Contentions AHM

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Contentions 1

1. Activism will only succeed when it remembers that history is in good hands.
2 We must not overestimate the calamities of our age. A misplaced rigorism is less dangerous than an improper liberalism.
3. This sin of the Muslim world: menefreghismo.
4. In senescence, religions have two possibilities: Alzheimers (the amnesiac option of the secular elites and manic!depressive
(the false "alafism.
5. Aid for moderate Middle !astern regimes is meals on wheels" because it does not e#$ect to re%uvenate.
#. $ostmodernism is Jahiliyya. %ach tribe has its own stor&.
&. The modern 'est shows that without a (haria there can only be scattered hunafa.
'. ()here is no *od at all, and Atat+r, is -is prophet..
). The *mma without its +aw is li,e a man without his -rayer.
/0. )he %ast is content without form1 the West is form without content.
11. .t is as fallacious to assert that .slam is unsuited to the age as it is to believe that the age is suited to .slam.
/2. 2odern India: we are called to put the rahma bac, into 3rahman.
13. 'hich came first: intolerant $reaching or its sub%ect/matter0
/4. Whether *od can forgive %urope is perhaps the greatest problem of theodic&.
15. .slamic modernism: a danse macabre flirting with the s$iritual death of the !nlightenment.
/#. -ave we become li,e the Incredible -ul,, ineffectual until provo,ed4
1&. The radicals are announcing only one thing: Attention1 This vehicle is reversing1
/'. Wahhabism: the war on pol&chrom&. (5ermeer: the perfect $rotestant.
1). 2ollowers of Antichrist see with only one eye" whose name is Zahir or Batin.
20. "t 6uthbert never defeated the *reen 2an, who has now returned with a 7aw.
31. The Crusaders served us at least once: they let al/4hidr loose in (herwood.
22. 3ritish 3uddhism: who can abide this chinoiserie4
33. Converts: we must %um$ the ga$ without losing our clothes.
24. 3la,e.s 8ob shows that repentance can never be paid for.
35. 'illiam +aw $lus the social gos$el: is anything left before .slam0
2#. 5ersailles is Augustinian1 -idcote is $elagian.
3&. The !nglish lac, nothing to ma,e them sound Mussulmans" and need only stretch out a finger to become
one with the Tur,s in outward a$$earance" in religious observance and in their whole character. 5The Fugger
2'. 3ritish religious painting: wh& this indifference to the $assion4
3). Closet converts are the malamatiyya: they ,now" but are not ,nown.
90. )he Abrahamic wandering, for us, but not for 7evinas, is to polis, to umm al-Qura. It was Islam, not 8udaism, which united
Abraham and :d&sseus.
31. 7agar" that root out of a dry ground" the most fertile woman in history.
92. -agar is the matriarch of liberation because, unli,e "arah, she fends for herself.
33. 8udaism is dead9 but we are going to give it a magnificent funeral. 5:abbi ;un<" fount of liberal 8udaism.6
.s .slam the reverse0 And if so" what are the grounds for dialogue0
94. 8udaism and Islam have resisted 6hristianit& through eros and thanatos. -ence the magnitude of their victor&.
35. +iberal -rotestantism: =od is no longer the 2ather" but an occasional and indulgent =randfather.
9#. )he (universal. religion is not merel& the religion that claims to be for all1 it is the religion that claims that *od has alwa&s
been for all. )here can be no 2uslim (scandal of particularit&..
3&. (ome religions out-narrate others.
9'. Annunciation vs. enunciation: the word is best made word.
3). Christianity was $rovidential as preparatio evangelica.
40. )he $araclete was indeed the 6omforter. We were in a state of ascetical panic about ourselves.
>1. The liberal theory of religion is homeo$athic. 5The more you water it down" the stronger it will become.6
42. 8uda/yi .sm: the absolutizing of a people.
!dom: the absolutizing of a person.
.slam: the absolutizing of *od.
>3. ?ur =od is too generous to re@uire an economy of salvation.
44. -ave 6hristianit& and Islam e;changed views of each other4
>5. Salat is the zakat of time.
4#. In the measure that we accept the $ra&er it is accepted b& *od.
>&. The dietary laws are an o$$ortunity to fast.
4'. )e;t without conte;t is prete;t. (-e withdraws ,nowledge b& withdrawing the ulema..
>). +iteralism is the la<iness that mas@uerades as courage.
<0. )he recipe for chaos: the qati grows until the zanni is almost abolished.
51. The false scholar: a mue<<in whose fingers are stuc,.
<2. *od.s ada shows that we are made in -is image. -e functions according to sunan and is not diminished b& them. (Ac=uire
the character traits of *od>.
53. Aeed is creed. Le orandi! le credendi.
<4. $ra;is is the content of belief.
55. The lottery: a way of e#$loiting the wea,/willed in order to reward the undeserving.
<#. )he lotter&: a ta; on stupidit&.
5&. The +aw: all freedom is difficult.
<'. )he Tawaf is about Abraham, the Say is about -agar. :nl& in Islam is a woman the initiator of a form of worship.
5). The femininity of the crescent" the masculinity of the cross. 5Ma# !rnst" "en shall kno# nothing of this.6
#0. 7a&la: the chador of *od on earth.
B1. .slam is the religion of women because Madina had no $lace for ?edi$us.
#2. Women are native to $aradise: is this not the most underestimated disclosure of the 3oo,4
B3. ?ur -aradise shows that the Aionysian mysteries were $role$tic.
#4. 6ranial nudit&. Adverte oculos! )he hija is indeed an amulet, which wards off the evil e&e.
B5. (tay home during the $ee, season.
##. 5eiling the unavailable: noli me tan!ere.
B&. Christian women: celibacy. Muslim women: cellulite. Thus have two $ro$hets been forgotten.
#'. It is the econom& of desire which shows that 7aw is pure merc&.
B). !#clusivism is less o$$ressive to the o$$ressed than to the o$$ressor.
?0. 3acon, li,e a pious pasha, has blurred our faces. Is this the condition of postmodernit&4 )o be a two!
dimensional cartoon without a face4
&1. Cureyev in La Bayad$re finally ac,nowledged the light in his name. 'here are we to welcome such
?2. ("mo,ing ,ills. If & ,illed, & lost a ver& important part of &our life.. (3roo,e "hields
&3. .ts called the consumer society because it consumes us.
?4. ()he fact that it is so difficult for present!da& man to pra& and the fact that it is so difficult for him to carr& on a genuine tal,
with his fellow men are elements of a single set of facts.. (3uber
&5. 'henever . watch TD and see those $oor starving ,ids all over the world" . cant hel$ but cry. . mean .d
love to be s,inny li,e that" but not with all those flies and death and stuff. 5Mariah Carey6
?#. )he Sunna is sulu", for the @ivine :ther ma& onl& be intuited. ($erception does not attain -im, but -e attains perception..
&&. The $roof of =od is the form of the $roof.
?'. Aatural theolog& is the blind man.s stic,.
&). .mamology is a theodicy because it assumes the categoric novelty of .slam.
'0. "hi(ism is a schism, lac,ing the sea of 2erc&.
E1. (unni $olitical theory: the $ole star need not be the brightest star.
'2. It is in its Ash(arite occasionalism that Islam most radicall& sacralises the world.
E3. Aeterminism does not e#clude $rovidence" it e#cludes everything else.
'4. Bree will secularises b& authenticating the alterities.
E5. The antinomy of autonomy: our freedom is in the 2ree.
'#. 3ecause the bod& is the single shared cross!cultural common factor (2ar& @ouglas, Islam, which affirms it, is dialogical in
E&. .slam is a hidden treasure longing to be ,nown.
''. #man is derived from (Immanence.. )he centre must be present in the peripher&.
E). 'e should be reluctant to forgive reluctance to forgive. :igour and mercy circumscribe each other.
C0. If &ou fail to pelt the pillars &ou can onl& pelt the pilgrims.
)1. The veils of the world must be wal,ed through. The veils of sin must be wal,ed around. 5.mam al/7addad.6
C2. *uilt is a warning.
)3. To attribute the ma%am of da&#a to ones self is to be o$en to the Aivine ruse.
C4. $onder is the first passion.
)5. The Furan sho#s" it does not %ust eplain.
C#. 6ourtes& and ,nowledge are li,e two hands washing each other.
)&. 'ithout the inward whom can we worshi$0 The ?utwardly Manifest0
C'. Ao!one is uncircumcised, for the ezm-i alast was too Do&ful to be forgotten entirel&.
)). Truth is the further shore of love.
/00. :nl& in Enit& can suffering find no place.
Contentions 3
1. Geware the dar,ness in the grey areas.
2. )o blame others for our misfortunes is alwa&s a victor& for the nafs .
3. 'e should not do as we li,e9 but we should li,e what we should do.
4. )here is no true engagement without detachment.
5. .t is only when you truly donHt care what $eo$le thin, that you truly donHt need to care what $eo$le thin,.
#. What the heart needs is the periodicit& of the crescent, not the uni=ueness of the cross. (6hagall, $hite %rucifi&ion .
&. The com$anion before the road" and the road before the destination. Gut without the destination there is
no road" and without the road there is no com$anion.
'. Feligion that see,s to be no more than a time capsule is li,el& to be claustrophobic.
). 'hulu## is not an e#cess of $iety" it is a lac, of it.
/0. Isaac: the monad. Ishmael: the nomad.
11. True religion invites us to become better $eo$le. 2alse religion tells us that this has already occurred.
/2. :ur faces are a prediction.
13. The ultimate was not he that endured his own suffering9 it was he that endured the death of his family. 5H(
am #ith the broken-heartedH.6
/4. A "ufi is an&one who ,nows that fiqh means understanding.
15. !#tremism is tolerable because it is always transient.
/#. )r&ing to be loved is not the best wa& of becoming lovable.
1&. The most useful $erson for the *mma is the true mu)tahid9 the false mu)tahid is its worst enemy.
/'. )he miracle of mundanit& . (Fembrandt, The 'oly (amily .
1). 2ailure is =odHs $unishment for e#oterism .
20. We need less self!righteousness and more self!,nowledge.
31. The fact that the (unna does not demand im$erfection does not mean that it demands $erfection.
22. al- 'ajju hujja .
33. The gender ga$ is a minor third.
24. Sulu" is a sostenuto , not a tenor clef.
35. 'ithout fi%h there is only o$inion.
2#. "ufism is the wa& of *od wherever Islam is the wa& of *od.
3&. .slam is the way of =od wherever (ufism is the way of =od.
2'. )he hijra was the onl& e;odus into e;troversion.
3). !#tremism should $reoccu$y us only when it becomes the cause as well as the conse@uence of failure.
90. $ious repudiations of pol&phon& usuall& &ield monoton& rather than plainchant.
31. Geware the <eal of the uncertain. Co/one is <ealous for the -ythagoras theorem.
92. )he Apollonian and the @ion&siac : where else are the two conDoined4
33. The believer sings louder than he s$ea,s.
94. Without acculturation faith is na,ed.
35. The best way to ma,e fi%h com$licated is to teach that it is sim$le.
9#. 3eware the Shari )a of the 6heshire 6at : able to bite but not to nourish.
3&. .dolatry is worse than atheism.
9'. 2uslim solidarit& can never force us to lower our standards.
3). The e#istence of the fair se# does not %ustify the e#istence of an unfair se#.
40. %ver&one is a cradle 2uslim. )he mysterium iniquitatis is a post!natal complication, not a genetic fault.
>1. 8ose$hus is less dangerous than Gar 4ochba .
42. )o the e;tent that *od is corporeal -e is demonstrabl& absent.
>3. The new creed: there is no islam but .slam" and Muhammad is the messenger of .slam.
44. Where the roots are wea,, the branches are stiff. Where the roots are firm, the branches are supple.
>5. Maidens1 The alternative to +erchenau is not always a :osen,avalier.
4#. )here was a &oung man who blamed Bate
Bor the fact that he pra&ed BaDr late
G-ow frightfull& odd
:f Almight& *od
)o wa,e me at G=uarter past eight >G
>&. The semitic semiotic: not ma,ing an idol of ta#hid .
4'. An error of the age: the claim that *od has blinded -is falcons.
>). Iour career should be li,e $rayer in congregation: if a s$ace o$ens before you" ste$ into it.
<0. )o believe that ever& virtue in a disbeliever is a manifestation of the @ivine ruse is a manifestation of the @ivine ruse.
51. Censorshi$ of the $ress is less subversive than censorshi$ by the $ress.
<2. )elevision is hellish vision because it robs us of the sense of truth.
53. Co $ure $urism $ushes $eo$le into im$urity.
<4. Ao revival is an alternative to culture.
55. .t is no sur$rise that modernity arose in a religious civilisation whose central tenet was the absolutising of
the relative.
<#. )hose who wish Islam to be feared and not loved cannot claim the prophetic "ery!ma in mission.
5&. To be reminded of the greed of others and the $overty of the self is to be reminded of the $overty of others
and the greed of the self.
<'. 2a,e 'ayy while the sun shines. (H"leep is the brother of deathH.
5). 2emale modesty is no e#cuse for sloth.
#0. It is better that the inDustices of others should stand than that our own inDustices should stand.
B1. ?ur covenant does not su$$lant9 it $runes and fertilises.
#2. Ishmael was the onl& survivor of the *equod .
B3. The dove and the s$ider: nature only s$ares those who s$are it.
#4. It is better to ,eep the enem& hull!down on the horizon than to fight him at close =uarters.
B5. The doctrine of H ada demands the e#istence of a defensible secular e#$lanation of nature. (uch an
e#$lanation thus becomes a mercy. 'ithout it" there is only anomie and alienation.
##. )he illusion of causalit& is a divine merc&, which veils rigour, which in turn veils 2erc&.
B&. ?nly a few can see that =odHs rigour is com$assion.
#'. @ogma: less is more.
B). The %ustification of alcohol: those without self/control must $ay for the $leasures of those with self/
?0. )he 2adina verses prove those of 2ecca .
&1. 8udaism: the deferral of decisiveness. 5=eorge (teiner6
?2. )he Ilites want ever&bod& to be nobod&.
&3. There is no gratitude without a sense of beauty" and no humility without a sense of gratitude.
?4. "ee,, and &ou will be found.
&5. =odHs only sameness is in 7is signs.
?#. -omose;ualism insults women b& e=uating sterilit& with fertilit&.
&&. .t is better to a$$reciate what you do not have than to have what you do not a$$reciate.
?'. 3eaut& is the most literal of metaphors.
&). 'here there is love there is immanence.
'0. 7a;it& is not the onl& form of decadence.
E1. The slightest reduction of =od ma,es 7im vanish.
'2. +halwa is =uarantine.
E3. Aemonising the ?ther is from the harshnesses of the self.
'4. :nl& the ver& bad or the ver& good are pol&gamists.
E5. A canon of self/scrutiny: false religion feels more li,e a wound than a bandage.
'#. )he greatest achievement of the ego is to ma,e virtue unattractive.
E&. .f religion is too big for us" we should be careful which $arts we choose.
''. )he permanent conversion table: the addition must e=ual the s=uare of what is subtracted.
E). The front line has grown too long.
C0. $ower can be servitude. (H# am your most hi!h ,ord) .
)1. ?ur failings are the only cause of our unha$$iness.
C2. Boucault: the WestHs frustration is that its discourse on se; does not lead to a conclusion.
)3. The wea,er the homewor," the stronger the ideology. The stronger the homewor," the stronger the din .
C4. -ermeneutics are no longer about his women.
)5. !veryone nowadays is *adi al-*udat" 8udge of 8udges.
C#. 3efore we reform the forms, we must be conformed to the Borms.
)&. ?nly when the mind is free of limitation will we see, no station of annihilation.
C'. %;oterism is mediocrit&.
)). Marriage: $ay and dis$lay0 ?r the $rimacy of $rivacy0
/00. Beuerbach : theological epistemolog& is anthropolog&. )he "unna : anthropolog& is theological epistemolog&.
Contentions 3
1. Guying is much more American than thin,ing. 5A. 'arhol6
2. -ow eas& it is to forget how eas& it is to forget>
3. 2alse religion finds it easier to ma,e holes than to fill them.
4. (7ilies that fester smell worse than weeds..
5. The Gura@ e#ists to indicate the nature of the asbab. Cothing is more indicative of =od than 7is
#. )he materialist argument against women: public performance e=uals fulfilment.
&. The false (alafism should recall that some creatures can only survive in dee$ water.
'. )he veil covers the man.s e&es, not the woman.s.
). .bn Taymiya forgot that any re%ection of %nana should at least be in favour of bha,ti.
/0. )he wine is masculine, the mil, is feminine.
11. To be resigned is not to resign.
/2. Islam was the sharpest of all medieval Western problems of theodic&. )he West is the sharpest of all problems for modern
2uslim theodic&.
13. .s alcohol the only self/im$osed mental disorder0
/4. :pium is the religion of the masses.
15. .slam is the -entecost.
/#. )ranscendence is merciful insofar as it is preparator&.
1&. Most $eo$le would benefit greatly from learning a first language.
/'. 2uhasaba: &ou will not move forwards until &ou loo, bac,wards.
1). -ride is the only sin that cannot fear =od. ." even ." am the -roud1
20. 5enus is subverted less profoundl& than 2ars.
31. 'oman is in the first glance" not the second.
22. 2arriage should be the retrieval of the first glance.
33. The (traight -ath is the shortest distance between two $oints.
24. :nl& five pillars hold up the s,&.
35. 'ithout +aw we can ma,e no ablution from our sins9 but without ($irit there is no water.
2#. IDaza is transfusion.
3&. Many of our $riests are in the wrong religion.
2'. )here is no liberation in the world that is not also a liberation from the world.
3). -ostmodernity: a gala#y of dogmatisms.
90. We have become too wea, even to close our e&es.
31. 'hat . stand for is what . stand on 5'endell Gerry6. Co $ro$het was not a herder of shee$.
92. "ufism is uncastrated "unnism.
33. 7omo is sa$iens when he is the natural locus of the su$ernatural.
94. 6hristianit& chooses the wine, Islam chooses the mil,.
35. .t is normal that not everyone deserves the mawlid.
9#. :ur :d&sse& precedes our Iliad.
3&. .t is im$ossible to love a woman without loving woman,ind.
9'. "e;ual fidelit& is not onl& to one.s spouse.
3). .t is only bad gardeners who u$root all the weeds.
40. "howing the false to be false does not prove the truth to be true1 but not vice!versa.
>1. The theologian $roves the second shahada from the first. The saint $roves the first shahada from the
42. *rant us to deal with others on the basis of our than,fulness to Jou.
>3. Ainsi $ense une $ensJe @ui $ense $lus @uelle ne $ense. 5+evinas6
44. Feligion is faith, culture and sensibilit&, none of which ma& change alone.
>5. 8udaism: inscri$tion.
Christianity: incarnation.
.slam: inlibration.
4#. )he sunna is an optic.
>&. Marvel at mercy only when it comes from those to whom no mercy has been shown.
4'. 2an an,ara An,ara fa=ad an,ara al!an,ara.
>). An unfortunate $ir of +ahore
7ad four different mothers/in/law.
They tal,ed in rotation
.n !nglish and Asian
*ntil he ran out of the door.
<0. -istor& for the false "alafis is what the -olocaust is for the 8ews.
51. -olytheism is faith in the alterities.
<2. We grow through self!diminution.
53. 'ithout the law of +ove there is no +aw at all.
<4. )here is no conception of *od, for conceptions will pass awa&.
55. The $rofane see the windmill" the saints see the wind.
<#. Adam is because of (adam1 (amal is because of (alam1 adab is because of abad.
5&. Tem$orality has tied the tresses.
<'. )o sa& that there is nothing after the "unna is to accuse it of infertilit&. ()rul&, &our detractor is the one cut off..
5). .f you would be young in eternity" emulate maturity while you are still young.
#0. )he false "alafism: veiling the $rophet with the "unna.
B1. .slam and the *mma teach us different ,inds of humility.
#2. Aothing succeeds li,e circumspection.
B3. 'hy did it ta,e so long for Christendom to turn its view of nature into reality0
#4 We have replaced contrition with shame.
B5. +iteralism is a $lay$en.
##. If %ve is not of Adam, marriage is mere cohabitation.
B&. KGac, to the (ources1 -ulling u$ the buc,et is not hel$ed by cutting the ro$e.
#'. 3eware the denial of identit& that is not a denial of the self.
B). A Messiah is monochrome" but a boo, is a $rism. 5. am sent to all man,ind.6
?0. $essimism is part of the impiet& of the peripher&.
&1. The hy$ocrite loo,s for faults9 the believer loo,s for e#cuses. 5.mam al/=ha<ali6
?2. )here is no better wa& to limit the @ivine merc& than b& limiting Islam.
&3. ?nly be $roud of your wor,s to the e#tent that you remember that they are not yours.
?4. )here is no @ivine gift that is perfect in the absence of the fear of hell.
&5. Gecause we are worldly we are worldless.
?#. )awhid ma,es vanit& impossible1 shir, ma,es it indispensable.
&&. The hardest choices are those between %ustice and e@uality.
?'. 2erc& has the last Word.
&). The al$ha male must not be a wife beta.
'0. )he bod& is usuall& e;posed onl& when the ego has ruined the face.
E1. The 7ashwiyya: without the well/u$holstered there would be no tan%id.
'2. Aothing is more counter!intuitive than secularit&.
E3. :eligious $ractice is im$ortant only as a means of serving =od.
'4. -a=i=a Dustifies tari=a1 tari=a Dustifies shari(a.
E5. 'e want to ma,e religion as small as ourselves9 %ust as we have made our homes as ugly as ourselves.
'#. )he annalist cannot understand ,ingship1 the anal&st cannot understand ,inship. (We have ennobled the progen& of Adam..
E&. The world is not intolerant of .slam so much as it is intolerant of stu$idity.
''. Aothing is more e;pensive than being nowhere.
E). 2utuwwa: the ,night must be freed from the da<e.
C0. )he saint onl& leaves the bridal chamber on his beloved.s account. ((I am his hand wherewith he smites..
)1. To $rove that it is not men who ma,e religion true we must $rove that religion can ma,e men true.
C2. Baith cannot &ield despair1 despair cannot &ield mart&rdom.
)3. :eligion is ma#imising the number of e$i$hanies we love.
C4. (If somebod& scratches where it itches, does that count as progress4. (Wittgenstein
)5. Monarchy: there is no bara,a from below.
C#. Al!Amin is followed onl& b& the amenable.
)&. Those who curse do not transform9 those who do not curse transform.
C'. Aew 2en without the numen neglect the marital and the martial.
)). (ulu, is untying the ,not9 %adhb is cutting it.
/00. ()he conspirac& theor& of societ& comes from abandoning *od and then as,ing: KWho is in his placeL4. (Marl $opper
Contentions >
1. The Thou that can be ,nown is not the eternal Thou.
2. )he alternative to 6alvinism does not need to be 8ansenism.
3. The false (alafism: an o$timism about the $resent which %ustifies a $essimism about the $ast.
4. All Islam offers is *od.
5. 2rom servant to savant9 from &a%edah to a%idah.
#. Ao liberation without libation. (# char!e you to e !ood to women-.
&. Shari&a is a side of =ods mercy. Tari%a is a sign of =ods mercy. +a%i%a is a sigh of =ods mercy.
'. -e created -ell onl& that -e might be called (2erciful..
). +eave the ghazal" loo, into the azal, 5:umi6
/0. )he lu: humanit& without nature is li,e nature without da&light.
11. Co religion without love of the founder9 no love of the founder without $oetry. 5!veryone should be the
fruit of a na&t/case.6
/2. (@ie 3Nsen haben ,eine 7ieder..
13. +a#a: the wind of fancy.
/4. Ada: we must re!member our bodies.
15. 8udaism was not dis$laced by Christianity or .slam so much as it was dis$laced by ;ionism.
/#. 2oderation in miracles: (/nter houses y their doors-.
1&. 'here there is no iman there is no theology.
/'. )he fact that we so regularl& misunderstand each other is a proof of Islam.s universalit&.
1). Those that mind the state must mind their state of mind.
20. :ur muniments are our munitions.
31. Maidens1 Meyden meydanlar medeniyyettir1
22. Islam provides hope1 the umma provides fear. (Whoever unites both wings shall fl&..
33. A theology which attributes the )alal to a failure of )amal must end in secularity.
24. )o whom are the 2others of 3elievers entrusted, after his death4 Aot to 8ohn, but to themselves.
35. .t is better to be tolerant than to be terminated.
2#. If Oionism is not a ;enotransplant, wh& are there so man& antibodies4
3&. 'e need an !rasmus" not a +uther.
2'. )he ne;t con=uest must ta,e place south of $oitiers.
3). +alakhah: .srael is the handmaiden of 8udaism. 7er<l: 8udaism is the handmaiden of .srael.
90. 2ars goes over1 5enus goes through. :nl& when we ,now the destination can we begin to spea, of e=ualit&.
31. -ihad: before drawing your sword" learn how to o$en your eyes.
92. Without eschatolog& there is onl& scatolog&.
33. (hiism: 7e was infallible" e#ce$t in his choice of wives.
94. If &ou want truth to be accepted, &ou must be accepted. If &ou want to be accepted, proclaim what &ou can accept.
35. -unching buttons is il don fatale for the fata.
9#. -olida&s: the& thin, their bodies are solar-powered-
3&. Takhri) is no substitute for e#egesis.
9'. 2iss Aisha Beatherstone!$ugh
-as problems performing wudu.
When splashing with water,
I.m sure that she oughter,
)a,e off her veil and her gloves too.
3). Aoes the infinity of =od leave s$ace for anything else0
40. )he "afir: the bab& turtle that forgot the sea.
>1. ?ne turbe for both the duarum turbarum.
42. We need nothing so much as proof of our own h&pocris&.
>3. .t is blas$hemous to use religion as an e#cuse for ones lac, of culture.
44. Feligion should help us to include more, not less.
>5. The %udge of the art com$etition see,s only beauty in our $ortfolios.
4#. )he emasculation b& email replaces =ualit& with e=ualit&.
>&. The false (alafism: a nostalgia that is not homesic,ness.
4'. :ptimism: the false "alafism is pollardin!.
>). (uicide bombing is an e#treme way of shooting oneself in the foot.
<0. )he more we have, the less we are.
51. The Christian Messiah is false because he brings calamity to the 8ews. The Muslim Messiah is true because
he brings their liberation.
<2. "ecular decadence is less ugl& than religious decadence because onl& organic matter can reall& decompose.
53. +ove of the saints is the $roof of religion and of religiosity.
<4. Aothing brings less ease than sloth.
55. The $osterior has no $osterity.
<#. Oealotr&: the fetishizing of the liminal.
5&. 'here there is no division in vision there is vision even in division.
<'. "ecularit&: Islam has got the bends. Islam: we are suffering from o;&gen deficienc&.
5). The 'est treats other civilisations li,e stro,e victims.
#0. $alestine: the burnt offering that atones for $aul.s original sin.
B1. 7ow to rebridge the se#es0 To reach the $oint of reconciliation0 ?nly the logos can achieve this" and a
logos that is ungendered.
#2. +alam is negative theolog&. "ufism is positive theolog&.
B3. Moriah is the mara" the seeing/$lace. &The heart denied not that #hich it sa#,
#4. 2ind the 3ible with &our $.s and P.s.
B5. Atheism: the belief that water originates in the well.
##. Islam: the transformation of nature into culture.
B&. .f you cant beat them" be %oined by them.
#'. *ender: the e=uator is onl& e=uitable if we include the sea. (Ave maris stella!0
B). There is no secular masculinity.
?0. %ven -ind was not ultimatel& the hindmost.
&1. 7euristics: the ideal ear is the idea without the .d.
?2. $opular taqlid sounds li,e four!part harmon&. $opular ijtihad is cacophon&.
&3. !ngland needs -riestleys other o#ygen.
?4. Without determinism there can be no miracles.
&5. 'rath is finite9 mercy ,nows no end.
?#. )he wa& forwards is onl& the wa& bac,.
&&. =ood architecture is to $romote than,fulness.
?'. *ive than,s for the tangible, that &ou ma& give than,s for the intangible.
&). =lobal warming is from the gases of our indigestion.
'0. )he alternative to tasawwuf is wool!gathering.
E1. Cothing is more dangerous than the ego wearing the robes of the s$irit.
'2. Aomocentrism e;ists onl& to e;clude egocentrism.
E3. Ao not as," 'here is =od0" but as," 7ow am .0
'4. 7earn from the 7aw in the saint alone.
E5. :eligion is the recognition of beauty.
'#. :nl& the 2essiah can write histor& as the promised palindrome.
E&. The American for erotic is erratic.
''. )he :ther calls us forth through the other.
E). .deology must not be self/critical9 religion must be.
C0. We cannot progress until we can stand still.
)1. The Tur,s were even more catholic than the Anglicans.
C2. Etopianism was the Jahiliyya of the 20
)3. 'e must be the legatees of the +egate.
C4. 7aziness is its own chastisement.
)5. The umma decays before the shari&a" the shari&a before the ha%i%a. The ha%i%a never decays at all.
C#. )hose that follow a religion that cannot create a civilisation will create a civilisation that cannot follow a religion.
)&. +alakhah without hala%ah is a vulnerable linearity.
C'. Is it willpower that frees us from our wilfulness4
)). .nitiation is to realise the lightness of the +aw.
/00. 2odernit& is the teaching of perfect misunderstanding.
Contentions 5
1. .slam is not .slamism / never forget this / but the latter o$erates in the name of the former" and this is the
grave %uestion of the name. 5Aerrida6
2. 2aimonides made the 2ishnah out of the )almud1 "a&&id "abi= made a )almud out of the 2ishnah.
3. (ome drin, dee$ly at the 2ountain of +ife9 others merely gargle.
4. $olitical Islam4 It would be a good idea.
5. Gecause of self there is suffering.
#. 1e coeli: alterities are onl& nominal. 1e terrae: realities are onl& nominal.
&. Terrorism is to )ihad what adultery is to marriage.
'. )ruth is stronger than faction.
). 2ormalism is an e#cuse.
/0. %;oterism offers onl& literalism or liberalism.
11. The idolator is he who ta,es symbols literally.
/2. Against Erizen.s shield, bullet points avail more than the sword.
13. After the khalaf there is only the Mahdi.
/4. 6ulture builds the ceiling of religion higher.
15. Geware the word that is an e#cuse for not ma,ing dhikr.
/#. 6ompliance is no e;cuse for strictness.
1&. -refer the rukhsa when it leads to recollection. 2ear the azima when it leads to turbulence of the heart.
/'. 7iteralism is defensible on all levels save the sacred.
1). Tradition: esoterism is sub%ect to the e#oteric. :eform: the esoteric is sub%ect to e#oterism.
20. )he failures of e;oterism are not usuall& the victories of esoterism.
31. True humanism: the :eal is ,nown only through mu&amala.
22. %;oterism cannot see that nothing is strong enough to limit -is self!disclosures.
33. (elf/,nowledge without Aivine ,nowledge0 Aivine ,nowledge without self/,nowledge0
24. $aradise is occupied mainl& b& the stupid and the "ufis.
35. The +aw u$holds the *mma better than the *mma u$holds the +aw.
2#. Encertaint& is onl& superficial.
3&. Modernity: the nuclear winter of the :eformation.
2'. A madhha is a grammar of the 7aw.
3). 2or ignorance to submit to ,nowledge" the many must submit to the ?ne.
90. "cripture provides the consonants, and culture the vowels, of a sacred civilisation.
31. Geing hard is the soft o$tion.
92. )he e;istence of *od is proven b& e;istence. )he e;istence of e;istence is proven b& the one for whom it e;ists.
33. 7eresy is the gad/fly that ma,es the horse trot.
94. @etachment from the need to conform is perfect onl& when it &ields perfect conformit&.
35. +iteralism: have you seen him that worshi$s =od on a harf0
9#. Without the atin, the zahir is an idol.
3&. The lower cannot cause the higher" but it can be ade@uate to receive it.
9'. :nl& those who disli,e formalism can bear it.
3). Co meditation without mediation. Co self without the Zulf.
40. )hose that sell )ornadoes shall reap the whirlwind.
>1. :eligion is not what we do" but what we mean.
42. )he $rophet carries all of great Islam.
>3. Les Lumi$res. "ais nous sommes la derri$re-garde/
44. 7iberals ma,e merc& colder than Dustice.
4<. A god is an& site of independent volition.
>B. The (utra is a zunnar. The (ura is for the ahrar. 5Say0 my Lord en)oins )ustice.6
4?. )he impermanent cannot be devoid of suffering.
>E. The internal" not the e#ternal" reaches the eternal.
4C. )he formalist is the corpse of an angel.
5L. Modernity: a world full of Christian ideas gone mad. 5Chesterton.6
</. $ra&er shows us what we trul& desire.
53. Cever trust a leadershi$ $osition you find convenient.
<9. $opular culture dwells in deep poc,ets.
5>. Ta)did involves li$osuction" not resurrection.
<<. )he zulf is the truth of the "elf. )he 1hat is the truth of the )hat.
5B. The +iber Asian trum$ed the Manu mission.
<?. 2oralit& means more!realit&.
5E. Modern .slam: trium$halism without a trium$h.
<C. It is better to flourish as a second!class citizen than to be threatened as an e=ual.
BL. Conformity can be more radical than alienation.
#/. Jahiliyya is (,nowing no other wa&..
B3. Fi%h is a sword for Theotormon.
#9. "tridharma4 Allahu astar- Marma4 Allahu a"ram-
B>. ?nly the sage has the right to be s$ontaneous.
#<. Ine=ualit& is from the nafs alone.
BB. Ao not number fi%h among your worldly concerns.
#?. )he hope for radical success is normall& a sign of Westernisation.
BE. !rror is its own $unishment.
#C. )o claim that beaut& is decadence is decadence.
&L. The Affective to the Traditional: the Mosaic becomes a mosaic.
?/. #slam is a frame. #man is a claim. #hsan is the Aame.
&3. The body cannot overcome the nafs" because the nafs is bigger than it.
?9. Bormalism: to esteem his fingers over his soul.
&>. The durud is all our theology" and all our s$irituality.
?<. 3e wrathful against error in its depriving, not in its difference.
&B. The true ,ing admits the beggar first.
??. 7et us pra&, : 7ord.
&E. =od is only absent from creation when we are too.
?C. #jma( records unit& in order to suppl& it.
EL. Truth is $roven in the diversity of saints.
'/. )he bod& e;ists that we might grow wings.
E3. Cothing is difficult" e#ce$t in our thoughts.
'9. 'ijra toda& means the move from the cenobitic to the idiorh&thmic.
E>. Maimonides showed that 8esus was indeed a redeemer.
'<. )he shallow alwa&s dries up.
EB. The last was also the com$rehensive.
'?. )he world has shrun,, but so have we.
EE. Ta#akkul: the loc," as well as the ,ey" is a revelation.
'C. :nl& the 7iber Asian can free :othoon from 3romion.
)L. Aes$air is the only grounds for des$air.
C/. An movement is Islamic to the e;tent that it trul& succeeds.
)3. Today it is hard to achieve zuhd through $overty.
C9. 7evinas offers onl& juda.!ism. ((2a e-fala" ude-im Q.
)>. That anima came from Amina. That harth brought forth the heart.
C<. Warm the hearth, that there might be gratefulness.
)B. America is :ome. !uro$e is Athens. .slam is 8erusalem.
C?. )he 6hurch is the bride of 6hrist.. 3ut he was too generous to be a monogamist.
)E. Gassa (elim always gets the loudest cheers. 1&Save him that comes to 'od #ith a sound heart,6
CC. If &ou see, light, avoid the narrow view.
1LL. The ahl al-hadith have only four madhhabs.
Contentions B
1. .t is better to be a naMve believer than an intellectual bereft of intuition.
2. Bundamentalism is the belief that revelation forces us to be stupid.
3. Truth is too big to fit into our minds" but our minds are small enough to fit into Truth.
4. Baith is not faith unless it see,s understanding.
5. ?nly (aga City is large enough to be the $lace of the din.
#. Aothing is more ris,& than the thought that the world has been (secularised..
&. The +iber Asian frees us by sub%ecting our o$$ressors to =od.
'. Adulthood is the choice of finitude before the Infinite.
). "ulk: The flow of the +aw or the flaw of the low.
/0. Mnowers ,now in the wa& that flowers flow.
11. 2lagrant evils cure themselves by being flagrant. 5Cewman.6
/2. If *od is not within, there is nothing to be within1 if -e is not without, we are without -im.
13. Conversion: the bou%uet is not the plaisir de la bouche.
/4. It ta,es courage to bear the conse=uences of cowardice.
15. The definition of e#tremism: any act that leads to e#treme misfortune.
/#. )he solution is liberalit&, not liberalism, for liberalism ta,es more than it gives.
1&. The election of :onald :eagan was a miracle for 'estern civilisation. 5!dward Teller.6
/'. *od was the beginning, and -e still is.
1). 7e is dead who does not feel the Furan move in his hands.
20. Arabic e=uals "ans,rit plus histor&, e=uals *ree, minus traged&.
31. Creation is intransitive. &2dam is not a void.
22. )he world is the coagulation of merc&1 so we are re=uired to be.
33. +ife is vocation" not vacation.
24. :nl& b& love is the $rophet seen.
35. The worst arrogance is the one that yields a sort of humility.
2#. What can modernit& tell those who disli,e shopping4
3&. The <ealot is wrong" even when he is right.
2'. )he voracious cannot be veracious.
3). The $illars of Geauty are truth and $urity" and whosoever would find the one must love the other. 5Cur/
uddin (te$hen.6
90. :nl& the guilt!edged ma,es us ta,e stoc,.
31. 'e would change the world" did it not entertain us so.
92. )he Ar, is become a coffin. Aaron is become aron.
33. There is %ustice" and there is %ust/us.
94. )ransaction, not trance!action. ((al-1inu muamala.-
35. .slam is not set in stone9 stone is set in .slam.
9#. Fevivalism is fre=uentl& a necrosis.
3&. The worst ideology is that which courts failure as a guarantor of martyrdom.
9'. An empire must be an umpire.
3). -rayer was instituted to satisfy womans desire for as,ing. 5Gritish Muslim $roverb.6
40. )he ulema must be as the tribunes of the plebs.
>1. The $ur$ose of holiness is the sanctification of =ods name.
42. )he beginning of Islam is wonder at the world1 its end is to be the wonder of the world.
>3. 'hoever thin,s about re$enting of a sin before he has even committed it is led thereby to fall into it.
5.mam al/7addad.6
44. We are offering to the world a chalice for the soul, filled with our emotions.
>5. The =reen Man is !uro$es ghetto of the arabes@ue.
4#. Putb was the master of polarisation.
>&. The Truth can be lived9 it cannot be thought.
4'. 6hristolog&: where is his )orah!observance4
>). (ayyid Futb travelled so far to the 'est that he fell off.
<0. Feligion is onl& worth doing when it is better than opera.
51. (unnism on the ?ther: there is no non/Muslim truth. 2undamentalism on the ?ther: there is no non/
Muslim truth.
<2. )he means are the ends.
53. -utting religion before family is im$ossible.
<4. 3eware him that would fail violentl& rather than succeed peacefull&.
55. 'e do not lac, a rib" we lac, a lung.
<#. :nl& if the bod& is the temple of the spirit does the veil not belong to the high priest.
5&. .t is better to be guilty of something than to be guilty of nothingness.
<'. We are designed to fall to our ,nees.
5). Aes$air is the worshi$ of necessity.
#0. )here is no unconditional love in an econom& of salvation.
B1. -uda-yi (sm0 +342 is the difference between tah#id and ta#hid.
#2. What is the situation in which gratitude is inappropriate4
B3. 5aci6n sin nataci6n es atavismo, 5CalderNn: &La honoria es de 7ios,6
#4. @iscourtes& alwa&s resembles a failure.
B5. The ethical is only $ossible where there is a sense of $lace. 54e have ennobled the sons of 2dam! and
carried them upon land and sea.6
##. Fecidivism is duc,s and dra,es.
B&. .slam O arithmetic
.man O reading
.hsan O writing.
#'. )he esoteric made e;oteric becomes an e;oteric argument against the esoteric.
B). 4ara& today is the scru$ulous avoidance of narrowmindedness.
?0. Aot ever& idafa is Arabic.
&1. Circumcision is homeo$athic.
?2. )he putsch is for the put-perest.
&3. .slam in the 'est: there is isolation" or assimilation" or success.
?4. -e is the Alid who does not accuse him of lac,ing rida.
&5. 'ithout the saint" the accumulation of matter will ,ill us.
?#. Bormalism is Dust another variet& of materialism.
&&. That there is evil is good" but evil is not good.
?'. Aot ever& male superiorit& is female inferiorit&.
&). 'e are Muslims because we $ractice .slam" not vice versa.
'0. ($ride is the denial of the )ruth.. (-adith.
E1. 4erygma becomes $aranoia when orthodo#y becomes ideology.
'2. )he ruin of the heart lies in den&ing the desire for obedience.
E3. The Messianic e#ists to indicate what we should not attem$t.
'4. )he world will not reDoice until we deserve success.
E5. Many wear the turban to $revent Allah from reading their minds.
'#. )he greatest subtraction is the claim that all addition is subtraction.
E&. The formalist $ulls the flowers u$wards9 the (ufi waters them.
''. "ome loo, for vengeance, some loo, for repentance.
E). Tribalism flourishes where Truth is neglected.
C0. @ialogue: from the It to the )he& to the Jou to the We.
)1. 2ormalists $refer the $olitical to the s$iritual because their $olitical failures are less e#treme.
C2. Islamism is :rientalist.
)3. 'ithout meaning there is only meanness.
C4. "oul and bod& meet in actions. 3Thus is the resurrection-.
)5. Aecadence is to $rotest more than to invite.
C#. We ,now *od through ta"halluq. )he ethical is the wa&.
)&. !#$erience love before you contem$late the meta$hors.
C'. +ufr is the betra&al of love.
)). The limited love to limit" while the o$en love to o$en.
/00. Bor which is -e more to be praised: for -is blessings, or for -is forbearance in the face of our refusal to give than,s for
Contentions &
1. !ngage only in such leisure $ursuits as may be offered to =od.
2. 4ida is the true freedom.
3. =od gave us the -ro$het because 7e loved what we might become.
4. Islamism is the West.s onl& victor&.
5. The world is iconic" or it is ironic.
#. 2en and women sin differentl&.
&. The moon is always at its best. Miss 7ayd is not worse than Ar 8e,yll.
'. Identit& religion: be proud of &our prison>
). The devil" not =od" heareth the <ealots $rayer.
/0. :ur perception is a superimposition, which ma& be guided b& -im.
11. The world is the instantiation of useful meta$hors.
/2. Ta"lif is the onl& ennoblement.
13. 4now when to feel ashamed of feeling ashamed.
/4. :nl& Islam is good enough for "ufism.
15. 'e are $unished because we dont ,now that we deserve to be $unished.
/#. )here is no neutral understanding of the 6ompanions. view of the "unna.
1&. 'ho is better: the one who is all fitra and no fi%h" or the one who is all fi%h and no fitra0
/'. )he :ther begins with the I, not with the Es.
1). 'ill our dialogue be clearer if we have lost our teeth0
20. )he 6aliph.s first tas, will be to flog those who call Islam an ideolog&.
31. Tradition: the signs of ta#akkul are an authorisation. 2ormalism: the signs of anger are an
22. Which of our cities is still alem-penah4
33. -reaching $resu$$oses inculturation.
24. It is not possible to be right in a wa& that is barren.
35. ?nly =od is both inesca$able and indis$ensable.
2#. 7ove is the onl& cure for the desire to follow the crowd. ((+halq-i alam ir yana oldu5 u sheyda ir yana Q.
3&. Cothing is fresher than tradition.
2'. )heodic&4 #n divinis, cause is not anterior to effect.
3). .f you would truly be Against Marcion" be with us.
90. *od is alwa&s there for us, but never on our terms.
31. Male and female cannot be e@ual" for they are mutually su$erior.
92. )rue humanism: there is no account of *od without a ,nowledge of human potential.
33. The breadth of the =arden is reached through the narrow door of humility.
94. )he real :riginal "in was the 6hristian m&th of the Ball.
35. Careless tal, costs wives.
9#. 6ensor the senses, but be not censorious of the sensor&.
3&. 8 nihilismus nihil fit,
9'. "in is the refusal of our glorious potential.
3). 2rom -lato to Cato0 Try from 8l to 8lle.
40. (I should. now onl& means (I should not obstruct m& neighbour.s KI wantL..
>1. .f you want to %udge modern .slam" ac@uire a taste for beauty.
42. 2a,e manifest &our than,fulness for what &ou must conceal.
>3. The Mahads mu%arrar: Mere tamrin means moronisation.
44. A superman is ultra vires-
>5. ?nly the sight of theo$hany allows true courtesy to the ?ther.
4#. Aestma,ing is to be a mutual flatter&.
>&. 7e shows the virtue of every virtuous marriage.
4'. 2aidens> Where is the hierarch& when the tura produces the tara.i, which produce the atra4
>). Aoes the $ath of .slam grow broader or narrower0
<0. )oda& the rigidit& that comes from the spirit and not from the ego is rare indeed.
51. (ome want to serve" others to deserve.
<2. 5ulgar factions cause long division.
53. The i)ma& is the least selective reading of (cri$ture.
<4. )he shari is the new Shari-
55. The *mma is the dum$ing/ground of !doms $arricide.
<#. All that we have, we must offer to *od. All that we ,eep bac, will burn.
5&. 'ho sits in %udgment of our youth" $ost the post-nishin0
<'. )hen: man& muhaddiths and few muftis. Aow: man& muftis and few muhaddiths.
5). +iberation is always mutual.
#0. Juda-yi #sm: the iron in the soul became the iron& in the soul.
B1. 7a$$iness consists in $erforming good tas,s well.
#2. Ishmael is 3ab!i Jar1 %dom is 3abi Jar. ((*erhaps you may return-.
B3. 'e are good enough for the age.
#4. 2odernit& deprives us of the most basic right of all: the right to be traditional.
B5. Cothing is not a test of ta#akkul.
##. 'ifz ensures that the 7iber Asian can never be closed.
B&. ?nly the Cali$h can hel$ them ,ee$ the (abbath.
#'. %dom: Fabbinism is nothing but a phantom pregnanc&.
B). The +aw is to be a series of unloc,ings.
?0. Islam is mainl& threatened b& those who mainl& sa& that Islam is threatened.
&1. The ni%ab e#ists to indicate the strength of the theo$hany.
?2. If &ou wish to e;cel at &our wor,, consecrate it to *od.
&3. ?ur age is at the outermost edge of Geing. :e%oice: for the turn u$stream" when found" must meet with
less resistance.
?4. )he parado; of %dom: the feli& culpa of 8udas.
&5. The 'est is cre$uscular P it only advances because the !ast recedes.
?#. )he $assion: the traged& that is a traged&.
&&. The ,ings were ruled by adyan9 now they are by duyun.
?'. 2u(tazilism: unit& and Dustice. Ash(arism: unit& and Dustice and merc&. 3And thy ,ord shall surely !ive unto thee 6.
&). 8udge $eo$le by the e#tent to which they are alive.
'0. 7o&alt& is simple: it is to the oppressed.
E1. The classical classifies the $re/classical better than does the $ost/classical.
'2. )he command ethic4 :nl& Ash(arism taught us the maqasid.
E3. The Manu mission: the four castes. The Liber 2sian: the four madhhabs.
'4. *od is onl& Dust if Ishmael and Isaac are e=ual.
E5. The secular are %ust li,e everyone else" only less so.
'#. )he onl& thing that is inherentl& uncertain is the claim that ever&thing is inherentl& uncertain.
E&. ?ur name among the nations matters only when da&#a is im$ortant.
''. 3e attached to *od, not to the fruits of &our actions.
E). Ao unto others Q A wonder1 They are in loco divinis/
C0. )he fight against suffering in this world that ta,es no account of the ne;t world can onl& &ield a suffering that is greater
)1. A,hbaris and *sulis: has the -harisee claimed al/2arisi" and the (adducee al/(adi@0
C2. )he 8ews are not deceived. $arousia is to be a royal presence.
)3. 2undamentalism imitates the future" not the $ast.
C4. Ishmael finds a 3ab %l even in 3abel.
)5. The 2ounder bears a sword" not a whi$.
C#. )here is 3liss, and there are consolations.
)&. The 4oran is $rism or it is $rison.
C'. 2a;imalism has a habit of &ielding minimal results.
)). Can one belong to the 'est and not subscribe to the illusion of a secular ethic0
/00. @espair of self is the door into religion1 despair of *od is the door out of it.
Contentions E
1 'e have turned the Sunna Theologica into a Sunna 9ontra 'entiles,
2 Women are either refuges or refugees.
3 Gut for (ufism" religion would be %ust another form of self/esteem.
4 )he false "alafism: an unsuccessful flight from comple;it&.
5 2aith is not a given" it is given.
# If &ou would ,now *od.s view of the age, see how the blessing of nature has been received.
& There are the slim" and there are the mu/slims.
' Baith ma& be measured b& the number of verses that soften one.s heart.
) Todays *mma deserves the +aw as im$osed by those who do not deserve it.
/0 2odernit&: a wa& of drowning in nothingness.
11 2ailing to $ray for faith is a sign of lac, of faith.
/2 -e was e;emplar& for all four castes.
13 Modernity has not healed our $ain" it has only dried our tears.
/4 Islam cannot be a wa& of being modern1 but it can be a wa& of being Western.
15 2reedom of information0 'hat information0
/# )oda& we identif& the ahar b& the a"har.
1& 'e are all sce$tics P it is usually the age which determines whether we are sce$tics about =ift or Chance.
/' 7et us hope that their shout does not bring on the "hout.
1) The mu)tahid does no more than turn the soil.
20 If &our morale is built on the Emma, beware. If it is built on *od, reDoice.
31 The usuliyyun have been re$laced by the usuliyyun.
22 @reams do not illustrate the nafs so surel& as da&dreams.
33 Ao not wonder at the Arabs love of emotion. 7as not everything else been ta,en away from him0
24 (:ne who has merc& on the cruel will in the end be cruel to the merciful.. (+oheleth 4aah ?
35 The false (alafism: to ma,e $rogress" we need to start at the beginning every day.
2# )he bigger the intention to compress the biggest truth into the smallest communit&, the smaller the credibilit& of $rovidence.
3& Cever before has $raise from a sultan been so insulting.
2' )he principal tas, of the 8ewish people toda& is to befriend Islam.
3) Aialogue comes easily to us" since .slam is the best of 8udaism and the best of Christianity.
90 "cripture to 7aw is as a vessel, not a manual.
31 7as the Liber 2sian de$rived !ve of her $riority in the feli culpa.
92 Islamism is the Bran,enstein of Bran,istan.
33 The false (alafi should disbelieve in angels.
94 )he sunna is our epistemolog&.
35 (khlas: (he should be mutaha))iba" not muha))aba" and her o$$osite mubarra)a" not mutabarri)a.
9# 6apitalism: the law of the Dungle that destro&s the Dungle.
3& -referring rida to riba is the choosing of the mil, over the wine.
9' Femember, toda&, ever&one is wea,.
3) *ri<ens lie: gender is an accident" not an essence.
40 Emmatolatr&: from Islam to Izlam.
>1 .slam thin,s dyadically9 .slamism thin,s dialectically.
42 $ersianisation enhanced tafarrus.
>3 The $leasure of false (alafism: the e#egete stands above" not below" the ulema.
44 A parado;: the showing of light is usuall& covert.
>5 (ufism is the belief that we should not act against the $olitical interests of .slam.
4# 2ecca: he will come.
8erusalem: he was here.
2edina: he is here.
>& .slams heart is ethical9 the 'ests s,in is ethical.
4' Which is greater: -is patience, or &our impatience4
>) Ao not e@uate #ara with fastidiousness.
<0 6riticism is infectious.
51 ?rthodo#y" li,e heterose#uality" is a cor$oreal" ma%oritarian mode of being.
<2 ()he true soldier is an enem& to the beast in man.. (2ontgomer& of Alamein.
53 +ets close our eyes and see what ha$$ens. 58immy =reaves" (eoul 3LL3.6
<4 -eavenR%arth cannot be a same!se; relationship.
55 Christ is the 7odegetria.
<# Bear of death mar,s the difference between modern and Islamic art.
5& 7e who binds to himself a %oy" doth the winged life destroy9
-e who ,isses the Do& as it flies, lives in eternit&.s sunrise.. (3la,e.
<' Ibn )a&mi&a: *od has receded from created being.
8ahm: *od is a formal omnipresence of being.
)he sunna: *od is the ground of all being.
5) The ability to $erform i)tihad ma,es the scholar less %udgmental" and vice/versa.
#0 )he 2iddle Aation lies between the monastic and the monistic.
B1 !thics is the treatment for our e#ile from =od.
#2 It is the 2uslim, not Islam, that cries out to be reformed.
B3 The function of the Cali$h is to defend $eo$les lives" not to interfere with them.
#4 2odernit& offers more and more wa&s of being the same sort of thing.
B5 'e are too busy being right to have time for =od.
## )raged& begins with -omer, not with 2oses.
B& The creators sub%ect/ob%ect relation is the sy<ygy of tanzih and tashbih.
#' )he& ma,e a desert, and call it democrac&.
B) ?ne is to re%oice at non/membershi$ of the culture that is !arths enemy.
?0 Enli,e the 6hristians we see -eaven even when we loo, down. (('e created heavens and earth i.l-'aqq-.
&1 .nfallibility is divine" because of its absoluteness9 and is therefore given only in res$ect of that which is
?2 *aia is not !haya, it is matri;.
&3 ?nce we cried out ha#%alas" now we cry out 7ow callous1
?4 )he false 6&nic: Aietzsche onl& embraced a horse when he was mad.
&5 .slam is =ods effort to give us the easiest $ossible way of being traditional.
?# )he frontier between seen and unseen moves in time, so wh& not in space4
&& !verything in the world is yours" until and unless you try to grab it and ,ee$ it for yourself alone.
?' It is time to rise from the emotion!bath, and recall where we left the lias al-taqwa-
&) 'e must not $ray in order to name ourselves9 we must name ourselves in order to $ray.
'0 3elong, not short.
E1 The verse of women: &2nd they prefer others to themselves! though theirs be the greater need, 55):)6
'2 )he point of false "alafism is the claim that there is onl& tari or ta!hri.
E3 The saint is the father of dece$tion" for he $erfectly emulates the veil of the asbab.
'4 ("e;ual displa& is pure conformism.. (*ermaine *reer.
E5 The saint is a mediator to the e#tent that he demonstrates the omni$otence of =od.
'# )he right are never gauche.
E& =od is not a reality to be e#$lained9 7e is the e#$lanation of reality.
'' Enless one has the Islam of the Aame, one has onl& the name of Islam.
E) The !nlightenments falsest $romise was the develo$ment of strong autonomous $ersonalities.
C0 Without /l, all is indefinite.
)1 ?nly 8l can turn the 'ord into the world.
C2 What has the 6hristian to do with his toes4
)3 Truth is already $resent" in all its s$lendour.
C4 :nl& when distant from *od do we crave what is distant from *od.
)5 .n deciding whether a desire is a vice" consider whether its satisfaction is honourable.
C# )he fiqh does not re=uire hagiograph& to be haDDi!ograph&.
)& :eligion has only one door" whose name is :e$entance
C' )he alternative to the Whine is the Wine. ((Qawmun li.l-"alam5 wa-qawmun li.l-mudam..
)) 8esus was humanly $erfect9 Christ was inhumanly so.
/00 :nl& religion allows people to be magnificent without egotism.
Contentions )
1. 2dab is nothing but a $re$aration for $rayer.
2. Beminism has one virtue: it shows that the West is still capable of certaint&.
3. (unnism is built on mana%ib 9 (hiism on mathalib .
4. @o not pla& politics with sacred politics.
5. .f there is no dhikr " there is no self/restraint. .f there is no self/restraint" there is no beauty. .f there is
no beauty" there is no dhikr .
#. )radition is the puddling!cla& of faith.
&. . do not $ermit $riests to concern themselves with $olitics.H 5A. 7itler" Tischgespr:che .6
'. :ur patience is the awaiting of delights for us. -is patience is the awaiting of delights for us.
). .f you see, amusement" see, it in the absurdities of kufr .
/0. *enesis: allHs well that ends with a well.
11. *nless there is -aradise" eros is a tric,.
/2. 3e a good 2uslim and &ou wonHt want to lie. 3e a ver& good 2uslim and &ou wonHt need to lie.
13. 7is name in our age is al-Sabur .
/4. A faith that is onl& a social conse=uence will mainl& be concerned with its own social conse=uences.
15. Tolerance is no substitute for holiness.
/#. "o &ou want to get &our own bac,4 Femember, it isn)t your own .
1&. +ife is a minefield only if we always say Mine1H
/'. @oes modernit& produce fewer manners than womanners4
1). 'e have not grown out of the (haria" we have shrun, out of it.
20. *overn the "elf before &ou govern the :ther. *overn the :ther in order to govern the "elf.
31. !dom: =od can fully save the world only in one #ay .
22. Tas"hir is usufruct, not a title deed.
33. :eligion desires to change the age. The age desires to change religion ,
24. $olitics is one cell within the bod& of Islam. If it grows undul&, it is a cancer.
35. The reading of (cri$ture is sufficient9 but we are not sufficient readers.
2#. "hould we distinguish the shadows from the light4 If so, how4
3&. The asbab are merely the user/interface.
2'. )o turn the other chee, is to loo, awa&.
3). Are there still miracles0 .s =od still the ?mni$otent Gestower0
90. %;tremism: Dust sa& ,now.
31. .ncarnation: the finite can contain the .nfinite.
92. 3owing to 2ecca does not alwa&s re=uire bowing to the %ast.
33. .n $ractice" remembering =odH can only mean remembering the Covenant.H
94. %ver&thing toda& is inscribed with BIAI".
35. There is no inaction" so long as consciousness remains.
9#. (Whoever has me as his 2ullah, then Ali is his 2ullah.H
3&. +i,e us in all res$ects" e#ce$t for sin.H To kno# oneHs sinlessness: is this not to be unlike us in all
9'. )he Aew Age: the flight of the alone from the Alone.
3). 2arsi literature 0 tashyi&-i isharat tashyi&-i )anazat bud,
40. )he onl& safe ban, is the "ada=a 3an,.
>1. !ach sin is a conse@uence.
42. )he& thin, to cut the medieval flowers, but what the& leave behind is stubble, not the green shoots of "pring.
>3. 'e claim the whole of the truth for ourselves" but not to have mono$olised it.
44. )o ,now the saint is to ,now the age.
>5. ?nly movers are shakirs.
4#. )here are times when -e (breathesH1 there are also times of intensified "crutin&.
>&. They are not the solution9 =od is the solution.
4'. Fadha is 2aDnun1 Mrishna is 7a&la. ()he ,ier Asian vs. the 2anu 2ission.
>). !ach gender was created only that the other might give than,s.
<0. @onHt get even. ((*od is witr , and -e loves the witr .H
51. 'ithout long commentaries" it would be easy to throw the boo, at $eo$le.
<2. We can curse, or we can be discursive.
53. 'e $refer bigamy to du$licity.
<4. )he 2others of the 3elievers: the most believable women in -istor&.
55. .slam is hori<ontally $atriarchal and vertically matriarchal.
<#. 2odernit&Hs undoing: the person is onl& a mas,. )o this there are onl& two replies.
5&. :eligion" li,e a garden" is more resilient than a fortress.
<'. %;tremism has no enem& save those it claims to defend.
5). Modernity: homo ludens trying to turn homo religiosus into homo faber .
#0. A wail is the most transparent of veils.
B1. -aza; at-tala%i ya#m at-tala%i,
#2. @o not let a false radicalism diminish &our desire for a radicalism that is true.
B3. .slam: inlet heaven.
#4. A man who would marr& a feminist is not worth obe&ing.
B5. The $ur$ose of society is to $roduce saints.
##. If the imam slips, consider him a victim of amazement.
B&. Gut for =odHs mercy" we would have the governments we deserve.
#'. 6hristianit& is responsible for the suffering of the 8ews, because it was 6hristianit& that veiled 8esus from them.
B). The Iawning =ulf: the building of a desert.
?0. Atheism: all faith is idolatr&.
&1. Ao not trust those who readily close their eyes.
?2. Juda-yi #sm : Ishmael is the rodef . Ishmael: Juda-yi #sm is the radif .
&3. -reaching: this is an age for rukhas " not for &aza;im " and for conservatism" not for liberalism.
?4. $ra&ing through someone is not pra&ing to someone. $ra&ing because someone is pra&ing is pra&ing to someone.
&5. 7e has not believed who has not felt the weight of the turban.
?#. :nl& those that reDect the life to come can build the Balse )emple.
&&. Iour $ro$erty belongs to you if you belong to =od. .f you belong to (atan you belong to your $ro$erty.
?'. Irritation is from sin.
&). 7ear" ? .srael" the +ord thy =od is not .srael.
'0. Islamism is the fretful oud.
E1. Antinomy is the ,ohl of faith.
'2. )oda&Hs believer is a disbeliever in most of what the disbeliever is a disbeliever in.
E3. *nless you are a saint" mistrust the clearest voices.
'4. )he surest toleration is illiberal.
E5. 2ear not the wind: it will bear your ,ite high.
'#. )he true hearth is gratefulness. (Abraham: ,ord QH
E&. The cause of modern $anic is non/referentiality.
''. Ender ErizenHs reign, tomorrow we shall be s,illed or ,illed.
E). -rogress and catastro$he are two sides of the same coinH. 57annah Arendt6
C0. 7iteralism is literall& a t&pe of tahrif .
)1. 2un is serious.
C2. )he Alone wishes to save us from loneliness. (6ome to the pra&er>H
)3. Those that are wedded to the science of this generation may be or$haned in the ne#t.
C4. Autodidacticism: the falsafi falsifies1 but the :waisis are oases.
)5. The awa,ening has become a wa,e.
C#. Which is the bigger prison: Islam in the e&es of modernit&, or modernit& in the e&es of Islam4
)&. .slam liberates because it is rooted in our natures.
C'. 6elibac& is an anticipation of hell, for there is no eros there.
)). May =od us ,ee$ R 2rom single vision and from CewtonHs slee$H 5Gla,e6.
/00. Baith is a tender shoot1 water it with wor,s, parch it with apath&.
Contentions 1L
1. The $hiloso$hers have only inter$reted the world in various ways. The $oint" however" is not to be
changed by it.
2. Without the ilm al-hal we will mista,e imhal for ihmal.
3. 2utres temps! autres "aures.
4. If &ou cannot be of the poor, then be with the poor. If &ou cannot be with the poor, then pra& with the poor. If &ou cannot
pra& with the poor, then pra& for the poor. 3e&ond this there remains not an atom.s weight of faith.
5. Glessing is a large word" but do not be slow to use it.
#. )he Emma has no problem that cannot be solved b& pa&ing attention to the (atiha. 3And when the is recited Q.
&. To switch on a television is to ac,nowledge ones own lac, of refinement.
'. :nl& the immanent *od uses the subDunctive.
). The Liber 2sian $uts the Afro bac, into A$hrodite.
/0. Ese silence to suffocate falsehood, not truth.
11. Fadila is the $roof of ilm.
/2. Feverence is the opposite of reverie.
13. 2eminism0 2irst em$ower femininity.
/4. *od.s glor& was, and there was nothing else. -is glor& is now as it was.
15. Choose your tie for its utility in cleaning your s$ectacles.
/#. @ress in that which &ou would not see dishonoured.
1&. The *utb has been re$laced by the kutub.
/'. %ver&thing is political, but politics is not ever&thing.
1). 2light into self is a retreat from the facticity of the world9 flight into heaven is its affirmation.
20. Femember: the histor& of Islam is the histor& of the 2uslim ego.
31. ?ne lives so badly because one always arrives in the $resent unfinished" inca$able" distracted. 5:il,e6
22. %rror e;ists to compliment truth, not to complement it.
33. Glame yourself" not the age. Glame the age" not others.
24. Mnowledge is to see the door. $enitence is to approach it. $ra&er is to ,noc, upon it. 3ut to open it is not within &our
35. !ven if you have sli$$ed beneath the waves" the adhan may still reach you.
2#. )he evil e&e: between (ard and sama ( is the distance between ard and sama..
3&. 4emalism: the rind-i gen< became the r=ntgenci.
2'. :ur condition is ignorance of our condition.
3). ?nly in the din al-fitra are women ade@uately ac,nowledged.
90. If &ou reDect the 6arrot, the "tic, will surel& come.
31. ?nly the saint should ta,e women at face value.
92. Islam is the onl& wa& of being pro!Western.
33. The inward istighfar comes before the tahlil9 the outward one after it.
94. Jou are &our intentions.
35. Ao not doubt anothers salvation until you are certain of your own.
9#. *ood ada is to Dostle to be first in line for -eaven.
3&. :enunciation is wisdoms only door.
9'. (atwa: onl& the mad do not pra&. Taqwa: onl& the mad do not pra&.
3). The false (alafi is -haroah in the robe of Moses.
40. )he poor ghettos are the "haraat of the age1 it is dangerous to see, &our wine elsewhere.
>1. The false (alafism: only the Arab has a salaf.
42. )here is no worship without ,nowledge. We have been created to ,now -im.
>3. There is no ,nowledge of 7im without love of beauty. 'e have been created to love beauty.
44. @espair not of those who are drawn to ugliness, for the& too are probing the m&steries.
>5. ?thers are our fellow/travellers" even if they have lost the road.
4#. -e that struggles to progress, though he has not been shown the road, is better than he that stands upon the road,
pridefull& moc,ing.
>&. .slamic and un/.slamic are not the only ad%ectives. 52nd the differences of your tongues and
4'. )he )riumph of $era: #slam-ol is become (ut-ol.
>). The Crucifi#ion and the Con@uest of Mecca: which is higher: to forgive from a $osition of
$owerlessness" or of $ower0
<0. )he 6rucifi;ion was not suicide: *od ,nows -is own powers of self!resuscitation.
51. 7e who does not love fi%h has no body.
<2- Islam is no meteorite fallen upon %arth1 it is its invisible, unregarded core.
53. . never thin, bac,. (ince . cannot change the $ast" why should . deal with it0 5(himon -ere<.6
<4. )he )rinit&: three alter e!os.
55. The evil . is the difference between the lahi and the ilahi.
<#. )rust in *od, not in &our trust in *od.
5&. =od acts in the asbab" not through them.
<'. 2eat resembles us1 so prove the provenance of &our provision.
5). Contingent being has no $ower. 1&5o fear is upon them! neither do they grieve,6
#0. Aietszche: *od has died because of those who believe that *od died.
B1. +eviticus" not Aeuteronomy" ma,es the +and female" and truly welcoming. 5The !ret< is $olyandrous"
or she is a desert.6
#2. )he 5icarious Atonement proves that torture can be a good thing.
B3. The Christ of the A$ocaly$se: Co More Mr Cice =uy.
#4. Feligion begins where empath& tends.
B5. A tari%a carries fare/$aying $assengers. .f they will not $ay" it should not continue as a railway
$reservation society.
##. :nl& Islam could help the $re!Faphaelites to paint men.
B&. *to$ians are un/:ealistic.
#'. A mos=ue is not built, it is written.
B). .slamism re$laces religion with the idea of it.
?0. )he fanatic is the wea, man. "trength is shown in generosit&.
&1. =ender is not destiny. 5(imone de Geauvoir6 =od is destiny. 57adith6
?2. %umhuriyet is possible1 cum7z!8rl8" is not.
&3. .slamic democracy: sovereignty belongs to =od.
?4. Without the $ra&er, each of us is a hole in creation.
&5. .t is not the giving of a karama that transforms9 only the manner of its acce$tance.
?#. )o thin, of the )eacher is to be offered a "arama, so be utterl& attentive in watching for it.
&&. Iou may show a man a thousand miracles" but if you show him no com$assion" he will not believe.
?'. )he god of the %nlightenment is a Dealous god. 3& insisting on e=ualit&, he insists that onl& things capable of being e=ual
should be tolerated.
&). . am my wea,ness9 Iou are my strength.
'0. "cientists show us onl& dead matter. (9od calls you to what !ives you life..
E1. A good $rayer is from 7im9 a bad $rayer is from us.
'2. When the wind is fair, set all plain sail. When it blows a gale, send hawsers aloft. In a cloc,!calm, loo, below.
E3. >ushd is to recognise the >ashidun. 'hayy is ghulu##.
'4. @o not accuse the Arabs of stupidit&.
E5. (t -aul was the first 'esterner.
'#. Balsalafium: Islam.s unstable isotope.
E&. Co/one is suited to tari%a. Tari%a is suited to everyone.
''. )he false "alafism: the revolt of the ego against the 6aliph.
E). To be with .slam is to live in the valid diversity of signs. To be with the Monoculture is death.
C0. (%=ualit& is not the means to achieve e=ualit&.. (8oan "cott
)1. (i%nistan will be :iddastan9 so fight the loc,ing of the gates.
C2. )he overta,en need not be ta,en over.
)3. !ngland chose the (ira" not the =os$el" to confront 7itler.
C4. Fumi is among the al-nuuwwa.
)5. A $ious young cric,eting fan"
Cheered Middlese# and -a,istan9
2or with contem$lation
?n =ods revelation
7e found neither team in the 4oran.
C#. $eace at an& price4 Aot at an& price.
)&. .f you are not a saint" everything is your fault.
C'. 2en are from Ash(ar, women are from 2aturid.
)). 'hich is it" of the blessings of your +ord" that you deserve0
/00. ()here is a 2oses for ever& $haroah.. (Memal $asha!zade
Contentions 11
1. Augustine: mans deformity. .shmael: his deiformity. 5Aefy" dont deify.6
2. $eace without Dustice is not peace at all.
3. A fa%ih in first class0 And $igs will fly Q
4. )he @aDDal will onl& be ,ing when onl& the blind are left in the valle&.
5. Gritish .slam: 'e came as rebels" and found ourselves to be heirs. 5=ershom (cholem6
#. )he ,ier Asian is the reconciliation between %dom and Juda-yi #sm.
&. Iour greatest liability is your lie/ability.
'. Ao!one is more e;troverted than the contemplative saint.
). Modernity: an accelerating attem$t to shovel matter into the growing hole where religion used to be.
/0. )he ,ier Asian vs. the 2anu 2ission: a woman ma& be Arahat on Arafat.
11. Arabdom is not congenital.
/2. 8esus said (Allah., not (@eus.. (("a&: Allah! and leave them plunging in their confusion..
13. HCever des$ise any Muslim" for the least of the Muslims is great in the eyes of =od.H 5Abu Ga,r al/(iddi@
/4. Femember: &ou once ,new the whole
15. 4ara is the shift from fear to ho$e.
/#. :nl& if the bod& is the temple of the spirit does the veil not belong to the high priest.
1&. 'e do not lac, a rib" we lac, a lung.
/'. Islam, not the 6ross, is foolishness to the *ree,s.
1). :edefine religion" but do not derefine it.
20. If worship is the purpose of creation, then the Bounder is the purpose of creation.
31. Anthro$omor$hism is gender/biased.
22. )heolog& is the =uest for the least sill& definition of *od.
33. +ove" not :eform" establishes the dignity of autonomy.
24. 2a.ruf and mun"ar are defined b& the fitra.
35. 2orget not the ?ther in the Grother.
2#. Fevelation is the opposite of the cluster bomb.
3&. ;ionism: =ods sword unsheathed against 8erusalem.
2'. )hose who loo, for sin often strengthen it.
3). 5afs is a comedian. (o en%oy your (ufism1
90. )he fitra tells us that nature is a medicine. )he Sunna allows us to ta,e it.
31. (ee things coolly. Iou will not thin, more clearly by worrying that you worry.
92. Who were more anti!Western: the )aliban, or the 3uddhas of 3ami&an4
33. .slam is the learning of mercy.
94. Islam is the crown of the poor.
35. A$$roach the teacher as the comet a$$roaches the sun.
9#. )hird World 6hristianit&: worship a white man, and be saved from &our past>
3&. 8esus did not o$$ose :ome" and so :ome chose him for its god.
9'. If &ou have not seen the saint, &ou have not seen the Sunna.
3). Geing heretics to the Monoculture re@uires both courage and style. Gut we should have room for those
who have neither courage nor style.
40. $eople will not come closer to &ou if &ou hit them.
>1. To learn truth is always to relearn. To la$se into falsehood is not always to rela$se.
42. (What can I sa& S it must have been the will of *od.. (2i,hail *orbachev
>3. *se words in your $reaching only if absolutely necessary.
44. Academic Islamic "tudies is as foolish as it is because we are as foolish as we are.
>5. 2or Allah created the !nglish mad P the maddest of all man,ind. 54i$ling6
4#. )he hiDab: (a displa& of modest&.>
>&. The teacher e#ists to teach you the im$ortance of what you have transcended.
4'. )he "ephardi and the 2izrahi mean something. 3ut what does the Ash,enaz& mean4
>). Maidens1 Choose him that uses his ears more than his eyes.
<0. )he road to *od is paved with laughter at the self. )he road to -ell is paved with laughter at others.
51. !dom" then .shmael: the su$erfetation of -uda-yi (sm.
<2. 7earn that &ou are the merest shadow of Another.s act1 thus &ou will learn humbleness, which is the beginning of
53. The world without hell is the word.
<4. A heretic never claims to be a heretic, he claims to transcend orthodo;&.
55. Deils without turbans0 Coronets without crowns0
<#. Augustine is a jihadi.
5&. The false (alafism: from catechism to cataclysm.
<'. (All true Feformers are b& the nature of them $riests, and strive for a )heocrac&.. (6arl&le, on Mno;
5). Ao not thin, that anything has any $ur$ose other than to $oint to =od.
#0. Idolatr&, at best, is the unbalanced fi;ation on an Attribute.
B1. :eligious leadershi$ is an o$$ortunity to be frightened of =od.
#2. @o not sa&: @o &ou agree with me4 but sa&: @o we agree4
B3. (ufism: dont thin, that you can dive without lowering yourself.
#4. 2oc,er& is for pouring upon "ufr, not upon people.
B5. 'isdom consists mainly in the ability to recognise human wea,ness.
##. *od.s merc& is not limited1 but -e is not limited b& -is merc&.
B&. 2or each karama that ta,es you forward" there are ten which will ta,e you bac,.
#'. :nl& those who ,now themselves to be unworth& are worth&.
B). .f you do not sanctify the dawn" the day will not sanctify you.
?0. Against 2odernism: between signs and science there is neither rh&me nor reason.
&1. .slamism: untie your camel" and trust in =od.
?2. -er voice is part of her awra onl& when it is part of her aura.
&3. +ust before lustrations. 2ast before frustrations.
?4. If &ou suffer from listlessness, ma,e a list.
&5 !dom: .n terms of the ?arousia" there have been too many Iears of =race. .n terms of salvation history"
there have not been enough.
?#. %urope: we shall not despise a minorit&, unless it is minaret&
&&. The cali$hs $rayers ended with +amidun "a)id.
?'. If &ou put the "unna before merc&, &ou have lost both.
&). Cihilism is the uncanniest of all guests. 5Ciet<sche6
'0. If &ou are good, pretend to be bad. If &ou are bad, don.t pretend to be good.
E1. To grow in the s$irit" and not to grow in the need to $retend not to be what one is" is a contradiction that
closes the 'ay.
'2. (If %uropean education is the death of maternit& R )hen death is its fruit for the human race.. (I=bal
E3. The 4aba has a $ositive charge9 we are negative. 7unya" however" is an efficient insulator.
'4. -e who ,nows himself, ,nows Islam.
E5. Man is the $roof of =od. The man of =od is the $roof of religion.
'#. @o not fear an& e;tremist1 fear the conse=uences of his acts.
E&. Ao not be com$lacent. Most $eo$le %udge religions by their followers" not by their doctrines.
''. :nl& parasites respect flu,es.
E). ?nly through tradition are we an umma semper reformanda.
C0. "cripture defines merc&, but is not an alternative to it.
)1. 8ustice may never be the conse@uence of wrath9 but it may be its right assuaging.
C2. @o not believe the confessions of tortured te;ts.
)3. Geing at ease in the com$any of scholars is a $roof of faith.
C4. Aobilit& is the aptitude for seeing beaut&.
)5. To slouch" and to suc, ones $en" are signs that one has never read (cri$ture.
C#. If their defences are strong, it is because &ou have not used the weapon of merc&.
)&. +et the ne#t hours be an a$ology for the sunna $rayer. +et the sunna $rayer be an a$ology for the fard.
+et the fard be an a$ology for se$aration.
C'. In the fight against the 2onoculture, the main sign is the hija, and the main act is the $ra&er.
)). .ts @uite a hard thing to res$ect
A =od who our $rayers would acce$t"
'e s$lash and we $reen
Then we fidget and dream"
(o $roud to be of the (aved (ect.
/00. (2a& I not prove too much of a s,un, when I shall be tried.. (Wittgenstein
Contentions 13
1. The saint is he whose $resence ma,es you love the -rayer.
2. In the 2adeleine
Where the sun don.t shine,
Ancient Fome prevails
)hough the gods are more benign.
3. Chauvinism is not a hal" it is a halitosis.
4. Aothing is more pessimistic than a naTve belief in progress.
5. ($ouses are traditional in order to be saved by gratitude. ($ouses are modern in order to be saved by
#. +ufr: to see the sun setting, and to do nothin! aout it.
&. .s the Geast of Aivorce coming0 7usbands: res$ect her wants. 'ives: res$ect his dignity.
'. )he beginner feels gratitude for the ru"hsa in his mind. )he advanced see,er feels gratitude for the ru"hsa in his heart.
)he saint never ta,es the ru"hsaat all.
). Are women ambiguous0 .t is the muhkamat which are the Mother of the Goo,.
/0. (*reed has been severel& underestimated and denigrated, unfairl& so, in m& opinion.. (6onrad 3lac,
11. Modernity" at best" is a nostalgia for desire.
/2. 7iberal 6hristianit&: first goes faith, then goes hope, until charit& alone remains.
13. :eal fi%h is always a vernacular .slam.
/4. )he delight of each worldl& pleasure does not last long.
15. The longer you wait to claim or forgo your rights" the longer you will wait for friendshi$.
/#. It is onl& the hungr& and unfortunate who ma& ,now whether the& are good.
1&. The believer has faith as his com$anion" and ho$e in his destination. The ignorant man has neither" yet
he still see,s %oy.
/'. "elf!control ma,es &ou a fortress1 self!indulgence ma,es &ou an animal, either a riding!beast or a target.
1). Iour nafs will never receive e#actly what it wants.
20. $ain is nine!tenths of desire.
31. .f your .slam does not attract $ure hearts" it is not .slam.
22. 2an is (iara1 woman is ishara.
33. 7unya: a little =entleness" and much :igour. The fitra: a little :igour and much =entleness.
24. 3e patient with literalists1 but absolutel& impatient with their e;tremists.
35. +ustrate" and you will be illustrious. 5'hurur is only in the ghurra.6
2#. 6limate change: (And We coin similitudes for man,ind, that perhaps the& ma& reflect..
3&. A busy life ma,es the -rayer harder9 but the -rayer ma,es a busy life easier.
2'. )he nafs is an;iet& and agitation. )he "pirit is the breath of peace. (("o give good news to 2& servants>.
3). Two names un$ronounceable in !dom: 7agar and Muhammad.
90. We need not remain in the dar, without dar" al-idra".
31. (slah can never mean more than amelioration.
92. )he medievals, seeing the colour of our clothes, would call us all atheists.
33. The $reacher should neither lower the $rice of his goods" nor $rice .slam out of the mar,et.
94. +ufr: impermanence is a problem. #man: our an;iet& about impermanence is a problem.
35. (cience is the revelation of order. 2aith is the revelation of liberation.
9#. )he false "alafi is enraged because "ufism has been ta,en awa& from him.
3&. Get%eman: summoned by belles.
9'. We are divided from the other world b& the thinnest of membranes, which we hang with mirrors.
3). =reat art is =od loo,ing at you. Mediocre art is you loo,ing at =od. Aemonic art is you loo,ing at
yourself alone.
40. "uicide bombing: al-fana. fi.l-shaytan.
>1. Aeism is dualism. ?ccasionalism is the only alternative.
42. 2odernit& has onl& footnotes1 faith has te;t as well.
>3. Gelief in =od begins when we cease to believe in ourselves.
44. What are &ou but a lightl&!clothed s,eleton4
>5. Iour bum$er stic,er is a fish eating a fish9 for your (haria fate in the 'est is to eat fish,
4#. )he saint is the one whose love reminds &ou of &our most recent sin.
>&. An ayah is a wetnurse. 'hen born we suc,le" when we die we are weaned.
4'. Islam: the real 8esus was unitarian. 6hristianit&: the real 2oses was trinitarian.
>). The foundation of Action is Theology. The foundation of Theology is 2aith. The foundation of 2aith is
<0. )he foundation of Mnowledge is the 3od&1 the foundation of the 3od& is not Mnowledge.
51. Asharism: the turn to the (unna is a turn towards reason" for the (unna neglects nothing that is from
<2. +hawarij are full of hawa.
53. Tasting is always of the Cear. Ao not" therefore" be veiled from the Transcendent.
<4. If &ou put down &our tasih &ou will not pic, up a rifle safel&.
55. 7aste is usually the conse@uence of sloth" not of diligence.
<#. %dom produced the modern world of distraction, because it neglected eros and polis.
5&. To be $roud of lu#ury is a sin" but to be $roud of disdaining it is worse by far.
<'. (2oderate Islam.4 @o not be an e;treme 2uslim1 be e;tremel& 2uslim.
5). 7hikr and electricity are deadly rivals.
#0. )he wife.s vulnerabilit& is not the husband.s strength.
B1. Iou do not rise to 7im. 7e does not descend to you. :ather" what you see" 7e may unveil as 7is alone.
#2. Jour reach towards -im is tin&. -is reach towards &ou has no limit.
B3. +ove learning" since learning leads to action.
#4. (iqh is the Do&ful focussing on the moment.
B5. :e%oice most highly when the Teachers command is hard.
##. Oion is the abuse of 2aimonidean 2u(tazilism.
B&. To conform to the (unna is to conform to =od. Ao not thin, that there is freedom anywhere else.
#'. :ur finitude is our distance from -im. -is infinitude is -is closeness to us.
B). The false (alafism: etra 2rabia nulla salus.
?0. )heolog& is sharh1 Feligious "tudies is tashrih.
&1. Co modesty" no sensuality. Co sensuality" no ,nowledge of =od.
?2. :nl& the %vil I ta,es man,ind from the minbar to the minibar.
&3. The identity/merchant says *n/.slamic9 the =odfearing says: "akruh or +aram.
?4. Arius sa&s: Bollow the muh"amat>
&5. The saints belief that he is bound for hell is his halo.
?#. @o not use &our beard to open people.s ears.
&&. 7a$$iness is more im$ortant than conforming to the Monoculture.
?'. Westernisation4 2aqam 4ast is ours alread&.
&). +@ and cry: only by tal#in can we endure this age.
'0. )he false "alafism: it is better to lose angril& than to win calml&.
E1. The cross and the d$colletage: in hoc signo vinces.
'2. -e did not sa&: (*uide us to the ga& path..
E3. A $olitician deals with sym$toms" a leader deals with causes.
'4. %;pect onl& a little. If &ou impose ever&thing on ever&one, &ou will drive ever&one awa& from ever&thing.
E5. 'e see the world" and thin, it to be still. Gut it is coming down fast" all the time" from 7eaven. 5&Aou see
the mountains! and think them to be still,6
'#. Figour of 2oses, Ahmad.s merc&,
3eaut& of 8esus, heralds all.
In Adam.s heirs no controvers&,
6all for change, don.t change the call>
E&. .n the restaurant of life" the false (alafi can do no more than eat the menu.
''. 1awa should start at the point of harmon&, not the point of dissonance.
E). Ao not trust the Arab who $refers nylon to cotton.
C0. )he $ra&er is rus in ure.
)1. The world survives because one may fall out of love with hatred" but one may never fall out of love with
C2. Who is a shay"h4 :ne who recognises that his life will soon be over.
)3. (bada: remember =od to re/member yourself.
C4. If &ou are threatened b& a materialist civilisation, ma,e &ourself economicall&
)5. A real aristocrat is a healing for the world.
C#. Islam: there is a basis for cumulation. )he West: there is onl& cumulation.
)&. Aown to =ehenna" or u$ to the Throne"
7e travels the fastest who travels alone. 54i$ling6
C'. $ractice of the "unna is at its most pure and uncompromising where it supports cultural diversit&.
)). :afidism: the first Muslim cons$iracy theory.
/00. Jou cannot arrive b& ma,ing an effort, but &ou cannot arrive without ma,ing an effort.
Contentions 13
/. Whitehall: forget the gold dome on &our pra&er mat.
3. :iyadh is the garden of Takfir.
9. )oda& we grow up =uic,l&, but into something childish.
>. Iou no longer have the $rivilege of the *mmas $rotection. 52nd upon 'od Q 6
<. Jou cannot grow out of &our culture, but &ou can help it to grow.
B. .t is better to engage fully with the Monoculture from a $osition of disli,e than to engage $artly with it
from a $osition of admiration.
?. )o give the newcomer the ru"has is fard. )o give &ourself the azima is "unna.
E. The Arabs deceived the Tur,s. +awrence deceived the Arabs. The Gritish deceived +awrence. 7er<l
deceived the Gritish. =od deceived 7er<l.
C. )he tas, of the intellectual is to atone for his comple;it&.
1L. .m$rovisation0 !dom sounds li,e the o$$osite of a mode.
//. "chneerson: Israel is a !oyische Staat.
13. Iou can lead a horticulture" but you cant ma,e her thin,. 5Aorothy -ar,er6
/9. (alah is harvesting what *od has done for &ou, not what &ou have done for *od.
1>. Fi%h gender dis$arities reflect her nearness to the fitra.
/<. With *od.s secret gift, ever& hardship becomes eas&. Without it, ever& ease becomes a source of hardship.
1B. The real miracle is anything that is not $erceived as a miracle.
/?. 'ija is not self!respect: it is "elf!respect.
1E. Catural theology is the $hilology of matter.
/C. 7ord, forgive us their ignorance.
3L. Aisregard my sins as you hear this $rayer. And ma,e this $rayer that you disregard my sins.
2/. )he world is most damaged b& those who have the highest opinion of themselves.
33. . $articularly li,e the idea that my $aintings may say nothing. 5Magritte6
29. Wh& (spiritualit&.4 3ecause muraqaa ma,es the ritual into the sp&!ritual.
3>. Iou may hold o$en the furnace door9 but it is =od Alone who blows out the fires consuming your heart.
2<. )welvism: dhawan al-hasha li.ttila. al-2olla.
3B. The (emitic is both emic and etic.
2?. Women are not difficult1 but the& are difficult to understand.
3E. Men are not easy9 but they are easy to understand.
2C. )otal transcendence is immanence.
3L. Terrorism and $reci$itate res$onses to it almost always $roduce the o$$osite of what is intended.
5:obert '. 2un,6
9/. )he 6 of %: to forget that to be popular &ou must be unpopular.
33. The young must learn to be forgiving9 the old must relearn <eal.
99. Islam is to be the o;&gen of the West.s metropoli.
3>. Ta#hib yields tardid9 tas#if yields ta#hid.
9<. Encle "ame: choice should be both legal and improbable.
3B. (tolen $rayers are the sweetest.
9?. )he ,ier Asian: ignore th&self and love the :ther through the other. )he libertine: love th&self, and let the other veil the
3E. The Liber 2sian: no sound is dissonant which tells of life. 5Coleridge6
9C. )he devil within &ou: vein glor&.
>L. ?nly =od can save us from thin,ing that we are gods.
4/. )he scientist discloses matter, the Durist discloses ethics. 3ut their shared beaut& can onl& be disclosed b& the )eacher.
>3. Takbir is insincere when louder than istighfar.
49. 3& their selflessness the& ta,e &ou from &ourself to -imself.
>>. (how yourself yourself9 then 7e will show 7imself 7imself.
4<. )he celibate priest is a )ertium Puid1 slave of the %ut&chian *od.
>B. +i,e solar $rominences" the 4orans bibliotheo$hanies indicate the energy of its self/celebration.
4?. What is forbidden, is forbidden onl& because of its banalit&. (*od is 3eautiful, and -e loves beaut&..
>E. .slamism: the 7oly -ro$het marching.
4C. Arab humiliation is usuall& the result of Arab pride.
5L. The Teacher does not love the disci$le because the disci$le serves the Teacher. The Teacher loves the
disci$le because his service reveals understanding of the 'ay.
</. When the )eacher moves be&ond the curtain of death, the signs become fainter1 the& are instructing &ou to watch for
them more carefull&.
53. Masculinity and femininity are the $urest signs of =od when without ego9 when they are $ossessed by
egotism they become the $erfect tools of the .nfernal.
<9. )he alternative to interiorit& is inferiorit&1 but the alternative to the internal is not the infernal.
5>. Antisemitic0 The true *nitarian must be against Marcion.
<<. "he that uses her bod& to e;ploit is a suicide bomber.
5B. .f he is both familiar and unfamiliar" he is a Messenger of =od.
<?. :ccidising will rust &our heart. (-ave merc& on Encle "ame>
5E. Comfort and freedom are unnatural bedfellows.
<C. )he "ha&,h.s cosmic gift to &ou is the opportunit& to serve him.
BL. .f you disobey the Teacher" you have told him of your admiration for the tiny.
#/. It is better to be e;terminated entirel& than to give awa& the -ol& 7and.
B3. *ncle (ame is lord of the Monoculture. Allah is +ord of the 'orlds.
#9. ()he medium is the massage. (Jah&a 3irt. ()he bod&!subDect hosts cognition. (2erleau!$ont&
B>" -acifism0 Getter armed than armless.
#<. 2arr& them both S but onl& if &ou wish *od to Dudge &ou for &our fairness.
BB. The (ufi is he who ma,es =ods slaves love the +aw.
#?. )he 4indan do not despise *od.s 7aw, but if &ou ma,e it ugl& S hear their moc,er&>
BE. .f Aisha is irrational" then we are with (arah" not 7agar.
#C. :urs is the :ezm-i 4indan1 our leader is al!Mhidr>
&L. -ay attention" and trust in =od.
?/. Mnow that &our plans are written on water.
&3. Misogynist0 7afsa held the future of the Goo, in her hands9 Aisha held the Sunna.
?9. Fespect her to the e;tent that she intuits her status as mazhar.
&>. Tari%a: $eer with $eers to find a $ir9 a $ir a$$ears.
?<. A pir is li,e a pier. Admire the sideshows1 but remember: his end is -is ocean.s gate.
&B. The Monoculture: everyone toes the line" saying: . am in a different $lace1
??. %dom has filled the Jawning *ulf with laughing!gas.
&E. The world is the way it is because you are the way you are.
?C. %domite feminism: letting men see m& thighs ma,es me free.
EL. Iour ,nowledge of your acts tells you that your home is Turbulence9 your ,nowledge of your +ord tells
you that your home is -aradise. "anzel-i ma kibriyast/,
'/. (Bear of *od is ,nowledge enough. )o be pleased with one.s ,nowledge is ignorance enough.. (3int Emm -assan
E3. The Iawning =ulf: the cemetery of ho$e.
'9. Israel will forever be the countr& of the future.
E>. A long life0 !ach decade is half the length of its $redecessor.
'<. A saint is an&one who teaches &ou the meaning of wudu..
EB. The *mmi was the une@ualled $romoter of literacy.
'?. )he 7iberal )rinit&: Bather, "on, and -ol& Oeitgeist.
EE. A tasbih deals with tashbih. Gut for tanzih" there is nothing at all.
'C. If &ou crave narrowness, crave a narrowness that is filled with merc&.
)L. .t is easier to $reach on vengeance than on $atience.
C/. Fespect the insights that can onl& be e;pressed b& humour.
)3. -ride is the crown of the ignorant.
C9. )raditional Islam is not the replication of the positions of the ancients1 it is to see, what the& sought.
)>. +oo, within" and what is outside you will become clear. +oo, around you" and you will understand
C<. Arabs> 3right lights at (ajr, and loud loudspea,ers, are errors that belie the Baith.
)B. .f you believe in $eace" you will not believe in $acifism.
C?. In the rain of *od.s merc&, the believer is a duc,, the infidel a cat.
)E. All of !dom is in the 8ohannine Comma.
CC. A little worship with sincerit& is all of religion1 abundant worship for the sa,e of one.s image of oneself is nothing at all.
1LL. Modernity finds it hard to distinguish between rest and idleness.
Contentions 1>
/. We are against Israel to the e;tent that she endangers 8ewish safet&.
3. Mar#ism is the ultimate subaltern discourse.
9. Feal Islam is successful. If it is not successful, it is not real Islam.
>. The Monoculture has no $rinci$le save the absence of meta$hysics. 5'ithout the ?ne" there is no
<. Feligion without eros is the anticipation of eternal death.
B. Those who are indifferent to their re$utations may still be slothful" gluttonous.
?. "he is the gift to him that precedes the Ball.
E. The alternative to $ride is $rayer.
C. )he trul&!ta,en ru"hsa ma,es &ou grow a little1 the falsel&!ta,en ru"hsa ma,es &ou shrin, rapidl&.
1L. The =reat (ymmetry: Iad Dashem R =ha<<at 7ashem.
//. Aishiren is the Ibn )a&mi&&a of Oen.
13. Crucifiction0
-uda-yi (sm e#onerates :ome.
.shmael e#onerates the 8ews.
!dom: 7eaven cannot e#onerate.
/9. Jour wealth is onl& &ours once &ou have given it awa&.
1>. .slamisms fire will leave only ashes.
/<. :nl& the 2onoculture.s *od is small enough to fit into the Jawning *ulf.
1B. .f we are not for ourselves" other 8ews say to me" who will be for us0 And . answer" but if we are for
ourselves alone" what are we0 5Aaniel Goyarin6
/?. Jielding to a minor sin can be a maDor sin.
1E. 7is strength is worldly9 hers is unworldly9 thus in the world he thin,s that he $revails.
/C. )hose that are angr& with ever&one will end up believing in nothing.
3L. +egalism0 +evinas is from the Talmud" not from 7eidegger.
2/. Fitual is nothing but than,fulness, or it is nothing.
33. 2antasy is death.
29. )he "unna: bothRand. )he "hi(a: eitherRor.
3>. 'e have too many things" and too little gratitude.
2<. @o not be proud if she fears &ou, for she ma& also fear a rat.
3B. A good leader gives" and does not ta,e.
2?. Ao graven images S because to emulate *od.s creation is blasphemousl& to underestimate -is power.
3E. .f Christendom had heeded the =os$els" it would now not e#ist.
2C. If &ou thin, &ou do not deserve *od.s punishment, &ou ma& not deserve -is tribulation.
3L. The false (alafi re%ects some idols. The (ufi re%ects all idols.
9/. It is gratitude that sees beaut&.
33. The smarter the hotel" the less comfortable the Muslim.
99. @ignit& comes from respecting tradition, not from respecting oneself.
3>. Clerisy0 ?riginal (in is to $ush !ve away.
9<. @ar al!Islam4 Fome is where &ou will be most proud to be a 2uslim.
3B. A good teacher always feels guilty.
9?. A miss is as good as a smile.
3E. Ao not re%oice at lessons you receive from sin9 or at nourishment you find in a rubbish/hea$.
9C. )he "outhern 3aptists: reDect @arwin but love "pencer.
>L. 2ormalism0 ?nly (ufism fills out the forms.
4/. Without the rusum &ou haven.t got a pra&er.
>3. Atheism: . live" and . will die. Theism: . live" and . will live. Tari%a: . am dead" and . will live. +a%i%a:
Allah is Alive" and does not die.
49. Islam, b& veiling her, reveals her1 %dom, b& unveiling her, erases her face.
>>. 7er charm is the )am-i &ishret.
4<. 2ar; is dead1 onl& the 7iving *od of Ishmael will now uphold the poor.
>B. As, your grand$arents of their grand$arents" lest you become forgotten and forgetting.
4?. Jou will not open the Bur=an before &ou open the
>E. The Dedas were invaders9 al/Fasim revived the 'ay.
4C. It was :rientalism that told us that Islam means (submission.. 3ut Islam sa&s that Islam means (letting go..
5L. .f the eyes had no tears" the soul would have no rainbow. 5Min@uass $roverb6
</. Woe betide the scholar who, at the end of his career, sa&s (I wrote this., and (I said that., but did not heal a single soul.
53. The =os$els are li,e Gilal: however hard you torture them" they will only say: ?ne1 ?ne1
<9. %ither Abraham is an adulterer, or he is the father of us all.
5>. ;ionism has the smell of .slamism: it fears non/belonging" and ta,es its fear out on others.
<<. Which 2uslim state is not a bad parod& of a Western model4
5B. The false (alafism: saw off the branches" and $erha$s you will see the root.
<?. )he Jawning *ulf does not see al!2usawwir as the Artist.
5E. 'omen1 .f children are not your highest $riority" then do not have children at all.
<C. )he 2onoculture: an eas& wa& of ma,ing life difficult.
;ahir: a difficult wa& of ma,ing life eas&.
:atin: al-din yusr.
BL. 7ow do . ,now who you say that you are0
#/. (@eus hoc vult.. ($ope 3enedict U5, spea,ing of Oionism.
B3. The saints servitude ma,es him greater than the heavens and the earth.
#9. ;ahir methods are onl& halq1 but not ever&one can bear natif.
B>. The Monoculture is o$a@ue to itself.
#<. )he suicide bomber is not afraid of death, because alread&, there is nothing left in him to die.
BB. The Monoculture annihilates difference for fear that the ?ther might show it what it truly is.
#?. Wal, through the zoo within1 chec, the loc,s1 enDo& the sight of each brute1 ,now that the& are &our self.
BE. Clerisy0 The o$$osite of eros is envy 5-eter (loterdi%,6.
#C. :nl& revelation proves that other human subDectivities e;ist.
&L. Civil society is the deodorant of kufr.
?/. )he Balse "alafi, rigid and un&ielding, sa&s we bow into the wind1 but in fact, we ow away from it.
&3. (erve none but a slave.
?9. 7u;ur& will persuade &ou that &ou are not a ps&chopath.
&>. 'ith love 7e shows you that you are rotten. 'ith love" you say: Ies1 Ies1
?<. 2iss BaDr will help &ou to feel tired all da&.
&B. Those who slee$ with Miss 2a%r may catch a disease.
??. :asira4 )he best ,ohl &ou use is anti!mone&.
&E. .f you see, to ,ee$ u$ with the Monoculture" you will always be out of breath. .f you see, to e#cel it" you
will be at $eace.
?C. )he "ufi is a realist1 the false "alafi is a ri&alist.
EL. Ao not %uggle with babies.
'/. )hat man who welcomes pursuit
:f 8an, who presses her suit,
(Aeath tan and padded powersuit S
"hall scan a spirit hirsuit.
E3. Maidens1 .f he obeys his ego" you should be a feminist.
'9. Islam does not give &ou a full account of *od, but it gives &ou the fullest account of *od.
E>. Through selflessness we %oin the world.
'<. %dom has no notion of wafat.
EB. ?nly ma,e #udu if it brea,s your $ride.
'?. %ach perception of beaut& is a pra&er upon the $rophet.
EE. =overn the thoughts in your head" or else youll wal, around dead.
'C. #"htilat< 3eware of near misses.
)L. Iou will only find yourself if you live for others.
C/. Encle "ame twists us into different figures, but it is alwa&s the same twisting.
)3. The (haria is a$$ro$riate to the society that deserves it.
C9. %dom.s absurd theanthropism has desacralised the world.
)>. The monoculture is as rela#ing as its trousers.
C<. 2odernit&: such a huge arena for so little activit&.
)B. (acred dress undresses the s$irit.
C?. 3efore &our veil avails prevail.
)E. The Iawning =ulf should remember that the $ast is $art of us.
CC. -iDab is to force him to wear bifocals.
1L1. The .ncarnation is =ods alienation from humanity.
Contentions 15
/. 3radford &outh: ta.weel of fortune.
3. 7e is Cewtonian9 she demonstrates the @uantum $rinci$le
9. :neness cannot be e;aggerated.
>. 2l--amil means 7e That :eminds.
<. Femember: &our state is alwa&s contagious.
B. !uro$ean .slam: the hand at Gelsha<<ars feast.
?. 3less him, and &ou will travel to the secret of the Aames.

E. The zahid e#$eriences the (unna as a boundary. The rind e#$eriences it as a brea,ing of bounds.
C. Felative e;istence has no realit& of itself. "ee it onl& as signs made of shadows.
1L. 'ho is less redeemed than the +ying Tongue0
//. 6hildhood has been electrocuted.
13. .srael is Cebuchadne<<ar" My servant.
/9. "ervanthood is the mar, of humanit&.
1>. ?nly they who underestimate (haria des$ise Tari@a.
/<. )&ler @urden: without functional women, no functional men.
1B. +augh at Christendom until it defends Gethlehem.
/?. Islam is muwahhid1 the monoculture is muwahhad.
1E. The $osition of $rayer in your list of $riorities $oints to your state.
/C. )he first social law: for ever& true affinit& between a man and a woman, there are ten attractions which are from the devil.
3L. The Mahdi will be a$$ointed by Theos" not Aemos. The blood of warrior/$atricians will run in his veins.
2/. Woman is between "hawf and raja.
33. 7er home is her za#iya9 but khidma must be only the first of her degrees.
29. 7ove &our beloved better to love the 3eloved. 7ove the 3eloved and &ou will better love &our beloved.
3>. ;ionism: the absolute $riority of blood.
2<. )ories are all Whigs now.

3B. The Moderate Muslim: .slam is against mass murder1 Aee$ down" were %ust as lovely as you1 er Q
'heres the buffet0
2?. 2odernit& is confined to Westernness1 Islam is not.
3E. 7onour is honour" whether or not others ,now.
2C. 2arriage is not to give &ou what &ou want, it is to ma,e &ou what &ou ,now &ou should be.
3L. Getween the -elagian and the $agan 8l and the true . lie.
9/. Islam is not about (being &ourself.1 it is about improving &ourself.
33. After converting" treat yourself to your favourite meal.
99. 2odern holida&s: the nafs will heal the ruh>
3>. A gos$eller called Tony Glair
Aestroyed all .ra@ from the air"
And then with decorum
7is .nterfaith 2orum
(oon made him a smug millionaire.
9<. 2odernit& offers us ever&thing e;cept pleasure and leisure.
3B. -aul laid the cuc,oos egg.
9?. Feligion is not difficult1 we are difficult.
3E. +ie to others" and you will soon lie to yourself.
9C. If &ou are sceptical about coincidences, *od will help &ou.
>L. .f (ufism is marginal to your life" then try to be that margin.
4/. )he saint is serious, but not Dudgmental1 the false "alafi is Dudgmental, but not serious.
>3. The Teacher ,nows that only the tedious is forbidden.
49. )radition: we are on Feligion.s leash. 2odernit&: religion is on our leash.
>>. 8oining religion is li,e unearthing your family tree.
4<. Fealit& is a "&stem. +ufr is not a malfunction in that "&stem, it is the illusion that a malfunction e;ists.
>B. .ts ,ind of bad we destroyed everything" but at least we gave them a chance for a new start 5*ncle
(ames warrior" after 2allu%ah6.
4?. -amlet.s traged& was to read "t 2ar,.
>E. .t is not arbitrary creation that is ama<ing9 what is ama<ing is the $erfect occasions 7e em$loys. &7o
you see any fla# in the "ercifuls creation.
4C. :nl& view her obDectivel& if &ou view her as an obDect.
5L. The beginner resents being laughed at. The wayfarer forgives those who laugh. The Arriver laughs with
them" long and loud.
</. 3eing 2uslim is the onl& authentic wa& to belong to &our countr&.
53. Ao not trust a culture where the religious leaders do not have the best sense of humour.
<9. @id $aul.s 8esus have hormones4 /cce homo 6
5>. 'e can ,now nothing other than the *n,nowable.
<<. Allat, 2anat and al!Ezza cannot compete with &our potential for harm.
5B. The Iawning =ulf lac,s the $rinci$le of having $rinci$les.
<?. Augustine: the *ospels allow us to put down the bod&, and pic, up the sword.
5E. 'hen heart and body are in harmony" fikr results.
<C. )he "iddi= and the 2urtada are li,e Isaac and Ishmael: we do not sa& either-or, but oth-and.
BL. Iou will only choose the right tari@a when you realise in what sense it does not matter which tari@a you
#/. If &ou are a doctor, and &our heart does not grow softer each da&, then burn &our coat, and dance on the grave of &our
B3. The monocultures son is ;ahid9 you are the :ind. Gut among the ;ahids of .slam" where are the
#9. 3e still, and ,now that &ou are odd.
B>. .n a democracy there should be no $rivate beliefs.
#<. :nl& a h&pocrite is proud that he despises himself as a h&pocrite.
BB. Iou have underestimated 7is rahma.
#?. It is eudaimonian, or it is pandemonium.
BE. :evelation is everything that allows us to discern the =ood.
#?. )he world.s te;ture is as rich as it is because of what &ou are called to be.
BE. The only $rinci$les in this world which are im$ressive are -aradisal: the beauty of nature" of women"
$erfume" friendshi$" the sound of =ods word.
#C. Etopia4 )he devil tempts &ou to attempt heaven on earth, as he tempts &ou with zina.
&L. There are no loo$holes in the +aw" only well/crafted o$$ortunities for sloth or gratitude.
?/. )raditional architecture: materials praising their 2a,er. 2odern architecture: materials praising 2an. $ostmodern
architecture: materials moc,ing man.
&3. Tradition: a low e#$ectation of this world9 high ho$es for the ne#t. :esult: ha$$iness. Modernity: high
ho$es for this world" low ho$es for the ne#t. :esult: misery.
?9. -e who sa&s, (I am patient., is not patient.
&>. Maidens1 ?nly use hairs$ray so the hairs $ray.
?<. If &ou want light in &our house, use electricit& from a sustainable source.
&B. The saint says a few sim$le things" and changes the world. The academic $hiloso$hises" but does not
change even himself.
??. We are the Shiat Ali.
&E. Trust in =od" but dont trust your trust in =od.
?C. Sharia S to hammer in the tent!pegs. Tariqa S to pitch the tent. 'aqiqa S to dwell in the tent as a $rophet in glor&.
EL. ?nly 4araite Muslims demand adherence to a detailed creed.
'/. Aot all autonom& is dignit&1 but all dignit& is autonom&.
E3. Fasl: Calmness lies on the other side of your tas,s. 4asl: Iour tas,s are your calmness.
'9. Wisdom and safet& are humilit&.s twin daughters.
E>. Zuhd is to ma,e the soul feel at home in the body.
'<. -ow much asceticism do &ou need4
EB. -ogono$hilia without fitra$hilia is a 8ahilia.
'?. Balse culture opposes consciousness.
EE. Ao not treat the world as though you were its centre.
'C. "ufism: (the wa&s to *od are as numerous as human breaths.. )he Balse "alafism: &ou ta,e one breath, and hold it.
)L. 2acts are chiels that winna ding. 5Gurns6
C/. 3e the heart of &our famil& b& having &our famil& in &our heart.
)3. ?nly $atriarchy can guarantee gender e@uality.
C9. "elf!limitation allows &ou to find &our character.
)>. The Iawning =ulf: no ta#ation without re$resentation.
C<. )he Aew Malam: a thoughtful engagement with modern thought. )he )hird World elites: a thoughtless conformit& to
modern practice. )he Balse "alafism: no conformit&, and no thought.
)B. (ecularity e#cludes universals.
C?. )rue marriage happens when there is true perception of beaut&. )rue perception of beaut& happens when there is true
)E. .t is zuhd" not violence" that will melt the heart of *ncle (ame.
CC. "ecular moralit&: modernit&.s saving fiction.
1LL. The whats and thou/shalt/nots
all tie you u$ in ,nots"
for only in the whys
are humans rec,oned wise.
Contentions 1B
/. )he "oul of %urope has remembered its $elagian @rin,ing "ong.
3. !very bar is sinister" a stain on your escutcheon.
9. Wo,ing teaches &ou not to be a 2artian.
>. Always attend the mos@ue of someone elses ethnicity.
<. @efensive religion dies.
B. !uro$ean .slam0 'e 8lches will survive the 7oly ?ffice when there are zambras as well as coloahades.
?. It is not &our heart that ,eeps &ou alive, it is watching it.
E. Ao not thin, that no woman is a slut" a harlot and a wanton.
C. 7et not &our e;perience of Figour cause &ou to doubt *entleness.
1L. The least li,ely of your sincere falsehoods is your words: . am a (ufi1
//. )he )eacher brings &ou near to the @ivine rigour and gentleness.
13. Ao not say The @ualities of mercy $re$onderate" without adding" but they do not eliminate.
/9. 7et not &our final thought be: (I could have been the dust beneath the feet of the saints, but I refused..
1>. -ray that you be granted ,nowledge in %oy rather than in $ain.
/<. Binding the )eacher will not ma,es things easier, but it will ma,e them clearer.
1B. !very sin insults your honour" damages your faith" and courts $unishment in this world and the ne#t.
/?. (:ut of the names of Allah, whoever understands al!"ami., al!3asir, al!Alim and al!"hahid, will never turn his attention
towards e;pensive things.. ("hahidullah Baridi, r-a.
1E. ?nly in generosity is the believer rec,less.
/C. Jou have an e;tended famil&.
3L. -olitical theology: what $ro$ortion of sin can be removed if the tem$tation is removed also0
2/. )he 2onoculture.s complaint about Islam amounts to onl& one demand: 3e li,e us>
33. Bhidma heals where ego ails.
29. Eniversalism and %g&pt: %dom is the child of 2oses and Isis. Islam is the child of Abraham and -agar.
3>. Transhumanism serves someone elses ethics" not ours.
2<. )he 2/st centur&: ma,ing love in the ruins of an earth=ua,e.
3B. !very sa)da is a $erfect o$$ortunity to re$ent. 5Aid 'e not give you years enough06
2?. 2odernit&: turn the world into a single piece of cloc,wor,, which might then brea,.
3E. !dom1 Ge %ust" even as 8ames was %ust.
2C. ()he trouble with marr&ing &our mistress is that &ou create a Dob vacanc&. ("ir 8ames *oldsmith.
3L. :eal (ufism :ule Co.1: . am a nuisance. Cobody else is a nuisance.
9/. Were ever& 2uslim onl& to spit simultaneousl& at Israel, it would drown.
33. The ego loves the grand gesture.
99. )he pluralism born of the ism is no pleonasm.
3>. The drama of the world is not the clash between Muslim and -agan" or Tradition and :evolt" but
between +ove of =od and +ove of (elf.
9<. @emonic hatred is to see nothing of &ourself in the other1 virtuous hatred is to see the worst of &ourself in the other.
3B. .gnorant is he who believes that =od can no longer ta,e him from himself to 7imself through a sudden
,nowledge of himself.
9?. Jou thin, the world is -is ice1 but the water of -is being is still water.
3E. Salat is to teach you your own nothingness9 dua is to teach you your own hel$lessness.
9C. It is hard to die right with *od in the arms of 2orpheus.
>L. Cever $ractice ordinary goodness.
4/. )he monoculture.s religion: *od is represented b& onl& one bod&.
>3. 2eminism0 Tell the maenads to loo, at the s,y.
49. )he business of ban,s is the encouragement of debt.
>>. The believer is the one who ,nows that the factual content of the Furan is only a fragment of its
4<. )he $rophet was not his own.
>B. Fi%h is to $rotect the anwaronment.
4?. Aot Ibrahim, but 3rum.s iram bifurcates the 3ig -eathens from the "mall -eathians.
>E. Iou will only understand art if you understand that modernity is against it.
4C. )he )eacher as,s for nothing, and offers infinit&1 therefore give ever&thing that &ou have.
5L. 2itnas shall be bowled to thee. -lay u$1 -lay u$1 and $lay the game1
</. )he gates of paradise are not onl& for the "ufis, but the inhabitants of $aradise are all "ufis, without the least e;ception.
53. The Monoculture is blind to the ni%ab.
<9. (Tahrir. usuall& indicates affiliation to the -aruri&&a.
5>. ?nly >ind ta,es $leasure in the senses9 the secular is Zahid.
<<. Borm without meaning is without st&le.
5B. Asian voter0 :ather Aisraeli than Ayce (ombre.
<?. Encle "ame was not told that onl& *hazali can heal 3aghdad.
5E. !#istence is the $erce$tion of being.
<C. Bashion is chic!aner&.
BL. !udaemonian economics are !domonics. .shmael" however" $ays with =ods coin.
#/. Islam allows &ou to cut the web of 6halcedonian gerunds, and to see the face of 6hrist.
B3. al-(ngiliziyyatu fusha al-Bhali).
#9. )he 7iber Asian was the @ravidian revenge.
B>. ?ur (hay,h/ul/.slam showed that Muslims may have three legs.
#<. *uilt is to turn ugl& acts into punishments.
BB. The feminist has wine in her breasts.
#?. Qawmun li.r-ruta5 wa-qawmun li.r-ruta.
BE. The lighter you are" the more you see your own dar,ness.
#C. Jou have received ever&thing that &ou have.
&L. This is not the Modern Age. This is not the -ostmodern Age. This is the Age of Bha#atir.
?/. )he beginner loo,s at the results of action. )he sage loo,s at the action itself.
&3. Ao not say 7alal or 7aram unless you ,now whether you yourself are 7alal or 7aram.
?9. )o respect her, first respect her sanctit&. (@owland, ()ime "tands "till.
&>. 7e who marries for self/esteem shall surely be destroyed.
?<. A man.s Dihad toda& is to be a man. Women are alread& good at being women.
&B. The fathers have died.
??. -aste is an attempt to steal *od.s time.
&E. The false (alafi cannot see that Allahs light is green" not red.
?C. Whatever it is that has ta,en &ou from the position of the maDorit&, it is the ego.
EL. 'isdom con%oins taf#id and ta#il.
'/. 2odern education: see, ,nowledge from the cradle to the grav&.
E3. Modernity is an out/of/body e#$erience.
'9. Islam is the love of the saints.
E>. Com$laining about the )alal0 A volcano is always beautiful.
'<. -elp Encle "ame b& throwing his tea overboard. (Ao ta;ation Q.
EB. *nderstand $rayer" and you understand all of .slam.
'?. :ld age is so that &ou might grow more beautiful.
EE. Modern art: This is what creation would have been li,e" if atheism were true.
'C. If &ou do not ,now that $udu is there to humble &ou, then &ou will never
understand the bathrooms of our masajid.
)L. Ma,e time for the -rayer" and the -rayer will ma,e time for you.
C/. -ere @ubai, gone to borrow.
)3. Arin, dee$ during the )aam session.
C9. )he 2onoculture e;ists to frown upon the dance of the soul.
)>. 2ulfilment is $redicated on full consciousness9 full consciousness is the gift of reflection.
C<. Islam is not Dust a large religion, it is religion at large. # am sent to all man"ind.-
)B. +ove the ?ther to be an athari9 love the (elf to be a salafi.
C?. :thering is ithar, not ta.thir.
)E. The Goo," in which there is no croo,edness" will ta,e away your croo,edness" if your body is o$en to it.
CC. )he world has become small because there is nowhere to go.
1LL. Maidens1 2eminism is the membershi$/tic,et of the Monoculture.
Contentions 1&
/. If &ou open the door to a small vice, a large one ma& enter before &ou close it.
3. True art is within earth and heart. Modern art is either Ah1 or 7e.
9. Jou will onl& discover what &ou trul& wish for when &ou wish for what is best for other human beings.
>. .slam is humanitys .sha $rayer9 a $ure crescent in the night.
<. Incarnation4 )o be creature is to be entirel& not a 6reator. )o be 6reator is to be entirel& not a creature.
B. .t is wisdom to see that all you see is 7is wisdom9 and to see that you do not see it all as 7is wisdom.
?. 3ecause it both receives and generates, compassion is a mediatri;
E. Ta#heed is to heed the Tao.
C. 7ife is a dress rehearsal.
1L. Christology: the &abd is the ma&bud.
//. 2odernism: Islam is ease, and nothing but ease.
13. 'e still raise virgins to be innocent9 but do we still $rotect them from the ha<ards of innocence0
/9. Parunomics tend to be p&ramid!shaped. Pur.anomics ,now the bounds.
1>. ;ion should remember that no building raised on treachery will stand forever.
/<. Entil &ou have seen the ,ing of the world &ou will onl& ,now how to fei!n happiness.
1B. -erichoresis: the first of the three is =od9 the second of the three is =od9 =od is the third of three.
/?. "ince &our self is so near a neighbour to unrealit&, how eas& its removal ought to be>
1E. .n a world glowing with the Aivine Totality" what is the nature of your freedom0
/C. 2ost pol&gamists are unbelievers, since the& have no for their Piran.
3L. !very Muslim is either a good (ufi or a bad (ufi.
2/. -ow ma& (e=ualit&. not reduce the :ther to a version of the "ame4
33. Le vice anglais was outr$ but now it is pass$.
29. Beminism has failed in its ambition to abolish women.
3>. The 2alse (alafism is .slams rigor mortis.
2<. Bight to impose *od.s Dustice, not -is truth.
3B. .n (ufism" it is not only men who can en%oy being lion/tamers.
2?. :nl& #.tizal can so underestimate *od.s power as to deliver a tragic view of histor&.
3E. ?nce we had %urists" now we have $urists.
2C. %t in Arcadia, the ego.
3L. 8oining .slam is not to %oin the $ath of truth" it is to $rogress along it.
9/. )he 2anu 2ission S niyati. )he 7iber Asian: niyyati.
33. 2or the kafir" the world is $ac,ed with em$ty things.
99. )he world is merel& representation.
3>. (ufism is for anyone" e#ce$t a kafir or a bourgeois.
9<. Wor,s4 Art4 2etaph&sics4 Islam is one thing alone: give &our heart to *od.
3B. Muslims in !uro$e: we heal or we obey.
9?. Jou cannot love the )welve unless &ou love the Bour, for our love is the love of the 2essenger himself.
3E. The re%ection of =od gives us an outwardness that can only give us $ain.
9C. )he 7aw shows us that our choices are trul& ours.
>L. Aristotle: things are. Abraham: things are found.
4/. $olitical science is sacred, because it is deduced entirel& from the womb.
>3. There is no initiation without the +aw.
49. -ealing the monoculture is more important than pleasing it.
>>. (alvation is submission to the *niversal.
4<. Islamism ma,es the authoritative authoritarian.
>B. Modernity says that it is not a $rison.
4?. If &ou see, the Do& of compassion, crush the Do& of the ego.
>E. The saint is a reverse $rism.
4C. Jour wea,ness is in proportion to the number of things &ou crave.
5L. After Aerrida" history will be won by whoever is first $ast the $ost/.
</. FeDoice> Jour hija will prevent monoculturalists from patting &ou on the head.
53. The $recondition for being a man is futu##a. The $recondition for futu##a is loving other $eo$le
<9. )hrough the fard &ou become present to *od. )hrough the nawafil -e becomes present to &ou.
5>. 2at is not fate9 slender is not slander.
<<. When &ou are for giving -e is forgiving.
5B. The 2alse (alafis have made Mecca the Mechanical.
<?. )he 2essenger came to 2edina as arbiter, we come to %urope as areiters.
5E. The solution is the love of =od.
<C. We are onl& ourselves when we do not love ourselves.
BL. .slam is not .slamic fundamentalism" it is human fundamentalism (2ustafa 6eric.
#/. If &ou can.t be a man, don.t desire women.
B3. 'ithout the self/hood she will not uncover selfhood.
#9. 3efore &ou can be full& convinced b& a proof of Islam, &ou must be &ourself a proof of Islam.
B>. 'hen -alin and Cetanyahu sha,e hands at the o$ening of the Third Tem$le" the victory of .slam will
be assured.
#<. )he pra&er!carpet is most of the world.
BB. The right ob%ective of war is %ustice" not victory.
#?. Jou are either a worshipper or an idol.
BE. 'ithout (ufism" .slam is not .slamic.
#C. -ospitalit&4 Jou cannot serve both Abraham and Israel.
&L. The secret of marriage: as soon as you loo, at the cloc," she gets angry.
?/. Ender the 3lue 3aroness, the pol&technics did not become universities, the universities became pol&technics.
&3. 2aceboo, will unfriend .srael.
?9. -istor& is nothing other than the triumph of $rovidence.
&>. The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civili<ation. 5:al$h 'aldo !merson6
?<. Are the false "alafis powerful enough to secularise the world4
&B. .nculturation is included in the command of 2mr bil-"aruf.
??. Jour children should ma,e &ou feel &ounger, not older.
&E. +earn to distinguish true from false hunger.
?C. (2oderate Islam. e;ists for the sa,e of the monopolog&.
EL. 7uman action is always a res$onse to the Aivine.
'/. :utside the self, evil has no realit&. Enderstand evil, and &ou will see that the self has no realit&.
E3. Geing angry for the sa,e of =od is not the same as being angry with other religions.
'9. )he disbeliever onl& disbelieves in the god he has created.
E>. .f only we were filled with faith and modesty1
'<. If &ou lu;uriate in &our humilit&, it is pride.
EB. The (unna is a wineglass9 so maintain it with great care.
'?. A diminution of faith is also a proof of *od.s e;istence.
EE. The Iawning =ulf is a -rocrustean bed.
'C. -ow &ou sa& the (atiha sa&s it all.
)L. The crisis of the *mma is not that the ulema are too traditional9 it is that they are not traditional
C/. When &ou are frivolous, be so onl& for earnestness. sa,e.
)3. Carey was to charism what Cewman was to numen.
C9. 2ost people do not want to ,now *od1 Dust to cut a deal with -im.
)>. The Monoculture has found a $lace where there is no =od" which is why it finds itself nowhere.
C<. An (abrogated. religion is one having no capacit& to discern the truth of Islam.
)B. .f only Q ta,es the la# road" (ufism ta,es the hayy road.
C?. :nl& the gendered ego is not alwa&s wrong.
)E. ?nly the e#hausted believe that they have e#hausted the sense of (cri$ture.
CC. )he fallen &earn for *od, and wish for the abolition of histor&1 the saved ,now *od in histor&.
1LL. The nakba ended the 5ahda.
Contentions 1E
1. 2l-mukaffiru yukaththirul-kuffar.
2. )he endangering of Isaac is Abraham.s test1 Ishmael is -agar.s.
3. 'here the +iber Asian cham$ions life" the monoculture $refers lu#urious survival.
4. -a,im 3e& cannot see that indeterminac& and fracture have become values of the monoculture.
5. Ao not be $roud of what you have done9 be $roud of what you have been as,ed to do.
#. )he invert, b& accepting the "ame.s compliment, neglects the *od!given complement.
&. The +iber Asian abrogates in the sense of healing and re$air.
'. )he Jawning *ulf.s wealth goes on :thering the "elf.
). The 2alse (alafism: the limited hori<on gives the truest $ers$ective.
/0. )o follow the "unna is to conform bod& to spirit.
11. The Geatles did not ,now that all you need is love.
/2. A "arama settles the heart, but does not settle in the heart.
13. The (hay,hs teach you about theodicy by beating you u$.
/4. If &ou saw *od, the shame of &our sense of self would probabl& ,ill &ou.
15. !@uality of rights is a legal abstraction9 true e@uality consists in access to the ($irit" which is the
o$$osite of abstraction.
/#. Jou ma& sometimes have to pra& fast1 but alwa&s pra& well.
1&. Covenant0 -eo$le0 The true Musawi is musaa#i.
/'. Anal&sts, not annalists, ,now that entification entails tenet!tenants.
1). Ao not s$ea, of gender until you understand the global culture which defines it.
20. 3& allowing 2inistries of 8ustice to e;ist, Islamism becomes an inade=uate variant of the monoculture.
31. -assion is the monocultures deadly o$$osite.
22. Feligion is false when it gives &ou no hope.
33. .f you fail to give yourself in total loving surrender to the =round of Geing" you are a friend to the rebel
24. )he believer is in conflict with the monoculture either b& see,ing to destro& it or b& see,ing its redemption. 3ut he is
alwa&s in conflict with it.
35. 'ith its atonal $resum$tion" the late Messiaenic is the harbinger of Antichrist.
2#. -&pocris&4 Aeither pra& suh when subhuman1 nor witter during $itr.
3&. 7onour the man who never worshi$$ed idols9 but honour no less the man who worshi$$ed them and
then cast them aside.
2'. :nl& in Islam is 6hrist at peace in the bosom of Abraham.
3). The effective way to strengthen liberalism or fundamentalism is to bring them into conversation.
90. -er tear commands &ou to stand up for her, not to stand up to her.
31. (ecular lovers always use contrace$tion.
92. If the culture is sic,, then &our ease with it is a sign of sic,ness.
33. Iour ca$acity to rebel against the monoculture is in $ro$ortion to your ca$acity to fall in love.
94. )he devil.s greatest enem& is the Do& of the believer.
35. 2amily is )amal" wor, is )alal9 in this her su$eriority is a$$arent.
9#. :nl& when famil& is not e=ual to wor, will we worr& if women are not e=ual to men.
3&. Third 'orld marriage: fiancJs and fiancJes are %ust finances and financees.
9'. 3ecause the moderns cannot be, the& have attitude rather than beatitude.
3). .nner $eace comes from ignoring the verdicts of others9 but this is only $ossible when one correctly
trusts the verdict of =od.
40. )hat their hatred would not be healed b& &our hatred does not absolve &ou from hating their hateful acts.
>1. A good %adi ,nows his own sinfulness.
42. It is both dangerous and curious that the foolish should have such an e;cellent abilit& to survive.
>3. .f citi<ens of the Iawning =ulf are rude to waiters" it is from a residue of guilt.
44. A confession in the 6atechism: ()he 6hurch does not ,now of an& means other than 3aptism that assures entr& into
eternal beatitude.. (Art. /2<?
>5. 7and the secular Arab a glass of urine" and tell him that it is wine. 7e will not only $retend to en%oy it"
he #ill en%oy it.
4#. (Feligion can be deformed b& onl& two people: a stupid 2uslim or an intelligent priest.. (Albanian proverb
>&. The Cew Atheism is built on three $illars: human ego" $riestly $ederasty" and the 'ahhabis of Mass
4'. (3eaut&4 )o me it is a word without sense, because I do not ,now where its meaning comes from nor where it leads..
>). The 'est will ta,e us seriously when we ta,e our history seriously.
<0. When &ou thin, &ou are 2ars, consider the stars.
51. Ao not wait until your body starts to fail before you wonder who you really are.
<2. Al!Paeda is the carbuncle on the face of Wahhabism.
53. (elf/e#$ression0 .s your self worth e#$ressing0
<4. )he modern world.s certaint&: tolerance is better than certaint&.
55. Ao your duty and you will see your self.
<#. Baith begins when the ego is crushed.
5&. La ilaha illaLlah means that less than no distance beneath the surface of things" there is Absolute
<'. )he real death is the loss of love.
5). To say Aha u$on noticing the divine is for it to be Ahad.
#0. %urope will be ecumenical if the ecu!men are defeated.
B1. The Fadi is called to show that morality and law are indivisible.
#2. Atheism is the official belief s&stem of the 2onoculture1 and 6hristianit& is its official religion.
B3. Children are as underserved as they are undeserved.
#4. :id.a is the reDection of consensus.
B5. The $oor are $au$eri<ed by the immoral mai<e.
##. 4u"hsa means latitude without lassitude.
B&. Iou will not res$ect =ods creation until you have understood women.
#'. Bollow fitra, flee fatra, and &ou will be fit, not fat.
B). Futu##a does not mean burnishing the ego for her sa,e9 it means crushing the ego for her sa,e.
?0. )he /Cth centur&: nationalit&. )he 20th centur&: rationalit&. )he 2/st centur&: fashionalit&.
&1. Many a warning about 7ell increases the number of its inhabitants.
?2. 6atholicism ,nows the 6hrist of faith. $rotestantism ,nows the 6hrist of $aul. Islam ,nows the 6hrist of histor&.
&3. The (ira is the inter$retation of the (ura.
?4. Without wudu there is onl& voodoo.
&5. 'hen 7e is so near" how can you have free will0
?#. %ven if causalit& was real it would not allow the prediction of outcomes.
&&. The atheists #ird is the su$$ression of des$air.
?'. Briedan: women are either strippers or outstrippers.
&). .mmanence0 .f you love carnations" re%ect incarnations.
'0. Bor the Arabs the EA is a bro,en plural.
E1. +ove is not madness9 all else is madness.
'2. Intolerance is not the onl& alternative to tolerance.
E3. The world is the meta$hor of the :eal.
'4. A response to a pra&er is not the guarantee of an outcome.
E5. The theocons: Glessed are the warma,ers.
'#. %ach new device increases our dependenc&.
E&. ? Children of .srael1 .f you believe that no/one will befriend you" no/one will befriend you.
''. If a famil& is nuclear it ma& go ballistic.
E). 'e gras$ 7im with that which is most $assive about us.
C0. )he Internet contains no depictions of intimac&.
)1. True wealth lies in having few worries.
C2. Father the turban of the )ur, than the frown of @arwin.
)3. A horse can carry more scrolls than a don,ey.
C4. (2odernism is dominant but dead.. (8+rgen -abermas
)5. The $ath to ha$$iness lies through the remembering of death.
C#. )he point of theolog& is to silence the ego.
)&. The search for the (hay,h is the search for the (unna.
C'. Encle "ame preaches freedom, but can he preach freedom from greed4
)). The 2alse (alafi migrant brings a bowser9 the (unni migrant brings a dowser.
/00. A life lived in conflict against the ego is filled with blessings1 a life lived in pursuit of its claims is a curse.
Contentions 1)
/. =ir manifests not onl& in virilit& but in virginit&.
3. Iou will only begin to wal, when you see your radical inca$acity.
9. 6an the Balse "alafism accept the distinction made at the Batiha.s end4
>. The final refutation of Muta<ilism had to wait for 7eisenberg.
<. 7ove the -ol& $rophet because he ma,es it possible for &ou to be human.
B. Ao not moralise for the sa,e of morale.
?. At the root of &our suffering lies the fear that &our animalit& is def&ing *od.s 7ordship of the world.
E. The lowest scholar has no scholarshi$. Above him is hafiz al-hukm al-naba#i. Gut the rescuer of the
umma is hafiz al-hal al-naba#i. !#haust your days in the search for him.
C. %ve is completion, not addition.
1L. 7e that $lans (haria rule where there is no Tari@a is as he that sets a fire in the rain.
//. If &our birth is humble, let the sunna ma,e &ou a nobleman1 if &our birth is noble, ensure that &our acts are not less so.
13. 7e that considers a $art of the sunna to be small is uninterested in the -ro$hetical light.
/9. An&one can fear -is law, but the& onl& love it who are close to -im.
1>. Carrowness without ,nowledge of =od is only narrowness9 narrowness with ,nowledge of 7im is one of
7is 2riends royal roads.
/<. Borgiveness is onl& complete when &ou love those who have given &ou the opportunit& to be forgiving.
1B. Those that disli,e literalists because they are literalists have not gras$ed that one should only disli,e an
absence of the love of =od. All else is sim$ly argument.
/?. )he reDection of "ufism is a reDection of reason.
1E. 7er vulnerabilities invite you to stand u$ for her" not to stand u$ to her.
/C. -e who has not &earned to prostrate is a false claimant to faith.
3L. -ity the unbeliever who sees the world as a matri# of soil9 crave to see the world as the luminous motion
of 7is geometry. Iou were created only to achieve this ty$e of $erce$tion.
2/. Without holiness, Islam is Dust the lava of the mind.s fearfulness.
33. 7e that is near =od is saturated with love and acce$tance9 he that is far from 7im burns in the hell of
anger and an#iety.
29. Jou are a moral subDect, but are &ou a self4
3>. 7ow you engage with $eo$le is usually more im$ortant than what you are saying to them.
2<. 2iser& is onl& for those without hope.
3B. The unbeliever breathes out" the believer breathes in.
2?. 3eware> )o die for Islam is easier than to live for it.
3E. Co life of $rayer is sound that is not ruled by than,fulness.
2C. If the mos=ues disappoint &ou, remember that (All the world has been made a mos=ue for me..
3L. !ven if you cannot live sim$ly" be sure to en%oy sim$le $leasures the most.
9/. 6hristologists should believe in the Bather.s ,enosis, not the "on.s.
33. (ee with =ods light" and ha$$iness will never desert you.
99. )he 2other of 6ities gave birth to "tamboul, with 3alat in its embrace. )he mista,e of *alatians &ielded *alata, where
"arah was enslaved with all her children.
3>. The nearest model for humanity was once the lions" then it was the a$es9 now it is the ants.
9<. If &ou wish to remember *od properl&, be settled.
3B. Maidens1 'ed him that ,nows that beauty grows.
9?. @o not worr& about mone&.
3E. Their habitat is degraded since habitat amaluhum.
9C. Islam puts the +un bac, into +unst.
>L. 7ow many a gala dinner is a 'hala dinner1
4/. -onour the view of ever& feminist who has had twins.
>3. A$art from (ufism there is only nationalism.
49. All &our time is borrowed time.
>>. Ao not be so arrogant that you believe that you do not deserve to worshi$ =od.
4<. 3less the -ol& $rophet because &ou &earn to be trul& &ourself.
>B. .t is of =ods mercy that your rushed and unseemly $rayer can be made into something beautiful" if you
offer only one additional minute to 7im.
4?. Alcohol4 Among believers, there is no ice to brea,.
>E. =od is the meaning of the world.
4C. If &ou wish to be settled, remember *od properl&.
5L. +et us find our great nourishment in seeing the value of others.
</. $aul: the Wal,ing Word should have saved his breath.
53. The Arabs might thin, their way out of their misfortunes" or be granted the gift of re$entance" but they
will never fight their way out of them.
<9. )he 7iber Asian.s absolutes offer a salutar& shoc,, not a claim that there are absolutes other than *od.
5>. The monocultures rot: either you are in a rut" or you are in rut.
<<. )he pole of Western politics is greased with lard.
5B. The $lanet e#ists only to grow flowers.
<?. I phone, therefore I.m ,nown.
5E. Salla bil-nas does not mean that he led the $rayer" it means that the $rayer should have been his
<C. Balse "alafism4 It is better to be a ne&!pla&er than a na&!sa&er.
BL. The best reason to declare %ihad against monoculturalists is when they claim that Mahler understood
#/. )he beginner see,s the content of the law. )he scholar see,s its conte;t. )he Durist see,s its purpose.
B3. Academics should remember that boo,s die but students live forever.
#9. )he noblest form of merc& is to protect others from &ourself.
B>. Maidens1 .f there is no com$lementarity" he will not need you.
#<. )he 2uslims are Islamic e;tremism.s onl& enemies.
BB. 2eminism insists that a man should only be ro$ersontic.
#?. Attentiveness in pra&er ma,es us attentive to life.
BE. Iou will only learn from a tribulation that ends when you forgive somebody.
#C. 2ost 2uslims see nothing in Islam other than something that ought to be followed.
&L. (hould you wish to ascend" loo, down.
?/. @omestic violence: he should remember that she is not his, she is -is.
&3. .n Catholicism no women are ordained. Gut the +iber Asian ordains every daughter of 7agar" matriarch
of their order.
?9. If "ufism is not named in the 7iber Asian, neither are the "alaf.
&>. Ta)#id is ta)rid: it occurs when the te#t" not the cantor" is audible.
?<. Feligion begins where love of others begins.
&B. Aawa: only the ego is strong enough to resist .slam.
??. $eople normall& abandon orthodo;& because the& want to be conventional.
&E. Geneath every sewer a dee$er sewer runs.
?C. 2odernit& is the information age, because true friendship can be enDo&ed in complete silence.
EL. .t is not enough to be a 7olocaust survivor9 one must now be a $ost/7olocaust survivor.
'/. )he divine names do not operate within an alterit&.
E3. Geauty is anything that reminds you of the unli,eliness of Geing.
'9. If all 2uslims were "ufis, all people would be 2uslims.
E>. The world is not a concatenation" it is a sym$hony.
'<. 2an& a calamit& is caused b& a lapsus calami.
EB. The arable is not Arabable.
'?. %domite readings of the -ebrew 3ible are %isegesis, which the& pronounce (I "ee 8esus..
EE. al-(ntihar banal-)idar.
'C. If &ou want others to be saved, love *od.
)L. +iteralists believe that she must obey his ego.
C/. )he e;perience!rich are alive, and it is religion which gives us the richest e;periences.
)3. The wea,ness of men is to defer their strength. The strength of women is to defer their wea,ness.
C9. 2aster &our wrath, or taste the 2aster.s wrath.
)>. Ge fully intolerant of yourself" and then see how many other things you want to be intolerant of.
C<. (Feformers of *od.s 7aw. should not let the contingent trump the ontological.
)B. .slam is not an e#tension of your ego.
C?. 7et &our peace be in -is will.
)E. 'arhol tells us that *ncle (ame allows diversity" but only of a certain ,ind.
CC. "ufism is orthodo; Islam directed towards *od.
1LL. (ound e#$erience of the .mmanent is contingent u$on awareness of the Transcendent.

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