The document summarizes key aspects of biological neurons and artificial neural networks. It describes how biological neurons are connected in the brain and how they transmit electrochemical signals. It then explains that artificial neural networks are based on this biological model of neurons performing simple weighted sums and binary outputs. The document also provides details on the perceptron model of artificial neurons and its ability to perform some basic logic functions through linear separability.
The document summarizes key aspects of biological neurons and artificial neural networks. It describes how biological neurons are connected in the brain and how they transmit electrochemical signals. It then explains that artificial neural networks are based on this biological model of neurons performing simple weighted sums and binary outputs. The document also provides details on the perceptron model of artificial neurons and its ability to perform some basic logic functions through linear separability.
The document summarizes key aspects of biological neurons and artificial neural networks. It describes how biological neurons are connected in the brain and how they transmit electrochemical signals. It then explains that artificial neural networks are based on this biological model of neurons performing simple weighted sums and binary outputs. The document also provides details on the perceptron model of artificial neurons and its ability to perform some basic logic functions through linear separability.
The document summarizes key aspects of biological neurons and artificial neural networks. It describes how biological neurons are connected in the brain and how they transmit electrochemical signals. It then explains that artificial neural networks are based on this biological model of neurons performing simple weighted sums and binary outputs. The document also provides details on the perceptron model of artificial neurons and its ability to perform some basic logic functions through linear separability.
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The brain is principally composed of about 10 billion neurons, each
connected to about 10,000 other neurons. Each of the yellow blobs in the picture above are neuronal cell bodies (soma), and the lines are the input and output channels (dendrites and axons) which connect them. Each neuron receives electrochemical inputs from other neurons at the dendrites. If the sum of these electrical inputs is sufficiently powerful to activate the neuron, it transmits an electrochemical signal along the axon, and passes this signal to the other neurons whose dendrites are attached at any of the axon terminals. These attached neurons may then fire. It is important to note that a neuron fires only if the total signal received at the cell body exceeds a certain level. The neuron either fires or it doesn't, there aren't different grades of firing. So, our entire brain is composed of these interconnected electro-chemical transmitting neurons. From a very large number of extremely simple processing units (each performing a weighted sum of its inputs, and then firing a binary signal if the total input exceeds a certain level) the brain manages to perform extremely complex tasks. This is the model on which artificial neural networks are based. Thus far, artificial neural networks haven't even come close to modeling the complexity of the brain, but they have shown to be good at problems which are easy for a human but difficult for a traditional computer, such as image recognition and predictions based on past knowledge. The perceptron The perceptron is a mathematical model of a biological neuron. While in actual neurons the dendrite receives electrical signals from the axons of other neurons, in the perceptron these electrical signals are represented as numerical values. At the synapses between the dendrite and axons, electrical signals are modulated in various amounts. This is also modeled in the perceptron by multiplying each input value by a value called the weight. An actual neuron fires an output signal only when the total strength of the input signals exceed a certain threshold. We model this phenomenon in a perceptron by calculating the weighted sum of the inputs to represent the total strength of the input signals, and applying a step function on the sum to determine its output. As in biological neural networks, this output is fed to other perceptrons.
(Fig. 1) A biological neuron
(Fig. 2) An artificial neuron (perceptron) There are a number of terminology commonly used for describing neural networks. They are listed in the table below: The input vector All the input values of each perceptron are collectively called the input vector of that perceptron. The weight vector Similarly, all the weight values of each perceptron are collectively called the weight vector of that perceptron. What can a perceptron do? As mentioned above, a perceptron calculates the weighted sum of the input values. For simplicity, let us assume that there are two input values, x and y for a certain perceptron P. Let the weights for x and y be A and B for respectively, the weighted sum could be represented as: A x + B y. Since the perceptron outputs an non-zero value only when the weighted sum exceeds a certain threshold C, one can write down the output of this perceptron as follows: Output of P = {1 if A x + B y > C {0 if A x + B y < = C Recall that A x + B y > C and A x + B y < C are the two regions on the xy plane separated by the line A x + B y + C = 0. If we consider the input (x, y) as a point on a plane, then the perceptron actually tells us which region on the plane to which this point belongs. Such regions, since they are separated by a single line, are called linearly separable regions. This result is useful because it turns out that some logic functions such as the boolean AND, OR and NOT operators are linearly separable i.e. they can be performed using a single perceprton. We can illustrate (for the 2D case) why they are linearly separable by plotting each of them on a graph:
(Fig. 3) Graphs showing linearly separable logic functions In the above graphs, the two axes are the inputs which can take the value of either 0 or 1, and the numbers on the graph are the expected output for a particular input. Using an appropriate weight vector for each case, a single perceptron can perform all of these functions. However, not all logic operators are linearly separable. For instance, the XOR operator is not linearly separable and cannot be achieved by a single perceptron. Yet this problem could be overcome by using more than one perceptron arranged in feed-forward networks.
(Fig. 4) Since it is impossible to draw a line to divide the regions containing either 1 or 0, the XOR function is not linearly separable.
History: The 1940's to the 1970's In 1943, neurophysiologist Warren McCulloch and mathematician Walter Pitts wrote a paper on how neurons might work. In order to describe how neurons in the brain might work, they modeled a simple neural network using electrical circuits. In 1949, Donald Hebb wrote The Organization of Behavior, a work which pointed out the fact that neural pathways are strengthened each time they are used, a concept fundamentally essential to the ways in which humans learn. If two nerves fire at the same time, he argued, the connection between them is enhanced. As computers became more advanced in the 1950's, it was finally possible to simulate a hypothetical neural network. The first step towards this was made by Nathanial Rochester from the IBM research laboratories. Unfortunately for him, the first attempt to do so failed. In 1959, Bernard Widrow and Marcian Hoff of Stanford developed models called "ADALINE" and "MADALINE." In a typical display of Stanford's love for acronymns, the names come from their use of Multiple ADAptive LINear Elements. ADALINE was developed to recognize binary patterns so that if it was reading streaming bits from a phone line, it could predict the next bit. MADALINE was the first neural network applied to a real world problem, using an adaptive filter that eliminates echoes on phone lines. While the system is as ancient as air traffic control systems, like air traffic control systems, it is still in commercial use. In 1962, Widrow & Hoff developed a learning procedure that examines the value before the weight adjusts it (i.e. 0 or 1) according to the rule: Weight Change = (Pre-Weight line value) * (Error / (Number of Inputs)). It is based on the idea that while one active perceptron may have a big error, one can adjust the weight values to distribute it across the network, or at least to adjacent perceptrons. Applying this rule still results in an error if the line before the weight is 0, although this will eventually correct itself. If the error is conserved so that all of it is distributed to all of the weights than the error is eliminated. Despite the later success of the neural network, traditional von Neumann architecture took over the computing scene, and neural research was left behind. Ironically, John von Neumann himself suggested the imitation of neural functions by using telegraph relays or vacuum tubes. In the same time period, a paper was written that suggested there could not be an extension from the single layered neural network to a multiple layered neural network. In addition, many people in the field were using a learning function that was fundamentally flawed because it was not differentiable across the entire line. As a result, research and funding went drastically down. This was coupled with the fact that the early successes of some neural networks led to an exaggeration of the potential of neural networks, especially considering the practical technology at the time. Promises went unfulfilled, and at times greater philosophical questions led to fear. Writers pondered the effect that the so-called "thinking machines" would have on humans, ideas which are still around today. The idea of a computer which programs itself is very appealing. If Microsoft's Windows 2000 could reprogram itself, it might be able to repair the thousands of bugs that the programming staff made. Such ideas were appealing but very difficult to implement. In addition, von Neumann architecture was gaining in popularity. There were a few advances in the field, but for the most part research was few and far between. In 1972, Kohonen and Anderson developed a similar network independently of one another, which we will discuss more about later. They both used matrix mathematics to describe their ideas but did not realize that what they were doing was creating an array of analog ADALINE circuits. The neurons are supposed to activate a set of outputs instead of just one. The first multilayered network was developed in 1975, an unsupervised network. History: The 1980's to the present In 1982, interest in the field was renewed. John Hopfield of Caltech presented a paper to the National Academy of Sciences. His approach was to create more useful machines by using bidirectional lines. Previously, the connections between neurons was only one way. That same year, Reilly and Cooper used a "Hybrid network" with multiple layers, each layer using a different problem-solving strategy. Also in 1982, there was a joint US-Japan conference on Cooperative/Competitive Neural Networks. Japan announced a new Fifth Generation effort on neural networks, and US papers generated worry that the US could be left behind in the field. (Fifth generation computing involves artificial intelligence. First generation used switches and wires, second generation used the transister, third state used solid-state technology like integrated circuits and higher level programming languages, and the fourth generation is code generators.) As a result, there was more funding and thus more research in the field. In 1986, with multiple layered neural networks in the news, the problem was how to extend the Widrow-Hoff rule to multiple layers. Three independent groups of researchers, one of which included David Rumelhart, a former member of Stanford's psychology department, came up with similar ideas which are now called back propagation networks because it distributes pattern recognition errors throughout the network. Hybrid networks used just two layers, these back-propagation networks use many. The result is that back- propagation networks are "slow learners," needing possibly thousands of iterations to learn. Now, neural networks are used in several applications, some of which we will describe later in our presentation. The fundamental idea behind the nature of neural networks is that if it works in nature, it must be able to work in computers. The future of neural networks, though, lies in the development of hardware. Much like the advanced chess-playing machines like Deep Blue, fast, efficient neural networks depend on hardware being specified for its eventual use. Research that concentrates on developing neural networks is relatively slow. Due to the limitations of processors, neural networks take weeks to learn. Some companies are trying to create what is called a "silicon compiler" to generate a specific type of integrated circuit that is optimized for the application of neural networks. Digital, analog, and optical chips are the different types of chips being developed. One might immediately discount analog signals as a thing of the past. However neurons in the brain actually work more like analog signals than digital signals. While digital signals have two distinct states (1 or 0, on or off), analog signals vary between minimum and maximum values. It may be awhile, though, before optical chips can be used in commercial applications. Conventional computing versus artificial neural networks There are fundamental differences between conventional computing and the use of neural networks. In order to best illustrate these differences one must examine two different types of learning, the top-down approach and the bottom-up approach. Then we'll look at what it means to learn and finally compare conventional computing with artificial neural networks. Top-down learning With the advent of neural networks, there are several tradeoffs between the von Neumann architecture and the architecture used in neural networks. One of the fundamental differences between the two is that traditional computing methods work well for problems that have a definite algorithm, problems that can be solved by a set of rules. Problems such as creating graphs of equations, keeping track of orders on, and even to some extent algorithms of simple games, are not difficult for a conventional computer. In order to examine more deeply the benefits and tradeoffs of conventional computing and think about how a computer learns, we need to introduce the notion of top-down versus bottom-up learning. The notion of top-down learning is best described in programming lingo as a set of sequential, cascading if/else statements which are not self-modifying. In other words, the computer is programmed to perform certain actions at pre- defined decision points. Let's say you want to write an algorithm to decide whether a human should go to sleep. The program may be simple: if (IsTired()) { GoToSleep(); } else {
StayAwake(); } But in the real world, it is not that simple. If you are in class, you do not want to sleep since you would be missing valuable information. Or if you are working on an important programming assignment, you may be determined to finish it before you go to sleep. A revised version may thus look like: if (IsTired()) { if (!IsInClass() && !WorkingOnProject()) { GoToSleep(); } else { if (IsInClass()) { Stay Awake(); } else { if (WorkingOnProject()) { if (AssignmentIsDueTomorrow()) { if (AssignmentIsCompleted()) { GoToSleep(); } else { StayAwake(); } } else { GoToSleep(); } } else { StayAwake(); } } } else {
StayAwake(); } This "simple" program only looks at a few possible things which may affect the decision--whether you're tired, you're in class, or you have an assignment due tomorrow. This is a decision that human beings make with ease (although college students don't always make the correct decision), yet to program it into a computer takes much more code than the lines presented above. There are so many different aspects which might affect the ultimate decision that an algorithm programmed into the computer using this top-down method would be impossible. This is the fundamental limitation of the top-down method: in order to program a complex task, the programmer may have to spend years developing a correct top-down approach. This doesn't even begin to include the subtle possibilities which the programmer may not think of. Complex tasks may never be programmed using the top-down approach. Bottom-Up Learning The bottom up approach learns more by example or by doing than a complex set of cascading if/else statements. It tries to do something in a particular fashion, and if that doesn't work, it tries something else. By keeping track of the actions that didn't work and the ones that did, one can learn. Moreover, the program is inherently self-modifying. One can make a program in C that modifies itself, but the idea of code being self-modifying is avoided in the commercial world because of the difficulty of debugging self-modifying code. This is the way in which Arthur Samuel programmed his checkers-playing machine. The machine started out incompetent at playing checkers. But as it went through several games, it learned a little each time, adjusting its own program, so that in the end it could beat the individual who programmed it. Another reason for using a bottom-up approach in neural networks is that there is already an existing example which solves the problems associated with the approach: humans. What does it mean to learn? This brings us into the overriding philosophical question: what does it mean to learn? Is learning in humans simply a bunch of cascading if/else statements that, when we learn, modify themselves to create new combinations? Or does interacting with the environment change the arrangement and intensity of neurons to form a bottom-up approach? It seems as though the human brain has a combination of each. We do not have to learn that if we're hungry we have to eat or if we're tired, we need sleep. These things seem to be hardwired into the human brain. Other things, such as reading a book, come only with interacting with the environment and the society around an individual. It seems likely that many applications of neural networks in the future would have to use a combination of instructions hardwired into the system and a neural network. For example, the chess machine that Arthur Samuel built did not start with a blank slate and learn how to play checkers over time; one machine was provided with the knowledge of a checkers book--things like which moves are ideal and which moves fail miserably. Comparison between conventional computers and neural networks Parallel processing One of the major advantages of the neural network is its ability to do many things at once. With traditional computers, processing is sequential--one task, then the next, then the next, and so on. The idea of threading makes it appear to the human user that many things are happening at one time. For instance, the Netscape throbber is shooting meteors at the same time that the page is loading. However, this is only an appearance; processes are not actually happening simultaneously. The artificial neural network is an inherently multiprocessor-friendly architecture. Without much modification, it goes beyond one or even two processors of the von Neumann architecture. The artificial neural network is designed from the onset to be parallel. Humans can listen to music at the same time they do their homework--at least, that's what we try to convince our parents in high school. With a massively parallel architecture, the neural network can accomplish a lot in less time. The tradeoff is that processors have to be specifically designed for the neural network. The ways in which they function Another fundamental difference between traditional computers and artificial neural networks is the way in which they function. While computers function logically with a set of rules and calculations, artificial neural networks can function via images, pictures, and concepts. Based upon the way they function, traditional computers have to learn by rules, while artificial neural networks learn by example, by doing something and then learning from it. Because of these fundamental differences, the applications to which we can tailor them are extremely different. We will explore some of the applications later in the presentation. Self-programming The "connections" or concepts learned by each type of architecture is different as well. The von Neumann computers are programmable by higher level languages like C or Java and then translating that down to the machine's assembly language. Because of their style of learning, artificial neural networks can, in essence, "program themselves." While the conventional computers must learn only by doing different sequences or steps in an algorithm, neural networks are continuously adaptable by truly altering their own programming. It could be said that conventional computers are limited by their parts, while neural networks can work to become more than the sum of their parts. Speed The speed of each computer is dependant upon different aspects of the processor. Von Neumann machines requires either big processors or the tedious, error-prone idea of parallel processors, while neural networks requires the use of multiple chips customly built for the application. Architecture of Neural Networks Competitive neural networks - Competitive neural networks set the different neurons against each other, hoping that the "winner" will be close to the answer. Feed forward networks - Feed forward networks only allow a signal to pass through the neural network one way. Different types of usage of neural networks - Different ways of using neural networks to solve problems. Variations on neural networks - Variations on some neural networks. Simple competitive networks: In classification and prediction problems, we are provided with training sets with desired outputs, so backpropagation together with feed-forward networks are useful in modeling the input-output relationship. However, sometimes we have to analyze raw data of which we have no prior knowledge. The only possible way is to find out special features of the data and arrange the data in clusters so that elements that are similar to each other are grouped together. Such a process can be readily performed using simple competitive networks. Simple competitive networks are composed of two networks: the Hemming net and the Maxnet. Each of them specializes in a different function: 1. The Hemming net measures how much the input vector resembles the weight vector of each perceptron. 2. The maxnet finds the perceptron with the maximum value. In order to understand how these two seemingly unrelated networks function together, we need to examine more closely the details of each one. The Hemming net:
(Fig.1) A Hemming net. Each perceptron at the top layer of the Hemming net calculates a weighted sum of the input values. This weighted sum can be interpreted as the dot product of the input vector and the weight vector.
, where i and w are the input vector and the weight vector respectively. If w and i are of unit length, then the dot product depends only on cos theta. Since the cosine function increases as the angle decreases, the dot product gets bigger when the two vectors are close to each other (the angle between them is small). Hence the weighted sum each perceptron calculates is a measure of how close its weight vector resembles the input vector. The Maxnet:
(Fig.2) A Hemming net. The maxnet is a fully connected network with each node connecting to every other nodes, including itself. The basic idea is that the nodes compete against each other by sending out inhibiting signals to each other. This is done by setting the weights of the connections between different nodes to be negative and applying the following algorithm: Algorithm
Using the above algorithm, all nodes converge to 0 except for the node with the maximum initial value. In this way the maxnet finds out the node with the maximum value. Putting them together:
(Fig.3) A Simple Competitive network. In a simple competitive network, a Maxnet connects the top nodes of the Hemming net. Whenever an input is presented, the Hemming net finds out the distance of the weight vector of each node from the input vector via the dot product, while the Maxnet selects the node with the greatest dot product. In this way, the whole network selects the node with its weight vector closest to the input vector, i.e. the winner. The network learns by moving the winning weight vector towards the input vector:
while the other weight vectors remain unchanged.
(Fig.4) The winner learns by moving towards the input vector. This process is repeated for all the samples for many times. If the samples are in clusters, then every time the winning weight vector moves towards a particular sample in one of the clusters. Eventually each of the weight vectors would converge to the centroid of one cluster. At this point, the training is complete.
(Fig.5) After training, the weight vectors become centroids of various clusters. When new samples are presented to a trained net, it is compared to the weight vectors which are the centroids of each cluster. By measuring the distance from the weight vectors using the Hemming net, the sample would be correctly grouped into the cluster to which it is closest Feed-Forward networks:
(Fig.1) A feed-forward network. Feed-forward networks have the following characteristics: 1. Perceptrons are arranged in layers, with the first layer taking in inputs and the last layer producing outputs. The middle layers have no connection with the external world, and hence are called hidden layers. 2. Each perceptron in one layer is connected to every perceptron on the next layer. Hence information is constantly "fed forward" from one layer to the next., and this explains why these networks are called feed-forward networks. 3. There is no connection among perceptrons in the same layer. What's so cool about feed-forward networks? Recall that a single perceptron can classify points into two regions that are linearly separable. Now let us extend the discussion into the separation of points into two regions that are not linearly separable. Consider the following network:
(Fig.2) A feed-forward network with one hidden layer. The same (x, y) is fed into the network through the perceptrons in the input layer. With four perceptrons that are independent of each other in the hidden layer, the point is classified into 4 pairs of linearly separable regions, each of which has a unique line separating the region.
(Fig.3) 4 lines each dividing the plane into 2 linearly separable regions. The top perceptron performs logical operations on the outputs of the hidden layers so that the whole network classifies input points in 2 regions that might not be linearly separable. For instance, using the AND operator on these four outputs, one gets the intersection of the 4 regions that forms the center region.
(Fig.4) Intersection of 4 linearly separable regions forms the center region. By varying the number of nodes in the hidden layer, the number of layers, and the number of input and output nodes, one can classification of points in arbitrary dimension into an arbitrary number of groups. Hence feed-forward networks are commonly used for classification. Backpropagation -- learning in feed-forward networks: Learning in feed-forward networks belongs to the realm of supervised learning, in which pairs of input and output values are fed into the network for many cycles, so that the network 'learns' the relationship between the input and output. We provide the network with a number of training samples, which consists of an input vector i and its desired output o. For instance, in the classification problem, suppose we have points (1, 2) and (1, 3) belonging to group 0, points (2, 3) and (3, 4) belonging to group 1, (5, 6) and (6, 7) belonging to group 2, then for a feed-forward network with 2 input nodes and 2 output nodes, the training set would be: { i = (1, 2) , o =( 0, 0)
i = (1, 3) , o = (0, 0)
i = (2, 3) , o = (1, 0)
i = (3, 4) , o = (1, 0)
i = (5, 6) , o = (0, 1)
i = (6, 7) , o = (0, 1) } The basic rule for choosing the number of output nodes depends on the number of different regions. It is advisable to use a unary notation to represent the different regions, i.e. for each output only one node can have value 1. Hence the number of output nodes = number of different regions -1. In backpropagation learning, every time an input vector of a training sample is presented, the output vector o is compared to the desired value d. The comparison is done by calculating the squared difference of the two:
The value of Err tells us how far away we are from the desired value for a particular input. The goal of backpropagation is to minimize the sum of Err for all the training samples, so that the network behaves in the most "desirable" way. Minimize
We can express Err in terms of the input vector (i), the weight vectors (w), and the threshold function of the perceptions. Using a continuous function (instead of the step function) as the threshold function, we can express the gradient of Err with respect to the w in terms of w and i. Given the fact that decreasing the value of w in the direction of the gradient leads to the most rapid decrease in Err, we update the weight vectors every time a sample is presented using the following formula:
where n is the learning rate (a small number ~ 0.1) Using this algorithm, the weight vectors are modified so that the value of Err for a particular input sample decreases a little bit every time the sample is presented. When all the samples are presented in turns for many cycles, the sum of Err gradually decreases to a minimum value, which is our goal as mentioned above. Some specific details of neural networks: Although the possibilities of solving problems using a single perceptron is limited, by arranging many perceptrons in various configurations and applying training mechanisms, one can actually perform tasks that are hard to implement using conventional Von Neumann machines. We are going to describe four different uses of neural networks that are of great significance: 1. Classification. In a mathematical sense, this involves dividing an n-dimensional space into various regions, and given a point in the space one should tell which region to which it belongs. This idea is used in many real-world applications, for instance, in various pattern recognition programs. Each pattern is transformed into a multi-dimensional point, and is classified to a certain group, each of which represents a known pattern. Type of network used:
Feed-forward networks
2. Prediction. A neural network can be trained to produce outputs that are expected given a particular input. If we have a network that fits well in modeling a known sequence of values, one can use it to predict future results. An obvious example is stock market prediction. Type of network used:
Feed-forward networks
3. Clustering. Sometimes we have to analyze data that are so complicated there is no obvious way to classify them into different categories. Neural netowrks can be used to identify special features of these data and classify them into different categories without prior knowledge of the data. This technique is useful in data-mining for both commercial and scientific uses. Type of network used:
Simple Competitive Networks
Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) networks
Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps (SOM)
4. Association. A neural network can be trained to "remember" a number of patterns, so that when a distorted version of a particular pattern is presented, the network associates it with the closest one in its memory and returns the original version of that particular pattern. This is useful for restoring noisy data. Type of network used:
Hopfield networks
The above is just a general picture of what neural networks can do in real life. There are many creative uses of neural networks that arises from these general applications. One example is image compression using association networks; another is solving the Travelling Salesman's Problem using clustering networks. Variations on Simple Competitive networks:
Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) The number of nodes at the output layer is variable. Hence the number of clusters formed is flexible and depends on the input data.
Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) While in simple competitive networks only the winner learns, in SOM's learning occurs at nodes that are in a neighborhood of the winner.
Applications of neural networks Character Recognition - The idea of character recognition has become very important as handheld devices like the Palm Pilot are becoming increasingly popular. Neural networks can be used to recognize handwritten characters. Image Compression - Neural networks can receive and process vast amounts of information at once, making them useful in image compression. With the Internet explosion and more sites using more images on their sites, using neural networks for image compression is worth a look. Stock Market Prediction - The day-to-day business of the stock market is extremely complicated. Many factors weigh in whether a given stock will go up or down on any given day. Since neural networks can examine a lot of information quickly and sort it all out, they can be used to predict stock prices. Traveling Saleman's Problem - Interestingly enough, neural networks can solve the traveling salesman problem, but only to a certain degree of approximation. Medicine, Electronic Nose, Security, and Loan Applications - These are some applications that are in their proof-of-concept stage, with the acception of a neural network that will decide whether or not to grant a loan, something that has already been used more successfully than many humans. Miscellaneous Applications - These are some very interesting (albeit at times a little absurd) applications of neural networks. Application of Feed-forward networks - character recognition:
(Fig.1) A feed-forward network for character recognition. The idea of using feedforward networks to recognize handwritten characters is rather straightforward. As in most supervised training, the bitmap pattern of the handwritten character is treated as an input, with the correct letter or digit as the desired output. Normally such programs require the user to train the network by providing the program with their handwritten patterns. One may visit Bob Mitchell's page for an interesting java applet demo. Neural Networks and Image Compression Because neural networks can accept a vast array of input at once, and process it quickly, they are useful in image compression. Bottleneck-type Neural Net Architecture for Image Compression
Here is a neural net architecture suitable for solving the image compression problem. This type of structure is referred to as a bottleneck type network, and consists of an input layer and an output layer of equal sizes, with an intermediate layer of smaller size in-between. The ratio of the size of the input layer to the size of the intermediate layer is - of course - the compression ratio.
This is the same image compression scheme, but implemented over a network. The transmitter encodes and then transmits the output of the hidden layer, and the receiver receives and decodes the 16 hidden outputs to generate 64 outputs. Bottleneck architecture for image compression over a network or over time
Image courtesy of: This is the same image compression scheme, but implemented over a network. The transmitter encodes and then transmits the output of the hidden layer, and the receiver receives and decodes the 16 hidden outputs to generate 64 outputs. Pixels, which consist of 8 bits, are fed into each input node, and the hope is that the same pixels will be outputted after the compression has occurred. That is, we want the network to perform the identity function. Actually, even though the bottleneck takes us from 64 nodes down to 16 nodes, no real compression has occurred. The 64 original inputs are 8-bit pixel values. The outputs of the hidden layer are, however, decimal values between -1 and 1. These decimal values can require a possibly infinite number of bits. How to get around this? The answer is... Quantization for Image Compression We do not need to be able to represent every possible decimal value, but instead can clump the possible values into, say, 3-bit units. 8 possible binary codes can be formed: 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111, and each of these codes represents a range of values for a hidden unit output. For example, when a hidden value is between -1.0 and -.75, the code 000 is transmitted. Hence, the image is compressed from 64 pixels * 8 bits each = 512 bits to 16 hidden values * 3 bits each = 48 bits : the compressed image is about 1/10th the size of the original! However, this encoding scheme is not lossless; the original image cannot be retrieved because information is lost in the process of quantizing. Nonetheless, it can produce quite good results, as shown (though, of course, this image has been turned into a jpeg as well, so the actual results of the original compressopm cannot be seen. However, the contrast between the two images (or the lack of contrast, as is the goal of compression!) should be sufficient for this brief discussion. ORIGINAL RECONSTRUCTED IMAGE
How does a network learn to do this? ** See neural network learning and image compression firsthand at:** The goal of these data compression networks is to re-create the input itself. Hence, the input is used as its own output for training purposes. The input (for the applet) is produced from the 256x256 training image by extracting small 8x8 chunks of the image chosen at a uniformly random location in the image. This data is presented over and over, and the weights adjusted, until the network reproduces the image relatively faithfully. You can see this randomization of the 8x8 chunks in the top row of the applet. The randomization helps ensure generalization of the network so that it will work on other images as well. Once training is complete, image re-construction is demonstrated in the recall phase. In this case, we still present the neural net with 8x8 chunks of the image, but now instead of randomly selecting the location of each chunk, we select the chunks in sequence from left to right and from top to bottom. For each such 8x8 chunk, the output the network can be computed and displayed on the screen to visually observe the performance of neural net image compression. We can test how well the network has generalized the data by testing image compression on other pictures, such as the one on the bottom. And we can continue to train the network if the output is not of high enough quality. Neural networks and financial prediction Neural networks have been touted as all-powerful tools in stock-market prediction. Companies such as MJ Futures claim amazing 199.2% returns over a 2-year period using their neural network prediction methods. They also claim great ease of use; as technical editor John Sweeney said in a 1995 issue of "Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities," "you can skip developing complex rules (and redeveloping them as their effectiveness fades) . . . just define the price series and indicators you want to use, and the neural network does the rest." These may be exaggerated claims, and, indeed, neural networks may be easy to use once the network is set up, but the setup and training of the network requires skill, experience, and patience. It's not all hype, though; neural networks have shown success at prediction of market trends. The idea of stock market prediction is not new, of course. Business people often attempt to anticipate the market by interpreting external parameters, such as economic indicators, public opinion, and current political climate. The question is, though, if neural networks can discover trends in data that humans might not notice, and successfully use these trends in their predictions. Good results have been achieved by Dean Barr and Walter Loick at LBS Capital Management using a relatively simple neural network with just 6 financial indicators as inputs. These inputs include the ADX, which indicates the average directional movement over the previous 18 days, the current value of the S&P 500, and the net change in the S&P 500 value from five days prior (see David Skapura's book "Building Neural Networks," p129-154, for more detailed information). This is a simple back-propagation network of three layers, and it is trained and tested on a high volume of historical market data. The challenge here is not in the network architecture itself, but instead in the choice of variables and the information used for training. I could not find the accuracy rates for this network, but my source claimed it achieved "remarkable success" (this source was a textbook, not a NN-prediction-selling website!). Even better results have been achieved with a back-propagated neural network with 2 hidden layers and many more than 6 variables. I have not been able to find more details on these network architectures, however; the companies that work with them seem to want to keep their details secret. Additional Neural Network Applications in the financial world: o Currency prediction o Futures prediction o Bond ratings o Business failure prediction o Debt risk assessment o Credit approval o Bank theft o Bank failure
Want to find out more about NN financial predictions? Check out these companies: o M.J. Futures: o TradeTrek: o Free Financial Market Signals: o
The travelling salesman's problem: Definition: Given a number of cities on a plane, find the shortest path through which one can visit all of the cities. In contrast to using recursion to try all the different possibilities, we are going to approximate the solution using a Kohonen SOM, which organizes itself like a elastic rubber band. The basic idea of this solution is to start out with a elastic net in a random orientation:
(Fig.1) A randon ring. The algorithm is to choose a random city each time, and pull the point on the net that is closest to the city towards the city:
(Fig.2) A point pulled towards Vashon Island brings the net closer to the city. Since the net is elastic, each pull changes the shape of the net. After many pulls for different cities, the net eventually converges into a ring around the cities. Given the elastic property of the ring, the length of the ring tends to be minimized. This is how the TSP can be approximated. The details: As in simple competitive networks, the weight vectors of the networks are randomly assigned at the beginning in SOM's. Another similarity is that SOM also identifies the winner (the perceptron whose weight vector is closest to the input vector) every time an input vector is presented. The only difference is that while in simple competitive networks only the winner learns, in SOM's all nodes learn, but the rate of learning varies inversely with the node's physical distance from the winner. The Kohonen SOM used in solving the TSP has the following structure:
(Fig.3) A Kohonen net with a ring-shaped top layer. Recall the elastic rubber-band model mentioned above, such a ring shaped map simulates a rubber-band if we consider the weight vectors as points on a plane. We can join these points together according to the position of their respective perceptron in the ring of the top layer of the network. Suppose the coordinates of a city (x, y) is presented as the input vector of the network, the network will identify the weight vector closest to the city and move it and its neighbors closer to the city. In this manner, the weight vectors behave as points on a rubber band and each "learning" is analogous to pulling the closest point of the band towards a city. The rule that the amount of learning varies inversely with the physical distance between the node and the winner is what leads to the elastic property of the rubber band. For a more detailed explanation of this problem, please visit our resource for this problem. Applications of neural networks Medicine One of the areas that has gained attention is in cardiopulmonary diagnostics. The ways neural networks work in this area or other areas of medical diagnosis is by the comparison of many different models. A patient may have regular checkups in a particular area, increasing the possibility of detecting a disease or dysfunction. The data may include heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, etc. to different models. The models may include variations for age, sex, and level of physical activity. Each individual's physiological data is compared to previous physiological data and/or data of the various generic models. The deviations from the norm are compared to the known causes of deviations for each medical condition. The neural network can learn by studying the different conditions and models, merging them to form a complete conceptual picture, and then diagnose a patient's condition based upon the models. Electronic Noses The idea of a chemical nose may seem a bit absurd, but it has several real-world applications. The electronic nose is composed of a chemical sensing system (such as a spectrometer) and an artificial neural network, which recognizes certain patterns of chemicals. An odor is passed over the chemical sensor array, these chemicals are then translated into a format that the computer can understand, and the artificial neural network identifies the chemical. A list at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory has several different applications in the environment, medical, and food industries. Environment: identification of toxic wastes, analysis of fuel mixtures (7-11 example), detection of oil leaks, identification of household odors, monitoring air quality, monitoring factory emission, and testing ground water for odors. Medical: The idea of using these in the medical field is to examine odors from the body to identify and diagnose problems. Odors in the breath, infected wounds, and body fluids all can indicate problems. Artificial neural networks have even been used to detect tuberculosis. Food: The food industry is perhaps the biggest practical market for electronic noses, assisting or replacing entirely humans. Inspection of food, grading quality of food, fish inspection, fermentation control, checking mayonnaise for rancidity, automated flavor control, monitoring cheese ripening, verifying if orange juice is natural, beverage container inspection, and grading whiskey. Security One program that has already been started is the CATCH program. CATCH, an acronymn for Computer Aided Tracking and Characterization of Homicides. It learns about an existing crime, the location of the crime, and the particular characteristics of the offense. The program is subdivided into different tools, each of which place an emphasis on a certain characteristic or group of characteristics. This allows the user to remove certain characteristics which humans determine are unrelated. Loans and credit cards Loan granting is one area in which neural networks can aid humans, as it is an area not based on a predetermined and preweighted criteria, but answers are instead nebulous. Banks want to make as much money as they can, and one way to do this is to lower the failure rate by using neural networks to decide whether the bank should approve the loan. Neural networks are particularly useful in this area since no process will guarantee 100% accuracy. Even an 85-90% accuracy would be an improvement over the methods humans use.
An actual electronic "nose" Image courtesy Pacific Northwest Laboratory In fact, in some banks, the failure rate of loans approved using neural networks is lower than that of some of their best traditional methods. Some credit card companies are now beginning to use neural networks in deciding whether to grant an application. The process works by analyzing past failures and making current decisions based upon past experience. Nonetheless, this creates its own problems. For example, the bank or credit company must justify their decision to the applicant. The reason "my neural network computer recommended against it" simply isn't enough for people to accept. The process of explaining how the network learned and on what characteristics the neural network made its decision is difficult. As we alluded to earlier in the history of neural networks, self-modifying code is very difficult to debug and thus difficult to trace. Recording the steps it went through isn't enough, as it might be using conventional computing, because even the individual steps the neural network went through have to be analyzed by human beings, or possibly the network itself, to determine that a particular piece of data was crucial in the decision-making process. Other Applications of Neural Networks Here are a few of the more quirky applications of Neural Networks: <<to top>>
image courtesy Notre Dame Bill's Notre Dame Football Predictor 1. Train the network on historical data for offensive plays given particular game situations 2. Use network to predict what offensive play will be chosen at any point in the game
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Getting rat thoughts to move robotic parts 1. Train a rat to press a lever, which activates a robotic arm. Robotic arm delivers reward to rat. 2. Attach a 16-probe array to the rat's brain that can record the activity of 30 neurons at once. 3. Train a neural network program to recognize brain- activity patterns during a lever press. 4. Neural network can predict movement from the rat's brain activity alone, so when the rat's brain activity indicates that it is about to press the lever, robotic arm moves and rewards the rat - the rat does not need to press the lever, but merely needs to "think" about doing so (whatever rat "thinking" may be) html
<<to top>> ALVINN, the self-driving car
(this car is not ALVINN, it's from PhotoEssentials) 1. Train single hidden layer back-propagation network on images of the road under a variety of conditions and the appropriate steering modification for each condition. 2. Allow car to drive itself: a video image from the onboard camera is injected into the input layer. Activation is passed forward through the network and a steering command is read off the output layer. The most active output unit determines the direction in which to steer. 3. Allow car to drive itself at speeds up to 70 mph on Pittsburgh freeways <<to top>>
An Analysis of Sheep Rumination and Mastication Anthony Zaknich and Sue K Baker (1998), "A real-time system for the characterisation of sheep feeding phases from acoustic signals of jaw sounds," Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems (AJIIPS), Vol. 5, No. 2,Winter 1998. 1. Attach radio microphones to the top of sheep heads to transmit chewing sounds 2. Record chewing sounds and times of chewing 3. Use a neural network classifier, using your time and frequency data as input, to predict future rumination and mastication time periods Why??? we haven't a clue! The online abstract didn't tell us.
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To Neural Networks and Beyond! Neural Networks and Consciousness So, neural networks are very good at a wide variety of problems, most of which involve finding trends in large quantities of data. They are better suited than traditional computer architecture to problems that humans are naturally good at and which computers are traditionally bad at ? image recognition, making generalizations, that sort of thing. And researchers are continually constructing networks that are better at these problems. But will neural networks ever fully simulate the human brain? Will they be as complex and as functional? Will a machine ever be conscious of its own existence? Simulating human consciousness and emotion is still the realm of science fiction. It may happen one day, or it may not ? this is an issue we won't delve into here, because, of course, there are huge philosophical arguments about what consciousness is, and if it can possibly be simulated by a machine... do we have souls or some special life-force that is impossible to simulate in a machine? If not, how do we make the jump from, as one researcher puts it, "an electrical reaction in the brain to suddenly seeing the world around one with all its distances, its colors and chiaroscuro?" Well, like I said, we won't delve into it here; the issue is far too deep, and, in the end, perhaps irresolvable... (if you want to delve, check out and http://www.iasc- Perhaps NNs can, though, give us some insight into the "easy problems" of consciousness: how does the brain process environmental stimulation? How does it integrate information? But, the real question is, why and how is all of this processing, in humans, accompanied by an experienced inner life, and can a machine achieve such a self-awareness? Of course, the whole future of neural networks does not reside in attempts to simulate consciousness. Indeed, that is of relatively small concern at the moment; more pressing are issues of how to improve the systems we have. <<to top>> Recent advances and future applications of NNs include: Integration of fuzzy logic into neural networks Fuzzy logic is a type of logic that recognizes more than simple true and false values, hence better simulating the real world. For example, the statement today is sunny might be 100% true if there are no clouds, 80% true if there are a few clouds, 50% true if it's hazy, and 0% true if rains all day. Hence, it takes into account concepts like -usually, somewhat, and sometimes. Fuzzy logic and neural networks have been integrated for uses as diverse as automotive engineering, applicant screening for jobs, the control of a crane, and the monitoring of glaucoma. See for more information
Pulsed neural networks "Most practical applications of artificial neural networks are based on a computational model involving the propagation of continuous variables from one processing unit to the next. In recent years, data from neurobiological experiments have made it increasingly clear that biological neural networks, which communicate through pulses, use the timing of the pulses to transmit information and perform computation. This realization has stimulated significant research on pulsed neural networks, including theoretical analyses and model development, neurobiological modeling, and hardware implementation." (from )
Hardware specialized for neural networks Some networks have been hardcoded into chips or analog devices ? this technology will become more useful as the networks we use become more complex. The primary benefit of directly encoding neural networks onto chips or specialized analog devices is SPEED! NN hardware currently runs in a few niche areas, such as those areas where very high performance is required (e.g. high energy physics) and in embedded applications of simple, hardwired networks (e.g. voice recognition). Many NNs today use less than 100 neurons and only need occasional training. In these situations, software simulation is usually found sufficient When NN algorithms develop to the point where useful things can be done with 1000's of neurons and 10000's of synapses, high performance NN hardware will become essential for practical operation. (from )
Improvement of existing technologies All current NN technologies will most likely be vastly improved upon in the future. Everything from handwriting and speech recognition to stock market prediction will become more sophisticated as researchers develop better training methods and network architectures. NNs might, in the future, allow: o robots that can see, feel, and predict the world around them o improved stock prediction o common usage of self-driving cars o composition of music o handwritten documents to be automatically transformed into formatted word processing documents o trends found in the human genome to aid in the understanding of the data compiled by the Human Genome Project o self-diagnosis of medical problems using neural networks o and much more! <<to top>> A word of caution (and a funny story!): Although neural networks do seem to be able to solve many problems, we must put our exuberance in check sometimes ? they are not magic! Overconfidence in neural networks can result in costly mistakes: see for a rather funny story about the government and neural networks.
<<to top>> Want to find out more? Try these sites: Neural Networks and the Computational Brain, a somewhat technical and somewhat philosophical treatise on the potential of modeling consciousness: ThoughtTreasure, a database of 25,000 concepts, 55,000 English and French words and phrases, 50,000 assertions, and 100 scripts, which is attempting to bring natural language and commonsense capabilities to computers: The conclusions page is especially clear and useful: Hierarchical Neural Networks and Brainwaves: Towards a Theory of Consciousness: This paper gives "a comparative biocybernetical analysis of the possibilities in modeling consciousness and other psychological functions (perception, memorizing, learning, emotions, language, creativity, thinking, and transpersonal interactions!), by using biocybernetical models of hierarchical neural networks and brainwaves." " Fuzzy Logic Information: FuzzyTech: a vast resource for information, simulations, and applications of fuzzy logic. Neural Networking Hardware: Neural Networks in Hardware: Architectures, Products and Applications <<to top>> Neural Network Resources Note: One of the easiest ways to find good resources on neural networks is to go to or and enter search query: "neural networks." Another GREAT list of Neural Network Resources ("If it's on the web, it's listed here") is
Introductions to Neural Networks Applications of Neural Networks (and some fun applets!) Neural Networks and Simulated Consciousness Books
<< to top>> Introductory Material FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions: Newsgroup:This site contains detailed but comprehensible answers to common questions about NNs. Particularly useful for me was the question "What can you do with an ANN?" It also contains an excellent set of links to online NN resources. Highly recommended for content, if not for beauty of site design. Fabulous NN introduction: Artificial Neural Networks Technology (from the Department of Defense Information Analysis Center):An excellent introduction to the basic principles of neural networks, this article has many clear graphics and non- mathematical, but thorough, explanations. It investigates the basic architecture of a neural network, including the various configurations and learning mechanisms, and also discusses the history and future applications of the neural network. A textbook and network simulator in one: Brain Wave:This introductory, online textbook also contains an interactive applet for making one's own simple networks. This text contains many excellent, clear graphics, and non-technical explanations of the various neural net architectures. Fun, simple applets: Web Applets for Interactive Tutorials on Artificial Neural Learning Animated neuron and NN Introduction: An Introduction To Neural Networks:This page contains a great animated gif of a biological neuron, and also includes a general introduction to neural networks. General Introduction: Generation 5'sIntroduction to Neural Networks:This article provides an introduction to neural networks for a non-technical audience. Introduction to Kohonen networks: Kohonen Networks:This article deals with one specific type of neural network, the Kohonen network, which is used to execute unsupervised learning. In unsupervised learning, there is no comparison of the network's answer to specific desired output, and the simulated neurons have the property of self- organization. Introduction and comparison with Von Neumann: An Introduction to Neural Networks:Dr Leslie Smith presents a good comparison between the advantages and disadvantages of the von Neumann architecture and neural networks, and also provides a quick survey of different kinds of networks. These include the BP network, RGF network, simple perceptron network, and Kohonen network. The article also examines where neural networks are applicable and where they may possibly be applied in the future. Somewhat Technical NN Description: Statsoft's Neural Networks:This article provides a lengthy and somewhat technical description of neural networks. It looks at RBF networks, probabilistic neural networks, generalized regression neural networks, linear networks, and Kohonen networks. It looks at the artificial model of neural networks and how the human brain is modeled with neural networks. It also examines feedforward structures and the structures most useful in solving problems. Applets for XOR and Kohonen: The HTML Neural Net Consulter. Intro from ZSolutions, a NN-provider: Introduction to Neural Networks:Using a simple example of a neural network developed to predict the number of runs scored by a baseball team, this article investigates the architecture and potential uses of neural networks. It also serves as promotional material: Z Solutions provides neural networks for corporations. Intro 2 from ZSolutions, a NN-provider: Want to Try Neural Nets?A somewhat propaganda-esque document for a neural networking company, this article nonetheless provides a good introductory survey of neural networks and the potential for implementing them in the real world. Fuzzy Logic Information: FuzzyTech:a vast resource for information, simulations, and applications of fuzzy logic.
<< to top>> Applications of Neural Networks (and some fun applets!) Information on over 50 NN applications: BrainMaker Neural Network Software:Great list of examples of specific NN applications regarding stocks, business, medicine, and manufacturing. Applet for 8-queens problem: 8-queens problem and neural networks Applet for Travelling Salesman: Elastic Net Method for Travelling Salesman Problem:The elastic net is a kind of neural networks which is used for optimization problems; this applet demonstrates its use applied to the Travelling Salesman Problem. Handwriting Recognition Applet: Artificial Neural Network Handwriting Recognizer:This applet demonstrates neural networks applied to handwriting recognition. Users train a neural network on 10 digits of their handwriting and then test its recognition accuracy. A few applets: Takefuji LabsNeural demo by Java. NNs as Information Analyzers: Technology Brief: Artificial Neural Networks as Information Analysis Tools:The article discusses how neural networks, as information analysis tools, can be used in the medical industry, the environment, security and law enforcement, and mechanical system diagnosis.
NNS for Medical Diagnosis: Technology Brief: Computer Assisted Medical Diagnosis:This article looks at the ways in which a neural network can assist doctors in medical diagnoses. It investigates uses in the cardiovascular system, diagnosing coronary artery disease, and chemical analysis. Applet for Travelling Salesman: Travelling Salesman ProblemThis applet demonstrates a neural network applied to a 2-D travelling salesman problem. Applet for Image Compression: Image Compression using Backprop.
Fuzzy Logic Information: FuzzyTech:a vast resource for information, simulations, and applications of fuzzy logic. << to top>> Neural Networks and Simulated Consciousness Technical / Philosophical Paper: Neural Networks and the Computational Brain
Database of Common Sense: ThoughtTreasure:ThoughtTreasure is a database of 25,000 concepts, 55,000 English and French words and phrases, 50,000 assertions, and 100 scripts, which is attempting to bring natural language and commonsense capabilities to computers. The conclusions page is especially clear and concise.
Long and thorough paper from Yugoslavia: Hierarchical Neural Networks and Brainwaves: Towards a Theory of Consciousness:This paper gives "a comparative biocybernetical analysis of the possibilities in modeling consciousness and other psychological functions (perception, memorizing, learning, emotions, language, creativity, thinking, and transpersonal interactions!), by using biocybernetical models of hierarchical neural networks and brainwaves."
<< to top>> Books Mehrotra, Kishan, Chilukuri Mohan, and Sanjay Ranka. Elements of Artificial Neural Networks. Boston: MIT Press, 1997. Skapura, David M. Building Neural Networks. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1996. This is an introductory textbook for the construction of actual neural networks. It investigates many of the potential uses of neural networks in a manner aimed at allowing students themselves to create these networks. Sample C code is also provided. << to top>>