Community Development Committee
Community Development Committee
Community Development Committee
Community Development Committee
For the Metropolitan Council meeting of July 14, 2010
Item: 2010-191
Anoka County 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update
Review File No. 20688-1
Proposed Action
That the Metropolitan Council adopt the attached Advisory Comments and Review Record and
take the following recommended actions:
Recommendation of the Community Development Committee:
1. Authorize Anoka County to put its 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update into effect.
2. Implement the advisory comments under forecasts and Critical Area Plan.
Summary of Committee Discussion / Questions
Tori Dupre, Senior Planner, presented the staff report on the Anoka County 2030
Comprehensive Plan Update. Councilmember Steffen asked about information included in the
Review Record that described the Countys interest in having Coon Lake Park and the county
parks along the Rum River being designated as regional parks. Jan Youngquist, Senior
PlannerParks, responded that the County was not pursuing regional park designation for
these parks at this time. The Council has conducted visit counts at the Rum River County
Parks, and the usage numbers are not high enough to be considered for a regional park
The business item was moved; it passed unanimously.
N:CommDev\LPA\Counties\Anoka County\Reports 2030 CPU 20688-1 Committee Report.doc
Business Item
Community Development Committee
Business Item
Item: 2010 - 191
Meeting date: June 21, 2010
Anoka County 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update
Review File No. 20688-1
District(s), Member(s):
District 2, Councilmember Tony Pistilli
District 9, Councilmember Natalie Steffen
District 10, Councilmember Kris Sanda
District 11, Councilmember Georgeanne Hilker
Policy/Legal Reference:
Minnesota Statutes Section 473.175
Staff Prepared/Presented:
Susan Hoyt, 651-602-1330
Phyllis Hanson, Local Planning Assistance Manager, 651-602-
Division/Department: Community Development / Planning and Growth Management
Proposed Action
That the Metropolitan Council adopt the attached Advisory Comments and Review Record and
take the following recommended actions:
Recommendations of the Community Development Committee:
1. Authorize Anoka County to put its 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update into effect.
2. Implement the advisory comments under forecasts and Critical Area Plan.
Anoka County 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update
Review File No. 20688-1 Council Business Item No. 2010-191
The following advisory comments are part of the Council action authorizing Anoka County
(County) to implement its 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update (Update):
Community Development Committee
1. The Council-adopted Local Planning Handbook states that the County must take the
following steps:
(a) Adopt the Update in final form after considering the Councils review
recommendations; and
(b) Submit one electronic copy and one hard copy of the Update to the Council. The
electronic copy must be organized as one unified document.
A copy of the County Board resolution evidencing final approval of the Update should be
submitted to the Council.
2. The Councils Handbook also states that local governments must formally adopt their
comprehensive plan within nine months after the Councils final action. If the Council has
recommended changes, local governments should incorporate those recommended
changes into the Update or respond to the Council before final approval by the
governing body of the local governmental unit (Minn. Stat. 473.858, subd. 3).
3. Local governmental units must adopt official controls and described in their adopted
comprehensive plan and must submit copies of the official controls to the Council within
30 days after the official controls are adopted (Minn. Stat. 473.865, subd. 1).
4. Local governmental units cannot adopt any official controls or fiscal devices that conflict
with their comprehensive plan or which permit activities in conflict with the Councils
metropolitan system plans (Minn. Stat. 473.864, subd. 2; 473.865, subd. 2).
Anoka County is located in the northern tier of the metropolitan region. It encompasses some
or all of the following communities: Andover, Anoka, Bethel, Blaine, Centerville, Circle Pines,
Columbia Heights, Columbus, Coon Rapids, East Bethel, Fridley, Ham Lake, Hilltop,
Lexington, Lino Lakes, Linwood, Nowthen, Oak Grove, Ramsey, St Francis, and Spring Lake
Park. The County is 423 square miles in area and has an estimated population of 320,803
The County does not exercise land use authority, as each of the municipalities, including
Linwood Township, is responsible for local planning decisions. This limits the required items
for the Countys comprehensive plan to conformance to the system plans for regional parks,
transportation, and aviation, for consistency with Council policies for forecasts and individual
sewage treatment systems program, for compatibility with the plans of adjacent
governmental units and plans of affected special districts and school districts and for
information required by the MLPA related to the location of solid waste facilities.
Rationale Standard of Review & Findings
1. Does the proposed Update conform to Regional Systems Plans?
2. Is the Update consistent with Metropolitan Council policies?
3. Is the Update compatible with plans of adjacent governmental units and plans of
affected special districts and school districts?
Conformance with Regional Systems Plans:
1. Regional Parks Yes
2. Transportation including Aviation Yes
3. Water Resources Management Yes
(Wastewater and Surface Water Management)
Consistent with Council Policy Requirements:
1. Forecasts Yes
2. Housing Not Applicable
3. 2030 Regional Development Framework and Land Use Not Applicable
4 Sanitary Sewage Treatment Systems (SSTS) Program Yes
5. Water Supply Not Applicable
Compatible with Plans of Adjacent Governmental Units and Plans of Affected
Special Districts and School Districts
Compatible with other plans Yes
Known Support / Opposition
There is no known opposition.
Review of the Anoka County 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update
The Metropolitan Land Planning Act (MLPA) requires local units of government to submit
comprehensive plans (plans) and plan amendments to the Council for review and
comment (Minn. Stat. 473.864, Subd. 2). The Council reviews plans to determine:
Conformance with metropolitan system plans,
Consistency with other adopted Plans of the Council, and
Compatibility with the Plans of other local jurisdictions in the Metropolitan Area.
The Council may require a local governmental unit to modify any plan or part thereof if,
upon the adoption of findings and a resolution, the Council concludes that the Update is
more likely than not to have a substantial impact on or contain a substantial departure
from metropolitan system plans (Minn. Stat. 473.175, Subd. 1).
Each local government unit shall adopt a policy plan for the collection, treatment and
disposal of sewage for which the local government unit is responsible, coordinated with
the Metropolitan Council's plan, and may revise the same as often as it deems necessary.
Each such plan shall be submitted to the Council for review and shall be subject to the
approval of the Council as to those features affecting the Council's responsibilities as
determined by the Council. Any such features disapproved by the Council shall be
modified in accordance with the Council's recommendations (Minn. Stat. 473.513).
Parks and Trails
Reviewer: Jan Youngquist, CD Regional Parks System Planning, (651-602-1029)
The Update conforms to the 2030 Regional Parks Policy Plan. The existing regional parks
system facilities in the County include:
Anoka County Riverfront Regional Park Martin-Island-Linwood Lakes Regional
Bunker Hills Regional Park Mississippi River Regional Trail
Central Anoka County Regional Trail Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Reserve
Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park Rice Creek North Regional Trail
East Anoka County Regional Trail Rice Creek West Regional Trail
Lake George Regional Park Rum River Central Regional Park
The planned and proposed regional parks system facilities include:
Bunker Hills-Rice Creek Chain of Lakes
Regional Trail
Northwest Anoka County Regional Park
Search Area
Coon Creek Regional Trail Northwest Anoka County Regional Trail
Search Area
Mississippi West Regional Park Rice Creek Chain of Lakes-Bald Eagle
Regional Trail
North Anoka County Regional Trail Rum River Regional Trail
The Update acknowledges and plans for these regional parks system facilities as well as
the State park and open space units within the County, which provide additional outdoor
recreation opportunities and natural resource conservation.
The Update includes recommendations to reclassify Coon Lake County Park as a regional
park and to reclassify all of the county parks on the Rum River as one regional park unit.
The Update acknowledges that the reclassification of a county park to a regional park is
subject to approval by the Metropolitan Council. The County does not propose to seek
regional status for these parks at this time.
The Update also includes a recommendation to examine the feasibility of converting two
parcels of land at Bunker Hills Regional Park to a non-park status and to subsequently
reinvest the financial proceeds toward the acquisition of higher quality parkland
elsewhere in the county. The Update acknowledges that conversion of regional parkland
to another use is subject to approval by the Metropolitan Council in accordance with the
requirements outlined in the 2030 Regional Parks Policy Plan.
Roads and Transit
Reviewer: Ann Braden, MTS Systems Planning, (651-602-1705)
The Update conforms to the 2030 Transportation Policy Plan adopted in 2004 and
addresses all applicable transportation and transit requirements of a comprehensive plan.
The Update includes an especially extensive Safety Plan that was developed to be
consistent with national guidelines.
The County is served by segments of eight metropolitan highways (principal arterials):
I-35W and I-35E, I-94, TH 10, TH 65, TH169, TH 610, and CSAH 14. None of the
metropolitan highways located within the County are planned for expansion; the regional
2004 TPP set aside funds to be used for management projects on metropolitan highways
such as construction of individual interchanges on TH 10 and TH 65. The Countys plan
does recommend construction of interchanges along segments of these highways. The
more recently adopted 2009 TPP states that isolated interchanges and interchange
improvements (as opposed to converting an expressway to a freeway) would fall into the
category of congestion mitigation and system management.
Areas of the County are within Market Areas II, III, and IV (Figure 4-3). Service options
for Market Area II include regular-route locals, all-day expresses, small vehicle
circulators, special needs paratransit (ADA, seniors), and ridesharing. Service options for
Market Area III include peak-only express, small vehicle circulators, midday circulators,
special needs paratransit (ADA, seniors), and ridesharing. Service options for Market
Area IV include dial-a-ride, volunteer driver programs, and ridesharing.
As described in the Countys Transportation Plan, the Draft 2030 Transit Master Plan
Study, which is the foundation for the Councils 2008 TPP transitway plan, recommends a
comprehensive study of several arterial corridors for mode and alignment, including
TH 65/Central Avenue. The Countys plan acknowledges this study and shows LRT within
the TH 65/Central Avenue corridor.
Reviewer: Chauncey Case, MTS Systems Planning, (651-602-1724)
The Update conforms to the 2030 Transportation Policy Plan and is consistent with the
Councils aviation policy.
Wastewater Service
Reviewer: Kyle Colvin, ES Engineering Services, (651-602-1151)
The Update conforms to the 2030 Water Resources Management Policy Plan.
Tier I I Comments
The County does not have any jurisdictional control over wastewater collection or
treatment issues; therefore, the County is not required to submit a Tier II Plan.
Surface Water Management
Reviewer: Judy Sventek, ES Water Resources Assessment, (651-602-1156)
The Update conforms to the Water Resources Management Policy Plan for local surface
water management. Approximately 25 percent of the County is covered by surface
water. Seven Watershed Management Organizations and Watershed Districts manage
surface waters and drainage through comprehensive planning and permitting of
development projects having direct effects on the quantity and quality of surface water
within the County. The County is a permitted Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer
System Permit (MS4) holder under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) and has established a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP). The
County does not have land use planning authority, but as an MS4-permitted party, it will
potentially be assigned load reductions limits in the future, as part of TMDL studies for
impaired waters within the County.
Reviewer: Todd Graham, CD Research, (651-602-1322)
The Update is consistent with Council policy. The forecasts in table 1.1 accurately present
Council forecasts as of December 8, 2009.
Anoka County forecast as of Dec 8, 2009
Component 2000 2010 2020 2030
Anoka County POPULATION 298084 357400 407670 438550
Anoka County HOUSEHOLDS 106428 132020 156370 172650
Anoka County EMPLOYMENT 110050 124790 141820 154540
Advisory comment
The County presents the Councils forecasts as of December 8, 2009. Since then,
Council actions on cities Updates have resulted in forecast revisions for four cities:
Bethel, Lino Lakes, Ramsey and Hilltop. Council staff advise the County to monitor
the Councils forecast revisions and work with cities to represent current forecasts in
transportation modeling. The Update is not required to revise these forecasts as they
are changed by the Council.
Reviewer: Susan Hoyt, CD Local Planning Assistance, (651-602-1895)
The Update is consistent with the 2030 Regional Development Framework. The MLPA
specifically exempts the County from the land use planning requirement, since the County
does not have land use authority. The Update, however, does include policies regarding
land use as it relates to transportation, transit planning and parks.
Reviewer: Linda Milashius, CD Livable Communities, (651-602-1541)
The Update is not required to include affordable housing components to meet the MLPA
because the County does not have land use authority.
Reviewer: Jim Larsen, CD Local Planning Assistance, (651-602-1159)
The Update is currently consistent with the Water Resources Management Policy Plan for
SSTS. The County oversees the construction and permits the operation of SSTS that
provide service to food, beverage, and lodging facilities in the County; and the County
has responsibility for plan reviews, inspections, and building permits for facilities in
shoreland and floodplain areas. Additionally, the County must be prepared to assume
responsibility for local City or Township SSTS programs within the County, should local
program responsibilities be deferred to the County.
The MPCA revised Chapter 7080 Rules in 2008 into Chapters 7080 through 7083, for
consistency with MN Stat. 115.55 and 115.56 updates. Legislative action enacted this
spring extended the deadline for revising the Countys SSTS ordinance from February
2010 to February 2012
Reviewer: Sara Smith, ES Water Supply Planning, (651-602-1035)
The County does not own or operate a water supply system, and so is not required to
complete a water supply plan.
Reviewer: Susan Hoyt, CD Local Planning Assistance, (651-602-1330)
The Update includes a Solid Waste Facilities Plan as required for Counties by the MLPA.
Historic Preservation
Reviewer: Susan Hoyt, CD Local Planning Assistance, (651-602-1895)
The County is not required to prepare an historic preservation element because it does
not have land use authority.
Solar Access Protection
Reviewer: Susan Hoyt, CD Local Planning Assistance, (651-602-1895)
The County is not required to address solar access protection because it does not have
land use authority.
Aggregate Resources Protection
Reviewer: Jim Larsen, CD Local Planning Assistance, (651-602-1159)
The County is not required to address the Councils aggregate resource protection
requirements because the County has no land use authority. The Update does not
address the presence of absence of aggregate resources in the County.
Mississippi River Critical Area Plan
Reviewer: Tori Dupre, CD Local Planning Assistance, (651-602-1621)
The County has a Critical Area MNRRA plan Anoka County 2020 Vision, Parks System
Plan and November 14, 2001, MNRRA/Critical Area appendix, and Mississippi National
River and Recreation Area/Critical Area Plan section of the Land Use Element, as revised
December 7, 2001. The documents identify the Countys role as owner of
transportation, parks, recreation services and other facilities within the river corridor.
While it does not regulate any land uses, the County is subject to Critical Area ordinances
in its own construction projects.
In 2002, the Council reviewed the County Critical Area Plan Element (review 18658-1) on
January 23 2002 for consistency with state Critical Area standards and guidelines in
Executive Order 79-19 and for voluntary conformance with the MNRRA Comprehensive
Management Plan.
The MN Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has approval authority for critical area
plans. Therefore, the Council will forward this report and recommendations to the DNR,
and to the National Park Service (NPS).
Advisory Comment:
Forward the Councils Critical Area plan recommendations to the Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources for review, and to the National Park Service for its
Reviewer: Susan Hoyt, CD Local Planning Assistance, (651-602-1330)
The Update includes a description of and schedule for any necessary changes to:
Capital Improvement Program Yes
Zoning Code Not Applicable
Subdivision Code Not Applicable
SSTS Code Yes
Housing Implementation Program Not Applicable
The Updates Transportation Section includes a Transportation Improvement Program for
implementing transportation projects. The Updates Park Section includes a park
improvement program for implementing park and trail improvements.
The County submitted its Update to the adjacent communities, affected school districts,
affected watershed districts, and other special districts for comment on September 23,
2009. The County responded to comments from local communities and does not appear
to have any compatibility issues.
Anoka County 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update (November 30, 2009)
Access Guidelines supplemental information (December 1, 2009)
Park supplemental information (December 28, 2009)
SSTS Ordinance (March 3, 2010)
Park supplemental information (March 11, 2010)
SSTS Supplemental Information (April 9, 2010)
Section III including SSTS, SWPP and Water Resources (April 22, 2010)
Figure 1: Location Map with Regional Systems
Figure 2: Anoka County 2020 and 2030 Future Planned Land Use
Figure 1: Regional Systems
Anoka County
Figure 2:
Anoka County Planned Land Use