Overview Opennac Org Eng v9
Overview Opennac Org Eng v9
Overview Opennac Org Eng v9
[email protected]
Oct 2013
Network access control and
management solution
11/12/13 @opennac
Current situation
Current situation
What is openNAC?
What is openNAC?
openNAC architecture
openNAC architecture
openNAC components
openNAC components
openNAC services
openNAC services
Contact us
Contact us
11/12/13 @opennac
openNAC solution
Opensource Network Access Control solution Opensource Network Access Control solution
#o!ile Workers$ %sers !ecome more mo!ile #o!ile Workers$ %sers !ecome more mo!ile
#ore type of di&erents devices like #ore type of di&erents devices like
"martphones' ta!lets'$$$ "martphones' ta!lets'$$$
(his scenarios generate security and availa!ility (his scenarios generate security and availa!ility
pro!lems due to non controlled )AN access pro!lems due to non controlled )AN access
(he security of the workstations is constantly (he security of the workstations is constantly
threatened !y new vulnera!ilities threatened !y new vulnera!ilities
"ecurity' network management and monitoring "ecurity' network management and monitoring
tools of e*pensive and poorly integrated tools of e*pensive and poorly integrated
11/12/13 @opennac
What is openNAC?
Network Access Control for corporate )AN + WAN Network Access Control for corporate )AN + WAN
environments environments
na!les na!les authentication authentication' ' authorization authorization and and audit audit
policy,!ased all access to network policy,!ased all access to network
-ased on open source components and self, -ased on open source components and self,
development development
-ased on industry standards such as .ree/adius' -ased on industry standards such as .ree/adius'
012$2*' ldap' $$$ 012$2*' ldap' $$$
*tensi!le' new features can !e incorporated *tensi!le' new features can !e incorporated
asily integrated with e*isting systems asily integrated with e*isting systems
3t provides value added services such as con4guration 3t provides value added services such as con4guration
management' network' !ackup con4gurations' Network management' network' !ackup con4gurations' Network
5iscovery and Network #onitoring 5iscovery and Network #onitoring
11/12/13 @opennac
What does openNAC can do?
Access /e;uestor
Access /e;uestor
"et of client devices such as
"et of client devices such as
:Cs' "martphones' (a!lets'
:Cs' "martphones' (a!lets'
printers' others$
printers' others$
5i&erent types of O" such as
5i&erent types of O" such as
Windows' )inu*' #acO"' 3O"'
Windows' )inu*' #acO"' 3O"'
Android' etc $$$
Android' etc $$$
*ternal "ensors
*ternal "ensors
"ervices such as 35" sensors or
"ervices such as 35" sensors or
4rewalls that can !oth provide
4rewalls that can !oth provide
new information to the platform
new information to the platform
as consulting onNAC
as consulting onNAC
information to make !etter
information to make !etter
11/12/13 @opennac
openNAC components
11/12/13 @opennac
Modular architecture
#(A5A(A Access :oint server module #(A5A(A Access :oint server module
"upport "upport
3ntegration 3ntegration
3ntegrating the solution with third tools 3ntegrating the solution with third tools
11/12/13 @opennac
httpC++www$opennac$org httpC++www$opennac$org
info@opennac$org info@opennac$org