You and Your Architect

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Design and construction are inherently exciting.

There are few things

more satisfying than a successful project. The secret to success lies in the
professional, business, and personal relationships between owner and
architect. You and Your Architect provides guidance on how to establish
and benefit from those relationships.
You and your
Getting Started 2
Selecting Your Architect 4
The I mportant Choices 6
Services Available from Architects 8
Negotiating the Agreement 10
Compensating Your Architect 12
Keeping the Project on Track 14
Experience tells us that
successful projects...
those that achieve the desired results for
owners, users, and architectsresult
from informed clients working with
skilled architects to form professional,
business, and often personal relationships.
These relationships are formed early on
and are nourished by clear communication,
mutually understood expectations, and a
willingness of both client and architect to
understand and accept their responsibilities
for realizing a successful project.
Building in todays marketplace is
a complex undertaking requiring many
different products and skills. Your architect
understands the complexities and works
with you to design an appropriate response
to your requirements. I n turn, your architect
works in your interest within the building
industry and can help you greatly to trans-
form the design into a wonderful building.
The best way to begin a new project is for you
the ownerto reflect on what you bring to it:
knowledge, experience, needs, desires, aspirations,
and personal opinions. You also provide the
resources to realize your expectations.
Naturally, every owner startsfrom a different
outlook. Some have had vast experience with
design and construction and know what they
want and how to go about getting it. Many
ownershave much lessexperience.
Whatever your situation, it makessense to
begin with some self-examination to assess
what you already know about your project
and what you will establish with your
architectshelp. The questionsoutlined below
can serve asa guide.
You dont need firm or complete answers
to these questionsat thispoint. Indeed, your
architect will help you think them through. A
general understanding of where you are,
however, will help you select the best architect
for the project.
ask yourself
these questions
What activities do you expect to house in the project? Do you have specific ideas on
how to translate these activities into specific spaces and square footage areas? In any
event, an architect with experience in your particular building type can help you
immensely to refine your design program (the collection of parameters from which
design is derived).
Has a site been established, or will this decision also be a subject of discussion with the
architect and others?
Have you and those with whom you are talking fixed a construction schedule and budget?
What are your design aspirations? What thought have you given to the design message
and amenities you are seeking in this project?
What are your overall expectations for the project? What are your motivations, both basic
and high-minded, and what role does this project play in achieving your overall goals?
How do you make decisions? Will a single person sign off on decisions? Do you have a
building committee?
How much information do you need to make decisions?
Where will the resources come from to create and operate this project? (Your architect
can help you considerably here, for instance, to tap into reliable capital assistance or
leverage modest first-cost upgrades into enormous life-cycle savings.)
How much experience do you have in design and construction? Have you done this
before? If so, where have you been most successful, and where were you disappointed?
your architect
Whether you are building your own home or designing a commercial
complex, choosing the right architect is vital to a successful project.
Architecture firmscome in a variety of sizes
and types. The statistically average firm is
made up of 9 or 10 people; many firmsare
smaller. There are also very large firmswith
staffsof 100 or more. Some firmsspecialize
in one or more project or facility types.
Othershave very specific specialties. Some
firmsinclude in-house engineering
(structural, mechanical, electrical, etc.) or
other design disciplines(planning, urban
design, landscape architecture, interior
design, etc.). Many architectsintroduce
specialty disciplinesinto their projects
through appropriate consultants. Each archi-
tecture firm bringsitsown combination of
skills, expertise, interests, and valuesto its
projects. All good architectswill listen to
you and translate your ideasinto a viable
construction project. Look for a good
listener and youll find a good architect.
TheRight Architect
If you areafirst-timeclient, or an experienced
client facing anew situation, you probably
havemany questionsabout architect selection.
Someof themorefrequently asked questions
areaddressed here.
When, in the life cycle of a project, should
I bring the architect into the picture?
Asearly aspossible. Architectscan help
you define the project in termsthat
provide meaningful guidance for design.
They may also do site studies, help apply
for planning and zoning approvals, help
locate sourcesof financing, and a variety of
other predesign services.
Should I look at more than one firm?
Usually, yes. One obviousexception iswhen
you already have a good relationship with an
architect and it makeslittle sense to change.
How do I find suitable firms to contact?
Contact other ownerswho have developed
similar facilitiesand ask who they inter-
viewed and ultimately selected. Ask who
designed buildingsand projectsthat youve
admired or that seem especially appropriate.
Many local chaptersof The American
Institute of Architectsmaintain referral lists
and are available to assist you in identifying
architectswho can help you. (Look in the
Yellow Pagesfor the AIA listing, or go to
What information should I request from
At a minimum, ask to see projectsthe firm
hasdesigned that are similar in type and size
to yoursor that have addressed similar issues
(for example, siting, functional complexity,
or design aspirations). Ask them to indicate
how they will approach your project and
who will be working on it (including
consultants). Ask for the namesof other
ownersyou may contact.
Why are formal interviews desirable?
An interview addressesoneissuethat cant be
covered in brochures: thechemistry between
you and thearchitecturefirm. Interviewsalso
allow your to learn how each firm plansto
approach theproject.
How many firms should I interview and
how should they be selected?
Most people advise that you interview three
to five firmsenough to see the range of
possibilities, but not so many that an already
tough decision will be further complicated.
Interview architecture firmsthat you feel can
do your project because of their expertise,
experience, and ability to bring a fresh look
to your situation. Treat each firm fairly,
offering, for example, equal time and equal
accessto your site and existing facilities.
What can I realistically expect to learn from
an interview? How can I structure the inter-
view to make it as informative as possible?
You can learn how the architectsteam will
approach your project by talking to key
members. Ask how the architect will gather
information, establish priorities, and make
decisions. Ask what the architect seesasthe
important issuesfor consideration in the
project. Evaluate the firmsstyle, personality,
priorities, and approach: are they compatible
with yours?
How should I follow up?
Tell each firm what you intend to do next and
when you plan to make your decision. If you
havent talked with past clients, do so now.
Ask them to assessboth the performance of
thefirm and theperformanceof theresulting
architecture. You may want to visit existing
buildingsto see them in use. Notify the
selected firm, or shortlisted firms, assoon
aspossible. Remember, conditionschange,
sometimesvery rapidly: regulatory parameters,
market conditions, and team availability.
On what should I base my decision?
Personal confidencein thearchitect is
paramount. Seek also an appropriatebalance
among design ability, technical competence,
professional service, and cost. Onceyouve
selected thebest firm, enter into detailed
negotiationsregarding servicesand compen-
sation. TheAIA Documentsoffer an excellent
starting point for contract negotiation.
What about selecting an architect by
competitive bid?
You can ask for afeeproposal from an
architect at any timeduring theselection
processthat you think isappropriate. The
U.S. government, by law, dependson qualifi-
cations-based selection, whereby qualification
for aproject isthefirst consideration, and fee
issecondary. You areengaging theservicesof a
professional with whom you will work closely
throughout thelifeof theproject.
Choose your architect at least ascarefully
asyou would your dentist or doctor. Factors
such asexperience, technical competence,
and availablestaff resourceswill beimportant
to your decision. So, if you are soliciting
proposalsfrom more than one firm, make
sure that you can provide all the information
required for definite proposalsto ensure that
the proposalsyou get offer the same scope of
services, and you can evaluate them on a
consistent basis.
Yourswill be a businessrelationship.
Find out how prospective architectsdo
business, how they work with their clients,
how responsivethey areto your management
and decision styles, and how well their work
stacksup against their clients expectations.
Ask questions. Approach the architect as
a professional who will bring experience and
specialized knowledge to your project. Dont
be afraid to ask the same questionsyouve
asked yourself: What doesthe architect
expect to contribute to the project?How
much information doesthe architect need?
How doesthe architect set prioritiesand
make decisions?Who in the firm will work
directly with you?How will engineering or
other design servicesbe provided?How does
the firm provide quality control during
design?What isthe firmsconstruction-cost
Be frank. Tell the architect what you
know and what you expect. Ask for an expla-
nation of anything you dont understand.
The more on the table at the outset, the
better thechancesarefor a successful project.
Remember, agood architect isagood listener.
Only when you have outlined your issues
can the architect addressthem.
Because you will be in a business
relationship to acquire the professional skills
and judgment of the prospective architect,
you might also want to inquire about the
ability of the architect to stand financially
behind the servicesto be provided. For
example, you might ask if the architect
carriesprofessional liability insurance
much like that carried by doctors, lawyers,
and accountants. While not all architects
carry such insurance, it can, in many
circumstances, be an indicator of sound
Be prepared to answer questionsabout
your projectspurpose, budget, time frame,
site, and the team of playersyou anticipate
being involved with the project. Once
again, be frank, and inform the architect
of any information you want to be kept in
confidence. Protecting your confidential
information isan ethical requirement for
membersof the AIA.
Selection Is a Mutual Process
The most thoughtful architectsare ascareful
in selecting their clientsasownersare in
selecting architects. They are asinterested in
a successful project asyou are and they know
that good architecture resultsfrom fruitful
collaboration between architectsand clients.
Even the simplest of projectsare very
complex. Each situation isdifferent, including
people, needs, site, financing, and regulatory
requirements. Many of the ownersneeds
and expectationscome into focusonly in the
processof design. Asthe owner and architect
mutually evaluate alternative approachesto
the projectsdesign, prioritiesare clarified
and new possibilitiesemerge. There isno
substitute for the complex, time-consuming,
and intensive dialogue and inquiry that
characterize the design process.
Your architect can help you analyze your projects
requirements and select the appropriate services.
Identifying theServices You Need
The experiencesof othersmay be instructive
up to a point, but every project isunique.
Your architect isprepared to advise and assist
you in tailoring the array of professional
servicesavailable to meet your needsand
Most building projectsrequire design
and construction documents, assistance in
securing a contractor, and evaluation of the
progressand quality of construction. The
servicesan architect can provide for youin
house or through consultantsmay include
facilitiesprogramming; marketing and
economic feasibility studies; budgeting and
financing packages; site-use and utilities
studies; environmental analysis; planning
and zoning applications; preparation of
materialsfor public referenda; special cost or
energy analysis; tenant-related design; special
drawings, models, and presentations; and
facility operation servicesafter project
Not all servicesmust be provided by the
architect. Some ownershave considerable
project-planning, design, and construction
expertise and may be fully capable of under-
taking some project tasksthemselves. Other
ownersfind it desirable or necessary to add
other consultantsto the project team to
undertake specific tasks. Discussion with
your architect will be necessary to establish
who will coordinate owner-supplied work or
other servicesprovided beyond the scope of
the architectsagreement.
The AIA publishesa wide variety of
standard form agreementswith different
approachesto defining a scope of services.
From the most commonly used document,
AIA Document B141, Standard Form of
Agreement Between Owner and Architect,
to documentsused for special purposes, the
scopesof servicesoffered in the AIA
documentsrange from the typical to highly
customized applications. You may choose
from a variety of formatsthat come
prepackaged or a la carte, which are called
designated services. The B141 document
offersa choice of multiple scope packages
that may be substituted for one another and
that deal with a range of situations, from the
typical to the highly specialized. This
approach givesyou the flexibility to
customize the scope of servicesthat meet
your particular needs.
Customization, however, may create
more complexitiesthan you want. Other
prepackaged AIA documents, such asAIA
Document B151, Abbreviated Standard
Form of Agreement Between Owner and
Architect, offer only one option in the scope
of services. In the B151 document, the
servicesare divided into two categories
basic and additional services. The services
within these categoriesmay also be modified
to meet your needs.
Services Required
The best strategy isto sit down with your
architect and identify the servicesneeded.
Recognize that even when a number of
servicesare designated at the outset, other
servicesmay be required once you are under
way. For example, you may require zoning
approvalsor you may wish to do economic
analysesof a new energy-saving system.
Other servicesmay be added to an existing
agreement at any time. You should set aside
a contingency budget to fund changesin the
servicesrequired from your architect. Tips
for recognizing required servicesinclude:
The specificsof your project will guide
your choice of agreement form. The B141
scope of servicesapproach requiresup-
front discussion to set the projects
parameters, which, in the long run, will
prevent misunderstandings. B163s
designated-servicesapproach requiresa
little more effort up front, asit involves
the decision of which of the 83 possible
servicesto include. However, designating
servicesbringsdiscipline and clarity to the
processof deciding who will do what.
Use the list of servicesthat appearson
pages89 asan initial discussion guide.
Doing so providesa chance to talk about
many possible service options.
Contract administration servicesare a case
of spending a penny to save a dollar. Once
you have approved the design, you want it
built asit wasdesigned. Your architect can
administer the contract between you and
the contractor. Thismeansevaluating
work for compliance with the drawings
and specifications; approving shop drawings,
materials, and product samples; reviewing
the resultsof material testsand inspec-
tions; approving the contractorsrequests
for payment; handling requestsfor design
changesduring construction; and adminis-
tering the completion, start-up, and close-
out processof your project. Getting the
building that wasdesignedand on
budgetisimportant. Attaining that goal
requiresconsiderable experience, time, and
effort. Ask your architect.
Disputesthat arise during construction
need to be decided quickly and effectively.
Under the AIA standard form contracts,
your architect servesasthe initial arbiter
of disputesbetween you and your
contractor. If the architectsdecision is
unacceptable to either party, the AIA
standard formscall for formal mediation,
with arbitration to follow if mediation
doesnot succeed. Both are waysof
resolving disputeswithout the delay and
expense of courtroom proceedings.
An agreement for evaluation of facility
operationperhapsa joint inspection by
you and your architect within one year
after the building isoccupiedwill help
to serve asa checkup that the building is
being used and maintained properly.
What If ThereAreToo Many Unknowns?
Sometimes, the owner and the architect may
discover that too little isknown about the
project to determine the full extent of
professional servicesin advance and proceed
to a contractual agreement based on a
known set of services. If thisisthe case,
engage the architect to provide project
definition and other predesign servicesfirst,
with remaining phasesand servicesto be
determined later.
available fromarchitects
Functional relationships/
flow diagrams
Existing facilities surveys
Marketing studies
feasibility studies
Project financing
Site analysis, selection
& development planning
Detailed site
utility studies
On-site & off-site
utiltity studies
Environmental studies
& reports
Zoning process assistance
Architectural design
Structural design/
Mechanical design/
Electrical design/
Civil design/
Landscape design/
I nterior design/
Special design/
Material research &
Tenant-related services
Project Administration &
Management Services
Project administration
Disciplines coordination/
documents checking
Agency consulting/
review approval
Value analysis balanced
with budget & program
Schedule development/
monitoring of the work
Evaluation of budget &
preliminary estimate of
cost of the work
Evaluation & Planning Services Design Services
Thechart listssomeof theservicesoffered by architects. Thechart groupsservicesunder broad
classificationsthat track theservicesin AIA Document B141, Standard Form of Agreement
Between Owner and Architect with Standard Form of ArchitectsServices.
As the owner, you will find it helpful to review this chart with your architect to
acquaint yourself with the professional services your project may require.
Bidding materials
to bidder inquiries
Bidder inquiries
Analysis of alternates/
Special bidding
Bid evaluation
Contract award
Submittal services and
rejection of defective work
On-site visits
Full-time on-site project
Testing & inspection
Quotation requests/
change orders
Contract cost accounting
Furniture & equipment
installation administration
I nterpretations & decisions
Project close-out
Maintenance & operational
Startup assistance
Record drawing
Warranty review
Postcontract evaluation
Bidding or Negotiation Services Contract Administration Services Facility Administration Services
the agreement
Owner-architect agreements spell out what you and your architect bring to
the professional relationship and what you can expect from it.
The formal agreement between you and
your architect isan opportunity to assure
that you both envision the same project,
requirements, and expectations. Before
committing these requirementsand expecta-
tionsto paper, use the five stepspresented
below to identify any itemsthat may have
been missed.
Establish Project Requirements
Write down your project requirementsas
either a short statement or a very detailed
compilation. Addressthese points:
Project use: What isto be designed and
Project site: Where will (might) it be
Levelsof quality and amenity
Role of the project (in the ownerslife,
business, community, etc.)
Schedule requirementsor constraints
Target date for completion
Budget and sourcesof financing
Anticipated key team members.
DescribeProject Tasks and Assign
Responsibility for Each One
Owner and architect should identify the
administrative, design, construction, and
facility operation tasksthat must be
undertaken to achieve project objectives.
The chart on pages89 representssome of
the servicesan architect may provide and is
a useful starting point for thisdiscussion.
Both partiesshould then identify the
servicesrequired for the project and who
will be responsible for each.
Advice: To help produce an initial
schedule, include all necessary tasks, even if
they will be done by others(say, a regulatory
Identify Your ScheduleRequirements
Place your tasksand responsibilitieson a
time line, estimating duration for each task.
Identify the tasksthat if delayed for any
reason will delay completion of the
projectfor example, obtaining financing or
securing zoning approvals. Compare the
time line with your target completion date
and adjust one or both asappropriate.
Advice: The architect and other key team
memberswho must live with the final
project schedule should be included in the
creation and revision of these schedule
Takea Critical Look at theResults
Good project schedulesallow enough time
for decision making. Isyour schedule
reasonable, particularly given the projects
requirementsand budget?Have you allowed
yourself enough timeto review thearchitects
submissions, receive regulatory agency
approvals, seek your own recommendations
and approvals, and make your decisions?
UseThis Planning Work as a Basis for
Establishing theArchitects Compensation
Ask the architect to provide you with
a compensation proposal that is based on
the tasks and schedule requirements
outlined above.
TheOwner-Architect Agreement
If youve done your homework, the written
agreement should follow without difficulty.
You and your architect should now be of
common mind on the key issuesof project
scope, services, responsibilities, schedule,
construction budget, and architect compen-
sation. Some advice on thissubject:
Use a written contract. A handshake or
letter agreement israrely sufficient to
describe thoroughly all the roles, responsi-
bilities, and obligationsof the owner and
Use AIA documents. These standard
formsof agreement, first developed in
the 1880s, have been carefully reviewed,
court-tested, and modified over many
yearsof practice. Widely used by and
accepted in the construction industry,
they present a current consensusamong
organizationsrepresenting owners,
lawyers, contractors, engineers, and
architects. AIA documentsare coordinated
with one another. For example, the
architect-consultant agreement servesas
the subcontract for the owner-architect
agreement, and the owner-contractor
agreement, usually negotiated later,
extendsthe architectsservicesinto
construction. These documentsare readily
available from most local AIA chaptersor
by calling 800-365-ARCH(2724). You
will need to modify the AIA documentsto
adapt them to your particular project.
However, do so with great care. Since
these documentsform a cohesive system
of contractual relationships, even simple
revisionsin one agreement may cause
complicationsin another document.
Understand that your architect cannot
warrant or guarantee results. Asa provider
of professional services, like your lawyer or
doctor, an architect isrequired to perform
to aprofessional standard. Courtsrecognize
this, and so too must responsible clients.
Consult both your legal and insurance
counselsbefore signing any agreement.
your architect
Cost and value go hand in hand: appropriate professional
compensation is important to meeting your goals.
Experienced clientsrecognize that adequate
compensation for the architect isin their
best interest asit assuresthe type and level
of servicesneeded to fulfill their expectations.
You may have questionsabout how to arrive
at the appropriate compensation for your
project. Some of the more frequently asked
questionsare addressed here.
How much should I expect to pay an
The amount of payment dependson the
typesand levelsof professional services
provided. More extensive servicesor a more
complex or experimental project will require
more effort by the architect and add more
value to the project. You should budget
accordingly for architectural services.
What methods of compensation are
Thisisa matter for negotiation, but the
following methodsare in common use.
Compensation may be based on one or
more of them.
Time-Based Methods These include:
Multipleof Direct Personnel Expense, in
which salariesplusbenefitsare multiplied
by a factor representing overhead and
Professional FeePlusExpenses, in which
salaries, benefits, and overhead
are the expense and the fee (representing
profit) may be a multiplier, percentage,
or lump sum
HourlyBillingRates, in which salaries,
benefits, overhead, and profit are included
in ratesfor designated personnel.
Stipulated Sum Compensation isstated as
a dollar amount.
Percentageof Cost of theWork
Compensation iscalculated by applying an
agreed-upon percentage to the estimated or
actual cost of thework, whichever cost ismost
certain at the time the calculation ismade.
SquareFootage Compensation equalsthe
square footage of the structure multiplied by
a pricing factor.
Unit Cost Compensation isbased on the
number of certain unitssuch asrooms,
apartment units, etc.
Royalty Compensation isa share in the
ownersincome or profit derived from the
Suppose my project has many repetitive
units, such as bedrooms or apartments.
Does it make sense to use these units as a
basis for compensation?
It may. Will the number of unitsbear a
reasonable relationship to the responsibilities
of the architect?If the answer isyes, unit
cost may be an appropriate method of
When does it make sense to consider
hourly compensation?
It makesgood sense when there are many
unknowns. Many projectsbegin with hourly
billing and continue until the scope of the
project isbetter defined and establishing
another basisof compensation ispossible. It
may also make sense to use thisapproach for
contract administration and special services,
such asenergy and economic analyses.
What does a stipulated sum include?
Thisisa matter of negotiation with your
architect, but generally it includesthe
architectsdirect personnel expenses(salary
and benefits), other direct expenses
chargeable to the project (such asconsultant
services), indirect expense or overhead (costs
of doing businessnot directly chargeable to
specific projects), and profit. The stipulated
sum doesnot include reimbursable expenses.
What are reimbursable expenses?
These are out-of-pocket expensesincurred
by the architect on behalf of the owner, such
aslong-distance travel and communications,
reproduction of contract documents, and
authorized overtime premiums. Detailed in
the owner-architect agreement, they are
usually in addition to compensation for
professional servicesand are normally billed
asthey occur.
What about payment schedules?
Once the method and amount of compen-
sation have been established, ask the
architect to provide a proposed schedule of
payments. Such a schedule will help you
plan for the financial requirementsof the
What other expenses can the owner expect?
The owner-architect agreement outlinesa
number of owner responsibilities, some of
which will require financial outlay. These
include site surveysand legal descriptions;
geotechnical services(for example, test
boringsor pits); required technical tests
during construction (for example, concrete
strength tests); an on-site project represen-
tative; and the necessary legal, auditing, and
insurance counseling servicesneeded to
fulfill the ownersresponsibilities.
What happens if the owner and architect
cant agree on compensation?
Discussit. Try to understand the others
basisfor negotiation. Often, differences
result from incomplete or inaccurate under-
standingsof project scope or services.
Perhapssome servicescan be performed by
the architect on a separate basis. Perhaps
coordination of owner forces, special
consultants, or other team members
mandated by the owner are adding to the
architectscosts. When everything is
mutually understood and there isstill no
closure on the detailsor method of compen-
sation, both the owner and architect
ordinarily have no choice but to discontinue
Keeping the
project on track
Both you and the architect can take specific steps to help
meet your quality, time, and budget goals.
Design and construction are team activities.
Many individualsand firmscome together
to do a project. Often they will not have
worked together before, and they may not
work together again. They collaborate to
produce a complex and often unique result
on a specific site. Asthe project unfolds,
hundredsof individual design decisionsand
commitmentsare made. Needsand
conditionschange, and work ismodified.
A strong and healthy relationship between
owner and architect isessential to keep the
project on track.
Recognizing theOwners Responsibilities
The owner-architect agreement and general
conditionsof the contract for construction
provide clear guidance on what isexpected
of the owner. AIA DocumentsB141 and
A201 (General Conditions) outline several
responsibilities. Your architect will assist you
in clarifying them.
The owner typically providesthe
following supporting services, although if
need be the architectssupporting services
may be expanded to include some of the
Design objectives, constraints, and
criteria, including space requirementsand
relationships, flexibility, expandability,
special equipment, and site requirements
Budget (including contingenciesfor
bidding, changesin the work during
construction, and other coststhat are the
ownersresponsibility) and a statement of
available fundsfor the project
A legal description and survey of the site
(including available servicesand utilities)
aswell asgeotechnical engineering services
and professional recommendations
(including test boringsor pits, soil-bearing
values, percolation tests, air- and water-
pollution tests, hazardousmaterials
testing, and ground-water levels)
Necessary servicesduring construction,
including testing servicesand (on some
projects) an on-site project representative
Timely information, services, decisions,
and approvals
Prompt notification of any observed faults
or defectsin the project or nonconfor-
mance with the contract documents
governing the project
Legal, accounting, auditing, and insurance
counseling servicesneeded for the project
to meet the interestsof the owner.
Recognizing Someof theFundamental
Realities of Building
We spend more than $300 billion annually
for new construction and renovation
projectsin the U.S. Architectsand their
clientshave had the opportunity to gain
some collective wisdom from these
projectswisdom that may be of value to
you in project planning and follow-through.
Project scope, quality, and cost areinextri-
cably related. Any two of thesevariablescan
befixed and controlled in design; themarket-
placetakescaresof thethird. You will need to
establish prioritiesamong them and set
acceptablerangesfor each one.
A good architect challengesthe clients
program, schedule, and budget. Even
when these have been developed through
painstaking effort, it isin the clientsbest
interest to encourage thischallenge. In this
way, the architect comesto understand the
project requirementsin detail. The analysis
may also reveal latent problemsor oppor-
Asdesign proceeds, important issues
will surface. The architectsservicesbring
increased client understanding of the
project, and the project evolvesasa result.
Each milestone, usually marked by the
submission of documentsto the owner from
the architect, should be used to assure
continuing consensuson project scope,
levelsof quality, time constraints, estimated
cost, and the ownersbudget. It may also be
necessary to adjust the servicesrequired
from the architect at these points.
The secret to successful projectsis
effective project management by both owner
and architect. Following isa summary of
what the owner can do to keep the project
running smoothly through design and
Schedulefor Architects Services
Carefully review the architectsschedule for
services. Ask that the schedule be updated
on a regular basisand after any major change
in scope, services, or time requirements.
TeamMember Take part in the appro-
priate portionsof the project-planning
process. Be sure that your own deadlines,
aswell asyour own decision processes, are
reflected in the schedule.
Client Representative Identify asingle
person to represent you and to speak for you
at planning sessionsand project meetings. The
scopeof theclient representativesauthority
should beunderstood by all involved.
Internal Coordination If yoursisan
organization where several people or depart-
mentsmust be involved in the project work,
make it clear that the client representative is
authorized to speak for you. Multiple
sourcesof advice or requirementswill
inevitably cause problemslater.
Meetings Plan on regular meetingsof
the project team and participate in them.
Meetingsshould have clear agendas. Persons
with assigned tasksshould have them done
in time for the meetings. Be sure that
minutesare prepared that clearly identify
what wasdiscussed, and what itemsrequire
further action and by whom. Minutes
should be circulated to all team members.
Documentation Require that contacts
between architect and client (for example,
phone conversationsand data-gathering
sessions) be documented, and the results
shared with appropriate membersof the
project team. Thissystem keepseveryone
informed of whatsbeing discussed and
decided outside of formal project meetings
and presentations.
Milestones The AIA standard formsof
agreement designate three documentation
submissionsby the architect: schematic
design, design development, and
construction documents. You may wish to
require additional submissions, recognizing
that each can add time and cost to the
project. Use these milestonesto review what
hasbeen done and approve it asthe basisfor
moving forward.
Decision Process Be sure that both you
and your architect understand the process
by which you will make decisions: Who
requireswhat information, whose approval
isrequired, how much timewith contin-
genciesshould be allocated for review of
Decisions Make decisionspromptly.
Keeping the project on hold increasesthe
possibility of changesin conditionsthat may
upset the delicate balance between project
time, cost, and quality.
Agreement Modifications Keep theowner-
architect agreement up-to-date. Modify it
when project scopeor servicesarechanged.
Questions When you have questions, ask
them. Pay particular attention to design
submissions, since the work reflected in each
submission will be further developed in the
next. All questionsshould be resolved before
construction begins, aschangesbeyond this
point will most likely result in increased
time and cost.
Problems Addressproblemswhen they
arise and before small onesbecome large
ones. Regular project meetingsprovide a
natural opportunity.
TheProject Team: Owner, Architect,
At some point, the project team must be
expanded to include the firm or firmsthat
will build the project. There are two basic
The owner and the architect may select
the contractor or contractorsbased on the
construction contract documentsprepared
by the architect. Public entitiesgenerally
must engage in an open competitive
bidding process. Other ownersmay
choose open competitive bidding,
competitive bidding by a few invited
firms, or negotiation with a single selected
contractor or builder.
The owner and the architect may choose
to include the contractor asa member of
the team at the outset of design. The
contractor may be paid a fee for consul-
tation during design. A method of
compensation for the construction work is
negotiated when the design hasprogressed
in sufficient detail to serve asa basisfor a
cost proposal.
However and whenever the contractor
isselected, it islikely that the architect will
assist with the bidding documentsand the
owner-contractor agreement formsaspart
of the architectsresponsibility for preparing
the construction contract documents. It is
sound practice to engage the architects
assistance in the bidding or negotiation
processand selection of the contractor.
Maintaining theProfessional Relationship
The architectsservicesshould continue
following the award of the construction
contract. During construction, the
architect can:
Administer the construction contract.
Thisincludesevaluating the work for
compliance with the contract documents,
checking shop drawingsand other
submittalsto confirm the contractors
understanding of the design, and checking
the contractorspayment requisitions
against the progressof the work.
Make design changesduring construction.
These may be required due to unexpected
conditionsin the field, the need for
further refinementsin the design, or
changesin your own requirementsas
construction proceeds.
Inspect the facility to determine that it is
complete and ready for use, and that the
contractor isentitled to final payment.
Your architectsinvolvement with the
project doesnot end there. Asadesign
professional, thearchitect hasacontinuing
interest in knowing that your building works.
You may wish to retain thesamefirm to assist
with start-up, to review operationsat alater
date, for tenant-related services, or for later
alterationsand modifications. You now havea
working relationship with your architect, and
no oneknowsyour building better.
So we arrive at the
bottom line...
the need to complete projects that respond
to owner needs and aspirations within
schedule and budget, and contribute to the
quality of our communities and our lives
within them.
Copyright 2000 The American I nstitute of Architects
All rights reserved
This bookletoriginally written for The American I nstitute of Architects by AI A Honor Award recepient David Haviland,
professor of architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic I nstituteis updated periodically to reflect current industry practices.
For more information on working with an architect, please contact your local chapter of The American I nstitute of Architects
or call the national headquarters of the AI A at (202) 626-7300.
The publication of You and Your Architect was sponsored by
Victor O. Schinnerer & Company I nc., the program manager for
The American I nstitute of Architects commended program of
professional liability insurance. This program, underwritten by CNA
I nsurance Companies, is the worlds largest and most experienced
source of coverage for design professionals.
The American I nstitute of Architects
1735 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20006-5292

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