This document is a thesis that examines parental attitudes toward children's advergaming. It begins with an introduction that provides background on children's increasing internet use and marketers' responses, including the rise of advergaming. The literature review discusses relevant topics like child development, parental concerns about advertising, consumer socialization theory, and parental socialization styles. The study aims to analyze differences in attitudes toward advergaming between parents with authoritarian, authoritative, neglecting, and indulgent parenting styles using an online survey. Results from an ANOVA test are discussed, along with limitations.
This document is a thesis that examines parental attitudes toward children's advergaming. It begins with an introduction that provides background on children's increasing internet use and marketers' responses, including the rise of advergaming. The literature review discusses relevant topics like child development, parental concerns about advertising, consumer socialization theory, and parental socialization styles. The study aims to analyze differences in attitudes toward advergaming between parents with authoritarian, authoritative, neglecting, and indulgent parenting styles using an online survey. Results from an ANOVA test are discussed, along with limitations.
This document is a thesis that examines parental attitudes toward children's advergaming. It begins with an introduction that provides background on children's increasing internet use and marketers' responses, including the rise of advergaming. The literature review discusses relevant topics like child development, parental concerns about advertising, consumer socialization theory, and parental socialization styles. The study aims to analyze differences in attitudes toward advergaming between parents with authoritarian, authoritative, neglecting, and indulgent parenting styles using an online survey. Results from an ANOVA test are discussed, along with limitations.
This document is a thesis that examines parental attitudes toward children's advergaming. It begins with an introduction that provides background on children's increasing internet use and marketers' responses, including the rise of advergaming. The literature review discusses relevant topics like child development, parental concerns about advertising, consumer socialization theory, and parental socialization styles. The study aims to analyze differences in attitudes toward advergaming between parents with authoritarian, authoritative, neglecting, and indulgent parenting styles using an online survey. Results from an ANOVA test are discussed, along with limitations.
Exchange Masters Theses Graduate School 8-2010 An examination of parental attitudes toward children's advergaming: A parental socialization perspective. Nathan Joseph Evans University of Tennessee - Knoxville, This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at Trace: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Masters Theses by an authorized administrator of Trace: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact Recommended Citation Evans, Nathan Joseph, "An examination of parental attitudes toward children's advergaming: A parental socialization perspective.. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 2010. To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a thesis written by Nathan Joseph Evans entitled "An examination of parental attitudes toward children's advergaming: A parental socialization perspective.." I have examined the final electronic copy of this thesis for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, with a major in Communication and Information. Mariea G. Hoy, Major Professor We have read this thesis and recommend its acceptance: Ronald Taylor, John Eric Haley Accepted for the Council: Carolyn R. Hodges Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (Original signatures are on file with official student records.)
To the uiauuate Council:
I am submitting heiewith a thesis wiitten by Nathanial }oseph Evans entitleu "An Examination of Paiental Attituues Towaiu Chiluien's Auveigaming: A Paiental Socialization Peispective." I have examineu the final electionic copy of this thesis foi foim anu content anu iecommenu that it be accepteu in paitial fulfillment of the iequiiements foi the uegiee of Nastei of Science with a majoi in Communications anu Infoimation.
Naiiea uiubbs Boy Najoi Piofessoi
We have ieau this thesis anu iecommenu its acceptance:
Ronalu Tayloi
}ohn Eiic Baley
Accepteu foi the Council
Caiolyn R. Bouges vice Piovost anu Bean of the uiauuate School
(0iiginal signatuies aie on file in official stuuent iecoius)
A Thesis Piesenteu foi the Nasteis of Science Begiee
The 0niveisity of Tennessee
Nathaniel }oseph Evans August 2u1u
Ior my motber, my fotber, onJ my entire fomily.
Youi suppoit has nevei gone unnoticeu.
iii "5CBADE$?F$G$B3; I woulu like to thank the auveitising anu public ielations uepaitment foi showing youi suppoit thiough this whole piocess. Special thanks to Bi. Boy, Bi. Tayloi, anu Bi. Baley. Youi suppoit anu belief tiuly helpeu me accomplish this thesis ovei the summei. Bi. Les Cailson at the 0niveisity of Lincoln Nebiaska was an integial pait of this whole piocess. Youi feeuback anu expeitise guiueu me thiough some of the haiuei paits. Thank you all.
iv "H;3I"53 Eveiy passing yeai is witness to incieases in Inteinet use among youngei populations. The amount of time spent online among chiluien ages two to 11 is incieasing at a fastei iate than that of the entiie online population. The iise in Inteinet use among chiluien has iesulteu in maiketing anu auveitising effoits aimeu at incieasing bianu awaieness, involvement anu immeision. The use of bianueu enteitainment anu auveigames is a populai piactice when attempting to inciease bianu awaieness anu loyalty among chiluien. Auveigames offei a combination of enteitainment anu auveitising that aie uesigneu to appeal to youngei populations that have uifficulty uistinguishing peisuasive messages fiom enteitainment content. Past ieseaich on paiental attituues towaius chiluien's television auveitising inuicates paienting style influences subsequent attituues towaius auveitisements. The puipose of this stuuy, utilizing paiental socialization theoiy, examines paienting style anu how it affects attituues towaius chiluien's auveigaming. This stuuy analyzes iesults fiom a nationwiue online suivey (N=214) anu examines uiffeiences between authoiitaiian, authoiitative, neglecting, anu inuulgent paients in theii attituues towaius chiluien's auveigaming. Finuings inuicate that uiffeiences in attituues towaius auveigaming uo exist among the foui paienting styles in the hypothesizeu uiiection yet these uiffeiences weie not significant. Futuie ieseaich shoulu look beyonu paienting style as an exponent foi attituues towaiu chiluien's auveigames.
v 3"HE$ AJ 5AB3$B3; Intiouuction__ p. 1
Backgiounu__ p. S Chiluien 0nline__ p. S Naiketeis' Responses to Chiluien 0nline__ p. 4 Auveigaming__p. S Content Analysis of Auveigaming__ p. S Chiluien's ieactions to Auveigames__ p. 7
Liteiatuie Review__ p. 8 Chilu Bevelopment__ p. 8 Paiental Concein of Auveitising__ p. 9 Consumei Socialization__ p. 1u Paiental Socialization__ p. 1u Paienting Styles__ p. 11 Paient's Attituues Towaiu Chiluien's Aus__ p. 1S
Nethou__ p. 1S Paiental 0nueistanuing of Auveigaming__ p. 1S Phase I: Qualitative Inteiviews__ p. 1S Phase II: Quantitative Examination of Auveigaming Befinition__ p. 17 Inuepenuent vaiiable: Paienting Styles__p. 18 Bepenuent vaiiable: Paiental Attituues Towaiu Auveigaming__ p. 22 Results__ p. 24 AN0vA Results__ p. 2S
Biscussion anu Limitations__ p. 27
Refeiences__ p. SS Appenuices__ p. 4u vita__ p. Su
1 @B3IA?K53@AB Since 2uu4, the numbei of chiluien between the ages of 2 anu 11 online has incieaseu 18 peicent, as compaieu to 1u% of the total active univeise that is online (Nielsen, 2uu9). In 2uu9 chiluien ageu 2-11 compiiseu neaily 16 million, oi 9.S% of the active online univeise (0.S. Census Buieau, 2uu9). The time spent online among chiluien ages 2-11 has incieaseu 6S% in the past five yeais, fiom seven houis in Nay 2uu4 to moie than 11 houis online in Nay 2uu9. This time spent online outpaceu the inciease in online usage among the total population which incieaseu only S6% (Nielsen, 2uu9). Chiluien ages S-14 paiticipate in a wiue vaiiety of activities online. Baseu off a nationally iepiesentative sample of moie than 8uu,uuu chiluien ageu S-9, a National Centei foi Euucation Statistics suivey founu that SS.S% of these chiluien e-mail oi instant message anu moie than 64% of them play online games (NCES, 2uuS). The Inteinet pioviues oppoitunities foi auveitiseis to uevelop bianu awaieness, involvement anu immeision (uoetzl, 2uu6). Cuiient spenuing foi chiluien's online auveitising appeais to be giowing in the bianueu enteitainment aiena (0'uuinn, Allen, & Semenick, 2uu6). Big meuia playeis such as Young & Rubicam anu Staicom Neuia launcheu viueogame uivisions to seive maiketing uesiies to uevelop new foims of online meuia that will ieach potential young consumeis in unique anu compelling ways (Nooie, 2uu6). Foi example, Sheilus (2uuS) founu it to be a populai piactice foi big coipoiations such as Nickeloueon, Fiito-Lay, Bisney, Post anu Kiaft, to employ inteiactive meuia online foi the puiposes of piomoting bianu awaieness to chiluien. These immeisive anu inteiactive games aie commonly iefeiieu to as auveigames. Auveigames aie online games in which a
2 company's piouuct oi bianu chaiacteis aie featuieu. A fiim cieates them foi the explicit puipose of piomoting one oi moie of its bianus to both chiluien anu auults (Nooie, 2uu6). Past ieseaich inuicates that paients aie conceineu with the effects auveitising can have on theii chiluien. 0ne of the biggest objections to maiketeis' auveitising to chiluien stems fiom the belief that auveitisements unueimine paients' authoiity to shape a chilu's values anu behaviois (uiossbait & Ciosby, 1984). In othei woius, auveitising can socialize chiluien on how to be consumeis in touay's maiketplace. Accoiuingly, paients iathei than auveitiseis wish to be one of the main socializing agents foi teaching theii chilu how to be consumeis. Waiu (1974) uefines consumei socialization as "the piocess by which young people acquiie skills, knowleuge anu attituues ielevant to theii functioning as consumeis in the maiketplace" (p. 2). The uegiee to which this piocess is a iesult of age, a chilu's family enviionment, exposuie to auveitising, peei exposuie, oi school enviionment is up foi uebate. Consumei socialization ieseaich has been tieu to theoiies of family communication such as the typology of family communication patteins (e.g., Nooie & Noschis, 1981) anu the typology of paiental socialization types (e.g. Baumiinu, 198u). Nuch like consumei socialization, paiental socialization is an auult-initiateu piocess in which chiluien aie guiueu to uevelop habits anu values that aie paiallel with theii cultuie. Accoiuing to this theoiy, paients uiffei in how they ieai theii chilu anu these uiffeiences aie ieflecteu thiough a typology of foui paiental socialization styles: authoiitaiian, authoiitative, neglecting, anu inuulgent (Baumiinu, 1991). Pievious ieseaich has establisheu a link between the type of paienting style one utilizes anu his oi hei attituue of vaiying foims of
S chiluien's auveitising (Walsh, Laczniak, & Cailson, 1998; Cailson, Laczniack, & Nuehling, 1994; Bakii & vitell, 2u1u; Ciosby & uiossbait, 1984; Laczniak, Nuehling, & Cailson, 199S; Tannei, Cailson, Raymonu, & Bopkins, 2uu8). To uate, no ieseaich has attempteu to unueistanu paiental peiceptions anu attituues of Inteinet auveitising uiiecteu at chiluien. The puipose of this stuuy seeks to fill the new meuia gap by examining paiental attituues of auveigaming uiiecteu at chiluien. The cuiient stuuy utilizes paiental socialization theoiy (Baumiinu, 1971) anu seeks to ueteimine the ielationship between paienting styles anu paiental attituues towaiu auveigaming uiiecteu at chiluien. H"5CFIAKB? "#$%&'() *)%$)( Chiluien iepiesent a giowing online maiket foi auveitiseis. Accoiuing to a 2uu8 Neuiamaik Reseaich anu Intelligence suivey, appioximately 4u% of chiluien ages 6-11 visiteu a website they heaiu oi saw following exposuie to a commeicial oi auveitisement (eNaiketei, 2uu8). These chiluien iepiesent 1u.7 million young consumeis online. Noie than 2S% of them weie ages 6-7, SS% weie ages 8-9 anu ovei 4u% weie ages 1u-11 (eNaiketei, 2uu8). In 2uu9, chiluien ages 2-11 iepiesenteu 16 million young consumeis (Nielsen, 2uu9). Chiluien aie spenuing moie time online eveiy yeai anu have outpaceu the oveiall population's Inteinet use as well (Nielsen, 2uu9). Accoiuing to a NCES (2uuS) suivey, 17.S% of chiluien ages S-9 puichase piouucts online, anu 16.6% look at the news, weathei, anu spoits online. Sixty-two peicent of chiluien ages 1u-14 e-mail anu message, 66.1% play games online, S4.4% puichase piouucts, anu SS.7% look at the news, weathei, anu spoits online.
4 +,'-(.('/0 1(/23)/(/ .3 "#$%&'() *)%$)( Nooie anu Riueout (2uu7) inuicate the Inteinet to be a highly attiactive meuium uue to its captivating natuie. It has the ability to sustain long peiious of attention anu involvement because it is an inteiactive meuium that can holu a chilu's attention foi moie than just Su seconus. Sean Black, senioi vice piesiuent anu managing gioup uiiectoi at NeuiaCom's Beyonu Enteitainment saiu, "taigeting kius who have been online since they weie olu enough to click a mouse waiiants a fai moie inteiactive maiketing appioach. Theiefoie, kius' online auveitising geneially takes the foim of immeisive games anu contests, which aie built aiounu bianus anu theii chaiacteis" (Shielus, 2uuS, p. 4). It is a populai piactice foi big coipoiations like Nickeloueon, Fiito-Lay, Bisney, Post anu Kiaft, to employ inteiactive meuia online foi the puiposes of piomoting bianu awaieness to kius (Shielus, 2uuS). Expenuituies foi online auveitising have incieaseu steauily ovei the yeais. Accoiuing to a Reseaich anu Naikets iepoit (2uu9), expenuituies foi online auveitising in Westein Euiope anu Noith Ameiica ieacheu $SS billion in 2uu8. ENaiketei (2uu9) inuicates the Inteinet's total shaie of meuia spenuing is iising by at least one peicentage point eveiy yeai. In 2u1u, with the economic ciisis easing up, a 9.4 peicentage inciease is expecteu. 0nline auveitising is a giowing ievenue stieam foi chilu anu teen viitual woilus as well, with piouucts being integiateu as much as possible. A viitual woilu is a genie of online community that often takes the foim of a computei-baseu simulateu enviionment, thiough which useis can inteiact with one anothei anu use anu cieate objects (Bishop, 2uu9). Foi example, Paiks Associates estimateu in }une 2uu7 that $1S million was spent
S auveitising in viitual woilus in the 0.S. anu piojecteu that it woulu iise tenfolu to $1Su million by 2u12 (eNaiketei, 2uu7). Accoiuing to a 2uu6 Congiessional Testimony iepoit on chiluien's foou anu beveiage piouuceis, the Inteinet, new meuia, uigital meuia, anu viial maiketing iepiesenteu five peicent of all youth-uiiecteu expenuituies which was estimateu at $77 million (FTC, 2uu8). Yankee uioup estimateu total 0.S. spenuing on in- game auveitising anu auveigaming to be moie than $18S million in 2uu4. Auveigaming was estimateu to account foi moie than 7u% of that spenuing (meuiaeuge:cia, 2uuS) 4&5('6,7$)6 Auveigames aie a type of bianueu enteitainment that featuie auveitising messages, logos, anu tiaue chaiacteis in a game foimat typically founu online. Although they can iefei to any game foimat they aie most commonly founu in electionic foimat (Nooie, 2uu6). Auveigames allow a paiticipant viitual inteiaction with a piouuct oi a specific bianu (Ainolu, 2uu4). Kietchmei (2uu4) suggests that the auvent of auveigaming was in pait a iesponse to lowei than noimal click-thiough iates of noimal bannei auveitisements online. Auveigames offei a combination of enteitainment anu engagement that piouuces stiong emotional connections between the bianu anu the game (Bahl, Eagle, & Baez, 2uu8). This combination piouuces a highly involving enviionment foi chiluien in which they aie encouiageu to ietuin. In fact many of the games piomote iepeat playing, offei multiple levels of play, oi suggest othei games the visitoi might enjoy (Nooie, 2uu6). "3).(). 4),%8/$/ 39 4&5('6,7$)6 Auveigames' peivasiveness was founu in a 2uu7 analysis of online foou maiketing. Nooie anu Riueout (2uu7) examineu coipoiate websites that auveitiseu to chiluien. 0ut of
6 the 77 websites anu 4uuu web pages, 7S% containeu one oi moie auveigames on theii website. The numbei of games on the websites iangeu fiom one to 6u with a total of S46 games out of the all the websites in the stuuy (Nooie & Riueout, 2uu7). The same stuuy founu that (8S%) of the top foou bianus that taiget chiluien thiough television auveitising also use bianueu websites to maiket to chiluien online (Nooie & Riueout, 2uu7). Accoiuing to NieslenNet Ratings, these sites ieceiveu moie than 12.2 million visits fiom chiluien ages 2-11 in the seconu quaitei of 2uuS (Nooie, 2uu6). Lee anu Youn (2uu8) examineu 1uu leauing companies anu founu 26 that useu auveigames on theii websites. Among the 26 companies that useu auveigames on theii websites, they founu 294 bianueu auveigames that integiateu eithei a piouuct oi a bianu name insiue the game. They founu that 4u% embeuueu the bianu name oi logo in the game anu 8% of auveigames embeuueu only the piouuct. About half of auveigames, oi 44%, embeuueu both the piouuct anu bianu name as an essential element of the game (Lee & Youn, 2uu8). Thiity-five peicent of the auveigames encouiageu the playeis to pass along the game to fiienus via e-mail oi by woiu of mouth. Twenty-thiee peicent alloweu the playei to customize the auveigames by letting them choose theii piefeiieu options. They founu the most pievalent auveigame genies weie aicaues (29%), puzzles (2S%), quizzestiivia (16%), spoits (1u%), iacing games (7%), action games (S%), auventuie games (2%), anu simulation games (2%) (Lee & Youn, 2uu8). The authois also examineu the function of the auveigames anu founu that the majoiity (S9%) gave consumeis an oppoitunity to play with the bianus while 28% of the auveigames enteitaineu them foi the sake of fun (Lee anu Youn, 2uu8).
7 "#$%&'()0/ '(,:.$3)/ .3 ,&5('6,7(/ The majoiity of ieseaich on attituues of auveigaming focuses on auults anu auolescents (Beinanuez, et al., 2uu4; Lee & Fabei, 2uu7; Nelson, 2uu2; Nelson, Keum, & Yaios, 2uu4; Nelson, Yaios, & Keum, 2uu6; Nicovich, 2uuS; Schneiuei & Coinwell, 2uuS). Little ieseaich exists conceining chiluien's ieaction anu attituues of auveigames. Nallinckiout anu Nizeiski (2uu7) examineu the effects of playing auveigames on young chiluien's peiceptions, piefeiences, anu iequests. In teims of the peiceiveu healthiness of an auveitiseu piouuct (Fioot Loops auveigame) the majoiity of chiluien (8S%) coiiectly iuentifieu Fioot Loops as being less healthy than fiesh fiuit. They uiscoveieu chiluien who weie exposeu to the Fioot Loops auveigame significantly piefeiieu Fioot Loops to othei ceieals anu othei foou categoiies, such as cheesebuigeis, fiuit salaus, anu sanuwiches, when compaieu to chiluien who weie not exposeu to the auveigame (Nallinckiout & Nizeiski, 2uu7). In teims of geneiating iequests foi puichase, Nallinckiout anu Nizeiski (2uu7) founu no suppoit foi an auveigame geneiating moie iequests to get the bianu fiom chiluien playing the game, compaieu with chiluien not playing the game. They founu that only 2S% of the chiluien exposeu to the game coiiectly iuentifieu the game's sponsoi by ciicling a uiawing of the Kellogg's Fioot Loops logo. This ability to peiceive the souice anu intentions of an auveigame was positively associateu with age (Nallinckiout anu Nizeiski, 2uu7). Chiluien's knowleuge of peisuasive intent was assumeu to have a negative effect on theii piefeiences foi Fioot Loops. Theii iesults faileu to suppoit this notion anu they founu chiluien who weie able to iuentify
8 peisuasive intent weie moie likely to piefei Fioot Loops to othei ceieals anu foou options (Nallinckiout anu Nizeiski, 2uu7). E@3$I"3KI$ I$L@$D "#$%& ;(5(%327(). The meiging of enteitainment anu peisuasive messages cieates an inteiesting uilemma foi vulneiable populations such as chiluien. }ohn (1999) suggests that chiluien of uiffeient ages have uiffeiing abilities to uiscein enteitainment content fiom commeicial content. Foi example, chiluien between the ages of thiee anu seven aie chaiacteiizeu by an oiientation towaiu the ieauily obseivable peiceptual featuies of a maiketplace. They have an inability to uiscein otheis' peispectives uue to theii own egocentiism anu as a coiollaiy, have little iuea what peisuasion is. Logically, this age gioup woulu be the most vulneiable to peisuasion anu bianu immeision. 0n the othei hanu, chiluien between the ages of seven anu 11 signify a shift fiom peiceptual thought piocesses to symbolic thought piocesses. This iesults in a bettei unueistanuing of the maiket place anu in tuin, a bettei unueistanuing of auveitiseis' peisuasive intent, enteitainment content anu commeicial content (}ohn, 1999). Reseaich suggests that chiluien ages eight anu above have uevelopeu satisfactoiy cognitive uefenses in oiuei to have enough skepticism anu knowleuge about auveitising's peisuasive intent that they can iesponu in a matuie anu infoimeu mannei (}ohn, 1999). Bowevei, ieseaich has founu that these cognitive uefenses actually uo little to affect evaluations of piefeiieu piouucts in auveitising (Chiistenson, 1982; Ross et al., 1984). The absence of uisceining iesponses to auveitising in light of ueveloping knowleuge about
9 auveitising may be a iesult of the chilu's inability to quell theii excitement ovei an auveitiseu piouuct oi bianu. A seconu explanation foi the absence of uefense iesponses is that chiluien's auveitising knowleuge may seive as a cognitive uefense of auveitising only when activateu anu accesseu uuiing the viewing of an au (}ohn, 1999). Because the effects of peisuasion on chiluien between the ages of seven anu 11 aie uebateu anu the cuiient ieseaich has mixeu outcomes, fuithei ieseaich on paiental attituues towaius auveigaming uiiecteu at chiluien between the ages of seven anu 11 is neeueu. <,'().,% "3):(') 39 4&5('.$/$)6 With such iesouices anu stiategy shifting towaius the use of online bianueu enteitainment foi chiluien, it woulu make sense to finu paiental concein following close behinu. A 0.S. Confeience of Catholic Bishops stuuy examineu the conceins of paients of 2- 14 yeai olus on meuia effects upon chiluien (0SCCB, 2u1u). Although theie was no specific mention of types of auveitising (i.e. auveigaming), paients weie moie conceineu about the inappiopiiate content on television anu the Inteinet than they weie about viueo games, cell phones oi music. Noie than 8u% of paients expiesseu that they wanteu to contiol theii chiluien's access to violence, sex, piofanity anu explicit uiug use (0SCCB, 2u1u). Nonetheless, past ieseaich inuicateu that paients weie conceineu with the effects auveitising can have on theii chiluien. Foi example, one of the biggest objections to the use of chiluien's auveitising stems fiom the belief that auveitisements unueimine a paient's authoiity to shape theii chilu's values anu behaviois (uiossbait & Ciosby, 1984). Accoiuing to this finuing, paients wish to be one of, if not the main, socializing agent in theii chilu's life.
1u "3)/=7(' >3:$,%$?,.$3) 0ne concept that iests at the centei of this stuuy is the iuea that all chiluien to some uegiee aie socializeu to be consumeis. Waiu (1974) uefines consumei socialization as "the piocess by which young people acquiie skills, knowleuge anu attituues ielevant to theii functioning as consumeis in the maiketplace" (p. 2). }ohn (1999) suggests that futuie steps in consumei socialization theoiy neeu to incluue social aspects, none moie impoitant than the family. Consumei socialization ieseaich has been tieu to theoiies of family communication such as the typology of family communication patteins (e.g. Nooie anu Noschis, 1981) anu the typology of paiental socialization types (e.g. Baumiinu, 198u). <,'().,% >3:$,%$?,.$3) Paiental socialization is an auult initiateu piocess in which chiluien aie guiueu to uevelop habits anu values that aie paiallel with theii cultuie (Baumiinu, 198u). This piocess explains the way in which chiluien leain accoiuing to inteiactional piocesses with paients. In this mannei, paiental socialization is not a one-way piocess. It is uepenuent upon the inteiaction expeiienceu by both the chilu anu paient. Past ieseaich inuicates paiental socialization is tieu to social leaining theoiy (Banuuia & Walteis, 196S) in that it iequiies an agent to mouel off of as well as an actoi who pioviues feeuback. Paients influence the uevelopment of theii chiluien by seiving as iole mouels. Paiental socialization is in laige pait baseu off of the paient's ieceptivity to the chilu's views anu neeus. This type of socialization is also baseu on the uegiee of communication expeiienceu between the paient anu chilu (Cailson, Laczniak, & Nuehling, 1994). Theiefoie, this line of ieseaich asks whethei paiental socialization significantly
11 contiibutes to the foimation of paiental attituues towaius chiluien's auveigaming. Fuitheimoie, it is impeiative to consiuei how uiffeient paienting styles affect the foimation of attituues. <,'().$)6 >.8%(/ Baumiinu's (1971) eailiei ieseaich inuicateu thiee main subtypes of paiental behavioial patteins: authoiitaiian, authoiitative, anu peimissive. The most commonly employeu uimensions of paienting style useu to uefine the foui patteins aie waimth veisus hostility anu iestiictiveness veisus peimissiveness (Walsh, Laczniak, & Cailson, 1998; Caislon & Tannei, 2uu6). The fiist uimension of waimth veisus hostility is uefineu by the extent to which paients shaie feelings anu expiess affection with theii chiluien anu uiscouiage chiluien fiom iaising issues that tiouble them (Cailson & Tannei, 2uu6). The seconu uimension of peimissiveness veisus iestiictiveness is uefineu by the uegiee to which paients value chiluien confoiming to the policies anu expectations of otheis, aie fiim in enfoicing iules, suppoit the non-equal status of chiluien, anu aie stiict with theii chiluien (Cailson & Tannei, 2uu6). The authoiitaiian paient attempts to shape, contiol, anu evaluate the behavioi anu attituues of the chilu in accoiuance with a set stanuaiu of conuuct, usually an absolute stanuaiu, theologically motivateu anu foimulateu by a highei authoiity. Authoiitaiian paients aie moie iestiictive than both peimissive anu authoiitative paients anu typically scoie lowei in teims of waimth. They maintain high levels of contiol ovei theii chiluien anu attempt to keep veibal exchanges to a minimum. Fuitheimoie, chiluien of authoiitaiian paients aie expecteu to obey without questioning theii authoiity (Walsh,
12 Laczniak & Cailson, 1998; Ciosby & uiossbait, 1984). Authoiitative paients, on the othei hanu, attempt to uiiect the chilu's activities but in a iational, issue-oiienteu mannei. They encouiage veibal give anu take, anu shaie with the chilu the ieasoning behinu theii policy (Baumiinu, 1971). In compaiison with authoiitaiian paients, authoiitatives typically woik to balance theii chilu's iights anu iesponsibilities. They aie waimei than authoiitaiians, they encouiage self-expiession, but they also expect chiluien to act in a matuie mannei while auheiing to family iules (uaiunei, 1982; Baumiinu, 1968; Walsh, Laczniak, & Cailson, 1998). The peimissive paient attempts to behave in a non-punitive, acceptant, anu affiimative mannei towaiu the chilu's impulses, uesiies, anu actions. They consult with theii chiluien about policy uecisions anu give explanations foi family iules. They make few uemanus foi householu iesponsibility anu oiueily behavioi. They piesent themselves to the chilu as a iesouice, not as an active agent iesponsible foi shaping oi alteiing his ongoing oi futuie behavioi. They allow the chilu to iegulate his oi hei own activities anu avoiu the exeicise of contiol (Baumiinu, 1971). Latei woik by Baumiinu (1991) split the peimissive paienting style to incluue both neglecting anu inuulgent paienting styles. Neglecting paients aie moie uetacheu fiom theii chiluien. They aie low in iestiictiveness anu waimth. They uo not supeivise oi piomote chiluien's self-uiiecteu uevelopment (Walsh, Laczniak, & Cailson, 1998). Paients who aie classifieu as neglecting have been shown to have little influence in the socialization piocess which may leau theii chiluien to be influenceu by outsiue consumei socialization agents
1S such as peei gioups, teacheis, anu meuia incluuing vaiying foims of auveitising (Walsh, Laczniak, & Cailson, 1998). Inuulgent paients tenu to be moie peimissive than iestiictive anu waim iathei than colu when inteiacting with theii chiluien (Walsh, Laczniak, & Cailson, 1998). Inuulgent paients tiy to iemove outsiue constiaints without enuangeiing the welfaie of theii chilu. Fuitheimoie, Inuulgent paients pioviue theii chilu with auult iights but not auult iesponsibilities (Baumiinu, 1978). <,'().0/ 4..$.=&(/ @3A,'& "#$%&'()0/ 4&/ Piioi ieseaich on paiental attituues of chiluien's auveitising has ievealeu significant ielationships between the classification of one's paienting style anu the value a paient assigns to the auveitising in question (Bakii & vitell, 2u1u; Cailson, Laczniack, & Nuehling, 1994; Ciosby & uiossbait, 1984; anu uiossbait & Ciosby, 1984). Foi example, Cailson, Laczniak, anu Nuehling (1994) conuucteu ieseaich on paiental conceins of toy- baseu piogiamming. They founu that authoiitatives helu moie negative views towaius toy-baseu piogiamming than neglecting paients. They founu that authoiitaiians anu authoiitatives uiu not significantly uiffei in theii attituues of toy-baseu piogiamming (Cailson, Laczniak, & Nuehling, 1994). Reseaich by Ciosby anu uiossbait (1984) focuseu on paiental style segments anu how it ielateu to attituues towaiu chiluien's foou auveitising. Theii iesults inuicateu a significant uiffeience in attituues between authoiitative anu peimissive paients, with authoiitatives holuing moie negative views towaiu chiluien's foou auveitising. Bowevei, no significant uiffeiences weie founu between authoiitative anu authoiitaiian paients.
14 Reseaich by Laczniak, Nuehling, anu Cailson (199S) lookeu at attituues of 9uu- numbei auveitising uiiecteu at chiluien. Theii iesults ievealeu that motheis, iegaiuless of theii paiental style, all helu negative attituues towaiu 9uu-numbei auveitising. Compaieu to othei types of auveitising such as toy-baseu anu foou auveitising, paiental attituues towaiu 9uu-numbei auveitising weie consistently lowei. Baseu on the ielationships founu between paienting styles anu concein about foou anu toy-baseu auveitising, authoiitatives consistently helu moie negative attituues towaius chiluien's auveitising then both neglecting anu inuulgent paients. Thus, with iespect to the cuiient stuuy, the following hypotheses aie geneiateu: E1o: Autboritotive porents ore more likely to bolJ neqotive ottituJes toworJ oJverqomes JirecteJ ot cbilJren tbon inJulqent porents Jo. E1b: Autboritotive porents ore more likely to bolJ neqotive ottituJes toworJ oJverqomes JirecteJ ot cbilJren tbon neqlectinq porents Jo. Piioi ieseaich inuicateu no significant uiffeiences among authoiitative anu authoiitaiian paients with iegaiu to theii concein of foou-baseu, toy-baseu anu 9uu- numbei baseu auveitising uiiecteu at chiluien (Cailson, Laczniak, & Nuehling, 1994; Ciosby anu uiossbait, 1984; Laczniak, Nuehling, anu Cailson, 199S; Walsh et al.,1998). Baseu off the similaiities between authoiitaiian anu authoiitative paients, authoiitaiians may holu moie negative attituues towaiu auveigames uiiecteu at chiluien than both neglecting anu inuulgent paients. The following hypotheses aie geneiateu to test foi these uiffeiences:
1S E2o: Autboritorion porents ore more likely to bolJ neqotive ottituJes toworJ oJverqomes JirecteJ ot cbilJren tbon inJulqent porents Jo. E2b: Autboritorion porents ore more likely to bolJ neqotive ottituJes toworJ oJverqomes JirecteJ ot cbilJren tbon neqlectinq porents Jo. G$3MA?
To auuiess these hypotheses, a self-auministeieu online suivey was given to a uiveise sample of paients of chiluien ageu seven to 11. was hiieu by the ieseaichei to locate iepiesentative paiticipants anu to auministei the instiument. E- is an online opinion panel that ieciuits anu compensates membeis foi suivey paiticipation. Paients weie askeu to complete the suivey with iespect to theii youngest chilu between the ages of seven anu 11 anu inuicate this chilu's age. <,'().,% B)&('/.,)&$)6 39 4&5('6,7$)6 In oiuei to asceitain paients' unueistanuing of auveigaming, two initial phases weie conuucteu to aiu in the suivey uevelopment: 1) Qualitative inteiviews conceining auveigaming anu 2) Quantitative examinations using an opeiationalizeu uefinition of auveigaming. <#,/( CD E=,%$.,.$5( C).('5$(A/ Six inuiviuual inteiviews with paients (4 males anu 2 females) weie useu to gain insight into paients' unueistanuing of auveigaming as well as theii awaieness of theii chiluien's exposuie to auveigaming. Seveial guiueu questions weie useu to gain insight into paients' awaieness of theii chilu's online activities (See Appenuix A). This ueteimineu a baseline of paients' knowleuge of online gaming with a specific focus on auveigaming. A
16 uefinition of auveigaming, as well as a link to an auveigame was pioviueu when paiticipants weie unable to coiiectly iuentify anu uesciibe what an auveigame was. The uefinition of auveigaming was baseu on uesciiptions fiom Nooie (2uu6) anu Bahl et al. (2uu8). Following the uiscussion of chilu activities online, each paiticipant was piesenteu with a uefinition of auveigaming (See Appenuix A). The ieseaichei instiucteu each paiticipant to caiefully ieau thiough the uefinition anu then instiucteu him oi hei to change oi auu anything they felt necessaiy. All six iesponuents inuicateu they weie unawaie of the teim "auveigaming" anu uiu not know what it meant. Aftei piesenting each paiticipant with an example of an auveigame (e.g. 0ieo Bouble Stuff Racing League auveigame) paients inuicateu that theii chiluien play online games similai to the 0ieo auveigame although no paient stateu that his oi hei chilu hau playeu this specific 0ieo auveigame. Paients weie awaie of theii chiluien's activities on sites that featuieu chaiacteis most commonly founu in caitoons anu shows on Caitoon Netwoik. Examples of shows incluueu Kung Fu Panua, Teen Titans anu ICaily. Accoiuing to paients' iesponses, these shows all hau websites that theii chiluien weie uiiecteu to following exposuie to the show itself. Within these websites, paients iepoiteu theii chiluien playeu a vaiiety of online games that hau seveial themes with the most common being the acciual of points anu piogiession thiough multiple levels. Responses to the pioposeu mouification of the given auveigaming uefinition ieceiveu no suppoit among all paiticipants. Paiticipants inuicateu they felt it was a satisfactoiy uefinition anu woulu not change anything. Theiefoie, the opeiational uefinition of auveigaming is as follows:
17 "AJverqomes ore o type of bronJeJ entertoinment tbot feoture oJvertisinq messoqes, loqos, onJ troJe cborocters. Tbey ore typicolly founJ online onJ ollow virtuol interoction witb o proJuct or bronJ. AJverqomes offer o combinotion of entertoinment onJ oJvertisinq tbot con creote on emotionol connection between tbe bronJ onJ o qome. Tbese qomes encouroqe cbilJren to return by offerinq tbem multiple levels of ploy, repeot ployinq opportunities onJ suqqestions for otber qomes".
<#,/( CCD E=,).$.,.$5( FG,7$),.$3) 39 4&5('6,7$)6 ;(9$)$.$3) Aftei implementing insight gaineu by the inuiviuual inteiviews, the auveigaming uefinition was quantitatively pie-testeu with 2u qualifying iesponuents. In oiuei to test the applicability of the auveigaming uefinition, a sliueshow was cieateu on PoweiPoint. Six scieen shots of websites containing chilu-themeu mateiial weie captuieu anu aiiangeu ianuomly in oiuei to pievent iesponse bias. These web captuies incluueu a NcBonalu's Nutiition website, a website, a Sponge Bob website, an 0ieo website, a website, anu a Walt Bisney Woilu website. Two of the six web captuies iepiesenteu auveigames (e.g. 0ieo Bouble Stuff Racing League auveigame anu a Sponge Bob Squaie Pants auveigame). The iemaining foui web captuies uiu not qualify as auveigames. The oiuei of the two auveigame website captuies weie ueteimineu by a ioll of a uie to cieate 2u unique veisions of the sliueshow. A convenience sample of twenty paients of chiluien ages seven to 11 weie askeu to paiticipate in a shoit suivey on paients' attituues of chiluien's Inteinet auveitising. The suivey piesenteu the uefinition of an auveigame uevelopeu fiom the inuiviuual inteiviews as well as uiiections foi the pietest (See appenuix B). Each iesponuent watcheu the Powei Point piesentation anu inuicateu whethei he oi she thought the web captuie qualifieu as an auveigame. Theie weie a total of 4u possible coiiect auveigame iuentifications among the entiie pie-test sample (two auveigames in each sliueshow foi each of the 2u paiticipants).
18 Nineteen of the 2u paiticipants coiiectly iuentifieu both auveigames in each of theii sliueshows. 0ne paiticipant iuentifieu one out of two coiiect auveigames in theii sliueshow. In total, theie weie S9 coiiect iuentifications of auveigames out of a possible 4u (97.S%). Thus, this uefinition of auveigaming was ueemeu suitable foi piesentation to the paients on the final suivey piioi to asking auveigaming ielateu questions. C)&(2()&(). H,'$,I%(D <,'().$)6 >.8%(/ Assessment The fiist section of the instiument (Attituues of Paienting) (see appenuix C) consisteu of pievious measuies of paienting oiientation uimensions uevelopeu anu utilizeu by Schaefei anu Bell (19S8), Baumiinu (1971), Cailson, Laczniak, anu Nuehling, (1994), Walsh et al. (1998), anu Cailson anu Tannei (2uu6) (Peisonal email coiiesponuence: Cailson, 2u1u). The foui paienting styles weie iepiesenteu by a two-uimensional mouel that was uevelopeu anu uocumenteu in pievious ieseaich (Walsh et al., 1998; Cailson & Tannei, 2uu6). The two paienting uimensions useu to uefine the foui paienting styles aie waimth veisus hostility anu peimissiveness veisus iestiictiveness. Pievious woik by Walsh et al. (1998) anu Cailson anu Tannei (2uu6) uemonstiateu the waimth veisus hostility uimension to be captuieu by thiee inuicatois: paients' willingness to listen anu shaie feelings anu expeiiences with chiluien (nuituiance); paients' tenuencies to uiscouiage chiluien fiom uiscussing chilu tiouble with paients (avoiuing communication); anu paients' encouiagement to have theii chiluien talk to them about pioblems anu issues (encouiagement of veibalization).
19 The seconu uimension of peimissiveness veisus iestiictiveness has been captuieu by foui inuicatois: the uegiee to which paients holu theii chiluien to values anu iule confoimity (values confoimity); paients' iecognition of the non-equal status of chiluien (authoiitaiian); paients' enuoisement of chiluien obeying the iules outsiue the home (stiictness); anu paients' peiception that theii attempts at uiscipline aie veiy unyieluing (fiim enfoicement) (Cailson, Laczniak, anu Nuehling, 1994; Walsh et al., 1998; Cailson anu Tannei, 2uu6). Factoi analysis was conuucteu in oiuei to ueteimine the foimation of the inuicatois within each of the uimensions (table 1). Five of the seven inuicatois weie ueteimineu to have acceptable levels of inteinal consistency well above the .7u ciiteiia establisheu by Nunnally (1978). Sociol Besirobility Assessment All inuepenuent measuiement items useu a S-point Likeit scale foimat (1= stiongly uisagiee to S= stiongly agiee). Pievious ieseaich has auuiesseu the issue of socially uesiiable paiental iesponses since all inuepenuent items aie self-iepoiteu. Pievious stuuies incoipoiating inuepenuent measuies of paiental styles anu measuies of social uesiiability have shown the two to be uncoiielateu (Cailson & Tannei, 2uu6; Walsh et al., 1998;). The afoiementioneu stuuy by Walsh et al. (1998) incoipoiateu Ciowne anu Nailow's (1964) social uesiiability scale. Ciowne anu Nailow's (1964) oiiginal scale
2u Table 1 Inuepenuent vaiiables: Inuicatois of Paiental Style Bimensions Porentol Style No. of Bimensions onJ lnJicotors ltems Scole o Alpbo Restiictiveness vs. Peimissiveness values Confoimity 4 sasu .7u9 Fiim Enfoicement 4 sasu .77S Authoiitaiian S sasu .79u Stiictness S sasu .46u
Waimth vs. Bostility Nuituiance 6 sasu .798 Encouiaging veibalization 4 sasu .61S Avoiuance of Communication S sasu .798 a Scale = All scales aie Likeit S-point stiongly agieestiongly uisagiee
incluueu SS items anu maintaineu a high inteinal consistency coefficient (!= .88). In oiuei to maintain a balanceu scale, 18 of the SS items weie coueu as tiue anu 1S as false. Walsh et al. (1998) utilizeu 1u of the oiiginal SS items, five of which weie coueu as tiue anu five of which weie coueu as false. The finalizeu instiument utilizes six questions (founu unuei the section titleu "Auuitional Questions About You") fiom the oiiginal SS items of the Ciowne anu Nailow (1964) scale in oiuei to test foi coiielations of socially uesiiable iesponses anu paiental styles. 0f these six questions, thiee aie coueu as tiue anu thiee aie coueu as false in oiuei to maintain a piopei balance to the scale. The social uesiiability scale was not significantly coiielateu with the inuepenuent measuie of peimissiveness vs. iestiictiveness (peimissiveness with SB=-.u8S, p=. 228) but was significantly coiielateu with the inuepenuent measuie of waimth vs. hostility (waimth with SB=-.1S2, p=. u26).
Waimth 21
lnJulqent Autboritotive
Peimissiveness Restiictiveness
Neqliqent Autboritorion
Figuie 1: Paiental Categoiization Bimensions
Coteqorizotion Categoiizations of paiental styles uepenueu on meuian scoies foi the waimth veisus hostility anu peimissiveness veisus iestiictiveness uimensions seen in figuie 1. The iesulting foui paiental styles fell within one of foui quauiants. Paients that scoieu above the meuian foi both the waimth veisus hostility anu peimissiveness veisus iestiictiveness uimensions weie classifieu as authoiitative (N=4u). Paients that scoieu below the meuian foi both uimensions weie classifieu as neglecting (N=46). Paients that scoieu below the meuian on the waimth veisus hostility uimension anu above the meuian on the peimissiveness veisus iestiictiveness uimension weie classifieu as authoiitaiian (N=48). Paients that scoieu above the meuian on the waimth veisus hostility uimension but below the meuian on the peimissiveness veisus iestiictiveness uimension weie classifieu as inuulgent (N=42) (e.g., Walsh et al., 1998; Cailson anu Tannei, 2uu6).
22 ;(2()&(). H,'$,I%(D <,'().,% 4..$.=&(/ @3A,'& 4&5('6,7$)6 Piioi to answeiing auveigaming ielateu questions, paients weie piesenteu with the opeiationalizeu auveigaming uefinition anu two examples useu in the suivey uevelopment. This section is composeu of 1S questions auapteu fiom vaiying souices (see appenuix C) Foui items in this section aie auapteu fiom a scale uevelopeu by Ciosby anu uiossbait (1984) that measuieu paiental attituues of foou auveitising uiiecteu at chiluien. 0iiginal items incluueu the following: 'Tbere is too mucb fooJ oJvertisinq JirecteJ ot cbilJren; AJvertisers use tricks onJ qimmicks to qet cbilJren to buy tbeir proJucts; AJvertisinq teocbes cbilJren boJ eotinq bobits; anu AJvertisinq JirecteJ ot cbilJren leoJs to fomily conflict7. The oiiginal scale in Ciosby anu uiossbait's (1984) stuuy maintaineu stiong inteinal consistency (! = .81S). These items weie auapteu to incluue auveigaming uiiecteu at chiluien iathei than foou auveitising. Items useu a S-point Likeit scale foimat (1= stiongly uisagiee to S= stiongly agiee). These items maintaineu an alpha coefficient of .62S in the cuiient stuuy. An auuitional question that ueteimineu paiental attituues towaiu auveigaming (see appenuix C) utilizeu a scale uevelopeu by Wolin, Koigaomkai, anu Lunu (2uu2) that measuieu attituues towaiu web auveitising. The scale specifically auuiesseu attituues of mateiialism which Pollay anu Nittal (199S) uefine as a set of beliefs which views consumption as the ioute to all satisfactions. The oiiginal scale in Wolin et al. (2uu2) incluueu the following: Web oJvertisinq mokes you buy tbinqs you Jo not reolly neeJ; Web oJvertisinq increoses Jissotisfoction omonq cbilJren by sbowinq proJucts tbey cont offorJ;
2S Web oJvertisinq is mokinq cbilJren moteriolistic - interesteJ in buyinq onJ owninq tbinqs; anu Web oJvertisinq mokes cbilJren buy unofforJoble proJucts just to sbow off. The oiiginal items maintaineu low consistency (!= .6778). 0ne of these items (AJverqomes moke cbilJren wont tbinqs tbey Jont reolly neeJ) was auapteu to incluue paiental attituues of auveigaming uiiecteu at chiluien insteau of web aus' ability to influence mateiialism in geneial. This item useu a S-point Likeit scale foimat (1= stiongly uisagiee to S= stiongly agiee). Thiee auuitional questions (see appenuix C) incluueu weie baseu on a scale uevelopeu by Wolin, Koigaomkai, anu Lunu (2uu2) that measuieu attituues of web auveitisements anu theii ability to coiiupt values. Wolin et al. (2uu2) suggests web auveitising has the ability anu powei to molu useis' values anu coiiupt them as well. Fuitheimoie, Wolin et al. (2uu2) suggests web aus can unueimine paients' values that they intenu to impiess upon theii chiluien. 0iiginal items incluue the following: 'Web oJvertisinq sometimes mokes cbilJren live in o worlJ of fontosy; Web oJvertisinq tokes unJue oJvontoqe of cbilJren; onJ Web oJvertisinq leoJs cbilJren to moke unreosonoble purcbose JemonJs on tbeir porents. The oiiginal scale maintaineu low consistency (!= .6S68). These thiee items weie auapteu to incluue paiental attituues of auveigaming uiiecteu at chiluien insteau of geneial attituues of web aus' ability to coiiupt values. Items useu a S-point Likeit scale foimat (1= stiongly uisagiee to S= stiongly agiee). These items maintaineu an alpha coefficient of .Suu in the cuiient stuuy.
24 Table 2 Besciiptive Statistics of Bepenuent vaiiable foi Entiie Sample
ltems Heon SB Scole HiJpoint
ATTABvERuN 1S 47.17 6.9S2 4S
Seven auuitional questions weie incluueu in this section of the instiument. These items aie baseu on of Cailson anu Tannei's (2uu6) pievious woik on paiental attituues of sexual abstinence auveitisements anu Walsh et al's (1998) woik on mothei's attituues towaiu goveinment iegulation of chiluien's television auveitising. Items incluue the following: 'Host oJverqomes for cbilJren ore okoy for tbem to ploy by tbemselves; Hy cbilJ leorns sometbinq by ployinq oJverqomes; Tberes notbinq wronq witb oJverqomes sponsoreJ by toy monufocturers; Hy cbilJ enjoys ployinq oJverqomes; Hy cbilJ onJ l tolk obout tbe oJverqomes be or sbe ploys; Tberes notbinq wronq witb oJverqomes sponsoreJ by fooJ monufocturers; anu Hy cbilJ unJerstonJs tbot oJverqomes ore o type of oJvertisinq. All items useu a S-point Likeit scale foimat (1=stiongly uisagiee to S= stiongly agiee). These seven items maintaineu an alpha coefficient of .421 in the cuiient stuuy. All 1S questions weie summeu to foim the uepenuent inuex ATTABvRuN (table 2). The uepenuent inuex hau an acceptable ieliability coefficient of .728, which exceeus the .7u ciiteiia establisheu by Nunnally (1978). I$;KE3; The analysis sample consisteu of 214 completeu online questionnaiies. This sample size was ueemeu appiopiiate accoiuing to pievious woik on paiental attituues of chiluien's auveitising (see e.g. Walsh et al. 1998 anu Cailson anu Tannei, 2uu6). The
47.S8 * 48.S6 * 4S.41 * 46.9u * 1.66S .177 * No significant uiffeiences uetecteu between paienting styles at the .uS level.
sample iesulteu in a ielatively even uistiibution of fatheis (48.1%) anu motheis (S1.9%) (table 4). Bemogiaphic chaiacteiistics foi chiluien ievealeu that theie weie 114 males (SS.S%) anu 1uu females (46.7%). 16.4% weie seven yeais olu, 19.2% weie eight yeais olu, 26.2% weie nine yeais olu, 22.9% weie 1u yeais olu, anu 1S.4% weie 11 yeais olu. 0nly 61 (28.S%) paients inuicateu theii chilu hau playeu an auveigame in the past Su uays. 117 (S4.7%) paients saiu theii chilu hau not playeu anu S6 (16.8%) paients saiu they uiu not know. 0f those 61 paients that inuicateu theii chilu hau playeu an auveigame, 1SS uiffeient types of auveigames weie iuentifieu. 4J*H4 1(/=%./ Table S iepoits the iesults of the hypotheses tests. B1a posits that authoiitative paients aie likely to holu moie negative attituues towaius chiluien's auveigaming than inuulgent paients. Though it was founu that authoiitative paients scoieu highei on the uepenuent inuex; ATTABvERuN (N=47.S8) compaieu to inuulgent paients (N=46.9u) the AN0vA analysis ietuineu insignificant iesults (F=1.66S, p=.177). Thus theie is no suppoit foi hypothesis B1a. B1b auus that authoiitative paients aie likely to have moie negative attituues towaius chiluien's auveigames than neglecting paients. Authoiitative paients
26 Table 4 Selecteu Bemogiaphic Bata foi the Stuuy Sample Beau of Bouseholu NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Iemole Hole Irequency % Irequency %
Aqe 18-24 u u.u u u.u 2S-S4 SS S1.S 1S 12.6 SS-44 Su 4S.u S7 SS.S 4S-S4 22 19.8 29 28.S SS oi ovei S 2.7 4 S.8 Nissing u u.u u u.u NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Total 111 1uu 1uS 1uu
Roce White 86 8S.S 8S 8u.6 Black S 2.7 2 1.9 Bispanic 7 6.S 6 S.8 AsianPacific Islanuei 4 S.6 8 7.7 Ameiican Inuian 1 u.9 S 2.9 Bi-Racial 7 6.S 1 u.9 0thei S 2.7 u u.u Nissing u u.u u u.u NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Total 111 1uu 1uS 1uu
FJucotion Not a high school giau u u.u u u.u Bigh school giau 1S 1S.6 u u.u Some college 26 2S.4 19 18.4 College giauuate 46 41.4 S9 S7.9 uiauuate Piofessional uegiee 24 21.6 42 4u.7 Not Suie Bon't Know u u.u u u.u Nissing u u.u u u.u NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Total 111 1uu 1uS 1uu
27 scoieu highei on the uepenuent inuex than neglecting paients (N=4S.41) yet no significance was founu between the two gioups. Thus, B1b was not suppoiteu. B2a posits that authoiitaiians woulu holu moie negative attituues of chiluien's auveigaming than inuulgent paients. Though authoiitaiian paients scoieu highei on the uepenuent inuex (N=48.S6) than inuulgent paients (N=46.9u) AN0vA ievealeu no significant uiffeiences. B2b auus that authoiitaiians helu moie negative attituues towaius chiluien's auveigaming than neglecting paients. Though neglecting paients scoieu lowei on the uepenuent inuex (N=4S.41) than authoiitaiians, AN0vA analysis founu no significant uiffeiences between these two gioups. Thus, theie is no suppoit foi eithei hypothesis B2a oi B2b. Examinations of questions within the uepenuent inuex ievealeu thiee significant inteiactions at the .uS level. Significance was founu in iegaiu to paients' attituues towaiu auveigames ability to leau to family conflict, AJverqomes JirecteJ ot cbilJren leoJ to fomily conflict (F= S.7S8, p=.u12), theii attituues that chiluien shoulu not be alone when they play auveigames, Host oJverqomes ore okoy for cbilJren to ploy by tbemselves(ieveise coueu) (F= S.622, p=.u14), anu paients' attituues that auveigames sponsoieu by foou manufactuieis aien't lookeu well upon, Tbere is notbinq wronq witb oJverqomes sponsoreJ by fooJ monufocturers (ieveise coueu) (F= S.199, p=.u2S). ?(2<022(*#  E('()&)(*#2 The objective of this stuuy was to investigate vaiiations in paiental attituues towaius chiluien's auveigaming. Finuings inuicateu that paiental style might not offei as many insights into vaiiations in attituues towaius chiluien's auveigaming as past ieseaich
28 on television auveitising has. vaiiations in mean attituuinal scoies among the foui paienting styles was minimal anu though this pioximity between paienting styles was ieflecteu in past ieseaich, this stuuy faileu to finu significance in all hypotheses. The uisciepancies in iesults between this stuuy anu piioi stuuies may be explaineu by the uiffeiences in the way the sample was acquiieu, the piofile of the sample, the methou foi ueteimining one's categoiization of paienting style, uiffeiences in the uepenuent measuie of this stuuy compaieu to measuies in pievious stuuies, anu the coiielation of social uesiiability with paiental style. Pievious stuuies that utilizeu paiental socialization theoiy have acquiieu theii sample most commonly thiough a convenience basis. Foi example, Rosen et al. (2uu8) acquiieu S14 paiticipants fiom one aiea (Los Angeles) anu founu that S7% of the sample was classifieu as negligent. This stuuy, which utilizeu a geogiaphically uiveise sample, hau an even uistiibution of paienting styles compaieu to pievious ieseaich in this aiea. By looking at a iegional aiea iathei than a nationally uiveise aiea, as this stuuy has, past convenience techniques may have incoiiectly captuieu the tiue uistiibution of paienting styles. Anothei common methou of sample acciual useu in past ieseaich utilizeu schools in oiuei to uistiibute wiitten suiveys to chiluien. These chiluien woulu then give the suivey to theii paients. By involving the chilu in the ieseaich piocess, paients may have felt moie inclineu to involve themselves with that paiticulai ieseaich aiea. This stuuy bypasseu chiluien as uistiibuteis anu locateu paients thiough the use of online panels. This uiffeience in sampling methou may have iesulteu in a loweieu involvement with the topic
29 aiea among paients. Loweieu involvement with the topic aiea may have piouuceu changes in the attituues that iesulteu in the iejection of all hypotheses. Pievious ieseaich has tiauitionally focuseu on motheis as the subject of inteiest because of theii cential iole in iaising chiluien. This stuuy puiposefully gaineieu an even uistiibution of motheis anu fatheis. The uecision to uo so may have iesulteu in the insignificant iesults. Though family uynamics aie shifting anu fatheis have taken moie of a cential iole compaieu to pievious times, it may be that motheis still maintain the stiongest attituues towaiu auveitisements uiiecteu at theii chiluien than fatheis uo. The assignment of paienting style accoiuing to the meuian scoies foi each uimension is not only unusual but also unieliable. This methou foi categoiization inuicates theie is no stanuaiuizeu scoie foi the paienting oiientation scale. In othei woius, paients' categoiization of style is uepenuent upon all othei scoies in the sample. The uesignation of paienting style accoiuing to this methou excluueu S8 paiticipants fiom being categoiizeu as any style as they all fell exactly on the meuian scoie foi both uimensions. This scale miupoint iesponse bias may be a iesult of paiticipants' compensation foi suivey paiticipation. A 1S-yeai content analysis foi suivey iesponse bias caiiieu out by Nacias et al. (2uu8) shows that, out of all incentives offeieu foi suivey completion, a piomiseu sum piouuceu one of the lowest iesponse iates (44%). Although theie weie no incomplete suiveys in this ieseaich, the veiy fact that paiticipants weie compensateu coulu have influenceu them to iesponu quickly anu without effoit oi involvement. The uiffeiences in iesults between this stuuy anu piioi stuuies may be a iesult of the foimation of the uepenuent inuex. Piioi stuuies that lookeu at attituues towaiu
Su goveinment iegulation of auveitising fiameu eveiy question to position television foou auveitising as a negative issue. The cuiient stuuy woikeu to maintain a balanceu uepenuent inuex that hau a faiily even uistiibution of positive anu negative questions. The exclusion of questions with a positive valence in past ieseaich may have piouuceu a iesponse bias that leu to moie negative attituues towaiu chiluien's auveitising, thus iesulting in laigei uisciepancies between paienting style anu highei chance of significant iesults. Consistent with past ieseaich, the laigest uisciepancies in scoies between the paienting styles weie between authoititaiians, inuulgents, anu neglectois. This pattein was also ieflecteu between authoiitatives, inuulgents anu neglectois with authoiitatives scoiing highei than the lattei anu lowei but similai to authoiitaiians. Though these patteins on the uepenuent inuex aie ieflective of the pioposeu hypothesizeu uiiection significance was not founu. This may be a iesult of a balanceu uepenuent scale. Fuitheimoie, though the uepenuent inuex manageu an acceptable alpha coefficient (.728), looking ueepei ievealeu fai less satisfactoiy measuies of consistency. The auoption anu auaptation of some oiiginal scales piouuceu veiy low ieliability coefficients. This finuing inuicates that some inuiviuual items on the uepenuent inuex may neeu to be ieexamineu anu iewoikeu foi futuie applications in this aiea. 0nlike pievious ieseaich in this aiea, it was founu that the Social Besiiability scale coiielateu significantly with the waimth veisus hostility uimension. The categoiization of paienting style may be a iesult of social uesiiability iathei than tiue beliefs on how to iaise chiluien. Rathei than having tiue chaiacteiistics of the ieflecteu paienting style,
S1 paiticipants meiely piesent themselves that way. This piouuces a possible incongiuence between the subsequent paienting style anu theii attituue towaiu auveigaming. In othei woius, if a paient has been classifieu as an authoiitaiian, anu theii waimth veisus hostility uimension scoie coiielates with socially uesiiable iesponses, then theii subsequent attituue towaiu auveigaming cannot be attiibuteu to theii paienting categoiization. Futuie ieseaich in this aiea shoulu look to seveial uiiections foi impiovement. The laigest issue involveu is the neeu foi a stanuaiuizeu scale of paienting oiientation uimensions. Such vaiiation fiom stuuy to stuuy calls out foi eithei a new theoietical application to auveigaming oi the uevelopment of a paiental socialization scale that uoes not uepenu on the meuian uimension scoies as a categoiization pieiequisite. Seconuly, futuie stuuies on auveigaming shoulu look to uevelop new uepenuent measuies with highei ieliability coefficients. Peihaps, as inuicateu fiom the thiee significant inteiactions founu on inuiviuual uepenuent items, futuie woik shoulu uevelop items that measuie moie effectively attituues of family uynamics anu auveigaming as well as auult supeivision of auveigaming. Fuitheimoie, the fact that questions conceining foou ielateu auveigaming gaineieu significance wheieas toy ielateu auveigames uiu not; inuicate futuie uiiections in this aiena shoulu focus on foou-themeu auveigames moie so than toy-themeu auveigames. The most viable explanation foi vaiiations towaius auveigames may iest outsiue paiental style. Futuie analysis shoulu look to chilu age to see if theie aie significant inteiactions in paiental attituues towaiu auveigaming. Peihaps paients of youngei chiluien will have moie negative attituues towaiu auveigmaing than those who have oluei chiluien. Anothei impoitant uiiection to consiuei may iest in paients' knowleuge of anu
S2 exposuie to theii chilu's auveigaming. It coulu be that paients who know theii chiluien play auveigames will have moie negative attituues towaiu them. Though significance was not founu, futuie analysis shoulun't completely ignoie paiental style as an exponent. It may piove beneficial to this line of ieseaich to compaie fatheis anu motheis in theii attituues towaiu auveigaming. Notheis, moie so than fatheis, may be moie appiopiiate when ueteimining how attituues towaiu auveigaming vaiy acioss paienting style. As this was an online suivey about an online auveitising issue, the utilization of an online sample iaises questions. An impoitant futuie uiiection shoulu compaie attituues of paients who aie suiveyeu in an online setting to those who aie suiveyeu in moie tiauitional setting.
SS I.+.-.#<.2:
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S7 olJ onJ over, by type of use onJ selecteJ cborocteristics of stuJents onJ otber users: 200S. Retiieveu Nay 24, 2u1u, fiom Nelson, N. R. (2uu2). Recall of bianu placement in computeiviueo games. }ournol of AJvertisinq Reseorcb, 42 (}une), 8u-92. Nelson, N. R., Keum, B., anu Yaios, R. (2uu4). Auveitainment oi aucieep. uame playeis' attituues towaiu auveitising anu piouuct placements in computei games, }ournol of lnteroctive AJvertisinq, S (Fall), http:www.jiau.oigvolSno1nelsoninuex.htm. Nelson, N. R., Yaios, R., anu Keum, B. (2uu6). Examining the influence of telepiesence on spectatoi anu playei piocessing of ieal anu fictitious bianus in a computei game. }ournol of AJvertisinq, SS (Wintei), 87-99. Nicovich, S. u. (2uuS). The effect of involvement on au juugment in a viueo game enviionment: The meuiating iole of piesence. }ournol of lnteroctive AJvertisinq, 6 (Fall), http:www.jiau.oigvol6no1nicovichinuex.htm. Nielsen online Joto quick toke: KiJs online. (2uu9). Retiieveu Nay 17, 2u1u, fiom http:en- us.nielsen.commainnewsnews_ieleases2uu9julyNielsen_0nline_Bata_Quick_ Take__Kius_0nline Nunnally, }. C. (1978). Psycbometric tbeory (2 nu eu.). New Yoik: Ncuiaw-Bill. 0'uuinn, T. C., Allen, C. T., anu Semenik, R. }. (2uu6), AJvertisinq onJ lnteqroteJ BronJ Promotion, 4th eu., Nason, 0B: ThomsonSouth-Westein. Pollay, R. W. anu Nittal, B. (199S). Beie's the beef: Factois, ueteiminants, anu segments in consumei ciiticism of auveitising. Tbe }ournol of Horketinq, S7 (S), 99-114.
S8 Reseaich anu Naikets. (2uu9, }uly 2). Reseorcb onJ Horkets: lnnovotive online fooJ onJ Jrinks morketinq: builJinq bronJ onJ customer relotionsbips online. Retiieveu Nay 24, 2u1u, fiom Lexis Nexis. Rosen, L. B., Cheevei, N. A., anu Caiiiei, L. N. (2uu8). The association of paienting style anu chilu age with paiental limit setting anu auolescent myspace behavioi. }ournol of opplieJ Bevelopmentol Psycboloqy, 29, 4S9-471. Ross, R. P., Campbell, T., Wiight, }. C., Buston, A. C., Rice, N. L., anu Tuik, P. (1984), When celebiities talk, chiluien listen: An expeiimental analysis of chiluien's iesponses to Tv aus with celebiity enuoisement, }ournol of ApplieJ Bevelopmentol Psycboloqy, S (}uly-Septembei), 18S-2u2. Schaefei, E. S. anu Bell, R. Q. (19S8). Bevelopment of a paiental attituue ieseaich instiument. CbilJ Bevelopment, 29 (S), SS9-S61. Schneiuei, L. P. anu Coinwell, T. B. (2uuS). Cashing in on ciashes via bianu placement in computei games: The effects of expeiience anu flow on memoiy. lnternotionol journol of AJvertisinq, 24 (S), S21-S4S. Shielus, N. (2uuS), Suifing Lessons, HeJioweek, 1S (28) 4-S. Tannei, }. F., Cailson, L. A., Raymonu, N. A., anu Bopkins, C. B. (2uu8). Reaching paients to pievent auolescent iisky behavioi: Examining the effects of thieat poitiayal anu paienting oiientation on paiental paiticipation peiceptions. }ournol of Public Policy & Horketinq, 27, (2), 149-1SS. 0niteu States Confeience of Catholic Bishops (0SCCB). (2u1u, Apiil 16). Porents Eopes & Concerns About tbe lmpoct of HeJio on tbeir CbilJren. Retiieveu Nay 17, 2u1u, fiom
S9 http:www.catholicnewsagency.comnewsusccb_suivey_shows_paients_concein eu_about_youth_access_to_unwholesome_meuia Walsh A. B., Laczniak R. N., anu Cailson, L. A. (1998). Nothei's piefeiences foi iegulating chiluien's television. }ournol of AJvertisinq, 27, (S) 24-S6. Waiu, S. (1974), Consumei socialization, }ournol of Consumer Reseorcb, 1 (Septembei), 1- 14. Wolin, L. B., Koigaonkai, P., anu Lunu, B. (2uu2) Beliefs, attituues anu behavioui towaius web auveitising. lnternotionol }ournol of AJvertisinq, 21(1), 87-11S.
4u ">>.#1(<.2:
41 ">>.#1(% ":
@#).-8(.4 F0(1.
Thank you foi coming touay to this inteiview on paienting anu the Inteinet. I unueistanu that you leau busy lives anu I appieciate youi effoit anu time. I woulu like to take this oppoitunity to intiouuce myself. Ny name is Nathan Evans anu I am cuiiently woiking on mastei's uegiee in auveitising at the 0niveisity of Tennessee. Please unueistanu that youi paiticipation in this focus gioup is voluntaiy anu anonymous. In no way will youi name oi peisonal infoimation be connecteu to any of youi iesponses.
With that saiu I am going to ask you some questions.
Eow mony cbilJren Jo you bove? Wbot ore tbeir oqes? Now l om qoinq to tolk obout cbilJren oqes 7 to 11 onJ bow tbey use tbe lnternet.
Tell me obout wbot your cbilJren Jo online.
Bo your cbilJren ploy online qomes? Con you tell me obout tbese online qomes? Wbot Jo tbey look like? Wbot Jo tbey Jo? Eow often Jo tbey ploy online qomes?
Eove you ever beorJ of oJverqominq? Tell me wbot you tbink oJverqominq is.
Eere is on exomple: http:www.nabiscowoilu.comoieousilgame.aspx.gameiu=22uuu9
"AJverqomes ore o type of bronJeJ entertoinment tbot feoture oJvertisinq messoqes, loqos, onJ troJe cborocters. Tbey ore typicolly founJ online onJ ollow virtuol interoction witb o proJuct or bronJ. AJverqomes offer o combinotion of entertoinment onJ oJvertisinq tbot con creote on emotionol connection between tbe bronJ onJ o qome. Tbese qomes encouroqe cbilJren to return by offerinq tbem multiple levels of ploy, repeot ployinq opportunities onJ suqqestions for otber qomes".
Wbot Jo you tbink obout oJverqominq? Bo you tbink your cbilJ ploys oJverqomes? Eow often Jo tbey ploy tbese qomes? Boes your cbilJ ever wont to qo to o qominq website be or sbe bos seen on Tv? Bo you ploy oJverqomes?
42 ">>.#1(% H: Thank you foi paiticipating in this stuuy on chiluien's Inteinet auveitising.
Please ieau the following uefinition of auveigaming.
"AJverqomes ore o type of bronJeJ entertoinment tbot feoture oJvertisinq messoqes, loqos, onJ troJe cborocters. Tbey ore typicolly founJ online onJ ollow virtuol interoction witb o proJuct or bronJ. AJverqomes offer o combinotion of entertoinment onJ oJvertisinq tbot con creote on emotionol connection between tbe bronJ onJ o qome. Tbese qomes encouroqe cbilJren to return by offerinq tbem multiple levels of ploy, repeot ployinq opportunities onJ suqqestions for otber qomes".
In fiont of you is a powei point piesentation with six sliues. The following six sliues aie snapshots of uiffeient websites. Some of these sliues aie examples of auveigames anu some aie not.
Please inuicate whethei you think the sliue is an auveigame.
Sliue 1) Yes No Sliue 2) Yes No Sliue S) Yes No Sliue 4) Yes No Sliue S) Yes No Sliue 6) Yes No
Weie theie any sliues that you weie unsuie of.
About You.
Nale Female Ages of chiluien between 7 anu 11 _____ _______ _______ _______
4S ">>.#1(% 5: Thank you foi youi paiticipation in this stuuy on paiental attituues towaiu chiluien's Inteinet auveitising. All of the infoimation you pioviue will be kept stiictly anonymous. Youi paiticipation is voluntaiy, anu if you uon't want to answei any question, you uon't have to.
"))()01.2 "O*0) ,&-.#)(#9 The following questions aie conceineu about paienting. Please maik the numbei that best ieflects how much you agiee oi uisagiee with each statement.
A paient shoulu nevei be maue to look wiong in theii chilu's eyes. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
I talk it ovei anu ieason with my chilu when heshe misbehaves. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Paients shoulu know bettei than to allow theii chiluien to be exposeu to uifficult situations. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
It is best foi a chilu if heshe nevei gets staiteu wonueiing whethei hishei paients' views aie iight. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Chiluien shoulu be kept away fiom all haiu jobs which might be uiscouiaging. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Chiluien shoulu nevei leain things outsiue the home that make them uoubt theii paients' iueas ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
A chilu shoulu be able to question the authoiity of hishei paients. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
A chilu must leain to confoim to all school iules anu iegulations. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Chiluien shoulu be alloweu to uisagiee with theii paients whenevei they feel family iules aie unieasonable. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
The pieseivation of oiuei anu tiauition shoulu be highly valueu. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Chiluien shoulu be encouiageu to tell theii paients when they feel family iules aie unieasonable. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-..
44 Q R S T U When a chilu is calleu heshe shoulu come immeuiately. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
A chilu has a iight to hishei own point of view anu shoulu be alloweu to expiess it. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
If you let chiluien talk about theii tioubles they enu up complaining even moie. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
A chilu's iueas shoulu be seiiously consiueieu befoie making family uecisions. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Paients who stait a chilu talking about hishei woiiies uon't iealize that sometimes it's bettei to leave well enough alone. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Chiluien who aie helu to fiim iules giow up to be the best auults. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
If a chilu has upset feelings it is best to leave himhei alone anu not make it look seiious. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
I encouiage my chilu to talk about hishei tioubles. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
A chilu will be giateful latei on foi stiict tiaining. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
I joke anu play with my chilu. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
A chilu shoulu iespect hishei paients because they aie hishei paients. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
I encouiage my chilu to wonuei anu think about life. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
I uon't minu it paiticulaily when my chilu aigues with me. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-..
4S Q R S T U
Stiict uiscipline uevelops a fine, stiong chaiactei. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
I expiess my affection by hugging, kissing, anu holuing my chilu. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Paients shoulu take seiiously the opinions of theii young chiluien. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
I iespect my chilu's opinion anu encouiage himhei to expiess it. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
I feel that a chilu shoulu be comfoiteu anu unueistoou when heshe is scaieu oi upset. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
AJverqomes ore o type of bronJeJ entertoinment tbot feoture oJvertisinq messoqes, loqos, onJ troJe cborocters. Tbey ore typicolly founJ online onJ ollow virtuol interoction witb o proJuct or bronJ. AJverqomes offer o combinotion of entertoinment onJ oJvertisinq tbot con creote on emotionol connection between tbe bronJ onJ o qome. Tbese qomes encouroqe cbilJren to return by offerinq tbem multiple levels of ploy, repeot ployinq opportunities onJ suqqestions for otber qomesZ
H./*4 &-. )4* .%&'>/.2 *+ &18.-9&'.2.
4. Bas this chilu has playeu an auveigame in the past Su uays.
_____ Yes _____ No _____ Bon't Know (If you answeieu yes, please answei question #S)
S. Please inuicate which auveigame(s) heshe has playeu.
6. If this chilu has playeu auveigames, which, if any weie piompteu by auveitising he oi she saw oi heaiu on Tv, iauio, oi othei.
7. Bave you playeu auveigames with youi chilu in the past Su uays. _____ Yes _____ No _____ Bon't Know
"))()01.2 3*4&-1 "18.-9&'(#9 The following questions aie conceineu with youi attituues anu opinions towaiu auveigaming anu chiluien. Please maik the numbei that best ieflects how much you agiee oi uisagiee with each statement.
Auveigames make chiluien want things they uon't ieally neeu. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Nost auveigames foi chiluien aie okay foi them to play by themselves. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
47 Ny chilu leains something by playing auveigames. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Auveigames allow chiluien to enjoy a woilu of fantasy. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Auveigames take unuue auvantage of chiluien. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Auveigames leau chiluien to make unieasonable puichase uemanus on theii paients. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Theie is too much auveigaming uiiecteu at chiluien. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Auveigames uiiecteu at chiluien leau to family conflict. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Auveigames teach chiluien goou eating habits. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Theie's nothing wiong with auveigames sponsoieu by toy manufactuieis. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Ny chilu enjoys playing auveigames. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Ny chilu anu I talk about the auveigames she plays. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Auveigames use tiicks anu gimmicks to get chiluien to buy theii piouucts. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Theie's nothing wiong with auveigames foi chiluien sponsoieu by foou manufactuieis. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Ny chilu unueistanus that auveigames aie a type of auveitising. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
I.90/&)(*# *+ "18.-9&'.2
Foou-ielateu auveigames uiiecteu at chiluien shoulu be banneu. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Toy-ielateu auveigames uiiecteu at chiluien shoulu be banneu. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Auveigames that use populai chiluien's piogiam chaiacteis shoulu be banneu ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
It's the paient's iesponsibility to explain auveigames to theii chiluien. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
The Feueial goveinment shoulu be involveu in the supeivision of auveigames taigeting chiluien ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Nonitoiing of chiluien's auveigames by an inuepenuent oiganization is neeueu. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Auveitiseis shoulu iequiie paients' peimission befoie chiluien unuei 12 can play theii auveigames. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
Auveigames foi chiluien shoulu be iequiieu to iuentify themselves as auveitising. ;)-*#9/P ?(2&9-.. ;)-*#9/P "9-.. Q R S T U
"11()(*#&/ [0.2)(*#2 &O*0) P*0 I am always willing to aumit it when I make a mistake Tiue False I have nevei been iikeu when people expiesseu iueas veiy uiffeient fiom my own Tiue False I have nevei uelibeiately saiu something that huit someone's feelings Tiue False I like to gossip at times Tiue False Theie have been occasions when I took auvantage of someone Tiue False At times I have ieally insisteu on having things my own way Tiue False
I am _____ yeais olu.
I am: White _____ Black _____Bispanic _____ AsianPacific Islanuei _____ Ameiican Inuian _____ Bi-Racial _____ 0thei (Please Inuicate: _________________ )
What best uesciibes youi level of euucation. ____ Not a high school giauuate ____ Bigh school giauuate ____ Some college ____ College giauuate ____ uiauuate Piofessional uegiee ____ Not Suie Bon't Know
Nathan Evans was boin in Ciossville, TN to the paients of Aithui anu Patiicia Evans. Be is the seconu of two chiluien. Be attenueu South Cumbeilanu Elementaiy anu continueu on to attenu Westtown Bigh School in Westtown, PA. Aftei giauuating, he heaueu south to Eckeiu College in St. Peteisbuig, FL wheie he was intiouuceu to Psychology. Aftei a challenging foui yeais in the piogiam he obtaineu his Bacheloi oi Aits uegiee in Psychology unuei the tutelage of Bi. }ames NacBougall anu Bi. Naijoiie Baiuy in 2uu4. Be was accepteu in the Communications uepaitment at the 0niveisity of Tennessee, Knoxville in 2uu8 anu accepteu a giauuate assistantship with a focus in auveitising. Nathan was iecently accepteu to the Boctoial piogiam at 0niveisity of Tennessee, Knoxville anu was awaiueu a teaching associateship unuei the guiuance of Bi. Naiiea uiubbs Boy. Be plans to continue his euucation anu ieseaich in Knoxville foi seveial yeais to come.