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Higher College Of Technology

Cooling load
June 16
Mubarak Saeed Sayah Mubarak Al Dhaheri (200129413)
Mutlaq Abdulkareem Faraj A. Bin Amro (H00004658)
Ahmed Mubarak Ismaeil Hashel Al Zaabi (H00098479)
Abdulrahman Mohamed A. Mohamed Al Marzooqi (H00089242)
Saqer Saleh Abdulla Hussain Alahwal Al Mesaabi (H00100246)
Waleed Qassim Ali Ahmed Al Yafaie (H00089409)
-Cooling load calculations
report for subject:
Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning System.
-MECH N440
-Dr. Kamel Adref
Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

1 Contents
2 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Occasion of the report .................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Objectives...................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Terminology .................................................................................................................................. 3
3 Space heat gain ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 The method of how the heat enters the space: ........................................................................... 5
3.2 Sensible heat ................................................................................................................................. 5
3.3 The factors involve the sensible heat load: .................................................................................. 6
3.4 Latent Heat Loads ......................................................................................................................... 6
3.4.1 The factors involve the sensible heat load: .......................................................................... 6
3.5 Space heat gain and cooling load (heat storage effect)................................................................ 6
3.6 Space cooling and cooling load (Coil)............................................................................................ 8
3.7 Components of cooling load ......................................................................................................... 8
4 CLTD/SCL/CLF METHOD OF LOAD CALCULATION ................................................................................. 9
4.1 External Cooling Load ................................................................................................................. 10
4.1.1 Roof ..................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1.2 Walls .................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.3 Solar load through glass ...................................................................................................... 16
4.1.4 Partition, ceilings and floors ............................................................................................... 18
4.2 Internal Cooling Loads ................................................................................................................ 19
4.2.1 People ................................................................................................................................. 19
4.2.2 Lights ................................................................................................................................... 21
4.2.3 Appliances ........................................................................................................................... 22
4.2.4 Infiltration Air ...................................................................................................................... 23
5 References .......................................................................................................................................... 24

Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi


2 Introduction

2.1 Occasion of the report

To complete the requirements of the course refrigeration and air conditioning system.

2.2 Objectives

To calculate the cooling load needed to remove the amount of heat energy from a class room
by the HVAC equipment to maintain the room at indoor design temperature when worst case
outdoor design temperature is being experienced.
2.3 Terminology

Before we go further in cooling load calculations, we need to define and understand some
important terminology.
Space: is either a volume or a site without a partition or a partitioned room or group of rooms.
Room: is an enclosed or partitioned space that is usually treated as single load.
Zone: is a space or group of spaces within a building with heating and/or cooling requirements
sufficiently similar so that comfort conditions can be maintained throughout by a single
controlling device.
Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD): an equivalent temperature difference used for
calculating the instantaneous external cooling load across a wall or roof.
Sensible Heat Gain: is the energy added to the space by conduction, convection and/or radiation.
Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

Latent Heat Gain: is the energy added to the space when moisture is added to the space by means
of vapor emitted by the occupants, generated by a process or through air infiltration from outside
or adjacent areas.
Radiant Heat Gain: the rate at which heat absorbed is by the surfaces enclosing the space and the
objects within the space.
Space Heat Gain: is the rate at which heat enters into and/or is generated within the conditioned
space during a given time interval.
Space Cooling Load: is the rate at which energy must be removed from a space to maintain a
constant space air temperature.
Space Heat Extraction Rate: the rate at which heat is removed from the conditioned space and is
equal to the space cooling load if the room temperature remains constant.
Temperature, Dry Bulb: is the ordinary temperature of the air.
Temperature, Wet Bulb: is the temperature of the air with consisting of moisture.
Temperature, Dewpoint: is the temperature to which air must be cooled in order to reach
saturation or at which the condensation of water vapor in a space begins for a given state of
humidity and pressure.
Relative humidity: describes how far the air is from saturation. It is a useful term for expressing
the amount of water vapor when discussing the amount and rate of evaporation. One way to
approach saturation, a relative humidity of 100%, is to cool the air. It is therefore useful to know
how much the air needs to be cooled to reach saturation.
Relative humidity: is a term used to describe the amount of water vapor in a mixture of air and
water vapor.
Space heat gain: the amount of heat is entering the space.
Space cooling load: the amount of energy must be removed from the space to keep temperature
and relative humidity constant.
Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

Space heat extraction: the amount of the energy that is removed by the HVAC.
Cooling load (coil): how much energy is removed by the cooling coil serving various spaces
plus any loads external to the spaces such as duct heat gain, duct leakage, fan heat and outdoor
makeup air.
3 Space heat gain

Its the rate of heat gained when heat enters the space or heat generated within a space.
3.1 The method of how the heat enters the space:

Solar radiation through the window or any transparent surfaces.
Heat conduction through walls, roof and windows of the class.
Heat conduction through interior partitions, ceilings and floors.
The generated heat by the occupants such as lights, appliances, equipment and processes.
The loads that are results of ventilation and infiltration of outdoor air.
Other miscellaneous heat gains.
Table 1, shows how the heat goes into the mechanical engineering class.

3.2 Sensible heat

Its about heat at which a substance absorbs. During rising the temperature of the substance,
the substance doesnt change state. Sensible heat gain is directly added to the conditioned space
by conduction, convection, and radiation. Note that the sensible heat gain entering the
conditioned space does not equal the sensible cooling load during the same time interval because
of the stored heat in the building envelope. Only the convective heat becomes cooling load

Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

3.3 The factors involve the sensible heat load:

Heat transmitted thru floors, ceilings, walls.
Occupants body heat.
Appliance & Light heat.
Solar Heat gain thru glass.
Infiltration of outside air.
Air introduced by Ventilation.
Table 2 shows factors influencing the total of heat load.
3.4 Latent Heat Loads

Latent heat gain occurs when moisture is added to the space either from internal sources (e.g.
vapor emitted by occupants and equipment) or from outdoor air as a result of infiltration or
ventilation to maintain proper indoor air quality.
3.4.1 The factors involve the sensible heat load:

Moisture-laden outside air form Infiltration & Ventilation.
Occupant Respiration & Activities.
Moisture from Equipment & Appliances.
Table 3 shows factors influence the total of sensible heat load.
3.5 Space heat gain and cooling load (heat storage effect)

The heat that is collected from the heat sources (conduction, convection, solar radiation,
lightning, people, equipment, etc...) doesnt go directly to heating the room. However, only some
part of the heat sources that is absorbed air in the conditioned space (class), leading to a quick
change in its temperature. Most of the radiation heat especially from sun, lighting, people is first
absorbed by the internal surfaces, which include ceiling, floor, internal walls, furniture etc. Due
to the large but finite thermal capacity of the roof, floor, walls etc., their temperature increases
slowly due to absorption of radiant heat. The radiant portion introduces a time lag and also a
decrement factor depending upon the dynamic characteristics of the surfaces. Due to the time
lag, the effect of radiation will be felt even when the source of radiation, in this case the sun is
Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi


As you can see from figure (1) that shows difference between immediate heat gain and cooling
load is due to heat storage affect.

The relation between heat gain and cooling load and the effect of the mass of the structure (light,
medium & heavy) is shown below. From figure (2) it is evident that, there is a delay in the peak
heat, especially for heavy construction.

Figure 1 shows differences between Space Heat Gain and Space Cooling Load.
Figure 2 shows actual cooling load and solar heat gain for light, medium and heavy construction.
Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

3.6 Space cooling and cooling load (Coil)

Space cooling is the rate at which heat must be removed from the spaces to maintain air
temperature at a constant value. Cooling load, on the other hand, is the rate at which energy is
removed at the cooling coil that serves one or more conditioned spaces in any central air
conditioning system. It is equal to the instantaneous sum of the space cooling loads for all spaces
served by the system plus any additional load imposed on the system external to the conditioned
spaces items such as fan energy, fan location, duct heat gain, duct leakage, heat extraction
lighting systems and type of return air systems all affect component sizing.
3.7 Components of cooling load

The total class room cooling load consists of heat transferred through the class room
envelope (walls, roof, floor, windows, doors etc.) and heat generated by occupants, equipment,
and lights. The load due to heat transfer through the envelope is called as external load, while all
other loads are called as internal loads. The percentage of external versus internal load varies
with class room type, site climate, and class room design. The total cooling load on any building
consists of both sensible as well as latent load components. The sensible load affects the dry bulb
temperature, while the latent load affects the moisture content of the conditioned space.

Figure 3 shows the external loads and internal loads.
Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

Class room may be classified as externally loaded and internally loaded as you can see
from figure (3). In externally loaded class room, the cooling load on the class room is mainly due
to heat transfer between the surroundings and the internal conditioned space. Since the
surrounding conditions are highly variable in any given day, the cooling load of an externally
loaded building varies widely. In internally loaded class room, the cooling load is mainly due to
internal heat generating sources such as occupants, lights or appliances. In general the heat
generation due to internal heat sources may remain fairly constant, and since the heat transfer
from the variable surroundings is much less compared to the internal heat sources, the cooling
load of an internally loaded class room remains fairly constant. Obviously from energy
efficiency and economics points of view, the system design strategy for an externally loaded
class room should be different from an internally loaded building. Hence, prior knowledge of
whether the building is externally loaded or internally loaded is essential for effective system


CLTD is a theoretical temperature difference that accounts for the combined effects of inside
and outside air temp difference, daily temp range, solar radiation and heat storage in the
construction assembly/building mass. It is affected by orientation, tilt, month, day, hour, latitude,
etc. CLTD factors are used for adjustment to conductive heat gains from walls, roof, floor and
CLF accounts for the fact that all the radiant energy that enters the conditioned space at a
particular time does not become a part of the cooling load instantly. The CLF values for various
surfaces have been calculated as functions of solar time and orientation and are available in the
form of tables in ASHRAE Handbooks. CLF factors are used for adjustment to heat gains from
internal loads such as lights, occupancy, power appliances.
SCL factors are used for adjustment to transmission heat gains from glass.
Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

4.1 External Cooling Load
4.1.1 Roof

If the roof is exposed directly to the sun, it absorbs maximum heat. If there is other room
above the air-conditioned room, then the amount of heat gained by the roof reduces. The heat
gained by the partitions of the room depends upon the type of partition. Roof calculation formula
is given below:
Q = U * A * (CLTD)
Q = cooling load.
U = Coefficient of heat transfer roof or wall or glass.
A = area of roof.
CLTD = cooling load temperature difference.
Since the ASHRAE tables provide hourly CLTD values for one typical set of conditions i.e.
outdoor maximum temperature of 95F with mean temperature of 85C and daily range of 21F,
the equation is further adjusted to apply correction factors for conditions other than the
mentioned base case. Thus,
= U * A * CLTD
Roof Corrected The typical steps to calculate the Roof load are as follows in table (4):

Step 1 Determine roof construction and overall heat transfer coefficient (U) (Table A24-4, A29-
Step 2 Select roof no. from ASHRAE Table 31 or Text table 7-34 which is closest to matching actual roof
Step 3 Select CLTD Roof for time of interest, typically on an hourly basis (Table A28-32, A28-34).
Step 4 Corrections: CLTD ROOF Corrected= [CLTD Roof+ (25.5 TR) +(TM 29.4)]
Step 5 Calculate roof area (A)
Step 6 Q
= U * A *
CLTD Roof Corrected

Table 4 shows steps of calculating the roof load.
Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

11 Roof View in Auto Cad

Figure 4 shows the Auto Cad top view.
Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

12 Roof section

 Results of the calculating the roof load
Order Section Color
1 Foresealing
2 Hungers
3 Sandwich
4 Insulation
5 Paint
Figure 6 shows the coding of the sections and its order.
Hour 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm
Q watt 426.6 534.6 642.6 750.6 831.6 939.6
Table 5 shows the product of the roof load through the five hours.
Figure 5, shows the roof sectioning of the class room.
Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi


4.1.2 Walls

The walls of the room gain heat from the sun by way of conduction. The amount of heat
depends on the wall material and its alignment with respect to sun. If the wall of the room is
exposed to the west direction, it will gain maximum heat between 2 to 5 pm. The southern wall
will gain maximum heat in the mid-day between 12 to 2 pm. The heat gained by the wall facing
north direction is the least. The heat gained by the walls in day-time gets stored in them, and it is
released into the rooms at the night time thus causing excessive heating of the room. If the walls
of the room are insulated the amount of heat gained by them reduces drastically.
The cooling load from walls is treated in a similar way as roof:
= U * A * CLTD
Wall Corrected

= Load through the walls.
U = Thermal Transmittance for walls.
A = area of walls.
CLTD = Cooling Load Temperature Difference for walls.

Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

14 The typical steps to calculate the Wall load are as follows:

Step1 Determine wall construction and overall heat transfer coefficient (U) Table A24-4,
Step 2 Select wall type from ASHRAE Table 33 which is closest to matching actual wall
Step 3 Select CLTD Wall for time of interest, typically on an hourly basis (Chapter 28
ASHRAE Table A28-32, A28-34).
Step 4 Corrections: CLTD Wall Corrected= [CLTD Wall+ (25.5 TR) +(TM 29.4)]
TR = indoor temperature
TM = outdoor temperature =maximum outdoor temp Daily Range/2
Step 5 5- Calculate walls area. Wall area you have. exclude windows and door and
count only wall area.
Step 6 U * A * CLTD
Wall Corrected

Table 6 shows the procedure of wall load calculations.

Figure 7 shows the back view.

Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

15 Section of the wall

Order Section Color
1 Paint
2 Gypsum
3 Insulation
4 Wood
5 Finish
Figure 9 shows the code of the sectioning and its order.
Figure 8 shows the wall sectioning of the class room.
Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

16 Results

Hour 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm
Q watt 836.57 856.82 897.32 937.60 1038.56 1098.30
Table 7 shows the results of wall load.

4.1.3 Solar load through glass

Solar load through glass has two components: 1) Conductive and 2) Solar Transmission
The absorbed and then conductive portion of the radiation through the windows is treated
like the roof & walls where CLTD values for standard glazing are tabulated in ASHARE
fundamentals handbook. For solar transmission, the cooling load is calculated by the cooling
load SCL factor and shading coefficient (SC).

Figure 11 shows the AutoCad view of the door in the class room.
Figure 10 shows the window view of the class room.
Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

The cooling load equations for glass are:
Conductive Q
Glass Conductive
= U * A * CLTD
Glass Corrected

Solar Transmission Q
Glass Solar
= A * SC * SCL
Q Conductive = Conductive load through the glass.
Q Solar = Solar transmission load through the glass.
U = Thermal Transmittance for glass.
A = area of glass.
CLTD = Cooling Load Temperature Difference for glass.
SC = Shading coefficient.
SCL = Solar Cooling Load Factor. Steps for conductive calculations

Step 1 For the glass types used, select from ASHRAE tables the overall heat transfer
coefficient (U).
Step 2 Select CLTD Glass for time of interest, typically on an hourly basis Table 34.
Step 3 Corrections: CLTD Glass Corrected= [CLTD Glass+ (25.5 TR) +(TM 29.4)].
Step 4 Calculate glass area (A).
Step 5 Q
= U * A * CLTD
Glass Corrected

Table 8 shows procedure of conductive calculations Results

Hour 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm
Q watt






Table 9 shows the results of the glaze conductive calculations.
Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

18 Steps for solar transmission calculations:

Step 1 Determine shading coefficient (SC) from, Table 11.
Step 2 Determine zone type from, Table 35 B.
Step 3 Determine solar cooling load factor (SCL) from, Table A28-36.
Step 4 Calculate glass area (A).
Step 5 Q
Glass Solar
= A * SC * SCL
Table 10 shows the procedure of solar transmission calculations. Results

Hour 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm
Q watt






Table 11 shows the product of the glazing solar calculations.

4.1.4 Partition, ceilings and floors

The various internal loads consist of sensible and latent heat transfers due to occupants, products,
processes appliances and lighting. The lighting load is only sensible. The conversion of sensible
heat gain (from lighting, people, appliances, etc.) to space cooling load is affected by the thermal
storage characteristics of that space and is thus subject to appropriate cooling load factors (CLF)
to account for the time lag of the cooling load caused by the building mass. The weighting
factors equation determines the CLF factors.
CLF = Q cooling load / Q internal gains
Note that the latent heat gains are considered instantaneous.

Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

4.2 Internal Cooling Loads

The various internal loads consist of sensible and latent heat transfers due to occupants,
products, processes appliances and lighting. The lighting load is only sensible. The conversion of
sensible heat gain (from lighting, people, appliances, etc.) to space cooling load is affected by the
thermal storage characteristics of that space and is thus subject to appropriate cooling load
factors (CLF) to account for the time lag of the cooling load caused by the building mass. The
weighting factors equation determines the CLF factors.
cooling load
/ Q
internal gains

Note that the latent heat gains are considered instantaneous.

4.2.1 People

Human beings release both sensible heat and latent heat to the conditioned space when they
stay in it as you can see the figures in the table (11). You might have noticed that when a small
room is filled with people, it tends to become warmer. People emit heat primarily through
breathing and perspiration, and, to a lesser extent, through radiation. This heat translates into an
increased cooling load on your cooling systems. The heat gain by the occupants in the building is
separated into sensible and latent heat. The number of people, the type of activity they are
performing, and the CLF determines sensible and latent heat. The CLF is determined by the time
the occupants come into the building and for how long they stay in the building.

Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

The heat gain from the occupancy or people is given be equation:
= N (QS) (CLF)
= N (QL)
N = number of students in space (class room).
QS, QL = Sensible and Latent heat gain from occupancy is given in Table 3.
CLF = Cooling Load Factor, by hour of occupancy in Table 37. Results

Internal Gains
Number Gain/unit

30 70

Table 12 shows the sensible heat gain.

INTERNAL LOADS Number Gain/unit Ql=
People 30 45 1350
Table 13 shows the latent heat gain.

Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

4.2.2 Lights

The primary source of heat from lighting comes from light-emitting elements. Table (13),
indicate and explain more about the lights effects on the heat gain when its off or on.
Calculation of this load component is not straightforward; the rate of heat gain at any given
moment can be quite different from the heat equivalent of power supplied instantaneously to
those lights. Only part of the energy from lights is in the form of convective heat, which is
picked up instantaneously by the air-conditioning apparatus. The remaining portion is in the form
of radiation, which affects the conditioned space only after having been absorbed and re-released
by walls, floors, furniture, etc. This absorbed energy contributes to space cooling load only after
a time lag, with some part of such energy still present and reradiating after the lights have been
switched off.

Table 14 shows actual cooling load from fluorescent lights.
Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

Generally, the instantaneous rate of heat gain from electric lighting may be calculated from:
Q = 3.41 x W x F
x F

Cooling load factors are used to convert instantaneous heat gain from lighting to the sensible
cooling load; thus the equation is modified to:
Q = 3.41 x W x F
x F
x (CLF).

W = Watts input from electrical lighting plan or lighting load data.
= Lighting use factor, as appropriate.
= special ballast allowance factor, as appropriate.
CLF = Cooling Load Factor, by hour of occupancy, Table 38.

4.2.3 Appliances

In a cooling load estimate, heat gain from all appliances-electrical, gas, or steam-should be taken
into account. Because of the variety of appliances, applications, schedules, use, and installations,
estimates can be very subjective. Often, the only information available about heat gain from
equipment is that on its name-plate.

Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

= Q
x F
x F
x (CLF)
= Q
x F

= rated energy input from appliances. See Table 5 thru 9 or use manufacturers data. For
computers, monitors, printers and miscellaneous office equipment, see 2001 ASHRAE
Fundamentals, Chapter 29, Tables 8, 9, & 10.
= Usage factor. See 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter 28, Table 6 and 7.
= Radiation factor. See 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter 28, Table 6 and 7.
CLF = Cooling Load Factor, by hour of occupancy. See 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter
28, Table 37 and 39.
4.2.4 Infiltration Air

= 1.08 x CFM x (To Ti)
= 4840 x CFM x (Wo Wi)
= 4.5 x CFM x (ho hi)
CFM = Infiltration air flow rate. See 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter 25, for
determining infiltration
To, Ti = Outside/Inside dry bulb temperature.
Wo, Wi = Outside/Inside humidity ratio.
ho, hi = Outside/Inside air enthalpy.

Cooling load Estimation 2012

Dr. Kamel Adref | HCT, Abu Dhabi

5 References

"Cooling Load Estimation." Cooling Load. N.p., 23 May 2010. Web. 16 June 2012.
"Thread: Cooling Load Calculation Formulas." Forums. N.p., n.d. Web. 16
June 2012. <
"Cooling Load Calculations." Cooling Load Calculations. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 June 2012.
"HEAT GAIN COOLING LOAD ESTIMATE." Environmental Technology I. N.p., Spring 2003. Web. 16 June
2012. <>.
Tongshoob, Taperit, and Chirdpun Vitooraporn2. "Cooling Load Calculation." Mechanical Engineering
Department, Chulalongkorn University, 2 July 2004. Web. 16 June 2012.
Burdick, Arlan. "Accurate Heating and Cooling Load Calculations." Building Technologies Program. US
Department Of Energy, 3 June 2011. Web. 16 June 2012.
"Cooling Load Calculation." Cooling Load Calculation. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 June 2012.

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