Proforma Invoice (For 8 Colors Printing Machine)

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Specialized in Gravure Printing Machine Head Office & Main Factory : #42!

4" #heong$ori" %i&ongMyeon" 'ha(ung(i" GyoungGi)o"

& other #onverting Machinery *epu&lic of +orea ,el- : 2!./!.01.1/"Fa2-: 2!./!.032435" 67ail : rotogravure8e7pa(-co7
Vietnam Hanoi
( P/I No. DHC140214A)
Date of Issue : Feb. 14
, 2013
Order Confirmation No. : DHC140214A
e!!er " #anufa$turer : DHC #ACHIN%&' CO., ()D.
42*+4*, Cheon,'o&i, -i-on,#.eon, H/aun,i, 0.oun,0iDo,
1orea. )e!: *2+20331+345351*, Fa6: 347 2870
Dear irs,
9e are so :!eased to issue a ;roforma In<oi$e $o<erin, 7colors Rotogravure Printing Machine
to .ou as fo!!o/s=
No. Des$ri:tions >?t. @":ri$e2@D3 Amount 2@D3
1 * $o!ors &oto,ra<ure ;rintin, #a$hine
2 #ode! : ND0AH+O)+1400+*, %( .stem 3
1 et 1,2*0,000 1,2*0,000
2 ;a$Aa,in, Char,e 20,000 20,000
3 %n,ineer &ound Air ti$Aets 2for 4 en,ineers3 4 units 1,200 4,*00
!ot"# A$o%nt (FO& 'ore" ) ()1*+04*,00
De!i<er. : 9ithin i6 months after re$ei:t do/n+:a.ment and ("C.
hi:ment : -. ea Frei,ht
;ri$e Condition : FO- 1orea
;a.ment : 40B do/n+:a.ment b. )") remittan$e u:on :ur$hase order
70B b. Irre<o$ab!e (etter of Credit at si,ht, in fa<or of
DHC #a$hiner. Co., (td. to the banA of
C 1ooA#in -anA, -undan,Areum -ran$h
433+4, 'ata:+don,, -undan,+0u, eon,nam+i,
)e!.: D*2+31+5014083, Fa6.: D*2+31+5013*37
A$$ount No.:28507*+0*+100017, /ift Code : CEN-1&%FFF G
Specialized in Gravure Printing Machine Head Office & Main Factory : #42!4" #heong$ori" %i&ongMyeon" 'ha(ung(i" GyoungGi)o"
& other #onverting Machinery *epu&lic of +orea ,el- : 2!./!.01.1/"Fa2-: 2!./!.032435" 67ail : rotogravure8e7pa(-co7
-enefi$iar. : DHC #ACHIN%&' CO., ()D.
42*+4*, Cheon,'o&i, -i-on,#.eon, H/aun,i, 0.oun,0iDo,
1orea. )e!: *2+20331+345351*, Fa6: 347 2870
Insta!!ation : A::ro6. /ithin 3 /eeAs at on+site.
Noti$e : Hote! a$$ommodations, mea!s, !o$a! traffi$s, et$. for insta!!ation en,ineers to be in $har,e of res:onsibi!it..
Ins:e$tion : #anufa$turerHs ins:e$tion to be fina!. If $ustomer de$ide to ins:e$t the ma$hine
-efore shi:ment, su::!ier /i!! or,aniIe a!! ne$essar. ins:e$tion. -ut, e6:enses
for ins:e$tor to be in $har,e of a$$ount.
9arrant. : 13 months from -i!! of (adin, issuin, date.
;a$Aa,e : %6:ort tandard :a$Aa,e 2 9ooden ;a!!et 3
hi::in, ;ort : -usan ea:ort, 1orea
Destination : HoChi#inh ea:ort, Jietnam
Ja!idit. : @nti! 30
#ar$h., 2014
Issued by ;
I.S.Choi / President
DHC Machinery Co., Ltd.
Specialized in Gravure Printing Machine Head Office & Main Factory : #42!4" #heong$ori" %i&ongMyeon" 'ha(ung(i" GyoungGi)o"
& other #onverting Machinery *epu&lic of +orea ,el- : 2!./!.01.1/"Fa2-: 2!./!.032435" 67ail : rotogravure8e7pa(-co7
The customer is responsible for the following;
+ @n!oadin, the ma$hine and brin,in, it into its o:eration :osition inside of fa$tor..
+ ;ro<idin, and $onne$tin, the e!e$tri$a! and :neumati$ su::!ies 2 Air $om:ressor 10 H;3.
+ ;re:aration of a!! f!oor and foundation /orA before the ma$hine arri<a!s
+ Du$t K %6haust and Chi!! 9ater fa$i!ities.
+ ForA(ift of 10 ton $a:a$it. 2 for un!oadin, and sittin, ea$h units of :rintin, ma$hine 3
+ A!! %6:enses 2 in$!udin, im:ort ta6es, !o$a! trans:ortation $har,e, JA), et$..3 bein, ha::ened at $ustomerH
!o$a! area
An insta!!ation dra/in, /i!! be :ro<ided, sho/in, f!oor e6$a<ation detai!s et$. b. su::!ier. In $onsu!tation
/ith the !iftin, $ontra$tor the $ustomer must ensure that adeLuate a$$ess and /orAin, s:a$e is a<ai!ab!e for
ma$hine sittin, and insta!!ation.
The supplier is responsible for the following;
+ Insuran$e of the ma$hine from su::!ierHs fa$tor. to $ustomerHs sea:ort
+ ;ro<idin, an insta!!ation dra/in, 2 in$!udin, foundation !a.out, Du$t K %6haust !a.out, et$.3
+ Insta!!ation of ma$hine at $ustomerHs fa$tor. 2 for this :ur:ose, $ustomer ha<e to hire su::orters 2 at !east 4
/orAers 3 /hose /i!! su::ort the insta!!ation 3.
+ #a$hine 9ei,hts and iIe to be informed to $ustomer so that $ustomer $an un!oad and site ea$h units of
ma$hine before en,ineers from su::!ier site for insta!!ation is arri<ed.
CommissioningTraining !ngineer
It is norma! for a su::!ier"manufa$turer? $ommissionin, en,ineer to <isit the $ustomerHs fa$tor. to insta!!
and $ommission the ma$hine and :ro<ide o:erator trainin,. A!! the $onditions of its $ommissionin,")rainin,
%n,ineer /i!! be fo!!o/ed b. Contra$t.
Specialized in Gravure Printing Machine Head Office & Main Factory : #42!4" #heong$ori" %i&ongMyeon" 'ha(ung(i" GyoungGi)o"
& other #onverting Machinery *epu&lic of +orea ,el- : 2!./!.01.1/"Fa2-: 2!./!.032435" 67ail : rotogravure8e7pa(-co7
Test Material
As the ma$hine is fu!!. bui!t, /ired and tested :rior to dis:at$h, the $ustomer is reLuired to su::!. suffi$ient
re:resentati<e test materia!s free into su::!ierHs fa$tor. for testin,, $ommissionin, and a$$e:tan$e tria!s
if $ustomer need to test /ith her o/n materia!s. At !east one fu!! diameter ree! :er un/ind :osition is reLuired.
If test materia! has to be :ur$hased b. the su::!ier this /i!! be in<oi$ed to the $ustomer. 9here :erforman$e has
to be a$$e:ted on more than one materia! ,rade, the $ustomer must su::!. suffi$ient ree!s and inAs, :rintin,
$.!inders, et$. for ea$h :rodu$t t.:e. If $ontra$t is not mentioned abo<e $onditions, su::!ier ha<e to :re:are a basi$
materia!s 2 inAs, fi!ms, resins 3 as su::!ierHs $har,e .
Inspection of machine
9e norma!!. run the ma$hine in our fa$tor. /ith the $ustomerHs materia!s and in the $ustomerHs :resen$e, before
dis:at$h the ma$hine to $ustomerHs $ountr.. In $ase of dis:at$hin, ins:e$tor from site, su::!ier ha<e
to ins:e$t /ith bu.erHs ins:e$tor under ma$hine s:e$s before shi:ment.
Pac"aging # $eliver%
After a$$e:tan$e test of ma$hine is $om:!eted at su::!ierHs fa$tor. , a!! ma$hine /i!! be disassemb!ed as ea$h units
2@n/ind @nit, &e/ind @nit, Infeed @nit, Dr. Chamber, ;rintin, unit, et$.3 for :a!!et or /ooden :a$Ain,. And then,
it /i!! be :ut and shored inside of $ontainers.
)he ma$hine shi:ment /i!! be made /ithin 10 da.s after :assed a a$$e:tan$e test b. and
su::!ierHs res:onsib!e :ersons.
&inal Machine 'cceptance
On $om:!etion of $ommissionin, and o:erator trainin,, the $ustomer /i!! be reLuired to si,n a fina! a$$e:tan$e.
And outstandin, :oints $an be noted on this a$$e:tan$e $ertifi$ate, to,ether /ith a s$hedu!e for re$tifi$ation.
hou!d this $ertifi$ate not be si,ned, the ma$hine must not be used for :rodu$tion :ur:ose /ithout a!!o/an$e
from su::!ier. For :ro:er $ommissionin, the ma$hine and trainin, to $ustomer?s o:erators, $ustomer ha<e a
res:onsibi!it. to su::!. a best Lua!it. of :rintin, $.!inders and materia!s.
Specialized in Gravure Printing Machine Head Office & Main Factory : #42!4" #heong$ori" %i&ongMyeon" 'ha(ung(i" GyoungGi)o"
& other #onverting Machinery *epu&lic of +orea ,el- : 2!./!.01.1/"Fa2-: 2!./!.032435" 67ail : rotogravure8e7pa(-co7
Machine (uarantee
#anufa$turer"u::!ier ,uarantees that an. :arts /hi$h fai! under $onditions of $orre$t o:eration due to :oor Lua!it.
materia!s or /orAmanshi: /ithin t/e!<e months of start u: or fourteen months from date of shi:ment, /hi$he<er
is the ear!ier, /i!! be re:!a$ed b. ne/ :arts. &e:!a$ement :arts /i!! be $arr. a 13 months ,uarantee from
their date of dis:at$h. )his ,uarantee $o<ers the re:!a$ement of :arts.
If its re:!a$ements :arts $ou!d be :ur$hased in !o$a! marAet, $ustomer $ou!d asA su::!ier to :a. its $osts.
Other/ise, su::!ier /i!! shi: its re:!a$ement :arts in free of $har,e 2 not in$!udin, !o$a! ta6 at $ustomer site 3.
9earin, :arts su$h as be!ts, Ani<es, fuses and bearin,s are e6$!uded from this ,uarantee.
It is e6:ress!. mentioned that #anufa$turer"u::!ier assume no res:onsibi!it. $on$ernin, e<entua!
!oss of earnin,s or resu!tin, !osses or an. other $!aim under the headin, of $onseLuentia! !oss.
Issued by ;
I.S.Choi / President
DHC Machinery Co., Ltd.

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