This document provides an introduction to learning basic Indonesian greetings and conversational phrases. It begins by listing common greetings for different times of day (e.g. "Selamat pagi" for good morning). It then discusses other frequent conversational phrases like "Apa kabar?" (How are you?), "Mau ke mana?" (Where are you going?), and questions about someone's origins or family. The document continues by covering pronunciation of letters, diphthongs, consonants, stress, and ends with noting Indonesians' polite and hospitable nature.
This document provides an introduction to learning basic Indonesian greetings and conversational phrases. It begins by listing common greetings for different times of day (e.g. "Selamat pagi" for good morning). It then discusses other frequent conversational phrases like "Apa kabar?" (How are you?), "Mau ke mana?" (Where are you going?), and questions about someone's origins or family. The document continues by covering pronunciation of letters, diphthongs, consonants, stress, and ends with noting Indonesians' polite and hospitable nature.
This document provides an introduction to learning basic Indonesian greetings and conversational phrases. It begins by listing common greetings for different times of day (e.g. "Selamat pagi" for good morning). It then discusses other frequent conversational phrases like "Apa kabar?" (How are you?), "Mau ke mana?" (Where are you going?), and questions about someone's origins or family. The document continues by covering pronunciation of letters, diphthongs, consonants, stress, and ends with noting Indonesians' polite and hospitable nature.
This document provides an introduction to learning basic Indonesian greetings and conversational phrases. It begins by listing common greetings for different times of day (e.g. "Selamat pagi" for good morning). It then discusses other frequent conversational phrases like "Apa kabar?" (How are you?), "Mau ke mana?" (Where are you going?), and questions about someone's origins or family. The document continues by covering pronunciation of letters, diphthongs, consonants, stress, and ends with noting Indonesians' polite and hospitable nature.
Tel. (6221) 480-3326 0818-0838-2582 [email protected] Belajar Bahasa Indonesia karena waktu adalah uang Selamat datang. Welcome. Bahasa Indonesia is a very interesting and fun language to learn. Its also very flexible in its rules and grammar, plus even the slightest effort will bring out smiles from the locals, and they will comment, Waah, sudah bisa bahasa Indonesia! Literally, already can bahasa Indonesia. Therefore, the first thing to learn is friendly greetings. Jadi, yang pertama untuk belajar adalah ucapan selamat yang ramah. Halo! Hello (kids like to say Halo Mister!, and often for men and woman alike!) ; Selamat pagi. Good morning ; Selamat siang. (after 11:00 am till 3:00 pm) ; Selamat sore. (after 3:00 till 6:00) ; Selamat malam. Good evening. Selamat jalan. Good-bye. Apa kabar? How are you? (literally: what news?) Baik, terima kasih. Fine, thank you. and they always ask: Mau ke mana? Where are you going? (literally: Want to where?). and the most common reply: Jalan-jalan. Just walking. (usually the best answer, regardless of where youre really going). If you stop to chat, theyll surely ask: Dari mana? Where are you from? (literally: From where?), which usually means what country are you from. and you reply: Dari _____. And sometimes to confuse you, theyll ask: Dari mana asalnya? Where do you come from? (literally: From where origin?), and just as correct: Asalnya dari mana? Of course, if youve been in the country for more than 2 days you probably already know all this! And, if you linger for a moment, or chit chat with the taxi driver, then the next questions will almost always be: Sudah lama di Indonesia? (literally: Already long time in Indonesia?), to which you may reply, Belum. (Not yet), or Baru tiga hari. (literally: Just three days.), or Baru satu bulan. (Just one month), or perhaps, Ya, sudah lama. (literally: Yes, already a long time.), and next they almost always get personal and ask: Sudah punya keluarga? (literally: Already have family?). to which you politely reply either: Sudah. Already. or Belum. Not yet. The Basics: (Tingkat Dasar) (Basic Level) With a firm grasp of the basic rules of Bahasa, you will be well on your way. First, learn the sounds of the alphabet (practice this regularly at first with your teacher); then you will immediately know (more or less) how to say new words as they come along. Next, learn the basic grammar rules, then dont worry if you break most of them on a regular basis. At least youll still be able to get your meaning across. Thats the beauty of Bahasa Indonesia! Besides, in colloquial bahasa Indonesia, most of the rules are broken as well. Remember also that Bahasa Indonesia is still a relatively new or young language, thus word meanings, uses and spellings are changing and evolving ; just something to be aware of when learning words from a dictionary or from books. (Learn) (because time is money) ada = to be, exist apa = what asal = origin bahasa = language baru = new baik = fine, good belajar = learn belum = not yet bisa = can, able bulan = month dari = from dasar = base datang = come di = in, at, on hari = day jadi = so, therefore jalan = road kabar = news karena = because ke = to keluarga = family lama = long time malam = night mana = where mau = want menjadi = become pagi = morning pertama = first punya = have, own ramah = friendly satu = one selamat = greeting siang = mid-day sore = afternoon sudah = already terbaik = the best tiga = three tingkat = level uang = money ucap = express untuk = for usaha = effort waktu = time yang = which (literally: Effort to become the best.) EDUCATION EXPERTS INDONESIA Page 2 of 37 Pronunciation: Just as in any language, there are varying ways to pronounce a word, and depending on whether youre Batak, or from Java, or local Betawi, etc. the pronunciation will be slightly different. For a beginner, it is unlikely that you will be able to hear any differences. Just concentrate on how your teacher and other locals are saying the words and try to make yourself sound the same. If you make the effort, you can eventually sound like a local. If youre on the phone so they cant see that youre Bule (foreigner), then they may even try to pinpoint what region youre from. Of course, it will be very difficult since it wont quite match any that they know! Same as if youre speaking English, you can fake a Texas drawl, or an Australian or British accent, or even that of a foreigner with a French or Swedish accent; in the same way, you can get good at speaking like a local and its especially fun to put on a Betawi or Javanese accent. More importantly, you can avoid potential embarrassing situations. For any beginner, it is common to accidentally use the wrong word, which can sometimes be very embarrassing, but it can sometimes happen also when you have the correct word but youve mispronounced it. My big blooper was with perak (silver or rupiah coin) and perek (prostitute or perempuan eksperimental). I knew the meaning of both words, and would never have made such a mistake, but my pronunciation was a little off, and you should have seen the expression on all the ladies faces! Perhaps the biggest sound to learn for English speakers is that of rolling the r. Its just a matter of practice. Below is a description of all the common sounds and pronunciations. Practice them with your teacher and become comfortable with them, and then review them from time to time. Vowels (a) This vowel sounds more or less like a in glass, or at. mana which, where buka to open batik batik takut afraid karena because dekat near, close gelas glass rusak broken (i) is pronounced as ea in easy or ee in feet. bisa can, able hari day di in, at (e) when unstressed is pronounced like the e in open. gelas glass sebentar a while, moment teman friend When stressed it sounds somewhere between the e in bed and a in bad. karet rubber (o) is pronounced like the o in roll, at times tending to sound like the o in long. tolong to help roti bread potong to cut (u) is pronounced like the oo in fool. tunggu to wait belum not yet surat letter Page 3 of 37 Diphthongs (ai) This diphthong at the end of a word, sounds like the y in supply. pakai to wear, to use ramai crowded In closed syllables, it is pronounced as two separate sounds a-i. lain other baik good main play (au)has the same sound as ow in cow. pulau island pisau knife In the words mau (to want) and haus (thirsty) it is pronounced with two syllables slightly audible, since it is not a diphthong. You may not be able to hear the difference at first since its very slight. Consonants (c) in all circumstances is pronounced as the ch in chicken, without aspiration. cuci to wash kaca glass bocor leak (g) is always pronounced like g in cigar. gelas glass pergi to go guru teacher segar fresh (j) sounds like the j in jack. jam clock baju clothes Jawa Java (k) initial and medial k sounds like the English k but without aspiration. kami we, us kunci key kita we, us Final k is hardly audible, and is more like a glottal stop. tidak no banyak much, many baik good (kh)occurs in loanwords, mostly of Arabic origin, and sounds like the ch in Lochnest. khusus special khawatir worry Here is an example of various spellings being common: khwatir, khawatir, and kuatir. (ng)sounds like the ng in banging. tingkat level datang come dengar to hear menangis to cry It is most common just to say nangis and ignore the me- prefix. This is common for many words when spoken colloquially. In Jakarta, youll often hear the ai pronounced, and often spelled, as e ; pronounced like the letter a in English when reciting the alphabet. Page 4 of 37 (ngg) sounds like the ng in finger. The sound of two distinct gs is audible. tinggal to stay, to live tunggu to wait mengganggu to disturb; to annoy (ny)sounds like the ni in Spaniard. namanya his name tanya to ask nyanyi to sing Nyonya lady, Mrs. (Sundanese) (r) is completely different from an English r and must be rolled. Keep practicing! baru new pintar smart, clever (s) is always sharp, like the s in kiss. susu milk kasih to give sopir, supir driver (another example of more than one common spelling). (sy)also occurring in loan words from Arabic, sounds like the sh in push and shrimp. Syarif (a mans name) masyarakat community syarat condition (v) sounds as it does in English and appears in words of Western origin. investasi investment revolusi revolution visa visa (y) is pronounced like y in yard. saya I, me, mine sayur vegetable(s) bayar to pay (z) occurs in loan words from Arabic, sounds like j and is often written with a j, rather than a z. zaman era, period izin permit Stress / Accent Bahasa Indonesia should be spoken rhythmically and with little or no stress. In words of two or more syllables, the penultimate syllable is somewhat stressed, but for the beginner, simply make an effort to keep an even, unstressed tone, and the slight stress will come naturally. The stress in sentences depends to a large extent on the context. Again, keep your stress even and you will develop a feel as you learn. saya I, me, mine tetapi but kemarin yesterday perusahaan company, business kecil small, tiny tempat place, location International loanwords are generally stressed according to the Dutch or French usage. presiden parlemen demokrasi ekonomi polisi Page 5 of 37 Greeting and Cordialitys Indonesians are a very polite and hospitable people; seemingly always friendly and smiling. In addition to the following expressions, pay attention to physical mannerisms, such as when shaking hands, so that you quickly learn the local manner. It will be very well received. Repeating some that youve already learned and introducing some more: Selamat datang. Welcome. Selamat pagi. Good morning. Selamat siang. (after 11:00 am till 3:00 pm) Selamat sore. (after 3:00 till 6:00) Selamat malam. Good evening. Selamat jalan. Good-bye. Selamat tinggal. Good-bye (to the one who is staying). Selamat makan. Enjoy your meal. Selamat tidur. Have a nice sleep. Apa kabar? How are you? Baik, terima kasih. Fine thank you. Baik baik saja. Just fine. Sampai jumpa. See you again. (literally: until we meet) Sampai jumpa, lagi. See you again. (literally: until we meet again) Sampai ketemu. See you again. (literally: until we meet) Sampai bertemu. See you again. (literally: until we meet) Sampai besok. See you tomorrow. (literally: until tomorrow) Terima kasih. Thank you. Terima kasih banyak. Thank you very much. Sama-sama. Youre welcome. Kembali. Youre welcome. Cukup. Enough. Kenyang. Full. Satiated. Permisi. Excuse me. Maaf. Sorry. Tidak apa apa. Its ok. No problem. Silakan masuk. Please, come in. Silakan duduk. Please, sit down. Silakan makan. Please, eat. Help yourself. Silakan minum. Please, drink. Silakan tambah lagi. Please, have some more. Tolong. Please. (used when requesting help with something) Tolong, tutup pintu. Please, close the door. Minta. Please. (used when requesting to be given something) Minta air putih? May I have some water please? Page 6 of 37 First Person Pronouns saya : I, me, mine (most common). Also aku, gue (familiar with friends) (Best for you to use saya.) kita : we, us (used when person spoken to is included) (to help remember, think kita : included) kami : we, us (used when person spoken to is excluded) dia or ia : he, she. (there is no gender in bahasa Indonesia) mereka : they, them. (3 rd person plural) kamu : you (used when person spoken to is a friend, or subordinate) Bapak / Ibu : Mr. / Ms.. (polite, and used when person spoken to is the same age or older) Pak / Bu : Mr. / Ms. (same as above) anda : you (not commonly used; better to use one of the above) engkau / kau : you (not commonly used; better to use one of the above) elo : you (familiar with friends.) (Bahasa bergaul; prokem) (Best for you to use kamu.) Mas / Mbak : you ; Mr. / Ms. (polite, used towards persons younger, staff, waiter, waitress, etc.) For subordinates, such as house staff, who are generally older it is most polite to use Ibu / Bapak. To indicate possession, the qualifying pronoun or name is placed after the object noun. Notice there are also two common methods used. rumah saya (my house) mobilku (my car) kantor kamu (your office) kantormu (your office) tas Bapak (your bag) tasnya Bapak (his bag) keluarga dia (his family) keluarganya (his family) toko mereka (their store) Basic Grammar Rules The best part of bahasa Indonesia is that there is no past, present or future tenses. Saya makan. (I eat. I ate. I will eat.) The tense is understood from the context of the sentence. Saya pergi. (I go. I went. I will go.) Sometimes the words akan (will) and nanti (later) are used to indicate future tense. Similarly, the words tadi (earlier) and kemarin (yesterday) are used to indicate past tense. Saya akan makan nanti. Tadi, saya sudah makan. In bahasa Indonesia, the adjective or qualifying word comes after the noun, for example: rumah besar (big house) botol kosong (empty bottle) mobil baru (new car) air panas (hot water) Words indicating a number are exceptions, and precede the noun. banyak uang (lots of money) semua orang (all people; everyone) sedikit gula (a little sugar) seluruh kota (the whole town) One common mistake by new students is in using the negative tidak (no) and bukan (not) . Itu bukan rumah saya. (Thats not my house.) Saya tidak tahu. (I dont know.) Ini bukan mobil saya. (This isnt my car.) Saya tidak suka nasi. (I dont like rice.) Page 7 of 37 Sometimes it can be a bit confusing: Dia bukan teman saya. (Hes not my friend.) Saya tidak kenal dia. (I dont know him.) Saya bukan karyawan di sini. (I dont work here.) Saya tidak kerja di sini. (I dont work here.) (Literally: Im not an employee here.) And it is also very common to use the word belum (not yet) instead of tidak. Its somewhat more polite, or not as harsh perhaps. In the above example you would likely say, Saya belum kenal dia. (I dont know him.) The most common example of this is: Sudah punya keluarga? and you reply, Belum. whether you plan on having a family or not. This question is also expressed with the intent of asking if youre married. To indicate prohibition, use the word jangan (dont). Jangan duduk di situ. (Dont sit there.) Jangan buka itu. (Dont open that.) Jangan tunggu saya. (Dont wait for me.) Jangan cuci ini. (Dont wash this.) You will also see signs prohibiting things, such as: Dilarang parkir di sini. (No parking here.) Dilarang merokok. (No smoking.) Dilarang masuk. (No entrance.) Asking Questions and Giving Answers To get you started quickly, here are the basic question and answer phrases which you will hear and use on a regular basis.. Di mana? (Where?) (at, in) Ke mana? (Where?) (to) Dari mana? (Where?)(from) Di situ. (There.) (at, in) Ke situ. (There.) (to) Dari situ. (There.) (from) Di sana. (There.) (at, in) Ke sana. (There.) (to) Dari sana. (There.) (from Bisa? (Can I?) Boleh? (May I?) mau (want) harus (must) ada (there is /are) (to be, exist) dalam (in, inside) luar (out, outside) atas (on, on top, above, over) bawah (under, beneath, below) antara (between) samping, sebelah (beside, next to) muka, depan (in front) belakang (behind) apa (what) siapa (who) berapa (how much / many) mengapa, kenapa (why) bagaimana (how) kapan (when) yang mana (which) kalau (if, when) kemarin (yesterday) dahulu, dulu (before, previously) tadi (a few moments ago) tadi pagi (this morning) tadi malam (last night) semalam (last night) minggu yang lalu (last week) bulan yg lalu (last month) tahun yg lalu (last year) sesudah (after) sebelum (before) Page 8 of 37 Prefixes and Suffixes What is sometimes confusing when learning bahasa, are the prefixes and suffixes which are added to the root word. Below are some examples and an explanation of the basic rules. Dont worry about learning it all perfectly at the beginning. The rules are often broken in casual conversation anyway, and even if it is wrong, at least you will be understood. By giving you the basic rules now, you can see how it is used whenever you read anything, and gradually you will become familiar with their usage. Later in the course, there is a more thorough explanation of the rules. Heres an example of taking a well known root word and making a verb from it. membetulkan (to fix something) from the root word betul memperbaiki (to fix something) from the root word baik When looking up a word in the dictionary, you need to know the root word. Also, take care in using all the many examples presented in most dictionaries for various prefixes and suffixes. Although they may be grammatically correct, they are often not commonly used. As a rule of thumb, use words (including their suffixes and prefixes) as you come across them, and be careful creating your own or using them as listed in your dictionary. Common verbs without any prefix are as follows: pergi (to go) datang (to come) makan (to eat) minum (to drink) tinggal (to stay, to live) pulang (to go / come home) kembali (to return) pindah (to move) perlu (to need) duduk (to sit) ingat (to remember) lupa (to forget) masuk (to enter) keluar (to go out, exit) suka (to like) bangun (to wake up) tidur (to sleep) mandi (take a bath/shower) sampai, tiba (to arrive) naik (to go up; to get in / take) turun (to go down) tanya (to ask) The following are common verbs with the prefix ber- : berbicara (to talk, to speak) bekerja (to work) belajar (to study) berangkat (to leave) berhenti (to stop) bertemu (to meet) berenang (to swim) The following are common verbs formed by adding the prefix me- to the root word. Depending on the first letter of the root word, the prefix becomes me-, mem-, men-, meng-, meny-. Also remember, that in colloquial speech, the prefix is often dropped, so if youre not sure, play it safe and just use the root word. Once you are more accomplished, you will know and use both, depending on the situation (casual versus in a business meeting for example). me- used if the initial sound is l, m, n, ny, r : lempar, melempar (to throw) rokok, merokok (to smoke) masak, memasak (to cook) nyanyi, menyanyi (to sing) mem- used if the initial letter is b ; also used with p, but the letter p is dropped : bayar, membayar (to pay) beli, membeli (to buy) buka, membuka (to open) baca, membaca (to read) potong, memotong (to cut) pasang, memasang (to turn on, to install, to hang up) pakai, memakai (to use, to wear) Page 9 of 37 men- used if the initial letter is c, d, or j ; also used with t, but the letter t is dropped: dorong, mendorong (to push) dengar, mendengar (to listen, to hear) cuci, mencuci (to wash) curi, mencuri (to steal) cari, mencari (to look for) jual, menjual (to sell) jahit, menjahit (to sew) jawab, menjawab (to answer) tulis, menulis (to write) tolong, menolong (to help, to assist) tukar, menukar (to change, to exchange) meng- used if the initial letter is a vowel, g, or h ; also used with k, but the letter k is dropped: ambil, mengambil (to take) isi, mengisi (to fill) ; (also common to just say ngisi ) goreng, mengoreng (to fry) gambar, menggambar (to draw) hitung, menghitung (to count, to calculate, to add up) kirim, mengirim (to send) kunci, mengunci (to lock) ; (remember?, kunci means key ; note the logic) meny- used if the initial letter is s, but the letter s is dropped: simpan, menyimpan (to save, to put away, to store) sapu, menyapu (to sweep) ; (repeating the logic, sapu means broom ) sisir, menyisir (to comb) ; ( sisir means comb ) Just a few more rules now to get you on your way. -lah The suffix lah is used after an imperative or request, in order to make it softer : Masuklah! (Come in please!) Duduklah! (Sit down please!) ter- The prefix ter- is used to indicate quality (superlative), as in terbaik (the best), and to indicate completion of an action or event. terbuka (opened, already open) terlihat (seen, can be seen) Also to indicate comparative quality, the word paling (the most) can be used : yang paling baik = terbaik = the best yang paling besar = terbesar = the biggest To show comparative degree use lebih dari (more than) or kurang dari (less than): lebih baik dari (better than) lebih besar dari (bigger than) kurang dari 5 km (less than five kilometers) kurang besar (not so big) kurang sehat (when feeling ill ; literally: less healthy) kurang jelas (not clear) (of visibility or understanding) se- Used for degree of comparison, for example: sama besar dengan ini (as big as this) sebesar ini (as big as this) Page 10 of 37 di- Used in the passive form of the verb, often in conjunction with the word oleh (by) Itu sudah diambil oleh dia. (It was already taken by him.) (oleh is often dropped.) Saya dipanggil bos. (I was called by my boss.) (passive form) Bos memanggil saya. (My boss called me.) (active form) -kan This suffix is used with the previous verb prefixes, generally in order to make the verb specifically related to something. mengeluarkan (to take something out, or make something go out) membersihkan (to clean something) membetulkan (to correct or repair something) Often the prefix is dropped in colloquial speech : Tolong bersihkan ini. memper- This prefix has the same function as the suffix kan, and is usually put before an adjective and indicates to improve the state of things or signifies to make more. Often it also includes the suffix i : memperbaiki (to fix or repair something) ke an Nouns can also be derived from adjectives, such as follows: kuat, kekuatan (strong, strength) sehat, kesehatan (healthy, health) bersih, kebersihan (clean, cleanliness) pe- The prefix pe-, indicates the performer of the action expressed by the root word. curi, pencuri (to steal, thief) bantu, pembantu (to help / assist, helper / assistant / maid) nyanyi, penyanyi (to sing, singer) Note that the same rules apply for selecting pe-, pen-, pem-, peny-, and peng-. pe - an Abstract nouns are also created using these affixes, for example: curi, pencurian (to steal, theft) bayar, pembayaran (to buy, payment) kerja, pekerjaan (to work, work/occupation) ^2 This symbol is often used to indicate duplication of a noun. A plural is generally indicated by doubling of the noun : anak-anak, anak^2 (kids, children) orang-orang, orang^2 (people) The noun is not duplicated if the number is limited by a qualification of the amount such as the following : tiga kursi (three chairs) semua orang (everyone) beberapa anak (a few kids) banyak mobil (a lot of cars) And finally, a few classics. Heres two that are extremely common, and if you dont know them you will often not understand what otherwise would have been easy for you. membuat (to make) (proper bahasa) bikin (to make) (slang, but very commonly used.) (Dont use it in your business meeting though!) besar (large, big) (proper) membesarkan (to make bigger, enlarge, increase) gede (large, big) (slang) gedein (to make bigger, enlarge, increase) In colloquial speech it is extremely common to use the suffix in to make a verb. Page 11 of 37 Learn Numbers: (Belajar Nomor^2) Sekarang kami akan belajar nomor. (Now we will learn numbers.) Kamu masih baru tapi bisa belajar cepat. (You are still new but can learn quickly.) 0 nol 11 sebelas 21 dua puluh satu 100 seratus 1 satu 12 dua belas 22 dua puluh dua 101 seratus satu 2 dua 13 tiga belas 23 dua puluh tiga 200 dua ratus 3 tiga . . . 4 empat 1000 seribu 5 lima 2000 dua ribu 6 enam 30 tiga puluh . 7 tujuh . 100,000 seratus ribu 8 delapan 40 empat puluh 200,000 dua ratus ribu 9 sembilan . . 10 sepuluh 20 dua puluh 50 lima puluh 1,000,000 satu juta Kalau masih bingung coba lagi sampai bisa. (If you are still confused, try again until you can.) Bagaimana sekarang? Bisa? Belum. OK, coba lagi. (How about now? Can? Not yet. Try again.) Kamu harus berusaha terus. Betul? (You must try continuously. Right?) Baik. Coba lagi besok. (Good. Try again tomorrow.) The most common need for numbers is in paying for taxis, meals, etc. so lets try some examples: Mau ke mana? Saya mau ke toko, hari ini. (Where are you going? Im going to the store today.) Mau apa? Mau beli baju. (What for? I want to buy some clothes.) Selamat jalan. Terima kasih. (Have a nice time. Thanks.) . sampai di toko . (arrive at the store) Saya mau beli baju ini. Harganya berapa? (I would like to buy this shirt. How much is it?) 70.000,- rupiah. OK, saya mau ini. (70,000 rupiah. OK, Ill take it.) Waah!? Uang saya ke mana? (cari-cari) (Waah!? Wheres my money? (looking for it) ) Ahh, ada di sini, di kantong kiri. (Ahh, here it is, in my left pocket.) . pulang dari toko (returning home from the store) Pak, tolong carikan taksi. (Sir, please call a taxi.) Terima kasih. (Thank you.) . masuk (ke) mobil (get into the car) Mau ke mana? Mau ke Kuningan. (Where would you like to go? To Kuningan.) . sudah dekat rumah .. (approaching your home) Belok kanan di sini, Pak. (Turn right here, sir.) Ya, setop di sini. (Ya, stop here.) Berapa Pak. 15,000. (How much is it? 15,000.) Ini Pak. (Sini Pak.) Terima kasih. (Here you go. Thank you.) akan = will bagaimana = how baju = clothes beli = buy belok = turn berapa = how much besok = tomorrow betul = correct bingung = confused cari = look for cepat = fast, quickly coba = try dekat = near, close harga = price harus = must ini = this kalau = if kami = we, us kamu = you kanan = right kantong = pocket kiri = left lagi = again, more masih = still masuk = enter mobil = car nomor = number Pak = Sir pulang : return home rumah = house saya = me, I sampai : until; arrive sekarang = now sini = here tapi, tetapi = but terus = continue toko = store tolong = please Page 12 of 37 Check Your Memory : Below is a list of the words youve learned so far (not including the grammar section). Write the definition of the word, and use it in a sentence. For example: Saya akan datang besok. ada = apa = asal = bahasa = baru = baik = belajar = belum = bisa = dari = dasar = datang = di = hari = jadi = jalan = kabar = karena = ke = keluarga = lama = malam = mana = mau = menjadi = pagi = pertama = punya = ramah = selamat = siang = sore = sudah = terbaik = tingkat = uang = ucap = untuk = usaha = waktu = yang = akan = bagaimana = baju = beli = belok = berapa = besok = betul = bingung = cari = cepat = coba = dekat = harga = harus = ini = kalau = kami = kamu = kanan = kantong = kiri = lagi = masih = masuk = mobil = nomor = Pak = pulang = rumah = saya = sampai = sekarang = sini = tapi, tetapi = terus = toko = tolong = Page 13 of 37 Heres some examples : ada : Ada apa? Ada di mana? apa : Hari apa ini? asal : Asalnya dari mana? bahasa : Saya belum bisa bahasa Indonesia. baru : Saya baru datang. Mobil saya baru. baik : Baiklah, saya akan datang besok. belajar : Saya mau belajar bahasa Indonesia. belum : Saya belum punya mobil. bisa : Sekarang, saya bisa pulang. dari : Saya ada di sini dari (sejak) pagi. dasar : Dasar kamu. datang : Saya belum bisa datang. di : Di mana? Di sini. hari : Hari apa kamu bisa datang. jadi : Sudah jadi. jalan : Jalan mana yang betul? Kiri? Kanan? kabar : Belum ada kabar. karena : Karena saya masih mau ke toko. ke : Jalan ini ke mana? keluarga : Keluarga saya masih (ada) di rumah. lama : Saya belum lama belajar bahasa Indonesia. malam : Tolong, (datang) ke rumah saya malam ini. mana : Kamu di mana sekarang? mau : Saya mau ke toko untuk beli baju. menjadi : Kamu bisa menjadi yang terbaik. pagi : Pagi, saya masih (ada) di rumah. pertama : Ini yang pertama. punya : (Apakah) kamu sudah punya rumah? ramah : Kamu ramah. Keluarga kamu ramah. selamat : Selamat datang. siang : Masih siang, tetapi, saya sudah mau pulang. sore : Sore ini, (kamu) mau ke mana? sudah : Kami sudah dekat tokonya. terbaik : Usaha kamu (adalah) yang terbaik di sini. tingkat : Saya masih belajar di tingkat dasar. uang : Uang saya ada di mobil. ucap : Saya mau mengucapkan terima kasih. untuk : Uang ini untuk kamu. usaha : Perusahaan ini yang terbaik. waktu : Belum ada waktu. yang : Punya kamu yang mana? akan : Saya akan sampai besok sore. bagaimana : Bagaimana saya bisa? baju : Baju ini masih baru. beli : Saya beli baju ini di toko (yang) dekat rumah saya. belok : Belok kanan, Pak. berapa : Berapa harganya? Harganya berapa? besok : Besok saya mau ke rumah kamu. betul : Betul? Betul. bingung : Saya jadi bingung, belajar bahasa Indonesia. cari : Bagaimana saya harus cari uang? cepat : Tolong cepat. coba : Saya belum coba ini. dekat : Rumah saya dekat (di) sini. harga : Bajunya baik (bagus) tapi harganya berapa? harus : (Yang) pertama, saya harus cari mobil baru. ini : Apakah ini yang kamu cari? kalau : Kalau sekarang, belum bisa. kami : Kami mau pulang sekarang. kamu : Kamu harus ramah. kanan : Terus jalan ke kanan Pak kantong : Ada uang di kantong. kiri : Rumah saya yang kiri. lagi : Mau ke mana lagi? masih : Saya masih mau jalan-jalan. masuk : Uangnya belum masuk. mobil : Mobil saya masih baru. nomor : Rumah kamu nomor berapa? Pak : Tolong datang besok pagi, Pak. pulang : Saya belum mau pulang. rumah : Saya belum lama di rumah ini. saya : (Apakah) Ini untuk saya? sampai : Saya baru sampai di rumah. sekarang : Sekarang, mau ke mana? sini : Tolong masuk ke sini. tapi, tetapi : (Saya) mau, tetapi belum bisa (sekarang). terus : Saya sudah terus berusaha. toko : Toko yang dekat, di mana? tolong : Tolong carikan rumah untuk saya. Page 14 of 37 Time: (Waktu / Jam) The first thing everyone learns to deal with in Indonesia, and which can be most frustrating at times, especially when doing business, is Jam Karet (literally: rubber time). Which means almost nothing ever starts at the time specified. Time is flexible, and we foreigners must learn to live with it. Sometimes it can be a benefit, so when in Rome. Jam berapa sekarang? (What time is it now?) Jam tujuh. (Its seven oclock.) or. Sekarang jam berapa? Jam sembilan. (Its nine oclock.) and making plans.. Jam berapa mau ketemu? (What time do you want to meet?) Jam setengah delapan. (7:30) or. Jam berapa mau bertemu? Jam tujuh lewat tiga puluh. (7:30) or. (Mau) Ketemu jam berapa? Ya, sekitar (kira-kira) jam sepuluh. (Ya, around 10:00) or. Nanti jam berapa mau ketemu? (Later, what time shall we meet?) Ya, jam sepuluhan. (Ya, around 10:00) As you can see, there are a lot of different ways to ask the same question, which is common in any language. You will gradually develop a feeling for what is most common, and develop your own preferences. Now, lets make a date: bikin janji (literally: make a promise) calling on the phone. Halo, bisa bicara dengan Hanna? (Hello, may I speak with Hanna please?) Dari mana? (May I know whos calling?) Dari Agus. (Its Agus.) Tunggu sebentar. (Just a moment please.) Terima kasih. (Thank you.) . Halo. (Hello.) Hai, Hanna, apa kabar? (Hi, Hanna, how are you?) Baik-baik saja, dan kamu? (Fine, and you?) Baik-baik juga. (Fine also.) Ada apa? (Whats up?) Nanti malam, mau pergi jalan-jalan, nggak? (Later tonight, would you like to go somewhere?) Mau ke mana? (Where to?) Mau dengar musik di Hotel. (I want to listen to music at a hotel.) Di mana? (Where?) Di Hotel Mulia. (At Mulia Hotel.) Ada band? (Is there a band?) Ya, dan teman saya main di situ. (Yes, and a friend of mine is playing there.) OK, saya mau ikut. (OK, Id like to join.) Baik, saya akan jemput kamu sekitar jam sembilan. (Great, Ill pick you up around nine.) OK, sampai nanti. (OK, see you later.) Bye. (Bye.) bicara = speak bikin = make buat = make dan = and dengan = with dengar = hear, listen halo = hello ikut = join jam = time, watch janji = promise jemput = pick up juga = also karet = rubber kira-kira = approx. lewat = pass by main = play musik = music nanti = later nggak = tidak pergi = to go saja = only sebentar = moment sekitar = approx. setengah = half siapa = who situ = there teman = friend temu = meet tidak = no tunggu = wait Note: Choice of prefixes often varies between what is proper grammar and what is most commonly used. In this example, ketemu is most common, however bertemu is proper grammar. Mystery: As you will learn, everyone uses: dari mana which means from where and never uses: dari siapa which means from who. Possessive: To indicate, use object followed by personal pronoun Page 15 of 37 . Besok paginya. (the next morning.) Selamat pagi, Hanna. (Good morning, Hanna.) Selamat pagi, Ibu. (Good morning, Mother.) Bagaimana semalam? (Bagaimana tadi malam?) (How was last night?) Bagus. Musiknya bagus sekali. (Great. The music was really good.) Bagaimana kabar Agus? (Hows Agus?) Dia baik-baik saja. (Hes fine.) Hanna sudah lama kenal dia. (Youve known him a long time.) Ya, sudah lama sekali. (Ya, already a very long time.) Ketemu dia pertama kali di mana? (Where did you meet him, the first time?) Waah, saya lupa. Itu sudah lama sekali. (Wah, I forget. It was such a long time ago.) Saya bingung. Masih pikir^2 dulu. (Im confused. Still thinking about that.) Tetapi (Tapi), itu betul^2 sudah lama sekali. (But, its really been a very long time.) Dia teman yang baik sekali. (Hes really a good friend.) Nanti saya akan pikir(-pikir) lagi. (Ill think about it more later.) Bu, tolong cari'in baju saya yang merah. (Mom, please look for my red blouse.) Tunggu sebentar. Saya harus selesaikan ini dulu. (Just a minute. I have to finish this first.) Terima kasih. Tetapi (Tapi), jangan lama. (Thanks. But dont be too long.) Karena saya harus cepat-cepat ke kantor. (Because I have to leave for the office soon.) Buat apa? (Untuk apa?) (What for?) Karena saya mau belajar Internet dari teman. (Because I want to learn Internet from a friend.) Dengan siapa? (With who?) Dengan Julie. (With Julie.) Dia teman dekat kamu? (Is she a close friend of yours?) Bukan, tetapi (tapi) dia orang baik. (No, but shes a nice girl.) Dia orang asing? (Is she a foreigner?) Ya, dan baru datang ke Indonesia. (Yes, and she just arrived in Indonesia.) Dari mana asalnya? (Where is she from?) Dia dari Kanada, dan dia sangat ramah. (Shes from Canada, and shes very friendly.) Buat apa dia ke sini? (What is she here for?) Dia mau belajar bahasa Indonesia. (She wants to study bahasa Indonesia.) Berapa lama dia mau (tinggal) di Indonesia? (How long does she want to stay in Indonesia?) Saya tidak tahu. (Tidak tahu.) (Nggak tahu.) (I dont know.) Sama keluarganya, nggak? (Is she with her family or not?) Tidak, dia datang sendiri. (No, she came on her own.) (Apakah) Dia sudah (me)nikah? (Is she married?) Belum, nanti dia bisa cari di sini. (Not yet, later she can look for someone here.) asing = foreign bagus = good Bu = Mom dia = he, she dulu = before ibu = mother, Mrs. itu = it, that jangan = dont kali = times kantor = office kenal = know s.o. lupa = forget menikah = married merah = red orang = person pikir = think sama = same, with sangat = very sekali = very selesai = finished selesaikan = finish sendiri = alone tadi = earlier tahu = know tinggal = stay, live Page 16 of 37 Sekarang, kamu coba. (Now, you try.) ______________________. (Good morning, Hanna.) ____________________. (Good morning, Mother.) _____________________? (How was last night?) ______________________________. (Great. The music was really good.) _______________________? (Hows Agus?) ___________________. (Hes fine.) ____________________________. (Youve known him a long time.) ______________________. (Ya, already a very long time.) _____________________________________? (Where did you meet him, the first time?) _____________________________________. (Wah, I forget. It was such a long time ago.) ________________________________. (Im confused. Still thinking about that.) ___________________________________. (But, its really been a very long time.) ____________________________. (Hes really a good friend.) _________________________. (Ill think about it more later.) ___________________________________. (Mom, please look for my red blouse.) ___________________________________________. (Just a minute. I have to finish this first.) ________________________________. (Thanks. But dont be too long.) _________________________________. (Because I have to leave for the office soon.) ___________? (What for?) _________________________________________. (Because I want to learn Internet from a friend.) _______________? (With who?) _______________. (With Julie.) __________________? (Is she a close friend?) _______________________________. (No, but shes a nice girl.) _________________? (Is she a foreigner?) ______________________________. (Yes, and she just arrived in Indonesia.) ___________________? (Where is she from?) _____________________________________. (Shes from Canada, and shes very friendly.) _____________________? (What is she here for?) ________________________________. (She wants to study bahasa Indonesia.) _________________________________? (How long does she want to stay in Indonesia?) _________________. (I dont know.) __________________________? (Is she with her family or not?) ________________________. (No, she came on her own.) ____________________? (Is she married?) __________________________. (Not yet, later she can look for someone here.) Try not to look back at the previous page. Practice your memory! Its ok if there are mistakes. Your teacher will help you correct them later. Page 17 of 37 Dan coba lagi. (And try again.) ______________________. (Good morning, Hanna.) ____________________. (Good morning, Mother.) _____________________? (How was last night?) ______________________________. (Great. The music was really good.) _______________________? (Hows Agus?) ___________________. (Hes fine.) ____________________________. (Youve known him a long time.) ______________________. (Ya, already a very long time.) _____________________________________? (Where did you meet him, the first time?) _____________________________________. (Wah, I forget. It was such a long time ago.) ________________________________. (Im confused. Still thinking about that.) ___________________________________. (But, its really been a very long time.) ____________________________. (Hes really a good friend.) _________________________. (Ill think about it more later.) ___________________________________. (Mom, please look for my red blouse.) ___________________________________________. (Just a minute. I have to finish this first.) ________________________________. (Thanks. But dont be too long.) _________________________________. (Because I have to leave for the office soon.) ___________? (What for?) _________________________________________. (Because I want to learn Internet from a friend.) _______________? (With who?) _______________. (With Julie.) __________________? (Is she a close friend?) _______________________________. (No, but shes a nice girl.) _________________? (Is she a foreigner?) ______________________________. (Yes, and she just arrived in Indonesia.) ___________________? (Where is she from?) _____________________________________. (Shes from Canada, and shes very friendly.) _____________________? (What is she here for?) ________________________________. (She wants to study bahasa Indonesia.) _________________________________? (How long does she want to stay in Indonesia?) _________________. (I dont know.) __________________________? (Is she with her family or not?) ________________________. (No, she came on her own.) ____________________? (Is she married?) __________________________. (Not yet, later she can look for someone here.) Try saying it in a slightly different manner with the same meaning, and still using all the same words you know. Your teacher will be able to help you with this. Page 18 of 37 . Sambungan. (.. continuation.) (salah sambung = wrong (phone) number) Jam berapa mau berangkat? (What time do you want to leave?) Saya sudah janji sama Julie, jam 7:00. (I promised to meet Julie at seven.) Sekarang sudah jam 6:00 lewat. (Now, its already past six.) Saya harus cepat mandi atau nanti terlambat. (I must shower now or therell be no time later.) Hanna mau pulang jam berapa nanti sore? (What time will you be home this afternoon?) Saya akan pulang malam, sekitar jam 9:00. (Ill be home in the evening around nine.) Mau ke mana (dulu)? (Where are you going (first)?) Saya mau jalan-jalan dengan Julie. (I want to go somewhere with Julie.) Ke mana? (Where to?) Mau main di rumah temannya. (Were going to go to her friends house.) Setelah itu, kami mau makan malam bersama. (After that, we want to have dinner together.) Apakah teman Julie mau ikut juga? (Is Julies friend going with you?) Ibu, banyak tanya, nih ! (Mom, youre asking a lot of questions!) Maaf, Ibu cuma mau tahu, dan (saya) suka bicara dengan (sama) Hanna. (Sorry, just curious & enjoy talking with you.) (cuma mau tahu = mau tahu saja) Tidak apa-apa. Hanna tidak marah sama Ibu. (Its ok. Im not angry with you.) Ibu tahu itu. Hanna tidak pernah marah sama Ibu. (I know that. Youve never been angry with me.) Tolong taruh baju saya di meja itu nanti. (Please put my blouse on the table there later.) Di sini? (Here?) Ya, di sana. (Yes, there.) Sekarang cepat mandi. Ibu akan selesaikan ini dulu. (Now, quick, take a shower. Ill finish things here.) Terima kasih, Bu. (Thanks Mom.) Hanna! Ya Pak? (Hanna! Yes, Dad?) Hanna mau ikut Bapak? (Would you like a ride with me?) Saya akan (mau) lewat kantor kamu. (I will be going by your office.) Mau! (Ya, great!) Baik(lah). Kita (akan) berangkat jam tujuh kurang dua puluh. (OK. Well leave at 6:40.) .. di dalam mobil. ( in the car.) Bapak mau jemput Om dulu (dahulu). Boleh? (I want to pick up your Uncle first. Is that ok?) Boleh. Kita masih punya (ada) cukup waktu. (OK. We still have enough time.) Selamat pagi Om. Selamat pagi Hanna, selamat pagi Pak. (Good morning.) Bapak sudah dengar di radio? (Did you hear on the radio?) Belum. (No.) Di jalan tol lagi macet. (Theres a traffic jam on the toll road.) Tidak apa apa. Kita tidak mau lewat tol. (No problem. We dont want to go via the toll road.) Kita mau antar Hannah ke kantornya dulu. (We want to drop Hannah off at her office first.) antar = take s.o. s.w. atau = or banyak = a lot bapak = father; Mr. berangkat = leave boleh = may cukup = enough cuma = only dalam = inside kita = we kurang = less maaf = sorry main = visit macet = traffic jam makan = eat mandi = bathe marah = angry, mad meja = table mobil = car Om = uncle pernah = ever rumah = house salah = wrong; error sambung : continue sana = there setelah = after suka = like, enjoy tanya = ask taruh = to put terlambat = late Page 19 of 37 Sekarang, kamu coba. (Now, you try.) ___________________________? (What time do you want to leave?) ___________________________________. (I promised to meet Julie at seven.) ______________________________. (Now, its already past six.) ________________________________________________. (I must shower now or therell be no time later.) _______________________________________? (What time will you be home this afternoon?) ________________________________________. (Ill be home in the evening around nine.) ________________? (Where are you going?) _________________________________. (I want to go somewhere with Julie.) ____________? (Where to?) _____________________________. (Were going to go to her friends house.) __________________________________________. (After that, we want to have dinner together.) __________________________? (Is Julies friend going with you?) ________________________. (Mom, youre asking a lot of questions.) ________________________________________________. (Sorry, just curious & enjoy talking w. you.) _________________________________________. (Its ok. Im not angry with you.) ____________________________________________. (I know that. Youve never been angry with me.) ______________________________________. (Please put my blouse on the table there later.) __________? (Here?) ____________. (Yes, there.) ________________________________________. (Now, quick, take a shower. Ill finish things here.) ___________________. (Thanks Mom.) _________________? (Hanna! Yes, Dad?) _______________________? (Would you like a ride with me?) _____________________________. (I will be going by your office.) ________! (Ya, great!) ________________________________________________. (OK. Well leave at 6:40.) .. __________________. ( in the car.) __________________________________? (I want to pick up your Uncle first. Is that ok?) __________________________________. (OK. We still have enough time.) _____________________________________________________. (Good morning.) ______________________? (Did you hear on the radio?) ___________. (No.) ______________________. (Theres a traffic jam on the toll road.) _____________________________________. (No problem. We dont want to go via the toll road.) ________________________________________. (We want to drop Hannah off at her office first.) Try not to look back at the previous page. Practice your memory! Its ok if there are mistakes. Your teacher will help you correct them later. Page 20 of 37 Dan coba lagi. (And try again.) ___________________________? (What time do you want to leave?) ___________________________________. (I promised to meet Julie at seven.) ______________________________. (Now, its already past six.) ________________________________________________. (I must shower now or therell be no time later.) _______________________________________? (What time will you be home this afternoon?) ________________________________________. (Ill be home in the evening around nine.) ________________? (Where are you going?) _________________________________. (I want to go somewhere with Julie.) ____________? (Where to?) _____________________________. (Were going to go to her friends house.) __________________________________________. (After that, we want to have dinner together.) __________________________? (Is Julies friend going with you?) ________________________. (Mom, youre asking a lot of questions.) ________________________________________________. (Sorry, just curious & enjoy talking w. you.) _________________________________________. (Its ok. Im not angry with you.) ____________________________________________. (I know that. Youve never been angry with me.) ______________________________________. (Please put my blouse on the table there later.) __________? (Here?) ____________. (Yes, there.) ________________________________________. (Now, quick, take a shower. Ill finish things here.) ___________________. (Thanks Mom.) _________________? (Hanna! Yes, Dad?) _______________________? (Would you like a ride with me?) _____________________________. (I will be going by your office.) ________! (Ya, great!) ________________________________________________. (OK. Well leave at 6:40.) .. ___________________. ( in the car.) __________________________________? (I want to pick up your Uncle first. Is that ok?) __________________________________. (OK. We still have enough time.) _____________________________________________________. (Good morning.) ______________________? (Did you hear on the radio?) __________. (No.) ______________________. (Theres a traffic jam on the toll road.) _____________________________________. (No problem. We dont want to go via the toll road.) ________________________________________. (We want to drop Hannah off at her office first.) Try saying it in a slightly different manner with the same meaning, and still using all the same words you know. Your teacher will be able to help you with this. Page 21 of 37 Memory Check : Lets check your memory again, and reinforce the words learned so far. Write the definition of the word, and use it in a sentence. ada = apa = asal = bahasa = baru = baik = belajar = belum = bisa = dari = dasar = datang = di = hari = jadi = jalan = kabar = karena = ke = keluarga = lama = malam = mana = mau = menjadi = pagi = pertama = punya = ramah = selamat = siang = sore = sudah = terbaik = tingkat = uang = ucap = untuk = usaha = waktu = yang = akan = bagaimana = baju = beli = belok = berapa = besok = betul = bingung = cari = cepat = coba = dekat = harga = harus = ini = kalau = kami = kamu = kanan = kantong = kiri = lagi = masih = masuk = mobil = nomor = Pak = pulang = rumah = saya = sampai = sekarang = sini = tapi, tetapi = terus = toko = tolong = Page 22 of 37 asing = bagus = bicara = bikin = Bu = buat = dan = dengan = dengar = dia = dulu, dahulu = halo = ibu = ikut = itu = jam = jangan = janji = jemput = juga = kali = kantor = karet = kenal = lewat = lupa = main = menikah = merah = musik = nanti = nggak = orang = pergi = pikir = saja = sebentar = sekitar = setengah = siapa = situ = teman = temu = tidak = tunggu = antar = atau = banyak = bapak = berangkat = boleh = cukup = cuma = dalam = kita = kurang = maaf = main = macet = makan = mandi = marah = meja = mobil = Om = pernah = rumah = sama = sambung = sangat = sana = sekali = selesai = selesaikan = sendiri = setelah = suka = tadi = tanya = tahu = taruh = terlambat = tinggal = Page 23 of 37 Sekarang, coba menulis konversasi yang tadi, tanpa melihat. ______________________. (Good morning, Hanna.) ____________________. (Good morning, Mother.) _____________________? (. last night?) ______________________________. (. music..) _______________________? (. Agus?) ___________________. (..) ____________________________. (.. known him a long time.) ______________________. (Ya, very long...) _____________________________________? (Where . meet .., the first time?) _____________________________________. (. forget. long time ago.) ________________________________. ( confused. .thinking..) ___________________________________. (But, . really long ..) ____________________________. (. good friend.) _________________________. (. think .. more ...) ___________________________________. (Mom, red blouse.) ___________________________________________. (Just a minute. ..) ________________________________. (Thanks. ..) _________________________________. (Because ..) ___________? (What for?) _________________________________________. (. Internet ...) _______________? (With who?) _______________. (With Julie.) __________________? (.. friend?) _______________________________. (No, but ..) _________________? ( foreigner?) ______________________________. (. just arrived .) ___________________? (. from?) _____________________________________. (.. Canada, . friendly.) _____________________? (. here for?) ________________________________. (.. bahasa Indonesia.) _________________________________? (How long . in Indonesia?) _________________. (I dont know.) __________________________? ( with her family ?) ________________________. (No, ...) ____________________? ( married?) __________________________. (Not yet, .) lihat = look, see menulis = write tadi = previous tanpa = without Key words are provided to jog your memory regarding the flow of the conversation. Page 24 of 37 Dan coba lagi dengan jawaban yang sedikit berbeda. ______________________. (Good morning, Hanna.) ____________________. (Good morning, Mother.) _____________________? (. last night?) ______________________________. (. music..) _______________________? (. Agus?) ___________________. (..) ____________________________. (.. known him a long time.) ______________________. (Ya, very long...) _____________________________________? (Where . meet .., the first time?) _____________________________________. (. forget. long time ago.) ________________________________. ( confused. .thinking..) ___________________________________. (But, . really long ..) ____________________________. (. good friend.) _________________________. (. think .. more ...) ___________________________________. (Mom, red blouse.) ___________________________________________. (Just a minute. ..) ________________________________. (Thanks. ..) _________________________________. (Because ..) ___________? (What for?) _________________________________________. (. Internet ...) _______________? (With who?) _______________. (With Julie.) __________________? (.. friend?) _______________________________. (No, but ..) _________________? ( foreigner?) ______________________________. (. just arrived .) ___________________? (. from?) _____________________________________. (.. Canada, . friendly.) _____________________? (. here for?) ________________________________. (.. bahasa Indonesia.) _________________________________? (How long . in Indonesia?) _________________. (I dont know.) __________________________? ( with her family ?) ________________________. (No, ...) ____________________? ( married?) __________________________. (Not yet, .) berbeda = different jawaban = reply Work with your teacher for help and ideas. Page 25 of 37 Sekarang, coba menulis konversasi yang tadi, tanpa melihat. ___________________________? (. time . leave?) ___________________________________. ( promised Julie 7:00.) ______________________________. (Now, .. past 6:00.) __________________________________________________. (. shower . no time later.) _______________________________________? (. time . home this afternoon?) ________________________________________. ( evening around 9:00.) ________________? ( going?) _________________________________. (. with Julie.) ____________? (Where .?) _____________________________. ( her friends house.) __________________________________________. (After that, . dinner together.) __________________________? (. Julies friend going ?) ________________________. (Mom, a lot of questions.) ________________________________________________. (Sorry, curious & enjoy talking..) _________________________________________. (Its ok. not angry .) ____________________________________________. (I know .. .. never been angry ..) ______________________________________. ( blouse on the table ..) __________? (Here?) ____________. (Yes, there.) ________________________________________. (Now, quick, . shower. Ill finish here.) ___________________. (Thanks Mom.) _________________? (Hanna! Yes, Dad?) _______________________? (.. ride with me?) _____________________________. (. going by your office.) ________! (Ya, great!) ________________________________________________. (OK. Well leave at 6:40.) .. ___________________. ( in the car.) __________________________________? (.. pick up your Uncle .. .ok?) __________________________________. (.. . enough time.) _____________________________________________________. (Good morning.) ______________________? ( on the radio?) __________. (No.) ______________________. (. traffic jam . toll road.) _____________________________________. (No problem. not go via toll road.) ________________________________________. ( drop Hannah ..) Key words are provided to jog your memory regarding the f low of the conversation. Page 26 of 37 Dan coba lagi dengan jawaban yang sedikit berbeda. ___________________________? (. time . leave?) ___________________________________. ( promised Julie 7:00.) ______________________________. (Now, .. past 6:00.) __________________________________________________. (. shower . no time later.) _______________________________________? (. time . home this afternoon?) ________________________________________. ( evening around 9:00.) ________________? ( going?) _________________________________. (. with Julie.) ____________? (Where .?) _____________________________. ( her friends house.) __________________________________________. (After that, . dinner together.) __________________________? (. Julies friend going ?) ________________________. (Mom, a lot of questions.) ________________________________________________. (Sorry, curious & enjoy talking..) _________________________________________. (Its ok. not angry .) ____________________________________________. (I know .. .. never been angry ..) ______________________________________. ( blouse on the table ..) __________? (Here?) ____________. (Yes, there.) ________________________________________. (Now, quick, . shower. Ill finish here.) ___________________. (Thanks Mom.) _________________? (Hanna! Yes, Dad?) _______________________? (.. ride with me?) _____________________________. (. going by your office.) ________! (Ya, great!) ________________________________________________. (OK. Well leave at 7:40.) .. ___________________. ( in the car.) __________________________________? (.. pick up your Uncle .. .ok?) __________________________________. (.. . enough time.) _____________________________________________________. (Good morning.) ______________________? ( on the radio?) __________. (No.) ______________________. (. traffic jam . toll road.) _____________________________________. (No problem. not go via toll road.) ________________________________________. ( drop Hannah ..) Work with your teacher for help and ideas. Page 27 of 37 . Tiba di kantor. (.. arrive at the office.) Selamat pagi Pak. (ke Satpam) (Good morning. (to security officer).) Selamat pagi Mbak. (Good morning Ms.) . Kantor Hanna (ada) di lantai 17. (.. Hannas office is on the 17 th floor.) Waktu dia masuk ke kantor, semua masih gelap. (When she entered the office, everything was still dark.) Hanna yang pertama datang. (Hanna was the first one there.) Sebentar lagi, Julie datang. (A moment later, Julie arrived.) Hai, Julie. Hi Hanna, apa kabar? (Hi Julie. Hi Hanna, how are you?) Baik sekali, dan kamu? (Great, and you?) Saya juga sangat baik. (Im great as well.) Julie ke mana semalam? (Where did you go last night?) Saya tidak ke mana-mana. (I didnt go anywhere.) Kalau saya tahu itu, saya akan ajak kamu ikut. (If Id known that, I would have invited you to join us.) Ke mana? (Where to?) Kami pergi ke Hotel Mulia untuk (men)dengar musik. (We went to Mulia Hotel to listen to music.) Sayang sekali saya tidak bisa ikut. (Too bad I couldnt come.) Maaf, saya lupa mengajak Julie. (Sorry, I forgot to invite you.) Tidak apa apa. (Its ok. No problem.) Teman lama saya telpon semalam dan mengajak saya ke sana. (An old friend called last night and invited me there.) Lain kali saya (akan) ajak Julie. (Next time Ill invite you.) Baik, terima kasih. (Great, thanks.) Ok, Hanna siap (untuk) belajar Internet? (Ok, are you ready to learn about the Internet?) Ya, saya sangat siap. (Yes, Im very ready.) Ok, Hanna duduk di situ, dan saya akan duduk di sini. (Ok you sit there, and Ill sit here.) Siap? Siap. (Ready? Ready.) (Siap-siap = get ready) Hanna sudah tahu sedikit tentang Internet? (Do you know a little about the Internet?) Sedikit sedikit. (Just a little.) Ok, kita mulai dari dasar. (Ok, lets start from the basics.) Lewat Internet, kita bisa cari apa saja. (Using the Internet, we can look for anything at all.) .. setelah beberapa menit. (.. after a few minutes.) Sekarang, kamu coba. (Now, you try.) .. sesudah satu jam setengah main. (.. after one and a half hours using the Internet.) Lebih baik kita selesai dulu dan mulai kerja. (Better we fini sh now and start working.) Terima kasih Julie, saya suka sekali main Internet. (Thanks Julie, I really enjoy the Internet.) Sama sama. Mungkin nanti siang atau sore kita bisa main lagi. (Youre welcome. Maybe later in the afternoon we can use it some more.) ajak = invite beberapa = a few duduk = sit gelap = dark kerja = work lain = different lantai = floor lebih = more mbak = Ms. mengajak = ajak minit = minute mulai = start mungkin = maybe satpam = guard sayang = regret sedikit = a little semalam = last night semua = all,everything sesudah = after siap = ready telpon = telephone tentang = about tiba = arrive Page 28 of 37 Sekarang, kamu coba. . ________________. (.. arrive at the office.) __________________. (______________) (Good morning. (to security officer).) __________________. (Good morning Ms.) . _________________________. (.. Hannas office is on the 17 th floor.) ___________________________________________. (When she entered the office, everything was still dark.) ____________________________. (Hanna was the first one there.) __________________________. (A moment later, Julie arrived.) ___________. ___________________________? (Hi Julie. Hi Hanna, how are you?) ______________________? (Great, and you?) ______________________. (Im great as well.) ________________________? (Where did you go last night?) _________________________. (I didnt go anywhere.) __________________________________________. (If Id known that, I would have invited you to join us.) ___________? (Where to?) _____________________________________________. (We went to Mulia Hotel to listen to music.) ________________________________. (Too bad I couldnt come.) _________________________. (Sorry, I forgot to invite you.) ______________. (Its ok. No problem.) __________________________________________________________. (An old friend called last night and invited me there.) ________________________. (Next time Ill invite you.) ___________________. (Great, thanks.) _________________________________________? (Ok, are you ready to learn about the Internet?) ____________________. (Yes, Im very ready.) _____________________________________________. (Ok you sit there, and Ill sit here.) ______? _______. (Ready? Ready.) _______________________________________? (Do you know a little about the Internet?) _______________. (Just a little.) ________________________. (Ok, lets start from the basics.) ____________________________________. (Using the Internet, we can look for anything at all.) .. ________________________. (.. after a few minutes.) ______________________. (Now, you try.) .. ________________________________. (.. after one and a half hours using the Internet.) _________________________________________. (Better we finish now and start working.) ______________________________________________. (Thanks Julie, I really enjoy the Internet.) _________________________________________________________. (Youre welcome. Maybe later in the afternoon we can use it some more.) Try not to look back at the previous page. Practice your memory! Its ok if there are mistakes. Your teacher will help you correct them later. Page 29 of 37 Sekarang, coba menulis konversasi yang tadi, tanpa melihat. . ________________. (.. arrive at the office.) __________________. (______________) (..greetings..) __________________. (..greetings..) . _________________________. ( 17 th floor.) ___________________________________________. ( still dark.) ____________________________. (. first one .) __________________________. (., Julie arrived.) ___________. ___________________________? (Hi Julie. Hi Hanna, how are you?) ______________________? (.?) ______________________. (.) ________________________? ( last night?) _________________________. (.nowhere.) __________________________________________. (.. would have invited you ..) ___________? (Where?) _____________________________________________. (. Mulia Hotel . music.) ________________________________. (reply.) _________________________. (Sorry, I forgot to invite you.) ______________. (.. reply .) __________________________________________________________. (. reason to hotel..) ________________________. (Next time Ill invite you.) ___________________. (.. reply .) _________________________________________? (.. ready to learn Internet?) ____________________. (.. reply .) _____________________________________________. ( sit there, . sit here.) ______? _______. (Ready? Ready.) _______________________________________? ( know a little.?) _______________. (. a little.) ________________________. ( start from basics.) ____________________________________. (. Internet, .find anything.) .. ________________________. (.. after a few minutes.) ______________________. (Now, you try.) .. ________________________________. (.. after one and a half hours using the Internet.) _________________________________________. (. start working.) ______________________________________________. (.. reply .) _________________________________________________________. (Youre welcome. . in the afternoon . some more.) Key words are provided to jog your memory regarding the flow of the conversation. Page 30 of 37 Dan coba lagi dengan jawaban yang sedikit berbeda. . ________________. (.. arrive at the office.) __________________. (______________) (..greetings..) __________________. (..greetings..) . _________________________. ( 17 th floor.) ___________________________________________. ( still dark.) ____________________________. (. first one .) __________________________. (., Julie arrived.) ___________. ___________________________? (Hi Julie. Hi Hanna, how are you?) ______________________? (.?) ______________________. (.) ________________________? ( last night?) _________________________. (.nowhere.) __________________________________________. (.. would have invited you ..) ___________? (Where?) _____________________________________________. (. Mulia Hotel . music.) ________________________________. (reply.) _________________________. (Sorry, I forgot to invite you.) ______________. (.. reply .) __________________________________________________________. (. reason to hotel..) ________________________. (Next time Ill invite you.) ___________________. (.. reply .) _________________________________________? (.. ready to learn Internet?) ____________________. (.. reply .) _____________________________________________. ( sit there, . sit here.) ______? _______. (Ready? Ready.) _______________________________________? ( know a little.?) _______________. (. a little.) ________________________. ( start from basics.) ____________________________________. (. Internet, .find anything.) .. ________________________. (.. after a few minutes.) ______________________. (Now, you try.) .. ________________________________. (.. after one and a half hours using the Internet.) _________________________________________. (. start working.) ______________________________________________. (.. reply .) _________________________________________________________. (Youre welcome. . in the afternoon . some more.) Work with your teacher for help and ideas. Page 31 of 37 . Lagi kerja dan bosnya datang. (.. working and her boss comes.) Hanna, tolong, fotokopi ini. (Hanna could you please photocopy these.) Setelah itu, datang ke kantor saya. (After that, come to my office.) Bos Hanna orang asing, dari Australia. (Hannas boss is from Australia.) Dia sudah pintar bahasa Indonesia. (Hes already very good at bahasa Indonesia.) Bos Hanna orang baik, tapi sedikit keras juga. (Hannas boss is nice, but rather strict.) Dia kerja keras sekali untuk kebaikan perusahaan. (He works very hard for the companys benefit.) Dia juga sangat keras kepala. (Hes also very stubborn.) Hai, Hanna. Silakan masuk. (Hi Hanna. Please come in.) Duduklah. (Silakan duduk.) (Please sit down.) Duluhan (Pertama-tama), saya mau ucapkan (bilang) terima kasih. (First of all, I want to say thank you.) Kerjaan Hanna baik sekali. (Your work lately has been very good.) Proyek yang kemarin sudah selesai? (Is the other project finished?) Sudah Pak. (Yes sir.) Bagus. Bagus sekali. (Good. Very good.) Bagaimana kalau saya kasih Hanna proyek baru yang lebih susah? (How about I give you a new project which is more challenging.) Boleh Pak, sekarang saya punya (ada) banyak waktu. (Thats fine, right now I have a lot of time.) Saya tidak terlalu sibuk. (Im not too busy.) Baiklah. Saya akan menjelaskan. (Good. Ill explain it.) Tolong ambil map itu, yang sebelah kanan. (Take the file there, the one on the right.) Nah, buka itu. (Ok, open it.) Di sana ada beberapa gambar. (Theres a few drawings there.) Melihat (Lihat) gambar-gambar itu dulu. (Look them over first.) Cukup jelas? Cukup, Pak. (Are they clear enough? Yes sir.) Ok, besok saya mau Hanna ikut rapat untuk proyek ini. (Ok, tomorrow I want Hanna to join the meeting on this project.) Jam berapa rapatnya? Jam 10:00. Baik(lah). (What time is the meeting? Ten oclock. Ok, fine.) Ada yang saya harus siapkan dulu? (Is there anything I need to prepare beforehand?) Saya (akan) pikir-pikir dulu. Nanti saya kasih tahu. (Ill think about it first and let you know later.) sorenya Hanna dipanggil bos. (.. in the afternoon, Hannas boss called her.) Tidak ada yang harus disiapkan untuk besok. (Theres nothing that has to be prepared for tomorrow.) Jadi, besok pagi kita berangkat jam 9:00. (So, well leave tomorrow morning at nine.) Sekarang, saya mau pulang. (Now, I want to go home.) Sudah janji sama istri saya untuk makan malam bersama. (I promised my wife dinner tonight.) Sesudah jam 5:00, tinggal Hanna dan Julie berdua di kantor. (After five, there was only Julie and Hanna left at the office.) Hai Julie, tadi saya takut tinggal saya sendiri di sini. (Hi Julie, I was afraid I was the only one left here.) Tidak, saya belum pulang. Masih mau main Internet lagi, kan? (No, I havent gone home yet. You still want to surf the Internet, dont you?) ambil, meng- = take baik, ke-an = benefit buka = open gambar = drawing istri, isteri = wife jelas = clear kasih = give kemarin = yesterday kepala = head keras = strict; hard lihat = see map = file folder mereka = them panggil = call pintar = clever rapat = meeting sebelah = beside sesudah = after sibuk = busy silakan = please susah = difficult takut = afraid tinggal = stay terlalu = too, overly usaha, per-an = company lihat = see nonton = watch Page 32 of 37 Sekarang, kamu coba. . __________________________. (.. working and her boss comes.) _____________________________. (Hanna could you please photocopy these.) _____________________________. (After that, come to my office.) ___________________________________. (Hannas boss is from Australia.) _________________________________. (Hes already very good at bahasa Indonesia.) ______________________________________________. (Hannas boss is nice, but rather strict.) __________________________________________. (He works very hard for the companys benefit.) ____________________________. (Hes also very stubborn.) __________________________. (Hi Hanna. Please come in.) ___________. (Please sit down.) ______________________________________. (First of all, I want to say thank you.) __________________________. (Your work lately has been very good.) _________________________________? (Is the other project finished?) ____________. (Yes sir.) _____________________. (Good. Very good.) ____________________________________________________________? (How about I give you a new project which is more challenging.) _________________________________________. (Thats fine, right now I have a lot of time.) _______________________. (Im not too busy.) _______________________________. (Good. Ill explain it.) _______________________________________. (Take the file there, the one on the right.) _______________. (Ok, open it.) _____________________________. (Theres a few drawings there.) _____________________. (Look them over first.) _______________? ________________. (Are they clear enough? Yes sir.) ________________________________________________. (Ok, tomorrow I want Hanna to join the meeting on this project.) _____________________? ________. _______. (What time is the meeting? Ten oclock. Ok, fine.) ________________________________________? (Is there anything I need to prepare beforehand?) ________________________. ___________________. (Ill think about it first and let you know later.) ___________________________. (.. in the afternoon, Hannas boss called her.) ________________________________________. (Theres nothing that has to be prepared for tomorrow.) ______________________________________. (So, well leave tomorrow morning at nine.) ___________________________. (Now, I want to go home.) __________________________________________________. (I promised my wife dinner tonight.) ______________________________________________________. (After five, there was only Julie and Hanna left at the office.) ____________________________________________. (Hi Julie, I was afraid I was the only one left here.) _________________________________________________________? (No, I havent gone home yet. You still want to surf the Internet, dont you?) Try not to look back at the previous page. Practice your memory! Its ok if there are mistakes. Your teacher will help you correct them later. Page 33 of 37 Sekarang, coba menulis konversasi yang tadi, tanpa melihat. . ____________________________. (.. working ; boss comes.) _______________________________. (.. please photocopy these.) _______________________________. (After that, .. my office.) ___________________________________. ( boss, Australian.) _________________________________. (. can speak bahasa Indonesia.) ______________________________________________. (nice, but strict.) __________________________________________. (boss, hard worke) ____________________________. (stubborn) __________________________. (Hi Hanna. Please come in.) ___________. (Please sit down.) ______________________________________. (First thank you.) __________________________. (Your work . very good.) _________________________________? (.. other project finished?) ____________. (Yes sir.) _____________________. (Good. Very good.) ____________________________________________________________? (offers new project, more challenging.) _________________________________________. (. lot of time.) _______________________. (.. not too busy.) _______________________________. (Good. Ill explain it.) _______________________________________. (get file ; on the right.) _______________. (Ok, open it.) _____________________________. (.. drawings ..) _____________________. (Look them over first.) _______________? ________________. ( clear ? Yes sir.) ________________________________________________. (Ok, tomorrow join project meeting.) _____________________? ________. _______. ( time .? 10:00. Ok, fine.) ________________________________________? ( prepare anything ?) ________________________. ___________________. (think about it ; let you know ...) ___________________________. (..afternoon, . called .) ________________________________________. (.nothing to prepare...) ______________________________________. ( leave .. 9:00.) ___________________________. (. go home.) __________________________________________________. ( promised wife .) ______________________________________________________. (After five, Julie and Hanna left ...) ____________________________________________. (Hi Julie ; think only her left.) _________________________________________________________? (No ; still there. .. surf Internet. ?) Key words are provided to jog your memory regarding the flow of the conversation. Page 34 of 37 Dan coba lagi dengan jawaban yang sedikit berbeda. . ____________________________. (.. working ; boss comes.) _______________________________. (.. please photocopy these.) _______________________________. (After that, .. my office.) ___________________________________. ( boss, Australian.) _________________________________. (. can speak bahasa Indonesia.) ______________________________________________. (nice, but strict.) __________________________________________. (boss, hard worke) ____________________________. (stubborn) __________________________. (Hi Hanna. Please come in.) ___________. (Please sit down.) ______________________________________. (First thank you.) __________________________. (Your work . very good.) _________________________________? (.. other project finished?) ____________. (Yes sir.) _____________________. (Good. Very good.) ____________________________________________________________? (offers new project, more challenging.) _________________________________________. (. lot of time.) _______________________. (.. not too busy.) _______________________________. (Good. Ill explain it.) _______________________________________. (get file ; on the right.) _______________. (Ok, open it.) _____________________________. (.. drawings ..) _____________________. (Look them over first.) _______________? ________________. ( clear ? Yes sir.) ________________________________________________. (Ok, tomorrow join project meeting.) _____________________? ________. _______. ( time .? 10:00. Ok, fine.) ________________________________________? ( prepare anything ?) ________________________. ___________________. (think about it ; let you know ...) ___________________________. (..afternoon, . called .) ________________________________________. (.nothing to prepare...) ______________________________________. ( leave .. 9:00.) ___________________________. (. go home.) __________________________________________________. ( promised wife .) ______________________________________________________. (After five, Julie and Hanna left ...) ____________________________________________. (Hi Julie ; think only her left.) _________________________________________________________? (No ; still there. .. surf Internet. ?) Work with your teacher for help and ideas. Page 35 of 37 Memory Check : Lets check your memory again, and reinforce the words learned so far. Write the definition of the word, and use it in a sentence. ada = apa = asal = bahasa = baru = baik = belajar = belum = berbeda = bisa = dari = dasar = datang = di = hari = jadi = jalan = kabar = karena = ke = keluarga = lama = malam = mana = mau = menjadi = pagi = pertama = punya = ramah = selamat = siang = sore = sudah = tiba = tentang = terbaik = tingkat = uang = ucap = untuk = usaha = waktu = yang = akan = bagaimana = bagus = baju = beli = belok = berapa = besok = betul = bingung = bikin = buat = cari = cepat = coba = dekat = harga = harus = ini = kalau = kami = kamu = kanan = kantong = kiri = lagi = lihat = masih = masuk = menulis = mobil = nomor = Pak = pulang = rumah = sampai = sekarang = sini = tadi = tanpa = tapi, tetapi = terus = toko = tolong = Page 36 of 37 ajak = asing = bicara = Bu = dan = dengan = dengar = dia = duduk = dulu, dahulu = ibu = ikut = itu = jam = jangan = janji = jawaban = jemput = juga = kali = kantor = karet = kenal = lewat = lupa = main = menikah = merah = mulai = musik = mungkin = nanti = nggak = orang = pergi = pikir = saja = sebentar = sekitar = setengah = siap = siapa = situ = teman = temu = tidak = tunggu = atau = banyak = bapak = beberapa = berangkat = boleh = cukup = cuma = dalam = gelap = kerja = kita = kurang = lain = lantai = lebih = maaf = main = macet = makan = mandi = marah = mbak = menit = meja = mobil = Om = pernah = rumah = sama = sambung = sangat = sana = satpam = sayang = sedikit = sekali = selesai = selesaikan = semua = sendiri = sesudah = setelah = suka = tanya = tahu = taruh = Page 37 of 37 Now that you have a solid basic vocabulary, the next section will continue building on that, and will be done in the area of your choice: business, home, travel, etc. A good exercise now to do with your teacher is to go through all the words in the grammar section and try making sentences with each one. Its also always good to remember words in conjunction with there opposites, so heres a list of some to remember. ada tidak ada dalam luar pergi datang atas bawah dekat jauh pertama terakhir bagus jelek depan belakang pintar bodoh baik kurang baik, jelek duduk berdiri sebentar lama bangun tidur gelap terang sehat sakit banyak sedikit ingat lupa sendiri bersama baru tua, lama jelas bingung sesudah sebelum beli jual jelas kurang jelas siap belum siap belum sudah kanan kiri tanya jawab berangkat datang, tiba keluar masuk terus berhenti bersih kotor kosong penuh tinggal berangkat besar kecil kuat lemah keras lembut besok kemarin kurang lebih sibuk santai betul salah, bukan lain sama susah gampang bisa tidak bisa main kerja boleh tidak boleh mulai selesai buka tutup naik turun cepat lambat, lama nanti sekarang cukup kurang panas dingin ambil, meng- = antar = baik, ke-an = buka = gambar = istri = jelas = kasih = kemarin = kepala = keras = lihat = map = mereka = minta = panggil = pintar = rapat = sebelah = sesudah = sibuk = silakan = susah = tadi = takut = telpon = tinggal = terlalu = terlambat = usaha, per-an =