Conducting Anticorruption Due Diligence in M&A Deals
Conducting Anticorruption Due Diligence in M&A Deals
Conducting Anticorruption Due Diligence in M&A Deals
Richard Grime and Bingna Guo
he number of investigations under the US
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA),
together with the number of prosecutions by
the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and the
US Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), have hit record levels in the past few years. Huge
fines have followed these investigations, including a record
$1.65 billion in total fines and penalties imposed against
Siemens Corp. from separate German and US prosecutions.
Because of its broad application, the FCPA creates unique
risks for multinational corporations (MNCs) and US com-
panies doing business abroad, especially in high-risk coun-
tries such as China.
The FCPA is particularly important when considering
mergers and acquisitions (M&A) because an entire transac-
tion can fall apart if the risk is not discovered at the appro-
priate time or managed properly. In recent years, many
FCPA cases arising from M&A transactions have yielded
dramatic results, such as the collapse of Lockheed Martin
Corp.s proposed $2.2 billion acquisition of Titan Corp. in
2004. In another case, three Vetco International Ltd. sub-
sidiaries were fined $26 million in 2007 because they made
about $2.1 million in corrupt payments to Nigerian gov-
ernment officials. The large fine, in part due to one of the
subsidiaries prior 2004 FCPA conviction, raised issues of
successor liability when General Electric Co. (GE) acquired
Companies should investigate target companies to assess
compliance risk under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Conducting Anticorruption
Due Diligence in M&A Deals JulyAugust 2009 23
Vetco Gray in 2007. Further, the June 2008 DOJ opinion
regarding FCPA liability in the context of a proposed cor-
porate acquisition by Halliburton Co. underscores the
importance of anticorruption due diligence of M&A targets
that operate in high-corruption environments and sets forth
key elements of a due diligence investigation that may, in
appropriate circumstances, be sufficient to protect an
acquirer from successor liability for FCPA violations.
M&A deals have been a common way for foreign invest-
ment to enter the Chinese market in recent
years. As US companies M&A transactions
in China have increased, so has the risk of
FCPA violations. Several high-profile cases
of FCPA enforcement involving M&A
transactions have been related to corruption
committed in China. For example, in the
GE/InVision case, InVision Investment
Technologies Inc. allegedly violated the
FCPA by making improper payments to
local agents or distributors in China and
other Asian countries. InVision disclosed
these potential violations to the DOJ and
SEC after GE announced its intention to
acquire InVision in March 2004. InVision
entered a non-prosecution agreement with
the DOJ before GE acquired it and was
fined $800,000. The post-merger company
also reached a settlement with the SEC,
under which GE-InVision agreed to dis-
gorge the $589,000 in profits arising from
the alleged FCPA violations and pay pre-
judgment interest of $28,703 and a
$500,000 civil penalty.
FCPA risk in China remains high due
to certain Chinese business practices and
industry sectors that remain state-owned or controlled.
With the US governments focus on the FCPA, US compa-
nies acquiring Chinese businesses should conduct anticor-
ruption due diligence on the target company to identify
potential FCPA risks (see p.24). The process of due dili-
gence will help to establish the true value of the acquisition
target and determine whether bringing the post-merger
company into compliance could jeopardize the acquirers
profitability or result in criminal liability for past violations.
FCPA implications for
key issues in the M&A context
In M&A transactions, successor liability for prior FCPA
violations is an increasingly important issue. An acquirer
that does not perform effective due diligence on a proposed
target risks being held accountable for past FCPA viola-
tions. In a stock transfer or merger, the successor company
is generally held liable for past violations of the target com-
pany. But in some circumstances, successor liability may
attach in an asset purchase. For example, one of several
broad exceptions to the general rule of no successor liability
in the context of an asset purchase is when the purchasing
entity is merely a continuation of the selling corporation.
The parties may use the purchase agreements to specify
which liabilities transfer with assets. Therefore, diligence
requires a nuanced inquiry into the facts and circumstances
regarding the specific M&A transaction.
Acquirers should consider conducting
anticorruption due diligence in various
M&A contexts. If the acquirer itself is
already subject to the FCPA anti-bribery
provisions or the books and records pro-
visions, it should consider due diligence
because of concerns about liability for
pre- and post-acquisition conduct. (If the
acquirer is not subject to the FCPA, but
the target company is, the acquirer
should conduct anticorruption due dili-
gence because it may be responsible for
the past unlawful conduct of the newly
acquired subsidiary.) Minority investors
looking for short-term exit channels may
want to consider the impact of FCPA
noncompliance on IPOs, because once a
Chinese company becomes an issuer
under US securities laws, it is subject to
the FCPA. Financial advisors to M&A
deals should also consider FCPA due dili-
gence for reputational reasons.
In most cases, sellers and buyers need
to conduct anticorruption due diligence.
Usually, buyers seek to avoid acquiring lia-
bility for past or present FCPA violations,
ensure that the seller covers the costs of violations, and
maintain the maximum value of the acquired entity by
retaining key personnel, contracts, markets, and relation-
ships. Sellers need to conduct due diligence to ensure that
their disclosures regarding material contractual provisions,
such as representations, are not misleading and to assess
their FCPA compliance programs and other internal con-
trols to determine whether the sales price could be chal-
lenged because of unknown FCPA problems.
The DOJs opinion released in June 2008 regarding
Halliburtons approach to an M&A transaction also indicates
the DOJs expectations of parties seeking to avoid potential
FCPA liability in a proposed M&A transaction. Halliburton
requested the release of the opinion procedure pertaining to
its proposed acquisition of Expro International Group plc
because, as a result of UK bidding restrictions, Halliburton
had insufficient time and inadequate access to information to
complete standard anticorruption due diligence before clos-
I Companies subject to the US
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
(FCPA) should conduct due
diligence on target companies that
are not subject to the FCPA to
avoid issues of successor liability.
I Conducting due diligence in
China can be difficult because
many companies there have a low
appreciation of the importance of
anticorruption compliance.
I Incomplete or falsified records,
the lack of public information, and
employee reluctance to aid
investigations can hinder due
diligence efforts.
I Companies conducting due
diligence can create checklists
and conduct interviews in a
culturally sensitive manner to
overcome these obstacles.
Quick Glance
24 JulyAugust 2009
ing. The opinion indicates that the DOJ expects US compa-
nies in similar circumstances to go to significant lengths to
avoid potential liability when entering into transactions, par-
ticularly when they are unable to establish that foreign trans-
action parties are free of corrupt behavior. At the same time,
the opinion shows that the DOJ recognizes that US compa-
nies due diligence may have to accommodate the legal
restrictions of other countries.
Strategies for effective
anticorruption due diligence in China
Conducting effective anticorruption due diligence is par-
ticularly difficult in China for several reasons. First, acquisi-
tion targets in China tend to have a low appreciation of the
importance of anticorruption compliance. Second, with the
high employee turnover of recent years, most Chinese com-
panies have not kept complete records. Third, most
Chinese companies have weak internal control systems and
may have falsified accounting records. Often, different ver-
sions of accounting books are kept for different purposes.
For example, one version of the accounting books may
record every payment the enterprise makes for internal
record-keeping purposes, while another version of the
accounting books hides illegal payments and is shown to
auditors or officials during inspections. Also, the lack of
public information resources makes independent checking
of relevant company information difficult. Nonetheless,
there are ways to overcome or mitigate these difficulties.
Identify high-risk areas
The first step of effective anticorruption due diligence is
to conduct an initial risk assessment of the target company
to identify areas of high risk or actual corruption violations.
It is important to identify and distinguish different types of
M&A targets in terms of FCPA implications. For example,
in China, if a target company is in a sector that is state-
owned or -controlled, such as energy, oil and petrochemi-
cals, telecom, transport, auto, construction, financial servic-
es, or healthcare, the businesses of the target may have fre-
quent interactions with government agencies or government
officials for regulatory approvals. In such cases, this aspect of
the target business should be a focus of the due diligence.
Understand the targets business model
As part of the initial assessment, acquirers should seek to
understand the operation of the targets business. For exam-
ple, an acquirer should check whether the target relies heavily
on sales through joint ventures with Chinese state-owned
enterprises, distribution partners, agents, consultants, or other
intermediaries because corrupt payments are often made to
government officials through these channels. The acquirer
needs to analyze the targets existing internal control and
accounting systems, review the targets organization chart, and
identify all employees who interact with government officials.
Interview employees with care
Interviewing identified employees (prior to the acquisi-
tion, if possible) is a vital step, especially since information
is rarely recorded in written documents in China. Even if
employees are made available, obtaining useful information
from them may be difficult. This is because most Chinese
companies are accustomed to doing business through a net-
work of value-laden relationships, and cultivating such rela-
tionships through gifts and entertainment is not necessarily
considered unethical in China. Under such circumstances,
discussing potential corruption issues with Chinese employ-
ees, and sometimes even associating the word corruption
with their familiar business practices, may offend and alarm
In broad terms, the Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act (FCPA) prohibits corruptly
promising, giving, authorizing, or offering
anything of value to foreign government
officials, political parties or party officials
to obtain, retain, or direct business. The
jurisdictional reach of the statute is
broadthe anti-bribery provisions apply
to issuers, which include US public
companies and non-US companies that
issue American Depository Receipts, and
domestic concerns, which include
corporations and other businesses that
have their principal places of business in
the United States or are organized under
the laws of a US state or territory, US
citizens and US resident aliens (wherever
located), and non-US corporations and
non-US citizens who commit acts in the
United States in furtherance of an FCPA
A corrupt payment can include any
effort to improperly influence virtually
anything that a foreign official does in his
or her official capacity, from approving a
contract to granting licenses related to
investment services, issuing visas, acting
on tax matters, or making decisions in
connection with government approval of a
merger or acquisition. Something of
value is construed broadly and
encompasses gifts, meals, entertainment,
and travel and accommodations for
foreign officials. Payments made indirectly
to foreign officials through third parties,
such as agents, are also prohibited if they
could not be made directly.
The FCPAs books and records and
internal controls provisions require
issuers to keep accurate books and
records in reasonable detail that reflect
the true nature of all transactions,
regardless of whether the transactions
pertain in any way to corruption. Parent
companies are strictly liable under the
civil provisions of the FCPA enforced by
the SEC for ensuring that their
subsidiaries, affiliates, and controlled joint
ventures comply with these books and
records provisions.
Richard Grime and Bingna Guo
What Constitutes an FCPA Violation? JulyAugust 2009 25
them. To maximize the benefits of such interviews, inter-
viewers should maintain good relations with the executives
and potential interviewees and show sensitivity to cultural
differences by, for example, clarifying the context of the
investigation in the native tongue of the locality and engag-
ing in a few pleasantries before asking formal investigation
questions. It is also helpful for the investigator to appreciate
and understand the accepted local business practices and
not to appear judgmental.
For an investigation of Chinese companies, sometimes
obtaining senior managements support may facilitate the
investigators interview work, as employees tend to defer
to higher-level managers and officers. Interviewers will
also need to understand local attitudes toward investiga-
tions, as anticorruption due diligence is a foreign idea to
many Chinese employees, and they may see it as an adver-
sarial proceeding more than a neutral internal investiga-
tion. And since some US legal concepts, such as attorney-
client privilege, are not available under PRC law, inter-
viewers should emphasize confidentiality to interviewees
and give them clear instructions not to discuss the inter-
view with others.
Create a due diligence checklist and look for red flags
Information from the initial assessment is critical for
designing a due diligence checklist that is suitable for
Chinese companies. Usually, the key areas of the target
company to look into during due diligence include: sales
and marketing expenses; travel and entertainment expenses;
the shareholding structure of the target, its subsidiaries, and
affiliates; employee records and the targets salary and bonus
payment system; use of consultants and agents; corporate
governance culture and structure; and charitable donations.
Bribes in China can take many forms. In addition to tradi-
tional suspicious categories of expenses, such as rebates,
sponsorships, and entertainment, gifts that come in the
guise of traditional customs, such as elaborately packaged
moon cakes, may entail FCPA risks.
The acquirer needs to check whether any shareholders of
the target are government officials or associate directly or
indirectly with government officials. Such indirect associa-
tions may take the form of beneficiary shareholding arrange-
ments, such as using nominee shareholders to hold shares on
behalf of the real beneficiaries through trust arrangements.
Also, some Chinese companies may use fictitious tax receipts
or salary payments to nonexistent ghost employees to mask
bribery payments. All of these are red flags that merit investi-
gation during the due diligence process.
In addition, conducting an independent check of red flag
issues identified in the key areas and the target companies
legal compliance through public information sources is an
important supplement to the due diligence process.
Although Chinas public information search system is under-
developed, releases from relevant PRC government agencies,
such as the National Bureau of Corruption Prevention
(www. English/Comprehensive
Infomation/), can be valuable. Lists of convicted bribers are
available for public search at most provincial-level procurato-
rial organs. Relevant industry regulatory authorities, such as
municipal health bureaus, compile blacklists of companies
caught in bribery. If public information is unavailable,
employing private investigators may also be necessary. In all
cases, companies should retain counsel familiar with com-
mon Chinese corporate practices.
With all of this information in hand, due diligence can
move to the next stage, which typically includes more
detailed interviews with the principals and the use of foren-
sic accounting firms to verify the financial records of the
target. Effective due diligence findings should be concluded
by combining the investigative results from the concerted
efforts of various teams.
Due diligence is a must
Investors acquiring companies in China must conduct
anticorruption due diligence to avoid successor liability for
past or potential corruption violations. Without such dili-
gence, past FCPA violations could affect the timing and suc-
cessful completion of M&A transactions. The risk of regula-
tory enforcement action and the resultant impact on the lia-
bility and reputation of the successor company may also be
high. With appropriate strategies, a well-tailored due dili-
gence effort can elicit sufficient information to determine an
acquisition targets real and perceived risk of FCPA violations
and the true value of the transaction. It can also help the
acquirer develop reasonable expectations of any post-acquisi-
tion compliance costs. Finally, in cases where concerns about
a proposed M&A deal cannot be clearly resolved, sophisticat-
ed counsel familiar with SEC and DOJ practice and well-
versed in Chinese business practices should be used to weigh
different options, from voluntary disclosure to a DOJ opin-
ion request.
Richard Grime is partner, OMelveny & Myers LLP, in Washington,
DC. Bingna Guo is associate, OMelveny & Myers LLP, in New York.
The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the firm or any of its clients.
Lists of convicted bribers are available for public search
at most provincial-level procuratorial organs.