Performance Appraisal Handbook

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Appraisal Handbook
(370 DM 430)
A Guide for Managers/Supervisors
and Employees

U.S. Department of the Interior

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Appraisal Handbook
Timeline for the Performance Appraisal
Section 1-
Developing Employee Performance Appraisal Plans
Standards (Benchmark Performance
Documenting Elements and
Section 2 –
Feedback during the Performance
Section 3 – DEVELOPING
Section 4 –
Rating Critical
Rating of
Discussion with
Links to Other Personnel
Dealing with Poor
APPENDIX 1 – GPRA Examples for Individual Bureaus/Offices
APPENDIX 2 – Developing Performance Standards
APPENDIX 3 – A Supervisor’s Guide on How to get the Most of out of
Performance Appraisals
APPENDIX 4 – An Employee Guide on How to get the Most out of
Performance Appraisals
APPENDIX 5 – Supervisor’s Guide to Developing Individual Development
1 • Sample Individual Development Plan

APPENDIX 6 – Checklists for Dealing with Poor Performance

APPENDIX 7 – Frequently Asked Questions
1 • Sample Completed EPAP

Table of Contents
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Appraisal Handbook
Timeline for the Performance Appraisal System
5-Level Performance System
Or as otherwise Appraisal Period – The appraisal period coincides with the fiscal year, October 1 to
approved by the DOI September 30.
Office of Human
Or 30 days after the Complete the performance appraisal for prior fiscal year that ended on
end of the Performance September 30.
Appraisal Period
Or 60 calendars from Maximum time to finalize performance standards – Timeframe in which
beginning of appraisal performance standards are finalized and approved. The maximum time a rating
cycle official has to put an employee under elements and standards, i.e., establish an
Employee Performance Appraisal Plan (EPAP).

Minimum Appraisal Period – The length of time, 90 calendar days, that the employee must be performing
under an approved EPAP in a given position in order to be eligible for an interim or annual rating.

Or approximately Progress Review – Discussion with the employee at least once during the appraisal
midway through period to review the employee’s progress and communicate performance as compared
Performance Appraisal to the established standards; to make any recommended revisions to critical
period elements/performance standards; and to consider/identify any developmental needs or
performance improvement required.

Interim Appraisal – Required when an employee has worked under standards in the position for 90 days and if
one or more of the following occurs: Employee changes position (i.e., reassignment, promotion, change to lower
grade, transfer), completes a temporary assignment of 120 days or more (i.e., detail, temporary promotion, etc.),
the rating official leaves a supervisory position, or to document a level of competence determination for within-
grade increase purposes when the employee’s most recent rating of record is not consistent with the level of
competence determination.

October 1 to
September 30

As Required

March through May

90 Calendar

October 1 to November 30
October 1 to 31
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Appraisal Handbook
Managing employee performance is an integral part of the work that all managers and
rating officials perform throughout the year. It is as important as managing financial
resources and program outcomes because employee performance, or the lack thereof,
has a profound effect on both the financial and program components of any
The Department of the Interior’s performance management policy is designed to
document the expectations of individual and organizational performance, provide a
meaningful process by which employees can be rewarded for noteworthy
contributions to the organization, and provide a mechanism to improve
individual/organizational performance as necessary.
To accomplish these objectives, managers need to identify organizational goals to be
accomplished, communicate individual and organizational goals to employees that
support the overall strategic mission and Government Performance and Results Act
(GPRA) goals of the Department, monitor and evaluate employee performance, and
use performance as a basis for appropriate personnel actions, including rewarding
noteworthy performance and taking action to improve less than successful
The Office of Personnel Management defines performance management as the
systematic process of:
1 • planning work and setting expectations
2 • continually monitoring performance
3 • developing the capacity to perform
4 • periodically rating performance in a summary fashion; and
5 • rewarding good performance

This handbook is designed for Department of the Interior rating officials and
employees to assist with the management of employee performance that is aligned
with and supports organizational goals. It is divided into five areas coinciding with
OPM’s definition, with the final section expanded to include taking other actions
based on performance including dealing with poor performance.

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Appraisal Handbook
In an effective organization, work is planned in advance. This includes setting performance
expectations and goals for individuals in order to channel efforts toward achieving
organizational objectives. Involving employees in the planning process is essential to their
understanding of the goals of the organization, what needs to be done, why it needs to be
done, and expectations for accomplishing goals.
regulatory requirements for planning an employee’s performance include establishing the
elements and standards in their EPAP (EPAP). An EPAP outlines the specific elements and
standards that the employee is expected to accomplish during the rating cycle. Performance
elements and standards should be measurable, understandable, verifiable, equitable, and
achievable. In addition, EPAPs should be flexible so that they can be adjusted for changing
program objectives and work requirements. When used effectively, these plans can be
beneficial working documents that are discussed often, and not merely paperwork that is filed
in a drawer and seen only when ratings of record are required.

ELEMENTS The Department’s policy outlines that employees may have a minimum of one
and no more than five elements in their appraisal plans, all of which will be considered
critical. Through these elements, employees are held accountable as individuals for work
assignments and responsibilities of their position. A critical element is an assignment or
responsibility of such importance that unsatisfactory performance in that element alone
would result in a determination that the employee’s overall performance is unsatisfactory. As
defined by law, failure on one or more critical elements can result in the employee’s
reassignment, removal, or reduction in grade. Consequently, critical elements must describe
work assignments and responsibilities that are significantly influenced by an employee’s
work effort and within the employee’s control. For most employees this means that critical
elements cannot describe a group’s performance. However, a supervisor or manager can and
should be held accountable for seeing that results measured at the group or team level are
achieved. Critical elements assessing group performance may be appropriate to include in the
EPAP of a supervisor, manager, or team leader who can reasonably be expected to command
the production and resources necessary to achieve the results (i.e., held individually
Supervisors and managers may
use several documents and/or
sources to assist them in
determining the appropriate
critical elements for their
employees. These include but are
not limited to:

1 • Goals and objectives as

outlined in the Department’s
strategic plan

1 • Specific performance
goals established for a given
program area as outlined in the
Department’s annual performance

1 • Bureau/Office specific
program goals and objectives
1 • Functional
area/organizational goals and

1 • Other internal
management policy/direction

1 • Laws and/or regulatory


1 • Customer/stakeholder

1 • Employee input

1 • Employee position

Mandatory Elements: Department policy requires the following mandatory elements be

1 • All supervisors/managers— EPAPs for all supervisors and managers shall include the
following critical element (one of the maximum of 5 elements):
Supervisory/Managerial Element: Performance of supervisory/managerial duties will
be carried out in accordance with regulatory requirements and other Bureau/Office
policies governing the following areas:
0 � Diversity/EEO obligations;
1 �Internal management controls;
2 �Merit Systems Principles;
3 �Safety and Occupational Health obligations;

Performance elements tell employees what they have to do and standards tell them how well they
have to do it.

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1 �Effective performance management; and
2 �Effective management of ethics, conduct & discipline issues.
2 (See Benchmark Standards below for description of standards for supervisors at the
various performance levels.)
1 • All employees—EPAPs must have at least one performance element that is linked
to the strategic mission and Government Performance Results Act (GPRA) goals of
the Department, Bureau/Office, and/or work unit. Rating officials should determine
which appropriate GPRA/mission strategic goal(s), end outcome goal(s), end
outcome performance measure(s), strategies, or strategy performance measure(s) can
best be utilized to develop the critical element(s) and standards in each employee’s
performance appraisal plan. This element(s) should be clearly labeled on the EPAP.
(See Appendix 1 for some specific Bureau/Office examples.)

STANDARDS The performance standards are expressions of the performance threshold(s),

requirement(s), or expectation(s) that must be met for each element at a particular level of
performance. They must be focused on results and include credible measures such as:
1 • QUALITY, addresses how well the employee or work unit is expected to perform the work
and/or the accuracy or effectiveness of the final product. It refers to accuracy, appearance,
usefulness, or effectiveness. Measures can include error rates (such as the number or percentage
of errors allowable per unit of work) and customer satisfaction rates (determined through a
customer survey/feedback).
2 • QUANTITY addresses how much work the employee or work unit is expected to produce.
Measures are expressed as a number of products or services expected, or as a general result to
3 • TIMELINESS addresses how quickly, when, or by what date the employee or work unit is
expected to produce the work.
4 • COST-EFFECTIVENESS addresses dollar savings or cost control. These should
address cost-effectiveness on specific resource levels (money, personnel, or time) that
can generally be documented and measured. Cost-effectiveness measures may include
such aspects of performance as maintaining or reducing unit costs, reducing the time it
takes to produce or provide a product or service, or reducing waste.

To develop specific measures, the rating official must determine which of the above general
measure(s) are important for a given element, and then determine how to measure it.
When specific standards are developed in addition to, or in lieu of, the benchmark standards
listed below, regulation requires description at the Fully Successful level, at a minimum.
However, rating officials are strongly encouraged to develop standards at additional levels so
employees clearly understand their performance expectations at various levels.
In addition, if the benchmark standards below are not used, standards developed by the rating
official should require levels of performance that are essentially equivalent to that described
by the benchmark standard at each level. See Appendix 2 to assist you in developing your
own standards.
The following benchmark standards are provided for your use in describing expected
performance at the various levels of the plan. These benchmark standards can be applied to
every position, but should be augmented with specific standards that describe the results
expected at the various levels of performance for each element.
While each and every criterion described in the standards will not have to be met by the
employee in absolute terms to assign a particular rating level, the rating official MUST
ensure the employee understands the overall level of performance they are expected to meet
in order to be assigned a given rating level.
The standards are separated into Non-Supervisory and Supervisory.
Benchmark Employee Performance Standards
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Employee demonstrates particularly excellent performance that is of such high quality that
organizational goals have been achieved that would not have been otherwise. The employee
demonstrates mastery of technical skills and a thorough understanding of the mission of the
organization and has a fundamental impact on the completion of program objectives.
The employee exerts a major positive influence on management practices, operating
procedures and/or program implementation, which contributes substantially to organizational
growth and recognition. The employee plans for the unexpected and uses alternate ways of
reaching goals. Difficult assignments are handled intelligently and effectively. The employee
has produced an exceptional quantity of work, often ahead of established schedules and with
little supervision.
The employee’s oral and written communications are exceptionally clear and effective.
He/she improves cooperation among participants in the workplace and prevents
misunderstandings. Complicated or controversial subjects are presented or explained
effectively to a variety of audiences so that desired outcomes are achieved.
Employee demonstrates unusually good performance that exceeds expectations in critical
areas and exhibits a sustained support of organizational goals. The employee shows a
comprehensive understanding of the objectives of the job and the procedures for meeting
Effective planning by the employee improves the quality of management practices, operating
procedures, task assignments and/or program activities. The employee develops and/or
implements workable and cost-effective approaches to meeting organizational goals.
The employee demonstrates an ability to get the job done well in more than one way while
handling difficult and unpredicted problems. The employee produces a high quantity of work,
often ahead of established schedules with less than normal supervision.
The employee writes and speaks clearly on difficult subjects to a wide range of audiences and
works effectively with others to accomplish organizational objectives.
Fully Successful:
The employee demonstrates good, sound performance that meets organizational goals. All
critical activities are generally completed in a timely manner and supervisor is kept informed
of work issues, alterations and status. The employee effectively applies technical skills and
organizational knowledge to get the job done. The employee successfully carries out regular
duties while also handling any difficult special assignments. The employee plans and
performs work according to organizational priorities and schedules. The employee
communicates clearly and effectively.
Minimally Successful:
The employee’s performance shows serious deficiencies that requires correction. The
employee’s work frequently needs revision or adjustments to meet a minimally successful
level. All assignments are completed, but often require assistance from supervisor and/or
peers. Organizational goals and objectives are met only as a result of close supervision. On
one or more occasions, important work requires unusually close supervision to meet
organizational goals or needs so much revision that deadlines were missed or imperiled.
Employee shows a lack of awareness of policy implications or assignments; inappropriate or
incomplete use of programs or services; circumvention of established procedures, resulting in
unnecessary expenditure of time or money; reluctance to accept responsibility;
disorganization in carrying out assignments; incomplete understanding of one or more
important areas of the field of work; unreliable methods for completing assignments; lack of
clarity in writing and speaking; and/or failure to promote team spirit.
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The employee’s performance is unsatisfactory. The quality and quantity of the employee’s
work are not adequate for the position. Work products do not meet the minimum
requirements expected.
The employee demonstrates little or no contribution to organizational goals; failure to meet
work objectives; inattention to organizational priorities and administrative requirements; poor
work habits resulting in missed deadlines and/or incomplete work products; strained work
relationships; failure to respond to client needs; and/or lack of response to supervisor’s
corrective efforts.
Benchmark Supervisory Performance Standards
Supervisory: The employee demonstrates excellent leadership skills and with only rare
exceptions develops effective working relationships with others. The employee immediately
handles difficult situations with subordinates with professionalism and effectiveness, and
demonstrates foresight in correcting situations that may cause future problems before they
arise. The employee encourages independence and risk-taking among subordinates, yet takes
responsibility for their actions. The employee is open to and solicits the views of others, and
promotes cooperation among peers and subordinates, while guiding, motivating and
stimulating positive responses.
The employee demonstrates a strong commitment to fair treatment, equal opportunity and the
affirmative action objectives of the organization, and has a significant positive impact on
achievement of goals in this area. In addition, the employee demonstrates innovation and
specific positive achievements in meeting other management obligations such as safety,
internal management controls, merit systems principles, performance management, and
management of ethics, conduct and discipline issues.
Supervisory: The employee demonstrates good leadership skills and establishes sound
working relationships. The employee almost always handles difficult situations with
subordinates with professionalism and effectiveness. The employee shows good judgment in
dealing with others and considering their views. The employee has a strong sense of mission
and seeks out responsibility. The employee demonstrates a commitment to fair treatment,
equal opportunity and the affirmative action objectives of the organization, and has a positive
impact on achievement of goals in this area. In addition, the employee promotes a safe
working environment and solutions to problems encountered in meeting other management
obligations including internal management controls, merit systems obligations, managing
performance, and management of ethics, conduct and discipline issues.
Fully Successful:
Supervisory: The employee is a capable leader who works successfully with others and
listens to suggestions. The employee generally handles difficult situations with subordinates
with professionalism and effectiveness. The employee also works well as a team member,
supporting the group’s efforts and showing an ability to handle a variety of interpersonal
situations. The employee’s work with others shows an understanding of the importance of
fair treatment and equal opportunity and meets all management commitments related to
providing a safe working environment, merit systems obligations, performance management,
and internal controls, and management of ethics, conduct and discipline issues.
Minimally Successful:
Supervisory: The employee’s supervisory performance shows serious deficiencies that
require correction. The employee sometimes fails to motivate subordinates and promote team
spirit; provide clear assignments and performance requirements or sufficient instructions to
subordinates; provide sufficient explanation of organizational goals to subordinates; satisfy
customer needs and/or meet customer service objectives; and/or meet production or mission
goals in a timely and quality manner. The employee’s work with others fails to show a
consistent understanding of the importance of fair treatment and equal opportunity. The
employee does
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Appraisal Handbook
not meet all management obligations related to internal controls, merit system obligations,
performance management, and/or management of ethics, conduct and discipline issues.
Supervisory: The employee’s supervisory performance is unsatisfactory. The employee
usually fails to motivate subordinates and promote team spirit; often provides unclear
assignments and performance requirements or insufficient instructions to subordinates;
frequently fails to provide sufficient explanation of organizational goals to subordinates;
generally fails to satisfy customer needs and/or meet customer service objectives; and/or
frequently fails to meet production or mission goals in a timely and quality manner. The
employee’s work with others consistently fails to show an understanding of the importance of
fair treatment and equal opportunity. Employee frequently fails to meet other management
obligations related to internal controls, merit systems obligations, performance management,
and/or management of ethics, conduct and discipline issues.
EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION Supervisors/managers should encourage employees to
participate in establishing the EPAP for their position. By participating, employees get a
clearer understanding of what is required and what role their position plays in the activity of
the organization. The final decision regarding critical elements and standards always rests
with the management official, however.
Employee participation may be accomplished as follows:

(1) Employee and rating official jointly developing the EPAP;

(2) Employee providing the rating official with a draft plan;

(3) Rating official providing the employee with a draft plan, or

(4) Employee writing one of the critical elements that he/she performs in his/her position.

DOCUMENTING ELEMENTS AND STANDARDS The critical elements and associated

descriptions of expected performance described at the “fully successful” level, at a minimum,
must be documented on the EPAP (See Appendix 8) and signed by the rating official and the
employee. Reviewing officials may be required to review/approve the EPAP as determined
by their Bureau/Office.
EPAPs should be developed and put in place within 60 days of the beginning of the appraisal
period, the employee’s entrance on duty, the assignment of an employee to a detail or
temporary promotion scheduled to exceed 120 days, the assignment of an employee to a new
position, or their assignment to a new or different supervisory position. Rating officials who
move out of their position more than 90 days before the end of the rating period should
finalize progress reviews and where standards had been in place for the minimum of 90 days,
prepare an interim appraisal for the incoming rating official. If an employee moves to a
supervisory position in the new organization, a review of the previous EPAPs should be
accomplished and if accepted, both the new rating official and the employee sign and date the
EPAP. If the new rating official makes changes to the plan, a new plan must be put in place,
allowing the employee a minimum of 90 days under the new plan before a rating may be

In order for the employee to receive a rating of record during the rating year, elements and
standards must be in place a minimum of 90 days before the end of the rating period.
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Appraisal Handbook
Effective and timely feedback during the performance appraisal period addressing employee
performance on elements and standards is an essential component of a successful
performance management program. Employees need to know in a timely manner how well
they are performing. They need to be told what they are doing well and if there are areas
needing improvement.
Feedback can come from many different sources: observation by managers and rating
officials, measurement systems, feedback from peers, and input from customers, just
to name a few. It will be up to rating officials to determine how best to gather the
information, and from which sources, to ensure an effective rating of the employees
under their supervision.
When providing feedback, the following concepts should be kept in mind:

1 • Feedback works best when it relates to a specific goal, such as those established in the
employee’s performance appraisal plan. Basing feedback on the employee’s performance against his
or her elements and standards is key to providing tangible, objective, and powerful feedback. Telling
employees that they are doing well because they exceeded their goal by 10 percent is more effective
than simply saying, “You're doing a good job.”
1 • Employees should receive information about how they are doing in as timely a fashion as
possible. If they need to improve their performance, the sooner they find out about it, the sooner they
can correct the problem. If employees have reached or exceeded a goal, the sooner they receive
positive feedback, the more rewarding it is to them.
1 • Feedback should be given in a manner that will best help improve performance. Since
people respond better to information presented in a positive way, express feedback in a positive
manner. This is not to say that information should be sugar-coated, but present accurate, factual, and
complete feedback; it is more effective when it reinforces what the employee did well and then
identifies what the employee needs to do in the future to further improve his/her performance.
Part of the monitoring process includes conducting at least one formal progress review during
each appraisal period at approximately mid-way through the rating cycle. The completion of
this progress review should be noted on the employee’s performance appraisal plan and
signed and dated by both the rating official and the employee. While only one progress
review is required, rating officials are encouraged to frequently discuss performance with
subordinate employees during the appraisal period. This is particularly critical in the case of
an employee who is not performing at the “fully successful” level. In this case, it may be
necessary to provide additional written criteria on performance expectations and/or set up
regular feedback sessions with the employee. It is important to contact your servicing
human resources office for advice and assistance before taking any action.
Some issues that may be
discussed in a performance
For both employees &

1 • Communication

1 • Training Needs
(formal, on-the-job, etc.)

1 • Sufficiency of skills
and knowledge level for
successful performance

1 • Status of work
(challenging, fulfilling)

1 • Delegation of

1 • Getting/giving regular

For supervisors

1 • What could I do to help

make your job easier or help you
in any way?

1 • Is your staff responding

to assignments appropriately and
in a timely fashion?

Designing effective feedback into a performance management program will improve individual and team
performance and will make your organization more effective. With effective feedback processes, employees
can see their progress and that motivates them to reach their performance goals successfully.

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Appraisal Handbook
Rating officials should document employee performance, both good and when improvement
is needed, throughout the year. Doing this will allow the rating official to provide specific
examples to the employee during progress reviews, during the rating of record, or at other
times throughout the year.
See Appendix 3 for additional supervisory guidance on Performance Reviews.
See Appendix 4 for additional employee guidance on Performance Reviews.

Rating officials should contact their servicing Human Resources Office or

Employee Relations Specialist for assistance as soon as problems with an
employee’s performance develop. Also see Section 5 for more information on
dealing with poor performance.
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Appraisal Handbook
The process of performance management provides an excellent opportunity to identify
developmental needs. During planning and monitoring of work, deficiencies in performance
become evident and can be addressed. Areas for improving good performance also stand out,
and action can be taken to help successful employees improve even further.

Developing employees is more than just training employees. Developing employees covers
all efforts to foster learning, which happens on the job every day. When organizations focus
on developing their employees' capacity to perform rather than just training them, employees
will be able to adapt to a variety of situations, which is vital for the survival, well-being, and
goal achievement of individuals as well as organizations.

Employee development can be either formal or informal. Formal development may include:

1 • traditional training in structured courses, classrooms, and formal development

2 • self-study courses, including those using computer technology, such as distance
learning over the Internet, CD-ROM courses, and Intranet courses provided to
employees addressing agency-specific skills and competencies.

One effective means of identifying formal training for an employee is establishing an

Individual Development Plan (IDP), as follows:
The Individual Development Plan 1-2-3 Process
1. Self-Assessment. The employee reviews prior job experience, training, education and
other developmental experiences to provide concrete information regarding current strengths
and skills. This could include a review of past applications for employment and past training
The employee reviews the standards for work performance to determine core competencies
necessary for the job and past performance evaluations for indications of areas needing
improvement and identifies core skills specific to that need.
The employee assesses personal career goals and determines both short and long term steps
toward achieving the goals.
The employee identifies specific opportunities for developmental experiences and researches
possible sources for development. The employee may seek out career counseling from a
variety of sources including peers, current and past supervisors, and the human resources
The supervisor is available for clarifying and counseling.
2. Discussions and Collaboration. In order to obtain mutual commitment between the
supervisor and the employee, open discussion and collaboration is necessary.
The employee and supervisor mutually agree to discuss the results of the self-assessment and
draft IDP prepared by the employee. The discussion includes both perspectives of
organizational needs, job requirements, the employee’s strengths and developmental needs,
financial limitations, timing and learning opportunities that the supervisor will actively
The supervisor coaches the employee by giving open and constructive feedback, identifying
challenging assignments, discussing career paths in the organization and reasonable
timeframes for meeting the objectives of the IDP.
The supervisor and employee sign a completed IDP based on mutual agreement or final
decisions of the supervisor.


Providing employees with training and developmental opportunities encourages good performance,
strengthens job-related skills and competencies, and helps employees keep up with changes in the
workplace, such as the introduction of new technology.

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3. Implementation and Follow-up. The employee ensures that any necessary procurement
or training request forms are prepared and monitors work that is assigned to best accomplish
the IDP’s developmental experiences. The employee reports on completion of items in the
IDP. The supervisor and the employee meet periodically throughout the year to review and
update the IDP.
Bureaus/Offices may require the use of an IDP at their discretion. Check with your Human
Resources Office for the IDP or other appropriate form to be used by your Bureau/Office for
documenting employee development needs.
While managers have a large influence over formal training, they have even greater impact
on creating a climate for informal employee development, which can take a wide variety of
1 • Feedback is a natural part of the monitoring process of performance management,
but specific and timely feedback to employees about their performance against
established expectations also provides the foundation for discussing developmental
2 • Job rotations and special assignments can stretch and challenge employees and
broaden their understanding of the organization.
3 • Coaching and counseling provides individualized advice and instruction.
4 • Mentoring helps employees clarify career goals, understand the organization,
analyze strengths and developmental needs, build support networks, and deal with
5 • Using the manager as an informal teacher acknowledges that managers
consciously teach employees through their own model, habits, and system of values.
6 • Learning teams can form to meet regularly to focus on improving performance.
7 • Self-development includes a broad collection of techniques and approaches,
demonstrations at other organizations.

Although these informal developmental strategies cost very little, they have potentially big
payoffs in terms of improved individual and organizational performance.

As part of a “performance improvement period,” training and/or development may also

become a critical component of demonstrating assistance to employees who are not meeting
performance requirements.

Rating officials should contact their servicing Human Resources Office or Employee
Relations Specialist for assistance as soon as problems with an employee’s performance
develop. Also see Section 5 for more information on dealing with poor performance.
For additional information about the IDP, see Appendix 5.
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Within the context of formal performance appraisal requirements, rating means
evaluating employee performance against the elements and standards in an
employee's performance appraisal plan and assigning a rating of record. The rating of
record is based on work performed during the entire 12-month appraisal period,
including temporary assignments over 120 days.
To be eligible for a rating of record an employee must:

1 • Be a permanent full-/part-time employee; and

1 • Be under established standards for a minimum of 90 days;


1 • Be a temporary employee who has worked more than 120 days during the annual appraisal
period; and

1 • Be under established standards for at least the last 90 days.

INTERIM APPRAISALS Interim appraisals are written ratings prepared when an employee
has worked under performance standards in the position for 90 days and if one or more of the
following occurs:

1 • The employee changes position (i.e., reassignment, promotion, change to lower grade,

1 • The employee completes a temporary assignment of more than120 days (i.e., detail,
temporary promotion, etc.);

1 • The rating official leaves the supervisory position more than 90 days before the end of the
rating cycle;

1 • To document a level of competence determination for within-grade increase purposes when

the employee’s most recent rating of record is not consistent with the level of competence
determination. A rating for this purpose becomes the rating of record.

A copy of the interim appraisal will be provided to the new rating official and to the
employee. Any interim appraisals should be considered by the new rating official in
assigning an official annual rating of record. The weight given to interim ratings in deriving
annual ratings of record shall be proportional to their share of the appraisal period.
RATING CRITICAL ELEMENTS Rating officials should compile performance data from
various sources as a part of the rating process. It is often a good idea to ask employees to
keep track of their own progress using data identified during the planning phase so they can
provide a complete account of their accomplishments during progress reviews and the final
rating. As discussed above, rating officials, as they deem appropriate, should also talk to
customers and peers, review documentation, and incorporate other feedback if available to
ensure a complete picture of the employee’s performance.
The rating assigned reflects the level of the employee’s performance as compared to the
standards established. If an employee does not have an opportunity to perform a critical
element during the rating period, no rating will be assigned and the words “Not Rated”
should be written on the EPAP for that element.
When assigning a rating for each
element, the rating official should
consider the following:
1. Read carefully each
performance standard level
beginning with the Fully
Successful one. It is to be
considered the base level
2. Determine the level that best
describes the employee’s
performance on the element. Each
and every criterion in the standard
does not have to be met by the
employee in absolute terms to
assign a particular rating level.
The sum of the employee’s
performance of the element must,
in the rater’s judgment, meet the
assigned level’s criteria.

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Each performance element should be assigned one of the following ratings based on the
employee’s performance for the appraisal period and documented on the
Rating Level Points Assigned
Exceptional 5 points
Superior 4 points
Fully Successful 3 points
Minimally Successful 2 points
Unsatisfactory 0 point
RATING OF RECORD Within 30 days following completion of the appraisal period
(including any extensions, if applicable), the rating official shall review the performance of
each employee based on previously communicated elements and standards and prepare the
annual rating of record.
Rating officials shall not assign employee ratings under an arbitrary distribution system (such
as a bell curve). This is contrary to the intent of the appraisal system and would interfere with
assigning ratings based on actual performance.
A narrative summary must be written for each critical element assigned a rating of
Exceptional, Minimally Successful, or Unsatisfactory. This narrative should contain
examples of the employee's performance that substantiate and explain how the employee's
performance falls within the levels assigned. The narrative summaries are recorded on the
EPAP. A narrative summary is encouraged, but not required, for ratings of Superior and
Fully Successful.
All ratings of record of Exceptional, Minimally Successful, and Unsatisfactory must be
reviewed and approved by the reviewing official prior to discussion with the employee. A
review of the summary rating is not required for ratings of Superior and Fully Successful,
unless established by internal Bureau/Office guidance. See Appendix 8 for a sample
completed EPAP.
DISCUSSION WITH EMPLOYEE The rating official will discuss the completed EPAP
with the employee after all required approvals are obtained.
The rating official should be
prepared to have a thorough
performance rating discussion. In
preparation for the discussion, the
rating official should ensure the

1 • All necessary approvals

of the rating of record have been

1 • Employee performance
on each critical element during
the rating period has been
reviewed and noted, including
tasks that were completed well
and any areas needing
improvement. Specific examples
should be noted when possible.

1 • A private location and

adequate time has been put aside
to meet with the employee,
including time for employee input
(As a general rule, 30 minutes to
one hour per employee).

1 • Future expectations and

goals of the organization have
been considered.

During the meeting, the rating

official should do the following:

1 • Be professional, calm
and focused on performance

1 • Begin with positive

feedback on tasks the employee
has done well regardless of what
the final rating is.
1 • Go through each
element and discuss items of
note, both positive and negative
as appropriate and assign a rating.

1 • Provide specific
examples when possible.

1 • Describe any changes

in performance required and
ensure the employee understands.

1 • Allow for employee

questions and input throughout.

1 • Summarize the
performance and assign the rating
of record.

1 • Have the employee sign

and date the “Employee” block
on the EPAP.

1 • Sign and date the

“Rating Official” block on the

Rating Officials should keep a copy of the completed EPAP for their files, provide a copy of
the completed and signed form to the employee, and send the original to the servicing Human
Resources Office within 60 days of the end of the rating period to be filed in the Employee
Performance Folder (EPF).
EMPLOYEE SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS An employee may submit written
comments to the overall rating of record, the element ratings and/or the
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Appraisal Handbook
narrative comments if they desire. This may occur if an employee wishes to provide specific
information on noteworthy accomplishments that the rating official did not include, or if they
have other comments that they wish to include as part of the performance appraisal plan.
These comments must be submitted to the rating official within 30 days of the date the
employee receives/signs the rating of record on the EPAP. The rating official should forward
these comments to their Servicing Human Resources Office to be filed with the completed
EPAP in the EPF. These written comments will not change the rating of record as determined
by the rating official.
RECONSIDERATION PROCESS When an employee has a concern about the rating given
on a particular element, which, if changed, will affect the outcome of the rating of record,
he/she may request a reconsideration of this rating through their Bureau/Office
reconsideration process.
Each Bureau/Office may determine the process that will be utilized when an employee
requests reconsideration of a rating, and whether to use the reviewing official in the
reconsideration process, or choose a reconsideration official, reconsideration committee, or
other designee to review the reconsideration request. Bureaus/Offices have discretion to
change the process and/or timeframes outlined below, but must ensure the process includes
an informal and formal stage and that timeframes are reasonable. In addition, the authority to
make a final decision on a request for reconsideration must remain within a given
Bureau/Office. Each Bureau/Office must formally notify all employees of its reconsideration
Informal Reconsideration Procedure - When possible, the employee and rating official
should informally attempt to resolve any disagreement about the performance appraisal
and/or rating.
An employee must discuss their dissatisfaction with the rating official before requesting a
formal reconsideration unless the employee requests in writing to move directly to the formal
stage and this is allowed by the Bureau/Office reconsideration process. This informal
discussion should take place within 7 calendar days of the employee’s receipt of the
Employee Performance Appraisal Form, and the rating official’s decision must be
communicated to the employee, either verbally or in writing, within 7 calendar days of the
informal reconsideration discussion.
If agreement cannot be reached informally, the employee may request a formal
reconsideration of the rating through their servicing Human Resources Office.
Requesting a Formal Reconsideration - To request a formal reconsideration, the employee
should send a written request to their servicing Human Resources Office within 7 calendar
days of receipt of decision of the informal meeting. This request should include the

1 • Employee organization
and duty station;

1 • Copy of the annual

appraisal for which a
reconsideration is being
1 • Specific area(s) or
details of the annual appraisal for
which the reconsideration is
being requested;

1 • The identity of the

employee’s designated
representative (name, title,
address, and telephone number),
if applicable;

1 • Why the employee

believes the rating is in error,
with supporting facts and

1 • The action the

employee requests of the
reconsideration official or the
reconsideration committee; and

1 • A copy of the written

decision of the informal
reconsideration by the rating
official, a statement confirming
that the informal process was
followed, or a written request to
move directly to the formal stage.

The Servicing Human Resources Office will review the formal request for reconsideration to
determine if it is appropriate for acceptance under these procedures. If it is not accepted, the
request will be returned to the employee with an explanation of the reason(s) for non-
acceptance. If accepted, the request
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for reconsideration is referred within 14 calendar days of receipt to the reconsideration
official, reconsideration committee, or other designee established by the Bureau/Office.
The formal reconsideration process shall be carried out by a person or person(s) as
determined by the Bureau/Office, who have not been involved in the reconsideration request
and, when practical, who do not occupy a position subordinate to any official who
recommended, advised, or made a decision in connection with the appraisal involved. The
servicing Human Resources Office shall advise the reconsideration official or committee
members of their responsibilities during this formal process.
An employee may be represented during the formal reconsideration process. The
Bureau/Office may disallow the employee's choice of representative for reason of conflict of
interest or position or unreasonable cost to the Government.
The authority of the reconsideration official or reconsideration committee is limited to an
impartial reconsideration of the employee's dissatisfaction with the rating given on a
particular element that he/she believes may adversely affect the annual rating of record. The
employee may not dispute (1) the number or type of performance elements identified for their
position, or (2) the substance or contents of performance standards, including the objective
criteria against which performance will be measured.
The reconsideration official or reconsideration committee shall be provided all the resources
necessary to complete the impartial reconsideration and render the Bureau/Office decision.
The reconsideration official or reconsideration committee is responsible for the following
actions in considering an employee’s formal reconsideration request:
1 (1) Reviewing any evidence or information submitted by the employee, rating
official, and/or reviewing official;
2 (2) Consulting with the employee, the employee’s representative (if applicable), the
rating official, the reviewing official, and staff experts as necessary and appropriate;
3 (3) Increasing the summary rating or an element rating; removing or modifying
narrative comments, or leaving the summary rating, element ratings, or narrative
comments unchanged; and
4 (4) Issuing a final written decision within 20 calendar days of receipt of the request
for reconsideration that includes documentation of the basis for the decision. This
document must be given to the employee and filed in the Employee Performance File

The decision rendered by the reconsideration official or reconsideration committee (or other
designee as determined by the Bureau/Office) is final and becomes the official rating of
Timeframes outlined above (or in the established Bureau/Office reconsideration process) may
be extended on a case-by-case basis upon mutual consent of the parties and with concurrence
of the servicing Human Resources Office.
Employees covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement that includes a reconsideration
procedure will be governed by that procedure as the exclusive method to request
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A basic principle of effective management is that all behavior is controlled by its
consequences. Those consequences can and should be both formal and informal and both
positive and negative. Positive consequences include rewards and recognition, promotions,
within-grade-increases, etc. Negative consequences may include counseling, reassigning,
removing, or downgrading the employee.
REWARDING PERFORMANCE Rewarding performance means providing incentives to,
and recognition of, employees for their performance and acknowledging their contributions
to the agency's mission. Recognition is an ongoing, natural part of day-to-day experience.
Good performance should be recognized without waiting for nominations for formal awards
to be solicited.
Awards may come in many forms, including cash, time off, non-monetary items, honor
awards, etc. Many of the actions that reward good performance — like saying “You did a
good job.” — don’t require specific regulatory authority and are easy to give.
Under Departmental policy 370 DM 430, an employee must be rated at Level 4 (Superior) or
Level 5 (Exceptional) to be eligible for an award for sustained superior performance.
Employees rated at Level 5 (Exceptional) must be considered for an award.
Supervisors/Managers have the flexibility to recognize employees using any of the following
forms of recognition or combination thereof (i.e., individual cash award and a Time-Off
1 • Exceptional (Level 5): Eligible for an individual cash award up to 5% of base pay;
a Quality Step Increase; Time-Off Award; or other appropriate equivalent
recognition. Additionally, may be eligible for a salary increase of up to 5% from the
Human Capital Performance Fund.
2 • Superior (Level 4): Eligible for an individual cash award up to 3% of base pay;
Time-Off Award, non-monetary award, or other appropriate equivalent recognition.
3 • Fully Successful (Level 3): Eligible for awards such as monetary, non-monetary,
Time-off, or other appropriate equivalent recognition, given for reasons other than
sustained performance tied to the rating of record.
4 • Minimally Successful (Level 2): Ineligible for any performance recognition.
5 • Unsatisfactory (Level 1): Ineligible for any performance recognition.

Supervisors/Managers should contact their servicing Human Resources Office for further
information and assistance regarding appropriate delegations and procedures that must be
LINKS TO OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS The rating of record has a bearing on
various other personnel actions, such as granting within-grade pay increases, promotions,
determining additional retention service credit in a reduction in force, etc. The relationship of
the rating of record to other personnel actions includes the following:
Within-Grade Increases: For General Schedule Employees: In order to justify granting a
within-grade increase, the employee must be performing at an "acceptable level of
competence." An employee whose current performance of a critical element fails to meet the
standards or whose overall performance is less than Fully Successful is not performing at an
acceptable level of competence and the within-grade increase must be withheld. An
employee's rating of record must be no lower than Level 3 (Fully Successful) for an
employee to receive a within-grade increase. This may require a rating official to prepare a
new rating of record before the end of the waiting period for a within-grade increase in order
to document that an employee previously rated at Level 1 or 2 has improved performance to
an acceptable level of competence. Conversely, for an employee whose most recent summary
rating is at Level 3 or higher, but whose performance has deteriorated to the degree that the
rating official wishes to withhold a


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Appraisal Handbook
within-grade increase, the rating official must prepare a new rating of record to document
that performance has fallen to a Level 1 or 2. Supervisors/Managers should contact their
servicing human resources office for further information and assistance. (See Section 4,
“Interim Appraisals.”)
For Federal Wage System Employees: An employee under a regular Federal Wage System
(FWS) schedule with a current rating of record of Fully Successful or better shall be
advanced to the next higher step within the grade upon completion of the required waiting
period. FWS employees with a current performance appraisal of Minimally Successful or
Unsatisfactory shall have step increases withheld until their performance improves to the
Fully Successful level. The rating of record should reflect appropriate performance at the
time the step increase is given.
Promotion: In order to be noncompetitively promoted to a higher grade in a career ladder, an
employee must have a current rating of record of Fully Successful or better in addition to
meeting other prescribed requirements. In considering an employee for merit promotions
under competitive procedures, due weight will be given to supervisory appraisals of past
and/or present performance.
Probationary/Trial Periods: New employees must be carefully observed during the
probationary/trial period to determine whether they have the qualities needed to become
satisfactory career employees. Proper use of periodic progress reviews to determine progress
during the probationary/trial period can do much to assure that these employees have
adequately demonstrated their qualifications and fitness. However, an employee may be
removed at any time during the probationary/trial period if his/her performance is less than
“Fully Successful.”
Probationary Period for Supervisors and Managers: Individuals serving a supervisory or
managerial probationary period need to be observed to determine whether they perform
supervisory or managerial duties in a fully successful manner. New supervisors and managers
who do not successfully complete the probationary period are normally returned to a position
of the same grade and pay as that held prior to the supervisory or managerial position. Proper
use of progress reviews during this period can do much to ensure that the employee has fully
demonstrated the qualifications and skills necessary for the supervisory or managerial
Reductions-in-Force: An employee's performance rating of record is used to determine the
employee’s assignment rights during a Reduction-in-Force. Employees are given
performance credit for RIF retention by adjusting the employee's service date for RIF
purposes. Generally the employee receives additional service credit based on the average of
the three most recent ratings of record received during the 4-year period prior to the issuance
of the RIF notice. Service credit is provided as follows:
Level 5 (Exceptional) Rating - 20 years
Level 4 (Superior) Rating - 16 years
Level 3 (Fully Successful) Rating - 12 years
Level 2 (Minimally Successful) Rating - 0 years
Level 1 (Unsuccessful) Rating - 0 years
If an employee received a rating of record under other than a 5-level system during the
timeframe used to determine the average years of service to be credited, he/she will receive
service credit for RIF purposes in accordance with 5 CFR 351.504.
Performance credit is only one of many variables that must be considered in a RIF.
Supervisors and employees should contact their servicing Human Resources Office for
further information.
DEALING WITH POOR PERFORMANCE At any time in the performance appraisal
cycle that you find that the employee’s performance is not meeting performance expectations
outlined at the fully successful level, it is important that you take appropriate action to deal
with the poor performance. This includes contacting your servicing Human Resources Office
for advice and assistance. They are available to provide support to rating officials in
documenting performance, providing feedback to the employee, and assessing courses of
There is a difference between poor performance and misconduct. Poor performance (can’t
do) is failure of the employee to do the job at an acceptable level that is at least fully
successful. Misconduct (won’t do) is
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generally failure to follow a workplace rule (whether written or unwritten). Examples of
misconduct are: tardiness, absenteeism, unprofessional/discourteous conduct;
damaging/destroying government property; falsification, etc. Also a conduct problem is when
an employee is capable of performing his/her duties at an acceptable level but chooses not to.
Sometimes, misconduct can result in poor performance. Sometimes performance and
misconduct can be interrelated; however, it is important to recognize the difference between
the two. Contact your servicing Human Resources Office for advice and guidance.
There is a formal regulatory process outlined to deal with employees who are not performing
acceptably that includes the following steps:
Step 1: Communicating Expectations and Performance Problems
The first step in the process is to meet with the employee to counsel or discuss the
deficiencies of his/her performance. Counseling is a communication process occurring
between a rating official and an employee with the intent of resulting in some positive change
in the employee’s performance. Most performance problems can be resolved through
effective communication when done in the early stage of the process. The counseling session
is an opportunity to discuss performance deficiencies and to clarify expectations. The focus
of the counseling session should be to tell the employee exactly what must be done to bring
performance to an acceptable level.
Preparing to Counsel the Employee
Prior to counseling the employee, the rating official should first determine if it is a
performance or misconduct problem. It is critical that the rating official reviews, prior to the
counseling session, the employee’s standards to ensure they clearly convey what needs to be
done in the job. The rating official needs to ensure that standards are clear, reasonable and are
not “backwards” or impermissibly “absolute” (See Appendix 2). You should be prepared to
identify specifically the critical element(s) in which the employee has exhibited deficiencies
and provide examples of the employee’s work. Your human resources staff can assist you in
this review.
In addition, the rating official
should prepare to have a thorough
performance rating discussion, by
ensuring the following:

1 • Employee performance
on the critical element(s) in
question has been reviewed and
documented, including specifics
related to the areas of concern.
Examples should be noted when

1 • A private location and

adequate time has been set aside
to meet with the employee,
including time for employee

1 • Expectations for
improved performance have been

Counseling an Employee
After preparations have been completed, you are ready to counsel the employee. The
counseling session should be in a private and uninterrupted environment. During the
counseling session you should do the following:
1 • Identify the critical element(s) where the employee is working at an unsatisfactory
level of performance.
2 • Provide specific examples of the poor performance and suggest ways that
performance can be improved.
3 • Invite feedback from the employee and be a good listener.
4 • Maintain a constructive tone, along with a calm and professional demeanor; do not
argue with the employee.
5 • Plan some specific actions the employee will take to improve his or her
performance, such as taking training or working closely with another employee for a
period of time, etc. As appropriate, give the employee the responsibility of finding
the course or providing ideas on how he/she can improve by a specific date and
reporting back to you.
6 • At the end of the session, tell the employee your expectations and what the
employee must do to bring his or her performance to an acceptable level.
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1 • Document the counseling session, schedule the next session, and provide the
employee a copy of the documentation.

Use the checklist at Appendix 6 to make sure all actions related to Step One have been
Step Two: Providing an Opportunity to Improve
When dealing with unsatisfactory performance under Part 432 of Title 5 of the Code of
Federal Regulations, an employee must be provided with information concerning his/her
performance and how it can be improved, and then be given an opportunity to demonstrate
minimally successful performance before an agency proposes a reduction in grade or removal
based on unsatisfactory performance. Before any performance-based action is proposed, the
following must be considered:
Initial Determination of Unsatisfactory Performance
For an initial determination of unsatisfactory performance to be valid, an employee must
receive a copy of the critical elements and performance standards for his/her job and his/her
performance must be measured against those performance standards. The quality of the
EPAP is, therefore, of key importance for taking action based on unsatisfactory performance.
Unsatisfactory performance must be measured against the critical elements of the EPAP;
however, a formal performance rating denoting unsatisfactory performance is not required
preceding an opportunity to improve period. Unsatisfactory performance is the only basis for
removal or reduction in grade action under Part 432. Minimally Successful performance is
not a basis for removal or reduction in grade, but will result in denial of a WGI.
Reasonable Opportunity to Demonstrate Minimally Successful Performance
The employee must be notified in writing of unsatisfactory performance, what is needed to
bring performance up to a Minimally Successful level and what assistance will be provided.
This written notification is in the form of a Performance Improvement Plan, often referred to
as a “PIP.” The employee should be warned concerning the consequences of continued
performance below the Minimally Successful ("acceptable") level and given a reasonable
time to demonstrate at least Minimally Successful performance before a reduction in grade or
removal is considered. Additionally, rating officials are encouraged to make efforts to help
employees with Minimally Successful performance raise their performance to a Fully
Successful level.
The performance elements and standards for the performance improvement period shall be
based on the EPAP in effect at the determination of unsatisfactory performance. The
notification to the employee of the improvement period may include clarification and greater
specificity regarding performance expectations. Care should be taken to avoid the appearance
that higher performance standards are required during the performance improvement period
than in the original EPAP. If the new requirements constitute a significant change, such as
standards or performance requirements that exceed the context of the current plan or which
had not previously been applied or communicated to the employee, it may be necessary to
treat them as a new EPAP requiring a period of 90 days before the employee can be rated.
The amount of time necessary to give the employee a reasonable opportunity to demonstrate
Minimally Successful performance is not dictated in regulation or departmental guidance.
The reasonable time to improve will be determined by management and can vary according
to the requirements of individual positions and EPAPs and the amount of time and effort
already devoted to correcting performance deficiencies. As a general rule, less time and effort
are required in cases where rating officials have appropriately managed performance and
documented their efforts to resolve performance problems. (Note: For bargaining unit
employees, the applicable collective bargaining agreement should be checked for additional
Assistance to the employee in any combination of counseling, training, or changes in the
level of supervision provided is required. Therefore, such assistance and communications to
the employee should be fully documented in progress reviews, on
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the performance appraisal form, and/or in other documentation to the employee.
This documentation must demonstrate that:
1 • The employee was informed that his/her performance has been determined to be
unsatisfactory in one or more critical elements and of specific needs for improvement.

1 • The rating official, or other designated staff worked with the employee in an attempt to
resolve work-related problems, provided any necessary formal training, on-the-job training, or
counseling, and met periodically with the employee to clarify assignments, explain what was needed
to be done, and answer questions about the EPAP.

1 • The employee was informed of the consequences of failure to improve (e.g., removal,
reassignment, or reduction in grade).

Use the checklist at Appendix 6 to make sure all actions related to Step Two have been
Step Three: Taking Action


A rating official has the authority to take action against an employee based on poor
performance. This is usually accomplished in accordance with 5 CFR Part 432, Performance
Based Reduction in Grade and Removal Actions. However, under some circumstances, it is
more advantageous to take action under 5 CFR Part 752, Adverse Actions. The specific facts
of your case, along with the weight of your evidence, will be determining factors in deciding
under which authority to take your action. Seek guidance from your servicing Human
Resources Office as soon as you determine that you have an employee whose performance is
less than fully successful, and they will assist you in determining how to proceed.

Taking Performance-Based Actions under 5 USC Chapter 43:

If after completing steps one and two above, the employee’s performance does not improve
to at least the minimally successful level, an agency may reassign the employee, reduce an
employee in grade or remove the employee.

If using Chapter 43 to deal with poor performance, performance must be evaluated after the
opportunity period, and if still unsatisfactory in one or more critical elements, the employee
must be provided 30 days advance written notice of the proposed action (demotion or
removal), specifying instances of unsatisfactory performance occurring in the past year which
are related to the critical elements identified in the notice of unsatisfactory performance. The
30-day notice period may be extended for a period not to exceed 30 days, or can be extended
further in accordance with the provisions in 5 CFR § 432.105(a)(4)(i)(B).

The notice must provide:

1 o A reasonable time to reply, orally and in writing;

2 o Right to representation;
3 o Consideration of medical conditions when raised by the employee.

Final written decision by a higher-level official must be issued within 30 days, or upon
expiration of approved extensions and must be issued on or before the effective date of the
action to be taken. The decision must consider any response to the proposal that the employee
provided, and must be based only on instances of unsatisfactory performance occurring
during the 1-year period ending on the date of the advance notice of proposed action. It must
specify the instances of unsatisfactory performance and provide the applicable appeal rights

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Appraisal Handbook
Figure A. outlines the steps that must be followed in taking a demotion or removal action
under 5 CFR Part 432.

Taking Performance Actions under 5 USC Chapter 75:

Under 5 USC Chapter 75, and 5 CFR Part 752, an agency may take action to suspend for
more than 14 days, demote or remove an employee for such cause as will promote the
efficiency of the service, to include a performance-based adverse action. The rating official
will be required to show that informal steps such as discussions, counseling and training were
taken to assist the employee in improving performance deficiencies, but a formal
performance improvement opportunity period is not required. If using Chapter 75 to deal
with poor performance, the following procedures apply:

1 • Performance expectations must have been communicated to the employee;

2 • Informal steps must be taken to improve performance deficiencies, including
discussion with employee, counseling, training, etc.;
3 • A 30-day advance written notice of proposed action must be issued, giving specifics
of the performance deficiencies;
4 • The employee must be provided a reasonable period of time to reply orally and in
writing (not less than 7 days); and
5 • The employee has the right to representation by an attorney or other representative.

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Appraisal Handbook
A written decision must be issued at the earliest practicable date, giving the specific reasons
for the action decided upon. Only those reasons specified in the notice of proposed action and
any information provided by the employee in the reply to the notice may be considered. The
decision must be provided to the employee on or before the effective date of the action. The
decision must provide the employee with appeal rights information.
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While a performance-based action taken under Part 752 does not require providing the
employee a formal opportunity to improve performance to the minimally successful level, the
arbitrator or judge will be interested in the efforts taken by the rating official to provide
assistance to help the employee improve his/her performance to the minimally successful
level. Therefore, providing an opportunity to improve performance will help the agency
present a stronger case before a third party hearing and we strongly recommend providing a
performance improvement period regardless of what authority is used to deal with
performance deficiencies.
Part 752 also allows for taking adverse action based on ad hoc standards such as explicit
instructions or work assignments, or professional standards established for certain
occupations. If an ad hoc standard is no more stringent than the established performance
standards, it may be appropriate to take a 752 performance-based action on failure to meet
that ad hoc standard.
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Appeal Rights
Employees have the right to appeal a performance-based removal or demotion to the Merit
Systems Protection Board, and some employees covered by collective bargaining agreements
may have the right to grieve the action through their negotiated grievance procedure. An
employee can choose between these two methods of appeal, but cannot pursue both avenues.
In addition, allegations of discrimination, reprisal for whistleblowing, and other prohibited
personnel practices can be raised in an employee’s appeal of a performance-based removal or
demotion. Such allegations can also be filed directly with the Bureau/Office Equal
Opportunity Office or the Office of Special Counsel.
Use the checklist at Appendix 6 to make sure all actions related to Step Three have been
Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 1 Appendix 1 – GPRA Examples for Individual
Bureaus/Offices 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418 1
GPRA Examples for Individual Bureaus/Offices
Example #1 Human Resources Specialist, GS-0201
President’s Management Agenda
Strategic Management of Human Capital
End Outcome: Workforce has knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational
goals. (Align human capital policies, recruitment, training, leadership development, and
diversity initiatives to effectively support accomplishment of the bureau’s mission, goals, and
Intermediate Outcome Goal: Human Capital Management
Individual Performance Measure: Develop an emerging leaders program: Complete a needs
assessment by August 31, 2004. Begin development of an emerging leaders program as a
component of BLM’s succession planning. The needs assessment will survey 25% of the
target group; results will be compiled and form the basis for course content, development,
and delivery.
Example #2 Mining Engineer, GS-0880
Strategic Goal: Resource Use
End Outcome Goal: Manage or influence resource use to enhance public benefit, promote
responsible use, and ensure optimal value-energy.
Intermediate Outcome Goal: Enhance responsible use management practices.
Individual Performance Measure: The percent (enter the ___ %) of solid minerals inspection
and enforcement reviews completed.
Example #3 Monument Manager, GS-0340
Strategic Goal: Resource Protection
End Outcome Goal: Protect cultural and natural heritage resources.
Intermediate Outcome Goal: Manage special management areas for National Heritage
Resource objectives.
Individual Performance Measure: Complete priority projects to achieve the resource
condition objectives for __% of the national monuments and national conservation areas.
Example #4 Natural Resources Specialist, GS-0401
Strategic Goal: Resource Use
End Outcome Goal: End Outcome Goal: Manage or influence resource use to enhance public
benefit, promote responsible use, and ensure optimal value-energy.
Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 1 Appendix 1 – GPRA Examples for Individual
Bureaus/Offices 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418 2
Intermediate Outcome Goal: Optimize value through effective lease and permit management.
Individual Performance Measure: Increase the percent (insert %) of pending cases of permits
and lease applications that are processed for energy minerals.
Example #5 Natural Resources Specialist, GS-0401
Strategic Goal: Resource Use
End Outcome Goal: End Outcome Goal: Manage or influence resource use to enhance public
benefit, promote responsible use, and ensure optimal value-energy.
Intermediate Outcome Goal: Improve information base, information management and
technical assistance.
Individual Performance Measure: Improve customer satisfaction rating by __% with energy
resources permitting process.
Example #6 Outdoor Recreation Planner, GS-0023
Strategic Goal: Recreation
End Outcome Goal: Provide for a quality recreation experience, including access, and
enjoyment of natural and cultural resources on DOI managed and partnered lands and waters.
Intermediate Outcome Goal (Strategy): Provide effective interpretation and education
Individual Performance Measure: “Tread Lightly” interpretive presentations developed and
delivered by June 30, 2004, to ___ % of Long-Term Visitor Area residents to promote
appropriate off-highway vehicle use.
Example #7 Outdoor Recreation Planner, GS-0023
Strategic Goal: Serving Communities
End Outcome Goal: Protect lives, resources, and property.
Intermediate Outcome Goal (Strategy): Improve public safety and security and protect public
resources from damage.
Individual Performance Measure: Inventories will be completed by August 31, 2004, in
conformance with Yuma Recreation Management Plan (RMP) to designate routes for
Imperial Refuge Cooperative Management Plan.
Example #8 Petroleum Engineer Technician, GS-0881
Strategic Goal: Resource Use
Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 1 Appendix 1 – GPRA Examples for Individual
Bureaus/Offices 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418 3
End Outcome Goal: Manage or influence resource use to enhance public benefit, promote
responsible use, and ensure optimal value-energy.
Intermediate Outcome Goal: Enhance responsible use management practices.
Individual Performance Measure: Increase the percent of fluid energy resource compliance
inspections and enforcement reviews completed by __%.
Example #9 Petroleum Engineer Technician, GS-0881
Strategic Goal: Resource Use
End Outcome Goal: End Outcome Goal: Manage or influence resource use to enhance public
benefit, promote responsible use, and ensure optimal value-energy.
Intermediate Outcome Goal: Enhance responsible use management practices.
Individual Performance Measure: Percent (__ %) of fluid minerals violations (incidents of
non-compliance) corrected by operators with first notice.
Example #10 Range Specialist, GS-0454
Strategic Goal: Resource Protection
End Outcome Goal: Protect cultural and natural heritage resources.
Individual Performance Measure: Percent (enter %) of number of herd management areas
achieving appropriate management levels of Wild Horse and Burro.
Example # 11 Natural Resources Specialist, GS-0401
End Outcome Goal: Provide technical or financial assistance to Tribes in the areas of
environmental management and endangered species preservation.
Individual Performance Measure: Provide technical or financial assistance to 9 tribes in the
areas of environmental management and endangered species preservation.
Example # 12 Indian Self-determination Specialist, GS-1101
Strategic Goal: Promote Indian Self-Determination
End Outcome Goal: Promote Indian Self-Determination by providing P.L. 93-638 training
sessions and technical assistance.
Individual Performance Measure: 90 training sessions will be held; 200 instances of technical
assistance will be provided.
Example # 13 Housing Specialist, GS-0301
Strategic Goal: Serving Communities
Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 1 Appendix 1 – GPRA Examples for Individual
Bureaus/Offices 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418 4
End Outcome Goal: Provide repair or replacement work of eligible housing applicants.
Individual Performance Measure: Will sustain the 3 Tribes operating comprehensive welfare
plans in the region.
Example #14 Secretary
End Outcome Goal (Strategy): Effective Water Management to Optimize Supply.
Individual Performance Measure: Clerical and administrative functions are accomplished in a
timely and professional manner in order to facilitate effective water management, with no
more than 2 instances per quarter of untimely or unprofessional execution of functions.
Example #15 Water Treatment Equipment Operator
Strategic Goal: Manage resources to promote responsible use and sustain a dynamic
Individual Performance Measure: Maintains water treatment equipment in good operational
condition, with no more than one malfunction per year that would result in a violation under
environmental requirements as defined by State and Federal law.
Example #16 Clerk
Strategic Goal: Manage resources to promote responsible use and sustain a dynamic
Individual Performance Measure: Office files, including those related to river water flow
levels and the Endangered Species Act, are well organized and maintained so that
information is complete and readily accessible, with no more than 3 instances in which files
are not properly maintained.
Example # 17 Field Office Director
Strategic Goal: GPRA – Servicing Communities
Individual Performance Measure: Field Office Director provides direction and input for AML
program grants application requests. Responses are made within 60 days of the application,
to the extent funds are available, and actively promotes timely obligation of AML project
funds to protect lives, resources, property, and reduce fatalities or serious injuries on DOI
managed or influenced land.
Example # 18 Positions with significant Information Technology (IT) security
Strategic Goal: Security of bureau IT systems and data.
Individual Performance Measure: Routinely applies established IT security requirements and
procedures (operational, technical, etc.) when utilizing IT systems or accessing electronic
data in accordance with the bureau’s IT security plan. No more than 2-3 substantive
violations of applicable regulations/policy during the appraisal period.
Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 2
The benchmark standards provided in this handbook describe levels of performance for any
given position. However, rating officials are encouraged to augment those benchmark
standards with specific standards, using the following guidance.
The best standards are:
1 • Stated concretely and specifically
2 • Practical to measure
3 • Meaningful
4 • Exceed able
5 • Realistic and based on sound rationale

Some questions that might be asked to assist in developing the standards include the
1 • Which general measures apply:
1 o Is quality important? Does the stakeholder or customer care how well the
work is done?
2 o Is quantity important? Does the stakeholder or customer care how many
are produced?
3 o Is it important to accomplish the element by a certain time or date?
4 o Is it important to accomplish the element within certain cost limits?
5 o What measures are already available?
2 • How could quality, quantity, timeliness, and/or cost-effectiveness be measured?
3 • Is there some number or percent that could be tracked?
4 • If the element does not lend itself to being measured with numbers and can only be
described, ask:
1 o Who could judge that the element was done well?
2 o What factors would they look for?

Rating officials should be careful that the “fully successful” standard is not impermissibly
“absolute,” i.e., allows no room for errors, nor that it is a “backwards” standard, i.e.,
described in terms of work that does not get done.
Some questions that might be asked to help determine whether you are writing an absolute
standard include:
1 • How many times may the employee fail this requirement and still be fully
2 • Does the standard use words such as “all,” “never,” and “each”? (These words do
not automatically create an absolute standard, but they often alert you to problems.)
3 • If the standard allows for no errors is that because an error would result in risk of
death, injury, etc.?

Some questions that might be asked to help determine whether you are writing a backwards
standard include:
Appendix 2 – Developing Performance Standards 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
1Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 2
1 • Does the standard express the level of work the rating official wants to see or does it
describe negative performance? (Example of describing negative performance:
Requires assistance more than 50 percent of the time. A Better Choice is: Works
independently more than 50 percent of the time.)
2 • If the employee did nothing, would he or she meet the standard, as written?
(Example: Completes fewer than four products per year. A Better Choice is: No
more than 3 products are completed after the established deadline.)
Appendix 2 – Developing Performance Standards 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
2Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 3
A Supervisor’s Guide on How to get the Most out of Performance Appraisals
Why do we have performance appraisal meetings, and how can they benefit
you and your employees?
Giving and receiving feedback is one of the critical components of the performance
appraisal process. As a rating official, it is incumbent upon you to ensure that the
feedback provided is meaningful, that you take the time to prepare and that the
employee has a chance to ask questions and provide input.
Meeting with your employees to discuss how they’re doing can and should be very
beneficial for both of you. Following are a few of the benefits that can result from
good preparation and an open discussion:
* You get a chance to provide information directly to your employee about your
expectations and standards and to provide feedback on the work he/she did well
along with any areas needing improvement.
* You get to provide the employee information about the “big picture” and how what
he/she does contributes to mission/organizational goals.
* You get a chance to ask the employee about how he/she feels about his/her job--
Whether he/she enjoys the work, if he/she is ready for greater responsibilities, if
he/she is feeling too overwhelmed by the work already assigned, whether he/she
needs more assistance from you or coworkers, etc.
* You get a chance to get to know the employee a bit better, and he/she gets to
know you a bit better, too. The more you know one another, the greater the chances
that you’ll be able to communicate well on an ongoing basis, especially if a problem
crops up.
* You get the opportunity to discuss your employee’s future with him/her. That can
be as simple as discussing training opportunities to better handle a specific project or
something as broad as the employee’s career aspirations and how he/she plans to
get there.
What Should You Do to Prepare?
While you are encouraged to provide feedback to your employees on an on-going
basis, Department of the Interior policy requires that you meet formally with
employees at least twice a year—once approximately mid-way through the
performance appraisal cycle (called a Progress Review) and once at the end of the
rating year. These meetings are a chance for you to engage in an open exchange
with your employees about their performance.
Before the progress review or before you prepare the employee’s appraisal:
--Request information from the employee on his/her key work accomplishments for
the period being discussed. Keep a “kudos” folder for each employee with key
accomplishments that you can refer to.
Appendix 3 – A Supervisor’s Guide on How to get the Most out of Performance Appraisals 10/4/04
#370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418 1Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 3
--If you have specific issues that you want to discuss with the employee, ensure that
you have prepared to discuss these clearly and concisely.
--Think about (and document) what’s most important for you to tell the employee
about how he/she is doing.
--Write down what you feel the employee has done/accomplished/learned, what
he/she did particularly well, and any areas in which you may have been disappointed
in how the employee performed, including what they could have done better. You
should include examples of specific projects or assignments.
--Think about whether the employee has the skills that you think he/she needs to do
his/her job well, and write down any skills you think need to be gained or improved.
--Write down the key points and questions you want to discuss during the meeting.
If in preparing for the performance discussions and/or finalizing the rating you
believe that the employee is not performing at a fully successful level, you should
immediately contact your Servicing Human Resources Office to discuss what steps
to take prior to meeting with the employee.
The Performance Discussion
During the actual performance discussion, you should review the employee’s
performance during the period in question including a summary of key
accomplishments, praise him/her for work that he/she did particularly well, inform
him/her of work that could have been improved and/or areas where he/she may
need to focus more effort, etc. You should offer some examples, and give the
employee the opportunity to ask questions for clarification or to provide information.
This should definitely be a two–way dialogue rather than a lecture.
In addition, you should:
+ Ask the employee how he/she feels the past six months or year went, and what
he/she liked and didn’t like (with the goal of finding out in what ways he/she felt
supported, or might have wanted feedback, or other information that you can use in
working with the employee better in the future).
+ Ask whether the employee has adequate training and resources to carry out
his/her work.
+ Ask the employee about his/her short and/or long-term career goals and offer
suggestions or resources to assist him/her with these goals, as appropriate.
+ Clearly articulate your expectations for the next six months or during the coming
year and ask if the employee understands them. Be prepared to clarify any areas of
+ Refer to your notes, so that you don’t overlook any points that you feel are
+ Ensure that the employee has a chance to provide feedback and ask questions.
Appendix 3 – A Supervisor’s Guide on How to get the Most out of Performance Appraisals 10/4/04
#370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418 2Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 3
Once you have finished your discussion with the employee provide him/her the
appraisal form to sign. At the end of the rating year, make sure that he/she receives
a copy of the completed appraisal form.
If the employee has concerns with the final rating, provide him/her with a copy of
your Bureau’s/Office’s reconsideration process or refer him/her to the appropriate
individual who can provide that information.
Don’t forget that you can and should continue to discuss the employee’s
performance with him/her throughout the year. While the setting might not be as
formal as during progress reviews or rating discussions, it’s still important to keep
talking, day in and day out, with your employees.
Appendix 3 – A Supervisor’s Guide on How to get the Most out of Performance Appraisals 10/4/04
#370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418 3Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 4
An Employee Guide on How to get the Most out of Performance Appraisals
Why do we have performance appraisal meetings, and how can they benefit
Meeting with your supervisor to discuss how you’re doing is a pretty good thing. In
case you haven’t really given it much thought, here are a few reminders for you.
* You get a chance to obtain information, directly from your supervisor, about his/her
expectations and standards for you. That way, you know right up front what you
need to do a great job.
* You get feedback on how you’re doing. It’s wonderful to hear about the good work
that you’re doing. It’s also good to find out if you haven’t been meeting expectations
– once you know that there’s something you could do better, you can work on it
(which is definitely better than being in the dark and continuing to do something
which doesn’t work).
* You get the “big picture” about how you’re doing on the job. Day-to-day feedback is
great, but it helps, too, to step back and hear about how you’re doing overall and
how the work you do helps accomplish important goals of the organization.
* You get to talk with your supervisor about how you feel about your job. Do you
enjoy the work you do? Are you ready for greater responsibilities? Are you feeling
too overwhelmed by the work you’ve already been assigned? Do you need more
assistance from your boss or your coworkers? This is your chance to have an open
discussion with your supervisor’s undivided attention about how you feel things are
* You get a chance to get to know your supervisor a bit better, and he/she gets to
know you a bit better, too. The more you know one another, the greater the chances
that you’ll be able to communicate well on an ongoing basis, especially if a problem
crops up.
* You get the opportunity to discuss your future with your supervisor. That can be as
simple as discussing your interest in a training course to better handle a specific
project, to something as broad as your career aspirations and how you plan to get
What Should You Do to Prepare?
Even though your supervisor is the one calling the performance meeting, you have
considerable involvement in the discussion. In fact, you can and should give some
thought to what you want to get out of this meeting.
Perhaps you want suggestions for how you can provide better customer service, or
maybe you want specific feedback on what you do well and not so well when you
give presentations. Just as your supervisor will be preparing for his/her meeting with
you, you should do a bit of preparation of your own. Preparation for meeting with
your supervisor has two phases:
1) Before your supervisor prepares your appraisal:
Appendix 4 – An Employee Guide on How to get the Most out of Performance Appraisals 1 10/4/04
#370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418 Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 4
--Prepare a list of your key work accomplishments, and give that to your supervisor
for his/her consideration in preparing your rating. This way, you can help ensure that
your significant accomplishments are not overlooked. Keep a “kudos” folder with
your accomplishments in it to refer to for this.
--If you have specific issues, which you will want to discuss with your supervisor,
give him/her a “heads up”, so that he/she can be well prepared for your discussion.
And come prepared to discuss clearly and concisely.
2) In preparation for the meeting when your rating is communicated, think about the
What’s most important for you to learn/find out about how you’re doing?
What have you done/accomplished/learned during the year? Make yourself a list of
key items, so that you can ask for your supervisor for feedback on specific projects
or assignments.
What did you do particularly well? What are the ways you may have been
disappointed in how you performed?
What kind of feedback would you like to give to your supervisor? (e.g., I really like it
when you review and edit my drafts before they’re put in final form, so that we don’t
waste a lot of time and paper revising documents at the last minute; thank you for
letting me take so much time off when my parents were visiting; I really need to hear
from you about how I’m doing when I’m working on a project, rather than assuming
that your silence means I’m doing okay; etc.).
Do you have the skills that you think you need to do your job well? What skills might
you want to work on polishing up?
Where do you see your career heading? How can your supervisor help you achieve
your career goals?
It may help to jot down your key points and questions. That way, you can use your
notes during your discussion and make sure that you don’t forget to bring up the
important thoughts and questions you have.
The Performance Discussion
The day has come for your performance discussion. You’ve put some thought into
how you’re doing, and you’re ready to have a good discussion with your supervisor.
There’s one more thing you may want to consider – take a look at your supervisor’s
perspective on the discussion you’re about to have.
Your supervisor will:
Review your performance over the past six months or year with a summary of key
accomplishments, work that you did particularly well, work that could have been
Appendix 4 – An Employee Guide on How to get the Most out of Performance Appraisals 2 10/4/04
#370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418 Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 4
areas where you may need to focus more effort, etc. He/She will offer you some
examples, and will give you the opportunity to ask questions for clarification or to
provide information. This is definitely a two – way dialogue.
+ Ask you how you feel the past six months or year went, and what you liked and
didn’t like (with the goal of finding out in what ways you felt supported, or how you
might have wanted feedback, or other information that he/she can use in working
with you in the coming year).
+ Look ahead to the coming six months or year and discuss with you his/her specific
expectation for you.
+ Ask you whether you feel that you have adequate training and resources to carry
out your work. This will likely lead to a discussion of what additional information or
materials you may need.
+ Ask you about your short and/or long-term career goals. Based on your response,
he/she may offer suggestions or resources to assist you.
During the meeting, don’t be shy about asking for clarification, particularly about your
supervisor’s expectations of you. Refer to your notes, so that you don’t overlook any
points that you feel are important. If your supervisor doesn’t bring up the topic
yourself – if you want specific information, then ask specific questions. You may be
amazed at how informative this discussion will be.
And yes, there is the paperwork that needs to get done. Your supervisor will ask you
to sign your appraisal form, and will make sure that you receive a copy of your rating.
That’s it. By the time you finish your discussion, you should have a good feel for how
well you’re doing, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and where you’re
heading in the coming year. Don’t forget, though, that you can and should continue
to discuss your performance with your supervisor throughout the year. While the
setting might not be as formal as during progress reviews or rating discussions, it’s
still important to keep talking, day in and day out, with your supervisor. If you’re ever
in doubt about how you’re doing, don’t forget that you have an amazing tool at your
disposal - you can simply, but directly, ask your supervisor for feedback, at any point
during the year.
Still have questions about any of this, or about the performance appraisal process in general?
Stop to chat with your supervisor, who will be happy to address any questions you have.
Appendix 4 – An Employee Guide on How to get the Most out of Performance Appraisals 3 10/4/04
#370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418 Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 5
Supervisor’s Guide to Developing Individual Development Plans
The Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a valuable performance enhancement tool for any
federal employee. The IDP can be of great assistance to those who want to enhance skills and
strengths and learn more about matters of interest that are relevant to the performance of the
agency. Bureaus/Offices may require the use of an IDP at their discretion. Check with your
Human Resources Office for the IDP or other appropriate form to be used by your
Bureau/Office for documenting employee development needs.
The following is a brief outline of the definition, steps and goals of an IDP.
Goals The employee and the rating official develop goals together. The IDP provides
a connection between the employee’s career interests and needs to the
organizational mission and priorities. The most common goals of an IDP are to:
1 • Learn new skills to improve current job performance
2 • Maximize current performance in support of organizational requirements
3 • Increase interest, challenge, and satisfaction in current position
4 • Obtain knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for career growth

Definition An IDP identifies a broad spectrum of developmental opportunities for the

employee, including on-the-job training, distance learning, formal classroom training,
details, shadow assignments and self-development. It addresses the needs of the
organization and of the employee beginning with a focus on maximizing employee
performance in the current job.
An IDP is a guide to help individuals reach career goals within the context of
organizational objectives. It is a developmental action plan to move employees from
their current place to where they want to go. It provides the systematic steps to
improve and to build on strengths as individuals improve job performance and
pursue career goals.
An IDP is a partnership between the employee and the rating official in personal
development. Preparing an IDP involves open feedback, clarification and discussion
about developmental needs, goals, and plans. Periodic communication between the
rating official and the employee is the key to the currency and success of an IDP.
An IDP is not a:
1 • Performance appraisal. It is not used to determine pay, awards or other
personnel actions based on performance.
2 • Contract for training. Final approval of training opportunities is made based
on factors such as timing and budget availability.
3 • Position description. It is not used for clarifying discrepancies in the duties
as described.
Appendix 5 – Supervisor’s Guide to Developing Individual Development Plans 1 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1
Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418 Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 5
1 • Guarantee for promotion or for reassignment to another position. While the
developmental experiences identified in an IDP may have some training that
might qualify the employee for another position or grade, there is no
guarantee of advancement.

Responsibilities As in all aspects of the employee/supervisor relationship, direct

and open communication is the key to the success of an IDP. The following
responsibilities address the IDP process specifically.
The employee is responsible for:
1 • Assessing personal skills necessary for performing the current position
2 • Suggesting developmental experiences which would enhance the skills
necessary for performing the current position and for the desired career goals
3 • Identifying personal career goals
4 • Understanding what skills are necessary for meeting the career goals
5 • Participating in open discussions with the rating official concerning the
elements of the IDP
6 • Completing the developmental experiences in the IDP as approved by the
rating official
7 • Alerting the rating official when the IDP needs review and updating

The rating official is responsible for:

1 • Providing constructive feedback to the employee about skills necessary for
performing the current position
2 • Suggesting and reviewing employee suggestions for developmental
experiences which would enhance the skills necessary for performing the
current position
3 • Counseling the employee about career goals
4 • Identifying developmental experiences which would enhance the skills
necessary for performing in the next type of position toward the employee’s
career goal
5 • Participating in open discussions with the employee concerning the
elements of the IDP, in periodic updates and reviews of the IDP for currency
6 • Giving final approval to specific developmental experiences
7 • Monitoring the progress of the employee in completing the developmental
experiences agreed upon in the IDP
Appendix 5 – Supervisor’s Guide to Developing Individual Development Plans 2 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1
Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418 Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 5
SAMPLE Individual Development Plan (Bureaus/Offices may require the use of an IDP at their
discretion. Check with your Human Resources Office for the IDP or other appropriate form to be used by your
Bureau/Office for the IDP or other appropriate form to be used by your Bureau/Office for documenting
employee developmental needs).

Employee’s Name Position Title/Grade Office Office Fax Email

Phone Address
Current Supervisor’s Name Supervisor’s Title Office Office Fax Email
Phone Address
Goals for Successful Short-term Career Goals Long-term Goals (3+ years)
Performance in Current (2-3 years)
Developmental Objectives: Developmental Activities Proposed Estimated Date
What do you need to do this (training, assignments, Dates Costs Completed
year to work towards your projects, details, etc.)
Supervisor’s Signature/Date

Individual Development Plan Plan Performance


Appendix 5 – Sample Individual Development Plan 3 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 5
SAMPLE Individual Development Plan
Instructions for completing the Individual Development Plan
Employee Development and Career Goals – the employee and supervisor work
together to complete the goals for successful performance in the employee’s current
position and the employee’s short- and long-term career goals on the IDP.
Developmental Objectives – describe what the employee needs to do this year to work
toward his/her goals. Objectives describe what the employee needs to learn or achieve in
order to reach his/her goals.
Determine a method of training and a training time frame – determine what type of
training or activity is needed to accomplish the employee’s developmental goals. It could
be on-the-job training, a detail, or a formal training course or a combination of methods.
Identify the proposed dates for the training or activity in the “Proposed Dates” column.
Enter the actual or estimated cost of the activity in the “Estimated Costs” column. This
column can be used in preparing your office’s annual budget. Once the training is
completed, write the date in the “Date Completed” column.
Methods of Training:
On-the-job training – this can include coaching by a skilled individual or details into
positions that will give the employee the skills and knowledge needed.
Details – temporary assignments to another location and/or position to gain specific
knowledge and/or experience.
Courses – formal training courses, e.g., from your agency, local universities, commercial
Satellite Broadcasts/Computer/Web Based Learning – a variety of topics available
through your agency via satellite broadcasts, software packages, and on-line training.
Discuss the Development Plan with your Employee – discuss the IDP with the
employee and make any necessary modifications. The supervisor and employee should
sign and date the plan. This plan should be completed within 60 days from the beginning
of the performance year.
Review and Modifications – the plan should be reviewed at each performance review
and modified as situations or needs change.
Appendix 5 – Sample Individual Development Plan 4 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 6

Step One Checklist – Communicating Expectations Yes No

1. Know the issue is primarily a performance problem (not misconduct).

2. Be knowledgeable of the DOI regulations governing performance.

3. Have previously and clearly communicated to the employee what

constitutes minimally successful performance.
4. Conduct the counseling session in a private and uninterrupted environment.

5. Have documented examples of poor performance.

6. Communicate to employee the specific critical element(s) where the
employee’s performance is not minimally successful.
7. Listen to the employee and ask for employee’s input in working toward a
8. Focus on poor performance and not personalities or other distractions.

9. Remember your goal is to improve performance, not win an argument with

the employee.
10. Seek cooperation and not confrontation.
11. State clearly performance expectations and ask employee if he/she
understands those expectations.
12. End session on a positive note by emphasizing your mutual goal is
improving the employee’s performance.
13. Document the session and provide the employee a copy.

Checklists for Dealing with Poor Performance

Appendix 6 – Checklists for Dealing with Poor Performance 1 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95
FPM-418 Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 6
Step Two Checklist – Opportunity to Improve Yes No
In the Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) did you tell the employee that his or her
work was unsatisfactory in one or more critical elements and how he/she is failing to
meet them?
Did the PIP tell the employee specifically what he or she had to do to improve
performance in order to keep his or her job?
Was it clear in the PIP that continuing failure to meet performance standards would
result in demotion or removal?
Is there any reason to suspect a physical, mental or emotional basis for the
If so, has the agency met its legal obligations?
1 • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) referral
2 • Provide an opportunity for the employee to submit medical documentation
3 • Offer of assistance (documented in writing)
4 • Reasonable accommodation

Did you provide positive assistance to enable the employee to improve to at least the
minimally successful level?
1 • Documentation of assistance (shared with employee)
2 • Documentation of results
3 • Consider training needs
4 • Closer supervision or on-the-job coach

When the PIP period ended, was the employee still performing at an unsatisfactory
When is the employee’s next within-grade-increase due? Were steps taken to delay
the within-grade-increase?
If the employee succeeds in raising his or her performance to at least the
minimally successful level, remind the employee of his or her continuing
obligation to maintain performance above the unsatisfactory level.
Appendix 6 – Checklists for Dealing with Poor Performance 2 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95
FPM-418 Performance Appraisal Handbook Appendix 6 Appendix 6 – Checklists for Dealing
with Poor Performance 3 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418 Employee Appraisal
Handbook Appendix 7 Appendix 7 – Frequently Asked Questions 1 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1
Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
1. Who is covered under the performance appraisal requirement in Chapter 430 and
who is required to have a performance appraisal?
With the exceptions listed below, all permanent and temporary employees are covered
and must receive annual performance appraisal ratings.
1 • Positions filled by political appointees
2 • Expert and consultant positions filled under 5 U.S.C. 3109
3 • Volunteers serving without pay
4 • Employees whose appointments are not expected to exceed 120 days in a
12-month period. (Note: In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 4301(2)(H), a
temporary employee must agree to serve without a performance appraisal in
order to be excluded from the performance appraisal system.)
5 • Senior Executive Service (SES), Senior Level (SL) and Scientific and
Professional (ST) employees. These employees are appraised under a
different system established by the Department
6 • Employees outside the United States who are paid in accordance with local
prevailing wage rates
7 • Administrative law judges appointed under 5 U.S.C. 3105
8 • Board of Contract Appeals judges appointed under 41 U.S.C. 607

All other employees, including employees undergoing long-term training or

developmental assignments, employees in Upward Mobility positions, employees
serving on details for periods over 120 days and temporary employees whose
appointments are expected to exceed 120 days in a 12-month period, are
covered. All such employees must have performance elements and performance
standards written for their positions and must receive performance appraisals. In
the case of employees on details or temporary assignments over 120 days and
employees in long-term training, the performance elements and standards must
be written for their details or training assignment.
2. When must performance elements and performance standards be developed for an
employee’s position?
All employees covered under the system should have standards in place within 60 days of
the beginning of the performance appraisal cycle, their entrance on duty, their assignment
to a new position, or their assignment to a new or different supervisory position.
3. When is the performance appraisal cycle?
Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 7 Appendix 7 – Frequently Asked Questions 2 10/4/04
#370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
The appraisal cycle runs from October 1 through September 30 of the following year,
unless the Department’s Human Resources Office approves a different schedule.
For temporary employees whose appointments are over 120 days but less than
one year, the appraisal cycle runs from date of appointment to termination of
For temporary employees whose appointments are greater than one year, the
appraisal cycle is the same as permanent employees.
1 4. When are performance appraisal ratings due?
Appraisal ratings are due within 30 days of the end of the appraisal period, i.e.,
by October 31 of each year.
Appraisal ratings for temporary employees are due at the termination of the
employee’s tour of duty. (Not 30 days after.)
5. What are the eligibility requirements for receiving a performance appraisal?
An employee must have been working in the same position and under the supervision of
the same rating official or reviewing official for at least 90 consecutive calendar days. In
addition, the employee must have been working under a set of approved performance
standards for at least 90 consecutive days.
6. How are ratings handled when an employee has been under the supervision of more
than one rating official during the appraisal period?
The rating official for appraisal purposes is the individual supervising the employee at the
end of the performance appraisal period. The rating or reviewing official will assign the
rating of record, providing he or she has supervised the employee for at least 90
consecutive calendar days and providing the employee has worked under the same set of
performance standards for at least 90 days prior to the end of the appraisal period.
If the employee has received a performance evaluation from another rating
official during the current rating period, the rating official shall consider that rating
when assigning the summary rating of record.
If, at the end of the performance appraisal period, the rating official has not
supervised the employee for at least 90 consecutive calendar days, the reviewing
official may serve as the rating official as determined by the Bureau/Office.
The appraisal period may be extended up to 90 days past the normal end date
for an employee if, on the normal end date of the appraisal period, the employee
has not been under standards for at least 90 days.
7. What is the role of the Reviewing Official?
The Reviewing Official is responsible for reviewing and approving ratings of
“Exceptional,” “Minimally Successful,” and “Unsatisfactory;” and carrying out any
other responsibilities as outlined by the Bureau/Office Head.
Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 7 Appendix 7 – Frequently Asked Questions 3
10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
8. How many performance elements can be written for a position?
Each employee covered should have at least one and not more than five critical
elements as part of their EPAP.
1 9. What is a critical element?
A critical element is a component of the position that is so important that failure to
perform requires remedial action, and may serve as the basis for adverse action against
the employee if performance does not improve.
10. How closely do performance elements have to match the employee’s position
There must be a reasonable relationship between the position description (P.D.) and the
elements used for appraisal. For example, if a P.D. states the individual is responsible
for supervising employees, a performance element addressing performance appraisal
would be appropriate, since appraisal is one aspect of a supervisor’s duties.

11. Are performance standards negotiable?

No. The development of performance standards is a retained management
right that cannot be negotiated or bargained. However, it is strongly
encouraged that employees have input on developing their elements and
standards, but the final decision regarding critical elements and standards
always rests with the management official.
1 12. Are performance appraisals or other aspects of the performance appraisal
process grievable or appealable?
Performance appraisal rating and concerns are not grievable under the Agency
grievance system. If the employee is covered under a negotiated agreement that covers
performance appraisal, the negotiated process must be followed. If the employee is not
covered under a negotiated agreement which covers performance appraisal, the
employee is entitled to file a request for reconsideration when an employee has a
concern about the rating given on a particular element that, if changed, will affect the
outcome of the rating of record.

13. Are performance reviews required during the appraisal cycle?

Supervisors are expected to establish effective and ongoing communication with
employees regarding performance and ways of improving it. An annual counseling
session is required where accomplishments against elements and standards are
discussed and rating official and employee formally sign the appraisal. One Progress
Review at approximately mid-year is required, and the results of that review are
documented on the employee performance appraisal form. Additionally, periodic
counseling sessions throughout the year are recommended as a good personnel
management tool to assure that employees are kept up-to-date on management’s
assessment of their performance. For paperwork reduction purposes, however, no
specific timetables are set for these counseling sessions and no form or other
documentation is required to be filled out on such counseling sessions unless possible
adverse action is anticipated in the future.
1 14. What are the requirements for granting or denying within-grade increases?
Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 7 Appendix 7 – Frequently Asked Questions 4
10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
A within-grade increase is earned on the basis of performance during the waiting
period. Regulations require the granting or denying of a within-grade increase to be
based on the employee’s most recent performance appraisal rating of record. To grant a
within-grade increase, the employee must have a rating of record of at least fully
successful (Level 3). To deny a within-grade increase, the employee must have a rating
of record of less than fully successful.
Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Employee Performance Appraisal
Plan 1 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Employee Name: Title/Series/Grade:
Duty Station: Appraisal Period: From: To:

Part A: Notification of Standards: Signatures certify that critical elements and performance
standards were discussed. Critical elements and performance standards are contained in Part E.
Employee: Rating Official: Reviewing Official (if applicable*):
Date: Date: Date:
*If determined by Bureau/Office
Part B: Progress Review: Signatures certify that performance was discussed.
Employee: Date: Rating Official: Date:

Part C: Summary Rating Determination: To determine a summary rating, assign one of the
numerical rating levels that accurately reflects the employee’s performance for each of the critical
elements (Use only whole numbers: Exceptional = 5 points; Superior = 4 points, Fully Successful =
3 points, Minimally Successful = 2 points, and Unsatisfactory = 0 points.) See reverse for
complete instructions for assigning a Summary Rating.
Element Number Numerical Rating

Total Numerical Rating ÷ Number of Elements = Numeric Summary Rating

Part D: Overall Summary Rating: Use conversion chart below to determine Summary Rating. Check the
appropriate box:
Exceptional 4.6 – 5.00 AND No critical element rated lower than “Superior”.
Superior 3.6 – 4.59 AND No critical element rated lower than “Fully Successful”.
Fully Successful 3.0 – 3.59 AND No critical element rated lower than “Fully Successful”.
Minimally Successful 2.0 – 2.99 AND No critical element rated lower than “Minimally Successful”.
Unsatisfactory One or more critical elements rated “Unsatisfactory”.
Employee: Rating Official: Reviewing Official: (if applicable):
Date: Date: Date:

Check here if Interim Rating: ______

Employee’s Signature above certifies that the overall summary rating was discussed. Reviewing
Official’s signature is required for Exceptional, Minimally Successful and Unsatisfactory ratings, and
otherwise if determined by Bureau/Office.
Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Employee Performance Appraisal
Plan 2 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Instructions for Completing the EPAP
Establishing Critical Elements and Performance Standards
Critical elements (at least one, but no more than five) should be established for each employee at the start of the
performance year. Through these elements, employees are held accountable for work assignments and
responsibilities of their position. A critical element is an assignment or responsibility of such importance that
Unsatisfactory performance in that element alone would result in a determination that the employee’s overall
performance is Unsatisfactory. Please see the Performance Appraisal Handbook for more detailed information.
Performance standards are expressions of the performance threshold(s), requirement(s), or expectation(s) that
must be met for each element at a particular level of performance. They must be focused on results and include
credible measures. You may use the Benchmark Performance Standards from the Performance Appraisal
Handbook (in conjunction with individually established performance standards) to describe, for each element,
credible measures such as quality, quantity, timeliness and/or cost effectiveness, for at least the “Fully
Successful” level. Rating officials are strongly encouraged to develop performance standards at additional levels,
to ensure that the employee has a clear understanding of the level of performance expected.
Progress Reviews
A progress review should be conducted at approximately mid-way through the rating period. Part B
should be completed after the progress review. Any written feedback or recommended training can be
noted on a separate sheet and attached to the EPAP.
Assigning the Summary Rating
A specific rating is required for each critical element to reflect the level of performance demonstrated by the
employee throughout the rating period. Only one numerical rating level is assigned for each critical element.
Before the rating official assigns a summary rating, he/she should consider all interim summary ratings received
for the employee during the annual appraisal period. The summary rating is assigned as follows:
1 A. Review the EPAP and assess how the employee performed relative to the described performance
2 B. Appropriately document the employee’s performance with a narrative summary that describes the
employee’s achievements for the critical elements as compared to the performance standards. A
narrative must be written for each critical element assigned a rating of Exceptional, Minimally
Successful, or Unsatisfactory. This narrative should contain examples of the employee’s
performance that substantiate and explain how the employee’s performance falls within the level
assigned. There is a block provided for the narrative summary for each critical element.
3 C. In Part C of this form, assign one of the numerical rating levels that accurately reflects the
employee’s performance for each of the critical elements (Use only whole numbers: Exceptional =
5 points, Superior= 4 points, Fully Successful = 3 points, Minimally Successful = 2 points, and
Unsatisfactory = 0 points).
4 D. Add up the numerical rating levels to get a total.
5 E. Divide the total by the number of critical elements to get an average. (Elements that are “not rated”
because an employee has not had a chance to perform them during the rating year are not assigned
any points and should not be used to determine the average rating.)
6 F. Assign the employee a summary rating based on the table in Part D of this form.

Note: Whenever an employee is rated “Unsatisfactory” on one or more critical elements, the overall rating
must be “Unsatisfactory” (regardless of total points). The rating official should immediately contact the
servicing human resources office.
Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Employee Performance Appraisal Plan 3
10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Part E: Critical Elements and Performance Standards: List below each of the employee’s critical elements
(at least one, but no more than 5) and their corresponding performance standards. If Benchmark Standards are
used, indicate “Benchmark Standards are attached” in the space below, and ensure they are attached to this
Critical Element 1:
Performance Standards
Fully Successful
Minimally Successful
Narrative Summary
Describe the employee’s performance for each critical element. A narrative summary must be
written for each element assigned a rating of Exceptional, Minimally Successful, or
Rating for Critical Element 1:
[ ] Exceptional-5 [ ] Superior-4 [ ] Fully Successful-3 [ ] Minimally Successful-2 [ ] Unsatisfactory-0

Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Employee Performance Appraisal

Plan 4 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Part E: Critical Elements and Performance Standards: List below each of the employee’s critical elements
(at least one, but no more than 5) and their corresponding performance standards. If Benchmark Standards are
used, indicate “Benchmark Standards are attached” in the space below, and ensure they are attached to this
Critical Element 2:
Performance Standards
Fully Successful
Minimally Successful
Narrative Summary
Describe the employee’s performance for each critical element. A narrative summary must be
written for each element assigned a rating of Exceptional, Minimally Successful, or
Rating for Critical Element 2:
[ ] Exceptional-5 [ ] Superior-4 [ ] Fully Successful-3 [ ] Minimally Successful-2 [ ] Unsatisfactory-0

Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Employee Performance Appraisal

Plan 5 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Part E: Critical Elements and Performance Standards: List below each of the employee’s critical elements
(at least one, but no more than 5) and their corresponding performance standards. If Benchmark Standards are
used, indicate “Benchmark Standards are attached” in the space below, and ensure they are attached to this
Critical Element 3:
Performance Standards
Fully Successful
Minimally Successful
Narrative Summary
Describe the employee’s performance for each critical element. A narrative summary must be
written for each element assigned a rating of Exceptional, Minimally Successful, or
Rating for Critical Element 3:
[ ] Exceptional-5 [ ] Superior-4 [ ] Fully Successful-3 [ ] Minimally Successful-2 [ ] Unsatisfactory-0

Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Employee Performance Appraisal

Plan 6 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Part E: Critical Elements and Performance Standards: List below each of the employee’s critical elements
(at least one, but no more than 5) and their corresponding performance standards. If Benchmark Standards are
used, indicate “Benchmark Standards are attached” in the space below, and ensure they are attached to this
Critical Element 4:
Performance Standards
Fully Successful
Minimally Successful
Narrative Summary
Describe the employee’s performance for each critical element. A narrative summary must be
written for each element assigned a rating of Exceptional, Minimally Successful, or
Rating for Critical Element 4:
[ ] Exceptional-5 [ ] Superior-4 [ ] Fully Successful-3 [ ] Minimally Successful-2 [ ] Unsatisfactory-0

Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Employee Performance Appraisal

Plan 7 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Part E: Critical Elements and Performance Standards: List below each of the employee’s critical elements
(at least one, but no more than 5) and their corresponding performance standards. If Benchmark Standards are
used, indicate “Benchmark Standards are attached” in the space below, and ensure they are attached to this
Critical Element 5:
Performance Standards
Fully Successful
Minimally Successful
Narrative Summary
Describe the employee’s performance for each critical element. A narrative summary must be
written for each element assigned a rating of Exceptional, Minimally Successful, or
Rating for Critical Element 5:
[ ] Exceptional-5 [ ] Superior-4 [ ] Fully Successful-3 [ ] Minimally Successful-2 [ ] Unsatisfactory-0

Revised 8/23/04
Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Sample Completed Employee Performance
Appraisal Plan 8 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Employee Name: Eleanor Raymond Title/Series/Grade: Supervisory Computer Specialist,
Duty Station: IT Services Division Appraisal Period: From: To:
Herndon, VA 10/1/04 9/30/05

Part A: Notification of Standards: Signatures certify that critical elements and performance
standards were discussed. Critical elements and performance standards are contained in Part E.
Employee: Rating Official: Reviewing Official (if applicable*):
Date: Date: Date:

*If determined by Bureau/Office

Part B: Progress Review: Signatures certify that performance was discussed.
Employee: Date: Rating Official: Date:

Part C: Summary Rating Determination: To determine a summary rating, assign one of the
numerical rating levels that accurately reflects the employee’s performance for each of the critical
elements (Use only whole numbers: Exceptional = 5 points; Superior = 4 points, Fully Successful =
3 points, Minimally Successful = 2 points, and Unsatisfactory = 0 points.) See reverse for
complete instructions for assigning a Summary Rating.
Element Number Numerical Rating
1 5
2 4
3 3
4 NR
5 5
Total: 17

Total Numerical Rating 1 ÷ Number of Elements 4 = Numeric Summary Rating 4.25


Part D: Overall Summary Rating: Use conversion chart below to determine Summary
Rating. Check the appropriate box:
Exceptional 4.6 – 5.00 AND No critical element rated lower than “Superior”.
X Superior 3.6 – 4.59 AND No critical element rated lower than “Fully Successful”.
Fully Successful 3.0 – 3.59 AND No critical element rated lower than “Fully Successful”.
Minimally Successful 2.0 – 2.99 AND No critical element rated lower than “Minimally Successful”.
Unsatisfactory One or more critical elements rated “Unsatisfactory”.
Employee: Rating Official: Reviewing Official: (if applicable):
Date: Date: Date:

Check here if Interim Rating: ______

Employee’s Signature above certifies that the overall summary rating was discussed. Reviewing
Official’s signature is required for Exceptional, Minimally Successful and Unsatisfactory ratings, and
otherwise if determined by Bureau/Office.
Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Sample Completed Employee
Performance Appraisal Plan 9 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Instructions for Completing the EPAP
Establishing Critical Elements and Performance Standards
Critical elements (at least one, but no more than five) should be established for each employee at the start of the
performance year. Through these elements, employees are held accountable for work assignments and
responsibilities of their position. A critical element is an assignment or responsibility of such importance that
Unsatisfactory performance in that element alone would result in a determination that the employee’s overall
performance is Unsatisfactory. Please see the Performance Appraisal Handbook for more detailed information.
Performance standards are expressions of the performance threshold(s), requirement(s), or expectation(s) that
must be met for each element at a particular level of performance. They must be focused on results and include
credible measures. You may use the Benchmark Performance Standards from the Performance Appraisal
Handbook (in conjunction with individually established performance standards) to describe, for each element,
credible measures such as quality, quantity, timeliness and/or cost effectiveness, for at least the “Fully
Successful” level. Rating officials are strongly encouraged to develop performance standards at additional levels,
to ensure that the employee has a clear understanding of the level of performance expected.
Progress Reviews
A progress review should be conducted at approximately mid-way through the rating period. Part B
should be completed after the progress review. Any written feedback or recommended training can be
noted on a separate sheet and attached to the EPAP.
Assigning the Summary Rating
A specific rating is required for each critical element to reflect the level of performance demonstrated by the
employee throughout the rating period. Only one numerical rating level is assigned for each critical element.
Before the rating official assigns a summary rating, he/she should consider all interim summary ratings received
for the employee during the annual appraisal period. The summary rating is assigned as follows:
1 G. Review the EPAP and assess how the employee performed relative to the described performance
2 H. Appropriately document the employee’s performance with a narrative summary that describes the
employee’s achievements for the critical elements as compared to the performance standards. A
narrative must be written for each critical element assigned a rating of Exceptional, Minimally
Successful, or Unsatisfactory. This narrative should contain examples of the employee’s
performance that substantiate and explain how the employee’s performance falls within the level
assigned. There is a block provided for the narrative summary for each critical element.
3 I. In Part C of this form, assign one of the numerical rating levels that accurately reflects the
employee’s performance for each of the critical elements (Use only whole numbers: Exceptional =
5 points, Superior= 4 points, Fully Successful = 3 points, Minimally Successful = 2 points, and
Unsatisfactory = 0 points).
4 J. Add up the numerical rating levels to get a total.
5 K. Divide the total by the number of critical elements to get an average. (Elements that are “not rated”
because an employee has not had a chance to perform them during the rating year are not assigned
any points and should not be used to determine the average rating.)
6 L. Assign the employee a summary rating based on the table in Part D of this form.

Note: Whenever an employee is rated “Unsatisfactory” on one or more critical elements, the overall rating
must be “Unsatisfactory” (regardless of total points). The rating official should immediately contact the
servicing human resources office.
Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Sample Completed Employee Performance
Appraisal Plan 10 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Part E: Critical Elements and Performance Standards: List below each of the employee’s critical elements
(at least one, but no more than 5) and their corresponding performance standards. If Benchmark Standards are
used, indicate “Benchmark Standards are attached” in the space below, and ensure they are attached to this
Critical Element Supervisory/Managerial Element: Performance of
1: supervisory/managerial duties will be carried out in accordance with
regulatory requirements and other Bureau/Office policies governing
the following areas:
1 � Diversity/EEO obligations;
2 �Internal management controls;
3 �Merit Systems Principles;
4 �Safety and Occupational Health obligations;
5 �Effective performance management; and
6 �Effective management of ethics, conduct & discipline issues.

Performance Standards
Exceptional See attached benchmark standard
Superior See attached benchmark standard
Fully Successful See attached benchmark standard
Minimally See attached benchmark standard
Unsatisfactory See attached benchmark standard
Narrative Summary
Describe the employee’s performance for each critical element. A narrative summary must be
written for each element assigned a rating of Exceptional, Minimally Successful, or
In addition to ensuring the day-to-day completion of work and normal supervisory duties within the IT Services
Division, Eleanor dealt with 2 significant employee issues during the past rating year. These employee issues had
the potential for major negative impact on the division and even the region, but because of Eleanor’s leadership
and professionalism, the problems were dealt with effectively, with minimal disruption and with a positive
outcome for all concerned. In addition, Eleanor hired 3 new employees, which has increased the region’s
diversity percentage in underrepresented categories. Eleanor has also provided an opportunity for her staff to get
involved in new and unique processes within the region in which the staff had significant input. Several
individuals on Eleanor’s staff have told me that Eleanor has demonstrated respect and care for them as
individuals and acknowledges what they contribute to the workplace which has made a considerable positive
impact on them remaining with the Bureau. Eleanor and her staff have developed “Safety Days,” which is a
forum to increase safety awareness among the staff. Safety Days was adopted regional office-wide.
Rating for Critical Element 1:
[X] Exceptional-5 [ ] Superior-4 [ ] Fully Successful-3 [ ] Minimally Successful-2 [ ] Unsatisfactory-0

Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Sample Completed Employee

Performance Appraisal Plan 11 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Part E: Critical Elements and Performance Standards: List below each of the employee’s critical elements
(at least one, but no more than 5) and their corresponding performance standards. If Benchmark Standards are
used, indicate “Benchmark Standards are attached” in the space below, and ensure they are attached to this
Critical GPRA/Mission Element: Security of bureau Information Technology (IT)
Element 2: systems and data including applying established IT security requirements
and procedures (operational, technical, etc.) when utilizing IT systems or
accessing electronic data in accordance with the bureau’s IT security plan.
Performance Standards
Exceptional See attached benchmark standard—In addition, ensures 98% of IT systems are
Certified and Accredited in accordance with DOI regulations/policies.
Superior See attached benchmark standard-- In addition, ensures 90% of IT systems are
Certified and Accredited in accordance with DOI regulations/policies.
Fully See attached benchmark standard-- In addition, ensures 85% of IT systems are
Successful Certified and Accredited in accordance with DOI regulations/policies.
Minimally See attached benchmark standard—In addition, only 80-84% of IT systems are
Successful Certified and Accredited in accordance with DOI regulations/policies.
Unsatisfactory See attached benchmark standard--In addition, fewer than 80% of IT systems are
Certified and Accredited in accordance with DOI regulations/policies.
Narrative Summary
Describe the employee’s performance for each critical element. A narrative summary must be
written for each element assigned a rating of Exceptional, Minimally Successful, or
Eleanor’s performance met the requirements listed in the benchmark standard at the Superior
level and she and her staff ensured certification and accreditation of 90% of all Bureau IT
systems which exceeded the DOI standard by 5%. All additional work was accomplished
within budget requirements.
Rating for Critical Element 2:
[ ] Exceptional-5 [X] Superior-4 [ ] Fully Successful-3 [ ] Minimally Successful-2 [ ] Unsatisfactory-0

Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Sample Completed Employee

Performance Appraisal Plan 12 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Part E: Critical Elements and Performance Standards: List below each of the employee’s critical elements
(at least one, but no more than 5) and their corresponding performance standards. If Benchmark Standards are
used, indicate “Benchmark Standards are attached” in the space below, and ensure they are attached to this
Critical Element Analyzes, operates and maintains all IT systems for the Denver Service Center.
Performance Standards
Exceptional See attached benchmark standard-- In addition, completes operation and
maintenance activities using less resources (at least 20%) than originally
Superior See attached benchmark standard-- In addition, completes operation and
maintenance activities using less resources (at least 10%) than originally
Fully Successful See attached benchmark standard-- In addition, completes operation and
maintenance activities within planned budget estimates.
Minimally See attached benchmark standard-- In addition, operation and maintenance
Successful activities exceed budget estimates by 5-10%.
Unsatisfactory See attached benchmark standard-- In addition, operation and maintenance
activities exceed budget estimates by more than 10%.
Narrative Summary
Describe the employee’s performance for each critical element. A narrative summary must be
written for each element assigned a rating of Exceptional, Minimally Successful, or
Eleanor and her staff completed all of the scheduled operation and maintenance activities on
IT systems in the Denver Service Center. They met all timeframes and stayed within budget
Rating for Critical Element 3:
[ ] Exceptional-5 [ ] Superior-4 [X] Fully Successful-3 [ ] Minimally Successful-2 [ ] Unsatisfactory-0

Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Sample Completed Employee

Performance Appraisal Plan 13 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Part E: Critical Elements and Performance Standards: List below each of the employee’s critical elements
(at least one, but no more than 5) and their corresponding performance standards. If Benchmark Standards are
used, indicate “Benchmark Standards are attached” in the space below, and ensure they are attached to this
Critical Element Design and Development of New IT Systems.
Performance Standards
Exceptional See attached benchmark standard-- In addition, completes design and
development activities using less resources (at least 20%) than originally
Superior See attached benchmark standard-- In addition, completes design and
development activities using less resources (at least 10%) than originally
Fully Successful See attached benchmark standard-- In addition, completes operation and
maintenance activities within planned budget estimates
Minimally See attached benchmark standard-- In addition, design and development
Successful activities exceed budget estimates by 5-10%.
Unsatisfactory See attached benchmark standard-- In addition, design and development
activities exceed budget estimates by more than 10%.
Narrative Summary
Describe the employee’s performance for each critical element. A narrative summary must be
written for each element assigned a rating of Exceptional, Minimally Successful, or
Due to shifting priorities within the Division, Eleanor and I agreed that she should focus
resources elsewhere this FY. Therefore, she was not able to perform any activities on this
Rating for Critical Element 4: Not Rated
[ ] Exceptional-5 [ ] Superior-4 [ ] Fully Successful-3 [ ] Minimally Successful-2 [ ] Unsatisfactory-0

Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Sample Completed Employee

Performance Appraisal Plan 14 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Part E: Critical Elements and Performance Standards: List below each of the employee’s critical elements
(at least one, but no more than 5) and their corresponding performance standards. If Benchmark Standards are
used, indicate “Benchmark Standards are attached” in the space below, and ensure they are attached to this
Critical Element 5: Monitor Contractor Progress
Performance Standards
Exceptional See attached benchmark standard
Superior See attached benchmark standard
Fully Successful See attached benchmark standard
Minimally Successful See attached benchmark standard
Unsatisfactory See attached benchmark standard
Narrative Summary
Describe the employee’s performance for each critical element. A narrative summary must be
written for each element assigned a rating of Exceptional, Minimally Successful, or
In addition to the myriad contracts which Eleanor was assigned, because of her expertise, she
implemented a major change to the way the office traditionally does contract monitoring. This
involved development of guidance and performing training for all IT and management
employees involved in contract monitoring. Eleanor sought out the managers involved,
worked with them to develop the process, devised new ways to do the work, trained the
individuals involved, and implemented the process. The managers were reluctant at first,
because this involved new and different ways of looking at performing the work, however,
Eleanor convinced them that they could gain significant savings, particularly in staff time.
Eleanor partnered with 2 other organizational units within the region to accomplish these
Rating for Critical Element 5:
[X] Exceptional-5 [ ] Superior-4 [ ] Fully Successful-3 [ ] Minimally Successful-2 [ ] Unsatisfactory-0

Revised 8/23/04
Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Sample Completed Employee Performance
Appraisal Plan 15 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Attachment to EPAP – Benchmark Standards
Benchmark Non-Supervisory Performance Standards
Employee demonstrates particularly excellent performance that is of such high quality that
organizational goals have been achieved that would not have been otherwise. The employee
demonstrates mastery of technical skills and a thorough understanding of the mission of the
organization and has a fundamental impact on the completion of program objectives.
The employee exerts a major positive influence on management practices, operating
procedures and/or program implementation, which contributes substantially to organizational
growth and recognition. The employee plans for the unexpected and uses alternate ways of
reaching goals. Difficult assignments are handled intelligently and effectively. The employee
has produced an exceptional quantity of work, often ahead of established schedules and with
little supervision.
The employee’s oral and written communications are exceptionally clear and effective.
He/she improves cooperation among participants in the work and prevents
misunderstandings. Complicated or controversial subjects are presented or explained
effectively to a variety of audiences so that desired outcomes are achieved.
Employee demonstrates unusually good performance that exceeds expectations in critical
areas and exhibits a sustained support of organizational goals. The employee shows a
comprehensive understanding of the objectives of the job and the procedures for meeting
Effective planning by the employee improves the quality of management practices, operating
procedures, task assignments and/or program activities. The employee develops and/or
implements workable and cost-effective approaches to meeting organizational goals.
The employee demonstrates an ability to get the job done well in more than one way while
handling difficult and unpredicted problems. The employee produces a high quantity of work,
often ahead of established schedules with less than normal supervision.
The employee writes and speaks clearly on difficult subjects to a wide range of audiences and
works effectively with others to accomplish organizational objectives.
Fully Successful:
The employee demonstrates good, sound performance that meets organizational goals. All
critical activities are generally completed in a timely manner and supervisor is kept informed
of work issues, alterations and status. The employee effectively applies technical skills and
organizational knowledge to get the job done. The employee successfully carries out regular
duties while also handling any difficult special assignments. The employee plans and
performs work according to organizational priorities and schedules. The employee
communicates clearly and effectively.
Minimally Successful:
Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Sample Completed Employee
Performance Appraisal Plan 16 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
The employee’s performance shows serious deficiencies that require correction. The
employee’s work frequently needs revision or adjustments to meet a minimally successful
level. All assignments are completed, but often require assistance from supervisor and/or
peers. Organizational goals and objectives are met only as a result of close supervision. On
one or more occasions, important work requires unusually close supervision to meet
organizational goals or needs so much revision that deadlines were missed or imperiled.
Employee shows a lack of awareness of policy implications or assignments; inappropriate or
incomplete use of programs or services; circumvention of established procedures, resulting in
unnecessary expenditure of time or money; reluctance to accept responsibility;
disorganization in carrying out assignments; incomplete understanding of one or more
important areas of the field of work; unreliable methods for completing assignments; lack of
clarity in writing and speaking; and/or failure to promote team spirit.
The employee’s performance is unsatisfactory. The quality and quantity of the employee’s
work are not adequate for the position. Work products do not meet the minimum
requirements expected.
The employee demonstrates little or no contribution to organizational goals; failure to meet
work objectives; inattention to organizational priorities and administrative requirements; poor
work habits resulting in missed deadlines and/or incomplete work products; strained work
relationships; failure to respond to client needs; and/or lack of response to supervisor’s
corrective efforts.
Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Sample Completed Employee Performance
Appraisal Plan 17 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Benchmark Supervisory Performance Standards
Supervisory: The employee demonstrates excellent leadership skills and with only rare
exceptions develops effective working relationships with others. The employee immediately
handles difficult situations with subordinates with professionalism and effectiveness, and
demonstrates foresight in correcting situations that may cause future problems before they
arise. The employee encourages independence and risk-taking among subordinates, yet takes
responsibility for their actions. The employee is open to and solicits the views of others, and
promotes cooperation among peers and subordinates, while guiding, motivating and
stimulating positive responses.
The employee demonstrates a strong commitment to fair treatment, equal opportunity and the
affirmative action objectives of the organization, and has a significant positive impact on
achievement of goals in this area. In addition, the employee demonstrates innovation and
specific positive achievements in meeting other management obligations such as safety,
internal management controls, merit systems principles, performance management, and
management of ethics, conduct and discipline issues.
Supervisory: The employee demonstrates good leadership skills and establishes sound
working relationships. The employee almost always handles difficult situations with
subordinates with professionalism and effectiveness. The employee shows good judgment in
dealing with others and considering their views. The employee has a strong sense of mission
and seeks out responsibility. The employee demonstrates a commitment to fair treatment,
equal opportunity and the affirmative action objectives of the organization, and has a positive
impact on achievement of goals in this area. In addition, the employee promotes a safe
working environment and solutions to problems encountered in meeting other management
obligations including internal management controls, merit systems obligations, managing
performance, and management of ethics, conduct and discipline issues.
Fully Successful:
Supervisory: The employee is a capable leader who works successfully with others and
listens to suggestions. The employee generally handles difficult situations with subordinates
with professionalism and effectiveness. The employee also works well as a team member,
supporting the group’s efforts and showing an ability to handle a variety of interpersonal
situations. The employee’s work with others shows an understanding of the importance of
fair treatment and equal opportunity and meets all management commitments related to
providing a safe working environment, merit systems obligations, performance management,
and internal controls, and management of ethics, conduct and discipline issues.
Minimally Successful:
Supervisory: The employee’s supervisory performance shows serious deficiencies that
require correction. The employee sometimes fails to motivate subordinates and promote team
spirit; provide clear assignments and performance requirements or sufficient instructions to
subordinates; provide sufficient explanation of organizational goals to subordinates; satisfy
customer needs and/or meet customer service objectives; and/or meet production or mission
goals in a timely and quality manner. The employee’s work with others fails to show a
consistent understanding of the importance of fair treatment and equal opportunity. The
employee does not meet all management obligations related to internal controls, merit system
obligations, performance management, and/or management of ethics, conduct and discipline
Employee Appraisal Handbook Appendix 8 Appendix 8 – Sample Completed Employee Performance
Appraisal Plan 18 10/4/04 #370DM430HB-1 Replaces 11/1/95 FPM-418
Supervisory: The employee’s supervisory performance is unsatisfactory. The employee
usually fails to motivate subordinates and promote team spirit; often provides unclear
assignments and performance requirements or insufficient instructions to subordinates;
frequently fails to provide sufficient explanation of organizational goals to subordinates;
generally fails to satisfy customer needs and/or meet customer service objectives; and/or
frequently fails to meet production or mission goals in a timely and quality manner. The
employee’s work with others consistently fails to show an understanding of the importance of
fair treatment and equal opportunity. Employee frequently fails to meet other management
obligations related to internal controls, merit systems obligations, performance management,
and/or management of ethics, conduct and discipline issues.

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