Adaptive Control by Landau

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Adaptive control provides techniques for the automatic adjustment of control param-
eters in real time either to achieve or to maintain a desired level of control system
performance when the dynamic parameters of the process to be controlled are un-
known and/or time-varying. The main characteristic of these techniques is the ability
to extract signicant information from real data in order to tune the controller and
they feature a mechanism for adjusting the parameters of either the plant model or
the controller. The history of adaptive control is long, signicant progress in under-
standing and applying its ideas having begun in the early nineteen-seventies. The
growing availability of digital computers has also contributed to the progression of
the eld. The early applications provided important feedback for the development
of the eld and theoretical innovations allowed a number of basic problems to be
solved. The aim of this book is to provide a coherent and comprehensive treatment
of the eld of adaptive control. The presentation takes the reader from basic problem
formulation to analytical solutions the practical signicance of which is illustrated
by applications. A unied presentation of adaptive control is not obvious. One rea-
son for this is that several design steps are involved and this increases the number
of degrees of freedom. Another is that methods have been proposed having differ-
ent applications in mind but without a clear motivation for the intermediate design
steps. It is our belief, however, that a coherent presentation of the basic techniques
of adaptive control is now possible. We have adopted a discrete-time formulation for
the problems and solutions described to reect the importance of digital computers
in the application of adaptive control techniques and we share our understanding
and practical experience of the soundness of various control designs with the reader.
Throughout the book, the mathematical aspects of the synthesis and analysis of var-
ious algorithms are emphasized; however, this does not mean that they are sufcient
in themselves for solving practical problems or that ad hoc modications of the algo-
rithms for specic applications are not possible. To guide readers, the book contains
various applications of control techniques but it is our belief that without a solid
mathematical understanding of the adaptation techniques available, they will not be
able to apply them creatively to new and difcult situations. The book has grown out
of several survey papers, tutorial and courses delivered to various audiences (grad-
uate students, practicing engineers, etc.) in various countries, of the research in the
viii Preface
eld done by the authors (mostly at Laboratoire dAutomatique de Grenoble, now
the Control Department of GIPSA-LAB (Institut National Polytechnique de Greno-
ble/CNRS), HEUDYASIC (Universit Technologique de Compigne/CNRS), CIN-
VESTAV (Mexico), GREYC (Caen) and the Laboratoire dAutomatique of EPFL
(Lausanne)), and of the long and rich practical experience of the authors. On the
one hand, this new edition reects new developments in the eld both in terms of
techniques and applications and, on the other, it puts a number of techniques into
proper perspective as a result of feedback from applications.
Expected Audience The book is intended as a textbook for graduate students as
well as a basic reference for practicing engineers facing the problem of designing
adaptive control systems. Control researchers from other areas will nd a compre-
hensive presentation of the eld with bridges to various other control design tech-
About the Content It is widely accepted that stability analysis in a deterministic
environment and convergence analysis in a stochastic environment constitute a basic
grounding for analysis and design of adaptive control systems and so these form the
core of the theoretical aspects of the book. Parametric adaptation algorithms (PAAs)
which are present in all adaptive control techniques are considered in greater depth.
Our practical experience has shown that in the past the basic linear controller
designs which make up the background for various adaptive control strategies have
often not taken robustness issues into account. It is both possible and necessary to
accommodate these issues by improving the robustness of the linear control designs
prior to coupling them with one of the adaptation algorithms so the book covers this.
In the context of adaptive control, robustness also concerns the parameter adap-
tation algorithms and this issue is addressed in detail. Furthermore, multiple-model
adaptive control with switching is an illustration of the combination of robust and
adaptive control and is covered in depth in the new edition. In recent years, plant
model identication in closed-loop operation has become more and more popular
as a way of improving the performance of an existing controller. The methods that
have arisen as a result are directly relevant to adaptive control and will also be thor-
oughly treated. Adaptive regulation and adaptive feedforward disturbance compen-
sation have emerged as new adaptive control problems with immediate application
in active vibration control and active noise control. These aspects are now covered
in this second edition.
The book is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 provides an introduction to adaptive control and a tutorial presentation
of the various techniques involved.
Chapter 2 presents a brief review of discrete-time linear models for control with
emphasis on optimal predictors which are often used throughout the book.
Chapter 3 is a thorough coverage of parameter adaptation algorithms (PAA) oper-
ating in a deterministic environment. Various approaches are presented and then
the stability point of view for analysis and design is discussed in detail.
Preface ix
Chapter 4 is devoted to the analysis of parameter adaptation algorithms in a
stochastic environment.
Chapter 5 discusses recursive plant model identication in open loop which is
an immediate application of PAAs on the one hand and an unavoidable step in
starting an adaptive controller on the other.
Chapter 6 is devoted to the synthesis of adaptive predictors.
Chapter 7 covers digital control strategies which are used in adaptive control. One
step ahead predictive control and long-range predictive control are presented in a
unied manner.
Chapter 8 discusses the robust digital control design problem and provides tech-
niques for achieving required robustness by shaping the sensitivity functions.
Digital control techniques can be combined with the recursive plant model iden-
tication in closed loop to obtain an adaptive controller. These recursive identi-
cation techniques are discussed in Chap. 9.
The issue of robustication of parameter adaptation algorithm in the context of
adaptive control is addressed in Chap. 10.
For special types of plant model structures and control strategies, appropriate
parametrization of the plant model allows direct adjustment of the parameters of
the controllers yielding so called direct adaptive control schemes. Direct adaptive
control is the subject of Chap. 11.
Indirect adaptive control which combines in real-time plant model parameter esti-
mation in closed loop with the redesign of the controller is discussed in Chap. 12.
Multimodel adaptive control with switching, which combines robust control and
adaptive control, is discussed in Chap. 13 (new in the second edition).
Rejection of unknown disturbances is the objective of adaptive regulation which
is the subject of Chap. 14 (new in the second edition).
Adaptive feedforward compensation of disturbances is discussed in Chap. 15
(new in the second edition).
Chapter 16 is devoted to the practical aspects of implementing adaptive con-
Chapters 5, 9, 12, 13, 14 and 15 include applications using the techniques presented
in these chapters. A number of appendices which summarize important background
topics are included.
Problems and simulation exercises are included in most of the chapters.
Pathways Through the Book The book was written with the objective of pre-
senting comprehensive coverage of the eld of adaptive control and of making the
subject accessible to a large audience with different backgrounds and interests. Thus
the book can be read and used in different ways.
For those only interested in applications we recommend the following se-
quence: Chaps.: 1, 2, 3 (Sects. 3.1 and 3.2), 5 (Sects. 5.1, 5.2, 5.7 through 5.9),
7 (Sects. 7.1, 7.2, 7.3.1 and 7.3.2), 8 (Sects. 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3.1), 9 (Sects. 9.1
and 9.6), 10 (Sect. 10.1), 11 (Sects. 11.1 and 11.2), 12 (Sects. 12.1 and 12.2.1),
13 (Sects. 13.1, 13.2 and 13.4), 14 (Sects. 14.1, 14.2, 14.4 and 14.7), 15 (Sects. 15.1,
15.2 and 15.5) and Chap.16. Most of the content of Chaps. 14 and 15 can also be
x Preface
Fig. 1 Logical dependence
of the chapters
read just after Chap. 3. The sequence above (till Chap. 15) can also serve as an
introductory course in adaptive control.
For a more in-depth study of the eld a course should include in addition the
following Sects.: 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 5.3 through 5.6, 6.1, 6.2, 7.3.3 through 7.7, 8.3
through 8.6, 9.2 through 9.6, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.6, 11.4.1, 11.4.2 and 11.6, 12.2.2
through 12.3.1, 12.4 and 12.7, 13.3, 14.3, 14.5, 15.3 and 15.4. A graduate course in
adaptive control might include all chapters of the book.
The material has been organized so that readers can easily see how the more
technical parts of the book can be bypassed. Figure 1 shows the logical progression
of the chapters.
The Website Complementary information and material for teaching and applica-
tions can be found on the book website:
Acknowledgments We wish to acknowledge the large number of contributors
on whose work our presentation is partly based. In particular, we wish to mention:
G. Zames, V.M. Popov, L. Ljung, G. Goodwin, D. Clarke, K.J. Astrm, B.D.O. An-
derson, A.S. Morse, P. Kokotovic from whom we learned many things.
In our research activity we had the privilege of interacting with a number of col-
leagues among whomwe would like to mention: M. Tomizuka, R. Bitmead, M. Gev-
ers, C.R. Johnson, H.M. Silveira, C. Samson, L. Praly, R. Ortega, Ph. de Larmi-
nat, K. Najim, E. Irving, F. Giri, B. Egardt, L. Dugard, J.M. Dion, B. Brogliato,
G. Bthoux, B. Courtiol, H. Duong, A. Besanon and H. Prochazka. We would like
to express our appreciation for their contributions.
The long term support of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientique
(CNRS) and of the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble is gratefully ac-
Preface xi
We would like to thank J. Langer, A. Constantinescu, J. Chebassier and M. Alma
for their effective contribution to this project.
This second edition has also been made possible by Stphane Mocanu who suc-
ceed in nding the lost electronic les of the rst edition.
We would also like to thank Oliver Jackson from Springer whose enthusiasm and
professionalism has helped us to nalize this new edition of the book.
Writing takes a lot of time and most of the writing has been done on overtime.
We would like to thank our families for their patience.
Ioan Dor Landau
Rogelio Lozano
Mohammed MSaad
Alireza Karimi
Grenoble, France

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