The document summarizes a study on the effect of using the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum to improve cocoon production in mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori). Key findings:
- Silkworm larvae fed mulberry leaves treated with L. plantarum at different growth stages had significantly higher larval weight, cocoon weight, pupal weight, shell weight, and pupation percentage compared to the control group.
- L. plantarum treatment resulted in maximum larval weight, cocoon weight, pupal weight, and shell ratio at all treatment stages compared to the control.
- Pupation percentage was also significantly higher in most treatment groups compared to control
The document summarizes a study on the effect of using the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum to improve cocoon production in mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori). Key findings:
- Silkworm larvae fed mulberry leaves treated with L. plantarum at different growth stages had significantly higher larval weight, cocoon weight, pupal weight, shell weight, and pupation percentage compared to the control group.
- L. plantarum treatment resulted in maximum larval weight, cocoon weight, pupal weight, and shell ratio at all treatment stages compared to the control.
- Pupation percentage was also significantly higher in most treatment groups compared to control
The document summarizes a study on the effect of using the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum to improve cocoon production in mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori). Key findings:
- Silkworm larvae fed mulberry leaves treated with L. plantarum at different growth stages had significantly higher larval weight, cocoon weight, pupal weight, shell weight, and pupation percentage compared to the control group.
- L. plantarum treatment resulted in maximum larval weight, cocoon weight, pupal weight, and shell ratio at all treatment stages compared to the control.
- Pupation percentage was also significantly higher in most treatment groups compared to control
The document summarizes a study on the effect of using the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum to improve cocoon production in mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori). Key findings:
- Silkworm larvae fed mulberry leaves treated with L. plantarum at different growth stages had significantly higher larval weight, cocoon weight, pupal weight, shell weight, and pupation percentage compared to the control group.
- L. plantarum treatment resulted in maximum larval weight, cocoon weight, pupal weight, and shell ratio at all treatment stages compared to the control.
- Pupation percentage was also significantly higher in most treatment groups compared to control
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Effect of Use of Lactobacillus plantarum as a Probiotics to improve Cocoon
Production of Mulberry Silkworm, Bombyx mori (!"#
K.K.Singh, R.M.Chauhan, A.B.Pande, S.B.Gokhale and N.G.Hegde Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences Vol. (1), JuneNov. pp 1-8. $bstract
The sil!or" larvae !ere fed on "ul#err$ leaves %rea%ed !i%h a pro#io%ic #ac%eria na"el$ Lactobacillus plantau! durin& differen% ins%ars and i%s effec% on larval #od$ !ei&h%, "a%ure #od$ !ei&h%, cocoon !ei&h%, pupa !ei&h%, shell !ei&h%, shell ra%io and pupa%ion percen%a&e !ere s%udied. Appro'i"a%el$ all %he %rea%"en% !i%h L. plantau! a pro#io%ics !as si&nifican%l$ superior %o %ha% of con%rol. L. plantau! %rea%ed &roups recorded si&nifican%l$ hi&her values for larval #od$ !ei&h%, cocoon !ei&h%, shell !ei&h%, pupa%ion percen%a&e a% all %he ins%ars na"el$ 1 s% , (nd, )rd, *%h and + %h ins%ar respec%ivel$ as co"pared %o con%rol. The s%ud$ indica%ed %ha% %he pro#io%ic #ac%eria e'hi#i% induce"en% of cer%ain &ro!%h fac%ors leadin& %o increase in sil $ields and pupa%ion , in sil!or" rearin& ho!ever %he "echanis" of in%erac%ion of hos% na%ive "icro#io%a !i%h %he pro#io%ic #ac%eria influencin& ph$siolo&$ and inna%e i""uni%$ of sil!or" re-uire fur%her inves%i&a%ion. %eywords. /ro#io%ics, Lactobacillus plantau!, Bo!b"# !oi $L.% and 0ocoon produc%ion &ntroduction
/ro#io%ics are %he live "icro#ial food supple"en%s #eneficiall$ affec%in& %he hos% #$ i"provin& %he "icro#ial #alance (1uller, 1221and Aus%in et al., 122+).Several researchers have repor%ed a#ou% #eneficial role pla$ed #$ use of pro#io%ics in 3u"ans (0han et al., 128+4 Bri&idi et al., (555 6 (551), ru"inan%s ( ), a-uacul%ure (7ouille% and 8an&don, 122* and 9ild#er& et al., 122:) and insec%s (7illon and 7illon, (55*).Therefore, produc%s con%ainin& pro#io%ic #ac%eria are &ainin& populari%$, increasin& %he i"por%ance of %heir accura%e specia%ion(;eun& et al ,(55( ) .Si"ilarl$, in "ul#err$ sil!or" (Bo!b"# !oi ) presence of differen% %$pes of #ac%eria in %he &u% have #een repor%ed (<o$ et al, (555 and =oda"a,(551).>os% of %he species #elon&in& %o 9enus Steptococcus are found %o #e pa%ho&enic %o Bo!b"# !oi larvae !hile #ac%eria fro" 9enus Pediococccus, Leuconostoc and Lactobacillus didn?% produce an$ infec%ed sil!or". The precise "echanis" of #eneficial effec% on hos% or in%erac%ion a"on& %he differen% #ac%erial s%rains presen% as "icro-flora is no% no!n (S%einhaus, 12*2 and =oda"a, (551).
7ifferen% species of lac%ic acid #ac%eria have #een e'%ensivel$ s%udied (Bruno et al .,122)4 Berne%-0a"ard et al.,122: 49i#son et al 12284 =oda"a,(551) and found %o #e #eneficial as pro#io%ics (1uller, 12214Berne% 0a"ard, 122:4Saa"o%o et al 4 (551).Therefore i% !as planned %o s%ud$ %he effec% of a lac%ic acid #ac%eria na"el$ Lactobacillus plantau! a no!n pro#io%ics on econo"ic para"e%ers of Bo!b"# !oi $L..%
Materials and Met'ods
S%andard cul%ure of Lactobacillus plantau! procured fro" Na%ional 0ollec%ion of @ndus%rial >icro-or&anis"s (N0@> (58)), Na%ional 0he"ical 8a#ora%or$, /une !as cul%ured in ><S #ro%h "ediu". The #ro%h cul%ure of L. plantau! (15 A cfuB"l) !as used for %he e'peri"en%. The leaves of "ul#err$ S-1A)+ varie%$ and an indi&enous "ul%ivol%ine sil!or" race na"el$ BA@1-1 !ere used no!n %o #e suscep%i#le %o nuclear pol$hedrosis virus. C'peri"en% !as carried ou% under con%rolled la#ora%or$ condi%ions (%e"pera%ure (8D) 5 0 and hu"idi%$ of :5 %o 8+,). >ul#err$ leaves !ere fed %o Bo!b"# !oi (8.) larvae as per rearin& "e%hods su&&es%ed #$ =rishnas!a"i et. al. ., 12:8 .C'peri"en%al as !ell con%rol &roups had ) replica%ions consis%in& of 155 larvae each . >ul#err$ leaves of e-ual !ei&h% and appro'i"a%el$ sa"e nu"#er !ere used for feedin& B. !oi larvae in con%rol and e'peri"en%al &roups. C'peri"en%al &roups !ere fed !i%h "ul#err$ leaves %rea%ed #$ dippin& %he leaves in %he suspension of L .plantau! (15 A cfu B "l) and par%iall$ dr$in& a% roo" %e"pera%ure, onl$ once soon af%er ha%chin& and firs% feed af%er 1 s% , ( nd , ) rd and * %h "oul% pass larvae. The con%rol &roup of B. !oi $L.% larvae (155 larvae in ) replica%ions) !ere fed !i%h "ul#err$ leaves !i%hou% %rea%"en% of %he L. plantau! cul%ure. /ara"e%ers lie sin&le larva !ei&h% (A %h da$ of + %h ins%ar) and "a%ure larva !ei&h% ( Eus% #efore "oun%in& ) , %o%al cocoon !ei&h% (&"), shell !ei&h% (&"), pupa !ei&h% (&"), shell ra%io (,) and effec%ive pupa for"a%ion (,) !ere recorded and da%a !as anal$sed s%a%is%icall$ %o s%ud$ %he effec%. (esults and discussion The resul%s on effec% of pro#io%ic #ac%eria L.plantau! on econo"ical para"e%ers of sil!or" are presen%ed in Ta#le 1. <esul%s sho!ed %ha% %he larvae of %rea%"en% &roups had si&nifican%l$ hi&her larval !ei&h%, cocoon !%. pupal !%. shell ra%io and pupa%ion ra%e as co"pared %o con%rol &roup. Also overall anal$sis (Ta#le () of in%erac%ion #e%!een differen% %rea%"en% &roups and con%rol &roup sho!ed si&nifican% hi&her values for larval !ei&h%, cocoon, pupa, and shell !ei&h% and ra%io and pupa%ion ,. L. plantau! %rea%ed "ul#err$ leaves fed %o larvae a% 1 s% ,( nd ,) rd ,* %h and + %h ins%ar recorded "a'i"u" larval !ei&h%s ((.25, (.8A, (.25, (.8A and (.2)&" respec%ivel$ ), cocoon !ei&h% (1.52,1.(:,1.)5,1.(2,1.(( and 1.))&"), pupal !ei&h% (1.5:,1.15,1.58 and 1.5(&") shell !%.(5.(5,5.(5,5.(1,5.(5,and 5.(1&"), shell ra%io (1+.28,1+.)),1A.(1,1A.)( and 1+.A+,) respec%ivel$ as co"pare %o con%rol &roup. The hi&her value of larval !ei&h%s and cocoon para"e%ers indica%ed %he &rea%er sui%a#ili%$ Baccep%a#ili%$ of pro#io%ic L. planteu! alon& !i%h food plan%s. The a"oun% of food consu"ed #$ a larva influences i%s &ro!%h ra%e, develop"en%, final #od$ !ei&h% and pro#a#ili%$ of survival (Slans$ and Scri#er, 128+).These resul%s sho! %ha% a funda"en%al shif% in %he "icro#ial profile in sil!or" larval &u% is #eneficial %o %he hos% !hich in %urn "a$ si&nifican%l$ con%ri#u%e %o increase sil produc%ion. 1ood in%ae is also re&ula%ed #$ %he ph$sical na%ure of food and also presence of pha&o- s%i"ulan%s in %he food (7add, 12:5). Sil!or" B. "ori (8) reared on "ul#err$ leaves supple"en%ed !i%h "inerals, oral pro%ein supple"en%a%ion, cereal flours, "edicinal e'%rac%s, plan% &ro!%h hor"ones ( Sunder <aE e% al.,(555 Sin&h ,122:) are repor%ed %o have #eneficial effec%s on econo"ic para"e%ers. Suu"ar (128)) has repor%ed enhancin& effec% on sil $ield usin& "ul#err$ ph$lloplane $eas% Spoobolo!"ces oseus .@n presen% s%ud$ si"ilar o#serva%ion "a$ #e a%%ri#u%ed %o increased efficienc$ of di&es%ion and assi"ila%ion of food "a%erials leadin& %o increased pro%ein s$n%hesis
and su#se-uen% accu"ula%ion of s%ora&e pro%eins in %he #od$ on accoun% of ac%ivi%$ of a pro#io%ic "icro#ial flora in &u% of hos%. 0o"para%ivel$, %he food consu"p%ion in %he con%rol ca%e&or$ !i%h indi&enous "icro flora reflec%s (!i%h respec% %o %rea%"en% &roups) %he lo! sil produc%ion a#ili%$ as feedin& -uali%$ leaves influences %he s$n%hesis of %o%al <NA and %ransla%ion of fi#roin "essen&er <NA and 7NA s$n%hesis (0havanc$ and 1lournier, 12:2). S%a%is%icall$ no si&nificance (%a#le () !as o#served !i%h respec% %o "a%ure larva !ei&h%s in %rea%"en% and con%rol &roups !hich "a$ due %o co""on %i"in& of picin& %he ripe larvae in %rea%ed and con%rol &roups. Si&nifican%l$ hi&her pupa%ion , (Ta#le1 and () !as o#served in all %rea%"en% &roups e'cep% ( nd ins%ar %rea%"en% &roup. L.plantau! %rea%ed larvae recorded "a'i"u" pupa%ion , in * %h ins%ar (8),) follo!ed #$ + %h ins%ar (8(,), 1 s% ins%ar (:8,) and ) rd (:),) respec%ivel$ as co"pare %o con%rol &roup. This "a$ #e par%l$ due %o hi&her food di&es%i#ili%$ leadin& %o hi&her survival ra%e (Slans$ and Scri#er, 128+) and due %o increase in ac%ivi%$ of red florescen% pro%ein (<1/) a pro%ein responsi#le for providin& inna%e i""uni%$ #$ inac%iva%in& virus a"on& %he sil!or" ( =oda"a, (551). @% is !ell su#s%an%ia%ed #$ 3a$ashi$a,e% al .,12:1 , %he concen%ra%ion of <1/ is "a'i"u" durin& %he "oul%in& period (!hen %he larvae do no% feed) especiall$ durin& * %h and + %h ins%ar !hile i% is lo! in earlier ins%ar. Since in sil!or" "ore %han 25, of %o%al larval feed is in&es%ed and also <1/ is "a'i"u" durin& *%h and + %h ins%ar of B.!oi, (=oda"a, (551) %he supple"en%a%ion of 8.plan%aru" soon af%er %he "oul% "a$ have influenced <1/ as !ell alon& !i%h feedin&. This defini%el$ have resul%ed in hi&her pupa%ion , as co"pare %o con%rol &roup in presen% s%ud$ durin& * %h ins%ar follo!ed #$ + %h ins%ar ) rd ins%ar and 1 s% ins%ar. Thou&h ( nd ins%ar sho!ed enhance"en% in cocoon charac%er #u% pupa%ion , !as si"ilar %o con%rol &roup "a$ #e due %o less influence of 8.plan%aru" on ac%ivi%$ of <1/ durin& %his s%a&e of B."ori. Beneficial effec%s #$ "odula%ion of &u% "icro-flora and influence on "ucosal i""uni%$ or %hrou&h al%erin& enF$"a%ic ac%ivi%ies has #een e'%ensivel$ s%udied in hu"an ,ani"als and "an$ insec%s (;eun& et al ,(55( ) leadin& %o co""ercialiFa%ion of produc%s as pro#io%ics. /resen% preli"inar$ s%ud$ indica%e %he #eneficial effec%s of a pro#io%ic L. plantau! on econo"ic %rai%s of sil!or" B.!oi, ho!ever %he "echanis" of in%erac%ion of hos% na%ive "icro#io%a !i%h %he pro#io%ic #ac%eria influencin& direc%l$ and indirec%l$ on food assi"ila%ion , ph$siolo&$ and inna%e i""uni%$ of sil!or" re-uire fur%her inves%i&a%ion.
)able *+ Effect of !plantarum on economic parameters of a multivoltine B.mori
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0<SBSC<@B(55+B To, Su#. <e&ardin& su#"ission of a research paper en%i%led MCffec% of use of Lactobacillus plantau! as a pro#io%ics %o i"prove cocoon produc%ion in %he "ul#err$ sil!or" Bo!b"# !oi (8.)N 7ear Sir,
He are su#"i%%in& here!i%h a research paper en%i%led MCffec% of use of Lactobacillus plantau! as a pro#io%ics %o i"prove cocoon produc%ion in %he "ul#err$ sil!or" Bo!b"# !oi (8.)N >a$ !e re-ues% $ou %o please infor" %he a#ou% accep%ance of %he sa"e. Than $ou for $our coopera%ion. Hi%h ind re&ards ;ours sincerel$, (7r.S.B.9ohale) Vice /residen% 6 3ead 0<S,BA@1,Kruli-anchan Cnclosures 1. 3ard cop$ of %he research paper