What Is Health Economics

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Health economics aims to ensure both the clinical and cost effectiveness of healthcare by analyzing costs and benefits.

Health economics is based on the science of scarcity and analyzes how choices are prioritized given constrained resources.

Achieving 'value for money' implies either achieving a goal at the lowest cost or maximizing benefits from limited resources.

G Economics is the science of scarcity.

The application of health

economics reflects a universal desire to obtain maximum
value for money by ensuring not just the clinical effectiveness,
but also the cost-effectiveness of healthcare provision.
G Achieving value for money implies either a desire to achieve a
predetermined objective at least cost or a desire to maximise the
benefit to the population of patients served from a limited
amount of resources. This requires services to be evaluated for
G An associated concept is that of efficiency, which measures how
well resources are used in order to achieve a desired outcome.
G Opportunity cost represents an invaluable mode of thought
in health economics, as it makes clear the explicit trade-offs that
underlie resource use in the health services. The true cost of
using scarce healthcare resources in one manner is their
unavailability to fund alternative beneficial services.
G All economic evaluations have a common structure which
involves explicit measurement of inputs (costs) and outcomes
G Health economics can help to inform and improve decision-
making through the systematic and objective application of
applied common sense.
G Such applied common sense, which symmetrically balances
costs and benefits, represents a valuable mode of thinking for
decision-makers, irrespective of whether a formal economic
evaluation is undertaken.
What is...? series Second edition Health economics
For further titles in the series, visit:
Alan Haycox BA MA
PhD Reader in Health
Economics, University
of Liverpool
Management School
What is
Supported by sanofi-aventis
Date of preparation: April 2009 NPR09/1101
Economics is the science of scarcity. It
analyses how choices are structured and
prioritised to maximise welfare within
constrained resources (Box 1). We all use
economics on a daily basis (Do I buy the
cheaper car, or pay a bit more for the nicer
one?) as we work within our own resource
constraints (our desires say, Buy the nicer
one; our resources say, Buy the cheaper
one). By comparing the costs and benefits
arising fromthe purchase of the competing
cars, we are able to optimise our decision-
making. If we routinely use such economic
techniques in our private lives, then surely it
is not too great a leap of faith to apply them
in our lives as health professionals? This is the
basis of health economics.
It is universally acknowledged that the
technical ability of healthcare systems to
provide care (the wide array of new and
expensive health technologies available) far
exceeds the ability of any healthcare system to
afford all such technologies. Once healthcare
decision-makers have accepted the need for
choice, they must inform that choice by
prioritising competing interventions through
the analysis of their costs and benefits.
However, it is important to recognise that
healthcare exhibits a range of special
characteristics that will fundamentally affect
such analyses. Health economics reflects a
universal desire to obtain maximum value for
money by ensuring not just the clinical
effectiveness, but also the cost-effectiveness of
healthcare provision.
Health economics is dominated by a simple
theoretical concept, that of cost-effectiveness
(this is explored in greater detail in What is
In general, the concept of
cost-effectiveness implies either a desire to
achieve a predetermined objective at least cost
or a desire to maximise the benefit to the
population of patients served from a limited
amount of resources. To achieve this aim, we
use the tools of economic evaluation to select
the most cost-effective options from a range
of healthcare alternatives. An associated
concept is that of efficiency.
Efficiency evaluates how well resources are
used to achieve a desired outcome. It has a
number of different aspects.
Allocative efficiency measures the
extent to which resources are allocated to the
groups or individuals who can benefit most.
For example, the benefits of statin treatment
provided to high-risk patients (for example,
patients who have already had a heart attack)
are far in excess of the benefits that arise
when they are prescribed to low-risk patients.
Allocative efficiency therefore requires the
high-risk patients to be targeted as a priority
(primary prevention), resulting in an
improved level of health associated with
statin treatment.
Technical efficiency measures either the
extent to which resources are combined to
achieve maximum outcome, or alternatively
the minimum amounts of resources that are
combined to achieve a given outcome (for
example, identifying the least expensive way
to effectively heal a peptic ulcer). The
prescribing of unnecessarily long courses of
drugs or unnecessarily expensive drugs
implies the existence of technical inefficiency.
Defining and measuring health
Defining and measuring health outcomes is
fraught with difficulties, but such measures are
the essential bedrock of health-economic
What is health economics?
What is
health economics?
Date of preparation: April 2009 NPR09/1101
Box 1. Scarcity, choice and
Scarcity of resources requires individuals to
choose which goods and services they
consume. The basis for their choice is the
relative value that they place on each good
or service. The structure of these relative
values is the basis for their system of
What is
health economics?
evaluations (Box 2). In addressing health
outcomes, economists talk in terms of utility,
which measures the strength of an individuals
preferences for specific outcomes (see What are
health utilities?
for further discussion).
Outcomes are assessed in terms of enhanced
survival (adding years to life) and enhanced
quality of life (QoL) (adding life to years).
There is a range of measures to assess the
impact of treatment on survival (lives saved,
life-years gained or five-year survival rates), but
increasingly health services are focusing on
improving QoL (reduced pain, greater mobility,
improved sensory function). Health-related
QoL analyses measure the impact of treatments
on the social, emotional and physical aspects
of life from the patients perspective (see What
is quality of life?
for further discussion). Many
techniques have been developed to place
values on various states of health which can be
held to be representative of the values of
society as a whole.
These QoL weights are
then integrated with survival data to produce a
single combined measure of the quantity and
quality of life generated by healthcare
interventions. Quality-adjusted life-years
(QALYs) apply weights that reflect the QoL
being experienced by the patient (perfect
health is equivalent to 1, death is equivalent to
0 and health states that may be regarded as
worse than death have negative valuations). It
is important to recognise, however, that such
analyses are still at an early stage of develop-
ment and many methodological difficulties
remain to be resolved (see What is a QALY?
further technical discussion). An entertaining
but informative introduction to the debate
concerning the social value of the QALY can be
read in an article by Brouwer et al.
Defining and measuring cost
A distinction must be made between financial
and economic concepts of cost. Financial
costs relate to monetary payments associated
with the price of a good or service traded in
the marketplace. Economic costs relate to the
wider concept of resource consumption,
irrespective of whether such resources are
traded in the marketplace (Box 3). Thus, the
time spent by patients and their families in a
hospital waiting room represents a real cost to
them despite the fact that no financial
payment arises.
The economic concept of cost is based on
the awareness that, when resources are
consumed in a certain way, those same
resources become unavailable for use in
developing other services, and hence the
benefits which would have arisen have to be
foregone. In economics, these outcomes that
are foregone are referred to as opportunity
cost (Box 4). Again, this is a concept familiar
to all of us from our personal finances. If the
resources at my disposal would allow me to
either buy a car or take a foreign holiday, in a
Date of preparation: April 2009 NPR09/1101
Box 2. Definition of health
Health has no generally accepted definition,
but has a wide range of physical, mental
and social characteristics. The breadth of
such characteristics and their essentially
subjective nature emphasises the difficulties
inherent in deriving an operational definition
for this concept.
Box 3. Resources
When we consider the resources available to
us, we normally think about financial
resources. The economists definition,
however, is far wider and encompasses the
time, energy and skills exhibited by the
individual, together with the buildings and
equipment that he or she may possess. A
resource may therefore be consumed (time
and effort expended in developing an idea)
even if there is no associated financial
Box 4. Opportunity cost
The economist perceives the true cost of any
good or service in relation to the resources
that are consumed to provide that good or
service. The cost of the resources consumed
is expressed as the value of the output that
would arise through their next best
alternative use.
very real sense, the true opportunity cost of
buying the car is the foregone benefits of
taking the holiday.
In this manner, although the foregone
benefits are difficult to measure in practice,
opportunity cost represents a very useful
mode of thought in health economics, as it
emphasises the explicit trade-offs that
underlie resource use in the health services.
Techniques of economic evaluation
Economic evaluation provides a systematic
and objective framework for drawing up a
balance sheet of costs and benefits which can
assist decision-makers to make more
informed choices. All economic evaluations
have a common structure which involves
explicit measurement of inputs (costs) and
outcomes (benefits). The four main methods
of economic evaluation vary in terms of their
evaluation of health outcomes. Each method
is described briefly in Table 1. The appropriate
analytical tool to choose in any given
circumstance depends upon three main
issues. First, what is the context in which the
analysis is being undertaken? Second, what is
the focus of the economic evaluation being
undertaken. Third, what is the nature of the
comparative outcome arising from the
competing therapeutic options? Knowledge of
these three issues will provide a guide to the
appropriate economic tool to be employed for
any particular analysis.
Cost-minimisation analysis
Cost-minimisation analysis is restricted to
situations in which the health benefits of
healthcare treatments have been proven to be
identical. An example would be a decision to
prescribe a generic drug instead of a brand-
name drug, achieving the same outcome at
less cost. Frequently, therefore, this technique
is perceived as being the easiest to apply, but
such a perception is misleading. Cost-
minimisation analysis does not ignore health
outcomes, but actually requires proof that
outcomes are clinically equivalent to
legitimise the use of this technique. This
opens up a new and complex array of issues
that need to be addressed prior to utilising
this technique. What do we mean by clinical
equivalence and what evidence is required to
support such equivalence (non-inferiority
trials, equivalence trials or real-world audit
data). Such theoretical considerations need to
be addressed if cost-minimisation analysis is
to be appropriately employed as a valid
technique of economic evaluation. What is
What is
health economics?
Date of preparation: April 2009 NPR09/1101
Method Outcome measure Application/interpretation
Cost-minimisation analysis Evidence is available that outcomes for Given the evidence of output equivalence
competing therapies are equivalent (and only when such evidence is available),
the cheapest therapy is preferred
Cost-effectiveness analysis Health benefits are measured in natural How much more does it cost (incremental
units, reflecting a dominant common cost) to achieve an additional unit
therapeutic goal for competing therapies (incremental effectiveness) of the common
therapeutic good (incremental cost-
effectiveness ratio)?
Costutility analysis In the absence of a common therapeutic The quality-adjusted life-year measures the
goal, outcome is measured through the number of additional life years weighted
effect of any intervention on mortality by the quality of life (value) of the
(quantity of life) and morbidity (quality health state experienced in each year
of life)
Costbenefit analysis Both costs and benefits are measured in An intervention should be undertaken if
the same unit money with the financial the (financial) value of the benefits
value of the costs being compared with the exceeds the (financial) value of the costs.
financial value of the benefits If only one intervention can be funded,
choose the activity with the highest excess
financial benefit over costs
Table 1. Structures of economic evaluation
clear, however, is that it is highly
inappropriate to simply assume clinical
equivalence between competing therapies as a
justification for the use of cost-minimisation
analysis. For further discussion, see What is
cost-minimisation analysis?
Cost-effectiveness analysis
The term cost-effectiveness analysis properly
refers to an evaluation where the outcomes
are one-dimensional. Cost-effectiveness
analysis is therefore used in health economics
to compare the financial costs of therapies
whose outcomes can be measured purely in
terms of health effect (for example, years of
life saved, ulcers healed). For instance, if we
wanted to compare the use of a proton pump
inhibitor to relieve severe reflux oesophagitis
with the use of H
blockers to achieve the
same end, we could calculate the costs per
patient relieved of symptoms for each
therapy. Cost-effectiveness analysis is the
most commonly applied formof economic
analysis in the heath economics literature,
and is frequently used in drug therapy.
However, it does not allow comparisons to be
made between courses of action that have
completely different therapeutic outcomes
(see What is cost-effectiveness?
for further
Costutility analysis
Costutility analysis is similar to cost-
effectiveness analysis in that there is a defined
outcome, and the cost to achieve that
outcome is measured in money. However, in
costutility analysis the outcome is measured
in terms of survival and QoL (for example,
using QALYs) (Box 5). Since the endpoint may
not be directly dependent on the disease state,
costutility analysis can, in theory, compare
courses of action in different areas of
medicine. In practice, this is not so easy, since
QALYs remain subject to much philosophical
and technical criticism (see What is costutility
for a more detailed discussion).
Costbenefit analysis
In costbenefit analysis the benefit is
measured as the associated economic benefit
of an intervention, and hence both costs and
benefits are expressed in money. Costbenefit
analysis may ignore many intangible but very
important benefits that are difficult to
measure in monetary terms (for example,
relief of anxiety). It could also be seen to
discriminate against those for whom a return
to productive employment is unlikely (for
example, the elderly or the unemployed).
However, the virtue of this analysis is that it
enables comparisons to be made between
schemes in very different areas of healthcare,
and even with schemes outside the field of
medicine. For example, using costbenefit
analysis, the costs and benefits of expanding
university education (the benefits of
improved education and hence productivity)
can be compared with establishing a back
pain service (enhancing productivity by
returning patients to work). This approach is
not widely accepted for use in health
Marginal analysis a little bit more,
a little bit less
Marginal costs measure the additional cost
increases or savings arising as a consequence
of small output changes within a healthcare
programme. For instance, if a new treatment
enables patients to be discharged from
hospital a day earlier, it would be tempting
(but wrong) to apply the average cost per bed-
day as the associated saving of resources. This
is because, unfortunately, all the fixed-cost
elements (laboratories, kitchens and building
maintenance) will be largely unaffected, with
the only altered costs being those associated
with the physical occupation of the bed
(patients meals and other hotel costs).
These are the marginal costs, where resource
What is
health economics?
Date of preparation: April 2009 NPR09/1101
Box 5. Quality-adjusted life-years
The concept of the quality-adjusted life-year
(QALY) is based on the belief that the aim of
any health service intervention can be
dichotomised between improving survival
(increasing the quantity of life) and
improving the ability to enjoy life (enhancing
quality of life). By applying quality weights
to each additional year of life experienced
after treatment, the QALY attempts to
incorporate both of these elements into a
single measure (see What is a QALY?).
use is directly related to a change in the scale
of service provision the additional resource
required to treat one additional patient, or
conversely, the level of resource directly saved
by treating one fewer patient.
The importance of perspective
A key point to consider in planning an
economic evaluation is the point of view
from which the study should be conducted:
from that of the health service, in which case
only direct costs are considered; or from a
societal viewpoint, in which case indirect
costs (for example, productivity losses arising
from ill health) should also be included. In
general, the societal perspective is preferred,
as it reduces the likelihood that important
costs will be excluded from the analysis
simply because they fall outside the focus of
the study. However, a healthcare manager
faced with a limited budget has an obvious
incentive to concentrate entirely on costs that
have an immediate impact on his own
Employing a societal perspective also
incorporates the costs and benefits directly
experienced by the patient. For example, the
development of an insulin delivery system
that reduced the total number of injections or
provided greater flexibility of the timing of
injections, would be likely to reduce the costs
experienced by a diabetes patient, by reducing
the pain and inconvenience associated with
their ill health and providing them with
greater control and, hence, an improved
ability to plan and structure their lives. These
privately-borne costs might be overlooked
from a solely health service perspective, but
they represent a vital component of the
economic analysis: their reduction is likely to
be a fundamental determinant of patient
compliance, which in turn would lead to
improved glycaemic control and a reduction
in the health and financial burden associated
with poorly controlled diabetes. For this
reason, economic analyses should take the
widest possible perspective in order to
maximise their value as a basis for healthcare
There is often a significant time lag between
the investment of health service resources and
the arrival of the associated health gain. In
general, we prefer to receive benefits now and
pay costs in the future. To reflect this in
economic evaluation, both costs and benefits
are discounted. The rate currently set by the UK
Treasury to discount streams of future costs
and benefits to their net present value is 3.5%.
Economics operates in the realm of the
behavioural sciences and, as such, is beset by
uncertainty concerning the exact values of
estimates of costs and benefits. To minimise
such uncertainty, it is necessary to reflect
accurately the balance of scientific evidence
on clinical and cost-effectiveness through the
application of evidence-based medicine (see
What is evidence-based medicine?
for further
discussion). Great care must be taken to utilise
a balanced and impartial summary of the
evidence with regard to anticipated treatment
outcomes, ideally in the form of a systematic
review(see What is a systematic review?
further discussion). Where possible, a meta-
analysis should be used to obtain a precise
quantitative estimate of treatment effect (see
What is meta-analysis?
for further
However, there will inevitably remain
certain areas where clinical evidence is either
limited or entirely missing, and hence it
becomes necessary to make assumptions to
supplement the structure of evidence
obtained from clinical trials and other
sources. All pharmacoeconomic analyses
must therefore include a detailed sensitivity
analysis to assess the robustness of the study
results in relation to variations in the
underlying assumptions. The economic
appraisal can be said to be robust if the results
are not influenced to any great extent by
feasible variations in the value of any of the
key underlying assumptions. If feasible
variations in key assumptions lead to a
different underlying conclusion, then the
economic analysis is not robust. This is
discussed in more detail in What are
confidence intervals and p-values?
Health economics represents a valuable tool
for improving the information base upon
which healthcare decisions are made. It can
What is
health economics?
Date of preparation: April 2009 NPR09/1101
help to inform and improve decision-making,
as a systematic and objective system of
thought. The very process of identifying
alternative options to meet prespecified
objectives and balancing resources and
benefits represents a valuable mode of
thinking for decision-making, irrespective
of whether formal economic evaluation is
1. Phillips C. What is cost-effectiveness? London: Hayward
Medical Communications, 2009.
2. Tolley K. What are health utilities? London: Hayward
Medical Communications, 2009.
3. Fallowfield L. What is quality of life? London: Hayward
Medical Communications, 2009.
4. www.euroqol.org/home.html (last accessed 24 March
5. Phillips C. What is a QALY? London: Hayward Medical
Communications, 2009.
6. Brouwer W, van Exel J, Baker R, Donaldson C. The new
myth: the social value of the QALY. Pharmacoeconomics
2008; 26: 14.
7. Haycox A. What is cost-minimisation analysis? London:
Hayward Medical Communications, 2009.
8. McCabe C. What is costutility analysis? London:
Hayward Medical Communications, 2009.
9. HM Treasury. The Green Book. Appraisal and Evaluation
in Central Government. Treasury Guidance. www.hm-
treasury.gov.uk/d/2(4).pdf (last accessed 30 October
10. Belsey J. What is evidence-based medicine? London:
Hayward Medical Communications, 2009.
11. Hemmingway P, Brereton N. What is a systematic
review? London: Hayward Medical Communications,
12. Davies HTO, Crombie IK. What is meta-analysis?
London: Hayward Medical Communications, 2009.
13. Davies HTO, Crombie IK. What are confidence
intervals and p-values? London: Hayward Medical
Communications, 2009.
Further reading
1. Walley T, Haycox A, Boland A (eds).
Pharmacoeconomics. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone,
2. Eddy DM. Clinical decision-making: from theory to
practice. Applying cost-effectiveness analysis. The inside
story. JAMA 1992; 268: 25752582.
3. Eddy DM. Clinical decision-making: from theory to
practice. Cost-effectiveness analysis. Will it be accepted?
JAMA 1992; 268: 132136.
4. Eddy DM. Clinical decision-making: from theory to
practice. Cost-effectiveness analysis. Is it up to the task?
JAMA 1992; 267: 33423348.
5. Eddy DM. Clinical decision-making: from theory to
practice. Cost-effectiveness analysis. A conversation with
my father. JAMA 1992; 267: 16691675.
What is
health economics?
Date of preparation: April 2009 NPR09/1101
Supported by sanofi-aventis
What is
health economics?
Published by Hayward Medical
Communications, a division of
Hayward Group Ltd.
Copyright 2009 Hayward
Group Ltd.
All rights reserved.
What is...? series
First edition published 2003
Authors: Alan Haycox and Euan Noble
This publication, along with
the others in the series, is
available on the internet at
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Date of preparation: April 2009 NPR09/1101

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