Thomas Plummer-Living Your Dream
Thomas Plummer-Living Your Dream
Thomas Plummer-Living Your Dream
Opening a
Financially Successful
Fitness Business
Thomas Plummer
2011 Healthy Learning. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States.
A previous version of this book was published as Open a Fitness Business and Make
Money Doing It.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without the prior permission of Healthy Learning. Throughout this book, the masculine
shall be deemed to include the feminine and vice versa.
ISBN: 978-1-60679-169-1
Library of Congress Control Number: 2011923852
Cover design: Studio J Art & Design
Book layout: Studio J Art & Design
Front cover photo: Hemera/Thinkstock
Healthy Learning
P.O. Box 1828
Monterey, CA 93942
This book is dedicated to every brave individual who ever
dreamed about opening a fitness business and then took the
risk to make it happen. In the fitness industry, we are in the
business of changing lives, and living your dream by opening
your own business makes the world a better place for a lot of
people who might never have found fitness without you.
This book is also dedicated to the entrepreneurial spirit that
has fueled the incredible growth and success of the health and
fitness industry worldwide. In many ways, we are just getting
started in this industry, and the best days of the fitness
business are yet to come.
I can honestly say without a doubt that I have been in front of
more fitness business owners and operators of every type than
anyone else in the history of this industry and I think I have
learned something from each and every one. Thank you to all
who have passed through my seminars for the questions and
experience you have brought with you.
I am also profoundly grateful that I have been able to live
my life pretty much on my own terms through my involvement
with the fitness industry and through the owners and vendors
who have supported my efforts all these years. There are far
too many to list, but to all those who have helped me along
the way, I would like to say thank you once again.
As I have said in my other books, no one really goes it
alone. Everyone who has achieved any type of success has had
the helping hand of someone elseand I am no exception. My
thanks to all who have made my business and my life a
wonderful journey.
I couldnt end this note without a special thought for Susan,
who makes the journey worthwhile, and for Jillian, Madison,
and CJ, special people who give me new reasons to enjoy my
life beyond work and fitness.
Noted author Stephen Covey once wrote about the four levels of
competence. Level one is unconscious incompetence. You dont
even know that you dont know what youre doing. Thats where
most people in the fitness business are: blissfully ignorant.
Level two is conscious incompetence. This is the level when
you are cruelly made aware that you dont know what youre
doing. This is where Thom first takes you. And this is where you
hate him. Its the worst feeling in the world but you are
getting closer.
The next level is conscious competence. It takes a while, but
Thom will get you there. Youll now be making smarter
decisions and running your business based on tracking and
numbers. You start to make a little money.
This is when you start to love Thom!
The final level is unconscious competence. Youre now a
business owner, who thinks, acts, and operates like a business
owner (instead of playing one). If you let Thom be your guide,
this is the mastery level.
Everyone needs a coach. Everyone.
Whether its a team sport such as football or basketball, or
individual sports such as boxing or tennis, behind every great performer there is a great
coach, advising, pushing, and directing.
In the fitness business, the number one guy is Thomas Plummer. Hes been my
personal coach for years and my life and business are dramatically different thanks to his
knowledge and input.
This book embodies everything you need to know about opening your own fitness
business, and it should be mandatory reading for anyone involved in fitnesswhether you
are opening a studio or a bigger gym, or even if you are just a trainer looking to get to
the next level.
Alwyn Cosgrove
Author and Lecturer
Owner of Results Fitness
Use this material at your own risk. Much of what is written here is based upon my own
opinion, derived from my own research and experience in this industry. All the material
included in this book is offered as a simple starting point for an owner or manager to use
as you build your first business or simply improve the one you already own.
In all cases, and especially in legal issues concerning your business, such as leasing,
you are advised to seek the advice of qualified professionals that support your business
locally, including accountants, attorneys, and other business professionals who may know
your business and your situation on a more intimate level.
Neither the author, nor publisher, nor any party related to the information and
development of this book assumes any responsibility or liability for the consequences,
whether good or bad, of your application of this material.
Also please note that some examples or bits of information are repeated in several
different chapters in this book. Many of the readers of the earlier books have reported
that they read this material by choosing specific chapters that are relevant to their
interest or business problem at hand and dont always read the book straight through in
order. If you are opening a new business, and it is your first, it is recommended that you
read the book straight through, highlight what you need, and then start conversations
with your team of professionals. Experienced owners should concentrate on the issues
they encountered during their first venture that they wish they might have had some
guidance on at the time.
Whatever possessed you to want to get into the fitness business? You can be sure that
you will be asked this question often as you ponder opening a fitness facility for the first
time. Your potential investors, your banker, your significant other, your family, and your
friends will all want to know why youre getting into a business that is perceived by those
on the outside as so easy, yet is known by those who own and operate fitness businesses
as one of the most challenging and intensive small businesses you could own.
Opening a small business is a very serious matter involving a high degree of risk that
is compounded by the high level of stress stemming from the constant application of
member service. Risk generates from the fact that you will invest your money, along with
other peoples cash in most cases, in a project that has a possibility of failure, as do all
small business ventures.
Failure, while not life-threatening, always feels like it at the time when you have to
turn that key in the door for the last time and walk away from your dream. Clubs do fail,
although in smaller numbers than in the past because todays owners are better prepared
to run their fitness dream as a business compared to many of the owners in past years.
This new generation of fitness businesses demands a significantly higher investment
than clubs of just 10 years ago, and this increase has brought in a new breed of owner
that is not only faithful to the tenets of fitness, but also understands business at a higher
level due to the increased cost of getting started. The increased cost of opening a
traditional fitness business, along with the revival of functional training and sports
performance, has also spawned a surge in the development of new generation training
centers that in many cases generate the kind of revenue that was unknown even by the
large chain clubs just a few years ago.
Any small business can fail and often it is the unexpected, unknown, or emotional
mistake that takes it down. The unexpected might be delays by your builder that eat up
your reserve capital. The unknown might come in the form of another competitor opening
in the same market that you didnt know about (because you failed to do your homework)
and who is chasing the same target market.
Emotional mistakes are perhaps the most frequent among young owners who become
impatient and try to force the business even if it is obvious that he needs to back away.
Taking a location, no matter what you are told by your support team, that is too
expensive or in the wrong part of town is a sign that youre emotional. Signing a lease
and making other obligations when youre short of money for the overall project means
that youre too emotional. Believing that it doesnt matter that 12 clubs are already in the
market going after the same target members and defending that decision because you
are going to build a club like no one has ever seenand besides, youre the best trainer
in town anywayis a sign that youre making bad, emotional decisions.
The stress factor kicks in when the enormity of creating a new business where one
had not existed before overwhelms you in the middle of the night. You will be stressed,
your family will be stressed, and people you dont even know will hate you because it will
become hard to talk about anything else but your new business and how it is coming
Many new owners often become as obnoxious as first-time parents who cant talk
about anything but their new baby and will irritate you with the need to give you every
detail of the birth, the first dirty diaper, the first steps, and basically the whole first year.
The only difference between this over-the-top parent and a new club owner are the
pictures. The club guy probably has more pictures of his new club on his phone than the
30 kid pictures the parent carries around.
Why? is also the most important question you should be asking yourself as you
investigate getting into a new fitness business. Why do I want to get into this? What is
the expected outcome from my decision to open a fitness facility? Am I opening this club
for the right reasons, and do I understand that this is a business and not just a hobby for
a crazed fitness person?
The expected outcome is the end result of opening your new business, usually
projected five years down the road. Again, more questions will help you determine the
expected outcome of your new venture. Are you opening this first unit to start a small
chain and become regional? Do you plan to build up this business and then sell it at some
point in the future and go on to something else? Can you build from the ground up, sell
the business in the future, and hold the real estate? Is this first club all you want, as long
as it can provide a good living for you and your family?
All of these questions are important and worth considering during this first phase,
where you just sit back and let your imagination run wild. At this point, no limit exists to
what you should be considering and all possibilities should be thought through and
One of the most important questions to consider during this What if I opened a
fitness center? stage is that of lifestyle versus risk. Someone pursuing lifestyle, for
example, is not always someone who makes a successful business owner.
Lifestyle people are those who love working out everyday or might be personal
success stories when it comes to fitness. These folks are the ones who have lost the
extreme weight, battled through an unhealthy situation in their life, or have had fitness
somehow be a life-changing experience. These people are passionate and want to share
with the world what fitness has done for them and they see opening a fitness center as
the best avenue to reach that goal.
This group of fitness purists often have the hardest time in the fitness business as
owners and operators because they enter a very demanding field least prepared for the
business aspects. The fitness business is truly rewarding in that you have the chance to
change lives every day, but the business skills such as raising capital, managing a staff,
mastering marketing and sales, and developing programming all have to be in place for
that new business to survive and prosper in a competitive market. Passion alone doesnt
guarantee success, but a passion for changing lives, accompanied by a desire to create a
sustainable business, is the proper approach.
Risk is the other side of the lifestyle coin. As mentioned earlier, opening any new
business is always accompanied by the prospect that the business might fail. Your job, as
you consider getting into the fitness industry as an owner, is to minimize this risk by
learning as much as you can about how the business works, acquire the skills you need as
a businessperson to succeed, and go into your new company with your eyes open to the
risk involved in betting your money, and usually someone elses money as well.
Look at other fitness businesses carefully and learn to see beyond the pretty
equipment and classes. What basic business principles enable one club to succeed where
others merely survive? What best practices separate financially successful club owners
from those that flail away at the business, never really making any money?
Lifestyle is the benefit of being in this industry, but the only way you will succeed
financially over time is to understand that it is a business and that you are willing to run it
as such every single day you own it. People call them gyms, clubs, and training centers,
but the real term you need to understand is that they are all fitness businesses, with the
operative word being business.
If lifestyle is your ultimate choice, meaning that you want to get into the fitness
business because you love to work out or you want to share your personal fitness success
with others, then you might be better off working in a club as a trainer or some type of
other fitness professional. But if youre like Braham Akradi, founder of Life Time Fitness
(NYSE: LTM), the last fitness group to go public; Joe Cirulli, owner of several financially
successful fitness centers in Florida; or Joe Millet, managing partner of the Big Sky chain
in Connecticut, you can figure out how to be both financially successful and enjoy the
fitness lifestyle. All three of these outstanding business professionals started small and
grew into major players, either nationwide or in their respective areas, and all started
with a love for fitness that they maintained long after their success was secured.
There is also an entire generation of new training businesses that are shaking up the
industry and forcing us to rethink what it means to open a fitness business. Owners such
as Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove, Todd Durkin, and Rick Mayo have created training
businesses that often generate more money per month than a traditional, mainstream
fitness business did in the 1990s. These professionals represent the best of what the new
generation of trainer can accomplish in todays competitive fitness market.
What sets these business owners apart, and many other men and women like them, is
that they had a love for the fitness business but also took the time to develop themselves
as businesspeople along the way. In the end, to be successful in this business, you have
to have both a passion for helping people and changing lives and the drive to master all
aspects of the business itself.
Common Mistakes You Should Recognize
As you take your first step into the world of owning a fitness business, be aware of the
common mistakes you can make at this stage that will negatively affect the outcome of
your business later. These mistakes are not the only ways that you can end up in trouble,
but they are definitely shared by the largest percentage of new fitness owners.
Sticking with the wrong concept. Many people latch on to a concept and then wont
let it go, even if it doesnt really fit them or their market. For example, you might have
dreamed of opening your own training center specializing in upscale adults, but if your
marketplace already has three or four of those, you must decide if the area can support
another one. Forcing a concept will almost always end in financial failure. Can you take
your concept to another market that is underserved, or can you change your plan and
perhaps open a womens-only gym or a sports performance center for children,
demographics that may be underserved in your town?
Overpaying for someone elses dream or mistake. It is amazing how many people
get into the fitness business after being drawn in by someone elses passion. This
happens often, for example, when a passionate trainer hooks up with a client (the money
person) to open a new center. The trainer hasnt taken the time to learn how a business
works as a business, and the money person trusts his trainer to know the business
because the trainer has done so much to help the client. In this scenario, the investor will
often end up with the business because the trainer, who was never prepared to run the
business, cant make money and walks away, leaving the person who signed for the
money and the lease behind in the fitness business. Are you opening this facility because
it is a good business plan or because youre caught up in someone elses dream?
Doing it for the wrong reason. As mentioned previously, if youre opening this new
business because you just want a place to work out thats better than the other places in
your town, or because you love the dream of changing hundreds of lives the way yours
changed when you first discovered the wonders of working out, then youre doing it for
the wrong reasons. Can you take this passion and make money with it? That question is
the most important one to ask yourself at this stage of preparation.
Being too emotional. It is not unusual for a person to rush into business too quickly
when first thinking about opening a fitness facility. A common mistake, for example, is to
put together a little money and look for your first location. The first location isnt exactly
right and might be lacking the right amount of parking or the rent is too high, but your
passion gives you a sense of urgency and you force your new business into something
that will increase your chances of failure later. It is hard to do, but set your emotionalism
aside and remember that its a business youre opening, and that you need to be able to
walk away from any deal that doesnt make sense in your business plan or that has to be
forced to make happen. It might take months to open your first place, but it might also be
several years from the time you commit mentally to opening a business and you work out
your first client.
So, why do you want to get into the fitness business? If youre creating a practical
business plan and are willing to learn all the aspects needed to be financially successful
over time, then you will make it. If, on the other hand, youre opening this business
because your dream is working out every day in your own place, standing at the counter
greeting your members as if youre the mayor of Fitnessville, and thinking you will hire
the experts you need to actually run the place while you work out a handful of fitness
fanatics who refuse to train with anyone but you, then getting a job in someone elses
fitness business might be a much more practical idea than actually owning one yourself.
Focusing Your Project
At some point, you have to turn your dream into the first few steps of reality. The
expected outcome is to take that vague idea of owning a fitness business and start to
give it a shape, a rough cost, and a target market for your new business and to find out if
owning a small business is the avenue you want to pursue to realize your dream of
working in the fitness industry for a living.
Giving your dream a shape and a focus early also allows you to have those initial talks
with bankers or investors and lets you start to develop an initial cost factor. You may be
dreaming, for example, of opening a large multipurpose club, but after spending time
developing your initial focus, you might find that your personal interests and skills, or your
capital limitations, push you in another direction such as opening a 6,000-square-foot
training facility centered on sports performance.
Going in with a focus up front also can save literally hundreds of thousands of dollars
later in the project by eliminating costly wrong turns such as investing too much money
too soon and then finding out you dont have the funding or support you need to finish the
project. Even the money you will spend on a business plan, a vital tool to raise money
and to develop a working concept, can be wasted if you dont have an idea going in about
what you want and can afford.
Think these points through thoroughly and start to build your project notebook based
upon your thoughts and research. Most of the ideas defined in this chapter will also be
covered in depth in other chapters. Again, all youre trying to do at this point is start
developing a firmer concept of your new business. Ask yourself the following questions:
Can my community support another fitness facility similar to the one I want?
What is my target market for this club? Can I define this group by age, affluence,
and location?
Can I find a home for my business by becoming a specialist and taking a smaller or
different space?
Should I attempt to make this a real estate project or is renting my best option?
Would my potential investors be better served by committing to real estate?
Success in other businesses doesnt always guarantee success in this one. What do
I need to learn in this business to be successful? How is this business different than
what I have done in the past? What are the key skills that I need to learn to
survive during the first year?
Do I really know what I am getting into with this business? Do I understand that
this is a seven-day-a-week business that is capital-intensive and will have all the
staff and member problems associated with opening any type of service business?
Am I willing to work the 60 or more hours a week it takes to be good in this
business during my first year? Do I really understand that I will have to be in this
business most evenings until 8 p.m. or later during my first year?
Am I aware of how long it takes to actually open a new business? Have I thought
about how long it takes to raise capital, get permits, use an architect, and build my
new business? Do I have the personal reserve capital to support myself during the
first six months I am open so I can give my business a chance to get healthy?
Can your community support another fitness facility similar to the one you
An interesting thing about fitness centers is the true market area they command. Most
new owners go into their projects looking at their marketplace as being much bigger than
it really is, when in reality your market is always smaller than you think. Consider the
following: 85 to 90 percent of your membership will most likely come from within a 12-
minute drive time of your club if it is a mainstream fitness business and about a 20-
minute drive time if you have a specialty business such as a training center or sports
performance business.
This translates to most clubs having at best a three- to five-mile radius around their
business that comprises their market. You can figure this out without being too scientific.
Find the area of town you are thinking about, pick a street corner, and then, at about
6:00 p.m., which should be rush hour for most markets, drive 12 minutes in one direction
and mark that spot on a map. Then go back to your corner and head out in another
direction for 12 minutes. Eventually, you will build a rough circle around that site that
highlights your potential market.
This low-tech method will determine how hard it would be for your potential members
to get to your club during what are normally the busiest hours for most fitness
businesses. Once you establish a ring, you can mark off competitors that would be in your
competition area and get an idea about how many different clubs are in your ring. Also,
try to establish the target market for each one of these competitors.
For example, you might have a Y that caters to families, a few mainstream fitness
businesses, a circuit club, a specialty high-intensity workout business, and maybe a few
training clubs. The question to ask is whether you are trying to service a segment of the
population that is being neglected or are you trying to directly compete with someone
already existing in business?
What is your target market for this club? Can you define this group by age,
affluence, and location?
When you think about your target market, youre trying to determine who will use your
club. When asked whom their club is designed for, many rookie owners respond with
somewhat vague answers. Well, its for people with money, or Im going to specialize
in older people, or Ill have something for everyone.
Target market is defined as the core 80 percent of your membership. In other words,
about 80 percent of your membership may come from one specific target market. This
market usually encompasses about two generations, although you obviously will have a
large number of members over or under your target age.
For example, you might be an upscale adult club that has a target market of 30 to 50
year olds with average household incomes of over $60,000. In this example, about 80
percent of your members would be in this age category.
An important thing to remember is that likes attract likes. In other words, people like
to socialize and hang out with people like themselves. Therefore, knowing your target
population is important because every decision you will make, from the color of the paint
to the programming choices in your business, should be based upon acquiring members in
your target group. Another way to look at this is how can you market a business if you
dont know whom you are trying to reach? Knowing your target market is the first step
toward building a workable business plan.
Can you find a home for your business by becoming a specialist and taking a
smaller or different space?
If three good pizza places were on three corners of a busy intersection, would you open
another pizza place on the fourth corner or would you consider opening a burger place or
a Chinese restaurant? Specializing, or finding a niche, is nothing more than trying to
determine which segments of your market are being served by existing clubs, and which
areas or target populations are underserved. For example, if your area has four or five
clubs all vying for the same 18-to-34-year-old market, would it make sense to open
another club that goes after those same demographics or would you be better off to open
an upscale adult club, womens-only facility, or perhaps a lifestyle enhancement center
(personal training center)?
Specializing is also usually cheaper than trying to open a big box-style club. Many
markets dont have the square footage available to develop a large facility, yet many of
these same markets could benefit from smaller facilities that are going after more
narrowly defined target markets.
As a side note, the economics of the last few years will change the fitness market for
years to come. The large box club, meaning 35,000 square feet and larger, will become a
rarer phenomenon as a start-up business or as a normal expansion for most chains
because the cost of building these kinds of businesses has risen dramatically. Additional
factors include increased risk, greater competition for this segment of the market (18- to
32-year-old members), lack of borrowing power, and the cost of rebuilding and
maintaining clubs already owned and operated by most of the chains.
The majority of growth in the coming years in the business will be in clubs that are
less than 20,000 square feet, with probably the largest increase coming from the training
clubs in the 3,000 to 12,000 square foot sector. Why would you build a new, franchised
gym, replicating a big box 1995 club business model, for a high-risk $4,000,000 or more
(usually in rental space), when you can open a 6,000 square foot club that will gross
$100,000 or more a month with a net pre-tax return of 20 percent or higher?
The economy, and other factors such as maturing markets with more competition that
force the need for retention, will force change upon the market and the coming years will
see far more training facilities being built rather than traditional box clubs replicating the
business model of the 1990s.
The question to ask yourself is: Are more narrowly defined markets (such as sports
performance for children, training clubs, or womens-only clubs) available that would
make more sense in my market, rather than opening a typical box club that needs more
capital and has already been done too many times in my desired area? Another way to
ask this question is: Can I specialize in a specific niche and still make money and still live
my dream?
Should you attempt to make this a real estate project or is renting your best
option? Would your potential investors be better served by committing to real
Building from the ground up is often a possibility that is not considered by a new fitness
business owner, but you should take a look at this option, especially if you have investors
and the right market. Most people that are thinking about getting into the fitness
business start with rental space, assuming that it will be cheaper and easier to get into
initially. Rental space, however, can often be harder to get into because of the collateral
needed to get the project funded through traditional sources and because of the difficulty
of attracting investors.
For example, an upscale club of 10,000 square feet could cost as much as $1.3
million, and often much more, to build based upon the following numbers, which are
averages for this type of club. In some markets you might be able to build for less or have
a lower rent factor, which would affect the operating cost per month as well the reserve.
Build-out for the interior at $50 (not common anymore) to $60 to $90 per square
foot (becoming the new standard) = $600,000 to $900,000
Equipment = $300,000 (heavy on cardio and functional and based upon open
space for training lanes, possibly turf, and a lot of functional necessities such as
kettlebells, ropes, sleds, core balls, medicine balls, suspension training with racks,
Reserve capital = $225,000 (three months reserve at $75,000 per month operating
Miscellaneous = $75,000 (computers, software, stock and inventory, licenses and
certifications, etc.)
Architectural fees = $80,000
The total money needed for this project would be $1,280,000 to $1,310,000, and
you would need at least $250,000 to $400,000 in cash (depending on the bank) to
make it happen.
This size club might represent a newer version of a mainstream fitness center using a
strong emphasis on building a large training income. This model could easily be reduced
to about 6,000 square feet, which would lead to across-the-board reductions such as a
much lower internal build-out, less fixed equipment, smaller architectural fees, and less
reserve capital.
The business goal for this model would be to create two income streams within the
business: one based upon the traditional membership model and the other based upon a
layered training model where you replace sessions and packages, the outdated standard
of trainers everywhere, with long-term commitments for training done in groups lead by a
trainer or using a limited version of one on one.
This dual income approach is one of the reasons there has been a breakout in the
training club category where owners using this model are generating $60,000 and more
per month in small training clubs, something unheard of just a few years ago. This same
training model, which will be mentioned later in this book, is also something a
mainstream fitness owner can adapt to any fitness business.
In this example, you have two problems to consider when you are trying to do this
project in rental space. First of all, a banker may want you to have at least 20 percent
down for this project for traditional financing and you would have to collateralize the
balance at 80 to 100 percent. In other words, the bank might give you the money, but
you have to put up real property or other collateral such as stocks or CDs, which have to
cover at least 80 percent of the money you borrow.
The reason the banker has this requirement is that if you fail, the bank has nothing to
go after to recoup its losses because everything you spend the loan money on such as
build-out and equipment, really doesnt have any value to the bank. The build-out stays
with the building in most leases and becomes the property of the owner of that building,
and the equipment is hard to sell for any real money. In other words, you have nothing
the bank can seize to liquidate to get their money back when you open in rental space.
The second issue is that this scenario is difficult to use to attract investors. Youre in
essence asking your money people to get into the fitness business with you, which is
something most dont want to do. Few money people want to invest in things they dont
know anything about or cant ultimately control if the business doesnt perform. This type
of business might provide a great living for you, but paying back investor money with a
decent interest rate puts extra strain on the business. Investors are usually looking for a
way to make a good return on their money and want the principal back in a decent
amount of time rather than acting like a bank that might be willing to structure the debt
over a longer time and at a lower interest.
The investor is also faced with the same issue that the bank is: What happens to his
money if you fail? Again, no worthwhile assets would be available to go after that are
worth selling off to pay back the debt. If you fail, everyone loses, which is why putting
this much money into rental space is so hard for many potential owners.
On the other hand, it is a lot easier to attract people who want to be in real estate.
Even the banks like real estate projects more than they like rental space in many towns,
because if you fail, something concrete exists that can be sold to pay back the money
that was borrowed.
Investors especially like to be in the real estate investment business. If the plan looks
good, an investor can put some cash in and then the investment becomes passive,
meaning that he can go after other projects instead of being tied up with this one. He
also gains equity over time, appreciation in the real estate, and is probably also getting a
return on his investment as well.
The problem is that many potential owners never consider real estate because the
number is too big and it scares them. For example, that same 10,000-square-foot club
might cost $2.7 to $3 million to build from the ground up based on these general figures:
Land = $800,000 (an acre-and-a-half minimum in most areas)
Site preparation = $100,000 (prepare the site, retention ponds, utilities)
Shell of the building = $700,000 (based on $70 per square foot)
Build-out = $600,000 (based on $60 per square foot)
Equipment = $300,000 (heavy on cardio and functional and based upon open
space for training lanes, possibly turf, and a lot of functional necessities such as
kettlebells, ropes, sleds, core balls, medicine balls, suspension training with racks,
Architect = $150,000
Reserve = $225,000 (three months based on $75,000 monthly operating expense)
Miscellaneous = $75,000
The total for this project would be approximately $2,950,000.
Sticker shock is high when you ask a potential owner to consider this number, but
again, this project might be easier to complete in many markets. First of all, the Small
Business Administration (SBA) has certain programs, such as the 504, that make getting
into this type of project much easier. These programs are handled through banks that
specialize in working with the SBA and usually only require 10 to 15 percent down.
Bankers that understand SBA loans often like them because the government actually
guarantees a substantial percentage of the total loan package if you fail, eliminating their
exposure. Raising $270,000 to $400,000 might be easier to raise for a building project
than coming up with the same amount of money and then still having to come up with
the collateral to cover the rest of your loan using the rental space example.
This project could also be tweaked in a number of ways to increase investor potential,
such as by adding 10,000 square feet of rental space on the first floor and putting the
fitness facility on the top floor. If the rental spaces were done well, and in the right
location, the rents for the first floor would offset a great deal of the monthly debt for the
entire project.
In the real estate example, if the project turned out to cost $3 million, and the owner
raised $500,000 through investors looking for a real estate project, the monthly payment
would only be about $18,000 for everything (using a payback of approximately $6,000 per
million over 25 years), which would be largely offset by having 10,000 square feet of
rental space available.
The final point in this debate is that the owner in the rental space might be paying
$10,000 to $14,000 for rent alone in his space, not counting debt service to the bank,
while the owner in the second example might be paying just $18,000 per month for the
entire project, not counting offsets for the retail space that could be rented.
As you focus your project, consider building or buying an existing building if it fits your
market. You might find it easier to get a bank to work with you or to find needed
investors who would rather own real estate rather than a fitness center.
Success in other businesses doesnt always guarantee success in this one.
What do you need to learn in this business to be successful? How is this
business different than what i have done in the past? What are the key skills
that i need to learn to survive during the first year?
Every business has its own nuances, needed skill sets, and learning curve. Being a
competent businessperson in another area obviously does give you an edge when getting
started, but the rules in the fitness business are differentas they are in all other small
businessesand many experienced businesspeople are surprised, and often angry, when
they find that the fitness business looks so easy on the outside but is so difficult once you
own your own facility.
When you consider opening a fitness business, you dont need all the answers, but
you do need to understand the questions, and these questions come from understanding
all the moving parts of a typical fitness business. These areas of needed expertise are as
Management and numbers: How does a club make money? How do you collect
money from your members? What is a good payroll percentage? How do you
market to attract enough leads to drive your business? Why do clubs fail and how
can you avoid these mistakes? All of these questions, especially those that pertain
to the financial foundation of the business, have to be answered before you build
your first business plan.
You must also consider the question: Who is going to run the back shop part of
your new business on a daily basis? The back shop person is the one who normally
controls the money for the new company as well as other vital functions such as
payroll, marketing, banking, accounting, and staffing. Most new fitness owners are
so wired about the front side, where the training and fun stuff takes place, that
they allocate little thought to who will actually run the business portion on a day-
to-day basis.
Working people out: Fitness is your base product. Who can certify your trainers?
How do you find and hire trainers? What is current in the training field? What is the
culture you need to establish that will help the largest percentage of your members
get results and achieve success? Building a successful fitness program is not a
random act, and it takes thought to match your clubs offerings and programming
with your target market and to find your niche in often crowded, competitive
Weight management: More than 60 percent of the American population is
overweight. The fitness business has to provide leadership in this area in the future
to further expand its penetration to reach new folks who dont yet use a fitness
Customer service and staffing: Member retention and staffing will be the two biggest
issues in the fitness business during the next 10 years. How do you keep the
members you get? How do you find and develop a staff that can drive revenue in
your business? How do you pay employees and keep them motivated over time?
What are real retention numbers and how do you achieve them?
Sales: Selling memberships and services are always going to be part of owning a
fitness facility. In fact, sales can be defined as follows: 95 percent of what you do
every day is sell somebody something. The other 5 percent involves management
of the business. A fitness business is a production-based business that depends on
daily cash flow, which only comes from selling new memberships and services in
the business each day you are open.
As a potential owner of a fitness business, you need to have a grasp of all of these
skills, especially when it comes to sales. You can hire expertise to cover your weak areas,
but you have to have a working idea yourself if you want to be successful. In sales, for
example, you would find it hard to hire and manage a sales team if you have never sold
memberships yourself in a fitness businessand the same is true for the other skills. You
dont have to be an expert, but you do have to have a working concept concerning all the
main parts of a typical fitness business.
Do you really know what you are getting into with this business? Do you
understand that this is a seven-day-a-week business that is capital-intensive
and will have all the staff and member problems associated with opening any
type of service business? Am i willing to work the _0 or more hours a week it
takes to be good in this business during my first year? Do i really understand
that i will have to be in this business most evenings until _ p.m. or later during
my first year?
How hard could it really be to own a fitness business? You get to work out anytime you
want. You get to hang out with a lot of semi-naked people who are just there for fun and
fitness. And everyone wants to work in a fitness business so finding staff shouldnt be an
issue, should it?
Opening a fitness business is like opening any other customer-service intensive
business. You will have to put in a lot of hours and hard work (think work weeks of 60
hours and more during your first year and longer), especially during the initial growth
period of the business, to make it work.
The fitness business is also capital-intensive, meaning that it costs a lot more to open
than many other small businesses you might consider. Reinvestment is also a
considerable cost over time often consuming about 7 to 9 percent of your gross income
per year to just stay competitive.
Opening a small business is often a surprise for many people. You must enter your
new business with the understanding that owning a fitness business has a unique set of
challenges and that youve just bought yourself the right to put a lot of hard work into
your dream.
Are you aware of how long it takes to actually open a new business? Have you
thought about how long it takes to raise capital, get permits, use an architect,
and build your new business? Do i have the personal reserve capital to support
myself during the first six months i am open so i can give my business a chance
to get healthy?
The lengthy timeline is often the biggest surprise of all for potential owners, especially
those that think opening a new business will take only a few months. Look at this typical
timeline for opening in a rental space. It represents an average project, which may vary
depending on the project, but this list does cover all the stages youll most likely go
through on your journey:
Getting a focus and conceptualizing your business: 1 to 2 months
Writing a business plan: 2 months
Working with banks and investors to raise capital: 3 months
Negotiating rental space: 1 to 2 months
Using an architect and acquiring permits: 2 to 3 months
Build-out: 4 to 6 months
From the moment of, Hey, I want to get into the fitness business, to the moment of,
Welcome to my new place, may take anywhere from a year to 18 months in a rental-
space facility for a mainstream fitness facility and 3 to 12 months for a training facility. If
you want to build, it will take at least a year and maybe as long as two if you encounter
any code issues in your area or need to attract more than one investor into your new real
estate project.
If you have capital already in place and an inventory of rental space in your area to
choose from, then you might get it done in as little as nine months, but that is quicker
than normal for most projects. The key is to not be surprised about the length of time it
may take, and dont force the project because of the emotional need to get it done in a
hurry and to get in and get working. All projects have a natural flow, and the most
common mistake is to go too quickly and make bad decisions that cost you time and that
hurt your business once youre open.
Build it to Sell it
Every decision you make as you build your new business should enhance the ultimate
value of your business, because at some point you are going to want to get out. It might
seem a little backward, but many owners are more successful because they get in with a
plan to get out, and that plan is based upon getting the maximum dollars for their
business at some point in the future when they are ready to leave the game.
For example, if you build in rental space, as mentioned previously, you will have to
sign a lease with a landlord for your new business. The length of the lease, the option
periods, the value of the lease compared to market value, and any build-out you might
negotiate all can affect the value of the business when you sell in the future, because
having the right to perpetuate the business into the future at a below-market rate is
much more valuable then buying a standard lease with limited options.
Additional Resources
McCarthy, J. (2004). IHRSAs Guide to the Health Club Industry for Lenders and Investors
(2nd ed.). Boston, MA: IHRSA.
The first step in conceptualizing your new business is asking yourself, Who is going to be
the client of this new business? In other words, who is this business designed for in your
mind? You cant build a generic business and expect to become financially successful. If
you want to make money over time, you have to build a business that has a specific
target market in mind before you commit and start the building process.
The modern fitness business has been around since approximately 1945 in its present
form, which can be defined as fitness clubs and businesses for the general public that are
based upon membership sales. Clubs existed in this country prior to 1945, but the fitness
business really began to take off in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
Perhaps the most surprising fact about our business is that the industry has only
managed to capture 16 percent of our entire countrys population according to IHRSA
research. In other words, after more than 60 years of commercial fitness, only 16 percent
of the people in America belong to fitness centers.
The fitness industry has done a decent job of attracting people who are already
interested in fitness, but it hasnt yet done the work necessary to attract the other 84
percent who dont belong to any type of fitness facility.
There are a number of reasons for this failure to penetrate the market that need to be
explored at this stage, prior to you building your first club or perhaps opening a second
unit in a new market.
First of all, has the fitness industry developed a model that will attract the other 84
percent of the population who have yet to discover commercial fitness? Secondly, does
the consumer have the need to join a club and make visiting a commercial fitness
center a part of his daily life?
The answer to this first question is that the industry is evolving faster now during the
last several years than it has during the last 60. This evolution is based upon the simple
fact that the mind-set of the consumer is forcing the clubs to change. In the past,
mainstream fitness centers were not much more than membership mills that could attract
a large number of new clients, burn them up through poor service and questionable
results due to poor training, and then replace the lost members with fresh blood the next
Changes in the market are forcing the commercial operators to change their approach
or die. Many markets are saturated with large numbers of clubs, which hurts an owners
ability to easily replace lost members due to such heavy competitionno matter what
price point they use to attract members.
The business models that most of the chains still use, and far too many of the
independents, are still based upon the factor that an unlimited number of new members
exist somewhere out there in the market to replace the ones they lose every month due
to their inability, or lack of desire, to properly take care of their members. This model
worked in the 1980s and 1990s when there wasnt much competition, but it is a failing
model when you have too many clubs chasing too few members.
The consumer is also more educated about fitness and less tolerant of paying for a
membership that doesnt result in a change in his appearance or health. Most of this new
breed of member wants more from a facility than just renting a treadmill, but they do not
want to pay thousands of dollars a month for help that should be offered more affordably
and to a wider range of members at a lower cost.
Most importantly, the smaller training clubs, once the poor hideout for the single
trainer on his own, are now emerging as serious players in the game, introducing training
that gets serious results for clients, and the trainers are doing this in larger and more
serious physical plants. These clubs attract a significant percentage of the better-
educated and more affluent clientele that might have been members of the mainstream
club in the past but no longer support those clubs because of a lack of options, serious
equipment, and support.
One of the keys that will need to be considered as you build your new facility is the
consumer himself and how his life is changing. We all know, and can literally see, that our
culture is leading toward having a higher percentage of our population that is fat, obese,
and just plain out of shape. The year 2009 was the first year in America that the obese
segment (32 percent) passed the overweight segment (31 percent).
Many experts in our field dispute the actual numbers because any serious kettlebell
guy that is in shape is probably also obese according to Body Mass Index charts. This fact
is undoubtedly true, but it does not negate the overall trend. Even if you plan to do sports
performance, this trend will affect your business since you will still need to draw from this
population of future fitness people who have not yet discovered a life of fitness and
Industry pundits call these groups the Get Its, representing the 16 percent, and the
Dont Get Its, representing the other 84 percent who have not yet found us. Those who
understand fitness and the importance it can play in their livesthose who get italready
work out and belong to fitness clubs. The rest dont yet make the connectionfor the
obvious reason that these clubs have failed the consumer in the pastthat if you want to
get into shape, you start with a fitness club.
The mistake club owners make, and the opportunity of the future, is that almost
everything they do in their clubs regarding the attraction of new members is targeted at
people who get fitness and understand it (the 16 percent), and almost nothing in their
marketing approach, club design, sales policies, or training philosophy is really aimed at
those who are not yet involved in commercial fitness, which, at 84 percent, is obviously
the biggest untapped market.
Who are the dont get it people and what do they want from you?
Start with the premise that about 300 million people live in this country. Out of this
number, roughly 45 million belong to fitness facilities of some type. IHRSA research
shows that approximately 30 million more may have belonged to a fitness center at some
point in their lives, but currently do not.
Using these numbers, approximately 225 million potential members are out there who
have most likely never stepped foot into a fitness facility. If the industry can change its
image and the product we offer to attract a wider range of clientele, then if we only
converted 5 percent more, or 11.25 million, we could change the very nature of what we
do in this industry. Divide that number by the roughly 30,000 mainstream fitness centers
in America and every gym currently in business would get 383 new members, which is a
significant number for most clubs. If our goal as an industry is to change lives and the
culture of sedentary living and obesity in this country, then we really havent even begun
as an industry since we have touched so few people after more than 60 years.
Keep in mind that we are only referring to mainstream fitness facilities. There are a
significant number of small training facilities that are very successful in changing a lot of
lives that only need about 15 to 20 new members a month to become very financially
successful. In many ways, these training clubs that are being built in the 3,000- to
12,000-square-foot range represent the club of the future. These facilities are cheaper to
build, generate a solid return on investment, fit into more affluent markets due to their
lesser space requirement, and are actually based upon the premise that they exist to get
clients into real shape, something mainstream clubs often cant claim since they are built
to simply generate memberships on a monthly basis.
Where the club industry goes wrong is that we try to change the world by going too
big too soon. Not everyone is a fitness candidate and not everyone will join a gym. You
need to think about the fitness business as more of a continuum, with those who will
never, ever join fitness centers on the extreme left and the hard-core workout fanatics on
the extreme right. Figure 2-1 depicts this continuum, including the 16 percent that
represents all current club members. Fitness professionals live and work on the right side
of the continuum, and the potential market for your business is the people closest to that
side. In other words, we already have the 16 percent as part of the current club market
and we only need to move toward the left a few points to make big changes.
According to IHRSA, the number of people joining gyms has slowly been rising at a
rate at about 5 percent per year. That slow-but-steady growth, representing the future of
the industry, will continue to come from those folks closest on the continuum to the 16
percent number. These are the folks who fit the rest of your demographics and who sort
of understand what you do, but for whom fitness hasnt yet become important in their
An example might be a former housewife who has raised her kids, returned to the
workforce at age 40, and now wants to spend some time working on herself. She might
have never belonged to a gym, but she is a strong candidate because she has everything
you need: awareness, income, education, and opportunity.
The challenge is to take advantage of this opportunity in your market by building
facilities and creating a business plan that goes after this group of aware-but-as-of-yet-
uninvolved potential members. The fitness people already in the market (16 percent) will
find you on their own since fitness is a part of their lifestyle, but future success in this
industry lies in developing new markets that are being underserved.
How big is your potential market?
Capture rate is the term that defines how much of your market you should be able to
acquire as members in your club. The problem with any type of capture-rate formula is
that it is hard to develop just one formula that covers every type and size of facility and
price structure. For example, a 10,000-square-foot club and a 40,000-square-foot club in a
market of 50,000 people, using a set capture rate of 4 percent, would both come up with
answers that would be unrealistic for their business plans.
Remember from Chapter 1 that your market is within an approximate 12-minute drive
time from the club during rush hour. The 4 percent number in this example would mean
that each club in this market would capture 2,000 members, which is unrealistically too
high for the smaller club in most markets, yet too low for the larger club to survive.
Again, price structure, profit centers, and other competition are all factors that would
affect the actual numbers that each club would get and need to survive over time. For
example, the smaller club might have an extremely low price, which would lead to larger
sales numbers and memberships, but would at some point mean that it might become
unable to sustain those numbers due to market saturation and loss rates.
Other factors such as the kinds of programs offered, the focus on training in the club,
the clubs marketing niche, and the affluence of the marketplace also affect how many
members a club can attract. No two clubs or club markets are alike, and too many new
owners build their business plans on unrealistic numbers that they plan to attract as new
Determining Market Potential
Two methods can be used to help you get an idea of your market potential. The first is a
sliding scale model, and the second method is based upon actual expenses in the club.
Both methods represent the minimum numbers you need to make the business work.
An important side note is to always build your business plan on the minimum numbers
you need to stay in business, not on the unrealistic numbers that every potential owner
dreams about but seldom realizes in his business. The old rule used to be that you should
create three business plans for any new business. The first one is the best-case scenario,
which you create and then throw away. The second plan is the middle-case version,
which you create and give to your bankers and investors. The third plan is always the
worst-case version, and that is the one you use to actually run your club on a day-to-day
It is important to know as a new business owner when you have to hit the following
numbers. The most important month in your new business is the 25th month, which is
when your business plan should mature and when you should reach the target number of
new members that your club needs to be financially successful. It will not take this long,
however, to start generating revenue in your business, but this is the point where the
club matures and where it should be a fully functioning, stable business.
Most clubs can cover their base operating expenses (meaning you are now breaking
even and the monthly cash flow covers all operating expenses) somewhere during the
seven- to nine-month mark of operation, assuming that the club opened somewhere
between August 15 and February 15 and has at least two months of operating capital in
You will have higher expenses than revenues during that growth period, and the
reserve capital ensures that you have enough money to pay your bills without having the
need to panic, which leads to poor decisions. Stated again, you will lose money for the
first few months you are in business. Operating loss is a normal part of being in business
during the first year and you should expect it to happen. If your business turns profitable
earlier, Congratulations, you have beaten the odds, but that doesnt happen too often
for a new fitness business, so assume the loss is going to come and prepare for it with
reserve capital.
If you open your club in May or June, which is the hardest time period to open a new
facility in most markets, your new business wont come together until about the tenth
month you are open, and you will need a full three months of operating reserve rather
than just the needed two months if you open the club during one of the more optimum
times of the year.
Method 1: Percentage of population
This method is based upon square footage and the percentage of the population in your
12-minute drive time that you can capture. It is a sliding scale and represents the
minimum number of paying members you need to have in your system during the 25th
month of operation.
Again, the 25th month is important because it reflects the full maturation point for a
typical club. Youve had two full years of business and are now entering your third year.
By this point, your club has passed through two full member-retention cycles and your net
receivable check (accumulation of all monthly member payments) should be at its highest
point. At this point in time, this check should be covering at least 70 percent of your base
operating cost each month, with an ultimate target of 100 percent coverage.
It is important to note that most of the successful personal training centers have
moved away from selling packages and sessions and have adopted long-term agreements
for their clients. For example, someone who wants personal training might pay $300 a
month for 12 months for four sessions a month or as much as $2,500 a month for
unlimited training including assessments, supplements, and other support items. This
topic is discussed in greater detail in later chapters.
Many mainstream clubs are learning from the success the smaller training clubs have
had with this method and have begun to build this system into their training departments,
replacing the more ineffective and dated system of limited one-on-one training sold to a
very small percentage of the members in the club.
These clubs have also adopted the semi-private and group personal training models
as well that reflect the move toward offering a layered pricing structure that allows a
larger number of clients in the facility to share the cost of the trainer rather than being
completely eliminated due to the cost of the one-on-one sessions.
Your total membership at this maturation point is also important for the new business
owner. Loss rates (members that move away from the club or dont pay) and retention
rates (members who finish an initial term of membership and then continue into future
years) are known, and often your membership at this point reflects the highest point
possible in your club. It is possible to increase membership beyond this point, but the
combination of losses and retention issues often flatten the membership growth potential
at this point.
The example presented in Figure 2-2 is based upon a market of 50,000 people in a
five-mile ring of the club, or about 12 minutes of driving time, and the target number
represents memberships and not the total number of actual members.
Keep in mind that memberships represent a single financial instrument to be collected
by the club, but this membership might have more than one person included. For
example, you might generate a single membership for a husband and wife, which
represents one membership but two members. The calculation is based on using the
multiplier as a derivative of the total population.
In this case, the multiplier is a percentage of the population you can hope to attain as
members in your new club. Also, remember that this number is nothing more than an
estimate based upon a typical mainstream facility. For example, if the 10,000-square-foot
facility was a sports performance center with adult personal training, it might have fewer
than 800 members and still be very successful financially.
Method _: Sales needed compared to operating expenses
This method, based on what is called the one per thousand rule, calculates your total
needed memberships as a factor of your monthly operating expenses and membership
price for a single member to join the club. This rule may be the single most important
concept for you to understand in your new fitness business because if you break this rule,
you will have a hard time surviving and the business could fail from a lack of enough
memberships to feed your business.
The Rule
You need one new member per month, per thousand dollars of operating
expenses, based upon a monthly rate for one member of $39.
This rule stems from one of the most frequently asked questions by a potential owner
developing a business plan: How many new members do I have to get each month to
make it? Looking at needed monthly sales allows you to get a feel for if your business
plan sounds logical for your market. For example, if you live in a town of 20,000 people,
but your expenses are $80,000, you might need more members per month than your
market can handle. In this example, if your price was $39 per month per member, you
would need 80 new members a month to support the club over timesomething not
sustainable in a market of only 20,000.
Keep in mind that expenses are situational. The rent factor, or mortgage number,
may be substantially lower in some markets, thereby lowering your overall operating
expenses. For example, you might spend $6 per square foot in a southern market as
compared to $48 per square foot or higher in a major metro market such as San
Your expenses may also vary due to the type of club you choose. For example, the
interior finish and operating expenses for a 25,000-square-foot, womens-only club in
Boston may be twice as much as that of a smaller club in a more rural market in the
same state. Lower-end clubs, basing their business plan on volume such as those in the
$19 per member per month category, often will have less monthly expense than a full-
service club with a full array of group classes and a full staff of trainers.
This rule is based upon the new, annual membershipseither contractual or paid-in-
fullyou generate each month. This rule does not include renewal members or account
for short-term memberships. Your goal as an owner is to average the needed number
over the last three-month period in your business, because in the fitness business you
might get 150 new members in March, but only 30 in July, so you must keep your average
above the needed number over time.
To calculate this number, divide your cost of operation by the number closest to your
monthly price, as depicted in Figure 2-3. For example, if your expenses are $70,000, and
your anticipated price is $39 per month for an individual membership, then divide $70,000
by 1000. In this example, you will need 70 new members on average per month to
become financially successful.
This rule does not account for the clubs other profit centers such as personal training
or weight loss programs, which generate money on top of these sales numbers. It also
does not take into account retention numbers. This rule simply gives you the minimum
number you need to average each month in new, annual memberships to stay in
business. If you hit these numbers, you have a good chance of surviving and even being
financially successful. If you consistently fall short, your chance of failure is higher.
Remember, in the fitness business, hardly anyone fails during their first year or so.
The analogy is that you dont die in this business from a brick to the head and go quickly.
In this business, death comes slowly and it is like lying naked in a field and having 100
chickens slowly peck you to death. This slow death comes from never hitting your
minimum sales numbers (the one per thousand rule); although, if you are somewhat
close each month, you can hang on for several years before you are finally forced to close
due to a slow starvation of new business.
Sales are your lifeblood in the business, and when you conceptualize your business
plan, you need to start with getting an understanding of how many sales, and how many
new memberships, your business will need. Then, you must determine if those sales are
reasonable for the type of club you are considering opening in your market.
There is also a minimum number you need to hit if you are a smaller club. No matter
how small your business ismeaning you trainer types in those 3,000-square-foot clubs
(the recommended smallest club you should ever open)you still have to add a minimum
number of new members each month to replace lost clients and to add new blood into
your business. This minimum number is 15 to 20, depending on the concept and the
market. If you cant add this number each month or you dont think this rule applies to
your business, you should reconsider opening because failure is very painful.
Training clubs that cant sustain at least a 15-new-clients-per-month minimum end up
buying themselves jobs that are paid for each month by having just enough members.
These owners get their 50 to 60 clients in the stable and then only add a few new clients
per month that barely replace their lost clients. Over time, you find yourself working hard,
all by yourself, and become trapped in the business. Growth is just as important in the
training business as it is in mainstream clubs, although the numbers are different and you
can live with 15 to 20 new members a month in most training clubs.
Where is the growth going to Be in the Future?
When you start to conceptualize your new club, you have to consider your market and
what it would take to compete. Markets can be divided into four distinct subgroups. Each
group, or level, includes certain types of clubs that would work in that level but might not
work in others.
Level 1 markets
Level 1 markets are the major metro markets that have 250,000 residents or more.
During the past years, the large chains have been aggressive in these types of cities,
often opening on the same street in the same part of town.
Rent factors are usually high, which limits your space and the type of club you might
want to open. If you want to get into this type of market, such as Denver proper or
Chicago, you may want to find a niche and think nontraditionally. It is hard to get
significant space in these markets for a mainstream facility at a rent that makes sense, so
independent owners often open target-specific clubs, such as hybrid training centers or
upscale womens clubs. These owners also put clubs on upper floors in buildings where
the rent might be lower the higher you go, or they look for basement space, which is also
often cheaper.
Hybrid training centers are defined as small clubs, usually in the 1,500- to 5,000-
square-foot range, that specialize in training but also offer memberships on a limited
basis. These clubs are a more advanced version of the old personal training studios that
were too dependent on too few people to survive.
These major metro markets can be very productive if you can get opened in one.
Clubs in downtown Chicago, for example, can do quite well due to the neighborhood
effect. Your club wouldnt have a lot of parking, but you might draw from your immediate
eight-block surrounding area or neighborhood.
Availability is usually the limiter in these markets. There is simply seldom enough
space to open a traditional club in the 10,000-square-foot or larger category, and if there
is enough space, it is then often priced out of the range of the typical first-time club
As discussed later and often in this book, the rent factor can take a new club down if
the business concept doesnt match. Many new owners will sign a lease with a rent factor
that is too high with little chance of ever getting enough members to feed the business
Level 2 markets
Level 2 markets are the suburban markets or smaller population cities with populations in
the 100,000 to 250,000 range. The big chains are beginning to expand into these areas
as the Level 1 markets become saturated, but a lot of growth potential is still available if
you are patient enough to research and find the right area.
These markets can support the larger clubs, such as the 40,000-square-foot boxes,
but smaller clubs that go after narrower niches, such as 12,000-square-foot, womens-
only facilities, can also do well. The franchise clubs, such as AnyTime Fitness
or Golds
, also do well in these markets because they can vary their size to suit space
concerns. Some of the newer franchises, such as Planet Fitness
equipmentthat impacted their younger brethren, and not enough of this group
will ever join clubs to make a dent. Fitness simply wasnt part of their early life and wont
be part of their later life in big enough numbers to drive a business plan.
Those born after 1950, however, are coming to the gym and will do so in bigger
numbers in the next decade. At this point, your target market for this type of total-
support, upscale facility will be those in the 30 to 50 range, but that will change slowly
toward the 35 to 55 age group. These clubs can range in size from 5,000 square feet on
the low end to 25,000 square feet. The key is to build a slightly smaller club but to go
after the upscale market in your area with higher prices and a higher degree of finish. In
this category, perhaps think of a specialty club such as a training club for those seeking
fitness after 50.
If youre looking for a narrower niche to fit your particular market or personal interest,
consider the following subcategories. Keep in mind that it is easier to compete in a
crowded market if you have a unique marketing position. If one of the following types of
clubs is lacking in your area, and you have a personal interest in either category, then
consider becoming a specialist in one of these growth areas.
Over-50 clubs. Owners who specialize in the fitness-after-50 group can do well in
specific markets where the density is high for this age classification. This smaller club
would be based upon functional training and lifestyle enhancement.
Sports-performance centers. Few owners have been successful trying to get children
to engage into adult fitness. Children dont want to work out on shrunken adult
equipment or go through group classes that are nothing more than watered down adult
classes done to different music. A booming market, however, is developing in sports
performance that fits almost any child. These clubs, developed by pioneers in this area
such as Bill Parisi, work to develop the speed, agility, and quickness needed by any child
who wants to be more successful in any given sport. Kids of all shapes and sizes do well
in this model, and units can be built as small as 3,000 square feet up to freestanding
models that have adult components in the 15,000-square-foot range.
Kettlebell/functional training clubs. These clubs are becoming a hot topic in the field
and many new owners are gravitating toward this model due to the low start-up cost,
ability to generate substantial revenue over time in group training, and the fact that
functional training is becoming something the general public recognizes from the
magazines and current television shows such as The Biggest Loser.
Womens-only businesses. This model still works in many areas, especially in the clubs
that have moved away from the old circuit concept toward getting women more involved
in fitness as real athletes. The industry has made a huge mistake over the years when it
came to training females, sending women to the corners of the club to hide in group
exercise rooms or to do high repetition training with pink dumbbells. Women, and in most
cases men over 50, were always second-class citizens in the fitness community and
suffered because of this thought process.
Perhaps one of the biggest contributions we have seen from the training boom in the
early 2000s was the idea that all clients are trained as athletes in much the same way
you would train anyone seeking the best results in the shortest period of time. Training
gurus driving this concept were people such as Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove, Mike Boyle,
Todd Durkin, and Pavel Tsatsouline, who all train their female clients as they would any
other athlete in the group. This breakout in thought has led to womens-only clubs that
are generations ahead of the old circuit clubs of the 1990s.
Mastering One of the Big Three Concepts
The fitness business has slowly been moving toward more specialization and niching over
the years. Competition and the cost of building larger units have forced many new owners
to go after narrower niches in their marketplaces.
When you start to piece together that ideal club in your head, keep in mind that many
of the old-school clubs offered almost everything but really did few things well. These
clubs might have had group classes, but they were offered in one, plain room. They might
have also had training, but rented out to outside trainers instead of building an internal
program. These clubs felt compelled to offer almost anything someone might ask for in a
membership, but because the club owner didnt really specialize in anything, most of the
offerings were weak or incomplete. They had everything in the club but nothing was done
well enough to give the club a competitive edge in the market.
Increased competition, the rise of the more sophisticated consumer, and the
increased cost of running a fitness facility have all combined to force the next generation
of owners to do fewer things, but to master those that they do decide to offer. The words
to remember are kill the category. Word of mouth comes from offering the ultimate
experience for the consumer, and as an owner you simply cant offer this business-
changing experience in multiple categories every day in your business.
In other words, what do you want to be known for in your market? If youre going to
do something, absolutely kill that category and the business will follow. Master one of the
following categories and be competent in the others:
Group exercise
Weight management
Lifestyle enhancement-functional training/childrens performance training
Think of these categories as the major definers of your business. The one you pick
needs to match your market, who you are as a fitness person, what you believe in as a
fitness philosophy, and the type of facility you can afford to open at this stage of your life.
For example, a club owner in the Atlanta area is so into group exercise that he built a
new 20,000-square-foot club with half the space dedicated to five group exercise rooms.
He likes group exercise and made it the center focus of his business plan.
Another owner from Texas, on the other hand, built a 27,000-square-foot upscale club
but dropped his group program after only six months. His heart was in functional training
and he ultimately used the entire facility to meet his needs. The club generated an
average of $83,000 a month in training revenue with 3,500 members, but he couldnt
make group exercise work at all because his personal interest centered only on training.
Both of these owners are successful in their markets and both built their businesses
around their personal strengths. Whatever you do, do it better and with more depth than
anyone else in your market and you will have a higher chance of success.
Become the Third Stop in Their Daily lives
Work and then go home. Work and then go home. Work and then go home. At some
point, a person wants to get away from bosses, spouses, kids, phones, and the stress of
their everyday routine. The clubs of the future should strive to become that spot in the
persons life, but owners first have to change how they think about their clubs and,
especially, their thoughts about what kind of business they are really in.
Whats really neglected in most clubs is the social aspect. The majority of new clubs
have everything a person needs to get in shape, but they lack the social heart that makes
that club a necessary part of the consumers life over time.
The important thing to remember is that the consumers expectations are changing.
According to The Experience Economy: Work is Theater and Every Business a Stage by
Pine and Gilmore, consumers are raising their expectations regarding what they expect to
get for their money. They have moved beyond service as a differentiator and the newer,
better educated, and more sophisticated consumer will spend more for a great
Most fitness businesses can adequately service the consumer and meet his fitness
needs, but few can entertain and delight. Sports bars, stretching areas that serve as
socialization zones, cardio theaters, and plush locker rooms are all things that will set you
apart in the future from clubs that merely offer fitness.
Even the training club owner should build his new club with the idea that he wants to
be more than just a place to work out. Small sports bars, decent locker rooms, and strong
social events such as team race participation or club-offered bike rides all add to the
members belief that the club is a part of his life beyond just a place to get his workout in
and go home.
Fitness, even at its best, isnt always fun, but no reason exists why your club cant be
something that delights the person during every visit and becomes the best part of his
day. New owners should remember that the industry is moving beyond fitness and that
we are actually in the entertainment business, where every visit becomes an energizing
experience that leaves the member wanting more tomorrow. Fitness is the key, but its
how the fitness is delivered that will make your club stand out and be more financially
Once youve conceptualized your new business, you have to find it a home. One of the
most frequently asked questions by potential owners considering their first fitness facility
is whether to rent, build, or buy a used club. The answer to this question has to match
you and your business plan, and it will ultimately be determined by how much capital you
can raise for your project. Understanding your options with each of these possibilities will
help you make a more informed decision and guide you to the choice that will give you
the greatest chance of succeeding financially.
Lets review some of the possible business concepts you might be thinking about at
this time. The following options are just a few of the ones you have to work with,
although many owners end up combining concepts to meet their personal goals, to match
the market, or to take advantage of unusual space or opportunity in their areas.
The simple training studio
This size is about 1,500 square feet or smaller.
This model is usually a storefront.
It is typically stuffed with too much fixed equipment.
There are no locker rooms, but changing areas are provided.
The prime product is one-on-one training.
This type of fitness business was the standard model for years in the training world,
but it is not recommended now due to changes in how we go about training the clients.
First of all, the space is too small for anything but one-on-one, which is the least
productive business tool you can use as a trainer.
Successful training businesses in this decade have moved toward the group training
experience with an emphasis on groups of 10 to 12 people doing fixed workouts or semi-
private training with groups of about two to six people doing more personalized workouts
with more coaching.
The size of these facilities is their biggest limiter. Most of the early models were
nothing more than shrunken mainstream fitness centers with cardio and fixed equipment
crammed into a small space. This size limits the number of people you can train, as well
as the number of trainers that can use the space at the same time.
Many trainers embraced the model because of the illusion that it was safe and a lower
risk to get started. Why pay $3,000 for a larger space when you can get into one of these
for $1,000 a month? The issue is that the larger space would give the trainer more
credibility, more of a chance to expand his tools and concepts, and a much higher chance
of making more money over time since he would most likely be able to service a much
larger number of clients, and a much wider range of clients, by being able to move
beyond just one-on-one sessions into sports performance, group experiences, and special
The exception to the rule is the kettlebell clubs that have sprung up in recent years.
These clubs do fill a need, can be started for as little as $5,000 to $25,000 in most
markets, depending on flooring needs and build-out requirements, and can throw out a
decent net profit over time. The revenue potential varies as much as do the trainers who
start these facilities. Some can do as little as $8,000 a month and provide a decent
profitability for the owner, and othersin bigger markets and with a more business-savvy
ownercan generate $40,000 and more per month.
The hybrid membership base training facility
This size is about 3,000 to 7,500 square feet.
This model has limited cardio (6 to 12 pieces), a lot of functional equipment, turf
areas, training lanes, suspension training and other tools that allow for group
training, sports performance, childrens groups, as well as more advanced one-on-
one training.
This type of model allows the clients to use the facility without being with a trainer
by either using open space or the cardio area or by the client having access to
unlimited group workouts each week as part of their overall membership package.
Keep in mind that you never want to create a situation that forces a client to have
to buy a membership somewhere else. For example, most old-style training clubs
only allow the clients to work out with a trainer while in the club. If that client just
wants to come to the club and do something on his own, he is denied and he is
forced to get a membership at another club, which is something you dont want to
have happen as an owner of the training studio.
Once this business model gets to 4,000 square feet or bigger, changing areas are
replaced by small, but full-service, locker rooms.
This model is becoming popular in the industry, as the cost of opening mainstream
is getting prohibitive. In many cases, these are the people who would have opened
a more traditional fitness business but now opt to build one of these models. These
facilities are cheaper to open compared to mainstream fitness businessesoften in
the $150,000 to $400,000 rangethey have strong profitability and are easier to
place in a crowded market due to the smaller footprint.
This is the model that has probably changed the fitness industry more in this century
than any other business type, even surpassing the impact the circuit clubs had on
introducing the deconditioned person to fitness during the 1990s.
These clubs service a much larger client base than typical old-style training facilities
and can often have memberships as large as 1,200 to 1,500 members but can be
extremely profitable with as few as 150 members. This business model is also changing
how we think about how money is made in the industry. These clubs can easily generate
$60,000 to $100,000 plus per month, numbers that the smaller box clubs of just a few
years ago counted as good for annual revenue.
The small fitness facility
These are full-service fitness clubs with cardio, strength, free weights, and perhaps
a limited group presence.
The clubs in this business model are usually between 4,000 to 8,000 square feet
depending upon the market.
These are membership-driven clubs that offer a base membership to join and then
offer training or other services to its members, emulating the larger, mainstream
fitness facilities. Memberships might begin at $39 per month per member. These
clubs do not work well based upon the $19 pricing model.
The businesses in this category are often franchises based upon circuits or some
other franchise differentiator, such as being open 24 hours through computer
access. There are a lot of different players in this class representing a number of
different business plans. Independents do well in this class too, depending upon
the market.
These differ from the training facilities in concept, equipment, revenue sources,
and often locations. These are smaller versions of a traditional fitness club as
opposed to a training club that derives its income from layered pricing where
everyone is involved somehow in coaching of some type. Training income does,
however, need to be a large factor to make these sustainable over time since the
space is the limiter for the number of members the club can hold, which also limits
the total membership revenue available.
These clubs work well in smaller markets or in areas that the larger box clubs wont
pursue. The newer generation owner of these facilities often incorporates training
into the model, giving it an additional edge as a membership club but also
lessening the dependency on new sales by generating a higher return per member
through the increased training.
This club model will be very important in the future. Small, intimate neighborhood
clubs can be opened almost anywhere and are less risky due to the smaller start-
up cost and lower membership numbers needed to support them. Add training
revenue that obtains a deeper penetration into the membership, targeting at least
33 percent as opposed to about 3 to 6 percent for a typical mainstream fitness
club, and these can be great business models.
Depending on the market, this club may or may not have group exercise. If you
want to have a full group program, and yet still be able to open one of these more
compact models, you should have at least 7,500 square feet. If you want to keep
the concept smaller, then consider just cycle classes, which can be done with as
little as 10 bikes. What you dont want to become is nothing more than a shrunken
mainstream center that is too crowded and has just a little bit of everything but not
really enough of the right things, where none of the programming or services are
done well because the place is simply too small to do anything right.
There have been a lot of these clubs built since about the year 2000. This format
allows someone to get into a club cheaply, service a small town or suburb, and make a
decent living. The weakness, however, is that you are still competing heads up against
larger, more fully equipped clubs in most markets. The key to opening a smaller, pocket
fitness center is to find ways to differentiate yourself from the boxes that surround you.
These clubs also have to be adapted to the local market and culture. Some of these
clubs that open in markets with little competition can do well as the only local fitness
option. When there is heavy competition, however, this model gets tougher to run
without adding something such as a layered training model. Circuit clubs are dying and
should be avoided, but there is still life in 24-hour models in some markets, especially if
that concept is part of a broader-based business plan that includes training.
There has also been a trend in recent years to open this concept in more square
footage. Some of the newer generation of these clubs are getting as big as 12,000 square
feet but are filled with more of the equipment you would see in a more sophisticated
training facility. This new model has been especially popular in the Midwest and is often
an ideal model for a more isolated or rural market.
The low price/full-service model
This club would be in the 12,000- to 25,000-square-foot range.
This would be a full-service model with full group, locker rooms, training and other
amenities such as a sports bar/juice bar.
Membership prices for this model would begin at about $19 per month per
member. The club attempts to make it on membership sales volume hoping the
club can attract more members with the lower price but still be able to offer a
range of programming.
This type of business model would be heavy on cardio equipment, meaning the
25,000-square-foot model might have 100 pieces or more. This club also would
have a lot of traditional strength equipment with a large number of fixed plane
equipment (traditional selectorized circuit equipment) and free weights, and the
newer models would have more functional equipment and less of the traditional
bodybuilder-type stuff.
This club model started to appear in larger numbers for two reasons. First of all, the
low end/value players that introduced the $10 club drew a lot of attention during the first
years they were opened, but many owners dont like a business concept based upon the
continuous replacement of members you have lost month after month. Owners in markets
affected by the low price players countered with a $19 entry-level price, but still offered a
full-service club as compared to the $10 clubs that in reality do nothing more than rent
circuit equipment and cardio.
The second reason these clubs have appeared is due to the economy from 2008 and
forward. Many club owners that had enjoyed success at a membership rate of $39 or
higher felt forced to lower the price to compensate for the financial decline in their
marketplaces. This strategy worked to a certain degree, but the ones who originally
opened at that price seemed to do better in the long run than those who merely dropped
their price as a reaction to the market.
There have been a number of chains that have attempted to open using this business
model with mixed success. This model still needs a lot of volume to work and is nothing
more than a newer version of what the industry has been opening for the last 30 years.
The surprising thing to learn when you open this model is that your price might be lower,
but your expenses really arent that much lower. In other words, you have dropped the
price to attract more members, but your cost of operation really hasnt gone down that
Despite the limitations, this model would work in markets where the demographics
are flatter. The term flatter, in this case, means that there is a wider range of people in
the middle to lower income categories, typical of many towns in the more rural parts of a
state. Areas with heavy competition make this a tough business plan since a certain
segment of the market will seek out a club with nicer amenities and fewer people for a
slightly higher price if given a choice.
Again, if you can develop a dual income stream derived from layered training that
goes beyond the $19 attraction price, these clubs can and will work for years. Without the
training, however, this will be a much harder model to run since there will be a lot of
clubs in this category fighting for a limited market share.
The mainstream box club
This club would be 25,000 square feet or bigger, and some clubs in this model are
over 100,000 square feet. You will not see clubs in this category opening at the
rate they were being opened prior to the economic problems we encountered
during the later part of the first decade of this century. Opening a club that is
40,000 square feet or bigger is simply becoming a matter of risk versus return.
Opening a 30,000 square foot club in rental space in todays market might cost as
little as $2,000,000 and could be substantially higher. Building one of these from
the ground up could easily cost $6,000,000 or more.
This model is the full-service approach that was so favored by the chains during the
last 20 years, and what is in these clubs hasnt really changed that much since
1990. This club would have large locker rooms, several group rooms, a restricted
personal training area, acres of fixed plane equipment and plate loaded lines, and
large cardio and free weight areas.
Pricing for this model might be as low as $19 per month for a single member but
might be substantially higher in some markets such as the Northeast, where the
prices might begin at $59 per month or higher. Most of these clubs are still nothing
more than membership mills whose prime function is to attract endless streams of
new members. Extreme competition in this category from all the big chains, more
sophisticated potential members who now favor results over do-it-yourself fitness,
and the cost of opening one of these makes this a tough model to get into these
days, especially if youre trying to open one in a major market that is populated by
the chain players.
This club used to be everyones dream in the fitness business, but there will be fewer
and fewer of these built in the coming decades. They are simply too expensive to build
and operate in competitive markets for most players.
These clubs do have a place, however, and that is when they are focused more on
being family clubs in markets outside of the major metro areas or in secondary markets
such as major towns in the South or Midwest. In these markets, this type of club fulfills
the role of the social center in the town. Towns that have limited outside activities or
extreme winters are ideal markets to build a family-focused fitness center of this size. In
these markets, the club becomes the place to meet and greet folks in the community, and
everyone feels a certain status by being a member.
The real play with opening one of these clubs is owning and developing the real
estate. If you can turn this project into a real estate play, then it becomes a much better
concept to explore. It is also easier to attract investors and banks if there is real estate
involved in the project. In the 1980s, many of the large racquetball facilities were built
with the idea that the fitness would pay for the building over 20 years and then you
would tear it down and have prime dirt paid for in a good location.
This tactic worked if the owner picked the right location for the project and the dirt
was still valuable 20 years later. Pick right and you were successful, but often the city
moved away from these dinosaurs, leaving run-down buildings in areas of the town where
no one wanted to build. If you are considering one of these as a real estate investment,
do the homework and meet with city planners to figure out what you might own 20 years
into the future.
Again, there will be fewer of these models in the future. Would you want to build a
single large unit for $2,000,000 to $4,000,000, or would you prefer to build four hybrid-
training facilities for a total of $1,000,000 for all four? It is worth noting that the newer
generation owner who is getting into the industry has a different mind-set than the guys
who developed all these early chains and who, therefore, pioneered the box club concept.
The new owners actually understand that there is no business today without
understanding retention. This means that whatever you open has to be designed to retain
as many members as you can over time, as opposed to the old-style box that was really
built just to drive memberships and then replace people once they failed in fitness and
left the club. The larger the box, the more difficult it is to deliver intimate customer
service, which is the heart of retention. In other words, it is very difficult to deliver service
in a 100,000-square-foot facility with thousands of members.
A final note about this business model is that a few of the chains are beginning to
dramatically change what is in the box. Equipment that used to be for the exclusive use
of the trainers and their limited clientele is now being made available as standard
equipment on the floor. This model is being rebuilt and might be viable again in the
future, but the market and competition has changed so quickly that unless the concept is
reinvented, you will see fewer of these in the coming years.
Franchise clubs
Franchise clubs have not been mentioned specifically because they most likely fall into
one of the categories mentioned previously. Buying a franchise means you are buying a
proven business model that can be duplicated over and over againsomething very few
of the franchises that have appeared in the fitness industry over the last few decades can
validate or actually deliver.
If you are looking for a franchise club and feel safer using someone elses business
ideas, make sure you understand their business concept and what it takes to start and
run one. Most new franchise owners need a lot of help and are grossly unprepared to be
in the business. Hiring and supervising a trainer, for example, is a lot more difficult than
hiring someone at minimum wage to make sub sandwiches.
If you anticipate needing a great deal of help mastering your new business, verify
what is available, not just through the franchise itself but also through a lot of calls to a
lot of their franchisees. Also, spend time with a number of their franchisees and go
beyond just the few they normally use as references. This project is a big investment and
you need to understand what it takes to be successful with their business model.
Is Rental Space Right for Your New Business?
When working with rental space, someone else owns the building and you rent that space
from the owner for whatever price the market will bear. Your space might be in a strip
mall, an office park, or it could be a freestanding building with your own parking.
When you rent space, you bring your equipment, finish the interior (called leasehold
improvements), and open for business by paying the landlord rent for your portion of his
building. Each month you pay your rent as well as your share of the property taxes,
common area maintenance, and insurance for the property, depending on the amount of
space you take in the plaza or building. For example, if you have a third of the space in a
strip center, then you would pay a third of the taxes, insurance, and common area
maintenance, usually referred to as triple net, for that center.
In many cases, it is much harder to raise money for clubs in rental spaces. As
described in Chapter 5, once you put in your leasehold improvements, such as mirrors and
locker rooms, they then become the property of the landlord, and anything attached to
the walls or floor becomes his property if you decide to leave. Even if the landlord lets
you take down those things, just how much would a used locker roomor worse, a used
toilet bowlbe worth?
This fact makes it harder to raise money from banks or investors for these types of
projects, especially if the project becomes larger, because if the owner fails in his new
business, no physical assets are available for the lender or investors to go after that can
be sold to pay off the remaining debt or initial investment. For this reason, owners who
go for rental space and borrow money often have to put up a lot more collateral to get
started as compared to buying or building your own place.
Collateral is defined as physical assets that have value and that are pledged against
the loan. If you would fail, these assets are taken by the bank and sold to recover the
money that they loaned you. Examples of assets that bankers like include equity positions
in your home, CDs, and stocks, or other property that the bank would have an easy time
Good bankers are by nature conservative, and most banks try to get at least 80
percent collateral against the money you borrow; they also expect you to have a certain
amount of working capital that you bring to the table so you at least have a little risk in
the project yourself. If you have investors who are cosigning for you, they have to pledge
assets that are of value and can be liquidated to cover the loan in case of your failure in
the business.
You may find an investor who believes in you and takes a personal interest in your
success, called an angel investor, who might put up the money directly for the project and
look only for ownership in the business. These types of investors are harder to find, since
the return on their investment is often less than they could get for their money if it was
placed in more traditional investment opportunities. Often, this angle will be a family
member or a client who has prior experience with you and who believes in what you are
trying to do.
Another problem with rental-space financing is that banks that loan money to you will
want it paid back in a shorter period of time compared to money used to build your own
place. For example, if you need $1.5 million to build a 15,000-square-foot club in rental
space, you will probably need to have at least $300,000 (20 percent) out of pocket or as
money put up by your investors.
The balance of that money, which is $1.2 million, will have to be paid back in a time
period equal to your initial lease period with your landlord. For example, if you have an
initial lease of seven years, then the payback time for the bank loan will be seven years
$1.2 million over 7 years at 8 percent =
monthly payment of $18,703
This payback schedule is aggressive and does not include the rent for the facility. But
if you found the right property and could get a 10-year initial lease (refer to Chapter 5),
then your loan might become more realistic:
$1.2 million over 10 years at 8 percent =
monthly payment of $14,559
Just a few extra years makes this business plan look much better, because the
payment drops substantially compared to the seven-year payback. The goal is to free up
cash flow that can be used to develop the business during the early years and then
reinvest in the business as it ages.
Rental space may be the only option you have, especially in major metro areas where
buying a building or building from the ground up is so expensive. If you are opening a
smaller club in the 3,000- to 7,500-square-foot range, for example, rental space is often a
great choice because you can get in for a lower total cost, and money for a project that
size is easier to get from banks.
Once you move into larger projects, the make-or-break part of the deal will come
down to the actual rent factor. A general rule of thumb that might help you evaluate your
ability to do rental space, or determine if you need to focus your energies on buying a
used club or building from the ground up, can be stated as follows: Most business plans,
once the club gets bigger than 10,000 square feet, dont work if the gross rent for the
facility goes beyond $18 a square foot.
An exception exists for every rule, but once the total rent climbs beyond that number
in most markets, then the business plan has to become much more aggressive in terms of
membership pricing.
Gross rent is defined as the combination of your base rent for the space and your
triple nets charges, which are usually billed to you monthly as part of your rent. In this
example, once the total number goes beyond $18 a square foot, its hard to make the
plan work in most markets. Your rent is determined as follows:
Square footage x gross rent = annual rent
Annual rent/12 (months) = monthly rent
For example:
12,000 square feet x $18 gross rent = $216,000 annual rent
$216,000/12 = $18,000 monthly rent
This rule doesnt apply in a number of major metro markets. If you are in Manhattan,
San Francisco, parts of Las Vegas, or major metro areas in Hawaii, then you couldnt even
find a condemned building for $18 a square foot. In those markets, however, you can
often get higher monthly member payments, or use a lower price that chases higher
volume, than you can is most suburban areas, which offsets the $18 factor and allows you
to break that rule. Opening in these markets, or any major metro area where the rent
exceeds that $18 number, also forces you to have at least an extra month of reserve
capital when you open since it takes more time to build your revenue stream to cover the
more expensive monthly operating expense.
Obviously, if you have to pay $28 a square foot for a basement in Manhattan, but can
charge $79 per month per member, then your business plan will probably work. But if you
pay $36 a foot for boutique space in a suburban mall for a 12,000-square-foot center and
only plan to price your memberships at $39 per month, then the business plan will most
likely fail, because the rent factor, along with the bank loan, will be a lot more monthly
overhead than the business can handle.
Smaller training centers, especially those that add limited memberships, can handle
the higher rent factors due to the expected higher return per member. Those type of
facilities need to be where the money is and acquiring space in those areas is always
more expensive, but is justified by the higher prices you get compared to a mainstream
fitness facility.
Building a Club
A lot of the wealth in America has been made in real estate, and when you consider
building a fitness facility from the ground up, you are leaving the world of fitness and
getting into the crossover world of real estate investment. If your long-term plan is to
build a successful business, sell it, and go do something else, then how to get out is
something you should consider before you actually get in. Building your own building and
participating in the real estate side might be your best vehicle to achieve your personal
financial plan while still giving you an opportunity to be in the fitness business.
In this plan, you are actually investing in a building and property and then using the
fitness facility, and maybe other rental space in your new building, to pay for that real
estate over time. Think of this scenario as buying a rental house and getting a good
tenant. You collect rent each month and then use that money to pay your mortgage and
keep the place up. Over time, you gain more equity in your rental house as the mortgage
is reduced and you might gain appreciation if houses in that area grow in value. If the
tenant is a good one and doesnt miss payments, then the investment becomes passive,
since you dont have to do much but collect rent, fix some stuff as needed, and sit back
and let your investment grow over time.
Owning a fitness business in your own building is very similar. An investor or a bank
loans you money to buy dirt and build a new building or to buy an existing building that
fits your needs. Your investor group may own that building as a team and you as the
business owner might have a piece of the building as part of the investment team, but
you also might own 100 percent of your club/business. Keep in mind that two separate
companies will be formed in this scenario: one that owns the building and property and
comprises the investment team and another corporation that owns the club, which might
just be you as the sole owner.
This practice is done to protect the investors from lawsuits stemming from the club,
provide tax advantages for the investment team that owns the property, and keep them
free to open other businesses. The simple rule is that most investors, and most bankers
through their loans, would rather be in the real estate business than in the gym-owning
business, especially if that business fails.
A number of advantages exist for you and your team if you want to build your own
building or buy if the market allows:
It is easier to attract investors who like real estate but dont want to be in the gym
The property serves as the collateral for the bank or investors, keeping your initial
cash needs and collateral obligations lower.
Payback on all loans is much longer, often in the 20- to 25-year range, which
results in a much lower monthly payment for the business to handle, thereby
freeing up more monthly cash flow.
Tax advantages related to depreciation, the development of tax trusts, and interest
might apply.
The investors may experience long-term appreciation and wealth-building. At some
point, the fitness business might be sold to another owner who buys the business
directly and who then pays rent, or the business might even be closed at some
point after serving its purpose of paying down the loan over the years and the
building converted into offices or some other use.
Ownership of your building might offer estate planning for those owners who wish
to provide wealth for their families in the future.
Most fitness facilities require a minimum amount of land, which is also a consideration
for your market. Local codes also add to your land needs, especially in areas such as
parking, retention ponds, or green spaces, for example. Your minimum needs, however,
will be an acre and a half for almost any type of facility and can go up to 10 to 12 acres if
you are considering a tennis facility or a large, multipurpose family complex.
One of the current trends in club design and building is to acquire land on prime
streets and then build a retail space on the first floor and place the club upstairs, or
toward the back of the plaza if keeping the project to a single story is more desirable in
that area, so that the new business is surrounded by other retail space closer to the
street and is in a more desirable location for commercial retail.
This type of space has not been open to fitness owners in recent years because of the
cost of buying prime lots on the best roads in your market. The cost of the land itself in
many suburban markets has risen so dramatically that a typical business plan for a center
that has main street frontage wont work because the cost of the land forces the monthly
operating expense to a number higher than the club can generate and cover.
Developing a building that offers prime retail space at street level with the club above
it, though, allows the club owner to build his center upstairs in what would be considered
secondary space, offset the cost of the gyms rent by making a profit on the retail space,
and still have the advantage of having his club visible on a main thoroughfare. Investors
are again more likely to want to put money into a project that has multiple sources of
revenue, such as rents, which further offsets the risk of just being dependent on the club
itself to pay all of the rent. This type of venture, featuring the combination of retail space
and a working club, provides more attractive bait to get your investors involved.
An important thing to learn at this point is that a fitness business is a destination
business, which means that the consumer will leave his house and head directly to the
club as his targeted destination. This same consumer will then support all the businesses
that surround the fitness facility once he is there, rather than drive all over town running
errands after his workout. This point should come up often with your investors and
bankers, and especially with your landlord, if you are renting space rather than buying.
All of the small businesses that are located next to a fitness center usually thrive
because they live off the constant traffic that a club generates day after day. Landlords
often like to have a fitness center in smaller plazas because the other tenants are more
likely to stay in business longer and pay rent longer to the owner. The term for this type
of business is an anchor tenant. When you present your plan to investors and bankers,
knowing the role the club plays in relationship to other businesses in the area, especially
if those businesses also rent from your partnership, is important.
Buying a used Club
Buying a used club isnt glamorous or sexy, but it is often an efficient way to get into the
business. Few owners lie awake at night dreaming of taking over someone elses
nightmare, which is probably why most potential owners dont consider buying a used
club when they are first trying to get into the business.
An emotional element is also in play. New owners, especially those who have not yet
been in the business, often believe that their new gymdesigned their way and with their
ideaswill draw thousands of members (a variation on the famous line from the movie
Field of Dreams: Build it and they will come).
One of the advantages of buying a used club, especially if it has been in business for a
few years or longer, is that you start with members and cash flow. The obstacle here is
that many potential owners dont want to buy someone elses dream. Used clubs often
are run down and have poor equipment, and, truthfully, many arent worth buying, but
there are gems hidden in the rock pile, and used clubs are often safer and can be
acquired much more cheaply than starting from scratch with no members while still
becoming financially leveraged to your maximum threshold as you start a brand new and
unproven business.
Potential owners are often like the buyers on television who are looking for a new
home. Inexperienced buyers, or perhaps first-time buyers, always say things such as, I
just dont like the colors in this house, lets take it off the list. These people are so nave
that they dont realize that if they own it, they can paint it any color they like and change
things to fit their tastes. Youre not looking to buy perfect, youre looking to buy potential.
Buying used means you are often buying someone elses mistakes, and those
mistakes can often easily be corrected. The key to buying used is to look past the existing
mess and examine the potential that lies beneath. Many potential owners just cant force
themselves to do this, however, because the present club they are considering doesnt
match the dream they have had in their head for the last five years.
Any small business is difficult, and fitness businesses, along with restaurants, might
even be more difficult to run successfully than other types of small businesses. You will
have staff issues, marketing challenges, competition that is aggressive, and a number of
other factors that make rising to the top possible, but not always easy. Your ideas of
service, how you will train people, and your concept of the perfect club built for the
perfect member are important, but the bottom-line concern is as follows: Does your
business plan make sense financially, and can you give yourself an edge to increase your
chances of success in this new venture? Then, once you are open, is this new business
sustainable over time?
Used clubs can often help a new owner get into business with a lot less money, since
the outgoing owner might be willing to finance you in and himself out. This means that
you might be able to start more cheaply and keep a certain amount of your start-up
capital for additional reserve. For example, an owner who has been in business for a
number of years might want out and might be willing to let you buy the business with
about 20 percent down and then carry the note himself for five to seven years. Selling a
business takes time and a seller in a hurry might want to carry the note himself to get it
done quickly. The problem with used clubs is that the current owner often wants more for
the club than it is worth, and the buyer seldom knows what it might really be worth.
The used clubs listed sale price is often based upon emotional components such as
repaying parents, paying off some debt, and getting enough money together to start
again doing something elseand maybe buying a new car. Offerings (the listing sheet the
realtor or club owner will provide defining the price and what it includes) for used clubs
are seldom actually based upon what the club might really be worth but at least provide a
starting point for your negotiations.
Before buying a used facility, have your attorney send out a letter in your desired
market to all existing clubs. This letter should state that he represents an experienced
investor looking for a fitness business and/or property for sale. All responses should be
sent to his office and you should not be listed by name, especially if you are known in the
area. You may get a handful of responses and most will be high dollar, as everyone
dreams of finding a nave person willing to overpay for a business. Ignore the price at this
point and just try to find out who might be interested in selling. Obviously, you should
only do this if you are seriously interested in buying a club in that market.
You can also contact local business brokers for any listings in the area for clubs. The
broker may know of a business that is for sale but not listed formally. Many owners are
willing to sell but dont want to let their members or potential members know because
rumors of a club for sale might stop future membership sales if anyone thinks the club is
in trouble. It is important to note that, almost without fail, every listing a broker might
have concerning a fitness business will be overpriced by as much as 50 percent, and
many used clubs are not worth buying at all due to bad location, bad concept (such as a
small, dated circuit club), or a lease that is too high for the business and that cant be
changed. Again, you are looking for the gem hidden in the rock pile and it may be out
there in your market.
If you get any interest, you need to take the next step and get an offering sheet from
the owner, which lists the price and whats included. Never offer first; always respond to
an offering sheet. Dont get too concerned about the price being too high, which is to be
expected. Next, you may be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement that protects the
seller. These agreements in theory keep you from getting all his numbers and then
opening across the street from him because you know he is weak.
Once you get access to his financial information, you can do your research and then
make an offer based upon what the business is really worth and the desired financing.
The businesss approximate value is based upon this formula:
Business value = [(EBITDA + owners compensation) x 3.5] debt
EBITDA stands for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.
This value looks scary, but all it defines is how much the owner made in profit before he
incurred interest expense, paid taxes, took his depreciation allowance, and adjusted for
amortization. EBIT, in other words, is your pre-tax net before you get taxed. Depreciation
is a noncash expense that shows up on the statements, making the earnings look less
than they really are because you will actually have that money to use when you buy that
business. Amortization can be defined as things such as the money you pay up front to
buy a franchise or intellectual property, which is seldom part of a fitness facility sale.
You must also add back the owners compensation, because once that owner is gone,
whatever he took out each month stays for you to use. Owners compensation goes
beyond salary and can include cell phones, health insurance, travel expense, car
payments and expenses, and anything else he runs through his business. Do not,
however, make any adjustments if the owner tells you he is taking out actual cash each
month. You cannot verify that number, nor should you try. Taking cash directly out lowers
the value of the business and is a bad business move when it comes to the IRS as well.
Once you come up with a total number using the information provided in this section,
you then need to apply a multiplier. Multiplying earnings is a way to determine how many
years it would take to pay back the purchase price. For example, if you had an
EBITDA/owners compensation number of $150,000 and multiplied by three, then the
business would be worth about $450,000. In other words, it would take you three years
at the current earnings rate of $150,000 to pay for your business.
Every type of business has a multiplier attached to it, but most are offered in ranges
rather than actual set numbers. Restaurants, for example, often have a multiplier range
of 4 to 8. Picking the right number is the art form of business pricing, but it can be made
easier when it comes to buying a club.
Many sellers list their club in the 7 to 8 range because a few of the big-name club
groups have sold in that range during past years when the investment markets were at
their peak. The buyers for those groups, however, werent just buying clubs; they were
buying a concept that they felt could be turned into a national, or even international,
For example, how much would Starbucks
anchored at
the other end. You have great parking, traffic through the plaza all day long, and it looks
like a great location for a club, but after three months of negotiation, you find that
Walmart has restrictions in their lease that prevent fitness centers from being in the same
mall. Why didnt anyone tell you that up front? No one told you because its your job as a
fitness business professional to ask the hard questions going in and to keep your project
on track. You should build a team of professionals, such as realtors, accountants, and
attorneys, to help you get into your new business, but it is up to you to learn enough to
ask your team the right questions.
In another example, you find a site that has great visibility from the road and has
great drive-by traffic, but upon doing your due diligence, you find that the city has very
strict sign codes that prevent you from signing your location properly. Signage is a key
factor that can make or break a location and is something that has to be on your checklist
for every site you consider. In this case, you might have to walk away from this location if
no one can see you as they drive by or if the consumer you are trying to attract cant tell
youre there and doing business.
As you review the factors covered in this chapter, look at how each one affects the
others. A good site, defined as one that will give you the best chance of becoming
financially successful, would have the strongest combination of all the factors. When you
actually begin your trek to find a location, use the points in this chapter as a checklist to
help keep you focused and thinking of it as a business rather than letting emotions pull
you off your path.
Demographics of the Area
Everyone throws around the word demographics, but not too many people understand
what the word means and how it affects the process of finding a fitness location. Some
new owners, for example, only look at the shear number of people in an area. In northern
New Jersey, you might have more than 200,000 people living within three to five miles of
your club, but just a few hours away, youre in eastern Pennsylvania in a town of only
20,000 people. The key factor for these two siteseither of which might work for you
isnt the shear amount of volume, but its the combination of the number of people, the
rent factor for your new site, and the business concept you are trying to squeeze into that
particular market.
A number of ways are available to you and your team to get demographic information
about your targeted area. First of all, if youre working with a realtor, he should be able to
get you current information about your location. Most realtors subscribe to a number of
companies that furnish demographic information, and they should be able to get you info
on your site at no cost. Most of the marketing companies that specialize in the fitness
industry, such as Susan K. Bailey, usually furnish carrier route radius reports for free and
are good starting points for most site analysis.
What are these tools and how do you use them?
Demographic reports, such as those furnished by a realtor, usually provide information
about the people who live within a certain radius of your proposed site. To get this
information, you submit your targeted street address and then the information is pulled
off the computer for all people within a certain distance of your proposed address. Ask for
one-, three-, and five-mile rings when you gather your first information. If you are in a
rural area, extend your search to seven miles from the proposed site.
It is interesting to note that in a heavily populated suburban area and in a rural area,
it still comes down to how far the potential member is willing to drive to get to his fitness
facility. It really comes down to time and not distance. For example, it might take the
same time to drive two miles in the suburban market as it does to drive seven miles in
the rural area. The maximum targeted amount of time most people will drive to get to
their fitness facility is about 12 to 20 minutes from their home, depending on the club and
its business model.
Demographic reports will tell you how many people are in the area, broken down by
ages and distances from the site. Other information, such as household income, race,
average home price, and number of kids is also included in most standard reports. This
type of report can be very extensive and can sometimes number 300 pages or more. Full
reports of this nature often project the population in your proposed area 10 years ahead
and can often give you an idea as to how the area might change during the first term of
your lease.
Carrier route radius reports (see Figure 4-1) go after the important numbers from a
different angle. These reports give you a total of all the mailing addresses by zip
code/carrier routes, starting with the sites address and moving out away from the club by
distance. This report also gives you the number of multifamily homes, single-family
homes, running total for all households in your market, household income, and age
information if you desire it. If you use this report, ask for rural route addresses and PO
Boxes as well, since they are not always part of the standard package.
Carrier route reports usually dont list the total number of people, but rather the total
of households, with mailing addresses. You may estimate the number of people by taking
the combined total at any distance and multiplying it by 2.2 people per household, which
gives you a working number. If you are in an area that is growing, request a new report
every six months since there might be a significant number of new addresses, reflecting
new potential members, that have been added since you last checked.
Much of the information in these reports may seem confusing at first, but you can
focus on just a few things, including the following:
Household income
Multifamily vs. single-family homes
The total number of people
The higher the household income, the more likely someone is to join a club. It is
generally recommended that you concentrate on trying to market to the top 60 percent of
the people in your area as designated by their household income.
Affluence is the largest predictor of whether someone will join a club, but keep in
mind that this is situational and is relative to your target market. For example, the top 60
percent of people in a community in rural Oklahoma by affluence will look a lot different
than the top 60 percent of a town in central Connecticut.
The important thing to note, however, is that the top 60 percent in any market will
most likely be the people who will become part of a new fitness business in that town.
Income is relative and the top 60 percent in any market reflects the more affluent people
in that city and those who are probably more highly educated, take better care of
themselves, and are more interested in pursuing lifetime fitness.
If you are going for the upscale market that is typical of a hybrid training facility or
womens-only club with a spa, then focus on the top 40 to 50 percent by affluence in your
area and specialize even more closely on those who are the most qualified to buy your
services. Focusing in this way is simpler than it sounds. If you are using the carrier route
radius report, run the entire area once to see whats there and then rerun dropping the
lowest 30 percent by household income. The marginal 10 percent is good to reach out to
occasionally, or if you are operating a family facility.
In a perfect fitness world, you would want a ratio of two-thirds multifamily homes and
one-third single-family homes. In this scenario, you gain the turnover from the condos
and townhouses but also have a certain degree of stability from the single-family
residences. In most areas, multifamily units, especially apartments, turn over at about a
33 percent rate per year, while single-family homes only turn over approximately once
every seven years. Density is also an issue with single-family homes in the nicer
neighborhoods. A lot of money may reside in a subdivision, but only 250 homes may be
scattered across a very big area.
The aging trend of your area is also important if you are going to specialize in the
upscale market or if youre looking for kids. This number is more readily available on a
standard demographic report and not found on a carrier route radius report. The areas
population is usually broken down into categories, such as 25 to 34 and 35 to 44. If you
were trying to build a club based on the 30 to 50 group, you would simply look at the
total percentages those ages represent in relationship to the rest of the population. You
should also include the group just below and the two groups above your market in most
cases. Remember, your target market represents approximately 80 percent of your
membership and that likes attract likes. Groups that are a little younger or just slightly
older than your target market are potential members as well and should not be left out of
your marketing efforts.
You can find research showing that the higher the average household income, the
more likely someone is to join a health club. IHRSAs Guide to the Health Club Industry
for Lenders and Investors, by John McCarthy, is a must-have book when you submit your
business plan to the banks or to your investors. This book lists research from American
Sports Data citing that those folks with household incomes of $50,000 to $74,999 join
clubs at the 17.2 per hundred rate, while those people in the over-$100,000 category of
household income join clubs at the rate of 24.4 per hundred. Also note that those people
in the $25,000 to $49,999 range joined fitness clubs at a rate of 11.7 per hundred.
Another important point to remember is that average income usually matches all the
other important factors of the area. Rent, taxes, insurances, wages, and average income
all blend together to define an area. Seldom does one of these factors emerge apart from
the others, which would force a business owner to drastically adjust the business plan in
some unusual way.
For example, a town in the Midwest might have an average income of $35,000. Entry-
level employees start at $7 to $8 per hour and the owner expects to open her club with a
$39-per-month average price. After looking for several months for space of about 10,000
square feet, however, she narrows her choice to a spot she likes with a gross rent of $18
per square foot. All the other spaces in town were in the $9 to $12 per square foot range.
This site is unusual in this town and it would have to have some unusual attributes for
it to work. Is it an exceptional location with tremendous walk-in potential? Can she build
a smaller, more elite facility and use less space, thereby saving build-out cost and rent? Is
this boutique space in a very elite part of town that would allow her to charge $49 to $59
per month per member? Since the rent factor doesnt match the rest of her business plan,
she would somehow have to alter her business plan to make this site pay off over time or
walk away from that location.
Another factor in site selection is that the site and finish have to match the average
income. San Francisco, for example, has a very high average income over $70,000 in
most parts of the city. But if you pay $36 per month per square foot in rent and then build
a typical white-walled, low-finish box gym that you might find as standard in the Midwest
or South reflecting an economical $35 per square foot finish, you wont be competitive in
the market and wont last too long. Your club has to reflect the local standard and who
the member will be that will be using it.
Visibility means that the facility can be seen and instantly recognized for what it is. If a
site can be seen easily from the street or intersection, then it has good visibility. If it is
easily recognizable as a fitness center because of its front windows or great signage, then
the value of that site and the business that location can generate has increased.
Visibility is important because being seen lowers your marketing costs over time. If a
site has great visibility from the street, then you are much more likely to get walk-in
traffic as opposed to a site that is set at the back of a plaza with no view from the street.
Such a location gets little in the way of, Wow, a new fitness center. I think Ill stop by.
The debate regarding visibility is whether you should pursue a freestanding building,
meaning one that would have nothing in the building but your business or that you would
share with other people that you rent space to. For example, part of your total business
plan might be to rent part of your space to someone such as a chiropractor. This model
contrasts with a strip-mall site, which might have a number of other tenants taking their
own space as part of a large plaza or mall and you become one of many in the plaza.
Freestanding means that the building stands alone, but it does not necessarily mean
that the gym is the only business in the building. Most old Blockbuster
buildings, for
example, were freestanding but a few had small tenants in the end positions. Strip-mall
sites mean that you share a multi-tenant building with a large number of other
businesses. In this case, you might be one of five different businesses in a strip mall,
which might simply mean one building in either a straight line or L-shape that holds more
than one business.
Advantages and disadvantages exist for both types of sites. In a freestanding building
where you are the only occupant, you dont have the advantage of drawing potential
members from your business neighbors. An advantage of a freestanding business is that it
will usually add to the visibility factor since people driving by will only see one business
instead of a plaza with many different signs and logos. Freestanding businesses are also
often easier to see by a drive-by if they are near the roadway, which is an advantage that
a plaza space usually doesnt have since most plazas are set back from the road to allow
for parking and access off of the street. However, a big negative for most freestanding
businesses is lack of parking, especially in the buildings that are less than 20,000 square
A normal building facility will need about 13 spaces per thousand square feet during its
busiest months of the year, which are normally February and March. For example, a
10,000-square-foot building would need 130 parking places during its absolute busiest
months. Keep in mind that 13 per thousand is a perfect-world scenario and few of us live
there, but it is worth knowing this number as you start your business site selection as a
base reference.
The minimum you need before the members start to hate you, and what is often
required as basic code in most cities, is 9 to 10 per thousand, or 90 to 100 spaces in this
example, and some city codes go as low as eight per thousand but that is rare. This is a
mandatory addition for your location checklist. Before you sign any lease or formally
commit to any space, contact the city and check the parking requirements for a fitness
facility at your proposed location.
Parking becomes a judgment call if it isnt regulated by code. Most cities, though,
have a minimum parking requirement necessary for a fitness-type of business and wont
allow you to open if you dont meet that requirement.
In this case, the term judgment call has to relate to your anticipated business. For
example, a 15,000-square-foot site in Texas was allowed to open with only 80 parking
places as a coed fitness center. The city granted the permit, but the club owner suffered
because it wasnt enough spaces to meet his members needs during prime time.
Realistically, how long do you think people will continue to circle the lot after a long day
at work waiting for someone to leave the club? It only takes a few frustrated laps and the
member is gone. This particular owner sold the club cheaply and the next owner turned it
into a womens-only club, which has parking requirements that are spread more evenly
through the day due to a more varied schedule when women attend the club. The new
owner was successful in that location.
You can also help the situation by eliminating as many barriers in your lots to open
parking as you can. The members, minus barriers such as parking islands, too many
curbs, unneeded landscaping or those old-style concrete barriers at the front of each
space, will find their own way and youll be surprised how creative they can be if you have
any open space not lined or limited by hazards.
Know When the Money Arrives
A typical club makes about 65 percent of its total sales between 4:00 and 9:00 p.m.,
Monday through Thursday nights, and between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Saturday.
These periods are called prime time. They might be an hour later for your club depending
on the market. If you own a womens-only club, you normally have two prime times, with
your first being 8:00 to 11:00 each morning through the week.
The newer version of training clubs that are dependent on more group experiences
and less one-on-one will have conventional parking issues during prime times as well but
will also have a more steady flow of traffic throughout the day with the bulk of their other
clients. If your model is based upon boot camps and group personal training, you will
need more space than you think, and you need to review the 10 to 13 per thousand
square feet rule stated previously.
Knowing your prime time is important because your neighbors in the plaza might
influence your site choice. If your neighbors run 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. businesses, and
you have an after-5:00 p.m. prime time, then you pick up a lot more parking when your
neighbors close for the day. If you share a plaza with a sports bar, however, or some
other late-evening business, then you might have parking problems in the evening since
you are both full at the same time. One club owner in Michigan, for example, fought with
his landlord for years over the fact that the landlord let a bingo parlor open in the same
plaza, which drew hundreds of senior citizens from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. five nights a week,
taking most of the clubs parking during its busiest hours.
The ability to sign a facility is often the key factor for making your final decision about a
proposed site. A site with low street visibility, but with a great street sign, can become a
strong location and the owner can usually pay less rent for a secondary site.
The problem with signage is that codes vary greatly from city to city, and from mall to
mall around the country. The problem occurs when the landlord gives you permission to
install signs for your club, you then sign the lease, but the city refuses to allow the sign
due to its codes. The occasional not-quite-ethical landlord will apply this trick since it
makes him look good by giving you permission and he might get lucky and you wont
check with the city. Keep in mind that it is your responsibility to check before committing
to a lease; and once you sign, you are in the deal with limited, if any, outs. Check all
signage rules with the landlord, plaza manager, and the city before you sign the final
lease; get everything in writing from the landlord as part of your lease and make sure you
get permission from the city in writing as well.
Signage is one of those things that can make or break a small business, but is often
taken for granted. Everyone just assumes that if you own a business and pay rent then
you can put up a sign. But if you get lost in the middle of a strip mall and have nothing
but a small frontage sign, your business will not do as well as one where the signage is
clear and distinct. If people cant find you, they cant spend money with you, and a weak
location with poor signage is almost impossible to overcome.
A site may have a great sign, nice visibility, tons of nice cars whipping by on the main
road just in front of the club, but the location still might not work if the site is not
accessible. Accessibility refers to how easy is it to get to the location once youve seen it.
Customers hate to be inconvenienced and if they cant leave work and easily pull into
your clubs parking lot, they will find an alternative to your business. You might have
strong visibility from the main road that gets his attention, but if he has to drive several
miles to the next exit and then take a frontage road to the location, then your walk-in,
impulse traffic will suffer accordingly.
The rules are simple: Can the consumer pull into your location from several different
points? Is the club on a road that has a central island that prevents someone in the
opposite lane from turning across the mid-strip and directly into your center?
Test your potential accessibility by trying to get into the center from several different
angles during prime traffic hours. If you get frustrated or have a hard time, then your
members will too, and your potential members may not even stop at all.
One final point is being on the correct side of road during the right time of day. Most
clubs have more traffic after work, so you might want to consider being on the going-
home side of the road. For example, assume youre standing in front of your site and a
steady stream of traffic is in front of your club. Youd get excited. But you also might
come back at night, however, and all that traffic is on the other side of the road with little
access to your location without going through a lot of lights or crossing over at an
intersection farther up the road. The early traffic was going to work and the return traffic
is on the other side of the barrier without simple access to your club.
Another very important issue is the perception of safety for your members. Old
commercial centers, for example, often have outdated outside lighting that doesnt really
illuminate the parking lot well. Some members will find this intimidating at night and not
feel safe entering or leaving the club, and that lighting issue will cost you memberships
over time.
Also, be aware of the dual personalities of some neighborhoods. Some locations look
good during the day, but at night they turn into areas you would not want to venture into
without a police escort. Do your homework and spend time during all key time frames of
the day and find out the true personality of your location before you commit.
Other Thoughts
If you arent from the area, spend more time looking than you might otherwise, and
consider moving to that area for a few months before you make your final decision. What
looks good during your first visit may not look so good later when you realize that you are
in the wrong part of town.
For example, an owner opened a club on a busy street in what appeared to be a good
part of town. The problem was, however, that the street was on the wrong side of a
major street that divided the town. It was an old southern town and the locals simply
thought that the neighborhood near the new club wasnt a good neighborhood, and
everyone from the other side of the major thoroughfare refused to venture beyond that
point. It was a good building, but it was about two blocks away from being a good
location and the club suffered from the negative image of that area of town.
Also, research the secondary points most new owners miss, such as current and future
traffic patterns in front of your business (available from the local department of
transportation), get traffic counts for your street (20,000 or more per day is strong),
determine if you are on a commuter route, look into any major construction that might be
beginning in your area, and most importantly, drive the neighborhoods near your business
site until you cant stand it anymore to see how hard or easy it would be for your
members to get to you.
Another point to remember is that if it aint in writing, then it aint realpoor
English, but good advice. Signs, parking promises by the landlord, agreements with
neighbors, and anything else that affects your site has to be in writing as part of your
lease or it may not happen. Get it in writing or dont count on it happening.
You also need to look for natural barriers affecting the site. On paper you might have
a great location, but things such as train lines, bridges, rivers, industrial parks, bad parts
of town, or other concerns affect the people who live there and prevent them from
coming to your site. Endlessly drive your location day and night and see if certain natural
boundaries exist that might limit membership.
Trial and error is not the way to learn about getting a lease for your new business. Even if
you are using a local real estate professional, whom you should, you need to be prepared
to guide your team into getting the best lease possible by understanding the unique
needs of a fitness business.
The first point when it comes to leases is that everything is negotiable except your
name, meaning that you should enter into negotiations with the thought that nothing is
firm and almost anything can be discussed and negotiated before the final documents are
drawn. Most landlords, or their agents, expect to deal and customize within reason to
your requests, and most will normally approach the game prepared to discuss every point
if needed. Rookies, on the other hand, just accept the first offer as is, which is seldom the
best financially, nor does the first offer reflect the major issues you need to incorporate
into the lease to protect the business.
Being prepared is a must at this stage. Landlords are weighing risk versus reward
when it comes to anyone renting their space. Most landlords start a negotiation with this
thought: Has this person offered a thought-out business plan for this new business that is
sustainable over time or at some point will he have to throw you out, which means you
are behind in your rent and had to be evicted, costing him time, money, and stress?
Experienced landlords usually have a decent sense of their clients and it doesnt take
long to separate the ones who have a plan and a chance to make it over time from the
endless list of undercapitalized dreamers who are unprepared to run a business and who
will fail, costing the landlord time, resources, and money. Being prepared is not just a
bluff to get into the deal; it is the professional way to approach a person who you might
end up having a relationship with as your landlord for years into the future.
Good business people know what they want and are prepared to discuss numbers
when they get to the actual negotiation point. You can be more casual when you are first
gathering information to build a business plan, but when it comes down to making the
deal, landlords are much more likely to work with you if you know your numbers, what
you want from them specifically, what you will do to the space, and if you can
demonstrate an ability to pay the lease and any additional costs over time.
Once you analyze potential sites and have narrowed your choices down to just one,
you are ready to start the negotiation process. At this point you should have already
hooked up with an agent. The most important rule concerning agents is to find out whom
the agent is working for in the end. Its common to see a sign, meet a nice, helpful agent,
and then start the deal process. The bad news is that the agent on the sign may be
working for the landlord and might not be guiding you toward whats best for you and
your business.
When you first start looking, its best to get an agent who represents you and who
specializes in commercial real estate. In small towns, many agents handle both
commercial and residential properties, but it is always better to find someone who spends
most of their time in the commercial world. Putting together a commercial deal with a
landlord is a lot different than a residential specialist helping a young couple find
financing for their new townhouse. Whenever possible, find an agent that works for you
and who has been involved in commercial real estate for a few years.
You will also need to get an attorney who does commercial leases as well. Find one
before you start the process so you wont be hesitant to call and get help with the process
as your progress. Never sign a lease unless your attorney has read it first. For example,
you may sign off on changes during a meeting but the new lease you are handed doesnt
accurately reflect those changes or mistakes that have been made in the preparation of
the lease. Check again before you sign and let an experienced set of eyes double check
one last time.
Before looking at the basics of a lease, know that you should never break this one
important rule: Never start the negotiations without first receiving an offering sheet from
the landlord or his agent. Offering sheets are usually one-page sheets that list the asking
price, size, and other particulars concerning your site of interest. Some agents, knowing
that you are a rookie, will not give you a sheet and just tell you to make an offer. Most
offers generated this way are significantly higher than what is being asked. Leaving it up
to you to start the process is much more desirable for the agent because rookies are
emotional or inexperienced and usually bring higher numbers to the table, resulting in
higher commissions for the agent.
Once you get an offering sheet, you may make a counter offer, which is the proper
form of response. Most offering sheets are simple affairs and the real process starts when
you lay out your first counter offer, listing everything you want from the landlord,
including the rent numbers you submit. Remember, the offering sheet is the landlords
first offer and unless you are living in an unbelievably hot real estate market where you
take it or leave it, the offering sheet is nothing more than a tool to give a general price
and structure to the deal to start the negotiations between the two parties.
The Basics of the lease
The ultimate goal is to sign a lease structured to allow your business to grow over an
extended period of time, and then be able to sell your business to the next person, who
will have the right to perpetuate the business in that location into the future. One of the
most important elements of any lease is the right to perpetuate the business at a location
that has proven to be successful, at a fair rent at or below market value, into the future,
which is normally established as fixed option periods that extend your base lease. When
you decide to sell your business, a good lease and the right to project the business into
the future at a known lease factor can add a great deal of value to your sale.
Knowing what you want going in makes the negotiation a much easier thing, but you
must also think about getting out of your business at some point and selling it to the next
person. You should never, ever get into a business without a plan to get out. Most new
owners just plan to build a business that will be worth a lot of money and then sell it to
someone at some point. Every decision you make in your new business should somehow
enhance the future sale price by clearly defining the key factors that would affect a sale
at a later date.
For example, most physical plants (the heating and air, carpets, locker rooms, paint,
lighting, etc.) need to be updated about every five years because they simply wear out
from member usage. Recapitalizing your business and selling it a year or two after a
remodel might be perfect timing because the debt is reasonable and the club looks fresh
and new for the potential buyer. It is sort of like a home seller who invests in a kitchen
remodel to drive up the total sale price of his house.
A good lease, especially with options that clearly state the right to extend the lease at
or below market value, adds value to the buyer in the future but has to be thought out
thoroughly going in to your deal, giving you a better chance of getting out at a profit
later. Again, always think about getting out before you get in to any deal.
Review the following key terms, which you need to know before you get into the lease
process. Knowing these terms will help you understand the information being thrown at
you, as well as make sure that you dont miss anything of importance. You do not need to
be an expert with leases, but you do need to be able to read and understand what you
are getting into with your new business. Many rookies make the mistake of simply
handing the paperwork to their attorney without understanding what it really says. Youre
not the expert here, but you are the one who is dependent on the lease to protect your
business so you do need to at least master the key elements common in almost every
commercial lease.
Base rent. Base rent is the asking price for the space itself and does not include the
extra charges you will have to pay for the space, such as your prorated share of the real
estate taxes for the property, common area maintenance (CAM), such as maintaining the
parking lots and perhaps snow removal, and insurance that protects the owners from loss
and liability.
If you are the only tenant in the building on a freestanding property, you are
responsible for all these things yourself, but the numbers are usually smaller and scaled
to the size of the property itself. If you are in a plaza with other tenants, you share the
cost of these things with the other businesses according to the percentage of total space
you take up. For example, if your business is one-third of the property in the plaza, you
will pay one-third of the property taxes, common area maintenance, and insurance.
When you get your first offering sheet from the agent, the number listed is usually the
base rent. The agent/landlord lists that number because it is always smaller than the
base rent and the other extra charges combined. Base rent is a component of gross rent,
which is the actual total amount of money you will pay for your space.
Triple net. Triple net is the actual working name of the combination of taxes, insurance,
and CAM. If you are in a strip mall or other type of mall where multiple tenants are
present, you will pay your pro rata share of the combination of these charges incurred by
the landlord for the entire property. If you rent a freestanding building, you get to pay all
these charges and each bill is usually passed directly to you.
If you are in a freestanding building, you can often save money by doing your own
exterior maintenance on the property. Beware of the word CAM. Many agents throw this
word around as a synonym for triple net, which is incorrect because CAM is usually a
smaller number than you will really have to pay when taxes, maintenance, and
insurances are combined. CAM refers simply to the maintenance the landlord does to
keep the plaza up and open for business, such as snow removal, landscaping, exterior
lighting, and lot upkeep, and does not include taxes and insurance for the plaza, which
are always extra. Be sure you understand what the agent means and dont hesitate to
ask if you are confused.
Triple net charges should be paid monthly along with your rent. Do not, and this is
important for inexperienced owners, go for having the triple net billed as quarterly fees,
because the bills can get really big, especially during snow-removal months in the north.
Also, ask for verification of the bills that the landlord incurs. Most landlords will mark the
bills up 20 percent before splitting up the charges among the tenants and some fees can
be reduced if you question your bills.
The important side note is that if you have to write a check, always get verification of
what you are getting billed for each month. If you cant figure it out, get the bill to your
accountant or attorney. Many new business owners, in all businesses and not just the
fitness industry, are very passive about money and just assume the landlord is always
right. Your realistic approach to small business that protects you over time is to assume
that the landlord is always wrong and that you have to verify everything yourself. This
approach is safer for you and makes you a smarter businessperson.
Gross rent. Gross rent is the combination of the base rent for the space and the triple
net charges. This combined number is the actual rent you will pay each month for your
space. Consider the following example:
Your base rent for your space is $10 per square foot (annual basis).
Your triple net charges (taxes, insurance, and CAM) are $3.50 per square foot.
Your gross rent would be $13.50 per square foot for the space.
Rent can be figured monthly or annually, depending on the region of the country
where you live. To find the annual rent, multiply the gross rent per square foot by the
square footage. Then divide that number by 12 to find the monthly rent cost as follows:
(square footage x gross rent) 12 = your rent payment
For example:
(12,000 square feet x $13.50) 12 = 13,500 per month rent
This example is figured on an annual basis. Monthly rents are a little more unusual
and you wont see them expressed in that form often anymore except in the Northeast,
but it is good to know how they work as well. For example, an offering sheet might list
$0.90 for the space as gross rent. This number represents the amount you would pay per
month, not annually. To calculate this number, simply multiply $0.90 by your square
footage to find your monthly rent payment. To find your annual rent payment, multiply
that product by 12.
For example:
$0.90 x 12,000 square feet = $10,800 monthly payment
$10,800 x 12 months = $129,600 annual rent
Vanilla box. Vanilla box is one of the great nonsense terms in real estate that is often
defined, or it often seems made-up on the spot, by the real estate person or owner
standing in front of you; who usually gives you the version that best supports what he
owns and how much he is trying to get you to pay that day. Vanilla box normally means
that your space will be delivered to you as a shell with one bathroom (which meets local
codes so that the work people can go to the bathroom), a bare concrete floor, cheap
lights with an open ceiling, electrical to one box on the wall, and a basic heating and air
conditioning unit normally underpowered for the needs of running a typical fitness center.
The walls might be taped drywall, or they might even just be studs.
If you are trying to rent a space that had a previous tenant in a different type of
business, you or the landlord will have to do demolition, which means that the space has
to be restored to vanilla box condition prior to you accepting it. All this means is that the
last tenants stuff that was attached to the walls needs to be cleaned out, leaving you a
basic box where you can start building your club to your needs and taste. The costs
related to the demolition process vary, but in most markets it will cost between $2 and $4
per square foot to take it back to the point where you can begin.
It is very important that you get an exact description of what vanilla box means to the
landlord because surprises are expensive. One gym owner was taken aback when he
assumed possession of his space, after signing the lease, only to find that he didnt have
any heating and air conditioning, which was his responsibility to install according to the
landlords definition of what vanilla box meant.
Consumer price index. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a government-derived
number published every year that indicates how much more money it would take to have
the same buying power today compared to the base year of 1967. For example, a years
increase for the CPI might be 1.5 percent, meaning that if a landlord wanted to get the
same value for his money, he would have to increase your rent by 1.5 percent. In other
words, he needs 1.5 percent more of your money to achieve the same value or buying
power. CPI is important in lease negotiations because it is often the universally accepted
number used to determine increases in rent, either by the year or during the options
Build-out/tenant improvements. Build-out, or tenant improvements (TI), is what it
takes to finish the space, aside from the equipment and operational items such as desks,
inventory, or music systems. Standard tenant improvements include wall coverings,
lighting, floor covering, finished plumbing, and the physical structure of the locker rooms
but usually not the lockers.
Assume nothing when it comes to tenant improvements. When working with your
landlord or your own builders, specify exactly what you are asking for and back it up with
some type of detailed drawings or other support materials such as itemized checklists.
If you are using an architect, make sure you understand what you are getting for your
investment at every phase of the build-out. More than one new owner has been surprised
to find out that his interpretation of finish didnt include things such as lockers or mirrors.
Know what you want and know what you are paying for and always remember that you
are the one writing the checks so there are no dumb questions.
The Actual lease
The lease itself can be a simple document that is easy to read and understand, or it
might be a 100-page nightmare meant to make lawyers everywhere wealthy. The type of
lease depends on the property manager or landlord and often the area of the country
where you hope to open. Most leases, however, are what are called boilerplates, an old
term meaning that most of the clauses in the lease come from software that is used over
and over again and covers standard issues common to most leases. A basic lease in our
business should contain the components covered in the following sections.
Those interested in opening training facilities need to understand that the rules of
leasing apply to you as well. Just because you are opening a smaller space does not
mean that you do not need a lease to protect you or that your lease would not include
the same protection and coverages mentioned in this chapter. Trainers often get into
trouble because they dont believe that the rules of good business apply to them as well.
The initial lease period is for five years.
Five years is the standard period of time for your initial lease period and is the period you
will most often see on a landlords offering sheet. You can use the length of the initial
period as a tool to barter for something else later in the process.
For example, most landlords take your lease to the banks and leverage its value
against other projects he might want to do. Buildings that have space occupied by solid
tenants are worth about 40 percent more than a building that is empty when it comes to
getting that building financed or borrowing money against a property. Bankers are less
likely to loan money against a building that is empty because the owner has to carry the
mortgage out of his personal cash flow without the aid of monthly rent from a tenant.
That same building with a proven tenant, defined as a tenant that is paying or has the
ability to pay over time, such as a national tenant in the Starbucks class, is considered an
asset that is capable of generating positive cash flow for the owner of the building and is
something the bank will lend against or be more willing to finance. The 40 percent
number is typical in commercial real estate in most markets but can fluctuate in major
metro areas. The individual strength of the landlord and how leveraged he might be in
other projects is also a factor.
Using the base period as a bartering tool is simple. Assume that the landlord balks at
your request for three five-year option periods. You might counter with an offer to extend
your initial lease period to seven years, or even 10 if the space is prime and the terms are
favorable, in exchange for getting your options in the future at favorable terms. You win
because you gain the options and the landlord wins because he secured his space with a
tenant he believes is solid and able to pay the rent for 7 to 10 years.
Option periods are for five years each and you should normally ask for three
five-year options.
Three five-year option periods are becoming somewhat obsolete in the more aggressive
real estate markets, but it is still a concept worth asking for in your negotiations. These
periods give you the right to perpetuate your business, at a known rate, making it easier
to budget and worth more when you sell later. Fewer landlords are giving these extended
option periods, however, believing that they restrict the total return they can generate
over time by selling their future too cheap now. In a tough economy, for example, a
landlord might take a beating now to just get space rented and then try to get a better
deal from you in five years when the market recovers. This landlord does not want to be
tied to a bunch of options that restrict his ability to press for a higher rent in the near
Remember that three options are better than two and two is better than one. Ask for
three and settle for less if you have to, but remember that you have to have the right to
project your business into the future at a known rate to be safe and to add value when
you decide to sell it.
Consider what happens if you dont get an option. You are three years into your first
lease period of five years but you dont have a defined fixed price or fixed percentage
option period with your landlord. Your business is growing and you are on your way to
becoming successful in that location.
Instead of a defined option where you know early what you will be paying five years
from now, you have something called market value in your lease. This means that the
landlord will renew you if you want to go forward, but he will wait until the very end of
year five to give you the number. The landlord looks at your business, realizes that you
are trapped by your own success at that location, and decides to raise your rent by 20
percent. He has the right to do so since you signed an option clause that states you are
subject to a market value, which really means the landlord will make up a number based
upon the situation at hand during the last days of your initial lease.
Never assume that this number will ever go down. Always assume you are going to
get hammered at the end by the landlord, which means you never sign a lease without a
clearly defined option clause that states what you will pay and how that figure is derived.
Are all landlords crooks and are they trying to hurt you? No, of course not, but they have
no responsibility to make business decisions in your behalf and it is your responsibility to
protect your own investment.
Option periods are based upon CPi and you should ask for a cap of 3 percent.
As mentioned several times already, it is important to have a known rent in the future.
Fitness facilities need a constant flow of reinvestment capital to stay competitive, which
usually comes from long-term (7- to 10-year) loans from your bank. You do not want to
become trapped by market value lease options.
As an example, if it is a hot real estate market, your rent might go from $10 a square
foot to $14 overnight. This overnight increase is extremely hard to plan for in a fitness
businesss working business plan. By tying your option period increase to CPI and capping
the increase at 3 percent, you can adjust your membership price increases and bank
capitalization accordingly. In other words, you know in advance that your business can
handle that bank loan comfortably over the seven-year period, instead of worrying that a
severe market value bump might destroy your profitability and ability to repay your
If the landlord balks at CPI, then counter with a maximum fixed increase of 2.5
percent per year during the option periods, but if you have to, settle for 3 percent. A
fitness business can survive quite well with a fixed increase of 2.5 percent per year or
12.5 percent over every five-year period and can even adjust to a 3 percent annual
increase if needed, but you and your business will struggle if you are forced to adapt to
an increase any higher than 3 percent per year during your options.
Ask for three months of free rent, including no triple net charges, for build-out
It is hard to ask a landlord for six months of free rent, which is what we really want here
rather than the standard three that works for retail but doesnt help us as much as we
would like for a fitness business. Most agents or property managers are automatically
wired to give a traditional three-month period. They know you will ask for free time
because every tenant asks and it is a standard move for almost every landlord to
routinely grant the time but most seldom offer or grant more time than the three months.
To break this auto-response habit and make the first year of operation more favorable
to your business, you have to bring a different negotiation strategy to the table. Try this
strategy, which breaks your desired free-rent period into two distinct areas and has had a
high probability of working over the years with many landlords all around the country:
The first request made to your landlord or his agent is for a three-month period
allowing you to finish your build-out prior to the official opening of your club. Three
months is not enough in most cases to do your build-out, but it is reasonable to
most landlords. Most landlords are used to building out retail and often dont have
a lot of experience with fitness facilities. Large, mainstream clubs can often take
six months or longer to build out in rental space and your individual negotiations
have to reflect the depth of your project. If you are spending millions in someone
elses space, you can and should get extended build-out times. New generation
training clubs, on the other hand, can often easily get done in a few months,
especially if the locker rooms are kept simple. Get your architect involved with
sketches and drawings to demonstrate the differences and the time need to
complete the project.
The second part of the strategy is to ask for an additional three months free rent,
including no triple net charges, starting from the date of certificate of occupancy
(CO), which is issued by the local permit people and states that you have met all
building requirements and that you can immediately open for business. In other
words, we are asking for three months free rent prior to actually opening your
business so you can get the place built and then you are asking for an additional
three months after getting permission from the city to start working people out in
order to give your business time to get healthy without the pressure of paying rent
too soon.
Your new business needs time to get healthy and it has a growth phase of its own.
Having no rent, or reduced rent, during the first three months to a year allows your new
business to slowly acquire a membership base and the associated cash flow that goes
along with increased member traffic. The perfect combination would be a total of six
months with no rent and then reduced rent for the remainder of the first year that slowly
escalates toward the actual rent number as the club steadily grows and can handle
increased rent. This situation, coupled with two to three months of reserve capital, would
make you hard to beat in any market and greatly increase your odds of success.
Ask for a build-out allowance from the landlord of at least one-third of the
build-out costs.
Depending on the strength of your financial statements, the size of the landlords pockets,
and the time the space has been on the market, you can ask the landlord to participate in
the build-out to some degree. If your financial statements are strong, the landlord might
put money into the project to get you into the deal, because having a strong tenant
increases the value of his property and strong financial statements are an indication that
you have a higher likelihood of paying his rent. If your statements arent as strong, he
might put some money into your project in the way of build-out, but he then might expect
you to pay a portion of that investment (terms and amounts can be negotiated) back over
the initial lease term, which stated above is usually about five years.
Even if you are going into the project somewhat weak, which, frankly, most young
fitness professionals do, many landlords will put some money into the deal that you will
have to pay back as part of your rent over the initial term of the lease. In any case, ask
for at least $15 to $20 per square foot in build-out allowance from the landlord and then
negotiate from that point.
Another option might exist if the targeted property has been sitting vacant for a while
and the landlord wont, or cant, put any money into something that hasnt generated him
any income in awhile. In this case, you might ask for the $15 to $20 per square foot, and
if the landlord declines, you might counter with the dollar equivalent in free rent during
the first year. In other words, the landlord might not want to put money into a project he
has been carrying for a long time without any monthly return, but since he is already
sitting empty in your location, and perhaps in others in the same plaza or area, getting a
new tenant might make it easier to fill the rest of the idle space since the perception of
something happening might attract others who were hesitant to go first.
Do not be afraid to ask. Many inexperienced potential owners are nervous about
asking for something free or for something that the landlord didnt offer because they fear
they will look dumb. All the things listed in this section are fairly standard requests by
someone with a little experience, and dont hesitate to ask for a lot and settle for a little
less. You still won if you get anything, and every dollar that you save during the first year
or two of your lease, you can invest into building your business and making it stronger.
Ask for exclusions that limit the landlord from bringing competing businesses
into your plaza.
If you are in a strip plaza or mall, it makes sense to ask the landlord not to take other
businesses that might drain away portions of your business. Exclusions are often done as
addendums to the lease and your list might include weight-loss clinics, supplement
stores, stand-alone juice bars, day spas, and the stores that sell light commercial fitness
equipment usually used in-home but that also sell kettlebells and other stuff that directly
takes people out of your club.
Always include other fitness businesses in this list, which may seem obvious but it is
something that most new owners forget. Landlords who are not familiar with the fitness
business might not see any harm putting a small, womens-only business in a plaza
alongside a regular, coed fitness facility, thinking that they are totally different and
shouldnt affect each other. Be reasonable here. If you are only going to sell a few
supplements, then dont fight giving the landlord the right to add a national supplement
store to his mall. But if you are a training facility, for example, and getting a majority of
your clients on supplements is part of your business plan, then dont hesitate to fight
harder for something that could potentially damage you over time.
Ask for the right to sublet space within your facility to other businesses, such
as chiropractors, physical therapists, or other businesses that can benefit from
associating with you.
These types of small businesses pay you rent directly rather than renting their own space
from the landlord, thereby reducing your overall rent and helping your business grow
through their clients. People that own these businesses are looking for daily traffic
comprised of people who might be more likely to support their type of business than the
typical traffic a mall might generate. For example, a sports specific physical therapist
would most likely do well in the lobby of a typical fitness center that has a few thousand
active members who occasionally bang themselves up playing and practicing their sports.
Some landlords object to this practice since they are being cut out of the income
stream and because you can most likely charge more for this smaller space than they are
charging you for the club resulting in additional positive cash flow for yourself and your
business. If you have interest or space and want to pursue this in your business plan, you
must make sure you have the right to sublet space within your facility at your discretion
and that the money paid in rent from your tenant goes directly to you and not the
landlord. This is usually nothing more than a simple clause that your attorney can
generate and have added to your lease.
Ask for the right to assign the lease without a lot of legal hassle in case you sell
the business to someone else.
You may someday want to sell your business and get out but you need to anticipate that
now and cover it in your lease today so you have more options open to you in the future.
Most of the boilerplate leases have a very generic clause about the landlord not
withholding the option to assign that is always framed with the words, within reason.
This little catch phrase allows the landlord to withhold the lease from your buyer if he
feels there is a reason, although that reason might seem weak to you and unfair.
For example, your lease might have the, will not withhold within reason clause and
you go through a divorce and just need to get away from the business for a period of
time. Your manager says she will buy you out, you present the deal to the your landlord
and you wait to close the deal and take some time off.
The bad news in this case is that you have a strong lease with below market value
terms compared to what rents are going for in your area now and your landlord says no,
you cant sell it to her. In essence, he refuses the transfer of the lease effectively killing
the deal. Instead, he wants her to sign a fresh lease with a higher rent reflecting the
current market. By doing this, he in fact took away a lot of the value in your business and
probably cost you the sale if the buyer has a good attorney or agent that tells her it is
now a bad deal for her.
You want to strengthen your options in the future by having your attorney draw up a
clause that you submit as part of the lease-approval process. The clause is simple and
states that if you find a qualified buyer, you will want the right to get out without undue
landlord interference and that the lease is transferable to a new buyer under the same
terms and conditions.
Ask for the option to buy the property, if applicable, between the second and
fifth year.
Even if you are in a strip mall and every dime you have is going into the project, you
should still ask for an option to buy the plaza within the initial term of your lease. At
some point, you will want to own your building. Also, during your journey in small
business you might make good money early, find a banker who believes in you, or find
that special investor. Think big and always ask for the right to buy the building in the
future. Try to establish a predetermined price that will hold during those first five years
that is fair to you and fair to the landlord. Usually, the landlord will agree to a fixed price
for two years and then a 3 percent escalator on the total price of the property each year
after the first two.
Ask for a clear, written addendum to your lease stating your signage rights.
Find out your legal rights to sign your business and get them in writing as part of your
lease. Check with the city and any other jurisdiction, such as the plaza management, that
might infringe upon your ability to properly sign your business. Even if the landlord says
yes, find out what the city and everyone else who has a say will really let you do and get
those rules in writing as well. Assume that nothing is real if it is not in writing and a
handshake deal is no deal at all; its just the way to take the first step before you put
everything else in writing so everyone understands what everyone else has said.
Ask for a written understanding of your parking needs from the landlord or
plaza management.
It is always good to address your parking needs up-front rather than try to deal with the
issue when it becomes a problem and your landlord and members are already upset with
you. Parking is especially an issue if a number of small businesses are open near you later
in the evening that might suffer due to your parking needs during your prime time in the
early evening. Define in writing where your customers can park so that no one is
surprised later on, and make sure everyone understands the expected busy times where
you will have the highest impact on the rest of the parking surrounding your business.
Ask for a written plan on sound proofing your location if you are in a strip-mall
Fitness businesses produce sound that most landlords are not accustomed to with their
other tenants and this sound can annoy your neighbors if not addressed before you open.
The remedies are easy during the build-out stage where sound barriers can be cheaply
added but sound proofing becomes much more difficult once the club is open and your
walls are covered and your ceiling is in. The landlord should pay for any additional sound
insulation that is needed as part of the package, since it affects your business and the
ones adjacent to it.
Use rent averaging.
Rent averaging means that you will give the landlord the agreed upon rent number, but
you dont necessarily give it to him as he wants it and how he wants it. Your new fitness
business will need every advantage it can get during your first year. It takes time to add
memberships each month; build your marketing and accumulate cash flow in the form of
increasing monthly income from the added new members and for the business to catch on
in the neighborhood. Rent averaging reduces your load during the first year or two but
still allows the landlord to get his asking price at some point in the near future. For
example, a landlord might ask for the following rent during the first five years:
Year 1: $10
Year 2: $10.50
Year 3: $11
Year 4: $11.50
Year 5: $12
The average of these five years is $11 per square foot. To give your business an extra
edge during the first year, you might offer the following rent structure:
Year 1: $8.50
Year 2: $9.50
Year 3: $10.50
Year 4: $11.50
Year 5: $12.50
The average of these five years is $10.50, a little under the average the landlord was
seeking, but still within the negotiation range. Most importantly, the landlord gets what
he wants, a strong number during the fifth year going into the first option period. You
also get what you want, which is reduced rent during your first years that allows your
business to get healthy at a safe and steady pace.
Dealing with personal guarantees is a fact of business.
Landlords want you to guarantee everything, especially if you havent been in business
prior to opening this one. You want, however, the ability to get into other projects in the
coming years, which is limited at times by the number of things you are personally
guaranteeing you will cover if things go badly. Banks are afraid of people that have too
many personal guarantees. For example, if you cosign on your brothers car to help him
get out of a jam, the bank assumes that at some point this will be your obligation. You
hope for the best with your brother but the bank makes its income from assuming the
Guarantees are not unusual and, in fact, are a normal part of doing business. How you
handle the guarantee, however, is what sets you apart from most rookies.
In many cases, you may offer an addendum to the landlord that states you will
personally guarantee the lease as requested, but after two years you then have a chance
to either re-sign corporately or eliminate the guarantee altogether. The terms of this
addendum state that if you pay your rent according to schedule and as promised, and
meet all of your other obligations to the landlord in the payment of any additional fees,
then the lease can be modified based upon your performance.
If this is your first business, it is good business to pay your rent five days early each
month. Do not be the person that has the money in the bank but is slow getting it to the
landlord each month. If you have it, pay it early and develop that reliability in the
landlords eyes. You will undoubtedly need him later to help you with an issue, so take
care of him early in your relationship.
Personal guarantees are not to be taken lightly. If you are a new business owner, you
will most likely have to guarantee the lease personally. If you are the investor, you most
likely will have to sign the lease and guarantee at least the initial term, because you are
the money person. Understand what you are signing and review the ramifications of this
agreement in your state by getting your attorney involved before you sign anything.
Some landlords will work with you and let you drop the guarantee if you perform
according to the lease. You should always try to include this addendum as part of your
There are a number of other decisions beyond leases that will need to be made before
you can launch your new business, such as choosing the correct legal entity or deciding if
you want to consider a franchise. Begin by first reviewing the steps of opening your
business and then address the individual issues separately by building the ones pertinent
to you into your business plan. These tasks should be done roughly in the order listed, but
your attorney and accountant may take you through them in a different order.
The Steps of Opening Your New Business
The following sections present a general checklist. Your local professionals should add to
this list as they see fit to protect you from costly mistakes early in the game.
The important point to remember at this stage of planning is that every business is
different in that the person who opens it is an individual and brings his own personality
and style to the process. Your uniqueness will be reflected in the business, as will the
uniqueness of the area, the factors of the local economy, and a number of other concerns
that separate you from every other fitness businesses in the area and the country.
On the other hand, good business is good business and most fitness facilities that
make money usually play by the same rules. You will still have to master marketing, learn
the basics of salesmanship and follow-up, learn to acquire, motivate, and train good staff,
and figure out how to read your financial statements and manage the money you expect
to make.
For example, many rookie owners are surprised at the skill and systems it takes to
actually get a client into a membership agreement and then have a high probability of
collecting that membership over time. Successful clubs understand the complexity of this
system, but most rookies just dont know what they dont know and many insist on doing
things their way rather than studying and applying proven business systems.
There is an old quote that many first-time owners, or existing facility owners that are
wanting to open another unit but who dont want to repeat the mistakes they made
opening their first one, could learn: There is an exception to every rulebut it is
probably not you.
There are a number of facilities located around the country that break all the rules
and still manage to make money, proving the adage that sometimes lucky is better than
good. The owners of these facilities manage to break almost every simple business rule
and still make money despite themselves.
Often, these kinds of owners are the guys speaking at a national convention sharing
their business secrets. One notable owner, for instance, often spoke at his national
franchise meeting each year sharing all of his proven techniques. His ideas were dated
and mostly ineffective, but if you own the only facility in town of 400,000, no matter what
you do will work. There were simply no other choices if you wanted to join a club in his
area, and he did make a lot of money for a number of years. Was he a good
businessperson? No. Was he lucky? Yes, in a big way. But lucky doesnt make you a great
teacher for others who are trying to get into the business.
When competition arrived, however, he lost the club within two years. When times
got tough, it was proven that he never really learned how to make money; he was just
the right guy at the right time in the right town who opened his club before anyone else
found the area. Competition proved that he didnt really know the business at all and
that, in reality, he wasnt the exception he believed he was.
What you can learn from his situation is to never believe that you are the exception to
the rules of probability. Increase your odds by mastering all the needed aspects of owning
and operating a financially successful fitness business and rely on your newly acquired
skill rather than hoping you are the lucky exception to all proven rules of business.
Do your homework and spend some money learning from the successful
owners and operators.
One of the funniest things you will ever hear a potential owner say is that he cant afford
to attend a workshop because he is putting all his money into his new business. If you are
putting everything in your life on the line to open a new business, budget a few thousand
dollars to go learn how money is made. Following are a few ideas to help you start your
preopening thought process.
Research the industry, and your area, before deciding on the exact nature of your
business. Spend your time focusing on clubs that are financially successful and can
prove it, instead of just copying other businesses in your area. Many new owners
make the mistake of just trying to create a new and improved version of what
already exists in the area, instead of trying to develop something that better fits
the target market and the owners concept of business.
Attend seminars, such as those offered by IHRSA or the National Fitness Business
Alliance, and also consider mentoring programs offered by successful club owners
that have proven business plans and who are willing to share these ideas for a
reasonable cost over a day or two.
Use these seminars and mentors to gather realistic information that you will need to
build your first business plan, such as the cost of equipment, rent factors in your area,
build-out cost, needed reserve capital, and marketing. These are common numbers that
are easily accessible once you start to get a focus as to the type and size of your
potential business. The ultimate rookie mistake here is to build a business plan that is
absolutely perfect. Many first-time owners build the best-case scenario and then
continually make it even better as they adjust their numbers higher and higher to cover
all the money they find they will need to spend each month in leases, debt, and operating
As mentioned in Chapter 2, the reality is that you need to build three business plans:
the best case, which you throw away; the middle case, which is realistic and shows some
loss and pain, and also the one you use for the banks and investors; and the worst case,
which you use to actually run your business. The worst-case plan reflects how bad it can
get and then what it takes for you to still make it. This version is the one you keep in
your briefcase to keep the reality always in front of you. In other words, hope for the best
but plan for the worst and you will be fine.
Dont forget to budget for an attorney and accountant early in the process. Small
business is often a team approach and you need professionals to back you up along
the way. Remember, however, that you need to learn enough to run your own
business. Your team of professionals should provide advice, as needed, pertaining
to their services and make sure that you stay out of trouble, but they are not there
to run your business for you. Count on them for help and guidance, but you are the
one that has to learn how to make your own business decisions.
Visit banks and begin to establish relationships with bankers who work with small
businesses. Dont present your anticipated plan, but simply tell them what you are
trying to do and find out what they need from you in general. Most bankers will ask
for a business plan but only give a formal presentation when your business plan is
ready and professional.
Build your business plan and get your money in line for the type of business you
plan to open. If you have investors, get their share escrowed or at least get a legal
letter of intent before signing leases and legal obligations based upon money being
available in the future from someone else. This is an important note. It is not
unusual for a potential owner to get a verbal commitment from an investor and
then six months later, when you are ready to go and need the money, he doesnt
have it because of a divorce or other issues in his own life. The same rule
discussed for leases applies to investors: if it isnt in writing, it isnt real money.
Hire an accountant and an attorney who understand small businesses and who
have set up and advised other small businesses.
Once you are ready to move beyond the thinking/planning stage and into the getting-it-
done phase, you will need to establish the structure of your business. The first step is to
get an accountant to help you set up accounts, prepare for tax issues, explore legal
entities, and help you avoid other legal issues with the state, county, and city that might
prevent you from opening at a later date.
You will also need to set up your companys structure and file with the state. You
need an attorney for this who can work with you and your accountant to make sure what
you do is legal and that it will give you the best tax advantage in the future.
Get advice regarding the best legal entity for you, your investors, and where you
are in your life financially.
Start keeping all receipts for your accountant on researching and opening your new
business. All this preparation is considered start-up expense and is tax deductible.
Get tax advice immediately rather than waiting until the end of the tax year. Good
tax advice happens before revenue is generated and prior to the business actually
getting started. You want guidance from your accountant as you grow and make
decisions, but you do not want to wait until the end of the year and hear your
accountant say, I wish we would have done that differently earlier, we could have
saved you a lot of money.
Get help on building a professional filing system right away, especially concerning
all start-up expenses. It may seem like a low priority but you will be in business for
years, and learning to manage records early will save you time and money later
when you need to access previous documents. For example, most insurance people
ask that you save liability waivers off-site in locked storage for 15 years, and most
accountants ask that you never throw away any tax return as long as you are in
business. Get help early and follow it closely. If youre a natural slob who loses
everything, pay someone early to make sure your business is better organized than
one old stuffed file cabinet in your office where nothing can be found. Trainers, if it
is important enough to save, store it at home in a locked file cabinet and not in a
general desk in an open space shared by all your trainers and clients. For example,
liability waivers should be saved offsite for 15 years and you should update with
every client every year. Another example are the employee files, which should be
protected offsite at all times since most trainers have offices in their clubs that are
open to most of the staff and even the members. It is safer to store these files
outside your business than to risk leaving a file cabinet open and allowing access
to files that could get you sued, such as an employee who takes a quick glance at
the file of another employee to get a personal address or phone number. You failed
to protect the privacy of an employee and could be in big trouble here.
Create the legal form and name of your business.
Make sure to research your chosen business name with your attorney before committing
to it. You will also probably choose a name for your corporate structure and then a DBA
(doing business as) name for your business. Your business may take one of the following
legal forms:
Sole proprietor (If it is just you or you and your spouse/significant other.)
Partnership/limited partnership (Might be recommended for a small entity with just
two partners.)
S corporation (Your accountant might recommend if you are making a little more
money or have other businesses, and it is a common tool.)
C corporation (You will seldom, if ever, use this form and you should get a second
opinion if your accountant recommends this entity to you.)
Limited liability corporation (or company) (LLC) (If there are partners involved, you
will often explore this entity, but make sure there is a partnership
agreement/management agreement in place.)
File the appropriate forms for your state. (This step is why your accountant and
attorney are important.)
Fill out all legal forms required by your state.
File your Federal Employee Identification Number (tax ID) and all other tax forms
necessary for your city, state, and business type.
Check to see if any environmental permits need to be filed.
Complete all city and state filings as needed.
Be sure to file all city and county permits as required and in a timely fashion.
Consider the following issues with your attorney and accountant if they
havent yet been discussed.
If you are creating a new corporation of some type
Most of you reading this book will probably have no idea what some of this jargon means,
which is standard for any person getting into business for the first time. Dont worry; this
is routine legal work that every small company has to do to get started. Make sure you
complete these steps as well as follow the supporting advice of your attorney, such as
having an annual meeting with him, which is declared a stockholders meeting. It may
seem ridiculous but by going through the steps and following the rules, you will avoid
many legal issues later if you get sued or have other problems.
Have your attorney prepare your articles of incorporation.
Have your attorney draft your shareholder documents.
Prepare your board of director documents with your attorney and accountant.
Get your minute book, corporate seal, and stock certificates.
File the proper C or S documents with the IRS.
If you are an LLC
Get a partnership agreement in place (see the section later in this chapter that
further explains this document).
Determine who will be the managing partner and define that role.
Determine who will be the limited partners and define their roles.
Create job descriptions for each partner who will be working in the business.
Establish who has the right to make the final decision if all partners dont agree.
File all paperwork with the state and the IRS in a timely fashion.
If you are a partnership
File the appropriate tax forms with the state and the IRS.
Get a rock-solid partnership agreement in place (this also applies to the LLC option
as well) that defines buyout options, what happens in case of divorce or death of a
partner, the right to disagree through a third-party arbitrator, and whatever else
your attorney needs to do to protect you if your partnership goes bad. Do this
before you start moving money around. Do this even if there is just you and your
long-term best friend who is opening with you. Do this even if you never in your
wildest dreams ever imagine there could be a problem amongst your partners.
There will be a problem at some point and this will keep the company going and
may save a few friendships as well.
Complete the following general tasks.
Open bank accounts (again, you need your accountant to set this up correctly and
to explain the rules of how to use a business checking account).
Start getting tax advice for each major decision, such as buying versus leasing
equipment or entering into a lease for space.
Work with your accountant if you need to generate any type of early payroll. There
is an important side note for you to learn, and that is to always pay your payroll
taxes for each payroll period. Dont kid yourself into thinking you can catch up on
the next payroll period if you skip one to save money. Pay as directed by your
accountant and get into the habit of running a clean business from the start.
Another point that might seem small is to only pay employees on the 15
and the
last day of the month. Do not pay every two weeks since you will have two months
a year with three payrolls, which is a budgeting and cash flow nightmare for most
Contact an insurance agent and find out what coverage you might need before you
open. This point is especially important since most new owners have little idea of
what coverages, and the associated costs, they need to run a business. Once you
have access to your space, you will need insurance immediately and do not put it
off until you actually open. You will also most likely need to find an industry
specialist that does nothing but fitness businesses. Most local insurance guys just
dont have the range of products it takes to fully protect a fitness business at a
reasonable cost.
Complete the following tasks pertaining to your first employees.
Create job descriptions. The first step, however, is to define who will be working in
the business by task. Most new owners hire employees like they are shopping at a
grocery store: I need one of those, and Ill take two of those. This comes from
visiting other clubs and just hiring duplicates of the people you see working in
these places. Your first thoughts should be very simple. Who is going to be
responsible for signing up new members (you have to have a dedicated person no
matter how small you are)? Who is going to specialize in doing the back shop work
such as payroll and advertising? Who is going to be your head trainer and what will
her role be in the business? An important note is that everyone on the team cant
share all these jobs, which is how most fitness businesses start. Marketing? Well
all get together and do that as a team. Break your company down into segments
defined by individual responsibility and you will then be able to write a job
Get some basic human resources (HR) help and education, including legal hiring
practices, legal applications, and interview processes. There are specialists in your
area that can help you with this and you will need help in this area. The rules of
hiring and firing are clearly stated and easy to follow if you have taken the time to
learn them first. Dont neglect this as something to be learned at a later date once
you have time. If you have an employee, then you need to follow the rules and
protect yourself and your business from lawsuits.
Start every employee with a nonsolicitation agreement. Most states dont allow
enforcement of noncompete agreements anymore. Noncompetes state that if you
leave me as an employee, you cant work within a certain distance from the club
for a certain time period. Most judges are simply reluctant to tell someone they
cant work and feed their families. Nonsolicitation agreements, however, state that
you can work, but you cant take my membership information, solicit the members,
try to hire my staff, or, in other words, go after the membership and employee
assets of my business. These agreements do often stand up in front of a judge and
you should have every single employee, which includes counter people, childcare
workers, and janitors sign one. Your local attorney can easily put together a simple
agreement for you to use and this should be in place when you hire your first
person on the team.
Get your tax ID.
Keep secure payroll records. Payroll records are private information. These files
need to be locked up in a secure place with no access except by those who
absolutely have to see what is in an employees file.
Get an employee manual in place before you open. These manuals clearly state all
of your policies, which cant be enforced if the staff person hasnt seen them or has
a chance to ask questions. For example, it is hard to enforce a dress policy if you
havent clearly stated it in writing and given the employee a chance to read and
sign it first.
Legal Entities
Legal entities are important to you for two reasons: the right one provides the maximum
legal protection in case you get sued and secondly the right entity gives the maximum tax
advantages to both you and the partners in your business. The following information is a
brief tour of the legal tools you have at your disposal that describes each entity and
explains what it can do for your business. As always, get some professional guidance from
a local attorney and tax accountant before making your final decision.
Sole proprietorship
This option is the least sophisticated of all of your choices, both for tax purposes and
regarding start-up expense. A sole proprietor is just you, and your spouse if applicable.
Being a sole proprietor means that you conduct business as you and that no other tax
entities are in place.
The issue to consider with your attorney is liability. As a sole proprietor, you have
total responsibility for all tax issues and legal issues that arise from your business,
because all income from your business is passed through to you personally.
A sole proprietorship might, however, be your choice if you want to open a small
facility, such as a training studio, without partners and without any very complicated
financing in place. Another thing to note about this type of business is that they are
sometimes harder to sell because it is harder to determine the assets of the business
versus things you own personally. Also, if you die the business usually ceases to exist. But
if you only want one, small studio and plan to work it yourself, your discussion with your
tax person should begin with a sole proprietorship.
Partnerships are confusing to most new small business owners. Hey, you exclaim at the
gym during a set, Youre my friend and workout partner and I want to open a new gym,
so lets become partners and do it together.
Forming a partnership can be easy and most start as a relationship between two like-
minded individuals that love fitness and want to pursue it as a lifestyle. Getting out of the
business, however, is always the most difficult part. Starting the relationship, and the
partnership, correctly with clearly stated responsibilities, ways to get out, a simple
valuation formula that everyone agrees to upfront to be used if one partner wants out,
what happens in death or divorce amongst the partners, and perhaps even an agreement
as to how you will disagree with each other in the future should all be part of any
relationship involving two or more partners.
First, in a partnership each partner has unlimited responsibility for all of the businesss
debts and legal issues. Another way to look at this issue is that once youre in, all the
stuff you own personally, such as your house, can be taken to pay for any debt the
partnership racks up while in existence.
Blind partnerships, or those that a couple of people form with a little legal help and
without a partnership agreement in place, usually fail. Such failure is expensive. Go into
your partnership expecting the worst to happen and cover yourself in advance and you
will never be surprised by a lawyer telling you that your house is now the property of the
local bank.
The following tips about partnerships should be discussed with your attorney:
Use your attorney to do the partnership. You will read in the newspaper and find
endless solicitations online that you can do this on your own cheaply without the
help or expense of an attorney, but get a lawyer involved from the beginning and
listen to the advice you are getting that is pertinent to you and your personal
Draft a detailed partnership agreement (refer to Chapter 9) and be sure to cover
how to end the partnership by buying each other out based upon predetermined
Make sure only one person has the right to make the final decision if you disagree.
The business has to operate each day and it cant wait for partners to come to an
agreement. Someone has to be the adult and make the final decision as needed on
a daily basis. Most rookies assume that everyone will simply sit down and discuss
everything every day, but the normal course of business prevents this. In reality,
there is almost always one person that either has more money on the table, or
more business sense, and this is the person that usually gets to make the final
decisions. There are compromises, of course, such as giving a partner the right to
make daily decisions as needed except those requiring the spending of a certain
amount of money. For example, a small club might have a managing partner that
can get things done as needed except that she cant make a personal decision that
involves spending $5,000 or more, which is something that has to be voted on by
the team.
Ask your attorney about selling your interest to someone else. Selling an interest in
a partnership is usually difficult because the other partners have to agree to the
sale. This point, too, can be discussed and written into the partnership agreement
in advance so when the occasion arises, there is already a written legal guide to
solve the issue.
Designate from the outset who in the partnership has the right to make the
decisions when it comes to entering into any type of legal commitments, such as
signing a lease for a new printer. Legally, any partner can usually go crazy and sign
for stuff, but you should put restrictions on this practice through your partnership
agreement and restrict the ability to enter into agreements to just one person or,
again, any agreement that requires a certain amount of money or higher has to be
a team event.
One final note is that most general partnerships are not based upon percentage of
ownership. For example, if you own 80 percent of the partnership and two other people
own the rest, you are all equal despite the percentages. Have your attorney explain this
issue to you up front.
Another version of the general partnership, called a limited partnership, requires more
stringent legal controls. Again, talk to your professional advisers before embarking on this
voyage. This type of entity does not offer many real advantages, but most new owners
and their sidekicks almost always end up discussing a limited partnership when first
getting started. Explore this issue carefully, because a limited partnership has many
pitfalls and offers little to gain in the long run.
S corporations and C corporations
Most people opening their first small business will be better off with an S corporation
versus going after a traditional C corporation. When a new owner puts together a
business, he almost always speaks in terms of the C corporation, which is what you see in
many of the old movies about business. The confusion comes when the new owner says,
Its okay, I will own 51 percent of the stock and I will make the decisions.
An S corporation essentially splits the difference between a partnership and a C
corporation. The real difference, however, among these entities is the tax aspect, which
is the important issue to explore with your tax professional.
With C corporations, the issue of double taxation is always present, meaning that you
pay taxes as the corporation on profit made and then you are taxed again when you take
any money out personally. S corporations, on the other hand, have different tax rules. In
this case, profits and losses are passed through to the owners based upon their pro rata
share of the company. This explanation is simplistic and, again, you need to ask your tax
person about the issues and how they affect you and your new business.
Selling an S corporation is also a lot easier than selling a C corporation due to the tax
implications of the double taxation. C corporations are an older tool and are not a good
choice for most small businesses. C corporations are normally avoided by most people
owning a simple fitness business, and it is rare that a modern tax professional would
suggest this form for most new small business owners.
C corporations do have one advantage to explore with your team, which is the
limitation of liability for the partners. Simply put, if you get sued, the corporation acts as
a shield that can prevent the person suing you from going for anything beyond the assets
owned by the corporation itself.
A limitation on the liability for debt you are responsible for personally also exists with
this type of corporation. If you would have to bankrupt the corporation, for example, the
corporate shareholders are not liable for any of the corporations debts. Landlords and
bankers know about this situation, of course, which is why you usually have to sign
personally, not corporately, when you enter into a lease or bank loan.
Assuming that you have decent insurance, which is one of the first and most
important decisions you need to make, the protection provided by this entity isnt as
important as it used to be. The other legal entities, if your attorney sets them up
correctly, can provide a certain degree of protection as well but it is still dependent on a
solid foundation of insurance.
A common mistake made by many first-time fitness business owners who buy
property as part of their first business is putting the building and the business into the
same corporation. Always, without exception, have separate corporations for your
property and for your business. Setting up your company this way is another step to
provide more protection in case you are sued since your newly acquired assets are not all
lumped together in one company.
Limited Liability Companies (LLC)
The LLC is a relatively new option open to small business owners and is now legal in all
states. The LLC has several advantages worth exploring with your tax person. First of all,
the personal liability for the members is limited. Secondly, the tax benefits flow through
to the individuals involved in the LLC.
You will need to establish an operating agreement (similar to a partnership/
management agreement) as part of your set-up with this entity. Rules governing this
agreement may vary from state-to-state, so make sure you spend time researching them
going into the set-up and make sure you do have an operating agreement in place, since
most states use a default agreement if you dont establish one yourself. The LLC is the
best choice for most small businesses, which is why it should be the starting point of your
discussion with your tax professional.
Franchising isnt for everyone, but it may be for you. When you buy a franchise, you
supposedly buy a proven business system developed by someone who is selling this
system to others. To use this system, or franchise, you pay a fee up-front in most cases
and then either a flat fee or a percentage each month to the franchisor.
Franchisors usually provide help with site selection, market research, advertising,
business training for the owner, staff development, and other business aspects that a new
owner would have to develop on his own if he were to open a business without the help
of the franchisor. You are also buying the name recognition, national branding, and ability
to sell products that are developed through the efforts of the franchise rather than
incurring the cost of developing these things for yourself.
The most important rule if you are considering a franchise is to do your homework.
Visit a large number of existing units and talk to owners. If you get a negative pattern,
walk away and try another option.
Ask the following questions regarding any franchisor with whom you are considering
How long has the franchisor been in business?
How many units are currently opened (not just territories sold)?
Is the company growing and adding new units or is it stale and merely replacing
the ones lost each month?
What is the growth pattern for the company? Is the total number of units in the
field shrinking or growing over the last five years?
What kind of reputation does the brand name have in the market?
Is the product/concept unique and defensible over time or would it be easily
duplicated by someone else? This point is important in the fitness industry,
especially since many of the franchises that have appeared during the last few
decades proved to be easy to duplicate by others.
Who owns the franchise and what are their backgrounds? Were they successful in
the type of business they are trying to sell you or just successful in the franchise
Does the franchisor own any company stores and how are they doing?
Are there any lawsuits pending by franchisees? How many have occurred during
the past five years? Have your attorney research this in the states where the
franchise has the highest number of units and also in the home state where the
franchise is based.
What are the exact franchise fees and how are they determined? What are they
used for by the franchise? Does a percentage go toward national marketing or
Do you have to participate in certain programs each month, such as a national
marketing campaign, that will add a lot of additional cost to your business?
How much training will you get as an owner? How much help can you expect once
you open? What kind of help can you get if your business doesnt do well? These
particular questions are important to ask other franchise owners operating in that
system. Most franchise companies will give you a list of their true believers, which
is usually based upon a limited number of operators who are extremely loyal to the
franchise. If you are checking out a franchise, call a number of random units around
the country that arent on the list and ask these questions.
Does the franchise charge extra for onsite visits? Are any other extra charges to
be expected?
How do you/can you get out of the franchise if you dont like it and how long are
you committed to pay?
What is the failure rate for the existing franchisees?
How is your territory as a franchisee established? Is it protected? Check this out
with other franchisees. This point is often one of the most highly contested issues
within a franchise organization.
Is the length of the initial franchise agreement negotiable?
What happens if you want to sell your franchise or sell your territory?
Does it cost more to stay on as a franchise after the initial period?
What happens if you want to open another different type of fitness business in the
same area but with a different name?
If you die, what happens to the franchise?
If you are comparing several franchisors, make sure you get down to the actual
cost factor per franchise. Some of the cost factors arent always clear, so make sure
you are comparing actual costs across the board.
IHRSA, through its magazine Club Business International, publishes a guide each
spring listing all of the franchises operating in the fitness business. This guide lists what
each one does, along with the number of franchises, contact information, and other facts
that will help you begin your investigation, and gives you an overview of how each one
fits into the fitness world. Reviewing this list is a great first step, but once you move
toward making a decision be sure to get a professional accountant and attorney involved.
Leasing Versus Buying Equipment
Whether to lease or buy equipment is another frequently asked question that comes up
early for new owners, especially when an individual is considering his first large
equipment purchase. Leasing is often a better option for fitness business owners who
have limited capital when they start.
For example, if you have decent credit, you can often get a line of equipment for your
new club, which can run as high as a half-million dollars or more, for as little as 10 to 20
percent down, and sometimes even less. On the other hand, if you purchase $300,000
worth of equipment, it would take $300,000 to place the order. You wouldnt have any
monthly payments if you pay cash, but you would need to have a large sum of free cash
to get your equipment.
If you leased, you might put 10 percent down, and then have payments for three to
five years on the balance of the lease. Your payment for three years at 7 percent interest
would be about $8,300 per month, or $5,300 a month over five years. Interest and term
could vary, but if you can, you should consider leasing your stuff for five years. In this
case, your only out-of-pocket expense would be the down payment. You will have
monthly debt, but you dont have to come up with $300,000 to get your equipment
You might also check with your accountant to see if you can deduct your lease
payments as a business expense on your taxes. If you can do this, it lowers your net cost
of the lease.
Leasing also allows you to deal with the fact that fitness equipment, especially cardio
equipment, will wear out in approximately four or five years. It might break down more
quickly if you dont maintain it, or it could last longer if you really take care of it, but four
to five years is the average, with five for cardio being the very upper limit, and you will
need to replace it somewhere in that time frame. If you lease, you trade in the old
equipment and just pick up a new lease. It is important to remember that if you have
gotten that far, your business has been handling the payment anyway and simply
extending the lease with approximately the same payment into the future probably wont
be that painful.
Some advantages exist to buying equipment. You own the asset outright and wont
have any payments. Some tax advantages are worth exploring with your professional if
you are considering buying the equipment under another corporate name and leasing it
back to yourself. This option might also be something to explore with an investor as well.
Buying outside your company and leasing back to yourself might also allow you to
charge yourself a higher interest rate and payment, thereby letting you take more money
out of your business. This situation might apply if you have partners who dont want to
put the money up directly for the equipment or if the business is profitable and you and
your accountant are looking for possible ways to get more out of it with limited taxes.
Again, explore these questions with your tax professional before actually committing to a
set path.
You might also be able to negotiate for a much larger discount if you pay for the order
up-front. Equipment people are like other businesses that have seasonal highs and lows
in that most would welcome a large order paid for all at once and would deal a little to
make it happen.
It is important to note that the fitness business is starting to change its course. Clubs
built in the 1990s were often nothing more than fields of equipment lined up in neat rows
by brand or by body part. Machines ruled and to be competitive, you had to have a
variety of equipment representing most of the popular brands. This scene has
dramatically changed during the last number of years.
In todays market, your equipment list would probably look a lot different than one
from 1995. For example, cardio would still be one of your biggest purchases. When it
comes to cardio equipment, the decision is whether you want televisions or just basic
units. Many owners follow the law of simple is better and avoid the televisions, going
for more units instead. When it comes to cardio, in most cases, more is an advantage and
you are often better with more units and less investment in the entertainment factor that
can be handled more cheaply with other solutions.
There is also another shift toward functional equipment rather than traditional fixed
plane circuit equipment. Most owners are finding that functional types of equipment allow
for more variety, more versatility, and fewer units. You will still have a standard line of
fixed plane, as of now, but in the future, the more functional the better.
Understanding depreciation
The value of your equipment lessens each year and the equipment will eventually wear
out. The name of this process is depreciation, which is a term used by your accountant to
write off the value of that asset over time. Another term for this process that you might
read about is capital allowances, which is a way of allowing you to write off the cost of
capital against the taxable profits of your business.
Before you make any major purchase of any type, consult your accountant to make
sure you are covering future tax ramifications before you buy. It is easier to make
decisions before you purchase or lease than it is to try to cover your tracks later.
Purchasing fitness equipment
The following information is derived from an IHRSA report on buying equipment.
Each year, the process of obtaining fitness equipment becomes a bit more
complicated. New categories, additions to existing lines, more sophisticated features, and
new companies all can make the selection of a piece of equipment that much more trying
and time-consuming. Obviously, every club has different needs. However, whether youre
filling an empty room with new equipment or simply updating your current inventory, you
should ask some basic questions when making your purchase.
Questions to ask yourself
What market segments are you targeting? Beyond traditional cardiovascular and
resistance-training equipment, lines exist that cater to specialized populations such
as women, children, seniors, bodybuilders, and postinjury rehab patients.
What kind of space do you have? Nobody wants to work out on a crowded cardio
floor. A general rule of thumb states that 46 square feet of floor space is needed
per station. When working with special populations, such as members in
wheelchairs, that number may need to be higher. Another way to look at this is:
Can you plan to keep your cardio units about eight inches to a foot apart on the
floor with a three-foot safety zone behind each one if needed?
What are your power constraints? Certain machines, such as treadmills, have large
motors and therefore require a lot of power. Some elliptical machines dont have
motors, which is a useful feature if adequate power isnt available.
What are your staffing and programming capabilities? Make sure you have (or can
hire) the appropriate staff to provide programming for the machines you purchase.
What is your budget? The answer to this question may determine whether you
lease or buy, and whether you opt for new or refurbished items. As the level of
equipment sophistication increases, so does the cost of buying new.
Questions for vendors
How long have you been in business? New companies may be eager to please and
offer attractive pricing incentives, while more established companies may have
proven track records and be worth the extra money.
Are you financially stable? You obviously want to avoid buying equipment from a
company that is about to go out of business. Imagine trying to get parts or service
from a manufacturer that no longer exists!
Whats your warranty? Each part of a machine (e.g., frames, belts, chains,
upholstery) may be covered under a different warranty, and for a different length
of time. Be sure you understand all terms of warranties.
How long is your typical downtime? That is, how long does it take to fix or replace
an item that isnt working properly?
How complicated is it to service the equipment? Most manufacturers will train your
staff to make routine repairs. Some offer a certified technician-training program
and may reimburse you for the hours your maintenance person spends on repairs.
Questions for anyone but the vendor
Whats their service record like? To find out what type of service a company really
provides, call the clubs on its reference list and ask pointed questions. If you know
of other clubs that have the type of equipment you are considering buying, call
them too. Ask to speak to the maintenance staff. You want to know what the
service will be like after your check clears.
What was the installation like? Did the delivery process go smoothly? Did the
manufacturer take care to get the equipment through the doors, around the
corners, and up the stairs without gouging walls and tearing the carpet? Was
installation as painless as possible for members? Once installed, was the
equipment thoroughly tested, and was your staff thoroughly trained on safety,
operation, and routine maintenance and repairs?
What do members say about the equipment? Are they getting results? If members
find the equipment ugly, intimidating, awkward, confusing, or uncomfortable, it
wont be used. Instead, it will serve as a constant reminder that you could have
done something more constructive with your money and space.
Other equipment thoughts
The trend now that will just get stronger during the next few decades, is the move
toward outfitting clubs with more functional equipment, such as kettlebells, sleds, turf
areas and training lanes, suspension training and equipment, and other equipment that
hasnt ever been seen in most clubs. Your advantage is that most of this equipment
needed to fill a typical fitness facility can be purchased for the approximate price of a
single treadmill. This is why, in many cases, you will see the next generation of club
centered on the hybrid training facilities that are about 3,000 to 12,000 square feet. They
are simply easier and cheaper to open than a mainstream fitness club from the 1990s and
are often much more profitable.
Following is a list that reflects the trend in fitness facilities toward functional. This list
shows the equipment in the order you would buy it.
Cardio, cardio cardio. Cardio is still important and even small training clubs start
with a decent line. Your two biggest purchases will be treadmills and ellipticals,
followed by step machines. Stay with the basics. It is also recommended that you
dont buy cardio with televisions attached. Go simple and avoid that cost, and use
the money you saved to buy more cardio.
Functional machines. These are rising in importance because of their flexibility as a
training tool. These are better known as the cable machines that allow the
trainers/members to do so many more training moves on a single piece of
Functional tools. These are your kettlebells, medicine balls, balance toys,
suspension training, and 50-foot ropes.
Most clubs in this decade and going further will still have a limited line of fixed
plane, single-joint equipment, but you will have far less than a club that opened 10
years ago. The functional machines give you more options, and you will get more
use out of that line than conventional equipment. For example, if you buy a
functional chest machine, you can often do 30 or more exercise versus buying a
fixed plane piece for the same cost that limits you to one exercise. The member is
changing and what you put into your club has to as well.
Remember, you are buying equipment for your members. If they like it, if they can
figure it out, and if they can use it safely, then positive results are practically guaranteed.
If you want money from a banker or investor, or even an astute family member who
might be willing to give you the start you are looking for in life, youre going to have to
write a business plan that clearly and concisely makes your case for borrowing money.
You should consider writing two types of plans for your first business project. First, a
prospectus plan is the tool you would use with investors and bankers. This tool is usually
approximately 15 to 20 pages long and is what a banker is asking for when he requests a
business plan.
The development plan is a tool to help you define your business. This document
clearly defines each aspect of your business in detail to ensure that you miss nothing
during the projects development and to help you understand all of the components
necessary to build this type of business. These plans might be anywhere from 75 to 150
pages in length, and this type of plan is not what a banker wants to see.
The mistake rookie owners often make is that they spend more time building the plan
than they do trying to raise money. Writing the perfect 150-page development plan and
detailing every nuance, from an anticipated class schedule to the type of amenities in the
locker room, is a good exercise in thinking through all the details it takes to create a
fitness business, but the last thing a busy banker or investor really wants on his desk is
an endless pile of paper representing the smallest details of your proposed business.
Prospectus plans are short and to the point, and they concisely explain such items as
an overview of the project: who is involved, the cost, a pro forma (a financial projection
that shows how the business will perform over a set time, such as two years), and maybe
some demographic information.
The development plan, on the other hand, gets into concepts such as the structure of
your group program, people needed per department, a 12-month marketing plan, sales
training structure, the tools needed to support the sales department, proposed hours, and
other details that help a new owner focus on all aspects of the new business. This plan is
for you to create to keep you on track; however, you might be the only person who ever
reads it. The simple idea to keep in mind is that you write the prospectus plan to raise
money, and you write the development plan to translate your dreams into a realistic
business concept.
Bankers and loan officers are normally serious people who do their best to loan
money to people who are prepared for banks and business in general. According to
conversations with a number of loan specialists, only 4 out of 10 people who come in for
money have a prospectus/business plan, and out of those four, only one can actually sit
down and defend the numbers in his plan. In other words, the person asking for money
usually didnt even build his own plan, leaving it to his accountant or a friend to develop it
for him and then cant explain or defend the numbers he anticipates achieving in his own
business when asked by the person he is trying to borrow money from.
The Prospectus
The prospectus is a brief history of the universe in 20 pages or less. This universe is the
world of your new fitness business, and your prospectus briefly answers all of the major
questions in something that can be read in one quick sitting by a busy banker or investor.
Experienced business people want a quick look to see if you have a solid idea. If they
want more information beyond this first look, they will ask more questions, but this plan
is the necessary first step toward raising money and interest in your project.
The prospectus presented in this chapter was originally based on the Small Business
Association (SBA) loan application and has since been modified over the years. This
particular model has done quite well with banks and investors and is a proven tool for
raising money. Business plans do not have to be creative to work. Good plans are
conservative financial instruments that briefly define your concept and how it will work
financially over time.
As a side note, the Small Business Administration works with banks to guarantee
loans for small businesses. Several types of loans are available through the SBA, such as
a 504 designed for an owner who wishes to purchase physical assets including a building,
and the 7A loan, designed for owners who arent buying property.
These programs do change from political administration to political administration and
were hotly debated and modified during the later part of the 2000-2010 decade. Research
these programs and then discuss the details with a knowledgeable banker who can guide
you in the necessary steps needed to obtain this type of loan. You should seek out a bank
in your area that specializes in SBA loans as part of your research. Some banks loan and
do everything they can to get this type of business, and others are less interested and
less knowledgeable.
Depending on your loan needs, size of the project, investors, total assets, and a
variety of other factors, your chosen banker will guide you down the path where you are
most likely to get the right loan package for you. If the bank is aggressive, it might want
to do a straightforward conventional loan, or if the bank is a specialist in SBA loans, your
bank person may take you a different path. Remember that all banks have their own
unique personalities and specialties, and you will most likely need to interview several
before you find the right fit for your project.
The information in this chapter is just offered as a guideline. If you have not written a
successful business plan prior to your new project, you must have an experienced
financial person to guide you. This might be an accountant who specializes in business
loan preparation or perhaps a financial person who just specializes in small business in
general. Interview a number of people and then commit to the one who will give you the
help and guidance you may need to get your plan written and approved.
The heart of every business plan of this type is the projection, which is where you
demonstrate to the loan officer or investor how the business will perform over time. Solid
projections can be constructed for a two-year period, but some lenders occasionally want
five-year projections, which are at best very weak attempts to project the business
environment too far into the future.
If you have a choice, limit the projections to two years. The projection section is the
core of the plan and is where most potential owners fail in their attempt to raise money.
Most of the rest of the prospectus plan can be written following templates that illustrate
what you need to add and where it needs to go, but the projections are more difficult and
that is where your financial advisor can best help you prepare your plan.
A prospectus should include the following components:
Cover page (Packaging is important. If the plan looks sloppy to the investor, then
he will think the data itself must be weak.)
Overview of the project/executive summary (This is a short, tight introduction to
what the project is and what your are trying to accomplish with this plan.)
Estimated costs of the proposed gym (Includes the total project cost supported by
a breakdown of the components.)
Proposed financing (Where are you going to get the money for this?)
Projections and monthly operating expenses (Does this business work on paper?)
Bank and investor considerations (You have to demonstrate the ability to repay the
bank or you also have to clearly define what is in it for the investor.)
Operating team for the club (Who are the players and why can they run a
successful business?)
Summary of the project (Put it together in one to two tight pages.)
The prospectus presented in this chapter was designed for an actual club for an owner
who was a manager in a business but wanted to open his own club. This owner already
had partners in place and he had established a banker relationship that could handle
conventional financing as well as SBA loans, and had worked with a realtor to get the real
numbers on the property. This plan is the basis of what he used to present to the bank
with his final application.
If you are seeking money, find a banker who understands both conventional financing
through the bank itself and who can also help you with SBA. If you have experience and a
track record, most banks will take your loan through conventional financing, although this
decision will vary from bank to bank. You can get further information on the SBAs
website (
You should also explore Certified Development Companies (CDC), which specialize in
helping people package their loans for the SBA. These companies often have local inside
knowledge and are a good place to start your education because their employees have a
lot of experience in helping new owners package themselves for banks and for the loan
process and often know what banks in the area want and need to make the loans.
To find the CDC nearest you, explore the National Association of Development
Companies, which can be found at
An explanation of each component of the prospectus is provided, followed by an
actual example that includes actual working numbers. The projection section is based
upon just one look at the business and is offered here as just a typical example of what
this tool might look like. Do not merely copy this example. Get your local financial expert
to do the recommended three versions of the plan: best case, middle case, and worst
All names, including the club, are fictional in this plan, but the plan itself was written
to help a young owner get financing for his first extended training center with
memberships and was actually presented to a bank. This plan was accepted, but the
owner eventually changed his goal and acquired another property that had become
available nearer to where he wanted to open. He was previously operating a small
training facility but did gain valuable experience from his years in business.
You can also learn from his experience. Many rookie owners and businesspeople make
decisions without having the proper information at hand. These decisions are often based
upon playing both sides of the conversation in your head. For example, you might be
putting together an offering sheet for a landlord, but youre stuck because you are saying
to yourself: Well, if I ask for this build-out, I know he wont want to go that high, so I you
should offer this number instead.
The mistake in doing that is that you are trying to anticipate everything he might say
or do, which you cant because you are basing everything on your perspective and
experience and not his. Instead, simply submit your offer and then react to what he
comes back with in his response. You cant play both sides of the conversation, and
although it helps to think about what he might do or want, you are better off to just
submit and react instead of being frozen, trying to figure out exactly what he is thinking
and what he might do.
In this example, the young owner gathered information, made a proposal, but then
chose another property when he had done his homework. The lesson is that he gathered
real information for his team and then made the decision based upon reality, not
speculation or emotion.
Cover page
The cover page simply gives a quick look at what is inside. It should list the proposed
business name, the owners, the date of submission, and contact information for each
Overview of the project/executive summary
The overview section is a one- to two-page overview of the entire project, giving your
prospective investors or the loan officer the overall picture of the project. The overview
should state what the project is, where the business will be located, who will run it, why
that area was chosen, and how long it will take to open the business from concept to
completion. It also helps to offer one or two sentences as to what void your business
might be filling in the marketplace.
You might also find that this section is referred to as an executive summary in more
formal business-plan templates. The goal is the same no matter what you call it: Give the
reader a brief, tightly written picture of your project in just a few pages. As a side note,
you can find dozens of business plans online that can offer a wide array of what a finished
plan might look like at the time of submission. It is good to study the writing and style of
the successful ones and contrast them with the ones that are illustrations of what not to
do in your own plan.
Estimating costs of the proposed gym
The next section is the projected expense section for the entire project. This section
would present an overview of the entire project as well as the breakdowns of the
individual components. The following components are included in this section:
Cost of the entire project
Land costs, if any
Building costs/the outside shell of the building
Site preparation
Build-out for the interior
Equipment costs
Reserve capital
A general category for the miscellaneous items, such as computers, music systems,
licenses, etc.
Marketing costs for the presale period and for the first 90 days of operation
Architectural fees
Proposed financing
This section should discuss where exactly the money is coming from for the project. You
should have an initial idea of where you are seeking financing and should do your initial
bank investigation before submitting a prospectus plan to anyone for review. Your bank
plan should reflect a specific loan amount and payback for accuracy. This can be changed
bank to bank if needed to reflect different terms and investor considerations that might
If partners are involved, their participation should be discussed in this section as well.
How the partners will participate financially, how or if they will participate in the day-to-
day operations of the gym, and how your partners will be repaid are all items that should
be detailed in this section.
Partners sometimes scare bankers because most plans allude to them being in the
game but they seldom define their role, initial investment, or long-term support in the
project. Detail what your partners will do in the business and how much they are
contributing financially. Bankers and other investors will ask for information on your
partners if needed and you can also expect that everyone investing will at some point be
asked to sign for the loans you are seeking.
Projections and monthly operating expenses
Projections are the heart of the prospectus since this tool demonstrates the ability to
repay the lender or the investor. Most projections should be kept to two years, since the
ability to project beyond that time frame becomes somewhat hypothetical and most
modern bankers dont have much interest beyond that initial two-year period. In some
cases, though, you might be asked to submit a three-year projection or longer.
It helps to be aware of the following common flaws in projections that usually get the
loan rejected immediately. Remember, one of the most important things you have to
master is to be able to fully explain and defend your numbers to your investors and your
Flaw #1: The projections are not realistic or are too good to be true.
Projections that show no negative cash flow in the business, especially during the first
year, are just too good to be true and the banker knows this from his experience with
hundreds of other small businesses. Lenders expect a loss in the beginning and they are
more concerned about your ability and awareness to plan for a reserve than to
unrealistically expect no loss at all.
Build a best-case projection, a conservative middle case, and a worst case. Throw the
best case away, give the middle case to your banker, and run your club off the worst
case. This is an old adage but it is based upon a lot of truth and reality when it comes to
running a small business.
The worst case is perhaps the most important model because you want to know how
bad it can get and still work. Small business is a tough job and there will be good days
and not-so-good business days. Another old adage, mentioned often in this book, is,
Hope for the best but plan for the worst. Having tough times is a normal part of owning
your own business, and it helps to know how bad it can get in your business before you
get into trouble.
Dont make the mistake of submitting your best-case numbers to the bank or
investors. Its nice to dream, but its safer to submit a conservative set of projections (the
conservative middle) to your banker.
For example, one young owner lost several months of prime business because his wife
was in a car wreck during the first month he was open. He held the club together, but the
strain of taking care of his kids and seeing to his wife disrupted his focus. He made some
revenue during that time period but the numbers were less than he had planned for
during that time period, but he knew from his worst-case plan that he could still make it
and keep going if he at least maintained those worst-case numbers. He returned to the
business with full focus in about three months and was able to get the business back on
track. Knowing where the bottom was allowed him to keep going without panicking and
making bigger mistakes by doing crazy sales or business-threatening promotions.
Flaw #2: You cant defend the numbers.
Youre not a numbers person, so you have your accountant build your projections. When
questioned, you have no idea where he got those numbers and you sit in front of the
banker looking at your own numbers with surprise. This scenario makes bankers nervous
and is not going to get you a loan. Be able to defend every line and understand how the
money will arrive in your new business. If you cant explain the numbers, you most likely
wont be able to make them happen in the business either. Practice with your accountant.
Go over every line and ask what each number means and how it was derived. If you cant
explain it, you cant make it.
Flaw #3: You have no personal reserves.
If you have to take money out of the business from the first day it is opened, the banker
knows that your plan is weak. Show a personal reserve of at least six months to let your
business get healthy. It is sort of old-school silly, but think of your business as a new
baby. The baby needs time to grow, get healthy, and then stand on its own. Your new
business is the same. It needs time to grow and get healthy, but if you have to take
serious money out too soon for personal support, the business will have a hard time
getting established.
Flaw #4: Your projection is not adjusted for the seasons or for the natural flow in the
A straight-line projection might be one of the most common mistakes a new owner could
make. Straight line means that all your numbers are exactly the same each month and
never deviate due to the time of year or the natural flow of the business. Adjust for the
seasons and the naturally busy or slow times of the year and show that you understand
when money will arrive and when the slower months will occur.
For example, sales for most clubs pick up in late January, followed by a strong period
from February to May. Summers are a little slower and then business resumes in the fall
after the September holiday and continue strong until Thanksgiving. But if you live in
Florida, you might have a strong summer because it is so hot that many people join clubs
for the thought of enjoying the air conditioning during the states hottest months. Do your
research and understand what makes your area unique when it comes to membership
sales and the natural flow of the business.
Flaw #5: You fail to use real renewal rates and loss rates.
No one collects all the money from all the members. People quit, get divorced and dont
pay, close accounts, and just plain decide not to send you any money. Adjust your plans
for losses, and during the second year and beyond, show a normal renewal rate rather
than having every member keep going year after year. Use the following basic numbers
to get started.
If you are using closed-ended renewals, meaning that you are signing up renewals for
one year at a time, show a 40 percent renewal rate. You may do better, but you are
building a more conservative case in your business plan. This 40 percent number comes
from research and decades of experience and reflects what a typical club will retain in
membership in the real world.
Losses with auto renewals will probably be higher. Auto renewal means that at the
end of the members first year, his contract goes away and you just keep drafting his
payment from his credit card or bank account. Losses for open-ended memberships,
which means the member can now walk away with 30 days notice, will range between 4
to 5 percent per month.
Your target is to retain 60 to 65 percent of all members going into their second year,
adjusted for losses. It is also highly recommended that your members sign up for a year
at a time rather than going from a commitment to open-ended. This keeps your business
safer over time. Following is an example of what a typical months worth of business
might look like a year later. This does hold true for training clubs as well, although your
losses are going to range between 2 to 3 percent per month:
A club signs up 100 new memberships in January of 2011.
The club loses 10 memberships due to the natural collection losses associated with
12-month contracts. (Losses for 12-month members are less than 1 percent per
month from the total file/show monthly loss rates of at least 1 percent for bad debt
or 12 percent per year.)
The club loses another 12 memberships due to people moving more than 25 miles
from the club, meaning that the club has to cancel the membership per state laws.
(Most clubs lose about 1 percent per month due to moves outside the clubs market
area. This could be higher in high-transient areas or lower in more conservative
areas where people dont move as often. Show another 1 percent per month in
your projections or at least 12 percent per year.)
The club would have 78 memberships left at the end of 12 months after adjusting
for losses.
78 x .60 (targeted retention rate) = 47 members
This club started with 100 memberships and started the second year for this group
with 47, reflecting a loss rate of 10 percent based upon its membership tool (12-month
memberships) and a loss rate of 12 percent based upon people moving outside the clubs
market. Consider the following numbers as well:
If you are using 12-month contracts as your base tool, you will lose a little less
than 1 percent per month, or 10 percent annually, assuming that you are using a
strong third-party financial-service company. Owners who attempt to collect their
own memberships often have a higher loss rate since they are often unprepared to
collect money from their members. If you are opening a mainstream fitness facility
and intend to collect your own memberships, use 2 to 3 percent per month as a
loss rate for 12-month memberships and 4 to 5 percent per month if you are using
24-month memberships.
You will lose at least 1 percent of your membership per month, or 12 percent
annually, to those folks who move more than 25 miles away from the club. The
state requires you to cancel those memberships.
If you are using open-ended memberships, where there is no obligation beyond a
month at a time, show 4 to 5 percent per-month loss rates, or 48 to 60 percent
annually, although these numbers could be higher in transient or highly competitive
If you are using auto renewals, meaning that at the end of 12 months your
members go from contract to open-ended, use 4 to 5 percent monthly losses going
into the second year, or 60 percent annually.
Membership retention is measured on an annual basis. In the typical fitness business,
memberships are added and subtracted each month. For example, you may add 20 new
members in June but lose 22 that move, fail to pay their membership as promised, or do
not renew with your club. It is important to track these each month with a goal of finding
out your net gain in membership. Remember, it is important to always seek a positive
gain in memberships each month since that gain reflects the health of your business over
time. Following is a simple formula to use each month to determine net gain or loss:
Determine the total number of memberships in the system at the beginning of the
Add any new memberships you sold that month to the starting number.
Add any reinstated members that might have left in the past but who are re-
signing with the club.
Subtract any members that do not re-sign that month, are cancelled for any
reason, or are otherwise taken out of the system.
The end result is net gain or net loss for the month.
Note that this definition excludes all changes between paying membership categories,
such as upgrades and downgrades. We are seeking total memberships in this example,
not the total amount of outstanding receivables, although that could be used as your
starting point as well. If you use total receivable base instead of total memberships,
simply convert all memberships in any category to their dollar amount rather than
treating them as just one membership each.
A real working budget
Build a budget that reflects the realistic cost of doing business. You should include a
sample month of expenses in your business plan, hitting all of the key categories. Figure
7-1, which is used as a monthly management tool as well to control expenses, lists all of
the common expenses for a typical club.
Your accountant can help you define this sheet further. Avoid lumping together too
many categories when you first start. For example, many accountants put all the income
for the clubs profit centers into one lump number. The problem with this is that the club
might have five distinct profit sources in the club but four of them are not performing and
that fact is being masked by one strong center. Lumping the profit centers together
prevents you from seeing the weaknesses of the business rather than dealing with those
problems each month.
The sample projection components are divided into four sections: general revenue,
income from multiple profit centers, operating expenses, and payroll and related
expenses. The book will illustrate a number of different ways to look at these since
owners starting a new club range from trainers with 3,000-square-foot facilities to owners
looking to open a 60,000-square-foot family club.
Revenue parameters for a sample fitness center in the 17,000-square-foot range
The membership information reflects a short presale and average sales the owner
could expect in that market.
The 90 percent electronic funds transfer (EFT) refers to 90 percent of the members
joining the club and electing to buy some type of membership or payment plan
resulting in a contractual obligation for one year. The rule to keep in mind is the
90/10 rule, which states that at least 90 out of every 100 members should elect to
join by paying monthly through some type of membership plan, such as EFT, and
10 percent or less should pay in full. If too many pay in full, it reflects a low cash
price or heavy discounting by an owner trying to force more members to pay up
front. Your business will be healthier if you build a strong receivable base versus
trying to get your membership money up front.
The 6 percent paid-in-full (PIF) is the percentage of members who paid in full for
an annual membership (part of the 10 percent in the 90/10 rule).
The 4 percent is the percentage of members who took short-term memberships as
opposed to an annual membership of some type. The short-term membership is
paid all at once and is good for up to three months (part of the 10 percent in the
90/10 rule).
The EFT membership is new sales cash paid as membership fee down payments on
the contractual memberships.
The PIF membership is the total new sales cash for paid-in-full memberships.
Daily fee membership is the amount of daily drop-in cash for the month.
Short-term membership is the total amount of cash generated in short-term
memberships for the month.
Total new revenue is the total of all income for new sales for the month.
EFT base is the monthly draft, or billing check, that reflects all of the member
payments collected against the contractual obligation.
Total membership sales are the combination of new sales income produced on a
daily basis as sales are made and the total of the monthly checks received from the
outstanding amount of all the member payments.
Multiple profit center (MPC) parameters
Clothing and accessories, supplements, drinks, tanning, personal training, group
programming, and juice bar reflect the revenue collected for the month from each
of the clubs profit centers.
Total MPC sales are the total of all the revenue from all of the clubs profit centers.
Net income reflects the combination of the revenue from the profit centers and
from the revenue section that comes from club membership sales.
Cost of goods sold is the cost of the profit centers to the club.
Gross profit is the adjusted net income for the club.
Operating expenses
This section reflects the operating expenses for each of these items in the club.
Total operating expense reflects the total cost of operating, but not the cost of
goods sold or payroll and related expenses.
Payroll and related expenses
Commission paid is for sales and other bonuses paid to the employees.
Salary expense is for all employees and includes the owners compensation if he is
taking a normal managers salary.
Total payroll and related expense is the total payroll and supporting expenses for
the club.
Total expense is the combined operating and payroll expense for the club.
Net income is pre-tax net for the month (EBIT).
Bank and investor considerations
This section of the prospectus shows whats in it for the investor and demonstrates your
ability to pay back the bank. It is based upon the preceding section of projections that
should build in the anticipated bank payment or payments to the investors.
Most investors stay away from a business deal that gives them equity only in a gym
business. The numbers are too small and they have too many other options with less risk.
A common method of attracting an investor is to offer a combination of equity and
return on investment (ROI). For example, an investor might put up $250,000 for 25
percent of a gym that will have a million-dollar start-up cost. This investor would be paid
back $125,000 over seven years as ROI, at an aggressive interest rate, and the other
$125,000 would stay in the business as part of the investors equity. This possibility is just
a starting point for your negotiations, and your deal with your investors may end up being
different, but just remember that your investor wants both equity and return from the
Payment to investors should be included in the projection to demonstrate the ability
to repay. Anticipated investor notes should also be discussed to demonstrate that they
are built into the clubs operating budget and are part of cash-flow needs.
Who will own and operate the business?
This section gives an investor an idea of who is going to run the club and if the team has
any experience or the expertise to run this project. If the owner has been successful
before, then this is an easy section to complete and is based on a simple resume of the
owners experience and qualifications. If you have not been in the fitness business before,
real-life business qualifications are the most important thing, followed by any education
or work experience you might have to prepare for owning an expensive fitness business
financed by someone elses money.
Summary of the project
The summary section should tie the entire package together. Many loan officers will read
the summary first and then start at the beginning to see if the data matches the claims at
the end.
To be successful in obtaining a loan, you must be prepared and organized when
making your request. You must know exactly how much money you need, why you need
it, and how you will pay it back. On top of all of this material, you must convince your
lender that you are a good credit risk.
The summary should be used to convey information that gives the lender confidence
in the fact that you know your numbers and have researched the project. If they like what
they read in the short form, they might want you to gather additional information.
Following is the sample plan and all of its support materials.
Table of contents
1.0 Executive Summary
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Mission
1.3 Keys to success
2.0 Company Summary
2.1 Company Ownership
2.2 Start-up Summary
3.0 Market Analysis Summary
3.1 Market Considerations
3.2 Market Segmentation
4.0 Membership Details
4.1 Competition
5.0 Management Summary
6.0 Important Assumptions
6.1 Financial Projections
6.2 Sample Monthly Operating Expenses
7.0 Demographics
1.0 Executive Summary
The proposed project is a new 17,000-square-foot upscale adult fitness and lifestyle
enhancement center (functional fitness for adults). This new facility will be located in
Sacramento, California.
This upscale adult fitness center will be designed to appeal to the upper 60 percent of
the demographics by affluence and will heavily market to those target members who live
within a 20-minute drive time of the facility. There are a number of other fitness facilities
in the area, but none are targeted toward the more affluent population living in the area.
The club will incorporate an aesthetically pleasing design and a unique training
philosophy designed to develop the overall health and fitness of clients as well as helping
them be more successful in lifes activities such as tennis, running, and biking. In fact,
almost any activity someone pursues can be improved with the right functional training
and support.
The trainers at The Workout Company will be trained and familiar with using the
functional approach with their clients. Tom Johnson, the president of The Workout
Company, will direct and monitor all the trainers workouts to ensure quality and
The demographics for the Sacramento area show a population of over 264,000. Out of
this number, over 77 percent have a household income of over $75,000. According to
IHRSA (International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association), the largest club trade
organization in the world, household income is the number one determiner of someone
joining a fitness facility. In fact, over 23 percent of those who have a household income
that is $60,000 or more join a fitness club of some type.
IHRSA has provided statistics in IHRSAs Guide to Membership Retention, which states
that members who are involved in group exercise or group workouts of some type will
maintain their memberships over a longer term. As quoted from IHRSA: Their only
connection to the club is the connection that they have to the cold metal machines on
which they perform their exercises.
Personal training also leads to lower attrition levels, whereas group personal training
from 2 to 10 members can all motivate and provide each other energy and fun during
their workouts. Fun and play equates to enjoyment and a reason to want to go to and
participate in the club or workout environment. Training fees however are typically
flawed. It is common practice for clubs to sell packages in volume and to lower the price
as the package increases. This makes no business sense.
Providing three options at the point of sale of what a potential member seeks, such as
weight loss, support and guidance, as well as a membership is a key difference from
traditional membership sales. In other words, being a solution-based club versus always
selling the option of membership only. Sell the solution and they get results, they stay,
they are happy.
Selling group personal training, even 1:1 training at the point of sale, adding this onto
their membership agreement, will guarantee the member will get ongoing motivation and
support. This also, from a business standpoint, is the most important difference from
other clubs; it stabilizes the monthly receivable base and grows that number quickly. All
memberships are sold on a 12-month, closed-end basis, hence, the monthly receivable
will grow and provide a healthy profit, all without having to discount and later to resell a
member who simply stopped coming because they were not getting the support and the
results which brought them to the club in the first place. A happy member will gladly pay
and stay.
1.1 Objectives
The main objectives for The Workout Company are as follows:
1. To open the first and only co-ed gym that will feature lifestyle enhancement
training (functional training) in the Sacramento, California area. This new club will
incorporate the existing members from the current Workout Company training
studio. The Workout Company will be known in the Sacramento area for the best
functional and lifestyle changing workouts. The creation of a superior fitness
experience. The clubs ambience will be intentionally crafted by applying turnkey
systems to all products, services, and amenities offered. This ensures that superior
quality is delivered consistently. It will also result in more efficient operations,
where results can be measured, and necessary changes can be made promptly to
reflect changing tastes or conditions.
2. To acquire 900 memberships by the end of the first year of operation, and to
expect 1,300 to 2,000 members by the third year, in which time the membership
growth may level off.
3. To offer profit centers that will contribute 40 percent of the projected income, with
the personal training segment being the highest contributor.
4. To implement an effective marketing program designed to inform potential
consumers in our target market of our unique products, services, and benefits. A
successful program will consistently generate sufficient leads, which can be turned
into a predictable number of new member sales over time. Business marketing has
always been somewhat hit or miss, and a strategic 12-month marketing plan will
reduce the risk substantially. The clubs marketing plan will be based on marketing
strategies that have been tested in the fitness industry in many different markets
to insure a higher response rate.
5. To hire, train, and retain knowledgeable/qualified staff and management. By
providing members with high quality and caring people, they will feel more
comfortable and confident that The Workout Company can meet all their needs.
This will lead to higher member satisfaction, longer member retention, and
increased customer referral opportunities.
6. Most importantly, to own the building located at 3000 Main Street in Sacramento,
while expanding the services and profit centers currently provided by the existing
Workout Company training studio.
1.2 Mission
We promise to be the best part of your day, every day.
The mission of The Workout Company is to provide the best programs, staff, and
equipment to fully meet the various fitness needs of our members, while generating a
profit for the owner and investors. Besides providing an excellent value to our customers,
The Workout Company is determined to create an unmatched atmosphere that will add to
the enjoyment of every member and employee of the facility.
1.3 Keys to Success
The keys to success for The Workout Company are as follows:
1. Marketing: We must continue to grow the name recognition of The Workout
Company in the Sacramento area for lifestyle and functional workouts. To achieve
this, an advertising budget of up to15 to 20 percent of the projected fixed expenses
will be allocated during the 60 days of presales and for the first 90 days after the
location is open. The national average of a monthly marketing budget for a typical
fitness facility is usually 8 to 10 percent of their fixed expenses. Using a noted
advertising agency in the fitness industry, Susan K. Bailey Advertising, we can be
assured the quality and marketing will target our desired market. The marketing
should capture 3.5 of the demographics within a three-mile radius for the
membership base within the twenty-fifth month of it becoming a mature business.
2. Atmosphere of the facility: By creating an unmatched upscale atmosphere through
the use of the newest equipment, facility design, and high-energy colors, the new
club will reach out to our upscale target population demographics. To achieve this
goal, noted fitness industry architect Rudy Fabiano ( ),
who has designed more than 400 clubs, will consult on the latest trends in the
industry for style and overall concept packaging. These important concepts will
make this facility stand out from any other competitor in the area, providing strong
product differentiation. The design of the facility will be a key factor to the success
of the business. Each section of the gym will be designed strategically with
revenue-producing areas being placed in high-traffic paths. This strategic
placement increases the impulse buying psychology of the member. Also, the
colors, lighting, contours, and lines of the facility will be designed to create feelings
of warmth and comfort. This is one of the most important factors in a business the
customer will visit at least several times a week.
3. Knowledgeable/qualified staff: The Workout Company will provide the users of the
facility with knowledgeable and qualified staff who show genuine concern for the
members. The members should feel comfortable and confident that The Workout
Company can meet all their fitness needs.
4. Location of the facility: Location is of key importance in the planning stages of
developing a health club. Drive-by traffic, population, and income level are
exceptional in this area, thus the reason for choosing to transfer The Workout
Company to this new location. This location is also where The Workout Company
has been training clients and offering boot camps. This supports the location as
easily accessible and that the existing membership base of The Workout Company
will continue working out at the new location. Also, a popular bike path is located
at this new location, which opens further opportunities in membership growth and
specialty training for cycle enthusiasts.
2.0 Company Summary
The Workout Company will be a 17,000-square-foot, co-ed facility in the town of
Sacramento. In reference to the competition in the area, and understanding the
importance of being unique and owning a niche in the market, the goal is to create a
training culture that will make this facility unique in the marketplace. Functional training
breaks away from traditional seated, one muscle group, one action at a time workouts
that are the standard offering in most mainstream membership-driven facilities.
This new concept offers energy, fun, movement, and quicker results all while
members feel like they are playing. Since the workouts are unique and fun-filled,
membership retention will increase and word-of-mouth will spread because of the positive
impact the training has on the members lives. This approach contrasts sharply from other
area facilities that include the traditional hardcore gyms, the impersonal low-cost/no-
service environments, and the one-club-fits-all philosophy found in the traditional health
and athletic clubs.
The new facility will expand in services and amenities. There are no other types of
workouts or profit centers being offered at the new location, which is an outdated
racquetball club. However, The Workout Company will add to this location: weight loss
programs, caf and juice bar, group personal training, boot camps, personal training, spa,
retail, supplements, workout attire, cardiovascular and strength equipment. Expanding
the services, as well as adding profit centers, is an important component, as it will
provide 40 percent of the projected income. A spa will be leased out for rental income,
which will house about 2,000 square feet.
This will be a club like no other. With a high degree of finish and impeccable design
and furnishings, the facility will possess a warmth and feeling that is not generally found
in the industry. The demographics show a need for an alternative to the typical setting for
this area and this concept will flourish in a market starving for growth.
2.1 Company Ownership
Tom and Sarah Johnson will own The Workout Company, Inc. The president will be Tom
Johnson. The building will be purchased under an LLC with the Johnsons and Frank Smith,
MD as partners.
2.2 Start-up Summary
The start-up requirements for this project total $885,000. Included in this cost is the
building purchase, build-out, and repairs. The partners will pay 20 percent down, which
will be equally split by both the Johnsons and Smith. A bank loan of $708,000 will be
necessary, financed over 10 years at 6 percent, therefore, budgeting a payment of debt
service of approximately $5,100 per month.
Start-up Expenses
Building purchase price
Build-out cost
3.0 Market Analysis Summary
According to IHRSAs Guide to the Health Club Industry for Lenders and Investors, the
fitness industry grew 12.2 percent from 1996 to 2002. Gym membership for ages 35 to 54
increased by 143 percent from 1987 to 2002. Currently, the gym market is steadily
growing at about 3 percent per year overall.
These demographics are important to note since they are the primary target markets
for The Workout Company. The other area in the demographic study that is important in
determining an appropriate location is the average household income. The Sacramento
area average is $67,918. There is a strong correlation between household income and
health club memberships. Whereas one out of eight members of the general population is
a health club member, member penetration rates among some high income segments
approaches 30 percent. Conversely, when a household income falls below $25,000, only
one out of every 14 people (7.2 percent) is a health club member (IHRSAs Guide to the
Health Club Industry for Lenders and Investors).
The four factors that matter most in calculating the success rate for gyms are:
population density, travel time, household income, and education.
Population density. A location that is densely populated, with the right affluence, is a
prime location. The demographics for the Sacramento location show within a five-mile
radius a population of 264,000 with an estimated growth potential of 9.8 percent over the
next five years.
Travel time. Demographic studies show that upwards of 85 percent of club members
come from within a 12-minute travel time (calculated during the prime commute traffic
hours for the club) of the facility or an average of a 5- to 10-mile radius.
Household income. There is a strong correlation between household income and health
club memberships. One out of eight members of the general population is a health club
member. Penetration rate among high-income households approaches 30 percent,
whereas in households with income that falls below $25,000, it is only 1:14. The
Sacramento demographics show the number of residents with household incomes
between $50,000 to $100,000 and over to be 86 percent, and the average income level is
over $65,000.
Education attainment. Educational attainment levels are another factor in assessing
demand. In general, the higher the education level of people in the community, the
higher will be the overall market penetration rates of the clubs serving that market.
To cite a few examples: the overall health club penetration rate among full-time
college students is 24 percent; the club penetration rate among men and women with
advanced degrees is 25.2 percent; conversely, among men who earn $75,000 or more,
but who did not got to college, the penetration rate is 11.6 percent (IHRSAs Health Club
Trend Report).
Currently, it is estimated that 5.1 percent of the population age 25 and over in this
five-mile radius have earned a masters or doctorate degree and 11 percent have earned
a bachelors.
3.1 Market Considerations
The sports and fitness club industry produced over 140 billion dollars in 2006 and is
projected to continue its current growth trend according to the latest statistics from
The clubs target market areaa 12- to 15-minute drive time of the location
contains 264,000 people with an average annual income of $65,000.
The club will be able to carry a maximum active membership base of 2,700 members
without being overcrowded. Based on average industry statistics, a target market with a
population of 264,000 people has the ability to attract 10,000 total members between all
of the clubs in the area. This demographic can support eight moderately sized, well-run
facilities. There are six main competitors within the clubs target market.
Over 59 percent of the population has an average household income of over $50,000
per year; 86 percent of the population is over $100,000 per year. Also, 41 percent of that
demographic is between 18 and 55 years of age and 53 percent are between the ages of
35 and 65. Anyone else within the demographic market that falls outside of these
parameters has been excluded in our study. This doesnt mean that the club wont attract
members outside of these parameters, but they wont comprise the majority. The
parameters chosen make up the worst-case scenario. In the worst-case scenario,
calculating only the potential prospects within the target demographic group based on
age and income only, there are 132,000 potential prospects.
Utilizing this target market, there are a minimum total of 132,000 to 145,000
available members that could be captured and maintained. Therefore, the demographics
show a sufficient market to operate a successful health club.
3.2 Market Segmentation
The facilitys primary focus will be the adult upscale market. What will set this facility
apart from other competitors in the market are a hands-on approach, experienced staff,
unique training, and the trendy physical plant. These few things can make a large
difference in the member success rate. Member success rate is determined by various
factors: Is the member achieving his goals such as losing weight, lowering body fat,
becoming healthier, and making positive lifestyle changes?
The higher the member success rate, the higher renewal and member retention rates
will follow. Member retention rate is the ability to keep the member. If we do not provide
what they need or expect, the member will simply stop coming in or worse, stop paying.
When this happens, our business plan requires that we need to replace them, as well as
add other members, so our membership growth continues.
The average membership use rate is about five to six months for a typical club, due to
the indifference and the inability of most gyms to provide proper training and orientation.
By using the Thomas Plummer Company business systems, this number can increase to
15 to 16 months. The Workout Company has a training system, which will be
implemented for this adult market, ensuring a higher success rate and a training method
that other gyms in the area have not advanced to. Functional training will be the
determining factor in member success and retention success for The Workout Company.
The population in the five-mile radius is 264,000. Out of this number, our target
demographic numbers for club membership use is 53 percent. A 17,000-square-foot
facility, coupled with these demographics, should allow for a penetration rate of 3.5
percent or, in other words, the club should attract a membership base of about 1,700-
4,000 members.
4.0 Membership Details
(Note: All monthly payments will be collected by an EFT system using ASF International in
Denver, the largest service company in the fitness industry.)
The following memberships will be featured:
12-month membership. A closed-ended, 12-month membership paid in 12
installments of $39 per month, with a one-time joiners fee of $59.
18-month membership. A budget consideration membership, which is a closed-
ended membership with 18 payments of $35 per month and a one-time joiners fee
of $59.
Group personal training membership. This membership also includes unlimited
group personal training classes. A one-time joiners fee of $59 and 12 monthly
payments of $129 will be the core membership.
One-on-one personal training membership. This membership also includes a
personal coach four times a month and unlimited group personal training classes. A
one-time joiners fee of $59 and 12 monthly payments of $299 with a closed-ended
Weight management membership. This membership is for anyone whose main
reason for joining a club is weight management and who wants to concentrate on
just weight loss as their primary focus during the first few months they get started.
A one-time joiners fee of $59 and three payments of $199 per month, after which
they can continue with a different membership or repeat the diet program.
Short-term membership. A short-term membership is up to three months of
membership time for $299.
Daily drop-in. A day pass may be purchased for $20. Members may bring in a
guest with a 50 percent discount off the drop-in fee.
All memberships, regardless of type, as well as potential members will be able to
participate in a 14-day trial membership program. This will allow them the
opportunity to experience the club and get involved in a very extensive orientation
program. This program will include an outline of the products and services provided by
the club, as well as fitness testing, weight training, cardiovascular training, and education
on nutrition and supplementation.
4.1 Competition
Many times, even when clubs are very close to one another, they may not be head-to-
head competition. When clubs differ significantly in terms of price, size, facilities,
programs, and, most importantly, target markets, they can appeal to significantly
different market segments. The following are existing clubs within a five-mile radius. All
clubs listed vary in size, features, and populations. These show that The Workout
Company will be unique in its market niche.
Anywhere Fitness. This facility is about two miles from the new proposed facility.
This is a 24/7 facility with no service or amenities. This type of facility does not
market to our demographic market. These types of clubs appeal to the prospect
who simply wants to come and go at anytime and for those who do not need
motivation or direction. These types of gyms have high loss rates because the
average member needs to be motivated and encouraged to continue his workouts.
The monthly membership rate is about $39. Their target market is 18- to 34-year-
24-Hour gym. If a member is looking for the personal touch, this would not be the
type of facility he would join. Upscale facilities like the proposed Workout Company
are often more appealing to a higher income demographic member who wants a
more intimate environment and more support than the 24-Hour Gym offers. This
gym is located about one mile from the new Workout Company location. The target
market is young as reflected by the staff they hire. The facility itself is dated and
run-down. The monthly membership rate is about $29 per month.
The Training Zone. This is a 10,000-square-foot club located about two miles from
the new Workout Company location. This is your typical box gym with no services
or amenities. The members experience is what he can make of it on his own.
There are no support or profit centers to help the member achieve his goals,
hence, perhaps a high loss rate in the club would be considered. The membership
is about $39 per month.
For Woman. This is a womens-only facility located about one mile from the new
Workout Company location. Their main focus is group exercise. They do offer
personal training and other profit centers, but those features are secondary to
group exercise, which totals about 50 classes per week. Their monthly rate is $39
per month.
Personal Fitness. This is a 3,000 square foot personal training studio. There are
about five trainers in this center and they only provide the 1:1 service. The current
rate is about $45 per hour for training. No other services or profit centers are
New life Now Fitness. This is a small group-training center. It is about three miles
from the new location. The hours are very limited.
What makes The Workout Company different from the others?
There is a large differentiation between this proposed location and the competition in the
area. The difference that stands out most predominantly is the combination of the
service, amenities, and profit centers that will be offered. The facility will not only be
known for its ongoing boot camps, but known as the solution for the members in weight
loss, motivation, support, and service. There is no facility in the area that is designed to
be a solution based type of club for the member by offering all the profit centers
revolving around an exemplary customer service plan. The Workout Company will now be
that location.
Another point of differentiation is the theme or niche that The Workout Company will
be offering, which is upscale adult, functional training (often referred to as lifestyle
enhancement training). The unique training approach for the members, along with the
equipment that will be used, makes this location stand out from the competition.
The facility itself will be designed for the high-end clientele, with attention to all the
small details within the physical plant as well as unsurpassed customer service.
5.0 Management Summary
Tom Johnson will be the operations manager. His background includes owning and
working in the existing Workout Company training center for the past six years. He also
has the vision and knowledge to develop staff and to continue to grow and develop his
sports enhancement and customer service philosophies.
Tom will continue his day-to-day operation of The Workout Company, handling
scheduling, marketing, and promotions, along with running and developing various
programs. Tom was also involved in running My Racquet, the business that currently
exists in the facility, for four months during the transition with the banks and the previous
owner. During this time, even with a difficult economy and extremely difficult business
circumstances, the club was able to turn a profit each month. This demonstrates his
incredible skills and his ability to manage, lead, and run a profitable business.
The sales manager will be Kristen Moran. This position is one of the most important
jobs within the club. Kristen brings a high level of sales and leadership experience. She
will be selling and tracking the 14-day trial prospects as well as converting the existing
My Racquet membership base onto The Workout Company monthly receivable base.
The lead nutrition/fitness professional will be Charles Wrangler, who has worked
with Tom in the existing Workout Company training facility. He will be selling training and
upgrading memberships as well as developing workouts for the trainers to follow.
Qualified staff has been working with Tom for the past six years in sales and training
at his current training studio; however, additional staff will be needed and hired for the
desk, membership sales, sports bar, and as personal trainers due to the increase in size.
Following is the personnel plan for The Workout Company:
Personal trainers: 5 full-time/part-time
Group exercise leaders: 5 part-time
Front desk/customer service: 3 full-time/part-time
Membership sales: 3 full-time/part-time
Weekend manager: 1 full-time
Bookkeeping: 1 part-time
Maintenance/cleaning: 1 full-time
The staffing equation is critical for the fitness business. Gyms are considered to be a
98 percent intangible commodity. This means the clients are not buying a product, but
purchasing an expectation that the gym staff will provide quality services and a good
The prospective members are purchasing the environment and the experience of the
staff, which can help these clients achieve their goals in a friendly, clean, and supportive
environment. Since members are purchasing a high-end item, and usually leave without a
product, the facility needs to sell itself (staff) as the product that can make a difference in
their lives, change their lifestyles, and help them achieve the results they are seeking.
Internal and external training on a regular basis for the staff is critical. This helps
guarantee the highest level of customer service and fitness knowledge. These standards
will make The Workout Company stand out from other gyms, which traditionally do not
have the skilled staff needed for the high-end customer. The recommended outsource for
staff training and manager/ supervisor development is the National Fitness Business
Alliance and the Thomas Plummer Company. These companies are the leading educators
within the fitness industry. They provide support, consulting, training, and seminars. (The
goal of these companies is to help club owners find financial success within the fitness
Tom Johnson has attended Thomas Plummers advanced two-day business school.
The supervisors of the new facility will also attend these training seminars.
The Management Team
General Manager
Hours: 40 to 50 per week
Description of work: The general manager is ultimately responsible for the clubs total
revenues. The manager is also responsible for running a club under a fixed, definable
Duties include:
40 to 50 percent of all membership sales while the club is under 500 members
Hiring and firing of staff
Staff development
Daily reporting and number analysis
Working the clubs prime hours of revenue
Budgets and budget controls
Sales Manager
Hours: 32 to 40 per week
Description of work: The sales manager is responsible for the clubs entire sales effort.
Duties include:
40 to 50 percent of the entire sales goal per month for the club
Sales training for the entire staff
All follow-ups for prospects
Maintenance of the clubs support systems and sales material for the club
Lead Customer Service Representative
Hours: 32 to 40 per week
Description of work: The lead customer service representative is in many ways the most
important person in the club. He is the prime deliverer of customer service for the club,
drives profit center income during prime hours, and is responsible for the training and
development of all counter people.
Duties include:
Working with the manager in charge of the profit center and the general manager
to promote front counter profit centers, generate orders, manage inventory, and
prepare reporting for the rest of the management team
Training and supervision of all counter people
Scheduling for the counter staff and participation in the hiring and evaluating of
counter people
Assisting with sales efforts when necessary
Weekend Supervisor
Hours: 32 to 40 per week
Description of work: The weekend supervisor would work a minimum of 32 hours per
week on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. This job is considered an entry-level
management training position. This person takes lead responsibility on the weekend,
making sure the club is properly staffed and produces the maximum amount of revenue
Duties include:
Opening and closing the club on Saturdays
Closing the club on Sundays
Being responsible for all sales on those days
Being in charge of the weekend staff
Running specials and generating income from the multiple profit centers with the
help and direction of the assistant manager in charge of profit centers
Working non-weekend hours as senior staff person in either sales or in the training
Lead Nutrition and Fitness Professional
Hours: 32 to 40
Description of work: The lead nutrition and fitness professional is the liaison between the
club and dotFIT
and Lone Star nutrition companies. This person would also do personal
training. This position is also in charge of developing and maintaining supplement sales in
the club.
Duties include:
Liaison between dotFIT and Lone Star
Educating and training the staff on supplements and nutrition in the club
Preparing orders for the manager concerning supplements, support material, and
other nutrition/training-related items
Supervising all trainers
Group Programming and Training Director
Hours: 32 to 40 per week
Description of work: The group programming and training director develops and supports
all structured group programming in the club. This position is also responsible for the
successful implementation of all specialty classes. The job includes the development of
instructors, implementation of the programs, analysis of the schedule, and internal
Duties include:
The rollout of each program as it is introduced
The development of instructors to support the programs
Schedules and analysis of instructors classes
Promotion of special events, such as advanced classes, held to generate additional
income in the group program
Development of semi-private revenue from the group programs and personal
Supervision of all activity trainers
Development of a schedule of quarterly club offerings, portals, and seasonal
activities that can be sold to the consumer
6.0 Important Assumptions
Following are the assumptions for the projected profit/loss for the years 2011-2012.
Membership outline
Presales. Memberships sold before the new location is open usually start about 60 to 90
days prior to the club actually opening. A target of 100 memberships is projected to be
sold during the presale. This number includes converting some of the existing Workout
Company training members on to the receivable base as well as new members. These
memberships will be promoted with direct mail pieces and flyers in the daily newspaper
produced by Susan K. Bailey Advertising. This presale starts the clubs receivable base the
first month of operation at $12,000.
Loss rate. These are members who, for some reason, move out of the area, incur a
medical disability, or simply do not pay. The loss rate is determined on a 12-month,
closed-end membership. For the first year, a rate of .023 percent is applied, followed by
the second year of less than .012 percent, and the third year a factor of less than .010
percent was used. Losses drop as the club ages and are slightly higher during the
excitement of the presale. Note: The loss rate was an 80/20 split for the membership and
training EFT receivable adjustment.
New membership breakdown. EFT (electronic funds transfer) will account for 90 percent
of the membership payments. The additional 10 percent would include paid-in-full and
short-term memberships. The monthly payments or receivable base gives the gym
stability with monthly income. Payments are usually credited to the gyms account on the
15th and 30th of the month.
Receivable base. The main membership receivable base is directed from membership
payments, which will be billed through an EFT system by ASF International, located in
Denver, Colorado, the largest third-party billing company for health clubs. Note: The EFT
membership average used on the pro forma was $37 (membership price is $39) and the
training EFT average was $214.
Sales closing rate. For the first year, this rate is a target of 55 percent as a minimum.
There may be higher closing rates on the first year due to the newness that entices new
members to join, but we wanted to factor in the training factor for staff in the sales steps
for the first year to have a comfortable closing rate. After the first year, a closing rate of
60 percent will be used in closing the prospects, since the staff will then have more
experience. We are also assuming only a 10 percent close rate on the training
membership at the POS. The remaining 90 percent of sales at the POS is membership
Renewals. These start in the second year of business. Renewals in the fitness industry
average from 40 to 50 percent on an annual basis (this represents the attrition number).
A well-run facility that pays attention to member details has a renewal rate of 50 to 60
percent and higher. A factor of 65 percent was used for the renewal percentage due to
the training expertise The Workout Company offers. The more attention the member
receives, the higher the chance they will want to continue their membership.
Profit Center Ratios
The profit center ratio is tracked and analyzed through a member usage rate. Each time a
member comes into the club to exercise, the average revenue generated in each profit
center is calculated. Income is based on the number of visits per month. An average of 60
percent of the membership will use the gym at least twice per month. The following
formula is used to determine the profit center income:
Drinks. The club will have two drink coolers available for members to choose from during
their visits. Each cooler will feature diet soft drinks, a variety of waters, sports drinks,
juices, and other popular drinks. The club will average about $0.24 per member visit in
drink sales.
Nutrition/weight loss. To add to the members success, the weight-loss program by dotFIT will be a featured profit center. The program is a 12-week weight-loss
system, specifically designed for health clubs to offer to their members. The program is
turnkey and utilizes grocery store foods, in-between-meal snacks, protein bars, and
shakes. The club would average about $0.75 per member visit.
Juice bar/sports bar. The juice bar is the social center of the club and many members
enjoy shakes and other beverages before and after a workout. The juice bar will be a
licensed bar developed by City Blends, one of the largest companies in the industry
providing a total business system for shakes and coffees. The club should expect about
$0.75 per member visit in shakes, coffee, and snacks from this profit center. During the
summer months, the ratio is lower due to members using the gym less frequently. Beer is
also served and is expected to average about $0.85 per member visit.
Personal training. This includes one-on-one personal training sessions, as well as groups
and clinic formats. The members pay an additional fee for this service. An average of $3
per member visit is estimated for this profit center. Many of the memberships will
package the training directly into the monthly membership rate. However, we will still
offer the ability to pay by visit or with a punch pass series.
Specialty programs. This profit center focuses on boot camps and other workouts that
have a start and end date as well as a fee associated with it. The monthly income was
determined from history of The Workout Company Training Center.
Pro shop. This profit center is usually the smallest from the rest; however, with the brand,
logo, and The Workout Company name, it lends itself to having funky designs and logo
attire that will appeal to the member population. An average of $0.10 per member visit
could be expected.
Cost of goods. A rate of 70 percent for the cost of goods was assumed.
Operating Expenses
Insurance. This is an average quote for a 17,000-square-foot facility, including liability,
and contents in the Sacramento area. Prices were quoted from the Association Insurance
Companythe largest and most established provider in the industry
Bank loans. The repayment of the loan was determined using an interest rate of 6
percent over a 20-year period.
Expenses. General expenses such as telephone, utilities, janitor, maintenance, supplies,
postage, and printing are based on a general average for a facility this size. Some
expenses do vary according to the time of year.
Advertising. Advertising will be about 10 percent of expense. For the presale and during
the first three months, a higher ratio was used. To market the adult upscale market, The
Workout Company brand, logo, and themes will attract that demographic niche.
Rent. The business will rent the building from New Club, LCC. The first three months will
be free from rent, to ensure a healthy receivable base before the rent kicks in. Beginning
in the fourth month, the rent will be $5,100 per month. The spa will be rented out, which
will average about $2,500 per month.
Bank fees. ASF charges about 7 percent of the total receivable base collected. They also
assume all collection costs. The services provided in this fee included the software
tracking system, POS, and renewals, as well as all the billing aspects for collection.
As the facility matures. the average percentage should be about 37 to 42 percent. The
first year, the totals may be higher due to staffing requirements needed to attend to the
new members. The employers payroll tax of 7% was also figured into the payroll tax
6.1 Financial Projections
It should take two years for clubs to reach financial maturity, which is where we tend to
see a leveling off in membership as well as in the receivable base. This normally happens
at around the twenty-fifth month of operation.
Although the future is never certain, the two-year pro forma (Figures 7-2 and 7-3)
makes it clear that The Workout Company becomes a confident financial success. It
should be noted that conservative, real-world assumptions were used to assess the future
potential of the business.
6.2 Sample Monthly Operating Expense
Rent payment
Officers salary
Office supplies
Janitorial supplies
Building tax
Monthly BOE (Base Operating Expense)
7.0 Demographics
The population in this area is estimated to change from 5,627 to 6,294, resulting in
a growth of 11.9 percent between 2000 and the current year. Over the next five
years, the population is projected to grow by 8.8 percent.
The population in the United States is estimated to change from 281,421,906 to
304,141,549, resulting in a growth of 8.1 percent between 2000 and the current
year. Over the next five years, the population is projected to grow by 4.9 percent.
The current year median age for this population is 37.0, while the average age is
39.0. Five years from now, the median age is projected to be 38.5.
The current year median age for the United States is 36.7, while the average age is
37.5. Five years from now, the median age is projected to be 37.6.
Of this areas current year estimated population: 74.4 percent are White alone, 4.0
percent are Black or African American alone, 0.8 percent are American Indian and
Alaska Native alone, 2.9 percent are Asian alone, 0.1 percent are Native Hawaiian
and other Pacific Islands alone, 13.3 percent are some other race, and 4.5 percent
are two or more races.
For the entire United States: 72.7 percent are White alone, 12.4 percent are Black
or African American alone, 0.9 percent are American Indian and Alaska Native
alone, 4.4 percent are Asian alone, 0.2 percent are Native Hawaiian and Other
Pacific Islands alone, 6.6 percent are some other race, and 2.8 percent are two or
more races.
This areas current estimated Hispanic or Latino population is 27.5 percent, while
the United States current estimated Hispanic or Latino population is 15.2 percent.
The number of households in this area is estimated to change from 2,492 to 2,753,
resulting in an increase of 10.5 percent between 2000 and the current year. Over
the next five years, the number of households is projected to increase by 8.3
The number of households in the United States is estimated to change from
105,480,101 to 114,694,201, resulting in an increase of 8.7 percent between 2000
and the current year. Over the next five years, the number of households is
projected to increase by 5.3 percent.
The average household income is estimated to be $70,193 for the current year,
while the average household income for the United States is estimated to be
$67,918 for the same time frame.
The average household income in this area is projected to increase 12.0 percent
over the next five years, from $70,193 to $78,587. The United States is projected
to have an 11.7 percent increase in average household income.
The current year estimated per capita income for this area is $31,084, compared to
an estimate of $25,933 for the United States as a whole.
For this area, 50.3 percent of the population is estimated to be employed and age
16 and over for the current year. The employment status of this labor force is as
follows: 0.0 percent are in the armed forces, 62.3 percent are employed civilians,
4.8 percent are unemployed civilians, and 32.9 percent are not in the labor force.
For the United States, 47.2 percent of the population is estimated to be employed
and age 16 and over for the current year. The employment status of this labor
force is as follows: 0.5 percent are in the armed forces, 60.2 percent are employed
civilians, 3.6 percent are unemployed civilians, and 35.7 percent are not in the
labor force.
For this area, 50.3 percent of the population is estimated to be employed and age
16 and over for the current year. The occupational classifications are as follows:
16.5 percent are blue collar, 63.8 percent are white collar, and 19.6 percent are
service and farm workers.
For the United States, 47.2 percent of the population is estimated to be employed
and age 16 and over for the current year. The occupational classifications are as
follows: 23.9 percent are blue collar, 60.1 percent are white collar, and 16.0
percent are service and farm workers.
For the civilian employed population age 16 and over in this area, it is estimated
that they are employed in the following occupational categories: 11.0 percent are
in management, business, and financial operations; 27.9 percent are in
professional and related occupations; 18.3 percent are in service; 25.8 percent are
in sales and office; 0.4 percent are in farming, fishing, and forestry; 8.2 percent are
in construction, extraction, and maintenance; and 8.3 percent are in production,
transportation, and material moving.
For the civilian employed population age 16 and over in the United States, it is
estimated that they are employed in the following occupational categories: 13.7
percent are in management, business, and financial operations; 20.3 percent are in
professional and related occupations; 14.6 percent are in service; 26.7 percent are
in sales and office; 0.7 percent are in farming, fishing, and forestry; 9.5 percent are
in construction, extraction, and maintenance; and 14.4 percent are in production,
transportation, and material moving.
Currently, it is estimated that 10.3 percent of the population age 25 and over in
this area had earned a masters, professional, or doctorate degree and 16.9
percent had earned a bachelors degree.
In comparison, for the United States, it is estimated that for the population age 25
and over, 8.9 percent had earned a masters, professional, or doctorate degree,
while 15.8 percent had earned a bachelors degree.
Most of the dwellings in this area (55.1 percent) are estimated to be owner-
occupied for the current year. For the entire country, the majority of the housing
units are owner-occupied (67.1 percent).
The majority of dwellings in this area are estimated to be structures of one unit
detached (61.6 percent) for the current year. In the United States, the majority of
dwellings are estimated to be structures of one unit detached (60.8 percent) for
the same year.
For the current year, the majority of housing units in this area (20.8 percent) are
estimated to have been built between 1950 and 1959.
For the current year, the majority of housing units in the United States (16.2
percent) are estimated to have been built between 1970 and 1979.
Tips for People Seeking loans and investors
Interview more than one banker if it is your first project. Tell them you would like
to submit a loan proposal and ask about various loans and what they like to see in
a project.
You will have to show some type of personal participation. Very seldom can you do
an entire project without having some personal money involved. Even investors like
to see at least $50,000 on the table. The investors might put up the rest, but they
also like to know that you are vested in the project.
Leave the ball cap at the door. You are there to borrow money, and ties or dresses
are considered proper business clothes. You are dealing with very conservative
people who like to loan money to other conservative people.
Contact IHRSA. You should be a member of IHRSA, as is mentioned in the resource
guide at the end of the book. This group has many publications that can add to
your loan package, such as the IHRSA Guide to the Health Club Industry for
Lenders and Investors (2nd ed.).
Get a job in the business first. If you are new to the industry, go get a job in a gym
and learn how to sell a membership. If you are not willing to take this step, then
dont get in the gym business. Even if you have a lot of money and have been
successful somewhere else, learn to sell somebody something in this business
before you invest.
Be prepared. As mentioned previously, very few owners can defend their business
plans. Understand how cash flow works and be able to discuss every aspect of the
business. Again, if you have never worked in a gym, this discussion will be short,
followed by a no from the lender.
Almost everyone started with their family first. Its the rare owner that didnt have
some type of family help to get that first gym opened. Consider a family
partnership for the first club.
Investors are more interested in the real estate than they are in owning a gym.
Owning your own building often makes more sense to investors, and is better for
your long-term future, in most cases, than renting and putting all that money in
someone elses space. It is easier to attract investors if they are gaining a passive
investment such as a building with a built-in tenant. It is like buying a great rental
house and having a tenant that paints the place and even does his own plumbing.
He pays rent while you get appreciation. Investors look at the gym business in the
same way. They own the real estate, you make the payments, and it becomes a
passive appreciation-growing business deal.
Give up a lot to get your first gym, but make sure you cant get kicked out of your
own business. If you have nothing and investors want a large portion of your
business to do it, then go for it. Give up 60 percent if you get 40 percent with little
of your own money, but make sure your attorney structures the partnership deal so
you cant get kicked out of your own business.
Getting a loan may be as simple as having a cosigner. You may need less cash but
a stronger cosigner to get into your first gym. Ask your lender about what it would
take to involve a cosigner.
Look for used gyms. Have a lawyer send a blind letter, meaning that his name is
on it, but not yours, to every gym in your target area. The letter states that the
lawyer represents a qualified buyer wishing to purchase a gym in the area. You
may get no responses or a few outlandish dream deals, but you might also get the
real thing. Most used gyms are absurdly overpriced, but start there and see whats
in the market. The valuation section in Chapter 3 may help you get a better idea of
what a gym is worth.
Build smaller than you think. Some excellent gyms are 1,300 square feet and make
the owners a decent salary and got them into the business. Most first gyms are too
much for the market, since the owners had too long to think about building the
perfect gym. Start smaller, as you can always expand or build a second unit later.
One of the dumbest things heard from even experienced owners is, I have to build
a gym that big. If its too small it will get too crowded. In other words, you are too
successful and the gym is too populara tough problem easily remedied by
another unit or expansion. Remember that the gym of the future, because of the
increasing start-up costs, will be a smaller more-intimate delivery system probably
in the 5,000- to 20,000-square-foot range.
Additional Resource
McCarthy, J. (2004). The IHRSA Guide to Bank Financing. Boston, MA: IHRSA.
Club owners should be seeking long-term stability, the ability to project revenues into the
future, the capacity to have cash flow during slight downturns in the business, and most
importantly, the ability to increase the worth of the business and sell it in the future at a
gain if or when they decide to get out of the business. Only one method can accomplish
all of these financial goals, and that is the development of a strong receivable base based
on consistent member payments.
As you plan to get into business, or if you are already in business but havent
mastered this concept yet in your existing club, you must first understand just what a
receivable base really is and how it affects the financial success of what you do. A
receivable base can be understood in several ways, but the simplest way is by thinking of
it as how much money you could count on collecting in the future from your current
members if you never sold another membership in your club.
Anyone who is opening a training facility also has to pay attention to this as well. In
the past, training facilities have been based upon short-term tools, such as packages and
sessions, that restrict the ability of the owner to project his business more than a few
weeks ahead. This owner who is dependent on just sessions and packages will always be
trapped by the need to constantly collect big payments from his clients in order to pay his
bills, since this is the only source of income he probably has in the business. He also has
an additional issue in that while he does collect money from his clients, he usually spends
it today for his expenses but then has to service the client for weeks, or even months,
into the future without additional revenue.
This old concept is changing as the more financially successful training companies
switch away from short-term tools to longer term commitments for their clients that
generate steady monthly income. For example, a training client might sign up for $1,000
a month for 12 months as opposed to just buying a 10-session package.
The key phrases to learn when mastering the concept of a receivable base are count
on and future. For a receivable base to exist, an obligation must be present between
the member and the club. If no obligation exists, then the club owner has nothing to
count on at a later date. He might have cash flow from his member payments if people
pay to attend each month without any real obligation, but he doesnt really have stability
and money he can project into the future without the obligation that might exist between
the club and the member.
For example, an older-style club that sells the majority of its memberships as paid-in-
full does not have a receivable base because no revenue can be projected into the future.
The owner received cash today, most likely spent the cash today to pay bills, and must
sell memberships in the future to have revenue in the future. This is also the way most
training clubs actually work. Get it today and spend it today and you have to sell more
soon to eat.
This same scenario applies to club owners who build their membership based on
open-ended, month-to-month memberships. This membership allows members to come
to the club for a month at a time with the ability to come or go as they please without
any obligation beyond the current month.
These owners do have cash flow in the form of a monthly check from the total of their
member payments, but they dont have a true receivable base because they cant count
on revenue in the future. The nature of being month-to-month means that if the entire
membership decided to leave tomorrow it could do so by simply calling their banks and
canceling the monthly draft if the club was using some form of electronic funds transfer
(EFT). EFT is simply the member giving the right to the business to automatically
withdraw the members payment each month from either his credit card or bank account.
This type of club seldom loses its entire membership in one swift shot, but it can often
lose 30 to 40 percent of its membership in a 90-day period if a fresh, bright competitor
moves across the street. Without obligation, meaning that the member has some type of
commitment to pay the club in the future, such as a 12-month contract, the club with
open-ended memberships doesnt have the stability that a similar club would have with a
strong receivable base and a set commitment term for its memberships.
Another way to look at a receivable base is that the club sells memberships over time,
meaning that it adds new members each month that it is open, and the accumulation of
the monthly payments each member makes over the length of his contract or
commitment to belong to the gym continues to grow, providing stability for the club
owner in the form of a monthly cash flow that can be projected into the future.
This stable cash flow becomes the clubs most valuable asset, because it is something
that bankers will recognize and loan against as compared to equipment or the number of
members a club claims to have, both of which have little meaning to a bank because they
are worthless assets if the club owner should fail.
Consider the following example. A 13,000-square-foot club opens with a $59-per-
month membership and a 12-month obligation (annual contract), for a total annual
membership of $708. This example ignores any type of one-time membership fee
because you are only concerned with the receivable base, not the money a club would
get up front for its memberships.
If the club enrolled 90 members a month for 12 months it would have a gross
membership of 1,080 at the end of the year. But, in real life, owners never collect all of
the money from all of the members. Loss rates are inevitable and need to be subtracted.
Loss rates are discussed in detail later in this chapter, but you can look at the 1,080
members and determine how this number would be affected. First of all, not everyone
pays as promised, creating one type of loss rate that will affect the total. By using 12-
month contracts, which have the highest chance of being collected, this club would only
lose about 10 percent of its membership due to nonpayment.
The club would also lose another 12 percent due to cancellations. This type of
cancellation would be due to either a member moving too far from the club, or because of
a medical, death, or three-day right of cancellation, which is a cooling off period the
members can use to escape any type of retail installment contract, such as a 12-month
membership on a contractual basis at a club. The total of these two numbers is 22
percent, which means that a 22 percent adjustment must be made to the members
paying the club.
1080 gross members x 0.78 collection rate = 842 members paying at years
When these members make their $59 monthly payment, the club would receive a
gross check before collection expenses of $49,678. This gross check would be adjusted by
about 7 percent, which is the national average for clubs using a sophisticated third-party
financial system. These companies specialize in servicing membership contracts for
people who own and operate fitness businesses. These companies can, for example,
collect the member payments for you, install member-tracking software, chase members
who dont pay as promised, and provide data and reporting that help a club owner make
more informed decisions.
The power in these companies is that they usually collect more from the same
member base than you can do yourself, which is true for many reasons. These companies
have the perception of power in the members mind and many members feel obligated to
pay their membership payment when they make their other major payments in their
lives, such as a car payment or mortgage.
These companies also specialize in the fitness business and have the systems in
place, and know the collection laws, to be able to collect the most money from the
members you have in the state where you live and operate. An economy of scale also
exists with these companies that a small operator with less than 25 clubs would find hard
to duplicate. Therefore, this owner would most likely spend more to collect from the
members than it would cost to pay a professional third-party service company to do so.
A degree of vulnerability comes with collecting your own memberships. If an
employee dies or a small team quits, your business is at risk because you are dependent
on too few people handling your most important asset, which is your clubs receivable
Therefore, you should always use a third-party financial-service company to handle
your memberships. If you do, the net amount to the club after the national average of 7
percent, which includes EFT members (less expensive to the club), as well as those
members who decide to write checks each month to pay for their membership (more
expensive to the club, but you still need to offer the option), would be calculated as
$49,678 x 0.93 (7% collection fee) = $46,200
This number is an example of what the club might collect monthly from its members
payments. This number also reflects a portion of the total amount of payments the club
might collect over a 12-month period since the club is using a 12-month contract as its
base membership tool. For example: $46,200 x 12 months = $544,400the amount the
owner might collect from his total receivable base over a years period of time.
Lets assume this club also has a monthly base operating expense (BOE) of $60,000,
which includes all bills the club pays each month, including payroll, taxes, cost of goods,
debt service, and any other bills the club has to cover to reach its monthly break-even
point. The exception would be if the owner is offsite and has a manager. In this example,
the owners salary, which is paid from the profits of the business, would not be counted as
part of the clubs BOE since it is not essential for the club to pay to stay in business each
The Single Most important Number to look at in Your
A relationship exists between the monthly BOE and the net amount of the monthly
member payments, or receivable check. Once the net check grows to a level where a
certain percentage of monthly expense is automatically met each month, the club has
then reached a level of stability and maturity that will allow it to better withstand heavy
competition as well as any serious downturns in member sales.
Your goal is to achieve 70 percent coverage of your monthly BOE by your net
receivable check.
In this example, the clubs BOE is $60,000 per month. A 70 percent coverage goal
would mean that the clubs goal for its net receivable check would be $42,000 per month.
The club in this example has a net check of $46,000, which represents a very stable and
financially secure business. For example:
$46,000 net check $60,000 BOE = 76 percent
This percentage of coverage could happen as early as month 13 for a new club and
should happen no later than month 25. Existing clubs that are revamping their existing
receivable base and pricing structure as discussed in this book should make reaching 70
percent coverage of their BOE by their net monthly receivable check one of the prime
goals for their business.
The ultimate goal, of course, is to grow your net receivable check to the point that it
covers 100 percent of your monthly expenses. In such a comfortable business world, you
receive your check from your third-party financial service company on the first of the
month and your club is immediately profitable for the month. Every dollar you make from
that point forward is profit. From research conducted by the National Fitness Business
Alliance, only about 6 to 9 percent of the clubs in the country reach the goal of 100
percent coverage of their base operating expense. It is, however, the goal to strive for in
your club business since reaching that level of business sophistication makes you
practically bulletproof in the market.
The Difference Between Obligation and Method of
Many owners become confused about the difference of setting an obligation for the
member, which is establishing a length of time based upon a contractual obligation, and
establishing the members method of payment, which defines how the member will
actually make his payment each month. The actual confusion occurs when owners start to
use EFT for collecting their member payments, thinking that this tool will solve all of their
collection problems.
Method of payment refers to how the member actually makes his payment each
month for his membership. A member may give a club actual cash, write a check, or allow
the club to automatically draft (withdraw funds electronically from a checking, savings, or
credit card called electronic funds transfer or EFT) each month.
EFT as a method of payment means that the member will, for the sake of
convenience, allow the club owner to automatically take the payment each month
electronically from one of his bank accounts or credit cards. This arrangement does not
infer obligation but merely ease of payment for both parties.
Having 1,000 members on EFT each month does ensure good cash flow. It does not,
however, mean that there is any implied obligation between the member and the club.
Obligation is just another way of saying contractual agreement and unless the club has
established a 12-month contract as a condition for membership, there is no obligation
beyond a month at a time. This is the point that gets many owners into trouble. There
will always be a certain percentage of members who dont pay each month and EFT will
make it a little cleaner, but is does not set a long-term commitment or obligation
between the business and the member.
In other words, without first establishing a contract between the member and club
that promises payment for a fixed period of time, such as 12 months, the club owner has
not developed a strong receivable base by merely enrolling the member on EFT
payments. The member can still walk away by simply calling his bank at any time if he
has not first signed a contract for obligation.
The rule of thumb is to first establish an obligation (contract) and then let the new
member pick his own method of payment. The contract builds a receivable base, which is
the main goal of selling club memberships, and the member makes his payments using a
method he feels meets his individual needs. The right flow, or order, for a club
membership is as follows:
The club establishes a pricing system that is fair to the member, yet allows the
club to collect the most money from the most members while developing a strong
receivable base. It is always recommend that you use the lowest entry point
needed to attract the widest range of clients without compromising the integrity of
the business.
This pricing system is built upon the 12-month contract, which is a tool that is fair
to the member yet highly collectable for the club. These 12-month contracts have
approximately a 10 percent national loss rate annually (less than one percent per
month) if collected by a strong third-party financial service company. This method
establishes obligation first as the foundation of the membership structure.
Once the new member agrees to the obligation, the club then offers method of
payment. For example, the clubs monthly price might be $49 per month if the club
may automatically deduct the payment from the members checking account or
credit card. If the member wishes to write a check each month instead, something
at least half your members will choose if given a choice, the club might charge $54
per month, passing along the slightly higher charge of servicing a check with the
third-party financial-service company as opposed to EFT. Most training facilities will
not have to offer this option due to the size of their payments and financial
sophistication of their clients.
The club should have established a relationship with a third-party financial-service
company (data management company) to be the hired bad person and separate
the collection function from the workout function. The third party becomes the
power that collects money directly from the member, rather than leaving the owner
hoping that a member will pay the club and then having to set up his own
collection effort in the club or be forced to use his staff to chase member payments
issues each month.
A club really doesnt wield any leverage for collections since the member wants out
anyway and a club representative cant really threaten the past due member with
anything except banishment from the club. Keep in mind that most collection problems
are not just members refusing or unable to pay. Many times the issue is a closed account,
expired credit card, divorce, move, or other common problem that is almost mind-
numbing to manage for a club staff on a routine basis. You should farm out this service to
the professionals and put your energy and time into getting new members and ensuring
they get results.
The big question for most new owners is whether EFT has a higher collection rate
than just allowing people to simply write checks each month to pay their memberships?
The answer is both yes and no.
Overall, EFT payments are collected at an average rate of about 7 to 8 percent higher
than using a system that just depends on members writing checks each month. It seems
logical that this number should be much higher because the club is automatically
collecting the payments directly from the members account each month, but in reality the
difference isnt that great. It also seems that it should be higher because the companies
that are EFT processors, as opposed to true third-party financial-service companies, claim
that by using EFT you will collect all the money from all the members every month.
Unfortunately, no one collects all the money from all the members each month. No
one will ever collect all the money from all the members each month. Anyone that claims
to do so doesnt understand the concept of basic loss rates. Each month, you can count on
members who dont want to pay, members who cant pay, members who gave you an
expired card, members who got divorced and didnt arrange to pay the club, and a myriad
of other situations too numerous to mention. The goal is not to collect all the money,
which is impossible, but to collect the most money from the most members every month
you are in business.
The illusion of EFT is that it is a magical cure for a clubs collection woes. EFT is
advertised directly at most clubs weakest part, the back shop business area. A club
owner who has tried ineffective systems and is now extremely frustrated is drawn to the
illusion of the magic cure being offered by a system that claims to be totally effective in
solving the gym owners biggest headache, which is trying to collect payments due from
the members.
For example, many new club owners believe they are too small to use an outside
servicing agent for their members payments. But even if you only add about 10 new
members a month, you are big enough, and will benefit from, a strong third-party
financial service company.
Many owners also believe that they can easily figure how to set up a collection/service
department in the club for themselves, therefore, saving a lot of money by using their
sister or mother to collect member payments each month and to service the member
accounts that have issues.
Reality strikes when the owners get their first batch of rejected payments due to
expired cards, closed accounts, or disputed charges. This negative situation is then
followed by the addition of being held hostage by just one employee who handles all of
your money. When she is on vacation, you are effectively out of business, or worse yet,
you dont really check on her and then realize she doesnt like to make a lot of calls, so
those accounts that would have been easy to save, such as the ones with just an expired
card, are set aside in a pile and neglected until they are far beyond saving, costing you
thousands of dollars a month in losses that should have never occurred.
The realization that you are getting clients but cant collect their payments is the point
of terror when most owners panic and look for the magic in ads promising that just one
simple solution will end the pain. There is not one simple solution that ends the terror,
but it sure sounds good when you hear the pitch for the first time.
These clubs often use EFT as the only method of payment, besides paying cash for
the year, setting up an adversarial relationship between a potential member and the club.
According to the major business magazines, only about 50 percent of the people in
the country are comfortable with EFT as part of their bill-paying routine. The exceptions
are a persons insurances, car payment, and investments, which a slightly higher
percentage of people are comfortable using EFT to pay.
Assuming that owners build most of their clubs to appeal to the top 60 percent of the
areas demographics, it can probably be estimated that the more financially sophisticated
segment of the market is most likely more comfortable with having their accounts
automatically drafted. You might then be able to project that at least 60 to 70 percent of
your target market is likely to be okay with an EFT system.
That projection still leaves 30 to 40 percent of your market uncomfortable with giving
their checking account information or credit card numbers to a club. And if the potential
member is not comfortable with giving out that information, then he will most likely not
be happy with paying for a membership in full, which is often the only membership
alternative a club that forces EFT will give.
Age is also a factor. Training clubs, for example, often appeal to an older, more
affluent demographic that has the money to pay but may not be totally comfortable with
EFT. These people pay their bills as promised, but they do so using checks as their
primary source of payment.
Club owners often say, I have no problem with EFT at my club. Not a single member
that enrolled complained about having to use it. In this case, its not the members who
enrolled that are the problem; the problem is the potential members who never even
came into the club because they know they have to use EFT. While this might not be a
huge number, the question to ask is how many potential members are you willing to lose
because of a situation that should never occur in a service business?
Paying your rent or mortgage payment is a necessity. Making your car payment is
something you just have to do. Joining a club is something a person can do without in his
life because he is using discretionary money, which is money left over in his life to do with
as he pleases after he has paid all his other real-life bills. It seems obvious, but if
someone is trying to become a client or member, take the money. Take pennies, take
American Express
since it gets in the way of producing new money every day. And dont do your own
servicing of your members payments, because your time is better spent generating new
memberships and letting a professional company collect the most money from the most
members possible.
You will have extra cost associated with your service company. Some companies
charge separately for software and some have extra services available in a menu-driven
format, letting you choose the tools that fit your new business. Some companies offer
other support tools, such as lead-generation tools, that you might pay extra for if you can
use them for your business. Check the cost first and then choose the items you need to
be successful.
Also, remember that it is always cheaper to buy proven tools off the shelf than to try
to copy and recreate everything because youre cheap. Do it right and use proven tools
and always concentrate on the production end of the business as your first priority.
Free enhancements added as part of the membership
Everything has a cost and that cost has to be absorbed into the business somehow. The
best example is the owner who likes to give out free coffee in the morning, thinking that
he is providing great customer service. The coffee is cheap and the cups are small, and
yet he ends up spending approximately $700 to $900 per month to provide an
unnecessary and wasteful service that doesnt really please anyone.
Customer service is seldom offering something for free. Besides three or four old guys
who are there in the morning, everyone else in the club knows the coffee is lousy and the
cups are small because who can afford to give out good stuff in big cups? Instead of being
wasteful trying to create the illusion of service, you should offer quality options that
actually represent true service. This same club owner could offer quality coffee in 16 to 20
ounce cups for $1.50, along with a special flavored coffee of the week, and thrill his
members. If the coffee is good, reasonably priced, and, most importantly, convenient, the
club will make some profit while providing excellent customer service.
Watch for the money-losing traps, because these money wasters lower the overall
return per member in your business. For example, if an owner also gave out free towels
and free childcare, it would cost him about two dollars per month per member in most
clubs, which is a lot of money. In addition, he has to lower the value of these items
because he is losing money on each of them every time the member uses one of these
If you have to give it free, is it really good service for anyone? You know it is not free
and, in fact, it costs you a lot of money often to provide a weak service to a very small
number of people. Childcare, for example, is only used by about 6 percent of the
members in a typical club. That means that about 94 percent of your members arent
using a service that causes you a loss each month to provide. In this case, you might be
better to cancel the childcare, and the members using it, and offset the monthly loss. This
owner might actually come out ahead by canceling the service freeing him to chase more
lucrative parts of the market. If you can charge for it, then charge fair prices, such as $15
to $25 per month for the first child and about $5 less per month for the second, set up on
Get a good coffee bar and build a legendary childcare room and then charge for it.
The towels, especially if you are in a club that charges $49 per month or higher, are
something you include for free. But if you are in a club that charges less, offer nice towels
and charge customers $1 to $2 to use one during each visit.
Most new owners try to give everything away, thinking it will drive their business, but
youll find that it is hard to maintain quality when giving things away for free. Free
childcare almost always comes down to a small room with badly painted walls, a cheap
television, and lousy toys. If youre going to offer something, do it well and then charge
for the extra quality you are offering the members. Keep in mind that the member will
pay for nice things, but you usually cant give cheap stuff away while maintaining any
type of quality.
Your goal is to hit zero. In other words, you want to eliminate as many things that
lower your return per member as you can and replace them with offerings that the
members will pay to support. Profit is the goal and the numbers dont lie. You either
directly made money or you didnt. You also need to be aware of the trap, Well, no one
uses childcare, but I know a lot of people signed up because I offer it. Remember, the
numbers dont lie and stick with what you can verify, not what you have talked yourself
into believing to be true.
Building a Membership Structure
This section provides basic information that you can use to start your thinking process.
The information will be divided into mainstream fitness systems with a separate section
for those of you looking to open a training/sports performance center. More information
about building an effective structure can be found in other Thomas Plummer books and
seminars, but this example will help you build your first business plan.
Foundational concepts everyone needs to master no matter what business you
The core of a membership system is the 12-month membership coupled with a one-time
membership fee. Remember that you cant vary from the rules and make adaptations that
fit your unique business unless you first understand the concepts and the rules you are
varying from in the first place. Good consultants, and good fitness business owners,
realize that every business is different, but good business is good business. This means
that you can vary your approach to fit you and your marketplace, but that variation must
be within the scope of what constitutes good business practices.
For example, every owner will say this at least once before they mature in the
business: That is a good idea, but you know, things are different here and my people
just wont really like that. This owner is correct in saying that things are different in his
town; and things are different in the north, south, east, and west, in the big cities and the
small cities, and in Canada, Bulgaria, and the Far East. But good business principles, once
understood, can be applied and adapted to all these markets.
Customer service is a perfect illustration. What we consider good customer service in
clubs in North America might be considered forward and rude in the Middle East, and
what we consider good uniform choices might be horrible in South America, but the idea
of customer service and the idea of professionally dressing your staff is a basic, solid
business concept that is important to implement in all small businesses with variations
that fit where you live and work.
Keeping this idea in mind, lets look at the foundational concepts behind building a
financially success fitness business.
The concept of a set membership time period
New members should pay a one-time membership fee immediately at the time they
become members, and their first payment would be due about 30 days from the day they
sign the contract/membership agreement. Start your thinking with the idea of all
members/clients signing up for time rather than sessions or packages. The time may vary
depending on the owner and business, but the core of a financially successful business is
building a receivable base, which gives the owner the ability to project his business ahead
in time.
The tool we use, as discussed previously, is the 12-month agreement, which has the
highest collectability with the lowest loss rates. Training clubs might alter this idea to
three months as the base tool and then progress to longer agreements with experience.
Most clubs will have some variation of the 12-month as the core and then wrap longer or
open-ended memberships around this base.
For example:
$69 one-time membership fee + $59 a month (EFT) for 12 months
The one-time membership fee should be at least equal to one months dues, but no
more than $89 for most clubs. Exceptions exist to that rule, but most clubs will benefit by
having at least one membership where someone can start for $89 or less. This rule also
applies to trainers. Let your client pay $69 today and then pay $450 a month for a semi-
private, small-group experience, using a three-month minimum, for example. It is easy to
get started for the person and the club now has established a receivable base of three
months worth of payments.
Always keep the first step simple for the new client. There is a lot going on in his head
during that first visit. Can I do this? Will I stick to it this time? Will I fail again? Is my wife
going to kill me for doing this without talking to her? Keep money out of this equation no
matter how much you charge and remember that the monthly payments are more
important than what you get down today.
Do not get the first months dues and the membership fee together. The combination
of the two would make it over $89 per month, thus limiting your ability to get the
consumer to make an impulse buy. Getting a small chunk today, in this case $69, and
then getting the first months payment about 30 days later is called payment in arrears,
and it allows the club owner to build a stronger receivable base because he is getting 12
payments rather than 11. For example, the money could arrive as follows:
Todays date is November 15, 2011.
A member who joins today would put down $69 as the one-time membership fee.
The date the membership begins is November 15, 2011.
The date of the first payment is December 15, 2011, and the payment amount is
The date the membership expires is November 15, 2012 (not December 15, 2012)
and the final payment of $59 is due that day.
Again, you should always offer the person the choice of writing a check each month.
Using EFT is becoming more popular each year, but you still should not force EFT in your
club. Give the new member the option to pay a little more to write a check each month
(sent to your third-party financial-service company), since you as an owner are usually
charged more for processing those checks.
For example:
$69 one-time fee$59 a month (EFT) for 12 months
$69 one-time fee$64 a month
(coupon/check system) for 12 months
The key idea in this concept is to establish an obligation between you and the client.
Using membership agreements based upon a set length of time is fair to both the
business and the client. Many new business owners are somewhat uncomfortable with
this idea but keep in mind that this is really no different than using a retainer with your
attorney, who might charge you a fixed fee per month to have access as needed.
Membership agreements are common in mainstream fitness but less common in the
training world; however, that is changing rapidly as the new generation of
businesspeople/trainers is emerging. In this world, you may talk about sessions and
packages but you are really selling time. For example, you might charge a client $149 a
month to have the right to attend as many group experience classes a week as she likes.
In this example, the owner might offer 20 or more small group options a week on a
schedule set by the club, and the member can come as often as she likes. In reality, you
will only train about 9.6 times per month (round off to 10 here) and you want her to come
at least eight times per week.
The number eight is magic in the fitness world. Clients who use their facility, or attend
training sessions, eight times or more a month are at least 50 percent more likely to stay
and keep paying than clients who drop below eight. Based on this fact, it is recommended
that most of your programs are priced to give the client unlimited access to the club,
because if she trains more often, she will stay and pay longer.
There are a lot of reasons for this statistic but the easy one to grasp is the fact that if
this woman is coming to your facility eight times or more per month, she is probably
getting results and will most likely stay committed to the club. If she falls to less than
eight, in many cases, she is probably not getting any outside fitness either and will stop
paying once the progress ends. Keep them in the club eight times or more a month and
set your programs to allow for maximum access.
The issue of what to actually charge as your base rate for one person
This debate has changed more in the last three years than it has in the preceding 30
years in the industry. What is the new base rate for one person? Should you go for a
higher price, say $49, to establish yourself as the upscale choice in the market? Or should
you go for $19 and be the easy to access price in your marketplace, making it a no-
brainer for everyone to join. You could also go radical and become a shear volume club
with a price for one person of just $9a price structure that was the rage for a number of
years during the first decade of this new era but one that was slowly replaced with an
emphasis on the $19 model.
The answer is that all of these choices might be correct, depending on the
marketplace, the competition, the owners philosophy, and the current state of the
economy. Your price has to match you, your business plan, and the market where you will
operate. Pricing for most new owners is random in most cases or just a reaction to what
is already going on in the market. Following are a few ideas to think about and
descriptions of what it takes to run each of these business models. Training clubs are
excluded in this section and will be discussed later in this chapter, but it is very important
for the training people to read this part so you understand what your competitors are
trying to accomplish in your marketplace and where the weaknesses are in their systems.
The $9 business model
Welcome to the world of volume membership sales. This model is based upon generating
big sales numbers each month and then being able to maintain those numbers year after
year. The delivery box in this model might be anywhere from 10,000 square feet to
50,000 and is based upon a passive approach to the membership. This means you would
have a heavy cardio presence, such as 100 pieces in 12,000 square feet, a lot of
selectorized equipment, limited free weights, and large, clean, but traditionally plain,
locker rooms that are at best merely functional in nature.
This model does not usually allow the club to offer group exercise of any type, and it
has no childcare, no trainers as employees, and often no real sales people. In this case,
the front counter people simply take memberships filled out on clipboards since there is
nothing really to sell but the price itself once the person takes a look at your equipment
In essence, the members are doing nothing more than renting equipment in a
supposedly clean and well-equipped club. It has been cited, for example, that 73 percent
of most daily visits in a mainstream fitness center are for cardio use and these clubs are
designed to do not much more than rent those treadmills for about $9 per month.
When these clubs first came out, it was proclaimed that you could operate one of
these for a lot less than mainstream fitness centers with trainers and group exercise
people, but that did not prove to be true. These clubs have virtually the same expense as
a regular club; however, that expense is not in staffing but in equipment leases,
maintenance, marketing, and other payroll.
The strength of these clubs is that they tend to attract big numbers and can often
have 10,000 members or more, which sounds impressive; but keep in mind that all those
members might not produce that big of a monthly membership receivable base since the
memberships are just $9 per month.
There is also the theory that most people will keep paying longer because while they
might not be using the club regularly, they intend to come back at some point in the
future and besides, it is only $9 anyway, which is nothing and not worth the effort to even
cancel it.
This does sound logical and is, in fact, somewhat true in that these members do hang
on a little longer than a regular member who is paying $49 and stops using the club. The
members do continue to pay for a while past the point of where they stop using the club,
but at some point most will stop anyway, no matter what the price because if you are not
using it, you will at some point stop paying for it.
You will, however, get a person to make a few extra months of payments, which
disguises when the losses actually occur. We have found that a member might average
about four extra months worth of payments in comparison with a typical member paying
$39 per month or more before he would cancel. These four extra months are significant in
the business world and do add up over time, but the reality is that the member will quit
at some point in time and losses do occur.
The core concern of this model is that going into your third year, you might add 300
new members that month and you will lose 300. In this plan, this is a good thing since
you are now maintaining the numbers you built during your first two years of business,
which should have been growth years, allowing you to achieve a decent monthly
receivable base.
One of the weaknesses in this model is that it takes a lot of density in the
marketplace, coupled with a lot of constant turnover in the people living in the area to
make this work. Markets such as Orlando, for example, are perfect for this model. In this
market, you have density due to all the attractions in the area and the large number of
workers needed, a younger marketplace seeking a lower price option, and a constant
turnover as people move into and out of the market looking for work and then moving on
after a few years.
This model can work but many people who get into the business dont do so to run
this type of club. This model is a numbers game and servicing the member, no matter
what any operator of this system will tell you, is not part of the model and the sales it
takes to keep replacing lost members will be a factor during your third year. It does work
financially in many markets, and for the owner seeking to open a number of clubs in a
market that can support this and then sell in a few years, this model might be something
to explore. Although another weakness is that if many clubs in the same market chase
this same volume, someone will stumble because there is only so much volume available
in any given market.
The $19/$39 business model
This model is, in reality, a hybrid of the $9 model. In this business model, you use a low
price to attract the largest number of potential members in the market, but you usually
offer a full-service club rather than the stripped down version the $9 players normally use.
In the past, the $19 players have also limited the offerings in the club, emulating the
lower priced players who cut everything to keep expenses down, but this is changing
quickly in the market. Todays $19 players are usually offering a wide selection of services
including group exercise, extended training built upon an EFT model rather than merely
sessions or packages, and other amenities, such as smoothie bars and weight
The price of $39 is also included in this model. In many northern markets, $39 is the
equivalent of $19 in other areas of the country. For example, $39 in New Jersey is the
equivalent to charging $19 in St. Louis, which has a much lower cost of living than the
The $19/$39 model in many ways might be the model of the next decade or longer in
the fitness business. Even the more sophisticated owners/operators are lowering their
prices to $19 as a way to attract a wider range of potential business that might have
never appeared without a lower entry point.
This model does work, and it even works with a full-service component added on, but
it works especially well if you use a layered price model on top of the low price entry.
Layered pricing means that you might use four to five different price points above the $19
entry point, which are designed around the clubs training options.
These training options should be a mainstream fitness businesss highest source of
revenue, surpassing the total of the clubs membership receivable base. Lets look at a
typical mainstream club offering using this model. The price structure of a typical
financially successful training club, on the other hand, is really nothing more than this
model without the low entry point of $19.
It is important to note, however, that the key to this system in a training club is the
ability to attract a wide range of potential clients through the use of a paid trial
membership. Prices do not make sense to the typical client who has no experience with
your tools and products. Start every new person in your training facility with a 30-day
paid trial, giving you time to establish your credibility and expertise before you talk about
real money.
$19 a month for an individual using the club. This would be for simple access to the
club and include the clubs group exercise program.
$89 per month for group personal training in groups of 10 to 12 provided by the club
on a set schedule for the month and repeating the same workout, led by a trainer,
for the entire month. The key is that you are introducing training to a whole new
market in the club. These are normally the clients who would not respond to
traditional one-on-one training due to the high cost or because they simply enjoy
the group experience more than one-on-one.
Traditional training for these people is either too expensive, too boring and
doesnt meet their needs, or not challenging enough. The traditional model also
lacks the group dynamic that is so important to so many members and that is
completely eliminated by the traditional one-on-one system. In this system, we are
allowing the member, for only $89 a month in this example, to share the cost of
the trainer. This means you can have access to a trainer every time you come to
the club for only $70 more per month over the $19 entry-level membership.
In other words, this person can have a trainer every time he comes to the club
for only $89 per month (price for a smaller market) and the membership to the
club is included. This sounds cheap, but the important points to remember is that
the club is using one trainer to service 12 people and that if people attend the club
at least eight times or more a month, they will get better results, leading to the
person staying longer and paying longer.
Group personal training, or the group experience, is not group exercise
(aerobics). This particular experience is based upon the members having access to
a structured, challenging program on an unlimited basis each month. The
trainer/coach, in this situation, does not stop the group to teach. Everyone who is
in this experience should be cleared in the basics, such as a kettlebell swing or the
use of suspension training. This group experience is loud, challenging, and doesnt
stop the energy to teach anyone something new. If you are in this, you are working
hard. A good coach will probably use two-minute time segments, coupled with one-
minute rest periods, to allow him to mix the levels of the participants. Time is a
much more efficient way to run these sessions, as opposed to simply using
repetitions. In this case, you can easily change a new persons intensity and load to
match his level of fitness and experience and still keep him working with a better-
conditioned person who might go at a higher weight for a full two minutes.
$129 a month for small group/semi-private training done in groups of two to six.
This is a more structured offering for small groups. This is also a teaching format
and the coach would use a workout of the day centered on general athletic
conditioning to keep his group focused. The club would offer about 20 to 30 slots a
week and the clients could come as many times as they like (unlimited access).
The price also includes access to the group experience as well as unlimited access
to the club, too.
$300 a month for limited one-on-one. You will still have one-on-one in this model,
but you should price it with the assumption that you are targeting only about 10
percent or less of your clients for this product. In this $300-per-month example, the
client would get four sessions per month ($75 per session) to be used any time
during the month, access to the group options, and unlimited use of the club.
The key is that the commitment for the member is $300 a month for 12 months
instead of just buying a package or session. As noted elsewhere, most club owners
establish a higher price for training but because they cant sell enough of it at the
higher price, they then start discounting for packages. So, instead of $75 an hour,
the club might sell five sessions at $250 equaling 10 sessions at $40 each,
effectively dropping their return per session to only $40.
In this model, once you establish the real personal training rate for your club,
which is probably about $50 per hour on a national basis, you can then up the price
slightly and use that rate as the rate, using it as the basis for all one-on-one
training. In other words, you dont have to worry about lowering the price to attract
more training clients since you have other lower options available that let the client
pay less but share the cost of the trainer.
$899 to $1,699 for unlimited one-on-one training. We sometimes forget who the
elite clients really are in the clubs, and keep in mind that elite clients exist in
mainstream facilities but we seldom have anything of value to sell them. In other
words, we dont have enough cool stuff for them to buy.
In this model, the client gets everything. This price, which is dependent on
where in the country you are operating, might range from $899 a month for
unlimited training up to $1,699 in this example or up to $2,500 a month and higher
if you are in a major metro area.
These memberships would include everything the client needs to be successful
including supplements, powders, water each visit in the club, a recovery shake, and
anything else he needs or wants. Build it all in and hope he trains at least 10 times
or more a month (retention, retention, retention).
Clients in this category do not like to be nickel-and-dimed with dozens of small
extra charges. Include it all, including assessments and testing, and then work on
total support for this client.
The key to remember is that all these prices are layered on top of a low entry price,
allowing the club to attract a wide range of members and then placing as many members
as possible into a higher priced position. You may show $19 as your base price, but your
real average might be much higher.
For example, lets say a mainstream club has a base price of $19 and sells the
following seven membershipsall based upon 12-month EFT agreements on a Monday:
$19 per month
$19 per month
$89 per month
$300 per month
$19 per month
$19 per month
$19 per month
Do not worry about what the club got up front from each member. Assume it is
nothing more than a $69 membership fee. The real point is that the club owner is
showing just $19 to get into the club, but he is seeking a higher EFT return per member.
What is its real average EFT for the day?
The total of the seven payments is $484. Divide this total by seven and you get a $69
per membership EFT average. In other words, the club can use $19 as the introductory
level to admittance, but in reality is generating an actual $69 per membership EFT due to
the layered pricing system. This gives this owner a huge advantage over a competitor
that is merely chasing volume using $19 and has only $5,000 or so a month from
traditional training.
The $49 and higher business model
This model emulates more of the traditional health club model that has been in use for
decades. Despite the price, however, this club owner is still chasing volume, but he is
doing it at a higher price level. Everyone claims to be different who is in this game, but, in
reality, most of the businesses in this class are just expanded versions of what was built
all over the world in the 1990s.
If you are interested in this type of club, you need to move the business model to
another level. If this model is going to work in todays market, it has to be a training-
centric club, meaning that you are still trying to develop your training receivable base to a
point that it can surpass your membership base. It has been said several times in this
book, but, again, you cant just make it on membership volume anymore, especially in
this class where the guy down the street is offering the same basic concept for a lot less
money. If you pursue a dual income stream, based upon membership as one track and
training revenue as the other, with both given equal importance, then this model will
This is, by the way, the club that is usually hurt by the introduction of a low-priced
club into the marketplace since, in reality, the owner of this business model is doing
nothing more than renting treadmills at a higher price. The club may be bigger, brighter,
and more up-to-date, but if it has not established an intense training program that gets
the maximum members maximum results, then the member will leave quickly in pursuit
of the lower price. If you think about it, why would a client that does nothing but use a
treadmill for $49 a month not leave for a club down the street that offers the same brand
of treadmill at only $19 a month if the client has no other relationship with the business?
If you are going to be a club in this category, you have to change your model
dramatically from the 1995 era when this big box craze really went wild. In those days,
you could compete in this price range with limited services because almost every
competitor was in the same category as you.
Everyone from that era mostly had two or three group rooms, decent locker rooms, a
lot of equipment in a large area, and a few amenities such as tanning. Every club in the
market was different, but every club was really the same in that prices were comparable
and always within about $10 of each other; the equipment was mostly from the same few
manufacturers, and the winner in the market was determined by who was the best
operator or who had the best location.
During the next decade, you will see fewer of these built due to the start-up cost and
due to the expected return on investment. These are big money to build and can often
cost over $2,000,000 in rental space and $4,000,000 and higher as a stand-alone, with
some of the more extensive facilities in the 100,000-square-foot range starting in the
$20,000,000 to $40,000,000 area. The ones that will be developed will most likely have a
higher price for a membership and be more of an elite, full-service club that is seeking a
stronger differentiation from the low-priced players.
In summary, your price determines your business model. There is no such thing as
building a perfect club and then setting a price to match the market. Set your price first
that fits you and the market, and then build your concept around that price. Low-priced
clubs in the $9 range are limited-service volume clubs. Clubs priced in the $19 range, and
especially those being built currently, are becoming more full-serviced but are using a
layered pricing system to drive up the return per member. The new generation of higher-
priced clubs will have to be beyond full-service with all the amenities seeking
differentiation in the market and separation from the low-priced players.
Specialty facilities built for niches have been discussed elsewhere in this book. The
pricing structures do work for those if you master the basic elements first. For example, if
you open a womens-only facility at 12,000 square feet, then the price structure of either
the $19/$39 model works, or if you are in the right area, the $49 and higher full-service
model might be for you.
Markets with competitors using open-ended memberships
If you are in an area that has a lot of competitors using the open-ended, month-to-
month, pay-as-you-go option, you may need to show one as well. This membership
offering should be priced at least $8 to $10 higher than your regular annual membership.
It may seem like you will get less from your annuals, but you will actually collect more
money from more members over time due to the lower loss rates using annual
memberships as compared to the losses associated with open-ended memberships. For
$69 membership fee$69 per month open-ended, pay-as-you-go
$69 membership fee$59 a month for 12 months
It is not necessary for training facilities to adapt this system, but most mainstream
clubs will benefit from this idea in competitive markets. This was discussed previously,
but it is a key core concept and needs to be understood in relationship to your other
memberships offerings.
Price-sensitive markets
If you are in a price-sensitive market, or in a market that is rapidly becoming one, you
might show a lower price for a longer commitment to stay competitive without destroying
your higher pricing model. This is especially true for those owners who have been in the
business for years but who now need to adjust their price to be more competitive. For
$69 membership fee$59 a month for 12 months
$69 membership fee$49 a month for 18 months
(often called a value membership)
The 18-month membership is a better choice in most markets than the 24-month
membership because the 18-month tool has much lower loss rates. The 18-month option
usually has loss rates that emulate the 12-month membership, or about 1 percent per
month, while the 24-month will often have much higher loss rates in the 3 to 4 percent
per month range and, in many cases, as high as 5 to 7 percent.
Multiple people joining your facility
The proper term for two people joining your club together is not couple rate. The
correct term that avoids discrimination is two people living at the same address. If you
offer this type of membership, dont discount severely for two people joining at the same
time. A good model is discounting only $5 or so for the second person or no more than 10
percent if you would rather think in those terms. You are also better off writing up two
separate memberships and getting each individuals personal financial information dealing
with the fact up front that over half of your members will get a divorce anyway. Many
people keep their own accounts in a relationship and you will collect more money over
time by getting separate memberships at the point of sale.
It is important to note that the old-style operators always insisted on verifying the
relationship. For instance, if the club offered a couples rate, many owners from the past
would insist on proving, either by checking last names, or other archaic methods of
embarrassing the people in front of you such as looking for wedding rings.
If you offer a discount for two people at the same address, do not waste the energy
trying to verify or put your staff in the position that they are forced to discriminate. If two
people of any combination of ages, color, or sexual orientation represent themselves for a
product you are offering, accept them at their word. You do not want to put your young
staff into the situation where they have to be the membership police and ask far too
personal questions when not needed. This is a bad situation for the staff, and it is also a
form of discrimination since these questions are usually asked to exclude people from a
service that you sold to others. If this is an issue for you, check with your attorney and he
can help you apply the rules as they exist in your business.
This is a nonexistent issue for training clubs. There should be no valid reason for
discounting for a family member in a training club. For example, if a guy becomes a
client, why would you feel obligated to discount for his significant other? While the case
can be made for not discountingsimply because the facilities are usually smaller and
lowering your return-per-member doesnt make sense when you have limited clients and
limited spacemost of you will do it anyway because the other clubs in the area do it. If
this is the case, do not discount more than 10 percent for the second person at the same
Short-term memberships (good for up to three months)
Avoid junk memberships or too many options when you own and operate a mainstream
fitness facility. The short-term membership combines many of the shorter options clubs
tend to develop over time in reaction to the constant exceptions members present
through the years. It seems that most owners, over time, just keep adding more options
to cover every exception that has ever arisen since they opened the club. For example, an
owner has a person who says he is in town for only a month because he is a consultant
working at a local company. The club works out a special membership for the guya
one-month, paid-in-full membershipand that new membership gets added to the pricing
sheet. Owners keep adding but never subtract from the list, and over time it just keeps
getting longer and longer with a listing for every person who has ever walked into the
Keep your list short and tight. The choices here cover most every person through the
door. In the previous example, the guy could have purchased a short-term membership,
paid a daily fee each time he came to the club, or purchased a punch card. Avoid adding
options to fit the individual in order to keep it simple for the sales team.
The short-term membership should be good for up to three months, and has to be
paid for all at once. If the consumer bought four of them (totaling one year), he should
end up paying approximately $200 more than your regular membership. For example, you
could use the following pricing structure:
Standard membership: $69 + ($59 x 12) = $777
$777 + $200 = $977
$977 4 = $244 (round up to $249) for a three-month membership
Do not present this as a three-month membership but use the term, short-term. Do
you have a one-month membership? Why yes we do; it is called a short-term membership
and it is good for up to three months. This short-term option should allow you to
eliminate many of the garbage memberships most clubs end up creating out of the fear
of losing a person.
Daily fees
Your daily drop-in fee should be at least $15 to $20 in most markets and higher where
you can get it. Create a high daily fee, because you want to be able to offer a members
guest a deal, which is usually half the daily fee. If you dont have this option in place, the
members often expect you to let their guests in for free. This scenario allows you to still
get paid, but the member and his guest are both happy as well, thinking they received a
deal to the club. For example, if your daily fee is $15, the members guest would pay
If you have a large percentage of transient guests, such as professionals visiting the
area for short periods of time, consider a punch card. It is an old tool, but it is still
effective if used in the right markets. For example, you can offer a punch card at a price
of 10 visits for $99 to $120 (based upon a daily fee of $15). Put a two-month expiration
on these cards if your state allows.
ViP and other membership options
If you live in a resort area, dont cheapen the club by offering a weeks membership at a
giveaway price. A better way to solve the need for a membership for the tourists is to
create the VIP week and offer a T-shirt, a full seven days of workouts, a few bottles of
water, and maybe some tanning in a package. Price this package at approximately $69 to
$129 for the week, depending upon the market, but dont forget, if youre on vacation, its
all about bringing home the cool shirt.
Many clubs, especially those that are catering to an upscale or older market, are doing
away with discounting for older members. Keep in mind that as the population continues
to age, at some point most of your members would qualify for the senior discount.
Consider going without this discount if you can. If you feel you must do this, keep the
discount reasonable and within the 10-percent limit.
Most clubs are also moving away from discounting for cash. Your receivable base is
the clubs most important asset and you want to do everything you can to grow it as large
and as strong as possible. The more effective way to offer a paid-in-full incentive to a
potential member who asks is to enhance rather than discount. You can do this by adding
several months to the membership (14 for the price of 12 for example) instead of cutting
the cost. The club still gets full price, but most importantly, all the members are paying
the same price, which protects your integrity in the market.
Sample Price Structure for a Mainstream Fitness Facility
Basic membership option for an individual:
$69$59 x 12 months (EFT/direct payment from the members
checking/savings account or from his credit card)
$69$64 x 12 months (coupon similar to his house payment/check system
where he writes a check manually each month)
If you have strong open-ended competition, add this layer:
$69$69 per month, open-ended, pay-as-you-go membership
If you have strong, low-priced competition and have been established at a higher
price for any length of time, add this layer:
$69$49 x 18 months
Second person at same household:
$89$99 x 12 (split into two contracts if possible)
Paid-in-full membership option (this is usually not presented but is available if the
client requests it):
Add two months to the membership length but dont discount the price of the
membership for cash
Short-term membership (good for up to three months):
$249 (do not finance/this membership is paid all at once)
Daily fees:
$15 to $20 per daily visit and as high as $30 in metro areas
Half of the daily fee for a members guest who is not qualified for a trial
membership or other current marketing
Punch cards:
10 visits at $99 to $120 (with a two-month expiration date)
VIP week (for use in tourist areas or heavy transit markets):
One full week at $69 to $99, including a T-shirt and assorted stuff
Staffing will be the hardest issue you deal with in your new fitness career and your
success will be defined in the future by your ability to find, develop, and motivate your
staff to drive revenue in your business and to provide legendary customer service.
When you first open your new business, you will have to build systems that can be
carried out by a variety of people as your staff comes and goes through the first year.
Some people will stick with you and be loyal over time, while others will simply pass
through the business and end up leaving you at what seems like all the worst times.
It is almost a rite of passage in the business, and practically guaranteed, that the first
person you lose will be your morning person, who just fails to show up one morning, and
you find out brutally due to an irate member calling your cell at 4:30 a.m. while you are
still asleep because you didnt get home from the club last night until after 11:00. Its the
law in small business that most lessons are gifted to new owners the hard way and your
introduction to staffing is definitely coming your way.
Building Systems From the Start
Systems can be defined as set procedures that are available in writing for each employee
to learn and follow so that he can do any job required of him in your new business. When
you hire someone new, all training is done through the set procedures for the area of the
club where that person will work.
Your training will be easier, and you will make more money, if you develop a
procedure manual for your business before you even open. Procedure manuals are simple
notebooks that have each action an employee would do in his department clearly
explained in less than two pages.
Sample pages for your manual might include:
How to fill out a membership agreement correctly, with a sample of one that is
well done and one that might show common errors circled in red
How to open the club, defined in clear, simple-to-follow steps
How to close the club at the end of the day
How to troubleshoot the front-counter computers
How to answer the phone, including sample scripts for everything from taking a
membership inquiry to how to screen calls for the owner
Each one of these procedures should be in defined and written in the simplest and
most straightforward of terms. For example, consider a situation in which you are not at
the club and the front-counter computer isnt working. The employee would grab the
manual, turn to the troubleshooting computer page, and read the following:
Is the computer plugged in? Yes or no?
Is the computer turned on? Yes or no?
Are other things that are plugged in on the counter also not working?
If other things are not working, go to the breaker box, which is located in the hall
closet and marked Breaker Box in large letters on the front.
Find the switch marked Front Counter
Flip the switch back and forth to reset.
Do you have to be this anal-retentive with your employees? Come on, you say, how
slow can these people really be? Most of them are not slow and, in fact, most of them are
good people trying to do the right thingif they just know what the right thing to do at
the right time is. They are not you, they work for you, and to make sure good people can
do a good job, you should clearly define how to do things the staff might not have
experience with in their personal lives. And to verify if this is necessary, ask any long-
term fitness business owner how much money he has spent on electricians who show up
for a $150 fee simply to end up flipping a switch because the staff didnt know to try that
solution. Assume the best, but plan for the worst works here too, as it does in any
aspect of your business.
Developing procedure manuals early in the process makes your staff training much
easier. You simply turn to the section for the department the person is working in and go
through all of the key procedures he might encounter as the fundamental skills he needs
to master for that position. In the training department, for example, a new trainer might
spend the first few hours of the first day of training going through pages covering the
following topics:
Your (i.e., the clubs) training philosophy
What is expected of a trainer as part of his day-to-day job
Dress codes for trainers
How to meet, greet, and handle a client
Selling a member on more sessions
The steps of doing an assessment/first visit for a potential training client
Meeting new members in the club
Each one of these topics could be covered in less than a page. The most important
thing, however, is that everyone who starts in that department begins with the same
basic knowledge, understands the fundamentals of that job, and knows where to look first
if they have any questions. Your staff will perform much more efficiently if they share a
base knowledge of the basic aspects of the job.
Establishing a Common Sales language
It is very important to have all of your employees explaining everything in your business
the same way each and every time. When you first open, things will be wild, but you
want to be sure that every new member hears the same information about your offerings,
services, and programming.
The fitness business has too many moving parts and it takes a build-up time for most
employees to understand how everything works in the club. For example, how would a
new employee working the front counter explain training to a new member? Or how
would a salesperson who just does cardio explain training if she has never even worked
with a trainer?
If we cant explain it, or dont do it, we cant sell it to anyone. Much of inside sales
takes place through the simple method of a member quietly asking an employee about a
program. It is not brochures or handouts that get someone excited; it is usually an
employee telling the member how good the training is and who does it in the club.
Keeping this in mind, understand that staff left to their own devices will answer a
question with whatever they think might be right, and their reply may be based not upon
reality or what you hope they will say to properly explain the program, but on what their
interpretation of the program or service is at the moment. Eliminate random answers by
teaching the staff exactly what you want them to say when asked about any program or
service. For example, whether someone asks a new counter person or a seasoned
salesperson about training, both should be able to explain training according to a set
script that simply describes what it is and who should do it. As a side note, all full-time
key employees, such as members of the sales team, should be given a certain amount of
time with a trainer as part of their job so they can reference their personal experience
rather than stating, No, I have never used a trainer, although I have been here three
years. Remember the old adage: you cant sell the Ferrari if you havent driven the
A simple tool to help employees master a common sales language from the start is
the 4 x 5 card stack. This low-tech training tool consists of nothing more than a stack of
index cards. On the front of each card is just one service, product, class, or customer-
service issue. On the back are three benefits or responses necessary to explain the item
on the front. For example:
Cycle classes
Low-impact cardio
All the energy, excitement, and craziness of being in a small group
Everyone can ride at his own level and still get the best cardio workout in
the club
Each employee would start with a stack of these cards the day they are hired. If you
have a few minutes to train someone, just grab their cards and read the front of one and
test that person on their knowledge of the back. This technique, usually referred to as
spot training because it is done informally on the spot, allows you to coach as well if the
new hire doesnt understand that product or service. Most of these spot training segments
can be done in 10 minutes or less during the slower times of day.
Another benefit for the owner or manager is that spot training allows you to get a
sense as to how the employee is thinking and handling the job. For example, if your new
front counter hire has been there for several months and is still struggling with the cards,
you now have a solid idea of how worthless this person might be and it also might
indicate that it is time to send her home and try again.
When you first open the club, you might have a small stack of 30 or so cards, but as
you progress through your first 90 days, keep adding to everyones pile, striving to cover
all products and services the club offers. It is important to develop a consistent sales talk
in the club, as inconsistent messages are the easiest way to irritate your members when
it comes to customer service. When members ask, they want to know right then and they
do not tolerate employees that work in a business but dont really know anything about
what is going on there.
Building a Team
At some point, if you want to become financially successful, and perhaps see your kids
grow up before they leave home for college, you have to develop a team that can take
responsibility for their own areas of the business, allowing you to spend more time
working on the business rather than being trapped in it.
Most new owners, however, are slow to do this because they spend far too much time
trying to do everything themselves. Hey, why spend an hour teaching a new person how
to do something when I can do it myself in five minutes? The reality is that you will run
out of doing it myself time before you run out of things that need to get done in the
business. If you dont develop a staff, you will be forever trapped, doing nothing but a
series of small, meaningless tasks all day.
If you have a small club, you will obviously end up carrying much more of the load
yourself. As your club grows in size, your chances for success will be better if you can
build a team of people who are responsible for generating revenue in the key areas of the
club such as sales and training. You will make more money, and more quickly in this
business, if you develop dedicated positions focused on creating revenue in their specific
For example, one of the common mistakes a new owner usually makes is not having
dedicated sales people for the membership and training departments. Both of these
areas, depending on the size of the club, need separate sales teams instead of trying to
use counter people to sell along with the other stuff they do everyday such as making
smoothies, checking people into the club, and handling the phones.
A variety of management models are seen in the club business, but most fall into one
of three classifications. The only one that will get you to the highest level of financial
success, though, is the third one. Study these models carefully with the thought of
avoiding the traps and try to build that production-based team as early as you can in your
The working in your business, not on your business model (single line business
O = owner T = team members and other staff
In this first model, the owner simply fills a routine job in his own club. This model is most
common among trainers, who are better known as technicians because most are in the
business because they enjoy working directly with clients. A trainer might start off with a
small club where he trains almost every client, and, at some point, he then decides that
his first club is just too small so he decides to build something larger, where he still trains
most of the clients, but now in a larger space.
The model does have a direct application for mainstream fitness too. Many new
owners have worked in other clubs, or at least should have at some point, and when they
open their own model, they have a sense of their past job but dont really know much
about moving from an employee to a manager or owner. These new owners are simply
more comfortable doing what they know rather than adjusting to what they should be
doing, which is learning to drive revenue in their new business with a team.
The least effective thing you can do in your own club is train members. You should
manage your team with the goal of creating new revenue, you sell memberships, you
develop staff, you greet people at the desk, and you take care of customer service, but
you dont need to be training clients, which is time-consuming and has the least financial
impact upon the business.
Most owners who are stuck in this model all say the same thing: I am the best trainer
and the members will all leave if I dont train them. Yes, you might lose a few when you
transition away from being a trainer in your own business, but over time your business
will grow if you spend those hours training the other trainers and the rest of your staff.
The important consideration is that if you are a new owner, you should never get trapped
into this situation anyway. You cant manage a team and grow your business if all you do
is train a few clients hour after hour each day.
The Batman and Robin sidekick model
O (Batman)
S (Robin)
O = owner S = sidekick (your go-to person) T = team members
In this second model, the owner still does most of the work, and then when he gets to
the point where he cant get everything done, he hires a sidekick (hence, the Batman and
Robin analogy) to do all the tasks that he doesnt want to do anymore. The limitation of
this model is that you can never grow the business past your personal workload capacity.
Batman is you and Robin becomes the person who does nothing but handle all the
day-to-day crap you cant or wont do yourself. Once you tap out at about 55 hours per
week, you get yourself a Robin, who becomes your go-to person handling your overload.
Another way to look at this model, which is the most common in the fitness industry, is
that you simply try to clone yourself in the hopes that two of you can be enough to run
the business.
Notice that in this model, every employee answers directly to the owner, which means
that no one does anything unless you tell him what to do. There is no personal
responsibility in this model because everything has to flow through the owner, who
usually wont let anything happen without him being directly involved. The other big issue
is what happens when Robin quits? You dont have systems in this model; you have
simply tried to split yourself into two people who still make every decision and try to do
most of the real business in the club.
The preferred and most financially successful model
O = owner
M = managers (heads of moneymaking departments in the business)
T = team members
The preferred model is centered on hiring people who are in charge of the key revenue
areas in the club and then spending the day working with them and helping them reach
their numbers with their teams. In this model, the owner oversees the managers, who
oversee the team members.
This is the most effective model because the owner, along with his managers, can
stay focused on creating revenue. Their teams exist because each key moneymaking area
in the club is separated and then covered with a dedicated team that is guided by a
For example, in a mainstream business, you might have a dedicated sales manager
and team, a lead trainer and team, a secondary sales team comprised of a trainer who
can sell and who does nothing but create training revenue, and perhaps a front counter
manager and team. Teams are created where the revenue occurs.
Keep in mind one of the most important rules in small business: There is no
production without individual accountability. This rule is addressed several times in this
book because it is important to understand that unless you have a dedicated person with
sole responsibility for an area of production, such as sales or training, there will be no
Staffs that wear multiple hats trying to multitask always have the wrong hat on at the
time you need to make money. For instance, you wonder why sales are bad and your
team says they are too busy running the front desk or training people (the other hats
they wear besides sales) and therefore, nothing gets done because no one is responsible.
Another way to describe this rule is that when everyone has responsibility, no one takes
In the training world, the first hire you almost always have to make is to get a
dedicated salesperson who does nothing but take care of the acquisition of new members
into the business. Most trainers who open their new business worry too much about
getting another trainer, which you might need, but they dont worry enough about who is
going to get new clients each month to feed the business.
This model still works in a training club, but you will simply have fewer departments
to manage, and make sure acquisition is the first department you create. Another way to
look at this is that if a trainer opens a 3,000-square-foot club, the only other employee in
the business when he opens might be a salesperson in charge of new client acquisition.
The old sales approach, where you shoot them and I skin them, seems to work in this
case when you have a small business just starting out and you are wondering who to hire
The Key Positions in Your New Business
When you build your new management structure, start with the key areas of revenue and
get someone in charge of those areas. Small clubs will have a smaller version of this
system, but you must have someone take individual responsibility for the key areas of
any business of any size.
A common mistake in most clubs is that too many people are on the operations side
and not enough people are given the accountability and responsibility for production, or
the creation of new revenue. In the fitness business, 95 percent of the job is production
and 5 percent is operations. In other words, the main role for most staff in a gym
business is to sell somebody something every day. You dont need many people to
manage the details of the business if you dont have anyone out there making fresh
money every day. Make it first and you can sit up in your underwear in the middle of the
night counting it.
The following jobs are the key roles in most clubs. Note that the major areas where
you will make money, such as sales, training, and nutrition, all have dedicated people
who are responsible for the total production of that department. It does not matter how
big your business is, or how small, you will have to have some variation of this model at
some point to be successful.
(bottom-line responsibility, not just a sales guy with a cool title)
The manager, who works 45 to 50 hours per week, has two primary focuses. He handles
the operational part of the business, such as budgeting, staffing, and member service
while also supervising and participating in the production side of the business, which is
defined as creating fresh revenue on a daily basis. Most importantly, the manager is
responsible for the clubs total revenues.
The managers role in operations is as follows:
Hiring, developing, coaching, and firing staff
Daily reporting and number analysis
Budgeting (planning budgets and keeping the club within a set budget each month)
Working the club during prime revenue hours (you do not make money going home
at 6:00 p.m. on a Monday no matter what club you own or work at)
Creating and maintaining a customer service program in the business with the goal
of increasing member retention
The managers role in production is as follows:
Selling memberships
The manager would do about 50 percent of all sales in clubs with fewer than
600 members.
The manager would do about 10 to 20 percent of all sales in larger clubs.
The manager would create and manage two sales teams in most mainstream
clubs. The first team would be dedicated to the acquisition of new members
and the second would be dedicated to creating long-term training revenue.
Driving the revenues through action plans that are used to keep the managers and
key players focused on production each day
Budgeting and planning events
Driving the revenues through sales and promotion of the clubs profit centers such
as weight management, smoothie bar, or massage
Sales manager
This person, who normally works 45 to 50 hours per week, has one function: Get the total
number of membership sales needed each month. Even small training centers and small
womens-only clubs have to have one person in charge of member acquisition. If your
sales come together, the rest of the club will have a better chance of succeeding.
Not having a dedicated acquisition person is perhaps one of the biggest mistakes a
new club owner makes, especially if they come from a training or service background.
Most newbies just think prospective clients sort of turn themselves in each month in
sufficient numbers. I dont advocate an old-style pressure system but you do have to have
someone trained in presenting the business properly, asking for money (becoming a
member), following up, and handling guests. Many potential members would like to
become guests but they need guidance and education to make that happen, which is
where your dedicated and professional acquisition person comes into play.
The sales manager should:
Sell between 40 and 50 percent of the clubs sales in a typical mainstream business
and almost all the sales in a smaller business
Provide daily training for the sales team and hold the daily sales and training
Train the entire staff, meaning counter people, janitors, and anyone else who
works in the business, at least once a month on why and how we sell and the role
all of the team members play in sales
Manage the clubs electronic marketing and all follow-up of the clubs prospective
Have total responsibility for hitting the projected sales number for the month
The training department sales manager
Most clubs do not have this person in the system and this is a job seldom seen in
mainstream fitness, but in many ways, this is the most important job in the club.
Most clubs that are based upon the traditional health club model of the 1990s use a
sales manager and team that chase new sales each month. The weakness is that this
team also ends up attempting to sell training, which, in reality, few sales people are
really capable of selling training effectively. Selling training on a large scale involves the
ability to explain a product that is fairly complicated while applying it to someone who
has unique issues and needs.
Training, due to the emphasis put on just selling one-on-one by most club owners, is a
hard sell in many ways. For most consumers, one-on-one training is either too expensive,
too boring, or too elitist; and it can simply be a difficult sell because few who havent had
a lot of previous experience actually understand what a trainer can really do for them.
Club Business International, the IHRSA publication, cited a survey stating that 64
percent of the people who visit a fitness business would prefer to be toured by a trainer
and not a salesperson. You can extrapolate a lot from this number, but the key takeaway
is that selling training in your business would be more effective if you had a dedicated
team to get someone signed up as a member and a secondary team that does nothing
but sell training.
The goal, by splitting your team, is to build a training receivable base that is equal to
or greater than your membership base, or in other words, putting the same emphasis into
selling training as a receivable as you do into selling memberships.
The person who would lead this department should be a trainer/salesperson who is
not afraid of the sales process or of asking for money. His primary job is to create
revenue by getting new members into one of the layered training programs that was
discussed in Chapter 8, although this tool is also great for selling one-on-one as well if
The primary tool used to sell by this secondary sales team is the assessment. The
assessment is a highly structured encounter between the potential client and the
trainer/salesperson. The goal of the assessment is to properly place the person into the
right training tool for them.
It is important to note that the assessment is a tool to start a conversation and get
the person involved in training while demonstrating leadership. It is not a tool used to
make someone feel bad about their current condition, such as doing a body fat
assessment, during their initial visit. Save the pure assessment tools to use to establish a
baseline once the client actually gets started in a program.
The assessment should look something like this (see Chapter 8 for more information
and details):
Each assessment should take about an hour to an hour and a half per person.
The goal is to educate the client and inspire while demonstrating leadership. It is
not to design a program for the person.
Start with a 10-minute meet and greet to get to know the client. The purpose is to
determine the clients goal, their time frame to accomplish that goal, and the days
per week they can commit to accomplishing that goal.
Use tools, such as a dynamic warm-up, that they should be using in other activities
in the club.
At the end of the assessment, the trainer/salesperson should apply what he has
learned from the assessment to properly place the person into one of the layered
training offerings.
The goal for this team member is to close at least 33 percent of everyone he
assesses into a higher-priced program. The ultimate goal is for the total receivable
base in the training department to surpass the total receivable base in the
membership department within one year.
Potential members will take general information about memberships and how the club
works from a club salesperson but are less likely to take training information from a
salesperson who is not a trainer or cant apply the many nuances of training to an
individual. Separating the membership sales team from the training sales team allows
you to develop dual income streams that help protect your business in competitive
markets while maximizing your potential revenue.
Lead counter person
The lead counter person works 32 to 45 hours per week and is in many ways the most
important person in the club, since he is your lead person at the front-counter area during
the businesss prime time. The importance of this person derives from the fact that this
team member, in many ways, becomes the image of your club over time. Potential
members coming through the door will often judge the club by the strength of the person
behind that counter, and we also forget how important this person becomes to our
regular members who expect to be welcomed and known at their club. This person also
supervises the rest of the front-desk personnel, as well as drives the clubs profit centers,
including drinks, shakes, and supplement sales, which might be housed in the front-
counter area.
The lead counter person should:
Train and supervise all counter people as well as handle front-counter scheduling
Be in the club during prime time Monday through Thursday night, because the
members seek consistency and like to see a familiar face each day (It is an
important side note to remember that constant change over in the service areas, or
staffing your front counter with young, inexperienced, and ineffective people (often
hired because they are young and dumb and will work cheap) sends a message to
your clients that you are not running a good business that is likely to stay around
long. In other words, if you cant keep front counter staff, why do you think you can
keep members?)
Meet, greet, and handle all potential members during prime time, setting a strong
first impression for the club
Assist in the promotion and revenue production of the clubs profit centers during
his shift
Special note for training clubs: Once a training club gets its client list up to about 100, it is
time to start hiring at least a part-time person to work Monday through Thursday nights
greeting clients, handling problems, and assisting with new client acquisition. Once your
business becomes a real business, you also have to start answering the phone live and
avoid voice mail or answering machines.
Weekend supervisor
This entry-level management job, which requires about 45 hours of work per week,
allows the club to have a management-team member on duty during the prime
production hours on Saturday morning. This persons schedule could be structured in
several different ways over a three- or four-day workweek, depending on her other duties
in the business, but her most important function is to generate revenue during the prime
Saturday morning production hours.
The weekend supervisor should:
Open and close the club on Saturdays
Close the club on Sundays
Be off every fifth weekend so she may have somewhat of a life
Be in charge of the weekend production, including selling memberships and
promoting profit centers. She can also be trained to sell training if she has a
training background.
Work the rest of her hours in the club early in the week as a regular staff person.
This job still requires two to three days off per week as any regular employee
would get.
Lead nutrition/weight management professional
This person, who works between 32 and 45 hours per week, is the liaison between your
club and your nutrition/weight-loss management company. This person is also a trainer
who specializes in weight management and who is passionate about helping members
get their best results. This profit center is so important that one person from the training
department should be dedicated to driving the revenues from this area.
The nutrition professional should:
Work with your weight-loss management company to drive the revenues from this
area and master all software and support materials needed to create revenue at
the club level
Educate the members and promote supplements in the club, resulting in the
creation of ongoing revenue
Educate and train the training staff on supplements and assist in their supplement
This job is becoming more important in the club business. In the past, most club
owners have simply left this as something a trainer might recommend on a clipboard as
part of a training session without the ability to generate any additional revenue.
In todays market, especially with the national awareness of obesity and the constant
stream of weight loss articles in all the major media, many more members than ever are
aware that they need weight management coaching. This should be offered on a per-hour
basis as well as combined into the layered training programs. It is also important to offer
every new member free online weight management support, which should be available
through your chosen weight management company, as part of their membership. This
gives the member added value and will help sell more weight management programs
over time.
Lead conditioning professional/lead trainer
(formerly called the head trainer)
This person, who works 32 to 50 hours per week, is responsible, along with the
trainer/salesperson, for driving revenues in the personal training and semi-private group-
training areas in the club. The lead trainer is responsible for all revenue in the
conditioning department. The trainer/salesperson might be the lead trainer in smaller
departments. What you must avoid is having a lead trainer that does nothing but train his
own clients all day. You cannot be responsible for growing a department financially if all
you do is train clients, which, as is the case for owners, is the least productive thing a
lead trainer can do with his time. The job is to create revenue and that only happens by
introducing a large number of potential clients to the benefits of working with a coach
either in a group setting or one on one.
The lead trainer should:
Acquire and develop trainers in the club
Write protocol and then supervise the training department
Train staff and then develop supplement sales in the training department
The group exercise director
This person, who works 20 to 45 hours per week, is responsible for driving the numbers in
the group-exercise department. This persons ultimate goal is to get 30 to 40 percent of
the clubs daily traffic into some form of group exercise. This person does not have to be
an instructor but can be anyone who loves group exercise, such as a salesperson or
trainer. The main skill you are looking for in a director is that they have some business
sense and understand the financial limitations and restrictions of running a department.
They dont have to teach, but they should love group and be willing to take a lot of
classes per month to control the quality of the product.
The group exercise director should:
Attend a national group exercise director management-training workshop. Most of
the major group exercise suppliers in the industry offer management training as
part of their product. Most of this training is good because it centers on the basics,
such as setting schedules, evaluating the classes, and incentivizing the instructors
to grow the department.
Do scheduling and class analysis for profitability for the entire program.
Train and develop nontraditional instructors. Many new owners are held hostage by
a core of already trained instructors that roam from club to club in their markets.
More progressive owners break this chain by hiring a solid director that can develop
nontraditional instructors, such as using the clubs trainers or other staff members,
based upon a core of pre-choreographed offerings that are usually part of using a
national supplier.
Complete roll-out and promotion of each of the clubs offerings in the group-
exercise department. Ultimately, the director has to be responsible for growing the
program each month and for keeping it safe and current within the scope of your
national supplier.
Note: National suppliers are companies that send you pre-packaged programs each
month, or quarterly, that keep the owner in control of the program instead of being at the
mercy of a director that has complete control of everything in the department and who
could hurt the club by leaving suddenly. Group exercise should never be about the
individual instructor, but about the quality of the overall program. National pre-packaged
programs keep you in control since the club owner owns the materials and concepts.
When to Hire Your New Team
Do not hire your team and put them on the payroll until you have a definite opening date
for your business. Owners that hire too soon, and too far in advance, will often lose
money or staff if the club is delayed for whatever reason, and your opening, no matter
what size club it is, will most likely be delayed at least slightly. Hire key people 30 days
out and the rest of the staff the last two weeks prior to opening. Sometimes, you can
make deals with your key people and leave them in place at their current jobs until you
need them, but you definitely want them free and on your payroll at least two weeks
prior to opening to allow time for training.
A rule that covers this very common phenomenon is called the Plummer 20/20 rule.
This rules states that your new club will be 20 percent over budget and open at least 20
percent later than you planned. Its like building your own house. You see a tile that
wasnt in your budget and you cant live without it, but hey, its only a $1,000 more. After
a few months, you are really over budget because those $1,000 hits add up over time,
both in time and in the additional length it takes to get all changes added.
Clubs also seldom open on time for a variety of reasons, most of which are out of your
control. Strikes, landlord issues, building permits, builders that cant handle the job, late
additions or subtractions to the plans, and just bad luck all add up to not opening when
you thought you would.
Few clubs open on time and even fewer open within budget, so be prepared and
understand what you are getting into with this new project. Adhere to the following
guidelines when hiring your team:
Get your managers in place approximately 30 days out but leave them in their
current jobs until two weeks out if you can.
Always hire a salesperson first. Get someone on the team that can generate new
memberships from the presale forward. This is a person whose sole job is
acquisition of new members. Do not hire this person thinking he can do several
other tasks in the club until business picks up. Business will not pick up unless
someone is working full time to get new members and clients each day.
Hire just a few people to handle presales. See Chapter 11 for more information.
Concentrate on production and farm out the rest of the day-to-day functions. Your
presale time and the first 90 days of your new business are extremely important.
Anything that gets in the way of generating revenue, such as trying to do payroll or
collecting your own memberships, needs to be handed out to the professional
companies that specialize in those tasks. Your job is to expand the business, and
thats where you need to focus. The perfect example would be using a third-party
financial service company to service your membership agreements. Get one before
you open and do not wait until you think you are big enough to use one. You wont
get big enough unless you protect your membership and training revenue streams
from the day you open.
Get your entire team hired and on the payroll simultaneously two weeks out and
start intense training. Follow the same steps a new member, and potential
member, would go through in your business. For example, what will you give the
potential member to take home if they become a new member? What will he take
if he doesnt become a member? How will you answer the phone and greet people
at the counter? Who has learned the software and can all the counter people use it
effectively? Train for all the expected combinations. If you can get into your club
before you open, try to train in the actual areas where everyone will be working.
Set your new employees up to be paid twice a month, meaning the 15
and the
last day of the monthnever every other week. If you do fall in the every other
week trap, you will end up with two months a year with triple payrolls due to the
extra weeks in those months, which plays poorly on your budgeting and cash flow.
Get employee manuals in place before you open. Keep the first versions simple. Do
not open without one. There is more information at the end of the book about
getting your first versions started.
Become a member of IHRSA and get their information on hiring and firing. Every
employee, including childcare providers and janitors, should sign a nonsolicitation
Try to meet with your team at least once a day during your first month of operation
to problem-solve. Issues will arise concerning such things as customer service,
which need to be addressed and handled early, and you will also find a hundred
small things that need to be adjusted as you get through your opening phase.
Plan for at least two months, and possibly three months in more competitive areas,
of reserve capital. This means that if you anticipate your monthly expense at being
about $80,000, then you should have at least about $160,000 in reserve to cover
operating losses until the club starts covering its own expenses, which should
happen between the seven- to nine-month mark for most mainstream facilities.
Training clubs also need two months put aside but they can break even at a
slightly earlier date due to the higher return per member and the lower operating
Your Role in Your Own Business
Learn to sell. If this is your first fitness business, learn to ethically sell memberships, and
other services and products, in your business. During your first 90 days, personally sell as
many memberships as you can. This practice will make it easier in the future to hire and
train the sales staff, because you will have experience. Once you master membership
sales, you can teach others how to do it and supervise the department at a higher level.
Your overall job is to drive revenue and keep your managers on track to hit their
numbers. The important thing to remember is that you have to have a plan every day to
make money. How much are you targeting today and how will you and your team make
this money? Never start a day, or a month, without knowing the number you are trying to
achieve, how that money is going to be made and who has responsibility for making it
happen. Making money is a not a random act where you just sit on your butt and see
what comes through the door. Making money is a proactive act that involves you creating
a plan to generate revenue and new memberships each month and then attacking that
plan daily, allowing for the need to adjust as you go forward.
The owners in the industry seem to fall into two distinct categories. On the passive
side, and occupying about 90 percent of all owners, are those who live following the
maintenance style of management.
These people just try to beat last years numbers by a few dollars, hang on to
equipment an extra year beyond its real life, put off painting for another six months
because good enough is good enough. They manage by being reactive and only taking
action when forced to in the market or by the members. For example, most owners
managing with this style wont market until they are hurt a little and need members to
survive or because their competitors run some aggressive advertising, forcing them to do
The other 10 percent is comprised of owners who are proactive and believe in
attacking the market, their competition, and their own business. Their clubs are current,
fresh, and always competitive, and they are the ones forcing their competitors to make
mistakes due to their aggressive marketing, programming, and adaptation of what is
current and on members minds.
The key thought is that you can either drive the market or react to the market. You
are safer, and will make more money, by being a proactive owner that continually works
every day to create revenue in the business and to bring in new members as part of a
profit plan rather than because you are desperate and need to market to stay alive.
The day you open your new business, you need to start having a daily meeting to
drive revenue with your team. Keeping your staff focused on what has to happen each
day is probably the single most important thing you do as an owner/operator. Dont let
your team worry about the month; keep them focused on making revenue during the next
24 hours. Your managers can think big picture but keep the team focused on easier-to-
obtain, shorter goals that build confidence and create daily cash flow in the business.
Follow these guidelines for your daily meeting:
Hold the meeting daily Monday through Friday (and on Saturday once you get big
enough where you have a weekend manager in place).
Hold the meeting between 12:00 and 4:00 p.m. Make it the same time every
day and never miss a day.
Make the meeting mandatory for all full-time department heads.
A separate meeting should be held for the salespeople once you get two or
more in place.
Keep it to less than half an hour.
Keep it positive and focused. We chew out in private, we praise in public. Keep
these meetings positive and keep people focused. Chewing them out every day
in a group kills morale and defeats the purpose of building a team.
Discuss how much money or how many sales are you going to make between
now and tomorrows meeting.
No one leaves without a clear understanding of the number their department
needs to hit and how they are going to make that number happen.
Break the 30 minutes into a series of five-minute segments. For example:
Segment 1 is focused on reviewing the goals as they are today.
Segments 2 through 3 would be used to set goals in each department for
the next 24 hours.
Segment 4 could be a review of something the team could do better, such
as correcting a common mistake at the front counter.
Segment 5 could be the introduction of a new product and a team review
of what the product is and how it will be sold in the club.
Segment 6 would be another review of the goals for the next 24 hours.
Set goals for the next 24 hours.
Set goals for the week and goals that are broken down for the month.
Adjust goals for the heavier-volume days and reduce goals for the lesser days.
Get to the point where no one works without a production goal.
The owner/general manager should generate his own goals.
The general manager generates goals for the department heads.
The department heads generate goals for their teams.
The manager, in smaller clubs, should generate plans for everyone if needed.
Use performance contracts.
You will get more from your employees if you transfer ownership of the work
that is going to be done to the person responsible for the work. A simple
performance contract, that merely states: I, the employee, agree to do this
work this week, is often enough to get the employee thinking about the goal
becoming his own to pursue. You can also add a small incentive for hitting the
goal that week in addition to normal commissions and bonuses.
Reward excessive success.
Pay does not have to be fair. If someone is a strong achiever, he needs to get
more for his work and get better side bonuses and rewards. Reward the players
and fairly compensate the average. In a productive business, the manager is
often not the highest paid employee as is the habit. The best money should go
to the biggest producers, and if your sales manager and key training people
generate big numbers, they should make big money, often exceeding what a
manager would make.
Punish failure.
If an employee is not hitting goals, he needs to go away. One of the biggest
mistakes an owner makes is carrying an employee too long after he stops
producing. If you cant get an employee producing in 90 days, send them on
their way and try a fresh person.
Coach (teach) daily.
Understand the difference between training and teaching. Training people is
what you do to get someone in place with the basics of their job. Coaching is
the daily application of slight pressure that keeps the person moving ahead.
Coaching is also the subtle daily correction of behaviors that leads to a higher
level of performance.
Coaching must take place every day, every hour that you are in the business.
Training, or the introduction or review of a skill, can be applied weekly or as
Have a plan to make money every day.
Money in the fitness business is made daily, and therefore should be planned
daily. Money that is not planned becomes random and will always be less than
planned money.
You have to understand where your money comes from in the business. Remember,
you can control your revenue to a certain extent by keeping your team leaders focused on
what they have to accomplish each day.
The Role of Partners
Partnerships usually work fine until the doors are open, and then all hell breaks loose in
the partnership world. When the reality of the business sets in, most partnerships fail
because there was never any substance or clarity in the relationship.
Each partner in your business should clearly, and in writing, state what he will do in
the new business and what he is responsible for each day. Anger surfaces when two
people think they are managing staff, for example, or when one partner realizes that he
is carrying the load for the entire club and the other person is just training clients all day.
Know who will do what, based upon the skill sets each partner should possess, before the
business opens. It is too late to adjust once you are moving and in business.
You also need to clearly and legally define your partnership before you pool money
and resources. Your attorney should help you develop a partnership/ management
agreement before you get too for into the new business. Ask your attorney to cover these
What happens when someone wants out? You need a predetermined buyout formula
in place prior to starting the business. The standard formula is:
[(EBITDA + owners compensation) x 3.5] debt = business value
This might look more complicated than it is if you are new in business. Simply
put, this means that the value of your business is based on the pre-tax income,
depreciation (derived by your accountant), amortization, and the addition of
owners compensation. The total of those four numbers is then applied against a
multiplier of 3.5; in other words, this is a way of saying that your business is worth
about three-and-a-half years worth of net income before you subtract the debt.
This is a very simplistic explanation, and you want to talk to your attorney and
accountant when you add this to your agreement. One key point to add is that you
want to build in the ability to pay the buyout of the partner over five years. Many
businesses are hurt because one partner will get himself into financial trouble and
then want to be bought out of the business right away. It is usually unrealistic to
come up with quick cash to buy someone out, so build in a five-year payout to keep
the business and surviving partner from failing.
How do you agree to disagree? Agree in advanced to third-party mediation prior to
everyone getting attorneys and racking up huge bills that may not be necessary.
What if a partner dies or gets divorced? You think the business is worth about
$300,000 and the divorced spouse says it is worth about $3,000,000. The previous
formula settles that issue by establishing a pre-set number to solve the dispute.
The company would pay according to the formula and then the partner can buy
back his share as needed.
What happens if you need to put more money in and one partner doesnt have his
share? Agree to dilute stock if needed if one partner has to add money but the
other cant come up with his share.
What happens if you want to open another club? Does every partner automatically
have the right to be in the new business? Most clubs will always be set with
separate corporations for each one. Your attorney and accountant will tell you
when to move beyond that assumption. Do not automatically assume that every
partner will have the same share in every new venture. Each club is new and there
might be different percentages or different partners altogether in future projects.
One partner should have the final decision-making ability to run the business. Who is
that in your partnership? It is mandatory that one person has the final right to
make a decision. If it fits, establish a number, such as $5,000, where the operating
partner can make a decision if it is that number or less, but if the decision costs
more than that number, the partners have to vote.
How do the partners get paid and take money out of the business? Decide this in
advance. You will always have one needy partner that is always broke, and you
dont want to constantly weaken the business feeding someones lifestyle. Start
with paying base salaries for whoever is working in the club and then do owners
payouts quarterly. Run this by your businesss support team as well.
Who manages the staff (only one person can do so at a time)? You cant work for
more than one boss and if you want to torture your staff, try to manage them using
two or three different people, all giving the team conflicting directions and
criticisms. Designate one person who runs the staff and do not try to team manage
your business with too many partners giving too many directions. This is especially
true when a husband and wife own and work in the same business and try to boss
around the team separately. One spouse always feels a little left out in this
concept of only having one direct report, but it is easier than having a staff trying
to make two different bosses happy every day. Breaking down management by
department and then letting each partner or spouse manage an area of strength or
interest might help this situation.
There are other issues that will be addressed by your attorney when it comes to
drafting your partnership agreements, but you do need to discuss these business-killer
points with your business partners or spouse before you get very far into the deal. It is
especially important that you come up with a way to buy out unhappy partners before the
business gets going. Unhappy partners often want lots of money when they try to leave
because they believe that the business was their concept, and although its not making
money at the moment, they often expect to be paid on what the business might do in the
future. You cant, nor should you, pay for future revenue that might never be made, so
keep your documentation clear and define escape clauses up front so that no surprises
occur if and when you have to break up your partnership.
Final Thoughts About Your Staffing Efforts
To be successful in competitive markets, you have to move toward an older, more
mature, and more productive staff that matches the demographics of your club. Most club
owners try to staff their businesses with people who are too young, inexperienced, and
mostly ineffective, thinking that they are saving money by hiring cheaply in the market.
When given a chance, always take effective at a slightly higher price than young and
dumb at a bargain.
In most markets, paying about two dollars more than the local minimum wage will
buy you talent, as opposed to just warm bodies filling job slots acquired at a lower rate.
Local minimum wage is defined as what you would have to pay to get someone to take a
front counter job in your city. In northern states, it might be as much as $12 to $15 per
hour. In the southern states, it could be much less and sometimes actually closer to the
Federal minimum wage guidelines.
Add two dollars to that amount, however, and you can usually upgrade your quality of
hire. Two dollars an hour is about $340 a month, or the cost of one membership in most
mainstream clubs. Buying the best talent you can afford, as opposed to stocking your
business with the youngest and least experienced person you can hire because that
person will work cheaply, will lead to increased revenue production, which is what you
what to hire for and expect from your team in your new business. Remember that
production is everything in a small business and you are hiring people to produce revenue
while working rather than just hiring people to simply fill slots and shifts.
Also consider having fewer part-timers and more long-term employees who you have
invested in through education and staff development. A hardworking former housewife
returning to the work force who has had work experience in the past can often do more
work in 40 hours than part-time people can do in 60 hours just from knowing how to
approach a job. It is a simple rule, but a team of trained full-time people committed to
your business can produce a lot more revenue over time than a slew of part-timers who
are merely passing through your business on the way to other things.
Payroll, payroll taxes, bonuses, and commissions should be between 37 and 42
percent of the entire monthly operating expense, although that number will go higher if
you are using the layered training model discussed in this section and in Chapter 8. Do
not base your payroll on total gross sales for the club (total revenue). Basing staffing on
gross sales was the model the industry used for decades but it has proven to be
ineffective in a competitive market due to the fact that as revenue increases, you just
keep adding more staff as a working percentage of the total. Over time, you erode the
clubs profit margin as well as developing a business that becomes bloated and hard to
correct in slower periods.
The fitness business is a fixed-cost business, meaning that at some point, once you hit
a certain level where the businesss expenses become fairly stable (at about the 13th
month of operation), everything generated above that level should become profit. In
other words, at some point in time, the expenses of the business become fairly stable,
resulting in the cost of running the business being covered by a fairly fixed membership
base. Adding members beyond that base doesnt add a lot to the expense, but it will add
a lot to the bottom line since the fixed expenses are covered by a consistent number of
Having payrolls that are too big, which is usually the result of not watching your
budget or not adjusting your staff needs for the slower times of year, eats up the
profitability of most new clubs, especially in the first year when the owners think that just
throwing in more staff solves most issues with service. Run lean through your first six
months and only add staff as needed.
The best staff is working and wont usually answer want ads, especially in competitive
job markets. Look for people with business sense and not necessarily people who have
prior fitness business experience, and then do your best to entice them away from their
current jobs (steal them is the proper term here). You can teach fitness skills to almost
anyone who is interested, but business sense is harder to teach. Managers at Gap
Doughboy. That company has run the Doughboy ads for about 40 years and
its hard for the average consumer to hear the word Pillsbury and not add Doughboy
to the end.
The track concept means that Pillsbury changes their ads often, but has the same
components in each ad. You always see the happy family, a warm kitchen, and the
Doughboy somewhere in the ad. Each ad is different, but in reality each ad is always the
same. This approach builds brand recognition over time. People are more likely to buy
something from a company that has been around for a while and that they are familiar
with as part of their life. Recognition and familiarity build trust and you are more likely to
buy from a business that has been a constant part of the local market year after year
rather than buying from a company that has a limited recognition factor in your head.
Marketing is also divided into two general categories. First of all, you have retro
marketing, which is used for the slightly older crowd. Older is a sliding scale but the easy
way to define it is where does a person get most of his information from in his life? If he
reads the newspaper every morning, watches television, uses his cell phone mainly for
calls, and maybe uses the computer as a basic work tool rather than a tool to enhance his
life, he is a potential client who will respond to retro marketing.
If, on the other hand, the person gets most of his information from an electronic
source, then he will most likely respond to electronic marketing. For instance, a person is
a strong electronic candidate if you ask him a question and he whips out his smart phone
and looks up the answer in a few seconds.
The age factor is a sliding scale because each year the number is getting a little
higher. For example, as of this writing age 35 to 40 might be the crossover zone between
retro and electronic. Those over this age limit might be stereotypically the people who
live in a retro world and those under these ages might be people who are totally involved
in the electronic world. In your marketing, it doesnt matter, just cover both sides
aggressively throughout the year and you will be fine.
Retro marketing and the associated tools
Direct mail cards. These cards are sent directly to the consumer each month from the
marketing company you choose. You can control where the cards are sent through the
use of a carrier route radius report, which is usually free from the company you are
working with for your marketing.
Carrier route radius reports list every mailing address in a radius from the club based
upon mileage. You can also narrow your mailings down by household income. See
Chapter 4 for more information on carrier route radius reports.
Several tricks can make your direct mail cards more successful. First of all, only use
the oversized cards most companies feature. These cards cost a few cents more, but
these bigger cards are long enough to stick out from the rest of the mail that typically
crams your mailbox, and getting seen is the biggest part of getting results.
You should also drop your cards in the mail every Monday. Some companies want you
to drop the entire months mailing all at once, which is easier for them, but the risk of not
getting seen is higher when using that technique. For example, suppose you drop 20,000
cards during the first week, which is your entire months budget, but you catch a heavy
direct mail day where Sears
, Radio Shack
or iPhone
these versions often have a much lower ad cost.
Electronic marketing
The problem with discussing electronic marketing is that much that will be written about
it might be out of date before the page is printed. Things change quickly in the world of
electronic access, so this section will be restricted to general guidelines. Any products or
tools discussed in this section might become obsolete in the near future, but the category
that tool fills might just have a newer and more effective player that is worth looking at
as you develop your marketing plan.
Web pages. Web pages are still a core tool, but how you create one has changed
dramatically over the last several years. First of all, the cost has come down substantially
in just a five-year window. What used to cost $30,000 to develop is now less than $5,000
in most markets. The second big change is that every good site has become completely
video-driven. For example, even the introduction to the site, which should pop huge as
the first thing the consumer sees, should be a 30-second to a minute-long clip that has a
person talking about the club and how to use the site.
All your testimonials should also be videos as well, restricted to no more than a
minute or two at the most. Consumers get bored after a couple of minutes, so keep the
clips short and tight. Keep in mind that energy sells, so instead of simply panning a
camera around the club, use action sequences that show the club in motion.
You might have luck going to a local tech school and getting your video needs
handled there at a reasonable cost. The kids need projects and usually charge a
reasonable rate. If you find a kid that can get it done, hire him for about 10 to 15 hours a
week to take care of all of your tech needs.
You should get a site that changes copy every day, has a capture tool (e.g., to get
this free trial, submit your email address now) that helps you get leads, and gives you the
ability to post your own schedules and events. Your third-party financial service company
probably has a scheduler that you can use that can be integrated into your website.
Make sure you own your own domain name and that you have clear documentation of
where your site is being housed/served. If the company that does your page goes out of
business, you want the ability to get your name and site moved to another server. This is
a common rookie mistake. Make sure you register your own names and control the use of
these names yourself. You also need all the codes and access information to the backside
of your website in case your web master disappears or gets fired. If you cant get onto
your site and make changes yourself, or if you have not registered the domain name and
know where your site lives, you have a problem that will be hard to solve in the future.
Social networks. These sites, such as Facebook
. For example, you could create a tip of the week for your web page
and then create an ongoing accumulation of the tips on YouTube. Again, keep the site
current and post often. Once you get people looking for your new clips, you need to
deliver or you will lose them.
Coupon companies. Companies like Groupon