The Wisdom of The Quantum

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The Wisdom of the Quantum Creator

Posted by libertegrace on October 23, 2013

1. You are the sole creator of your experience.
2. There is nothing that you or anyone else cannot have, be or do.
. !eality is simply energy in motion moulded by consciousness.
". There is an abundance of energy for the creation of all things.
#. $eliefs can be tools for creation but do not represent %ho you are.
&. You are infinite.
#. 'verything that you %ant and need already exists.
&. (othing is right or %rong, it)s all *ust experience.
+. What you see %ith your eyes is not an indicator of reality.
,. 'verything and everyone is in perfection %ith %hat they are creating.
-. There is nothing that cannot be transformed.
1.. We are all naturally moving in the direction of greater a%areness.
11. There is nothing to forgive.
12. 'nergy is free to those %ho are free.
1. /ll is %ell in all of creation.
Quantum Wealth
Posted by libertegrace on October 21, 2013
So, today I saw a blog article from 19 year old Rachael Sacs abo!t her choice not to "retend that
she#s "oor in order to mae "eo"le aro!nd her lie her$ It was interesting to me that if I re"laced her
tag%line with& '(ay )frican ref!gee Rachael Sacs ref!ses to "retend that she#s hetro%se*!al in
order to a""ease local rebels#, that I#m certain, she wo!ld ha+e been hailed a hero with her face
"lastered o+er all networs as a shining e*am"le of co!rage and daring a!thenticity$ Instead she got
attaced for s"eaing !" honestly for who she is as a wealthy girl$ ,oes anyone smell the stench of
societal hy"ocrisy here-
In essence, her article was abo!t her right to be all of who she is witho!t being treated differently
for it$ I wo!ld consider this to be a basic h!man right and something a yo!ng "erson sho!ld be
enco!raged to s"ea !" abo!t$ .et her message is being lost in misconce"tions and insec!rities
abo!t wealth and how it is created$ It#s being lost in mass conscio!sness beliefs in the story of, 'the
ha+es and ha+e nots#$ /ort!nately, that fairy%tale was ne+er based on the tr!th$ I lo+e science for
this +ery reason$ It c!ts o!t the b!ll%shit$
Quantum 0hysics 1.1 & 0efore anything becomes material, it m!st begin as energy$ 1his a""lies to
absol!tely e+erything$ 2onscio!sness is the magnet that attracts energy, which creates matter$
2onsider the beliefs that yo! ha+e right now aro!nd wor, money, lo+e and thin abo!t yo!r life as
it is$ .o! will find that they are a "erfect mirror of each other$ 3+erything yo! belie+e in yo!r
conscio!sness was and is the magnet for the energy that materiali4ed in yo!r life as it is right now$
.o!r conscio!sness magneti4ed yo!r 5ob, yo!r relationshi"6s, the si4e of yo!r ban acco!nt or lac
thereof etc$
Sim"le e*am"le 7 1win girls on the first day at the school "laygro!nd$ Sarah is ha""y and feeling
lie the world is infinite and easily attracts many friends$ 8eah, her sister s!ls in the corner feeling
lie Sarah has it all and life is !nfair, finding herself alone$ Is Sarah l!cier than 8eah- 7 hell no9
0!t beca!se their conscio!sness is different, they attract different realities, which create that story$
)nd I wish to highlight the words, 'create# and 'story#$ O!r li+es reflect the story we ha+e chosen
abo!t o!rsel+es, hence no two li+es are identical$
So, let#s 5!st say someone lie Rachael Sacs ga+e :100,000 to e+ery single "oor "erson she met
o!t of 'd!ty# to the "oor regardless of whether it felt right to her or not$ 1heir conscio!sness wo!ld
not be able to ee" the money !nless they changed their conscio!sness aro!nd money beca!se
energy flows O;8. in the direction of conscio!sness that matches it$
So if someone has a conscio!sness with the belief, '<oney is scarce#, yo! co!ld gi+e them 100
and soon find, lie many rags to riches lotto winners or "risoners set free who ret!rn to 5ail, that
they ha+e s"ent and lost it all within a short "eriod of time, ret!rning bac to the life they had
before$ /orcing or trying to g!ilt the wealthy into gi+ing and a""easing the insec!rities of the "oor
is not the long%term answer as it does not address the root ca!ses of what creates "o+erty in the first
"lace$ 1he same a""lies to se*ism, racism etc$
'ducating people to reali1e that they are the sole creators of their reality and that energy %ill
serve %ithout restriction the consciousness they choose to hold is. =ith this shift in
conscio!sness, s!ddenly, the money and the e>!ality will manifest$ It will a""ear in the form of
f!nding for a school in a 3rd world co!ntry or a wealthy "atron who 5!st lo+es to hel" o!t witho!t
agenda, a com"any who de+elo"s a technology for f!el recycling, a change in ta* laws or a winning
lotto ticet$
0!t these reso!rces absol!tely cannot a""ear witho!t a conscio!sness of ab!ndance and that
conscio!sness nows no +ictim%hood$ It tr!sts itself and it tr!sts in life and most of all it is not co%
de"endent, meaning its reality is not reliant on what other "eo"le, society, go+ernments, wealthy
"eo"le, religions etc do or don#t do$ 1he conscio!sness of ab!ndance is 100? so+ereign$
0elie+e it#s hard 7 energy gi+es yo! that e*"erience$ 0elie+e the world is !nfair 7 energy gi+es that
to yo!$ 0elie+e that "erson is arrogant 7 energy brings yo! more e+idence of arrogance$ )nd yet,
it#s not abo!t any ind of !ni+ersal tr!th$ It#s abo!t .O@ and what yo! belie+e, that is dictating
yo!r inter"retation of "eo"le and yo!r e*"eriences$ .o! are creator and energy is yo!r ser+ant$
To be a 2uantum creator, yo! cannot afford to lie to yo!rself and blame anyone or anything for
yo!r life e*"eriences$ .o!r conscio!sness has nothing to do with anyone else b!t yo!$ It#s a mat!re
"ath of total self%res"onsibility$ 1oo tall an order for some and tr!e freedom for others$ It#s !" to
yo! b!t the tr!th isA tr!st f!nd ids, billionaires, racists, dictators, ra"ists etc are not the ca!ses in
o!r world creating any ind of !nfair imbalances$ 1hey are mirrors for beliefs within indi+id!als
and in mass conscio!sness$ O!r conscio!sness is the broadcast station for o!r c!rrent earth reality$
)s mass conscio!sness shifts, so will the collecti+e reality$
1here is no lac of energy to create any form of reality and no s!ch thing as ine>!ality !nless yo!
choose to belie+e and e*"erience that$
It#s the !nnat!ral conscio!sness of +ictim%hood that lacs conscio!s awareness of itself as creator
of its reality, which has to go if we are to see wealth more commonly and e+enly distrib!ted, to
those choosing to transform their own conscio!sness to a "oint that they can create and s!stain
ab!ndance within their reality$
.o! sim"ly cannot get "oor eno!gh to hel" others get wealthy, hate yo!rself eno!gh to get
someone to lo+e themsel+es or get sic eno!gh to mae other "eo"le well$ 1r!st me, I tried and I
almost died$ 1hat#s 5!st not how it wors b!t we ha+e been ta!ght incorrectly that it#s o!r moral
d!ty to resc!e "eo"le who choose to create drama, "ay attention and in+est time in +ictims and c!t%
down those who want for nothing$ It is this +ery hy"notic o+erlay that is "er"et!ating the cycle of
disem"owerment and "o+erty in o!r society$
You)re either a victim and an unconscious creator or an a%are and conscious creator, there is
no in bet%een. I can say from direct "ersonal e*"erience that it was only when I tr!ly owned
e+erything in my life as the manifestation of my conscio!sness and entr!sted myself as the sole
director of my own mo+ie, that I was able to shift o!t what no longer ser+ed me and created what
s!ited my life$ 1here#s no com"romise on this "oint$
What about everyone else3 1he way yo! lo+e someone is to first and foremost lo+e yo!rself and
then loo them in the eye and see only their greatness, regardless of how they try to tell yo! they
are less or !nable$ .o! ee" yo!r foc!s only there and if they are ready to allow it, they will rise to
meet that reality and if they are not ready to be self%res"onsible, they will attac yo! or belittle yo!
lie a wo!nded child !nable to acce"t lo+e$ O!t of res"ect, yo! m!st honor their choice$ .o!
cannot force anyone to reali4e their tr!e worth or freedom if they don#t want it, nor sho!ld yo!
5!dge them for re5ecting it$ )ll in their own right timing$
@ntil then, wealthy, "oor, man, woman, child, blac, white, asian or bl!e, it#s time for those who
are ready, to own themsel+es as creators and manifest a new conscio!sness tem"late a+ailable to
anyone who chooses tr!e freedom$
)s a good friend of mine once said, ''nergy is free to those %ho are free) and so it is$
45 Y56 4/!' T5 758' Y56!9'7:
,o yo! dare to lo+e yo!rself so m!ch, that no "art of yo! remains lost, hidden or angry-
,o yo! dare to lo+e yo!rself so m!ch, that nothing that yo! do co!ld e+er be another e*c!se to tear
yo!rself to shreds-
,o yo! dare to lo+e yo!rself so m!ch, that yo! can forgi+e e+eryone and e+erything aro!nd yo!,
es"ecially yo!rself and gi+e yo!rself the e*"erience of tr!e freedom-
,o yo! dare to lo+e yo!rself so m!ch, that yo! only mae choices that are tr!ly lo+ing to yo! no
matter how they will mae other "eo"le feel-
,o yo! dare to lo+e yo!rself so m!ch, that yo! acnowledge e+ery "art of yo!r story, both light
and dar, as yo!r +ery own !ni>!e master"iece-
,o yo! dare to lo+e yo!rself so m!ch, that no matter what ha""ens, yo! remain "erfect des"ite all
+oices which try to sed!ce yo! to feel less than worthy-
,o yo! dare to lo+e yo!rself so m!ch, that yo! sto" holding shame abo!t any "art of yo! so yo!
can embody the grandest +ersion of yo!-
,o yo! dare to lo+e yo!rself so m!ch, that yo! choose to ne+er be a +ictim again no matter what
ha""ens to yo!-
,o yo! dare to lo+e yo!rself so m!ch, that yo! can sto" fighting no matter what life throws at yo!
and choose to be the "eace that yo! say yo! want and so richly deser+e-
,o yo! dare to lo+e yo!rself so m!ch, that in yo!r eyes yo! can do no wrong-
,o yo! dare to lo+e yo!rself so m!ch, that yo! choose to li+e fearlessly-
1r!e self%lo+e is !nconditional$ I won#t lie, I#m still disco+ering how to lo+e myself more e+eryday$
I reali4ed today, it#s an all or nothing affair$ Otherwise, it#s 5!st a lie$ =hen it#s conditional yo!#re
saying well, I lo+e myself when I do this b!t when I did that, I don#t lo+e myself so m!ch$ 8o+e
nows no 5!dgement and the idea that one act is more lo+eable or acce"table than another is a
5!dgement$ .o! cannot lo+e whilst yo!#re in at state of 5!dgement$
1his is a to!gh one$ =e#+e been ta!ght as a society to 5!dge e+erything$ =e 'lie# "osts or we don#t
'lie# them on /aceboo, as if it matters and one thread in the ta"estry of e*"erience is more
'lieable# than another$
=hat if we dared to 'lie# it all, reali4ing that absol!tely e+ery e*"erience gi+es !s the o""ort!nity
to lo+e o!rsel+es more than we did before- Is there not "rofo!nd +al!e in that- Is that not the
reason why we#re here- 1o lo+e more with e+ery breath-
)fter many e*"eriences of ha+ing my tr!st betrayed by lo+ed ones, I began to reali4e it was those
e*"eriences, that showed me that I co!ld lo+e more than I e+er tho!ght I co!ld$ I c!rsed them at the
time b!t today, I bless them for tearing down my 5!dgmental defenses$ /or bringing me so dee"
into my heart and into territories of lo+e and com"assion I did not now e*isted in my limited
awareness at the time$
=hy lo+e o!rsel+es- =hat does that do- It creates the "erson who cannot hate, who cannot fight,
who cannot mae choices that lead to self%harm, who is in 5oy with themsel+es and life, who offers
only lo+e to the world beca!se it is who they choose to be in e+ery moment$
Truth 7ies and 9pirituality
Posted by libertegrace on ,ecember 1B, 2013
;ew )ge s"irit!ally and self%im"ro+ement is fast becoming a booming b!siness for many claiming
to ha+e the answers d!ring !ncertain economic, social, en+ironmental and "olitical times$ )fter C
years of e*"erience with 5!st abo!t e+erything new age and e+ery meditation and energy modality
o!t there, this is my basic list for those 5!st starting o!t and who choose to a+oid the sea of well%
mareted 0S o!t there$
8et#s say, I#+e taen the long and e*"ensi+e to!rist ro!te$ 1his is my discernment ma" for
by"assing the glossy and "otentially tra!matic deto!rs from lo+ing and tr!sting o!rsel+es, which at
the end of the day, is all we e+er needed to be balanced and 5oyf!l all along$ I share my "assion
with yo! for the tr!th$
Dere are some >!estions or red flags, yo! might consider when choosing a s"irit!al gro!" or
teacher$ 1here are no wrong t!rns, b!t conscio!s discernment can sometimes mean the difference
between !nnecessary s!ffering and 5oy$
1$ 4o the teacher;s and their materials treat you as if you <no% all the ans%ers3 Some "eo"le
might resist this and say, EOf co!rse I don#t9 1hat#s why I#m seeing a s"irit!al teacher and
healing9F =ell, whether yo! are o"en to hearing this now or yo! choose to remember this later, the
real deal is 7 yo! are yo!r greatest teacher, so!rce of healing and e+erything yo! will e+er need to
I mean, does it really mae sense that nat!re tho!ght it wo!ld be f!n to create a s"ecies that wasn#t
self%s!fficient, ca!sing its ind to go thro!gh a whole b!nch of "ainf!l iss!es and end !" fi*ing
themsel+es thro!gh the wisdom of others with nice broch!res, fancy robes or s!its at :2G06 ho!r-
Really-9 So!nds lie a "retty mental h!man constr!ct to meH
I don#t now abo!t yo!, b!t I loo at how ama4ing an ocean is or the ma5esty of a +ast canyon and
my heart feels that, e+erything in creation is in "erfect balance and we are a "art of that$ It#s all 5!st
a matter of "ers"ecti+e$
1he "rimary basis for a s"irit!al connection is absol!te tr!st in yo!rself and reali4ing that yo! are
self%s!fficient and "erfect lie e+erything in nat!re$ 1here was nothing wrong with yo! and nothing
missing9 Perha"s yo! 5!st ado"ted a mass conscio!sness "ers"ecti+e and chose a disem"owering
story for a while, b!t it#s only in yo!r life now if yo! chose that$ Or yo! co!ld 5!st dro" the story
and choose total self%acce"tance and freedom lie the ocean and the canyons$ .o! are the story%
teller, it#s !" to yo!$
8eaders who treat "eo"le lie leaders s!""ort leaders in remembering they were leaders all along$
Dow yo!r teacher +iews yo! is the energy they are "ro5ecting onto yo! and that will ha+e more
im"act on yo! than the content of anything they will say$ <!tton dressed !" as lamb is still m!tton$
1he tr!th is not an idea or a well%mareted a!thority fig!re$ It#s felt, it#s free and it#s in yo!$
2$ 4oes the teacher or author have direct experience in the sub*ect matter3 /or e*am"le, if
someone is offering yo! a co!rse on enlightenment or ascension, yo! might want to as yo!rselfA
)re they enlightened- ) "art of yo! might be thining, E=hoah9 that#s a bit m!ch to as$F =ell,
not really$ 1here are enlightened entities and h!mans teaching enlightenment$ =hy choose to be
ta!ght by those who ha+en#t e*"erienced it-
I#m a filmmaer who chose not to go to film school to learn beca!se if it wasn#t a master ,irector
teaching the class, how co!ld they teach me to be one- I wasn#t interested in going to a class to
learn from someone who hadn#t dared to do it$ It made no sense$ .o! can only tr!ly teach what yo!
now from first%hand e*"erience or it#s all 5!st mental conce"ts and s"irit!al theater$
Dow can yo! tell if they are enlightened- 2lose yo!r eyes, beca!se, it#s not a "retty face, the h!gs
and I!mbayah, the glossy "am"hlet with ha""y "eo"le on it, their "ower to heal, their height, age
or how many followers they ha+e on /aceboo$ It is e+ident in the way they treat yo!$ )n
enlightened teacher will treat yo! lie an enlightened being and always "oint yo! in the direction of
yo!rself$ 1hey will not ha+e followers$
3$ =s the material and those teaching it consistent3 1here are too many teachers o!t there who
teach one thing, b!t do the o""osite$ 1r!e teaching is not within words, well "resented s"eeches,
demonstrated by whether they are +egan or eat +ol!mes of meat, swear or don#t swear, denoted by
their fancy garb, big smiles, smart words or whether the location for their teaching is a b!s sto" or a
stadi!m with tho!sands of a""la!ding "eo"le$
2onsistency lies within those who ha+e mastered what they claim to teach$ If their li+es and actions
do not reflect what they are teaching, from e*"erience, I wo!ld "ersonally say, 'R!n9#$ 1hey are not
in integrity no matter how nice they a""ear, how awesome their website is or how many "eo"le
recommend them$
.o!r conscio!sness is so "recio!s, why tae on someone else#s imbalances as well as yo!r own-
0eca!se that#s what ha""ens when yo! choose to tr!st someone o+er yo!rself$ .o! sign !" to tae
on their imbalances$ 1ried it$ Dated it$ 8eft it$ 8o+ed that$
J$ 4o you trust yourself more than the teacher of the material after you go to their gatherings
and read their materials3 1his one is a s!re tell%tale sign$ If after yo! are e*"osed to their material
yo! are not directed to tr!st yo!rself o+er e+eryone else, yo! are not being em"owered$ 1his
incl!des affirmations$ =ho wo!ld e+er thin millions of "eo"le wo!ld act!ally belie+e that
em"owerment and healing wo!ld ha""en by hy"noti4ing yo!r mind$ ;o, yo! cannot thin yo!r
way into em"owerment, enlightenment, self%lo+e or wealth$ O!r magnificent world was not created
from tho!ght, so why wo!ld anything else be- 1he answers are "lain to see if we dare to listen and
choose conscio!s awareness$
G$ 4o they offer to give you the ans%ers to your problems %ithout assuming you <no% the
ans%er3 S"irit!al teachers are meant to em"ower yo! to reali4e that yo! are so+ereign and ha+e all
the answers witho!t them$ If they do not address yo! as s!ch, they are not res"ecting yo!r ability to
find yo!r own answers and in doing so restricting yo!r "otential to become inde"endent from them
and disco+er new e*"erience$ 1his one is !nfort!nately a new age classic$ )s yo!rselfA are they
are abo!t em"owerment or getting more "ower- ,o they loo down on yo! or loo yo! in the eye
as an e>!al-
B$ They offer to heal you energetically for free. /irstly, why wo!ld yo! need someone else to heal
yo! when yo! can heal yo!rself- 1here#s a word for thatA co%de"endency$ /rom e*"erience, the
moment I chose to heal myself, I sa+ed both money and time$ I reali4ed I was more balanced than
when I went to others for hel" and balancing$ )nd I only went to the best, by the way$ It felt good
for a limited time b!t it !ltimately "!t me o!t of tr!st with myself and sh!t down my innate self%
healing abilities from my denial of myself$
Secondly, when "eo"le "lay on +ictimhood by offering free healing sessions, that#s >!ite "lainly
feeding off others and their story to bring in b!siness$ 0efore yo! now it, yo!#ll be going bac to
them o+er and o+er again !ntil ho"ef!lly one day, which is what ha""ened to me, yo!#ll sto" and
sayA ';O <OR3$ I now how to balance myself and I#m going to do it$# )h the freedom of that9
1his is my "ersonal fa+orite$
I was crying, healing, crying, healing Kcalling it integration b!t it was really my system screaming
from the ab!se of denying my own abilitiesLH @;1I8 I dro""ed this habit of not tr!sting myself
and then what do yo! now, ;O <OR3 crying$ ;O <OR3 being o!t of tr!st with myself, which
lead to the Dealing, Moy, )b!ndance, Self lo+e, which el!ded me for years when I e"t deferring to
others9 0y the way, I was a healer !ntil I woe !" and chose to tr!st myself$ ;o high horse here$
8ife is a trial and error e*"erience$ 1his article e*ists beca!se I waled that e*"erience$
C$ They offer to tell you your future. ;o one nows what yo!r f!t!re will be$ ,estiny is what yo!
create in e+ery moment and th!s the f!t!re is constantly in fl!* as >!ant!m "hysics "ro+es$ )
talented "sychic will read a "robable f!t!re based on yo!r habit!al choices by reading yo!r energy
in that moment, !naware of the infinite "otentials yo! are "otentially yet to create$
1he best a talented reader can do is g!ess yo!r choices based on yo!r "robabilities$ )nd as a former
'go to a reader# addict, let#s be honest, isn#t this 5!st another form ofA 'I don#t tr!st myself# or 'I
want someone else to tell me what to do-#$ If that#s what yo! choose, that is the e*"erience yo! will
contin!e to attract$ .o!r life will not be yo!r own$ )s creator of yo!r world, freedom to create any
e*"erience yo! choose is always there if yo! wish$
N$ 4o they have a save the %orld;humanity;you agenda3 .o! cannot sa+e something yo! belie+e
needs sa+ing beca!se by that ass!m"tion yo! are not acnowledging the so+ereignty of e+ery
indi+id!al and are claiming to now what no one can "redict& the f!t!re$ 1he 'sa+e the world#
mentality ass!mes that someone or a gro!" nows better abo!t what is right for other "eo"le they
don#t now, which is abs!rd and ina""ro"riately arrogant$
1he only a!thority for what is a""ro"riate for each indi+id!al, is their +ery own so!l$ 1he wisdom
of yo!r so!l will ne+er ha+e yo! trying to 'sa+e# anyone or being 'sa+ed# either beca!se it
!nderstands all is in "erfection no matter what yo! do$ In my e*"erience, it 5!st la!ghs and saysA
'=hat- =hy didn#t yo! 5!st call me instead- I#m a+ailable 2J6C and I#m free and better looing9#
9$ 4o they claim they are the only one)s that are right and see themselves as above other
people %ho don)t agree %ith their dogma3 I admit it$ I was g!ilty of this one too !ntil I woe !"
to the hy"ocrisy$ 1here are many and +aried ty"es of conscio!sness in e*istence and no one has the
a!thority to "lace a +al!e on anyone or anything$ If it is im"lied that others are less beca!se they are
not maing the same choices as any indi+id!al or gro!", the "ro5ection of the gro!" onto others is
disem"owering$ Peo"le ha+e tried that one a few times 7 it was called ;a4i (ermany$
3+ery choice is creati+ity in action and holds the "otential for em"owerment$ 2om"assion is total
acce"tance witho!t hierarchy$ Period$ ,ogma comes from mental 5!dgment and benefits only those
who see "ower and control o+er others$ .o! are always free and sho!ld be enco!raged to celebrate
the di+ersity of yo!r !ni>!e e*"ression$ ;o one has the right to 5!dge yo!r worth !nless yo! choose
to let them$ If yo! choose that, the !ni+erse will reflect that for yo!$
10$ 4o they love themselves3 <y fa+orite$ Dow on earth can someone teach how to lo+e self if
they don#t lo+e themsel+es- 2ommon "eo"le9 I am not following anyone who tells me to wal a
tight ro"e that hasn#t done it first9 I#+e learnt this one can be tricy to discern beca!se so many
s"irit!al teachers are s!ch great actors$
)ll I can say is from my +ery tra!matic e*"erience, I wish I had conscio!sly chosen to !se my
discernment, rather than going with the fl!ffy new age flow in my late 20Os$ It wo!ld ha+e honestly
sa+ed a lot of money, !nnecessary tra!ma and drama$ )nd yet now, I#m t!rning that into a gift of
e*"erience beca!se I lo+e myself and I choose the "otential for em"owerment that was always
"resent, e+en when I was acting foolish$ It#s only !nconditional lo+e when there are no s!ch things
as mistaes$
11$ /re they in it for the po%er or are they simply teaching for the *oy3 =hen yo! reali4e yo!
are com"lete, yo! do things for "!re 5oy and "assion$ .o! are free beca!se yo! reali4e yo!r
com"leteness attracts to yo! all that yo! e+er need in any gi+en moment$ .o! are so in lo+e with
yo!rself that yo! wo!ld ne+er treat anything aro!nd yo! with anything b!t lo+e beca!se that is yo!r
state of conscio!sness$ If yo!#+e fo!nd a mentor lie that, whoo9 0!t, if the teacher or gro!" are
looing to be a sort of a!thority o+er yo!, I don#t now abo!t yo! b!t I wo!ld, 'R!n9#
12$ 4o they love being on 'arth and being human3 So!nds ind of basic b!t dare I say most
h!mans teaching s"irit!ality today on some le+el ha+e not f!lly acce"ted and lo+ed being h!man
and being on 3arth, th!s so many are financial "oor$ ;o, it#s not beca!se they are being 's"irit!al#
by being h!mble$ 1hey 5!st don#t now if they want to be here and interwo+en in their teachings or
materials is that >!andary$
<any of them belie+e 3arth is a less e+ol+ed "lanet than others b!t that#s really a "ro5ection of an
inferiority com"le*$ If yo! are so damn e+ol+ed, yo! don#t need to "!t anyone down$ I don#t deny
there are many things coming into balance b!t they )R3 coming into balance$ 1here#s a little
socio%"olitical +omiting, lots of drama etc b!t isn#t that nat!ral when yo!#re going thro!gh a "eriod
of great change-
Infinite "otentials are a+ailable to mae this the best "lace to be in the cosmos if it isn#t already$ I
don#t now abo!t yo! b!t I choose to li+e on earth and create ab!ndant reso!rces to s!""ort my
being here$ =hat I don#t choose is to listen to those who "retend to want to hel" h!manity, whilst
"!tting h!mans and therefore themsel+es down$ 1here#s no lo+e or com"assion in that$
13$ 4o the teachings allo% for the acceptance of both the dar< and light3 So many new age
gro!"s are abo!t the denial of this, the denial of that, the control of this bla bla$ If yo! cannot acce"t
e+erything abo!t yo!, yo! are o!t of lo+e with yo!rself$ It#s +ery sim"le$ I remembered that one the
hard way$ I s"ent years re5ecting anything that was 'dar# Knot raceL b!t that I tho!ght was negati+e
or e+il and in doing so re5ected those as"ects of myself, which made me both totally !ngro!nded
and fragmented$ Imagine a "ainting with a face drawn with no shadows$ =hat do yo! get- )
cartoon$ I was a cartoon of myself$ 8O8
O!r world and o!rsel+es are both light and dar$ 8o+e the whole "acage and yo!#ll recei+e the
richest e*"erience of yo! a+ailable to yo!, in balance and integration with the heart$ 1he 'dar is
e+il and light is good# idea is a fairy%tale based on h!man biasA not the tr!th$ 1he tr!th is what yo!
fear will always ha!nt yo! !ntil yo! acce"t it$ 0y lo+ing yo!rself com"letely, not 5!st half%way, yo!
can do no harm to others$ If it#s 5!st half, yo!#+e got a "art of yo! that will beha+e lie a terrorist
cell ready to sabotage yo!r "eace$ 1oo long a story, b!t I s"ea from absol!te e*"erience on this
1J$ /re they selling you things for healing and spiritual gro%th3 1his is the most hilario!s one$
I can#t belie+e I fell for it$ I e+en sold them in total belief they wo!ld hel" "eo"le b!t I now reali4e
it was my "!rity and not the crystal that s!""orted them$ )nd don#t get me wrong, some of them
KcrystalsL feel lie they do hel" for a while b!t they are )88 a cr!tch and denial of yo!r
so+ereignty$ 1hey add more distance between yo! and yo!$ If yo! want to get f!rther away from
yo!rself, go ahead, cl!tch a crystal and tae another essence from that false "lace of being
3+erything I#+e written here if yo!#+e read this far is what we all already now$ .o! read this
article beca!se a "art of yo! felt it wo!ld be f!n to be reminded that yo!r greatest teacher is yo!, if
yo! ha+e the co!rage to acce"t that$ .o!r definition of yo! is what yo! will e*"erience$
So, what to do now that yo! now e+ery "ath leads bac to yo!- It#s totally !" to yo!$ .o! might
choose to forget this article and contin!e "laying the e*"ensi+e game that others now more than
yo! abo!t yo! or that yo! now more abo!t other "eo"le than they do$ )lternati+ely, yo! might
choose to say yes to yo!r own heart and so!l and choose to ha+e a relationshi" with it, that will be
the !ltimate relationshi" to end all false (ods in yo!r life once and for all$
1o the s"irit!al seeers& if yo! contin!e to "lay small yo!#ll attract teachers who "rofit from that$ If
yo! choose to acnowledge yo!rself as so+ereign yo! will attract the a""ro"riate teachers to
reinforce that reality if yo! decide yo! wo!ld en5oy that$ 1o the teachers& if yo! contin!e to let
"eo"le "lay small yo! will contin!e to "lay the game of disem"owering others$ If yo! em"ower
yo!rself to reali4e yo! need nothing from anyone, yo! will o"en !" grand "otentials for yo!r
teaching that yo! co!ld not ha+e imagined in yo!r old conscio!sness$
/or myself, I "layed that game on both sides and it s!ced !ntil I chose to dro" it$ )nd now it#s
"erfect beca!se I can loo myself in the eye with all this e*"erience and say so "assionately witho!t
any do!bt, 'I lo+e yo! and yo! are the one#$
;o matter what yo! choose to do from this moment forward, I lea+e yo! with the wonderf!l words
from the =i4ard of O4, E.o! had it all along9F
Who)s in charge of change3
Posted by libertegrace on October 12, 2013
/or eons of time mass conscio!sness has been !nder the ill!sion that "olitics is the control center
for world affairs, that "residents define the destinies of both co!ntries and "eo"le and we the "!blic
are s!b5ect to its wa+ering disco!rse$ =e ha+e been led to belie+e that media sets the trend for
c!lt!ral standards of how we sho!ld feel and thin and that the answer to tr!e ha""iness lies in
!"holding the +al!es embodied by the ma5ority and the most "o"!lar in o!r circle of infl!ence$
)nd yet, we are li+ing in !n"recedented times in which, these stand"oints tetter only as noise on the
sidelines of o!r "ersonal day to day affairs and fast%"aced changes seem to call !s instead to go
within, sh!tting o!t the noise of any dictates claiming to deri+e from 'sense and sensibility#$ 1hese
times of great change are calling for a new ind of leadershi", one in which, each indi+id!al is no
longer +ictim of circ!mstance or c!lt!ral belief systems, b!t dri+ers of their own so+ereignty and
choosers of their own identity$ In light of this, I ha+e coined the "hrase& 0resident of the = /?$
=hat is it abo!t the words = /? that carry any im"ortance in o!r day to day li+es- I contend, that it
is e+erything$ 1hat 5!st as a nation is defined by what its "eo"le and therefore leaders choose them
to be, each h!man being#s e*"erience is defined by what follows when they say the words, 'I )<#$
It is the +ery sim"licity of self%definition, which creates e+erything that comes into manifestation$ It
is the mirror image that s"ills into the way cities are di+ided, reso!rces are distrib!ted, inhabitants
are +al!ed and e+en finds itself formed within the details of the way roads and s!nrises meet lie
lines which, draw the "ict!re of a nation#s conscio!sness$ Indeed, each and e+ery "erson is a nation
!nto themsel+es$ /!ll of war if they choose, f!ll of safety and "eace if they choose, f!ll of wealth,
"o+erty, so+ereignty and or freedom, if they choose$ 1he core "hysics at the center of e+ery reality
created on earth is, each and e+ery detail is b!ilt !"on the awareness of the I )< or the creator
within, as the ca!se of e+ery e*ternal conse>!ence$
1he conce"t of freedom has ins"ired many ideals and yet it remains li+ed by +ery few$ Dow many
ha+e tr!ly stri""ed all the layers of belief they were born into and ste""ed forth into the "!re
e*"ression of their gen!ine identity- Dow many ha+e dared to cross the threshold of common ideas
and mental conce"ts to di+e into "!re e*"erience and drin the waters of worlds only s"oen of as
dreams- Pery few ha+e chosen to now who they are, or dared to e+en consider their I )< beyond
the definitions of their !"bringing and well%read intellect!alityA a societal mas for an internal
disconnect with their own heart, "lagiari4ed from those aro!nd them$
1o now thyself, one m!st mo+e beyond all mass and stri" naed from each and e+ery idea they
too as their own b!t was not, so that gen!ine e*"erience can fill the senses witho!t containers to
bloc the e*tent of their shores$ =hether yo! now it conscio!sly or not, yo! are the 0resident of
your = /?$ .o! b!ilt all the str!ct!res, mostly based on the tem"lates of yo!r forefathers and
mothers, made all the laws, di+ided and re5ected or acce"ted all the reso!rces and relationshi"s in
yo!r life$ It is not the world aro!nd !s or world "olitics, which has any "ower o+er o!r e*"eriences$
It is o!r state of conscio!sness and o!r willingness to be aware of what is borrowed in o!r identity
and what is tr!e$ =ith each "iece of o!r own freedom we reclaim for o!rsel+es, we create the same
"otential for freedom for all those aro!nd !s and become a "art of the birth of new world leadershi"
reflecti+e of who we ha+e become$
@o% the 7a% of /ttraction Creates Your !eality
/iled !nder& )rticles Q >!ant!ms!ccess R B&3G am
D!man beings ha+e the "otential as infinite, immortal, S"irit!al beings to be creators of o!r own
world in the EmicrocosmF, 5!st as E(odF is the infinite and o+erall creator in the greater @ni+erse,
the EmacrocosmF$
1here really is absol!tely nothing whatsoe+er that anyone cannot attract into e*"eriential reality
from the infinite ab!ndance of the @ni+erse$ )ll it re>!ires is nowledge of imm!table @ni+ersal
8aws, the +ery same laws that a""ly to e+eryone, and the means by which to effecti+ely a""ly
them, after which there is >!ite literally nothing that yo! cannot be, do or ha+e$
1here are already tho!sands of "eo"le who, ha+ing disco+ered and "!t into effect these @ni+ersal
8aws who are now li+ing the life of their dreams ha+ing gone from e*treme hardshi", banr!"tcy,
"o+erty and other serio!sly negati+e sit!ations to m!lti%millionaire lifestyles, often within the s"ace
of a year$
Once yo! f!lly !nderstand and a""ly these @ni+ersal 8aws with the information and tools "ro+ided
by the =ealth 0eyond Reason website, yo! too can attract e+erything yo! desire$
Dow does 1he 8aw of )ttraction act!ally wor in creating yo!r own reality-
S!ant!m "hysics describes the energetic characteristics of the @ni+erse and therefore the
f!ndamental characteristics of the 8aw of )ttraction$ =e now from e+en the most f!ndamental
basis of S!ant!m "hysics that e+erything in the entire @ni+erse is "!re 3nergy, differing only in
characteristics s!ch as rate of +ibration$ S!ant!m "hysics also acnowledges the fact that 3nergy is
infl!enced by 3nergy, and lie 3nergy attracts in accordance with its !ni>!e +ibrationA this is the
+ery basis of how the 8aw of )ttraction wors thro!gho!t the @ni+erse and the basis for creating
yo!r own reality$
1his tr!th can easily and !nambig!o!sly be demonstrated by means of a "air of t!ning fors$ If one
t!ning for is "laced a distance from the first for and the first t!ning for is then str!c thereby
emitting a so!nd at a certain "itch or fre>!ency, which is in fact +ibration, then the second t!ning
for some distance away will start to +ibrate in harmony, at e*actly the same rate of +ibration, and
accordingly the +ibrations are attracted to each other$ 1his is a +ery sim"le b!t obser+able
demonstration of how 3nergy and +ibration infl!ence the @ni+erse and yo!r indi+id!al life$ )ll
tho!ght is 3nergy with !ni>!e Pibrational characteristics$
It is also +ery im"ortant to f!lly !nderstand that 3nergy sim"ly does not sto" when it ceases to
become meas!rable by the restrictions of "hysical scientific instr!ments$ In fact the e*tent of the
3nergy s"ectr!m that can be meas!red by scientific instr!ments is e*tremely small by com"arison
with the entire s"ectr!m of 3nergy in the entire @ni+erse, and not 5!st the small, obser+able, three%
dimensional as"ects of the @ni+erse that are the c!rrent foc!s of most of the sciences with the
e*ce"tion of S!ant!m "hysics$ 3nergy e*ists all the way to 1he So!rce of all 3nergy, 1he /irst
2a!se, (od, =ho e*ists at the +ery highest fre>!ency of 3nergy of all$
'verything is 'nergy incl!ding tho!ght, we li+e, e+ol+e and ha+e o!r being in an intelligent,
conscio!s Etho!ght @ni+erseF, and it is therefore this same intelligent 3nergy of tho!ght that brings
abo!t all creation, 5!st as the entire @ni+erse , the !ltimate act of creation, started as a tho!ght in the
<ind of (od, 5!st as e+erything in the @ni+erse now, incl!ding o!rsel+es, are also all tho!ghts in
the <ind of (od$
Whatever you focus your thoughts on so you vibrate, and %hat you vibrate you become$ So if
yo! +ibrate a certain sit!ation s!ch as li+ing in a large ho!se with all the l!*!ries yo! can "ossibly
desire, then that is what yo! will attract with yo!r +ibrations$ 1he secret is therefore to +ibrate that
which yo! wish to attract by E"rogrammingF the s!bconscio!s mind, which will in t!rn +ibrate and
attract the ob5ect of yo!r desires$ It is not easy to +ibrate yo!r desires on a conscio!s le+el d!e to
the reality of yo!r act!al life at that moment, and in "artic!lar the fact the conscio!s mind will
interce"t and re5ect yo!r wishes before the s!bconscio!s mind can recei+e them$ 1he =ealth
0eyond Reason site will "ro+ide yo! with the means by which to easily by"ass the conscio!s mind
thereby allowing the immense "owers of the s!bconscio!s mind to recei+e and act !"on yo!r
)nother +ery im"ortant as"ect of S!ant!m "hysics is ES!ant!m "otentialF, describing how
e+erything that e*ists already E"otentiallyF e*ists in the @ni+erseA e+erything that e*ists now,
e+erything that e+er e*isted and e+er will e*ist in the f!t!re already e*ists at least at the S!ant!m
"otential le+el, and it is act!ally the "rocess of obser+ation, i$e$ foc!ssing yo!r attention on
something that will ca!se this ES!ant!m "otentialF to shift into ES!ant!m realityF where yo! can
"hysically e*"erience it in yo!r life$
S!ant!m "hysics has "ro+en, beyond do!bt, that anything can only come into e*istence when the
<ind is foc!ssed !"on it, thereby infl!encing the ES!antaF that constit!te the conscio!s, intelligent
3nergy field in which we all ha+e o!r being$ =e are all creating all the time by foc!ssing o!r
tho!ghts at some le+el, thereby infl!encing S!anta of 3nergy to attract to !s whate+er we foc!s on$
@nfort!nately most "eo"le foc!s on the wrong things s!ch as lac, and as a direct res!lt attract
more of the same$ 1he secret of creation, or more s"ecifically EattractionF is to only foc!s on those
things that yo! wish to attract into yo!r e*"eriential reality$ Indeed, there are no limits to what yo!
can attract into yo!r life "ro+iding yo! ha+e the means and tools to foc!s yo!r tho!ghts
1he @ni+erse in which we li+e is a h!ge e*"anse of "!re 3nergy +ibrating at +arying fre>!encies
from the +ery highest of 1he So!rce down or more s"ecifically o!twards to the @ni+erse of
"hysical matter, forming the o!ter "hysical shell, the e"idermis of the @ni+erse as a whole as
obser+ed by science and e*"erienced by h!man beings by means of the fi+e "hysical senses$ 1he
e*"erience of Ese"aratenessF that most h!mans e*"erience is nothing more than ill!sion "ro5ected
by the way that o!r "hysical senses inter"ret that same 3nergy aro!nd and thro!gho!t yo!$ 1he
So!rce, the @ni+erse, (od e*"eriences Dim6Der Self by EdifferentiatingF into the obser+er and the
obser+edA this is why h!mans e*ist as indi+id!ations of 1he So!rce and how 1he So!rce (od and
e*"resses thro!gh !s as indi+id!ated e*"ressions of Dim6Der Self$
M!st as o!r senses and <ind inter"ret the 3nergy aro!nd !s, we similarly infl!ence that same
3nergy whether conscio!s of it or not, and it is that same infl!ence that determines the reality as
e*"erienced by each and e+ery "erson, whether that reality is "ositi+e, negati+e or ne!tral$ 0efore
3nergy is obser+ed it therefore e*ists "!rely as "robabilities of e*istence, the +ery act of
obser+ation infl!encing 3nergy to manifest as an act!al obser+able e+ent rather than a mere
S!ant!m "robability from the S!ant!m "otential of the 3nergy$
1he 8aw of )ttraction is an e*tremely im"ortant @ni+ersal 8aw, and an as"ect of the 8aw of 2a!se
and 3ffect or 2a!sation$ @nderstanding and conscio!sly a""lying the 8aw of )ttraction enables !s
to manifest anything at all we desire into o!r indi+id!al reality "ro+iding we can foc!s o!r tho!ghts
in the same direction, and +ibrate accordingly$
8ie e+erything in the @ni+erse, we are all beings of 3nergy, e*tensions of 1he So!rce 3nergy,
always attracting into o!r own indi+id!al realities similar config!rations of 3nergy in com"lete
accordance with the tho!ghts we +ibrate$ )s we already now, the entire @ni+erse is "!re,
conscio!s, intelligent 3nergy, and all tho!ghts are 3nergy characterised by +ibration, and therefore
tho!ghts attract "recisely those 3nergy config!rations that are most in harmony with the tho!ght
yo! hold in yo!r <ind and are therefore +ibrating and "ro5ecting into the @ni+erse$ 1his same 8aw
a""lies whether yo!r tho!ghts are "ositi+e, negati+e or ne!tral, and the effects will be in "recise
accordance with those tho!ghts$
8ie 1he So!rce, we are all therefore creators within the @ni+erse, co%creators with E(odF,
infinitely creating by the "owers of the <ind whether we are conscio!s of it or not$ <ost "eo"le are
not yet aware of this f!ndamental, "owerf!l and em"owering tr!th, and accordingly ha+e no control
o+er their own life, always ascribing things to s!ch notions as El!cF, Efort!neF and EchanceF,
which in fact really do not e*ist in the @ni+erse$ =e all create o!r own reality, "ositi+e or negati+e,
and there is no getting away from that fact$ O!r ob5ecti+e therefore is to foc!s yo!r mind !sing
tools s!ch as those "ro+ided within <ind "ower St!dio in order to create only the e*act reality yo!r
/nother fundamental truth is Aas< and it is givenB. 1here are no e*ce"tions to this @ni+ersal
tr!th$ 1he instant yo! mae a re>!est to the @ni+erse, which will be sent, transmitted and recei+ed
in the form of !ni>!e +ibrations of 3nergy, it is instantly granted, there are no e*ce"tions$ ) reason
for this is that we are all here to e+ol+e bac to the /irst 2a!se by !tili4ing o!r own freewill, and
accordingly the @ni+erse will ne+er, e+er fail to grant whate+er we belie+e we need at any time in
order to e+ol+eA howe+er large or small it might seem to yo!$ Of co!rse before yo! can e*"erience
that wish yo! need to bring yo!rself into harmony with it, and therefore match the same !ni>!e
3nergy +ibrations, again by "rogramming yo!r s!bconscio!s mind with the =ealth 0eyond Reason
=here most "eo"le who !nderstand these realities e*"erience diffic!lties therefore is not in the
asing b!t in the recei+ing$ In order to recei+e anything it is necessary to be in +ibrational harmony
with whate+er is to be recei+ed$ 1his is an absol!tely f!ndamental as"ect of the @ni+ersal 8aw of
)ttractionA lie 3nergy attracts lie 3nergy, and since any material ob5ect, be it a ho!se, car, money
or anything else is "!re 3nergy, then it sho!ld be clear to e+eryone that the "erson attracting the
ob5ect has to +ibrate in harmony with the same 3nergy in order to attract it into yo!r life as an
e*"eriential reality$
)gain, this sim"ly cannot be stressed highly eno!ghA e+erything in the @ni+erse is "!re 3nergy, an
as"ect and e*tension of 1he So!rce 3nergy, and all 3nergy attracts lie 3nergy by manifesting in
total +ibrational harmony with it$ 1his is a reason why, !"on "assing on from the "hysical to the
non%"hysical worlds d!ring the "rocess erroneo!sly nown as EdeathF, e+eryone is a!tomatically
attracted to that e*act "art of the )stral or S"irit!al words that is most +ibrating in harmony with
the So!l and S"irit, and which in t!rn is determined by the state of e+ol!tion of each indi+id!al$
1his is how all e+ol!tion taes "lace, incl!ding o!r own e+ol!tion bac to 1he /irst 2a!se, bac to
(od$ )s we e+ol+e, the +ibrations of o!r S"irit are always in "erfect harmony with the +ibrations of
the le+el of the S"irit worlds to which we "rogress$ 1his is also another reason why e+eryone
sho!ld be aware of these facts, and start today to tae f!ll control o+er yo!r own life and destiny$
One of the most f!ndamentally im"ortant things that anyone can and sho!ld do therefore is to be
totally, conscio!sly and "ermanently aware of 1he 8aw of )ttraction, and to li+e in S"irit as a
conscio!s co%creator of the @ni+erse$ 1he "erson that !nderstands and li+es by these tr!ths fears
nothing, always e*isting in a state of 5oy in the nowledge that anything we need we can always
attract e+ery timeA as and it is always gi+enA all we need to do is to !nderstand how to recei+e$
)s yo! begin to f!lly !nderstand these realities and integrate them into yo!r 2onscio!sness,
seemingly ama4ing things will start to ha""en in yo!r life$ .o! will begin to attract e+erything yo!
desire, "eo"le will a""ear in yo!r life, circ!mstances will manifest, all in t!ne with yo!r !ni>!e
+ibration, all being attracted to yo! by what yo! are +ibrating$
)s yo!r entire e*istence changes in accordance with yo!r +ibration yo! will now within e+ery "art
of yo!r being that yo! are indeed a co%creator in the @ni+erse, and will henceforth a""roach life
with 5oy and enth!siasm$ 3nth!siasm in fact is a highly a""ro"riate word to define yo!r state, being
a deri+ati+e of the (ree word Een%theosF, which literally means Ein (odF$ 1o li+e Ein (odF or Ein
S"iritF, Een%theosF, is to be in harmony with 1he So!rce, 1he /irst 2a!se, (od of which we are all
immortal, ,i+ine as"ects, ha+ing o!r e*istence as we do within the <ind of (od, 1he @ni+erse$
)s yo!r reali4ation and yo!r enth!siasm grows yo! will become more and more in +ibrational
harmony with that which yo! wish to attract, and as a direct res!lt more and more of that which yo!
wish for will manifest into yo!r awareness and therefore yo!r "hysical reality$ 1his is a self%
"er"et!ating "rocess that will +ery soon be noticed by those aro!nd yo! who will often dismiss
yo!r Efort!neF as El!cF$ If a""ro"riate, always stri+e to share yo!r nowledge with those aro!nd
yo!, b!t if they are not ready to listen, to recei+e and to !nderstand, ne+er force it !"on anyoneA
their day of realisation will arri+e sooner or later$ )gain tho!gh, in order to accom"lish this, it is
necessary to "rogram yo!r <ind for s!ccess, and in "artic!lar yo!r s!bconscio!s <ind$
In order to "lace yo!rself in +ibrational harmony with yo!r wishes yo! first need to e*"erience
them$ RememberA e+erything that e*ists, has e+er e*isted or e+er will e*ist already e*ists in the
3ternal ;ow beyond the "hysical s"ace%time restricted as"ects of the "hysical @ni+erse, all yo!
ha+e to do is to attract it into yo!r own indi+id!al reality by "lacing yo!rself in energetic harmony
with it, thereby matching yo!r own +ibrations$
1o e*"erience it is to imagine it, +is!ali4e it and be an integral "art of it in yo!r <ind$
Imagination is creation, and therefore when yo! imagine something it is +ery real, not some sort of
Efigment of the imaginationF, dream or fantasy$ 1his is one of the +ery reasons creati+e
+is!ali4ation is so +ery "owerf!lA by +is!ali4ing and mentally becoming a "art of that which yo!
are attracting yo! begin to match the +ibrations that will ca!se it to manifest into yo!r "ersonal,
"hysical reality$ 1he >!icer yo! can match those +ibrations, the 3nergy in+ol+ed, the sooner yo!
will manifest the ob5ect of yo!r +is!alisation, yo!r wishes and desires into yo!r life$ 2reati+e
+is!alisation is m!ch more "owerf!l when the yo!r <ind is in the EthetaF brainwa+e state$
/nother important aspect of The 7a% of /ttraction is AexpectationB. .o! m!st always now,
beyond any do!bt that yo! already ha+e e+erything yo! co!ld "ossibly wish forA it is 5!st a matter
of recei+ing$ .o! m!st therefore always e*"ect to recei+e and ne+er do!bt e+en for a single
moment$ )lways now, beyond any do!bt that the @ni+erse will "ro+ide$
/ further important aspect of reali1ing your %ishes is AdesireB. @nless yo! are in
"erfect harmony with whate+er yo! wish for, it will not manifest into yo!r e*istence, and desire for
whate+er it is yo! wish for is a +ery im"ortant com"onent of this "rocess$ If yo! do not gen!inely
desire something then yo! cannot be in +ibrational harmony with it, and it will not a""ear within
yo!r "ersonal reality howe+er m!ch yo! belie+e yo! may wish for it$
So yo!r wishes m!st always be f!elled by desire and e*"ectation, %hile never, even for a single
moment doubting the results$ )s and it will be gi+en, there are no e*ce"tions , all yo! ha+e to do
is to "lace yo!rself into a state of recei+ing, and 1he 8aw of )ttraction will o"erate with total,
imm!table action in manifesting the ob5ect of yo!r wishes into yo!r life$
1he 8aw of )ttraction a""lies e>!ally to attracting or re"elling "eo"le$ 3+eryone witho!t e*ce"tion
is a EtransmitterF and Erecei+erF of +ibrations which +ibrations are "iced !" by those aro!nd yo!,
or sometimes e+en at great distanceA distance being a "hysical conce"t that does not a""ly within
the inner le+els of 3nergy where they first ha+e their corres"onding affect$ Peo"le who feel
attracted to yo! or yo! to them are those who are most in +ibrational harmony with yo!r own
s"ecific +ibrations$ 3+eryone, !s!ally at a s!bconscio!s le+el detects the +ibrations of others to
some e*tent, this being the reason why "eo"le often tae an instant lie or dislie to someone else$
1hey are "icing !" on the +ibrations of the other "erson$ (en!ine "sychics and +ery often animals
are m!ch more t!ned into the +ibrations of "eo"le, and indeed e+erything, and can instincti+ely
determine the character of any being$
1he @ni+erse nows no s!ch conce"ts as fail!re, contraction or chance, nowing only s!ccess,
e*"ansion and e+ol!tion in accordance with the imm!table 8aws of the @ni+erse$ )ll that is
re>!ired therefore to attract anything at all into yo!r own indi+id!al life by 1he 8aw of )ttraction
is to be in total energetic and therefore +ibrational harmony with the @ni+erse as an e*"ression or
EchannelF of 1he So!rce, 1he /irst 2a!se, with (od and that which yo! wish to attract into yo!r
indi+id!al reality$
) f!rther most im"ortant factor that e+eryone sho!ld now and ee" in <ind is that e+eryone
"lanned their own indi+id!al "hysical life, and new what to e*"ect and what was e*"ected before
e+en incarnating into the "resent "hysical body$ 3+ery "hysical life has a "!r"ose b!t c!rrently the
ma5ority of "eo"le do not now they ha+e s!ch a "!r"ose$ 1his is d!e in large "art to the
indoctrination most "eo"le recei+e into the "hysical world from the moment of birth, where they
ta!ght that all that e*ists is "hysical, and e+erything else is EfantasyF$
5nce people do realise they are here for a specific purpose, !s!ally related to "ersonal e+ol!tion
on the "ath bac to (od, they can begin to realise that "!r"ose by +ibrating in harmony with it,
thereby attracting those things that they are here to attract as a necessary as"ect of e+ol!tion$
3+eryone on 3arth is a "hysical e*tension of So!rce 3nergy, with e*actly the same creati+e "owers
as 1he So!rceA we are all co%creators with (od$
=ith all of these factors in <ind it sho!ld be absol!tely a""arent to yo! by now that 1he 8aw of
)ttraction is e*tremely im"ortant, and ey to ha""iness, f!lfilment and 5oy$ .o! now now that
yo! attract to yo! e+erything and anything yo! hold in yo!r <ind, be it "ositi+e or negati+e$ .o!r
tas therefore is always to accent!ate the "ositi+e and re5ect the negati+e$
.o! now that there is absol!tely nothing that yo! cannot be, do or ha+e, and that all yo! need to
do is to now this glorio!s tr!th, and that yo! can tr!ly attract only those most "ositi+e, desired and
wished for things into yo!r life$ =hen yo! reach this stage, and yo! m!st sooner or later, whether
in this life or a f!rther life, yo! will then now witho!t any do!bts whatsoe+er that yo! are indeed a
,i+ine e*"ression of (od, a co%creator with (od in this great and "erfect @ni+erse of 3nergy,
+ibration and 2onscio!sness in which we ha+e o!r 0eing, learning and contin!ing to e+ol+e bac to
1he So!rce, 1he /irst 2a!se, bac to (od$
3motions are +ery im"ortant in the realisation of yo!r wishes, and in "artic!lar those of 5oy,
gratit!de and faith$ 1he more 5oyf!l, ha""y and Elight%heartedF yo! are, the higher will be yo!r
corres"onding o+erall rate of +ibration$ 1he higher yo!r inherent rate of +ibration, the more
"owerf!l will be yo!r attracti+e "owers$ Moy is a +ery high emotion and therefore state of +ibration
of 3nergy, and one that is a f!ndamental characteristic of the @ni+erse along with @nconditional
8o+e$ 1he more 5oyf!l yo! are the higher will be yo!r rate of +ibration and the more aligned yo!
will be to 1he So!rce$ 1his in t!rn will enable yo! to manifest yo!r desires m!ch more freely$
It is most im"ortant therefore to maintain a high state of 5oy$ )nd why not maintain a blissf!l state
of 5oy- .o! are after all a ,i+ine, immortal, S"irit!al 0eing, an e*"ression of (od, made in the tr!e
S"irit!al image of (od, and accordingly there is absol!tely nothing that yo! cannot be, do or ha+e$
=hat is there not to be 5oyf!l abo!t-
1hose who are not 5oyf!l are in a state corres"onding with a foc!s on the "hysical, material world
they erroneo!sly belie+e to be reality, and when "hysical things do not conform to their own
"hysical efforts, wants or ho"es then they become angry, sad or worse a state of des"air$ 1hese
emotions will always "er"et!ate more of the same in accordance with the 8aw of )ttraction$ It is
therefore +ital to ne+er embrace negati+e, angry or de"ressi+e tho!ghts, beca!se once this "rocess
starts to occ!r it can become self%"er"et!ating, and the "erson can +ery easily become tra""ed in a
+orte* of destr!cti+e, negati+e 3nergy$
5nce you realise that you are immortal, ,i+ine and the creator of yo!r own reality, yo! will
always be 5oyf!l, which in t!rn will accent!ate the "rocess of creating yo!r own reality$ =hen yo!
reach that high state of 3nergy, +ibration and being yo! will now beyond any do!bt that there
really is absol!tely nothing that yo! cannot be, do or ha+e, and yo! will contin!e to e*ist in
"er"et!al state of 5oy, seeing the material world for what it really is$ .o! now beyond any "ossible
do!bt that yo! ha+e the "otential to constantly create yo!r own e*istence e+ery single moment as a
nat!ral as"ect of yo!r life$ 3+en so, always stri+e to be 5oyf!l, and ne+er, e+er, e+er let anything get
yo! down, and 1he 8aw of )ttraction will o"erate for yo! in a most "owerf!l way$
)lways remember, yo! are an infinite e*"ression of 1he So!rce, 1he /irst 2a!se, of (od, and the
more of (od yo! can e*"ress, the more ab!ndance will flow into yo!r life from the infinite
ab!ndance of the @ni+erse$ )lways, always, always remain f!lly aware of how yo! are thining$
;e+er allow yo!rself to be negati+ely infl!enced by e*ternal "hysical factors, sit!ations or "eo"le,
always remaining aware, and always transm!ting any negati+e sit!ation into a "ositi+e sit!ation$
<aintain that high state of +ibration as an e*"ression of (od, and yo!r indi+id!al reality will reflect
yo!r high state of 3nergy, +ibration and being with infinite ab!ndance, 5oy and f!lfilment as yo!
5oyf!lly tra+el the "ath bac to o!r ,i+ine creator$
)nother +ery im"ortant state of being is EfaithF$ 0y Efaith we do not mean faith in the religio!s
sense, or faith based merely !"on ho"e, b!t rather absol!te faith in the imm!table worings of 1he
@ni+erse and the fact that yo! are a lo+ed Son or ,a!ghter of (od with the same !nlimited
"otential as (od as a co%creator of yo!r own reality and of the @ni+erse$
Da+ing faith is therefore to ha+e faith in yo!r own abilities as well as faith in (od$ 1o ha+e faith
means to now, beyond any "ossible do!bt that all of yo!r desires, needs and wishes are always
granted witho!t e*ce"tion, and that all yo! need to do for yo!r "art is to align yo!rself with those
wishes to be in +ibrational harmony with them$ If yo! do not ha+e faith, if yo! e+er do!bt or re5ect
these im"ortant @ni+ersal tr!ths then it will considerably im"act yo!r ability to create$ If yo! do not
belie+e and ha+e faith in yo!r nat!ral, (od%gi+en abilities as creator, then yo! will transmit that
corres"onding 3nergy +ibration which will in t!rn conflict with yo!r +ery ability to create and
therefore to orchestrate yo!r own reality$
)nother e*tremely im"ortant emotion is Egratit!deF$ )ltho!gh the @ni+erse will always "ro+ide,
gratit!de is +ery im"ortant to the +ibrations that yo! send bac to the @ni+erse$ 1he +ibration of
gratit!de maintains o!r connections with 1he So!rce at the highest le+els as well as acnowledging
the fact that yo! ha+e already recei+ed e+erything yo! wish for and are gratef!l to 1he @ni+erse for
It is most im"ortant not to thin of gratit!de in the religio!s sense$ ) "ersonified (od according to
religion EhearsF worshi", "raise and thans, and "eo"le are told that (od in ret!rn will grant f!t!re
re>!ests by way of some form of re"ayment$ 1his conce"t is a "!rely h!man constr!ct with no
basis whatsoe+er in fact$ )nyone belie+ing this will be disa""ointed$
(ratit!de can more correctly considered to be a certain ty"e of +ibrationA a +ery "owerf!l +ibration
indeed that infl!ences the @ni+erse in yo!r direction in accordance with the @ni+ersal laws of
)ttraction and 2orres"ondence$ 1o as, recei+e and then to be gratef!l for what yo! ha+e recei+ed
transmits the right +ibration to the @ni+erse, which will in t!rn enable yo! to more easily attract
m!ch more of that which yo! desire into yo!r life in the "hysical world f!t!re$
1hose who demand things, or who as and e*"ect to recei+e and are not gratef!l for what they ha+e
recei+ed will send o!t the corres"onding +ibrations of 3nergy into the @ni+erse that will in t!rn
mae it corres"ondingly more diffic!lt to recei+e s!bse>!ent wishes$
(ratit!de is also related to faith$ 1hose who are always dee"ly, emotionally and sincerely gratef!l
for what they ha+e recei+ed from the @ni+erse will also ha+e faith that they will contin!e to
recei+e, so gratit!de reinforces faith and accordingly the entire "rocess of creation$ 1he @ni+erse is
always in a state of com"lete, "er"et!al harmony, and gratit!de hel"s to accent!ate yo!r "ersonal
harmony with the @ni+erse$ )s in the certain nowledge and in com"lete faith that yo! will
recei+e, and then always maintain absol!te, sincere and emotional gratit!de for what the @ni+erse
has "ro+ided yo! withA in this way yo! will always be more finely in t!ne with S"irit, (od, 1he
@ni+erse, and this will in t!rn be reflected by the ease in which yo! can always create yo!r own
reality, in harmony with (od$
Coals and 8isions 6nlimited
/iled !nder& )rticles Q >!ant!ms!ccess R 12&12 am
It is abo!t time yo!r mareting and b!siness, hec, yo!r life e+en, started woring o!t s!ccessf!lly
and "redictably, isn#t it- Dow are yo!r "lans woring o!t- .o!r mareting "lans, yo!r b!siness
"lans, yo!r "rod!ct "lans, yo!r life "lans, and all other sorts of "lans- ,o they wor o!t e*actly or
do they resemble a list of things that do not come tr!e-
Often times we hear b!siness, mareting and life g!r!s tell !s that "lanning and goal setting are the
ey to creating a s!ccessf!l life$ 1hey tell !s also to +is!ali4e and ha+e +ision$ 1hat is all well and
good$ 0!t it is abo!t time someone told !s e*actly how to e*actly set those goals so that o!r res!lts
are e*act$ )nd it does not sto" there$ Dow do yo! +is!ali4e and thin after that- .o!r goals and
+isions, in the "resence of right thining and certainty, are the "ro"hecies of what yo! shall one day
become$ .o! are in l!c, for this article goes e*actly there$ It taes yo! into the !ltimate in goal
setting and +is!ali4ation$ Dere is a most effecti+e techni>!e$
8et !s start with the goals and +is!ali4ation then mo+e on to thining$ 1hese are the goal setting
ste"s to follow$ 1hese ste"s are the same whether yo! are doing it for yo!r b!siness or for life$ In
fact, try not to se"arate yo!r life$ 8ife is a whole, and it wors o!t that way$ Se"aration only e*ists
in the mind at the le+el of the ego$ <ae life goals that incl!de yo!r b!siness and mareting$ ,o
not mae b!siness goals only by them sel+es on the side and forget life goals as this will act!ally
short%circ!it the b!siness goals$ 3+erything wors together as system$ So here we go&
1. 7ist %hat you %ould li<e to have, do and be bet%een no% and the next . years. 8ist
e+erything yo! can thin of, small and large$ Places to +isit, things to ha+e, residences,
e*"eriences,"artners, sills to ac>!ire, things to do, "eo"le to meet, "ro5ects, charities, health, habits
7 e+erything9 1his is not a list of what yo! thin yo! can achie+e$ It is a list of what wo!ld gi+e yo!
the most incredible life of yo! liing, whether yo! thin yo! can achie+e it or not$ ) life that is
!nbelie+ably fantastic for yo!$ .o!r list sho!ld ha+e at least 100 things in there 7 it is not hard to
come !" with at least 100 things for 30years$ 1o be +ery wealthy, ha+e abo!t G,000 things 7 e+en
small details regarding yo!r desires sho!ld be in there$
2. :or each goal you listed, %rite the reasons %hy you %ish to have it$ If for e*am"le yo! wish
to ha+e a large home, write down the reasons why$ In other words, what will yo! do with and in
this home- P!t drama into it$ Reasons em"ower yo!r goal and mae it easier to imagine and
+is!ali4e and attain it$ 1hey gi+e life to it and mae the s!bconscio!s acce"t it a whole lot better$
. Cet cuttings from maga1ines, brochures, the =nternet, photographs etc, of the items in your
goals and stic< them in your *ournal. Start a goals and +is!ali4ations 5o!rnal on "a"er or
com"!ter$ In it, "lace "ict!res of the things yo! wish to ha+e% cars, stocs, b!ildings, boats, land,
tra+el, clothes, or anything else$ Refer to it often 7 twice a day is highly recommended$ 1he more
real and detailed yo!r +is!ali4ation and imagination is, the faster and more acc!rately yo! will
reali4e yo!r goals$ Pict!res are +ery im"ortant to ha+e in yo!r life$
J$ 3+eryday, read yo!r list, loo at yo!r "ict!res, and then s"end at least 20 min!tes twice a day
imagining, animating, and +is!ali4ing in detail all yo!r goals$ If yo! meditate, and it is highly
recommended that yo! do yo!r goal +is!ali4ation, do yo!r goals +is!ali4ation in meditation as well$
<editation "!ts yo! closest to 1he So!rce, the best "lace yo! can be to "lant yo!r seed of +isions
into the field of infinite "ossibilities and creation$
#. Then, @ere, (o%, do something that ta<es you closer to your goal. 1here is always something
to do now, howe+er small$ It will o"en the ne*t ste" to yo!, a ste" that may be !nseen !ntil that first
act is taen$ 3+ery act is an act of self%definition and creation$ )ct deliberately and with awareness
so that each act taes yo! closer to yo!r goals, not f!rther$ )ct with "!r"ose$
&. 4o everything %ith gratitude. 1hin, s"ea and act with gratit!de, the gratit!de of nowing
yo! are g!aranteed s!ccess if yo! act in the ways of these laws$ (ratit!de is a statement of
certainty$ 1hat is "ower$ 0e gen!inely gratef!l and e*cited abo!t the fact that yo! already ha+e
yo!r goals reali4ed, for they will be by !ni+ersal law, g!aranteed, and so they are$ 1his ty"e of
gratit!de wors wonders$
+. 'n*oy your fruits, en5oy e*"eriencing yo!r goals when they manifest into yo!r reality9 1hey are
s!re to do so, g!aranteed by !ni+ersal law$ 1he reason they are g!aranteed is that e+ery moment of
yo!r life is created by yo!r mind Kand in a lesser e*tent the collecti+e minds of "eo"le aro!nd yo!L$
.o!r life is images of yo!r mind, e*"ressed, translated and crystalli4ed into form$ .o! are literally
the so!rce of yo!r life, altho!gh it may not a""ear so es"ecially if yo! are not "resent and aware of
yo!r daily tho!ghts, worries, desires and beliefs$ <ost "eo"le are !nconscio!s and eng!lfed in their
mind in one h!ge day dream$=ae !" and watch yo!rself9
D= /mE.) D= /mE.) ;o matter what yo! are trying to create ne*t in yo!r life, find a way of "!tting
it into 'I )m#$ /or e*am"le if yo! wish to loose weight, do not thin or say 'I will loose 10 "o!nds
'or 'I want to loose 10 "o!nds#$ Instead say, thin and write 'I am * "o!nds now#$ ,o the same
with wealth$ 1he only time that e*ists in the !ni+erse, scientifically and s"irit!ally, is ;ow$ Dence
'I )m#$
,o not worry how yo!r goals will be f!lfilled$ 1here are "owerf!l forces at wor in all of nat!re,
with infinite intelligence and coordination$ 1hings, "eo"le, boos, "laces, 1P shows, mo+ies,etc,
will start a""earing and hel"ing yo! to achie+e yo!r goals$In other words, 'coincidences# will
ha""en$ Sim"ly +is!ali4e yo!r goals belie+ing$
1he tric is in the details and in consistency$ /or e*am"le, if ha+ing a new home is a goal yo! ha+e,
write it down in detail$=rite down where the ho!se is located, how many rooms it has, the si4e of
the com"o!nd, the si4e of the home, the f!rnishings, interior and so on$ 1hen +is!ali4e it that way$
)nd do not change yo!r mind 7 this is +ery im"ortant$ @nderstand that the !ni+erse is inacti+ity
manifesting into "hysical form all yo!r tho!ghts$ 3+ery single one of them t!rns into some amo!nt
of "hysical form somehow and somewhere$ If yo! change yo!r mind, yo! will be !ndoing yo!r
wor$ M!st hold yo!r tho!ght !ntil it become f!lly "hysical$
.o! are almost done$ )ll that is left now is to now a little bit abo!t creation and thining, so that
yo! maintain yo!r +igilance and confidence$
)ll tho!ght has an effect$ 1herefore, imaging yo!r life e*actly as yo! wish it to be and be it$
0ecome it$ ,o not let another tho!ght e+er come in that contradicts or weaens that +ision$ If yo!
notice one coming in, immediately bloc it, change it for a "ositi+e one, and declare that yo! shall
ne+er let yo!rself thin something lie that again$ 1his is the !ltimate in "ositi+e thining$ It is
foc!sed and filtered$ ,o the same with yo!r word sand actions$ ;e+er let anything yo! say or do go
against yo!r +ision, yo!r highest wished for life$ 1his is beca!se life is created thro!gh tho!ght,
word and action, and therefore yo! m!st g!ard all three$ ,o not stress o+er this$ It may tae effort
at first b!t it will soon become normal to yo!$ )nd if yo! are in abed# s"ot, remember that all
conditions are tem"orary, as is the nat!re of e+erything in the !ni+erse$ 2onditions do not define
yo!, for yo! are beyond them$ In fact, only yo! can determine how long yo! remain in a 'bad# s"ot
by the way yo! handle that sit!ation in terms of yo!r tho!ghts, words and actions$
1he final thing is to be "resent$ Sto" day dreaming all the time$0e "resent, be here, ;ow$ It is the
only time that e*ists, the only "lace yo! can be, the only "lace where life is$ )nd it is the only "lace
where yo! can do anything anyway$ 0e gratef!l for the "resent moment, as it resol+es itself always
at yo!r command,and for that be gratef!l or else yo! miss it#s fr!its and lessons$ Sto" chasing yo!r
dreams in yo!r mind, for s!ch a "lace is a "hantom world that does not e*ist$ Instead, call them
forth into yo!r "resent moment, ;ow$
)rticle written by ,a+id 2ameron (iandi$ /or e+en greater insights into yo!r >!est for wealth and
financial liberty and ability, go here& Images of One

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