.
Part-time: students can take the modules
in any sequence over, typically, about two
years, with the project taking approximately
six months during or after this period.
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
By working with City University London to provide this
professional qualication for industry colleagues, we believe
we are contributing effectively to ensuring that our industry
is prepared to meet the challenges that the next 75 years will
bring. It also gives us, as a business, the opportunity to give
something back to the industry in which we have thrived.
Christopher Whiteside, Managing Director of A J Walter Aviation
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 8112
Postgraduate Courses
15 14
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Why study Biomedical Engineering at City?
We have unique links with internationally-renowned
London teaching hospitals, from which many of our
teaching staff are drawn
Individual projects are supported by NHS clinical
scientists as well as academic staff
A special module will provide an introduction to
Anatomy and Physiology and is designed for non-clinical
science graduates.
As healthcare becomes increasingly
dependent on advanced technology,
this course meets the growing
international need for clinical
engineers with good technical and
management skills.
City University London has developed
a course to meet industry demands.
Biomedical Engineering is one of
the fastest growing engineering
disciplines ofering graduates a
wide range of career opportunities
in healthcare organisations and
industries worldwide.
MSc Biomedical Engineering
with Healthcare Technology
Biomedical Engineering
with Healthcare and
Technology Management
Postgraduate Courses
17 16
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Biomedical Engineering
with Healthcare Technology
Course content
The syllabus has been designed in consultation
with clinical scientists from the NHS and is based
around the demand for Clinical Engineering
graduates in the healthcare sector.
This course provides specialised knowledge and
invaluable skills in information technology, life
sciences, mathematical methods, technology
management, physical science and biomedical
The most innovative areas of biomedical and
clinical engineering will be covered and the course
content draws from our research expertise in
biomedical sensors, bio-optics, medical imaging,
signal processing and modelling. Modules
are taught by academic lecturers as well as
Clinical Scientists drawn from our collaborating
institutions and departments, which include:
Charing Cross Hospital, London
Centre for Health Informatics, School of
Informatics, City University London
Department of Radiography, School of
Community and Health Sciences, City
University London
St Bartholomews Hospital, London
The London Chest Hospital
The Royal London Hospital
Course structure
Anatomy and physiology
Cardiovascular diagnostics and therapy
Clinical engineering practice
Healthcare technology management
Medical electronics and instrumentation
Medical imaging
Physiological measurement
Research skills
This course, formerly known as MSc
Clinical Engineering with Healthcare
Technology Management, has been
developed for science and engineering
graduates who wish to work in an area
of clinical or biomedical engineering
in the NHS, international healthcare
organisations, or in the medical devices
industry. We welcome those who
already work in hospitals or industry
who wish to gain academic training to
further their career. The course focuses on
developing up-to-date clinical technology
management skills and an innovative
approach to research and design in
biomedical engineering. As healthcare
becomes increasingly dependent
on advanced technology, this course
meets the growing international need
for Biomedical Engineers with good
technical and management skills.
Entry requirements
Applicants should have a rst or second class
Honours degree from a UK university or an
equivalent qualication from a recognised
overseas institution, in a physical science.
However, we will also consider other qualications
with relevant experience in a eld related to
Biomedical Engineering and medical imaging,
as well as prociency in mathematics.
English language requirements
For applicants whose rst language is not
English, one of the following qualications
are also required:
IELTS: 6.5 or above in all categories
Full-time: one year
Part-time: two years, with the project taking
approximately six months during or after
this period.
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
The course provides expert knowledge from
enthusiastic professionals, mostly intent on
building our condence and preparing us to
enter this rapidly growing and promising eld.
Jyoteesh Ramsoondur, MSc in Clinical Engineering with Healthcare Technology Management
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 0118
The course emphasises the
increasing importance and status
of engineering in the delivery
of modern healthcare. Our
past students have found the
course highly relevant to their
career development, either in
clinical engineering, technology
management or biomedical
engineering research.
Dr Justin Phillips, Course Director, MSc Biomedical
Engineering with Healthcare Technology Management
Postgraduate Courses
19 18
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Why study Civil Engineering at City?
All courses are accredited as further learning schemes
for Chartered Engineer status by the Institution of Civil
Engineers and the Institution of Structural Engineers
Throughout your studies, lecturers visiting from industry
will be contributing to your learning in addition to School
academic staff with international reputations
Our students have an excellent record of employment
in industry upon graduation. Many of them now occupy
leading positions as engineers, managers, consultants
and analysts in UK and overseas
All course offer part-time attendance mode for those
working in industry and timetable is designed accordingly.
Civil Engineering
Becoming a successful engineer
within the competitive environment
of the construction industry requires
a broad spectrum of knowledge and
skills. These stretch from a solid
technical engineering background
in the analysis and design of civil
engineering structures to the planning
and managing of medium-to-large
scale construction projects. We ofer
technical and management oriented
MSc courses focusing on both ends
of the spectrum.
MSc Analysis and Design
of Structures for Fire, Blast
and Earthquakes
MSc Civil Engineering Structures
MSc Professional Engineering
(Civil Engineering)
See also: MSc Construction
Management (page 44)
21 20
Postgraduate Courses City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Analysis and Design
of Structures for Fire,
Blast and Earthquakes
Course content
The course covers advanced topics of structural
engineering and particular emphasis is placed
on the special requirements necessary for the
analysis and design of structures to withstand
hazardous loading, caused by earthquake, blast,
impact and re. The core modules of the course
cover theoretical aspects of advanced structural
The electives primarily aim to develop design
skills. The course offers a blend of theory and
practice at postgraduate level, designed to
enhance the career prospects of both recent
graduates and mid-career structural engineers.
Course structure
Core modules:
Advanced analysis and stability of structures
Design of concrete and steel structures
exposed to re
Finite element methods
Shock and earthquake analysis
Structural dynamics
Structural reliability and risk
In addition, two elective modules are
selected from:
Bridge engineering
Design of concrete structures
Design of steel and composite structures.
This technical Masters course covers
advanced topics of structural engineering
and places particular emphasis on the
special requirements necessary for the
analysis and design of structures to
withstand hazardous loading caused
by earthquake, blast impact or re.
This course is designed for engineering
graduates who wish to gain specialist
knowledge in the behaviour of structures
when subjected to such loading. Applicants
working in the civil engineering industry
may attend individual modules as short
courses on a day-release basis.
Entry requirements
The standard entry requirement is an Honours
degree (minimum of lower second class) in Civil
Engineering or another appropriate subject,
plus evidence of good academic performance in
relevant subjects (equivalent to lower second
class or higher).
English language requirements
For applicants whose rst language is not
English, one of the following qualications
are also required:
IELTS: 6.5 or above in all categories
Full-time: one year
Part-time: one full day a week over a period of
three years or up to two full days a week over
a period of two years. The exact study plan is
agreed for each part-time student individually,
following consultation with the Course Director
at the time of enrolment.
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 8108
MSc Analysis and Design of Structures for Fire, Blast
and Earthquakes is a unique and focused postgraduate
course. Consideration of impact that hazards can have
on structures requires specialist knowledge and our
selection of modules provides just that.
Dr Tatyana Micic, Course Director, MSc Analysis and Design of Structures for Fire, Blast and Earthquakes
Our graduates have been very successful
in securing employment with leading civil
engineering practices, research institutes
and government agencies and in pursuing
doctoral studies, both in the UK and
Students interested in this course may also
be interested in our MSc Civil Engineering
Structures or our MSc Professional
Engineering (Civil Engineering) course.
Postgraduate Courses
23 22
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Civil Engineering
Course content
The course modules cover theoretical aspects
of advanced structural engineering and helps
students develop appropriate design skills. The
course offers a mixture of theory and practice
at postgraduate level to enhance the career
prospects of both recent graduates and mid-
career structural engineers.
Course structure
Core modules:
Advanced analysis and analysis of structures
Design of concrete structures
Design of steel and composite structures
Finite element methods
Structural dynamics
Structural reliability and risk
In addition, two elective modules are
selected from:
Bridge engineering
Design of concrete and steel structures
exposed to re
Shock and earthquake analysis
Completion of the research skills module and
a dissertation are required for the award of the
MSc. Dissertation topics are diverse and could
include analytical or experimental work.
The course covers advanced study of
modern structural engineering subjects,
providing an up-to-date combination
of design, analytical topics, theory and
professional practice. Applicants working
in the civil engineering industry may
attend part-time on a day-release basis.
Graduates have been successful in
securing employment with leading
civil engineering consultants, research
institutes and government agencies.
Students interested in this course may
also be interested in our MSc Analysis
and Design of Structures for Fire, Blast
and Earthquakes or our MSc Professional
Engineering (Civil Engineering) course.
Entry requirements
The standard entry requirement is an Honours
degree (minimum lower second class) in Civil
Engineering or another appropriate subject,
plus evidence of good academic performance
in relevant subjects (equivalent to lower second
class or higher).
English language requirements
For applicants whose rst language is not
English, one of the following qualications
are also required:
IELTS: 6.5 or above in all categories
Full-time: one year
Part-time: one full day a week over a period
of three years or up to two full days a week
over a period of two years. The exact study
plan is agreed for each part-time student
individually, following consultation with the
Course Director at the time of enrolment.
Applicants working in the civil engineering
industry may attend individual modules as
short courses on a day-release basis.
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 8108
MSc Civil Engineering Structures is a highly popular and long
established postgraduate course. The specialist focus of this
course has attracted students from diverse backgrounds and
opened doors to structural engineering consultancy work all
around the world. Our high standards have been recognised
and our courses are accredited for professional engineering
qualications in the UK and are widely accepted abroad.
Dr Tatyana Micic, Course Director, MSc Civil Engineering Structures
Postgraduate Courses
25 24
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Professional Engineering
(Civil Engineering)
Course content
Students are required to take Engineering
Management, either as a taught module or a
project based module. Modules taken from other
disciplines across the School should satisfy non-
technical broadening requirements.
Completion of modules will lead to the award
of the Postgraduate Diploma. Completion
of modules and a research dissertation will
lead to the award of the Masters degree. The
dissertations are based on advanced topics
that involve original analytical or experimental
work. This may be carried out in the workplace,
under the joint supervision of an academic and
industrial supervisor.
Course structure
Civil engineering modules available under the
civil engineering category include:
Advanced analysis and stability of structures
Finite element methods
Shock and earthquake analysis
Structural dynamics
Structural reliability and risk
Technical broadening modules, which can be
studied in the workplace, include:
Bridge engineering
Design of concrete and steel structures
exposed to re
Design of concrete structures
Design of steel and composite structures
This is a part-time course that responds
to the needs of the holders of accredited
BEng degrees to receive further learning
through an MSc course in order to satisfy
the educational requirements for
registration as a Chartered Engineer.
The course is aimed at engineering
graduates already working in the UK
construction industry. Many of the
modules are delivered in a form
suitable for study in the workplace.
Students interested in this course
may also be interested in the Civil
Engineering Structures course and the
Analysis and Design of Structures for
Fire, Blast and Earthquakes course.
Entry requirements
The standard entry requirement is an Honours
degree (lower second class minimum) in Civil
Engineering or another appropriate subject, plus
evidence of good (equivalent to lower second
class or higher) academic performance in relevant
subjects and evidence of current employment in
the construction industry.
English language requirements
For applicants whose rst language is not
English, one of the following qualications
are also required:
IELTS: 6.5 or above in all categories
Part-time: one full day a week over a period
of three years or up to two full days a week
over a period of two years.
The exact study plan is agreed with each
student individually, following consultation
with the Course Director.
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 8108
The MSc Professional Engineering (Civil Engineering) is
suited to students who can demonstrate civil engineering
work experience and are currently working in civil engineering
practice and wish to study part-time. In addition to modules
focused on analysis and design of civil engineering structures,
students will engage with management topics.
Dr Tatyana Micic, Course Director, MSc Professional Engineering (Civil Engineering)
Postgraduate Courses
27 26
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Electrical and Electronic
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
is one of the most vibrant branches of
engineering with a history of almost
continuous innovation. This is a eld of
engineering that in general deals with
the study and application of electricity,
electronics and electromagnetism.
Electrical Engineering is considered to
deal with the problems associated with
large-scale electrical systems (power
generation and transmission), while
electronic engineering deals with the
study of small-scale electronic systems
(including computers and integrated
circuits) which are electrical devices
processing information. More recently,
this distinction has faded through the
development of new applications (micro
generation and power electronics) and
the growth of areas such as control,
signal processing, instrumentation,
information engineering and
MSc Renewable Energy and Power
Systems Management
MSc Signals and Sensor Systems
MSc Systems and Control
MSc Telecommunications and
See also: MSc Biomedical Engineering
with Healthcare and Technology
Management (page 17)
Why study Electrical and Electronic Engineering
at City?
A wide ranging portfolio of postgraduate taught
programmes is on offer, providing expertise in Electrical
and Electronic Engineering, and ensure industrially
relevant coverage, thus meeting the expectations of
employers and the needs of the industry
The MSc Renewable Energy and Power Systems
Management is accredited by the Institution of
Engineering and Technology, whilst the MSc Systems
and Control Engineering and MSc Telecommunications
and Networks are accredited by the Institution of
Engineering and Technology and the Institute of
Measurement and Control
Graduates have found employment in organisations
such as Altran, Nokia, Siemens and Veolia.
Postgraduate Courses
29 28
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Renewable
Energy and Power
Systems Management
Course content
You will develop the ability to critically evaluate
methodologies, analytical procedures and
research methods in power systems engineering.
Practical skills are gained through the use of
state-of- the-art computational tools, the design
of sustainable electrical power systems and
networks and regulatory frameworks.
Modules include:
Economics of the power industry
Energy utilisation and management
Industrial control
Introduction to power systems
Power electronics
Renewable energy: engineering principles
of solar, wind and biomass energy supplies
Systems modelling
Transmission and distribution
Entry requirements
Applicants should have either, a minimum of an
upper second class Honours degree in Electrical
Engineering, Physics or an engineering-related
subject or relevant career achievement in a
power/energy-related or environmental eld.
This course, formerly known as MSc Power
Systems and Energy Management, has
been designed to meet the industrial
demand for the training and education
of both existing and future engineers in
the advanced concepts of sustainable
electrical power and energy generation.
It provides skills for operation, control,
design, regulation and management of
power systems and networks of the future.
This course has been designed to meet
the industrial demand for the training
and education of both existing and future
engineers in the advanced concepts
of sustainable electrical power and
energy generation. It provides skills for
operation, control, design, regulation
and management of power systems and
networks of the future. Being a specialised
course, graduates will be highly sought
after, especially as there are links with
companies such as UK Power Networks.
English language requirements
For applicants whose rst language is not
English, one of the following qualications
are also required:
IELTS: 6.5 or above in all categories
Full-time: 12 months
Part-time: normally within three years, part-time
studies can commence any time during the year.
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 8108
I found the course to be in-depth and well designed. The industrial
links enhanced further my interest in renewable energy and
sustainability. The knowledge and experiences I gained have
helped me immensely in carrying out my day to day tasks as
Department Head at the State Electrical Company in the Maldives.
IbrahimZareer, MSc Power Systems and Energy Management
The Renewable Energy and
Power Systems Management
MSc provides a platform
of skills, knowledge and a
variety of other attributes
for those aspiring to be part
of the global challenge of
delivering electrical power
in a clean and efcient way.
Dr Daniel Nankoo, Course Director, MSc Renewable
Energy and Power Systems Management
Postgraduate Courses
31 30
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Signals and
Sensor Systems
Course content
The course draws on the knowledge and
experience of leading experts and active
researchers of the Sensors and Instrumentation
and the Systems and Control Research Centres of
City University London. The course is supported
by research in signal and image processing,
sensor systems, computer vision and intelligent
systems, tomography, optoelectronic systems
and control theory and design. This research
provides topics for the MSc dissertations and
opportunities for further research leading to PhD.
Course structure
Core modules:
Digital image processing
Digital signal processing
Measurement and control
Metrology and applications
Pattern recognition
Research skills and techniques
Sensor systems
Signals and information theory
Soft eld imaging
The design of sensor systems as well
as the processing and interpretation
of associated signals/measurements
are key requirements for both R&D and
product development across a wide
range of applications, such as industrial,
manufacturing, biomedical, security
and telecoms.
Signal processing and sensor systems
are fundamental disciplines in all
advanced technology areas, including
manufacturing, aerospace and transport,
telecommunications, security, energy,
biomedical, and environmental
engineering. There are many career
opportunities for graduates in these
areas. In addition, there are opportunities
for further study by research, leading to
the award of the degree of PhD following
successful completion of the MSc course.
Entry requirements
The normal requirement is a second class
Honours degree or equivalent in an acceptable
scientic or engineering discipline or relevant
industrial experience.
English language requirements
For applicants whose rst language is not
English, one of the following qualications
are also required:
IELTS: 6.5 or above in all categories
Full-time: one year
Part-time: two years*
* The duration of a part-time programme may
be extended to three years in order to cater for
individual circumstances.
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 8095
The MSc in Signals and Sensor Systems at City
encompasses a wide range of areas from aerospace
to medical applications, thus providing graduates
with the skills and expertise to respond to real
world needs.
Professor P. Liatsis, Course Director, MSc Signals and Sensor Systems
Postgraduate Courses
33 32
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Systems and
Control Engineering
Course content
The course draws on the knowledge and
experience of leading experts and active
researchers of the Systems and Control Research
Centre of City University London. The course
is supported by research in control theory and
design, complex systems, machine vision and
information engineering, networks, risk, reliability
and systems assurance, and mathematical
systems theory and computations. This research
provides topics for the MSc dissertations and
opportunities for further research leading to PhD.
Course structure
Core modules:
Control systems design
Industrial control
Introduction to control
Linear and non-linear systems
Mathematical techniques for systems
and control
Optimisation and optimal control
Research skills and techniques
Signals and information technology
Systems modelling
This course focuses on the topical areas
in the world of systems and control and
aims to provide the fundamentals required
to solve problems in complex systems
engineering. The programme is suitable
for engineers and applied scientists who
wish to develop a specialised knowledge
in the areas of systems and control. The
syllabus covers the fundamentals in
systems, modelling, control, optimisation
and optimal control, linear and non-linear
systems, control systems design and
complex systems and demonstrates their
relevance to challenging technological
Systems and Control Engineering are
fundamental disciplines in all advanced
technology areas including: processes
engineering, manufacturing, aerospace
and transport, energy, biomedical,
embedded systems, environmental
engineering, as well as in elds such as
national utilities, nance, management
and the emerging elds of complex
systems. The presence of control and
systems in every single technological
area makes them essential components
for multidisciplinary work and increases
signicantly the employability of
the graduates.
Entry requirements
The normal requirement is a second class
Honours degree or equivalent in an acceptable
scientic or engineering discipline or relevant
industrial experience.
English language requirements
For applicants whose rst language is not
English, one of the following qualications
are also required:
IELTS: 6.5 or above in all categories
Full-time: one year
Part-time: one full day a week, over two years.
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 8095
The MSc Systems and Control Engineering course
provides the fundamentals of the systems control
discipline required to develop a career in the
challenging areas of modern complex engineering
Professor Nicos Karcanias, Course Director, MSc Systemand Control Engineering
Postgraduate Courses
35 34
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Telecommunications
and Networks
Course content
The course draws on the knowledge and
experiences of experts and active researchers
working in telecommunications and networks.
This Masters course is supported by research
groups in network communications, wireless
networks, information security, cryptography,
digital signal processing, photonic devices
modelling and bre optic sensors. Seminars
given by engineers or researchers complement
the normal pattern of lectures and laboratories.
A fourth month project is undertaken either in
close collaboration with one of the research
groups or as part of an industrial placement.
Course structure
Core modules:
Cryptography and coding
Digital communications
Digital signal processing
Lasers and optoelectronics
Multiservice communications networks
Optical communications
Research skills and techniques
Signals and information theory
Wireless communications
The MSc Telecommunications and
Networks syllabus covers recent
major technological developments
in telecommunications, technology,
protocols, security and networks
including: digital, mobile and wireless
communications, photonics and optical
communications, internet and web
service security, and coding.
This course provides the skills and
knowledge base for a professional career
as a design and development engineer
in the mobile, wireless, internet, optical
and telecommunications sectors or a
higher research degree course.
Entry requirements
The minimum requirement is a second class
Honours degree or equivalent in an acceptable
scientic or engineering discipline.
English language requirements
For applicants whose rst language is not English,
one of the following qualications are also required:
IELTS: 6.5 or above in all categories
Full-time: one year
Part-time: equivalent to two full days a week over
a period of two years.
You can nd information on the fees related to this
course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
I really enjoyed the lasers and optoelectronics,
and optical communications modules. I wasnt
sure in what eld I would like to develop a career
but after I took those classes I decided that I
would like a career in optical networks.
Tanya Georgieva, MSc Telecommunications and Networks
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 8095
Postgraduate Courses
37 36
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Energy and
the Environment
Why study Energy and the Environment at City?
The course is accredited by the Energy Institute and
supported by the Worshipful Company of Fuellers
Teaching is organised into modules comprising three
consecutive day courses, which makes it attractive to
those who wish to study on a part-time basis
Students on the course come from a wide range of
backgrounds including engineering, economics,
strategic planning and policy.
As Europe acts on its climate
change reduction commitments,
a new momentum for energy and
environmental management is
emerging. This requires a mix of
skills, encompassing technologies
aligned to the nancial, economic
and regulatory issues that are an
important part of the purchase and
management of energy. At City, our
course is focused on investment
in energy and environmental
technologies and services, the
management of energy resources,
conversion and use. It provides a
technical and economic framework to
develop skills required by a successful
industrial economy.
MSc Energy and Environmental
Technology and Economics
See also: MSc Renewable Energy
and Power Systems Management
(page 30)
Postgraduate Courses
39 38
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Energy and Environmental
Technology and Economics
Course content
You will address the implementation of energy
management systems and technologies including
renewables. Issues involved in the energy supply
side are covered as well as environmental aspects
arising from the use of fuels for industrial and
transport purposes.
Core modules:
Corporate energy management
Energy policies and economic dimensions
Introduction to energy and environmental
The energy market from the purchasers
Elective modules:
Emissions trading
Energy conversion technology
Energy in industry and the built environment
Energy, consumer goods and the home
Renewable energy and sustainability
Transport energy and emissions
Entry requirements
Applicants should hold a minimum of a second
class Honours degree or equivalent in a relevant
subject. Applicants should have nancial,
management or technological backgrounds.
They must also be able to show potential to
reach a senior position in the energy industry.
The MSc Energy and Environmental
Technology and Economics has been
designed to develop skills in the
cost-efective management of energy
resources and in managing commercial
and industrial development within tight
environmental constraints.
You will develop economic and market-
based skills relevant to carbon trading,
and technical and engineering skills
related to energy generation and
English language requirements
For applicants whose rst language is not
English, one of the following qualications
are also required:
IELTS: 6.5 or above in all categories
Full-time: 15 months
Part-time: normally within three years, part-time
students can start any time between October and
May. Students interested in sustainability issues
have the option of taking up to two modules from
the MSc Environmental Strategy offered by the
University of Surrey.
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
I chose City for its proximity to the City of London
and the opportunities that arise from making
valuable contacts through the course.
Andy Heald, MSc Energy and Environmental Technology and Economics
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 8108
The MSc Energy and
Environmental Technology
and Economics is a unique
course designed to jointly
address the issues of energy
and environment in an
interdisciplinary fashion. It
tackles policy, and regulatory
change, addresses the
economic implications and
technological evolution of
energy sources, examines
energy markets and the global
governance of climate change
as well as the challenges
associated with transitioning
to a low-carbon economy.
Professor Panicos Kyriacou, Course Director, MSc Energy
and Environmental Technology and Economics
Postgraduate Courses
41 40
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Engineering with
Becoming a successful professional
within the competitive corporate
environment of the engineering and
operations management industry
requires skills and knowledge
complementary to a technical
engineering degree/background.
This enables you to undertake
strategic and business planning of
medium-to-large scale engineering
projects and processes. You will also
be able to assess the uncertainty
and risk involved in engineering
processes and decision making, thus
ensuring sustainable development in
nancial and environmental terms.
You will also need to efectively use
information and communication
technology to manage and monitor
large-scale projects and processes.
We ofer two distinct MSc courses
in Engineering Management which
cover the technical aspects of
project management nance and risk
assessment of engineering processes
and the soft skills and business
management knowledge related to
the construction industry.
MSc Construction Management
MSc Project Management, Finance
and Risk
Why study Engineering with Management
at City?
We offer two distinct MSc courses in Engineering
Management which cover the technical aspects
of project management nance and risk assessment
of engineering processes and the soft skills and
business management knowledge related to the
construction industry
MSc Construction Management is accredited as
a further learning scheme for Chartered Engineer
status by the Institution of Civil Engineers and the
Institution of Structural Engineers
MSc Construction Management is run in association
with Cass Business School and includes modules
from MSc Management, which currently ranks 3rd
in Europe.
Postgraduate Courses
43 42
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Construction
Course content
The taught part of the course is based on ten
modules, of which ve are carefully chosen to
provide a broad foundation in various aspects
of theory and practice in the eld of general
management. These modules constitute part of
the curriculumfor the MSc in Management, a top-
ranked course offered by Cass Business School.
A signicant proportion of the management
modules are delivered by academics from Cass
Business School, which is consistently ranked
one of the best business schools in Europe.
The ve management modules are complemented
by ve construction-oriented modules delivered
by senior professional engineers with wide
experience in the construction industry. The
latter set of modules cover important aspects
in the practice of planning, Financing, and
delivering large scale civil engineering and
infrastructure projects. These modules focus on
the development of practical management skills
and knowledge within a construction context.
The culmination of the course is the Project:
a major individual research exercise on a
topic within the broad area of construction
management, conducted under the direction of a
supervisor. The major product of the Project work
is a written report (dissertation). The topics/
titles for this major Project can be chosen from:
a list suggested by the lecturers of the course,
students own ideas/initiatives, or where
applicable by a students sponsoring company/
industrial partner.
Successful completion of the taught part of the
course leads to the award of a Postgraduate
Diploma. The additional completion of a
satisfactory Project leads to the MSc qualication.
This course provides graduates and
professionals with an engineering
background from the built environment:
Civil Engineers, Architects and
Quantity Surveyors, from contractors,
consultants and client organisations,
with the knowledge and skills needed
for a rewarding management career
in the infrastructure and construction
The course is accredited by:
Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)
Institution of Structural Engineers
Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE)
Chartered Institution of Highways
and Transportation (CIHT)
Course structure
Advanced practice of management
Corporate governance
ICT for construction management
International construction contracts
and arbitration
Leadership and management skills
Operations and information management
Organisational behaviour and Human
Resource Management
Project nance and infrastructure funding
Project planning and management
Sustainable development and corporate social
Entry requirements
The normal requirement is an Honours degree
(minimum lower class second) in civil engineering,
architecture or a related subject. However, we are
always willing to talk to potential students with
other qualications.
English language requirements
For applicants whose rst language is not English,
one of the following qualications are also required:
IELTS: 6.5 or above in all categories
Approximately six months during this period.
Part-time: two years with the project taking
approximately six months during the second year.
You can nd information on the fees related to this
course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
The MSc Construction
Management course comprises
judicially chosen state-of-
the-art management modules
delivered by academics
afliated to Cass Business
School, one of the leading
business schools in the UK,
along with construction-
oriented modules delivered by
selected senior professional
engineers heavily involved in
the planning, nancing, and
delivery of large scale civil
engineering projects.
Dr Agathoklis Giaralis, Course Director,
MSc Construction Management
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 0118
The specic nature of the MSc gave me the right avour of the
high-level dynamics within the construction industry, which has
in turn provided me with a better understanding of company
strategy and related drivers. As a Project Manager involved in
delivering renewable energy projects for a leading international
energy company, my MSc is a tremendous advantage.
Giorgio Luoni, MSc Construction Management
Postgraduate Courses
45 44
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Project Management,
Finance and Risk
Course content
This course provides a basis in risk and decision
making under uncertainty, classical engineering
economics and nancial engineering, For those
pursuing a career or planning a career in capital
goods or project management. In addition the
course offers practical skills in software and
communications tools.
The course is modular and each module lasts four
days. The structure is designed to allow both full
and part-time students to follow the course.
Course structure
Modules include:
Communication and presentation
Financial engineering and project planning
Lifecycle engineering
Managing risk and uncertainty
Optimisation and decision making
Programming and software packages
The MSc Project Management,
Finance and Risk ofers training in
modern techniques for managing and
engineering the uncertainties and risk
inherent in projects and designing
appropriate nancial instruments and
tools to optimise the performance
throughout the life cycle.
Capital goods manufacturers are
changing into the providers of services
selling the function of the capital item
rather than the item itself. This change
demands new ways, based on nancial
engineering and risk analysis to price,
manage and service the resulting
contracts. Capital projects are also
evaluated on the basis of life cycle cost
and revenue streams in an uncertain
Entry requirements
Applicants should normally hold a good Honours
degree in a subject with suitable mathematical
content, such as engineering or physics. However,
we are always willing to talk to potential students
with other qualications.
English language requirements
For applicants whose rst language is not
English, one of the following qualications
are also required:
IELTS: 6.5 or above in all categories
Full-time: one year, with the project taking
approximately six months during or after
this period.
Part-time: two years, with the project taking
approximately six months during or after
this period.
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
When I was doing my research I found that City was
the perfect t for me; it has great facilities, good
industry reputation and a diverse cohort. I chose
my course because I want to move my career on
within the nancial sector.
Manju Loku, MSc Project Management, Finance and Risk
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 8095
Postgraduate Courses
47 46
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Why study Maritime Operations and Management
at City?
The course modules are delivered by full-time and
visiting lecturers who have achieved eminence in
different aspects of the marine industry
Studying in the marine capital of the world with access
to dedicated libraries and information centres
Working within an atmosphere where research into a
wide variety of marine related topics is being undertaken
The course is recognised by the Institute of Marine
Engineering, Science and Technology as satisfying the
their academic requirements to become a Chartered
Marine Technologist
The course is modular and can be tailored to your
specic needs on either a full-time or part-time basis.
Maritime Operations
and Management
The marine industry moves around
90% of the worlds trade and this
is done for the most part safely,
economically and in a particularly
challenging natural environment.
The ships engaged on this trade vary
considerably in size and type ranging
from small coastal ships through to
the largest tankers, container ships
and cruise vessels. This course is
specically designed to prepare you
to meet the challenges of the modern
marine industry.The course is directed
towards either established personnel
in the industry or new-entrants
that have recently graduated from a
recognised university. It considers a
broad spectrum of techno-economic,
management, safety, environmental
and legal issues.
MSc Maritime Operations
and Management
49 48
Postgraduate Courses City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Maritime Operations
and Management
Course content
The core academic content, supported by
expert lecturers fromindustry, will help reinforce
your skills and experience in order to secure a
more senior position in related sectors of the
maritime industries.
The course utilises prestigious visiting speakers
and takes advantage of the importance of
London as an international maritime hub.
Students will gain a good understanding of
maritime operations, management, marine
law, accountancy and technology and the
related business environment in which they
will work. The course will also provide technical
knowledge of selected aspects of ship design
and operation, related maritime land-based or
offshore structures, sub-sea engineering and
mining, environment, marketing, security, risk
management and port operations. Students will
develop skills to equip them for taking leadership
and management responsibility in a wide range
of maritime activities.
Course structure
Core modules:
Maritime economics and nance
Maritime law and insurance
Maritime management
Maritime operations
Maritime technology
Elective modules:
Environmental science and issues
Marketing of marine services
Offshore technology and operations
Risk management
Security studies, accident investigation
and crisis management
Ship and marine equipment design
Strategic planning for ports and
shipping business
This course is designed for those looking
for a career in the maritime industries
and existing professionals serving both
at sea, ofshore and onshore. If you are
already within the industry, you are
likely to be at that stage in your career
where you have a responsible sea-
going or middle-management position.
Alternatively, if you are a new entrant,
then you are likely to have attained a rst
degree in a related technical, Financial,
legal or management subject.
Employment opportunities within
this area are varied. In shipping,
opportunities can be found with ship
managers, operators, owners and
brokers. Within industry associations
and regulators there are also roles
within classications societies and
government. In intermediate services
areas include insurers, banking
and technology.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements should include at least one
of the following:
A recognised university degree (normally a
2:2 minimum) in an appropriate discipline
For seagoing entrants, a Certicate of
Competence as Master or Chief Engineer,
Class 1 Master Mariner, Class 1 Engineer
A Higher National Diploma in an appropriate
discipline plus relevant and signicant
professional qualications and experience
Qualications that have led to the attainment
of Chartered Engineer status
Relevant experience and other qualications in
the marine and offshore industry which indicate
the applicant has achieved a reasonable level
of responsibility. The selection process by this
route will include an interview.
English language requirements
For applicants whose rst language is not
English, one of the following qualications
are also required:
IELTS: 6.5 or above in all categories
Full-time: one year, with the project taking
approximately three months during this period.
Part-time: one to three years, with the project
taking approximately six months during or
after this period. This route should ideally
include employer participation.
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
I chose City University London as it is well
known around the world and in the shipping
industry. I also wanted to live in London and this
combination made it the obvious choice for me.
Andreas Chandris, MSc Maritime Operations and Management
For further information
and Open Evening dates
+44 (0)20 7040 3630
The Maritime Operations
and Management MSc
course aims to give you
the necessary skills to
become effective leaders
and managers in the marine
industry and also to be
technically literate about
the industry.
Professor John Carlton, Course Director,
MSc Maritime Operations and Management
Postgraduate Courses
51 50
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Why study Mechanical and Automotive
Engineering at City?
Our research-active staff are at the cutting-edge of
their eld and many have research collaborations with
different organisations including: Yamaha, Toyota, Shell,
Delphi, Lotus, BP, Howden Compressors Ltd. Two of our
staffs have held the position of Industrial Chair from
Delphi diesel and Howden Compressors Ltd
Citys internationally-recognised Research Centre for
Energy and Transports excellent computational and
experimental facilities cover all topics including a
number of modern test facilities for experimentations
and advanced optical/mechanical instruments for
different diagnostic methods
Both our courses are accredited by the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers and provide the path for graduates
to gain charter status
The courses are designed to provide students with
advance technical knowledge and expertise in design
and manufacturing, internal combustion engines,
renewable energy and alternative fuel, computational
uid dynamics, vehicle engineering and design and
industry-standard CAD tools.
Mechanical and
Automotive Engineering
Mechanical and Automotive
Engineering has a vast impact on
modern living, in particular, on the
design and manufacture of reliable
cars and transport systems and
of global and sustainable energy
systems. Our courses are designed
to deliver graduates with advanced
knowledge who can take leading
roles in industry. This aim is further
supported by our thriving research
centre with international recognition,
which enjoys collaborative links
with many research groups and
industries.Our courses are focused
upon advanced knowledge of the
latest technological developments
in mechanical and automotive
MSc Automotive Engineering
MSc Mechanical Engineering
Postgraduate Courses
53 52
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Automotive
Course content
Our internationally-recognised Energy and
Transport Research Centres core research
activities are in automotive engineering, providing
excellent computational and experimental
facilities including advanced optical instruments
used in research engines, assessment of fuels and
turbo-machinery. Research is also conducted in
support of developments of advanced low
carbon powertrains.
Course structure
Core modules:
Advanced mechatronics
Computer-aided design with CATIA
Internal combustion engines
Performance of internal combustion engines
Vehicle engineering and design
Four elective modules from:
Computational uid dynamics
Control and measurement
Dynamics of structures
Energy utilisation and management
Mathematical modelling in CAD
Renewable energy
Completion of modules and examinations will
lead to the award of a Postgraduate Diploma.
The completion of modules, examinations and a
dissertation will lead to the award of a Masters
degree. Major specialisations for the dissertation
include: computer-aided design, vehicle design,
vehicle dynamics control, engine performance
design and fuel cells.
Students may also be interested in the MSc
Mechanical Engineering course.
The MSc Automotive Engineering course
provides specialised knowledge of the
latest technological developments in
automotive applications of mechanical
engineering, including internal
combustion engines, new vehicle
powertrains, aerodynamics, industry-
standard CAD tools, renewable energy
and alternative fuels, Finite elements
and experimental techniques.
The course ofers students experience and
expertise in a large range of advanced
subjects providing good preparation
for a variety of engineering and related
careers. The School prides itself with its
extensive links to industry and strong
research base which informs the teaching
on these Programmes and provides
platforms for the main MSc dissertations.
Some examples include two of our staf
having Industrial Chairs with Delphi
Diesel and Howden Compressors whilst
another provides consultancy advice to
a leading F1 team in advanced energy
recovery systems.
Entry requirements
The normal requirement is a second class Honours
degree in Mechanical or Automotive Engineering
or equivalent in an acceptable scientic or
engineering discipline. Consideration will also be
given to candidates who can demonstrate work
experience in an appropriate eld.
English language requirements
For applicants whose rst language is not
English, one of the following qualications
are also required:
IELTS: 6.5 or above in all categories
Full-time: one year
Part-time: one or two days a week over a period
of two years.
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
The faculty was very supportive and the library had the
necessary resources. All this, coupled with the industrial
contacts of my supervisor, helped me in securing my rst
job immediately after graduating.
Mandar Sontakke, MSc Automotive Engineering
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 0118
The IMechE accredited
programme offers students
a wide range of subject
choices but with a core
emphasis on the automotive
engineering sector. The skills
and knowledge gained is
also highly transferrable to
other engineering sectors and
alternative careers.
Professor Keith Pullen, Course Director,
MSc Automotive Engineering
Postgraduate Courses
55 54
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Mechanical
Course content
Citys internationally-recognised Energy and
Transport Research Centre has excellent
computational and experimental facilities,
covering all topics including several modern
test facilities for experimentation and advanced
optical/mechanical instruments for different
diagnostic methods. The Research Centre has
strong links with industry and contains the
world leading Centre for Positive Displacement
Compressors and International Cavitation
Research Centre.
Course structure
Core modules:
Advanced energy systems, heat and
mass transfer
Advanced mechatronics
Combustion fundamentals and applications
Computational uid dynamics
Computer-aided design with CATIA
Research skills
Four elective modules from:
Dynamics of structures
Energy utilisation and management
Internal combustion engines
Mathematical modelling in CAD
Renewable energy
Vehicle engineering and design
Students may also be interested in the
MSc Automotive Engineering course.
This course provides broad-based
knowledge of the latest technological
developments in mechanical engineering,
including internal combustion engines,
renewable energy and alternative fuel,
computational uid dynamics, vehicle
engineering and design, and industry-
standard CAD tools.
This course develops the broad skills and
knowledge base required by mechanical
engineers, providing a platform for career
The MSc in Mechanical Engineering
ofers students experience and expertise
in a large range of advanced subjects
providing good preparation for a variety
of engineering and related careers. The
School prides itself with its extensive
links to industry and strong research
base which informs the teaching on these
courses and provides platforms for the
main MSc dissertations. Some examples
include two of our staf having Industrial
Chairs with Delphi Diesel and Howden
Compressors whilst another provides
consultancy advice to a leading F1 team
in advanced energy recovery systems.
Entry requirements
The normal requirement is a second class Honours
degree in Mechanical or Automotive Engineering
or equivalent in an acceptable scientic or
engineering discipline. Consideration will also
be given to candidates who can demonstrate,
work experience in an appropriate eld.
English language requirements
For applicants whose rst language is not
English, one of the following qualications
are also required:
IELTS: 6.5 or above in all categories
Full-time: one year
Part-time: one or two days a week over a period
of two years.
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
The course has a good balance between theoretical and
practical work with the latter encouraged by staff. I was offered
a scholarship to study PhD in Mechanical Engineering which
I am currently completing. As an international student, I have
improved my social and technical skills which are highly sought
after in academia and industry.
Milad Mirshahi, MSc Mechanical Engineering
For further information
and Open Evening dates
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 0118
The IMechE accredited
programme offers students a
wide range of subject choices,
opening up many possibilities
for careers in a variety of
engineering sectors. The skills
and knowledge gained is also
highly transferrable to other
Professor Keith Pullen, Course Director,
MSc Mechanical Engineering
Postgraduate Courses
57 56
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Why study Transport Systems and Strategy
at City?
Our course will offer you cross-training with an emphasis
on inter-linked technologies and their management
Bringing together intensive exposure to key theories and
issues alongside practical interaction with experienced
sector specialists
Plentiful opportunities to involve employers and work-
based situations.
Transport Systems
and Strategy
The transport sector is increasingly
asking for graduates who are able to
solve interconnected problems and
contribute to helping people or freight
move more efectively and sustainably.
City University London has a strong
pedigree in air transport, maritime,
civil engineering and other aspects
of technology and management
education. In recent years, with the
establishment of the City Collaborative
Transport Hub, the University has
fostered research and enterprise
projects which integrate and grow our
capacity to solve inter-disciplinary
problems in transportation. Allied to
this the Transport Hub and the School
of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences have launched an MSc which
helps prepare aspiring professionals
to tackle integrated challenges right
across transport.
MSc Transport Systems
and Strategy
59 58
Postgraduate Courses City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
MSc Transport Systems
and Strategy
Course content
The course offers students specic insights into
how transport problems are recognised, dened
and tackled. You will build an understanding of
how transport improvements are developed and
implemented in partnerships, often founded on
strong supply chain relationships.
It also aims to build an analytical understanding
of the policy and risk drivers inuencing global
transport challenges.
Course structure
The modules in the course include:
Management and leadership
Principles of transport systems
Resilience and security
Transport and law
Transport asset management
Transport energy and emissions
Transport strategy and policy
This course is for graduates who aspire
to manage complex work in transport.
It ofers a combination of specialised
knowledge and a comprehensive
global context. You can enhance your
career prospects by bringing together
a range of academic and professional
competencies across the many disciplines
which overlap in freight and passenger
transport systems. The focus on
integrating technology, sustainability
and management reects the cross-
disciplinary challenges which you can
expect to meet as a graduate in the
workplace or in further research. Where
possible, the course encourages you to
link your study to work-based situations.
Entry requirements
Applicants should normally hold a good honours
degree (at least 2.1 or equivalent), plus relevant
transport experience or demonstrated vocational
interest. Applicants with academic backgrounds
and transport-related work experience in
management, law, economics and nance are
also encouraged to apply.
English language requirements
For applicants whose rst language is not
English, one of the following qualications are
also required:
IELTS: 6.5 or above in all categories
You can nd further information at
You can nd information on the fees related
to this course at
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
For further information
and Open Evening dates
+44 (0)20 7040 8095
Postgraduate Courses
61 60
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Stage 1
Completing your form
You can access the application formonline
postgraduate follow the link to your course of
interest and select the How to Apply button
State clearly on your form which course you
are applying for and which mode: full-time
or part-time
You may wish to state your second and
third preference courses, should you be
unsuccessful in applying for your rst choice.
Date of commencement
State the year you intend to start your studies
Personal information
State you full name on your formand other
documents for City University London
If you have changed your name, please provide
copies of documentary evidence of the name
change process e.g. marriage certicate or
deed poll documents
It is very important to include an email address,
especially if you are an overseas applicant
If you are based in the UK, also include a
daytime contact/mobile telephone number.
Statement in support of your application
This is an important part of the application,
and will be given careful consideration by the
Admissions Tutor. State clearly and in detail:
why you have chosen this particular course
what you can contribute to the course
what you hope to do after completing
the course.
You should expect to write between 500
and 800 words. Applicants who write only a
few lines in this space are likely to nd their
application rejected.
Please ensure you have completed all
sections of the application form.
Scholarships and bursaries
The School of Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences has a selection of postgraduate
scholarships at school and course level. Find
out more at
Stage 2
Supporting documentation
We accept references in two formats: on the
reference forms and envelopes enclosed with
your application (or printable from our online
system), or on institution headed paper (no
It is your responsibility to arrange references
from two referees before submitting your
If you have studied at higher education level
in the last three years, at least one reference
should be from an academic referee
Ask each referee to forward you their reference
in a signed and sealed envelope to ensure
All home/EU and overseas applicants must
include a transcript of their rst degree with
the application
Overseas applications and English
If English is not your rst language, you must
supply evidence with your application that your
command of the English language is suitable
for study at postgraduate level
You are usually expected to have achieved
satisfactory results in either a TOEFL or IELTS
test. For further details visit
Career Development Loans
Under a scheme operated by the Royal Bank
of Scotland, Barclays and the Co-operative
Bank, applicants wishing to undertake certain
courses, lasting no longer than two years, may
borrow between 300 and 10,000. Repayments
are delayed and the government pays the
interest during your study and for one month
afterwards. Further details can be found at
Other loans
Your own bank may offer loans. Banks sometimes
prefer to nance vocational courses and you
may be required to demonstrate that the course
of study will improve your long-term career
Stage 3
Submitting your application
Please ensure that the following documents
are included with your completed application:
Two sealed and signed references
English language test results
(where appropriate)
Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form*
If you apply online you will have the opportunity
to upload copies of your supporting documents;
however, you will still need to send your
references by post.
* A copy of this form should be completed and
returned with your application. The information
you submit on the form is condential and will
only be used for our monitoring purposes. It will
not be made available to the Admissions Tutor.
Postal applications
Please send your application to:
Postgraduate Team,
Programmes Ofce,
School of Engineering
and Mathematical Sciences,
City University London,
Northampton Square,
If you are enclosing important documents it is
advisable to send your application by registered
post, or to be signed for on delivery. We are not
responsible for applications which are sent but
not received.
Online applications
Go to
postgraduate and follow the links to apply online.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 1
September. We do recommend you apply as early
as possible, competition for places can be very high.
What happens next?
If further information is required we will
contact you (usually by email) with details
Complete applications are passed on to
the Admissions Tutor for consideration
We normally aim to make a decision on
completed applications within four weeks
of the date of receipt of the form
Please note that we cannot make a nal
decision on applications until all supporting
documentation is received.
How to apply Funding your postgraduate study
Working whilst studying
Part-time students
Some employers may offer nancial support for
part-time study, usually where employees have
proved their value and for study that relates to
their work.
Full-time students
City University London Student Employment
Service can help with information on part-time
and temporary work.
Claiming benets
You may be eligible for benets. As the rules
are complex, we advise checking with your
local benet agency. Further information on
any available nancial benets and support
can be found at
EU/International students
Extra information
While you might be eligible for some of the
funding sources listed above, you are advised to
explore sources of funding in your own country
and the scholarships and bursaries available from
the British government (via other governments).
These sources of funding are usually applied
for through your own government, not from
within the UK, and will have closing dates for
application. For information, please contact one
of the following:
The education ministry in your country
Your nearest British Council ofce
The British Council Education Information
Postgraduate Courses
63 62
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Find us
The information contained in this brochure is correct at the time of going to press (November 2012). The University
reserves the right, arising from unforeseen events or circumstances beyond our control, to add to or remove courses,
and to make changes in regulations, syllabuses, course options, timetables, modules and fees etc, without prior
notice. Complaints concerning the accuracy of information provided by the University in this brochure and in related
publications should be made to the Academic Registrar. Any persons who feel their complaints have not been dealt
with satisfactorily may write to the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. General information about the
University including fees, general entry requirements, accommodation and social and welfare services, is given in the
undergraduate prospectus, which can be viewed or ordered online on the Universitys website www
Additional information
For further information, including
Open Evening dates, visit
Depending on where you live at the moment,
you may need accommodation during your
time at City. We have an accommodation team
within the Student Centre for all prospective and
registered full-time students. We can advise you
on accommodation matters and help you nd
suitable accommodation:
In student halls of residence which are
contracted for City University Londons use
through independent third-party housing
providers or
In the private sector, ranging from single rooms
to shared ats.
Visa requirements
If you are coming from outside the European
Union to study in the UK, you will need to obtain
a visa before you travel.
Admissions team
For contact details, please
see individual course pages.
This publication can be made available
in alternative formats. Please contact:
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7040 8417
Postgraduate accommodation
We offer some accommodation specically for
postgraduate students. This is in self-catered
facilities within easy travelling distance of the
main University buildings. We also have some
accommodation suitable for students with
mobility difculties let us know if you need
this when you apply.
Unfortunately, we cannot offer accommodation
suitable for students with partners or families.
We advise students with families not to bring
their dependents until they have found suitable
Please note: We do not provide any
childcare facilities.
Full information about applying for visas to
study at City is on our website at
studentvisa and in the Studying in the UK
section of the UK Border Agency website at
Information about applying to extend a visa in the
UK is available on our website at
extend and in the Studying in the UK section
of the UK Border Agency website at
You are responsible for obtaining any necessary
visas and entry clearance into the UK.
Please note: If you have a Tier 4 (General Student
visa which was issued for study at another
university, college or school in the UK, you
will need to make a newTier 4 application to
the UK Border Agency using a Conrmation of
Acceptance for Studies from City before you will
be able to commence studying with us.
How to apply for your accommodation
If you would like to apply for or nd out more
about halls of residence accommodation please
contact our accommodation team in the Student
Centre on +44 (0)20 7040 7040 or visit our
Competition for halls of residence accommodation
is strong, so it is a good idea to apply early. If you
dont get a place in halls, the accommodation
team can give you information about private
sector accommodation. Students with disabilities
who are intending to apply for University
accommodation should write directly to the
accommodation team, in condence, as soon as
possible after being accepted by the University.
Support for international students
We have dedicated international student advisers,
based in the Student Centre, who are available
to offer immigration advice and assistance with
visa applications to all international students
who are studying, or thinking of studying, at
the University.
For information, contact:
T: +44 (0)20 7040 7040
E: [email protected]
Accommodation/International students
City University London, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences Postgraduate Courses
School of Engineering
and Mathamatical Sciences
City University London
Northampton Square
United Kingdom