Background Knowledg1
Background Knowledg1
Background Knowledg1
;uilding <no*ledge
Guiding Quote:
%=ood teachers someho* na!igate this la(yrinth o$ possi(ilities and design
applications that are not only connected to the text $or *hole-class or small-group
instruction) (ut di$$erentiated according to indi!idual student needs+, (page 24)
Discussion Questions:
1+ .hat are the three components o$ (uilding /no*ledge0
2+ .hat are the similarities and di$$erences (et*een guided practice and
independent practice0
-+ .hy is it important to re$lect on learning0 1o* can teachers help students
to (e re$lecti!e0
2+ .hat is di$$erentiated instruction0 .hy is it important0
Workshop Activity:
1+ 3i!ide the participants into six groups and assign each o$ the six groups a
num(er $rom 1-4+ 1a!e each group turn to the study 5uestions on pages
16 and 24+
2+ ach group *ill identi$y the 5uestions that correspond to their group
num(er and read in the chapters to (e a(le to ans*er the 5uestions+
-+ ach group *ill share their study 5uestions and ans*ers *ith the rest o$
the group+ 7articipants should (e prepared to lead the discussion o$ each
5uestion and ans*er+
2+ 3iscuss solutions to any concerns or 5uestions the group may ha!e
regarding explaining) modeling) (ridging) guided practice) independent
practice) and re$lection+
Classroom Implementation:
&e!ie* the classroom en!ironment chec/list on page 19> and the classroom
management chec/list on page 19?+ Use the chec/list(s) to identi$y areas
needing impro!ement and areas o$ pro$iciency+ Use the chec/list(s) to determine
strategies and other needs in order to impro!e the literacy en!ironment $or
Looking Ahead:
;e prepared to discuss the challenges and successes o$ *or/ing *ith a literacy
coach+ ncourage teachers to meet *ith the literacy coach and re!ie* the
chec/lists to $acilitate discussion at the next session and to plan $or authentic
Session hree
Understanding Coaching (Chapters @-4)