Assessment of Quals Migration Form
Assessment of Quals Migration Form
Assessment of Quals Migration Form
: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
We will contact you by email if we have any queries about your application.
This form is for the assessment of psychology qualifcations for the purposes of migration to Australia
under the General Skilled Migration Categories
Please read the accompanying explanatory notes before completing this form.
Make sure you provide ALL documents required, attach payment as instructed, and sign the Declaration
section of this form.
This form is valid for the period 1 June 2013 31 May 2014. If applying after this time new fees may apply,
and you must obtain an updated form from the APS website at or from the
National Offce of the APS (refer to the enclosed Guidelines and procedures for further details).
c Migration to Australia under the General Skilled Migration Categories of Psychologist
If you do not requre an assessment for General Skilled Migration please use alternate form.
Have you completed all of your academic training in psychology in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Republic of
Ireland, United Kingdom, Canada or USA at a tertiary institution(s) where programs are conducted in English?
c NO If NO, then you must submit a Test Report Form for the Academic Module of the International English
Language Testing System (IELTS) with your application. You must have achieved a score of 7 or more in each component
of the test to meet the skills assessment criteria set by the Psychology Board of Australia. See attached Guidelines and
procedures for further details.
Dr c Mr c Mrs c Ms c Miss c Other c _________________________
Family name: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Former name (if applicable): _____________________________________________________________________________
Given names: ______________________________________________________ Date of birth: ______ / ______/ ______
If your application is in a different name to that on your transcripts, please attach a certied copy of your change of
name certicate (e.g. marriage certicate, deed poll extract etc).
OF 10 1 Australian Psychological Society June 2013
As evidence of your academic qualications, please attach certied copies of academic transcripts and completion/degree certicates for all
undergraduate and postgraduate qualications in psychology which you have completed (only completed qualications may be considered, see
attached Guidelines and procedures for further details).
1. Highest qualifcation in psychology completed.
a) What is the name of the highest qualication in psychology that you have completed?
In English __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In the original language (if applicable): _________________________________________________________________________________________
b) Name of institution/university? In English: _______________________________________________________________________________________
In the original language (if applicable): _________________________________________________________________________________________
c) City/town & country in which institution/university is located? _____________________________________________________________________
d) What was the standard entry requirement for the course? (for example, undergraduate degree in psychology) ____________________________
e) Usual length of full-time course. In years: _____________________________ OR In semesters: ______________________________________
f) What was the length of time it took you to complete the course? In years: ___________________________ OR In months: _____________
g) Did you study full-time or part-time? (please tick relevant box) c Full-time c Part-time
h) When did you complete the course? (please write month and year) _________________________________________________________________
i) Did you complete a written major research project/thesis/dissertation as part of the course? cYes cNo
If you answered Yes, what was the approximate length (that is, number of words) of your thesis?______________________________________
How is the research project/thesis/dissertation represented on the academic transcript? ______________________________________________
What was the title of the thesis in English? ____________________________________________________________________________________
Please provide certifed copies (each page must be certifed) of the following evidence from your thesis: title page; abstract/
introductory overview; and table of contents. (Do not send your entire thesis.)
Please also provide (this is not required to be certied): a list of your supervisors and examiners for the thesis, indicating their profession
and institutional afliation.
j) Was compulsory practical experience/supervised internship a requirement of the course? cYes cNo
If you answered Yes to question (j), please provide the following information for each component of practical experience:
How is the compulsory practical experience or supervised internship represented on the academic transcript? ____________________________
What was the name of the practice/institution where the compulsory practical experience/supervised internship was undertaken?
What was your role? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please attach a separate page (this is not required to be certied) with a detailed explanation of the nature of the work that you performed
including the various tasks undertaken in the above mentioned role.
Provide details of your supervisor(s), including name(s), profession(s) and academic credential(s): ______________________________________
How many clients did you work with? ________________________________________________________________________________________
What were the start and end dates for your compulsory practical experience?
START DATE: ____________ / _____________/ ____________ END DATE: ____________ / ____________ / ____________
How many hours per week did you attend your compulsory practical experience? ___________________________________________________
What was the total number of hours you attended your compulsory practical experience? ____________________________________________
How many hours of face-to-face supervision did you receive? ____________________________________________________________________
(if you had practical experience at more than one location, please attach a separate sheet responding to each of the dot points)
OF 10 2 Australian Psychological Society June 2013
2. Second highest qualifcation in psychology completed (if applicable).
a) What is the name of the second highest qualication in psychology that you have completed?
In English __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In the original language (if applicable): _________________________________________________________________________________________
b) Name of institution/university? In English: _______________________________________________________________________________________
In the original language (if applicable): _________________________________________________________________________________________
c) City/town & country in which institution/university is located? _____________________________________________________________________
d) What was the standard entry requirement for the course? (for example, undergraduate degree in psychology) ____________________________
e) Usual length of full-time course. In years: _____________________________ OR In semesters: ______________________________________
f) What was the length of time it took you to complete the course? In years: ___________________________ OR In months: _____________
g) Did you study full-time or part-time? (please tick relevant box) c Full-time c Part-time
h) When did you complete the course? (please write month and year) _________________________________________________________________
i) Did you complete a written major research project/thesis/dissertation as part of the course? cYes cNo
If you answered Yes, what was the approximate length (that is, number of words) of your thesis?______________________________________
How is the research project/thesis/dissertation represented on the academic transcript? ______________________________________________
What was the title of the thesis in English? ____________________________________________________________________________________
Please provide certifed copies (each page must be certifed) of the following evidence from your thesis: title page; abstract/
introductory overview; and table of contents. (Do not send your entire thesis.)
Please also provide (this is not required to be certied): a list of your supervisors and examiners for the thesis, indicating their profession
and institutional afliation.
j) Was compulsory practical experience/supervised internship a requirement of the course? cYes cNo
If you answered Yes to question (j), please provide the following information for each component of practical experience:
How is the compulsory practical experience or supervised internship represented on the academic transcript? ____________________________
What was the name of the practice/institution where the compulsory practical experience/supervised internship was undertaken?
What was your role? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please attach a separate page (this is not required to be certied) with a detailed explanation of the nature of the work that you performed
including the various tasks undertaken in the above mentioned role.
Provide details of your supervisor(s), including name(s), profession(s) and academic credential(s): ______________________________________
How many clients did you work with? ________________________________________________________________________________________
What were the start and end dates for your compulsory practical experience?
START DATE: ____________ / _____________/ ____________ END DATE: ____________ / ____________ / ____________
How many hours per week did you attend your compulsory practical experience? ___________________________________________________
What was the total number of hours you attended your compulsory practical experience? ____________________________________________
How many hours of face-to-face supervision did you receive? ____________________________________________________________________
(if you had practical experience at more than one location, please attach a separate sheet responding to each of the dot points)
OF 10 3 Australian Psychological Society June 2013
3. Third highest qualifcation in psychology completed.
a) What is the name of the third highest qualication in psychology that you have completed?
In English __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In the original language (if applicable): _________________________________________________________________________________________
b) Name of institution/university? In English: _______________________________________________________________________________________
In the original language (if applicable): _________________________________________________________________________________________
c) City/town & country in which institution/university is located? _____________________________________________________________________
d) What was the standard entry requirement for the course? (for example, undergraduate degree in psychology) ____________________________
e) Usual length of full-time course. In years: _____________________________ OR In semesters: ______________________________________
f) What was the length of time it took you to complete the course? In years: ___________________________ OR In months: _____________
g) Did you study full-time or part-time? (please tick relevant box) c Full-time c Part-time
h) When did you complete the course? (please write month and year) _________________________________________________________________
i) Did you complete a written major research project/thesis/dissertation as part of the course? cYes cNo
If you answered Yes, what was the approximate length (that is, number of words) of your thesis?______________________________________
How is the research project/thesis/dissertation represented on the academic transcript? ______________________________________________
What was the title of the thesis in English? ____________________________________________________________________________________
Please provide certifed copies (each page must be certifed) of the following evidence from your thesis: title page; abstract/
introductory overview; and table of contents. (Do not send your entire thesis.)
Please also provide (this is not required to be certied): a list of your supervisors and examiners for the thesis, indicating their profession
and institutional afliation.
j) Was compulsory practical experience/supervised internship a requirement of the course? cYes cNo
If you answered Yes to question (j), please provide the following information for each component of practical experience:
How is the compulsory practical experience or supervised internship represented on the academic transcript? ____________________________
What was the name of the practice/institution where the compulsory practical experience/supervised internship was undertaken?
What was your role? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please attach a separate page (this is not required to be certied) with a detailed explanation of the nature of the work that you performed
including the various tasks undertaken in the above mentioned role.
Provide details of your supervisor(s), including name(s), profession(s) and academic credential(s): ______________________________________
How many clients did you work with? ________________________________________________________________________________________
What were the start and end dates for your compulsory practical experience?
START DATE: ____________ / _____________/ ____________ END DATE: ____________ / ____________ / ____________
How many hours per week did you attend your compulsory practical experience? ___________________________________________________
What was the total number of hours you attended your compulsory practical experience? ____________________________________________
How many hours of face-to-face supervision did you receive? ____________________________________________________________________
(if you had practical experience at more than one location, please attach a separate sheet responding to each of the dot points)
4. If you have completed more than three (3) qualifcations in psychology, please attach a separate sheet giving your answers to
the questions a) j) above for each additional qualifcation.
OF 10 4 Australian Psychological Society June 2013
1. Do you hold membership of a psychology association in any country, including Australia? cYes cNo
If Yes, please attach certied documented proof of current membership and complete the following: (If you hold membership of more
than one psychological organisation, please attach a separate sheet giving details).
(i) Name of organisation: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
(ii) Membership number and grade of membership: ________________________________________________________________________
(iii) Duration of your membership in years and months: _____________________________________________________________________
2. Do you hold registration to practise as a psychologist in any country, including Australia? cYes cNo
If Yes, please attach certied documented proof of current registration/licensure and complete the following:
(If you hold registration with more than one registering authority, please attach a separate sheet giving details).
(i) Name of registering/licensing authority: _______________________________________________________________________________
(ii) Registration/licensure number: ______________________________________________________________________________________
(iii) On what date were you rst registered/licensed: ________________________________________________________________________
(iv) Duration of your registration/licensure in years and months: _____________________________________________________________
1. We are committed to protecting your privacy, and the condentiality and security of the
personal information you provide.
2. The personal information provided by you on this form will be used to:
assess the Australian comparability of your psychology qualifcations;
provide the APS with statistics related to the number and type of assessments
undertaken by the APS, and the countries in which applicants undertook their studies.
3. If you do not provide us with this personal information, we may not be able to process
your application.
4. Statistics related to the number and type of assessments undertaken by the APS gained
from the personal information you have provided on this form will be disclosed on a
regular basis to Australian Education International the Educational and Professional
Recognition Unit, a department of the Australian Commonwealth Government.
5. You have the right to access personal information held by the APS that relates to you,
subject to the exceptions in the Privacy Act 1988, and to correct such information which
is not accurate. Please contact the APS National Ofce with any such request.
6. For more information on the Societys policies regarding privacy, refer to the APS website
at Copies of the full APS Privacy Policy may be obtained
from the APS National Ofce on request.
7. I understand that in response to a request from the Department of Immigration and
Citizenship or a psychologist registration board, the Society may, at its discretion, disclose
information held about my qualications, experience and practice as a psychologist.
I hereby declare that:
1. I have read and understood the accompanying Guidelines and procedures for Assessment of Psychology Qualications.
2. All information submitted by me in this application is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misleading statement, or omission, may
be cause for rejection of this assessment.
3. I understand that whatever the outcome of my assessment application, I will be charged the current relevant assessment fee.
4. I understand that documentation submitted to the APS in support of my application will not be returned.
5. I understand that if for whatever reason I have to withdraw my application, I will be charged the full and current relevant assessment fee.
6. I understand that by seeking an assessment of my psychology qualications from the Australian Psychological Society, I accept that any report on the
assessment of my qualications will be the opinion of the Australian Psychological Society Ltd only. Where that opinion is provided for the purpose of
assessment by Australian Education International the Educational and Professional Recognition Unit on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia, of
qualications obtained overseas by psychologists wishing to migrate to Australia, the opinion may be relied on only by the Commonwealth of Australia.
The opinion cannot be relied upon by any other person as being determinative for any particular purpose, and The Australian Psychological Society Ltd
accepts no liability for any loss or damage incurred by you or any third party as a result of reliance on the opinion.
Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date: _____ / ______ /______
OF 10 5 Australian Psychological Society June 2013
The cost of the assessment fee depends on the purpose for which you need the assessment. The following fees are for applications
received until 31 May 2014. If applying after this time, you must obtain an updated form from the APS website at or from the National Ofce of the APS (refer to the enclosed Guidelines and procedures for contact details).
If you do not submit an updated form, the processing of your application will be delayed.
Migration as a psychologist, if applying from within Australia $1000.00 (includes GST) c
Migration as a psychologist, if applying from outside Australia $909.09 (GST free) c
Please note that the assessment fee is not refundable under any circumstances.
1. Please staple or pin payment here if paying by cheque, postal order or international bank draft (in Australian dollars only),
which should be made payable to: The Australian Psychological Society Ltd.
2. If you are paying by credit card, please complete the following details:
cAPS American Express cAmerican Express cMastercard cVISA Amount: $ ________________
Card number: Expiry date: _______ / _____
Card holders name (please print): ___________________________________________________________________________________
Card holders Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______ / ______/ ______
IMPORTANT: Your assessment will not be processed unless payment is provided.
couriered to our street address at:
The Australian Psychological Society Ltd
Level 11, 257 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Applications can be mailed to our postal address at: OR
The Australian Psychological Society Ltd
PO Box 38
Flinders Lane VIC 8009
HAVE YOU ... ?
c enclosed certifed evidence of your IELTS examination results? (if applicable)
c enclosed certifed degree certifcates showing proof of completion/conferral for each psychology qualication? (in both the
original language, and ofcial English translation, if applicable).
c enclosed certifed academic transcripts, showing individual subjects for each psychology qualifcation? (in both the original
language and ofcial English translation, if applicable).
c enclosed certifed evidence of details from your thesis? (if applicable)
c enclosed certifed evidence of membership and registration/licensure? (if applicable)
c enclosed certifed evidence of change of name? (if applicable)
c enclosed a detailed copy of your curriculum vitae?
c completed the form and signed the declaration section?
c attached your payment?
OF 10 6 Australian Psychological Society June 2013
An APS assessed Statement of Psychology Qualications is
an opinion on the comparability of your academic studies
in terms of Australian qualications. The APS may only
assess completed tertiary qualications and does not
assess supervised work experience. In forming an opinion,
the APS gives careful consideration to a range of factors,
including the education system of the country concerned,
the awarding institution, and the level, structure, length
and content of the programme of study undertaken.
An APS Statement of Psychology Qualications reects the
views of the APS based on material you have presented
with your application, and following in-depth scrutiny using
the best available resource information. The APS accepts
no responsibility for the judgements made by individuals or
third parties which may disagree with its assessment.
The APS reserves the right to contact educational and
governmental institutions and agencies for additional
information and/or verication of the authenticity of the
material presented.
If forged, altered or falsied documents, or bogus
academic documents are submitted to the APS at any
time, no assessment will be prepared and the assessment
fee will not be refunded.
Who should use this form?
Use this form if you are:
migrating to Australia as a psychologist under the
General Skilled Migration Categories. Only psychologists
who can demonstrate that:
(1) they have completed qualifcations comparable to six
years of study in psychology in Australia and provided
satisfactory evidence of English language prociency, OR
(2) they hold current, full and unconditional registration to
practise as a psychologist in Australia,
will meet the skill level required for migration purposes
under the General Skilled Migration categories.
applying for a Skilled Graduate (Temporary) Visa
(Subclass 485). Only graduates who can demonstrate
(1) they have completed qualifcations comparable to six
years of study in psychology in Australia and provided
satisfactory evidence of English language prociency, OR
(2) they hold current, full and unconditional registration to
practise as a psychologist in Australia,
will meet the skill level required to obtain a Skilled
Graduate (Temporary) Visa (Subclass 485).
Completing the form
Please note that you will need to provide all the
information requested and all the documents and
necessary fee before your application can be nalised.
Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Answer all questions in English, unless otherwise
Initial and date any alterations on the form.
If you need more space to answer questions, attach a
signed and dated sheet giving the required details.
Please send all requested documents and your assessment
fee to the APS at one of the addresses shown on page 4
of the Assessment of Psychology Qualications
application form.
Documents you should include
To support your application, you will need to provide
certied copies of all documents listed below. Do not
provide original documents (unless you do not want them
returned) or photocopies of certied copies please
refer to the following section for details on how to have
your documentation properly certied. All non-English
documents must be translated into English, and certied
copies of the English translations attached to certied
copies of the original language documents to which
they refer. Faxed or emailed documents are not
acceptable. The documents to be included with your
application are:
1. a degree certifcate or diploma in the original
language for each psychology qualication you hold. If
your degree or diploma is not in English, you must also
provide a certied copy of an ofcial English translation.
2. offcial transcripts in the original language for
each psychology course you have completed (only
completed qualications in psychology may be
considered). A transcript lists the subjects studied by
the individual student each year, the hours or credits,
and the marks or grades obtained. Transcripts can be
obtained from your university. If your transcripts are not
in English, you must also provide a certied copy of an
ofcial English translation.
IMPORTANT: Please read these explanatory notes carefully
before completing the Assessment of Psychology Qualifcations application form.
The information on the Assessment of Psychology Qualifcations application form is collected by the Australian Psychological
Society (APS) for the purpose of assessing the comparability of academic qualifcations in psychology, and may be collated and
used for internal review to analyse trends and statistics. All personal information will be handled confdentially.
OF 10 7 Australian Psychological Society June 2013
3. single subject major in psychology: if your
undergraduate studies in psychology were completed
as a single subject major (that is, units which were not
undertaken as part of a degree) please provide certied
copies of the transcripts for these subjects as outlined in
point 2 above, AND a certied copy of your qualication
certicate of the degree you completed prior to
commencing your psychology subjects.
4. thesis details: if you have completed a thesis/
dissertation/major research project as part of your degree,
you must also provide certied copies* of evidence
of your thesis as follows: title page; abstract; table of
contents; and a list of your supervisors and examiners,
indicating their profession and institutional afliation. If
your thesis is not in English, you must also provide this
information in a certied English translation. Please do
not send the entire thesis unless requested.
* each page of the information provided from your thesis/dissertation/
research project must be certied as a true copy.
5. evidence of membership of a professional psychology
association, if applicable.
6. evidence of registration/licensure as a
psychologist, if applicable.
7. change of name documentation: if your transcripts
and degree certicates are in a different name from
the name you use on the Assessment of Psychology
Qualications application form, you must provide
certied documentation for each change of name (for
example, Marriage Certicate or Change of Name
Certicate etc). Passport extracts are not acceptable
as evidence of a name change.
If you do not hold documentation as outlined above, you
should obtain the required documents from the relevant
institution or authority.
If you do not submit supporting documentation as
outlined above, the processing of your application
will be delayed.
If forged, altered, or falsied documents are submitted to
the APS at any time, no assessment will be prepared and
the assessment fee will not be refunded.
Please note that documentation submitted to the
APS in support of your assessment application will
not be returned.
Assessment les are retained by the APS for a period
of ten (10) years only. Any correspondence received
after this time period which relates to an assessment of
qualications would require the resubmission of all relevant
documentation as outlined above.
Translation of documents into English
All non-English documents sent to the APS must be
accompanied by a certied English translation.
If the documents are translated in a country outside
Australia, the translator must be approved by the
authorities in the country where the translation is
made. Ask the Australian Embassy, High Commission or
Consulate for advice if you are unsure.
Translators in Australia are listed in the Yellow Pages
telephone book and should be accredited by the National
Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters
Keep the original translation for your future use. Send
only certied copies of the English translation. Refer
to the following section for details on how to have your
documents certied.
It is essential that copies of documents are certied.
This means that you should send copies which have
been formally endorsed as true copies of the originals
by a person or agency recognised by the law of your
country and recognised by the Australian Embassy, High
Commission or Immigration Ofce for this purpose.
In Australia, persons who may certify documents include
Justices of the Peace (JPs), Commissioners for Declarations,
and legal practitioners. The APS also accepts documents
which have been certied by an accountant, notary,
pharmacist, physiotherapist, police ofcer or psychologist.
The certifying ofcer must not be a family member or
To have your copies certied you will need to present both
the original and the copy of each document to the person
certifying the copies. Each copy of the document must be
certied separately and must show clearly:
the words certied as a true copy of the original;
the signature of the certifying offcer; and
the name and address or provider/registration number
(where appropriate) of the certifying ofcer legibly
printed below the signature. It must be possible, from
the details provided, for the APS to contact the certifying
ofcer if necessary.
Please note that it is the certied document itself which
must be submitted with your application. A photocopy of
a certied document is not valid.
Guidelines and procedures continued ...
OF 10 8 Australian Psychological Society June 2013
English Language Profciency
English language prociency is essential to practise as a
psychologist in Australia.
Applicants who have completed all academic training
in psychology at a tertiary institution(s) in Australia,
New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, United
Kingdom, Canada or USA where programs are conducted
in English are exempt from sitting an English language
All other applicants submitting an Assessment of
Psychology Qualications for the purpose of general
skilled migration must sit an English language assessment
conducted by the International English Language Testing
System (IELTS), specically, the Academic Module.
To meet the skills assessment criteria set for the profession
of psychology by the Psychology Board of Australia, the
IELTS examination needs to be completed to the following
1. The applicant must have achieved a minimum score of
7 in each of the four components (listening, reading,
writing and listening) at one sitting of the assessment.
2. The IELTS results must have been obtained within a two
year period prior to applying for an APS assessment.
Applicants must provide a certied copy of a satisfactory
and valid result, or arrange for evidence to be sent directly
from the testing centre to the APS.
Important information:
1. The applicant is responsible for the cost of the IELTS
2. No alternate English profciency tests are accepted, not
even the IELTS General Module examination.
3. Applicants are advised that the APS reserves the
right to ask an applicant to take the Academic IELTS
examination if there is uncertainty about their level of
English prociency.
For further information about the IELTS examination please
see the following website
Time Frame
The assessment of overseas qualications is a complex
process and your assessment may take some time. It is
not unusual for an assessment to take eight weeks, and
you should allow for this. Once your application has been
processed, we will advise you of the outcome in writing.
The cost of the assessment fee depends on the purpose
for which you need the assessment. Assessments for the
following purposes are GST free under Australian Taxation
Ofce guidelines:
Migration to Australia as a
psychologist under the General
Skilled Migration Categories if
you are applying from outside
However due to Australian Taxation Ofce guidelines,
assessments for the following purposes attract GST:
Migration to Australia as a
psychologist under the General
Skilled Migration Categories if you
are currently located in Australia
(incl. $90.91 GST)
The assessment fee must be paid in Australian dollars and
must accompany your application form as:
a cheque, postal order or international bank draft made
payable to The Australian Psychological Society Ltd ; or
by completing the credit card details (Visa, Mastercard,
or American Express) on the Assessment of
Psychology Qualications application form.
Do NOT send cash as payment of the assessment
fee. The APS is not responsible for the loss of cash sent by
post. In addition, the APS does not accept direct bank
transfers for payment of the assessment fee.
A tax invoice/receipt will be issued following the
processing of your application. Please note that the
assessment fee is not refundable under any
Fees as outlined above are current until 31 May 2014.
If applying after this date you should note that the
assessment fee may change, and you must obtain an
updated form from the APS website at or from the National Ofce of
the APS (refer to the back page for contact details).
If you do not submit a current form and the current
fee, the processing of your application will be
delayed while we obtain the correct fee and necessary
information from you.
GST Explanation
The Australian Taxation Offce in Division 38 of the GST
Act states that assessment of qualications is GST (Goods
and Services Tax) free for the purpose of (a) access to
education; (b) registration; (c) employment; and (d)
applicants for migration applying from outside Australia.
However Section 9-5 of the Act requires that applicants
for migration who are applying from within Australia are
required to pay GST.
Guidelines and procedures continued ...
OF 10 9 Australian Psychological Society June 2013
The APS normally deals directly with applicants seeking
an assessment of their qualications. Privacy provisions
prohibit the APS from discussing your application with
other people (third parties) unless it is specically
authorised to do so.
If you want someone such as a family member or
migration agent to deal with the APS on your behalf,
please attach a letter signed by you which
authorises that person (by name) to act as
your agent.
In addition, you need to specify on your Assessment of
Psychology Qualications application form where you
would like the APS Statement of Psychology Qualications
to be sent (that is, to your personal address or to that of
your agent).
If you want the APS to send the Statement of Psychology
Qualications to your agents address, please specify this
on the front of your application form.
After you receive a Statement of
Psychology Qualifcations
After the APS has completed its assessment of your
qualications, you will receive a letter and a Statement of
Psychology Qualications which indicates the comparability
of your qualications in terms of Australian qualications.
Keep the Statement of Psychology Qualications as
you may be charged a fee (currently AUD $30) for a
replacement. The Statement of Psychology Qualications
you are issued by the APS is a very important document
which may be used for several purposes:
to help migration offcers determine your suitability for
migration as a psychologist under the General Skilled
Migration Categories;
to help migration offcers determine your suitability for a
Skilled Graduate (Temporary) Visa (Subclass 485);
to assist the Psychology Board of Australia determine
your eligibility for registration as a psychologist;
to assist course co-ordinators of universities determine
your eligibility for entry to their accredited psychology
to help employers determine your eligibility for a
particular job.
Please note that a positive assessment does not guarantee
you migration, registration, course entry or employment.
The independent assessment is made by the nominated
psychology assessing body*, and as such provides only
an opinion on the comparability of your psychology
qualications in Australia.
The Statement of Psychology Qualications you are issued
by the APS is valid for ten (10) years from the date of the
letter. However if you are seeking migration, please check
with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship for its
time limit requirements.
* The APS is the national assessing authority in Australia for the assessment
of overseas academic qualications in psychology for the purposes
of migration to Australia as a psychologist under the General Skilled
Migration Categories.
Should you disagree with the Statement of Psychology
Qualications decision made by the APS you should
contact the APS by phone, fax or email to discuss your
If, after discussion with APS assessment staff you are still
dissatised with the APS decision and are able to provide
new material in support of your re-assessment, you should
put your concerns in writing, requesting a re-assessment of
your qualications and attaching the additional supporting
documentation. Your letter should be addressed to the
Manager Member Services, APS, at the address listed on
the back page.
The APS will consider your application for re-assessment
on the basis of your letter and the additional
documentation supplied in support of your application,
and respond to you in writing.
Disclaimer of Liability
Please note that by seeking an assessment of your
psychology qualications from the Australian Psychological
Society, you accept that any report on the comparability
of your qualications will be the opinion of the Australian
Psychological Society Ltd only. Where that opinion is
provided for the purpose of assessment by the Australian
Education International the National Ofce of Overseas
Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR) on behalf of the
Commonwealth of Australia, of qualications obtained
overseas by psychologists wishing to migrate to Australia,
the opinion may be relied on only by the Commonwealth
of Australia. The opinion cannot be relied upon by any
other person as being determinative for any particular
purpose, and the Australian Psychological Society Ltd
accepts no liability for any loss or damage incurred by you
or any third party as a result of reliance on the opinion.
How to contact the APS
If you need more information, you can:
Write to:
The Australian Psychological Society Ltd
PO Box 38
Flinders Lane VIC 8009
(03) 8662 3300
+61 3 8662 3300 (from outside Australia)
(03) 9663 6177
+61 3 9663 6177 (from outside Australia)
[email protected]
Please note:
Drop-in consultations are not available. If you wish to
discuss your application in person, you will need to make
an appointment.
Guidelines and procedures continued ...
OF 10 10 Australian Psychological Society June 2013